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SITRAM® Multisense 5 Installation and Operation Manual

Multisense 5 & 9 Rev. 1.0

Installation and Operation

SITRAM® Multisense Software
SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual

Revision History
Revision ID Changes

 1.0 Initial version

Bold = Does apply for this document / Not Bold = Does not apply for this document

Main Focuses Themes

Provides a comprehensive overview and guidelines to work steps of onsite

system installation, connection layouts, checkups, preparation and mounting
 Installation of the hardware components depending on individual situations. Photo
material from real installation environment makes it easier to understand
settings and points out the essentials.

Describes the approach of configuration and start of the system step-by-step.

 Commissioning Possible upcoming problems during the process are addressed in the
different sections.

Provides an overview and guideline in the context of the system

 Communication & Software communication capabilities as well as the system related set of user

Bold = Does apply for this document / Not Bold = Does not apply for this document

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SITRAM® Multisense 5 Installation and Operation Manual

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SITRAM® Multisense 5 Installation and Operation Manual

3.3.2 Working Area Transformer ............................ 30
REVISION HISTORY ............................................................ 3 3.3.3 Context Menu Transformer ............................ 31
3.4 CONNECTION SETTINGS ...................... 32
PREFACE ............................................................................ 3 3.4.1 Modem Settings ............................................. 32
LEGAL PROVISIONS ............................................................ 4 3.4.2 Serial Interface Settings ................................. 33
3.4.3 Network Settings ............................................ 33
WARNING NOTICE CONCEPT .................................................... 4 3.4.4 Bridge Settings ............................................... 33
QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ............................................................ 4 3.4.5 Common Settings ........................................... 33
USE OF SYSTEM ..................................................................... 4 3.5 SITRAM MULTISENSE DEVICE SETTINGS .................... 34
TRADEMARKS ........................................................................ 4 3.5.1 Alert Setup .......................... 36
DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY ......................................................... 4 3.5.2 Sensor Setup .................... 39
TECHNICAL SUPPORT ......................................................... 5 3.5.3 Alert SMS Setup............. 43
3.5.4 DGA Level Adjust ....... 45
CUSTOMER SUPPORT CENTER ................................................... 5 3.5.5 Analog Outputs ..... 47
BUSINESS SEGMENT TLM™ ..................................................... 5 3.5.6 Digital Outputs ....... 48
TRAINING CENTERS................................................................. 5 3.5.7 Settings .................................... 48
1. SITRAM MULTISENSE SOFTWARE ............................ 8 3.5.8 Transformer Setup ..... 52
3.6 DIAGNOSTICS ............................. 56
1.1 PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM .......................................... 8
1.2 ADVICE FOR USE OF THIS OPERATION MANUAL ................. 8 3.6.1 Duval Triangle ................ 56
1.3 PC-REQUIREMENTS ..................................................... 8 3.6.2 Rogers (3D) ........................... 64
1.4 INSTALLATION ............................................................. 8 3.7 COMMUNICATION WITH SITRAM
1.4.1 SITRAM Multisense Software – InstallShield MULTISENSE DEVICES......................................................... 72
Wizard 8 3.7.1 SITRAM MULTISENSE Communication ........... 72
1.4.2 Start Program .................................................. 9 3.7.2 SITRAM MULTISENSE Connection Scheduler .. 72
1.4.3 Adjust the Installation ..................................... 9 3.7.3 Windows Task Scheduler with SITRAM
Multisense Software Connection scheduler.................. 76
2. USER INTERFACE AREAS .......................................... 9 3.7.4 Lock Data Folder ............................................ 77
2.1 MENU BAR ............................................................... 10 3.8 VIEW MEASUREMENT VALUES (HISTORY) 77
2.1.1 File - Menu ..................................................... 10 3.8.1 Sensor Selection Window ............................... 78
2.1.2 Edit - Menu .................................................... 16 3.8.2 Time Span Selection Window Measurement
2.1.3 View - Menu .................................................. 19 Values 79
2.1.4 Transformer - Menu ...................................... 21 3.8.3 Result Window ............................................... 81
2.1.5 Extra - Menu .................................................. 22 3.8.4 Further Processing of the displayed
2.1.6 Help - Menu ................................................... 23 measurement values .................................................... 85
2.2 TREE STRUCTURE....................................................... 25 3.9 VIEW ALARMS ..................................... 87
2.3 WORKING AREA ........................................................ 25 3.9.1 Alarm Selection Window ................................ 88
2.4 MESSAGE AREA ........................................................ 26 3.9.2 Alarm Time Span Window .............................. 88
2.5 CONTEXT MENU........................................................ 26 3.9.3 Alarm Window ............................................... 89
3.9.4 Further Processing of the displayed Alerts ..... 93
3.10 ONLINE SENSORS ................... 94
3.1 CUSTOMER .......................................... 27 3.10.1 Sensor Selection Window Online Sensors ... 95
3.1.1 Rename the Customer Directory ................... 27 3.10.2 Time Span Selection Window Online Sensors
3.1.2 Working Area Customer ................................ 27 96
3.1.3 Context Menu Customer ................................ 27 3.10.3 Result Window Online Sensors ................... 97
3.2 STATION .............................................. 28 3.10.4 Further Processing of the Online Values ..... 99
3.2.1 Set up a New Station ..................................... 28 3.11 EXTRACTION STATUS ........ 102
3.2.2 Working Area Station .................................... 28 3.11.1 Result Selection Window Extraction Status
3.2.3 Context Menu Station .................................... 28 103
3.3 TRANSFORMER ............................. 29 3.11.2 Result Window Extraction Status ............. 103
3.3.1 Set up a New Transformer ............................. 29

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual

1. SITRAM Multisense Software

1.1 Purpose of the Program
SITRAM Multisense Software is a Microsoft® Windows compatible program, which forms a comprehensive transformer
monitoring system together with devices of the SITRAM MULTISENSE family. In addition to the processing and presenting the
read out data, SITRAM Multisense Software is also used for the configuration of SITRAM MULTISENSE devices. This document is
based on the SITRAM Multisense Software version 1.6.3.
SITRAM Multisense Software contains the following functions:
 Configuration and organization of one or several SITRAM MULTISENSE devices.
 Readout of the saved SITRAM MULTISENSE data. The data can be readout by the different interfaces or if the SITRAM
MULTISENSE device consists of a modem (option), via modem.
 Preparation and presentation of the readout data. The data is presented in form of tables ( or time elapsed graphics
(Error! Reference source not found.).
 Data can be exported into Excel or CSV-format. A printout of the graphics or a copy into the clipboard of MS Windows is
possible without any further processing.
 Saving and archiving of the data and configuration.
1.2 Advice for use of this Operation Manual
This operation manual describes in detail the installation and the handling of the SITRAM Multisense Software program.
The following topics are included:
 Installation and start of the program
 Layout of the user interface
 Work with SITRAM Multisense Software
1.3 PC-Requirements
The PC should meet the following minimal specifications:
 Operating system: Microsoft® Windows 7 and higher
 .NET Framework 4.0 Redistributable or higher must be supported (since Windows Vista this is supported by default)
 Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6 (MDAC) or higher (if not existing this component will be installed during SITRAM
Multisense Software installation)
 Pentium Processor fclock  300MHz
 RAM Memory  256 MB
 Free hard disk space for program installation ≤ 20 MB, plus additional space for data handling
 CD drive
 Ethernet interface RJ45
 RS232C interface (RxD, TxD, GND) or USB-to-RS232 converter
1.4 Installation
All needed components for the installation of the SITRAM Multisense Software Package are included on the installation USB
stick and should be recognized and installed by the installation program automatically.
Installation can be started with
„run setup.exe“.
1.4.1 SITRAM Multisense Software – InstallShield Wizard
The SITRAM Multisense Software – Install Shield Wizard will guide you through the several installation steps (all print screens
are based on Windows 7 operating system):
Step 1: Preparing to Install…
The installation is prepared.
Note: You can stop the installation in every step by pressing the Cancel button.
Step 2: Welcome to the InstallShield…
To continue press the Next Button.
Step 3: License Agreement
Select “I accept the terms…” and press the Next button if you are agree.
Note: Print the License Agreement by pressing the Print button.
Step 4: Customer Information
Enter User Name and Organization into the corresponding fields, then press the Next button.
Step 5: Destination Folder
Press the Next button if you want to keep the suggested folder  Step 6.
If not, press the Change button  Step 5a.

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual

Step 5a: Change Current Destination Folder

Select the desired folder for the installation and confirm with the OK button.
Step 6: Ready to Install the Program
Press the Install button to start the installation.
Step 7: Installing SITRAM Multisense Software
This step may take several minutes.
Step 8: InstallShield Wizard Completed
Select the readme file and press the Finish button to conclude the installation.
Note: In case of a problem please select the Windows Installer log and send this file to Siemens service center.
Step 9: Readme File
This file contains all needed information regarding the actual SITRAM Multisense Software version.
After installation the program SITRAM Multisense Software can be started (1.4.2).
1.4.2 Start Program
The program can be started in three different ways: Desktop Shortcut
While installing SITRAM Multisense Software a shortcut will be created on the desktop automatically:
A double click on this shortcut will start the program SITRAM Multisense Software. Start Menu Shortcut
If you have initiated the creation of a start menu shortcut, click on the „Start Button” in the Task Bar and start the program by
selecting this symbol. Program Folder
The program can also be started by selecting the executable file „SITRAM Multisense Software.exe” in the program folder.
Note: The program is located in the folder „C:\Program Files (x86)\Siemens\SITRAM Multisense Software\“ if the standard
destination folder was used during installation.
The SITRAM Multisense Software program window opens:
1.4.3 Adjust the Installation
If needed you can move the SITRAM Multisense Software Data Folder („C:\Program Files (x86)\Siemens\SITRAM Multisense
Software \data“) into any other folder that suits you.
Important: The file „root.xml“ (part of the installation data) has to be available in the newly created folder. The used data
folder will be saved in the file „SITRAM Multisense Software.xml“. If this file does not exist it will be tried to find the folder
„Data“ in the installation folder. If present it will be used as the data folder. If not the corresponding folder has to be set in the
Menu „File” under „set Data folder...“.

2. User Interface Areas

The User Interface of SITRAM Multisense Software is divided into so called areas, which will be explained in the following
chapters. It can be operated by using a computer-mouse or/and a computer-keyboard. The computer-mouse allows an easy and
fast operation and is to be preferred.
The 4 main areas of SITRAM Multisense Software are:
 Menu bar (2.1)
 Tree structure (2.2)
 Working area (Error! Reference source not found.)
 Message area (2.4)

SITRAM Multisense Software can also be operated by the context menu (right mouse click):
 Context menu (2.5)

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual

2.1 Menu bar

SITRAM Multisense Software can be operated over the menu bar or with the context menu (2.5). The individual menus from
the menu bar and their items will be explained in this chapter:
File (2.1.1)
Edit (2.1.2)
View (2.1.3)
Transformer (2.1.4)
Extra (2.1.5)
Help (2.1.6)

The simplest way to work with SITRAM Multisense Software is to use the computer-mouse. With it the corresponding menu or
the corresponding entry in the tree structure can easily be selected. However it is possible to operate the program with the
computer-keyboard only.

In general following symbolism applies to the menu navigation:

Additional menu item appear right to the arrow when this point is chosen.
An additional window opens when this menu item is chosen.
Indicate the actual selection/choice.

2.1.1 File - Menu

By selection „File“ in the menu bar the following selection window appear:
Set Data Location … (
Customer ► (
Station ► (
Transformer ► (
Export (
Export Setup (
Save (
Revert (
Page Setup (
Print (

Exit (

Note: Depending on the position of the cursor or which view ( is selected, the particular menu items are active (black)
or inactive (grayed out). Set Data Location ...

After the installation of SITRAM Multisense Software, this menu item (1.4.3) will be used to adapt the data folder path.

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Customer ►
By selecting the menu item „Customer ►
“ the following selection window appears:

 Rename ... :
By selecting this menu item the input window „Rename Customer” will open:

Any name can be entered (3.1.1). With the button the entered name will be saved and with the
button it will be aborted.

 Set Icon ... :

This menu item has to be included.

 New Station ... :

By selecting this menu item the input window „New Station” will open:

Any name can be entered (3.2.1). With the button a station is created and saved under the entered name
and with the button it will be aborted. Arbitrary stations can be created and managed. Station ►
By selecting the menu item „Station ►
“ the following selection window appears:

 Rename ... :
By selecting this menu item the input window „Rename Station” will open:

The input window „Rename Station” opens and any name can be entered (3.2.1).
With the button the entered name will be saved and with the button it will be aborted.

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual

Delete ... :
By selecting the menu item „Delete …” the marked station will be deleted. The information window „Station deleted”

Note: The station can only be deleted, when there are no more transformers available in that station.
 New Transformer ... :
By selecting this menu item the input window „New Transformer” will open:

Any name can be entered (3.3.1).

Additional the type of the SITRAM MULTISENSE device that is installed on this transformer has to be chosen. The
entered name of the transformer will be applied by pressing the button and aborted by pressing the
button. Arbitrary transformers can be added to a station and managed. Transformer ►
By selecting the menu item „Transformer ►
” the following selection window appears:

 Rename ... :
By selecting this menu item the input window „Rename Transformer” opens:

Any name can be entered (3.3.1). With the button the entered name will be saved and with the
button it will be aborted.
 Delete ... :
By selecting this menu item the confirmation window opens:

The action will be cancelled by pressing the button. The transformer will be deleted by pressing the
button and confirmed by the information window. Export ►
By selecting the menu item „Transformer ►
” following selection window appears:

 Excel ... :
By selecting this menu item the input window „Save As“ opens:

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual

The system automatically assigns the path under which the Excel file should be saved. It can be changed by hand. Any
name can be entered. By pressing the button the file will be saved under the entered name and with the
button the export will be aborted.
 CSV ... :
By selecting this menu item the input window „Save As” opens:

Any name can be inserted (3.2). With the button the entered in name is saved and aborted with the

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Export Setup ...

By selecting the menu item „Export Setup …” the following input window appears:

The export separators (List/Decimal/String) and the export format (Date/Time) are defined in the input window „CSV Export
Setup“. By pressing the button the separators and the export format will be taken from the system settings of the
used computer. In this way the import into an appropriate analysis program can be simplified. With the button the
inputs are saved and aborted with the button. Save
After the input of detail information (values) into the station- or transformer settings, the menu items „Save” and „Revert”
become active (black). By selecting the menu item „Save” the entries will be saved. It is also possible to save the entries by
pressing the key combination [Ctrl+S] on the computer-keyboard. Exit the entries without saving, a confirmation window
opens automatically:

With the button the entries will be saved and with the button aborted.
By pressing the button the entries have to be saved by hand. In this case the confirmation window will close and
will not reappear (it appears again only after a restart of SITRAM Multisense Software). Revert
After the input of detail information (values) into the station- or transformer settings, the menu items „Save” and „Revert”
become active (black). By selecting the menu item „Revert” the entered settings will be aborted.

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Page Setup ...

By selecting the menu item „Page Setup ... „ the following input window appears:

The default setting for the print out can be done here. The „Orientation” and the „Margins” (millimeter) can be chosen
respectively adjusted in the corresponding field. The settings „Paper” are predetermined. The default printer with paper size A4
is used. Print ...

By selecting the menu item „Print …” appears the following preview window:

Further features (e.g. print command, zoom, page view and close) are available in this window.

Note: The feature „Print …” can also be selected by using the context menu ( Exit
This menu item will close the SITRAM Multisense Software program.

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual

2.1.2 Edit - Menu

Depending on the selection in the tree structure or what is selected in the working area the following
selection window appears by selecting „Edit” in the menu bar:
By selecting Station/Transformer in the tree structure:
New ... (
Edit ... (
Rename ... (
Delete (
By selecting Alert Properties/Sensor Properties in the tree structure:
Configure ... (
Disable ... (
By selecting Alert-SMS in the tree structure:
Cut (
Copy (
Paste (
Insert ► (

Undo ( New ...

By selecting the menu item „New …” the following input window appears:

The input window „New Property” opens and any name can be entered. With the button the new user defined
attribute will be saved under the typed name and aborted with the button. Edit ...

By selecting the menu item „Edit …” the following input window appears:

The input window „Edit Property” opens and any name (for the value) can be entered. With the button the new
name will be saved and aborted with the button. Rename ...

By selecting the menu item „Rename …” the following input window appears:

The input window „Rename Customer” opens and any description (for the property) can be entered.
With the button the inserted name will be saved and aborted with the button.
Note: Only user defined properties can be renamed!

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Delete
By selecting the Menu item „Delete” the following confirmation window appears:

The selected property will be deleted with the button. The action will be canceled by pressing the
Note: Only user defined properties can be deleted! Configure ...

Depending on the selection in the tree structure the following input window appears by choosing the menu item „Configure

 Alert Properties (3.5.1)
 Sensor Properties (3.5.2) Disable ...

Depending on the selection in the tree structure the following confirmation window appears by choosing the menu item
„Disable …”:

The corresponding alert or sensor will be disabled and the settings will be deleted. Cut
By selecting the menu item „Cut” the selected part will be cut out and put into the Windows
clipboard. Copy
By selecting the menu item „Copy” the selected part will be copied and put into the Windows

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Paste
By selecting the menu item „Paste” the Windows clipboard will be inserted to the cursor position. Insert ►
Depending on the selection in the tree structure and what is selected in the working area the following selection window
appears by selecting the menu item „Insert ►

Alert SMS Setup Alert e-mail Setup

The message text (SMS/e-mail) can be made up with any {place holder} or real alphanumeric text. You’ll find more information
under (3.5.3) or ( Undo
After an input in one of the fields of the Alert SMS Setup the menu item „Undo” will be activated (black). By selecting the menu
item „Undo” the input will be aborted.

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual

2.1.3 View - Menu

Depending on the selection in the tree structure and what is selected in the working area the following selection window
appears by selecting the menu item „View“:
Show Tree (
Show Message Area (
Show Toolbar (

View as ► (

By selecting in the tree structure

Show Tree (
Show Message Area (
Show Toolbar (
Show Date- & Span-Panel (
View as ► (

Alert ► (

By selecting in the tree structure

Show Tree (
Show Message Area (
Show Toolbar (
Show Date- & Span-Panel (
View as ► (

Sensor ► (

Set Axis Scaling ... ( Show Tree

By selecting the menu item „Show Tree” the tree structure (2.2) will be displayed or hidden. When the symbol is in front of
the text, the tree structure is visible. Show Message Area

By selecting the menu item „Show Message Area” the message area (2.4) will be displayed or hidden. When the symbol is in
front of the menu item text, the message area is visible. Show Toolbar

This menu item has to be included. View as ►
Depending on which entry is selected in the tree structure, the following selection window appears by selecting the menu item
„View As ►“:
By selecting / in the tree structure

 Table (3.8.3) / (3.9.3)

 Graph (3.8.3) / (3.9.3)

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual

By selecting / in the tree structure

 Details (3.5.1) / (3.5.2)

 List (3.5.1) / (3.5.2)
 Symbol (3.5.1) / (3.5.2) Show Date- & Span-Panel

If the tree structure entry or is selected and the menu item „Show Date- & Span-Panel” is being selected,
the sensor- / alerts selection & time span selection window will be displayed or hidden. When the symbol is in front of the
menu item text, the sensor- / alerts selection & time span selection window is visible.
Sensor selection & (3.8.1) Alert selection & (3.9.1)
Time Span selection window (3.8.2) Time Span selection window (3.9.2) Alerts ►
If the tree structure entry is selected and an alert is chosen in the alert selection window of the working area the
following selection window ( appears by selecting the menu item
„Alert ►

 Add: The selected Alert is shown in the result window.

 Remove: The selected Alert will be removed from the result window.

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Sensors ►
If the tree structure entry is selected and an active sensor is chosen in the sensor
selection window of the working area the following selection window (Error! Reference source not found.) appears by
electing the menu item „Sensors ►

 Add to Left Y-Axis: The scaling will be shown on the left Y-Axis of the result window.
 Add to right Y-Axis: The scaling will be shown on the right Y-Axis of the result window.
 Remove: The display of the sensor will be deactivated in the result window.
 Set Color: The window „Set Sensor Color“ will be opened. Set Axis Scaling ...

If the tree structure entry is selected and the result window is shown as a graph the following input window (Error!
eference source not found.) appears by selecting the menu item „Set Axis Scaling ►

2.1.4 Transformer - Menu

If the tree structure entry is selected the following selection window appears by selecting „Transformer” in the
menu bar:
Connect ... (
Disconnect (
Close Log (
Scheduler … (

The first three menu items (blue frame) refer to manually controlled data read & write. Connect ...

By selecting the menu item „Connect” the dialog window SITRAM MULTISENSE communication (3.7.1) opens, where the
communication options can be selected. Disconnect
By selecting the menu item „Disconnect” the established connection will be terminated immediately (3.7.1). This should be
avoided during the login procedure. Close Log

By selecting the menu item „Close Log” the dialog window will be closed. The transformer properties will be shown in the
working area again (3.7.1).

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Scheduler ...

The purpose of the connection scheduler is the automatic data request of the corresponding SITRAM MULTISENSE device. By
selecting the menu item „Scheduler ... ” the dialog window SITRAM MULTISENSE connection scheduler opens (

2.1.5 Extra - Menu

By selecting „Extra” in the menu bar the following selection window appears:
Language ► (

Alert e-mail setup ... (

Decimal Places Setup ... ( Language ►
By selecting the menu item „Language ►
” the following selection window appears:

SITRAM Multisense Software supports the following languages: English, German, Russian, Turkish, French, Chinese, Spanish,
Polish and Korean. Alert e-mail Setup ...

There is the option that SITRAM Multisense Software sends alarm emails. This can be when a device has an error (folder "Device
Alarms") or if communication with the device (folder "communication error alarms") is not possible. By selecting the menu item
„Alert e-mail setup ... ” the following input window appears:

Remark: Sending an e-mail at communication error alarms is enabled and parameterd in the
SITRAM MULTISENSE input window communication timing (3.7.1).

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SMTP Server
 Server: Name of the exchange server
 Port-Number: Port number for the e-mail communication
 Use SSL: Data encryption
 User Name: Domain name of the user
 Password: User password

Device Alerts
E-Mail Content
 Subject: Subject line
 Message text: Entry of the message by using text or place holders (3.5.3)
From, To
 From: Sender
 To: Recipient ( a semicolon (;) separates more than one recipient)
 Send Button: By pressing this button, a test e-mail will be sent.
Communication Error Alerts
E-Mail Content
 Subject: Subject line
 Message text: Entry of the message by using text or place holders (3.5.3)
From, To
 From: Sender
 To: Recipient ( a semicolon (;) separates more than one recipient)
 Send Button: By pressing this button, a test e-mail will be sent.

Note: This function only makes sense if the „SITRAM MULTISENSE Connection scheduler” is activated on each transformer
( Decimal Places Setup ...

By selecting the menu item „Decimal Places Setup …” the following input window appears:

There is the possibility to display the data for gas and moisture in oil with a fixed position after decimal point. 0 … 6 positions
after decimal point could be entered. In case the input field is empty the
original values will be shown.

2.1.6 Help - Menu

By selecting „Help” in the Menu bar the following selection window appears:
Show Help (
About SITRAM Multisense Software ... ( Show Help

This menu item has to be included.

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By selecting the menu item “About SITRAM Multisense Software ... ” the following information window opens:
The software version is stated, e.g. 1.5.24

By selection of the button the information window will be extended by the contact data:

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2.2 Tree Structure

The tree structure is located on the left side of the SITRAM Multisense Software program window and is used for the
navigation. The individual entries in the tree structure are separated into 4 layers:

Level 1: Customer (3.1)

There is one customer. Any number of

stations can be assigned to the

Level 2: Station (3.2)

Any number of transformers can be

assigned to the each station.

History (3.8)
Level 3: Transformer (3.3) Alerts (3.9)
Connection (3.4)
One SITRAM MULTISENSE device will be Online Sensors (3.10)
assigned automatically to each Extraction Status (Error! Reference
transformer. The type has to be applied ource not found.)
during creation. Alarm Setup (3.5.1)
Sensor Setup (3.5.2)
Alert SMS Setup (3.5.3)
Level 4: SITRAM MULTISENSE (3.5) DGA Level Adjust (3.5.4)
Analog Output Setup (3.5.5)
The properties are associated to each
SITRAM MULTISENSE device. Digital Output Setup (3.5.6)
Settings (3.5.7)
Transformer Setup (Error! Reference
ource not found.)
Level 4: Diagnostics (3.6) Duval Triangle (3.6.1)
Rogers (3D) (3.6.2)
has additional diagnostic functions.

Remark: For a better presentation of the overview, the tree structure in the upper image has been modified. Detailed
explanations refer to chapter (3.5).

The type of the SITRAM MULTISENSE device has to be set during the creation of the transformer (3.3.1).

Note: The tree structure of the different SITRAM MULTISENSE types varies in the amount of entries. By selecting the individual
entries in the tree structure the content in the working area will change accordingly.
2.3 Working Area
The working area is on the right side of the SITRAM Multisense Software program window. The content of the working area
changes according to the selected entry in the tree structure. The working areas and their
settings will be explained in chapter (3.1).

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2.4 Message Area

The message area is in the lower part of the SITRAM Multisense Software program window:

It is used to display system messages. These are mainly messages when an error occurs in the database. For example, if the
database of a transformer cannot be open or close. These messages are written into a log-file. In case of a problem the log-file
can be sent together with the database to the SIEMENS Service Department.
Note: In case of a serious system error the message area will be opened automatically!

2.5 Context Menu

SITRAM Multisense Software can be operated via context menu as well. In the following situations it can be opened by
performing a right mouse click:
 When the cursor is on the tree structure entry customer, station or transformer.
 When the cursor is on an input field or an entry inside the working area.
 When the cursor is in the working area.
 When the cursor is in the message area.

Here is an example of the context menus for the tree structure levels:
 - Level 1(Connection scheduler on/off)

 - Level 2

 - Level 3

The particular context menus will not be listed here in detail. They will be explained in the corresponding chapters.

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3. Working with SITRAM Multisense Software

In the following chapters the most relevant steps are described, which have to be performed to
create a SITRAM MULTISENSE device and its properties in SITRAM Multisense Software.
3.1 Customer
The customer is located on level 1 in the tree structure (right on top):

Level 1: Customer

Note: It is often used the term customer directory!

3.1.1 Rename the Customer Directory

The customer directory is automatically created by the program. It can be renamed to your needs. There are two possibilities
(context menu 3.1.3) after the tree structure entry customer is selected:
 By menu item „File ► Customer ► Rename ... „
 By context menu with the right mouse button

In both cases the input window „Rename Customer” appears. The chosen name is user defined and can be changed at any time.

3.1.2 Working Area Customer

Nothing additional can be set up in the working area. Only the path of the data directory is shown in the header.
3.1.3 Context Menu Customer
The context menu customer contains the following possibilities:

 Rename Customer ... :

By selecting this menu item, the input window „Rename Customer“ opens:

It can be renamed to your needs (3.1.1). By pressing the button the entered name will be saved and
aborted by pressing the button.
 Set Customer Icon ... :
This menu item has to be included.
 Connection scheduler:
Master off-/on switching of the connection scheduler for all activated automatic data readouts. The actual status
appears right to the text ( switched on / switched off) and changes when this context menu item is selected.
Note: When SITRAM Multisense Software is started, the connection scheduler (Run communication
scheduler) is always switched on.
 New Station ... :
By selecting this menu item the input window „New Station“ opens:

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Any name can be entered (3.2.1). By pressing the button the entered station name will be saved and by
pressing the button the entry will be aborted.
Note: Any number of stations can be created and managed.
3.2 Station
The station is located on level 2 in the tree structure:

Level 2: Station

3.2.1 Set up a New Station

After the customer directory has been renamed, a new station can be created. This can be done by the known methods menu
item or context menu (3.3.3) after the entry customer was selected in the tree structure:
 By menu item „File ► Customer ► New Station ...“
 By context menu with the right mouse button

The input window „New Station” appears. Any name can be entered.
Note: Any numbers of stations can be created and managed in SITRAM Multisense Software.

3.2.2 Working Area Station

After the station was created, the station address information can be entered. By double click on one of the four fixed property
fields , the corresponding address data (values) can be entered. Additionally to the fixed properties (name, street, zip
and town), any number of additional user defined properties (such as country, contact person, telephone number etc.) can
be entered. The Address information can only be managed and viewed in SITRAM Multisense Software.

3.2.3 Context Menu Station

The context menu station contains the following possibilities:

 Rename Station ... :

By selecting this menu item the input window „Rename Station“ appears:

Any name can be entered. By pressing the button the entered name will be saved and aborted by pressing
the button.

 Delete Station ... :

By selecting the menu item „Delete Station“ the marked station will be deleted. The information window „Station
deleted“ opens.

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Note: The station can only be deleted, if there is no transformer present in this station.

 Station Connection scheduler ... :

By selecting this menu item the input window „SITRAM MULTISENSE Connection Scheduler“ ( ) appears:
Detailed information about the properties can be found under (
Note: The properties from the input window „SITRAM MULTISENSE Connection Scheduler“ of the stations are
automatically copied into the properties of the „SITRAM MULTISENSE Connection scheduler“ of each transformer
within the station.
 New Transformer ... :
By selection of this menu item the input window „New Transformer“ appears:
Detailed information about the properties can be found under (3.3.1).

3.3 Transformer
The transformer is located on level 3 in the tree structure and contains 4 sub entries:

History (3.8)
Level 3: Transformer Alerts (3.9)
Connection (3.4)
Online Sensors (3.10)
Extraction Status (3.11)
3.3.1 Set up a New Transformer
To set up a new transformer an existing station has to be selected. Then a new transformer can be created in a known manner
as transformer station:
 By menu item „File ► Station ► New Transformer ...“
 By context menu with the right mouse button
The input window „New Transformer“ appears. Any name can be entered. Additionally the type of the SITRAM MULTISENSE
device (SITRAM MULTISENSE 5 & 9) has to be chosen.
Note: Any numbers of transformers can be added to a station!

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3.3.2 Working Area Transformer

In the working area of the transformer, transformer specific information can be entered. In addition to the fixed properties
(name, manufacturer, type, year, primary voltage, secondary voltage, primary current and secondary current) any number of
user defined properties (such as power, last
revision, serial number, etc.) can be added. This information can only be managed and viewed in
SITRAM Multisense Software. The communication buttons can be found in the lower part of the working area.
Related detail information (values) can be added by double clicking on one of the „property“ fields
after the transformer has been created.

Note: These detail information can only be entered and managed in SITRAM Multisense Software.
Additionally to the existing standard property fields
 Name
 Manufacturer
 Type
 Year
 Prim. Voltage
 Sec. Voltage
 Prim. Current
 Sec. Current
Additionally user defined fields can be added by a right mouse click out of the context menu or by the menu item „Edit►
New”. The property description can be changed by „Rename“ and the value
description by choosing „Edit“. The settings can be completely undone by choosing „Undo“ and single fields can be deleted by
selecting „Delete“. Changes have to be saved with the entry „Save“ or by choosing another entry in the tree structure.

Connection establishment to the SITRAM MULTISENSE device (3.7)

Open dialog window „SITRAM MULTISENSE Communication“ (3.7.1)

Disconnect active communication

Close log window (show working area transformer)

Open dialog window „SITRAM MULTISENSE Connection Scheduler“ (3.7.2)

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3.3.3 Context Menu Transformer

The context menu transformer contains the following possibilities:

 Rename Transformer ... :

By selecting this menu item the input window „Rename Transformer …” opens:

Any name can be entered. By pressing the button the entered name will be saved and aborted by pressing
the button.

 Delete Transformer ... :

By selecting the menu item „Delete Transformer …” the selected transformer will be deleted.
The information window „Transformer deleted” opens.

 Transformer Connection Scheduler ... :

By selecting this menu item the input window „SITRAM MULTISENSE Connection Scheduler” ( ) appears:
Detailed information about the properties can be found under (

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3.4 Connection Settings

By selecting the tree structure entry the following content appears in the working area:

First determine how the connection to the SITRAM MULTISENSE device has to be done. Via Modem (option),
Com-Port, Network or Bridge. Mark the corresponding selection field.

3.4.1 Modem Settings

When a modem is used to establish a connection, a login and a password are required. The default settings are „Siemens” for
the login and „KWA” for the password. In the selection field „Device” a modem, which is installed on the computer, can be
selected for the communication. Afterwards the number of the phone connection, which the SITRAM MULTISENSE device is
connected to, has to be entered into the input field „Tel. Nr.“.
Attention: When using a GSM modem with a device of the SITRAM MULTISENSE family it has to be ensured, that is possible to
establish the connection with an analog modem. The provider should be able to confirm this. Alternatively a GSM modem is
also required on the PC side (i.e. mobile phone or integrated GSM modem).
When connections are done with a GSM modem, it is possible that the connection is being
interrupted during a read-out procedure due to transmission errors in the GSM network. In this case wait approximately 5
minutes before the data can be sent again. This time is necessary to restart the modem in the SITRAM MULTISENSE device and
to login again into the GSM network.

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There is the possibility to generate a so called send/receive-protocol. In this protocol, connection specific data is stored, which
contains useful information for the Siemens-service department in case of an error.
The following selections are possible:
 log disabled (protocol off)
 log send/receive (protocol on)

3.4.2 Serial Interface Settings

In case of an onsite connection with the serial interface (RS232), mark the selection field „COM-Port”. In the selection field
„Device” the corresponding local port of the PC has to be selected. The interface speed has to match the given one from the
device (default 19200 Baud) and has to be set in the selection field „Baudrate”. The selection field “DTR” (Data terminal ready) is
marked by default.
If the serial connection is established via an RS485 interface, the selection field „RS485” must be
selected. The selection fields „Ignore Echo” and „RTS Send Control” are selectable. Depending on the interface adapter they can
be selected accordingly.

3.4.3 Network Settings

If connected via Ethernet interface, the „IP Address” and the „TCP Port” of the SITRAM MULTISENSE device are to be entered in
the corresponding network input fields. With a dialup connection it is possible to communicate with a SITRAM MULTISENSE
device that is located in an external network. Therefore choose the corresponding connection in the input field „Access via”.
Note: Only already created connections will be shown in the field „Access via”. In case a new connection is needed, you first
have to close SITRAM Multisense Software. For further information on how to create a new connection consult the Windows

3.4.4 Bridge Settings

In case the communication to the SITRAM MULTISENSE device should be done via bus-bridge, the selection field „Bridge” has to
be selected. The appropriate gateway device can be selected in the selection field
„Device”. Further information on how to configure the gateway device can be found in the
corresponding SITRAM MULTISENSE device documentation (Chapter Firmware/Device setup/SITRAM MULTISENSE setup/
Communication / Connection/RS232 / 485 setup).

3.4.5 Common Settings

The SITRAM MULTISENSE device address is to be entered in the input field „Address” of the „Common settings”.

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3.5 SITRAM MULTISENSE Device Settings

The SITRAM MULTISENSE device is on level 4 in the tree structure and contains, depending on the SITRAM MULTISENSE type,
between 5 and 9 sub entries.

Alert Setup (3.5.1)

Sensor Setup (3.5.2)
Alert SMS Setup (3.5.3)
Level 4: SITRAM MULTISENSE DGA Level Adjust (3.5.4)
1005 Analog Output Setup (3.5.5)
Settings (3.5.7)
Transformer Setup (3.5.8)


Alert Setup (3.5.1)

Sensor Setup (3.5.2)
Alert SMS Setup (3.5.3)
Level 4: SITRAM MULTISENSE DGA Level Adjust (3.5.4)
1008 Analog Output Setup (3.5.5)
Settings (3.5.7)
Transformer Setup (3.5.8)

Level 4: Diagnostics Duval Triangle (3.6)

Rogers (3D) (3.6.2)

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The SITRAM MULTISENSE settings can be configured and saved with SITRAM Multisense Software.
The SITRAM MULTISENSE tree structure entry contains the following information that is read-out from the device during a
Serial number of the SITRAM MULTISENSE device
Firmware version of the SITRAM MULTISENSE device
Path of the data directory in which the data will be saved on the PC
Date of last data readout
Customer entry line 1
Customer entry line 2
Customer entry line 3
Customer entry line 4
Numeric password to change the settings (Default 999)
String password for modem login (Default KWA).
User name for modem login (Default Siemens).

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3.5.1 Alert Setup

In the menu the alarm settings can be configured. The alarms can be assigned (alarm source) to the internal
sensors (content of gas in oil, moisture in oil and temperature) or additional sensors (3.5.2). Alert Mode and Action are freely
In total 16 alarms can be free defined and assigned.
For different alarms the same output (collective alarm) can be used. The individual alarm states are connected as „OR“
operation, so in case of an alarm the appropriate output is being activated.
The view in the working area - „Alert Setup” - can be chosen as followed:

 Details (Detailed view of the alert settings)

 List (List view of the alert settings)

 Symbols (Symbol view of the alert settings)

The selection is carried out as usual either through the context menu by activation with the right mouse button or through the
menu item „View ►View as ► ...“.

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The following dialog window opens in the views „List” and „Symbols” by a double click on an alarm icon and in the view „Details”
by a double click on the row header:

At first the appropriate alarm mode has to be selected under „Alert Mode”. The following modes are available:
 Hi: A single-stage alarm is triggered when the threshold value „Level 1” is exceeded.
 Hi - Hi: A double-stage alarm is triggered. The first stage of the alarm is triggered when the threshold value „Level 1” is
exceeded. The second stage of the alarm is triggered when the threshold value „Level 2” is exceeded.
 Low: A single-stage alarm is triggered when the threshold value “Level 1” is not achieved.
 Low - Low: A double-stage alarm is triggered. The first stage of the alarm is triggered when the threshold value “Level
1” is not achieved. The second stage of the alarm is triggered when the threshold value “Level 2” is not achieved.
 Out Range (Low – Hi): A double-stage alarm is triggered when the measurement value is outside of the range. The
first stage of the alarm is triggered when the threshold value “Level 1” is not achieved. The second stage of the alarm is
triggered when the threshold value “Level 2” is exceeded.
 In Range: A single-stage alarm is triggered when the measurement value is inside the range, which is defined by the
threshold values “Level 1” and “Level 2”.
The next step is to select a sensor that serves as alarm source. All above mentioned internal sensors are available. If additional
sensors are connected and setup correctly (3.5.2) these will be
selectable as well. Depending on the SITRAM MULTISENSE type the following measurements are available:
 H2 - C2H2 - C2H4 - CO - H2O concentration
 H2 - C2H2 - C2H4 - CO daily trend
 H2 - C2H2 - C2H4 - CO weekly trend
 T1 temperature (gas temperature measurement cell)
 T2 temperature (oil temperature extraction chamber)
 All under additional sensors defined measurements

 H2 - C2H2 - C2H4 - CO - CO2 - C2H6 - CH4 - H2O concentration
 H2 - C2H2 - C2H4 - CO - CO2 - C2H6 - CH4 daily trend
 H2 - C2H2 - C2H4 - CO - CO2 - C2H6 - CH4 weekly trend
 T1 temperature (gas temperature measurement cell)
 T2 temperature (oil temperature extraction chamber)
 All under additional sensors defined measurements
For clear alarm identification an appropriate description can be entered in the input field „Name“.
The alarm threshold values are entered in the input fields „Level 1” and if applicable „Level 2”. The device „ppm” is used for gas
concentrations, the device „°C” for temperatures and for additional sensors the individual defined devices (e.g. volt, ampere …).
The alarm threshold values must be within the corresponding measurement range. These are e.g. 0 ... 2000/5000 ppm for gas

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0 ... 100 ppm for moisture in oil and -20 ... 100°C for temperatures. For additional sensors defined minimal and maximal
threshold values.
The delays (Delay 1 and 2) can be entered to suppress alarms that exceed or not achieve their thresholds only for a short
period. As the measurement cycle for gas sensors takes max. 20 minutes the delay time should not be less than 1 hour. The
entry of the delay time is in seconds or directly in [days]-[hours]:[minutes]:[seconds]. After confirmation by pressing the OK
button the value is shown in the format [days]-[hours]:[minutes]:[seconds
The following actions can be chosen in the selection fields „Action 1” and „Action 2”:
 Log-entry: A change of the status is stored into the alarm history. The alarm has to be acknowledged.
 Output: Depending on the selected mode an output is set in case of exceeding or not achieving the level. This output
will be reset as soon as the alarm isn´t present any longer.
 Output Hold: Depending on the selected mode an output is set in case of exceeding or not achieving. When leaving
the alarm state the output remains switched on until the alarm is acknowledged by hand.
 Log-entry & SMS: A change of the status is stored into the alarm history. The alarm has to be acknowledged.
Additionally a SMS is send to the defined addresses.
 Output & SMS: Depending on the chosen mode an output is set in case of exceeding or not achieving the level and
additionally a SMS is send to the defined addressees.
 Output Hold & SMS: Depending on the chosen mode an output is set in case of exceeding or not achieving the level.
When leaving the alarm state the output is lasting until the alarm is acknowledged by hand. Additionally a SMS is send
to the defined recipients.
Note: As soon as an alarm is defined the entry in the alarm history is always active!!!
It is possible to assign the same output to different alarms, to create a so called collective alarm.
After a change of the alarm settings an asterisk appears right to the icon , which indicates that the settings still
has to be transferred to the device. The settings are not synchronized at the moment and will be updated to the SITRAM
MULTISENSE device on the next connection (3.7), if the selection field “Update Configuration” is selected.

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3.5.2 Sensor Setup

The settings for additional sensors (external & virtual) can be changed in the menu. The view in the working
area - „Sensor Setup” - can be chosen as followed:
 Details

 List

 Symbol

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The selection is carried out as usual either through the context menu by activation with the right mouse button or through the
menu item „View ►View as ► ...“.
The following dialog window opens in the views „List” and „Symbols” by a double click on an sensor icon and in the view
„Details” by a double click on the row header. The settings for the internal sensors cannot be changed and therefore they are
grayed out:

Input Signal
In the selection field „Input Signal” the output signal type (current/voltage) and the signal range of the corresponding sensor
can be selected. These differ for external and virtual sensors by SITRAM MULTISENSE type and optional equipment as follows:

#1 ext. 0…20 mA AC / 0…80 V AC / 0…20 mA DC / 4…20 mA DC ext.

#2 ext. 0…20 mA AC / 0…80 V AC / 0…20 mA DC / 4…20 mA DC ext.

#3 ext. 0…20 mA AC / 0…80 V AC / 0…20 mA DC / 4…20 mA DC ext.

#4 ext. 0…20 mA AC / 0…80 V AC / 0…20 mA DC / 4…20 mA DC ext.

#5 ext. 0…20 mA AC / 0…80 V AC / 0…20 mA DC / 4…20 mA DC ext.

#6 ext. 0…20 mA AC / 0…80 V AC / 0…20 mA DC / 4…20 mA DC ext.

#7 ext. 0…20 mA DC / 4…20mA DC ext.

#8 ext. 0…20 mA DC / 4…20mA DC ext.

#9 virt. 0…20 mA DC / 4…20mA DC ext.

#10 virt. 0…20 mA DC / 4…20mA DC ext.

virt. Hot-Spot 1 / virt. Ag.Rate 2 /

#11 virt. virt.
virt. L.o.Life 3 / virt. Avg.r.Ar. 4

virt. Hot-Spot 1 / virt. Ag.Rate 2 /

#12 virt. virt.
virt. L.o.Life 3 / virt. Avg.r.Ar. 4

virt. Hot-Spot 1 / virt. Ag.Rate 2 /

#13 virt. virt.
virt. L.o.Life 3 / virt. Avg.r.Ar. 4

virt. Hot-Spot 1 / virt. Ag.Rate 2 /

#14 virt. virt.
virt. L.o.Life 3 / virt. Avg.r.Ar. 4

1 Hot Spot Temperature

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2 Aging Rate relative

3 Loss of Life
4 Average Aging Rate relative
5 Back plate temperature
6 Moisture in oil relative

The following device for the measurement of the sensor can be selected:
 - no device
 °C: temperature sensors
 ppm: moisture in oil sensor or other sensors for chemicals
 %: moisture in oil sensor or other sensors for chemicals
 V: voltage measurement
 KV: voltage measurement
 mA: current measurement
 A: current measurement
 kA: current measurement
 ppm/d: Trend ppm / day
 ppm/w: Trend ppm / week
 #: Number, quantity, position etc.
Sample Interval [s]
The sample interval specifies how often the sensor value (measurement value) is stored in the SITRAM MULTISENSE device. The
default setting for internal sensors is 1200 seconds (20:00).
Sensor Name
For ease of use, each sensor should be assigned with a unique name.
Minimum Value / Maximum Value
The measurement range is scaled with these entries. This means, the measurement range is assigned to the signal range of the
sensor. e.g. 4...20 mA DC corresponds to 0 ... 120 °C
0% 100 %
Signal range 4 mA DC 20 mA DC
Measurement range 0 °C 120 °C
Minimum Value 0
Maximum Value 120
Minimum Display / Maximum Display
These minimum and maximum values refer to the bar graph in the main menu (additional sensor status) of the display. If you
know in advance that the observed range of the measurement value is only in a segment of the measurement range, this can
be narrowed down (zoom), so a change of the measurement value on the bar graph is more apparent.
e.g. The measurement range is 0 ... 120°C, but the measured temperature is between 60 ... 70 °C.
Measurement range 0 °C 120 °C
Minimum Display 60
Maximum Display 70
The function „Smooth“ can be activated by setting a check in the related field.
Note: The grayed out entries Sensor ID and Sensor Type are purely informative and cannot be changed.
After a change of the sensor settings an asterisk appears right to the icon , which indicates that the settings
still has to be transferred to the device. The settings are not synchronized at the moment and will be updated to the SITRAM
MULTISENSE device on the next connection (3.7), if the selection field “Update Configuration” is selected.

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3.5.3 Alert SMS Setup

If the SITRAM MULTISENSE device is equipped with an optional on-board GSM modem, in the menu the
settings for sending SMS in case of relevant status changes can be made.

The telephone number of the short message service center has to be entered in the input field
„Service Center”. Normally this number is preprogrammed on the SIM card. Therefore it has only to be entered in case it is no t
on the SIM card.
The alarm message, which is defined in the input field „Message” (max. 63 characters), can be send to up to 5 recipients
simultaneously. The numbers of these recipients have to be entered in the input fields „Recipient” to „Recipient #5”.

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By performing a right mouse click on the input field „Message”, the content of the alarm message can be combined with pre
defined wild-cards as follows:

To add pre-defined text the corresponding wild-cards have to be selected. The following text is available in this form:
 {#} - Serial number
 {1} - Customer data row 1
 {2} - Customer data row 2
 {3} - Customer data row 3
 {4} - Customer data row 4
 {T} - System time long: „hh:mm:ss”
 {t} - System time short: „hh:mm”
 {D} - System date long: „YYYY:MM:DD”
 {d} - System date short: „YY:MM:DD”
 {A} - Alert name
 {a} - Alert number
 {l} - Alert level
Value of the “Alert level” {l}
Mode Condition Value
„All“ No alert 0
Hi > Hi 1
> Hi 1
Hi - Hi
> Hi - Hi 2
Low < Low 1
< Low 1
Low - Low
< Low - Low 2
< Low 1
Out Range
> Hi 2
> Low 1
In Range
< Hi 1
Example: {#}{1}{T}{D}{A}{l}
The following message text is the result: Serial number, Customer data row 1, System time long,
System date long, Alarm name, Alarm level
The content of the message text can be defined freely as well without using the wild-cards.
Note: Either „Log-entry & SMS”, „Output & SMS” or „Output Hold & SMS” must be selected in the selection field „Alert Setup”
(3.5.1) to alarm via SMS. Also the optional GSM modem must be installed and configured.
Settings which has been newly created or modified must be saved with the button afterwards. The asterisk right to
the icon indicates that the settings still has to be transferred to the device. The settings are not
synchronized at the moment and will be updated to the
SITRAM MULTISENSE device on the next connection (3.7), if the selection field “Update Configuration” is selected.

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3.5.4 DGA Level Adjust

The values, which were determined by analyzing the oil sample in a laboratory, can be entered in the
menu. These are used to calculate the correction factor to determine the gas quantity. These laboratory values are entered in
the appropriate input fields. The following pictures show the dialogs for a SITRAM MULTISENSE 5 device:

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Before entering the laboratory results, the appropriate date on which the oil sample was taken, has to be selected in the
selection field „Sample Date”. The average values of the gas concentration on the indicated date will be calculated and shown
in the information fields „SITRAM MULTISENSE - History-Value”. After the laboratory values were entered into the corresponding
input fields „Laboratory - Value” (H2, C2H2, C2H4 and CO), they must be confirmed with the button. In the mask
„Active Adjustment” the information fields „Active since” and „Sample Date” change from „- not set -” to „- new -” .
The device will now use these correction factor values as base for the gas concentration calculation. The device is able to s ave
up to 8 DGA level adjustments at which only the last one is active. If 8 DGA level adjustments are already present on the device
and a new one is added and the oldest will be replaced by the new one. The DGA level adjustments can only be disabled, but
not deleted anymore:

Settings which has been newly created or modified must be saved with the button afterwards. The asterisk right to
the icon indicates that the settings still has to be transferred to the device. The settings are not
synchronized at the moment and will be updated to the SITRAM MULTISENSE device on the next connection (3.7), if the
selection field “Update Configuration” is selected.

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3.5.5 Analog Outputs

In the menu the available standard analog outputs of the SITRAM MULTISENSE device are organized.
The appropriate size is mapped via 0 ... 20 mA or 4 ... 20 mA current outputs. The default settings, as well as the default factory
sensor mappings are as follows:

Mode Sensor Mode Sensor

Output #1 4 … 20 mA H2 4 … 20 mA H2

Output #2 4 … 20 mA C2H2 4 … 20 mA C2H2

Output #3 4 … 20 mA C2H4 4 … 20 mA C2H4

Output #4 4 … 20 mA CO 4 … 20 mA CO

Output #5 4 … 20 mA H2O 4 … 20 mA H2O

Output #6 - - 4 … 20 mA CO2

Output #7 - - 4 … 20 mA C2H6

Output #8 - - 4 … 20 mA CH4

Note: These are respectively the concentrations of the corresponding gas.

In the column „Mode” the following selection can be done:

 Off
 0 … 20 mA
 4 … 20 mA
In the column „Sensor” the following selection can be done:
 Default (assignment see table above)
 Gas concentration (gas related to the device type)
 Gas daily trend (gas related to the device type)
 Gas weekly trend (gas related to the device type)
 Temperature (temperature related to the device type)
 All under additional sensors defined Values
Settings which have been newly created or modified must be saved with the button. The asterisk right to the icon
indicates that the settings still has to be transferred to the device. The settings are not synchronized
at the moment and will be updated to the SITRAM MULTISENSE device on the next connection (3.7), if the selection field
“Update Configuration” is selected.

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3.5.6 Digital Outputs

Depending on the connected device the digital outputs can be inverted.

3.5.7 Settings
The settings in the menu are distributed in three tabs:
 Real time clock RTC (
 Ethernet (
 Modbus RS485 (
 LED Bar Levels (Error! Reference source not found.)

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Real Time Clock RTC

Real time clock related settings can be done for each SITRAM MULTISENSE device in the tab „Real Time Clock RTC” of the menu.
Daylight Saving Time Mode
The following selection can be done in this field:
 Siemens (Middle European Time): Summer- and wintertime are adapted automatically.
 None: The function is disabled.
Note: The Daylight Saving Time Mode relies on the Siemens time zone. That means that the time of the device is being set one
hour ahead from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October!
Time Offset
With time offset the time shift in relation to the real time clock (local time) can be adjusted.
The following selection is possible:
 -06:00 to -01:00
 None
 +01:00 to +06:00
The value of the time shift can also be entered directly into the selection field „Time Offset” (user):
Take care to not to be less than or exceed the input of -06:00 to +06:00 and that the quarter steps (xx:00 / xx:15 / xx:30 / xx:45)
are kept.

Note: „None” means that no time shift in relation to the real time clock (local time) is available. This setting is recommended.
Settings which have been newly created or modified must be saved with the button afterwards. The asterisk right
to the icon indicates that the settings still has to be transferred to the device. The settings are not synchronized
at the moment and will be updated to the SITRAM MULTISENSE device on the next connection (3.7), if the selection field
“Update Configuration” is selected.
Date and time of the SITRAM MULTISENSE device can be synchronized by use of the connected PC. Therefore select the
selection field „Synchronize with PC Clock” (3.7.1) that is shown after connection to the PC and pressing the button
in the transformer menu: Ethernet
Ethernet related settings can be done for each SITRAM MULTISENSE device in the tab „Ethernet” of the menu.
It can be chosen out of the following two variants:
 Static IP (
 DHCP Client ( Static IP

The network settings can be obtained from your corresponding system administrator!
IP Address
Mask The setting can be used in general.
Gateway Normally the automatic assigned setting can be used.
TCP Port Number The TCP port number should be determined by the system administrator as
well. The free range for TCP port numbers is: 49152 ... 65535. Theoretically the device allows the
following settings: 1 ... 65535. However several TCP port numbers are reserved for other
applications for example HTTP, FTP, Mail, etc.

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By using this setting, the device obtains the network settings from the DHCP server which is responsible for the network
administration. In this case only the port number can be entered. The network administrator must allow the automatic TCP/IP
address assignment for SITRAM MULTISENSE in the network.
Settings which have been newly created or modified must be saved with the button afterwards. The asterisk right
to the icon indicates that the settings still has to be transferred to the device. The settings are not synchronized
at the moment and will be updated to the SITRAM MULTISENSE device on the next connection (3.7), if the selection field
“Update Configuration” is selected. Modbus RS485
RS485 or MODBUS® serial related settings can be done for each SITRAM MULTISENSE device in the tab
„Modbus RS485“ of the menu.
 RS485 serial (
 MODBUS® RTU/ASCII serial (
 MODBUS® TCP ( RS485 serial

The connection of one or multiple SITRAM MULTISENSE devices to a central SITRAM Multisense Software computer can be
realized via the serial RS485 interface with proprietary protocol and is available on SITRAM MULTISENSE 5 and 9 devices.

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Point-to-Point connection for one device Bus connection for multiple devices

 Address: 0,1 ... 254 (as Bus Node with Address 1…254)
 Answer Delay: 0 ... 2550 ms
 Baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 or 57600
Data bits, parity and stop bits of the serial interface are set permanent to 8-N-1.
Note: Each device has to have a unique address (0, 1 … 254). Currently up to 32 devices can be in the same RS485 bus
Settings which have been newly created or modified must be saved with the button afterwards. The asterisk right
to the icon indicates that the settings still has to be transferred to the device. The settings are not synchronized
at the moment and will be updated to the SITRAM MULTISENSE device on the next connection (3.7), if the selection field
“Update Configuration” is selected.

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual MODBUS® RTU/ASCII serial

The connection of multiple SITRAM MULTISENSE devices into a SCADA system can be realized via the serial RS485 interface with
MODBUS® serial protocol and is available on SITRAM MULTISENSE 5 and 9 devices.


 Address: 1 ... 254

 Answer Delay: 0 ... 2550 ms
 Baud rate 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 or 57600
 Data bits 7 or 8
 Parity None (N), Odd (O) or Even (E)
 Stop bits 1 or 2

Note: Each device has to have a unique address (1 … 254). Currently up to 32 devices can be in the same MODBUS® serial
Settings which have been newly created or modified must be saved with the button afterwards. The asterisk right
to the icon indicates that the settings still has to be transferred to the device. The settings are not synchronized
at the moment and will be updated to the SITRAM MULTISENSE device on the next connection (3.7), if the selection field
“Update Configuration” is selected. MODBUS® TCP
The MODBUS® communication can be implemented into a network. MODBUS ® TCP is available on the SITRAM MULTISENSE
devices 5 and 9 and uses the default port number 502. These are independent from the serial MODBUS ® configuration.
MODBUS® TCP is not supported by SITRAM Multisense Software but for the sake of completeness it is
mentioned here.
3.5.8 Transformer Setup
The settings in the menu are distributed in three tabs:
 Hot Spot Calculation (
 Ageing Rate / Loss-of-Life (
 Bushing Monitoring ( Hot Spot Calculation
The SITRAM MULTISENSE device can calculate the hot spot temperature of a transformer. For this calculation the SITRAM
MULTISENSE device requires additional sensors.
The tab „Hot Spot Calculation“ contains the selection of the required sensors and has additional 1 … 3 sub tabs, depending on
how many cooling stages were selected.
Note: If the required sensors are not available in the selection, they must be defined previously in the menu

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Additional Sensor References

 Load current : None / - as defined in sensor setup menu -
 Top Oil Temperature: None / - as defined in sensor setup menu -
 Cooling Stage : None / - as defined in sensor setup menu -
 Number of Cooling Stages: 1 ... 3 (only selectable if Cooling Stage present)
Common Setting
 Calculation Interval: 1 ... 86399 Minutes
Note: The calculation interval must be smaller than the storage interval of the top oil temperature sensor! We recommend
defining the calculation interval to 0:01:00 (1 minute).
Cooling Stage #1 Condition
The parameters for hotspot calculation have to be entered into this sub tab, independently if a cooling system is present (i.e.
ONAF) or not (ONAN). Usually, all data can be known through transformer manufacture technical specifications.
 Sensor reading less / equal: - as defined in sensor setup menu -
Note: The cooling stage sensor is not necessary required. It improves the calculation model significantly.
Hot Spot Calculation Parameters
 Ir - Rated Current: - from technical specification -
 y - Winding Exponent: - from technical specification -
 gr - Gradient at Rated Current: - from technical specification -
 H - Hot Spot Factor: - from technical specification -
 Tw - Winding Time Constant: - from technical specification -
Note: All required information of the cooling stage conditions are usually taken from the technical specification of the
transformer manufacturer.
Note: The assignment of the calculated hot spot temperature to a virtual sensor must be defined in the
menu (3.5.2).
Settings which have been newly created or modified must be saved with the button afterwards. The asterisk right
to the icon indicates that the settings still has to be transferred to the device. The settings are not
synchronized at the moment and will be updated to the SITRAM MULTISENSE device on the next connection (3.7), if the
selection field “Update Configuration” is selected. Ageing Rate / Loss-of-Life
For the calculation of the ageing rate the SITRAM MULTISENSE device needs the three parameters: Hot spot temperature, kind
of paper insulation and time into service of the transformer. Based on the ageing rate the loss-of-life and mean value of the
relative ageing rate of the transformer are calculated. On old transformers the actual Loss-of-Life has to be entered (if necessary
this must be evaluated). For new transformer enter 0 (zero). The calculated values (ageing rate, loss-of-life and average relative
ageing rate) will be transferred to the virtual sensors and stored in the defined interval.
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Note: The assignment of the calculated values to the virtual sensors must be defined previously in the
menu (3.5.2).

First of all, you must define the selection- and input fields with required information. Followings information must be selected
respectively entered:
 Kind of Insulation (Paper): Normal / Thermally Updated
 Hot-Spot Temperature Sensor: Select sensor
 Transformer Loss-of-Live: Enter hours
 Transformer Time into Service: Enter hours or select date
 … into Service since: Select date (DD.MM.YYYY)
Note: The value for “Transformer Time into Service” is set automatically when the date “… into Service since” is selected. The
date is selected in three steps (day – month –year) with the cursors on the right hand side of the field.
Note: If the required sensor is not available in the selection, it must be defined previously in the menu
Settings which have been newly created or modified must be saved with the button afterwards. The asterisk right
to the icon indicates that the settings still has to be transferred to the device. The settings are not
synchronized at the moment and will be updated to the SITRAM MULTISENSE device on the next connection (3.7), if the
selection field “Update Configuration” is selected.

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Bushing Monitoring

The SITRAM MULTISENSE device in its variants 5 and 9 has a connection for the optional implementation monitoring system
Siemens Bushing Monitoring system. The measuring Data of the Siemens bushing monitoring system will be read out and
copied into its own data memory. The Siemens bushing monitoring -Data on the SITRAM MULTISENSE device will be shown as
virtual sensors. As for all sensors, alarms can be set for the Siemens bushing monitoring measuring data as well.

The following options can be selected:

 Siemens bushing monitoring: inactive / active
 Query interval: 1 minute / 3 minuten / 15 minuten / 1 hour
Remark: The virtual sensors only appear in the menue (3.5.2) when a Siemens bushing monitoring ist
attached and activated in the menue .
Afterwards the virtual senors appear in the menue as follows:

For detailed information regarding the sensors, refer to the Siemens bushing monitoring documentation.
Settings which have been newly created or modified must be saved with the button afterwards. The asterisk right
to the icon indicates that the settings still has to be transferred to the device. The settings are not
synchronized at the moment and will be updated to the SITRAM MULTISENSE device on the next connection (3.7), if the
selection field “Update Configuration” is selected.

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3.6 Diagnostics
The SITRAM MULTISENSE 9 device has additional measuring data diagnoses. This can help to interpret the measuring data. The
measuring data are represented according to Duval (type 1) and Rogers (3D). Different algorithms can be selected.
The three settings for the two diagnosis methods appear in the menue :
The properties can be selected as follows:
Duval Regions: - standard - / Biotemp / FR3 / IEC 60599 / Midel / Silicone
Remark: The sort of oil for the Duval-triangle can be selected here. Different oil has different boundaries and fault zones.
The selection ’standard’ corresponds to the type of oil IEC 60599.
 Duval threshold: - standard - / 10-10-10
Remark: The selection 10-10-10 means, that the measurement is only visualized in the triangle, when a minimum
concentration of at least 10 ppm for the gases C 2H2, CH4 and C2H4 is present.
 Rogers threshold: - standard - / 10-10-10-10-10
Remark: The selection 10-10-10-10-10 means, that the measurement is only visualized in the 3D grafic, when a minimum
concentration of at least 10 ppm for the gases H2, C 2H2, C2H4, C2H6 and CH4 is present.
3.6.1 Duval Triangle
To view the read out measuring data as a Duval triangle (defined according IEC 60599 type 1 with C 2H2[%], CH4[%] and
C2H4[%]), the entry has to be selected in the corresponding transformer in the tree structure. Three
different operation windows are available (see graphic):




The three gasses are indicated in percent.

The individual operation windows have the following designation:
 Duval Sensor Window (
 Timerange Selection Window (
 Result Window (
The Result Window offers the following options in the context menu (right mouse click):
 Continue processing the displayed measuring data (

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Duval Sensor Window

The used sensors for the Duval Triangle are shown in the Duval Sensor Window:

Sensor name

Status display

This is for the overview only and presents the sensor colour of the legend from the Result Window in the “Display as Graphic”
Remark: The settings are fixed. The status display as well as the corresponding colours can not be changed. Timerange Selection Window (Duval):
The timerange for the display in the Result Window is selected in this window:

Average Timerange



The Timerange is selected in three steps:

 Average Timerange
The average value in the Result Window can be changed by means of the selection box or with selected timerange
(blue background) with the arrow keys of the computer keyboard.

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Red = Time Span smaller

Green = Time Span bigger

The following time values are available for the average value generation:
automatic 2 hours 1 day
4 hours 2 days
6 hours 4 days
12 hours 7 days
If "automatic" is selected the following average value generation is deposited at the corresponding time span:

Data Time Span Average Time Span

1 day
2 days 2 hours
3 days
1 week 4 hours
2 weeks 6 hours
3 weeks 8 hours
1 month 16 hours
2 month 24 hours
3 month 48 hours
6 month 96 hours
1 year
2 years 168 hours
depending on the amount of
All data available measurements

Remark: The average value generation is displayed in square brackets in the header in table view of the Result
 Time Span
The time span in the Result Window can be changed by means of the selection box or with selected time span (blue
background) with the arrow keys of the computer keyboard.

Red = Time Span smaller

Green = Time Span bigger

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The following time values are available:

1 day 1 week 1 month 1 year All Data
2 days 2 weeks 2 month 2 years
3 days 3 weeks 3 month
6 month
If ”All Data“ is chosen, the Time Span will automatically be adjusted to the timerange in which measurements are
 Start date
The start date is set by clicking with the mouse on the desired date in the calendar dialogue. A preceding or
subsequent month can be selected within the calendar dialogue by means of the arrow keys.

Selection box month

Subsequent month

Selection box year

Preceding month

Remark: The calendar appears in the standard language of the operating system. Result Window (Duval)

In the Result Window, the data points are displayed in the selected time range with the appropriate averaging. Activate the
context menu in the Result Window with a right mouse click and choose the desired display type.
Remark: The selection of the view can also be done via the View Menu in the Menubar.
The individual display types have the following designations:
 Result Window Duval Tabel View (
 Result Window Duval Graphic View (
 Result Window Duval Triangle View ( Result Window Duval Tabel View

In the illustration Table View, the data points are displayed in a table within the selected time range with the appropriate

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Beside of the data columns the table consists of a column containing the time of the measurement. It is named Date/Time. By
default the sequence of the data is ordered by Date/Time (oldest first).
 Context Menu
The following settings can be done via the context menu in the table view:

Remark: The settings in the red frame are only possible, if the Graphic- or the Duval Triangle View are active. When
changing to Table View they will be grayed out and can not be selected anymore. The blue marked settings can be
selected at any time.
 Show Alarm-, Date- Timerange: With this function the sensor- and the time range selection window can be faded in
or out. The Result Window will be displayed bigger or smaller accordingly.
Remark: This function can be switched ON or OFF with a double click in the Result Window as well.

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Result Window Duval Graphic View

In the illustration Graphic View, the data points are displayed in the selected time range with the appropriate averaging in a
graphical curve progression:

 Context Menu
The following settings can be done via the context menu in the graphic view:

Remark: The settings in the red frame are only possible, if the Graphic- or the Duval Triangle View are active. When
changing to Table View they will be grayed out and can not be selected anymore. The blue marked settings can be
selected at any time
 Show Alarm-, Date- Timerange: With this function the sensor- and the time range selection window can be faded in
or out. The Result Window will be displayed bigger or smaller accordingly.

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Remark: This function can be switched ON or OFF with a double click in the Result Window as well. Result Window Duval Triangle View
In the illustration Duval Triangle View, the data points are displayed in the selected time range with the appropriate averaging
as a Duval Triangle (according typ 1):

D1 Discharges of low energy

D2 Discharges of high energy
DT Combination thermal faults & discharges
PD Partial discharges
T1 Thermal faults, t < 300°C
T2 Thermal faults,300°C < t < 700°C
T3 Thermal faults, t > 700°C

 Context Menu
The following settings can be done via the context menu in the graphic view:

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Remark: The settings in the red frame are only possible, if the Graphic- or the Duval Triangle View are active. When
changing to Table View they will be grayed out and can not be selected anymore. The blue marked settings can be
selected at any time
 Show Alarm-, Date- Timerange: With this function the sensor- and the time range selection window can be faded in
or out. The Result Window will be displayed bigger or smaller accordingly.

Function OFF Function ON

Remark: This function can be switched ON or OFF with a double click in the Result Window as well.
The sort of oil for the Duval-triangle can be selected here.
The sort of oil for the Duval-triangle (Duval Region) can be selected in the workin area of the Menu (3.6).
Different oil has different boundaries and fault zones. The selection ’standard’ corresponds to the type of oil IEC 60599.
Here the overview of the 6 different settings with the same data points:
Standard Biotemp FR3

IEC 60599 Midel Silicone

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Further processing of the displayed measurement data (Duval)

There are various options available to further process the existing data for Documentation purposes. The different options can
be selected via the context menu.
 Context menu
Table View Graphic View Duval Triangle View

Print Graph ... (

Screenshot -> Clipboard (

 Print Graph ... : (

 Screenshot -> Clipboard : (

3.6.2 Rogers (3D)

To view the read out measuring data as a Rogers 3D Ratio Graphic the entry has to be selected in the
corresponding transformer in the tree structure. Three different operation windows are available (see graphic):




The five gases are shown as relations in a 3D graphic (according IEC 60599 Relations: X-Axis (Ratio1)=C2H4/C2H6; Y-Axis
(Ratio2)=CH4/H2; Z-Axis (Ratio3)=C2H2/C2H6)
The individual operation windows have the following designation:
 Rogers Sensor Window (
 Timerange Selection Window (
 Result Window (
The Result Window offers the following options in the context menu (right mouse click):
 Continue processing the displayed measuring data (

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Rogers Sensor Window

The used sensors for the Rogers 3D Graphic are shown in the Rogers Sensor Window:

Sensor name

Status display

This is for the overview only.

Remark: The settings are fixed. The status display as well as the corresponding colors can not be changed. Time range Selection Window (Rogers)
The time range for the display in the Result Window is selected in this window:

Average Time Range



The Time range is selected in three steps:

 Average Timerange
The average value in the Result Window can be changed by means of the selection box or with selected time range
(blue background) with the arrow keys of the computer keyboard.

Red = Time Span smaller

Green = Time Span bigger

The following time values are available for the average value generation:
automatic 2 hours 1 day
4 hours 2 days
6 hours 4 days
12 hours 7 days
If "automatic" is selected the following average value generation is deposited at the corresponding time span:

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Selection Data Time Span Average Time Span

1 day
2 days 2 hours
3 days
1 week 4 hours
2 weeks 6 hours
3 weeks 8 hours
1 month 16 hours
2 month 24 hours
3 month 48 hours
6 96 hours
1 year
2 years 168 hours
depending on the amount of
Alle Daten
available measurements

Remark: The average value generation is displayed in square brackets in the header in table view of the Result
 Time Span
The time span in the Result Window can be changed by means of the selection box or with selected time span (blue
background) with the arrow keys of the computer keyboard.

Red = Time Span smaller

Green = Time Span bigger

The following time values are available:

1 day 1 week 1 month 1 year All Data
2 days 2 weeks 2 month 2 years
3 days 3 weeks 3 month
6 month
If ”All Data“ is chosen, the Time Span will automatically be adjusted to the timerange in which measurements are
 Start date
The start date is set by clicking with the mouse on the desired date in the calendar dialogue. A preceding or
subsequent month can be selected within the calendar dialogue by means of the arrow keys.

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Selection box month

Subsequent month

Selection box year

Preceding month

Remark: The calendar appears in the standard language of the operating system. Result Window (Rogers)
In the Result Window, the data points are displayed in the selected time range with the appropriate averaging. Activate the
context menu in the Result Window with a right mouse click and choose the desired display type.
Remark: The selection of the view can also be done via the View Menu in the Menubar.
The individual display types have the following designations:
 Result Window Rogers Tabel View (
 Result Window Rogers Graphic View (
 Result Window Rogers 3D View ( Result Window Rogers Table View
In the illustration Table View, the data points are displayed in a table within the selected time range with the appropriate

Beside of the data columns the table consists of a column containing the time of the measurement. It is named Date/Time. By
default the sequence of the data is ordered by Date/Time (oldest first).
 Context Menu
The following settings can be done via the context menu in the table view:

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Remark: The settings in the red frame are only possible, if the Graphic- or the Rogers 3 View are active. When
changing to Table View they will be grayed out and can not be selected anymore. The blue marked settings can be
selected at any time.
 Show Alarm-, Date- Time range: With this function the sensor- and the time range selection window can be faded in
or out. The Result Window will be displayed bigger or smaller accordingly.
Remark: This function can be switched ON or OFF with a double click in the Result Window as well. Result Window Rogers Graphic VIew
In the illustration Graphic View, the data points are displayed in the selected time range with the appropriate averaging in a
graphical curve progression:

 Context Menu
The following settings can be done via the context menu in the graphic view:

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Remark: The settings in the red frame are only possible, if the Graphic- or the Rogers 3D View are active. When
changing to Table View they will be grayed out and can not be selected anymore. The blue marked settings can be
selected at any
 Show Alarm-, Date- Timerange: With this function the sensor- and the time range selection window can be faded in
or out. The Result Window will be displayed bigger or smaller accordingly.

Function OFF Function ON

Remark: This function can be switched ON or OFF with a double click in the Result Window as well.

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Result Window Rogers 3D View

In the illustration Rogers 3D View, the relations of the data points are displayed as a Rogers 3D Ratio View with the selected
time range and the appropriate averaging:

DX Intersection of D1 and D2
D1 Discharges of low energy
D2 Discharges of high energy
DT Combination thermal faults & discharges
PD Partial discharges
T1 Thermal faults, t < 300°C
T2 Thermal faults,300°C < t < 700°C
T3 Thermal faults, t > 700°C

 Context Menu
The following settings can be done via the context menu in the Rogers 3D View:

Remark: The settings in the red frame are only possible, if the Graphic- or the Rogers 3 View are active. When
changing to Table View they will be grayed out and can not be selected anymore. The blue marked settings can be
selected at any time.
 Show Alarm-, Date- Timerange: With this function the sensor- and the time range selection window can be faded in
or out. The Result Window will be displayed bigger or smaller accordingly.

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Remark: This function can be switched ON or OFF with a double click in the Result Window as well.
In order to clarify whether certain data points are located in a bad sector, the display of the Rogers 3D Ratio View can be rotated
in a limited area around the Z axis. Once the mouse cursor is in the workspace, the icon changes to . The rotation can be
performed by clicking with the left mouse button in the relevant side of the workspace. In the left side of the work area (red)
the rotation is clockwise. In the right side of the work area (blue) the rotation is counterclockwise. The closer the position of
the cursor is to middle of the work area, the smaller the rotation steps become. The end positions are indicated by the symbols
(clockwise end position) and (counterclockwise end position). Through a left mouse click in the middle of the working
area the graph jumps back to the home position. Further processing of the displayed measurement data (Rogers)

There are various options available to further process the existing data for Documentation purposes. The different options can
be selected via the context menu.

 Context menu
Table View Graphic View Rogers 3D View

Print Graph ... (

Screenshot -> Clipboard (

 Print Graph ... : (

 Screenshot -> Clipboard: (

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3.7 Communication with SITRAM MULTISENSE Devices

With SITRAM Multisense Software it is possible to read data from SITRAM MULTISENSE devices (Configuration / Measurement
values / Alarms) or to write data onto the SITRAM MULTISENSE device (Configuration / Alarm acknowledgement / Set Time). For
data transmission the entry (level 3) of the related transformer has to be selected in the tree structure. The
selection buttons appear in the lower part of the working area with which the communication to the device can be initiated.

3.7.1 SITRAM MULTISENSE Communication

By pressing the button the dialog window „SITRAM MULTISENSE Communication“ opens:
The following selection- and input fields are available in the dialog window:
 Read Configuration: Reads the configuration of the SITRAM MULTISENSE device. That means that changes done in
SITRAM Multisense Software (marked with a star) will be over written with the configuration from the SITRAM
 Read History & Alerts: All measurement and alarm values which have not already read out at that time, will be read
and stored into the SITRAM Multisense Software database.
 Update Configuration: Writes all changes done in SITRAM Multisense Software to the SITRAM MULTISENSE device and
activates them. The numeric password (default 9999) is needed for this action.
 Reset Alerts: With this command all actual alarms which haven’t been acknowledged at that time will be
acknowledged. The numeric password (default 999) is needed for this action.
 Auto-disconnect when done: Automatically closes the connection when the data transfer is completed. This transfer
option is especially recommended when using a modem. As a result, connection costs can be reduced to a minimum.
 Synchronize with PC Clock: Automatically synchronizes the date and the time of the SITRAM MULTISENSE device with
the one set up on the PC. The numeric password (default 9999) is needed for this action.
 Password: Serves as security and is needed for several actions. Numeric default password: 9999.
 Timeout [s]: The default timeout is 5 seconds. When a modem is used an timeout of 20 seconds is recommended.
After the Start button is pressed, the content of the working area changes. Now the log window with the connection- and data
transfer status is shown.

By pressing the button the connection will be terminated immediately. This should
be prevented during the login to the device. After termination or abortion of the communication the log window can be closed
with this button. The transformer properties will be shown again in the working area. In case problems occur with
the communication the diagnostic data (log data) (3.4.1) can be used for trouble shooting.
3.7.2 SITRAM MULTISENSE Connection Scheduler General
Up to SITRAM Multisense Software version 1.0.16 the read out of SITRAM MULTISENSE data had to be initialized manually.
With the version 1.0.18 an automatic read out is available. The automatic data read out is realized with the Windows based
connection scheduler and is integrated in SITRAM Multisense Software. Description of the Connection Scheduler
Following you find a detailed description of the connection scheduler (the „italic written terms” relate to descriptions in the
dialog window of the connection scheduler).
The connection scheduler is a separate process and runs, if active, in the back ground of SITRAM Multisense Software. When
„Scheduled Data Read-Out” is active the transformers will be checked every 15 seconds if any data read out is available. As soon
a transformer is active, it will be checked if the actual time is greater than the point of time „Next Connect at:”. On this way an
internal list with open data read outs will be generated.
In case the list is not empty it will be processed step by step until all transformers are read out before a new list is being
On each transformer data read out, information will be supplied. On every successful read out the „Connect Fail Count:” will be
set to zero and the „Next Connect at:” is updated (actual time and „Connect Interval:” will be added – optional synchronized to
the „Connect Time [s]:” if available).
In case of an error, the „Connect Fail Count:” will be increased by one and the point of time „Next Connect at:” will be
overwritten by the actual time plus a delay. If the „Connect Fail Count:” is less than 3 a new connection with a delay of 5
minutes will be initialized. If the „Connect Fail Count:” is less than 5 a new connection with a delay of 10 minutes will be
initialized. When the „Connect Fail Count:” reaches the value 5, the „Next Connect at:” is updated (actual time and „Connect
Interval:” will be added – optional synchronized to the „Connect Time [s]:” if available. The same as with
successful connections.).
By the time the connection scheduler notices that the length of time since the moment „Next Connect at:” is 3 times bigger
than the „Connect Interval:”, the „Connect Fail Count:” will be set to 4. On transformers with error status, this leads to a double
connection attempt if the application was not active for a longer period of time.
The following points should be noticed:
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 Changes which were created by the connection scheduler need some time until they are visualized in the tree
 Even if the read out status of a transformer is bad, a connection attempt based on the „Connect Interval:” will always
be initiated.
 A manual data read out will not change the moment „Next Connect at:”. Even if a manual data read out is directly
before the moment „Next Connect at:” the planed data read out will be executed as well.
A log file ´Scheduler.log´ will be generated in the SITRAM Multisense Software data folder. In case of problems with the
connection scheduler a view in this file can help finding the error. The entries in the log file are English.
Note: It is not possible to write the configuration or to acknowledge alerts with the connection
scheduler. Still these actions are to be performed manually. Only setting the time is possible using the connection scheduler
and the corresponding password. Configuration of a Transformer for Automatic Data Read Out

The settings for the configuration of a transformer for automatic data read out are realized in the
dialog window SITRAM MULTISENSE connection scheduler (

To open the dialog window SITRAM MULTISENSE connection scheduler the corresponding transformer has to be selected in the
tree structure. Afterwards the dialog window can be opened with the button.
Note: There is also the possibility to open the dialog window via the transformer menu ( or the context menu (3.3.3). Input Window SITRAM MULTISENSE Connection scheduler

The automatic data read out will be configured via the dialog window. For more details please
refer to chapter „Description of the Connection scheduler” (
 Scheduled Data Read-Out: Selection field to activate the automatic data read out.
 Check Serial Number: Selection field for serial number verification - always active.
 Connect Interval: Selection field for the time between the data read outs (1…12 hours, 1…3 days, 1…3 weeks or 1
month). After a successful data read out this time will be added to the actual time and so the moment will be
calculated when the next read out starts.
 Connect Time [s]: When the connect interval is at least 1 day, the time on which the data read out shall start can be
defined here. The connect time is entered in the format hh:mm:00 (seconds always have to be zero). In case the
function „start time synchronal to clock time” is not desired or needed, a minus (-) has to be entered.
 Data Read Timeout [s]: This timeout has the same meaning as the timeout for manual
connections. This time will be waited until the connection will be terminated due to communication errors. The default
timeout is 5 seconds. If using a modem a timeout of 20 seconds is recommended.
 Next Connect at: The calculated moment for the next data read out is shown here.
Note: In case a test of the connection scheduler is desired, time and date will change with a
double click on this field and a connection to the device is performed in the immediate future
(afterwards the dialog window must be closed by pressing OK).
 Connect Fail Count: The summarized connection errors are shown in this field.
Note: With a double click on this field, the error counter will be reset to zero (afterwards the
dialog window must be closed by pressing OK).

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Visualisation of the Connection scheduler

The status of the connection scheduler is shown by a change of the symbols of customer, station and transformer in the tree
structure. The following sub chapters explain the related symbols. Visualisation Customer Icon
The visualisation of the customer icon is derived from the status of all transformers.
Automatic read out for a transformer active and read out status ok.
Automatic read out for a transformer active and start of a read out in the immediate
Automatic read out for a transformer active and actually running. Visualisation Station Icon
The visualisation of the station icon is derived from the status of the transformers that are assigned to this station.
No automatic data read out active for this station – default symbol.
Automatic read out for a transformer active and read out status ok.
(connection error less than 3)
, Automatic read out for a transformer active and read out status bad. The connection was interrupted
several times and could not be established.
( : more than 2 errors, : more than 5 errors)
Automatic read out for a transformer active and data read out starts in the immediate future. This
visualisation overwrites the good- or bad visualisation icon.
Automatic read out for a transformer active and actually running. Visualisation Transformer Icon
The visualisation of the transformer icon is derived from the status of the SITRAM MULTISENSE device.
No automatic data read out active – default symbol.
Automatic data read out active and read out status ok (connection error less than 3).
, Automatic data read out active and read out status bad. The connection was interrupted several times and
could not be established.
( : more than 2 errors, : more than 5 errors)
Automatic data read out active and data read out starts in the immediate future. This visualisation
overwrites the good- or bad visualisation icon.
Automatic data read out active and actually running.
Automatic data read out active and communication connection to the transformer occupied by another
application (manual connection or online sensors). This visualisation overwrites the good- or bad
visualisation icon.

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The following screen shots are showing the functionality of the connection scheduler.
The connection scheduler is active and has scanned the transformers. The future read outs ( and ) are
selected. Station 2 does not contain any transformers that have an
automatic read out activated.

The connection scheduler has established the connection to transformer 4 in station 1. The communication buttons in the
working area are deactivated. The changed background color (light pastel yellow) of the buttons indicates that the data read
out is actually running.

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The connection to transformer1 in station 1 was interrupted more than 5 times or could not be
established. The transformer as well as the station is shown with the corresponding error symbol (red station, red transformer).

3.7.3 Windows Task Scheduler with SITRAM Multisense Software Connection scheduler
The automatic data read out with the SITRAM Multisense Software connection scheduler can be retrieved via the
Windows task scheduler.
Windows contains an assistant that guides you step by step through the creation of a new task.
Follow these instructions to create a task for SITRAM Multisense Software. The task scheduling depends on the personal
necessity and the data read out with SITRAM Multisense Software. If, for example, you want to perform a daily data read out
with SITRAM Multisense Software, you have to invoke the Windows task scheduler daily as well.
When the task input with the Windows task scheduler is finished, the SITRAM Multisense Software task can be optimized with
the command line parameters (
Note: Communication settings and the connection to the device should be checked before a SITRAM Multisense Software task
is initiated via the Windows task scheduler. Command Line Parameters for the Windows Task Scheduler
By invoking the data read out from SITRAM Multisense Software via the Windows task scheduler two command line
parameters can be used.
Example: <Path>\SITRAM Multisense Software -IdleClose 0:15:00 –Minimized Parameter „IdleClose“
The command line parameter „Idle Close” closes the application as soon all data has been read out from SITRAM MULTISENSE
device. This command has to be set with a time which defines the closing delay. This closing delay must have the following
format: [hh:mm:ss].
The SITRAM Multisense Software connection scheduler scans the transformers in regard to the next data read out and
determines so the starting point. In case the rest time until the next data read out is greater than the „Idle Close”-time the
application will be closed. If a data read out should take place every day the default „Idle Close”-time should be set to 15
minutes. This leaves the possibility to repeat the dial-up in case of a failure and closes the application within a reasonable time
if a communication error occurs.

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Parameter „Minimized”

The command line parameter „Minimized” limits the application to the minimal program window size when opened (program
only visible in the task bar).
Note: A SITRAM Multisense Software application, opened by the Windows task scheduler, will be closed immediately and
without any error message if there is a manual started SITRAM Multisense Software application already running.
3.7.4 Lock Data Folder
A soon a SITRAM Multisense Software application is running, the data folder will be secured by SITRAM Multisense Software
with a (file-) lock. It is not possible to start an additional SITRAM Multisense Software application at the same time.
The lock serves the data integrity in case a user is already working with a SITRAM Multisense Software application and in the
background another SITRAM Multisense Software application (e.g. an application started by the Windows task scheduler) is
trying to have access to the data.
The SITRAM Multisense Software application will close with the following error message (see picture) if the data folder is
already used at its start.

3.8 View Measurement values (History)

To view the read out measurement values (History), select the entry of the corresponding transformer in the
tree structure. Three operation windows are available in the working area (see picture):



Time span

The individual operation windows in the working area have the following labels:
 Sensor selection window (3.8.1)
 Time span selection window (3.8.2)
 Result window (3.8.3)
By the context menu (right mouse click) in the result window the following options arise:
 Further processing of the shown data (3.8.4)

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3.8.1 Sensor Selection Window

The different sensors available in the SITRAM MULTISENSE devices are shown in the sensor selection window (depending on
the type of the device):

Time span (from / to)


Sensor device
Last transferred value
Sensor name
Activation mark with status display
Beside of the sensor name the last transferred data, the device and the time span (from / to), in which measurement values ar e
available, will be displayed. There is an activation mark in front of the sensor name (i. e.: : H2 Sensor is activated and
therefore shown in the result window). With a double click on the sensor name or the associated activation mark, the view in
the result window of the corresponding sensor can be changed. In this case the scaling of the active sensor will automatically
be projected on the Y-Axis.
 Activation mark with Status Display
Sensor view active – Scaling is displayed on the left Y-Axis

Sensor view active – Scaling is displayed on the right Y-Axis

Sensor view inactive
With a right mouse click on the sensor name or the corresponding activation mark the context menu will open.
 Context menu

Add to left Y-Axis: The scale is displayed on the left Y-Axis.

Add to right Y-Axis: The scale is displayed on the right Y-Axis.
Remove: The display of the sensor is deactivated.
Set Color: The window „Set Sensor Color“ will open.
Note: The pre-selection related to Y-Axis scale (left or right) will be illustrated with the icon and remains according
to the last selection.

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 Set Sensor Color

In the selection window „Set Sensor Color“ the desired color can be assigned to the selected sensor (in this case CO):

If the color is already assigned to a sensor, the corresponding name will be displayed on the right side of the color
icon. However if you want to assign a color that is already allocated, you have the possibility to overwrite the color
assignation. Therefore the message „Overwrite ‘XX’ Color assignment?” has to be confirmed by pressing OK.

3.8.2 Time Span Selection Window Measurement Values

In this window the time span can be selected. The measurement values for this selected time span are displayed in the result

Time Span
Selection field
Scrollbar (1 ... 12 hours)

Start Date

The time span has to be selected in two steps:

 Time span
The time span in the result window can be changed in the time range selection window or by selected time span field
(blue background) with the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Red = Time span smaller

Green = Time span bigger

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The following time intervals are available:

1 hour 1 day 1 week 1 month 1 year All Data
2 hours 2 days 2 weeks 2 month 2 years
3 hours 3 days 3 weeks 3 month
6 hours 6 month
12 hours
On selecting „All Data” the time span will automatically be adjusted to the range in which
measurement values are available.

Note: The scroll bar appears only when selecting 1, 2, 3, 6 or 12 hours, with a resolution of
1 hour. The scroll bar can be moved with the arrow keys or selected and moved with the left mouse button.
 Start Date
The start date is set with a mouse click on the desired date in the calendar dialog. The previous or next month can be
selected with the arrow keys in the calendar dialog.

Selection window month

Next month

Selection window year

Previous month

Note: The calendar appears in the default language of the operating system.

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3.8.3 Result Window

The results for all activated sensors will be displayed in the result window for the chosen time span. A right mouse click in the
result window activates the context menu. Choose the desired display view:
The individual display formats have the following label:
 Result Window Table view (
 Result Window Graph view (Error! Reference source not found.) Result Window Table View
In the table view the measurement values of the active sensors will be displayed for the selected time span in a table:

Beside of the measurement value columns the table contains a column with the time stamp. This column is named with
Date/Time. By default the order of the measurement value is sorted by Date/Time (oldest data first).
 Context Menu
In the table view the following settings can be done via the context menu:

Note: The red marked settings are only available in active table view. On a change to graph view they will be grayed
out and cannot be selected anymore. The blue marked settings are always available.
 Show Date- & Span-Panel: The sensors- and the time span selection window can be switched on or off with this
function. The result window will be displayed smaller or bigger accordingly.
Note: With a double click of the left mouse button in the result window this function can also be switched on or off.
 Export to Excel: (
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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Result Window Graph View

In the graph view the measurement values of the active sensors will be displayed for the selected time span in a graph trend:

By moving the cursor to a desired position on the graph, the corresponding measurement value will be displayed as decimal
value with date and time in a light yellow pop up window.
 Context Menu
In the graph view the following settings can be done via the context menu:

Note: The red marked settings are only available in active graph view. On a change to table view they will be grayed
out and cannot be selected anymore. The blue marked settings are always available.
 Set Axis Scaling ... : By selecting „Set Axis Scaling …” the input window „Axis Scaling” opens:

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The scale setting of both axis (left Y-axis and right Y-axis) can be done independently from each other. By selecting
„Auto” the range will be adjusted automatically related to the active sensors. If the relation between the individual
sensors becomes too big, the assignment of the sensors (3.7.1) to both Y-axes can be selected manually.
 Mark Curve Points: Every single measurement value is displayed with a cross marker in the curve shape.

Function OFF Function ON

 Show Measure Gaps: Here you can choose whether missing data will be displayed with a gap or if the gap between
the measurement values will be interpolated.

Function OFF Function ON

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 Full Detail for long Time Periods: To ensure a fast presentation over long time spans,
average values will be displayed over the curve shape. By activating this function, all measurement values will be
displayed on the curve shape.

Function OFF Function ON

 Show Date- &Span-Panel: The sensor- and the time span selection window can be switched on or off with this
function. The result window will be displayed smaller or bigger accordingly.

Function OFF Function ON

Note: With a double click of the left mouse button in the result window the sensor- and the time span selection
window can be switched on or off as well.
 Print Graph ... : (
 Screenshot -> Clipboard: (

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3.8.4 Further Processing of the displayed measurement values

There are several possibilities available to further process the available measurement values for documentation purposes. The
different possibilities can be selected via the context menu.
 Context menu
Table View Graph View

Export to Excel (

Print Graph ... (
Screenshot -> Clipboard (
Note: The functions „ Export ►„ ( and „Print Graph …” ( can be selected via the menu bar as well. Export to Excel
The active sensors in the selected time span can be exported into an Excel-file via the function
„Export to Excel …”.
Note: The export into a text-file (CSV) is only possible via the menu bar entry ( Isolated
problems can occur in interaction between some MS Windows- and MS Excel-versions. In this case the table export should be
done via CSV export ( This text-file (.csv) can be opened in Excel
afterwards and then be saved as an Excel-file (.xls).

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You have the possibility to print out the result window. With the function „Print Graph …” the print preview window will open
(see below). More functions are available in this window (e.g. print command, zoom, page view and close).

Note: The function „Print Graph …” can be activated via the menu bar entry ( as well. Copy of the Result Window to the Windows Clipboard

With this function (Screenshot -> Clipboard), the actual content of the result window will be copied into the Windows
clipboard. With the shortcut [Ctrl + V] the content of the clipboard can be pasted into any program.


Ctrl + V

Note: As soon an additional copy- or cut command is being performed the clipboard will be
overwritten and the content of the result window will not be available any longer!

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3.9 View Alarms

To view read out alarms (Alerts), select the entry of the corresponding transformer in the tree structure. Three
operation windows are available in the working area (see picture):



Time span

The individual operation windows in the working area have the following labels:
 Alarm selection window (3.9.1)
 Time span selection window (3.9.2)
 Alarm window (3.9.3)
By the context menu (right mouse click) in the alert window the following options arise:
 Further processing of the shown alerts (3.9.4)

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3.9.1 Alarm Selection Window

In the alarm selection window the various available alarms can be activated. In the time span selection window the time range
to be viewed will be defined and displayed in the alarm window.

The alarms which were configured in the alarm setup (3.5.1) or directly on the device are displayed in the alarm selection
window. On the SITRAM MULTISENSE types 5 and 9 the alarm “extraction error” will be displayed by default. Beside of the alarm
name the last alarm state is displayed, that means after the read out of the data it represents the actual condition.

Time span (From / To)

Alarm name
Activation mark with status display
The activation mark with status display is in front of the alarm name. With a double click on the alarm name or the activation
mark the display of the corresponding alarm can be changed.
 Activation mark with status display
Alarm display active – Alarm state 0

Alarm display active – Alarm state 3

Alarm display inactive – Alarm state 0

Alarm display inactive – Alarm state 3

The context menu can be opened with a right mouse click on the alarm name or the
corresponding activation mark.
 Context menu

Add: The display of the alarm in the alarm window will be activated.
Remove: The display of the alarm in the alarm window will be deactivated.
3.9.2 Alarm Time Span Window
In this window the time span to be shown in the alarm window will be selected.

Time span
Selection field
Scroll bar (1 ... 12 hours)

Start Date

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The time span has to be selected in two steps:

 Time span
The time span in the result window can be changed in the time range selection window or by selected time span field
(blue background) with the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Red = Time span smaller

Green = Time span bigger

The following time intervals are available:

1 hour 1 day 1 week 1 month 1 year All Data
2 hours 2 days 2 weeks 2 month 2 years
3 hours 3 days 3 weeks 3 month
6 hours 6 month
12 hours
On selecting „All Data” the time span will automatically be adjusted to the range in which
measurement values are available.

Note: The scroll bar appears only when selecting 1, 2, 3, 6 or 12 hours, with a resolution of
1 hour. The scroll bar can be moved with the arrow keys or selected and moved with the left mouse button.
 Start Date
The start date is set with a mouse click on the desired date in the calendar dialog. The previous or next month can be
selected with the arrow keys in the calendar dialog.

Selection window month

Next month

Selection window year

Previous month

Note: The calendar appears in the default language of the operating system.
3.9.3 Alarm Window
The results for all activated alarms will be displayed in the alarm window for the chosen time span. A right mouse click in the
alarm window activates the context menu. Choose the desired display view:
The individual display formats have the following label:
 Alarm window table view (

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 Alarm window graph view (

Note: The table view contains more information than the graph view. Alert Window Table View
In table view the data of the active alarms will be displayed in a table for the selected time range:



Name / Alert status

Date / Time

The table contains the following columns:

 Date / Time
The moment of the alarm state alteration is displayed with date and time. By default the order of the alarms is
displayed by date/time (oldest date first).
 Name / Alarm state
The name of the related alarm which was configured in SITRAM Multisense Software alarm setup (3.5.1) or directly on
the device is in the column title. The alarm status or the alarm state (0 … 4) is displayed in the rows.
 Value
The value that is assigned to the alarm will be displayed at the moment of the alarm state alteration. I.e. with delay =
0 it is the same value as the level (threshold) and with delay > 0 it is the value after expiring of the delay time.
 Device
This column describes the device of the measurement value on which the alarm is referenced.

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 Context Menu
In the table view the following settings can be done via the context menu:

Note: The red marked settings are only available in active table view. On a change to graph view they will be grayed
out and cannot be selected anymore. The blue marked settings are always available.

 Show Date- &Span-Panel: The alarm- and the time span selection window can be switched on or off with this
function. The alarm window will be displayed smaller or bigger accordingly.
Note: With a double click of the left mouse button in the alarm window this function can also be switched on or off.
 Export to Excel: ( Alarm Window Graph View

In the graph view all active alarms will be displayed for the selected time span in a graph trend:

Visible alarms
Alarm legend

Graphical trend

Visible time span

Y-Axis scaling
State legend

The graph view contains the following information:

 Visible alarms
The alarm legend of the activated alarms in the alarm selection window is shown here again.
 Graphical trend
Related to the settings in the alarm selection window, the graphical trend is displayed for the visible time span.
 Visible time span
In this window the time related information of the alarms (X-Axis) is shown.
 Y-Axis scaling
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In the graph view as well as in the table view 5 different alarm states are displayed. The meaning of the different
states is as follows:
0->None 
No alarm active. I.e. the threshold “level 1” of the alarm was not exceeded in the past or the pending alarm was
acknowledged in the past.
1->Level 1* 
The defined threshold “level 1” for a Hi - alarm was exceeded in the past. The threshold “level 1” was underrun again.
2-> Level 2* 
The defined threshold “level 2” for a Hi - Hi - alarm was exceeded in the past. The thresholds “level 2” and “level 1”
were underrun again.
3-> Level 1 
The defined threshold “level 1” for a Hi - alarm is currently exceeded.
4-> Level 2 
The defined threshold “level 2” for a Hi - Hi - alarm is currently exceeded
Following an example of the same alarm trend in both display formats:

 Context menu
In the graph view the following settings can be done via the context menu:

Note: The red marked settings are only available in active table view. On a change to graph view they will be grayed
out and cannot be selected anymore. The blue marked settings are always available.
 Show Date- &Span-Panel: The alerts- and the time span-panel can be switched on or off with this function. The result
window will be displayed smaller or bigger accordingly.

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Function OFF Function ON

Note: With a double click of the left mouse button in the alarm window the alarm- and time span selection window
can be switched on or off as well.
 Print Graph ... : (

3.9.4 Further Processing of the displayed Alerts

There are several possibilities available to further process the available alarms for documentation purposes. The different
possibilities can be selected via the context menu.

 Context menu
Table View Graph View

Export to Excel ... (

Print Graph ... (

Note: The functions „ Export ►„ ( and „Print Graph …” ( can be
selected via the menu bar as well. Export to Excel …

The active alarms in the selected time span can be exported into an Excel-file via the function
„Export to Excel …”
Note: The export into a text-file (CSV) is only possible via the menu bar entry ( Isolated
problems can occur in interaction between some MS Windows- and MS Excel-versions. In this case the table export should be
done via CSV export ( This text-file (.csv) can be opened in Excel
afterwards and then be saved as an Excel-file (.xls).

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You have the possibility to print out the alarm window. With the function „Print Graph …” the print
preview window will open (see below). More functions are available in this window (e.g.
print command, zoom, page view and close)

Note: The function „Print Graph …” can be activated via the menu bar entry ( as well.

3.10 Online Sensors

To show and record actual measurement values the menu could be selected under the corresponding
transformer. In the online mode ideally all sensors will be recorded every second. The cycle time however depends on the
interface used for the device (modem, serial interface or network) and their settings. In worst case the cycle time increases up
to 5 … 10 seconds.
The following display appears in the working area:

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Time Span

The individual operation windows on the working area have the following labels:
 Sensor selection window online sensors (Error! Reference source not found.)
 Time span selection window online sensors (3.10.2)
 Result window online sensors (3.10.3)
By the context menu (right mouse click) in the result window the following options arise:
 Further processing of the online values (3.10.4)
3.10.1 Sensor Selection Window Online Sensors
All sensors which are available in the SITRAM MULTISENSE device (related to the device type) are displayed in the sensor
selection window (Visible Sensors). Basically all sensors will be recorded, even if they are not displayed active in the result

Sensor device

Sensor name
Activation mark with status display

The sensor device is displayed on the right side of the sensor name. There is an activation mark in front of the sensor name
(i.e.: : H2 Sensor is activated and therefore shown in the result window). The color for the displayed sensor is assigned
automatically. With a double click (left mouse button) on the sensor name or the associated activation mark the view in the
result window of the corresponding sensor can be changed.
 Activation mark with Status Display

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Sensor view active – Scaling is displayed on the left Y-Axis

Sensor view active – Scaling is displayed on the right Y-Axis

Sensor view inactive
With a right mouse click on the sensor name or the corresponding activation mark the context menu will open.
 Context menu

Add to left Y-Axis: The scaling is displayed on the left Y-Axis.

Add to right Y-Axis: The scaling is displayed on the right Y-Axis.
Remove: The display of the sensor is deactivated.
Note: The presetting related to display on Y-Axis (left or right) will be represented with and stays according to the last
3.10.2 Time Span Selection Window Online Sensors
The time relevant settings as well as the communication connection can be done in the time span selection window.

Visible Time Span

Scroll Bar / Graph Width [s]

Recording Time Span

Scroll Bar / Recording Time [h]

Communication connection
Start / Stop / Online Status

 Visible time span

The visible time span in the result window can be adjusted by the scroll bar. Either it can be selected and shifted with
the left mouse button or selected with the left mouse button and shifted with the arrow keys (left and right) on the
keyboard. The maximum time span relates to the time span of the data recording. The settings grid is 30 seconds and
will be displayed as a time value [hh:mm:ss] in the field graph width [s].
The visible time span can be adjusted to the desired value at any time.

Left Mouse Button Left Mouse Button & arrow keys

Select and shift Select with left mouse button
Shift with arrow keys

 Time Span Recording

The time span recording is adjusted via the scroll bars as well. Either it can be selected and shifted with the left mouse
button or selected with the left mouse button and shifted with the arrow keys (left and right) on the keyboard. The
time span can be adjusted from 1 … 12 hours. The increments are 1 hour and will be displayed as a time value
[hh:mm:ss] in the field recording time [h]. The time span recording has to be set before the communication
connection is active.

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Left Mouse Button

Select and shift

Left Mouse Button & arrow keys

Select with left mouse button
Shift with arrow keys

Note: When a data recording is not finished within the defined time span, the already recorded data will be
overwritten continuously.
 Communication connection with Online Status
To ensure the communication connection to the device the correct connection settings (3.4) for the desired device
have to be defined first.
The data recording will start.

The data recording will be terminated.

The actual online status will be displayed right to the start- and stop buttons.
Online Status:

Offline Establish connection Data read out active Cancel connection Offline

Note: There is no context menu for the time span connection window.
3.10.3 Result Window Online Sensors
The actual data of the online sensors will be shown as a curve progression in the result window. The desired detail of the curve
progression can be chosen via the zoom function and the „visible time span”. Further processing of the data is possible from

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Visible Sensors
Color Legend

Actual Measurement Values

Visible Time Span [s]
Scaling left Y-Axis
Scaling right Y-Axis

Actual Time Span

Scroll Bar
Start Time
Visible Interval

 Visible Sensors
The color legend for the active sensors in the sensor selection window is being displayed here again.

 Actual Measurement Values

The graphical curve progression (actual measurement values) is displayed related to the settings in the sensor
selection window (color and assignment Y-axis) for the visible time span [s] (e.g. 2300 … 4600 [s]). The cursor icon (
-> ) changes as soon it is within the window „Actual Data”. This means that the function zoom is available.
Zooming works as follows:
1. Bring the cursor into its desired position, press and hold the left mouse button,
2. Drag the cursor to its next position,
3. Release the left mouse button,
4. The actual measurement values window shows now the zoomed area.

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 Actual Time Span

The time based information of the measurement values (X-Axis) is displayed in this window. In case the visible time
span is less than the time span of the data recording, a scroll bar appears with which you can scroll back and forward
and so the desired visible interval can be selected.

The chosen interval can be hold by mark the selection field (freeze):
Freeze the displayed interval: switched ON

Freeze the displayed interval: switched OFF

Freeze the displayed interval: Inactive (no recording active)

Start time: Time on which the data recording was started [hh:mm:ss]
Visible Interval: Start- and End time of the visible interval [hh:mm:ss]
3.10.4 Further Processing of the Online Values
Out of the result window online sensors the data can be further processed. The different options can be selected via the
context menu.
 Context menu
Graph -> Clipboard (
Export Data to ► (
Print Graph ... (
Unzoom Graph (
Delete Data (

Note: The function „Export Data to ►

” can be selected via the menu bar entry ( as well. Copy of the Result Window to the Windows Clipboard

The window „Actual Measurement Values” will be copied into the Windows clipboard.

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Ctrl + V

With the command “paste” or with the shortcut [Ctrl + V] the content of the clipboard can be pasted into the desired program. Export
The actual data will be exported with the function „Export Data to ►
” into an Excel- or CSV-file. The export contains the values of
all existing sensors in its corresponding cycle time.
Excel ...
CSV ...
Note: Depending on the used operating system and the Excel version installed on your PC, it can rarely happens, that the
communication to the device will be interrupted when an Excel export is being
performed during an active data read out. Print
By selecting the context menu entry „Print Graph ... „ the following preview window opens:

More functions are available in this window (e.g. print command, zoom, page view and close)
Note: The function „Print Graph …” can be activated via the menu entry ( as well.

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The zoomed Y-Axis scaling will be set back the start value.

Unzoom Graph Delete Data

The actual measurement values can be deleted with the context menu entry „Delete Data”.

Delete data

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3.11 Extraction Status

To view the actual process flow and the extraction status of the SITRAM MULTISENSE device (for SITRAM MULTISENSE 5 and
SITRAM MULTISENSE 9 only) the entry has to be selected in the corresponding transformer in the tree
The following windows are available in the work area:

Selection Result
Window Window


Selection Result
Window Window

In online mode, all sensors are ideally recorded every second. However, the cycle time depends upon the used communication
interface (modem, serial interface or network) and its settings. In worst case, the cycle time increases to 5 ... 10 seconds.

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The individual operating windows have the following designations:

 Result Selection Window Extraction Status (3.11.1)
 Result Window Extraction Status (3.11.2)
3.11.1 Result Selection Window Extraction Status
In the Result Selection Window the result relevant settings are done as well as establishing the connection to the device.

 Result selection
Here the selection between the two result views can be done (view Extraction Status or Prozess Flow in the result
window). The selection can be changed at any time.
 Establish Communication with Online Status
To ensure the communication connection to the device, the correct connection settings (3.4) for the desired device
have to be done first.
The online connection will be started.

The online connection will be canceled.

The actual online status is visualized to the right of the Start- and Stop button.
Online Status:

Offline Establish connection Online connection active Cancel connection Offline

Remark: There is no context menu for the Result Selection Window.

3.11.2 Result Window Extraction Status

Depending on the selection in the Result Selection Window (3.11.1) either the actual process flow or the actual extraction satus
will be displayed in the result window.

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Extraction Status Process Flow

The individual result windows have the following designation:

 Extraction Status (
 Process Flow (
 Overview Process Flow and Extraction Status (
Remark: There is no context menu for the Result Selection Window. Extraction Status

The measurement and extraction components as well as the time bar graph of the SITRAM MULTISENSE device are being
displayed in the Extraction Status view:

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Status information
Time bar graph

Device status
Measurement- and
extraction components

The Result Window Extraction Status contains the following information:

 Device Status
Depending on the process step the extraction components will be displayed active. The corresponding readings
appear at the measuring components

Measurement- and extraction components

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Legend Name Short name (Valve function)

[1] In- / outlet valve Valve V6 (NC)
[2] Degassing valve Valve V1 (NC)
[3] Oil pump Pump P1 -
[4] Bypass valve oil pump Valve V5 (NO)
[5] Extraction chamber - -
[6] Measurement cell isolation valve Valve V2 (NC)
[7] Ventilation valve Valve V4 (NC)
[8] Measurement cell - -
[9] Depression valve Valve V3 (NC)
[10] Depression compressor Compressor K1 -
[11] Oil flow meter Flow F1
[12] Moisture in oil sensor Moisture H2O
[13] Oil temperature sensor Temperature T2
[14] Level sensor zero detection Level L0
[15] Temperature sensor heating extraction -
[16] Level sensor low extraction chamber Level L1
[17] Level sensor high extraction chamber Level L2
[18] Gas temperature measurement cell Temperature T1
[19] Gas moisture measurement cell -
[20] Pressure sensor measurement cell -
[21] Temperature sensor heating measurement cell -
(NC): Valve Normally Closed (NO): Valve Normally Open

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Measurement- and extraction components

Legend Name Short name (Valve function)

[1] In- / outlet valve Valve V9 (NC)
[2] Degassing valve Valve V1 (NC)
[3] Oil pump Pump P1 -
[4] Bypass valve oil pump Valve V5 (NO)
[5] Extraction chamber - -
[6] Measurement cell isolation valve Valve V2 (NC)
[7] Ventilation valve - measurement cell 1 Valve V4 (NC)
[8] Measurement cell 1 (1005) - -
[9] Depression valve - measurement cell 1 Valve V3 (NC)
[10] Depression compressor Compressor K1 -
[11] Oil flow meter Flow F1
[12] Moisture in oil sensor Moisture H2O
[13] Oil temperature sensor Temperature T2
[14] Level sensor zero detection Level L0
[15] Temperature sensor heating -
extraction chamber
[16] Level sensor low extraction chamber Level L1
[17] Level sensor high extraction chamber Level L2
[18] Gas temperature measurement cell Temperature T1
[19] Gas moisture measurement cell -

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[20] Pressure sensor measurement cell -

[21] Temperature sensor heating -
measurement cell 1
[22] Measurement cell switching valve Valve V6 (NC)
[23] Depression valve - measurement cell 2 Valve V7 (NC)
[24] Measurement cell 2 (1008) -
[25] Ventilation valve - measurement cell 2 Valve V8 (NC)
[26] Temperature sensor heating -
measurement cell 2
(NC): Valve Normally Closed
(NO): Valve Normally Open
 Status Information
The status information displays the progress within the process flow and is presented with up to 5 time bar graphs (3
dark and 2 light green). Each time bar graph depicts the degree of fulfillment of a partial step within the process step

Sub step 1
Sub step 2
Sub step 3
Sub step 4
Sub step 5

Time bar graph

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In the Process Flow view, the process steps and the time bar graph of the SITRAM MULTISENSE device are being displayed:

Status information
Time bar graph

Process information
Process steps

The Result Window Prozess Flow contains the following information:

 Process Information
The current process step is active shown in green.

In case of an error or a not installed device an additional step (red) will be displayed in the upper right area of the
result window.

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual

 Status Information
 The status information displays the progress within the process flow and is presented with up to 5 time bar graphs (3
dark and 2 light green). Each time bar graph depicts the degree of fulfillment of a partial step within the process step.

Sub step 1
Sub step 2
Sub step 3
Sub step 4
Sub step 5

Time bar graph Overview Process Flow and Extraction Status

Following you will find all process steps with its corresponding extraction status illlustrations.

 Wait (clock-Sync.) (

 Zero measurement (
 Depression (Error! Reference source not found.)
 Fill Level 1 (
 Filled Level 1 (
 Circulate (
 Fill Level 2 (
 Filled Level 2 (
 Measurement (Error! Reference source not found.)
 Purging (Error! Reference source not found.)
 Not installed (Error! Reference source not found.)
 Ready (Error! Reference source not found.)
 Detect – Disassemble (
 Draining (Error! Reference source not found.) Wait (clock-Sync.)

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Zero measurement Depression Fill Level 1 Filled Level 1

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Circulate Fill Level 2 Filled Level 2 Measurement

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Purging Not installed Ready

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual Detect – Disassemble Draining

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SITRAM® Multisense Software Installation and Operation Manual

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