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Problem Statement for CFP

2023 (Annexure I)

SI. No. Categories Deliverables

A Mineral Exploration

(i) Enhance Resource Discoveries

1. Geological and Geophysical maps on the same

scale.3D and 4D maps based on integrated
1 Deposit Scale Modelling studies.
2. Better resolution Geological Map using Artificial

1. Formulation of self-consistent numerical models

of the mineralogical evolution of fluid chambers
in the lithosphere and upper mantle.
2. Developing 3D optimization tools for joint
inversion of data sets constraining with
3. Identifying deep-penetrating faults and crustal
suture zones, which are important controls on the
2 Mapping Lithospheric Architecture movement of metal-bearing fluids and hence
indicators of perspectivity.
4. Development of laboratory models to study the
fluid-rock interaction resulting in rock deformation
and thermal transitions in mineral systems due to
heat transfer.
5. Understand and characterise the fluid-bearing
mineral system components with respect to their
response to geophysical exploration methods.

1. The goal is to improve our fundamental

understanding of the linear and non-linear
polarization phenomena of natural mineralized
porous media at various scales and over the
3 Mineral Discrimination frequency band 1 MHz-30 MHz the interfacial
and textural properties of rocks will be
2. The interfacial and textural properties of rocks will
be characterized.

Petrophysical Data Base

1. Petrophysical data sets of the different

metallogenic provinces of India consisting of
density, susceptibility, conductivity, resistivity,
4 chargeability, velocity, location, stratigraphic unit
and lithology, information of weathering,
alteration, metamorphism and porosity, and
geochemical and mineralogical information

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)

1. System development and deployment

2. Mineral mapping and feature extraction for HSI.
In HSI one of the biggest challenges is
5 Remote Survey Hyper-spectral imaging
determining what types of features should be
extracted from pixels.

1. Develop geophysical approaches to rare earth

element evaluation,
2. Conduct geochemical and mineralogical
analyses of heavy mineral sand samples from
both archives and field efforts,
3. Analysis of new and existing data on the samples
to be performed to evaluate links between
geophysical, geochemical properties, rare earth
Rare Earth Elements and Platinum Group of element content and local geologic processes
Elements 4. Rare earth element content and local geologic
5. Synthesize geophysical, geochemical and
geological data using AI, and relate results to
geological processes acting on a regional scale,
6. Dispersion of REE/PGE in secondary
environments such as placer deposits,
weathered horizons and gossans.

1. Cross-well tomography maps

7 Cross Well Tomography 2. Integration of these with surface maps to reduce

(ii) Get Real-Time Data

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)

1. Develop an unmanned aerial vehicle UAV which

can carry up to 10 Kg payload (geophysical
instruments, measurement systems etc.) and
fly/hover for up to 90 minutes.
2. Develop the craft by avoiding the use of materials
that can potentially interfere with the functionality
Development of an autonomous multirotor
of the instruments being carried as a payload.
1 unmanned aerial vehicle for geophysical
3. Develop appropriate interfaces to provide the
power required by the onboard devices during
the survey.
4. Minimize the turn-around time so that it will be
easy to prepare for the next round of surveys.
5. Develop a friendly and nearly autonomous user
interface for ease of operation.

1. Interpretational Techniques for Hyperspectral

2. Hand-held and Down-hole analytical instruments
2 Drilling Technology 3. Directional Drilling, better bits, Down-hole
4. Improvements in Slim Hole Drilling and In-situ

3 Virtual Reality (VR) Technology 1. VR Technology

B. Safe, Smart, and Sustainable (3S) Mining

(i) Smart Mining

1. Improving OE by optimizing the unit operations in

mining through the application of smart sensors,
real-time data acquisition, data transfer and
analysis for performance prediction using CPS.
2. Increasing machine reliability and availability
through continuous machine condition
monitoring and online real-time data transfer
using suitable sensors and IoT, prediction of
failure through data analysis of condition
Optimization of mining machinery and monitoring using AI; and implementing routine &
resources using CPS preventive maintenance schedules based on
machine health condition monitoring.
3. Resource optimization through optimum machine
deployment through capturing real-time data on
the machine downtime, idle time, operational
delays etc. and its analysis using AI.
4. Energy optimization in all activities from mine to
mill through capturing unit-wise energy
consumption data and its analysis using CPS and
benchmarking of energy consumption.

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)

1. 3D Simulation & Modelling

2. Digital Twins: By creating a virtual model that is
fed real-time data from the field, scenarios can be
quickly tested, and operations and production
can be optimized
3. Autonomous Drilling
4. Autonomous Equipment: Greater use of self-
controlling machines in harsh environments
2 Mine Simulation Systems
5. Reducing environmental impact with AI: Sensors
and IoT to monitor excavation, extraction, and
general mining activities, keeping tabs on the
spread of waste and harmful materials.
6. GIS analytical information with graphical
representation for better understanding and
policy making and AI-based decision support

1. Development of an effective underground mine

communication system under dynamics and
difficult sub-surface environment: Improved
Through-The-Earth (TTE) Communications for
Underground Mines.
2. Portable communication devices based on UHF
frequencies for the miners in underground coal
3. Development of Underground Positioning
Reduce risks: Development of Smart
Systems (UPS): Smart portable system for
3 Communication, Sensing and Monitoring
tracing miners including mine safety monitoring
and alerting.
4. Development of a low-cost AI/ML portable
RADAR system for Monitoring and prediction of
Rock and Dump Slopes failure in Open Cast
5. A Novel Surveillance and Evacuation System for
Underground Mine Safety
6. Application of Drone, LIDAR, GIS & Remote
Sensing based Mine Surveillance System

(ii) Safe Mining

a Major hazard mitigation using CPS

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)

1. Development of an integrated system for

continuous monitoring of indicators of
spontaneous heating using sensor-based
technology, analysis of spontaneous heating
indices using artificial intelligence (AI) based
analytical software and activation of control
1 Spontaneous combustion of coal
measures including Mass Inertisation (N2 or
CO2), withdrawal of persons etc.
2. Development of wearable portable sensors for
the detection of gases like CH4, H2, CO
3. Detection of portable sensors for detection of

1. Development of an Integrated system of

continuous monitoring of accumulation of
inflammable gases in mine atmosphere using
sensor-based detectors, analysis of explosibility
indicators using Artificial Intelligence (AI) based
analytical software and activation of control
measures including ventilation on demand,
withdrawal of persons etc.,
2. Design and activation of sensor-based explosion
2 Explosions in coal mines
barrier to prevent the propagation of explosion,
3. Design of sensor-based instrumentation for the
detection of methane layering by sensor-based
4. Development of portable sensors for the
detection of inflammable gases like CH4, H2, and
5. Development of portable sensors for
determination of inert content in roadway dust.

1. Development of geophysical method or

instrument for identifying the presence of water
bodies /water logged workings/accumulation of
unconsolidated material ahead of mine workings,
which are inaccessible, and analysis of
geophysical parameters of the presence of water
bodies using AI for predicting the location of such
The inrush of huge quantities of water or
3 water bodies.
unconsolidated mass
2. Development of a handheld portable water body
detector for proving the presence of water bodies
immediately ahead of mine workings
3. Continuously monitoring the inflow of water into
mine workings and analysing the data using AI to
identify the probable hazard of the inrush of

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)
1. Development of an integrated strata
management system for continuous monitoring
of strata behaviour and analysing the data using
artificial intelligence-based software for
prediction of failure of strata ahead of time
2. Development of a handy tool for detecting the
presence and location of bed separation in roof
rock, based on onsite monitoring of geophysical
parameters of roof rock and digitally expressing
the failure by using analytical software.
3. Development of an integrated strata
management system for monitoring the strata
behaviour by using sensors on the existing
support system like hydraulic props, powered
supports etc. and real-time analysis of monitoring
4 Ground failure in Underground mine workings data for prediction of strata behaviour as well as
activating the controls on the support system as
4. Continuous monitoring health condition of the
support system and prediction of failure of the
support system. Activating alarm for taking action
and also activating alarm for withdrawal of
persons in case of imminent failure
5. Monitoring behaviour of goaf in caving method of
mining, using cavity scanner or similar other
instruments, analysing data using AI to predict
the behaviour of caving, like interval and
magnitude of periodic weighting, main weighting,
movement of strata vertically as well as
horizontally, impact of superimposition of caving
panels etc.

b Minor hazard mitigation using CPS

1. Development of suitable sensor based portable

detector for identifying the presence and location
of misfired shots by scanning the profile of
blasted material and using AI for analysis of
scanning data
2. Development of App based tracking system
using sensors or tags for ensuring human and
1 Blasting equipment exclusion zone during blasting in
opencast mines. Same system may be useful.
3. Prediction of fly rocks from data of blasting detail
using AI
4. Development of expert system for measurement
while drilling (MWD) technology coupled with AI
and machine learning to ensure optimum blast

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)

1. Development of Sensor-based proximity

detection devices capable of detecting the
proximity of other equipment and activating an
alarm for both operators.
Collision of mobile equipment or hit by
2 2. Development of Sensor-based tags or personal
machines in UG mines
wearable devices to send an alert signal to the
machine operator approaching within the
operating zones and similar audio-visual alert to
the persons approaching the machine.

1. Development of suitable technology using

Potholing and collapse of important surface
geophysical method for detecting subsurface
3 structures due to unstable subsurface areas
unstable areas and application of AI for locating
from mine workings or subsurface mine fire
such unstable areas.

1. Development of an integrated system for sensor-

based continuous monitoring of exhaust
discharge from the machines like SOx, NOx, CO
and DPM,
Exposure to Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) 2. Analysis of data using AI and prediction of
beyond safe limit concentration of DPM or other harmful diesel
exhaust and
3. Automatic activation of mitigating measures like
ventilation flow control, controlling the movement
of diesel vehicles

1. Development of an integrated system for sensor

based continuous monitoring of exhaust
discharge from the machines like SOx, NOx, CO
and DPM, analysis of data using AI and prediction
5 Exposure to toxic gases beyond safe limit
of concentration of DPM or other harmful diesel
exhaust and activation of mitigating measures
like ventilation flow control, controlling the
movement of diesel vehicles

1. Measuring and monitoring of physiological

effects of the human body due to fatigue,
physiological stresses due to working and task
conditions, and physiological disorders due to
Workmen’s Fatigue and physiological lack of proper ergonomic design of machines
stresses or disorders 2. Prediction of fatigue level, level of physiological
stresses and physiological disorders by
analysing the data using AI
3. Activation of machine interlock with digital fatigue

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)

1. Sensor-based continuous monitoring of

structural integrity of complex and large-size
machines or structures in mines and prediction of
failure by analysing the data using AI before
Loss of structural stability and integrity of actual failure.
heavy machines or structures in mines 2. Sensor-based monitoring of structural stability of
heavy machines in mines and prediction of loss
of stability by analysing data of the physical
effects of structural stability on different parts of

1. Sensor-based continuous monitoring of

structural integrity of complex and large-size
machines or structures in mines and prediction of
failure by analysing the data using AI before
actual failure.
8 Dump body stabilizers for tippers
2. Sensor-based monitoring of structural stability of
heavy machines in mines and prediction of loss
of stability by analysing data on the physical
effects of structural stability on different parts of

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)

(iii) Sustainable Mining

1. Development of knowledge/method/process to
determine the peak gas rate or well potential of
CBM/CMM well in the exploratory stage and do
away with the requirement of pilot wells.
2. Development of knowledge/method/process to
deliver robust Mechanical Earth Models (MEM)
with the integration of geological, geophysical,
petrophysical, coal reservoir, and production data
with coal reservoir geomechanics.
3. Development of structured well-drainage-area
based AI models as general methane production
forecasting tool for coal seam degasification
using ML-based algorithms.
4. Development of policy framework and guidelines
for the CBM/CMM drainage.
5. Development of a technical screening guide
system using an artificial neural network (ANN) to
assist in the selection of production methods
such as drilling, completion, and stimulation in
Reducing Green House Gas (GHG)
the CBM/CMM reservoir.
1 emissions, and monetization of methane gas
6. Development of Indigenous Pneumatic
through CBM/CMM activities
Controllers for cost-effective separation of gas
and water in the separator and accurate metering
of water.
7. Development of technology and process that
offers economical ways of carbon capturing and
utilization in enhanced coalbed methane (ECBM)
8. Development of an AI-enabled reservoir
surveillance approach for timely identification of
the reason for any production decline, the
reversal of production decline by removing
wellbore damage, and minimizing shut-down of
CBM/CMM wells for an extended period.
9. Development of indigenous permanently
mounted sensors in CBM/CMM wells to enable
smart good technology
10. Development of cost-effective technologies
for treatment and management of water and

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)

C. Enhancing mining activities and novel use of minerals/coal

1. Estimation of the effect of different physical and

chemical properties of particles on their
2. Quantification of different particle processing
stages’ effect on comminution.
3. Strategies for the introduction of efficiency-
boosting techniques like controlled blasting and
particle pre-processing within and around
1 Extraction Cost Reduction
comminution circuits.
4. Development of novel comminution circuits
integrated with blasting for improving energy
5. Development of robust simulators aided by
sensor-based online PSA (Particle Size
Analysers) to reduce the processing cost and
even capital cost

1. Development of AI-based prediction model of

wear and tear of screen panels, grinding media,
liners etc.
2. Ultra-fast onsite repair of worn out and corroded
components of mining machinery with the ability
2 Life extension of mining equipment
to prevent heat-related distortion, and
requirement of inert gas or vacuum sealed
3. Cost effective way to extend the useful life of
mining machineries significantly

1. Sensor-based/Processor controller aided cost-

effective, environment-friendly technology for
3 Deep cleaning of coal deep cleaning of high-ash Indian coal
2. Report on techno-economic comparison of
different deep-cleaning techniques

1. Development of AI-based CNTs, graphene and

graphene oxide for their usage as
supercapacitors in high-energy storage materials
to increase catalytic performance and effective
4 Carbon based nanoparticles
drug delivery in biomedical applications
2. Mechanistic understanding of nanoparticle
synthesis from heterogeneous coal

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)

1. Sewage sludge as a source of energy

2. Sensor and AI-based enhanced water recovery
Urban municipal waste processing for energy from sewage sludge
and precious metal recovery 3. Pyrolysis char as a source of valuable
metals/minerals e.g., phosphate, lead, mercury,

Mixing sewage sludge with fine coal waste/ 1. Sewage sludge as a source of energy.
carbon anodes/ forest bio-mass to increase 2. Proper utilization of coal waste /carbon anodes/
calorific value for subsequent use in cement forest biomass to increase calorific value.
plants 3. AI/Sensor based cleaner cement production

1. Mine and mineral processing plant water as a

source of precious metals
Recovery of valuable metals from process 2. Sensor and Process controller aided treatment of
plant water wastewater to make it available for use in
agriculture, horticulture, fisheries and if possible,
as potable water

1. Application of AI in developing modified scheme

for improved dewatering performance of Indian
red mud slurry
2. Production of dewatered red mud for re-use
Holistic utilization of end products to address 3. Improved recovery of water from red mud slurry
social and environmental concerns for recycling back to the plant to reduce
freshwater consumption.
4. Increased availability of land, reduced pollution of
nearby water bodies and land area, conservation
of nearby forests, etc.

1. Sensor/processor controller aided blending of sal

leaves and plant reject
2. Potential for rural employment generation
9 Utilization of Coal Cleaning Plant Rejects through the social forestry programme
3. Reduction of carbon footprint by utilizing
renewable energy sources
4. Utilization of low-grade coal

1. Database on the occurrence of REE in Indian

2. Information on the distribution of REE in different
Extraction of Rare Earth Elements (REE) by-products of coal utilisation
from coal and its by-products 3. Sensor/processor controller aided technique(s)
for the extraction of REE from coal at a different
stage of preparation and utilisation and
comparisons thereof.

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)

1. Green and Clean method for CO2 and SO2

2. Sensor-aided monitoring of Carbon capture and
11 Carbon and Sulphur Capture
formation of conversion product
3. Biofuels from CO2 and SO2 capture
4. Obtaining carbon credit

1. Early detection and prevention of spontaneous

Early detection and prevention of
12 combustion of coal using UAV in coal stockyards,
spontaneous combustion of coal using UAV
non-active coal mines etc.

1. Optimized use of material handling system

Application of AI in enhancing the efficiency
through AI application
13 of material handling systems in coal and
2. Operating cost reduction
mineral processing and process metallurgy.
3. Maximizing the operating hours

Ministry of Coal
A. Improvement of safety, health, and environment
Development of real-time monitoring of the health
condition of the support system and prediction of
failure of the support system along with activating
alarm for immediate withdrawal of persons.
Assessment and mitigation of coal bump/rock burst
Ground/strata control /Hard roof during the extraction of deep-seated coal seams and
management in underground mining Monitoring behaviour of goaf using cavity scanner or
similar other instruments, analysing data using AI.
Application of hydro-fracturing technique and use of
slow-acting expansion chemicals in drill holes into
the roof strata to induce fractures for hard roof

Development of an integrated system &wearable

portable sensors for continuous monitoring of
indicators for spontaneous heating by detection of
hotspots and analysis of indices using artificial
intelligence (AI) based analytical software and
Prevention and control of spontaneous
2 activation of control measures including Mass
combustion & fire in highly gassy coal seams
Inertization (N2 or CO2), withdrawal of persons,
equipment, etc. Technology development for Pre-
drainage of coal seam methane by inseam/surface
to inseam gas drainage system and its

Identification of sub-surface unstable areas due to

Surface potholing or collapse due to fire or mining-induced cavities by using geophysical
subsurface cavities methods for stabilization of such areas by remote

Page 12
Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)
Measuring and monitoring of physiological effects of
the human body due to fatigue, physiological
stresses due to working and task conditions, and
physiological disorders due to lack of proper
4 Fatigue management
ergonomic design of machines. Prediction of fatigue
level, to be assessed by analysing the data using AI.
Also, the activation of machine interlock with digital
fatigue detectors is a key area.
Monitoring of Mine Reclamation & Rehabilitation
using remote sensing, subsidence monitoring
through advanced Geomatic tools (Radar
Interferometry), application of UAV, Tree
transplantation, integrated hydrological study for
impact assessment of mining activities on the
Environmental impact and sustainable perennial river, Biodiversity assessment &ecological
development study of coal mine reclamation/plantation sites as
per International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN) and UNFCCC methodologies, minimization
of Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM), etc. are the major
areas of research. It is also required to develop
technologies utilizing excavation without use of

Though Energy audit is being done regularly, still

energy efficiency and optimization is green area for
6 Energy efficiency and optimization research. It is required to optimize the energy input
and output of the mining operation to improve
efficiency and become an energy-efficient industry.

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)

B Alternative use of coal and clean coal technologies

A carbon nanotube is a seamless cylinder of rolled

graphene sheet with a high length-to-diameter ratio
showing mechanical & electronic properties. The
use of CNT in electrical conductivity, thermal
conductivity, and field emission characteristics is
impressive. Its application in electronics,
mechanically robust composites, chemical, and
biosensors interconnects and chip cooling in
integrated circuit manufacturing, field emission
devices, catalyst support, fuel cells, batteries,
shielding of electromagnetic interference, textile,
coating, optics, smart devices, and several other
Coal to activated carbon (AC)/carbon areas has been increasing day by day. Graphene is
1 nanoparticles /carbon nanotube (CNT) / an atom-thick honeycomb two-dimensional sheet of
Graphene carbon atoms. It is the building block for other
graphitic materials. It is harder than diamond yet
more elastic than rubber, tougher than steel yet
lighter than aluminium, possesses faster electron
mobility than silicon, is more thermal conductive
compared to diamond, and has better electrical
conductivity than copper. The application includes
mechanical, thermal, energy storage and
conversion, coatings, sensors, electronics, catalysis,
and biomedical. The process to convert coal to
activated carbon (AC)/carbon nanoparticles/CNT/
Graphene, its Pilot-scale study & field
implementation is the research area.

Different technology has been established for CBM

resource estimation and few technologies are
Technology for commercial production of
2 available for the production of CBM/CMM & AMM. It
is required to have technologies for commercial
production of CBM/CMM/AMM.

Mapping of Indian Coal for Gasification & Indigenous

3 Surface & Underground Coal Gasification development of Surface & underground coal
gasification technology and field implementation.

Characterization of coal, experimental and

4 Coal to chemicals, Fertilizer, and liquid simulation studies, Pilot-scale study & field

Characterization of the site & development of

Establishment of geothermal energy power
5 technology to Capture the Geothermal heat by
Simulation, pilot, and field-scale study.

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)

Coal may be a substitution for furnace oil. R&D is

needed in this field for the utilisation of coal as a
6 CO2 Capture, Utilisation & Storage replacement for furnace oil. Development of
technology/method for replacement of furnace oil by
coal through plasma.

Coal may be a substitution for furnace oil. R&D is

needed in this field for utilization of coal as a
Replacement of furnace oil with coal through
7 replacement for furnace oil. Development of
technology/method for replacement of furnace oil by
coal through plasma.

C Exploration

Coal quality estimation is an important parameter for

predicting the future coal reserve. An indigenous
method is to be developed for Geotechnical
1 Coal quality estimation Characterization & Coal quality estimation from
Borehole Logging Data. Also, a method is required
to delineate the coal potential zone where it is
difficult to access the area for exploration.

Rare earth is one of the essential materials for

different electronic use. India is a poor contributor to
Assessment of Rare Earth Elements (REE) in it the world market, as of date. Assessment of rare
Coal & Non-Coal strata earth is one of the prime areas of research in coal &
non-coal strata with special emphasis on North
Eastern Coalfields.

Exploration in areas under forest cover or

inaccessible areas, different state-of-the-art
Development of geophysical exploration
3 geophysical exploration techniques is required to be
developed for quick exploration of any unexplored

D Innovation & Indigenization (Under Make-in-India Concept)

Indigenous development of an active method

Developing an active method for detecting buried
1 of detecting buried humans for opencast and
individuals in opencast & underground mines.
underground mines

Indigenization of integrated low-power

Development of a low-power wireless monitoring
wireless load monitoring, gas monitoring, and
2 and tracking system using RFID technology for load,
tracking system using RFID technology for
gas and tracking in underground mining.
underground mining

Indigenous Development of IoT-Enabled

Developing IoT technology for monitoring, analyzing,
Technology for Monitoring, Analysis, and
3 and interpreting longwall shield pressures to
Interpretation of Longwall Shield Pressures
enhance safety and productivity.
for Improving Safety and Productivity

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Problem Statement for CFP
2023 (Annexure I)

Indigenous development of Self- contained

Developing self-contained breathing apparatus
Breathing apparatus (Both closed and open
(closed and open circuit), escape apparatus, and
4 circuit), Escape apparatus, and Reviving
reviving apparatus for below-ground and opencast
apparatus used for below-ground and
opencast mining.

Development of an indigenous robotic

Creating a robotic technology to detect and
5 technology for detecting firefighting in
extinguish fires in opencast mines.
opencast mines and extinguishing the fire

Development of a technique for Artificial

Developing a technique using AI/ML and data
Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML),
6 analytics for an automated mine management
data analytics for automated mine
management system

Development of Mixed reality (Virtual reality,

Creating a mixed reality solution for underground
7 Augmented reality & Extended reality) for
and opencast mining operations and training.
mining (UG & OC) operation & training

Development of miners Personal Protective Developing personal protective equipment for

Equipment (PPE) using nanotechnology miners using nanotechnology.

Development of a portable instrument for Creating a portable instrument to detect bed

9 detecting bed separation, and minor faults/ separation and minor faults/hidden slips in the roof
hidden slips in the roof of coal mines. of coal mines.

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