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Exile, Trial, and Death

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Chapter 5

Exile, Trial, and

Couldn't stay at Dapitan Parish Convent, Rizal live at
the commandant's residence called "Casa Real"
Commandant Captain Ricardo Cornicero and Jose
Rizal became such good friends
Wrote the poem A Don Ricardo Carnicero honoring
the kind commandant on his birthday, August 26,
September 1892 - Rizal and Carnicero won in a lottery.
Manila Lottery ticket No. 9736 won second prize
(Php. 20,000).
Rizal's share (Php. 6,200) was used in procuring a land
near the coast of Talisay, a barrio near Dapitan.
With 10 hectares property, he put up 3 houses made
of bamboo, wood and nipa.
Square house - where Rizal lived.
Hexagonal house - a barn where he kept his chickens.
Octagonal house - where some of his pupils lived.
Rizal taught young boys practical subjects (reading,
writing, arithmetic, geography, Spanish and English
He constructed additional huts to accommodate his
recovering out-of-town patients.
Practice medicine, taught some pupils, and engaged in
farming and horticulture.
Coconut, guayabanos, baluno and nanka.
Rabbits, dogs, cats, and chickens.
School he founded in 1893 started with only 3 pupils
and had about more than 20 students at the time his
exile ended.
He rise 5 in the morning to see his plants, feed his animals and
prepare breakfast.
Treat patients who had come to his house.
Paddling his boat called baroto (he had 2 of them).
Proceed to Dapitan town to attend his other patients.
Return to Talisay to take his lunch.
2:00 p.m. - 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. (teaching schedule)
Rest of the afternoon - farming
Night - reading and writing
The first attempt by the Jesuit friars to win back Rizal
to the Catholic fold was the offer for him to live in the
Dapitan convent under some conditions.
Rizal refused and did not stay with parish priest
Antonio Obach.
Jesuit Order assigned to Dapitan the priest Francisco
de Paula Sanchez, Rizal's favorite teacher in Ateneo.
The first attempt by the Jesuit friars to win back Rizal
to the Catholic fold was the offer for him to live in the
Dapitan convent under some conditions.
Rizal refused and did not stay with parish priest
Antonio Obach.
Jesuit Order assigned to Dapitan the priest Francisco
de Paula Sanchez, Rizal's favorite teacher in Ateneo.
Priest Pablo Pastells, superior of the Jesuit Society
in the Philippines also attempts to win over Rizal.
Four times they exchanged letters from
September 1892 to April 1893.
Improving the town's drainage and constructing better
water system using empty bottles and bamboo joints.
Taught town folks about health and sanitation.
Made a huge relief map of Mindanao in Dapitan plaza (with
priest Sanchez)
Bettered the forest (provides evident trails, stairs and
Invented wooded machine for mass production of bricks.
Built a water dam.
Equally treated all patients regardless of economic and
social status.
Accepted poultry and crops as "fees" , sometimes gave his
services for free to poor folks.
Specialization - ophthalmology, but he also offered
treatments to fever, broken bones, typhoid, tuberculosis and
Helped abaca farmers in Dapitan by trading their
crops in Manila.
Taught abaca-weaving lessons to produce
Taught better techniques in fishing methods like
weaving and using better fishing nets.
Rizal inspected Dapitan's rich flora and fauna.
Sent various biological specimens to scientists in Europe
like his dear friend Doctor Adolph B. Meyer in Dresden.
At least three species were named after him:
1. A Dapitan frog (Rhacophorus rizali)
2. A type of beetle (Apogonia rizali)
3. A flying dragon (Draco rizali)
He also engaged himself in the study of language,
culture and literature.
His intellectual products about these subjects he
related to some European academicians like
Doctor Reinhold Rost, his close philologist friend in
Rizal learned that his
"enemies' sent spies to
gather proofs that he was
separatist and insurgent
Matias Arrieta

He revealed his covert mission

and ask for forgiveness to
Florencio Nanaman

He introduced himself as
Pablo Mercado
A paid secret agent by
Recollect friars
Doctor pio valenzuela

He was sent by Andres Bonifacio

Disguised as a companion to a
blind patient
His mission is to deliver
Katipunan's message for Rizal
Leonor Rivera
Died on August 28,1983
Rizal learned about her
death while he's in
Josephine Bracken
An orphan with Irish blood
and the stepdaughter of
Jose's patient from Hong
She is the common-law wife
of Jose Rizal
Goodbye Dapitan
Ferdinand Blumentritt informed Rizal that Cuba was
raged with yellow-fever epidemic
Jose requested to travel to Cuba as volunteer
July 30, 1896
Jose received a letter sanctioning his petition to
serve as volunteer physician in Cuba
Goodbye Dapitan
July 31, 1896 late afternoon
Rizal got on the "España"
left Dapitan
The Dapitan folks and
Rizal's students shouted
"Adios, Dr. Rizal!"
Goodbye Dapitan
July 31, 1896 Midnight
Rizal departed for Manila
"I have been in that
district for four years,
thirteen days, and a few
From Dapitan to Trial in Fort Santiago
Various significant events happened during Rizal's trip from
Dapitan to Manila
july 31, 1896-
the steamer Espana with Rizal as a passenger made some stopovers
in various areas
Some of the areas he visited were:
In Manila
As the steamer approached Luzon, there was an attempt by the
Katipuneros to help Rizal escape.
august 6, 1896-
Rizal arrived in Manila
august 19-
the Katipunan plot to revolt against the Spanish authorities
TEODORO PATINO- confessed to MARIANO GIL about the revolt
august 29 & 30-
Katipunan's major assaults happened
150 Katipuneros were killed and more than 200 were taken
In Manila
The governor general proclaimed a state of war in Manila and
seven other nearby provinces
august 30-
Blanco issued letters of recommendation on Rizal's behalf
september 2-
Rizal was transported to the ship Isla de Panay
Going to Spain
The steamer Isla de Panay left Manila for Barcelona the next day
september 7-
Rizal arrived in Singapore
Rizal refused to stay in Singapore
september 27-
Isla de Panay made a stopover at Port, Said Egypt
september 30-
he was officially ordered to stay in his cabin
october 3, 1896-
Isla de Panay anchored at Barcelona
GENERAL EULOGIO DESPUJOL - Military commander of
Barcelona who guarded Rizal as a prisoner onboard
Going to Spain
october 6- Rizal was transported to Monjuich prison-fortress

colon- the ship where Rizal was taken aboard to leave for Manila
The ship was full of Spanish soldier and their families
Last Homecoming
november 3, 1896-
Rizal arrived in Manila as a prisoner and was detained in Fort
some of his friends, acquaintances, members of the La Liga, and
even his brother Paciano were tortured and forcibly questioned
preliminary investigation
Rizal underwent a series of interrogations administered by
Colonel Francisco Olive
Rizal was not allowed to cross-examine those who testified
against him
Last Homecoming
some of the Fifteen pieces documentary evidence against
Rizal that were presented:
Rizal's letters
Letters of his compatriots
Masonic document
two transcripts of speech of two Katipuneros
A Talisay
Testimonial evidence -oral testimonies of 13 Filipinos including that of La Liga officers like
AMBROSIO SALVADOR and deodato arellano and the Katipunero
pio valenzuela
Last Homecoming
NOVEMBER 26- Olive submitted the reports to Blanco
Captain rafael dominguez
special judge advocate in Rizal's case
made a summary of the case
Judge advocate-general don nicolas dela pena
examined Rizal's case
his recommendations:
Rizal be instantly be brought to trial
he be kept in jail
an order of attachment be issued against his property
a Spanish army officer be permitted to defend him in court
Last Homecoming
december 8- Rizal was given the right to choose his lawyer
Lt. luis taviel de andrade
Chosen lawyer by Rizal himself
younger brother of Rizal's bodyguard friend in Calamba in 1887
december 11
formal charges were read to Rizal in his prison cell
december 13
Camilo G. de Polavieja replaced Blanco as governor general
december 15
Rizal wrote a manifesto appealing to the revolutionaries to
discontinue the uprising
The Rat in the Kangaroo Court
December 26, 1896: Appearance of the Rat in the
Kangaroo Court

In the morning of December 26, Jose Rizal,

as referred to by Spanish officials as
"Trapped Rat" appeared in the Kangaroo
Court in Cuartel de Espana and was tried
headed by Lt. Col. Jose Tagores Arjona.
The Rat in the Kangaroo Court
December 26, 1896: Appearance of the Rat in the
Kangaroo Court
Judge Advocate Domiguez presented Rizal's
Criminal Case.
Prosecuting Attorney Enrique de Alcocer
appeals to emotions against Rizal.
He described Rizal as "a typical 'Oriental'
who had presumed to rise from a lower
social scale in order to attain powers and
positions that could never be his"
Petitioned for Rizal's death sentence and
an indemnity of Php20000.00
The RatDecember
in the Kangaroo Court
26, 1896: Appearance of the Rat in the
Kangaroo Court
Lt. Andrade
Rizal' defense counsel
Stresses that it was natural for anyone to yearn
for liberty and independence.
Rizal read his complementary defense
He could have not taken part in the revolution.
La Liga was distinct from Katipunan
He advised the Katipunan emissary in Dapitan
not to pursue the plan to revolt
He had no knowledge about the reformation of
La Liga and the use of his name by the
He could have escaped if he was guilty.
The Rat in the Kangaroo Court
December 26, 1896: Appearance of the Rat in the
Kangaroo Court
Lt. Col. Arjona declared the trial was
The jury unanimously voted for death

"Jose Rizal was found guilty

and the sentence is death by
firing squad"
The Rat in the Kangaroo Court
December 28, 1896: Court Decision

Governor-General Camilo Polavieja

Signed the court decision.
Decreed that Jose Rizal be executed
by firing squad at 7AM of
December 30, 1896 at
Bagumbayan (Luneta).
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
From 6Am to 12NN
From 12NN to 7PM
the Night of December 29
the early morning of December 30
slow walk to death
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
From 6Am to 12NN
At 6AM
Judge Advocate Domiguez formally read the death
sentence to Rizal.
At 7AM
Rizal was transferred to either his "Death Cell" or
"Prison Chapel"
He was visited by Miguel Saderra Mata and Luis Viza
(Jesuit Priests) and brought the Medal of the Ateneo's
Marian Congregation (rejected saying "I'm little of a
Marian Father") and the wooden statue of the Sacred
Heart of Jesus (was put in the table).
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
From 6Am to 12NN
At 8AM
Antonio Rosell co-priest of Viza. He shared breakfast
with Rizal.
Lt. Andrade came. He was Rizal's defense lawyer.
At 9AM
Santiago Mataix of the El Heraldo de Madrid (Spanish
Newspaper) interviewed Rizal.
At 10AM
Priest Federico Faura came and advised Rizal to forget
his resentment and marry Josephine canonically. The
two had a heated discussion about religion according to
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
From 6Am to 12NN
At 11AM
Jose Vilaclara and Vicente Balaguer (missionary in
Dapitan), two other priests that visited Rizal.
They convinced Rizal to write a retraction but Rizal
refused although he still believes in the Holy Scriptures.

"Look, Fathers, if I should assent all you say and sign all
you want me to, just to please you, neither believing nor
feeling, I would be a hypocrite and would then be
offending God"
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
From noon to 7pm
At Noon
Rizal was left alone in his cell.
About this time, Balaguer reported to the Archbishop that
only a little hope remained that Rizal would retract.
Rizal refuses t receive visitors for the meantime.

At 2PM
He then had a talk with priests Estanislao March and

At 3:30PM
Balaguer then returned to Rizal's cell.
Rizal then wrote letter and dedications and rested shortly.
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
From noon to 7pm

At 4PM
Donya Teodora and Jose's sisters went to see the
sentenced Rizal.
Dominguez was said to have been moved with
compassion at the sight of Rizal's kneeling before his
mother and asking for forgiveness.
Jose handed over to Trinidad an alcohol cooking stove.
"There is something in it" - "Mi Ultimo Adios"
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
From noon to 7pm

At 5:30PM
The Dean of the Manila Cathedral, Don Silvino Lopez
Tuñon went to see Rizal to exchange some views with

At 6PM
As Rosell was leaving, Josephine Bracken arrived in Fort
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
the night of december 29
At 7PM
Faura returned and convinced Rizal to trust him ad
some other Ateneo professors.

At 8PM
Rizal took his last supper and attended to his personal

At 9 or 9:30PM
Manila's Royal Audiencia Fiscal Don Gaspar Cestaño
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
the night of december 29

At 10PM
Historians Gregorio and Sonia Zaide alleged that Rizal
and some Catholic priests worked on the hero's

Rizal then spent the night resetling until the crack of dawn
of December 30, perhaps praying and meditating once in a
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
the early morning of december 30
At 3AM
The Zaides alleged that Rizal heard Mass, confessed sins,
and took Communion.

At 4AM
Rizal picked up the book Imitation of Christ by Thomas a
Kempis, read and meditated.

At 5AM
He washed up, attended to his personal needs, read the
Bible, and contemplated.
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
the early morning of december 30
Afterward, Rizal wrote letters, one addressed to his family and
another to Paciano.

At 5:30AM
The Zaides wrote that Bracken and Rizal's sister Josefa
"To my dear and unhappy wife, Josephine/December 30th,
1896/Jose Rizal"

Before Rizal made his death march to Bagumbayan, he

managed to pen his last letters to his beloved parents.
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
slow walk to death
At 6:30AM
Rizal in black suit and black bowler hat, tied elbow to
elbow, began his slow walk to Bagumbayan.
He walked along with his defense lawyer, Andrade, and
two Jesuit priests, March and Vilaclara.

Early on that morning, many people had eagerly lined the


“What a beautiful morning! On days like this, I used to take

a walk here with my sweetheart”
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
slow walk to death
After some minutes, they arrived at the historic venue of

There was just a glitch in the proceeding as Rizal refused to

kneel and declined the traditional blindfold.

When agreement had beem reached, Rizal thankfully shook

the hand of his defense lawyer.

When the command had been given, the executioners' long

guns barked at once.
Rizal's Last 25 Hours
slow walk to death

Rizal yelled Christ's two last words "Consummatum est!"

(It is finished!)

Facing the sky, Jose Rizal fell on the ground dead at

exactly 7:03 on the morning of December 30, 1896.

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