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Translating Euphemism

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Translating Euphemism: Problems and Solutions

Since language is the best means of communication through which we

can express ourselves and pass on our ideas to the people of the community in
which we live and with whose individuals we interact. Therefore, it is
important to know that we should use our language so carefully and politely

since, as Andersson (1990: 55 ) states that " there are things we are not

supposed to do and there are words we are not supposed to say.".

Accordingly, such words and acts are termed as taboos, i.e. certain behaviors
and actions we are not allowed to do and even not at liberty to talk about.
Mostly, taboo words and acts are usually related to subjects such as sex
operation, sex organs, bodily functions, disease and death.

The frequent existence of such taboos in almost all languages necessitates the
need for inventing euphemism as a rhetorical device for making meanings that
seem as socially unpleasant, embarrassing and even unacceptable to look
much more acceptable and pleasant.

In Arabic, especially the Arabic of the Quran, there are some words and
phrases that are better not to be expressed plainly but compensated for by
less plain words. Sex-related expressions are highly euphemized in the Quran
for the above mentioned reasons among other things. However, the fact that
these forms convey meanings that cannot be literally translated is not always
recognized by translators irrespective of their professional standing. Therefore,
they often produce renditions which do not reflect the original but their own
wrong or inaccurate understanding.

Euphemism: Definitions and Functions

Etymologically, the word euphemism comes from the Greek word (euphemia),
meaning "the use of words of good omen", which in turn is derived from the
Greek root-words eu "good/well" + pheme "speech/speaking", meaning glory,
flattering speech, praise. In other words, the eupheme is the opposite of the
blaspheme (evil-speaking). The term euphemism itself was used as a euphemism
by the ancient Greeks, meaning "to keep a holy silence" (speaking well by not
speaking at all)( Accordingly, the word euphemism means "sound

good" or "good speech',i.e. to soften the reality of what we are communicating to

a given listener or reader.1

In this respect, a euphemism can be defined as a word or phrase that is used to

replace a taboo word or to avoid frightening or unpleasant subjects.2 Merriam
Webster online Dictionary (2008) states that "a euphemism is the substitution of
an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offer or suggest
something unpleasant". Crystal (1992:128) defines euphemism as the use of a
vague or indirect expression in place of one which is thought to be offensive,
embarrassing or unpleasant. Therefore, euphuism is an expression intended by
the speaker to be less offensive, disturbing or troubling to the listener than the
word or phrase it replaces, or in the case of double speech(deception). More
recently, Allan and Burridge (1991:14) defines Euphemism as " alternatives to
dispreffered expression, and are used in order to avoid loss of face". Moreover,
. Alkire(2002:1)
. Framing (1974: 280)
euphemism is a linguistic politeness strategy whereby an offensive or hurtful
word/phrase is replaced with one that represents less direct expression or carries
a positive attitude.(Farghal,2010:172)

In the light of the definitions of euphemism mentioned above, it becomes

possible to realize the purposes and the functions euphemistic expressions have.
They can be briefed as follows:

Euphemism is used as a linguistic strategy to indicate unmentionable forbidden

objects without naming them. Its basic function is mainly associated with what is
termed as ' face theory'. In this regard, Widdoson(1990:109-110) states that
"those participating in conversational encounters have to have care for the
preservation of good relations by promoting the other's self-image, by avoiding
offence".3 Also, euphemistic expressions can be utilized "to soften the reality of
what we are communicating to a given listener or reader".
( Alkire,2002:1)Additionally, euphemism is used to express taboos on some
intercultural level, that the euphemism keeps us at safe distance from the taboo
itself.( ibid.)Furthermore, euphemism is accessed to elevate the status of
something, e.g. using educator for teacher, attorney for lawyer…etc. Finally,
euphemisms are expressed in different forms and are motivated by diverse reasons
such as taboos, fears, respect and politeness, fun or deception. Deception through
double-speech is particularly used in politics to hide unpleasant or disturbing
ideas, even when the literal meaning for them is not necessarily offensive. 4

Taboos and euphemism: relations and types

. Brown and Levinson(1987:61)
. Abdalla and Faiq( 2010:187)

Terminologically, taboos and euphemism are closely interrelated. On the one
hand taboo, though originally concerned with the sacred areas of human
experience in ancient times, but nowadays it refers to unspeakably vile words.

Euphemism, on the other hand, is used to indicate the comfortable way of

referring to unpleasant topics, avoidance of a taboo by describing the situation as
better than it is. In other words, euphemisms are coded expressions that we use
when whatever we are referring to is considered inappropriate for the
circumstances or when we are embarrassed or uncomfortable with the literal

In this context, Pyles and Algeo (1968:201) mention that a word that has much
strong associations and that is barred from polite use, is said to be taboo. Many
languages have words which are considered dangerous, holy, magic or shocking,
and which are only used in certain situations or by certain people. It is super
important to know that euphemisms are basically produced for the profane
words and expressions( that showing lack of respect to a god or a religion often
through language). These euphemisms usually fall into three main types:

- Religious euphemisms( REs).

REs refer to a list of words that deal with religion. For example, names of God,
prophets , the devil and hell are considered holy by some people. Religious people
often prefer to use such words only in formal and respectful contexts, and they

may be upset or shocked by the 'careless' use of them. In English, for instance,
instead of addressing the word God (as a strategy to show high respect or
politeness) , the Lord is used and hell is euphemized via the use of the other
place. The same is applied to Arabic, ‫ الب اري‬and ‫ ال رحمن‬,for instance ,are used
instead of ‫ هللا‬and ‫ سوء المصير‬and ‫ بئس المهاد‬are used instead of ' ‫'جهنم‬.

- Sexual euphemisms ( SE)

SE are those words related to sexual activity or those that are associated with
private parts of the body involved. They are used in order not to speak directly
and openly either about the operation of sex or about the parts of the body
involved in the said operation, e.g. instead of referring to the operation of having
sex ,they usually use these euphemisms : mommy-daddy dance, sleep with, go to
bed with, make love, make out…etc. Arabic also has similar euphemistic
expressions, e.g." ‫لم يمسسني بش ٌر‬..." and " ً‫ " فلما قضى زي ٌد منها وطرا‬Also, 'Adultery' ,for
instance, is referred to as extra-marital sex, abusing the bed, having an affair or
an act of shame.( Abdalla and Faiq, 2010:189) the same is found in Arabic, where
‫ خيانة زوجية‬and ‫ عالقة غير مشروعة‬are used to describe an illegal sexual relationship

- Death euphemisms (DE)

Death is another taboo area where there are many approximate synonyms,
such as the many words and phrases for 'die': e.g. bit the big one , cement shoes,
bit the dust, kick the bucket, pass away…etc. Arabic also has a long list of DEs such
as , ' ‫' لحق بالرفيق األعلى‬, ' ‫ ' انتقل إلى دار البقاء‬,'‫ ' لقي حتفة‬, ' ‫ ' ذهب إلى جوار ربه‬and the like.
It is of importance to note that DEs are not only to indicate death but are also

associated with burial and all the people and the places that have relation with

This study shows that euphemism is used in both English and Arabic to express
similar meanings at times and dissimilar ones at others. Arabic in general and the
Quran in particular are rich sources of euphemistic expressions that are used for a
variety of purposes. Among the functions of euphemistic expressions is the
avoidance of offensive and unpleasant meanings associated with areas such as
sex, death…etc.

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