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Neuropsychological Studies in the USSR.

A Review (Part I)
Author(s): A. R. Luria
Source: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
Vol. 70, No. 3 (Mar., 1973), pp. 959-964
Published by: National Academy of Sciences
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Accessed: 03/04/2009 04:52

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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA
Vol. 70, No. 3, pp. 959-964, March 1973

From time to time, upon invitation by the National Academy of Sciences, reviews on
scientific and technologicalmattersof broadgene?'al interest will be published in the Proceedings.
The following article (the first of two parts) reviews developmentof thefield of neuropsychology
in the USSR within the last several decades.

Neuropsychological Studies in the USSR. A Review (Part I)

University of Moscow, 13 Frunze Str., Moscow, G. 19, USSR

The problem
Human neuropsychology is a new branch of psychological mained among scientists. One group of scholars hypothesized
science that was developed at the borders of psychology and that complex forms of mental processes are localized in
neurology. Its goal is to study the brain organization of strict circumscribed cortical areas. Another group started
mental processes and, especially, the higher forms of be- from an opposite assumption and hypothesized that complex
havioral processes (1-9). The central problem of this branch mental processes are generated by the brain as a whole and
of science is the "localization of functions in the brain cortex." are more a result of the entire brain tissue rather than of the
Studies in this problem started several decades ago, but its activity of strictly localized groups of neurons. It is of im-
scientific solution is still in the future. portance that very often even objective physiological methods,
Neuropsychology developed as a result of two basic issues: such as analysis of conditioned reflexes and their changes
the progress of neurosurgery and a need of psychological after extirpation of some parts of the brain, did not give any
science for a reliable knowledge of the cerebral mechanisms information concerning the functional organization of the
of the psychological processes. human brain.
In the last few decades neurosurgery has made tremendous That is why the formation of a new branch of psychological
progress. About 40 years ago, the mortality after brain opera- science-of neuropsychology,which started to analyze changes
tions was very high-sometimes 60-70%; now, as a result of complex behavioral processes in man associated with local
of new techniques of surgery, treatment of brain edema, and lesions of the brain-became an event of utmost importance.
new methods of resuscitation, the mortality does not exceed
Basic principles
8-10%. This means that precise and early local (or regional)
diagnosis of the localization of cerebral lesions (e.g., tumor, A scientific approach to the problem of the cerebral localiza-
hemorrhage, vascular disorder) has become a problem of ut- tion of the highest mental functions in man depends on a
most importance. The solution of this problem has certain radical revision of two basic concepts: the concept of "func-
limitations. Regular neurological methods (analysis of altera- tion" and that of "localization."
tion of sensibility and movements, tone and reflexes, limita- It is obvious that the concept of "function" has at least two
tions of sight and fields of vision, etc.) can be used for a local different meanings. We can understand the biological "func-
diagnosis of only a limited part of the cerebral cortex (sensori- tion" as an immediate activity of certain tissue. Thus, different
motor areas and their pathways). X-ray studies do not bring kinds of secretion are functions of certain glands, reaction
any precise results, and even the use of contrast methods for to light is the function of retina, etc. But the word "function"
arteriography and electroencephalography have certain can have a different meaning. It can be used to designate
limits. complex forms of adaptive activity, which start from an in-
The restricted limits of regular neurological symptoms is variant goal, use different, interchangeable means, and
a result of some very important facts: lesions of the highest achieve certain invariant results. This meaninig can be ap-
(secondary or tertiary) zones of the cortex-which are con- plied to such a "function" as breathing (where conduction
sidered as specifically humnan parts of hemispheres-do not of oxygen to the alveola of the lungs can be achieved by
result, as a rule, in any elementary sensory or motor diaphragm muscles, intercostal muscles, sometimes even
defects and remain inaccessible for classical neurological muscles of the larynx), or to "functions" of locomotion where
examination. They are associated with alterations of very the subject can arrive at a goal using very different systems
complex behavioral processes (cognitive processes, elabora- of muscles. Such scholars as Lashley and Hunter et al.
tion of complex programs of behavior and their control), showed that extirpation of cerebellum, cutting of por-
and that is why one has to establish new complex methods that tions of conductive portions of the fibers of the spinial cord,
could be used to study functional disorders evoked by their or reconstruction of mazes, did not affect the goal-oriented
injuries. It is thus necessary to apply methods of neuro- behavior of an animal.
psychology for local diagnosis of lesions of these complex Every behavioral function is really a functional system,
cortical zones. which preserves a stable goal but uses different links of opera-
The second issue of neuropsychological studies lies in some tive behavior to come to a desired result. It is obvious that,
basic needs of scientific knowledge of the role of different in all these cases, there is not only a certain "feed-back"
cortical zones in the organization of complex forms of be- needed for control of the effect of behavior, but also a certain
havioral processes. "feed-forward," which establishes plans and programs and
For many decades, psychology remained a descriptive which is of decisive importance for elaboration of complex
science, and even important progress made by its different forms of behavior.
fields did not give a reliable approach to the basic cerebral The idea of "functional systems" as complex "reflex
mechanisms of human behavior. A certain disagreement re- circles" (this idea was opposite to that of the "reflex arc")

960 Luria Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (1973)

was formulated in the 1930s by two outstanding Russian in a description of a whole syndrome, which is of decisive
scholars, P. K. Anokhin and N. A. Bernstein (10, 1i), and importance for our diagnostic work and which can provide
was developed in a series of their works (12-19) as well as in reliability of neuropsychological evaluation of the site of the
some publications of American authors (K. Pribram et al.) damage (25).
These ideas were a starting point for the creation of a
new branch of physiological science-a "physiology of activity" Neuropsychology of movement and action
(opposed to the "physiology of reactivity"). Of utmost im- In classical neurology, it was thought that the cortical ap-
portance is the fact that all higher behavioral processes (or paratus of voluntary movements is situated in the anterior
"higher cortical functions") are really such complexfunctional cerebral convolution (field 4 of Brodmann), whereas the
systems, which are based on the coordinatedfunctions (or "con- cortical apparatuses of complex forms of praxis are associated
stellations") of cerebral zones constructed in such a way that with infrapariental regions of the brain (fields 39 and 40).
separate links of this system can be interchanged and that Lesions of the first parts of the brain result in paresis or
such a change does not affect the whole functional system. hemiplegia, whereas lesions of the second parts result in
This approach is associated with a radical revision of the ideational or ideomotor apraxia (1-3, 26-30). It is easy to see
whole problem of "cerebral localization of functions." We that although these concepts have a certain clinical reality,
do not start with any attempts to "localize" a complex func- their theoretical basis is not yet well elaborated. The concept
tion in a limited part of the brain; rather we try to discover of the "ideation center" that takes part in creating "motor
how a "functional system" is distributed in different parts of schemes" that are superimposed on the "sensation of move-
the brain, and the role that every part of the brain plays in ments" does not yet have a physiological reality. That is
the realization of the whole "functional system." why the most cautious authors expressed the idea that a
Onsebasic principle is of decisive significance for the concept careful physiological analysis of the mechanisms underlying
of functional analysis of neuropsychology: while a certain voluntary movement is absolutely necessary for a scientific
complex of cerebral zones take part in the realizationsof the approach to the understanding of movement and action and
whole "functional system," every zone plays a highly specific their disturbance.
part in organization of this "functional system." That is why Important progress in the physiological approach to human
lesions of differentzones result in different kinds of deterioration movement and action was made by the outstanding Russian
of "functions," and the analysis of the type of functional psychologist, N. A. Bernstein (13-15). As he showed in his
disorder or a "psychologicalqualification" of the symptom can studies by use of a precise cyclographic technique of recording
provide information about which part of the functional of human movements, voluntary movements start by a con-
system is deranged (1-3, 20-22). That means that a certain stant (invariant) "movement goal," which takes part in the
"double dissociation" (H.-L. Teuber) of results of a local creation of a "general scheme of movement" and which re-
brain lesion can be found. Lesions of certain zones of the sults in a constant (invariant) effect. The most important
cortex that are associated with a highly specific factor result situation that has to be taken into account is that the move-
in a disturbance of all "functional systems" that include this ment can never be realized only by a system of efferent motor
factor, while functional systems that do not include this factor impulses. The system of joints involved in a movement has
remainsundisturbed. Thus, lesions of the temporal zones that practically infinite gradations of freedom, and if we add that
play a decisive role in acoustical analysis of sounds result in the flexibility of muscles changes during every moment of
a deterioration of analysis of speech sounds, perception of movement, it becomes clear that no mathematical formula
words, and writing, but do lnot affect analysis of geographical can be found that could provide constant, goal-linked schemes
maps, written computation, and other forms of activities of movements. That was the basis of Bernstein's rule of a
where this factor is not present. At the same time, lesions of "principal impossibility of regulation of movements only by
the parieto-ocipital parts of the brain associated with spatial efferent impulses" and required the assumption that afferent
anialysis and synithesis result in a disorganization of all pro- influences give the brain information concerning the positions
cesses that include complex simultaneous (or spatial) anal- of joints and the changing flexibility of muscles at every mo-
ysis--such as orientation in space, reading a geographical ment of the movement. These systems of afferent impulses are
map, constructive activity, and computation-but do not organized in "afferent fields," which are situated on different
disturb perception of musical melodies, understanding of levels from the most primitive (provided by the spinal cord
elementary phrases, etc. and brain stem) to the highest (provided by the kinesthetic
Differently situated brain lesions do not affect only a cer- and visiospatial zones of the cortex and even by the highest
tain complex of functions, but result in very different kinds parts of the cortex that take part in the most complicated
of deterioration of the same "functional system." Thus, lesions forms of symbolic activity). These "afferent fields" play a
of the left temporal lobe (cortical apparatus of acoustical decisive role in providing stable "afferent corrections" of
or phonematic analysis) result in deterioration of writing, motor acts; they change in subsequent phases of elaboration
which is very different from the deterioration of the same of motor skills. Whereas in a new unskilled movement these
process resulting from lesions of post-central (kinesthetic) or corrections are of a "secondary type" (they follow the move-
parieto-occipital (visiospatial) parts of the cortex (1, 3, 23, ment already started), the nature of these corrections changes
24). That is why a careful study of the type of disturbances of in the course of building of a "motor skill," and at a certain
a certain function, i.e., a "qualification of the symptom," can level of habituation they turn to "primary type of correction"
result in a description of the factors underlying this defect. when the correcting impulses are working as a certain "feed-
That is a first stage of our analysis. Only after that work is forward" scheme.
accomplished can we move to the second stage of our work. This type of "feed-forward" organization of flexible move-
This stage consists of a careful analysis of disturbances of ment provides a mechanism called by P. K. Anokhin "the
different functions, which are of the same type and which are acceptor of action" (26-29). This constitutes, an important
due to derangement of the same factors. This work results part in the mechanisms of the physiological organization of
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (1973) Neuropsychological Studies in the USSR 961

every action. The findings of Anokhin and Bernstein were of psychological studies (31-38), which proved that a very com-
basic importance for a scientific approach to the analysis of plex pattern of extended searching activities is displayed
human movements and actions. They provide a better under- during formation of visual images in children. These studies
standing of their disturbances associated with local brain showed the correctness of the famous Russian physiologist,
lesions. Important results of these studies were reviewed I. M. Sechenov, who suggested, nearly 100 years ago, that
(1-3, 26-30); these findings made it possible to describe certain human perception is really a very complex system of percep-
basic syndromes of disturbances of movements and action tual activities and that ocular movements play a role similar
with different lesions of the brain. Thus, if the lesion is situated to the searching movements of the hand.
in post-central(kinesthetic) parts of the cortex, the kinesthetic This radical revision of the problem of human visual per-
basis of movement becomes lost, motor impulses lose their ception resulted in significant changes in our approach to the
precise addressing, and fine motor acts become impossible. neuropsychological studies of the cerebral mechanisms of
In these patients a certain kind of "afferent paresis" or "af- perceptual processes. It was hypothesized that the cortical
ferent ataxia," which was carefully described by 0. Foerster organization of visual perception is not entirely dependent
(1936), can be observed. on the primary parts of the occipital (visual) cortex. The in-
If the lesion is situated in inferoparietal or parieto-occipital formation received by this part of the visual cortex is further
zones of the cortex that are responsible for organization of elaborated by the secondary zones of the occipital (visual)
"spatial afferent fields," disturbances of movement and actions cortex and that of the parieto-occipital parts of the hemi-
acquire a new structure: patients with such lesions become spheres, as well as by the frontal parts of the cortex. They all
unable to coordinate their movements in space, they confuse play a significant role in the organization of ocular move-
vertical, sagittal, and horizontal positions, and a "spatial ments, and are intimately included in the functional complex
apraxia" (1-3) develops. If the lesion destroys the premotor of zones that take part in the organization of visual images.
zones of the cortex, disturbances of movements once more After the classical studies of HUbel and Wiesel and a
acquire a different structure: patients become unable to series of investigations that followed, it is now well known
make a fluent shift from one link of a movement to another, that the primary visual zone of the cortex contains a complex
fluent "kinetic melodies" are broken down, and skilled move- of neurons that react to very specific cues of visual informa-
ment becomes impossible (26, 29). In patients where lesions tion. As was shown by neuropsychological studies in animals
of this area of the cortex involve deep parts of the brain, the and in men, lesions of this part of the cortex result in a de-
cortex ceases to control subcortical activities, and a patholog- rangement of visual fields that have a very specific spatial
ical inertia of movement in these patients is observed. A organization. Their functions become clear only after careful
voluntary arrest of movement started by the patient becomes studies of patients with lesions of the primary visual zones of
impossible, and motor perseveration is now a central feature the cortex (1, 3, 39).
of the whole syndrome (29, 30). Very different data are observed in patients with lesions
A different kind of disturbance of action can be seen in of the secondary zones of the visual cortex. Injuries of these
patients with lesions of the prefrontal parts of the brain. In zones, which have a predominance of the neurons of second
these patients, the technical structure of the movements and third level and which do not show any somatotopic pro-
remain preserved, but the goal-linked programs of human jection, never result in defects of spatial organization of
actions become severely disturbed, and well-organized, pro- visual fields. The essential features of lesions of these zones
grammed actions can be replaced by inert stereotypes or is that they result in a functional disorganization of visual
by imitations of movements that the patient happens to be images. Patients with such lesions can see only separate
seeing but does not correct. These kinds of disturbances will details of a visually perceived object; they become unable to
be discussed later, and I shall not dwell on them here. synthesize these features into whole patterns, and such an
All I mentioned so far shows the importance of a careful "amorphosynthesis" is a basic feature of the clinical picture
analysis of the kind of disturbances of movements and actions observed in these patients (1-3, 38, 39). Such defects in visual
in patients with different lesions of the brain, and what rich integration can be especially observed when contours of
information can be obtained from a neuropsychological visual forms or images are given on a background of neutral
study of motor disturbances for a local diagnosis of brain visual noise. Statistical calculations of the relation of visual
injuries. figure and "visual noise" provide a new and precise approach
for measurement of these disturbances of elaboration of in-
Neuropsychology of perception formation in secondary parts of the visual cortex (40-43).
Neuropsychological studies of patients with local brain in- Important data were obtained in observations of the lesions
juries brought a wide range of new information concerning of tertiary (occipital-parietal) zones of the cortex. Lesions of
the structure of perception and its cerebral organization. these zones do not result in any disintegration of perception
Only a few decades ago it was thought that visual perception of isolated images, and no phenomena of object agnosia are
is a process of an isomorphic reflection of the form of a geo- observed (1-3, 38). The type of visual deficit evoked by these
metrical figure or an object and that its cortical apparatus is lesions is different. Patients with bilateral lesions of this part
situated in the occipital (visual) cortex and its primary of the cerebral cortex can show disturbances similar to those
(projection) zones. that were described by Balint (1909) and that have the type
Now, after studies conducted in different countries, a of functional restriction of perceptual field or a kind of "simul-
large amount of data on the structure of perceptual processes tanagnosia": they are able to perceive simultaneously only
has been acquired. These data showed that visual perception one object (independent of its size) and show marked pa-
has a very complicated structure, and that it really is a com- thology of coordination of their gaze and movements in
plex active process of selection of decisive cues and of making space. When deep regions of this part of the brain (predom-
a decision concerning the significance of the object perceived. inantly of the minor hemisphere) are involved, a syndrome
The role of verbal coding was shown by a series of recent of neglect of the left side of the visual field can be observed
962 Luria Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (1973)

(44, 45) and a special kind of "fixed left-sided hemianopia" of speech started from the same principles that I described
(see refs. 52 and 53) can be seen. in the discussion of other fields of neuropsychology. To ob-
As I already mentioned, ocular movements play an im- tain reliable information of the brain organization of the
portant part in the process of perceptual activity. They can speech processes, we have to provide a careful psychological
be recorded by several techniques. One such technique, a analysis of the processes of verbal comnmunication(both of
photoelectric method of recording movements, was developed coding and decoding of information in verbal acts), to single
in this laboratory (46, 48). The application of this technique out basic components (or factors) of these processes. Only
to the study of patients with local brain injuries shows that after this work is accomplished, can we start an analysis of
disturbances of ocular movements can be associated with how these processes are disturbed in local brain lesions. It is
lesions of both the posterior as well as the anterior oculomotor obvious that such an analysis will inevitably lead to a revi-
zones (located in parieto-occipital and in premotor areas of sions of classical concepts that started with the works of
the cortex). but that, in each case, different deterioration of Broca and Wernicke 100 years ago and that remained without
eye movements are observed. Lesions of the posterior oculo- any significant change, for the most part, in neurological
motor fields result in a deterioration of passive movements textbooks.
that follow the moving object. In these patients, active volun- A significant revision was made in basic concepts of sensory
tary movements are much better preserved. On the contrary, aphasia. For many decades it was thought that disturbances
lesions of the anterior oculomnotorfields result in a deteriora- of understanding of speech evoked by lesions of the left tem-
tion of active searching eye movements, whereas passive poral lobe are due to deterioration of acoustic perception
ocular movements that follow the moving object remain less of the certain-zone of tones ("akustische Sprachsechste")
damaged (49-51). It was shown as well that lesions of pos- or, as other scholars supposed, to disturbances of general in-
terior oculomotor zones result in a breakdown of complex tellectual processes. As shown by careful neuropsychological
analysis of the visual object and of the simultaneous syn- studies, both assumptions were wrong. It was proved that the
thesis of separate parts of the visual object (52), whereas primary disturbance in sensory aphasia is the disturbance of
lesions of the frontal lobes evoke quite different disorganiza- perception of the basic units of acoustic speech sounds, which
tion of the active searching movements (53, 55). change the meaning of the words (68-70). Such deterioration
All the studies I mentioned, as well as those I reviewed in of phonematichearing is a basic symptom resulting from lesions
other publications (1-3), show that a careful neuropsy- of the secondary areas of the temporal lobe of the dominsant
chological analysis can make important steps towards a (major) hemisphere (1, 3, 4, 61). Such disturbance of phone-
qualificationi of the inner structure of perceptual activities matic perception is really the basic symptom of these lesionis,
and of the role of different cortical zones in their organization. and this disturbance results, in a series of secondary (or
Similar important studies were done by investigations of systemnic) disturbances, such as deterioration of perception
tactual activity and their coordination with visual searching of the meaning of the words, naming, writing, etc., which are
movements (56). These investigations can play a decisive essential parts of the synidrome of sensory (acousticognostic)
role in neuropsychological studies of disturbances of tactual aphasia (61, 66, 71, 72).
perception or of a stereognosis in local lesions of the brain The revision of basic disturbances in sensory aphasia was
cortex. of great importance for a better understanding of the cerebral
Important research was done during the last decades in organization of the processes of understanding of speech and
the neuropsychology of hearing and acoustic perception. for modern phonological science. Very important data were
Studies showed that lesions of the temporal zones of the right acquired in the process of the neuropsychological revision
and left hemispheres can result in a significant decrease of of the theory of motoraphasia. From the first discovery made
acoustic sensibility in the contralateral ear. This symptom by P. Broca, it was firmly accepted that motor aphasia is a
is not observed in regular audiometric studies made by means result of lesions of the posterior part of the third frontal con-
of ordinary sounds, but it is clearly observed when ultra- volution of the left hemisphere, which was supposed to be a
short sounds (4-10 msec) are applied. This result was found "center for motor images of the world." This assumption re-
in experiments with animals (57, 58), as well an in special mained for a whole century, without any considerable change.
observation of patients with unilateral temporal lobe lesions The revision of the general physiology of movemnents I
(59). It is clear that these studies describe new symptoms of mentionsed (13-15) showed that the efferent motor impulses
lesions of the temporal lobe; they open new roads in the diag- are insufficient for a sound control of voluntary movements
nosis of these lesions and make a significant step towards a and that a system of afferent impulses is in-eededto provide
better understanding of the role of the temporal cortex in the control of complex motor programs. The same principle
the process of a stabilization of acoustic excitation. can be applied to the analysis of the physiological mechanisms
I shall not dwell here on the problem of disturbances of of expressive speech and for a better understanidinigof the
acousticoverbal disorders associated with lesions of the left syndromes of "motor aphasia."
temporal lobe. That will be discussed later. Disturbances of the motor organization of speech can be
seen in lesions of at least two different cortical zones (61, 66,
Neuropsychology of speech 73). Motor aphasia can be observed in patients with lesions
Studies in cerebral organization of speech were one of the of the lower parts of the posterior (kinesthetic) parts of the
classical problems of neurology, but the classical concepts of left hemisphere. In these patients, a certain type of "deaf-
a strict localization of different kinds of receptive and motor ferentiation" of motor speech processes can be seen; patients
forms of speech became inadequate a long time ago, and ap- become unable to find proper articulations, similar (correlated
proaches to this problem had to be fundamentally revised. or opposite) "articulemes," such as linguopa'atal d, n, I or
This revision was accomplished by neuropsychological studies labial b and m, become confused, and a kind of "afferent (or
made during the last decades in the USSR (1-3, 60-67). kinesthetic) motor aphasia" is evoked. This type of aphasia
The basic approach to the study of cortical organization has clearcut clinical features and is close to the picture de-
Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 70 (1973) Neuropsychological Studies in the USSR 963

scribed by some German authors (74) and well-known as a apply neuropsychological method to the basic problems of
"phonematic disintegration of speech" described by French psychologuistics, to single out some real mechanisms under-
neurologists (75). A very different type of motor aphasia is lying speech, and to open new ways for an objective analysis
observed in lesions of the posterior parts of the third frontal of speech and language that will be the starting point for a
convolution of the left hemisphere (or of the Broca's area). In new branch of science-neurolinguistics (84, 85).
these patients, the kinetic base of speech remains intact and
1. Luria, A. R. (1966) Higher Cortical Functions in Man
patients can find proper articulation, but a fast and smooth
(Basic Books, New York); (1969) 2nd ed. (Moscow Uni-
transition from one articulation to another becomes impos- versity Press), in Russian.
sible; the "kinetic melodies" become deranged, and a special 2. Luria, A. R. (1966, 1970) Human Brain and Psychological
syndrome of "efferent (or kinetic) motor aphasia" can be de- Processes(Harperand Row, New York), Vol. I; (Pedagogica
scribed (1, 2, 4, 61, 66). Publish. House, Moscow), Vol. II, in Russian.
3. Luria, A. R. (1973) The Working Brain (Penguin Educa-
Differentiation of two types of motor aphasia, and the de-
scription of two syndromes I mentioned is of great importance 4. Luria, A. R. (1964) "Neuropsychologyin the local diagnos-
both for diagnosis of local brain lesions, which result in dis- tics of brain damage,"Cortex1, 3-18.
turbances of expressive speech, and for the better under- 5. Luria, A. R.. (1965) "Neuropsychologicalanalysis of focal
brain lesions," in Handbook of Clinical Psychology, ed.
standing of physiological theory of the speech processes that
Wolman,B. B. (McGraw-Hill,New York), pp. 689-754.
up to now had no scientifically based theory. 6. Luria, A. R. (1967) Neuropsychologyand Its Significance.for
Neuropsychological analysis provided some progress in our Neurologyand Psychology(Evening Lecture to the XVI Int.
understanding of the mechanisms underlying two other types Congr. Appl. Psychol. Amsterdam).
of speech defects, described as "semantic" and "dynamic" 7. Luria, A. R. (1967) Neuropsychology and its significancefor
behavior, sciences and medicine, Psychologia (An Int. J.
aphasia. In 1926 H. Head described a special kind of speech Psychol. in the Orient), X, 1-6.
defect that was observed in lesions of the "tertiary" temporo- 8. Luria,A. R,.(1969) NeuropsicologicaComo Ciencia "Revista
parieto-occipital zones of the major hemisphere and that de Psicologia Generaly Aplicada,"24, 5-28.
resulted in disturbances of understandinig of complex rela- 9. Luria, A. R. (1968) "Risultatt e prospettive delle ricerche
tional grammatical structures. These disturbances were closely neuropsicologiche,"in Brain and Mind Problems,ed. Vizioli,
R. (I1PensiereScientifico, Roma), pp. 345-358.
associated with disturbances of perception of complex spatial 10. Anokhin, P. R. (1935) 1Problems of the Centrumand theperi-
relations and with a defect in conversion of the successive pheryin thePhysiologyof theNervousActivity (State Publish.
information in simultaneous "asymmetrical" schemes (1-3, House. Gorkij),in Russian.
6, 76). That is why the syndrome of "semantic aphasia" in- 11. Bernstein, N. A. (1935) "Problemsof interrelationof coordi-
nation and localization," Arch. Biol. Sci. 38, 1-34, in Rus-
cludes, as a rule, deterioration of orientation in space, con- sian.
structive apraxia, and defects in computation (1, 3, 77-79). 12. Anokhin, P. R. (1946) "Problemsof localization accordingto
The assumption that disturbances of spatial and (quasispatial the system approach to nervous functions," Korsakow'sJ.
organization of cognitive processes is a mechanism underlying Neuropath.Psychiat. 9, 33-44, in Russian.
this syndrome of "semantic aphasia" is of a basic importance 13. Bernstein, N. A. (1947) On the Constructionof Movement
for the theory of language and speech. It helps to distinguish (Medic-State Publish. House, Moscow), in Russian.
14. Bernstein, N. A. (1966) Outlinesof the Physiology of Move-
two groups of syntactical structures of which one remains mentsand thePhysiologyof Activity (MeditsinaPubl. House),
preserved in these lesions while the second is highly disturbed. in Russian.
(A careful analysis of these findings will appear in a special 15. Bernstein, N. A. (1967) The Coordinationand Regulationof
review of the progress in Neurolinguistics.) Movements(PergamonPress, Oxford).
16. Anokhin, P. T. (1955) "New data on the afferent apparatus
A second form of speech disorder analyzed by neuropsy- of the conditioned reflexes and their significance for psy-
chological studies is that of "dynamic aphasia," which was chology," Quest.Psychol.6, 16-38, in Russian.
known as "transcrotical motor aphasia" or "aspontaneity 17. Anokhin, P. R. (1968) Biology and Neurophysiologyof Con-
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