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Synonymy in Translation

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Synonymy in Translation

by Said M. Shiyab, Ph.D.

Translation Studies Department
United Arab Emirates University, UAE

1. Introduction

n this paper, an attempt will be made to examine the intricate nature of synonymy
in an attempt to investigate its problematic nature in relation to translation.
Emphasis will be made on whether or not translation is a form of synonymy.
Types of synonymy will be analyzed and then examples from both English and
Arabic will be provided to examine the overlap between one form of synonymy
and another. Conclusions will be drawn at the end of the analysis and implications
will be provided for further studies.

2. What is Synonymy?

Although the notion of synonymy has been regarded in the past two decades as
one of the most significant linguistic phenomena that influenced the structure of
the lexicon, not much attention has been paid to this notion in the fields of
lexicography, psychology or even computational linguistics (Edmonds and Hirst
2002). Whatever the reason, whether it be philosophical, practical or of
expedience, synonymy was thought of as a non-problematic issue in linguistics or
translation, because we have either synonyms with meanings that are completely
identical and hence easy to deal with, or we have non-synonyms, in which case
they can be treated as just different words (ibid: 106). The notion of near-
synonyms, Edmonds and Hirst argue, shows that it is just as complex as the
notion of polysemy, and that it inherently affects the structure of the lexical

So what is this notion that is called

Synonymy does synonymy? Synonymy is a kind of semantic
not mean relation among words. Technically, it occurs
when two or more linguistic forms are used
sameness, as this to substitute one another in any context in
form of synonymy which their common meaning is not affected
denotatively or connotatively. For example,
does not exist in words such as healthy and well, sick and ill,
monolingual or quickly and speedily, quickly and rapidly
may be viewed as examples of synonymy,
multilingual simply because they share most of the
settings. characteristics with one another.
In an article entitled Translating Cultures: a Light-Hearted Look at the Pitfalls of
Communication through Translation, Shaw (2003) states that human beings can
differentiate between the nuances and/or fine distinctions of meanings between
one object and another. Shaw exemplifies this by saying that, within our own
language, a show can be a play, a drama, a musical, or a movie. The word show
can even be a display of talent, i.e. a talent or a variety show. Shaw argues that,
later on in life, we learn the real significant differences between angry, upset,
bothered, ticked off, furious, and ballistic (as in "he went ballistic when they
criticized his friends"). This same distinguishing process takes place as we learn a
second language and, at the same time, learn that words have values and such
values have unique and different semantic units.

Along the same line, Hjorland (2007) believes that synonymy is a kind of
semantic relation. That is, words or phrases are synonymous only if they have the
same meaning. However, there are cases where words or phrases may have subtle
meanings and may therefore give rise to different word associations. For example,
the Word Net database (2006) differentiates between different kinds of meanings
for the word "computer" (cited in Edmonds and Hirst 2002:107). The first
meaning is given as a "machine for performing calculations automatically". Here
is a list of the different meanings the word computer entails:


Computing machine

Computing device

Data processor,

Electronic computer

Information processing system

From a non-contextual point of view, Merriam-Webster's New Dictionary of

Synonyms (1984: 24) provides the following accurate definition of synonymy:

A synonym, in this dictionary, will always mean one of two or more words in the
English language which have the same or very nearly the same essential meaning.
Synonyms, therefore, are only such words as may be defined wholly, or almost
wholly, in the same terms. Usually they are distinguished from one another by an
added implication or connotation, or they may differ in their idiomatic use or in
their application.

The above definition is a bit loose, as it does not distinguish between full or
complete synonymy and near or partial synonymy. Synonymy has been defined as
both full and partial synonymy, ignoring the subtle differences between one word
and another. This inadequate definition, or rather the way some may regard
synonymy, is a bit confusing to translators, particularly those who believe
translation to be a form of synonymy.

3. Types of Synonymy

Since many linguists believe that true or complete synonymy does not exist in any
language (Quine 1951; Cruse 1986:270), attempts were made to classify
synonymy into types. According to Quine (1951), there are two kinds of
synonymy: complete synonymy and partial synonymy. Complete synonymy is
regarded as words having identical meaning components. In more specific terms,
words are complete synonyms if and only if they share all ingredients with one
another. According to Quine, this kind of synonymy does not exist simply
because it is impossible to define, and the meanings of words in monolingual or
multilingual settings are constantly changing. Therefore, words may share most of
the constituents with one another, but not all the constituents. As for partial
synonymy, it is when words share most of the necessary components or
constituents. For example, the words finish and terminate may share most of the
characteristics with one another, but they are still different in some respects. The
word finish suggests the final stage of doing something, whereas terminate
suggests reaching a limit. It may suggest an end to a previous formal rendezvous.
Since complete synonymy does not exist in monolingual settings, let alone across
languages, partial synonymy has been emphasized. This dichotomy between
complete and partial synonymy has added salt to injury in dealing with the notion
of equivalence in translation or whether or not translation is a form of synonymy.

Based on the above discussion, I believe there is clear confusion as to what

constitutes synonymy. That is, some treat synonymy as words sharing several
characteristics with one another (Nida 1969: 73). Others suggest that this is
regarded as a form of partial synonymy (Edmonds and Hirst 2002:107). I would
like to suggest here that in order to be reasonable and clear, synonymy should be
classified as follows:
Figure (1)
Classifications of Synonymy

The above diagram shows that, for two words to be synonymous, they have to be
identical and share all essential components and thus capable of being used to
substitute one another in all contexts without any noticeable difference in their
meanings. This kind of synonymy does not exist, without any doubt, between two
text versions of the same language or source texts, let alone texts across

4. Translation and Synonymy

My point of departure here is to suggest that translation is not a form of

synonymy, simply because words may have semantic values that are not
translatable into other languages. For example, although words such as lie,
falsehood, untruth, fib, and misrepresentation may be used to substitute one
another in most contexts within the same language, they cannot be used to
substitute one another in all contexts. According to Edmonds and Hirst (2002:
107), these are regarded as near or partial synonyms. The explanation is given by
Edmonds and Hirst as follows:

Indeed, near-synonyms are pervasive in language; examples are easy to

find. Lie, falsehood, untruth, fib, and misrepresentation, for instance, are
near-synonyms of one another. All denote a statement that does not
conform to the truth, but they differ from one another in fine aspects of
their denotation. A lie is a deliberate attempt to deceive that is a flat
contradiction of the truth, whereas a misrepresentation may be more
indirect, as by misplacement of emphasis, an untruth might be told merely
out of ignorance, and a fib is deliberate but relatively trivial, possibly told
to save one's own or another's face (Gove 1984). The words also differ
stylistically; fib is an informal, childish term, whereas falsehood is quite
formal, and untruth can be used euphemistically to avoid some of the
derogatory implications of some of the other terms.

From a different angle, the Arabic words hisaan, faras, jawaad, agarr, stand for
the English word horse. Although these words can be used interchangeably in
most contexts (since they all refer to the word horse), they are not interchangeable
in all contexts. If we take the words for horse, we may find the following
meanings that are synonymous and used in a context related to that word:

1. The word hisaan has the components of horse and male.

2. The word faras has the components of horse and male or female.
3. The word jawaad has the components of a particular horse, which is fast,
male or female.
4. The word agarr has the components of a particular horse, which has a
white patch on its forehead and male or female.

The plural form of any of these forms is khayl (horses), though (1) and (2) can
have their distinct plurals as hisaan/ahsina and faras as furus/afraas, respectively.
The above synonymous words have more than one semantic component in
common. All of them have the component horse and male and female
components. Only (1) has the component male alone, while (2) and (4) share the
component male or female. We can also find that (1) and (2) have no distinctive
qualities as horses, other than the components mentioned. However, (3) is
characterized by agile movement and fastness and (4) by a special white patch on
the forehead, which naturally contrasts with the overall dark color of the horse.
How can the translator render these words in translation with their shared
meanings into other language, without any loss or gain of meaning? This is an
area where more research needs to be done.

In actuality, however, (1) and (2) can be used to substitute one another, without
posing serious syntactic or semantic difficulties. I believe translators will have no
difficulty transferring any of these two forms into English as horse since the
words denote species and gender. Although (3) denotes a race horse, it can also
be used to refer to horse in the general sense, with some loss of meaning in its
associative meaning, i.e. fast horse. As for the word in (4), translators have to
make it clear when transferring the meaning of this word into English as horse,
that it denotes a horse of a particular color. If translators choose to be more
faithful to the (SL) text, they can resort to paraphrase, in which case the word
jawaad can be translated as a race horse, and agarr as a horse with a white patch
on the forehead. If one agrees with Nida that, when dealing with synonymous
words, we must look at the different componential features of the meanings of
these synonyms and "select only those meanings which compete in the same
semantic fields" (Nida 1969: 64), then we can be sure that the Arabic words for
horse mentioned above are near synonyms. Such words show certain overlapping
areas of meaning which 'compete in the same semantic field.'

Also, Arabic words such sayf, muhannad, husaam, among other words or
expressions, stand for the English word sword. The word sayf is a neutral word,
denoting the English word sword. Although the words muhannad and husaam
share all the characteristics with the word sword, they connote additional
characteristics. For example, the word muhannad refers to a sword in its sheath or
scabbard, case, indicating that the sword has not been used yet. The word husaam
refers to a sword that is pointed or sharp. It also suggests meanings of
straightforwardness or uprightness. The neutral Arabic word sayf does not allude
to such connotations. The question now is whether or not these words can be used
to replace one another in all contexts without any loss or gain of meaning. In other
words, are all these synonyms substitutable for one another in all contexts?

From a linguistic perspective, Nida (1969: 73) defines synonymy in language as

"words which share several (but not all) essential components and thus can be
used to substitute one another in some (but not all) contexts without any
appreciable difference of meaning in these contexts, e.g. love and like. Peter
Newmark (1981:101) takes a position similar to that of Nida declaring very
clearly "I do not approve of the proposition that translation is a form of
synonymy". Susan Bassnett-McGuire explains synonymy and the complexities
associated with it in more detail. She points out that even apparent synonymy
does not yield equivalence, "hence a dictionary of so-called synonyms may give
the word perfect as a synonym for ideal or vehicle as a synonym for conveyance
but in neither case can there be said to be complete equivalence, since each unit
contains within itself a set of non-translatable associations and connotations"
(Bassnett-McGuire 1980: 15). Furthermore, Bassnett-McGuire (1980:29) argues
that "equivalence in translation should not be approached as a search for
sameness, since sameness cannot even exist between two (TL) versions of the
same text, let alone between the (SL) and the (TL) versions.

Anna Wierzbicka, on the other hand, examines the problem of synonymy and
translatability by analyzing the deep structures of a language in terms of what she
calls semantic primitives. Discussing the problems involved in translating the
English color words and kinship terminology into other languages, she arrives at
the conclusion that utterances in various languages differ, not only in their surface
structures, but in their deep structures as well. Wierzbicka (1980: 67) maintains
that "those different deep structures are always expressible in languages, which
are mutually isomorphic; they are all isomorphic with respect to the universal
lingua, that is to the language of semantic primitives. For this reason, deep
structures of sentences in different languages (different as they may be in
themselves) are always mutually translatable".

5. Conclusion

As pointed out earlier, synonymy does not mean sameness, as this form of
synonymy does not exist in monolingual or multilingual settings. Synonymy can
be described in terms of exact replacement and interchangeability. That is, words
can be described as synonymous if and only if they replace each other in all
contexts without any change in either the cognitive or emotive import.

Moreover, equivalence may be regarded as an appropriate criterion that proves to

be an adequate form of translation. What is meant by equivalence here is the fact
that every linguistic unit (below the level of the sentence) has a characteristic
distribution. If two (or more) units occur in the same range of contexts, they are to
be distributionally equivalent (or have the same distribution). It is extremely
important however to make sure that these two equivalent lexical items are
synonymous if and only if there is no change in the meaning within the whole


Bassnett-McGuire, S. (1980). Translation Studies. NY: Methuen & Co. Ltd.

Hjørland, B. (2007). Synonymy (equivalence relation). Available at

Cruse, D. A. (1986). Lexical Semantivs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Edmonds, O. P. and Hirst, G. (2002). "Near-Synonymy and Lexical Choice".

Computational Linguistics, Vol.28, Number 2: 105-144.

Gove, Philip B., Editor. (1984). Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms. Merriam-
Webster, Springfield, MA.

Lyons, J. (1995). Linguistic Semantics. An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press.

Merriam-Webster (1984). Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms; a Dictionary of

Discriminated Synonyms with Antonyms and Analogous and Contrasted Words.
Springfield, Mass., U.S.A. : Merriam-Webster.

Nida, E. and Taber, C. (1969). The Theory and Practice of Translation. Netherlands: E.J.
Newmark, P. (1981). Approaches to Translation. Oxford: pergamon.

Quine, W.V.O. (1951). "Two Dogmas of Empiricism". Philosophical Review, 60: 20-43.

WordNet. A Lexical Database for the English Language. (2006).

Wierzbicka, Anna (1980). Lingua Mentalis: the Semantics of Natural Language.

Sydney/New York: Academic Press.

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