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Societies Registration Act, 1860: (Act No. 21 of Yr. 1860)

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[Act No. 21 of Yr. 1860]


1. Societies formed by memorandum of association and registration

2. Memorandum of association

3. Registration and fees

4. Annual list of managing body to be filed

5. Property of society how vested

6. Suits by and against societies

7. Suits not to abate

8. Enforcement of judgment against society

9. Recovery of penalty accruing under bye-law

10. Members liable to be sued as strangers

11. Members guilty of offences punishable as strangers

12. Societies enabled to alter, extend or abridge their purposes

13. Provision for dissolution of societies and adjustment of their affairs

14. Upon a dissolution no member to receive profit

15. Member defined

16. Governing body defined

17. Registration of societies formed before Act

18. Such societies to file memorandum, etc. with Registrar of Joint-stock Companies

19. Inspection of documents

20. To what societies Act applies

Foot Notes

An Act for the registration of literary, scientific and charitable societies

Whereas it is expedient the provision should be made for improving the legal condition or
societies established for the promotion of literature, science, or the fine arts, or for the
diffusion of useful knowledge, l[the diffusion of political education], or for charitable

It is enacted as follows :-

1. Societies formed by memorandum of association and registration

Any seven or more persons associated for any literary, scientific, or charitable purpose, or
for any such purpose as is described in section 20 of this Act, may, by subscribing their
names to a memorandum of association, and filing the same with Registrar of Joint-stock
Companies 2[***] form themselves into a society under this Act.

2. Memorandum of association

The memorandum of association shall contain the following things, that is to say,-

the name of the society;

the object of the society;

the names, addresses, and occupations of the governors, council, directors, committee,
or other governing body to whom, by the rules of the society, the management of its
affairs is entrusted.

A copy of the rules and regulations of the society, certified to be a correct copy by not
less than three of the members of the governing body, shall be filed with the
memorandum of association.

3. Registration and fees

Upon such memorandum and certified copy being filed, the Registrar shall certify under
his hand that the society is registered under this Act. There shall be paid to the Registrar
for every such registration a fee of fifty rupees, or such smaller fees as 3[the State
Government] may from time to time, direct; and all fees so paid shall be accounted for to
[the State Government].
4. Annual list of managing body to be filed

Once in every year, on or before the fourteenth day succeeding the day on which,
according to the rules of the society, the annual general meeting of the societies is held,
or, if it rules do not provide for an annual general meeting, in the months of January, list
shall be filed with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies, of the names, addresses and
occupations of the governors, council, director, committee, or other governing body then
entrusted with the management of the affairs of the society.

5. Property of society how vested

The property, movable and immovable belonging to a society registered under this Act, if
not vested in trustees, shall be deemed to be vested, for the time being, in the governing
body of such society, and in all proceedings civil and criminal, may be described as the
property of the governing body of such society for their proper title.

6. Suits by and against societies

Every society registered under this Act may sue or be sued in the name of President,
Chairman, or Principal Secretary, or trustees, as shall be determined by the rules and
regulations of the society and, in default of such determination, in the name of such
person as shall be appointed by the governing body for the occasion:

PROVIDED that it shall be competent for any person having a claim, or demand against
the society, to sue the President or Chairman, or Principal Secretary or the trustees
thereof, if on application the governing body some other officer or person be not
nominated to be the defendant.

7. Suits not to abate

No suit or proceeding in any Civil Court shall abate or discontinue by reason of the
person, by or against whom such suit or proceedings shall have been brought or
continued, dying or ceasing to fill the character in the name whereof he shall have sued or
been sued, but the same suit proceedings shall be continued in the name of or against the
successor of such person.

8. Enforcement of judgment against society

If a judgment shall be recovered against the person or officer named on behalf of the
society, such judgment shall not be put in force against the property, movable or
immovable, or against the body of such person or officer, but against the property of the

The application for execution shall set forth the judgement, the fact of the party against
whom it shall have been recovered having sued or having been sued, as the case may be,
on behalf of the society only, and shall require to have the judgement enforced against the
property of the society.

9. Recovery of penalty accruing under bye-law

Whenever by any bye-law duly made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the
society, or, if the rules do not provide for the making of bye-laws, by any bye-laws made
at a general meeting of the members of the society convened for the purpose (for the
making of which the concurrent votes of three-fifths of the members present at such
meeting shall be necessary), any pecuniary penalty is imposed for the breach of any rule
or bye-law of the society, such penalty, when accrued, may be recovered in any court
having jurisdiction where the defendant shall reside, or the society shall be situate, as the
governing body thereof shall deem expedient.

10. Members liable to be sued as strangers

Any member who may be in arrear of a subscription which according to the rules of the
society he is bound to pay, or who shall possess himself of or detain any property of the
society in a manner or for a time contrary to such rules, or shall injure or destroy any
property of the society, may be sued for such arrear or for the damage accruing from such
detention, injury, or destruction of the property in the manner hereinbefore provided.

Recovery by successful defendant of costs adjudged : But if the defendant shall be

successful in any suit or other proceedings brought against him at the instance of the
society, and shall be adjudged to recover his costs, he may elect to proceed to recover the
same from the officer in whose name the suit shall be brought, or from the society, and in
the latter case shall have process against the property of the said society in the manner
above described.

11. Members guilty of offences punishable as strangers

Any member of the society who shall steal, purloin, or embezzle any money or other
property, or wilfully, and maliciously destroy or injure any property of such society, or
shall forge and deed, bond, security for money, receipt, or other instrument, whereby the
funds of the society may be exposed to loss, shall be subject to the same prosecution, and,
if convicted, shall be liable to be punished in like manner, as any person not a member
would be subject and liable to in respect of the like offence.

12. Societies enabled to alter, extend or abridge their purposes

Whenever it shall appear to the governing body of any society registered under this Act,
which has been established for any particular purpose or purposes, that it is advisable to
alter, extend, or abridge such purpose to or for other purposes within the meaning of this
Act, or to amalgamate such society either wholly or partially with any other society, such
governing body may submit the proposition to the members of the society in a written or
printed report, and may convene a special meeting for the consideration thereof according
to the regulations of the society;

but no such proposition shall be carried into effect unless such report shall have been
delivered or sent by post to every member of the society ten days previous to the special
meeting convened by the governing body for the consideration thereof, nor unless such
proposition shall have been agreed to by the votes of three-fifths of the members
delivered in person or by proxy, and confirmed by the votes of three-fifths of the
members present at a second special meeting convened by the governing body at an
interval of one months after the former meeting.

13. Provision for dissolution of societies and adjustment of their affairs

Any number not less than three-fifths of the members of any society may determine that
it shall be dissolved, and thereupon it shall be dissolved forthwith, or at the time then
agreed upon, and all necessary steps shall be taken for the disposal and settlement of the
property of the society, its claims and liabilities according to the rules of the said society
applicable thereto, if any, and if not, then as the governing body shall find expedient,
provided that, in the event of any dispute arising among the said governing body or the
members of the society, the adjustment of its affairs shall be referred to the principal
court of original civil jurisdiction of the district in which the chief building of the society
is situate; and the court shall make such order in the matter as it shall deem requisite.

Assent required: Provided that no societies shall be dissolved unless three-fifths of the
members shall have expressed a wish for dissolution by their votes delivered in person, or
by proxy, at a general meeting convened for the purpose:

Government consent: Provided that 4[whenever any Government] is a member of, or a

contributor to, or otherwise interested in any society registered under this Act, such
society shall not be dissolved 5[without the consent of the Government of the 6[State] or

14. Upon a dissolution no member to receive profit

If upon the dissolution of any society registered under this Act there shall remain, after
the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not
be paid to or distributed among the members of the said society or any of them, but shall
be given to some other society, to be determined by the votes of not less than three-fifths
of the members present personally or by proxy at the time of the dissolution, or in default
thereof, by such court as aforesaid:

Clause not to apply to Joint-stock Companies : Provided, however, that this clause shall
not apply to any society which has been founded or established by the contributions of
share-holders in the nature of a Joint-stock Company.

15. Member defined

For the purposes of this Act a member of a society shall be a person who, having been
admitted therein according to the rules and regulations thereof, shall have paid a
subscription, or shall have signed the roll or list of members thereof, and shall not have
resigned in accordance with such rules and regulations;

Disqualified members : But in all proceedings under this Act no person shall be entitled
to vote or be counted as a member whose subscription at the time shall have been in
arrears for a period exceeding three months.

16. Governing body defined

The governing body of the society shall be the governors, council, directors, committee,
trustees, or other body to whom by the rules and regulations of the society the
management of its affairs is entrusted.

17. Registration of societies formed before Act

Any company or society established for a literary, scientific or charitable purpose, and
registered under Act 43 of 1850 7, or any such society established and constituted
previously to the passing of this Act but not registered under the said Act 43 of 1850 may
at any time hereafter be registered as a society under this Act.

Assent required : Subject to the proviso that no such company or society shall be
registered under this Act unless an assent to its being so registered has been given by
three-fifths of the members present personally, or by proxy, at some general meeting
convened for that purpose by the governing body.

In the case of a company or society registered under this Act 43 of 18507, the directors
shall be deemed to be such governing body.

In the case of a society not so registered, if no such body shall have been constituted on
the establishment of the society, it shall be competent for the members thereof, upon due
notice, to create for itself a governing body to act for the society thenceforth.

18. Such societies to file memorandum, etc. with Registrar of Joint-stock Companies

In order to any such society as is mentioned in the last proceeding section obtaining
registry under this Act, it shall be sufficient that the governing body file with the
Registrar of Joint-stock Companies 2[* * *] a memorandum showing the name of the
society, the objects of the society, and the names, addresses and occupations of the
governing body, together with a copy of the rules and regulations of the society certified
as provided in section 2, and a copy of the report of the proceedings of the general
meeting at which the registration was resolved on.

19. Inspection of documents

Any person may inspect all documents filed with the Registrar under this Act on payment
of a fee of one rupee for each inspection; and any person may require a copy or extract of
any document or any part of any document, to be certified by the registrar, on payment of
two annas for every hundred words of such copy or extract; and such certified copy shall
be prima facie evidence of the matters therein contained in all legal proceedings

20. To what societies Act applies

The following societies may be registered under this Act:-

Charitable societies, the military orphan funds or societies established at the several
presidencies of India, societies established for the promotion of science, literature, or the
fine arts for instruction, the diffusion of useful knowledge, 1[the diffusion of political
education], the foundation or maintenance of libraries or reading-rooms for general use
among the members or open to the public or public museums and galleries of paintings
and other works of art, collections of natural history, mechanical and philosophical
inventions, instruments, or designs.

Foot Notes

1 Inserted by Act 22 of 1927.

2 Phrase "under Act No. 19 of 1857" omitted by Act 16 of 1874.

3 Substituted by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950, for the phrase "provincial

4 Substituted by the Adaptation of Indian Laws Order, 1937, for the words "whenever the

5 Substituted by the Adaptation of Indian Laws Orders, 1937, for the phrase "without the
consent of the Government of state of Registration".

6 Substituted by the Adaptation of Laws Order, 1950, for the word "Province".

7 Act No. 43 of 1850 which is the Joint Stock Companies Act, 1850 stands repealed by s.
219 of Indian Companies Act, 1866 (10 of 1866) which was also repealed by the
Companies Act, 1956.

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