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The document discusses topics related to chemistry including matter, measurements, atoms, electron configuration, the periodic table, chemical bonding, chemical formulas and reactions.

The main sections/chapters covered include matter and change, measurements and calculations, atoms as the building blocks of matter, arrangement of electrons in atoms, the periodic law, chemical bonding, chemical formulas and compounds, and chemical equations and reactions.

Key concepts regarding the periodic table discussed include the contributions of scientists like Cannizzaro and Mendeleev to developing the periodic table, the periodic law, electron configurations within groups, why noble gases are relatively unreactive, properties of groups like alkali and alkaline earth metals.

Louisiana Interactive Reader

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Modern Chemistry
Interactive Reader
Chapter 1 Matter and Change 2
1 Chemistry Is a Physical Science 3
2 Matter and Its Properties 6
3 Elements 16
Math Tutor Significant Figures 22
Chapter Review 23

Chapter 2 Measurements and Calculations 26

1 Scientific Method 27
2 Units of Measurement 31
3 Using Scientific Measurements 43
Math Tutor Scientific Notation 58
Chapter Review 59

Chapter 3 Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter 62

1 The Atom: From Philosophical Idea to Scientific Theory 63
2 The Structure of the Atom 68
3 Counting Atoms 74
Math Tutor Conversion Factors 86
Chapter Review 87

Chapter 4 Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms 90
1 The Development of a New Atomic Model 91
2 The Quantum Model of the Atom 99
3 Electron Configurations 107
Math Tutor Weighted Averages and Atomic Mass 120
Chapter Review 121

Chapter 5 The Periodic Law 124

1 History of the Periodic Table 125
2 Electron Configuration and the Periodic Table 130
3 Electron Configuration and Periodic Properties 143
Math Tutor Writing Electron Configurations 160
Chapter Review 161

Chapter 6 Chemical Bonding 164

1 Introduction to Chemical Bonding 165
2 Covalent Bonding and Molecular Compounds 169
3 Ionic Bonding and Ionic Compounds 182
4 Metallic Bonding 188
5 Molecular Geometry 191
Math Tutor Drawing Lewis Structures 202
Chapter Review 203

Chapter 7 Chemical Formulas and Chemical Compounds 206

1 Chemical Names and Formulas 207
2 Oxidation Numbers 219
3 Using Chemical Formulas 224
4 Determining Chemical Formulas 235
Math Tutor Calculating Percentage Composition 242
Chapter Review 243

Chapter 8 Chemical Equations and Reactions 246
1 Describing Chemical Reactions 247
2 Types of Chemical Reactions 261
3 Activity Series of the Elements 274
Math Tutor Balancing Chemical Equations 278
Chapter Review 279

Chapter 9 Stoichiometry 282

1 Introduction to Stoichiometry 283
2 Ideal Stoichiometric Calculations 287
3 Limiting Reactants and Percentage Yield 297
Math Tutor Using Mole Ratios 306
Chapter Review 307

Chapter 10 States of Matter 310

1 The Kinetic-Molecular Theory of Matter 311
2 Liquids 315
3 Solids 319
4 Changes of State 325
5 Water 332
Math Tutor Calculating Using Enthalpies of Fusion 336
Chapter Review 337

Chapter 11 Gases 340

1 Gases and Pressure 341
2 The Gas Laws 349
3 Gas Volumes and the Ideal Gas Law 359
4 Diffusion and Effusion 370
Math Tutor Algebraic Rearrangements of Gas Laws 374
Chapter Review 375

Chapter 12 Solutions 378
1 Types of Mixtures 379
2 The Solution Process 385
3 Concentration of Solutions 396
Math Tutor Calculating Solution Concentration 406
Chapter Review 407

Chapter 13 Ions in Aqueous Solutions and Colligative Properties 410

1 Compounds in Aqueous Solutions 411
2 Colligative Properties of Solutions 423
Math Tutor Boiling and Freezing Points of Solutions 438
Chapter Review 439

Chapter 14 Acids and Bases 442

1 Properties of Acids and Bases 443
2 Acid-Base Theories 454
3 Acid-Base Reactions 460
Math Tutor Writing Equations for Ionic Reactions 468
Chapter Review 469

Chapter 15 Acid-Base Titration and pH 472

1 Aqueous Solutions and the Concept of pH 473
2 Determining pH and Titrations 487
Math Tutor Using Logarithms and pH 498
Chapter Review 499

Chapter 16 Reaction Energy 502
1 Thermochemistry 503
2 Driving Force of Reactions 519
Math Tutor Hess’s Law 526
Chapter Review 527

Reference Appendix: Quick Topics 531

1 Reaction Rates and Equilibrium 532
2 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 538
3 Biochemistry 542
4 Nuclear Chemistry 550

Glossary 558
Credits 570


Matter and Change


Key Concepts LA.SI.12  Cite evidence that

scientific investigations are
conducted for many different
Section 1 Chemistry Is a Physical Science reasons. (SI-H-B2)
LA.PS.14  Identify unknowns as
What is chemistry? elements, compounds, or mixtures
What are the different branches of chemistry? based on physical properties (e.g.,
density, melting point, boiling
What are the goals of scientists who study chemistry? point, solubility). (PS-H-C1)
LA.PS.17  Use the periodic table to
Section 2 Matter and Its Properties compare electronegativities and
ionization energies of elements to
What is matter and how can it be changed? explain periodic properties, such as
How are the three common states of matter different? atomic size. (PS-H-C2)
LA.PS.31  Describe chemical
What is the law of conservation of matter? changes and reactions using
diagrams and descriptions of the
Section 3  Elements reactants, products, and energy
changes. (PS-H-D1)
What is the periodic table and how is it organized?
What are metals, nonmetals, and metalloids?

Review Previous Concepts

1. What is science and what does a scientist do?

2. Compare and contrast the properties of a metal spoon and a

plastic spoon. Name at least three properties that are similar and
three properties that are different.

SECTION 1.1 LA.SI.12 Cite evidence that scientific
investigations are conducted for many

Chemistry Is a different reasons. (SI-H-B2)

Physical Science
Physical science is the study of nonliving objects and VOCABULARY
materials. Physics, astronomy, and geology are examples of
chemistry chemical
physical sciences. Chemistry is another physical science.
Chemistry is the study of the structure and properties of
matter, the processes that matter undergoes, and the energy
changes that accompany these processes. A chemist studies
matter and tries to answer such questions as “What makes up
this material?”, “How does this material change when heated
or cooled?”, “What happens when I mix this material with
another material?”, and “What rules determine how materials
change in different situations?”


1. Write two questions that a chemist could try to answer

about a material called “Chemical X.”

The materials with which chemists work are called

chemicals. A chemical is any substance with a definite
The Branches of Chemistry
composition. For example, sucrose is a chemical that is also
1. Organic chemistry—the study
called cane sugar. One unit of sucrose found in a sugar cane
of materials with carbon
plant is exactly the same as one unit of sucrose found
2. Inorganic chemistry—the
anywhere else, whether in another plant, in the ground,
study of non-organic materials
or in your body.
3. Physical chemistry—the study
of the properties of matter

Branches of Chemistry 4. Analytical chemistry—the

identification of materials
Chemists divide their areas of study into six branches, shown 5. Biochemistry—the study of
in the table at the right. These branches often overlap, the chemistry of living things
depending on what process or material the chemist is studying. 6. Theoretical chemistry—
Projects in each branch can be classified as basic research, predicting the properties of
new materials
applied research, or technological development.

M AT T E R A n d C H A n g E 3
Basic Research
The goal of basic research is to increase knowledge. In CONNECT
­chemistry, basic research includes the study of the properties
Basic research can lead to chance
of a chemical. It also includes the study of what happens when discoveries. For example, Ray
two chemicals are mixed. Plunkett discovered the properties
of Teflo​n®
​ ​by accident. After
Sometimes, scientists do basic r­ esearch simply to satisfy removing the gas from a container,
their curiosity about a chemical and its qualities. Sometimes the container was still heavier than
basic research results in a new product or technology, though expected. Inside, he found a white
solid with nonstick properties.
such results are not the scientists’ goal.
Sometimes the uses of a material or
chemical are not realized at first. It
Applied Research
was many years later before Teflo​n® ​​
The goal of applied research is to solve problems. In chemistry, was used in nonstick cookware.
applied research includes finding materials with certain
­properties. For example, a chemist might want to develop a
new cooling fluid for a refrigerator that is not dangerous to
the environment. Sometimes applied research in chemistry has
the goal of learning how to prevent a certain reaction from
occurring, or how to control the reaction, or how to speed up
the reaction.

Technological Development
The goal of technological development is to come up with
new products and processes that improve the quality of life.
Sometimes new technologies are the result of determined
efforts to create a certain product. New technologies can also
result from knowledge gained in basic and applied research, or
can build on other technologies. For example, lasers were
developed from basic research on crystals and light. Scientists
looking for new ways to transmit information found that laser
pulses could be sent through plastic fibers. This led to the
The nonstick coating on this frying
technology of fiber optic cables that carry television, pan is new technology that makes use
­telephone, and computer signals. of the unique properties of Teflo​n®
​ ​.

Critical Thinking
2. Connect  Why is basic research important to
technological development?

1. Define chemistry.

2. What types of substances do chemists work with?

3. Name six branches in the study of chemistry.

4. Compare and contrast basic research, applied research, and

technological development.

Critical Thinking
5. INFERRING RELATIONSHIPS  Scientific and technological advances are
c­ onstantly changing how people live and work. Discuss a change that you
have observed in your lifetime that has made life easier or more enjoyable
for you.

M atter a n d C ha n g e 5
SECTION 1.2 LA.PS.14 Identify unknowns as elements,
compounds, or mixtures based on physical

Matter and Its Properties properties (e.g., density, melting point, boiling
point, solubility). (PS-H-C1)
LA.PS.31 Describe chemical changes and
reactions using diagrams and descriptions of
the reactants, products, and energy changes.

Everything around you is made of matter. Books, desks,

computers, trees, and buildings are all made of matter, as are
matter gas
water and even air. Matter has two properties: it takes up mass plasma
space and it has mass. element chemical property
atom chemical change
Mass is a measure of the amount of material that makes up compound chemical reaction
extensive property reactant
an object or substance. You can measure mass by using a
intensive property product
balance. The mass of matter will always measure at greater physical property mixture
than zero, because mass is a necessary property of matter. physical change homogeneous
change of state solution
The second property of matter is that it takes up space. solid heterogeneous
liquid pure substance
Another way to describe this property is to say that all matter
has volume. An object such as a book or a tree takes up space
that you can see with your eyes. Air also takes up space, so air
is also considered matter.

Basic Building Blocks of Matter

All the matter that people have observed is made of certain LOOKING CLOSER
building blocks called elements. An element is a pure 1. Underline the sentences that
substance that cannot be broken down into simpler, stable give the definitions of the five
vocabulary terms on this page:
substances. Carbon and gold are elements. An element is
matter, mass, atom, element, and
always made of only one type of atom. compound.
An atom is the smallest unit of an element that maintains
the chemical identity of that element. For example, an atom
of carbon can be separated from other carbon atoms and
combined with other types of atoms such as oxygen. However,
it can still be identified as a carbon atom.
A compound can be broken down into simpler, stable Hydrogen atom
substances. Each compound contains atoms of two or more
elements that are chemically bonded. For example, water is a
compound made of two elements. Two atoms of hydrogen and
Oxygen atom Carbon atom
one atom of oxygen are bonded in a water molecule. A
molecule is the smallest unit of a compound or element that A compound, such as sucrose (table
retains all the properties of the compound or element. sugar), is made up of two or more
types of atoms.

6 ChaPter 1
Properties and Changes in Matter
Every substance has characteristic properties. Chemists use
properties to ­distinguish between different substances.
Properties can help reveal the identity of an unknown
substance. Comparisons of several properties can be used
together to establish the identity of the unknown.
Chemists also use properties to separate different
­substances that are mixed together. For example, a mixture
of iron and aluminum shavings can be separated using the
magnetic property of iron. The iron shavings are attracted to
a magnet and the aluminum shavings are not.
Extensive properties depend on the amount of matter that
is present. The volume of an object is an extensive property
because it changes when material is added to, or taken away
from, an object. Extensive properties include the volume,
mass, and amount of energy in an object.
In contrast, intensive properties do not depend on the
amount of matter present. Such properties include melting
point, boiling point, and density. Intensive properties are the
same for two samples of a substance even if the samples are
different in size.


2. A copper wire can conduct electricity whether the wire is

very thin or very thick. Is electrical conductivity an
extensive property or an intensive property?

Physical Properties and Physical Changes

A physical property can be observed or measured without
changing the identity of the substance. Physical properties
describe the substance itself, rather than describing how it can
change into other substances. One physical property of a
substance is its boiling point. Liquid water boils into water
vapor at 100°C (373 K or 212°F).
A change in a substance that does not involve a change in
the identity of the substance is called a physical change.
Examples of physical changes include grinding, cutting,
­melting, and boiling. These types of changes do not change The boiling point of water is a physical
the identity of the substance present. property and an intensive property.

M at t e r a n d C h a n g e 7
Changes of State The three common states of matter are
solid, liquid, and gas. One type of physical change is a change
from one of these states to another, such as when ice melts
into liquid water. The change of matter from one state to
another is called a change of state.
Another example of a change of state is freezing, the
opposite of melting, in which a substance changes from a
liquid to a solid state. When matter changes state, the
movement of and distance between the particles in the matter
change, but the matter itself stays the same.


3. Why is boiling a pot of water an example of a

physical change?

Solids A solid has a definite volume and a definite shape. For

example, a piece of coal keeps its size and its shape, regardless
of the container it is in. Particles in solids are packed together.
The particles can vibrate back and forth, but they cannot
change position. The particles are held together because they
are attracted to each other.
Liquids A liquid has a definite volume but a shape that can
change. Liquids assume the shape of their containers. For
example, when a thin glass of water is poured into a pot, Solid Gas
it takes up the same amount of space in the pot. But
the water spreads out to take the shape of the pot. The
particles in liquids are close together but they can slide
past one another. Because particles in a liquid move
more rapidly than the particles in a solid, attractive
forces cannot hold the particles in place.
Gases A gas has neither a definite volume nor a
definite shape. For example, a given quantity of
oxygen gas expands to fill any size container and
takes the shape of the container. Gas particles move
much more rapidly and are farther away from one
another compared with the particles of liquids and
solids. The attractive forces between gas particles are The circles show particle models for
unable to keep the fast-moving particles close together. water as a solid, a liquid, and a gas.

8 ChaPter 1
A fourth state of matter, plasma, is found in
fluorescent bulbs and stars. A plasma has a high
temperature and its matter is made up of charged
particles. Like a gas, a plasma takes the shape of its
container. Unlike a gas, its particles can be
influenced by electrical charges. A lightning bolt is
made of air particles that have been converted into

Chemical Properties and Chemical Changes

Physical properties can be observed without
changing the identity of the substance. However,
Most of the material in the sun is in
the chemical properties of a substance cannot be observed the form of a plasma.
without changing its identity. A chemical property relates to a
substance’s ability to undergo changes that transform it into
different substances.
A chemical change is a change in which one or more
substances are converted into different substances. The
substances are said to react with one another to form the new
substance or substances. Therefore, a change in which at least
one new substance is formed is called a chemical reaction.
The chemical properties of a substance are easiest to see
when the substance is involved in a chemical reaction. For
example, the rusting of iron when combined with the oxygen
in air is a chemical property.


4. List the three common states of matter in order from the

state with the fastest-moving particles to the state with the
slowest-moving particles.

5. Give an example of a physical change involving iron and a

chemical change involving iron.

M at t e r a n d C h a n g e 9
Properties: hard gray
metal, solid at room
temperature, easily

Iron(III) chloride
Properties: dark colored
powder, solid at room
temperature, poisonous
and corrosive

Properties: yellow-
green gas at room
temperature, smells Iron wool dipped in a flask of
like bleach chlorine gas ignites and forms
iron(III) chloride.

The substances that react in a chemical change are called the

reactants. The substances formed by the chemical change are
called the products. A chemical reaction is often represented
as an equation similar to a mathematical statement. For Critical Thinking
­example, the chemical reaction in the diagram above can be 6.  Compare and Contrast  When
described as follows: charcoal is burned, carbon in the
charcoal combines with oxygen to
iron + chlorine iron(III) chloride form carbon dioxide. Compare and
contrast the properties of charcoal
In this reaction, iron and chlorine are the reactants and and carbon dioxide.
iron(III) chloride are the products.
Chemical reactions form products whose properties can
differ greatly from the properties of the reactants. The
­diagram above shows that the properties of iron and chlorine
are different from the properties of iron(III) chloride.
However, chemical reactions do not affect the total amount of
matter present before and after the change. The amount of
matter, and therefore the total mass, remains the same.

10 C HA P TER 1
Energy and Changes in Matter
Every physical change and chemical change requires energy.
This energy can take several forms, such as heat or light. The
amount of energy helps to determine what type of change takes
place. For example, heat can cause the change of state in which
water boils and becomes water vapor. But heat can also cause
water vapor to break down into oxygen gas and hydrogen gas.
This decomposition of water vapor is a chemical change.
Scientists keep track of the energy present before and after
a physical or chemical change. In every case, they have found
! Remember
A scientific law is a statement
that the total amount of energy present before the change is that summarizes how the natural
also present after the change. Energy can be absorbed or world works.
released by one of the substances involved in the change.
However, even if some of the energy has changed form, the
total energy in the system remains the same. This concept is
called the law of conservation of energy.

Classification of Matter
Any sample of matter can be classified as either a pure
substance or as a mixture. The composition of a pure
substance is the same throughout, with no variation from
sample to sample. A pure substance can be either an element
or a compound.
Mixtures, in contrast, contain more than one substance.
The properties within a mixture can vary from sample to
sample. Sometimes two samples from the same mixture will be
different depending on the composition of the mixture at each
location. For example, samples from different places on a
block of gold will have the same composition and properties
because gold is a pure substance. But, samples from different
Two samples from this mixture of salt,
places on a large rock may be completely different because a sand, poppy seeds, and iron would not
rock is usually a mixture of smaller minerals. be identical.


7. What is the difference between a compound and a mixture?

M at t e r a n d C h a n g e 11
Nearly every object around you, including most things you eat

TIP Knowing the meanings of
the prefixes homo- and
and drink, and even the air you breathe, is a mixture. A hetero- can help you remember the
mixture is a blend of two or more kinds of matter, each of meanings of homogeneous and
heterogeneous. Homo- means
which keeps its own identity and properties. As a result, the “same.” Hetero- means “other” or
properties of a mixture are a combination of the properties of “different.”
its components.
A mixture is called homogeneous if it is uniform in
­composition. In other words, a homogeneous mixture looks
the same throughout the entire mixture. Often it is hard to
tell that a homogeneous mixture contains more than one
substance. An example of a homogeneous mixture is salt
water. Homogeneous mixtures are also called solutions. LOOKING CLOSER
A mixture is called heterogeneous if it is not uniform 8.  Use the chart below to classify
throughout. For example, in a mixture of clay and water, chocolate milk as a homogeneous
mixture, a heterogeneous mixture, a
heavier clay particles concentrate near the bottom of the compound, or an element.
container. A sample from the bottom of the container will be
different from a sample from the top of the container.


Yes Can it be separated? No

Mixtures Pure substances

Is the Can it be decom-

Yes composition No Yes posed by ordinary No
uniform? chemical means?

Homogeneous Heterogeneous Compounds Elements

mixtures mixtures (water, sodium (gold, aluminum,
(air, sugar in water, (granite, wood, chloride, sucrose) oxygen, chlorine)
stainless steel) blood)

This classification scheme shows the relationships among mixtures, compounds,

and elements.

12 C HA P TER 1
Separating Mixtures  The parts of a mixture can usually be
separated. Using differences in properties of the substances
making up the mixture enables their separation. For example,
passing some mixtures through a filter or sieve will separate
the components. Filters separate parts of a mixture using the
property of particle size.
Other methods of separating mixtures include using
centrifuges and chromatography. When a centrifuge spins
really fast, the solid particles tend to accumulate at the bottom
of the test tube. A centrifuge separates substances using
density. Paper chromatography can separate mixtures of dyes
or pigments. Different substances are absorbed and flow up
through the fibers of the paper at different rates.

Pure Substances
Though mixtures can be either homogeneous or
heterogeneous, any sample of a pure substance is
Barium chromate can be separated
homogeneous. A pure substance has a fixed composition from the solution in the beaker using
and differs from a mixture in the following ways: filtration.

1. Every sample of a pure substance has the same physical

and chemical properties. These properties are so specific
they can be used to identify the substance. In contrast, the
properties of a mixture depend on the relative amounts of
the mixture’s components. They represent a blend of the
properties of each component.
2. Every sample of a pure substance has exactly the same
composition as every other sample. For example, pure
water is always 11.2% hydrogen and 88.8% oxygen
by mass.

A centrifuge spins rapidly to separate
9. Is every mixture also a solution? Is every solution also a components of a solution.
mixture? Explain.

10. Is a substance that a filter can separate into two parts a

mixture or a pure substance? Explain.

M at t e r a n d C h a n g e 13
Breaking Down Compounds  Pure substances are either
compounds or elements. A compound can only be broken
down into two or more simpler compounds or elements by a
chemical change. In contrast, a mixture can be separated by
the use of its physical properties.

Laboratory Chemicals and Purity

The chemicals in laboratories are treated as if they are pure.
However, all chemicals are at least a little impure. Different
government agencies have different standards as to whether
a chemical is pure enough. The table below lists several
agencies’ chemical grades of purity. The strictest standards are
When sucrose is heated to a high
listed toward the top of the table, and the least strict standards enough temperature, it breaks down
are listed toward the bottom. completely into carbon and water.

Chemists need to be aware of the kinds of impurities

present because these impurities could affect the results of a
reaction. Companies that make chemicals must ensure that
the American Chemical Society’s standards are met.

Some Grades of Chemical Purity

Primary standard reagents
ACS (American ­Chemical Society–specified reagents)
Increasing purity

USP (United States Pharmacopoeia standards)

CP (chemically pure; purer than technical grade)
NF (National Formulary specifications)
FCC (Food Chemical Code specifications)
Technical (industrial chemicals)

Critical Thinking
11. Identify  Look at the two photographs of a
bottle of zinc nitrate to the right. What grade
is the chemical?

14 C HA P TER 1
1. Classify each of the following as either a physical change or a
chemical change.

a. tearing a sheet of paper:

b. melting a piece of wax:

c. burning a log:

2. What is the main difference between physical properties and
chemical properties?

3. Give an example of a physical change and a chemical change.

4. How do you decide whether a sample of matter is a solid, liquid, or gas?

5. Contrast mixtures with pure substances.

Critical Thinking
6. ANALYZING INFORMATION  Compare the composition of sucrose purified from
sugar cane with the composition of sucrose purified from sugar beets.
Explain your answer.

M at t e r a n d C h a n g e 15
SECTION 1.3 LA.PS.17 Use the periodic table to compare
electronegativities and ionization energies of

Elements elements to explain periodic properties, such

as atomic size. (PS-H-C2)

As you have read, elements are pure substances that cannot VOCABULARY
be broken down by chemical changes. Each element has
group metal
characteristic properties. Chemists have organized the family nonmetal
elements into groups based on these properties. This period metalloid
organization of the elements is called the periodic table. The
periodic table on the next page uses the chemical symbol
for each element to show its position. The complete periodic
table that includes the names for all of the elements can be
found on pages 132–133.

Introduction to the Periodic Table

Each small square of the periodic table shows the symbol
for an element and its atomic number. For example, the first
square, at the upper left, represents element 1. This element
has the symbol H, and is called hydrogen. As you look
through the table, you will see many familiar elements,
including iron, Fe; sodium, Na; neon, Ne; silver, Ag; copper,
Au; aluminum, Al; sulfur, S; and lead, Pb.
As you can see, sometimes the symbol for an element,
such as those for neon and sulfur, is directly related to
its name. Other symbols have arisen from the element’s
name in other modern languages, or from ancient Latin or
German names. For example, the symbol for iron, Fe, comes
from the Latin word ferrum.
The vertical columns of the periodic table are called
groups. The elements in a group are referred to as a family.
Notice that the groups are numbered from 1 to 18 from
left to right. Each group contains elements with similar READING CHECK
chemical properties. For example, the elements in Group 2 1. Write the symbols of the
are beryllium, Be; magnesium, Mg; calcium, Ca; strontium, elements in Group 13.

Sr; barium, Ba; and radium, Ra. All of these elements are
metals, tend to react quickly with other elements, and bond
to other kinds of atoms in similar ways.

Group 18
H 2

Group 1 Group 2 Metals Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16 Group 17 He

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be Metalloids
B C N O F Ne
11 12 Nonmetals 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12
Al Si P S Cl Ar
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

The horizontal rows of elements in the periodic table are The periodic table of the elements.
called periods. Physical and chemical properties change in a The names of the elements can be
somewhat regular pattern as you move from left to right found on the expanded periodic table
on pages 132–133.
across a period. Elements that are close to each other in the
same period tend to be more similar than elements that are
farther apart. For example, the Period-2 elements lithium, Li,
and beryllium, Be, in Groups 1 and 2, respectively, have
somewhat similar properties. However, their properties are
very different from the properties of fluorine, F, the Period-2
element in Group 17.
The two sets of elements placed below the periodic table TIP The elements in the bottom
two rows belong to none of
make up what are called the lanthanide series and the actinide
the 18 groups. The elements in the
series. These metallic elements fit into the table just after first of these rows are called
elements 57 and 89. They are placed below the table to keep lanthanides, and the elements in the
the table from being too wide. second of these rows are called the


2. What is the group and period number for the element with
the chemical symbol O, called oxygen?

M AT T E R A n d C H A n g E 17
Types of Elements
The periodic table is broadly divided into two main sections:
metals and nonmetals. The metals are at the left and in the
center of the table. The nonmetals are toward the right. Some
elements, such as boron, B, and silicon, Si, show characteristics
of both metals and nonmetals.

A metal is an element that is a good electrical conductor and LOOKING CLOSER
a good heat conductor. At room temperature, most metals are 3.  List below all of the words that
solids. Most metals are also malleable, meaning that they can indicate the typical properties
be hammered or rolled into thin sheets. Metals also tend to be of metals.
ductile, making it possible for them to be drawn into a fine
wire. Metals behave this way because they have high tensile
strength, the ability to resist breaking when pulled. Most
metals also have a silvery or grayish white luster, or shine.
Though metals generally share these properties, they
are diverse. Mercury is a liquid at room temperature. The
metals in Group 1 are soft enough that they can be cut with
a knife. Some metals, such as manganese, are brittle. Instead
of being silvery, gold and copper shine yellow and reddish
brown, respectively.

(a) (b) Any metal becomes a better
conductor of electricity as its
temperature decreases. In 1911,
scientists discovered that when
mercury is cooled to about −269°C,
it loses all resistance and becomes
a superconductor. Today, scientists
can make superconducting
materials that only need to be
cooled to −183°C.

(a) Gold has low reactivity and is usually found in a pure form.
(b) Aluminum is malleable and can be made into a thin foil for wrapping.

Copper: A Typical Metal
Copper has a characteristic reddish color and a metallic luster.
It is found naturally in minerals such as chalcopyrite and
malachite. Pure copper melts at 1083°C and boils at 2567°C. It
can be readily drawn into fine wire, pressed into thin sheets,
and formed into tubing. Copper conducts electricity with little
loss of energy.
Copper remains unchanged in pure, dry air at room
temperature. When heated, it reacts with oxygen in air. It Copper is used in electrical
also reacts with sulfur and the elements in Group 17 of the wiring because of its high
electrical conductivity.
periodic table. The green coating on a piece of weathered
copper comes from the reaction of copper with oxygen,
carbon dioxide, and sulfur compounds. Copper is an essential
mineral in the human diet.


4. Which groups in the periodic table are composed entirely

of metals?

A nonmetal is an element that is a poor conductor of heat and
electricity. The periodic table includes many more metals than
nonmetals. Many nonmetals are gases at room temperature.
These include nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, and chlorine. One
nonmetal, bromine, is a liquid. The solid nonmetals include
carbon, phosphorus, selenium, sulfur, and iodine. These solids
tend to be brittle rather than malleable and ductile.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Some nonmetallic elements: (a) carbon, (b) sulfur, (c) phosphorus, and (d) iodine

M atter a n d C ha n g e 19
Phosphorus: A Typical Nonmetal
Phosphorus is one of five solid nonmetals. Pure phosphorus
is known in two common forms. Red phosphorus is a dark
red powder that melts at 597°C. White phosphorus is a waxy
solid that melts at 44°C. Because it ignites in air at room
temperature, white phosphorus is stored underwater.
Phosphorus is too reactive to exist in pure form in nature.
It is present in huge quantities in phosphate rock, where
it is combined with oxygen and calcium. All living things
contain phosphorus. White phosphorus is kept underwater
to keep it from catching fire.

A metalloid is an element that has some characteristics of
metals and some characteristics of nonmetals. As you look
from left to right on the periodic table, you can see that the
metalloids are found between the metals and the nonmetals.
All metalloids are solids at room temperature. They tend
to be less malleable than metals but not as brittle as
nonmetals. Some metalloids, such as antimony, have a
somewhat metallic luster.
Metalloids tend to be semiconductors of electricity. That
is, their ability to conduct electricity is intermediate between
that of metals and that of nonmetals. Metalloids are used in
the solid state circuitry found in desktop computers, digital Phosphorus is often found in
watches, televisions, and radios. match heads.

Noble Gases
The elements in Group 18 of the periodic table are the
noble gases. These elements are generally unreactive. Low
reactivity makes the noble gases very different from the other
families of elements. Group 18 elements are gases at room
temperature. Neon, argon, krypton, and xenon are all used
in lighting. Helium is used in party balloons and weather
balloons because it is less dense than air.

Critical Thinking
5. Draw Conclusions   To what group of elements do the noble
gases belong: metals, nonmetals, or metalloids? Explain.

1. Describe the main differences among metals, nonmetals, and metalloids.

2. Use the periodic table on pages 132–133 to write the names for the
following elements:

a. O

b. S

c. Cu

d. Ag

3. Use the periodic table to write the symbols for the following elements:

a. iron

b. nitrogen

c. calcium

d. mercury

4. Which elements are most likely to undergo the same kinds of reactions,
those in a group or those in a period?

Critical Thinking
5. INFERRING CONCLUSIONS  If you find an element in nature in its pure
elemental state, what can you infer about the element’s chemical reactivity?
How can you tell whether that element is a metal or a nonmetal?

M atter a n d C ha n g e 21

The certainty of a measurement is expressed by significant figures. Such a measurement

consists of all the digits known with certainty plus one final digit that is estimated.
For example, look at the measurement of the mass of a paper clip shown below. You
know with certainty that the paper clip has a mass of at least 2.3 g. You can also
estimate an additional mass of 0.07 g. The total measurement for the mass of the paper
clip in significant figures is 2.37 g.

mass of paperclip

2 3

Balance reading = 2.37 g

Problem-Solving TIPS
• Every nonzero digit is significant. Zeros between nonzero digits are significant.
• Zeros appearing in front of the first nonzero digit are not significant.
• If there is no decimal point, zeros that follow the last nonzero digit are not significant.
• If there is a decimal point, zeros that follow the last nonzero digit are significant.
• When measurements are added or subtracted, the result must be rounded to the same
number of decimal places that the measurement with the fewest decimal places has.
• When measurements are multiplied or divided, the result must be rounded to the
same number of significant figures that the measurement with the smallest number
of significant figures has.


How many significant figures does 0.007 09 have?

All nonzero digits are significant. The zero between the 7 and the 9
is also significant. The others are not significant. The measurement
0.007 09 kg has 3 significant figures.
Divide 7.97 g by 0.89 c​m​3​.
The measurement 7.97 g has 3 significant figures, but 0.89 c​m3​ ​has
only 2 significant figures. So, the quotient 8.955 056 18 g/c​m3​ ​must be
rounded to 2 significant figures. The rounded quantity is 9.0 g/c​m3​ ​.

Practice Problems:  Chapter Review practice problems 21 and 22


1. What is meant by the word chemical, as used by scientists?

2. In which of the six branches of chemistry would a scientist be working if

he or she were doing the following?

a. the study of carbon compounds

b. investigating energy relationships for various reactions

c. comparing properties of alcohols with those of sugars

d. studying reactions that occur during the digestion of food

3. Identify each of the following as an example of either basic research,

applied research, or technological development.

a. A new type of environmentally-friendly refrigerant is developed.

b. A new element is synthesized in a particle accelerator.

c. A computer chip is redesigned to increase a computer’s speed.

4. a. What is mass?

b. What is volume?

5. How does the composition of a pure compound differ from that of

a mixture?

6. a. Define property.

b. How are properties useful in classifying materials?

7. What is the difference between extensive properties and

intensive properties?

M AT T E R A N D C H A N G E 23
8. Define chemical property. List two examples of chemical properties.

9. Distinguish between a physical change and a chemical change.

10. a. Is breaking an egg an example of a physical change or chemical change?

Explain your answer.

b. Is cooking an egg an example of a physical change or chemical change?

Explain your answer.

11. a. How does a solid differ from a liquid?

b. How does a liquid differ from a gas?

c. How is a liquid similar to a gas?

12. What is meant by a change of state?

13. Identify the reactants and products in the following reaction:

 potassium + water → potassium hydroxide + hydrogen

 reactants:   products:

14. Suppose different parts of a sample material have different compositions.

What can you conclude about the material?

15. a. What is the significance of the vertical columns of the periodic table?

b. What is the significance of the horizontal rows of the periodic table?

16. Compare the physical properties of metals, nonmetals, metalloids, and noble
gases, and describe where in the periodic table each of these kinds of
elements is located.

17. Suppose element X is a poor conductor of electricity and breaks when hit
with a hammer. Element Z is a good conductor of electricity and heat. In
what area of the periodic table does each element most likely belong?

a.  Element X:   b.  Element Z:

18. Use the periodic table to write the names of the elements that have the
following symbols, and identify each as a metal, nonmetal, metalloid, or
noble gas.

a.  K   d.  Na

b.  Ag   e.  Hg

c.  Si     f.  He

19. An unknown element is shiny and is found to be a good conductor of

electricity. What other properties would you predict for it?

20. Use the periodic table to identify the group numbers and period numbers of
the following elements:

a.  carbon, C   c.  chromium, Cr

b.  argon, Ar   d.  barium, Ba

21. Determine the number of significant figures.

a.  42.200 L   b.  0.055 00 mol

22. Perform the following calculations and apply the rules for significant figures.

a.  56.05 g  ÷  13.3 c​m3​ ​   b.  1.057 g  +  3.02 g  +  12.4 g

M AT T E R A N D C H A N G E 25

Measurements and

Key Concepts LA.PS.1  Convert metric system

units involving length, mass,
volume, and time using dimen-
Section 1 Scientific Method sional analysis (i.e., factor-label
method). (PS-H-A1)
What is the purpose of the scientific method? LA.PS.2  Differentiate between
What types of observations does a scientist make? accuracy and precision and
evaluate percent error. (PS-H-A1)
How do hypotheses, theories, and models differ? LA.PS.3  Determine the significant
figures based on precision of
Section 2 Units of Measurement measurement for stated quantities.
What measurement system do scientists use? LA.PS.4  Use scientific notation to
What is density and how is it calculated? express large and small numbers.
How are conversion factors determined? LA.SI.2  Describe how investiga-
tions can be observation,
Section 3  Using Scientific Measurements description, literature survey,
classification, or experimentation.
How are significant figures in measurements determined? (SI-H-A2)
What is scientific notation?
What are the two types of proportional relationships?

Review Previous Concepts

1. What is chemistry and what types of questions do chemists try
to answer?

2. What is a unit of measurement? Name some units of measurement

for length and time.

SECTION 2.1 LA.SI.2 Describe how investigations can be
observation, description, literature survey,

Scientific Method classification, or experimentation. (SI-H-A2)

Sometimes progress in science results from an accidental

discovery. However, scientific discoveries usually result from
carefully planned investigations. The process scientists use to
carry out an investigation is called the scientific method. The VOCABULARY
scientific method is a logical approach to solving problems by scientific method model
collecting data, formulating hypotheses, testing hypotheses, system theory
and coming up with theories that are supported by the data.
The stages in the scientific method are summarized in the
flowchart on page 29.
Critical Thinking
1. Describe A scientist is studying
Observing and Collecting Data the different rates at which
different parts of a car rust in a
When you use one of the five senses—sight, hearing, touch, humid garage. Describe the system
taste, or smell—to obtain information, you are making an the scientist is studying.
observation. Observations in science usually involve making
measurements and collecting data. Descriptive data, such as
the fact that the sky is blue, are qualitative observations.
Numerical data, such as the fact that a sample has a mass of
25.7 grams, are quantitative observations. Numerical data are
often summarized in graphs. Graphs show the relationship
between different measurements or how the measurements
have varied with time.
Plant Growth Vs. Time
A scientific experiment involves carrying out a 30
procedure under controlled conditions to make 50%
25 phosphorus
observations and collect data. To learn more about fertilizer
the nature of matter, chemists study systems. A 20 25%
Growth (cm)

system is a specific portion of matter in a given region fertilizer
of space that has been selected for study. For
example, when you observe a chemical reaction in a 10 phosphorus
test tube, the test tube and its contents form a system. 5 no
In a closed system, in which nothing can enter or fertilizer

leave, the energy in the system remains constant. 0

0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (days)

The graph shows data collected during an experiment

on the effect of phosphorus on plant growth.

M E A S U R E M E N T S A N D C A L C U L AT I O N S 27
Formulating Hypotheses
Scientists attempt to find relationships and patterns in the
observations and data they collect by studying systems.
Besides graphs, scientists use a wide array of tools and
techniques to help them analyze their data. For example, they
can organize data into tables or perform a statistical analysis
on data using a computer.
After scientists have collected and analyzed enough
data to find a relationship or pattern, they want to determine
the reason the relationship exists. Scientists construct a
These students have designed an
hypothesis, or testable statement. The hypothesis serves as a experiment to determine how to get
basis for making predictions and for carrying out further the largest volume of popcorn from
experiments. A hypothesis is often written as an “if-then” a fixed number of kernels.

statement. The “then” part of the hypothesis is a prediction.

The scientist can design and conduct an experiment to see if
the prediction is correct.

Testing Hypotheses
To test a hypothesis, a scientist must make measurements to
TIP The plural of hypothesis
determine if the prediction in the hypothesis was correct. If is hypotheses.
testing reveals that the prediction was not correct, the scientist
must reject or modify the hypothesis.
A scientist must also design an experiment that eliminates
all the other factors besides the factor mentioned in the “if”
part of the hypothesis. This allows the scientist to state that
the result was a direct consequence of the factor being tested.
During testing, the conditions that remain constant, and
therefore are not factors in the result, are called controls.
Any conditions that change during the experiment are called
variables. The outcome of the experiment should rely on the
effect of the variables and not of the controls.


2. A condition that does not change during an experiment is

a  , and a condition that does change
during an experiment is a  .

After a hypothesis is tested and is believed to be correct, the
next step is often to construct a model. A model is an
explanation of why an event occurs and how data and events
are related. In science, a model in more than just a physical
object. Models may be visual, verbal, or mathematical.
One important model in chemistry is the atomic model of
matter, which states that matter is composed of tiny particles
called atoms.
If a model successfully explains many observable facts, it
may become part of a theory. The atomic model is a part of
the atomic theory, which you will study in Chapter 3. A theory
is a broad generalization that explains a related group of facts
or processes. Theories are considered successful if they can
predict the results of many new experiments.The flowchart
below shows where scientific theories fit in the scheme of the
scientific method. The ability to contribute to the development
of new theories is often the reason people become scientists.

Critical Thinking
3. Infer In the diagram below, communication is listed under
every stage. Why is communication important at every
stage in the scientific method?


Data do not support • predicting RESULTS
• collecting data • communicating
hypothesis—revise • experimenting Results confirmed by other
• measuring
or reject hypothesis • communicating
• experimenting • collecting data scientists—validate theory
• communicating • measuring

• constructing
• organizing and
analyzing data
• predicting
• classifying
• communicating
• inferring
• predicting
• communicating

The scientific method is not a single, fixed process. Each stage represents a
number of different activities, and stages are often repeated several times.

M E A S U R E M E N T S A N D C A L C U L AT I O N S 29
1. How do hypotheses and theories differ?

2. What is the scientific method?

3. Are the following observations qualitative or quantitative?

a. The liquid floats on water.

b. The metal is malleable.

c. The liquid has a temperature of 55.6°C.

4. How are models related to theories and hypotheses?

Critical Thinking
5. INTERPRETING CONCEPTS  Suppose you had to test how well two types of soap
work. Describe an experiment that could perform this test. Be sure to use
the terms control and variable.

TK Text TK
Convert metric system units
involving length, mass, volume, and time

Units of Measurement using dimensional analysis (i.e., factor-label

method). (PS-H-A1)

Suppose a book has a recipe listing amounts such as 1 salt,

3 sugar, and 2 flour. You cannot use the recipe without more
quantity volume
information. You need to know whether the number 3 SI density
represents teaspoons, tablespoons, cups, ounces, grams, or weight conversion factor
derived unit dimensional analysis
some other unit for sugar. For the measurements in the recipe
to be useful, the units must be specified.
Nearly every measurement is a number plus a unit. The
choice of unit depends on the quantity being measured. A
quantity is not the same as a measurement. A quantity is
something that has magnitude, size, or amount. For example,
the quantity represented by a teaspoon is volume. The
teaspoon is a unit of measurement, while volume is a quantity.
Units of measurement compare what is measured with a
previously defined amount. Many centuries ago, people
sometimes marked off distances using the length of a foot. But
people can have feet of different lengths, and different people When iced tea is ordered, the amount
of sugar added is specified with a unit.
could measure different distances between the same two
points. Therefore, a standard length for a foot was agreed
upon. It no longer mattered who made the measurement, as
long as the standard measuring unit was correctly applied.

SI Measurement
Scientists have agreed on a single measurement system called TIP Numbers in this book
appear without commas to
Le Système International d’Unités, or SI. The system has seven
separate groups of digits because
base units, which are shown in the table on page 32. Each unit the comma is often used as a
is defined in terms of a standard of measurement. Some decimal point in other countries.
standards are specific objects used for comparison. Others are For example, in Europe the number
seventy-five thousand might be
amounts that do not vary and can be reproduced easily. written as 75.000. In this book,
therefore, the number seventy-five
Critical Thinking thousand will appear as 75 000.

1. Apply What quantity is being measured when you measure

the duration of an event in seconds?

M E A S U R E M E N T S A N D C A L C U L AT I O N S 31
SI Base Units
Quantity Symbol Name Abbreviation Defined standard
Length l meter m the distance light travels in 1/299 792 458 s
Mass m kilogram kg the mass of the international prototype
Time t second s the time it takes cesium-133 to transition
­between two levels of its ground state a total
of 9 192 631 770 times
Temperature T kelvin K 1/273.16 of the temperature at which water can
exist as a solid, liquid, and gas at the same time
Amount of n mole mol the number of atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon-12
Electric I ampere A the current that would produce 2 × 1​0–7
​ ​N/m
current of force per unit length between two parallel
conducting plates
Luminous ​I​v​ candela cd the luminous intensity of light from a
intensity 540 × 1​012
​ ​Hz source that has radiant intensity
of 1/683 watt per steradian

Critical Thinking
2. Analyze  Fill in the missing information in the table.

SI Prefixes
Prefix Unit abbreviation Exponential factor Meaning Example
giga G 1​09​ ​ 1 000 000 000 1 gigameter (Gm) = 1 × 1​09​ ​m
mega M 1​06​ ​ 1 000 000
kilo k 1​03​ ​ 1 kilometer (km) = 1000 m
hecto h 100 1 hectometer (hm) = 100 m
deka da 1​01​ ​ 10
—    — 1​0​ ​ 1 1 meter (m)
deci d 1/10 1 decimeter (dm) = 0.1 m
centi c 1​0​–­­2​ 1/100
milli m 1​0–­­
​ 3​ 1 millimeter (mm) = 0.001 m
micro μ 1​0–­­
​ 6​ 1/1 000 000 1 micrometer (μm) = 1 × 1​0–6
​ ​m
nano n 1/1 000 000 000 1 nanometer (nm) = 1 × 1​0–9
​ ​m
pico p 1​0​–­­12​ 1/1 000 000 000 000
femto f 1​0–­­
​ 15​ 1 femtometer (fm) = 1 × 1​0–15
​ ​m

SI Base Units
The seven base units in the SI system are listed at the top of
page 32. All of the other SI units can be derived from these
seven units. The prefixes listed in the bottom table on page 32
are often added to the names of the base units to represent
quantities that are much larger or much smaller than the base
units. For example, the prefix kilo-, abbreviated k, represents a
factor of 1​03​ ​. Therefore, a kilogram is 1000 grams. Similarly,
the prefix centi- represents a factor of 1/100. A centimeter is
1/100 of a meter, or 0.01 meter.

As you learned in Chapter 1, mass is a measure of the quantity
TIP When a mass is given as a
unit with a prefix, the prefix
of matter. The SI standard unit of mass is the kilogram, which compares the amount to grams, not
is about the weight of a small textbook. The kilogram is the kilograms. For example, a milligram
only base unit with a prefix. is 1/1000 of a gram, not 1/1000 of a
kilogram, the SI base unit.
Mass is often confused with weight because people often
express the weight of an object in kilograms. Mass is
determined by comparing the mass of an object with a set of
standard masses. Weight is a measure of the force with which
gravity pulls on matter. Weight depends on the strength of the
force of gravity, while mass does not. For example, the weight
of an object on the moon is about one-sixth of its weight on
Earth. But the object has the same mass whether it is on the
moon or on Earth. Mass is measured on instruments such as a
balance, and weight is typically measured on a spring scale.

The standard unit for length is the meter. A distance of 1 m is
about the width of an average doorway. Longer distances are
often expressed in kilometers. Kilometers are used for
The base unit of length is the meter,
highway distances in most countries other than the United but the centimeter is often used to
States. A kilometer is about six-tenths of a mile. measure smaller distances.


A. How long is the piece of aluminum foil shown above?

B. Name an appropriate unit for measuring the length of the

period at the end of this sentence.

M E A S U R E M E N T S A N D C A L C U L AT I O N S 33
Derived SI Units
Many SI units are combinations of the seven base units. For
example, speed is measured in meters per second, which is a
combination of the base units for length and time. Derived
units are formed by multiplying or dividing standard units.
For example, area is a derived unit formed by multiplying
length times width. If both length and width are expressed in A speedometer measures distance
meters, then the area is expressed in meters times meters, or traveled per unit of time. This
square meters, abbreviated ​m2​ ​. Prefixes can also be added to speedometer shows speed in miles per
hour and kilometers per hour.
derived units. For example, area can be expressed in c​ m​2​,
square centimeters, or m​m2​ ​, square millimeters.
Some combination units are given their own names. For
example, the unit for force is a combination of the units for
mass, length, and time, given by kg•m/​s2​ ​. The name newton, N,
is given to this combination. A joule is another combined unit 3.  Fill in the missing information
in the table below using the
used to measure the quantity of energy in a system or object. information given in the
A joule is a newton times a meter. other columns.

Derived SI Units
Quantity Unit Unit abbreviation Derivation

Area A square meter ​m2​ ​ length × width

Volume V cubic meter length × width × height

kilograms per kg _​ _ _ _ _mass

Density D ​ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3_ _ _ _ ​  ___________________ 
_ _ _ _ _ ​ 
cubic meter ​m​ ​ volume

Molar mass M _​ _ _ kg

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ​  _​ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _mass
_ _ _ _  
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ​
mol amount of substance

Molar cubic meters per

​​ ​ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _volume
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ​
volume mole amount of substance

Energy E joule J force × length

Volume is the amount of space occupied by an object. The
derived SI unit of volume is cubic meters, m ​ 3​ ​. One cubic meter
is equal to the volume of a cube whose edges are 1 m long.
Such a large unit is inconvenient for expressing the volume of
materials in a chemistry laboratory. Instead, a smaller unit, the
cubic centimeter, c​m3​ ​, is often used. There are 100 centimeters
in a meter, so a cubic meter contains 1 000 000 c​m3​ ​.

​ 100 cm
1​m3​ ​× _______ ​ 
  ​ 100 cm
× _______ ​ 
  ​ 100 cm
× _______ = 1 000 000 c​ m​3​

1m 1m 1m
When chemists measure the volumes of liquids and gases,
they often use a non-SI unit called the liter. The liter, L, is
equivalent to one cubic decimeter. Because there are 10
centimeters in a decimeter, a cube with sides one decimeter
long has a volume of 10 cm times 10 cm times 10 cm, or
1000 c​m​3​. Thus, 1 L is also equivalent to 1000 c​m3​ ​.
Another non-SI unit used for smaller volumes is the
milliliter, mL. There are 1000 mL in 1 L. Because there are
also 1000 c​m​3​in 1 L, the two units—milliliter and cubic
centimeter—are interchangeable.


4. Explain why volume is measured by a derived unit and not

a base unit in the SI system of measurement.

15 mL
1L 1 c​m3​ ​ 1000 c​m3​ ​ 15 mL

The relationships between various volumes are shown here.

M E A S U R E M E N T S A N D C A L C U L AT I O N S 35
Density is the mass of a substance divided by its volume.
Mathematically, density is written as:
​  mass  ​ 
density = _______ ​ m ​ 
or D = __
volume V
The quantity m is mass, V is volume, and D is density. The SI
unit for density is derived from the base units for mass and
length. Since volume is length cubed, density is mass divided
by length cubed. The SI unit for density is expressed as
kilograms per cubic meter, or kg/​m3​ ​.
Density is an intensive property, which means it is a
characteristic property of a substance. It does not depend on
the size of a sample. If a more massive sample is taken, the
volume would increase by the same proportion. Therefore,
density is a property that can be used to identify substances.
An object or substance will float on a liquid if it has a density Density is the ratio of mass to volume.
less than that of the liquid. Both water and copper shot float on
mercury because mercury is so dense.
The density of water is often used as a reference because its
density is so close to 1 when expressed in grams per cubic
centimeter. Mercury is a liquid that is much denser than water.
The photograph above shows that water floats on mercury. 5.  How many of these objects
would float on water: an ice cube,
Copper is a metal that has a density between those of water a bone dog toy, a sugar cube?
and mercury. The copper in the photograph floats between the
water and the mercury. Cork has a density that is much less
than that of water. If a cork cylinder were added to the
graduated cylinder above, it would float on top of the water.

Densities of Some Familiar Materials

Solids Density at 20°C (g/c​m3​ ​) Liquids Density at 20°C (g/mL)
cork 0.24* gasoline 0.67*
butter 0.86 ethyl alcohol 0.791
ice 0.9​2†​ ​ kerosene 0.82
sucrose 1.59 turpentine 0.87
bone 1.85* water 0.998
diamond 3.26* sea water 1.025**
copper 8.92 milk 1.031*
lead 11.35 mercury 13.6
† measured at 0°C   * typical density   ** measured at 15°C 

A sample of aluminum metal has a mass of 8.4 g. The volume
of the sample is 3.1 c​m3​ ​. Calculate the density of aluminum.


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

Given: mass (m) = 8.4 g; volume (V) = 3.1 c​m3​ ​
Unknown: density (D)

2 PLAN Write an equation for the unknown in terms of what is given.

​  mass  ​ 
density = _______ ​ m ​ 
or D = __
volume V
3 COMPUTE Substitute the known values and calculate.
8.4 g
D = __​ m ​ = ______
​   ​= 2.7 g/c​m3​ ​
V 3.1​cm​3​

4 EVALUATE Determine if the answer makes sense.

The answer is given in the correct units. Also, the mass is close to
9 g, the volume is close to 3 c​m3​ ​, and 9 ÷ 3 = 3.


is the density of a block of marble that occupies 311 c​m3​ ​

C. What
and has a mass of 853 g?

Given: m ​ =
D = ​ __

D. Diamond has a density of 3.26 g/c​m3​ ​. What is the mass of a

diamond that has a volume of 0.351 c​m3​ ​?

E. What
is the volume of a sample of liquid mercury that has a
mass of 76.2 g, given that the density of mercury is 13.6 g/c​m3​ ​?

M E A S U R E M E N T S A N D C A L C U L AT I O N S 37
Conversion Factors
A conversion factor is a ratio derived from a relationship
between two different units that can be used to convert from
one unit to the other. For example, suppose you want to know
how many quarters there are in 12 dollars. To figure out the
answer, you need to know how quarters and dollars are
­related. There are four quarters in a dollar. This fact can be
expressed in many ratios, such as those shown below.

4 quarters 1 dollar 
​ _________ = 1  ​ _________
1 dollar 4 quarters

0.25 dollar ​  1 quarter 

​ __________ = 1  ​ __________ 
1 quarter 0.25 dollar

Notice that each conversion factor, or ratio, equals 1. That is

because the two quantities in any conversion factor are
equivalent to each other. This is important because any
number that is multiplied by 1 remains the same. Therefore, a
measurement can be multiplied by a conversion factor equal
to 1 and result in an equivalent measurement.
Dimensional analysis is a mathematical technique LOOKING CLOSER
that allows you to use units to solve problems involving
6.  What does the term
measurements. Dimensional analysis helps you determine
analysis mean?
what conversion factor to use to solve a problem.
For example, to determine the number of quarters in
12 dollars, you want the conversion factor that changes a
quantity from dollars to quarters. To eliminate dollars, you
must divide the quantity by dollars. Therefore, the correct
conversion factor must have dollars in the denominator.
The first conversion factor listed above has dollars in
the denominator.
number of quarters
= 12 dollars × conversion factor
4 quarters
= 12 dollars × _________
​   ​ 

1 dollar
= 48 quarters


F. How many quarters are there in 73 dollars?

G. How many dollars are there in 182 quarters? Write your

answer as a decimal.

Deriving Conversion Factors

T I P In a conversion factor, if
You can derive conversion factors if you know the there is no digit given in
relationship between the unit you have and the unit you want. the denominator, then the value is
For example, from the fact that the prefix deci- means “one- assumed to be 1.
tenth,” you know that there is one-tenth of a meter in a
decimeter. In other words, there are 10 decimeters in a meter.
One conversion factor for decimeters and meters is shown.
​ ______ 10 dm
m ​  


H. Write at least two more conversion factors for meters

and decimeters.

I. Write at least three conversion factors for seconds

and minutes.

M E A S U R E M E N T S A N D C A L C U L AT I O N S 39
Express a mass of 5.712 grams in milligrams and kilograms.


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

Given:  mass = 5.712 g
Unknown: mass in mg
mass in kg

2 PLAN Derive conversion factors.

The expressions that relate grams to milligrams and grams to
kilograms are the following.
1 g = 1000 mg
1000 g = 1 kg
The two conversion factors that can be formed from each
expression are
1000 mg 1g
​ ________
g ​  = 1 and ​ ________
1000 mg
1000 g 1 kg
​ ______  = 1 and ______
 ​  ​    ​ 
kg 1000 g

3 COMPUTE Determine the correct conversion factor and multiply.

To convert from grams to another unit, the conversion factor
should result in division by grams. Choose the conversion factor
that has grams in the denominator.
1000 mg
5.712 g = 5.712 g × ________
​  g ​  = 5712 mg

1 kg
5.712 g = 5.712 g × ​ ______  ​ 
= 0.005 712 kg
1000 g

4 EVALUATE Determine if the answer makes sense.

Milligrams are smaller than grams, so there should be more
milligrams than grams. Kilograms are larger than grams, so there
should be fewer kilograms than grams. Both of the answers
above agree with these statements.


J. Express a length of 16.45 m in centimeters.

The expression relating meters to centimeters
is 1 m = cm.
Write two conversion factors for centimeters and meters.

Circle the conversion factor for converting from meters

to centimeters. Then use the space below to multiply.

16.45 m = 16.45 m ×

K. Express a length of 16.45 m in kilometers.

L. Express a mass of 0.014 mg in grams.

M E A S U R E M E N T S A N D C A L C U L AT I O N S 41
1. How does a quantity differ from a unit? Use examples to explain the
difference between the two terms.

2. Label each of the following measurements by the quantity each represents.
For instance, 10.6 kg/​m3​ ​represents a density.

a.  5.0 g/mL    c.  47 J    e.  25.3 c​m3​ ​

b.  37 s    d.  39.56 g    f.  30.23 mL 

3. Complete the following conversions.

a.  3.5 mol = μmol           b.  358 c​m3​ ​= ​m3​ ​


4. Write a conversion factor for each equality.

a.  1 ​m3​ ​= 1 000 000 c​m3​   b.  1 in. = 2.54 cm 

5. What is the density of an 84.7 g sample of an unknown substance if the

sample occupies 49.6 c​m3​ ​?

Critical Thinking
6. INFERRING CONCLUSIONS  A student converts grams to milligrams by
multiplying by the conversion factor ​ ________
. Is the student performing this
1000 mg
calculation correctly? Explain.

SECTION 2.3 LA.PS.2 Differentiate between accuracy and
precision and evaluate percent error.

Using Scientific (PS-H-A1)

LA.PS.3 Determine the significant figures
based on precision of measurement for stated
quantities. (PS-H-A1)

Measurements LA.PS.4 Use scientific notation to express

large and small numbers. (PS-H-A1)

When a scientist makes the same measurement twice, the VOCABULARY

result is often different the second time. This does not
mean that the scientist has made a mistake. The reliability precision
of a measurement is often limited by the tool used. For percentage error
significant figure
example, it is hard to measure the length of a highway with scientific notation
a meterstick. When reporting a measurement, a scientist directly proportional
must give an indication of the measurement’s uncertainty. inversely proportional

Accuracy and Precision

The terms accuracy and precision mean the same thing to
many people. However, in science they have very specific
meanings. Accuracy refers to how close the measurement is
to the correct or accepted value. Precision refers to how
close a set of measurements made in the same way are to
(a) (b)
each other. Measured values that are accurate are close
to the accepted value. Measured values that are precise
are close to one another.
Imagine that four darts are thrown at the center, or
bull’s-eye, of a dartboard. The accuracy of the throws is
determined by how close the darts land to the bull’s-eye.
Darts within Darts within
The precision of the throws is determined by how close small area small area
the four darts land to each other. = High precision = High precision

Area centered Area far from

High Precision Examine the two dartboards at the right. In on bull’s-eye bull’s-eye
both cases, the darts landed close to each other, so the dart = High accuracy = Low accuracy
thrower was precise. However, because the thrower was
Both of these dartboards show high
attempting to hit the bull’s-eye, the thrower only threw precision, but only dartboard (a)
accurately at the dartboard on the left. shows high accuracy.


1. What is the difference between accuracy and precision?

M E A s u R E M E n T s A n d C A l C u l AT i o n s 43
High Accuracy  In the set of dartboards shown at the right, the (a) (b)
region covered by the throws is centered on the bull’s-eye.
Both dartboards show that the thrower was accurate.
However, only the left dartboard shows that the thrower was
both accurate and precise.
In scientific experiments, it is important to be both accurate Darts within Darts within
and precise. The second dartboard shown in each of these small area large area
= High precision = Low precision
pairs of dartboards illustrate the problems that can occur if
one of the two qualities is missing. Area centered Area centered
on bull’s-eye around bull’s-eye
= High accuracy = High accuracy
Critical Thinking (on average)

2. Apply  Imagine that you throw four darts at the dartboard Both of these dartboards show high
below. Your throws are both imprecise and inaccurate. accuracy, but only dartboard (a) shows
high precision.
Draw four X’s on the dartboard that show a set of darts
that you have thrown imprecisely and inaccurately.

Percentage Error
The accuracy of an experimental value can be compared with
the correct or accepted value by calculating its percentage
error. To calculate the percentage error, subtract the accepted
value from the experimental value, dividing the difference by
the accepted value, and then multiply by 100.
​Value​experimental​- ​Value​accepted​
Percentage error = ​  ___________________________
   × 100

Percentage error is positive if the accepted value is less than

the experimental value. Percentage error is negative if the
accepted value is greater than the experimental value.

Critical Thinking
3. Reasoning What is the percentage error if the experimental
value is equal to the accepted value?

A student measures the mass and volume of a substance and
calculates its density as 1.40 g/mL. The correct, or accepted,
value of the density is 1.30 g/mL. What is the percentage
error of the student’s measurement?


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

Given: ​Value​experimental​= 1.40 g/mL, ​Value​accepted​= 1.30 g/mL
Unknown: Percentage error

2 PLAN Write an equation for the unknown in terms of what is given.

​Value​experimental​- ​Value​accepted​
Percentage error = ​  ___________________________
   × 100

3 COMPUTE Substitute the known values and calculate.

1.40 gm/L - 1.30 gm/L
Percentage error = ____________________
   × 100 = 7.69%
1.30 g/mL

4 EVALUATE Determine if the answer makes sense.

The percentage error should be positive because the
experimental value is larger than the actual value. The
error should be small because the value is close to correct.


A. What is the percentage error for a mass measurement

of 17.7 g, given that the correct value is 21.2 g?

Percentage error = ________________________
​         × 100 =

B. A
volume is measured experimentally as 4.26 mL.
What is the percentage error, given that the correct
value is 4.15 mL?

M ea s u reme n t s a n d ca l c u l at i o n s 45
Error in Measurement
Some error or uncertainty always exists in any measurement.
For example, the skill of the measurer places limits on
reliability. The measuring instruments limit how precisely a
value can be determined. In addition, the readings from
balances, rulers, and graduated cylinders are controlled by
how fine the markings are on the instruments.
As an example, look at the ruler above. This ruler can be
used to determine the length of an object precisely to the
tenths digit. You can tell that the nail is definitely between
6.3 cm and 6.4 cm long. However, it is hard to tell whether the
value should be read as 6.35 cm or 6.36 cm. The hundredths
place is somewhat uncertain, but a reasonable estimate of the A nail’s length is measured by a
digit can be made. You might include a plus-or-minus value to centimeter ruler.
express the range, such as 6.36 cm ± 0.01 cm.

Significant Figures Critical Thinking

4.  Explain  Why would 6.4 cm not
In science, measured values are reported in terms of be an appropriate measurement for
significant figures. Significant figures are all of the digits the nail in the diagram above?
known with certainty plus one final digit that is estimated.
For example, the length of the nail in the photograph above
was given as 6.36 cm. All three of these digits are significant,
even the uncertain one. All contain information and are
included in the value.
The term significant does not mean certain. In any correctly
reported measurement, the final digit is significant but not
certain. Insignificant digits are never reported.

Determining the Number of Significant Figures

If a measurement does not have any digits that are zero,
then all of the digits are significant. For example, the nail’s
length of 6.36 cm has three non-zero digits, and therefore
three significant figures. However, the digit zero can be
significant or not depending on how it is used. The rules in
the table on page 47 summarize how to determine if a zero
is a significant digit.

Rules for Determining Significant Zeros
Rule Examples
1. Zeros appearing between nonzero digits a.  40.7 L has three significant figures.
are significant. b.  87 009 km has five significant figures.
2. Zeros appearing in front of all nonzero a.  0.095 897 m has five significant figures.
digits are not significant. b.  0.0009 kg has one significant figure.
3. Zeros at the end of a number and to a.  85.00 g has four significant figures.
the right of a decimal point are significant. b. 9.000 000 000 mm has 10 significant figures.
4. Zeros at the end of a number but to the a. 2000 m may contain from one to four
left of a decimal point may or may not be significant figures, depending on how many
significant. If a zero has not been measured zeros are placeholders. For measurements
or estimated but is just a placeholder, it is not given in this book, assume that 2000 m has
significant. A decimal point placed after zeros one significant figure.
indicates that they are significant. b. 2000. m contains four significant figures due
to the presence of the decimal point.


C.  etermine the number of significant figures in each of the

following measurements.
a. 28.6 g
b. 3440. cm (see Rule 4)
c. 910 m (see Rule 4)
d. 0.046 04 L (see Rule 2)
e. 0.006 700 0 kg (see Rules 2 and 3)
D. Determine the number of significant figures in each of the
following measurements.
a. 804.05 g d.  400 mL
b. 0.014 403 0 km e.  30 000. cm
c. 1002 m f.  0.000 625 000 kg
E. Suppose the value “seven thousand centimeters” is reported to
you. How should the number be expressed if it is intended to
contain the following numbers of significant figures?
a. 1 significant figure
b. 4 significant figures
c. 6 significant figures

M ea s u reme n t s a n d ca l c u l at i o n s 47
When you add, subtract, multiply, or divide two measurements,
the reliability of the result should be reflected by its significant
figures. How the result should be rounded is determined
partly by the rules given at the bottom of the page. A
measurement’s rounding is also determined by the operation
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) that is used.

Addition or Subtraction with Significant Figures

Consider two mass measurements, 25.1 g and 2.03 g. The first
TIP When adding or
subtracting, aligning the
measurement has one digit to the right of the decimal point in
values vertically can often help
the tenths place. There is no information on possible values you determine the correct number
for the hundredths digit. of significant figures in the answer.
For example,
If you add 25.1 g and 2.03 g without considering significant 25.1 g

figures, the result is 27.13 g. However, it doesn’t make sense + 2.03 g
that the sum is more precise than one of the individual 2 7.1 g
measurements. Therefore, when two measurements are added
or subtracted, the final digit of the result should be significant
in both of the original measurements.

Multiplication and Division with Significant Figures

A calculator often gives many more digits than are justified by READING CHECK
the measurements. For example, suppose you use a calculator 5.  According to the table below,
to divide 3.05 g by 8.47 mL. The calculator would show a how would the value 3.245 g
numerical answer of 0.360094451. The answer contains digits be rounded to the nearest
hundredths place?
that are not justified by the measurements used to calculate it.
For multiplication and division, the answer can have no more
significant figures than the measurement with the fewest
significant figures.

Rules for Rounding Numbers

If the digit following the last digit Example (rounded to three
to be retained ­is: then the last digit should: significant fi
­ gures)
greater than ­5 be increased by 1 42.68 g ⟶ 42.7 g­
less than 5 stay the s­ ame 17.32 m ⟶ 17.3 m
5, followed by nonzero digit(s) be increased by 1 2.7851 cm ⟶ 2.79 c­ m
5, not followed by nonzero digit(s), and be increased by 1 4.635 kg ⟶ 4.64 kg
preceded by an odd digit (because 3 is o
­ dd)
5, not followed by nonzero digit(s), and stay the same 78.65 mL ⟶ 78.6 mL
the preceding significant digit is even (because 6 is e­ ven)

Rules for Addition and Subtraction Examples
1. For decimals, the sum or difference should have the same 25.1 g + 2.03 g = 27.1 g
number of significant figures after the decimal point as 3.70 mL – 0.493 mL = 3.21 mL
the measurement with the fewest digits to the right of the 17 cm + 5.7 cm = 23 cm
decimal point.

2. For whole numbers, the final significant digit of the sum 5400 g + 365 g = 5800 g
or difference should be the same as the final significant 2710 mL – 1000 mL = 2000 mL
digit of the least precise measurement.

Rule for Multiplication and Division Examples

1. The product or quotient should have no more significant 3.05 g ÷ 8.47 mL = 0.360 g/mL
figures than the given measurement with the fewest 3.7 m × 16.5 m = 61 m ​ ​2​
significant figures. 18 g ÷ 2.34 c​ m​3​= 7.7 g​/cm​3​

Conversion Factors and Significant Figures

Earlier in this chapter, you learned how conversion factors are
used to change one unit to another. These conversion factors
usually do not have any uncertainty. For example, there are
exactly 100 centimeters in a meter. If you were to use the
conversion factor 100 cm/m to change meters to centimeters,
the 100 would not limit the degree of certainty in the answer.
A counting measurement is also exact. For example,
suppose you have 10 test tubes, each containing 5.67 mL of a
liquid. The number 10 is exact. It should not be a limit to the
significant figures in a calculation. You can safely report that
you have 10 times 5.67 mL, or a total of 56.7 mL of liquid.


F. Carry out the following calculations. Express each answer to the

correct number of significant figures.
a. 5.44 m – 2.6103 m c. 2.099 g + 0.05681 g
b. 2.4 g/mL × 15.82 mL d. 87.3 cm – 1.655 cm
G. Calculate the area of a rectangular crystal surface that measures
1.34 μm by 0.7488 μm.
H. A certain plastic has a density of 1.2 g/c​m3​ ​. A photo frame is
constructed from two sheets of plastic that measure 28 cm by 22 cm
by 3.0 mm. What is the mass of the photo frame?

M ea s u reme n t s a n d ca l c u l at i o n s 49
Scientific Notation
Sometimes measurements are very small or very large. It is
often awkward to give measurements with a lot of zeros, such
as 23 000 000 000 000 or 0.000 000 000 000 001 79. Instead,
measurements are often given in scientific notation.
In scientific notation, numbers are written in the form
M × ​10​n​, where M is greater than or equal to 1 and less
than 10 and n is a whole number. When numbers are written
in scientific notation, only the significant figures are shown.
For example, to write 65 000 km in scientific notation and
show that the first two digits are significant, you would write
6.5 × 1​ 0​4​km. If you wanted to show that the first three digits
were significant, you would write 6.50 × 1​04​ ​km.
To write a number in scientific notation, use the following
two steps. This scientific calculator shows the
most common format for displaying
1. Determine M by moving the decimal point in the original scientific notation. The number shown
number to the left or the right so that only one nonzero is 5.44 × 1​07​ ​.
digit remains to the left of the decimal point. Delete all
zeros that are not significant.
2. Determine n by counting the number of places that you
moved the decimal point. If you moved it to the left, n is
positive. If you moved it to the right, n is negative.


I. Write the following measurements in scientific notation.

a. 0.000 12 mm
b. 560 000 cm
c. 33 400 kg
d. 0.000 4120 s
J. The following measurements are in scientific notation. Write them in
ordinary notation.
a. 7.050 × 1​03​ ​g
b. 4.000 05 × 1​07​ ​mg
c. 2.3500 × 1​04​ ​mL

Mathematical Operations Using Scientific Notation
Numbers in scientific notation can be added, subtracted,
multiplied, and divided just as any number can. The rules for
adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing two numbers in
scientific notation are given below.
Addition and Subtraction
1. If the exponents of the two numbers differ, rewrite one
number so that both numbers have the same exponent.
2. To find the new value of M, find the sum or difference of
the M values of the two numbers. Keep the same value of n.
Example: 5.93 × 1​0​6​kg – 4.2 × 1​05​ ​kg
= 5.93 × 1​0​6​kg – 0.42 × 1​06​ ​kg
= 5.51 × 1​0​6​kg
Multiplication and Division
1. To find the value of M in a product, multiply the two values
of M. To find the value of M in a quotient, divide the first
value of M by the second value of M.
2. To find the new value of n in a product, add the two values Remember that a calculator does not
of n. To find the value of n in a quotient, subtract the value display the correct number of
significant figures after performing
second value of n from the first value of n. an operation.
Example: (2.6 × 1​0​8​s)(4.7 × 1​04​ ​s) = (2.6)(4.7) × 1​08+4
​ ​s
= 12 × 1​0​ ​s
= 1.2 × 1​0​13​s
Often, the result of these calculations is not in scientific
notation. If M is less than 1 or greater than or equal to 10, the
decimal point must be moved. If the decimal point is moved
one spot to the left, increase n by 1. If the decimal point is
moved one spot to the right, decrease n by 1.


K. Perform the following calculations and express the answers in

scientific notation.
a. 4.2 ×1​04​ ​kg + 7.9 × 1​03​ ​kg
b. (5.23 × 1​06​ ​μm)(7.1 × 1​0–2
​ ​μm)
c. 5.44 × 1​07​ ​g ÷ 8.1 × 1​04​ ​mol
d. 8.40 × 1​05​ ​km – 3.1 × 1​05​ ​km

M ea s u reme n t s a n d ca l c u l at i o n s 51
Using Sample Problems
Learning to analyze and solve such problems requires practice
and a logical approach. In this section, you will review a
process that can help you analyze problems effectively.

The first step is to read the problem carefully at least twice
and to analyze the information in it. Identify and list the data
! Remember
A problem may not always give you
in the problem and identify what you are being asked to find. all the data you need for a solution.
For example, you may need to look
Plan up a value on the periodic table.
The second step is to develop a plan for solving the problem.
The plan should show how the information given is to be used
to find the unknown. It is often helpful to draw a picture that
represents the problem to help you visualize the problem.
Decide which conversion factors, mathematical formulas,
or chemical principles you will need to solve the problem.
Your plan might suggest a single calculation or a series of
them involving different conversion factors. Once you
understand how you need to proceed, you may wish to sketch
out the stages of your solution in a table or a flowchart.

The third step is using the data and conversion factors to carry
out your plan. Make sure to keep track of the units and to
round the result to the correct number of significant figures.

Examine your answer to determine if it is reasonable. Make
sure that the units in the answer are what you would expect.
Use simpler, rounded numbers and repeat the calculations to
check the order of magnitude of your answer.


6. Which stage of this problem-solving process involves

substituting values into an equation and solving for the
unknown value?

Calculate the volume of a sample of aluminum that has a
mass of 3.057 kg. The density of aluminum is 2.70 g/c​m3​ ​.


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

Given: mass = 3.057 kg, density = 2.70 g/c​m3​ ​
Unknown: volume of aluminum

2 PLAN Determine the equations and conversion factors needed.

Because density is given in g/c​m3​ ​and mass in kg, a
conversion between g and kg is necessary. The
relationship between g and kg is 1000 g = 1 kg.
The equation for density is needed to complete the
problem. It should be rearranged to solve for volume.

D = _​ m
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ​  ⇒ ​ m  ​
V = __

3 COMPUTE Substitute the known values and calculate.

The answer should be rounded to three significant figures
because the least precise measurement, density, has three
significant figures.

3.057 kg 1000 g
V = _________
​    × ______
 ​  ​   ​ 

2.70 g/c​m​ ​ kg

= 1.13 × 1​03​ ​c​m3​ ​

4 EVALUATE Determine if the answer makes sense.

The unit of the answer is a cubic length, and the problem
asked for a volume. An order-of-magnitude estimate
suggests that the right answer should be around 1000 c​ m​3​.

​ 3 ​ × 1000 = 1000


M ea s u reme n t s a n d ca l c u l at i o n s 53

L. A clock gains 0.020 second per minute. How many seconds

will the clock gain in exactly six months, assuming exactly
30 days per month?


1 ANALYZE What information is given and unknown?

Given: clock gains seconds per minute

2 PLAN What equations and conversion factors are needed?

The final answer is given in seconds. The given time gain
is in seconds per minute. Three conversion factors are
necessary. Complete the relationships between the units.
minutes = 1 hour
hours = 1 day
days = 1 month
The final answer will be the number of seconds the clock
gains per month multiplied by months.

3 COMPUTE What is the correct answer?

Write the three conversion factors into the equation
below. Then perform the calculation and cancel all of
the units.

​ 0.020 second
t = ____________  
 ​ × × × × 6 months

4 EVALUATE Does the answer make sense?

Does the answer have the correct units?
Explain how you could estimate your answer to
determine if it is the correct order of magnitude.

Direct Proportions
Two quantities are directly proportional to each other if
dividing one by the other gives a constant value. For example,
the quantities mass and volume are proportional. The table
below shows the measured mass and volume of five separate
samples of aluminum. As the masses of the samples increase,
their volumes increase by the same factor.
When two variables, x and y, are directly proportional to
each other, the relationship can be expressed as y ∝ x, which is
! Remember
A variable is a quantity that can
read as “y is proportional to x.” The relationship can be shown take on many values.
in these two forms using a proportionality constant k:
​ __
x ​  =  k   or   y  =  kx
The first equation shows that there is a constant ratio LOOKING CLOSER
between the values of two quantities that are directly 7.  What is the constant of propor-
proportional. Note that the data in the table have ratios tionality for the data in the table
that are nearly equal, indicating a relationship that is and what does it represent?
directly proportional.
The second equation shows that a directly proportional
relationship is a straight line with a slope of k. The graph of
every directly proportional relationship also passes through
the origin, or the data point (0,0). Both the values in the third
column of the table below and the graph demonstrate that the
data in the table are directly proportional.

Mass-Volume Data for Aluminum at 20°C Mass Vs. Volume of Aluminum

Mass (g) Volume (c​m​3​) _​ m 
_ _ _ _ _ _ _  ​
_ _ (g/c​m3​ ​)
54.7 20.1 2.72
65.7 24.4 2.69
Mass (g)

83.5 30.9 2.70
96.3 35.8 2.69
105.7 39.1 2.70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Volume (cm3)

The graph shows a relationship that is directly

proportional. Notice that the line is extended to
pass through the origin.

M ea s u reme n t s a n d ca l c u l at i o n s 55
Inverse Proportions
Two quantities are inversely proportional to each other if
multiplying them gives a constant value. For example, the
amount of time it takes to travel a certain distance is inversely
proportional to the speed of travel. The greater the speed, the
less time is needed to go a certain distance.
When two variables, x and y, are inversely proportional to READING CHECK
each other, the relationship can be expressed as 8.  Two quantities are

​ 1
y ∝ __
x  ​

if their product is constant.

This is read as “y is proportional to 1 divided by x.” The
relationship can be expressed in this form using a Two quantities are
proportionality constant k: proportional

xy = k if their quotient is constant.

This equation shows that the product of the two variables

will yield a constant value. The table below shows that the
pressure and volume of a sample of nitrogen gas are inversely
proportional. The product of the pressure and volume at any
particular time is almost exactly the same.

Pressure-Volume Data for Nitrogen Volume Vs. Pressure of Nitrogen

at Constant Temperature 600
Pressure (kPa) Volume (c​m3​ ​) P×V
100 500 50 000 450

150 333 50 000 400

Volume (cm3)

200 250 50 000
250 200 50 000 250

300 166 49 800 200

350 143 50 100
400 125 50 000 50

450 110 49 500 0

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Pressure (kPa)
The graph of an inversely proportional relationship is a
hyperbola. An example of such as graph is given at the right, The graph shows a relationship that
is inversely proportional.
showing the data in the table. The ends of the graph approach
the x-axis and y-axis because as one value moves away from
zero, the other value must approach zero.

1. What is the difference between a graph representing data that are directly
proportional and a graph of data that are inversely proportional?

2. The density of copper is 8.94 g/c​m3​ ​. Two students each measure the density
of three samples of the substance. Student A’s results are 7.3 g/mL, 9.4 g/mL,
and 8.3 g/mL. Student B’s results are 8.4 g/c​m3​ ​, 8.8 g/c​m3​ ​, and 8.0 g/c​m3​ ​.
Compare the two sets of results in terms of precision and accuracy.

3. Carry out the following calculations.

a.  52.13 g + 1.7502 g   b.  16.25 g ÷ 5.1442 mL

4. Perform the following operations. Express each answer in scientific notation.

a.  7.023 × 1​09​ ​g – 6.62 × 1​07​ ​g

b.  (8.99 × 1​0–4

​ ​m)(3.57 × 1​04​ ​m)

c.  2.17 × 1​0–3

​ ​g ÷ 5.022 × 1​04​ ​mL

5. A student measures the mass of a beaker filled with corn oil. The mass
reading averages 215.6 g. The mass of the beaker is 110.4 g. What is the
density of the corn oil if its volume is 114 c​m3​ ​.

Critical Thinking
6. APPLYING CONCEPTS   The mass of a liquid is 11.50 g and its volume is
9.03 mL. How many significant figures should its density value have?
Explain the reason for your answer.

M ea s u reme n t s a n d ca l c u l at i o n s 57
Math Tutor  Scientific Notation

Any value expressed in scientific notation has two parts. The first part, the first factor,
consists of a number greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10. The second part consists
of a power of 10. To write the first part, move the decimal to the right or the left so that
there is only one nonzero digit to the left of the decimal point. To write the second part,
count how many places the decimal point was moved. The exponent is positive if the
decimal point moved to the left and negative if the decimal point moved to the right.

6.02   ×   1​0​23​

first factor power of ten

Problem-Solving TIPS
• In addition and subtraction, all values must first be converted to numbers that have
the same exponent of 10. The result is the sum or the difference of the first factors,
multiplied by the same exponent of 10. The result should be rounded to the correct
number of significant figures and expressed in scientific notation.
• In multiplication, the first factors are multiplied and the exponents of 10 are added.
• In division, the first factors of the numbers are divided and the exponent of 10 in the
denominator is subtracted from the exponent of 10 in the numerator.


Write 299 800 000 in scientific notation.

The decimal must move to the left 8 places, which indicates a positive
exponent. The value in scientific notation is 2.998 × 1​08​ ​m/s.

299  800  000.  m/s

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Write (3.1 × 1​03​ ​) (5.21 × 1​04​ ​) in scientific notation.

Multiply the first factors, and then add the exponents of 10.
​( 3.1 × 1​03​ ​ )​ ​( 5.21 × 1​04​ ​ )​= (​  3.1 × 5.21 )​× 1​0​​ 3+4  ​​
( )

= 16 × 1​07​ ​
= 1.6 × 1​08​ ​

Practice Problems:  Chapter Review practice problems 18 and 19


1. How does quantitative information differ from qualitative information?

2. Why is it important for a measurement system to have an international

standard for each unit?

3. Identify the SI unit that would be most appropriate for measuring each of
the following.

a.  width of a gymnasium d.  length of a finger

b.  length of a bacterial cell e.  mass of a coin

c.  width of the state of  Texas f.  mass of a table

4. What is a derived unit, and what is the SI-derived unit for area?

5. Explain how conversion factors are used.

6. What is meant by a mass measurement expressed in the form 4.6 g ± 0.2 g?

7. Round each of the following measurements to the number of significant

figures indicated.

a.  67.029 g to three significant figures

b.  0.15 L to one significant figure

c.  52.8005 mg to five significant figures

8. Arrange in the correct order the following four basic steps for finding the
solution to a problem: compute, plan, evaluate, and analyze.

M ea s u reme n t s a n d C a l c u l at i o n s 59
9. What is the volume, in cubic meters, of a rectangular solid that is
0.25 m long, 6.1 m wide, and 4.9 m high?

10. Find the density of a material, given that a 5.03 g sample occupies 3.24 mL.

11. A sample of a substance that has a density of 0.824 g/mL has a mass
of 0.451 g. Calculate the volume of the sample.

12. How many grams are in 882 μg?

13. The density of gold is 19.3 g/c​m3​ ​. What is the volume, in cubic centimeters,
of a sample of gold that has a mass of 0.715 kg? If this sample of gold is a
cube, what is the length of each edge in centimeters?

14. A student measures the mass of a sample as 9.67 g. Calculate the percentage
error, given that the correct mass is 9.82 g.

15. A handbook gives the density of calcium as 1.54 g/c​m3​ ​. Based on lab
measurements, what is the percentage error of a density calculation
of 1.25 g/c​m3​ ​?

16. How many significant figures are in each of the following measurements?

a.  0.4004 mL   c.  1.000 30 km

b.  6000 g   d.  400. nm

17. Perform the following calculations. Express the answers with the correct
number of significant digits.

a.  6.078 g + 0.3329 g c.  (0.8102 m)(3.44 m)

b.  8.2 cm - 7.11 cm d.  94.20 g ÷ 3.167 22 mL

18. Calculate the product of 0.002 115 m and 0.000 040 5 m. Express the answer
in scientific notation and with the correct number of significant figures.

19. A sample of a certain material has a mass of 2.03 × 1​0–3

​ ​g. Calculate the
volume of the sample, given that the density is 9.133 × 1​0​–1​g/c​m3​ ​. Use the
four-step method to solve the problem.





M ea s u reme n t s a n d C a l c u l at i o n s 61

Atoms: The Building

Blocks of Matter

Key Concepts LA.PS.4  Use scientific notation to

express large and small numbers.
Section 1 The Atom: From Philosophical Idea to Scientific Theory LA.PS.7  Write a balanced symbolic
equation from a word equation.
Which laws form the foundations of atomic theory? (PS-H-A2)
What are the five points of Dalton’s atomic theory? LA.PS.8  Analyze the development
of the modern atomic theory from
a historical perspective. (PS-H-B1)
Section 2 The Structure of the Atom LA.PS.17  Use the periodic table to
What are the particles that make up an atom? compare electronegativities and
ionization energies of elements to
How were electrons discovered? explain periodic properties, such as
How were neutrons discovered? atomic size. (PS-H-C2)

Section 3  Counting Atoms

What is an isotope?
How can the particles in a nuclide be determined?
How are molar mass problems solved?

Review Previous Concepts

1. What is the relationship between an atom and an element?

2. How are conversion factors used to solve problems in chemistry?

SECTION 3.1 LA.PS.7 Write a balanced symbolic equation
from a word equation. (PS-H-A2)

The Atom: From LA.PS.8 Analyze the development of the

modern atomic theory from a historical
perspective. (PS-H-B1)

Philosophical Idea to
Scientific Theory
When you crush a lump of sugar, you can see that it is made VOCABULARY
up of many smaller sugar particles. You may grind these
law of conservation of mass
particles into a very fine powder, but each tiny piece is still law of definite proportions
sugar. Now suppose you mix the sugar powder into water. The law of multiple proportions
tiny particles seem to disappear. Yet if you were to taste the
solution, you’d know that the sugar is still there.
Observations like these led people to wonder about the
nature of matter. Can matter be divided into pieces forever or
is it made of miniature pieces that cannot be divided at all?
The particle theory of matter was supported as early as
400 B.C. by certain Greek thinkers, such as Democritus. He
called nature’s basic particle an atom, based on the Greek
word meaning “indivisible.” On the other hand, Aristotle
did not believe in atoms. He thought that all matter was
continuous. He lived in the generation after Democritus, and
his opinion was accepted for nearly 2000 years.
The opinions of Aristotle and Democritus were not
based on experimental evidence. The discussion remained Sugar seems to disappear
a philosophical one until the eighteenth century. Then when it is mixed with water.
scientists began to gather evidence favoring the atomic
theory of matter.

Foundations of Atomic Theory

Critical Thinking
By the late 1700s, chemists agreed that elements cannot be 1. Interpret Why are the opinions
broken down further by ordinary chemical means. They also of Aristotle and Democritus not
considered scientific theories?
agreed that elements combine to form compounds that have
different properties from the elements that form them. They
did not agree on what makes up elements, or if a compound
always has the same ratio of elements in it.

AT o m s : T H E B u i l d i n g B l o C k s o f m AT T E R 63
Evidence for Atomic Theory
Law of conservation Mass is neither created nor destroyed during ordinary chemical
of mass reactions or physical changes.
Law of definite A compound contains the same elements in exactly the same
proportions proportions regardless of sample size or source of the compound.
Law of multiple If two or more compounds are composed of the same two elements,
proportions then the ratio of the masses of the second element combined with a
certain mass of the first element is a ratio of small whole numbers.

Toward the end of the eighteenth century scientists made

several discoveries about chemical reactions. A chemical
reaction is the change of a substance or substances into
one or more new substances. Using improved equipment,
scientists made more exact measurements before and after
reactions than ever before. In the process, they discovered
some basic principles, which are summarized in the table.
Law of Conservation of Mass  Chemists measured the mass of
substances before and after a reaction. The total mass of the
products was always equal to the total mass of the reactants.
From this evidence, chemists deduced that matter cannot be
created or destroyed during a reaction, a scientific law known
as the law of conservation of mass.
Law of Definite Proportions  Chemists measured the mass
of two elements before forming a compound with the
elements. They discovered that the compound always
contained the same ratio of the elements, no matter how
Each of these salt crystals contains
the compound was formed. From this evidence, chemists
exactly 39.34% sodium and 60.66%
deduced that all compounds have a fixed composition that chlorine by mass.
does not vary from sample to sample, a law known as the
law of definite proportions.
Law of Multiple Proportions  Chemists also worked with READING CHECK
multiple compounds made from the same two elements. For 2.  Complete this sentence. The
example, carbon and oxygen form carbon monoxide and total mass of the products in any
carbon dioxide. In carbon monoxide, there is 1.00 g of carbon chemical reaction is equal to

for every 1.33 g of oxygen. In carbon dioxide, there is 1.00 g of

carbon for every 2.66 g of oxygen. The ratio of the mass of the
oxygen in the two compounds is 1 to 2. For any two such
compounds made of the same two elements, chemists found a
simple ratio relating the masses of the variable element via
this law of multiple proportions.

Dalton’s Atomic Theory
In 1808, an English schoolteacher named John Dalton
proposed an explanation for the three newly discovered laws.
He reasoned that elements were composed of atoms and that
only whole numbers of atoms can combine to form
compounds. His theory is summarized in the table below.

Dalton’s Atomic Theory

1. All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms.
2. Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other
properties. Atoms of different elements differ in these properties.
3. Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed.
4. Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole-number
ratios to form chemical compounds.
5. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged.

This theory provides an explanation for the law of conser-

vation of mass during a chemical reaction. According to
­Statement 3, atoms cannot be divided, created, or destroyed.
According to Statement 4, atoms form compounds in simple
whole-number ratios. The same number of atoms is present
before and after a compound forms or breaks apart.

(a) In both reactions shown here, the total

mass stays the same during the
+ = reaction because the mass of a carbon
atom and the mass of an oxygen atom
Carbon, C Oxygen, O Carbon monoxide, CO are fixed.
Mass x Mass y Mass x + Mass y

= +

Carbon monoxide, CO Carbon, C Oxygen, O

Mass x + Mass y Mass x Mass y


3. Which statement in Dalton’s atomic theory implies that an

atom of gold is exactly the same as any other atom of gold?

At o m s : T he B u i l d i n g B l o c k s o f Matter 65
(a) CO is always composed of one
+ = C atom and one O atom. (b) C
​ O​2 ​
molecules are always composed of
Carbon, C Oxygen, O Carbon monoxide, CO one C atom and two O atoms. ​The
same number of CO​2​molecules
contain twice as many O atoms.
+ + =

Carbon, C Oxygen, O Oxygen, O Carbon dioxide, CO2

Dalton’s theory also provides an explanation for the law of

definite proportions and the law of multiple proportions.
Statement 4 implies that a compound is always formed using
atoms in the same whole-number ratio. Because an atom has a
fixed mass, it also follows that using twice as many atoms of an
element will result in a compound containing twice the mass of
that element. For example, carbon dioxide molecules always
contain two oxygen atoms for every atom of carbon. Carbon
monoxide always contains one oxygen atom for every atom of
carbon. So carbon dioxide will always have twice as many
oxygen atoms as carbon monoxide for every atom of carbon.

Modern Atomic Theory

Dalton turned Democritus’s idea about atoms into a scientific
theory that could be tested by experiment. But not all aspects
of Dalton’s atomic theory have proven to be correct. For
example, today we know that atoms are divisible into even
smaller particles. And, as you will see in Section 3 of this
chapter, a given element can have atoms with different masses.
However, atomic theory has not been discarded. Instead, it
has been modified to explain the new observations. The
following important concepts remain unchanged.
• All matter is composed of atoms.
• Atoms of any one element differ in properties from atoms
of another element.

Critical Thinking
4. Infer  When scientists discovered that atoms are c­ omposed
of smaller particles, why didn’t they reject atomic theory?

1. What chemical laws can be explained by Dalton’s atomic theory?

2. List the five main points of Dalton’s atomic theory.






Critical Thinking
3. ANALYZING INFORMATION  Three compounds containing potassium and
oxygen are compared. Analysis shows that for each 1.00 g of O, the
compounds have 1.22 g, 2.44 g, and 4.89 g of K, respectively. Show how
these data support the law of multiple proportions.

At o m s : T he B u i l d i n g B l o c k s o f Matter 67
SECTION 3.2 LA.PS.8 Analyze the development of the
modern atomic theory from a historical

The Structure of perspective. (PS-H-B1)

the Atom
The atomic theory proposed by John Dalton stated that atoms
are indivisible. This idea was proven incorrect by the end of
the nineteenth century. It became clear that atoms are actually
composed of several basic types of particles. The number and
arrangement of these particles determine the properties of
the atom.
The atom is now defined as the smallest particle of VOCABULARY
an element that retains the chemical properties of the
atom nuclear forces
element. Atoms consist of two regions. Each region contains
different types of particles, called subatomic particles.
• The nucleus is a very small region located at the center of
the atom. The nucleus includes at least one positively
charged particle called a proton and usually one or more READING CHECK
neutral particles called neutrons. 1. Draw a model showing the two
regions of an atom in the space
• Surrounding the nucleus is a much larger region that below. Label the nucleus and the
contains negatively charged particles called electrons. electron region.

Discovery of the Electron

The electron was the first subatomic particle to be discovered.
In the late 1800s, many experiments were performed in
which electric current was passed through various gases. A
gas with the same pressure as the air at Earth’s surface is a
poor conductor of electricity. For that reason, the scientists
made sure to keep the gases in their experiments at very
low pressures.
For their experiments, scientists made glass tubes called
cathode-ray tubes, and filled them with low-pressure gas. Metal
disks were placed on either side of the tube. One disk, the
cathode, was given a positive charge. The other disk, the
anode, was given a negative charge.

Cathode Rays and Electrons
Scientists discovered that the surface of a Voltage source
cathode-ray tube glowed when electric current
was passed through the tube. They hypothesized Gas at low pressure Cathode ray

that the glow was caused by a stream of particles,

called a cathode ray, that traveled from the cathode - +
to the anode. They also found that cathode rays
could be deflected by a magnet or away from a Cathode Anode
negatively charged object. This led to the (metal disk) (metal disk)

hypothesis that the particles in a cathode ray are (a)

negatively charged.
Experiments carried out by English physicist
Joseph John Thomson in 1897 supported this
hypothesis. He was able to calculate the ratio of
the charge of the particles to the mass of the
particles in a cathode ray. He found that this ratio Cathode Anode
was the same, no matter what metals were used in
the cathode and anode. The ratio also stayed the
same if the gas in the tube changed. (b)

Thomson concluded that all cathode rays are (a) A simple cathode-ray tube. (b) A magnet above
a cathode-ray tube deflects the beam downward,
composed of identical negatively charged particles
showing that the particles in the beam must have a
called electrons. The atoms in the cathode-ray negative charge.
experiments above were releasing electrons. This was
evidence that atoms are divisible and that electrons
are present in different types of atoms.

Charge and Mass of the Electron

Thomson’s experiments also revealed that the electron has CONNECT
a very large charge-to-mass ratio. In 1909, the American
Today, experiments have deter-
physicist Robert A. Millikan was able to measure the mined that the electron has a mass
charge of the electron. Scientists used this information to of 9.109 × 1​0–31
​ ​kg. This is 1/1837
determine the mass of an electron. They found that an the mass of the smallest type of
hydrogen atom.
electron has about one two-thousandth the mass of the
smallest known atom.
Thomson proposed a plum pudding model to explain the READING CHECK
properties of the atom known at the time. Because atoms 2.  Sketch the plum pudding model
are electrically neutral, he proposed that the electrons were proposed by Thomson below. Label
balanced by a “pudding” of positive charge. The electrons the electrons and the region of
positive charge.
were embedded within this positively-charged material. The
region of positive charge was also thought to contain most of
the mass of the atom, since the electron has so little mass.

AT O M S : T H E B U I L D I N G B L O C K S O F M AT T E R 69
Screen to detect

Thin gold

Lead box containing radioactive Particles

source of fast-moving particles deflected by foil
(a) (b)

(a) Geiger and Marsden bombarded a

Discovery of the Atomic Nucleus thin piece of gold foil with a beam of
alpha particles. (b) Some of the
More detail of the structure of atoms was discovered by New particles were deflected back toward
Zealander Ernest Rutherford and his associates Hans Geiger their source.
and Ernest Marsden. They bombarded a piece of gold foil
with fast-moving alpha particles, which are positively charged
particles with four times the mass of a hydrogen atom. They
expected the beam to pass through the foil with a very slight
deflection because the mass and charge were evenly
distributed in the gold foil. They were surprised when about
1 in 8000 particles deflected backwards toward the source.
Rutherford hypothesized that small, densely packed
bundles of matter with a positive charge must have caused
the backwards deflections. The bundles had to be small
because so few of the particles bounced backwards. Rutherford
used the term nucleus to describe each bundle of matter.
Rutherford had discovered that the
Small deflection
volume of the nucleus was very small
compared to the total volume of an
atom. The source of the positive Beam of
charge of an atom had been particles
Electrons surround
Nucleus nucleus
discovered. Rutherford’s student, Large deflection
Niels Bohr, later discovered the
location of the electrons in an atom.
You will learn about Bohr’s model
in Chapter 4.
Most particles passed through the
READING CHECK gold foil undisturbed. A small number
were deflected by the nucleus.
3. What is the nucleus of an atom?

Composition of the Atomic Nucleus
With one exception, all atomic nuclei are made of two kinds of T I P Many words derived from
particles, protons and neutrons. A proton has a positive charge Latin that end with -us
form plurals by changing the
equal in magnitude to the negative charge of an electron. ending to -i. Thus, the plural of
Atoms are electrically neutral because they contain equal nucleus is nuclei and the plural of
numbers of protons and electrons. A neutron has no charge, radius is radii.
and, like an atom, is electrically neutral.
The one atomic nucleus that lacks a neutron is that of the
simplest hydrogen atom. Its nucleus is a single proton with
a single electron moving around it. A proton has a mass of
1.673 × 1​0–27
​ ​kg, which is 1836 times greater than the mass of
an electron. Therefore, a proton has nearly all of the mass in
the simplest hydrogen atom. The mass of a neutron is
1.675 × 1​0–27
​ ​kg, which is slightly larger than the mass of
a proton.
The nuclei of atoms of different elements differ in the
number of protons they possess. Therefore, the number of
protons determines an atom’s identity. For every proton
an atom has in its nucleus, the same number of electrons
surrounds the nucleus. Physicists have discovered other
subatomic particles, but they have little effect on the chemical
properties of matter. The properties of electrons, protons, and
neutrons, are summarized in the table below.


4. What quantity determines the identity of an atom?

Properties of Subatomic Particles

electric Mass Relative
Particle Symbols charge number mass (amu*) Actual mass (kg)

Electron e​ ​−​, ​ −10 ​e -1 0   0.000 5486 9.109 × 1​0​−31​

Proton ​ ​, ​1 1​H
​p+    +1 1 1.007 276 1.673 × 1​0​−27​

Neutron n°, ​ 10​n

   0 1 1.008 665 1.675 × 1​0​−27​

*1 amu (atomic mass unit) = 1.660 540 × 1​0−27

​ ​kg

AT O M S : T H E B U I L D I N G B L O C K S O F M AT T E R 71
Forces in the Nucleus
Generally, particles that have the same electric charge repel CONNECT
one another. Therefore, you might expect a nucleus with more
than one proton in it to be unstable. However, a force exists In physics, there are four known
fundamental forces that describe
between two protons that overcomes the electric force trying
how matter interacts. These forces
to push them apart. This force only acts when two protons are are the electromagnetic force, the
very close to one another. gravitational force, the strong
nuclear force, and the weak
A similar force acts when two neutrons are very close nuclear force.
together, or when a neutron and a proton are very close
together. Together, these short-range proton-proton,
neutron-neutron, and proton-neutron forces are called nuclear
forces. These forces allow atoms with up to 83 positively-
charged protons in the same nucleus to be stable.

The Sizes of Atoms

Because the nucleus is so small, the size of an atom is
determined by the size of the region in which electrons are
present. This region is sometimes thought of as an electron
cloud—a cloud of negative charge. The radius of an atom is
the distance from the center of the nucleus to the outer edge
of the electron cloud.
Because atomic radii are so small, they are expressed in a
unit that is more convenient for the sizes of atoms. This unit is
called the picometer. Another unit, called the atomic mass
unit, or amu, is used to express the mass of atoms.
1 pm = 1​0–12
​ ​m = 1​0–10
​ ​cm
1 amu = 1.660 540 × 1​0–27
​ ​kg
To get an idea of how small a picometer is, consider that
1 cm is the same fractional part of 1000 km (about 600 mi) as
100 pm is of 1 cm. Atomic radii range from 40 pm to 270 pm
across. Atomic nuclei have a much smaller radius, about
0.001 pm. Atomic nuclei are also incredibly dense, with a
density of about 2 × 1​014
​ ​g/c​m3​ ​.

Critical Thinking
5. Calculate  Verify the value for the density of an
atomic nucleus given above for a spherical atom
with a mass of 1 amu. Recall that the volume of
4  ​π​r​ 3​.
a sphere is given by V = ​ __
1. Define each of the following:

a. atom

b. neutron

2. Describe one conclusion made by each scientist that led to the development
of the current atomic theory.

a. Thomson

b. Millikan 

c. Rutherford

3. Compare the three subatomic particles in terms of location in the atom,

mass, and relative charge.

4. Why is the cathode-ray tube on page 69 connected to a vacuum pump?

Critical Thinking
5. EVALUATING IDEAS  Nuclear forces are said to hold protons and neutrons
together. What is it about the composition of the nucleus that requires the
concept of nuclear forces?

AT O M S : T H E B U I L D I N G B L O C K S O F M AT T E R 73
SECTION 3.3 LA.PS.4 Use scientific notation to express
large and small numbers. (PS-H-A1)

Counting Atoms LA.PS.17 Use the periodic table to compare

electronegativities and ionization energies of
elements to explain periodic properties, such
as atomic size. (PS-H-C2)

Neon gas only makes up 0.002% of the air you breathe. Yet VOCABULARY
there are 5 × 1017 atoms of neon in each breath you take. In
atomic number average atomic mass
most experiments, atoms are too small and numerous to isotope mole
track individually. Instead, chemists make calculations that mass number Avogadro’s number
nuclide molar mass
take into account the properties of large groups of atoms. atomic mass unit

Atomic Number
All atoms are composed of the same basic particles. Yet all
atoms are not the same. Atoms of different elements have
different numbers of protons. Atoms of the same element
all have the same number of protons. The atomic number
(Z) of an element is the number of protons of each atom of
that element.
Turn to the periodic table on pages 132–133. The
periodic table square for lithium is also shown at the right. 3
An element’s atomic number is indicated above its symbol.
Notice that the elements are placed in order in the periodic Li
table using the atomic number. At the top left is hydrogen, Lithium
H, with an atomic number of 1. Next in order is helium, He,
with an atomic number of 2. The next row of the periodic
table includes the elements with the atomic numbers 3, 4, 5, [He]2 s1
and so on.
This periodic table entry shows that
The atomic numbers give the number of protons in an the atomic number of lithium is 3.
element. So all atoms of hydrogen have one proton, all
atoms of helium have two protons, and so on. READING CHECK
The atomic number also identifies an element. If you 1. How many protons does every
atom of hydrogen have?
want to know which element has atomic number 47, you can
look at the periodic table for the box with a “47” at the top.
Silver, Ag, is the correct element. You then know that all
2. How many protons does every
silver atoms have 47 protons. Since atoms are electrically atom of lithium have?
neutral, you also know that all silver atoms must also have
47 electrons.

The simplest atoms are those of hydrogen. All hydrogen
TIP The names for the types of
atoms have only one proton. However, like many naturally hydrogen atoms are
derived from the number of
occurring elements, hydrogen atoms can have different particles in the nucleus. The prefix
numbers of neutrons. proto- means “first,” deutero- means
“second,” and trito- means “third.”
Three types of hydrogen atoms are known. The most The “o” is dropped before the
common type of hydrogen is sometimes called protium. ending -ium in the names of the
It accounts for 99.9885% of the hydrogen atoms found on hydrogen atoms.
Earth. A protium atom has one electron and a nucleus with
one proton. Another form of hydrogen is called deuterium.
A deuterium atom has one electron and a nucleus with two
particles: a neutron and a proton. Finally, a tritium atom is a
hydrogen atom with one electron and a nucleus of one proton
and two neutrons. 1 Proton

Protium, deuterium, and tritium are isotopes of hydrogen. Protium

Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have different
masses. Isotopes of an element have the same number of
protons and electrons but a different number of neutrons. All
1 Neutron
isotopes of an atom are electrically neutral. A sample of an
element usually consists of a mixture of its isotopes. Tin has
10 stable isotopes, more than any other element.
1 Proton

Mass Number
2 Neutrons
An isotope is identified by its name, such as protium, or its
atomic number and mass. The mass number of an isotope is
the total number of protons and neutrons that make up its
nucleus. For example, the mass number of protium is one
because there is one particle, a proton, in its nucleus. 1 Proton

The three hydrogen isotopes are shown.
3. Use the definition of mass number to complete the table.

Mass Numbers of Hydrogen Isotopes

Atomic number Mass number
Number of neutrons
(number of protons) (protons + neutrons)

protium 1 0 1

deuterium 1 1

tritium 1 2

AT O M S : T H E B U I L D I N G B L O C K S O F M AT T E R 75
Designating Isotopes
That the isotopes of hydrogen have their own names is
unusual. An isotope is usually identified by specifying its mass
number. There are two methods for specifying isotopes.
• In hyphen notation, the mass number is written with a
hyphen after the name of the element. For example, in
hyphen notation, tritium would be written as hydrogen-3.
• A nuclear symbol is used to show the composition of an
isotope’s nucleus. A number to the upper left of the element
symbol indicates the mass number (protons + neutrons). A
number to the lower left of the element symbol indicates
the atomic number (number of protons). For example, the
nuclear symbol for tritium is 3 1​  ​H
Nuclide is a general term for the specific isotope of an
element. For example, you could say that deuterium is a
hydrogen nuclide. You could also say that hydrogen has three
different nuclides. The composition of the three isotopes, or
nuclides, of hydrogen and the two isotopes of helium are given
in the table below.

Critical Thinking
4. Identify  A particular isotope of uranium has a nucleus with
92 protons and 143 neutrons. Identify this isotope in two
different ways.

5. Apply  Use the information in the other columns to

complete the table on the five nuclides of hydrogen
and helium.
Isotopes of Hydrogen and Helium
Nuclear Number Number Number
symbol of protons of electrons of neutrons

hydrogen-1 (protium) ​ 11 ​H 1 1 0

hydrogen-2 (deuterium) ​ 21 ​H 1 1

hydrogen-3 (tritium) ​ 31 ​H 1 2

helium-3 ​ 32 ​He 2 1

helium-4 ​ 42 ​He 2

How many protons, electrons, and neutrons are there in an
atom of chlorine-37?

1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.
Given: name of isotope is chlorine-37
Unknown: number of protons, electrons, and neutrons
2 PLAN Write equations for the unknowns in terms of what is given.
number of protons = number of electrons = a tomic number
mass number = number of neutrons + number of protons, so
number of neutrons = mass number – number of protons
3 COMPUTE Substitute the known values and calculate.
Because the name of the isotope is chlorine-37, its mass number
is 37.  The element chlorine is element 17 on the periodic table, so
its atomic number is 17.
number of protons = number of electrons = 17
number of neutrons = 37 – 17 = 20
An atom of chlorine-37 has 17 electrons, 17 protons, and
20 neutrons.
4 EVALUATE Determine if the answer makes sense.
 he number of protons in a neutral atom equals the number of
electrons. The number of protons plus the number of neutrons
equals the mass number because 17 + 20 = 37.


A. How many protons, electrons, and neutrons make up an atom

of bromine-80?
Mass number of bromine-80:
Atomic number of bromine:
Number of protons:   Number of electrons:
Number of neutrons = – =

AT O M S : T H E B U I L D I N G B L O C K S O F M AT T E R 77
Relative Atomic Masses
Masses of atoms expressed in grams are very small. For
example, an atom of oxygen-16 has a mass of 2.656 × ​10​–23​g.
It is usually more convenient to talk about the relative mass of
an atom. The relative atomic mass of an atom is the mass of
the atom as compared to the mass of a defined standard.
Scientists have defined the atomic mass unit as the LOOKING CLOSER
standard mass for use in comparisons. One atomic mass unit, 6.  Define the two parts of the term
or amu, is exactly 1/12 the mass of a carbon-12 atom. In atomic mass unit separately in your
other words, one amu is the average mass of a particle in the own words:
nucleus of a carbon-12 atom. The value of amu in grams is atomic mass
1.660 540 × ​10​–24​g.
The mass of a hydrogen-1 atom is slightly more than one
atomic mass unit—1.007 825 amu. An oxygen-16 atom has a
precise mass of 15.994 915 amu. Additional atomic masses for
the isotopes of certain elements are given in the table below.
Isotopes of an element do not differ significantly in their
chemical behavior from the other isotopes of the element. So
the three isotopes of oxygen all have the same chemical
properties despite varying in mass.
The table below shows some isotopes that can be found in
nature. The natural abundance, or relative amount of each
isotope in a sample of an element, is also given in the table.
Artificial isotopes can only be created in the laboratory. They
have a natural abundance of zero.

Atomic Masses and Abundances of Several Naturally Occurring Isotopes

Percentage natural Average atomic mass
Isotope Mass number abundance Atomic mass (amu) of element (amu)
Hydrogen-1 1 99.9885 1.007 825
1.007 94
Hydrogen-2 2 0.0115 2.014 102
Carbon-12 12 98.93 12 (by definition)
Carbon-13 13 1.07 13.003 355
Oxygen-16 16 99.757 15.994 915
Oxygen-17 17 0.038 16.999 132 15.9994
Oxygen-18 18 0.205 17 .999 160
Copper-63 63 69.15 62.929 601
Copper-65 65 30.85 64.927 794
Cesium-133 133 100 132.905 447 132.905

Average Atomic Masses of Elements
Chemists have found that a sample of an element will contain READING CHECK
the same percentage of each isotope no matter where on 7.  Define the two parts of the term
Earth the sample is obtained. This percentage is taken into average atomic mass separately in
account when calculating the average atomic mass that is your own words:
reported on the periodic table. The average atomic mass is average
the weighted average of the atomic masses of the isotopes
of an element found in nature. The table on the bottom of
page 78 also includes the average atomic mass for each
element in the table.

Calculating Average Atomic Mass

atomic mass
The average atomic mass of an element is a weighted average.
It depends on both the mass of each isotope and the natural
abundance of each isotope of the element.
For example, 69.15% of the copper atoms in a sample
are copper-63 atoms. This isotope has an atomic mass of
62.93 amu. The remaining 30.85% of the sample is copper-65,
which has an atomic mass of 64.93 amu. The weighted average
is the sum of the proportions of the mass that are taken up by
each type of atom.
69.15% × 62.93 amu = 43.52 amu of copper-63

TIP In this book, an element’s
30.85% × 64.93 amu = 20.03 amu of copper-65 atomic mass is usually
rounded to two decimal places
43.52 amu + 20.03 amu = 63.55 amu before it is used in a calculation.

The value is reasonable because the average atomic mass is

closer to the atomic mass of copper-63 than the mass of
copper-65, because copper-63 takes up the largest proportion
of a natural sample of copper. The value also matches
the average atomic mass in the periodic table to four
significant figures.

Critical Thinking
8. Reasoning  Why is the average atomic mass usually
a decimal number and not a whole number like the
mass number?

AT O M S : T H E B U I L D I N G B L O C K S O F M AT T E R 79
Relating Mass to Numbers of Atoms
The atomic mass unit allows scientists to compare the mass of
an atom to the mass of a standard atom. The average atomic
mass gives scientists a value for the average mass of an atom
in a sample. Another quantity that scientists also need to
determine is the number of atoms in a sample.

The Mole
The mole is the SI unit for the amount of a substance. The
abbreviation for a mole is mol. A mole is the amount of a
substance that contains as many particles as there are atoms in
exactly 12 g of carbon-12. The mole is a counting unit, just like
a dozen. If you buy two dozen ears of corn at a farm stand,
you are purchasing 2 times 12, or 24 ears of corn. Similarly, a
chemist might desire 1 mol of carbon or 2.567 mol of calcium.

Avogadro’s Number A penny contains about 1/20 mol of

copper atoms, or 2.964 × 1​022​ ​atoms.
Chemists have determined that 12 g of carbon-12 contains
A sample of 20 copper pennies is a
6.022 141 79 × 1​ 0​23​atoms. This means that one mole of any little less than one mole of copper.
substance contains 6.022 141 79 × ​10​23​atoms. This number is
called Avogadro’s number after Amedeo Avogadro.
A nineteenth-century Italian scientist, Avogadro helped
explain the relationship between mass and numbers of atoms.
For most calculations, the number given above is rounded
to four significant figures. So, Avogadro’s number is the
number of particles in exactly one mole of a pure substance,
and is given by 6.022 × ​10​23​. To get a sense of how large this
number is, consider this: If everyone of the 7 billion people
on Earth counted one atom per second, it would take the
7 billion people about 7 million years to count all of the atoms
in one mole.


9. What is the SI unit for the number of particles in a sample?

10.  How many particles does the SI unit for the number of
particles represent?

(a) (b) (c)

About one molar mass of (a) carbon (graphite), (b) iron (nails), and (c) copper
(wire) is shown on each balance.

Molar Mass
The number of particles in one mole of a substance is given by
Avogadro’s number. The mass of one mole of a substance is
called the molar mass of that substance. Molar mass is usually
written in units of g/mol. The molar mass of an element in
g/mol is equivalent to the atomic mass of the element as given
on the periodic table in amu. For example, the molar mass of
carbon is 12.01 g/mol, the molar mass of iron is 55.84 g/mol,
and the molar mass of copper is 63.55 g/mol.

Gram/Mole Conversions
Chemists use molar mass as a conversion factor in chemical
calculations. For example, to find the mass of 2 mol of a
substance, you would multiply 2 mol by the molar mass of the
substance (in grams per mole) to obtain a value in grams.

Conversions with Avogadro’s Number

The diagram below can be used to convert between the mass READING CHECK
of a sample, the moles in a sample, and the number of atoms 11. The periodic table gives the
in a sample. The conversion between moles and number of average atomic mass of mercury as
200.59 amu. What is the mass of one
atoms is performed using Avogadro’s number. The following mole of mercury?
sample problems explain how to convert between all three of
these quantities.

molar mass 1 mol

= of element × = ×
1 mol Amount 6.022 × 1023 atoms
of element
Mass of element 1 mol in moles 6.022 × 1023 atoms = Number of atoms
in grams × molar mass = × of element
of element 1 mol

The diagram shows the relationship among mass, moles, and number of atoms.

AT O M S : T H E B U I L D I N G B L O C K S O F M AT T E R 81
A chemist produced 11.9 g of aluminum, Al. How many
moles of aluminum were produced?


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

Given: 11.9 g Al
Unknown: amount of Al in moles

2 PLAN Determine the equation and conversion factor needed.

To convert from mass to number of moles, divide by the molar
mass. This is the same as using the reciprocal of molar mass as a
conversion factor, as shown below.
gram Al = ​ moles Al 
 grams Al × ________  ​
grams Al

= moles Al

3 COMPUTE Substitute the known values and calculate.

The molar mass of aluminum from the periodic table, rounded to
four significant figures, is 26.98 g/mol.
11.9 g Al = ​  mol Al 
 11.9 g Al × _________  ​ 
26.98 g Al
= 0.441 mol Al

4 EVALUATE Determine if the answer makes sense.

The answer and the original value have three significant figures.
The answer is reasonable because 11.9 g is a little less than half
of 26.98 g.


B. What is the mass in grams of 2.25 mol of iron, Fe?

Molar mass of iron:

2.25 mol Fe = 2.25 mol Fe ×

= g Fe

How many moles of silver, Ag, are in 3.01 × 1​023
​ ​atoms
of silver?


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

Given: 3.01 × 1​023
​ ​atoms Ag
Unknown: amount of Ag in moles

2 PLAN Determine the equation and conversion factor needed.

To convert from number of atoms to number of moles, divide by
Avogadro’s number. This is the same as using the reciprocal of
Avogadro’s number as a conversion factor, as shown below.
moles Ag
Ag atoms =  Ag atoms × _____________________________
Avogadro’s number of Ag atoms

= moles Ag

3 COMPUTE Substitute the known values and calculate.

mol Ag
3.10 × 1​023 ​ ​Ag atoms × ____________________
​ ​Ag atoms= 3.01 × 1​023 ​        
6.022 × 1​023
​ ​Ag atoms
= 0.500 mol Ag

4 EVALUATE Determine if the answer makes sense.

The answer and the original value have three significant figures.
The units cancel correctly and the number of atoms is half of
Avogadro’s number.


C. Howmany atoms of aluminum, Al, are in 2.75 mol

of aluminum?
Molar mass of aluminum:

2.75 mol Al =
 2.75 mol Al ×

= atoms Al

AT O M S : T H E B U I L D I N G B L O C K S O F M AT T E R 83
What is the mass in grams of 1.20 × 1​08​ ​atoms of copper, Cu?


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

Given: 1.20 g × 1​08​ ​atoms of Cu
Unknown: mass of Cu in grams

2 PLAN Determine the equation and conversion factors needed.

As shown in the diagram on page 81, converting from number of
atoms to mass is a two-step process. To convert from number of
atoms to moles, divide by Avogadro’s number. To convert from
moles to mass, multiply by the molar mass.

​  moles
Cu atoms = Cu atoms × _____________________________ ​
Avogadro’s number of Cu atoms
grams Cu
× _________
​   ​ 
moles Cu
= grams Cu

3 COMPUTE Substitute the known values and calculate.

The molar mass of copper from the periodic table, rounded to four
significant figures, is 63.55 g/mol.
1 mol 63.55 g Cu
Cu   ​×​ __________
1.20 × 1​08​ ​Cu atoms × ___________________
​      ​ 

6.22 × 1​0​ ​Cu atoms mol Cu
= 1.27 × 1​0–14​g Cu

4 EVALUATE Determine if the answer makes sense.

The units cancel correctly to give the answer in grams. The order of
magnitude of the answer is also reasonable because 1​08​ ​divided by
​ ​and then multiplied by 1​02​ ​is 1​0–14
​ ​.


D. How many atoms of sulfur, S, are in 4.00 g of sulfur?

Molar mass of sulfur:

4.00 g S = 4.00 g S × ×

= S atoms
1. Define the term molar mass.

2. Complete the table at the right.
Number of Number of Number of
protons electrons neutrons
3. Write the nuclear symbol and hyphen
notation for each of the following isotopes. sodium-23

a. mass number of 28, atomic number of 14 calcium-40

​ 64
b. 26 protons and 30 neutrons  
​ 108

4. To two decimal places, what is the relative atomic mass and the molar mass
of the element potassium, K?

5. Determine the mass in grams of the following:

a. 2.00 mol N b. 3.01 × ​10​23​atoms Cl

6. Determine the amount in moles of the following:

a. 12.15 g mol Mg  b. 1.50 × ​10​23​atoms F

Critical Thinking
7. ANALYZING DATA  Beaker A contains 2.06 mol of copper, and Beaker B
contains 222 g of silver.

a. Which beaker contains the larger mass?

b. Which beaker has the larger number of atoms?

AT O M S : T H E B U I L D I N G B L O C K S O F M AT T E R 85
Math Tutor  Conversion Factors

Most calculations in chemistry require that all measurements of the same quantity
(mass, length, volume, temperature, and so on) be expressed in the same unit. To
change the units of a quantity, you can multiply the quantity by a conversion factor.
With SI units, such conversions are easy because units of the same quantity are
related by multiples of 10, 100, 1000, or 1 million.
Suppose you want to convert a given amount in milliliters to liters. You
can use the relationship 1 L = 1000 mL. From this relationship, you can ​ 1000 mL
_______ ​  ​  1 L   ​ 
 and _______
1L 1000 mL
derive the conversion factors shown at the right.

Problem-Solving TIPS
• Multiply the given amount by the conversion factor that allows the units from which
you are converting to cancel out and the new units to remain.
• Most conversion factors are based on exact definitions, so significant figures do not
apply to these factors. The number of significant figures in a converted measurement
depends on the certainty of the measurement you start with.


A sample of aluminum has a mass of 0.087 g. What is the sample’s

mass in milligrams?
Based on SI prefixes, you know that 1 g = 1000 mg. The possible
conversion factors are
1000 mg 1g
​ ________ and ​ ________
 ​     ​ 
1g 1000 mg

The first conversion factor cancels grams, leaving milligrams.

1000 mg
0.087 g = 0.087 g × ​ ________
 ​ = 87 g


A sample of a mineral has 4.08 × 1​0-5

​ ​mol of vanadium per kilogram
of mass. How many micromoles of vanadium per kilogram does the
mineral contain?
1 μmol = 1 × 1​0-6
​ ​mol. The possible conversion factors are
-6 1 μmol
​ 1 × 1​0​ ​  
 ​ and ____________
​    ​
1 μmol -6
1 × 1​0​ ​mol
The second conversion factor cancels moles, leaving micromoles.
1 μmol
​ ​mol × ____________
4.08 × 1​0​-5​mol = 4.08 × 1​0-5 ​    ​= 40.8 μmol
1 × 1​0-6
​ ​mol

Practice Problems: Chapter Review practice problems 8–10

and 13–14


1. Explain each law in terms of Dalton’s atomic theory.

a. the law of conservation of mass

b. the law of definite proportions

c. the law of multiple proportions

2. According to the law of conservation of mass, if element A has an atomic

mass of 2 mass units and element B has an atomic mass of 3 mass units, what
mass would be expected for each compound?

a.  AB     b.  ​A2​ ​B3​ ​

3. What is an atom? What two regions make up all atoms?

4. Summarize Rutherford’s model of the atom and explain how he developed

his model based on the results of his famous gold-foil experiment.

5. What are isotopes? How are the isotopes of a particular element alike and
how are they different?

6. Complete the table at the right

Number of Number Number
concerning the three isotopes Isotope
protons of electrons of neutrons
of silicon, Si.
7. What is the definition of a mole?
How many particles are in one mole,
and what is that number called? silicon-30

At o m s : T he B u i l d i n g B l o c k s o f Matter 87
8. What is the mass in grams of each of the following?

a. 1.00 mol Li  

b. 1.00 mol Al

c. 1.00 molar mass Ca

d. 1.00 molar mass Fe

e. 6.022 × 1​023
​ ​atoms C

f. 6.022 × 1​023
​ ​atoms Ag

9. How many moles of atoms are there in each of the following?

a. 6.022 × 1​023
​ ​atoms Ne

b. 3.011 × 1​023
​ ​atoms Mg

10. How many moles of atoms are there in each of the following?

a.  3.25 × ​10​5​g Pb b.  4.50 × ​10​–12​g O

11. Three isotopes of argon occur in nature:  

​  ​A
  r, and ​ 
​18 ​A 40
18 ​A
  r. Calculate the
average atomic mass of argon to two decimal places, given the following
relative atomic masses and abundances of each of the isotopes:
argon-36 (35.97 amu; 0.337%), argon 38 (37.96 amu; 0.063%), and
argon-40 (39.96 amu; 99.600%).

12. Naturally occurring boron is 80.20% boron-11 (atomic mass of 11.01 amu)
and 19.80% of some other isotopic form of boron. What must the atomic
mass of this second isotope be in order to account for the 10.81 amu average
atomic mass of boron? (Write the answer to two decimal places.)

13. What is the mass in grams of each of the following?

a.  3.011 × 1​023

​ ​atoms F d.  8.42 × 1​018
​ ​atoms Br

b.  1.50 × 1​023

​ ​atoms Mg e.  25 atoms W

c.  4.50 × 1​012

​ ​atoms Cl f.  1 atom Au

14. Determine the number of atoms in each of the following.

a.  5.40 g B e.  1.00 × 1​0–10

​ ​g Au

b.  0.250 mol S f.  1.50 mol Na

c.  0.0384 mol K g.  6.755 mol Pb

d.  0.025 50 g Pt h.  7.02 g Si

At o m s : T he B u i l d i n g B l o c k s o f Matter 89

Arrangement of Electrons
in Atoms

Key Concepts LA.PS.8  Analyze the development

TK  Text TK
TK the modern
Text TK atomic theory from
Text TKperspective. (PS-H-B1)
Section 1 The Development of a New Atomic Model LA.PS.15  Predict the physical and
chemical properties of an element
What is the nature of light? based only on its location in the
How was Rutherford’s model of the atom modified? periodic table. (PS-H-C2)

Section 2 The Quantum Model of the Atom

What is the quantum model of the atom?
What ideas led to the idea of atomic orbitals?
What is the significance of quantum numbers?

Section 3  Electron Configurations

How many electrons are needed to occupy an energy level?
What are the rules that govern electron configurations?
How can electron configurations be described?

Review Previous Concepts

1. What subatomic particles make up an atom and how do their

properties compare with each other?

2. How did Ernest Rutherford describe the characteristics and

properties of an atom after the gold-foil experiment?

SECTION 4.1 LA.PS.8 Analyze the development of the
modern atomic theory from a historical

The Development of a
perspective. (PS-H-B1)

New Atomic Model

The Rutherford model of the atom was an improvement over
previous models, but it was still incomplete. Scientists were
able to revise the atomic model when they discovered a
connection between light and atomic structure.

Properties of Light VOCABULARY

Before 1900, scientists thought that light behaved only as a frequency
wave. A wave is a disturbance of a medium that transmits electromagnetic radiation
electromagnetic spectrum
energy without changing position. The medium can vibrate photoelectric effect
but its particles do not move forward with the wave. An ocean quantum
wave moving toward a beach is one example. continuous spectrum
emission-line spectrum
The Wave Description of Light ground state
excited state
Waves have a repeating, or periodic, nature. The wavelength
(λ) of a wave is the distance between corresponding points on
two consecutive waves. Wavelength is commonly measured in
meters, centimeters, or nanometers. The frequency (ν) of a
wave is the number of waves that pass a point in a given
1. Which wave in the figure
amount of time. Frequency is expressed in waves per second. to the left, (a) or (b), has a
One wave/second is also called a hertz. longer wavelength?

To the beach
λ 2. Which wave in the figure
to the left, (a) or (b), has a
higher frequency?


The wavelength, λ, of these two waves

is the distance between two wave
crests. The frequency, ν, is the time it
takes for the water to rise and fall at
the wave post.
A R R A n g E m E n T o f E l E C T R o n s i n AT o m s 91
Visible spectrum
Violet Blue Green Yellow Orange Red
400 nm 500 nm 600 nm 700 nm

γ rays X rays Ultraviolet Infrared Microwave Radio waves

Radar TV Short Long
wave wave

10–2 nm 10–1 nm 100 nm 101 nm 102 nm 103 nm 10–3 cm 10–2 cm 10–1 cm 100 cm 101 cm 1m 101 m 102 m 103 m 104 m
Wavelength, λ

1019 Hz 1018 Hz 1017 Hz 1016 Hz 1015 Hz 1014 Hz 1013 Hz 1012 Hz 1011 Hz 1010 Hz 109 Hz 100 MHz 10 MHz 1 MHz 100 KHz
Frequency, ν

Electromagnetic spectrum

Visible light is another type of wave. It is a form of Electromagnetic radiation goes by

electromagnetic radiation, which is energy that travels different names depending on its
through space in the form of a wave. Electromagnetic wavelength. Only waves with a
wavelength of about 400 nm to
radiation does not need a medium to travel. X-rays, 700 nm are visible to the human eye.
ultraviolet light, infrared light, microwaves, and radio waves
are forms of electromagnetic radiation. Together, all forms of
electromagnetic radiation make up a band called the READING CHECK
electromagnetic spectrum, as shown in the diagram above. 3.  Define the term electromagnetic
wave in your own words.
All forms of electromagnetic radiation travel at
3.00 × 1​08​ ​m/s through a vacuum. This number is also called
the speed of light. The speed of electromagnetic radiation
decreases slightly when it passes through matter, such as
when light passes through water.
The frequency and wavelength of a wave are related to
each other by the speed at which the wave travels. For any
electromagnetic wave, this relationship is written as
c = λν
where c is the speed of light in m/s, λ is wavelength in m, and
ν is the frequency in 1/s. Because c is the same for all
electromagnetic radiation, the product λν is constant.
! Remember
If two quantities are inversely
proportional, when one quantity
Therefore, the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave is increases, the other quantity must
inversely proportional to its frequency. decrease by the same factor.

The Photoelectric Effect
In the early 1900s, scientists conducted two experiments on
light that could not be explained by a wave theory of light.
One experiment involved the photoelectric effect.
Stream of electrons
In the photoelectric effect, a metal gives off electrons when Anode
light shines on it. The bulb at the right shows that light shining Cathode
(metal plate)
on the cathode causes the cathode to emit electrons. The
electrons then travel to the anode and an electric current flows Voltage source
from the cathode and the anode. The photoelectric effect only
happens if the frequency of the light is above a certain value.
In 1900 scientists knew that light is a form of energy. So the In the photoelectric effect, light strikes
ability of light to cause a metal to give off electrons made the surface of the metal, causing
electrons to be ejected and an electric
sense. However, a new theory was needed to explain why light
current to flow.
of lower frequencies did not cause the photoelectric effect.

The Particle Description of Light

German physicist Max Planck provided part of the
explanation for the photoelectric effect. Planck suggested that
a hot object does not emit energy continuously, in the form of
waves. He suggested that the object emits energy in small
packets called quanta.
A quantum of energy is the minimum quantity of energy CONNECT
that can be lost or gained by an atom. The relationship
Many quantities in math and
between the frequency, ν, of radiation in 1/s and a quantum of science are represented by Greek
energy, E, in joules is letters. For example, the symbol for
wavelength, λ, is the Greek letter
E = hν lambda. The symbol for frequency,
ν, is the Greek letter nu.
where h, also known as Planck’s constant, is 6.626 × ​10​–34​J∙s.
In 1905, Albert Einstein expanded on Planck’s theory by
hypothesizing that electromagnetic radiation can behave like
a wave and like a particle. While light can exhibit wavelike
properties, it can also be thought of as a stream of particles.
Each particle carries a quantum of energy. Einstein called
these particles photons.


4. Compare and contrast the way waves transmit energy and

the way particles transmit energy.

A rra n g e m e n t o f E l ectr o n s i n At o m s 93
Photons  A photon is a particle of electromagnetic radiation
having no mass and carrying a quantum of energy. The energy
of a photon is given by Planck’s formula for quanta of energy.
​E​photon​= hν
Einstein explained the photoelectric effect by proposing READING CHECK
that matter can only absorb a whole number of photons. In
5.  Use the quantites mass and
other words, matter cannot absorb part of a photon. An energy to complete this
electron can only be ejected from an object if one photon sentence.
is absorbed that has enough energy to knock it loose. Even a The of a photon
large stream of photons striking an object will fail to knock
is zero, while the
any electrons loose if the individual photons contain too
little energy. of a photon is

greater than zero.

The formula above relates the minimum energy to a
frequency. Because electrons are bound with different
force to different metals, the minimum frequency changes
for each metal.

The Hydrogen-Atom
Emission-Line Spectrum
In addition to the photoelectric effect experiments, a second
set of experiments forced scientists to revise their ideas about
light. These experiments focused on light emitted by gases. A firefly, or lightning bug, uses a
chemical reaction to produce light.
When electric current passes through a gas at low pressure, The spectrum of light emitted by the
the gas gives off colored light. For example, when electric chemical luciferin gives the bugs their
current passes through neon gas, a neon sign lights up. yellow-green glow.

When scientists passed current through a

tube containing hydrogen gas at low pressure,
they observed a pinkish light. The wave
theory of light predicted that hydrogen
397 nm
410 nm

434 nm

486 nm

656 nm

atoms would give off light in a continuous

spectrum. A continuous spectrum is a
Slits Prism
continuous range of frequencies of
electromagnetic radiation. A continuous
spectrum of light appears white.

Excited hydrogen atoms emit a pinkish light. This

light is composed of four specific visible wavelengths Current is passed through
of light. The line at 397 nm is not visible to the a glass tube containing
human eye. hydrogen at low pressure.

Lyman series Balmer series Paschen series
(ultraviolet) (visible) (infrared)

e a dc b a c b a
d c b

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Wavelength (nm)

This diagram shows the

When passing the pinkish light emitted by hydrogen through emission-line spectrum for
a prism, scientists found that the light was composed of only hydrogen. The letters below
four wavelengths, not a continuous spectrum. These four the lines label the various
energy-level transitions.
wavelengths are shown in the diagram at the bottom of
page 94. These four visible wavelengths of light are known
collectively as the Balmer series, after their discoverer.
The Balmer series is part of hydrogen’s emission-line
spectrum, shown at the top of this page. Additional sets of
emission lines in the ultraviolet and infrared ranges of the
electromagnetic spectrum are called the Lyman and Paschen
series, after the scientists who discovered them.
Attempts to explain the emission-line spectrum of
hydrogen led to the development of the quantum theory of
atoms. The theory states that an atom’s energy can only be
at specific values, called states. The lowest energy state of an
atom is its ground state. Any state that has a higher potential
energy than the ground state is an excited state.
When an excited atom falls to its ground state or a lower-
energy excited state, it gives off a photon. The energy of the
photon (​Ephoton
​ ​= hν) is equal to the difference in energy Ephoton = E2 - E1 = hυ
between the two states, as shown at the right. The fact that
hydrogen atoms emit only specific frequencies of light E1
suggests that the energy states of a hydrogen atom are fixed.
When an excited atom with energy E ​ ​2​
Light can only be emitted with an amount of energy that is falls back to energy E
​ 1​ ​, it releases a
the difference between two of hydrogen’s energy levels. photon with energy E ​ 2​ ​– ​E1​ ​.


6. How does the quantum theory of atoms explain the nature

of the emission-line spectrum of hydrogen?

A rra n g e m e n t o f E l ectr o n s i n At o m s 95
Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom
By the end of the nineteenth century, scientists had a formula
that related the different wavelengths in hydrogen’s emission-
line spectrum. Now scientists needed a model of the hydrogen
atom that accounted for this relationship. They also needed to
update Rutherford’s model to explain the nature, placement,
and motion of electrons in atoms. The Danish physicist Niels
Bohr provided this model in 1913.
According to Bohr’s model, the electron in a hydrogen
atom can only circle the nucleus in certain paths, or orbits.
According to Bohr’s model of the
The orbit the electron is in determines the energy of the atom. atom, electrons travel around the
The hydrogen atom is in its ground state when the electron is nucleus in specific energy levels.
in the orbit closest to the nucleus. The electron cannot go
closer to the nucleus than this orbit. If the electron enters an
orbit that is farther from the nucleus, the atom has more
energy. Each successive orbit represents a higher energy state.
The electron orbits, or atomic energy levels, can be
compared to the rungs of a ladder. When you stand on the
first rung, you have less potential energy than you would if
you were standing on any other, higher, rung of the ladder.
Because you cannot stand between the rungs, you can only
have amounts of potential energy corresponding to each rung.
When the electron in a hydrogen atom is in one orbit, it Ephoton = E2-E1
e- E
neither gains nor loses energy. However, it can change orbits E1

through one of two processes. These processes are summarized

in the diagram at the right. Nucleus

• The electron moves to a higher orbit if it absorbs a photon (a) Absorption

with energy exactly equal to the amount of energy between
the higher orbit and its present orbit. This process is Ephoton = E3 - E1
called absorption.
• When the electron falls to a lower orbit, it emits a photon E3
with the difference in energy between the higher and lower E2
orbits. This process is called emission. E1


7. When a hydrogen atom a photon,

(b) Emission
it moves into a lower energy state.
8. When a hydrogen atom a photon, (a) Absorption and (b) emission of a
photon by a hydrogen atom according
it moves into a higher energy state. to Bohr’s model.


a b c
Paschen series
a b c d

Balmer series

This energy-state diagram for a

E1 hydrogen atom shows some of the
a b c d e energy transitions for the Lyman,
Lyman series Balmer, and Paschen spectral series.

Photons emitted by a hydrogen atom can only have

energies that represent the differences between its energy
levels. The diagram above shows the possible energy states of
the hydrogen atom according to Bohr’s model. Bohr showed
that the Lyman series of emission lines resulted from electrons
dropping from orbits above the ground state (energies ​E2​ ​, ​E3​ ​,
and so on) into the ground state (energy E​ ​1​).
Bohr also calculated the differences between energy level ​
E​2​and higher energy levels. These differences corresponded
to the energies of photons in the Balmer series. He also found
that the Paschen series resulted from electrons falling to the
energy level ​E3​ ​.
This pattern provided convincing evidence that Bohr’s
model of the hydrogen atom was correct. This model consisted
of an atom with a densely packed nucleus surrounded by
electrons in various orbits far from the nucleus. However,
Bohr’s model was unable to explain the emission-line spectra
of atoms other than hydrogen. Bohr’s model also failed to
explain the chemical behavior of atoms.

Critical Thinking
9. Summarize  Explain how Bohr’s model built on the ideas of
Einstein and Planck.

A rra n g e m e n t o f E l ectr o n s i n At o m s 97
1. Define the following.

a. electromagnetic radiation

b. quantum 

2. What was the major shortcoming of Rutherford’s model of the atom?

3. Write and label the equation that relates the speed, wavelength,
and frequency of electromagnetic radiation.  
4. What is meant by the dual wave-particle nature of light?

5. Describe the Bohr model of the hydrogen atom.

Critical Thinking
6. INTERPRETING GRAPHICS  Use the diagram on page 97 to answer (a) and (b):

a. Characterize each as absorption or emission:

• An electron moves from E

​ 2​ ​to E
​ 1​ ​.

• An electron moves from E

​ 1​ ​to E
​ 3​ ​.

• An electron moves from E

​ 6​ ​to E
​ 3​ ​.

b. Which energy-level change above emits or absorbs the

• highest energy?

• lowest energy?

SECTION 4.2 LA.PS.8  Analyze the development of the
modern atomic theory from a historical

The Quantum Model perspective. (PS-H-B1)

of the Atom
The Bohr model of the atom seemed at first to contradict
common sense. Bohr’s model explained the experimental
evidence of the hydrogen emission-line spectrum, but Bohr
provided no reason for the atom’s orbital structure.

Electrons as Waves Vocabulary

Heisenberg uncertainty principle
To explain Bohr’s model, scientists had to change the way quantum theory
they viewed the nature of the electron. Scientists had quantum number
thought that light behaved only as a wave. Now they were principal quantum number
angular momentum quantum number
beginning to understand that it had a dual wave-particle magnetic quantum number
nature. Electrons had always been thought of as particles. spin quantum number
In 1924, French scientist Louis de Broglie asked if electrons
could have a dual nature as well.
De Broglie pointed out the ways in which electrons in
Bohr’s model behaved like waves. For example, he knew
that any wave confined within a certain space can have only
certain frequencies. Electrons are confined to certain
frequencies within an atom.
De Broglie suggested that electrons be thought of as
waves confined to the space around an atomic nucleus.
These electron waves can only exist at certain frequencies,
and by the relationship E = hν, certain energies.
Scientists were soon able to confirm that electrons have 1.  Name two properties of
other wave-like properties. For example, electrons can be electrons that indicate a
diffracted. Diffraction is the bending of a wave through a wave-like nature.
small opening. Interference occurs when waves that diffract
through a small opening overlap. In some areas of a target
screen, the overlapping waves increase the energy and
appear bright. In some areas the overlapping waves
decrease the energy and appear dark. The result is a pattern
of light and dark areas. A stream of particles would not be
affected in this way, and would appear as a solid circle
where the beam hits the screen.

A R R A N G E M E N T O F E L E C T R O N S I N AT O M S 99
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
The idea of electrons having a dual wave-particle nature
troubled scientists. They wanted to be able to determine the
specific locations of electrons within an atom. In 1927, German
physicist Werner Heisenberg developed another principle that
changed how scientists viewed the subatomic world. 2.  Define uncertainty and
principle separately.
Heisenberg hypothesized that the act of observing a
­particle would itself change the behavior of the particle. For
example, to detect an electron, you use particles of light, or
photons. You locate the electron by its absorption, emission,
or other interaction with a photon. However, this interaction
will change the course of the electron’s movement. As a result,
there is always uncertainty in trying to locate an electron, or principle:
any other particle.
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it is
impossible to determine the exact position and the exact
velocity of a particle at the same time. This principle is
now a foundation of current theories of the nature of light
and matter.

The Schrödinger Wave Equation

In 1926, Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger successfully
combined Bohr’s model of the atom and the dual wave-
particle nature of electrons. Bohr’s model was a hypothesis
based on the assumption that energy levels in an atom were
fixed. Schrödinger used an equation to show that these fixed
energy levels resulted from the wave nature of electrons.
Together with the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, y
Schrödinger’s equation formed the foundation of a new
atomic theory. Quantum theory describes mathematically
the wave properties of electrons and other small particles. x

One result of quantum theory is that the position of an (b)

electron in an atom cannot be determined precisely. Only the
probability of finding it in a certain region can be determined. Here are two ways of visualizing an
Electrons do not travel in specific orbits as in Bohr’s model of atomic orbital. (a) The electron is
likely to be found in the dense regions
the atom. Instead, they travel within orbitals, which are three-
of this cloud. (b) The electron is
dimensional regions around the nucleus of the atom that located within this surface 90% of
indicate the probable location of an electron. the time.

The Four Quantum Numbers
Quantum Number Symbol Description
principal quantum n main energy level of the
number electron
angular momentum l shape of the orbital
quantum number
magnetic quantum m orientation of the orbital
number around the nucleus
spin quantum 1  ​or –​  __
1 ​  spin state of the
+ ​ __
number 2 2 electron

Atomic Orbits and Quantum Numbers

TIP The words quantum, and
quantized, are related. A
In Bohr’s model of the atom, electrons of increasing energy quantum is a specific value. A
occupy orbits farther and farther from the nucleus. According quantity is quantized if it is limited
to the Schrödinger equation, electrons in orbitals also have to certain values.
quantized energies. Scientists can assign each orbital within an
atom a specific value of energy.
Scientists need more numbers to completely describe the
properties of an electron. Quantum numbers specify the
properties of atomic orbitals and the properties of electrons in
these orbitals. The four quantum numbers are summarized in
the table above.
Principal Quantum Number n=5
The principal quantum number, symbolized by n, indicates the
main energy level occupied by the electron. The first six
energy levels in an atom are shown at the right. If n = 1, an
electron occupies the first energy level and is located closest n=2
to the nucleus. As n increases to 2, 3, 4, and so on, the electron

increases in energy and average distance from the nucleus.

More than one electron can occupy the same energy level
in an atom. These electrons are sometimes said to be in the
same electron shell.

3. An electron at the n = 3 level of an atom has

energy and is located The principal quantum number, n,
gives the main energy level occupied
the nucleus than an electron at the n = 2 level. by an electron.

A R R A N G E M E N T O F E L E C T R O N S I N AT O M S 101
Angular Momentum Quantum Number
Not all orbitals are the same shape. At the n = 1 level, there is
just one orbital and it has a spherical shape. For higher main
energy levels, the orbitals can take on multiple shapes. The
angular momentum quantum number, symbolized by l,
indicates the shape of the orbital.
For a specific main energy level n, there are n possible
shapes for the orbitals. Each shape is called a sublevel. For
example, for the n = 2 level, there are two sublevels for
the orbitals: spherical (l = 0) and dumbbell-shaped (l = 1).
The n = 3 level includes three sublevels that include
spherical (l = 0), dumbbell-shaped (l = 1), and more
complex (l = 2) orbitals.
Each sublevel is also given a letter designation. The letter Orbital Letter Designations
designations are given in the table at the right. Every main According to Values of l
energy level includes an s orbital. Every energy level for n = 2 l Letter
and higher also includes p orbitals. Every energy level for
0 s
n = 3 and higher includes d orbitals. So n = 3 includes
s orbitals, p orbitals, and d orbitals. 1 p
2 d
Every atomic orbital has a designation that includes a
number followed by a letter. The number is the main energy 3 f
level, or principal quantum number. The letter is the sublevel.
For example, the 1s orbital is the only orbital on the main
energy level n = 1. A 4d orbital is any one of the d orbitals on
energy level n = 4. The information given by these first two
quantum numbers for the first four main energy levels of an
atom is summarized in the table on the page 103.


4. How would you designate an orbital in the p sublevel of the

third main energy level of an atom?

z z z
y y y

x x x

The orbitals s, p, and d have

s orbital p orbital d orbital
different shapes.

Orbital Types for the First Four Main Energy Levels
Prinicipal quantum Number of Possible values of Possible
number, n (main orbital shapes angular momentum orbital Orbital
energy level) possible quantum number, l types designations
n=1 1 l=0 s 1s
n=2 2 l = 0, 1 s, p 2s, 2p
n=3 3 l = 0, 1, 2 s, p, d 3s, 3p, 3d
n=4 4 l = 0, 1, 2, 3 s, p, d, f 4s, 4p, 4d, 4f

Magnetic Quantum Number

The total number of orbitals that exist in a given main energy
level is equal to ​n2​ ​. Therefore, the first energy level (n = 1) of
an atom has one orbital. Every energy level higher than n = 1
has multiple orbitals. For example, the second energy level
(n = 2) has two sublevels that include four orbitals. The third READING CHECK
energy level (n = 3) has nine orbitals in three sublevels. 5.  Describe the main energy
level, shape, and orientation of
The orbitals of each main energy level are oriented so the 2​p​x​orbital.
that they do not overlap. At the n = 1 level, there is only
one orbital, so no overlap is possible. At the n = 2 level,
there are four orbitals. The 2s orbital is spherically shaped.
Three dumbbell-shaped 2p orbitals are oriented around the
2s orbital.
The magnetic quantum number, symbolized by m, indicates
the orientation of an orbital around the nucleus. Values of m
are whole numbers that range from –l to +l. All s orbitals are
spherical, so they can only have one orientation. Since the s
orbital has an angular magnetic quantum number of l = 0,
all s orbitals have the magnetic quantum number m = 0.
The p orbitals have three possible orientations, depending
on the axis with which the dumbbell is aligned. These
p orbitals are designated as p​ x​ ​, ​p​y​, and p
​ ​z​. Because l = 1 for
p orbitals, they can be assigned the magnetic quantum
numbers m = –1, m = 0, or m = +1.
z z z
y y y
The three p orbitals in any main
energy level are oriented as shown.
The letters x, y, and z on each orbital
x x x
name describe the axis on which the
dumbbell is oriented. The nucleus is at
px orbital py orbital pz orbital the intersection of the three axes.

A R R A N G E M E N T O F E L E C T R O N S I N AT O M S 103
z z z

y y y

x x x

dx2 – y 2 orbital dxy orbital dyz orbital

z z

y y

x x

The five d orbitals in any main energy

level are oriented as shown. Each
occupies a different region of space,
dxz orbital dz 2 orbital but is centered around the nucleus.

The d sublevel in every main energy level has five different

orientations. The value of l for d orbitals is l = 2. This means
that the five different orientations correspond to values of
|m = –2, m = –1, m = 0, m = +1, and m = +2.
With each move from simple to more complex orbitals,
two more orientations in space become available. For
example, the n = 4 level, has one s orbital, three p orbitals,
five d orbitals, and seven f orbitals. The number of orbitals,
1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16, is equal to the number of sublevels as
defined by n​2​= (4​)2​ ​= 16.


A. Complete this chart defining the 16 sublevels in the n = 4

energy level of an atom.

Designation 4s 4p 4p 4p 4d 4d 4d 4d 4d 4f 4f 4f 4f 4f 4f 4f
angular momentum
quantum number, l
magnetic quantum
number, m

Spin Quantum Number
An electron in an orbital behaves in some ways like Earth LOOKING CLOSER
spinning on its axis. Earth’s spinning generates a magnetic 6.  Which quantum numbers
field. An electron exists in one of two possible spin states. define the properties of electrons
Each spin state creates a different magnetic field. To account in an orbital?
for the magnetic properties of the electron, scientists assign
electrons a spin quantum number.
The spin quantum number has only two possible values,
+1/2 and –1/2, which indicate the two possible spin states of
an electron in an orbital. Each orbital of an atom can contain
7.  Which quantum numbers define
up to two electrons. However, the electrons in the orbital must the properties of the orbitals?
have opposite spin states.
For example, examine the n = 2 main energy level. It has
two sublevels. The s sublevel includes one s orbital. The
p sublevel includes three p orbitals. Each one of these four
orbitals can contain two electrons if the electrons have
opposite spin states. Therefore, the n = 2 level of an atom can
hold up to 8 electrons. The structure of the atom given by
these quantum numbers is summarized in the table below.


8. What is the difference between an orbital and a sublevel?

Quantum Number Relationships in Atomic Structure

Principal quantum Sublevels in main Number of Number of Number of Number of
number: main energy level orbitals per orbitals per main electrons electrons per main
energy level (n) (n sublevels) sublevel energy level (​n2​ ​) per sublevel energy level (2​n2​ ​)
1 s 1 1 2 2
2 s 1 4 2 8
p 3 6
3 s 1 9 2 18
p 3 6
d 5 10
4 s 1 16 2 32
p 3 6
d 5 10
f 7 14

A R R A N G E M E N T O F E L E C T R O N S I N AT O M S 105
1. Define each of the following.

a. main energy level

b. quantum number

2. Identify the four quantum numbers by name and symbol.

3. What general information about atomic orbitals is provided by the

quantum numbers?

4. Describe briefly what specific information is given by each of the four

quantum numbers.

Critical Thinking

a. What are the possible values of the magnetic quantum number m

for f orbitals?

b. What is the maximum number of electrons that can exist in the

orbitals in the 4f sublevel?

SECTION 4.3 LA.PS.15 Predict the physical and chemical
properties of an element based only on its

Electron Configurations location in the periodic table. (PS-H-C2)

Bohr’s model of the atom described the possible energy VOCABULARY

states of the electron in a hydrogen atom. The energy states
electron configuration
were deduced from observations of hydrogen’s emission- Aufbau principle
line spectra, but no reason was given for the specific values. Pauli exclusion principle
Hund’s rule
The quantum model of the atom improves on Bohr’s noble gases
noble-gas configuration
model in several ways. One improvement is that the
energy states can be derived from Schrödinger’s equation,
and verified by observation. Another improvement is that
the quantum model describes the arrangement of
electrons in atoms other than hydrogen.
The arrangement of electrons in an atom is known as
the atom’s electron configuration. Atoms of different
elements have different numbers of electrons. Therefore,
each element has a unique electron configuration. The
electrons in an atom tend to be arranged such that their
total energy is as small as possible. The arrangement
that has the least energy for each element is called the
ground-state electron configuration.

1. Name two ways the quantum model of the atom is an 7s 5f 6d
6p 5f
improvement over Bohr’s model of the atom 5d 4f 6p
6s 5d
5p 6s 4f
4d 5p
4p 5s 4d
3d 4p

3p 4s
3s 3p
Rules Governing Electron 2p
2s 2p

Configurations 2s

To determine the ground state configuration of any atom, 1s

first determine the energy levels of the orbitals. The 1s

relationship between the energy levels of the orbitals is The energy of each atomic sublevel is
given in the diagram above. Next, place the electrons in shown on the vertical axis. Each
orbitals, one by one, according to three basic rules. individual box represents one orbital.

A R R A n g E m E n T o f E l E C T R o n s i n AT o m s 107
Aufbau Principle  According to the Aufbau principle, an
TIP In this book, electrons are
electron occupies the lowest-energy orbital that can receive it. represented by up and
down arrows, such as ↑ and ↓. The
The 1s orbital has the lowest energy. A hydrogen atom in the up arrow represents the +1/2 spin
ground state has an electron in this orbital. state, and the down arrow repre-
sents the –1/2 spin state.
The next four sublevels are 2s, 2p, 3s, and 3p. However, the
4s sublevel has a lower energy than the 3d sublevel, so the 4s
orbital is filled with electrons before any of the five 3d orbitals
are filled.
Pauli Exclusion Principle  According to the Pauli exclusion
principle, no two electrons in the same atom can have the
same set of four quantum numbers. The principal, angular
momentum, and magnetic quantum numbers specify the
energy, shape, and orientation of an electron’s orbital. The
fourth quantum number specifies the spin of the electron.
Because there are only two possible values for the spin of
an electron, only two electrons can exist in the same orbital.
1s orbital
As first stated in Section 2 of this chapter, two electrons in the
same orbital must have opposite spin states. The box shows the electron configura-
tion of a helium atom. According to
Hund’s Rule  According to Hund’s rule, orbitals of equal the Pauli exclusion principle, this
orbital can only contain two electrons
energy are each occupied by one electron before any are and they must have opposite spin
occupied by a second electron. In addition, all electrons in states.
orbitals with just one electron must have the same spin state.
Hund’s rule reflects the fact that electrons are arranged in
the lowest energy state possible. Electrons are not repelled as
strongly by other negatively-charged electrons if they are in
different orbitals, and therefore different regions, of the atom.

The figure shows how (a) two,

(b) three, and (c) four electrons fill
the p sublevel of any main energy
(a) (b) (c) level according to Hund’s rule.


A. These boxes represent the orbitals

of a sulfur atom, with 16 electrons.
Draw arrows to fill these orbitals
with electrons. 1s 2s 2p 2p 2p 3s 3p 3p 3p

Representing Electron Configurations
Three types of notation are used to describe electron
configurations. This page discusses two types of notation, and
another part of this section will deal with noble-gas notation.
The three notations are summarized as follows:
• Orbital notation represents an orbital by showing its number
and letter below a horizontal line. Arrows above each line
represent electrons.
• Electron-configuration notation eliminates the lines and
arrows and represents the electrons by numbers listed to the
top right of an orbital’s name.
• Noble-gas notation uses the symbol for a noble gas in place
of part of the electron-configuration notation.

Electron Configurations of First Period Elements

Name Symbol Orbital notation notation

Hydrogen H  ___   1​s1​ ​

Helium He  ​___ ​  1​s​2​

Orbital Notation
Orbital notation uses a line with the orbital’s name
Critical Thinking
underneath it. An unoccupied orbital is represented as . 2.  Reasoning Why do you think
orbital notation is rarely used for
An orbital containing one electron is represented as   ↑    , and atoms with more than ten electrons.
an orbital containing two electrons is represented as   ↑↓  . The
table above shows the orbital notation for the elements in the
first period of the periodic table: hydrogen and helium.

Electron-Configuration Notation
Electron-configuration notation eliminates the lines and
arrows of orbital notation. Instead, this notation shows the
number of electrons in a sublevel by placing a number to
the top right of the sublevel’s designation. For example, the
electron configuration for sulfur is 1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2​p6​ ​3​s2​ ​3​p4​ ​. The
s sublevels of the sulfur atom all contain 2 electrons. The
2p sublevel contains 6 electrons, and the 3p sublevel contains
4 electrons. The table above also shows the electron
configuration notations for hydrogen and helium.

A rra n g e m e n t o f E l ectr o n s i n At o m s 109

The electron configuration of boron is 1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2​p1​ ​. How many
electrons are present in an atom of boron? What is the atomic
number for boron? Write the orbital notation for boron.


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

Given: The electron configuration of boron is 1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2​p1​ ​.
Unknown: number of electrons, atomic number

2 PLAN Determine the information necessary to answer the questions.

The number of electrons, which is equal to the atomic number,
can be determined by adding the values in the electron
configuration. The orbital notation for boron is simply another
representation of the given information.
3 COMPUTE Answer the questions.
The number of electrons in a boron atom is 2 + 2 + 1 = 5.
This is also equal to the atomic number of boron. To write the
orbital notation, first draw lines to represent the orbitals.
1s 2s

Next, fill in the electrons one at a time. Complete one sublevel
before beginning the next sublevel.
  ⇅      ⇅      ↑         
1s 2s

4 EVALUATE Determine if the answers make sense.
The number of arrows in each orbital match the numbers to
the top right of the orbital in the electron configuration.


B. The electron configuration of nitrogen is 1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2​p3​ ​.

What is the atomic number of nitrogen?
Write the orbital notation for nitrogen.

Elements of the Second Period
The elements in the second period of the periodic table can
have up to five orbitals. The 1s orbital will be filled first,
followed by the 2s orbital, and then the 2p orbitals. Thus, the
first element of the second period, lithium, has a configuration
of 1​s2​ ​2​s1​ ​.
The electron occupying the 2s sublevel of a lithium atom is
in the atom’s highest-occupied energy level. For the first period
elements, the highest-occupied energy level is n = 1. For the
second period elements, the highest-occupied energy level is
n = 2. In these elements, the elements in the n = 1 level are ! Remember
The electrons within the same main
inner-shell electrons. These electrons are at an energy level energy level of an atom are said to
below the highest-occupied energy level. be in the same electron shell.

The table at the bottom of the page illustrates the patterns

that electron configurations follow as you move across the
second period of the periodic table. Each element has the
same electron configuration as the element just before it, but
with the addition of one electron.
The last element in the second period is neon. In this
element, all of the orbitals in the 2s and 2p sublevels have
been filled with two electrons. Any atom that has its s and READING CHECK
p sublevels filled in its highest-occupied energy level is said 3.  Use the information in the
to have an octet of electrons. An octet is a group of eight. other rows of the table to complete
the table.

Electron Configurations of Atoms of Second-Period Elements Showing Two Notations

Orbital notation
Name Symbol 1s 2s configuration

Lithium Li    ⇅      ↑                         1​s2​ ​2​s1​ ​
Beryllium Be    ⇅      ⇅                        1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​
Boron B    ⇅      ⇅      ↑                  1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2​p1​ ​
Carbon C    ⇅      ⇅      ↑       ↑          
Nitrogen N                                              1​s2​ ​2s​ 2​ ​2p​ 3​ ​
Oxygen O    ⇅      ⇅      ⇅      ↑       ↑   
Fluorine F                                              1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2p​ 5​ ​
Neon Ne                                             

A rra n g e m e n t o f E l ectr o n s i n At o m s 111

Elements of the Third Period
After the outer octet is filled in neon, the next electron
enters the s sublevel in the n = 3 main energy level. Thus, an
atom of sodium, the first element in the third period, has the
electron configuration 1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2​p6​ ​3​s1​ ​. The third period elements
have two sets of inner-shell electrons, the electrons in the
n = 1 and n = 2 levels, and the additional electrons are placed
in the n = 3 energy level.

Noble-Gas Notation
The Group 18 elements in the periodic table are called the
noble gases. Neon is an example of a noble gas. The first ten
electrons in a sodium atom have the same configuration as a
neon atom. The same is true for all the third period elements.
Scientists used this fact to develop a shortened version of
electron-configuration notation called noble-gas notation. The
symbol for neon is enclosed in brackets and substituted for
that portion of the configuration. So, [Ne] = 1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2​p6​ ​, and the
noble-gas notation for sodium is [Ne]3​s1​ ​.
The last element in the third period is a noble gas called
argon. Argon, like neon, has an octet in its highest-occupied READING CHECK
energy level. In fact, all noble gases other than helium have
4.  Use the information in the
such an octet. A noble-gas configuration refers to an outer other rows of the table to complete
main energy level occupied, in most cases, by eight electrons. the table.

Electron Configurations of Atoms of Third-Period Elements

Number of electrons in sublevels
Atomic Noble-gas
Name Symbol 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p
number notation
Sodium Na 11 2 2 6 1 *[Ne]3​s1​ ​
Magnesium Mg 12 2 2 6 2 [Ne]3​s2​ ​
Aluminum Al 13 2 2 6 2 1 [Ne]3​s2​ ​3​p1​ ​
Silicon Si 14 2 2 6 2 2 [Ne]3​s2​ ​3​p2​ ​
Phosphorus P 15 [Ne]3​s2​ ​3​p3​ ​
Sulfur S 16 2 2 6 2 4
Chlorine Cl 17
Argon Ar 18 [Ne]3​s2​ ​3​p6​ ​
2 2 6
*[Ne] = 1​s​ ​2​s​ ​2p​ ​ ​

Elements of the Fourth Period
The fourth period of the periodic table contains elements in
which the highest-occupied energy level is the n = 4 level. 1s
Potassium, K, is the first element in the fourth period. It has
2s 2p
an atomic number of 19. Its first 18 electrons are placed in the
same way as the 18 electrons of the argon atom. These 3s 3p 3d
electrons fill the 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, and 3p sublevels. However, 4s 4p 4d 4f
according to the diagram on page 107, the 4s sublevel has a 5s 5p 5d 5f
lower energy than the 3d sublevel. Therefore, the 19th electron
6s 6p 6d
fills the 4s sublevel, not the 3d sublevel. Potassium atoms have
7s 7p
the electron configuration [Ar]4​s1​ ​.
The next element is calcium, Ca, which has the electron Follow the diagonal arrows from the
top to get the order in which atomic
configuration [Ar]4​s2​ ​and an atomic number of 20. The next orbitals are filled according to the
element after that is scandium, Sc, with an atomic number Aufbau principle.
of 21. Its first 20 electrons are placed in the same way as the
calcium atom. The 21st electron is placed at the next lowest
energy sublevel, which is the 3d sublevel.
Scandium atoms have the electron configuration [Ar]3​d1​ ​4​s2​ ​.
Note that the 3d sublevel is written first, even though it has a
higher energy than the 4s sublevel. Electron-configuration
notation and noble-gas notation always show the sublevels in
order from lowest to highest main energy level.
The next nine elements fill the other remaining positions
within the 3d sublevel. The 4p sublevel is then filled starting
with gallium, Ga, element number 31. Therefore, the electron
configuration of a gallium atom is [Ar]3​d10
​ ​4​s2​ ​4​p1​ ​.
The diagram at the top right provides another way to
remember the order in which atomic orbits are filled. Note
that according to the diagram, the d sublevel for a given
main energy level is never filled until the s sublevel of the
next-highest main energy level is filled.


5. Why is the symbol [Ar] used in the electron configuration

of potassium, and what does it represent?

A rra n g e m e n t o f E l ectr o n s i n At o m s 113

Electron Configuration of Atoms of Elements in the Fourth Period
Number of electrons in sublevels above 2p
Name Symbol 3s 3p 3d 4s 4p Noble-gas notation
Potassium K 19 2 6 1 *[Ar]4​s1​ ​

Calcium Ca 20 2 6 2 [Ar]4​s2​ ​

Scandium Sc 21 2 6 1 2 [Ar]3​d1​ ​4s​ 2​ ​

Titanium Ti 22 2 6 2 2 [Ar]3​d2​ ​4s​ 2​ ​

Vanadium V 23 2 6 3 2 [Ar]3​d3​ ​4​s2​ ​

Chromium Cr 24 2 6 5 1 [Ar]3​d5​ ​4s​ 1​ ​

Manganese Mn 25 2 6 5 2 [Ar]3​d5​ ​4s​ 2​ ​

Iron Fe 26 2 6 6 2

Cobalt Co 27 [Ar]3​d7​ ​4s​ 2​ ​

Nickel Ni 28 2 6 8 2 [Ar]3​d8​ ​4​s2​ ​

Copper Cu 29 2 6 10 1 [Ar]3​d10
​ ​4s​ 1​ ​

Zinc Zn 30 2 6 10 2 [Ar]3​d10
​ ​4s​ 2​ ​

Gallium Ga 31 2 6 10 2 1

Germanium Ge 32 [Ar]3​d10
​ ​4s​ 2​ ​4​p2​ ​

Arsenic As 33 2 6 10 2 3

Selenium Se 34 [Ar]3​d10
​ ​4s​ 2​ ​4p​ 4​ ​

Bromine Br 35

Krypton Kr 36 2 6 10 2 6 [Ar]3​d10
​ ​4s​ 2​ ​4​p6​ ​
2 2 6 2 6
*[Ar] = 1​s​ ​2s​ ​ ​2p​ ​ ​3​s​ ​3p​ ​ ​

The table above shows all 18 elements in the fourth period READING CHECK
of the periodic table. There are two exceptions to the normal 6.  Use the information in the
other rows of the table to complete
rules for placing electrons in orbitals that are reflected in the the table.
table. In each case, the configuration listed has the lowest
possible energy.The first exception is chromium, in which one
of the electrons in the 4s orbital switches to the 3d orbital.
The second exception is copper, in which the same switch
occurs. There is no simple explanation for this departure from
the pattern.

Elements of the Fifth Period Critical Thinking
7.  Explain  Describe why
The patterns seen in the first four periods of the periodic table ruthenium, Ru, does not have
continue with the fifth period. There are 18 elements in the a noble-gas configuration.
fifth period. The sublevels are filled in the order 5s, 4d, and
finally 5p. All of the elements in the fifth period of the
periodic table have a highest-occupied energy level of n = 5.
The table at the bottom of the page shows the elements in the
fifth period. This table also includes configurations that differ
from those predicted by the rules on page 108.

Electron Configurations of Atoms of Elements in the Fifth Period

Number of electrons in sublevels above 3d
Atomic Noble-gas
Name Symbol 4s 4p 4d 5s 5p
number notation
Rubidium Rb 37 2 6 1 *[Kr]5​s1​ ​

Strontium Sr 38 2 6 2 [Kr]5​s2​ ​

Yttrium Y 39 2 6 1 2 [Kr]4​d1​ ​5​s2​ ​

Zirconium Zr 40 2 6 2 2 [Kr]4​d2​ ​5​s2​ ​

Niobium Nb 41 2 6 4 1 [Kr]4​d4​ ​5s​ 1​ ​

Molybdenum Mo 42 2 6 5 1 [Kr]4​d5​ ​5s​ 1​ ​

Technetium Tc 43 2 6 6 1 [Kr]4​d6​ ​5​s1​ ​

Ruthenium Ru 44 2 6 7 1 [Kr]4​d7​ ​5​s1​ ​

Rhodium Rh 45 2 6 8 1 [Kr]4​d8​ ​5​s1​ ​

Palladium Pd 46 2 6 10 [Kr]4​d10
​ ​

Silver Ag 47 2 6 10 1 [Kr]4​d10
​ ​5​s1​ ​

Cadmium Cd 48 2 6 10 2 [Kr]4​d10
​ ​5​s2​ ​

Indium In 49 2 6 10 2 1 [Kr]4​d10
​ ​5​s2​ ​5​p1​ ​

Tin Sn 50 2 6 10 2 2 [Kr]4​d10
​ ​5​s2​ ​5p​ 2​ ​

Antimony Sb 51 2 6 10 2 3 [Kr]4​d10
​ ​5​s2​ ​5​p3​ ​

Tellurium Te 52 2 6 10 2 4 [Kr]4​d10
​ ​5​s2​ ​5p​ 4​ ​

Iodine I 53 2 6 10 2 5 [Kr]4​d10
​ ​5​s2​ ​5​p5​ ​

Xenon Xe 54 2 6 10 2 6 [Kr]4​d10
​ ​5​s2​ ​5​p6​ ​
2 2 6 2 6 10 2 6
*[Kr] = 1​s​ ​2​s​ ​2p​ ​ ​3s​ ​ ​3​p​ ​3​d​ ​4​s​ ​4p​ ​ ​

A rra n g e m e n t o f E l ectr o n s i n At o m s 115

Write the complete electron-configuration notation and the
noble-gas notation for iron, Fe. How many electron-containing
orbitals are in an atom of iron? How many of these orbitals
are completely filled? How many unpaired electrons are there
in an atom of iron? In what sublevel are the unpaired
electrons located?


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

No information is given. The information must be
deduced from the periodic table and the rules for
electron configurations.

2 PLAN Determine how to answer the questions.

All of the questions can be answered by referring to the
electron configuration of iron or to the periodic table.

3 COMPUTE Write the configurations and answer the questions.

Iron is not an exception to the rules, so its configuration can be
determined using the normal procedure. Iron’s electron
configuration can be written as
1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2​p​6​3​s2​ ​3​p​6​3​d​6​4​s2​ ​   or   [Ar]3​d6​ ​4​s2​ ​
All of the s and p sublevels in the configuration are completely
filled. The 3d sublevel is not filled. The notation 3​d6​ ​represents
3d    ↑↓      ↑       ↑       ↑       ↑   .
Each s sublevel has one orbital with electrons, each p sublevel
has three orbitals with electrons, and the 3d sublevel has five
orbitals with electrons. The total number of orbitals with
electrons is given by 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 1 = 15.
All of the p and s orbitals are filled, and one of the 3d orbitals
is filled. So, 11 orbitals are filled. The other four 3d orbitals
contain unpaired electrons.

4 EVALUATE Check to see that the answer makes sense.

The atomic number of iron is 26. The complete electron
configuration of iron contains 26 electrons because
2 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 6 + 6 + 2 = 26.


C. Write
both the complete electron-configuration
notation and the noble-gas notation for iodine, I.

How many inner-shell electrons are in the configuration?

How many orbitals contain electrons?

How many orbitals are completely filled?

How many unpaired electrons are in the configuration?

D. Write the noble-gas notation for tin, Sn.

How many unpaired electrons are in the configuration?

How many d orbitals contain electrons?

What fourth-period element has atoms with the same

number of electrons in its highest-occupied energy level?

E. Write
the complete electron configuration for the
element with atomic number 18.

How many orbitals are completely filled?

What is the name of this element?

A rra n g e m e n t o f E l ectr o n s i n At o m s 117

Elements of the Sixth and
Seventh Periods
The sixth period of the periodic table contains 32 elements. It
is much longer than the periods that precede it in the periodic
table, because an f sublevel fills with electrons in this period.
All of the elements in this period have a highest-occupied
energy level of n = 6. The first element of the sixth period is
cesium, Cs. It has the same electron configuration as the noble
gas xenon, plus one electron in the 6s orbital. The next
element, barium, Ba, has a 6s orbital that is completely filled.
Lanthanum, La, has one electron in the 5d orbital. In the
next 13 elements, listed in the lanthanide series on the
periodic table, electrons are added to the 4f orbital. Because
the 4f and 5d orbitals are very close in energy, numerous
deviations from the rules on page 108 occur. The last six
elements in the period fill the 6p orbital. Radon, a noble gas,
has an octet of electrons in the n = 6 energy level.
The seventh period of the periodic table would contain
32 elements, except that not all of the elements have been
discovered. Most of the elements in this period do not exist in
nature. They are created artificially in a laboratory. These
artificial elements break down rapidly into other elements,
which is one reason they are not found in nature.


9. Why do the sixth and seventh period of the periodic table

have many more elements than the previous periods?

The two artificially-created dark blue

elements fill gaps in the periodic
table. The other highlighted elements
are artificially-created and extend
the periodic table beyond uranium,
element 92.

1. a. What is an atom’s electron configuration?

b. What three principles guide the electron configuration of an atom?

2. What three methods are used to represent the arrangement of electrons
in atoms?

3. What is an octet of electrons? Which elements contain an octet of electrons?

4. Identify the elements having the following electron configurations:

a. 1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2​p6​ ​3​s2​ ​3​p3​ ​

b. [Ar]4​s1​ ​

c. contains four electrons in its third and outer main energy level

Critical Thinking
5. RELATING IDEAS  Write the electron configuration for the following
third-period elements.

a. aluminum,   Al

b. silicon, Si

c. phosphorus, P

d. sulfur, S

e. chlorine, Cl

f. What is the relationship between the group number of each element

and the number of electrons in the outermost energy level?

A rra n g e m e n t o f E l ectr o n s i n At o m s 119

Math Tutor  Weighted Averages and
Atomic Mass

The atomic masses listed on the periodic table are not whole numbers. Instead they are
decimals that represent average atomic masses. The atomic masses are averages
because most elements occur in nature as a specific mixture of isotopes. For example,
75.76% of chlorine atoms have a mass of 34.969 amu, and 24.24% have a mass of
36.966 amu. If the isotopes were in a 1:1 ratio, you could simply add the masses of the
two isotopes together and divide by 2. However, to account for the differing abundance
of the isotopes, you must calculate a weighted average. For chlorine, the weighted
average is 35.45 amu. The following two examples demonstrate how weighted averages
are calculated.

Problem-Solving TIPS
• To find an average atomic mass, convert the abundance of each isotope from a
percentage to a decimal equivalent.
• Multiply each decimal equivalent with the atomic mass of each isotope. The result
is the contribution of the isotope to the weighted average.
• Add the contributions of each isotope. The sum is the average atomic mass.


Naturally occurring silver consists of two isotopes: 51.839% Ag -107

(106.905 093 amu) and 48.161% Ag -109 (108.904 756 amu). What is
the average atomic mass of silver?
Convert the percentages to decimals, multiply by the atomic masses,
and add the results.
0.518 39 × 106.905 093 amu →    55.419 amu
0.481 61 × 108.904 756 amu →   + 52.450 amu
107.869 amu

Naturally occurring magnesium consists of 78.99% Mg -24

(23.985 042 amu), 10.00% Mg-25 (25.985 837 amu), and
11.01% Mg -26 (25.982 593 amu). What is the average atomic
mass of magnesium?
Convert the percentages to decimals, multiply by the masses, and add
the results.
0.7899 × 23.985 042 amu →   18.95 amu
0.1000 × 24.985 837 amu →    2.499 amu
0.1101 × 25.982 593 amu →   + 2.861 amu
24.31 amu

Practice Problems: Chapter Review practice problem 14


1. a. List five examples of electromagnetic radiation.

b. What is the speed of all forms of electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum?

2. In the early twentieth century, what two experiments involving light and
matter could not be explained by the wave theory of light?

3. a. How are wavelength and frequency of electromagnetic radiation related?

b. How are the energy and frequency of electromagnetic radiation related?

4. Distinguish between the ground state and an excited state of an atom.

5. According to Bohr’s model of the hydrogen atom, how is hydrogen’s

emission spectrum produced?

6. Describe two major shortcomings of Bohr’s model of the atom.

7. a. What is the principal quantum number and how is it symbolized?

b. What are shells?

c. How does the principal quantum number relate to the number of

electrons allowed per main energy level?

A rra n g e m e n t o f E l ectr o n s i n At o m s 121

8. For each of the following values of n, indicate the numbers and types of
sublevels possible for that main energy level?

a.  n = 1 c.  n = 3

b.  n = 2 d.  n = 4

9. In your own words, explain the following rules of electron configuration.

a. the Aufbau  principle

b. Hund’s  rule

c. Pauli  exclusion principle

10. a. What is meant by the term highest-occupied energy level?

b. What are inner shell electrons?

11. The electron configuration for oxygen is 1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2​p4​ ​.

a. What is the atomic number of oxygen?

b. How many unpaired electrons does oxygen have?

c. What is the highest occupied energy level?

12. How does noble-gas notation simplify writing electron configurations?

13. Write both the complete electron-configuration notation and the noble-gas
notation for each of the elements below.

a. sodium, Na

b. strontium, Sr

14. The element silicon occurs as a mixture of three isotopes: 92.22%
Si-28, 4.69% Si-29, and 3.09% Si-30. The atomic masses of these
three isotopes are Si-28 = 27.976 926 amu, Si-29 = 28.976 495 amu,
and Si-30 = 29.973 770 amu. Find the average atomic mass of silicon.

15. Determine the energy in joules of a photon whose frequency

is 3.55 × 1​017
​ ​Hz.

16. How long would it take a radio wave whose frequency is 7.25 × 1​05​ ​Hz
to travel from Mars to Earth if the distance between the two planets is
approximately 8.00 × 1​07​ ​km?

17. How does a 2 s orbital differ from a 1s orbital? How does a 2​px​ ​orbital differ
from a 2​p​y​orbital?

18. List the order in which the orbitals generally fill, from 1s to 7p.

19. How do the electron configurations of chromium and copper contradict the
Aufbau principle?

A rra n g e m e n t o f E l ectr o n s i n At o m s 123


The Periodic Law


Key Concepts LA.PS.13  Identify the number of

bonds an atom can form given the
number of valence electrons.
Section 1 History of the Periodic Table (PS-H-B3)
LA.PS.15  Predict the physical and
What is the modern periodic table? chemical properties of an element
How was the periodic table developed? based only on its location in the
periodic table. (PS-H-C2)
What is the periodic law and what is its significance? LA.PS.16  Predict the stable ion(s)
an element is likely to form when it
Section 2 Electron Configuration and the Periodic Table reacts with other specified
elements. (PS-H-C2)
How is electron configuration reflected in the periodic table? LA.PS.17  Use the periodic table to
What are the four blocks of the periodic table? compare electronegativities and
ionization energies of elements to
What properties do elements in Groups 1, 2, 17, and 18 have? explain periodic properties, such as
atomic size. (PS-H-C2)
Section 3  Electron Configuration and Periodic Properties LA.PS.22  Predict the kind of bond
that will form between two
What properties are related to electron configuration? elements based on electronic
How do these properties vary between groups and periods? structure and electronegativity of
the elements (e.g., ionic, polar,
What is a valence electron? nonpolar). (PS-H-C5)

Review Previous Concepts

1. What information is recorded on the periodic table of
the elements?

2. Explain what is meant by the electron configuration of an atom.

SECTION 5.1 LA.PS.15  Predict the physical and chemical
properties of an element based only on its

History of the location in the periodic table. (PS-H-C2)

Periodic Table
By 1860, more than 60 elements had been discovered.
Chemists had to learn the properties of these elements as
periodic law lanthanides
well as those of the many compounds that the elements periodic table actinides
formed. The elements were not organized into any patterns
and the factors that determined the properties of the
elements were unknown.
In addition, there was no method for determining an Critical Thinking
element’s atomic mass or the number of atoms of an 1.  Infer  How could organizing the
element in a compound. Different chemists used different elements according to trends or
patterns help chemists study the
atomic masses for the same elements, resulting in different properties of the elements?
compositions being listed for the same compounds. This
made communication of results between chemists difficult.
In 1860, Italian chemist Stanislao Cannizzaro presented a
method for accurately measuring the relative masses of
atoms. This allowed chemists to agree on standard values of
atomic mass. It also allowed them to search for relationships
between atomic mass and other properties of the elements.

Mendeleev and Chemical Periodicity

A Russian chemist, Dmitri Mendeleev, decided to write a
chemistry textbook and include the standard values of
atomic masses. For the book, Mendeleev hoped to organize
the elements according to their properties.
Mendeleev went about organizing elements much
as you might organize information to study for a test
or write a research paper. He placed the name of
each known element on a card, together with its
atomic mass and a list of its observed physical and
chemical properties. He then arranged the cards
according to various properties and looked for
trends or patterns.
These note cards could be used to
determine patterns in the properties
of the elements.

T h e P e r i o d i c L aw 125
Mendeleev’s First Periodic Table
Ti = 50 Zr = 90 ? = 180
V = 51 Nb = 94 Ta = 182
Cr = 52 Mo = 96 W = 186
Mn = 55 Rh = 104.4 Pt = 197.4
Fe = 56 Ru = 104.4 Ir = 198
Ni = Co = 59 Pl = 106.6 Os = 199
H=1 Cu = 63.4 Ag = 108 Hg = 200
Be = 9.4 Mg = 24 Zn = 65.2 Cd = 112
B = 11 Al = 27.4 ? = 68 Ur = 116 Au = 197?
C = 12 Si = 28 ? = 70 Su = 118
N = 14 P = 31 As = 75 Sb = 112 Bi = 210
O = 16 S = 32 Se = 79.4 Te = 128?
F = 19 Cl = 35.5 Br = 80 I = 127
Li = 7 Na = 23 K = 39 Rb = 85.4 Cs = 133 Tl = 204
Ca = 40 Sr = 87.6 Ba = 137 Pb = 207
? = 45 Ce = 92
?Er = 56 La = 94
?Yt = 60 Di = 95
?In = 75.6 Th = 118?

Mendeleev noticed that when the elements were arranged

in order of increasing atomic mass, certain similarities in their
properties appeared at regular intervals. For example, there
are seven elements between F and Cl atoms, which have
similar properties. There are also seven elements between two
other atoms that have similar properties: Na and K.
This repeating pattern is referred to as periodic. Something
is periodic if it repeats again and again. For example, the
second hand on a clock is periodic because it passes over the READING CHECK
same spot every 60 seconds. 2.  Name three things in everyday
life that are periodic.
Mendeleev’s arrangement of the elements is shown in
the table above. He switched two elements, iodine, I, and
tellurium, Te, to maintain the patterns. He also hypothesized
undiscovered elements to fill in the gaps in his pattern. By
1886, three of these elements had been discovered.

126 CHA P T ER 5
Moseley and the Periodic Law
The periodic law states that the physical and chemical
properties of the elements are periodic functions of their
atomic numbers. In other words, when the elements are
arranged in order of increasing atomic number, elements with
similar properties appear at regular intervals.
Mendeleev’s periodic table ordered the elements by atomic
mass, not atomic number. In 1911, English scientist Henry
Moseley found that the elements fit into patterns better
when they were ordered by nuclear charge, or the amount of
positive charge in the nucleus. Moseley’s work led to the
modern definition of the atomic number and also to the
reorganization of the elements by atomic number instead of
atomic mass.

The Modern Periodic Table READING CHECK

3.  In what way is the periodic
The periodic table has undergone extensive changes since table periodic?
Mendeleev’s time. Chemists have discovered more than 40
new elements and, in more recent years, manufactured new
ones in the laboratory. Each of these elements, however, can
still be placed in a group of other elements using the same
type of pattern originally described by Mendeleev. The
modern periodic table is an arrangement of the elements in
order of their atomic numbers so that elements with similar
properties fall in the same column, or group.

The Noble Gases

An important addition to the periodic table was made near 2

the end of the nineteenth century. In 1894, English physicist He

Lord Rayleigh and Scottish chemist William Ramsay 7 8 9 10

discovered an unreactive gas called argon, with atomic mass N O F Ne

40. However, no spot was available for argon on the periodic 15 16 17 18
P S Cl Ar
table. In 1895, Ramsay isolated another such gas, helium,
33 34 35 36
which previously had been observed in the Sun, using the As Se Br Kr
Sun’s emission spectrum. William Ramsay won the Nobel
51 52 53 54
Prize for his discoveries in 1904. Sb Te I Xe
Over the next several years, four more unreactive gases 83 84 85 86
Bi Po At Rn
were discovered: neon, krypton, xenon, and radon. Scientists
realized that a new column was needed to account for these The noble gases, or Group 18
elements, which they called noble gases. elements, are all unreactive.

T h e P e r i o d i c L aw 127
The Lanthanides
The next step in the development of the periodic table
was completed in the early 1900s. The lanthanides are the
14 elements with atomic numbers from 58 (cerium, Ce) to
71 (lutetium, Lu). These elements have very similar properties.
The process of separating and i­dentifying these elements
required a large effort by many chemists. However, finally it
was understood that the elements were best located in the
sixth period, between Group 3 and Group 4.

The Actinides
Another major step in the development of the periodic table
was the discovery of the actinides. The actinides are the
14 elements with atomic numbers from 90 (thorium, Th) to
103 (lawrencium, Lr). The actinides belong between Group 3
and Group 4 directly below the lanthanides. They are located Element Difference
and atomic in atomic
in the seventh period of the table. To save space, the number numbers
lanthanides and the actinides are often broken off and He 2
displayed below the rest of the periodic table. The periodic 8
Ne 10
table on pages 132–133 is one example of this form of display. 8

Group 18
Ar 18
Periodicity Kr 36
The periodicity of the atomic numbers is one of the most Xe 54
important features of the periodic table. Consider the noble Rn 86
gases in Group 18. The first noble gas is helium, He. It has an
atomic number of 2. The next element that has similar Li 3
properties to helium is neon, Ne, with atomic number 10. 8
Na 11
The rest of the noble gases are argon (Ar, atomic number 18), 8
Group 1

K 19
krypton (Kr, atomic number 36), xenon (Xe, atomic 18
number 54), and radon (Rn, atomic number 86). The Rb 37
progression of the differences between the atomic numbers Cs 55
of these elements is shown at the right. Fr 87

The elements in Group 1 follow the same pattern. As the

In Groups 1 and 18, the differences
figure at the right shows, the atomic number of each successive
between the atomic numbers of
element in the group is 8, 8, 18, 18, and 32 higher than the successive elements are 8, 8, 18, 18,
previous element. and 32, respectively.

Critical Thinking
4. Calculate  What is the pattern of differences between
the atomic numbers of Groups 2 and 13–17 of the
periodic table?

128 CHA P T ER 5
1. State the periodic law.

2. a. Who is credited with developing a method that led to the
determination of standard atomic masses?

b. Who discovered the periodic law?

c. Who established atomic numbers as the basis for organizing the

periodic table?

3. Name three sets of elements that have been added to the periodic table
after Mendeleev’s time.

4. How do the atomic numbers of the elements within each of Groups 1, 2, and
13–18 of the periodic table vary?

Critical Thinking
5. RELATING IDEAS  Why are the atomic masses of the elements not strictly in
increasing order in the periodic table, even though the properties of the
elements are similar? For example, by atomic mass, tellurium, Te, should be
in Group 17 and iodine, I, should be in Group 16, but grouping by properties
has Te in Group 16 and I in Group 17.

T h e P e r i o d i c L aw 129
SECTION 5.2 LA.PS.15  Predict the physical and chemical
properties of an element based only on its

Electron Configuration location in the periodic table. (PS-H-C2)

and the Periodic Table

Mendeleev and the scientists who built upon his work arranged Vocabulary
the elements in a periodic table that reflected the similarity of
alkali metal
their properties. For example, all of the Group 18 elements, the alkaline-earth metal
noble gases, are stable, undergoing few chemical reactions. The transition element
main-group element
reason for this stability has to do with the number of electrons halogen
in the highest-occupied energy level. Each noble gas, except for
helium, has an octet of electrons in the highest-occupied
energy level. This configuration is stable, making removal of READING CHECK
electrons difficult. 1.  How many electrons does
a noble gas, other than helium,
have in its highest-occupied
Periods and Blocks of the Periodic Table energy level?

In Chapter 4, you learned that you can determine the

period of an element directly from its configuration. The
highest-occupied energy level for an atom of any element
determines the element’s period. For example, arsenic’s
electron configuration is [Ar]3​d10
​ ​4​s2​ ​4​p3​ ​. Therefore, the
highest-occupied energy level for arsenic is the n = 4 level.
The table below restates the order, presented in Chapter 4,
at which sublevels fill with electrons. The table shows that the
number of sublevels filled determines the length of the period.

Relationship Between Period Length and Sublevels Being Filled

Period number Number of elements in period Sublevels in order of filling
1 2 1s
2 8 2s 2p
3 8 3s 3p
4 18 4s 3d 4p
5 18 5s 4d 5p
6 32 6s 4f 5d 6p
7 32 7s 5f 6d 7p

Group 18
1 s-block elements
p-block elements Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16 Group 17
Group 1 Group 2
3 4 d-block elements 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be f-block elements B C N O F Ne
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12
Al Si P S Cl Ar
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

The periodic table can be divided into

In the first period, the 1s orbital is filled with two electrons. four blocks based on the electron
In the second and third periods, the s sublevel is filled with configurations of the elements.
two electrons and the p sublevel is filled with six electrons, for
a total of eight electrons. In the fourth and fifth periods, the
d sublevel is filled with 10 electrons, for a total of 18 electrons.
Finally, in the sixth and seventh periods, the f sublevel is filled
with an additional 14 electrons, for a total of 32 electrons.
By examining the electron configurations of the elements,
you can see that the horizontal location of an element in the
periodic table is also related to its configuration. For example,
in Group 2, the last electron fills the s sublevel. Therefore,
the periodic table can be divided into four blocks depending
on which sublevel the last electron fills. The periodic table
above shows the result of this division. The four blocks are
the s block, the p block, the d block, and the f block.


2. The last electron in arsenic occupies a 4p level. What block

of the periodic table is arsenic in?

T he P er i o d i c L aw 131
Periodic Table of the Elements
Hydrogen Key:
1.007 94
1s 1

Group 1 Group 2
Atomic number 6
3 4 Symbol
Li Be Name Carbon
Lithium Beryllium
6.941 9.012 182
Average atomic mass 12.0107
[He]2s 1 [He]2s 2 Electron configuration [He]2s22p2
11 12

Na Mg
Sodium Magnesium
22.989 769 28 24.3050

[Ne]3s 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co
Potassium Calcium Scandium Titanium Vanadium Chromium Manganese Iron Cobalt
39.0983 40.078 44.955 912 47.867 50.9415 51.9961 54.938 045 55.845 58.933 195
[Ar]4s 1 [Ar]4s 2 [Ar]3d14s 2 [Ar]3d24s 2 [Ar]3d34s 2 [Ar]3d54s1 [Ar]3d54s 2 [Ar]3d64s 2 [Ar]3d74s 2

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh
Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium
85.4678 87.62 88.905 85 91.224 92.906 38 95.94 (98) 101.07 102.905 50
[Kr]5s1 [Kr]5s 2 [Kr]4d15s 2 [Kr]4d25s 2 [Kr]4d45s1 [Kr]4d55s 1 [Kr]4d65s1 [Kr]4d75s1 [Kr]4d85s1

55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77

6 Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir
Cesium Barium Lanthanum Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten Rhenium Osmium Iridium
132.905 4519 137.327 138.905 47 178.49 180.947 88 183.84 186.207 190.23 192.217
[Xe]6s1 [Xe]6s 2 [Xe]5d16s 2 [Xe]4f145d26s 2 [Xe]4f145d36s 2 [Xe]4f145d46s 2 [Xe]4f145d56s 2 [Xe]4f145d66s 2 [Xe]4f145d76s2

87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109

7 Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt
Francium Radium Actinium Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium
(223) (226) (227) (261) (262) (266) (264) (277) (268)
[Rn]7s1 [Rn]7s 2 [Rn]6d17s 2 [Rn]5f146d27s2 [Rn]5f146d37s 2 [Rn]5f146d47s 2 [Rn]5f146d57s 2 [Rn]5f146d67s 2 [Rn]5f146d77s2

* The systematic names and symbols

for elements greater than 111 will
be used until the approval of trivial
names by IUPAC.
58 59 60 61 62
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm
Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium
140.116 140.907 65 144.242 (145) 150.36
[Xe]4f15d16s 2 [Xe]4f36s 2 [Xe]4f46s 2 [Xe]4f 56s 2 [Xe]4f 66s 2

90 91 92 93 94
Th Pa U Np Pu
Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium
232.038 06 231.035 88 238.028 91 (237) (244)
[Rn]6d27s 2 [Rn]5f 26d17s 2 [Rn]5f 36d17s 2 [Rn]5f 46d17s 2 [Rn]5f67s 2

(also known as metalloids) Group 18
Alkali metals
Alkaline-earth metals 4.002 602
1s 2
Transition metals Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16 Group 17
Other metals 5 6 7 8 9 10
Nonmetals B C N O F Ne
Halogens Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
10.811 12.0107 14.0067 15.9994 18.998 4032 20.1797
Noble gases [He]2s 22p 1 [He]2s 22p 2 [He]2s 22p 3 [He]2s 22p 4 [He]2s 22p 5 [He]2s 22p 6
Other nonmetals
13 14 15 16 17 18
Al Si P S Cl Ar
Aluminum Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
26.981 5386 28.0855 30.973 762 32.065 35.453 39.948
[Ne]3s 23p 1 [Ne]3s 23p 2 [Ne]3s 23p 3 [Ne]3s 23p 4 [Ne]3s 23p 5 [Ne]3s 23p 6
Group 10 Group 11 Group 12
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton
58.6934 63.546 65.409 69.723 72.64 74.921 60 78.96 79.904 83.798
[Ar]3d 84s 2 [Ar]3d 104s 1 [Ar]3d 104s 2 [Ar]3d 104s 24p 1 [Ar]3d 104s 24p 2 [Ar]3d 104s 24p 3 [Ar]3d 104s 24p 4 [Ar]3d 104s 24p 5 [Ar]3d 104s 24p 6

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium Iodine Xenon
106.42 107.8682 112.411 114.818 118.710 121.760 127.60 126.904 47 131.293
[Kr]4d 105s 0 [Kr]4d 105s 1 [Kr]4d 105s 2 [Kr]4d 105s 25p 1 [Kr]4d 105s 25p 2 [Kr]4d 105s 25p 3 [Kr]4d 105s 25p 4 [Kr]4d 105s 25p 5 [Kr]4d 105s 25p 6

78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon
195.084 196.966 569 200.59 204.3833 207.2 208.980 40 (209) (210) (222)
[Xe]4f 145d 96s 1 [Xe]4f 145d 106s 1 [Xe]4f 145d 106s 2 [Xe]4f 145d 106s 26p 1 [Xe]4f 145d 106s 26p 2 [Xe]4f 145d 106s 26p 3 [Xe]4f 145d 106s 26p 4 [Xe]4f 145d 106s 26p 5 [Xe]4f 145d 106s 26p 6

110 111 112 114 116

Ds Rg Uub* Uuq* Uuh*
Darmstadtium Roentgenium Ununbium Ununquadium Ununhexium
(271) (272) (285) (289) (292)
[Rn]5f 146d 97s 1 [Rn]5f 146d 107s 1 [Rn]5f 146d 107s 2 [Rn]5f 146d 107s 27p 2 [Rn]5f 146d 107s 27p 4

The discoveries of elements with atomic numbers 112, 114, and 116 have been reported but not fully confirmed.

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Europium Gadolinium Terbium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Lutetium
151.964 157.25 158.925 35 162.500 164.930 32 167.259 168.934 21 173.04 174.967
[Xe]4f 76s 2 [Xe]4f 75d 16s 2 [Xe]4f 96s 2 [Xe]4f 106s 2 [Xe]4f 116s 2 [Xe]4f 126s 2 [Xe]4f 136s 2 [Xe]4f 146s 2 [Xe]4f 145d 16s 2

95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium
(243) (247) (247) (251) (252) (257) (258) (259) (262)
[Rn]5f 77s 2 [Rn]5f 76d 17s 2 [Rn]5f 97s 2 [Rn]5f 107s 2 [Rn]5f 117s 2 [Rn]5f 127s 2 [Rn]5f 137s 2 [Rn]5f 147s 2 [Rn]5f 146d 17s 2

The atomic masses listed in this table reflect the precision of current measurements. (Each value listed in
parentheses is the mass number of that radioactive element’s most stable or most common isotope.)
T he P er i o d i c L aw 133
The s-Block Elements: Groups 1 and 2
The elements in the s-block are chemically reactive metals.
TIP Some groups in the
The Group 1 metals are more reactive than the Group 2 periodic table are
also represented by their own
metals. As you will learn in Section 3, Group 1 metals are configuration. This notation reflects
reactive because the single electron in their highest-occupied the fact that each element in the
energy level is easily lost. group has the same configuration in
its highest-occupied energy level.
The elements in Group 1 (lithium, sodium, potassium, For example, Group 1 has a group
rubidium, cesium, and francium) are known as the alkali configuration of n​s1​ ​, and Group 2
has a group configuration of n​s2​ ​.
metals. In their pure state, all of the alkali metals have a
silvery appearance and are soft enough to cut with a knife.
As you move down the column in the periodic table, the pure
forms of these elements melt at lower and lower temperatures. READING CHECK
3.  Which is more reactive,
potassium or calcium?

(a) Potassium reacts so strongly with

water that (b) it must be stored in
kerosene to prevent it from contacting
moisture in the air.

(a) (b)

However, because the alkali metals are so reactive, they are

not found in nature as free elements. Each element reacts with
water to form hydrogen gas and a solution known as an alkali.
They also react with most nonmetals. To prevent pure forms of
these elements from reacting, they are stored in jars and
completely covered with kerosene.
The elements in Group 2 (beryllium, magnesium, calcium,
strontium, barium, and radium) are called the alkaline-earth
metals. Atoms of alkaline-earth metals have a pair of
electrons in their outermost s sublevel. The Group 2 metals
are harder and denser than the alkali metals. They also have
higher melting points. Although they are less reactive than the Beryllium is found in the mineral
alkali metals, the alkaline-earth metals are also too reactive to compound beryl. Beryl crystals
be found in nature as free elements. include the blue-green aquamarine
and the dark green emerald.

a. Without looking at the periodic table, identify the group, period,
and block in which the element that has the electron configuration
[Xe]6​s2​ ​is located.
b. Without looking at the periodic table, write the electron
configuration for the Group 1 element in the third period.


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

Given: a.  [Xe]6​s2​ ​
b.  Group 1, third period

Unknown: a .  group, period, block

b.  electron configuration

2 PLAN Determine the information necessary to answer the questions.

The location of an element in the periodic table is directly
related to its electron configuration.

3 COMPUTE Determine the unknowns from the given information.

a. The element is in the sixth period because its highest-
occupied energy level is n = 6. Because its configuration
is of the form n​s2​ ​, it is in Group 2, which is in the s block.

b. Thegroup configuration of Group 1 elements is n​s2​ ​. Since

the element is in the third period, n = 3, the electron
configuration is 1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2​p6​ ​3​s1​ ​, or [Ne]3​s1​ ​.

4 EVALUATE Determine if the answers make sense.

The configuration of each element matches the group and period
describing the element’s location in the periodic table.

PRACTICE Answer without looking at the periodic table.

A. Identify
the following for the element with the electron
configuration [Kr]5​​​​s​1​.
Group number   Period number  
Block designation
B. Write
the noble-gas configuration for the Group 2
element in the fourth period.

T he P er i o d i c L aw 135
Hydrogen and Helium
Hydrogen has the electron configuration 1​s1​ ​, but does not
share the same properties as the Group 1 elements. It is a
unique element, whose properties do not closely resemble
those of any group. It is usually placed above the Group 1
elements with a gap between it and lithium.
Helium has the same n​s2​ ​configuration as the Group 2
elements. However, it has the stability of a noble gas because
its outermost energy level is filled. It is placed in Group 18,
instead of with the reactive, unstable Group 2 elements. The transition element copper is
found in nature as part of copper
The d-Block Elements: Groups 3–12 ore and can be obtained from
surface mines.
The d-block elements are metals with typical metallic
properties and are often referred to as transition elements or
transition metals. They are good conductors of electricity and
have a high luster. They are usually less reactive than the
alkali metals and alkaline-earth metals. Some transition
elements, such as gold, palladium, and platinum, are so
unreactive that they exist in nature mostly as free elements.
The last electron placed in an atom of a d-block element
is in a d orbital. The d block spans ten groups on the periodic
table. The group configuration of Group 3 elements is (a)
(n – 1)​d1​ ​n​s2​ ​. For example, scandium has the configuration
[Ar]3​d​1​4​s2​ ​, as shown below. The group configuration of
Group 12 elements is (n – 1)​d​10​n​s2​ ​. One example is mercury,
with the configuration [Xe]4​f  ​14​5​d10 ​ ​6​s2​ ​. Groups 4–11 do not
have regular configurations, but the sum of the electrons in the
highest s and d sublevels is always equal to the group number.


4s 3d
3s 3p
The pure forms of (a) tungsten
and (b) vanadium are shown.

The electron configuration of the fourth-period, Group 3 element Scandium, Sc.


4. Name at least three properties of a transition element.

An element has the electron configuration [Kr]4​d5​ ​5​s1​ ​. Without
looking at the periodic table, identify the period, block, and
group in which this element is located. Then, consult the
periodic table to identify this element.


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

 iven: the electron configuration [Kr]4​d5​ ​5​s1​ ​
Unknown: period, block, group, other elements in group

2 PLAN Determine the information needed to answer the questions.

The location of an element in the periodic table is directly
related to its electron configuration.

3 COMPUTE Determine the unknowns from the given information.

The element is in the fifth period because its highest-occupied
energy level is n = 5.
There are five electrons in the d sublevel, which means
that the sublevel is not completely filled. It also means that
the element is in the d block. The sum of the electrons
in the highest s and d levels is six, so the element is in
Group 6. The fifth-period element in Group 6 of the periodic
table is molybdenum.

4 EVALUATE Determine if the answers make sense.

The configuration of molybdenum matches the group and
period describing its location in the periodic table.

PRACTICE Answer without looking at the periodic table.

C. Identify
the following for the element with the electron
configuration [Ar]3​d8​ ​4​s2​ ​.
Period number   Block designation
Group number
D. Write
the outer electron configuration for the Group 12
element in the fifth period.

T he P er i o d i c L aw 137
Relationships Among Group Numbers, Blocks, and Electron Configurations

Group number Group configuration Block Comments

1, 2
1, 2 n​s​ ​ s One or two electrons in ns sublevel

3–12 (n - 1)​d​1–10​n​s0–2
​ ​ d Sum of electrons in ns and
(n - 1)d levels equals group number

13–18 n​s2​ ​n1–6

​ ​ p Number of electrons in np sublevel
group number minus 12

The p-Block Elements: Groups 13–18 Metals

The p-block elements consist of all the elements in Groups
13–18 except helium. In the atoms of these elements, the final
Nonmetals Group 18
electron fills the p sublevel. Because electrons are added to 2
the p sublevel only after the s sublevel is filled, each element Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16 Group 17 He
in the p block also has two electrons in every s sublevel. The 5 6 7 8 9 10
B C N O F Ne
p-block elements, along with the s-group elements are called
13 14 15 16 17 18
the main-group elements. Al Si P S Cl Ar
The group configurations for the p block, as well as the 31 32 33 34 35 36
Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
s and d blocks, are summarized in the table at the top of the 53
49 50 51 52 54
page. You can conclude from the table, for example, that the In Sn Sb Te I Xe
group configuration for Group 15 is n​s2​ ​n​p3​ ​. 81 82 83 84 85 86
Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
For atoms of p-block elements, the total number of
electrons in the highest-occupied energy level is equal to the Groups 13–18 of the periodic table,
group number minus 10. For example, bromine is in Group 17. which includes the p block and helium.
It has 17 - 10 = 7 electrons in its highest energy level.

! Remember
The properties of the elements in the p block vary greatly.
The right side of the p block contains all of the nonmetals
except hydrogen and helium. All six of the metalloids (boron, A nonmetal is a poor conductor
of electricity and heat. A metalloid,
silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, and tellurium) are or semiconductor, has some
also in the p block. The bottom left of the p block contains properties of metals and some
eight metals. properties of nonmetals.


5. What is the group configuration of the elements in

Group 17?



The halogens in Group 17 include

(a) fluorine, (b) chlorine, (c) bromine,
(b) (c) (d) and (d) iodine.
Chlorine Bromine Iodine
The elements in Group 17 (fluorine, chlorine, bromine,
iodine, and astatine) are called the halogens. The halogens
are the most reactive nonmetals. They react vigorously with

TIP Halogens are reactive
because they are one
most metals to form salts. At room temperature, fluorine and electron short of a stable octet.
chlorine are gases, bromine is a reddish liquid, and iodine is a
purplish solid. Astatine is an artificial element.
The metalloids of the p block are mostly brittle solids. They
have an electrical conductivity that is in between that of
metals, which are good conductors, and nonmetals, which are
poor conductors.
The metals of the p block are usually harder and denser
than the alkali metals and alkaline-earth metals of the s block,
but softer and less dense than the metals of the d block. With
the exception of bismuth, these metals are reactive enough to
be found in nature only in compounds. However, once a pure
metal is obtained, the element is stable in the presence of air.

The f-Block Elements: Lanthanides and Actinides

The f-block elements are wedged between Group 3 and
Group 4 of the periodic table. There are seven orbitals to be
filled with two electrons each on the f sublevel. Therefore, the
f block is 2 × 7 = 14 elements wide.
The lanthanides are the 14 elements in the sixth period. READING CHECK
They are shiny metals similar in reactivity to the alkaline-
Which blocks of the periodic
earth metals. The actinides are the 14 elements in the seventh table contain elements that are
period. All of the actinides are radioactive. Only the first considered metals?
four actinides—thorium, protactinium, uranium, and
neptunium—have been found on Earth. The others were
made in the laboratory.

T he P er i o d i c L aw 139
Without looking at the periodic table, write the outer electron
configuration for the Group 14 element in the second period.
Then, name the element and identify it as a metal, nonmetal,
or metalloid.


1 ANALYZE Determine what information is given and unknown.

 iven: a second period element in Group 14
Unknown: outer electron configuration, type of element

2 PLAN Determine the information necessary to answer the questions.

The electron configuration of an element in the periodic table
is directly related to its location.

3 COMPUTE Determine the unknowns from the given information.

Elements in Group 14 are in the p block. The total number of
electrons in the highest occupied s and p sublevels for a Group 14
element is 14 – 10 = 4. Two electrons fill the s sublevel first,
so the other two electrons must be in the p sublevel. The outer
configuration for a Group 14 element in the second period,
n = 2, is 2​s2​ ​2​p​2​.
The second period element in Group 14 is carbon, C. Carbon
is a nonmetal.
4 EVALUATE Determine if the answers make sense.
The configuration of carbon matches the group and period
describing its location in the periodic table.

PRACTICE Answer without looking at the periodic table.

E. Write
the outer electron configuration for the Group 17
element in the third period.

F. Identify
the following for the element with the electron
configuration [Ar]3​d10
​ ​4​s2​ ​4​p​3​.
Period number   Block designation
Group number

Use the given electron configuration to determine the period, group,
and block for these four elements. Then use the periodic table to
name each element, identify it as a metal, nonmetal, or metalloid,
and describe its relative reactivity.


Electron Complete before looking Complete while looking

configuration at the periodic table at the periodic table

Period Block Group Name Type Reactivity

​ ​5d​ 9​ ​6s​ 1​
a.  [Xe]4​f14 6 d 10 platinum metal low

b.  [Ne]3​s2​ ​3p​ 5​ 3 p 17 chlorine nonmetal high

c.  [Ne]3​s2​ ​3p​ 6​ 3 p 18 argon nonmetal low

d.  [Xe]4​f6​ ​6s​ 2​ 6 f N/A samarium metal high

a. The 5d sublevel is not filled, so the element is in the d block. The

group number is 9 + 1 = 10. The element is platinum, which is a
transition metal and has low reactivity.
b. The 3p sublevel is not filled, so the element is in the p block. The
group number is 10 + 5 + 2 = 17.  The element is chlorine, a reactive
c. This element has a noble-gas configuration, so it is in Group 18. The
element is argon, a nonreactive nonmetal.
d. The 4f sublevel is not filled, so the element is in the f block. This is a
sixth-period element, so it a lanthanide, a reactive metal. The name
of the element is samarium.

PRACTICE Complete the table below. Fill in the first three columns without
consulting the periodic table.

Electron Complete before looking Complete while looking

configuration at the periodic table at the periodic table

Period Block Group Name Type Reactivity

G.  [He]2​s2​ ​2p​ 5​

H.  [Ar]3​d10
​ ​4s​ 1​

T he P er i o d i c L aw 141
1. What name is given to each of the following groups of elements in the
periodic table?

a.  Group 1 d.  Group 17

b.  Group 2 e.  Group 18

c.  Group 3–12

2. Into what four blocks can the periodic table be divided to illustrate the
relationship between the elements’ electron configurations and their
placement in the periodic table?

3. What are the relationships between group configuration and group number
for elements in the s, p, and d blocks?

4. Without looking at the periodic table, write the outer electron configuration

for the Group 15 element in the fourth period.

5. Without looking at the periodic table, identify the period, block, and group
of the element that has the electron configuration [Ar]3​d7​ ​4​s2​ ​.

Period number   Block designation   Group number

Critical Thinking
6. APPLYING MODELS  Period 7 contains elements in the s, p, d, and f blocks.
Suppose there were a Period 8 and it contained elements in the “g” block,
where “g” had the angular momentum quantum number of 4. If a
hypothetical element in Period 8 had an atomic number of 120, into what
group in the periodic table would the element fit, and what properties might
it have (assuming it does not radioactively decay)?

SECTION 5.3 LA.PS.13 Identify the number of bonds an
atom can form given the number of valence

Electron Configuration electrons. (PS-H-B3)

LA.PS.15 Predict the physical and chemical
properties of an element based only on its
location in the periodic table. (PS-H-C2)

and Periodic Properties LA.PS.16 Predict the stable ion(s) an

element is likely to form when it reacts with
other specified elements. (PS-H-C2)
LA.PS.17 Use the periodic table to compare
electronegativities and ionization energies of
elements to explain periodic properties, such
So far, you have learned that elements are arranged in the as atomic size. (PS-H-C2)
LA.PS.22 Predict the kind of bond that will
periodic table according to their atomic number. There is also form between two elements based on
a rough correlation between the arrangement of the elements electronic structure and electronegativity of
the elements (e.g., ionic, polar, nonpolar).
and their electron configurations. (PS-H-C5)

In this section, the relationship between the periodic law

and electron configurations will be further explored. This VOCABULARY
relationship allows several properties of an element to be atomic radius cation
predicted simply from its position relative to other elements ion anion
ionization valence electron
on the periodic table.
ionization energy, IE electronegativity
electron affinity

Atomic Radii
Ideally, the size of an atom is defined by the edge of its Chlorine
outermost orbital. However, the location of this boundary
is difficult to determine, and can vary under different radius
conditions. Therefore, to estimate the size of an atom, the 99 pm

conditions to which it is subjected must be described.

198 pm
One way to define the atomic radius is as one-half the
distance between the nuclei of identical atoms that are
bonded together. For example, a molecule of chlorine gas Distance nucleus
between nuclei
contains two atoms of chlorine bonded together. The
distance between the two chlorine nuclei is 198 pm. One method of determining atomic
Therefore, the atomic radius of a chlorine atom is 99 pm. radius is to measure the distance
between the nuclei of two identical
atoms that are bonded together in
Critical Thinking an element or compound, then
divide this distance by 2.
1. Apply In a gold block, individual atoms of gold are
bonded together through metallic bonding. How would
you use the gold block to determine the atomic radius
of an atom of gold?

T H E P E R i o d i C L Aw 143
Period Trends
The table below lists the atomic radii of all of the elements in
the periodic table in picometers. The graph on the next page
plots the atomic radii of the elements versus their atomic
number. By examining the table and the graph, several trends
in the atomic radius can be observed.
Note that there is a gradual decrease in atomic radius as
you move from left to right across the second period of the
periodic table. The atomic radius of lithium in Group 1 is
152 pm, and the values decrease through neon in Group 18,
which has an atomic radius of 71 pm.
The trend to smaller atoms across a period is caused by the
increasing positive charge of the nucleus. As electrons are
added to the s and p levels in the same main energy level, they READING CHECK
are gradually pulled closer to the positively charged nucleus 2.  If two elements are from the
that contains more and more protons. This increased pull same period, which element is most
results in a decrease in atomic radius. Because the increased likely to have the largest atomic
radius, the element from Group 13
pull is offset somewhat by the repulsion of more and more or the element from Group 17?
electrons in the same main energy level, atomic radii decrease
more slowly on the right side of the periodic table.

Periodic Table of Atomic Radii (pm)

Atomic Atomic
H 1 symbol number Group 18
C 6 He 2
Group 1 Group 2 Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16 Group 17 31
Atomic radius
Li 3 Be 4 B 5 C 6 N 7 O 8 F 9 Ne 10
2 Relative 2
152 112
atomic size 77 85 77 75 73 72 71
Na 11 Mg 12 Al 13 Si 14 P 15 S 16 Cl 17 Ar 18
3 3
186 160 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 143 118 110 103 100 98

K 19 Ca 20 Sc 21 Ti 22 V 23 Cr 24 Mn 25 Fe 26 Co 27 Ni 28 Cu 29 Zn 30 Ga 31 Ge 32 As 33 Se 34 Br 35 Kr 36

4 4
227 197 162 147 134 128 127 126 125 124 128 134 135 122 120 119 114 112
Rb 37 Sr 38 Y 39 Zr 40 Nb 41 Mo 42 Tc 43 Ru 44 Rh 45 Pd 46 Ag 47 Cd 48 In 49 Sn 50 Sb 51 Te 52 I 53 Xe 54
5 5
248 215 180 160 146 139 136 134 134 137 144 149 167 140 140 142 133 131
Cs 55 Ba 56 La 57 Hf 72 Ta 73 W 74 Re 75 Os 76 Ir 77 Pt 78 Au 79 Hg 80 Tl 81 Pb 82 Bi 83 Po 84 At 85 Rn 86
6 6
265 222 183 159 146 139 137 135 136 139 144 151 170 175 150 168 140 141
Fr 87 Ra 88 Ac 89 Rf 104 Db 105 Sg 106 Bh 107 Hs 108 Mt 109 Ds 110 Rg 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
7 7
270 220 188 — — — — — — — —

Lanthanide series
Ce 58 Pr 59 Nd 60 Pm 61 Sm 62 Eu 63 Gd 64 Tb 65 Dy 66 Ho 67 Er 68 Tm 69 Yb 70 Lu 71

182 182 181 183 180 208 180 177 178 176 176 176 — 174
Th 90 Pa 91 U 92 Np 93 Pu 94 Am 95 Cm 96 Bk 97 Cf 98 Es 99 Fm 100 Md101 No 102 Lr 103

179 163 156 155 159 173 174 — 186 186 — — — —

Actinide series

In general, atomic radii decrease from left to right across a period and increase
from top to bottom down a group.

Atomic Radius vs. Atomic Number
Period Period Period Period Period Period
2 3 4 5 6 Fr 7

Atomic radius (pm)


100 Ar



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Atomic number

Group Trends The plot of atomic radius versus

Note that there is a gradual increase in atomic radius as you atomic number shows both period
trends and group trends.
move down a group in the periodic table. The trend to larger
atoms down a group results from the increase in the number
of electron shells surrounding the nucleus.
TIP The graph above shows
trends within a period by
There are some exceptions, such as gallium, which has a the shape of the graph between the
smaller atomic radius than aluminum. Gallium is an exception vertical lines that separate the
periods. The graph shows trends
to the general rule because the pull of the extra 18 positively
within a group by the way the
charged protons in its nucleus outweighs the presence of period plots increase from period
another electron shell. to period.


A. Of the elements Li, O, C, and F, which:

has the largest atomic radius?
has the smallest atomic radius?

B.  hich of Ca, Be, Ba, and Sr has the largest atomic radius?
Explain your answer in terms of trends in the periodic table.

T he P er i o d i c L aw 145
Ionization Energy
If an atom absorbs enough energy, it can lose an electron.
Using A as a symbol for an atom of any element, the process
can be expressed as follows.
​ +
A + energy → A ​ ​+ ​e-
The symbol ​A​+​represents an ion of element A with a
single positive charge. For example, N​a+ ​ ​refers to a sodium
ion. Such an ion is also referred to as a 1+ ion. An ion is an
atom or group of bonded atoms that has a positive or negative
charge. An atom gains positive charge when an electron is lost.
Any process during which an ion is formed is referred to as
ionization. The energy required to remove one electron from a
neutral atom of an element is the ionization energy, or IE.
Scientists calculate the ionization energies of atoms using
isolated atoms in the gas phase. This removes the influence of
3.  What does the chemical symbol
other atoms from the process. The table below lists ionization L​i+
​ ​refer to?
energies in kJ/mol. The graph on the next page plots the
ionization energies versus atomic number.

Periodic Table of Ionization Energies (kJ/mol)

number Group 18
1 H 6 2
1312 He 1

Group 1 Group 2 Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16 Group 17 2372
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be B C N O F Ne 2
520 900 801 1086 1402 1314 1681 2081
First ionization
11 12 energy 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar 3
496 738 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 578 787 1012 1000 1251 1521
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

4 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 4
419 590 633 659 651 653 717 762 760 737 746 906 579 762 947 941 1140 1351
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 5
403 550 600 640 652 684 702 710 720 804 731 868 558 709 834 869 1008 1170
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
6 Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn 6
376 503 538 659 761 770 760 839 878 868 890 1007 589 716 703 812 — 1038
87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
7 Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg 7
— 509 490 — — — — — — — —

Lanthanide series
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
534 527 533 536 545 547 592 566 573 581 589 597 603 523
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
587 570 598 600 585 578 581 601 608 619 627 635 642 —
Actinide series

In general, first ionization energies increase from left to right across a period
and decrease from top to bottom down a group.

First Ionization Energy vs. Atomic Number
Period Period Period Period Period Period
2 3 4 5 6 7

First ionization energy (kJ/mol)


H Xe

500 Na
K Rb Cs

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Atomic number

The plot of first ionization energy versus atomic number shows both period trends
and group trends.

Period Trends
By examining the table on page 146 and the graph above,
TIP In the graph above, note
several trends in the ionization energy can be observed. that the period trends and
group trends are less pronounced as
Note that there is a gradual increase in ionization energy as the atomic number increases.
you move from left to right across a period in the periodic
table. Another trend is that nonmetals usually have higher
ionization energies than metals.
The Group 1 metals have the lowest ionization energies in
their respective periods. The ease with which these metals lose
electrons is a major reason for their high reactivity. On the
opposite side of the periodic table, the Group 18 elements
have the highest ionization energies. This is a major reason
why noble gases are so unreactive.
4.  Suppose you have an alkaline-
The general increase in ionization energies moving across a earth metal and a halogen.
Which is more likely to have a
period is caused by the increasing charge in the nucleus. A higher ionization energy?
higher positive charge in the nucleus attracts the negatively
charged electrons more strongly.

T he P er i o d i c L aw 147
Group Trends
The ionization energy tends to decrease when moving down a
group. This is related to the increase in the atomic radii of
elements with larger atomic numbers. The force that binds an
electron in the outermost energy level to the atom is weaker
as the electron moves farther from the positively charged
nucleus. These electrons are removed more easily.
In addition to electrons being farther from the center of
positive charge, another effect contributes to the group trend
in ionization energies. As atomic number increases, more and
more electrons are located between the nucleus and the
outermost electrons. These inner shell electrons exert a
repulsive force on the outermost electrons, further weakening
their bond with the atom.


C. Consider two main-group elements, A and B.

Element A has a first ionization energy of 419 kJ/mol.
Element B has a first ionization energy of 1000 kJ/mol.
a. Which element is likely to be in the s block?
b. Which element is likely to be in the p block?
c. Which element is more likely to form a positive ion?

Removing Electrons from Positive Ions

If enough energy is provided, an electron can be removed from
a neutral atom. If even more energy is provided, additional
electrons can be removed from the positive ion. The different
ionization energies are classified in the following way.
• The removal of an electron from a neutral atom is referred
to as the ionization energy, IE, or the first ionization
energy, I​E1​ ​.
• The removal of a second electron from an atom, or an
electron from a 1+ ion, is called the second ionization READING CHECK
energy, I​E2​ ​.
5.  What name is given to the
• The removal of a third electron from an atom, or an electron energy required to remove an
from a 2+ ion, is called the third ionization energy, I​E3​ ​. electron from a 4+ ion?
• The removal of the nth electron from an atom, or an
electron from an (n – 1)+ ion, is called the nth ionization
energy, I​En​ ​.

Ionization Energies (in kJ/mol) for Elements of Periods 1–3
Period 1 Period 2
H He Li Be B C N O F Ne
I​E​1​ 1312 2372 520 900 801 1086 1402 1314 1681 2081
I​E2​ ​ 5250 7298 1757 2427 2353 2856 3388 3374 3952
​IE​3​ 11 815 14 849 3660 4621 4578 5300 6050 6122
I​E4​ ​ 21 007 25 026 6223 7475 7469 8408 9370
I​E5​ ​ 32 827 37 830 9445 10 990 11 023 12 1­ 78
Period 3
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
I​E1​ ​ 496 738 578 787 1012 1000 1251 1521
I​E2​ ​ 4562 1451 1817 1577 1903 2251 2297 2666
​IE​3​ 6912 7733 2745 3232 2912 3361 3822 3931
I​E4​ ​ 9544 10 540 11 578 4356 4957 4564 5158 5771
I​E5​ ​ 13 353 13 628 14 831 16 091 6274 7013 6540 7238

The table above shows the first five ionization energies for Critical Thinking
the elements in the first three periods of the periodic table.
6.  Infer  Suppose that the table
For each element, I​E2​ ​is always higher than I​E1​ ​, I​E3​ ​is always above was extended to list the
higher than I​E2​ ​, and so on. This is because each successive sixth ionization energies for
electron removed from an ion feels a stronger and stronger the elements. Which element in the
second period, and which element
effective nuclear charge from the nucleus. In other words, as in the third period, would have the
each electron is removed, fewer electrons remain within the highest value for I​E6​ ​?
atom to shield the attractive force of the nucleus.
Removing the first electron from a noble gas is more
difficult than removing the first electron from any other
element. This is due to the stability of the octet in the highest-
occupied energy level of the noble-gas atom. This concept also
applies to ions that have a noble-gas configuration.
For example, when sodium, Na, loses a single electron, it
has a noble-gas configuration. You can see why when you look
at sodium’s electron configuration, [Ne]3​s1​ ​. So, there is a large
increase in sodium’s I​E2​ ​compared to its I​E1​ ​. In the same way,
magnesium has a large jump in I​E​3​from I​E2​ ​. Magnesium’s
electron configuration, [Ne]3​s​2​, shows that it has a noble-gas
configuration after it loses two electrons. The table uses
highlighting to emphasize the large jumps in ionization
energies caused by the noble-gas configurations of some ions.

T he P er i o d i c L aw 149
Electron Affinity
Not only can neutral atoms lose electrons; they can gain
TIP In a chemical equation,
electrons. The energy change that occurs when a neutral atom energy is released if it is
shown on the right side of the
gains an electron is called the atom’s electron affinity. Most equation. Energy is absorbed if it
atoms release energy when they gain an electron. is shown on the left side of a
chemical equation.
A + ​e​-​​​​→ ​A-
​ ​+ energy
On the other hand, some atoms must absorb energy before
they will gain an electron. An ion produced in this way is
unstable and will usually lose the added electron quickly.
A + e​ -
​ ​+ energy → ​A-

Period Trends
The table below shows the electron affinities for most READING CHECK
elements. The graph on the next page shows a plot of these 7.  Why are most of the
data. The values are negative to show that the atom loses electron affinities in the table
below negative?
energy when it gains an electron. The electron affinities for
atoms that gain energy when gaining an electron are difficult
to determine, so they are given as zeros in parentheses.
The Group 17 elements, the halogens, have the electron
affinities that are most negative. Their ability to attract
electrons helps to explain why halogens are so reactive.
The electron affinities generally become more negative when
moving left to right across the p block.

Periodic Table of Electron Affinities (kJ/mol)

1 Atomic
1 Group 18
number 1
H 2
–75.4 6 He
2 Group 1 Group 2 Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16 Group 17 (0)
3 4 Symbol 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be B C N O F Ne
3 –61.8 (0) –126.3 Electron
–27.7 –126.3 (0) –146.1 –339.9 (0)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg affinity
Al Si P S Cl Ar
4 –54.8 (0) Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 –44.1 –138.5 –74.6 –207.7 –361.7 (0)
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr


5 –50.1 (0) –18.8 –7.9 –52.5 –66.6 (0) –16.3 –66.1 –115.6 –122.8 (0) –30 –135 –81 –202.1 –336.5 (0)
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
6 –48.6 (0) –30.7 –42.6 –89.3 –74.6 –55 –105 –113.7 –55.7 –130.2 (0) –30 –120 –107 –197.1 –305.9 (0)
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
7 –47.2 (0) –50 (0) –32.2 –81.5 –15 –110 –156.5 –212.8 –230.9 (0) –20 –36 –94.6 –190 –280 (0)
87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg
–47.0 (0) — — — — — — — — —

This table shows the electron affinities for the s-, p-, and d-block elements. Values
in parentheses are approximate. All of the lanthanides have an estimated electron
affinity of – 50 kJ/mol. All of the actinides have an estimated electron affinity
of 0 kJ/mol.

Electron Affinity vs. Atomic Number
He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn Ra

K Rb Cs Fr
Electron affinity (kJ/mol)



Period Period Period Period Period Period

2 3 4 5 6 7
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Atomic number

One exception to the trend is that it is easier to add an The plot of electron affinity versus
atomic number shows that most atoms
electron into the empty third p orbital of Group 14 elements
release energy when they acquire an
than it is to add an electron into one of the partially filled electron because the electron affinity
p orbitals in the Group 15 elements. This makes the Group 14 is negative.
electron affinities more negative than those in Group 15.

Group Trends
Electron affinities become slightly less negative as you move
down a group. Because atomic radii increase moving down a
group, electrons are less likely to be attracted to the nucleus.
The strength of the positively charged nucleus relative to the
electrons around the nucleus also decreases.

Adding Electrons to Negative Ions

For an isolated ion in the gas phase, it is always more difficult
to add a second electron to an already negatively charged ion. READING CHECK
Therefore, second electron affinities are always positive.
8.  Is an element with an electron
The halogens form a noble-gas configuration when they affinity that is greater (less
gain an electron. Adding a second electron to a 1– halogen ion negative) than another element
more or less likely to gain
is so difficult that 2– halogen ions do not form. Group 16 an electron?
elements form a noble gas configuration when they gain two
electrons to form 2– ions.

T he P er i o d i c L aw 151
Ionic Radii
The radius of an ion is different from the radius of the atom
from which it formed. There are two types of ions, depending
on whether the ion has a positive charge or a negative charge.
A cation is a positive ion. A cation forms when an atom
TIP The number next to the
loses one or more electrons. A cation is always smaller than charge in an ion gives the
strength of the charge. For example,
the atom from which it was formed because of the removal of an F​e​2+​ion is a 2+ ion formed from
the electrons from the highest energy level. Also, the nucleus an iron atom.
draws the remaining electrons closer because its positive
charge is greater than the negative charge of the electrons.
An anion is a negative ion. An anion forms when an atom
gains one or more electrons. Since an anion has more negative
charge in the electron cloud than positive charge in the
nucleus, the electron cloud is not pulled as close to the
nucleus. The electron cloud also spreads out because of the
repulsion between the increased number of electrons. These
two factors make an anion larger than the original atom.


9. Classify each of the following ions as a cation or an anion.

a. R​b​+​   d. ​P​3–​

​ –​ ​
b. F   e. T​e​2–​

c. F​e​2+​   f.    ​C​4–​

Periodic Table of Ionic Radii (pm)

1 number Group 18
H– 154 Relative
6 Relative
Group 1 Group 2 atomic size ionic size Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16 Group 17 He —
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 4– 2
Li+ 76 Be2+ 45
Ionic symbol C 260 Ionic radius (pm) B — C4– 260 N3– 146 O2– 140 F– 133 Ne —
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 3
Na+ 102 Mg2+ 72 Al3+ 54 Si — P3– 212 S2– 184 Cl– 181 Ar —
Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
4 4
K+ 138 Ca2+ 100 Sc3+ 75 Ti2+ 86 V2+ 79 Cr2+ 80 Mn2+ 83 Fe2+ 78 Co2+ 65 Ni2+ 69 Cu2+ 73 Zn2+ 74 Ga3+ 62 Ge — As — Se2– 198 Br– 196 Kr —
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
5 5
Rb+ 152 Sr2+ 118 Y3+ 90 Zr — Nb — Mo — Tc — Ru — Rh3+ 67 Pd2+ 86 Ag+ 115 Cd2+ 95 In3+ 80 Sn2+ 118 Sb3+ 76 Te2– 221 I– 220 Xe —
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
6 6
Cs+ 167 Ba2+ 136 La3+ 116 Hf — Ta — W — Re — Os — Ir — Pt2+ 80 Au+ 137 Hg2+ 119 Tl3+ 89 Pb2+ 119 Bi3+ 103 Po — At — Rn —
87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
7 7
Fr+ 180 Ra2+ 148 Ac3+ 111 Rf — Db — Sg — Bh — Hs — Mt — Ds — Rg —

This table shows the ionic radii for the most common ions of the s-, p-,
and d- block elements. Cations are smaller and anions are larger than the
original atoms.

Period Trends
The metals at the left of the periodic table tend to form
cations. This is because it is easier for one of these atoms to
lose the few electrons in its highest-occupied energy level than
it is for one of them to gain electrons to form an octet. On the
other hand, the nonmetals at the upper right of the periodic
table tend to form anions. It is easier for one of these atoms to
form a stable octet by gaining a few electrons than to lose all
of the electrons in the outermost energy level.
The ionic radii of cations decrease as the charge on the
cation becomes stronger. For example, the lithium ion, L​i+
​ ​is
much larger than the beryllium ion, B​e​ ​. The more the
charges are unbalanced, the stronger the force with which
the nucleus can pull on the electron cloud.
10.  Describe whether the following
The ionic radii of anions increase as the charge on the pairs of particles repel each other
anion becomes stronger. The more negative the charge on or attract each other.
the ion, the less force with which the nucleus can pull on the a.  anion and anion
electrons. Since the charge becomes less negative, moving
from Group 15 to Group 17, the ionic radii of anions tend to
decrease moving across a period from left to right. b.  cation and anion

The ionic radii of cations also tend to decrease moving

across a period from left to right. Either the charge on the c.  cation and cation
cation increases, or the positive charge of the nucleus increases
without an increase in the highest-occupied energy level.

Group Trends
There is a gradual increase in ionic radii moving down a group
for the same reason as there is a gradual increase in atomic
radii moving down a group. The highest-occupied energy level
increases when moving down a group, so the electron cloud
extends farther from the nucleus of the ion.

Critical Thinking
11. Infer  Whyare there no common ions or ionic radii listed
for the noble-gas elements in Group 18 of the periodic
table on page 152?

T he P er i o d i c L aw 153

D. Consider four hypothetical main-group elements, Q, R, T, and X, that have

the outer electron configurations indicated below.
Q: 3​s2​ ​3​p​5​ R: 3​s1​ ​ T: 4​d10
​ ​5​s2​ ​5​p5​ ​ X: 4​d10
​ ​5​s2​ ​5​p1​ ​
a. Identify the block location of each hypothetical element.

Q: block T: block
R: block X: block
b. Which of these elements are in the same period?

c. Which of these elements are in the same group?

d. Which
would you expect to have the highest I​E1​ ? Which
would have the lowest I​E1​ ?

e. Which would you expect to have the highest I​E2​ ?

f. Which of these elements is most likely to form a 1+ ion?

g. Which has an electron affinity that is the most negative?

h. Which of these elements is most likely to form a 1– ion?

i. Which would you expect to have the largest ionic radius?

j. Which would you expect to have the smallest ionic radius?

k. Using
the letters Q, R, T, and X, write the symbol that represents the most
common ion that each hypothetical element would form.

Valence Electrons
Chemical compounds form when atoms of two or more
TIP If you look back to the
elements bond together. These bonds form when electrons are table of ionic radii on
page 152, you will see the most
lost, gained, or shared between atoms. The electrons involved common ions listed for each main
in the process of forming chemical bonds are the electrons in group element. For Groups 1, 2, and
the outer energy levels. These electrons are the most likely to 13, the most common ion is a cation
with a charge equal to the number
be influenced by other atoms or ions.
of valence electrons in the atom.
The electrons available to be lost, gained, or shared in the For Groups 15, 16, and 17, the most
common ion is an anion with a
formation of chemical compounds are called valence electrons. charge equal to the number of
Valence electrons are usually located in main energy levels valence electrons needed to form
that are incompletely filled. For example, a sodium atom has an octet of eight electrons.
an electron configuration of [Ne]3​s1​ ​. The n = 3 level of the
sodium atom only has a single electron. That one valence
​ a​+​ion forms.
electron is lost when the N
For main group elements, the valence electrons are the
electrons in the outermost s and p sublevels. The other main
energy levels are completely filled. The attraction between the
nucleus and the inner-shell electrons is too strong for these
electrons to become involved in forming chemical bonds.
The number of valence electrons in the atoms of a main-
group element is determined by the group configuration. This
configuration shows the number of electrons in the outermost
s and p sublevels. For example, a Group 13 element has two READING CHECK
electrons in its outermost s sublevel and one electron in its
12.  Use the information in the
outermost p sublevel. Therefore, a Group 13 element has three other rows of the table to complete
valence electrons. the table.

Valence Electrons in Main-Group Elements

Number of
Group number Group configuration
valence electrons
1 n​s1​ ​ 1
2 n​s2​ ​
13 n​s2​ ​​p​1​ 3
14 4
15 n​s2​ ​​p3​ ​
16 6
17 n​​s​2​p​ ​

T he P er i o d i c L aw 155
Valence electrons form the bonds that hold compounds Critical Thinking
together. In many compounds, the negative charge of the 13.  Apply  Potassium has a
valence electrons is concentrated closer to one atom than to relatively low electronegativity of
another. This uneven charge distribution helps to determine 0.8. If potassium forms a compound
with a Group 17 element, where is
the chemical properties of a compound. the electron most likely to be
Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an atom in a located within that compound?

chemical compound to attract electrons from another atom of

the compound. An American chemist named Linus Pauling
devised a scale to measure this quantity. Fluorine, the most
electronegative element, is assigned a value of 4.0. The values
for the other elements are then given in relation to this value.

Period Trends
The table below and the graph on the next page show the
electronegativities of the elements. The graph shows that the
electronegativities increase when moving across a period.
The alkali metals and alkaline-earth metals are the least
electronegative elements. These elements tend to lose
electrons when forming ions. Nitrogen, oxygen, and the This table shows the electronegativi-
halogens are the most electronegative elements. These atoms ties for all of the elements. The highest
attract electrons strongly when in compounds. values are in the upper right of the
p block. The lowest values are in the
lower part of the s block.
Periodic Table of Electronegativities
number Group 18
1 H 6 2
2.1 He 1

Group 1 Group 2 Group 13 Group 14 Group 15 Group 16 Group 17 —
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 Li Be B C N O F Ne 2
1.0 1.5 2.5 Electronegativity
2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 —
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar 3
0.9 1.2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.5 3.0 —
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36


4 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 4
0.8 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.9 1.6 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.0
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe 5
0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.5 2.6
55 56 57 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
6 Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn 6
0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.4 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.4
87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
7 Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg 7
0.7 0.9 1.1 — — — — — — — —

Lanthanide series
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.1 1.3
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
1.3 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 —
Actinide series

Electronegativity vs. Atomic Number
Period Period Period Period Period
2 3 4 5 6

Cl Kr


2.5 Rn



1.0 Li
K Rb

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Atomic number

Electronegativities tend to decrease or remain the same The plot of electronegativity

when moving from top to bottom in a group. An exception versus atomic number shows that
electronegativity usually increases
to this trend is Group 18, the noble gases. Because helium, across a period.
neon, and argon do not form compounds, they cannot be
assigned electronegativities. The other noble gases rarely form
compounds, but when they do they attract electrons strongly.


E. Of the elements Ga, Br, and Ca, which has the highest
electronegativity? Explain in terms of periodic trends.

F. Consider five hypothetical main-group elements, with the

outer electron configurations indicated below.
E: 2​s​2​2​p5​ ​    ​ ​5​s2​ ​5​p5​ ​   J: 2​s2​ ​2​p2​ ​  
 G: 4​d10
L: 5​d​10​6​s2​ ​6​p5​ ​   M: 2​s2​ ​2​p4​ ​

a. Which element(s) contain seven valence electrons?

b. Which element has the highest electronegativity?

T he P er i o d i c L aw 157
Periodic Properties of the
d- and f-Block Elements
The properties of d- and f-block elements vary less and with
less regularity than those of main group elements. Electrons in
the outermost d sublevel are responsible for many of the
characteristics of d-block elements.

Atomic Radii
The graph on page 145 shows that, moving from left to right
across a period, atomic radii for d-block elements generally
decrease. This is the same trend as for main-group elements.
However, the graph also shows that the radii dip to a low and
then increase slightly at the right end of the d block. This rise
results from the increased repulsion of electrons within the
Iron is often found in iron ore in
d sublevel.
compounds formed from 2+ ions.
In the sixth period, d-block elements have similar atomic
radii to the fifth period elements above them. The addition of
32 protons in the nucleus pulls the electron cloud closer to the
atom’s center despite the extra electron shell that is filled.

Ionization Energy
The periodic table on page 146 shows that in the main-group
elements, I​E1​ ​increases moving across a period and decreases
moving down a group. In the d-block, I​E1​ ​increases when
moving down a group. Because the d sublevels are incomplete
in these elements, the outermost electrons are shielded less
from the positively charged nucleus.

Ion Formation and Ionic Radii

In atoms of the d- and f-block elements, electrons in the
outermost energy level are removed first. The s sublevel
electrons are removed even though this sublevel is filled
before the outermost f and d sublevels. As a result, most
d-block elements commonly form 2+ ions. One exception is READING CHECK
Group 3 elements, which also lose their d-sublevel electron 14.  In general, which element will
and form 3+ ions. Since the ions in the d block typically have have a higher value for each
the same 2+ charge, their ionic radii decrease across a period. quantity, a Group 3 element or a
Group 12 element?
Electronegativity Atomic radius
The d- and f-block elements all have relatively low Ionization energy
electronegativities. The only elements with lower
Ionic radius
electronegativities are the reactive metals in Groups 1 and 2.
The electronegativity increases as atomic radii decrease. Electronegativity

1. What is electron affinity? What signs are associated with electron affinities
and what is the significance of each sign?

2. State the general period and group trends among main-group elements with
respect to each of the following properties:

a. atomic radii

b. first ionization energy

c. electronegativity

3. For each main-group element, what is the relationship between its group
number and the number of valence electrons that the group members have?

Critical Thinking
4. RELATING IDEAS  Graph the general trends (left to
right and top to bottom) in the second ionization
energy (I​E2​ ​) of an element as a function of its
atomic number (Z), over the range Z = 1 – 20.
Label the minima and maxima on the graph with
the appropriate element symbol.

T he P er i o d i c L aw 159
Math Tutor  Writing Electron Configurations

The arrangement of elements in the periodic table reflects the

arrangement of electrons in an atom. Each period begins with
an atom that has an electron in a new energy level. Each period 2s 2p

ends with an atom that has a filled set of p orbitals (with the 3s 3p 3d
exception of the first period). 4s 4p 4d 4f

To write the electron configuration of an element, you must fill 5s 5p 5d 5f

the sublevels in order of increasing energy. If you follow the 6s 6p 6d 6f

arrows in either of the two types of mnemonic devices shown, 7s 7p 7d

you will get the correct configurations for most elements. You also
need to know how many electrons can exist in each sublevel,
as shown in the following table. 1s
2s 2p
Sublevel s p d f
3s 3p 3d
No. of orbitals 1 3 5 7
4s 4p 4d 4f
No. of electrons 2 6 10 14
5s 5p 5d 5f
6s 6p 6d
Problem-Solving TIPS
7s 7p
• To write an electron configuration for an element, first find the atomic
number of the element.
• Then, write the designation for a sublevel and the number of electrons that fill that
sublevel to the top right of the designation.
• Continue adding filled sublevels to this list until the sum of top right numbers in the
list exceeds or equals the atomic number. Adjust, if necessary, the last electron
number so that the sum of the values exactly equals the atomic number.
• To write the noble-gas notation for an element, substitute the symbol of the noble
gas in brackets for the first part of the electron configuration.


Write the full electron configuration for phosphorus.

The atomic number for phosphorus is 15. The first four
sublevels filled are 1s, 2s, 2p, and 3s. Filling these suborbitals
results in an electron configuration of 1​s​2​2​s2​ ​2​p6​ ​3​s2​ ​, for a total
of 2 + 2 + 6 + 2 = 12 electrons.
Filling the next sublevel, 3p, requires 6 more electrons. However,
the atomic number of phosphorus is 15, so only 15 - 12 = 3 electrons
are necessary. Therefore, the electron configuration of phosphorus is
1​s2​ ​2​s2​ ​2​p6​ ​3​s2​ ​3​p​3​.

Practice Problems:  Chapter Review practice problems 8 and 11


1. Describe the contributions made by the following scientists to the

development of the periodic table.

a. Stanislao Cannizzaro

b. Dmitri Mendeleev

c. Henry Moseley

2. State the periodic law.

3. How do electron configurations within a group of elements compare?

4. Why are the noble gases relatively unreactive?

5. How do the properties of alkaline-earth metals compare with alkali metals?

6. What are valence electrons and where are they located?

7. For each group, indicate whether electrons are likely to be lost or gained to
form compounds and give the typical number of electrons involved.

a.  Group 1 c.  Group 13 e.  Group 17

b.  Group 2  d.  Group 16    f.  Group 18

T he P er i o d i c L aw 161
8. Write the noble-gas notation for the electron configuration of each of the
following elements, and indicate the period in which each belongs.

a.  lithium, Li Configuration: Period:

b.  oxygen, O Configuration: Period:

c.  copper, Cu Configuration: Period:

d.  bromine, Br Configuration: Period:

9. Without looking at the periodic table, identify the period, block, and group
in which the elements with the following electron configurations are located.

a.  [Ne]3​s2​ ​3​p1​ ​ Period: Block: Group:

b.  [Kr]4​d10
​ ​5​s2​ ​5​p2​ ​ Period: Block: Group:

c.  [Xe]4​f14
​ ​5​d10
​ ​6​s2​ ​6​p5​ ​ Period: Block: Group:

10. Based on the information given below, give the group, period, block, and
identity of each element described.

a.  [He]2​s2​ ​ Group: Period: Block: Identity:

b.  [Ne]3​s1​ ​ Group: Period: Block: Identity:

c.  [Kr]5​s2​ ​ Group: Period: Block: Identity:

d.  [Ar]3​d5​ ​4​s1​ ​ Group: Period: Block: Identity:

11. Without looking at the periodic table, write the expected outer electron
configuration for each of the following elements.

a. Group 7, fourth period

b. Group 3, fifth period

c. Group 12, sixth period

12. Complete the table below using the electron configurations.

Electron Complete before looking Complete while looking

configuration at the periodic table at the periodic table

Period Block Group Name Type Reactivity

a. [Ne]3​s2​ ​3p​ 1​ ​

b. [Ar]3​d10
​ ​4​s2​ ​4​p6​ ​

c. [Kr]4​d10
​ ​5s​ 1​ ​

d. [Xe]4​f1​ ​5d​ 1​ ​6s​ 2​ ​

13. Of cesium, Cs, hafnium, Hf, and gold, Au, which element has the smallest
atomic radius? Explain your answer in terms of trends in the periodic table.

14. a. What is the difference between the first, second, and third ionization
energies of an atom?

b. How do the values of successive ionization energies compare? Why?

15. Without looking at the electron affinity table, arrange the following
elements in order of decreasing electron affinities: C, O, Li, Na, Rb, and F.

16. a. Without looking at the ionization energy table, arrange these elements
in order of decreasing first ionization energies: Li, O, C, K, Ne, and F.

b. Which of the elements listed in (a) would you expect to have the

highest second ionization energy? Why?

17. a. Which cation is least likely to form: S​r​2+​, A​l​3+​, ​K​2+​?

b. Which anion is least likely to form: I​ –​ ​, C​l–​ ​, ​O2–

​ ​?

18. Which element is the most electronegative among C, N, O, Br, and S? To

which group does this element belong?

19. The two ions K ​ ​and C​a2+

​ + ​ ​each have 18 electrons surrounding the nucleus.
Which would you expect to have the smaller radius? Why?

T he P er i o d i c L aw 163

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