SAS Syllabus
SAS Syllabus
SAS Syllabus
Duration: 60 hours
Fees: 10000
1. Introduction
LIST,COLUMN,FORMTTED AND NAMED input to read raw data
Using Various Components of an INPUT Statement
Importing raw data from Excel files, Text files, CSV files, ODBC and Access files Etc...
Complete Analytics Training Institute
Creating temporary and permanent SAS data sets
Preparing temporary libraries and permanents libraries
Applying conditional assignments and conditional subsets
Using data step statements to export(or write) data to a file
Exporting data to excel and access using the export procedure
Understanding how the data step is compiled and executed
Using data dynamic exchange(DDE) to import excel data
Exporting SAS files to Excel Using DDE.
5. Managing Data
Modifying variable attributes in the data set
Assignment statement to accumulate variable values across executions of the data
Using SAS functions to manipulate character data, numeric data, and SAS date and
time values
Creating User defined in formats and Formats
Changing SAS default setting using system options, data step options and statement
Use system defined and user defined formats
Use system defined and user defined in formats
Use SAS functions to convert character data to numeric data and vice versa
Processing data using SAS arrays
Sorting observations in a SAS data set
Using SAS utility procedure to investigate SAS data libraries
6. Generating Reports
Generating reports using the PRINT,MEANS,FREQ,TABULATE,REPORT etc…
Generating HTML, RTF, PDF, EXCEL, TEXT, CSV, and PDF reports using ODS
Enhancing reports with options and statements
Complete Analytics Training Institute
7. Handling Errors
Recognizing and correcting syntax and non-syntax errors
Examining and resolving data errors
Program debugging techniques
SAS Statistics
8. Descriptive Statistics
Introduction statistics
Data Presentation
Data Characteristics: Descriptive Summary Statistics
9. Categorical data Analysis
Cross tabulations
Frequencies from one way frequencies to N way frequencies
Simple regression
Multiple regression analysis
Interpretation about statistics such as (R square, adjusted R square, etc…..)
Complete Analytics Training Institute
Positive correlation
Negative correlation
Multiple correlation
Linear and non-linear correlation
SAS Macros
Creating macro variables
Reusing macro variable
Working with system defined macro variables and user defined macro variables
Converting Global macro variables into local macro variables vice versa
Functions and routines, its different
Introduction to Macro Processing
Defining and Calling Macros
How the Macro Processor Compiles a Macro Definition
How the Macro Processor Executes a Compiled Macro
Summary of Macro Processing
System defined macro options
Creating macro and Reusing macro
Executing a macro program
Passing values to a macro program through macro parameters
Using SAS Base functions and Proc SQL statements in SAS macros
Using conditional statements in macros
Manipulating SAS Base programs to macros
Macro quoting functions
Macro facility error messages and debugging
Using the stored compiled macro facility for saving macro
Arithmetic and logical expressions
Reading external files using macros
Writing SAS files using macros
Stepwise method for writing macro programs
Saving Macros in an Auto call Library
Saving Macros Using the Stored Compiled Macro Facility
Introduction to the SQL Procedure
What Is SQL?
What Is the SQL Procedure?
Comparing PROC SQL with the SAS DATA Step
Creating data sets using SQL procedure
Overview of the query window
Retrieving Data from a Single Table
Retrieving Data from Multiple Tables
Complete Analytics Training Institute
SAS Graphs
Drawing graphs by programming and menu driven
Using colors and images
Language Elements
SAS Data Sets
Using Engines with SAS/GRAPH Software
Running SAS/GRAPH Programs
Procedure Output and the Graphics Output Area
Printing Graphics Output
Storing Graphics Output in SAS Catalogs
Modifying SAS/GRAPH Output
Transporting and Converting Graphics Output
Using SAS/GRAPH Colors and Images
Complete Analytics Training Institute
Creating HTML outputs Using ODS
Creating HTML outputs with a Table of Contents
Selecting ODS tables for Display
Excluding ODS tables for Display
Exporting SAS outputs
Preparing PDF,RTF,CSV,XML,HTML files using ODS
Creating an output data set from an ODS tables
Generating outputs in colors
Creating an output data set from sub setting the data
Determining the Names of ODS Tables
Using the TEMPLATE Procedure to Customize Output
Creating HTML Output, Linked Within a Single Analysis
Creating HTML Output, Linked Between Analyses