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LAS4 Intervention Research

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Ligao City
Ligao City
Telefax No. (052) 485-11-37
E-mail Address:


Name of Learner: ____________________________________________________________

Grade Level: __________________________________ Section: ______________________
Date: ________________________ Subject Teacher: _______________________________


I. Most Essential Learning Competency

The learner describes the intervention, if applicable (CS_RS12_IIa-c-4).

II. Overview
When you are having a problem with something or someone, you tend to think of a way
or solution to solve the problem. Like for example, you find it difficult to look for a certain
ingredient for your menu, then what would you do? Of course, you are going to find an
alternative for that ingredient. The same goes for research, you think of a way on how to solve
existing problems that you have observed by making an intervention.

III. Discussion

In research, intervention is a combination of programs or strategies designed to yield
behavioral changes among individuals or even an entire population. An intervention may
contain educational related programs, new policies, development programs for the
environment, or a health promotion campaign.

According to Salkind (2010), intervention research studies the effects of an intervention
on an outcome of interest. The primary purpose of intervention research is to produce a
desirable outcome for individuals in need (e.g., reduce depressive symptoms or strengthen
reading skills). Intervention research is a kind of research where the researcher aims to make
changes in the subject involved in the study. Interventional studies are often performed in
laboratories for clinical trials to establish the beneficial effects of drugs or procedures. But then
again if the researchers wish to determine if a certain program, policy, or strategy is effective,
then intervention research is very useful.
The specific research design used in intervention research is the experimental research.
Whenever you are trying to create something new, in a sense, you are experimenting. For
example, you are trying to find out whether there is a difference in taste between a cup of coffee
with natural white sugar and a cup of coffee with artificial sweeteners. You are intervening
with the typical preparation of a cup of coffee by replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners
(Bacli n.d.).
In an intervention study, participants with the same characteristics are randomly
divided into two groups. One group, called the intervention or experimental group (Group A),
will be given the intervention, which may be a strategical plan or program. The other group,
called the control group (Group B), will not receive the intervention. The two groups are equally
important to the research study because the data obtained from both groups are compared
over time by the researchers. With this setup, intervention research aims to provide a
controlled environment to measure the success of a strategical plan, policy, or other
intervention programs.

Figure 1. Intervention research flow

Photo credits:

Methods Used in Intervention Research

According to Jackson (2019), as cited by Bacli (n.d.), below are the methods used in
intervention research.

1. Between – Participants Method

• It is used when comparing one group of subjects to another group.
• It involves at least two groups of randomly assigned participants.
Control Group Experimental Group
(Standard/Typical (with intervention
Condition) condition)
Figure 2. Between-participants method

2. Within – Participants Method

• The same group of participants serves as a control group and an intervention group.
• It requires fewer participants and consumes less time and less resources.
• It is easier to observe statistically significant changes.
Control Group Experimental Group
(participants create a (same participants receive
benchmark for comparison) intervention for comparison)

Figure 3. Within-participants method

3. Matched – Participants Method

• The participants in the control group and experimental group are matched in one or
more variables.
Control Group Experimental Group
Height Height
5’ 5’
4’6” 4’6”
5’6” 5’6”

Figure 4. Matched-participants method

4. Blinded Method
• This method is done to ensure the validity of the test. It is also used to avoid biases
from both experimenters and participants.
• Single Blind Method is a procedure in which either the participants or the
experimenters are blind to the manipulation being made.
• Double-Blind Method is a procedure in which both participants and experimenters are
blind in the manipulation being made.

5. Placebo Effects Method

• This is used usually in clinical trials but may be applied to other fields.
• In this method, the placebo group is being told that they are receiving treatment, when
in fact they are not.

Placebo Group
Control Group Experimental Group
(no treatment) (true treatment)
Figure 5. Placebo effects method

Gathering Data in Intervention Research

According to Bacli (n.d.), in experiments involving a control group, the researchers can
obtain data using the following approaches:

1. Posttest-Only Approach. Both the control group and experiment group are given a
posttest after the experiment period.
Control Posttest
The result of
Participants the posttest of
Intervention/ both groups
are compared.

Figure 6. Posttest only approach

2. Pretest/Posttest Approach. Both the control group and experiment group are given
pretest before the experiment period and posttest after the experiment period.

Control Posttest
Pretest Both groups are
Group administered the
posttest. The
Participants Both groups differences in the
are pretest and
administered Intervention/
posttest scores of
Experimental both groups are
the pretest Treatment compared.

Figure 7. Pretest-posttest approach

Guidelines in Conducting Intervention Research

According to Ballera et al. (2019) and Presenter Making Sense of Science (2016), below
are the guidelines that might help you in conducting intervention research.

1. Build a picture of the problem. Define and describe the problem to be investigated and the
context in which it is set. Along with this, you can readily have a picture of your target
participants in your study.
2. Formulate an intervention to address the problem. This intervention might be a collected
idea you gathered from previous studies and theories.
3. Invite the target participants of the study by sending them a formal letter. If they wish to
participate in the study, they must give their written consent.
4. You may ask your participants to answer a questionnaire that will serve as your baseline
in identifying the current situation of your participants. This is recommended to ensure
that the intervention group and the control group are having the same characteristics as
5. Randomly create a comparing group in order to have a comparison of data (intervention
group and control group).
6. During the implementation of the intervention, it is a must to keep a close observation of
both groups.
7. Do not lose any data that you have gathered from both groups.
8. As much as possible, avoid biases in interpreting the data you have gathered from your
Sample Researches
Below are some sample researches depicting intervention and non-intervention

Research Topic/Title Intervention Goal

Evaluating the Antihelminthic Pelleted betel nuts were The study aimed to determine the
Effectiveness of Pelleted Betel used as antihelminthic to effectiveness of pelleted betel nuts
Nut (Areca catechu) to Chickens chickens to chicken determining the number
of and identifying the parasites
found in chicken droppings
Screening for the Juice extract of M. The study aimed to screen if M.
Hypotriglyceridemic Effect of paradisiaca was given to paradisiaca stem juice extract can
Musa paradisiaca Stem Juice hypertriglyceridemic S-D lower to normal the serum
Extract on Diet-induced rats triglycerides in
Hypertriglyceridemic Sprague- hypertriglyceridemic S-D rats
Dawley Rats

Research Topic/Title Non-Intervention Goal

Entrepreneurial Strategies of A survey-questionnaire The study aimed to determine the
Steamed Rice Cake Vendors in was used to gather the entrepreneurial strategies of the
Paulog, Ligao City information needed for the rice cake vendors in terms of
study. No intervention was operation, services and marketing
used in the collection of strategies.
Money Disbursement of A survey-questionnaire The study determined the money
Pantawid Pampamilyang was used to gather the disbursement of 4P’s recipients in
Pilipino Program (4P’s) information needed. No the identified barangay.
Receipients in Barangay Guilid, intervention was used in
Ligao City the collection of data.

IV. Activity Proper

Direction: Accomplish the following activities in your notebook.

Activity 1. Classify the following topics whether they are intervention research or not. Justify
your answer.
Research Topics Intervention Justification
Research or Not
1. Perception of senior high school students on
the effects of distance learning to their
academic performance
2. Effectiveness of the interactive spiral
notebook (ISN) on enhancing the 21st
century skills of learners
3. Diversity assessment of flora in Kawakawa
Natural Park, Ligao City
4. The hypoglycemic effect of goosegrass
(Eleusine indica) leaf extract on
hyperglycemia-induced albino mice
5. Evaluating the effectiveness of jackfruit as a
potential meat tenderizer

Activity 2. Complete the following sentences with words or group of words to express complete
thoughts and ideas.

1. Intervention is ______________________________________________________.
2. The goal of intervention research is __________________________________.
3. Conducting an intervention research is important in my field of specialization because
4. If by chance, as a Senior High School student, I would like to conduct intervention research
focusing on (state the problem) ________________ and my intervention will be
5. If I would conduct an intervention research, the method that I will use is __________________
because _______________________________________.

Activity 3. Examine at least two (2) samples of intervention research either from online sources
or conducted by someone you know and complete the table below.

Title of Research Study Name of Researcher(s) Goal of the study Intervention applied by
and institutional the researcher in the
affiliation study

V. Reflection
For instance, you are going to conduct a research study focusing on solving existing
problems related to your field of specialization. Answer the following questions below. Write
your answer in your notebook.

1. What is your research topic that depicts the problem in your field of specialization?
2. What intervention would you apply in your research?
3. What is your goal in conducting this research?

VI. Assessment
Directions: Read and analyze the following statements. Choose the letter of the best answer by
writing it in your notebook.

1. What method is used when both the experimenters and participants are blind to the
manipulation being made?
A. Double-Blind Method C. Triple Blind Method
B. Single Blind Method D. Within – Participants Blind Method

2. What do you call a group of participants receiving a treatment?

A. Blind Group C. Intervention Group
B. Control Group D. Placebo Group

3. What research intervention method is best to use when the researchers have limited
numbers of participants?
A. Between – Participants C. Outside – Participants
B. Match – Participants D. Within – Participants

4. Which of the following is an example of intervention research?

A. Experiences of the TVL students during their JDVP training
B. Insights of Arts and Design students on the effectiveness of art-related vlog in
enhancing their artistic skills
C. Perception of Sports students on the effects of energy drink during their training period
D. Application of gamified remedial approach in improving the content mastery of
struggling students in Academic track

5. The researchers conducted intervention research. They randomly grouped their

participants into two. After grouping their participants, the researchers proceeded with an
experimental period where one group received treatment. Then after the experimental
period, both groups were post-tested. What approach did the researchers use in their
A. Pretest-Only Approach C. Posttest-Only Approach
B. Pretest/Posttest Approach D. Posttest/Posttest Approach
VII. Answer Key

5. B 5. Intervention
4. D 4. Intervention
3. D 3. Non-intervention
2. C 2. Intervention
1. A 1. Non-intervention
Assessment Activity 1

VIII. References

Intervention Studies. n.d.

Presenter Make Sense Science. 2010. How do we know if intervention works? Youtube.
Salkind, Neil J. 2010. Intervention. Encyclopedia Research Design.

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