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Ghosts of Sparwell Lodge

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ACT 1 9
ACT 2 15
ACT 3 17
ACT 4 19
ACT 5 21
ACT 6 23
ACT 7 25



The exclusive Sparwell Lodge exemplifies grandfather was a member. Ghent wasted
a vanishing class of aristocratic club. The no time ingratiating himself into the
lodge has a long and glorious tradition, exclusive organization. For months, the
but time has eclipsed the martial glories of greedy dwarf has awaited a truly valuable
its members. Today’s lodge members are weapon to arrive in the lodge’s collection
content to relax, sip brandy, and swap so that he might steal it and live a life of
stories of their more courageous ancestors. luxury. Ghent received advance notice
Sparwell Lodge occupies a stately but that the lodge has acquired Silvershower
small manor in the wealthy district of a and he is prepared to take the legendary
large city. weapon by guile or force.
The most distinguished member of Although Ghent’s target is Silvershower,
Sparwell Lodge today is Lord Yorick the core of this adventure is a magical
Thackeray, an indolent nobleman whose hatchet called Vaporblade. Vaporblade has
ancestors founded the lodge. Today, the been on display in the lodge for several
Thackerays are more passionate about months, and its true history is almost
collecting weapons than wielding them. unknown. A genie smith created
The lodge houses the large Thackeray Vaporblade long ago and wished his
weapon collection. On occasion, the lodge creation to have a long and legendary
hosts a members-only luncheon to exhibit history among mortals. The genie instilled
newly-acquired magic weapons. At noon within the hatchet a curse: when
on the day after this adventure begins, Vaporblade sits unused for more than three
Lord Thackeray will introduce three new months, it begins conjuring vexwind
weapons to the lodge’s collection, elementals (a type of malevolent air
including a flail rumored to be elemental, described in Appendix 1) to
Silvershower. Silvershower, a magic flail that bedevil the area. The genie intended these
conjures a pile of silver coins upon attacks to encourage heroes to pick up
command, would be an illustrious Vaporblade again, ensuring the weapon
addition to the collection. Unfortunately, would never be at rest for long. The curse
the magic flail acquired by Lord Thackeray becomes dormant only when a mortal
is not the real Silvershower. creature attacks an evil foe with
The members of Sparwell Lodge have a Vaporblade. Vaporblade is so old that mortal
viper within their midst. Houfin Ghent, a history has forgotten its curse, but some
dwarf grifter and scoundrel, discovered genies remember its nature and know that
that he qualified for admission to the trouble is sure to follow whenever
lodge because his long-deceased Vaporblade sits unused.
Thackeray himself, directed to solve the
problem expeditiously and discreetly to
secure the stately relative’s reputation and
at last earn membership in the exclusive
family lodge.

Other than the heroes, six characters are
important to the plot of this adventure.
They are:
Yorick Thackeray, a balding, older
man and head of Sparwell Lodge. Lord
Thackeray enjoys his luxurious lifestyle
and has little to say to those he feels are
beneath him. He only makes an
appearance at the conclusion of this
adventure, just in time for the luncheon.
Archibald Topp, steward of Sparwell
Lodge and retired warrior-priest of the
Warrior Maiden (or any similar Lawful
Good deity of valor and chivalry). Topp is
in his sixties but still quite fit and alert,
with a polite and dignified manner. Topp
oversees the lodge and the other servants.
He is also responsible for the presentation
of the weapons throughout the manor and
researches the weapons' histories. Topp
has been with Sparwell Lodge for more
than twenty years and enjoys his work.
Topp wears tidy clothes, large spectacles,
and his old religious symbol.
ADVENTURE HOOKS Dalby Dragfoot, the middle-aged
This adventure is written to flow directly halfling bartender of the lodge. Dalby’s
from an earnest plea from a servant in dark secret is that he owes the villainous
need. If your heroes need a more specific Houfin Ghent a great deal of money.
hook into this adventure, then a trusted Ghent controls the halfling with threats of
NPC or organization informs the heroes exposure and poverty. Dalby let slip to
that Archibald Topp of Sparwell Lodge Ghent that one of the new weapons is a
has a problem, and the heroes are needed flail called Silvershower. Although Dalby
to solve the problem before the luncheon isn’t aware of the Silvershower legend,
at noon the next day. You might even Ghent had heard of this fabled weapon.
make one of the heroes a relation of Lord Dalby is reluctant to spend much time at
the lodge, as a vexwind startled him badly
two nights ago. Dalby is nervous and
surly. He had never been pleasant, and his
demeanor has worsened in recent days.
Floria Beeke, an elderly widow, is the
busy and capable maid and head cook of
Sparwell Lodge.
Houfin Ghent, a greedy and ruthless
dwarf who recently gained membership in
Sparwell Lodge. Ghent plans to acquire
Silvershower by any means necessary.
Ghent is a tall dwarf with a short iron-
black beard and wild black hair that resists
obvious attempts to grease it straight.
Ghent is usually imperious and obnoxious,
but he is skilled at false flattery. Ghent’s
statistics are found in Act 8.
Fatima, the assistant maid and cook of
Sparwell Lodge. Fatima appears to be a
shy girl of 13, but is actually a young janni
in disguise. Fatima learned that Vaporblade
rests in the lodge’s collection and secured
employment in the lodge to discover how
to return Vaporblade to the hands of heroes
(as she isn't a humanoid, Fatima can’t ADVENTURE SUMMARY
suppress the curse by using it herself). She The heroes arrive at Sparwell Lodge and
is well-intentioned but deceptive by meet the steward, Archibald Topp. Topp
nature, and prefers to keep her motives to explains his predicament and asks for
herself unless necessary. Fatima disguises help; he shares what he knows of the
her regal posture and sparkling eyes with haunting and asks the heroes to put a stop
a meek bearing and downcast glances. to it before the luncheon at noon on the
Fatima doesn’t speak unless spoken to, following day. Topp introduces the other
and even then she mumbles short answers servants and provides a quick tour of the
while staring at her feet. manor. While the heroes view the Music
Room and its collection of magical
weapons, a vexwind kills Mrs. Beeke. The
investigation begins in earnest and the
heroes are left in the lodge for the night.
In the evening, a vexwind appears in
the library and plays a prank or two
before leaving. In the middle of the night,
Ghent sends Dalby and caligni thieves into
the lodge to steal Silvershower. Dalby never will break any minute, and I could very
leaves the serving closet, where a definitely use some assistance. Please,
malicious vexwind rigs a gruesome trap come in, come in!” The wiry man moves
with his corpse. The heroes are likely to aside to let you in to the building. An
confront the calignis before they escape ornate, engraved plaque by the door reads
with Silvershower, foiling Ghent’s attempt SPARWELL.
to gain the flail.
The man ushering the heroes into the
The next day, the heroes may obtain building is Archibald Topp. He welcomes
some clues about Vaporblade from Fatima, the heroes to the lodge and offers to take
face another vexwind, and aid Topp with their outerwear. As he does so, a
his research into the new weapons. As the thunderstorm begins with a mighty crash
luncheon begins, Ghent attempts to steal and lasts for the duration of this adventure.
Silvershower personally. Fatima draws the
If eager heroes instead seek to
heroes into combat with Ghent and his
investigate the broken window
doppelganger allies, giving the heroes the
immediately, Topp explains that he’s
opportunity to use Vaporblade against
spent days chasing half-glimpsed forms
Ghent and lift the curse.
around the lodge, but has never been able
to catch one. If the heroes insist on taking
a look in the Music Room, Topp escorts
them upstairs, but the vexwind fled out of
Storm clouds roil overhead, threatening a
the broken window and over the rooftops
downpour. The streets of this affluent
of the city once the street below was clear.
section of the city are nearly deserted,
though it is not yet sundown. As you Topp offers the heroes drinks in the
approach the stately manor house, a den while explaining his problem. Dalby
second story window shatters and rains Dragfoot, frowning unpleasantly, makes
glass down upon the empty street. up whatever drinks the heroes request.
Topp waves the heroes into comfortable
Heroes that succeed at a DC 18 chairs, composes himself, and speaks.
Perception check see a shadowy, man-
• Topp explains the history of Sparwell
sized form move back from the broken
Lodge and the role of Lord Thackeray as
window, plainly trying not to be seen. This
the manor's owner and head of the lodge.
figure is a vexwind. Whether or not any
heroes notice the creature, the front door • Recently, there have been some strange
immediately opens. activities: broken windows (outward, if
the heroes think to ask, as with the Music
With a bang that echoes up the street, Room window), things moved around,
the manor door slams open. A wiry man and strange noises. The lodge is haunted.
with large spectacles and a thin fringe of • Tomorrow at noon, Lord Thackeray is
hair pokes his head out and looks up and hosting an exclusive luncheon for the
down the street. He eyes each of you, and lodge members. Topp is worried that the
looks up toward the broken window. “Did haunting will disrupt the festivities. Topp
any of you see a…ghost up there just now? politely clarifies that the heroes aren’t
Oh, dear me. Looks like a fierce rainstorm invited to the luncheon but, if the heroes
stop the haunting, he is sure that Lord
Thackeray would want to thank them in
person and grant his future favor.
• Topp is at wit’s end trying to chase
specters around the lodge and has fallen
dreadfully behind on the luncheon
preparations due to the haunting.
• Topp invites the heroes stay overnight
at the lodge to stop the haunting.
• Topp offers to pay the heroes 10 gp
each for their trouble. He is desperate for
assistance, so can be easily talked into
paying 20 gp to each hero, but this amount
depletes his authorized funds as well as
much of his own personal savings.
• Topp thinks highly of Lord Thackeray
and considers all the lodge members to be
respectable gentlemen and descendants of
heroes. He points out the paintings of
several deceased lodge members hanging
in the den, including several similar-
looking older men (each of them
Thackerays) and a grim dwarf (Grelim
Ghent, Houfin Ghent’s grandfather).
• The lodge has four servants: Topp, the
maid Mrs. Beeke, the serving girl Fatima,
and the bartender Dalby.
• The lodge contains a den, dining room,
and kitchen downstairs. Upstairs are two
bedrooms, a library, and the Music Room,
where the most valuable weapons of
Sparwell Lodge are displayed. Topp offers
the heroes a tour once they are finished
with their drinks.
Topp answers other questions as best
he is able. Unfortunately, Topp’s
knowledge is limited. For example, he
doesn’t know that Ghent is blackmailing
Dalby or that Fatima is anything other
than the shy girl she appears to be. Topp
suspects the haunting is the work of spirits
or poltergeists, but is clueless beyond that.

The manor house is almost six hundred Each door in the lodge is a solid
years old. Sparwell Lodge has occupied wooden door. The front doors, the back
the manor for four hundred years (Topp door, and the bedroom doors have good
explains that Sparwell Lodge is the name locks (requiring five successful DC 30
of the club that occupies the building, and Thievery checks to Pick a Lock). Topp
not properly the name of the manor itself). insists that the bedrooms remain locked
The four servants are usually the lodge’s when not in use. The staff leaves the front
only occupants, as members rarely avail and back doors unlocked during the day,
themselves of the manor’s comforts these but lock these doors when they leave for
days. Even Lord Thackeray himself rarely the evening. Topp and Mrs. Beeke have
stays at the lodge, preferring his family’s keys to all of the door locks, as does Lord
country estates. Thackeray.
Rooms on the first floor are twenty feet Topp gives a full tour of the lodge,
high, and rooms on the second floor are showing the heroes the rooms in the
ten feet high. Weapons of various types following order.
and sizes adorn the walls throughout the
manor. The only rooms without weapons FIRST FLOOR
are pantry and the storage closet—even A. Den: Dark, rich mahogany outfits this
the library and the washroom have a few. huge room. Weapons of all types crowd
All weapons are sharp or otherwise the walls from floor to ceiling. A well-
serviceable. They hang on sturdy hooks stocked bar runs along the western wall.
affixed to the walls and can be removed Overstuffed chairs fill the rest of the room,
with a single Interact action. Not every arranged in small groups to provide an
hook is occupied; a few inconspicuous intimate atmosphere. Crystal chandeliers
unoccupied hooks remain near the ceiling provide soft lighting. There are a dozen
for future weapon acquisitions. high-quality paintings on the east wall
There is a lot of loose wealth lying representing the most distinguished
around in the manor: silverware, crystal deceased lodge members. The majority of
decanters, gold trim, and so on. Remind the portraits depict Thackerays over the
larcenous heroes that Sparwell Lodge centuries. All of the paintings but one
consists of influential nobles and that the portray humans, and the last depicts is an
heroes are here as investigators, not as old dwarf, his unruly hair and beard shot
thieves. Topp demands the heroes return through with gray. This portrait is labeled
any stolen items and threatens to report “Gremil Ghent” and a date 280 years ago.
them to the authorities.
room. Large chandeliers hang
Handout 1: Note nailed near back door of lodge over the table. Weapons on
hooks cover the walls here, and
a suit of full plate armor rests on
a stand in the far corner of the
room. In the other corners stand
large potted plants. On the
initial tour, Mrs. Beeke is here
polishing the table and chairs.
Topp introduces the heroes to
Houfin Ghent is Gremil’s grandson, but her, but she is too busy to give more than
Houfin possesses none of the good nature a friendly nod of greeting.
of his ancestor. A low bench behind the D. Kitchen: This is a large and
bar allows Dalby to easily reach the top of functional kitchen. Stoves, sinks, and
the bar. Also behind the bar are several hanging racks of cooking utensils fill the
mundane notes Dalby has written to room. A narrow spiral staircase in one
himself, with handwriting and poor corner rises to the serving hallway on the
spelling that match Handout 1. second floor. A back door exits the manor
B. Foyer: This impressive entry room is and another door (slightly ajar) leads to a
long and high. Weapons hang on all walls, pantry. Fatima spends almost all her time
and an ancient-looking breastplate hangs here. Although polite and deferential, she
over double doors that stand open, is busy finishing baking cakes for the
revealing a large dining room. At one end luncheon and has little time to talk.
of this foyer is a sweeping staircase that Tacked to the outside frame of the back
ascends to a second floor. Tucked back door frame is Handout 1. Any hero
behind the staircase is the washroom door. stepping behind the lodge notices this
As Topp shows the foyer to the heroes, note. Dalby takes down the note if it
Dalby leaves for the day with a grimace. remains up at 1:30 a.m. when he comes by
Heroes succeeding at a DC 20 Perception to break in. If the heroes show the note to
check notice the halfling frown at someone Topp or Mrs. Beeke, they recognize
back in the den as he leaves, although Dalby’s handwriting but don’t understand
there is no one in the den at that time what it means. By this time, Dalby is
(Dalby actually frowns toward the portrait already gone for the day. A vexwind may
of Gremil Ghent, out of aggravation with trap the door between the kitchen and
Houfin Ghent). Dalby waves off any pantry at about 8:15 p.m. (see Act 3).
questions, mumbling about having a bad E. Pantry: Fruits, meats and grains fill
week and being anxious to leave the lodge this well-stocked pantry. Topp doesn’t
for the evening. Topp reminds Dalby to be show the pantry on the initial tour, but
back early the next morning, reminding indicates that it is there.
the surly halfling how important the
luncheon is. F. Washroom: This washroom has a
large basin with water, various soaps, and
C. Dining Room: A large oak table, big a toilet. Only a few weapons hang in the
enough to seat twenty, dominates this washroom. Topp doesn’t show the
washroom on the initial tour, but indicates room. In addition to the ubiquitous
the washroom as he leads the heroes up weapons, several dramatic paintings
the main stairs. adorn the walls here. Under a large
landscape painting sits an ornate
SECOND FLOOR rosewood desk piled with books and
papers. A single window with a carved
G. Serving Room: This hallway contains
wooden frame decorates the south wall.
narrow shelves to stack serving trays.
The books that are here are
Narrow spiral stairs lead down to the
overwhelmingly martial-related, including
kitchen. This is the passage servants use to
books on weapons, heroes, legends, and
bring drinks and other refreshments up to
wars. Topp uses the library to research the
guests in the Music Room and other
weapons Lord Thackeray acquires. Topp
second-floor rooms.
prepares a display card for especially
H. Storage Closet: Old furniture and valuable weapons and places them in the
broken weapons clutter this storage closet. Music Room. He hangs other weapons
Before 1:30 a.m., there is nothing elsewhere in the manor. This research is
particularly interesting in this room. Topp Topp’s favorite part of his job. In the back
mentions it, but doesn’t show it, on the of a desk drawer is a wand of restoration
initial tour. A vexwind traps this closet (2nd). Topp occasionally uses this wand to
with Dalby’s corpse at 1:30 a.m. (see Act 5). stave off tiredness or other debilitating
I. Guest Room: Silks and fine wools conditions. He doesn’t mind if the heroes
titivate this bedroom. The bedroom also use it during their investigations.
contains two large dressers, a soft rug, and L. Music Room: This grand room is a
a bed. Topp invites the heroes to use this museum of magical weaponry. The floor is
room. The servants usually keep this room a plush, amber-colored carpet. In one
locked. corner squats an ancient organ, well-
J. Lord Thackeray’s Bedroom: This polished and at least as old the manor
bedroom is the essence of opulence. Silk house. The large window overlooking the
sheets drape a bed large enough to sleep street is broken out. When the Thackeray
six and exotic rugs cover the floor. The family purchased this manor house
dressers and armoires are made of rare centuries ago, this room was the music
woods that give off a pleasant aroma. room. The Thackerays, more inclined to
Serviceable weapons and a pair of steel martial pursuits than music, soon sold off
shields adorn the walls. Above the bed the instruments here. The organ is built
hangs a battered old bastard sword, the into the manor’s supporting walls, so the
first weapon Lord Thackeray used in battle Thackerays kept it and continued to call
many, many years ago. Topp unlocks this this room the Music Room.
room to show it to the heroes, but locks it Nine weapons hang on display in this
again afterwards. He prefers that the room and are held in place by good locks
heroes not use this room, but does not (requiring five successful DC 30 Thievery
protest too loudly if they do. checks to open). Topp keeps the keys to
K. Library: Low shelves containing the weapon locks, although Fatima made a
books and scrolls line this wood-paneled copy of the key to Vaporblade’s lock
without Topp’s knowledge. Most weapons
are accompanied by a neatly-written card
explaining the weapon's powers and
history. The weapons here are:
• Mountainshot is a +1 striking composite
• Goblinsplitter is a +1 dwarven waraxe.
• Power Word is a fighter's fork that
requires further research, and so doesn't
currently have a final card (see Act 6).
• Soft Kiss is a dagger of venom.
• Vaporblade is a +1 striking hatchet with a
peculiar curse. Vaporblade already has a
card, but further research provides
valuable clues (see Act 6).
• Tax Collector’s Friend, a +1 silver flail
mistakenly considered to be Silvershower;
the card currently identifies it as
Silvershower. Successful research reveals
the truth (see Act 6).
• Wound Opener is a +1 bastard sword that
requires further research, and so doesn't
currently have a final card (see Act 6).
• Ghoul Harvester is a +1 scythe with the
same abilities as a retribution axe.
• The Magpie is a +1 striking hand crossbow.
When the heroes examine the weapons,
give them Handout 2. While they’re
looking it over is a good time to begin Act
Handout 2: Music Room Weapons
Nine weapons hang on the walls of the Music Room. Each is affixed to the wall
with a lock and accompanied by a label. Three of the labels are plainly unfinished,
as they are scrawled in a less precise hand.
Near an unstrung composite longbow:
Mountainshot – This enchanted bow, used by woodsmen and poachers alike,
has been passed among hunters of the Direwood Forest since its creation.
Near a flat black dwarven waraxe:
Goblin Splitter – This axe, carried by the Stonegrinder Clan dwarves of the
Gaunt Mountains for generations, has perhaps hewn more goblinkin than any
axe in existence. Dwarven skalds attest over seven hundred kills from this
Near a trident with a handle wrapped in greenish leather:
?? - ?? some kind of skin? not evil…
Near a dagger ornately decorated with serpent scale patterns:
Soft Kiss – Forged for the elven assassin Triel Dreambringer. Dreambringer
has not been seen for a decade, but the steward of Sparwell Lodge discovered
this dagger in a burned building less than four blocks from the lodge.
Near a hatchet of a golden metal:
Vaporblade – Constructed ages ago by a genie smith, this magical hatchet has
been associated with numerous heroes throughout its long history, including
Kurtmek of Qilat.
Near a flail bearing a stylized silver coin as its head:
Conjuration. Silvershower - ? command word?
Near a bastard sword coated with a rusty patina:
?? Likely either Wound Opener or Sickness…other uncleanable swords?
detects as evil but not as poison…
Near a scythe capped with a leering skull:
Ghoul Harvester – Despite its macabre appearance, this scythe was used by
the famous paladin and undead hunter Ardivan for much of his career.
Near a hand crossbow of unusual workmanship:
The Magpie – Crafted by drow artisans and brought to the surface by the
morlock slaver Glusch. Glusch fell to the gnome warrior Feblin and his
comrades at the end of the last century.

This act begins when a vexwind kills Mrs. Diplomacy: On a successful DC 15

Beeke in the dining room while the heroes Diplomacy check, the hero recognizes that
are upstairs on the tour with Topp. An ear- Mrs. Beeke’s death surprises and horrifies
splitting shriek rips through the manor both Fatima and Topp. Both of them liked
from the dining room. Heroes succeeding the elderly woman. Fatima was the first to
at a DC 15 Perception check also hear a the scene not because she was responsible,
heavy, meaty thud (Mrs. Beeke’s body but merely because she was closest when
collapsing to the floor). On a critical it happened. Both honestly believe this
success, the hero also hears light running was a freakish accident of some kind. On a
footsteps (Fatima rushing to investigate critical success, the hero realizes that
from the kitchen). Fatima seems to be hiding something
A grisly scene awaits the heroes in the personal, unrelated to Mrs. Beeke’s death.
dining room. Mrs. Beeke lies near the west (Fatima suspects a vexwind is involved
wall, her blood pooling from a vicious axe somehow, but she isn’t certain. She isn’t
blow to the head. A bloody battle axe lies willing to reveal her knowledge to the
on the floor next to the corpse, and Fatima heroes at this time, and does not suspect
stands over her, mouth covered and eyes that the battle axe is actually the vexwind
wide with shock. itself.)
Mrs. Beeke was slain by a bloodthirsty Medicine: On a successful DC 15
vexwind appearing moments ago in this Medicine check, the hero realizes that Mrs.
room. The surprised Mrs. Beeke could do Beeke’s muscles are weak and watery, as
nothing but flail weakly at the creature. though some effect drained away her
The vexwind then flew up to the ceiling, vitality just before she perished. On a
assumed its alternate form as a battle axe, critical success, the hero notes that the
and dropped onto Mrs. Beeke’s head. The angle of the axe blow indicates that it was
blow killed the old widow instantly. The not swung at Mrs. Beeke, but rather came
vexwind is now waiting, in battle axe crashing directly down on her head from a
form, for a chance to cause more mayhem. height of 15 or 20 feet. It might have fallen
Topp doesn’t specifically recognize the off the wall in an unfortunate accident,
battle axe, but he’s not intimately familiar although that doesn’t explain her watery
with each mundane weapon in the lodge’s muscles.
vast collection. The heroes may use the Perception: On a successful DC 15
following skills in investigating this scene. Perception check, the hero spies a pair of
music room). He
cautions the heroes to
keep the doors locked.


The vexwind does not
intend to attack right
away. As long as the
heroes seem to think
it's nothing more than
a weapon, it waits for
a good moment to
strike with maximum
surprise. The battle
axe reverts to its
natural form and
attacks upon the first
to occur of the
following, likely with
a +4 bonus to its
empty hooks near the ceiling, from which initiative for suprise:
the battle axe might have hung before • The heroes discuss whether the axe is
falling onto Mrs. Beeke. On a critical sentient.
success or close observation, the hero • The axe is alone in a room with only
realizes the high hooks are actually a bit one hero.
dusty, so the battle axe could not have
• A hero tries to use the axe in combat.
been hanging there.
• Mrs. Beeke’s corpse identifies the axe
Survival: On a successful DC 15
as her killer under a talking corpse spell.
Survival check, the hero notes that there
This may not be until Topp returns in the
are no signs of anyone other than the
morning (see Act 6).
servants or the heroes in the dining room.
Topp is increasingly concerned now
that the haunting has taken a life. He offers
to prepare talking corpse in the morning to
ask Mrs. Beeke’s corpse what happened to
her. He asks the heroes not to disturb the
body. Topp also intends to escort Fatima
home for the evening. Before he leaves,
Topp gives the most honest-looking hero
Mrs. Beeke’s keys to the front door, the
back door, and the bedrooms (he does not
give them keys to the weapon locks in the

Another vexwind appears in the library at about Silvershower. It decides to “help” the
about 8:00 p.m. This is a particularly magical flail. The elemental returns to the
intelligent vexwind with the alternate library and picks up a silver inkstand and
form of a lanky, dark-furred baboon. a silver engraved paperweight. It then
When this vexwind is confronted, it shifts returns to the Music Room and sets them
to its natural form and escapes in the on the floor in front of Silvershower.
fastest possible manner, breaking a • It descends to the kitchen via the
window if necessary, and fleeing upward serving hallway and engineers a hanging
into the stormy night. cleaver to swing down at the next person
As long as it remains undiscovered, the opening the door between the kitchen and
vexwind takes the following actions while the dining room. Treat this as a trap (see
in baboon form, making Stealth checks (at below) that hits the squares on both sides
+15) while performing each opposed by of the doorway when triggered.
Perception DCs of the heroes. Heroes on a • It returns to the library, breaks out the
different floor of the manor have their library window, and flees into the city. If
Perception DCs reduced by 5 for these the heroes do not encounter this vexwind
checks. at all, this escape is at 8:30 p.m.
• The vexwind moves some books • Add any other activities—either
around, piling them in a tall stack on the unnerving or dangerous—that you invent.
floor in the middle of the library. When the
heroes examine the pile, give them KITCHEN DOOR TRAP
Handout 3. The first letter of each title,
reading upward, spells out the clue “Steel Use the following statistics for the trap in
drawn, blood seeking.” This particular the doorway between the kitchen and the
vexwind has an inkling about its dining room, if this vexwind is
summoning, but cannot articulate it any undiscovered long enough to set it. As the
more clearly than in this cryptic clue. mechanism for this trap is more obvious
from the kitchen side, any character
• It moves down the hall and looks in the
opening the door from the kitchen side
guest bedroom. If the guest bedroom is
receives a free Perception check at +5 to
unlocked, it stuffs pillows and blankets
spot the trap before opening the door.
under the sheets to make it look as if
someone is sleeping there.
• It goes into the Music Room and looks
around. Seeing the card for Silvershower, it
remembers something from the library
Handout 3: Library Stack

At 1:30 a.m., calignis hired by Ghent—a

stalker named Ztif and his two creeper
lackeys—break into the Music Room to
steal Silvershower. The thieves climb to the
Music Room window under the cover of a
darkness spell. If the heroes have fixed or
blocked the Music Room window, they try
to break another second-floor window to
gain access. Ghent commanded Dalby to
be part of this raid as well, but Dalby
sneaks in through the storage room
window and is killed by a vexwind there
(see Act 5). The calignis aren’t particularly
surprised that Dalby doesn’t join them, as
they think the halfling hopelessly craven.
If the thieves enter the lodge
undetected, have each hero attempt a DC
20 Perception check to hear the thieves
(DC 25 if the heroes are on a different floor
of the manor). On a critical success, the
hero learns how many thieves there are.
The thieves search around for a minute
or two to find Silvershower. As they don’t
read Common, they must examine the
weapon cards closely. If the heroes
relocated Silvershower, the thieves skulk
around the lodge looking for it. If
Silvershower is still in the Music Room, the
caligni stalker uses his chime of opening to
unlock the weapon (requiring a 17 or
better on a d20 to succeed). Unfortunately
for him, the chime can be clearly heard
throughout the lodge. If the thieves can
acquire Silvershower and escape by stealth,
they do so. If discovered, they attack.
Handout 4: This note is written in the caligni language, except the word
“SILVERSHOWER,” which is printed in Common

The caligni stalker carries a note from

Ghent. The note is primarily written in the
Caligni language, but the word
“SILVERSHOWER” in the middle of the
note is in Common. If the heroes can read
the note, provide Handout 4.
Ghent keeps an eye out for Dalby and
the caligni that evening. When they
appear without Silvershower, or if they
don’t appear at all, he deduces that their
mission was a failure.

This act occurs any time after 1:30 a.m. A out of its fist and complete the
dangerous trap greets the first hero to summoning. The living wildfire is
open the storage closet door. uncontrolled and doesn’t function as a
Just before Dalby entered the storage minion, although it still vanishes after 1
closet through the window, a vexwind minute. Identifying that the corpse’s fist
appeared in the closet. The creature conceals a dangerous broken magic item
quickly murdered the hapless halfling. The and working quickly to keep the fist
vexwind rigged Dalby’s corpse with some closed requires a successful DC 19 Arcana
wire and a broken mop handle in a ghastly or Perception check, followed by a
prank to make the body stumble a few successful DC 19 Acrobatics or Thievery
zombie-like paces forward when the closet check. The elemental gem can’t be
door opens. Discovering that Dalby was recovered in any case, but keeping the fist
carrying a red elemental gem, the vexwind closed around its pieces lets the heroes
folded this item into the corpse’s fist and dispose of them harmlessly.
smashed it. This didn’t fully release the
living wildfire within it, but suspended its
summoning. The vexwind realized the
broken gem would fall out when the
artificially animated corpse toppled over.
Satisfied, the vexwind fled out the closet
Any hero opening the storage room
door encounters Dalby’s bloody, battered
corpse tottering clumsily forward, his
hands balled into fists. The heroes may
initially think this corpse is a combatant,
but it instead functions as a trap. Dalby’s
corpse has an Armor Class of 6 and can
take 15 Hit Points before collapsing. Two
rounds after the corpse lurches forward, if
still in one piece, its wires give out and it
collapses awkwardly onto the floor.
When Dalby’s body collapses, either
from damage or simply from falling over,
the shards of the broken elemental gem fall
Heroes examining Dalby’s body notice the
• Dalby now wears black and carries
infiltrator thieves’ tools, rope, and a
padded grappling hook. He’s plainly
equipped for thievery, not for work.
• Someone in the closet with Dalby
battered him to death.
• Dalby’s muscles are weak and watery.
A successful DC 15 Medicine check reveals
that he was drained before he was killed.
• The small window in the back of the
storage closet is open. A successful DC 15
Survival check reveals how long the
window has been open, based on the rain
on the sill (Dalby opened this window at
1:30 a.m.).

Sparwell Lodge is busy in the morning. 9:20 a.m. in its alternate form, a giant rat.
The heroes can freely continue their The surprised workers call for help. When
investigations, but research with Topp is anyone threatens the rat, the vexwind
likely the best use of their time. assumes its natural form and attacks.
Topp arrives at 7:45 a.m. He first
consults with the heroes regarding the
events of the evening. This is a good
opportunity for the heroes to recount any
clues they have and any conclusions they
have drawn. If the heroes mention Ghent’s
name, Topp confirms that Houfin Ghent is Fatima arrives at 10:30 a.m. to prepare
a lodge member and that Topp expects the food for the luncheon and clean the
Ghent at the luncheon. Topp opines that, dining room. She shyly asks the heroes
although Ghent may be behind the night’s about their night in the lodge and praises
burglary, Ghent seems unconnected with their heroism. She determines the heroes
the haunting. Topp then withdraws to the may be worthy to carry Vaporblade and lift
library for the rest of the morning to the curse, but she does not approach the
perform urgent last-minute research (see heroes directly unless absolutely necessary
Research, below). (that is, until Act 7). If the heroes ignore
Fatima, she surreptitiously leaves a key to
If the heroes have not yet discovered
Vaporblade’s lock somewhere the heroes
the vexwind hiding as a battle axe, Topp
will run across it. If a hero makes an effort
first questions Mrs. Beeke’s corpse with a
to spend time with Fatima, she hints that
talking corpse spell. The spell grants Topp
the hatchet in the Music Room “suits” the
three questions. Unless the heroes have
hero and encourages the hero to learn
suggestions, his first questions are “what
more about it (such as by research in the
killed you?” (the corpse replies, “a ghost of
mist and wind”) and “where did your
killer go?” (the corpse replies, “it’s Dalby doesn’t arrive at all. Unless the
pretending to be an axe”). This discovery heroes reported Dalby’s fate, Topp fumes
causes the vexwind to attack (see Act 2), about the “irresponsible little louse” as the
and Topp doesn’t get to his third question. morning progresses.
Three workers hired by Topp arrive at
9:00 a.m. to repair windows and any other
collateral damage to the manor. A Topp is grateful for any research
vexwind appears in the Music Room at assistance in the library. His first priority
is to research the recent acquisitions (Power Wound Opener: The half-fiend Furgut
Word, Wound Opener, and Silvershower, in brought Wound Opener from the lower
that order) and prepare display cards. planes centuries ago and with it slew the
Topp revises his research if the heroes legendary paladin Rajani. A lesser demon
suggest differently, particularly if the stole the sword but lost it a few years later
heroes convince him that a weapon could among some orc-infested lands. Wound
be responsible for the haunting. Opener is a +1 bastard sword.
Researching a weapon requires the Silvershower / Tax Collector’s Friend:
following exploration activity. Heroes may The flail here isn’t Silvershower. The real
aid one another or attempt research Silvershower has a cluster of coins as a
independently. Topp also engages in this head, not a single stylized coin. This is Tax
activity, with his +11 Library Lore skill. Collector’s Friend, a +1 silver flail forged by
a zealous priest of the God of Civilization.
Vaporblde: Research uncovers a legend
about a plague of shapechanging
elemental creatures called vexwinds
bedeviling the town of Qilat after the
warrior Kurtmek retired there six
centuries ago. Kurtmek’s son took several
of his father’s weapons, including
Vaporblade, to battle gnolls outside the city
and the haunting of Qilat suddenly
stopped. The researching character also
knows that there is further information to
be found upon additional research into
this weapon.
Research reveals other vexwind
plagues throughout history. Vaporblade
appears in each case, usually by
Research into the weapons that already
description but not name. In each case, the
have cards (with the exception of
peculiar haunting stopped once someone
Vaporblade) reveals nothing new.
used Vaporblade in battle. The researching
Successful research into the new weapons
character also knows that there is further
reveals the single piece of information
information to be found upon additional
available for each. Vaporblade, however,
research into this weapon.
has 3 pieces of information available.
The curse on Vaporblade is designed to
Power Word: This weapon passed
encourage its continual use. Vexwinds
through the hands of several warrior-
appear in the area around Vaporblade once
priests throughout the last century,
it is lies unused for three months. This
including the legendary anarchist Thren
curse cannot be removed by any normal
Mageslayer. Thren wrapped the weapon’s
means: using the hatchet to spill the blood
hilt in wyvern hide. Power Word is a
of an evil creature is the only way to
fighter’s fork.
suppress its curse.

As noon approaches, Topp becomes of the lodge, so it is important to know

increasingly restless if the heroes have not where the heroes are and what each of the
discovered how to stop the haunting. If the NPCs intends to accomplish.
heroes determined that Vaporblade is key, Topp: From the arrival of the first
Topp asks the heroes to stay to discuss this lodge members, Topp does not leave the
with Lord Thackeray after the luncheon. den. He does his best to keep the lodge
Despite all the heroes have done for members distracted in the event of a
Topp, he insists that they are not lodge combat elsewhere in the lodge, as he is
members and therefore not welcome at the afraid of ruining the luncheon.
luncheon. Topp does not want to lose face Fatima: Fatima realizes that Ghent
(or worse, his job) by permitting non- intends trouble. She retreats to the pantry,
members to attend a lodge function. He turns invisible, and searches out the
permits the heroes to stay in the lodge heroes to reveal the truth to them so they
during the luncheon, but asks the heroes can use Vaporblade to stop Ghent. She tells
to stay out of the foyer, den, and dining the heroes that she took the job at the
room. If the heroes have not yet lodge to seek champions capable of using
suppressed the curse, Topp begs them to Vaporblade and suppressing its curse.
complete their investigation as soon as Fatima found no one worthy among the
possible. servants or among the indolent lodge
Houfin Ghent arrives at noon with members, but the heroes have shown their
several other lodge members. If the heroes mettle over the previous night. Fatima
alerted Topp to Ghent’s villainy, Topp tells the heroes that she believes
promises to keep an eye on Ghent and wounding a villain like Ghent with
report him to Lord Thackeray. Vaporblade will suppress the curse
Unfortunately, Ghent can easily sneak past plaguing the lodge with malicious
the harried steward. elementals. If the heroes need it, she
Some of Ghent’s fellow lodge members produces a key to the lock holding
are not who they appear, but are Vaporblade in place. As long as the heroes
doppelgangers intending to help Ghent attempt to use Vaporblade against Ghent,
steal Silvershower before the luncheon gets Fatima aids them as best she can.
underway (alternatively, if Ghent Ghent: Ghent and his allies leave the
somehow already learned that Silvershower den and make their way to the Music
is a fake, he plans revenge on the heroes). Room. Ghent approaches the Music Room
This climactic confrontation with from the main staircase with one of his
Ghent may occur throughout the upstairs doppleganger allies (disguised as a feeble
old man determined to finish a
meandering lecture on chivalry to Ghent).
If Ghent encounters the heroes, he declares
their meddling at an end, draws his
starknives, and attacks.
Ghent’s doppleganger allies: The first
of Ghent's two doppleganger allies
accompanies Ghent. The second
doppelganger moves into the kitchen,
assumes Topp’s appearance, and ascends
the servant’s staircase to the upstairs hall.
Pretending to be Topp, this doppleganger
provides poor tactical advice, encourages
the heroes to turn Silvershower over to
Ghent, and otherwise tries to confound the
heroes. Once combat breaks out, the
doppleganger disguised as the feeble old
man feigns surprise at Ghent’s violence
and flees among the heroes, where he
Ends the Charade, providing Ghent with
flanking if possible.
When the combat ends, Topp arrives
upstairs along with Lord Thackeray. If the
heroes suppressed Vaporblade's curse, or if
they have not suppressed the curse but
know how to do so, then Topp and Lord
Thackeray are grateful. Lord Thackeray
invites the heroes to take Vaporblade with
them, ostensibly because he feels the
heroes will put it to continuous use, but
also to get the cursed item out of his lodge.
If the heroes have not discovered how
to stop the haunting, Fatima drops her
disguise and presents the solution,
RUNNING THE CLIMAX apologizing for her misdirection. Topp
At its best, this final fight is a running and Lord Thackeray remain grateful for
battle on multiple fronts all across the the heroes’ assistance for stopping Houfin
second floor of the lodge. Several of the Ghent, but do not feel any obligation to
combatants are not who they appear to be, reward them further.
including Fatima and the doppelgangers.
This final fight is intended to be difficult. THE END
Fatima is a good tool for you in this
combat. If the heroes fare poorly, she can
provide significant assistance. If the heroes
are doing well, she should help them less.
Fatima should be used to bolster the
heroes, as indicated in her tactics, not steal
their spotlight.
Reward the heroes, narratively and
mechanically, for proper use of Vaporblade.
The first time a hero uses it to strike Ghent,
the blade lets out a sigh and all free
vexwinds are instantly drawn back into
the weapon. This rush of energy into
Vaporblade also heals the wielder of all Hit
Point damage. Note that the
dopplegangers, though mercenary, are not
evil and therefore wounding them cannot
suppress Vaporblade’s curse.

Vexwinds are a malevolent type of air

elemental rarely seen on the Material
Plane. They are made of swirling but
dense vapor. A pair of menacing eyes look
out from within their misty form. Genies
know of vexwinds and sometimes call
upon them to teach mortals a rough
lesson. Vexwinds delight in playing cruel
jokes, often involving murder, on mortals.
Vexwinds prefer to fight victims that are
cornered and alone, but do not shy away
from a fight with a larger group.
Each vexwind can transform into a
single alternate form: animals or
humanoids are common, but some
vexwinds take the form of inanimate
objects or even patches of inky darkness.

Prior to the Three vexwinds have already appeared in the lodge, playing tricks and
adventure: wrecking items before fleeing. One appeared two days ago, one
yesterday, and one earlier this morning.
5:50 p.m. Introduction: A vexwind appears in the Music Room, breaks out the
window, and withdraws. Once the street is clear, it escapes out the
window. Topp ushers the heroes into the lodge and presents his
problem. A thunderstorm begins.
6:00 p.m. Act 1: Dalby Dragfoot leaves for the day. Topp takes the heroes on a
tour of the manor, ending with the Music Room.
6:20 p.m. Act 2: A vexwind kills Mrs. Beeke in battle axe form and remains in this
form until discovered. Topp leaves with Fatima.
8:00 p.m. Act 3: A clever vexwind appears in the library. It plays a series of tricks
but flees if confronted.
A vexwind appears in the upstairs storage closet as Dalby Dragfoot
1:28 a.m.
enters through the window. The vexwind kills Dalby and rigs up a
gruesome trap with his corpse (Act 5) before fleeing.
1:30 a.m. Act 4: Ghent’s caligni thieves arrive to steal Silvershower.
7:45 a.m. Act 6: Topp arrives to survey the damage to the lodge and question Mrs.
Beeke’s corpse. If the battle axe has not yet done so, it attacks. Topp
begins his last-minute research in the library.
9:00 a.m. Workers arrive to repair the manor.
9:20 a.m. A vexwind confounds the workers and attacks when confronted.
10:30 a.m. Fatima arrives, and provides further direction to the heroes if necessary.
Noon Act 7: Guests begin arriving, including Ghent. Topp sends the heroes
upstairs. Ghent sneaks upstairs to steal Silvershower. Fatima encourages
the heroes to use Vaporblade against Ghent. The heroes confront Ghent
and his doppleganger minions.
12:10 p.m. Conclusion: Lord Thackeray meets with the heroes.

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