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Department of Earth Sciences Pondicherry University, Pondicherry

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Course structure of M. Sc. Applied Geology

Seme Hard-core Courses Soft-core Courses

ster Course # Name of the Course Cre Course # Name of the Course Cre
dits dits
EASC 411 Advanced Mineralogy 4 EASC 415 Basic Geochemistry 3
I EASC 412 Structural Geology 3 EASC 416 Numerical Methods & 3
Computer Programming
EASC 413 Applied Paleontology 3 EASC 417 Computer Applications in 3
Earth Sciences
EASC 414 Advanced Geology Lab I 4

EASC 421 Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology 4 EASC 427 Isotope Geology 3
II EASC 422 Stratigraphy 2 EASC 428 Global Tectonics 2
EASC 423 Geomorphology 2
EASC 424 Introduction to Remote sensing & 3
EASC 425 Advanced Geology Lab II 4
EASC 426 Advanced Field Training I 3

EASC 511 Geology of Mineral Deposits 4 EASC 516 Marine Geology & 2
III Oceanography
EASC 512 Sedimentology 2 EASC 517 Quaternary Geology 2
EASC 513 Geohydrology 2 EASC 518 Coal & Petroleum Geology 2
EASC 514 Solid Earth Geophysics 2 EASC 519 Mineral Economics 2
EASC 515 Advanced Geology Lab III 3 EASC 520 Professional Training 3

EASC 521 Geoexploration 4 EASC 527 Environmental Geology 2

EASC 522 Engineering Geology 2 EASC 528 Mining Geology 2
IV EASC 523 Project 4 EASC 529 Well Logging 2
EASC 525 Advanced Geology Lab IV 2 EASC 530 Advanced Remote Sensing 3
EASC 526 Advanced Field Training II 3
Total Credits to be accumulated 60 Minimum Credits 12

Note: Minimum of 72 credits need to be earned for completion of the M. Sc. Course.
Hard Core Course 4 Credits


Crystallography: Basic laws. Derivation and determination of point groups. Crystal forms. Space
lattice and unit cell. Concept of space group. Introductory X-ray crystallography. X-ray
diffractometer. Bragg equation and reflection indices. Calculation of cell dimensions.

Mineral Optics: Behaviour of light in isotropic, uniaxial and biaxial crystals. Interference figures.
Universal stage.

Crystal Chemistry: Types of bonding in minerals. Chemical composition and unit cell content.
Isomorphism. Solid solution and polymorphism. Chemical classification of minerals.

Rock and Ore forming minerals: Structure, P-T stabilities, paragenesis and mode of alteration of
silicates, oxides, carbonates, phosphates, sulphates and halides.

Text Books

Deer, W.A., Howie, R.A. & Zussman, J. 1962. Rock forming minerals. Vol. 1 to 5. Longmans,
Blackburn, W.H. & Dennen, W.H. 1988. Principles of mineralogy. WCM Publishers, Iowa.
Kerr, P.F. 1959. Optical mineralogy. 3rd edition. McGraw Hill, New York.
Winchell, A.N. & Winchell, H. 1951. Elements of optical mineralogy. Part II. 4th edition.
Wiley, New York.
Hard Core Course 3 Credits


Stress and Strain: Mechanical properties of rocks. Concept of stress and strain. Two dimensional
stress and strain analyses. Mohrs circle. Types of strain ellipsoids and their geological
significance. Strain analysis of naturally deformed rocks.

Geometry and classification of folds. Mechanics and dynamics of folding. Evidence of
buckling. Superposed folding and interference patteren. Distribution of strains in folds.

Faults and Shear zones

Classification of faults. Features associated with normal faults, strike-slip faults,
overthrusts and nappes. Causes and dynamics of faulting. Strain significance of faults.
Recognition criteria of faulting. Classification and geometry of different types of shear zones.
Strain variation in shear zones. Shear sense indicators.

Joints and veins. Classification of joints. Joint related structures. Analysis of joints and
their tectonic significance.

Types of unconformity, their recognition criteria. Importance of unconformity in tectono-
stratigraphic correlation.

Foliations and Lineations

Morphology and types of foliations and lineations. Mesoscopic and microscopic characters
of cleavages. Strain significance of cleavages. Mechanisms of cleavage development. Significance
of linear structures. Geometry and development of boudinage structures. Tectonites.

Structural analysis: Principles and elements of structural analysis. Geometrical analysis of simple
and complex structures on mesoscopic to macroscopic scale.

Text Books:
1. Ramsay, J.G. & Huber, M.I. 1983. The Techniques of modern structural geology. V.1. Strain
2. Ramsay, J.G. & Huber, M.I. 1987. The Techniques of modern structural geology. V.2. Folds and
3. Park, R.G. Foundations of structural geology.
4. Turner, F.J. & Weiss, L.E. 1963. Structural analysis of metamophic tectonites.
5. Price, N.J. & Cosgrove, J.W. 1990. Analysis of Geological structures. Cambridge University
6. Davis, G.H. 1984. Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions.
7. Ghosh, S.K. 1993. Structural Geology: Fundamentals and modern developments.
8. Suppe, J. 1985 Principles of structural geology. Printice-Hall.
Hard Core 3 Credits


Definition and Scope.

Fossils and their preservation. Principles of taxonomic classification and nomenclature. Organic
evolution and fossil record. Principles of paleoecology, biostratigraphy and paleogeography.

Invertebrate paleontology : an overview. Morphology, classification, evolutionary trend,

composition and structure of shells of selected groups of organisms - Porifera, Bryozoa,
Mollusca, Brachiopoda. Geological history, geographical distribution and description of
more important genera of Trilobita, Echinoides, Coelenterata and Graptoloidea.

Micropaleontology : Sampling methods and sample processing techniques. Types of

microfossils. Calcareous Microfossils - Foraminifera - major morphologic groups; Benthic
Foraminifera; depth biotopes, value in paleobathymetric determination. Larger foraminifera - their
utility in Indian stratigraphy. Planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils. Ostracoda -
outline morphology, paleoecology & geological history. Brief knowledge about pteropods,
calpionellids and calcareous algae.

Siliceous Microfossils : Radiolaria-outline morphology, classification. Brief knowledge of

marine diatoms and silicoflagellates.

Phosphatic Microfossils : Conodont - outline morphology, paleoecology and geologic


Organic Walled Microfossils : Brief account of dinoflagellates and acritarchs.

Palynology : General morphology of spores and pollen, their geological significance.

Applications : Micropaleontology in petroleum exploration. Environmental significance of

microfossils - correlation of paleofacies, and paleobathymetry estimation of paleontemperature.
The role of micropaleontology in marine geology and oceanography.

Vertebrate paleontology : Succession of vertebrate life through geologic time. Broad classification
and study of some characteristic Indian vertebrate genera. Indian pre-Tertiary
vertebrate - their distribution and paleogeographic implication; extinction of dinosaurs. Indian
Tertiary vertebrate - Siwalik mammals; phylogeny - Equidae & Proboscidae. Indian fossil
Hominoides and modern theories regarding human evolution.

Paleobotany : Application of palynology - morphology of spores and pollens. Elementary idea

about dinoflagellates, nannoplank-ton, calcareous algae & stromatolities. Morphology and
taxonomy of selected megaplant fossils of Gondwana Super Group; elementary idea about Tertiary
Text Books:

1. B.U. Hag and A. Boersma (1978). Introduction to marine micropaleontology. Elsevier,

Netherlands, 376p.
2. J.P. Kennet & M.S. Srinivasan (1983). Neogene-Planktonic Foraminifera. Hutchison Ross
Publ. Co., U.S.A., 263p.
3. M.D. Brasier (1980). Microfossils. George Allen & Unwin, London, 193p.
4. G. Bignot (1985). Elements of Micropaleontology. Graham & Trotman, London, 212p.
5. E.N.K. Clarkson (1986). Invertebrate paleontology and evolution. George Allen & Unwin.
6. R.C. Moore, Lalicker & Fisher (1952). Invertebrate fossil. McGraw Hill Book Co., San
7. D.M. Raup & Stanley (1985). Principles of paleontology. CBS Publ. & Distributors, New Delhi.
8. C.A. Arnold (1947). An Introduction to paleontology. McGraw Hill Book Co., San Francisco.
Hard Core course 4 credits


Part 1: Mineralogy (1 credit)

Identification of minerals in hand specimen. Study of optical prop-erties of minerals in

transmitted light and their identification in thin section. Identification of minerals from X-ray
diffractogram. Indexing and calculation of cell parameters of minerals in isometric, tetragonal and
orthorhombic systems. Calculation of chemical formula
of minerals from analytical data.

Part 2: Structural Geology (2 credits)

Interpretation of geological maps and drawing sections. Fold analysis by dip isogon method.
Strain analysis from deformed objects. Structural problems concerning mineral deposits. Elementary
structural analysis by stereographic methods.

Part 3: Paleontology (1 credit)

Techniques of separation of microfossils. Study of important benthic and planktonic

foraminifera useful in bottom and surface water oceanography. Study of larger foraminifera
important to the Indian stratigraphy.
Soft Core Course 3 Credits


Origin of chemical elements, abundance of elements in cosmos, solar system and earth.
Distribution of elements in core, mantle, crust, hydrosphere and atmosphere.

Nuclides and atoms. Electronic configuration of atoms, arrangement of atoms in periodic

table, electronegativity, ionization potential, chemical bonding.

Crystal Structure and classification of silicate structures, controls on crystal growth and
transformations. Thermodynamics and thermodynamic control on distribution of chemical
species (between co-existing phases). Thermodynamics of mixing and solutions. Kinetics and

Geochemistry of igneous and metamorphic processes. Distribution coefficients and

determination of Pressure and Temperature conditions. Trace element geochemistry.

Geochemistry of weathering, transportation and deposition. Study of Eh-pH diagram.

Radioactivity. Decay of radioactive atoms and growth of radiogenic atoms. Application of

radioactivity in geochronology and in understanding geological processes.

Application of Geochemistry in mineral exploration and in solving environmental problems.

Text Books

1. B. Mason : Principles of Geochemistry

2. K.B. Krauskopf : Introduction to Geochemistry
3. P. Henderson : Inorganic Geochemistry
4. H. Jaffe : Introduction to Crystal Chemistry
Soft Core Course 3 Credits


Introduction to computers: PC configuration, CPU, I/O, memory, networking and peripheral

devices. Operating system, BIOS, drivers and application software.

DOS platform: Boot sequence, system files, internal and external commands, file structure and
commands. Brief exposure to DOS programs and utilities for geoscience applications.

Windows platform: Sharing of memory, time, program and data, features of graphical user interface,
configuring desktop environment, installing and running applications. Working with spread sheet,
presentation graphics, database and imaging software for geoscience applications. Image formats
and compression techniques. Data compression and anti-virus programs. Network environment,
LAN and internet protocols, internet resources in geosciences. Brief exposure to HTML and web

Linux platform: Common Linux features, file structure and commands, security features. Working
with Red Hat Linux, text mode and desk top environments, installing and running geoscience

Text Books:

Crumlish (2000) The internet. 2nd Edition. BPB Publishers, New Delhi.
David Nash (2001) Linux in easy steps. IDG Books, New Delhi.
Nathan Wallace (2000) Windows 2000 in easy steps. IDG Books, New Delhi.
PC complete. 2nd Edition. BPB Publishers, New Delhi. (2000)
Peter Ingram (2000) Networking in easy steps. Dreamtech Press, New Delhi.
Stultz (1996) Illustrated MS-DOS 6.22. BPB Publishers, New Delhi.
Hard Core Course 4 Credits


Magmas: their nature, cooling behaviour and properties. Solubili-ty of CO2 and H2O in silicate
melts. Generation of magma.

Classification of igneous rocks. Definition, geochemistry, phase equilibria studies and

paragenesis of basaltic rocks, lamprophyres, rocks of nephelinite-carbonatite association,
peridotites, kimberlites, ophiolites, granites and rhyolites, gabbro and anorthosite.

Laws of thermodynamics. Gibbs free energy. Concept of activity, fugacity, ideal and non-ideal
solutions. Geothermobarometry.

Mineralogical phase rule of close and open system. Concept and classification of metamorphic
facies; description of each facies of low pressures, medium to high pressures and very high
pressures. Mineral assemblages, metamorphic reactions and P-T conditions of metamorphism. P-T
time path.

Metamorphic differentiation. Anatexis and origin of migmatites. Regional metamorphism and

paired metamorphic belts. Petrogenesis of Charnockites.

Text Books

Hyndman, D.W. 1985. Petrology of igneous and metamorphic rocks. McGraw Hill.
Carmichel, I.S.E., Turner, F.J. & Verhoogen, J. 1974. Igneous Petrology. McGraw Hill.
Cox, K.G. Bell, J.D. and Pankhurst, R.J. 1979. Interpretation of igneous rocks. George Allen Unwin.
Turner, F.J. 1980. Metamorphic Petrology. McGraw Hill.
Winkler, H.G.E. 1979 Petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks. Springer Verlag.
Bhaskar Rao, B. 1986. Metamorphic Petrology. Oxford & IBH.
Wood, B.J. and Fraser, D.G. 1976. Elements of thermodynamics for Geologists. Oxford University
Best, M.G. 1986. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. CBS publisher.
Spray, A.H. 1969. Metamorphic textures. Pergamon Press.
Philpotts, A.R. 1990. Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Printice Hall.
Mason, R. 1984. Petrology of Metamorphic Rocks. CBS Publishers and Distributors.
Yardley, B.W.D. 1989. An introduction of Metamorphic Petrology. Longman.
McBirney, A.R. (1993) Igneous Petrology, CBS Publishers and Distributors.
Hall, A. (1987) Igneous Petrology. Longan Scientific & Technical.
Ashworth, J.R. (Ed) (1985) Migmatites. Blackie.
Hard Core Course 2 Credits


Stratigraphic principles and practices. Classification and codeof stratigraphic nomenclatures.

Sratification and sratigraphic column.

Lateral variation and facies. Graphic representation of sratigraphic data.

World stratigraphy: Brief description of the principal, stratigraphic units of the world in type
areas. Paleogeographic reconstruction.

Indian stratigraphy: Physiographic subdivisions, structures and tectonic history of the Indian
subcontinent. Study of the various geological formations of Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic,
Tertiary and Quaternary Eras: distribution, geological succession, classification, correlation,
paleogeography and life of each periods.

Gondwana Super Group - Distribution, succession, classification, flora and fauna, lower and
upper age limit, structure of Gondwana basin, climate and paleogeography. Deccan Traps and
associated sedimentary formations. Age of Deccan traps. Himalayan orogeny. Glacial and
interglacial deposits.

Boundary problem of Precambrian - Cambrian; Permo-Triassic; Mesozoic - Tertiary.

Text Books

M.S.Krishnan 1982. Geology of India and Burma. CBS Publ. & Distributors, New Delhi.
C.O. Dunbar & J. Rodgers 1957 Principles of stratigraphy. John Wiley and Sons, New York.
Ravindra Kumar 1978. Historical Geology and Stratigraphy of India.
Hard Core Course 2 Credits


Introduction: geomorphic principles and processes. Theory of unformitarianism. Control of

geomorphological features by geological structuires, lithology, diastrophism, climate and time.
Geomorpological cycles.

Rock weathering and soils: physical and chemical weathering. Karst topography, soil profile,
classification of soils.

Streams: hydrological cycle, transport of sediments, distribution of suspended sediments and

different modes of sediment transportation, regime concept, erosional features. The concept of grade,
equilibrium and cycle of erosion. Channel pattern. Flood plain, terraces and alluvial cones.
Morphometric studies.

Hillslopes: forms relation to lithology and structural weakness in rock, environmental; control
and mass movement, modification by overland flow of hillslopes.

Desert: erosion, transportation and deposition by wind.

Oceans: waves, tides and currents, costal erosion and submergence.

Glaciers: types of glaciers and movement. Crevasses, erosional features. Glacial and
fluvoglacial deposits.

Lakes: Classification and mode of formation.

Geomorphic features of India: Extra-Peninsular region, Indo-Gangetic plain and Peninsula -

their geomorphic evolution.

Environmental geomorphology: elementary concept.

Text Books

W.D. Thornbury (1969) Principles of Geomorphology. Wiley Eastern Ltd. New Delhi.
H.S. Sharma (1990) Indian Geomorphology. Concept Pub. Co., New Delhi.
L.B.Leopold (1976) FluviaL processes in geomorphology. E.P.H.Publishing House, New Delhi.
Duff, P.Mc L. D. (Ed) (1992) Holmes principles of physical geology. 4th edition, Chapman & Hall,
Hard Core Course 3 Credits


Electromagnetic radiations. Development in aerial photography. Geometry and types of aerial

photographs. Scale of photographs. Types of aerial cameras, films, and filters. Panchromatic,
colour and infra-red films. Multiband photography. Tilt and height displacement. Vertical
exaggeration. Stereoscopy. Construction and use of photogrametric instruments. Mosaic.

Elements of photo interpretation: tone, texture, pattern, drainage and lineaments. Spectral
signatures. Land forms. Structural and lithological interpretation. Aerial photographs in field

Application of mineral and groundwater exploration, engineering geology.

Aerial Remote Sensing Laboratory Exercises: Study of stereoscopic view and elements of photo
recognition. Identification of drainage pattern, landforms, rock types and structures.

Text Books
Avery, T.U. and Berlin, G.L. 1992 Fundamentals of remote sensing and air photo interpretation.
McMillion Publishing Co., New York.
Campbell, J. B. (1996) Introduction to Remote Sensing.622pp.
Drury, S.A. 1987. Image interpretation in Geology. Chapman and Hall.
Gupta, R.P. (1991) Remote Sensing Geology. Springer-Verlag. 356pp.
Miller, V.C. & Miller, C.F. 1961. Photogeology. McGraw Hill, New York.
Pandey, S.N. 1987. Principles and applications of photogeology. Wiley Eastern, New Delhi.
Ray, R.G. 1969 Aerial photographs in geologic interpretation. USGS Professional Paper 373.
Hard Core course 4 credits


Part 1: Igneous & Metamorphic Petrology (2 credits)

Study of igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks of different facies mineral assemblage, texture and
structure) in hand specimen and in thin sections. Calculations of CIPW norms of igneous rocks.
Plotting chemical data in various diagrams and trace element modeling to infer petrogenetic
conditions. Graphic representation of metamorphic mineral assemblage in ACF and AFM

Part 2: Geochemistry (2 credits)

Introduction to methods of sampling in field, and sample preparation. Lab protocols and safety.
Understanding of basic principles of geochemical methods for the analysis of rocks, soils, and
aqueous fluids. Hands on training of solution preparation for analysis. Introduction to key aspects of
data presentation, analysis and interpretation. Principles and hands-on application of the major
analytical tools necessary to characterize the geochemistry of natural systems including:
Spectrophotometer, Flame photometer, AAS and ICP-AES.
Hard Core Course 3 credits


Geological field training on lithological and structural mapping in sedimentary, igneous and
metamorphic terrains. Study of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and fossil occurrences
in the field. Total duration of the training will be about three weeks in the field.
Soft Core Course 2 Credits


Discovery of radioactivity, stable and radiogenic isotopes. Literature on isotope geology.

Nuclear structure, atomic weights, nuclear stability and abundance.

Theory and mechanism of decay, particles emitted, positron, negatron and alpha decay, effect of
mineral/crystal structures, growth and retaintion of daughter isotopes in earth systems.

Abundances of unstable nuclides in earth, core, mantle, crust, oceans and different rock types; their
decay schemes, radioactive elements as major elements, minor elements and trace elements and their
geochemical behaviour.

Mass spectrometer: Instrumentation, chemical separation, isotope dilution and ratio analysis.

Methods of dating: Isochron method, model/mineral ages, Fission track, 40Ar-39Ar, U and Th
disequilibrium, choncordia method, 14C, Be and Al. Interpretation and geological significance of

Isotope systematics of K-Ar, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Th-Pb in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary
rocks and in evolution of ocean, crust and mantle.

Stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and sulphur. Fractionation of stable
isotopes in lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. Stable isotope geothrermometry and

Isotopes in mineral exploration, petroleum exploration, paleo-climate evaluation, health and

environmental aspects.

Text Books

Faure, G. (1986). Principles of Isotope Geology. John Wiley, 589p.

Doe, B.R. (1970) Lead isotopes. Springer Verlag, 137p.
Faure, G. and Powell, J.L. (1972) Strontium Isotope Geology. Springer Verlag, 188p.
Soft Core Course 2 Credits



Earth and its shape. Internal structure of the Earth. Physiographic features and crustal
types. Seismic, densitty, thermal and chemical characters of crustm mantle and core.

Plate Tectonics
Concept of plate tectonics. Types of plate boundaries. Characteristic features of
accretionary, conservative and destructive boundaries.

Accretionary Plate Boundary

Physiography, structure, distribution, magmatism and metmorphism along Mid-oceanic ridges.
Sea-floor spreading. Continental rifting.

Conservative Plate Boundaries

Physiography, structure and types of transform faults. Their relation to slipping rates.

Consuming Plate Boundaries

Geometry of Benioff zones. Sedimentatiion, magmatism and metamorphism in subduction
zones. development of Island arcs.

Global tectonics and Mountain Building

Origin and composition of Archaean crusts. Proterozoic orogenic belts. Geosynclines and
mountain building activity. Pacific and Andean-type margins. Collision tectonics. Obduction
and ophiolite emplacement.

Tectonic Activity within Indian plate

Confguration of Indian plate. Mobile belts in Peninsular India. armada and Godavari rift
zones. Ninety Degree east ridge. Evolution of the Himalaya and Himalayan tectonics.

Text Books

Le Pichon, and J.Francheteau. Plate tectonics.

Windley, B.F. (1995) The evolving continents. John Wiley & Sons, 526 pp.
Rogers, J.J.W. A history of the Earth. Cambridge University Press.
Fowler, C.M.R. (1990) The solid Earth: an introduction to Global Geophysics. Cambridge
University Press.
Brown, G.C. and Mussett, A.E. The Inaccessible Earth: an integrated view of its structure and
composition. Chapman and Hall.
Brown, G., Hawkesworth, C. and Wilson, C. (1992) Understanding the earth. Cambridge
Univesity Press.
Condie, K.C. (1976) Plate Tectonics and Continental Evolution. Pergamom Press Inc.
Kearey, P. and Vine, F.J. (1996) Global Tectonics. Blackwell Science.
Soft Core Course 3 Credits


Introduction to computers:

Hardware componets: CPU, I/O devices, information storage, storage media. Software
components: computer programs; stored program concept; operating system; use of DOS and


Computer algorithms and flow charts for problem solving. Variables, arithmetic statements
and built-in functions. Logical statements, comparisons and string functions. User defined
functions. Control statements (GOTO, IF .... THEN, IF .... THEN ....ELSE, FOR .... NEXT,
GOSUB, RETURN). Input/Output statements.

Numerical Analysis:

Programming examples to handle following methods of numerical analysis in geosciences:

matrix inversion, eigen values and eigen vectors; analysis of variance; linear/polynomial
regression; rend surface analysis; elements of multivariate analysis; factor analysis, discriminant
function analysis.

Use of Software Packages in Geosciences:

Data-base and spread-sheet applications in geosciences. Graphical representaion of data.

Illustrative Project:

Independent exercise on computer application in any aspect of geosciences. Suggested topics

include: calculation of structural formula of minerals from chemical composition; calculation of
unit cell parameters from XRD chart; CIPW norm calculation and projection of rock composition
in petrological diagrams; trace element modelling of partial melting, fractional crystallisation and
assimilation processes; inversion of rare earth element abundance data; fitting of isochrons and
age determination using isotope data; modelling isotope evolution of Sr, Nd and Pd in mantle;
analysis of recurrence of geological events; correlation of bore hole data and modelling of sub-
surface geological characteristics; spatial distribution of data and recognition of anomalies; ore
reserve calculation; modeling contaminant migration in groundwater.

Text Books

Davis, J.C. (1984) Statistics and data analysis in geology. John Wiley, New York.
Rajaraman, V. (1984) Computer oriented numerical methods. Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
Hard Core Course 4 Credits


Mineral deposits, morphology of ore bodies, structure and texture of ores, ore paragenesis.
Source of ore forming material. Physico-chemical environment of ore formation; mineralogical,
trace element and stable isotope geothermometers; fluid inclusion studies. Genetic classificaion of
mineral deposits. Metallogenetic epochs and provinces; mineralisation at plate boundaries.

Nature and origin of mineral deposits associated with different rocks and their Indian examples:
magmatic deposits in ultramafic, mafic and felsic association; post-magmatic deposits; sedimentary
deposits; syn-sedimentary deposits; deposits formed in near surface environment by residual
concentration, infiltration and supergene enrichment; metamorphic and metamorphosed deposits.

Text Books
Barnes, H.L. (Ed.). 1997. Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits. John Wiley & Sons.
Craig, J.R. & Vaughan, 1994. Ore microscopy and ore petrography. John Wiley & Sons.
Evans, A.M. 1992. Ore geology and industrial minerals. Blackwell Science.
Jensen, M.L. & Bateman, A.M. 1981. Economic mineral deposits. John Wiley & Sons.
Misra, K.C. 1999. Understanding mineral deposits. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Mookherjee, A. 1998. Ore genesis – a holistic approach. Allied Publishers.
Stanton, R.L. 1981. Ore Petrology. McGraw Hill.
Hard Core Course 2 Credits


Sedimentary processes: weathering, sediment transport by fluids. Simple fluid flow concept.

Textures of clastic and non-clastic rocks. Sedimentary structures: classification, genesis and
significance. Use of structures and textures in basin studies.

Sedimentary environment: physical and chemical properties of depositional environment and its
classification. Lithologies, structures and vertical sequences formed in fluvial, deltaic, coastal, deep
sea, glacial, aeolian and carbonate depositional environments.

Provinance: light minerals, heavy minerals and insoluble residue in provinance studies and
correlation of sedimentary rocks.

Diagenesis: compaction, cementation, chemical alteration and recrystalisation.Sedimentation and

Tectonics: tectonic control of sedimentation. Geosynclines and their lithological associations. Plate
tectonics in relation to type and evolution of basins.

Clay Minerals: classification, techniques of identification, diagenesis and use in environmental


Text Books

F.J. Pettijohn (1975) Sedimentary rocks. Harper and Row Publ., New Delhi.
Blatt, Middleton & Murray (1980) Origin of sedimentary rocks. Printice Hall Inc.
J.D. Collins and D.B. Thompson (1982) Sedimentary Structures. George Allen & Unwin, London.
M.E. Tucker (1981) Sedimentary Petrology: an introduction. John Willey & Sons, New York.
Hard Core Course 2 credits


Hydrological cycle. Surface and sub-surface distribution of water, aquifers, aquicludes,

aquitard, aquifuge. Physical properties of reservoir rocks. Darcy's law and its range validity.
Groundwater flow under steady and unsteady conditions. Occurrence of groundwater in different
rock types. Ground water provinces of India.

Fresh and salt water relationship in coastal areas. Ghyzen-Herzberg principle. Prevention and
control of sea water intrusion.

Quality and geochemistry of groundwater. Groundwater exploration and management. Natural

and artificial recharge of groundwater. Modeling of aquifer systems.

Text Books

Todd, D.K. 1988. Groundwater Hydrology. John Willey and Sons.

Davis, S.N. & De Wiest, R.J.N. 1966. Hydrogeology. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Raghunath, H.M. 1983. Groundwater. Willey Eastern, Calcutta.
Hard Core Course 2 credits



The earth and the solar system Important physical parameters and properties of the panet
earth: gravitational, electrical, magnetic, thermal and chemical.


Earthquakes. Observational seismology, magnitude and intensity scales. Seismic waves.

Seismological instruments and observatories. Travel time curves. Crust, mantle and Core. Phase
transition inside the Earth. Internal distribution of density and other physical parameters.
Magnitude and energy of earthquakes. World-wide distribution of earthquakes. Sources of
strain energy. Earthquake prediction.

Geodesy and Isostasy

Shape of the earth. Gravitational potentional and accleration. Gravity anomalies. Modern
survey methods. Isostasy. Calculation of isostatic correction. Significance of isostatic anomalies.
Major geoid and gravity anomalies of the Earth.

Geomagnetism and Paleomagnetism

Magnetic potential of the earth. Paleomagnetism. Reversals of the geomagnetic field. Polar
wandering and Continental drift. Paleomagnetism of Indian Peninsula and the Himalaya.

Heat Flow

Thermal history of the earth. Temperature inside the earth. Thermal structures of the
continental and oceanic lithosphere. Radioactive heat sourses. Heat flow measurements. Regions
of anomalous heat flow. Hot spots. Relationship of heat flow to radioactivity of the Earth.

Plate Tectonics

The concept of plate tectonics. Plate boundaries. Prsent-day plate motions. Reconstruction of
past plate motions.

Text Books

Fowler, C.M.R. (1990) The solid earth: An introduction to Global Geophysics. Cambridge
University Press.
Bullen and Bolt. Introduction to the theory of Seismology.
Bath, M. Introduction to Seismology.
McElhiry. Paleomagnetism and Plate Tectonics.
Le Pichan. Plate tectonics.
Verma, R.K. Gravity field, Siesmicity and Tectonics of Indian Peninsula and the Himalayas.
Bolt, B.A. (1993) Earthqakes. W.H. Freeman & Co.
Hard Core course 3 credits


Part 1: Ore Mineralogy (2 credits)

Identification of economic minerals in hand specimen. Study of optical properties of opaque

minerals in reflected light and their identification in polished block/thin section. Study of ore
textures and interpretation of paragenesis.

Part 2: Sedimentology (1 credit)

Study of clastic and non-clastic rocks in hand specimen. Microscopic examination of important
rock types. Separation of heavy minerals and study of their microscopic charcteristics. Grain size
analysis by sieving, plotting of size distribution data. Determination of roundness and sphericity of
Soft Core Course 2 Credits


Origin of seas and oceans. Ocean morphology, oceanic crust and ocean margin; sea bottom
topography - continental margin, shelf, slope, submarine canyon; ocean basin floor; abyssal hills,
plains and gaps; mid-oceanic rise; mid-oceanic ridges- origin, crust and flank province.

Ocean circulation: turbidity current, submarine and sedimentation processes. Oceanic

sediments and microfossils. marine stratigraphy, correlation and chronology. Tectonic history of
oceans. Mineral resources of the oceans.

Historical development of oceanography. Methods of measuring the properties of sea. Deep

sea record. Sea level processes and sea level changes. Major oceanographic events in the Cenozic.

Text Books

J.P.Kennet (1982) Marine geology. Printice Hall Inc., New Jersy, 813p.
E. Seibold & W.H.Berger (1982) The sea floor. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
J.Weisberg & H. Parish (1974). Introductory Oceanograpghy. McGraw Hill.
B.W.Pipkin, D.S.Gorslin, R.E.Casey & D.E. Hammord (1972). Laboratory exercises in
oceanography. W.H.Freeman & Co., San Francisco, 255p.
Soft core course 2 credits


Quaternary Geology - an overview. Quaternary environments. Quaternary stratigraphy,

lithology, genesis of quaternary deposits, fauna and flora, paleogeography and economic
importance of Quaternary resources.

Major climatic changes during Quaternary period - Ice age, Pleis-tocene climate. Quaternary
sea level changes and coastal geo-morphology. Atmospheric composition, ocean circulation and
biological processes during Quaternary.

Quaternary fluvial, eolian and glacial systems. Paleoenvironments of Quaternary period in

India. Evolution of Quaternary land forms in India. Study of lake deposits and laterites of

Text Books:

Holmes, A. : Principles of Physical Geology, ELBS, U.K.

Bird, E.C.F: Coastline changes. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Stowe, K. : Exploring Ocean Science: John Wiley, New York.
Bloom, A.L.: Geomorphology - A Systematic Analysis of Late Cenozoic Landforms. Prentice-
Hall, New Delhi.
Wadia et al : Quaternary environments and geoarchaeology of India. Geol. Soc. India,
Thornbury, W.D. :Principles of Geomorphology, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi.
Vaidyanathan, R. (ed) : Quaternary Deltas of India: Geol. Soc. India, Bangalore.
Davis R.A. (ed) Coastal sedimentary environments. Springer Verlag, New York.
Ahmad, E. : Coastal Geomorphology of India. Orient Longman, New Delhi.
Leeder, M.R. : Sedimentary process and product: George Allen & Unwin, London.
Soft Core Course 2 Credits


Coal: Origin of Coal, sedimentology of coal bearing strata, mode of occurrence of

structures associated with coal seams, classification of coal, chemical analysis of coal.

Coal petrology: Study of Macroscopic and Microscopic constituents of coals. Elementary

knowledge about the application of reflectance and fluorescence study of coal Basic idea about the
coal preparation, carbonization, coal forming epochs in the geological past. Coal deposits of India
and depositional environment of some important coal fields of India. Methods of Coal prospecting
and estimation of its reserves. Coal Industry in India.

Petroleum: Historical development of petroleum geology. Physical and chemical properties of

petroleum and related substances. Surface and subsurface geographic and stratigraphic occurrence
of petroleum.

Origin of petroleum: inorganic and organic theories of source of petroleum. Environments and
processes of transformation of source material to petroleum hydrocarbons. Migration of
petroleum hydrocarbons: primary and secondary migration. Factors causing migration of
petroleum Reservoir rocks: characteristics of reservoir rocks and their types. Principles of
determination of porosity and permeability. Traps: characteristics and classification. Structural,
stratigraphic, combination and fluid barrier traps. Accumulation of fluid petroleum Exploration: a
review of prospecting methods as applied to the exploration of petroleum accumulations Estimation
of petroleum reserves: brief outline of methods of estimation of petroleum reserves Petroleum
prospects: Important oil & gas fields and petroleum prospects of India.

Text Books:

Stutzar,O and NOC, A.C.: Geology of Coal. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Moor, E.S.(ed): Coal, its properties, analysis, classification, geology, extraction, uses and
distribution. John Wiley & Sons.
Stach Text book of Coal Petrology. Gebruder Borntraegu, Stuttgart.
Scott, A.C.: Coal and Coal-bearing Strata: Recent Advances. Geol. Soc. Publ. No.32, Blackwell.
Levorson, A.I. Geology of Petroleum.
Lanes, K.K. Petroleum Geology.
Russel, W.L. Principles of Petroleum Geology
Pirson, S.J. Oil Reservoir Engineering.
Lalicker, C.G. Principles of Petroleum Geology.
Soft Core Course 2 Credits


Concept of mineral economics and its importance in national development. International

mineral trade; peculiarities inherent in mineral industry. Mineral supply as a stock: assessment of
world mineral supplies, reserves and resources, technology and price.

Mineral legislation; national mineral policy; mineral taxation, preservation of environment,

mineral conservation. The mines and minerals (regulation and development) act. Structure and
organization of mineral industry; valuation of mineral property.

Future mineral consumption and world economy; energy demand and supply in future; marine
mineral resources; developments in mineral exploration and exploitation.

Text Books

Sinha, R.K. & Sharma, N.L. Mineral economics. Oxford & IBH.

Govett, G.J.S. & Govett, M.H. 1976. World mineral supplies. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Soft Core course 3 credits


Intensive field and/or laboratory training on any applied aspect of geology including
exploration and mining practices, petroleum well logging and related well site operations,
geotechnical and geo-environmental investigations etc. Training will be conducted through
professional organisations engaged in above activities. Total duration of the training will be about
three weeks in the field.
Hard Core Course 4 Credits


Part 1: Geological & Geochemical Exploration

Introduction to past and present exploration practices. Prospecting criteria of various mineral
deposits. Ore guides, regional and local parameters for exploration. Different stages and practices of
geological prospecting, regional and detailed exploration.Methods of sampling: rock, soil, stream
sediment, vegetation and vapour samples. Drilling methods: selection of sites, angle and
direction of bore holes, logging, borehol deviation.Mobility of elements and geochemical cycle.
Primary and secondary geochemical dispersion patterns. Background, threshold and
anomalies.Methods and Practices of geochemical exploration. Evaluation of exploration data. Ore
reserve estimation. Application of geostatistics.

Part 2: Geophysical Exploration

Basic philosophy of the methods of geophysical prospecting. Role of geophysics in oil, mineral
and groundwater exploration. Natural and artificial fields. Geophysical methods, measurements and
anomalies.Gravity method: density and rock types, correlation to gravity data, regional and local
anomalies, target mass estimation, sample interpretation. Magnetic method: induced and remnant
magnetisation, magnetic minerals, variation in magnetic susceptibility with rock types, qualitative
interpretation of magnetic anomalies. Elctrical method: electrical conduction in earth
materials, resistivity method, resistance, resistivity and conductivity, electrode arrays,
sounding and profiling, sample interpretation of two or three layer cases. Seismic method: elastic
properties of materials, seismic waves and velocities, seismic rays refraction and reflection,
Snell's law, critical refraction, seismic refraction method, travel time plots and simple
interpretation of two, three and dipping layers. Seismic reflection method-principle and simple

Text Books

Indian Bureau of Mines, 1979. Mineral exploration. IBM, Nagpur.

Peters, W.C. 1978. Exploration and mining geology. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Rose, A.W., Hawkes, H.E. & Webb, J.S. 1979. Geochemistry in mineral exploration. Academic
Press, London.
Levinson, A.A. 1974. Introduction to exploration geochemistry. Applied Publication Co., Calgary.
Dorbin, M.B. Introduction to geophysical prospecting.
Parasnis, D.S. Principles of applied geophysics.
Ramachandra Rao. Geophysical prospecting for geologists.
Hard Core Course 2 Credits


Introduction: role of geology in planning, designing and construction of engineering structures.

Mechanical properties of rocks, stresses in rocks, modulus of elasticity, deformation. Poisson's ratio,
and their measurement.

Design of engineering structures: dams, tunnels, bridges, highways; influence of geological factors
on these. Geological investigations for selection of sites for engineering structures, with Indian case

Landslides: classification, analysis of slope stability, monitoring slope movements, hazard zonation

Text Books

Krynine, D.P. & Judd, W.R. 1957. Principles of engineering geology and geotechnics. McGraw Hill,
New York.
Bell, F.G. 1983. Fundamentals of engineering geology.
Beavis, F.C. 1985. Engineering geology.
Goodman, R.E. 1980. Introduction to rock mechanics.
Schuster, R.L. & Krizek, R.J. 1978. Landslide analysis and control. National Academy of Science,
Washington DC.
Hard Core course 4 credits


Individual project work on applied aspects of current interest in geosciences. One faculty
member of the Department will be assigned as the Supervisor. In case of inter-disciplinary project,
one more faculty member from related discipline can be co-opted as the second Supervisor.
Hard Core Course 2 Credits


Part 1: Geological & Geochemical Exploration (1 credit)

Map exercises on use of geological and geochemical prospecting criteria. Selection of suitable
sampling method. Recognition of anomalies. Preparation of level plans and sections. Various
methods of reserve estimation.

Part 2: Geophysical Exploration (1 credit)

Detection of buried graphite sheet using SP method. Electrical profiling and sounding. Gravity
measurement at few selected points, study of the drift of gravimeter. Measurement of horizontal and
vertical components of the earth's magnetic field. Measurement of total magnetic field using
Fluxgate Magnetometer. Simple exercises on seismic exploration.
Hard Core Course 3 Credits


Study of various geological features of mineral deposits in working mines. Methods of

mining. Underground mine mapping, quality control operations. Geological operations at
exploration sites. Field work related to petroleum exploration, engineering and environmental
geological studies. Total duration of the training will be about three weeks in the field.
Soft core course 2 credits


INTRODUCTION: Earth, man and environment: Basic environmental problems. Geoscience

factors in environmental planning. Environmental Geosciences-fundamental concepts.

THE EARTH SYSTEMS AND BIOSPHERE: Conservation of matter in various geospheres

- lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. Concepts of ecology / Ecosystems.
Biogeographical zonations of earth. The earth's major ecosystems-terrestrial and aquatic.


residence time and rates of natural cycles. Catastophic geological hazards. Study of floods,
landslides, earthquakes, volcanism and avalanche, with a view to assess the magnitude of the
problem, prediction and perception of the hazards.

MINERAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT: Resource and Reserves. Environmental

impact of exploitation, processing and smelting of minerals.

ENERGY RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT: Environmental effects associated with each

types of energy resource, viz. petroleum, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear, coal, solar and wind

WATER RESOURCE AND ENVIRONMENT: Global Water Balance. Ice Sheets and
fluctuations of sea levels. Origin and composition of sea water. Resources of oceans. Ocean
pollution by toxic wastes. Human Use of Surface and Ground Waters. Ground Water Pollution.

WASTE DISPOSAL: Solid waste disposal - geology in planning and siting of land fills.
Radioactive waste management.

ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: Biogeochemical factors in environmental health. Human use,

trace elements and health. Possible effects of imbalance of some trace elements. Diseases induced
by human use of land.

ENVIRONMENTAL LAW: Environmental legistation in India.

Text Books

Keller, E.A.: Environmental Geology: CBS Publisher, New Delhi.

Valdiya, K.S. : Environmental Geology-Indian Context. Tata McGraw Hill Publ. Co., Bombay.
Coates, D.R: Geology and Society. Chapman & Hall,New York.
Bryant, E.: Natural Hazard. Camb. Univ. Press.
Soft Core course 2 credits


Orebody reevaluation. Appraisal of exploration data for exploratory mining. Exploratory

development works for mineral deposits by open-cast and underground mining methods. Mine
design, metallurgical design and planning.

Environmental baseline data needed for mine planning, its acquisation and documentation during
different stages of mineral exploration. Nature and extent of environmental problems due to surface
and underground mining.

Mine waste management.

Role of the geologist at operative mines. Grade control in open-pit and underground operations.
Blending and stock-piling of ores.

Economic appraisal of mines.

Text Books

H.E.McKinstry (1980) Mining Geology. Printice Hall, New York.

R.N.P.Arogyswamy (1994) Courses in mining geology. Oxford-IBH, New Delhi.
Indian Bureau of Mines (1979) Mineral exploration. IBM, Nagpur.
A.E. Annels (1992) Mineral deposit evaluation. Chapman and Hall, London.
R.T.Deshmukh (1993) Elements of mining technology. Dhanbad Publishers, Dhanbad.
W.C.Peters (1987) Exploration and mining geology. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Soft Core course 2 credits


Basic Concepts: Fundamentals of drilling, drilling mud, flushed zone, invaded zone and
uncontaminated zone. Physical properties of reservoir rocks, porosity, formation factor, water
saturation and hydrocarbon saturation.

Electrical Logging: SP log, cause of SP in bore hole, principles of measurement, factors affecting
SP log and interpretation of SP log. Resistivity log, principles and interpretation of various resistivity
logs and their specific uses. Induction log, theory, procedure and interpretation of shallow, medium
and deep induction tools.

Radiation Logging: Nature and properties of Gamma rays. Gamma log, detection system,
principle of measurement and interpretation. Gamma-Gamma log, physical principle, photo electric
effect, Compton scattering and pair production, estimation of density and porosity of formations.
Neutron log, Gamma-Neutron log and Neutron activation log, basic principles, the instruments and

Temperature, Magnetic, Gravity and Sonic Logging: basic principles, logging devices and

Applications: Various approaches for porosity estimations. Correlation of sub-surface structures

and comprehensive interpretation from available logging data. Application of well logging for
mineral and groundwater exploration. A few case histories.

Text Books

S.J.Pirson: Hand book of well log analysis.

E.J.Lynch: Formation evaluation. Harper & Row.
M.R.J.Wyllie: The fundamentals of well log interpretation.
Y.I.Gorbachev: Well logging. John Wiley & Sons.
Soft Core Course 3 credits


Mapping from ground, air and space - Principles and basic concepts of remote sensing -
electromagnetic spectrum and spectral reflectance of earth's surface features - Fundamentals of
image interpretation - Types of satellite imagery - Elements and techniques of visual interpretation -
Principles of multi-spectral data analysis.

Principles and techniques of geological and geomorphological, hydrological and ecological

mapping - Identification of tree species in forest type stratification - Identification of envi-ronmental
changes and monitoring - Identification and mapping of degraded and salt affected soils -
Identification of rock types and landforms for mineral/oil exploration, groundwater targeting, and
drainage pattern analysis.

Need of integrated Geosphere - Biosphere - Atmosphere studies and Geographic Information

Systems - Digitization of information and encoding - Vector and Raster Formats - Data compression
and integration - Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems.

Practical exercises on Study of different types of satellite data products; visual interpretation of
satellite data on different scale for extraction of thematic information; digital image processing
system and enhancement of data classification; exposures of PC ARC/INFO and PC-ERDAS

Text Books

Sabin, F.F.1987. Remote sensing: principles and interpretation. W.H.Freeman and Co.
Burrough, P.A. 1986. Principles of Geographic Information Systems for land resources asessment.
Jensen, J.R. 1986. Introductory digital image processing : a remote sensing perspective. Prentice
Hall, New Jersey.
Rees, W.G. 1990. Physical principles of remote sensing.
Gupta, R.P. 1990. Remote sensing geology. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.

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