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Project of Organizational Behavior-1

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Is that organization diverse? How they manage diversified workforce?


NAWAN LABORATORIES is a diversified organization. Different

kind of staff are hired, retained and trained to take care of the diversified
workforce. The organization need to have a clear communication with
all kind of staff members. For example, There is a language barrier when
you hired different kind of people from different sectors, from different
regions and having different languages backgrounds, so to effectively
communicate with all the staff member the bank or the organization
should have a clear cut communication policy and NAWAN
LABORATORIES do have a communication policy which covers both
English and Urdu languages, so that every staff member can understand
the message of the organization. When you have diversified workforce
you must have clear cut policies, procedures, guidelines and SOPs and
NAWAN LABORATORIES does have clear policies and procedures, it
has a separate HR policy and HR procedure documents which are dully
approves by the board of directors and CA managements and the
organization prepares balance co card and clear cut key performance
indicators, KPI’s to evaluate performances of different kind of staff
members but the points is every policy or every performance criteria is
uniform for all the staff. Hence, any kind of diversity is covered.
Similarly, to insure discipline the policies and procedures are uniform
and standardize for all kind of group of peoples with it they belong to
diversified religion, age, sex, irrespective of those things. For example,
attendance and other code of conduct and standard of ethics are uniform
and same for every staff member. Similarly the interview penal which an
organization prepares for hiring any staff members as also diversified.
For example, in an interview panel we make sure that there should be
female staff member to be a part of the interview penal and cross
functional peoples, for example, if you are hiring for a branch level
position, so we will also make sure there should be a female presenter as
well as any other person from any other function. Departments like
cooperate, risk managements or legal department or any other such kind
of department should also be a part of the interview penal to make sure
that diversity is covered. The organization has code of conduct and
policy related to non-discrimination, policies related to equal
employment opportunities and policies related to equal treatment of
employees. They all are the part of the brooder HR policy documents.
The organization also has a zero tolerance policy for misconduct
behavior and policy violation cases so the employees will understand
that the organization treat every employee equally irrespective of their
gender, age, sex and sector.

What is the organizational structure of that organization?


NAWAN LABORATORIES has an organizational structure which is

called hierarchy chart or we can say hierarchal organizational chart
where CEO at the top and has second layer of top department head and
then the managers and then the officer, so it’s a kind of a power based or
hierarchy based organization chart where the person at the top has most
of the power and the person who has the bottom has the less power.

What type of departmentalization they use?


In NAWAN LABORATORIES we have departmentalization based on

functions, based on the task, based on the specializations. For example,
we have a separate marketing department to look after the marketing
activities similarly we do have a finance department, risk management
department, the HR department or the legal departments, so all these
departments have a specialized people to perform a specialized task, so
the NAWAN LABORATORIES has different departments or
departmental based structure. So we can say we have functional based
departmental structures.

Which psychometric assessment tests they use to evaluate personality of
their employees?

In NAWAN LABORATORIES the psychometric assessment test to
evaluate their employee personality are on the basis of qualification,
specialization, skill or experience about the particular job of the person.


How they motivate their workforce?


In NAWAN LABORATORIES we motivate our staff through various

initiatives and various positive senses for the benefits of the employees.
One is recognize for the accomplishments of the staff on regularly bases.
For example, if a staff achieves its target or surpasses the target and
outperforms others and become a shining star for the organization than
we give them a shield and introduce them as the employee of the year or
employee of the month. For motivation mostly we elevate our staff
member to hire for position and we recruit staff for the junior level
position its means that senior level position are failed through internal
job posting. We periodically rotate staff members from one place to
another so that they can have different kind of exposure in other
assignment as well. We have a fixable remuneration policy through
which we not only provide fix salary to the staff, fix benefits and
bonuses to the staff but also provide variable way which is link with the
performance of the staff. For example, we provide commissions to the
salary staff and some part of the profits is given to the staff as bonuses or
as a token of appreciation for the employee’s performance. Therefore,
whenever organization gets some good number, so we celebrate such
time with the employees as well by giving them extra benefits or extra
payments through bonuses. We strongly believes in work life balance
and we have set appropriate office timings for every staff member and
we appreciate staff member not to sit late and not to be over burden but
they should have a relax environment in the organization and should
leave the office on the timely basis so that they can have a clear work
life balance. For motivation we also provide sufficient number of leaves;
casual leave, sick leave or annually leave so the staff can have a peace of
mind. We also provide maternity leave, hajj leave and other kind of
leaves which benefits staff. Different committees are made in the
organization for staff hiring. For example, if staff member has a
grievance or has some difficult time in the organization he or she can
share the same with a qualified individual of the organization. We have
separate committee grievance handling and anti-harassment committee
which listen to the staff and adjust their issues. We have started a
mentorship program through which every staff member has been assign
a mentor who is senior in the position, who has long experience as more
qualification as compare to the staff and the mentor can council the staff
member, guide the staff member the right way and can improve the short
coming of the staff so that they can become future leaders. We provides
health and safety facilities to the staff, insurance based life and health
through which every employee or his wife or the children are ill or
having some medical issues, they can get detect and there are various
hospitals based on the insurance company which is completely paid by
the organization for the staff. We also provide transport facilities to the
staff, so all these things also help the organization to motivate the staff
members.We also provide health care benefits to the employee, parents
through welfare fund. To motivate the staff we also provide terminal
benefits to staff, for example, we provide gratuity to the staff gratuity is
calculated as per the total number of the year a person serve for the
organization, so at the time of leaving he or she is trade a one basis
salary of each completed year, for example, if someone serve five year
in the organization then he or she will get five basis salary against
How they do decision making? Do they involve their employees in
decision making?


In NAWAN LABORATORIES the employees are involve in the

decision making through the process of employee engagement. The
employee engagement is done through employee satisfaction services.
These services are conducted on the periodic basis for each and every
employee, where we give full opportunity to every staff member to
provide their feedback about the policies, procedure or any other things
that they think that can be improved or any other decision making that
they can refer, they can recommend any policy change or they can
recommend any other changes in the organization, so every employee
guess the opportunity at least once in a year through employee
satisfaction service and the service let the staff speak out about their
issues and it let the staff speak out about the improvement area of the
organization. Through this process we engage every employee of the
bank in the decision making process.

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