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LESSON PLAN IN Probability of Simple Events: March 2019

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LESSON PLAN IN Probability of Simple Events

Method · March 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10152.62720


0 38,024

2 authors, including:

Craig Refugio
Negros Oriental State University


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LESSON PLAN IN Probability of Simple Events


At the end of the one-hour period (60-minute period), the students should be able to:
Knowledge 1. define probability
Skills 2. find the probability of simple events
Attitude 3. express appreciation on the importance of probability in
A. Topic: Probability of Simple Events
B. References: Mathematics 8 Learners Module, First Edition,2013.
C. Learning Competencies: Finds the probability of a simple event. M8GE-IVh-1
D. Materials: Cartolina, Cardboard, chalk, eraser, projector, laptop, chalkboard
and die.
E. Strategies/Methods Used: Collaborative learning and lecture method
F. Values Integration: Activeness and cooperation

A. Preparation (5 minutes)


May I request everyone to stand up and start

our day with a prayer. (Regine will lead the prayer)


Good morning class. Good morning Miss Cataylo!

Before you take your seat, please arrange your (Students arrange the chairs.)

Let me remind you our classroom rules.

1. Raise your hand if you want to answer.

2. No using of cellphones.
3. Respect each other.

What are you going to do with these rules? Obey and follow ma’am.

You must obey and follow.

(Checking of attendance)
I will check your attendance based on your seat Yes ma’am.
plan. Are you in your proper seat right now?

Acido and Marquez are absent today.

Carino: Our topic yesterday ma’am is about
Who can recall our topic yesterday? Yes, Theoretical and Experimental Probability.

Thank you, Carino.

James: Theoretical probability is determined
What is the difference between theoretical and through reasoning or calculation while
experimental probability? Yes, James. experimental is based on the experiment.

B. Presentation (40 minutes)

a. Activity (5 minutes)

Before we proceed to our proper discussion,

let’s have first an activity. Who wants to have All: Me ma’am (raising their hands)
an activity class?

That’s great!
Are you familiar with the game rock-paper- Some: yes ma’am
scissors class? Some: no ma’am

(The students find their partner)

Find a partner and let’s play rock-paper-

You have three rounds to play and record your

Trial 1st round 2nd round 3rd round
result on the paper I will provide you.
Write W if you win and L if you lose.

Are you now ready class? Do you have a All: Yes, Ma’am
partner already?
(The students perform the activity and record
1, 2, 3 go “bato2x pick! the result.)

(After 3 rounds)

Thank you, you may now go back to your seats.

b. Analysis (3 minutes)
Enjoying ma’am
How did you find the activity?
Exciting ma’am

Student 1: I won 3 times ma’am

How many times did you win or lose the game?
Student 2: I lost 2 times ma’am

Student 3: I won 2 times ma’am

Student 4: I lost 3 times ma’am

Student: Ma’am, some of my classmates have

Now, compare your result with your classmate. the same result.

Okay very good!

We will discuss today the probability of simple

events. Please listen carefully because at the
end of our discussion, you are expected to
define probability, find the probability of
simple events and express appreciation on the
importance of probability in real-life.

c. Discussion Proper (20 minutes)

Let us first define probability and simple


What comes into your mind when you hear the Shayne: possibilities that will happen ma’am
word probability?

Thank for sharing your idea Shayne.

Probability – is the measure of how likely an

event is to occur. The more likely an event is to
occur, the higher its probability. The less likely an
event is to occur, the lower its probability.

Simple event – it is an event which has a single


Example: In rolling a die, what is the

probability of getting 4?
Jessa: It’s 1 ma’am.
How many favorable outcomes do we have?

You’re correct, Jessa

Student: There are 7 ma’am.
How many possible outcomes?
(The student is counting)
7 possible outcomes? Are you sure? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
Look at this die and count the possible
Jessa: There are 6 ma’am.
Now Jessa how many possible outcomes do we
have in rolling a die?

Very good. So, there is 1 favorable outcome

and 6 possible outcomes, therefore
P(4) = 6
Based on the example, how are you going to (the student remained silent)
compute for the probability of simple events?

Again, the probability of getting 4 is , where 1
is the favorable outcome and 6 is the number of (Student raising his hand)
all possible outcomes.
Ma’am to compute the probability of event

𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠

is .
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠

You’re right!

The probability of simple event is the ratio that

compares the number of favorable outcomes to
the number of possible outcomes.

In our activity earlier, solve the probability of 1

P(win) =
winning the game and losing the game. 2
P(lose) =
So, the probability of winning is and losing
the game is .

Let me show you the probability line

(show the probability line)

There are 4 probability rules

1. The probability of any event is a

number (either a fraction, a decimal,
or a percent)

Example: The weather forecast shows

70% rain.
P(rain) = 70% or .7 or

2. If an event will never happen, then its

probability is 0.

Example: When a single die is rolled,

find the probability of getting an 8.
Since the sample space consists of 1,
2,3,4,5 and 6. It is impossible to get an
Hence, P(8) = =0

Do you have any question class before we Ma’am how did it happen that it is
proceed to the 3rd rule? Yes, Maxine. 𝑜
P(8) = = 0. Where did you get that ma’am?

From the probability formula

𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠

𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑠

P(8) = =0
Yes, Ma’am. Thank you.
Did I answer now your question Maxine?

3. If an event is sure to happen, then the

probability is 1.

Example: When a single die is rolled,

what is the probability of getting a
number less than 7.

Solve for the probability getting a

number less than 7.
Student: There are 6 ma’am.
How many possible outcomes?

Good, there are 6 possible outcomes.

Student: 1,2,3,4,5,6
What are those outcomes?


Now, what is the number of favorable Student: 1 ma’am

Student: Yes ma’am
Are you sure it’s 1?

All the outcomes are 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 Student: Yes ma’am

Student: Getting a number less than 7.
What is the event?
Student: Yes ma’am
Then all outcomes are less than 7?

Again, what is the number of the Student: There are 6 favorable

favorable outcomes? outcomes.

Very good!
P(number less than 7) = =1
You can now solve the probability of
getting a number less than 7 because
you have already identified the number
of favorable outcomes and all possible

4. The sum of the probabilities of all

outcomes in the sample space is 1.


If a fair coin is flipped,

1 1
P(T) = and P(H) =
2 2

P(T) + P(H) = 1

1 1
+ =1
2 2
None ma’am
Do you have any question about the probability
rules class?
Yes ma’am.
One and only reminder class, your answer
should be on the simplified form. Okay?
13 Student: It’s ma’am.
For example, 52
,what is the simplified form of 4

d. Application (5 minutes)

(Group activity)

Now let’s apply your understanding about the

probability of simple events.

I will divide the group into 4, under your chairs,

there are strips of papers with number. The
number will indicate what group you belong.

I will flash on the screen the situation and your

task is in this piece of paper.

Then I will provide the materials needed and

you will write your answer here in the manila

I’ll give you 3 minutes and after that choose a

representative to present your work. (The students move silently to their groups.)
Go now to your groups. Move silently. Don’t
make any noise.

You may now start.

(the teacher flash on the screen the situation)

Situation: Pick and Carry is having an IPOD

giveaway. They put all the IPOD shuffles in a
bag. Customers may choose an IPOD without
looking at the color. Inside the bag, there are 4
orange, 5 blue, 6 green and 5 pink IPODS.

Group 1. If Maria chooses one IPOD at random,

what is the probability that she will choose an
orange IPOD?
(The student start answering)
Group 2. If Maria chooses one IPOD at random,
what is the probability that she will choose a blue

Group 3. If Maria chooses one IPOD at random,

what is the probability that she will choose a
green IPOD?

Group 4. If Maria chooses one IPOD at random,

what is the probability that she will choose a pink

Okay time’s up. Please arrange now your


In presenting your work no need to come here

in front just stand in your place and show your Answer
work to your classmates.
4 1
1. P(orange) = = = 0.2 = 20%
20 5
Group 1 start. 5 1
2. P(blue) = = = 0.25 = 25%
20 4

Group 2 6 3
3. P(green) = = = 0.30 = 30%
20 10
Group 3
5 1
4. P(pink) = = = 0.25 = 25%
20 4
Group 4

e. Generalization (5 minutes)

A while ago we discuss about probability of

simple events and probability rules. Probability is the measure of how likely an event
is to occur
As a recap, what is probability?

The probability rules state that: The probability of any event is a number either
a fraction, a decimal and a percent.
1. The probability of any event is a
number either a ____, a ____ and a
_____. If an event will never happen, then its
probability is 0.
2. If an event will never happen, then its
probability is __. If an event is sure to happen, then the
probability is 1.
3. If an event is sure to happen, then the
probability is __. The sum of the probabilities of all outcomes in
the sample space is 1.
4. The sum of the probabilities of all
outcomes in the sample space is __

IV. Evaluation (5 minutes)

(The teacher gives the instruction and

administers the exam.)

Instruction: Answer directly in a ¼ sheet of



A. Define probability (3pts each) A. Probability is the measure of how likely

an event is to occur

B. Find the probability of the following: B.

(2pts each)
4 1
1. If a letter is chosen at the random 1. P(E) = =
12 3
from the word PERSEVERANCE,
what is the probability that the letter
chosen is E?
4 1
2. What is the probability of getting an 2. P(8) = =
8 from a deck of 52 cards? 52 13

3. Earl Darenz is asked to choose a day 3. P(S) =
from a week. What is the probability 7
of choosing a day which starts with

V. Assignment (2 minutes)

A. List down at least three situations from

your experiences, wherein you
wondered for a probability of a certain

B. Study in advance about Measures of

Central Tendencies.

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