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Curriculum Map Grade 9 English

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Curriculum Map

S.Y. 2022-2023

Subject: ENGLISH
Grade Level: Grade 9
Teacher: Ms. Karen Pascual

Term no: Unit topic: Content Performance Competencies/ Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards Skills Core Values
Week 1 Story of an Hour The learner The learner EN9LT-Ia-14: Written Reading of the Learning Guide, Self-respect
demonstrates actively Analyze literature as Exercises story Work text
understanding of participates in a a means of
how Anglo- speech choir discovering the self
Word Formation American through using
literature and effective verbal EN9RC-Ia-16: Share Forming new
other text types and non-verbal prior knowledge Oral words using Creativity
serve as means of strategies based about a text topic different word
Literary Devices: enhancing the self; on the following formation
Irony also how to use criteria: Focus, EN9LT-Ia-14.1: processes
processing, Voice, Delivery, Identify the
assessing, Facial distinguishing
summarizing Expressions, features of notable
Normal and information, word Body Anglo American Sentence
Inverted Word derivation and Movements/ lyric poetry, songs, construction
Order formation Gestures and poems, sermons, and
strategies, Audience allegories
appropriate word Contact.
order, punctuation EN9LT-Ib-14.2:
marks and Explain how the
interjections to elements specific to
enable him/her to a selection built its
participate theme
actively in a
speech choir. EN9G-Ia-17: Use
normal and inverted
word order in
creative writing

Week 2 Informative, Composition Writing an Learning guide, Creativity

Literary and EN9WC-Ia-8: informative, work text
Journalistic writing Distinguish between literary and
and among journalistic text
Speech choir journalistic, and
production: nature literary writing Performance Video clips, TV
and conventions task
Reading text and Excellence
Scanning sequence EN9RC-Id-13.2: determining the
Signals that Scan sequence sequence signals
determine patterns signals or connectors and patterns of
of Idea to determine patterns idea
development in a of idea development
text Written
EN9F-Ii-3.14: Use exercises Sentence
Types of context the appropriate and constructions
clues effective speech
expected of speech
choir presentations

EN9V-Ih-12.3: Note
types of context clue
antonyms) used for a
given word or
Week 3 Punctuation marks EN9G-Ig-1.6/1.7: Written Sentence Learning Guide Efficiency
and capitalizations Use appropriate exercises constructions
punctuation marks
Types of poetry and capitalization to
convey meaning. Work text
Prose poem: Determining the Optimism
desiderata EN9LC-Ig-8.7: Draw Oral types of poetry
generalizations and used in the poem
Contrast as a conclusions from the Desiderata Video clips, TV
literary devices material listened to Speech choir

EN9VC-Ia-3.8: Infer
thoughts, feelings,
and intentions in the
material view

Analyze literature as
a means of
discovering the self

EN9WC-Ii-3.6: Use
literary devices and
techniques to craft
poetic forms

Week 4 Effective use of EN9OL-Ic-1.15: Use Written Knowing the Learning Guide Creativity
segmentals the appropriate exercises effective use of
segmentals (sounds segmentals in a
Skimming to of English) and the speech choir Work text
Determine key suprasegmentals or production
ideas and author’s prosodic features of Efficiency
purpose from the speech when Composition
text read delivering lines of Reading
poetry and prose in a exercises TV, Video clips
Features of poetry speech choir, jazz
chants and raps Poetry writing

Skim to determine
key ideas and
author’s purpose

Compose forms of
literary writing

EN9WC-Ii-3.6: Use
literary devices and
techniques to craft
poetic forms
Week 5 Didactic poem: If EN9RC-Ig-17: Make Written Reading of the Learning Guide Creativity
a connection Exercises didactic poem If
between the present
Sound devices text and previously
read texts
Identifying the Efficiency
Effective use of EN9OL-Ia-1.15: Use different sound Text book
suprasegmental the appropriate Writing a devices in the
segmentals (sounds literary text selection
of English) and the
supra segmental or
prosodic features of
speech when
delivering lines of
poetry and prose in a
speech choir, jazz
chants and raps.

EN9WC-Ii-3.6: Use
literary devices and
techniques to craft
poetic forms

Week 6 EN9RC-Ih-17: Make Written Determining the Textbook Efficiency

Establishing text- a connection exercises interjections
to-text connection between the present used in a
text and previously sentence
Interjections read texts
Learning Guide
Reading text and
connections to it

Subject: ENGLISH
Grade Level: Grade 9
Unit/ Strands: Quarter 2
Teacher: Ms. Karen Pascual

Term no: Unit topic: Content Performance Competencies/ Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards Skills Core Values
Speech (The The learner The learner Make connections Written Reading of Learning Guide Loyalty
Gettysburg demonstrates proficiently plays between texts to exercises Gettysburg’s
Address) understanding of an active part in particular social Address
how Anglo- a Chamber issues, concerns, or
Week 1 Situational American Theatre dispositions in real
Purposes of literature and presentation life
Communicative other text types through
styles serve as means of employing Analyze literature as Sentence
valuing other effective verbal a means of Construction
Repetition and people; also how and non- verbal understanding
Parallelism to use processing strategies based unchanging values in Efficiency
information on the following the VUCA (volatile, Textbooks
Logical connectors strategies, criteria: Focus, uncertain, complex,
for Emphasis different forms of Voice, Delivery, ambiguous) world
adverbs and Facial Composition
conditionals for Expressions, EN9V-IIa-27: Give
him/her to play an Style and Body the appropriate
active part in a Movements or communicative
Chamber Theatre Gestures. styles for various
presentation. situations (intimate,
consultative, frozen).

connections of
events and how these
lead to the ending of
a material.

connections of
events and how these
lead to the ending of
a material.
Nature and EN9F-IIc3.11.1: Use Written Sentence Learning Guide Efficiency
Convention the correct exercises Constructions
production of
Week 2 Summarizing English sounds:
Information from a vowels sounds, Work text
persuasive text consonant sounds, Identifying
diphthongs, etc. Composition different types
Types of Print of print Media Creativity
Media EN9LC-IIb-11.1: Video Clips
Listen to get
Features of prose important
and poetry information from Determining
argumentative/ features of prose
persuasive texts. and poetry
Make inferences
from what was said.

EN9RC-IId-19: Get
information from
various print media
like brochures,
periodicals, and

Distinguish the
features present in
poetry and in prose
Week 3 Short Story (On EN9V-IIf-28: Reading of the Learning Guide Efficiency
Being Crazy ) Determine the Written story “On being
vocabulary or Exercises Crazy
jargons expected of a
Jargons for communicative style.
Communicative Work text
Styles EN9LT-IIe-15:
Analyze literature as Oral quiz Sentence
Satire as a Literary a means of valuing Constructions
devices other people and
their various Books
Uses of adverbs in circumstances in life
EN9G-IIb19: Use
adverbs in narration

Week 4 Verbal Strategies EN9OL-IIb-3.7: Written Differentiating Learning Guide Efficiency
Employ varied Exercises linear and non-
Drawing verbal and nonverbal linear text
inferences from a strategies to create
narrative text impact on the
audience while Work text
Linear and delivering lines in a
Nonlinear text Readers Theatre or Oral Interpreting
in a Chamber information
Kinds of prose Theatre. from non-linear
Sense the difference Composition Internet
between linear and Listening to a
non-linear texts narrative text
and making
EN9RC-IIg-5: conclusions out Video clips, TV
Interpret information of it
found in non-linear
texts such as
diagrams, maps,
charts, etc
EN9WC-IIf9.2: constructions
Identify types and
features of short

Draw conclusions
based on the text
listened to.
Week 5 Short Story (The EN9LT-IIg-2.2.3: Written Reading of short Learning Guide Creativity
Day of Destiny) Determine tone, exercises story
mood, technique, and
Foreshadowing as purpose of the Work text
a literary devices author.
Using conditionals EN9LT-IIc-2.2: Quiz constructions
in Expressing Explain how the
Arguments elements specific to
a genre contribute to
Nonverbal the theme of a Internet Efficiency
strategies particular literary

EN9G-IIg20: Use
conditionals in

Employ varied
verbal and nonverbal
strategies to create
impact on the
audience while
delivering lines in a
Readers Theatre or
in a Chamber
Week 6 Making a stand EN9WC-IIi-9: Written Listening Learning Guide Efficiency
based on an Compose forms of Exercises Activity
argumentative text literary writing.
listened to.
Interpreting Judge the relevance Write ups
information from and worth of ideas Performance Work text
linear texts through presented. task Creativity
write ups
Literary devices EN9RC-IIh-11.1.1:
used in writing Match diagrams with Composition
prose their corresponding
Video Clips
EN9WC-IIi9.3: Use
literary devices and
techniques to craft
short prose forms.
Subject: ENGLISH
Grade Level: Grade 9
Unit/ Strands: Quarter 3
Teacher: Ms. Karen Pascual

Term no: Unit topic: Content Performance Competencies/ Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards Skills Core Values
Week 1 Elizabeth Age of The learner The learner Determine the Written Reading Activity Learning Guide Efficiency
English Lit (The demonstrates skilfully relevance and the exercises
Merchant of understanding of performs in one- truthfulness of the
Venice) how Anglo- act play through ideas presented in
American utilizing the material viewed Sentence
Literary elements literature and effective verbal constructions Work text
for Drama other text types and non-verbal EN9LT-IIIa-16: Composition
serve as means of strategies and Analyze literature as
connecting to the ICT resources a means of
Allusions world; also how to based on the connecting to the Books
use ways of following world. EN9LT- Analysis
analysing one-act criteria: Focus, IIIa16.1: Identify the
Gerunds play and different Voice, Delivery, distinguishing
forms of verbals and Dramatic features of Anglo- Internet
for him/her to Conventions. American one-act
skilfully perform plays
Week 2 Mnemonic in a one-act play. EN9RC-IIIa-20: Written Listening Learning Guide Creativity
Devices Analyze a one-act exercises Activity
Introduction to
one act play EN9LT-IIIa-20.1: Analysis Analyzing one
Explain how the act play Internet
Fallacies elements specific to
a one-act play
Features and contribute to the
elements of one development of its work text
act-play theme

Identify types and
features of a play
Week 3 Romantic Period EN9RC-IVi-2.22: Written Reading of the Learning Guide, Efficiency
of English Lit Judge the relevance exercises story work text
(The Tables and worth of ideas,
Turned) soundness of
author’s reasoning,
Performance and the effectiveness Sentence
Elements for of the presentation Quiz construction Internet
EN9V-IVd-29: Get
familiar with the Oral recitation
Apostrophe technical vocabulary Books
for drama and theater
Participles (like stage

Use appropriate
effectively and

Week 4 Word clouds EN9OL-IVc-2: Oral recitation Sentence Learning Guide, Creativity
Employ effective constructions Work text
Verbal and and appropriate non-
nonverbal verbal Written
strategies in one- communication exercises Internet
act play strategies Listening Excellence
Providing critical EN9F-IVb-3.11:
feedback to a Produce the sounds Compositions
specific situation of English
effectively when Books
Basic convention delivering lines in a Efficiency
in writing one act- full-length play
Judge the relevance
and truthfulness of
the ideas listened to
Take a stand on
14: Take a stand on
critical issues
Week 5 Contemporary EN9LT-IIIa-16: Oral recitation Viewing Learning Guide, Excellence
period in Analyze literature as Activity Work text
American Lit (The a means of
frosted Glass connecting to the
Coffin) world. EN9LT-
IIIa16.1: Identify the Reading of the
Technical distinguishing Written story Video clips, TV
Elements for features of Anglo- exercises
Drama American one-act
Humor as comedic Books
device in literature

Week 6 Infinitives EN9WC-IVa-11: Written Sentence Learning Guide, Creativity
Compose a play Exercises constructions work text
Basic Convention review
in Writing One-act
play Performance Written activity Internet


Subject: ENGLISH
Grade Level: Grade 9
Unit/ Strands: Quarter 4
Teacher: Ms. Karen Pascual

Term no: Unit topic: Content Performance Competencies/ Assessment Activities Resources Institutional
Content Standards Standards Skills Core Values
Week 1 Short story (The The learner The learner Judge the relevance Written Reading of the Learning Guide, Excellence
New Dress) demonstrates competently and worth of ideas, Exercises story Internet
understanding of performs in a soundness of
Analogy how Anglo- full- length play author’s reasoning,
American through applying and the effectiveness Sentence
Stream of literature and effective verbal of the presentation Analysis Constructions
Consciousness other text types and non-verbal EN9RC-IVf-2.22 Work text
serve as means of strategies and
Modals preserving ICT resources EN9LT-IIIa16.1:
unchanging values based on the Identify the Oral Quiz
in a changing following distinguishing Books
world; also how to criteria: Focus, features of Anglo-
use the features of Voice, Delivery American one-act
a full-length play, and Dramatic plays
tense consistency, Conventions
modals, active and EN9LT-IIIi-2.11:
passive Determine tone,
constructions plus mood, technique, and
direct and indirect purpose of the author
speech to enable
him/her EN9G-IVc-23:
competently Express permission,
performs in a full- obligation, and
length play. prohibition.
Week 2 SQ3R EN9LT-IIIa16.1: Written Reading Activity Learning guide Excellence
Identify the Exercises
Morality Play distinguishing
(The summoning features of Anglo- Sentence
of Everyman) American one-act Constructions Work text Efficiency
plays Oral
Direct vs. Indirect Change direct to Analysis Books
Speech indirect speech and
vice versa
Week 3 Judging the EN9LT-IIIa16.1: Written Listening Learning Guide Excellence
author’s Identify the exercises Activity
soundness of distinguishing
reasoning features of Anglo- Work text
American one-act Reading Activity
Play (The crucible plays Composition
) Viewing Internet
EN9LT-IIId2.3: Activity
Theme and Motif Draw similarities and
differences of the Oral Video clips, TV
featured selections in
relation to the theme

EN9V-IIIh-29: Get
familiar with the
technical vocabulary
for drama and theatre
(like stage

Week 4 Verb tense EN9G-IVi-25: Written Sentence Learning Guide Excellence

Consistency Observe tense Exercises constructions
consistency in
Experience-Text- writing an evaluation Internet
Relationship or Reading Activity
ETR EN9LC-IIIe-3.13: Composition
Provide appropriate Work text
and critical feedback/
reaction to a specific Analysis
context or situation

Week 5 Stress EN9OL-IVa-3.7: Oral quiz Written Activity Learning Guide, Creativity
Use varied verbal work text
Full length play and non-verbal
communication Composition Efficiency
strategies when
performing in a full Internet
length play

Use appropriate
multimedia resources
to accompany the
oral delivery of lines

Week 6 Juncture EN9OL-IVf-1.14: Oral Quiz Written Activity Learning Guide Excellence
Use the appropriate Sentence
suprasegmentals: Constructions
Writing a Play pitch, stress, Written Work text
Review juncture, intonation, Exercise Creativity

EN9WC-IVg-11: Internet
Compose a play

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