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Write SAS To Generate SAS: Three Code-Generating Techniques For Many Automation Solutions

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Paper 4659-2020

Write SAS® to Generate SAS: Three Code-Generating

Techniques for Many Automation Solutions
Yun (Julie) Zhuo, PRA Health Sciences

While SAS has no shortage of automation techniques, it does not always occur to SAS
programmers to write SAS codes that generate SAS codes. This paper introduces three SAS
techniques having the capacity of generating SAS codes from driver data sets. Driver data
sets can be external specification files, the readily-available SAS dictionary metadata, or
even the data values in the original data sets. Through real-world examples, we will
demonstrate that the code generators can be effective tools in many applications where
there are either repetitive programming or immature and changing data. Additionally, this
paper will also provide programming tips and compare the three techniques using the
simplicity, flexibility, and efficiency metrics.

Although typing is an inseparable part of programming, repetitive typing does not have to
be. SAS has an abundance of techniques available to automate repetitive tasks, but it does
not always occur to SAS programmers that we can write a few SAS codes to generate a
bunch of SAS codes.
In this paper, we are going to introduce, demonstrate, and compare the following three SAS
techniques with code-generating capabilities:
 Create and then resolve a macro variable
 Call Execute routine
 PUT statements that write codes to an associated file
This paper will demonstrate the capacities of the code generators through three practical
examples. The examples utilize different but all readily available driver data sets. We will
demonstrate that the code generating techniques will improve efficiency and accomplish
automation tasks that may not be easily accomplished otherwise.


SAS programmers create a large amount of data sets. Adding descriptive variable labels to
SAS data sets is necessary for them to be useful downstream. Traditionally, programmers
type up variable labels using label statements, as shown in Display 1. The ability to
automatically label variables instead of manually typing up many lines of codes in a label
statement will be a great time saver.


The driver data set used in this example is imported from a specification file in the format of
an EXCEL® spreadsheet. As a standard practice, the specification spreadsheet was created
before programming works start, therefore it is readily available to the programmers. This
useful spreadsheet stores specification information such as data set variable name, variable
label, variable type, variable origin, and variable derivation logic. A partial snapshot of the
spreadsheet is illustrated in Display 2.

Display 1. Create Variable Labels using Label Statements

Display 2. Specification Data in Excel spreadsheet format.

With the following IMPORT procedure, we create a driver SAS data set (META.SAS7BDAT)
out of the spreadsheet:
DATAFILE= "<file directory and name>"
RANGE="<sheet name>.$A12:B200";

The Macro Variable method creates a SAS macro variable to store the codes. Resolving the
macro variable after a LABEL statement in a DATA step will generate the SAS codes we
need to create labels for all the variables from the driver data set. With macro options such
as SYMBOLGEN, we are able to view the generated codes in the log. The diagram below in
Figure 1 demonstrates the three-step process of the technique.

Create a macro Resolve the macro

Create a driver
variable to hold variable in a label
data set
SAS codes statement

Figure 1. Steps to Create Labels with the Macro Variable Technique.

Display 3 below shows the SAS program, the SAS log, and the SAS output involved in the
process. The input sources are:
1. META.SAS7BDAT: the driver data set imported from the specification spreadsheet. It
contains two columns. One is variable name (vname), and the other is variable label
2. INTERIM_DATA.SAS7BDAT: an interim SAS data set with all the variables created
and the variable labels still missing.

Display 3. Create Variable Labels with the Macro Variable Technique.

The first block in Display 3 contains SAS codes that create and then resolve the macro
variable. As shown in the display, we start off creating a global macro variable named
‘dataset_label_list’ using the SQL procedure. During the execution of the SQL procedure,
SAS interacts with the META data set to retrieve variable names and variable labels, and
stores them in the ‘dataset_label_list’ macro variable. Lastly, in a simple DATA step, we
resolves the ‘dataset_label_list’ macro variable after a label statement. When the DATA step
executes, the label statement will generate variable labels.
The second block in Display 3 is a snapshot from the log file. With the help of the
SYMBOLGEN macro option, we will be able to take a visual look at the SAS codes
automatically generated by the macro variable ‘dataset_label_list’.
The last block is the output from a CONTENTS procedure showing the result: a list of SAS
variables and their newly created labels. Note that although the label description text
contains special characters such as the percent sign and the apostrophe, they do not trigger
errors as they are correctly enclosed in quotation marks.


The CALL EXECUTE routine is a DATA step facility. The syntax is very simple:
Call execute(‘argument’);

The argument here in the syntax can be any SAS code or any variable from a driver data
set. All arguments will be executed as regular SAS codes.
The CALL EXECUTE routine builds SAS codes dynamically as DATA step iterates, making it
an effective SAS code generator. It allows us to create SAS codes that are completely
controlled by the driver data set that it processes.
Figure 2 illustrates the work process of the technique. It is of note that the Call Execute
routine has the capacity of combining the following two steps in one DATA step: it builds
SAS codes while iterating through the driver data set, then it executes the codes

Call Execute Routine builds and

Create a driver data set executes SAS codes in one data step

Figure 2. Steps to Create Labels with the CALL EXECUTE Routine.

In Display 4 below, we show the SAS program, the SAS log, and the SAS output involved in
the process.
In the first block of Display 4, in a DATA step that reads the driver data set (meta), we use
the Call Execute routine three times to generate SAS codes. In the first (opening) and the
third (closing) Call Execute routines, the arguments contain simple SAS codes. In the
second Call Execute routine, the argument contains variables from the driver data set. It
interacts with the driver data set, executes for every observation read from the driver data
set, and then dynamically builds code using the variable names and variable labels retrieved
from the driver data set.
The second block shows the CALL EXECUTE generated codes in the log. By default, the Call
Execute routine will automatically print generated codes to the log.
The last block is the PROC CONTENTS output showing variable names and the newly created
variable labels. We can see that the result is identical to the result using the macro variable
technique in the previous section.

Display 4. Create Variable Labels with the CALL EXECUTE Routine.


The PUT statement has the capacity to write out text, making it possible to generate SAS
codes. The third code-generating technique we are going to introduce uses PUT statements
to write SAS codes to a file, and then use %INCLUDE to include the codes for execution.
The PUT statement method is the only method that automatically creates a physical SAS
program and saves it to a pre-specified file directory with a pre-specified SAS program
Figure 3 below demonstrates the work process. This method involves three steps. Firstly we
associate a file name to a SAS program. Then we build SAS codes into the associated file
using the PUT statement. Finally, we use %INCLUDE to include the generated codes for

Build Include
Create a driver Associate a name SAS
data set to a SAS program codes

Figure 3. Steps to Create Labels with the PUT Statement Method.

Display 5. Create Variable Labels with the Put Statement Method.
In Display 5, we show the code-generating SAS program, the SAS-generated SAS program,
and the SAS output involved in the process.
The first line of the SAS code uses the FILENAME statement to associate a SAS name with
an external file. The macro variable &codefile in our example will resolve to a full valid file
specification (directory name and file name) referencing the SAS program that we are going
to generate.
Following the FILENAME statement, we use a DATA step to interact with the driver data set
(meta). We then use a series of PUT statements to write SAS codes, which will be written to
the output file specified in a FILE statement.
We can open the associated file to view the generated SAS codes, which is demonstrated in
the middle block of the display. The middle block of the display also contains the %INCLUDE
which we use to include and execute the SAS program.
Lastly the third block of the display contains the PROC CONTENTS output which is the same
as the outputs we generated using the previous two methods.

In the previous example, we have a specification spreadsheet that serves as a convenient
driver data set. In this example, we will demonstrate the techniques using another
convenient, easily accessible source of driver data sets – the DICTIONARY tables.
SAS programmers often need to convert variables to a different type: numeric to character
or vice versa. In our example, as shown below in Display 6, we aim to convert a number of
date variables from the traditional numeric format to the ISO 8601 international standard
date format, which is of the character type. For demonstration purpose, we only display the
first three date variables: firstdt, seconddt, and thirddt.

Display 6. Convert Date Variables from Numeric to Character.

In addition to the conversion of data types shown above, Display 7 below shows that we
also want to modify variable names and variable labels to indicate that the variable type is
now character. In addition, we also set the length of the character variables to 10.

Display 7. Convert Date Variable Attributes.


The DICTIONARY tables are a number of SQL tables and views containing valuable
metadata information related to SAS libraries, SAS data sets, SAS system options, etc. With
the SAS SQL procedure, we can easily retrieve data from the DICTIONARY tables, and use
them to write SAS codes with the help of our code-generating techniques.
Display 8 is a partial snapshot of the DICTIONARY.COLUMNS table for our input data set
(old_dates.sas7bdat). We will use this table as the driver data set.

Display 8. Partial Snapshot of the DICTIONARY.COLUMNS Table.

Firstly, we use a SQL procedure to create a macro variable named ‘convert_code’ to store
the generated SAS codes:
proc sql noprint;
select distinct cat('attrib ', strip(name), 'C length=$10 label="',
strip(label), ' (C)";',
strip(name), 'C=put(', strip(name), ', yymmdd10.)')
into :convert_code separated by '; '
where libname='WORK' and memname='OLD_DATES';
Secondly, we resolve the macro variable ‘convert_code’ in a simple DATA step. In the
meanwhile, we turn on the SYMBOLGEN option so that we can review the generated code in
the log.
options symbolgen;

data new_dates;
set old_dates;
After executing the above codes, SAS will create the new_dates.sas7bdat SAS data set with
the desired results, as well as a SAS log. As shown in Display 9 below, the SYMBOLGEN
option gives us the opportunity to review the SAS-generated SAS codes in the log.

Display 9. SAS-generated Codes in the Log.


Since CALL EXECUTE is a DATA step routine and the DICTIONARY table can only be
accessed with SQL procedures, our first step will be the following SQL procedure. It
retrieves the DICTIONARY.COLUMNS data set and saves it in the temporary WORK library
so that it can be accessed by SAS DATA steps.
proc sql noprint;
create table columns as
where libname='WORK' and memname='OLD_DATES';
Next, we build SAS codes using three CALL EXECUTE routines. The second CALL EXECUTE
routine is the one that interacts with the driver data set:

data _null_;
set columns end=last;
if _n_=1 then call execute('data new_dates; set old_dates;');
call execute( cat('attrib ', strip(name), 'C length=$10 label="',
strip(label), ' (C)"; ',
strip(name), 'C=put(', strip(name), ', yymmdd10.);')
if last then call execute('run;');
After executing the above codes, we will obtain the same desired results as we did using the
previous macro variable technique. By default, the generated codes will be printed to the
SAS log as shown below in Display 10.

Display 10. CALL EXECUTE Generated Codes in the Log.


The third technique is writing text to an associated file using the PUT statements.
Similar to the previous CALL EXECUTE technique, our first step is to retrieve the driver data
set – the DICTIONARY.COLUMNS table - for DATA step processing:
proc sql noprint;
create table columns as
where libname='WORK' and memname='OLD_DATES';
Secondly, we use the FILENAME statement to associate a SAS fileref with an external file’s
complete name (directory and file name). This is an optional step where we take advantage
of the FILENAME statement so that we can use the SAS fileref in the FILE statement and the
%INCLUDE in the next steps.
filename cc "\\sasprod\level1\level2\username\";

Next, we use a DATA step to accomplish the following:

1. Read the “columns’ driver data set for processing.
2. Use STRIP and CONCATENATION functions to prepare variables for PUT statements.
3. Use the FILE statement to specify the output file for PUT statements.
4. Use four PUT statements to write codes.
The full code for this step is shown below:

data _null_;
*read the driver data set*;
set columns end=last;
*prepare variables in the driver data set*;

*specify the output file*;
file cc DELIMITER=' ' LRECL=256 pad;
*use PUT statements to write codes*;
if _n_=1 then put @1 "data new_dates; set old_dates;";
put @1 "attrib " namec " length=$10 label='" label_ " (C)';";
put @1 namec '=put(' name_ ', yymmdd10.);';
if last then put @1 "run;";

Finally we use %INCLUDE to access and include the output file for SAS execution:

%include cc;

After we run the above codes, we will be able to see a SAS program named
‘’ in the file directory specified in the FILENAME statement. If we open the
SAS program, we will be able to review the SAS code generated by this technique. A
snapshot of the SAS program is shown below in Display 11.

Display 11. A SAS Program Generated by PUT Statements.

In conclusion, the convenient, easily accessible SAS DICTIONARY tables prove to be a useful
source of driver data set for automatic code generators. The DICTIONARY.COLUMNS table is
a most popular and widely-used table because it contains valuable information about
variable names and attributes. Note that in addition to DICTIONARY.COLUMNS, there are
also other data tables containing valuable information such as SAS libraries, SAS data sets,
and SAS system options.
In this example, we again demonstrated that all three code-generating codes will be able to
accomplish the tasks with a relatively small amount of manual coding. For demonstration
purpose, our codes in this example only generated three attribute statements and three
assignment statements. In reality, in the cases where we are tasked to program a large
number of variable conversions, the techniques above will save us from repetitively typing
up numerous lines of codes.

In the previous examples, we use driver data sets from external sources that are separate
from the input data set. In this example, we would like to demonstrate that, in cases where
a convenient external source is not available, with some creativity, it is possible to generate
a driver out of the input data set to work with the code generating techniques.
In this example, our input data set (AE.SAS7BDAT) is a SAS data set in vertical format, as
shown below in Display 12. For illustration purpose, we only display three hypothetical
subjects (SUBJID 001, 002, and 003) with three variables related to their adverse events
(AEs) in a clinical trial. The goal is to transpose all the AE variables for the subjects to
facilitate the creation of a listing output which is in horizontal format.

Display 12. Transpose Data Set from Vertical Format to Horizontal Format.


In this example, we are going to manipulate the original input data set by adding a counting
variable named ‘N’. We will use the data set with the counting variable as driver for our
automatic code generators.
We run the following codes to generate the driver data set:
proc sort data=AE;
by subjid aedecod;

data driver;
set AE;
by subjid;
*add a counting variable N*;
if first.subjid then N=1;

Display 13 below is a snapshot of the driver data set we created from the above codes.

Display 13. Snapshot of the Driver Data Set with the Counting Variable.


In order to use the macro variable technique, we create a macro variable named ‘newcode’
to store the SAS codes.
proc sql noprint;
select distinct catt('driver (where=(n=', N,
') rename=(AEDECOD=AEDECOD', N,
into :newcode separated by ' '
from driver;

We would like to take a look at the new macro variable with the %PUT statement:
%put &newcode.;

In the log, we will see that the macro variable &newcode stores the following text:

Display 14. SAS Codes Stored in the Macro Variable.

Finally we resolve the macro variable ‘newcode’ after a MERGE statement in a DATA step:
data ae_transposed(drop=n) ;
merge &newcode.;
by subjid;
After running the above codes, we will obtain the desired output data set in horizontal
format as shown in Display 12.

Firstly, we use a SORT procedure with the NODUPKEY option to obtain a data set with
distinct numbers in the variable N:
proc sort data=driver(keep=n) out=n nodupkey;
by n;

Then we use the CALL EXECUTE routine three times in a DATA step to build codes:
data _null_;
set n end=last;
if _n_=1 then call execute('data ae_transposed(drop=N); merge ');
call execute(catt('driver(where=(n=', N,
') rename=(AEDECOD=AEDECOD', N,
if last then call execute('; by subjid; run;');

After execution, the codes will generate the same desired output as shown earlier in Display
12. In the log, we will see the CALL EXECUTE generated codes as shown below:

Display 15. CALL EXECUTE Generated Codes in the Log.


Similar to the previous two examples, we can accomplish the task easily with the PUT
statement method.
Same with the previous technique, the first step is to create a data set with distinct
numbers in the variable N:
proc sort data=driver(keep=n) out=n nodupkey;
by n;
Secondly, we associate a SAS fileref with an external file’s complete name including a full
directory and a SAS program name:
filename tc "\\sasprod\level1\level2\username\";

Then we build the codes using the PUT statements and write the codes to the external file.
We use the SAS fileref ‘tc’ in the FILE statement:

data _null_;
set n end=last;
file tc DELIMITER=' ' LRECL=256 pad;
if _n_=1 then put @1 "data ae_transposed(drop=N); merge ";
put @1 "driver(where=(n=" N ")
N ")) ";
if last then put @1 "; by subjid; run;";
Lastly, we use %INCLUDE to include the external SAS program we just generated. The SAS
program is referenced by the fileref ‘tc’:
%include tc;

If we navigate to the file directory specified in the FILENAME statement, we will find a newly
generated SAS program named ‘’. A snapshot of the SAS program is
displayed below.

Display 16. A SAS Program Generated by the PUT Statement Method.

A common feature of the three techniques is the creation, concatenation, and manipulation
of text strings which make up the SAS codes. In this section, we will share a few
programming tips to help avoid some potential pitfalls commonly encountered during text
1. Quotation marks:
In our first two examples, the generated codes contain quotation marks. In the first
example, the generated codes also contains special characters such as the
apostrophe. For example:
status=”Subject’s Status”
In the first example, quotation marks are required for both the Macro Variable
method and the PUT Statements method to enclose the label variable. Without
quotation marks, the generated codes will hang while execution. Although quotation
mark is optional for the CALL EXECUTE routine, it is recommended in order not to
lose apostrophe marks in the labels.
Here are a few examples of adding quotations shown in previous sections:

select catx(“=”, vname, quote(trim(label))) into :dataset_label_list
label_ = ‘”’||strip(label)||’”’;
put @1 "attrib " namec " length=$10 label='" label_ " (C)';";
2. %NRSTR quoting function:
If we use the CALL EXECUTE method, and the generated codes contain non-macro
language constructs for assigning macro variables during run time (e.g., call symput
or proc sql into:), the creation of the macro variables will be delayed until the
execution is finished. In this case, we recommend using the %NRSTR quoting
function around the argument to Call Execute in order to avoid errors on unresolved
macro variable references.
3. Text concatenation functions:
A good understanding of the concatenation functions is necessary in order to write
SAS from SAS. Please note the following default behaviors of the four concatenation
 CATS: removes both leading and trailing blanks from each string before
 CATX: removes both leading and trailing blanks from each string before
concatenation; in addition, a delimiter to be added between the strings is
specified in the first function parameter.
 CATT: removes only trailing blanks from strings to be joined
 CAT or the traditional double bars ||: does not remove any blank, leading or
Although the ability to automatically remove blanks come in handy in many
situation, for our purpose of writing SAS codes, leading and/or trailing blanks are
often necessary. We need to be aware of situations where we should use CAT or the
traditional double bars in order to keep, instead of remove, the blanks. For example,
the following code-generating codes cannot use CATS or CATX because we need the
leading blanks (in yellow highlight).
proc sql noprint;
select distinct catt('driver (where=(n=', N,
') rename=(AEDECOD=AEDECOD', N,
into :newcode separated by ' '
from driver;

4. Space-stripping functions
Since it is possible for the variables in the driver data set to contain leading and/or
trailing blank spaces, we rely on space-stripping functions such as TRIM() and
STRIP() to prepare the variables. In the first two techniques (macro variable and Call
Execute), we can embed these functions in the code-building sections. For example:
proc sql noprint;
select distinct cat('attrib ', strip(name), 'C length=$10
label="', strip(label), ' (C)";', strip(name), 'C=put(',
strip(name), ', yymmdd10.)')
into :convert_code separated by '; '

By contrast, for the third technique (PUT Statements), we need to prepare the
variables before feeding them into the code-building sections (that is, after the PUT
statements). For example:
data _null_;
set columns end=last;
name_=strip(name); Perform STRIP() and Concatenations
label_=strip(label); before the code-building sections
file cc DELIMITER=' ' LRECL=256 pad;
if _n_=1 then put @1 "data new_dates; set old_dates;";
put @1 "attrib " namec " length=$10 label='" label_ " (C)';";
put @1 namec '=put(' name_ ', yymmdd10.);';
if last then put @1 "run;";

All the three techniques demonstrated in this paper are equally capable of generating SAS
codes automatically by interacting with a driver data set. Selection of a code-generating
technique for your project depends on a number of factors including your comfort level with
each technique. This paper will discuss the simplicity, flexibility, and system efficiency of
each technique to aid in your decision.
The Macro Variable method and the Call Execute method both require similar amount of
coding. By contrast, the PUT Statement method requires a slightly larger amount of coding.
For example, in our example of creating variable labels, the macro variable technique takes
26 words and 201 characters to do the job, the Call Execute technique takes 25 words and
192 characters, while the PUT Statement technique takes 41 words and 248 characters.
The Call Execute technique has the advantage of combining SAS code generation and
execution in one data step, making a more simplified process. By contrast, the PUT
Statements has a more complex process as it involves three distinct steps including file
association, code generation, and code inclusion and execution.
The Macro Variable technique is subject to the limitation that the length of macro variables
cannot exceed 65,534 characters. By contrast, the other two techniques do not have such
The PUT Statement method is the only method that actually generates a physical SAS
program which we can open, review, and even modify. As a result, the technique gains a
significant amount of flexibility and clarity by sacrificing simplicity.
To evaluate and compare system efficiency of the three techniques, we use the codes in the
first example (automate variable label creation), and run each technique 20 times, 10 times
in interactive mode and 10 times in batch mode, on an interim SAS data set with 121
variables and 40,000 records during various times when host system resources are unlikely
to be in use. We use the following codes as stopwatch placed in the beginning and the end
of each SAS run.
%PUT Start: %SYSFUNC(datetime(),datetime23.3);
%let Start = %SYSFUNC(time());
%PUT End: %SYSFUNC(datetime(),datetime23.3);
%let End = %SYSFUNC(time());

Then we use the following formula to calculate real run time of each SAS run.
Runtime = %SYSFUNC(round(%SYSEVALF(&end-&start),.001))

The results are illustrated in Table 1. Within the interactive mode, the Macro Variable
method runs more efficiently compared to the other methods. Within the batch mode, the
Call Execute method is the most efficient.
The Call Execute method runs faster in the batch mode, but slower in the interactive mode,
which is most likely due to the fact that the Call Execute routine slows down when writing
generated codes to the log window in the interactive mode.
Mode Method Mean SD Minimum Maximum
Interactive Macro Variable 0.092 0.004 0.083 0.098
Call Execute 0.120 0.004 0.111 0.125
Put Statement 0.107 0.007 0.101 0.124
Batch Macro Variable 0.082 0.008 0.077 0.104
Call Execute 0.079 0.002 0.077 0.084
Put Statement 0.089 0.002 0.087 0.094

Table 1. Comparison of Real Run Time in Seconds

It is of note that each SAS port yields different performance statistics based on the host
operating system and the network resources. Therefore, the measurements above only
serve the purpose of comparing efficiency for the techniques in discussion.

In this paper, we chose three simple examples to demonstrate the code-generating
techniques. We showed that there are many potential sources of driver data sets. It can be
an external specification file, the easily-accessible DICTIONARY tables, or even the input
data set itself. Through interactions with the driver data sets, the code generators prove to
be reliable automation solutions for repetitive tasks or ever-changing data. They will
significantly cut down on programming time. Higher efficiency will also lead to better
quality. We demonstrated in this paper that all the three techniques will generate the same
results, with each technique having its own advantages and disadvantages.
The code generating techniques have a wide array of applications for both simple and
complex programming tasks. A review of the SAS literature has found the following
successful applications in addition to the demonstration examples in this paper:
1. Import a variety of raw data files into SAS with one code-generating SAS program
2. Automatic adverse event toxicity edit check in clinical programming
3. Specification driven lab CTC grading in clinical programming
4. Meta data driven mapping for CDISC compliant clinical SAS data sets
5. Assign variable values without writing hundreds of ‘IF… THEN…’ statements.
The code-generating approach has served us well. It can be applied to a wide range of
programming tasks, with the potential of eliminating repetitive programming chores for SAS
programmers. Therefore, when encountered with repetitive tasks or non-static data,
programmers are encouraged to consider the code generating approach as an automation

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Many thanks to the 2020 SAS Global Forum Conference team for the invitation to present
this paper.

Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the author at:
Yun (Julie) Zhuo
PRA Health Sciences


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