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Assignment 1. Define the following terms: a) Total pressure b) Centre of pressure 2.

An isosceles triangular plate of base 5m & altitude 5m is immersed vertically in an oil of sp. Gravity 0.8.The base of plate is 1m below the free surface, Determine: a) Total pressure b) Centre of pressure 3. What is buoyancy? 4. What is centre of buoyancy? 5. Define & explain the following terms: a) Metacentre b) Metacentric height 6 .A log of wood 0.6m in diameter and 5m long is floating in river. If sp.gravity of log is 0.7 what is the depth of wooden log in water? 7. A wooden block of size 2m1m 0.8m is floating in water. If its sp.gravity is 0.7. Find its metacentric height. 8. Derive an expressionfor calculating time of rolling of a floating body. 9. Explain briefly th e following types of equilibrium of floating bodies: a) Stable equilibrium b) Unstable equilibrium c) Neutral equilibrium 10. A wooden cylinder (sp.gravity = 0.54) of diameterd & length l is required to float in oil (sp.gravity = 0.81).Find the l/d ratio for the cylinder to float with its longitudinal axis vertical in oil. 11. Differentiate b/w Eulerian & Lagrangian methods of representing fluid flow. 12. Distinguish b/w Path lines, streamlines & streak lines. 13. Define convective & local acceleration. 14. How is fluid flows classified? 15. Define steady, non-steady, uniform & non-uniform flow? 16. Differentiate b/w rotational & irrotational flow? 17. Sketch the velocity distribution for uniform irrotational flow. 18. How is continuity equation based on the principle of conservation of mass stated ?

1. Distinguish between Newtonian and Nonnewtonian fluids. 2. Define : (a) Path line and (b) Stream line. 3. What is a pitot tube? Sketch a standard pitot tube. 4. What do you mean by Coutte flow? 5. State various minor losses that occur in pipe flow. 6. Define Reynolds number. 7. What are the uses of Vane pump? 8. Distinguish between fixed and variable displacement motors. 9. What are the functions of relief valves in fluid power control systems? 10. State the importance of balancing valves in power actuating systems. PART B (5 ? 16 = 80 marks) 11. (i) Explain the phenomenon of capillarity. (6) (ii) Find the capillary rise in a tube of 5 mm diameter, when immersed in (1) water and (2) in mercury. The temperature of water and mercury is 20C and the surface tension of water and mercury at 20C in contact with air are 0.07358 N/m and 0.51 N/m and the density of water and mercury at 20C are 998 kg/m3 and 13550 kg/m3. The contact angle for water is 0 and for mercury is 130. (10) 12. (a) Derive Eulers equation of motion acting along a stream line. Obtain Bernoullis equation by its integration. List all assumptions made. (16) Or (b) (i) Sketch the development of velocity profile for laminar flow through a pipe. (3) (ii) Crude oil is flowing through a pipe of 50 mm diameter with a velocity of 1.5 m/sec. A pressure difference of 180 N/mm2 was recorded from two pressure gauges 8 m apart. Find the viscosity of flowing oil. Use HagenPoiseuille Law. (13) 13. (a) (i) Distinguish between laminar and turbulent flow through a pipe. (2) (ii) An oil flows through a 20 cm diameter pipe at the rate of 75 litres/sec. Find the head lost due to friction for a 500 m length pipe. Take 4f = 0.01874. Also calculate the power required to maintain this flow. Use Darajs formula. (14) Or (b) Show that the power P developed in a water turbine can be expressed as where D and B are the diameter and width of the runner, N is the speed in rpm, H is the operating head, and are coefficient of dynamic viscosity and mass density of the fluid. (16) 14. (a) What is an axial piston pump? Sketch and explain. How does this differ from radial piston pump? (16) Or (b) What is a power pack? Explain different types of power packs used in fluid power control applications. (16) 15. (a) Discuss with neat sketches, construction and operation of pressure reducing valves. (16) Or (b) Write brief notes on : (16) Flow control and pressure control valves.

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