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Software installation 2
Industrial Ethernet / PROFINET
Primary Setup Tool (PST)

Configuration Manual

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Siemens AG C79000-G8976-C204-07 Copyright © Siemens AG 2002 - 2017.

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This document describes the installation and operation of the SIMATIC NET Primary Setup
Tool (PST).
This manual applies to the Primary Setup Tool version 4.2 + HF1.

Primary Setup Tool (PST) on the Internet and on CD

The Primary Setup Tool is available from Siemens Automation and Drives Service & Support
on the Internet at the following address:
Link: (
With some devices, the Primary Setup Tool is included on the data medium (CD / DVD) as
part of the product.

License conditions

Open source software
Read the license conditions for open source software carefully before using the product.

You will find the license conditions as a loadable file when you install the sorftware.

Security information
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
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Customer is responsible to prevent unauthorized access to its plants, systems, machines
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Primary Setup Tool (PST)

Configuration Manual, 04/2017, C79000-G8976-C204-07 3

To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
Feed under
Link: (

SIMATIC NET glossary

Explanations of the specialist terms used in this documentation can be found in the SIMATIC
NET glossary.
You will find the SIMATIC NET glossary here:
The DVD ships with most SIMATIC NET products.
● On the Internet under the following entry ID:
Link: (

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

4 Configuration Manual, 04/2017, C79000-G8976-C204-07
Table of contents

Preface ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1 Functions ................................................................................................................................................ 7
1.1 Properties and functions ........................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Supported operating systems ................................................................................................... 8
2 Software installation ................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 Security notice .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Installing the Primary Setup Tool .............................................................................................. 9
3 Operation .............................................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 User interface and menu commands ......................................................................................11
3.2 Settings for the Primary Setup Tool ........................................................................................13
3.3 Configuring Ethernet interfaces with the PST .........................................................................14
3.4 Configuring PROFIBUS interfaces with the PST ....................................................................17
3.5 Working with filters ..................................................................................................................18
3.6 Primary Setup Tool using the command line ..........................................................................20
Index..................................................................................................................................................... 23

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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Table of contents

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

6 Configuration Manual, 04/2017, C79000-G8976-C204-07
Functions 1
1.1 Properties and functions

With the Primary Setup Tool (PST), you can assign addresses and network parameters to
SIMATIC NET network components, Ethernet CPs and gateways.
This allows you to establish basic communication capability of the components on the
particular network without other configuration tools.
Depending on the properties of the addressed components and interfaces, the following
functions are available in the PST:
● Basic functions:
– Browsing for devices with an Ethernet interface
– Calling up Web Based Management
– Downloading configurations to the components
– Using functions via the DOS command line
● Configuration for Ind. Ethernet / PROFINET
– Settings for IP addresses
● Configuration for PROFIBUS (for devices with Ethernet and PROFIBUS interfaces)
– Setting the PROFIBUS address
– PROFIBUS bus parameters
PST provides these functions in a convenient user interface that is described below.

Operation of the PST in Chinese

To operate the PST in Chinese set the following option.
● Control Panel > Region and Language > "Formats" tab > Format "Chinese (Simplified
● Control Panel > Regional and Language > "Administrative" tab > Language for non
Unicode Programs > System Locale "Chinese (Simplified PRC)"

Requirement s for the devices

● This is only possible if the devices have a MAC address or an IP address and can be
reached online via the network.
● PROFIBUS interfaces can also be configured using PST for modules that also have a
reachable Ethernet interface in addition to the PROFIBUS interface.

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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1.2 Supported operating systems

1.2 Supported operating systems

Supported operating systems

The Primary Setup Tool can be installed and executed under the following operating
● 32-bit operating systems
– Windows 7 SP1
– Windows 8.1
● 64-bit operating systems
– Windows 7 SP1
– Windows 8.1
– Windows 10
– Windows Server 2008 R2
– Windows Server 2012 R2

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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Software installation 2
2.1 Security notice

Changes in the Windows firewall

Note that the following incoming rules of the Windows firewall are changed when PDT is
● Opening TCP port 102
● Opening TCP port 49153
● Opening TCP port 49154

2.2 Installing the Primary Setup Tool

Installing PST
Follow the steps below to install the Primary Setup Tool on your computer:
1. In Windows Explorer, double click on the file name setup.exe in the PST_Vx.y directory,
or start the program from the Windows Start > Run menu.
2. Then follow the instructions in the installation dialog.
3. The final dialog box informs you of successful installation.
4. After installing PST Vx.y, start PST under Start\SIMATIC\Primary Setup Tool.

The following components are installed on your PC/PG:
● Primary Setup Tool
● S7DOS with additional components (VCRedist)

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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Software installation
2.2 Installing the Primary Setup Tool

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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Operation 3
3.1 User interface and menu commands

① Menu bar
② Toolbar
③ Detailed view
④ Status bar
The following is displayed: Number of stations displayed in the tree view / number of stations found / set filter sta-
⑤ Tree view - display of the device list
Figure 3-1 User interface

If you select an object in the tree view, the detailed view displays further information on this

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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3.1 User interface and menu commands

Menu bar
Below you will find an overview of the available menu commands and their meaning.

Menu command Meaning / remark Shortcut

Network ▶…
Browse Browses the network for devices with an Ethernet interface F5
The first time it is called up, the device list is created in the tree view. If you
use the menu command again, the behavior set with the menu command
Options > Retain Found Stations takes effect.
Module ▶…
Download Downloads the configuration data to the module
Start INC Browser Starts Web Based Management of a selected station / module
Remove Module Removes a device from the tree view
Assign Device Name Assigns/changes the name of a device
(assuming that the selected device supports this function)
Flash Makes the port LEDs of a selected module flash
(to localize the module)
Update (R) Queries the device data in the tree view again only for the currently selected
Reset Resets a selected device to the factory settings
Settings ▶…
Set PG/PC Interface... Selects the network adapter for access
Language Selects the user interface language of the Primary Setup Tool
(this requires the Primary Setup Tool to be restarted)
Select Filter... (F) Selects a filter for displaying the stations found
Options ▶…
Retain Found Stations Configures the display mode for the menu commandNetwork > Browse
• Option is disabled (default)

The device list in the tree view always recreated.

• Option enabled

Newly found stations are added to the device list in the tree view; newly
found stations are highlighted. Less stations are then found in later
browse actions.

Stations that are no longer found during the search remain in the device
Note the status bar with both settings:
• "Displayed stations" specifies the number of stations in the tree view.
• "Stations found" relates to the number of stations found the last time the
network was browsed.

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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3.2 Settings for the Primary Setup Tool

Menu command Meaning / remark Shortcut

Fast Search Configures the search mode for the menu commandNetwork > Browse
• Option enabled (default)

The query is limited to obtaining station information.

– Advantage: The recreation of the device list is faster.
– Disadvantage: Interface information is obtained only after selecting
the station.
• Option disabled

The query obtains station and Interface information.

– Advantage: Interface information is available immediately after the
station is selected.
– Disadvantage: The recreation of the device list takes longer.
? ▶…
About... Information on the Primary Setup Tool
Tips... Opens the "Readme" of the Primary Setup Tool
Manual Opens the manual (PDF file)

3.2 Settings for the Primary Setup Tool

Selecting the language

After you start the PST for the first time, a dialog box appears in which you can make the
language setting for the program.
You can, however, also set the language later in the Settings > Languages menu.

Selecting the network adapter

If you have installed more than one network adapter in your computer, you can use the
Settings > PG/PC Interface menu command to select the adapter that will be used by the
PST to access the network. Select an interface parameter assignment for the ISO protocol
(recognizable by the name „ISO Ind. Ethernet …“ or „ …ISO.x“) ).

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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3.3 Configuring Ethernet interfaces with the PST

3.3 Configuring Ethernet interfaces with the PST

Browsing the network

Before you assign an IP address or a device name with the Primary Setup Tool, you must
first identify the configurable devices in the network. Follow the steps below to start
● Select the Network > Browse menu command.
● Press the F5 key.
● Click on the magnifier button in the toolbar below the menu bar.
While the Primary Setup Tool browses the network, the Browse network dialog appears with
a progress bar. When it has completed browsing, the Primary Setup Tools displays a list of
all the devices it has found in the left-hand window.

Retain Found Stations

Set this option to retain found stations regardless of the availability of the found station in the
list of found stations.
These stations are removed when you restart the PST Tool or remove the used network
You can also set a filter to remove found stations which do not match the filter criteria.

Configuring the Ethernet interface of a module

If you click on an entry in the device list, the Primary Setup Tool displays information about
the selected device in the detailed view.
You can open the display of the interfaces by clicking on the plus sign or on the device icon.
Follow the steps below to configure the Ethernet interface:
1. Click on the interface you want to configure. In the right-hand half of its program window,
the Primary Setup Tool opens the dialog in which you set the configuration data. Text
boxes or check boxes may be disabled depending on the selections you make. The MAC
address box is always disabled, because this address cannot be changed by the Primary
Setup Tool.
2. Decide how the device will obtain its IP address:
– Dynamically from a DHCP server:
Select the Obtain IP address from DHCP server option.
– Manual assignment by the user:
Select the Assign IP parameters option.

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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3.3 Configuring Ethernet interfaces with the PST

3. Make the remaining settings depending on how the IP address is assigned:

IP address from a DHCP server
– Specify how the device will be identified by selecting one of the options: "MAC
address", "Device name" or "Client ID".
– If you have selected a device name, you can assign or change the device name of a
PROFINET device. You can open the relevant dialog box by clicking on the Assign
Name button. If devices do not support this function, you will receive a message to this
effect if you click the button.
Manual assignment of the IP address
– Enter a valid IP address for the device in the IP address box.
– Enter a valid subnet mask in the Subnet mask box.
– If necessary, activate the Use router box and enter the IP address for the router the
module will use in the corresponding text box.

Downloading configuration data to the module

To transfer the configuration data to the device, follow the steps below:
1. Select the module to which you want to download the configuration in the tree view.
As long as an interface is selected and the input box for the configuration data is
displayed it is not possible to download the configuration data.
2. As an alternative, start the download in one of the following ways:
– Select the Module > Download menu command.
– Click the download icon in the .toolbar.

Figure 3-2 Symbol for downloading the configuration to the module

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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3.3 Configuring Ethernet interfaces with the PST

Starting Web Based Management (WBM)

Network components such as a SCALANCE X or SCALANCE W7xx, have Web Based
Management. Select the device you want to configure with the WBM and follow the one of
ther steps below to launch the WBM:
● Select the Module > Start INC Browser menu command.
● Click the browser symbol in the toolbar (module with four blue wires).

Figure 3-3 Button for starting Web Based Management

If the Module > Start INC Browser menu and the module button are disabled, there is no
WBM for the selected module.

Remove Module
You can remove a module from the list in the left part of the program window by selecting the
Module > Remove Module menu command. This command has no effect on the existence of
a module in the network. The next time you browse the network, all the modules will be
shown again.

Changing a device name

If the device supports this function, you can assign a new PROFINET IO device name to the
device with the Module > Assign Device Name menu command. The new name is subject to
the following constraints:
● The device name must meet the requirements of the Domain Name System (DNS)
● Maximum length 255 characters; minimum length 2 characters (letters, numbers, hyphen,
or period).
● A section within the device name, in other words, a string between two periods, must not
exceed 63 characters.
● The device name must not start or end with a hyphen.
● The device name must not have the format n.n.n.n (n = 0 to 999).
● The device name must not begin with the string port-xyz- (x,y,z = 0 to 9).
● Umlauts (ä, ö etc.) are not allowed.

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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3.4 Configuring PROFIBUS interfaces with the PST

Detecting a device
With the Module > Buzz menu command, you can make the port LEDs of the relevant device
flash. After selecting this menu command, a dialog opens in which you can start and stop
The flashing LEDS indicate which device is assigned to a particular list entry in the program

Resetting to factory settings

If the device supports this function, you can reset the device to its factory defaults using the
Module > Reset menu command.
After the reset, the devices can only be reached using the factory-set MAC address.
Refer to the documentation of the module in question to find out what effect the command
will have.

Status displays
The following status displays are available in the PST tool:
● Yellow question mark in the device list.
Appears if no icon is stored for this device.

Figure 3-4 Missing device icon and duplicate IP address

● Red exclamation point over the device icon.

Appears if an IP address is assigned twice. Both devices are selected in the same way.

3.4 Configuring PROFIBUS interfaces with the PST

PROFIBUS interfaces can also be configured using PST for modules that also have a
reachable Ethernet interface in addition to the PROFIBUS interface.

Configuring the PROFIBUS interface of a module

If you click on an entry in the device list, the Primary Setup Tool displays information about
the selected device in the detailed view.
You can open the display of the interfaces by clicking on the plus sign or double-clicking on
the device icon.

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

Configuration Manual, 04/2017, C79000-G8976-C204-07 17
3.5 Working with filters

Follow the steps below to configure the PROFIBUS interface:

1. Browse the network as described in the section Configuring Ethernet interfaces with the
PST (Page 14).
2. Click on the interface you want to configure. In the right-hand half of its program window,
the Primary Setup Tool opens the dialog in which you set the configuration data. Text
boxes or check boxes may be disabled depending on the selections you make.
3. If necessary, set the PROFIBUS parameters:
– PROFIBUS address
– Highest (station) PROFIBUS address
– PROFIBUS bus parameters
– Bus profile
4. If necessary, set bus parameters; you can open the dialog with the "Bus Parameters..."
Note the selected bus profile; only the setting "User-defined" allows the entry of other
settings in addition to the Ttr parameter.
5. To download the configuration data, follow the steps described in the section Configuring
Ethernet interfaces with the PST (Page 14).

3.5 Working with filters

The display in the list of found modules can be made clearer using filters.
You can open the Select Filter dialog as follows:
● Menu command Settings > Select Filter.
● Filter icon "F" in the toolbar
You can set the filter type and one or more filters in the Select Filter dialog box.

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

18 Configuration Manual, 04/2017, C79000-G8976-C204-07
3.6 Primary Setup Tool using the command line

Figure 3-5 Filter selection

The list of filters is sorted alphanumerically and the order can be reversed by clicking on one
of the column headers.

1. Select the required check boxes in the Filter type group box.
2. Select the required entry in the list and click the Add button.
The selected filter is included in the filter list.
You can select further filters and enter them in the filter in the same way.
Example: S7-400
3. Click the OK button.
The filter(s) is/are now active and the list of "stations found" is displayed according to the
filters you selected (check the display in the status bar).
Note that a default filter takes precedence over the option "Retain Found Stations" (see
section Configuring Ethernet interfaces with the PST (Page 14)). Stations which do not meet
the set filter criteria are removed from the list of stations found.

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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3.6 Primary Setup Tool using the command line

3.6 Primary Setup Tool using the command line

You can also use the Primary Setup Tool over the command line of a DOS command
prompt. The following syntax applies (optional parameters are shown in square brackets):
s7wnpstx MAC-Address -DHCP[=client-ID]

s7wnpstx MAC address -RESET

s7wnpstx MAC address IP address subnet mask [router address]

s7wnpstx MAC address -NAME=devicename [Index networkadapter][INC]

Note that entries in the command line are case-sensitive.

Table 3- 1 Command line parameters for the Primary Setup Tool

Parameter Description Comment

MAC address The MAC address of the mod-
ule. The individual parts of the
MAC address are separated
either by a colon or a hyphen.
-DHCP Specifies that the IP address
should be obtained from a
DHCP server.
-DHCPn Specifies that the IP address
should be obtained from a
DHCP server.
The DHCP server is informed of
the device name.
client-ID A unique identifier for the de- Optional
vice. If this parameter is not
specified, the Primary Setup
Tool uses the MAC address as
the ID.
-RESET Resetting to factory settings
Resets the IP address to
IP address The new IP address of the
module being configured.
Subnet mask The new subnet mask of the
module being configured.
Router address The new IP address of the de- Optional
fault router.

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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3.6 Primary Setup Tool using the command line

Parameter Description Comment

-NAME Parameter for setting a device
Device name The device name that is as-
signed to the module. Maximum
length 240 characters; minimum
length 2 characters (letters,
numbers, hyphen, or period).
INC Identifier for a network compo- Optional
-BROWSE Browses the network for devices
with an Ethernet interface.
The found devices are output in
a list.

Example 1
s7wnpstx 08-00-06-af-e1-43

The module with MAC address "08-00-06-af-e1-43" is assigned IP address

"". The subnet mask is "", the IP address of the router

Example 2
s7wnpstx 08-00-06-af-e1-43 -DHCP=Device1

The module with MAC address "08-00-06-af-e1-43" obtains the IP address from a DHCP
server. The module is also given the client ID "Device1".

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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3.6 Primary Setup Tool using the command line

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

22 Configuration Manual, 04/2017, C79000-G8976-C204-07

Assign Device Name, 16 Remove Module, 16
Router, 15

Changing a device name, 16
Chinese, 7 Selecting the language, 13
Command line parameters, 20 SIMATIC NET glossary, 4
Configuration, 14, 17 Status displays, 17
Subnet mask, 15

DHCP server, 14
Downloading the configuration data, 15 Web Based Management, 16

Factory settings, 17
Filter, 18

Glossary, 4

Identifying the device location, 17
INC browser, 16
IP address, 14

Menu bar, 12
Menu commands, 12

Network adapter
Selection, 13

Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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Primary Setup Tool (PST)

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