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Grade 4 Q3 2022-2023 Budgeted Lesson MAPEH 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I


S.Y 2022-2023
Week PAMANTAYANG PAMANTAYAN Most Essential Learning
PANGNILALAMAN SA PAGGANAP Competencies References Date to be Remarks
(Content Standard) (Performance Standard) (MELC) Taught
Week 1 The learner… The learner… Identifies aurally and visually the QUARTER 3 – MODULE 1 January 30-
Music Demonstrates understanding Performs similar and contrasting introduction and coda (ending) of a musical MELC February 3,
of musical phrases, and the uses musical phrases piece 1. Discusses the texture and 2023
and meaning of musical terms in MU4FO-IIIa-1 characteristics of each material.
form 2. Analyses how existing ethnic motif February 13-
designs are repeated and alternated. 17, 2023
Arts The learner… The learner… Discusses the texture and characteristics of each QUARTER 3 – MODULE 1
Demonstrates understanding of Exhibits basic skills in making a design material. MELC
shapes, colors and principle for a print and producing A4EL-IIIa 1. Discusses the texture and
repetition and emphasis several clean copies of the prints characteristics of each material.
through printmaking (stencils) manipulates a stencil with an adequate 2. Analyses how existing ethnic motif
skill to produce a clean designs are repeated and alternated.
print for a message, slogan or logo for a
Tshirt, poster bag produces at least 3
good copies of print using
complementary colors and contrasting
PE The learner . . . The learner… Assesses regularly participation in physical QUARTER 3 – MODULE 1
Demonstrates understanding of Participates and assesses performance activities based on physical activity pyramid MELC
participation and assessment of in physical activities. PE4PF-IIIb-h-18 Executes the different skills involved
physical activity assesses physical fitness in the dance.
and physical fitness K-12 BEC CG: PE4GS- IIIc-h4
Health The learner... The learner... Describes uses of medicines QUARTER 3 – MODULE 1
Demonstrates understanding of Practices the proper use of medicines H4S-IIIa-1 MELC: Describes Uses of Medicines
the proper use of medicines to
prevent misuse and harm
to the body

Week 2 The learner… The learner… Identifies aurally and visually the antecedent QUARTER 3 – MODULE 2 February 20-
Music Demonstrates understanding Performs similar and contrasting and consequent in a musical piece MELC: Identifies aurally and visually 24, 2023
of musical phrases, and the uses musical phrases MU4FO-IIIa-2 the antecedent and consequent phrase
and meaning of musical terms in of a musical piece.
Arts The learner… The learner… Analyzes how existing ethnic motif designs are QUARTER 3 – MODULE 1
Demonstrates understanding of Exhibits basic skills in making a design repeated and alternated. MELC
shapes, colors and principle for a print and producing A4PL-IIIb 1. Discusses the texture and
repetition and emphasis several clean copies of the prints characteristics of each material.
through printmaking (stencils) manipulates a stencil with an adequate 2. Analyses how existing ethnic motif
skill to produce a clean designs are repeated and alternated.
print for a message, slogan or logo for a
Tshirt, poster bag produces at least 3
good copies of print using
complementary colors and contrasting
PE The learner . . . The learner… Assesses regularly participation in physical QUARTER 3 – MODULE 1
Demonstrates understanding of Participates and assesses performance activities based on physical activity pyramid MELC
participation in and assessment of in physical activities. PE4PF-IIIb-h-18 Executes the different skills involved
physical assesses physical fitness in the dance.
activities and physical fitness K-12 BEC CG: PE4GS- IIIc-h4
Health The learner... The learner... Describes uses of medicines QUARTER 3 – MODULE 1
Demonstrates understanding of Practices the proper use of medicines H4S-IIIa-1 MELC: Describes Uses of Medicines
the proper use of medicines to
prevent misuse and harm
to the body
Week 3 The learner… The learner… Recognizes similar and contrasting phrases in QUARTER 3 – MODULE 3 February 27-
Music Demonstrates understanding Performs similar and contrasting vocal and instrumental music MELC: Recognizes similar and March 3,
of musical phrases, and the uses musical phrases 1. melodic contrasting phrases in vocal and 2023
and meaning of musical terms in 2. Rhythmic instrumental music
form MU4FO-IIIa-b-3 1. Melodic
2. Rhythmic
Arts The learner… The learner… Demonstrates the process of creating relief QUARTER 3 – MODULE 2
Demonstrates understanding of Exhibits basic skills in making a design prints and how these relief prints make the work MELC
shapes, colors and principle for a print and producing more interesting and harmonious in terms of the 1. Demonstrates the process of
repetition and emphasis several clean copies of the prints elements involved. creating relief prints
through printmaking (stencils) manipulates a stencil with an adequate A4PL-IIIc and how this relief prints make the
skill to produce a clean work more
print for a message, slogan or logo for a interesting and harmonious in terms of
Tshirt, poster bag produces at least 3 the
good copies of print using elements involved.
complementary colors and contrasting 2. Designs ethnic motifs by repeating,
shapes alternating, or
by radial arrangement.
PE The learner . . . The learner… Assesses regularly participation in physical QUARTER 3 – MODULE 2

Demonstrates understanding of Participates and assesses performance in activities based on physical MELC: Executes the different skills
participation and assessment of physical activities. PE4PF-IIIb-h-18 involved in the dance.
physical activity and physical assesses physical fitness Executes the different skills involved in the K-12 BEC CG: PE4GS- IIIc-h4
fitness dance
Recognizes the value of participation in
physical activities
Health The learner... The learner... Differentiates prescription from non- QUARTER 3 – MODULE 2
Demonstrates understanding of Practices the proper use of medicines prescription medicines MELC:Differentiates prescription and
the proper use of medicines to H4S-IIIb-2 non-prescription Medicines
prevent misuse and harm
to the body
Week 4 The learner… The learner… Performs similar and contrasting phrases in QUARTER 3 – MODULE 3 March 6-10,
Music Demonstrates understanding Performs similar and contrasting music MELC: Recognizes similar and 2023
of musical phrases, and the uses musical phrases 1. melodic contrasting phrases in vocal and
and meaning of musical terms in 2. Rhythmic instrumental
form MU4FO-IIId-5 music
1. Melodic
2. Rhythmic
Arts The learner… The learner… Designs ethnic motifs by repeating, QUARTER 3 – MODULE 2
Demonstrates understanding of Exhibits basic skills in making a design alternating, or by radial arrangement. MELC
shapes, colors and principle for a print and producing A4PR-IIId 1. Demonstrates the process of
repetition and emphasis through several clean copies of the prints creating relief prints and how this
printmaking (stencils) manipulates a stencil with an adequate relief prints make the work more
skill to produce a clean interesting and harmonious in terms of
print for a message, slogan or logo for a the elements involved.
Tshirt, poster bag produces at least 3
good copies of print using 2. Designs ethnic motifs by repeating,
complementary colors and contrasting alternating, or
shapes by radial arrangement.
PE The learner . . . The learner… Assesses regularly participation in physical QUARTER 3 – MODULE 2
Demonstrates understanding of Participates and assesses performance in activities based on physical MELC: Executes the different skills
participation and assessment of physical activities. PE4PF-IIIb-h-18 involved in the dance.
physical activity assesses physical fitness Executes the different skills involved in the K-12 BEC CG: PE4GS- IIIc-h4
and physical fitness dance
Recognizes the value of participation in
physical activities
Health The learner... The learner... Differentiates prescription from non- QUARTER 3 – MODULE 2
Demonstrates understanding of Practices the proper use of medicines prescription medicines MELC:Differentiates prescription and
the proper use of medicines to H4S-IIIb-2 non-prescription Medicines
prevent misuse and harm
to the body

Week 5 The learner… The learner… Identifies as vocal or instrumental, a QUARTER 3 – MODULE 5 March 13-
Music Demonstrates understanding of Participates actively in a group recording of the following: MELC: Identifies as vocal or 17, 2023
variations of sound in music performance to demonstrate 1. solo instrumental, a recording of the
(lightness and heaviness) as different vocal and instrumental 2. duet following:
applied to vocal and instrumental sounds 3. trio 1. Solo
music 4. Ensemble 2. Duet
MU4TB-IIIe-2 3. Trio
4. Ensemble
Arts The learner… The learner… Creates a relief master or mold using additive QUARTER 3 – MODULE 3
Demonstrates understanding of Exhibits basic skills in making a design and subtractive processes. MELC: Creates relief master or mold
shapes, colors and principle for a print and producing A4PR-IIIe using additive and
repetition and emphasis several clean copies of the prints subtractive processes.
through printmaking (stencils) manipulates a stencil with an adequate
skill to produce a clean
print for a message, slogan or logo for a
Tshirt, poster bag produces at least 3
good copies of print using
complementary colors and contrasting
PE The learner . . . The learner… Assesses regularly participation in physical QUARTER 3 – MODULE 3
Demonstrates understanding of Participates and assesses performance in activities based on physical MELC: Executes the different skills
participation and assessment of physical activities. PE4PF-IIIb-h-18 involved in the dance.
physical activity assesses physical fitness Executes the different skills involved in the K-12 BEC CG: PE4GS- IIIc-h4
and physical fitness dance
Recognizes the value of participation in
physical activities
Health The learner... The learner... Describes the potential dangers associated with QUARTER 3 – MODULE 3 week 3-
Demonstrates understanding of Practices the proper use of medicines medicine misuse and abuse 4
the proper use of medicines to H4S-IIIde-4 MELC: Describes the potential
prevent misuse and harm to the dangers associated with medicines
body misuse and abuse.
Week 6 The learner… The learner… Identifies aurally and visually various musical QUARTER 3 – MODULE 6 March 20-
Music Demonstrates understanding of Participates actively in a group ensembles in the community MELC: Identifies aurally and visually 24, 2023
variations of sound in music performance to demonstrate MU4TB-IIIf-3 various musical ensembles in the
(lightness and heaviness) as different vocal and instrumental community
applied to vocal and instrumental sounds
Arts The learner… The learner… Creates simple, interesting, and QUARTER 3 – MODULE 4
Demonstrates understanding of Exhibits basic skills in making a design harmoniously arranged relief prints from a clay MELC: Creates simple, interesting,
shapes, colors and principle for a print and producing design. and harmoniously arranged relief
repetition and emphasis several clean copies of the prints A4PR-IIIf prints from a clay design.
through printmaking (stencils) manipulates a stencil with an adequate
skill to produce a clean

print for a message, slogan or logo for a
Tshirt, poster bag produces at least 3
good copies of print using
complementary colors and contrasting
PE The learner . . . The learner… Assesses regularly participation in physical QUARTER 2 – MODULE 6
Demonstrates understanding of Participates and assesses performance in activities based on physical MELC : Executes the different skills
participation and assessment of physical activities. PE4PF-IIIb-h-18 involved in the game
physical activity assesses physical fitness Executes the different skills involved in the MELC p. 322
and physical fitness dance
Recognizes the value of participation in
physical activities
Health The learner... The learner... describes the potential QUARTER 3 – MODULE 3 week 3-
Demonstrates understanding of Practices the proper use of medicines dangers associated with 4
the proper use of medicines to medicine misuse and abuse MELC: Describes the potential
prevent misuse and harm to the H4S-IIIde-4 dangers associated with medicines
body misuse
and abuse.
Week 7 The learner… The learner… Identifies aurally and visually various musical QUARTER 3 – MODULE 6 March 27-
Music Demonstrates understanding of Participates actively in a group ensembles in the community MELC: Identifies aurally and visually 31, 2023
variations of sound in music performance to demonstrate MU4TB-IIIf-3 various musical ensembles in the
(lightness and heaviness) as different vocal and instrumental community
applied to vocal and instrumental sounds
Arts The learner… The learner… Prints reliefs with adequate skill to produce QUARTER 3 – MODULE 5
Demonstrates understanding of Exhibits basic skills in making a design clean prints with a particular design motif MELC::Print reliefs with adequate
shapes, colors and principle for a print and producing (repeated or alternated). skill to produce clean prints with a
repetition and emphasis several clean copies of the prints A4PR-IIIg particular design motif ( repeated or
through printmaking (stencils) manipulates a stencil with an adequate alternated)
skill to produce a clean
print for a message, slogan or logo for a
Tshirt, poster bag produces at least 3
good copies of print using
complementary colors and contrasting
PE The learner . . . The learner… Assesses regularly participation in physical QUARTER 3 – MODULE 4-5
Demonstrates understanding of Participates and assesses performance in activities based on physical MELC: Executes the different skills
participation and assessment of physical activities. PE4PF-IIIb-h-18 involved in the dance.
physical activity assesses physical fitness Executes the different skills involved in the K-12 BEC CG: PE4GS- IIIc-h4
and physical fitness dance
Recognizes the value of participation in
physical activities

Health The learner... The learner... Describes the proper use of medicines QUARTER 3 – MODULE 4
Demonstrates understanding of Practices the proper use of medicines H4S-IIIfg-5 MELC : Describes the proper use of
the proper use of medicines to medicines
prevent misuse and harm
to the body
Week 8 The learner… The learner… Identifies aurally and visually various musical QUARTER 3 – MODULE 6 April 3-7,
Music Demonstrates understanding of Participates actively in a group ensembles in the community MELC: Identifies aurally and visually 2023
variations of sound in music performance to demonstrate MU4TB-IIIf-3 various musical ensembles in the
(lightness and heaviness) as different vocal and instrumental community
applied to vocal and instrumental sounds
Arts The learner… The learner… Creates the relief mold using found material: QUARTER 3 – MODULE 6 and 7
Demonstrates understanding of Exhibits basic skills in making a design hard foam; cardboard shapes glued on wood; MELC::Creates the relief mold using
shapes, colors and principle for a print and producing strings and buttons, old screws, and metal parts found material: hard
repetition and emphasisthrough several clean copies of the prints glued on wood or cardboard. foam; cardboard shapes glued on
printmaking (stencils) manipulates a stencil with an adequate A4PR-IIIi wood; strings and buttons,
skill to produce a clean old screws and metal parts glued on
print for a message, slogan or logo for a wood or cardboard.
Tshirt, poster bag produces at least 3
good copies of print using
complementary colors and contrasting
PE The learner . . . The learner… Assesses regularly participation in physical QUARTER 3 – MODULE 4-5
Demonstrates understanding of Participates and assesses performance in activities based on physical MELC: Executes the different skills
participation and assessment of physical activities. PE4PF-IIIb-h-18 involved in the dance.
physical activity and physical assesses physical fitness Executes the different skills involved in the K-12 BEC CG: PE4GS- IIIc-h4
fitness dance
Recognizes the value of participation in
physical activities
Health The learner... The learner... Describes the proper use of medicines QUARTER 3 – MODULE 4
Demonstrates understanding of Practices the proper use of medicines H4S-IIIfg-5 MELC : Describes the proper use of
the proper use of edicines to medicines
prevent misuse and harm to the
Week 9 The learner… The learner… Applies dynamics in a simple music score QUARTER 3 – MODULE 7 April 10-14,
Music recognizes the musical symbols Applies forte and piano to designate using the symbols p (piano) and f (forte) MELC : : Applies dynamics in a 2023
and demonstrates loudness and softness in a musical MU4DY-IIIf-1 simple music score using the symbols
understanding of concepts sample (piano) (forte)
pertaining to volume in music 1. singing
2. playing
Arts The learner… The learner… Participates in a school/district exhibit QUARTER 3 – MODULE 8

Demonstrates understanding of Exhibits basic skills in making a design andculminating activity in celebration of MELC::Participates in a school/
shapes, colors and principle for a print and producing theNational Arts Month (February). district exhibit andculminating activity
repetition and emphasis several clean copies of the prints A4PR-IIIj-2 in celebration of National Arts Month(
through printmaking (stencils) manipulates a stencil with an adequate February)4
skill to produce a clean
print for a message, slogan or logo for a
Tshirt, poster bag produces at least 3
good copies of print using
complementary colors and contrasting
PE The learner . . . The learner… Assesses regularly participation in physical QUARTER 3 – MODULE 6-7
Demonstrates understanding of participates and assesses performance in activities based on physical MELC: Executes the different skills
participation and assessment of physical activities. PE4PF-IIIb-h-18 involved in the dance.
physical activity and physical assesses physical fitness Executes the different skills involved in the K-12 BEC CG: PE4GS- IIIc-h4
fitness dance
Recognizes the value of participation in
physical activities
Health The learner... The learner... Explains the importance of reading drug QUARTER 3 – MODULE 5
Demonstrates understanding of Practices the proper use of medicines information and labels, and other ways to MELC : Explains the importance of
the proper use of medicines to ensure proper use of medicines reading information and labels,and
prevent misuse and harm to the H4S-IIIij-6 other ways to ensure proper use of
body medicines.
Week The learner… The learner… Applies dynamics in a simple music score QUARTER 3 – MODULE 7 April 17-19,
10 recognizes the musical symbols applies forte and piano to designate using the symbols p (piano) and f (forte) MELC : : Applies dynamics in a 2023
Music and demonstrates loudness and softness in a musical MU4DY-IIIf-1 simple music score using the symbols
understanding of concepts sample (piano) (forte)
pertaining to volume in music 1. singing
2. playing
Arts The learner… The learner… 9. participates in a school/district exhibit QUARTER 3 – MODULE
Demonstrates understanding of exhibits basic skills in making a design andculminating activity in celebration of 8MELC::Participates in a school/
shapes, colors and principle for a print and producing theNational Arts Month (February). district exhibit andculminating activity
repetition and emphasis through several clean copies of the prints A4PR-IIIj-2 in celebration of National Arts Month(
printmaking (stencils) manipulates a stencil with an adequate February)4
skill to produce a clean
print for a message, slogan or logo for a
Tshirt, poster bag produces at least 3
good copies of print using
complementary colors and contrasting
PE The learner . . . The learner… Assesses regularly participation in physical QUARTER 3 – MODULE 6-7
Demonstrates understanding of Participates and assesses performance in activities based on physical MELC: Executes the different skills
participation and assessment of physical activities. PE4PF-IIIb-h-18 involved in the dance.

physical activity and physical assesses physical fitness Executes the different skills involved in the K-12 BEC CG: PE4GS- IIIc-h4
fitness dance
Recognizes the value of participation in
physical activities
Health The learner... The learner... Explains the importance of reading drug QUARTER 3 – MODULE 5
Demonstrates understanding of Practices the proper use of medicines information and labels, and other ways to MELC : Explains the importance of
the proper use of medicines to ensure proper use of medicines reading information and labels,and
prevent misuse and harm to the H4S-IIIij-6 other ways to ensure proper use of
body medicines.
3rd Periodic Tests April 20-21,

Prepared by:
Teacher III/ School MAPEH Coordinator

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