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Spontaneous brain activity and the self

Nicola De Pisapia
Center for Mind/ Brain Sciences (CIMeC) - University of Trento
Via delle Regole, 101- 38100 Mattarello (TN) – ITALY

1. A paradigm shift

In this manuscript I review recent developments in neuroscience which

are profoundly changing the way in which we interpret the whole activity of
the brain. In my view these new findings and ideas have not reached the
whole cognitive science community yet. Here I assemble various crucial
pieces of these developments and point to future directions, with the aim of
showing why this topic should be of pivotal interest to the many disciplines
composing cognitive science. Since Thomas Kuhn wrote about “paradigm
shifts” [1] to indicate radical changes of perspective in science (such as from
a geocentric to a heliocentric view of the universe), the expression has been
over-used, and adopted even to indicate ordinary changes of opinion. None-
theless, paradigm shifts in the original sense are still possible in science –
though rare and hard to achieve. Neuroscience is witnessing a radical change
of perspective of this sort, which has the potential to spread to all the research
on the brain and mind.
In the traditional view the brain is interpreted mainly as a reflexive sys-
tem, where local activations are seen as a reaction induced by external stim-
uli. In the alternative view - corroborated by the most recent findings in neu-
roscience - the brain is instead conceived as a closed system mainly involved
in intrinsic processing. External stimuli, instead of being the main cause of
cerebral activity, are interpreted as modulators of the spontaneous activity.
Growing evidence shows that the brain spends most of its energy for intrinsic
processing, and only a small portion of its resources goes to the processing of
external stimuli. It is this spontaneous activity to determine how the system
responds to stimuli from the environment ([2], [3]).
This change of perspective is full of consequences, and a growing num-
ber of neuroscientists are now investigating cognitive constructs or functions
that until a few years ago were neglected. The most important case is the in-
crease of studies on the cognitive and emotional constituents of one’s iden-
tity, or the self, which - even though it is a psychological and philosophical
concept of great importance – until recently it was a focus of interest only of
a few researchers in cognitive science (e.g., [4]).

2. Default brain activity

All along the history of neuroscience, there have been a few individuals
who have supported the alternative view of the brain as mainly involved in
internally driven activity. Such is the case of T. G. Brown ([5]), who formu-
lated the same principles relatively to the spinal cord, Hans Berger ([6]), who
was also the first to record brain activity using the electroencephalogram, and
R. Lynas ([7]), who formulated similar ideas in relationship to higher brain
functions. But, apart from these few notable cases, this view has not been the
dominant one.
The widespread adoption of the traditional view has had inevitable con-
sequences on the scientific methodologies commonly adopted. For example,
until a few years almost all neuroimaging experiments consisted of (a) an ex-
perimental condition, in which volunteers were engaged in some kind of
stimuli-based task (auditory, visual, mnemonic, executive, etc), and (b) a
fixation condition, acting as a control phase, in which the participants simply
looked at a central cross and –supposedly - thought to nothing, thus giving a
baseline toward which compare activity during task execution. This method
presupposed that during fixation the brain was not significantly active.
In [8], Shulman et al. - for the first time in neuroimaging - investigated
instead the idea that fixation, far from being a passive and empty condition,
was occupied by spontaneous and “internal” mental activities (i.e., not initi-
ated by the environment, and not inducing overt behaviour), such as uncon-
straint verbal thinking (or inner speech), imagination, unfocused monitoring
of the emotional and bodily state, and so on. A specific set of cortical regions
was found to be linked to this activity, including the medial prefrontal cortex,
the medial temporal lobes, the posterior cingulate cortex, the precuneus and
the inferior parietal cortex. Different brain networks were instead involved
when individuals were executing externally oriented tasks (executive net-
works), and engagement of these networks was found to occur simultane-
ously with a decrease of activity in the regions more active during fixation.
Subsequently, Raichle et al. in [9] named “default mode network” this set
of regions spontaneously active when not engaged in goal directed behaviour,
giving officially birth to a new view in neuroscience [10].

3. The self

In the very first studies on default mode networks, the relevance of spon-
taneous activity to the concept of the self was not explicit. It was in [11] that
the reference became open. Gusnard et al. found that self-referential mental
activity was associated with increases of activity in medial prefrontal cortex
(part of the default mode network), and vice versa execution of attention-
demanding tasks induced reductions of activity in this regions. They hy-
pothesized that self-referential processing was linked to the default activity in
medial prefrontal cortex, and they suggested that the exploration of the dy-
namics of this activity was a promising direction to understand the biology of
the self. Subsequently, the first author of this study argued even more explic-
itly in favour of the adoption of function neuroimaging to study self-
referential processing in the human brain ([12]). Since then, increasingly
many researchers have tackled the issues that revolve around the concept of
self and identity (e.g., [13] and [14]).
The whole approach is not without fundamental criticisms (e.g., [15] and
[16]). One of the critiques involves the subjective aspect of the internally
driven mental activities. Subjective information - by definition - cannot be
studied as an objective phenomenon, as required by the scientific method.
One technique that has been adopted to overcome the problem of the inacces-
sibility of internal thoughts is to simply ask to participants what they are
thinking of. This straightforward psychological method (called direct experi-
ence sampling) has been adopted in a very recent neuroimaging study ([17]).
The researchers asked volunteers to perform an easy task consisting in look-
ing at digits on a screen, and correspondingly in pressing a button as fast as
they could after every occurrence, with the exception of the digit “3”, in
which case they had to do nothing. Crucially, from time to time during the
execution of this task, the experimenters asked to the volunteers if they were
thinking to something else. They found that regions in the default mode net-
work, and in particular the medial prefrontal cortex, were more active when
the volunteers reported that were indeed thinking of something else and en-
gaged in mind wandering activities.
These discoveries on spontaneous cortical activity and its hypothesized
relationship with self-referential processing are opening a number of new in-
vestigative directions. For example, one new direction concerns the degree to
which these self related activities can take place unconsciously. It is well
known in psychology and in cognitive neuroscience that only part of our
cognitive activities are conscious ([18]). Even cognitive constructs tradition-
ally considered to be necessarily conscious, such as executive control, are
progressively found to be sensitive to unconscious processing of information
([19]). Interestingly, mind wandering activities are also known to take place
without the capacity of people to report about its content ([20]). And indeed,
in [17], when volunteers reported that they were mind wandering, often they
were not able to report the content of their thinking. Comprehensive analyses
of cognition should devise methodologies to investigate spontaneous process-
ing of unconscious information.
Not unrelated to this topic, another line of research regards how the
knowledge of the dynamics of the cortical regions involved in self-related in-
formation can shed new light on existing psychological theories of the self
(such as S. Freud’s psychoanalysis, or C. G. Jung’s analytic psychology). In
particular, for parts of these theories that are falsifiable, the question is how
to translate them into precise neurobiological hypotheses that can be put to
test and experimented with. As S. Freud himself hoped in his “Project for a
Scientific Psychology” ([21]), such a program of research would allow a rig-
orous reduction of psychoanalytic constructs to neuronal mechanisms. The
work by Carhart-Harris and Friston ([22]) constitutes an important and, in
some respects, courageous theoretical step in this directions.
Other examples of possible new directions of research are the effects of
brain disease on intrinsic network activations, especially for conditions that
involve the self and personality, such as for example schizophrenia or depres-
sion (e.g., [23]), or the relationship between self related activity in the default
mode network and the first-person perspective (e.g., [24]).

4. Conclusions

A Kuhnian paradigm shift is taking place in cognitive neuroscience. The

perspective is shifting from a view of the brain as a “stimulus driven” proces-
sor of information, to a view of the brain as a closed system mainly involved
in spontaneous and self related activity, only occasionally modulated by ex-
ternal stimuli. The cognitive counterpart of these internally driven brain ac-
tivities includes internal speech, planning or fantasizing, mind-wandering, in-
trospection, and the whole domain of self-referential activities in which indi-
viduals are engaged when they are awake and not focussed on the external
world. Several new exciting investigative directions in cognitive science are
open by this change of perspective.
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