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Journal of Cleaner Production 57 (2013) 238e248

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A water footprint assessment of a pair of jeans: the influence

of agricultural policies on the sustainability of consumer products
Daniel Chico a, *, Maite M. Aldaya b, Alberto Garrido a
Water Observatory of the Botin Foundation and Research Centre for the Management of Agricultural and Environmental Risk (CEIGRAM), Technical
University of Madrid, c/senda del rey, 13, Madrid, Spain
Water Observatory of the Botin Foundation, Complutense University of Madrid and Consultant UNEP, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study reports the results of a water footprint (WF) assessment of five types of textiles commonly
Received 21 November 2012 used for the production of jeans, including two different fibres (cotton and Lyocell fibre) and five cor-
Received in revised form responding production methods for spinning, dyeing and weaving. The results show that the fibre
30 May 2013
production is the stage with the highest water consumption, being cotton production particularly rele-
Accepted 1 June 2013
Available online 20 June 2013
vant. Therefore, the study pays particular attention to the water footprint of cotton production and
analyses the effects of external factors influencing the water footprint of a product, in this case, the
incentives provided by the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and the relevance of agricultural
Product water footprint
practices to the water footprint of a product is emphasised. An extensification of the crop production led
Textile products to higher WF per unit, but a lower overall pressure on the basins’ water resources. This study performs a
Cotton sustainability assessment of the estimated cotton WFs with the water scarcity index, as proposed by
Common Agricultural Policy Hoekstra et al. (2011), and shows their variations in different years as a result of different water con-
Water scarcity index sumption by crops in the rest of the river basin. In our case, we applied the assessment to the Gua-
River basin dalquivir, Guadalete and Barbate river basins, three semi-arid rivers in South Spain. Because they are
found to be relevant, the available water stored in dams and the outflow are also incorporated as
reference points for the sustainability assessment. The study concludes that, in the case of Spanish cotton
production, the situation of the basin and the policy impact are more relevant for the status of the basin’s
water resources than the actual WF of cotton production. Therefore, strategies aimed at reducing the
impact of the water footprint of a product need to analyse both the WF along the value chain and within
the local context.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction management (Alliance for Water Stewardship, 2012). A reference to

most of these tools can be found in the web page of the CEO Water
It is increasingly recognised that indirect water users, such as Mandate (CEOWM, 2012). All these initiatives present strengths and
consumers, trading, and manufacturing companies, are relevant weaknesses (UNEP, 2011), and many are still under development
factors in the path toward a greener economy. More companies (Bayart et al., 2010). It is clear, however, that these tools respond to
are undertaking initiatives to gain a better understanding of different views and perspectives (Schornagel et al., 2012).
their water-related risks along their value chains. Nevertheless, One such tool is a water footprint assessment. As an indicator,
traditional corporate water accounting often fails to address the water footprint (WF) measures the appropriation of water re-
water use and management in the supply chain. Several tools sources by human activity by evaluating water consumption and
have recently been developed to overcome these limitations: some the impact on water quality. However, the results of water footprint
are accounting tools for water use and operational risk, whereas accounting are not completely informative with regard to local
other approaches aim to introduce the impacts of consumption sustainability because WF provides only an evaluation of water
(UNEP/SETAC) or to promote a deeper engagement in resource abstraction or utilisation, with no reference to the local or regional
conditions under which it was performed (Jeswani and Azapagic,
2011). To this end, the ‘Water Footprint Assessment Manual’
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ34 0 647856534. (Hoekstra et al., 2011) recommends that the performance of a
E-mail address: (D. Chico). sustainability assessment be thoroughly checked. This entails the

0959-6526/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Chico et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 57 (2013) 238e248 239

comparison of the water footprint being analysed (product, con- this sector with NGOs (WWF) and local organisations to promote
sumer, or region) with the local water availability, which is ob- the best farming practices for cotton growers in Brazil, Pakistan,
tained from the comparison of the available water resources India, and Mali. In addition to water, these practices are also
with the total water footprint of the basin. The available water re- focused on integrated pest management, working conditions, and
sources would be the natural runoff minus the environmental flow soil conservation. The Sustainable Apparel Coalition is a joint effort
requirements. of global companies for the development of a tool to measure the
To better assess the impacts and allow comparability among social and environmental performance of the products (SAC, 2012).
different WFs, some authors have suggested that water footprints Examples of certifications by third parties are the labels OEKO-
be weighted by a scarcity factor (Ridoutt et al.,2011), in accordance TEXÒ Standard from International Association for Research and
with Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology (Koehler, 2008). Testing in the Field of Textile Ecology, “Blue Sign” from Blue Sign
Several indexes have been proposed to this end. Pfister et al. (2009) AG, “Made in Green” by Aitex, and “Eco-label” from the European
proposed three areas of protection, human health, ecosystem Union Commission, this last being applicable to other non-textile
quality, and resources, and discussed a global characterisation and products. Muthu et al. (2012) have proposed an Ecological Sus-
the damage factors for watershed-level consumptive water use, tainability Index specific for textile fibres, with 9 impact categories
applying them to global cotton production. Pfister et al. (2009) and and a scoring system, indicating organic cotton as being a more
Milà i Canals et al. (2009) proposed two impact pathways for water environmentally friendly fibre than other natural and, in particular,
use and corresponding characterisation factors, and, based on the man-made fibres. However, this approach is heavily dependent on
water stress index of Pfister et al. (2009), Ridoutt and Pfister (2012) the weighting factors chosen for each impact category.
developed a characterisation factor for water footprint assess- Very few studies have been devoted to analyse the water foot-
ments. The application of different methodologies for impact print of cotton textiles. Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2010) reported
assessment leads to different results, necessitating a more stand- that cotton accounts for 3.14% of the world’s total water footprint.
ardised methodology (Jeswani and Azapagic, 2011). Page et al. The authors estimated that the global average water footprint of
(2012) recognises the need for an improvement of the impact cotton lint is 5163, 2955, and 966 m3/t for green, blue, and grey
assessment at the endpoint level. Measuring water scarcity is a water, respectively; this average ranges from 5020, 0, and 1065 m3/t
complex process that depends on the spatial and temporal scales of in Minas Gerais, Brazil, to 34923, 0, and 2213 in Gambia (where
the analysis (Rijsberman, 2006). Recently, Jefferies et al. (2012) production is based on green water) or 18, 4886, and 396 m3/t in
considered the synergy of LCA and WFA methodologies and iden- Syrian Dar’a region to 272, 21737, and 267 m3/t in the Afghan
tified the differences in scope and focus of both methods. The blue Nimruz region (where production depends on blue water). In a
water footprint may serve in the inventory phase of the LCA previous article focused on cotton production, Chapagain et al.
assessment, though green and grey WFs are usually recommended (2006) quantified the global cotton water footprint at 256 Gm3/y,
for accounting in other impact categories (Milá i Canals, 2009; with a global average of 4264, 4242, and 622 m3/t for green, blue,
Pfister et al., 2009). Several papers have recently applied the and grey water, respectively. Using the LCA approach, Pfister et al.
different methodologies for water footprint accounting and impact (2009) quantified the global average of (blue) water consumptive
assessment. Jeswani and Azapagic (2011) applied different meth- use for cotton production at 8540 m3/t and proposed a methodol-
odologies to the case of corn-based ethanol in 12 countries. Jefferies ogy to account for water consumption and related impacts within
et al. (2012) studied two Unilever products, margarine and tea, LCA methodology.
from cradle to gate. Zonderland-Thomassen and Ledgard (2012) The goal of this paper is to evaluate the water footprint of a
analysed two different dairy farming systems in New Zealand. consumer product, denim trousers (blue jeans), by examining
Herath et al. (2013a, 2013b) applied a water balance approach to different raw materials and production methods along the entire
two wine production systems in New Zealand, obtaining negative value chain. Many textile products, including jeans, are produced
water footprints for the grape growing stage. These articles agree using different combinations of cotton fibres with other synthetic
that the LCA and the WF communities share the same challenges fibres, such as Lyocell fibre, which is produced with cellulose from
with regard to the assessment of products. Assessing the environ- the timber of different tree species. Furthermore, jean trousers are
mental impacts of water use, in a comprehensive, robust way is a manufactured following widely different and environmentally
complex task. There is a balance to be achieved between spatial sensitive production methods. Our study includes five different
detail of the impact assessment, which greatly increases accuracy fabrics made from cotton and Lyocell fibres. In particular, the study
but is highly data demanding, and the applicability of the method focuses on the example of cotton production in 3 river basins in
at larger scales, which is needed for methodologies trying to asses southern Spain. To evaluate how sensitive our water assessment is
worldwide supply chains. Potential synergies exist because they to some important factors, this paper analyses how the influence of
rely on the same data for water accounting and impact assessment cotton prices and sectoral policies on the production methods im-
and would benefit from further collaboration and the joint devel- pacts the sustainability of a specific consumer product. The drivers
opment of methods. of these different production methods affect the result of the
One of the strengths of WF is the transparency of the results, as product’s WF and, therefore, need to be taken into account in an
water consumption estimates may be disaggregated at the lowest evaluation of the WF of a product. The analysis of the sustainability
possible level, affording more flexibility for evaluating the impacts of the critical points in the product’s WF is performed in two ways:
of water consumption spatially and temporally. Indeed, one of the the monthly water stress index (WSI), as proposed in Hoekstra et al.
issues that LCA is improving in its impact assessment phase is the (2012), is calculated using the local data; the results are then dis-
temporal and spatial definition of the characterisation factors, cussed with the local actual outflow data and available water
which are still not completely and satisfactorily developed (Jeswani storage in dams.
and Azapagic, 2011). Nonetheless, the broad scope of LCA avoids
problem-shifting (Cucek et al., 2012). 2. Methodology
Several initiatives have catalysed significant progress for
achieving more sustainable corporate water management, as in the Our study analyses the water footprint of a range of fabrics made
case of the apparel sector. For example, the Better Cotton Initiative in Spain, from the origin of the raw material to the garment cutting
(BCI, 2012) is a joint project of relevant international companies of and production of the final piece. Four of these fabrics are made
240 D. Chico et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 57 (2013) 238e248

from cotton, whereas the fifth is composed of Lyocell fibre, a textile 2007e2009 prices (Cotton Outlook, 2012). Irrigation is utilised in
fibre obtained from wood cellulose. The methodology was based on 93% of the planted cotton area in Spain, and different techniques,
the water footprint assessment developed in Hoekstra et al. (2011). such as surface, drip, and sprinkler systems, are employed. Before
The green, blue, and grey water footprints of the processes in the 2006, cotton was cultivated under plastic mulching, and a variety of
textile value chain were estimated from the wood and cotton agrochemicals were used, including fertilisers, phytosanitary
production stage to the industrial processes. Fig. 1a and b detail the products, and defoliants. Cotton is an intensive crop and generates
production phases, the type of water included in the calculation, significant socioeconomic revenues in terms of agricultural (Arriaza
and the type of data source used. The system boundaries excluded and Capellán, 2009) and associated income (JA, 2005).
the WF of transport and electricity and that of the packaging and Cotton production in Spain was affected by the partial decou-
manufacture of minor inputs to production. pling1 of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) from 2006
(Arriaza and Capellán, 2009). The decoupling reform introduced a
2.1. Cotton production in Spain change from receiving a payment per unit produced to receiving a
basic payment per cultivated surface. Many farmers have either
Spain and Greece are the only EU countries that produce cotton. substituted cotton with other crops or have reduced the variable
Although cotton is not one of the main crops in Spain, it is relevant costs by reducing the number of irrigation applications (and water
in the producing areas, which are traditionally concentrated in the applied) and fertiliser and phytosanitary product usage. Integrated
middle and lower Guadalquivir river and the Guadalete and Barbate pest management practices spread to 75% of the surface area,
rivers (see the map in Fig. 2). In 2005, 2009, this production area which added 350 V/ha in payments and implied limitations on
represented approximately 15% and 8%, respectively, of the total pesticide and fertiliser use (JA, 2007). Plastic-mulched area dis-
irrigated surface in the Guadalquivir basin, exceeding 30% in some appeared, rainfed areas increased from 5 to 10%, and drip and
municipalities. According to the River Basin District Management furrow irrigation decreased (Granado et al., 2008). Although the
Plan, cotton is the most extended irrigated crop in the Guadalquivir average yields were 3500 kg/ha in the 1995e2005 period, similar to
basin after olive trees (RBDMP, DHG, 2012). the main producing countries worldwide, the yields decreased to
The cultivated area exceeded 100,000 ha in 1999 but decreased 2500 and 1100 kg/ha in 2007 and 2008, respectively, particularly in
to 86,000 ha in 2005 and to a minimum of 52,639 ha in 2008 Seville province, which accounts for more than 60% of the culti-
(MAGRAMA, 2012). There was a partial recovery in the cultivated vated area (MAGRAMA, 2012). Furthermore, due to the few crop
surface during 2009e2011, to 66,500 ha in 2011, which was linked alternatives in the region, direct farm labour decreased an average
to a 62% rise in international prices with respect to the average of 43% (JA, 2007).

2.2. Water accounting

2.2.1. Fibre production stage

The green and blue water consumption of the cotton production
stage in the Guadalquivir, Guadalete, and Barbate river basins was
calculated with the software CROPWAT (FAO, 2009). The calculation
was performed at the municipal level, distinguishing among the
different irrigation techniques for 2005 and 2009. The monthly
precipitation and potential evapotranspiration were obtained at the
agricultural district level from the irrigation service of the regional
government (SIAR, 2012). The crop evapotranspiration coefficient
(Kc) was obtained from Allen et al. (2006). Even though 2005 was a
dry year, with precipitation approximately 50% of the average, it
was declared a normal year in terms of drought risk because of the
water stored in reservoirs (MAGRAMA, 2009). In contrast, 2009 was
a normal year in terms of precipitation and drought risk (DHG,
2009), though only 50% of the crop irrigation water requirements
were satisfied (GarcíaeVila et al., 2008; Arriaza and Capellán,
2009). Data for the cotton crop area at the municipal level were
obtained from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and
Environment (MAGRAMA, 2012). The yield and share of area per
irrigation technique and province were obtained from the cotton
production statistics of the Andalusian government (JA, 2008). The
green and blue water footprint of the cotton production (m3/t) was
calculated using the estimated green and blue water consumption
and the yield per province and irrigation type (rainfed and surface,
sprinkler, or drip irrigation).
Because the amount of fertilisation needed depends, among
other factors, on the crop, soil, agricultural practices, and expected
yield, we considered the impact of nitrogen fertilisation to estimate
the grey water footprint of cotton production. The grey water
Fig. 1. a, b System boundaries of the production chain for cotton and Lyocell fibres,
data source per process, and type of water taken into account per stage. The colour of
the arrows indicate the type of water consumed at each point (green water, blue water, Decoupling: Introduced by the 2003 reform of the EU common agricultural
and grey water). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the policy, decoupling is the removal of the link between the receipt of a direct pay-
reader is referred to the web version of this article.) ment and the production of a specific product Source: EC (2013).
D. Chico et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 57 (2013) 238e248 241

Fig. 2. Study areas and main rivers in the Guadalquivir, Guadalete, and Barbate river basins.

footprint was calculated by estimating the excess nitrogen leached. phase and one “ready to dye” or dyed after the weaving phase in a
The crop nitrogen extraction was considered to be 50 kgN/t of raw separate phase, and one Lyocell fibre denim fabric (colour 390).
cotton produced (López Bellido, 2003), and this figure was multi- The water footprint per unit will be influenced by the subsequent
plied by the crop yield per irrigation technique to obtain the total processes (spinning, dying, weaving, and finishing), which depend
nitrogen extractions per ha. In 2004, an average of 200 kgN/ha was on the characteristics of the final product. In this study, all of the
applied, whereas it fell to only 90 kgN/ha in 2008 (Arriaza and water consumed in the spinning and weaving phases was measured
Capellán, 2009). The difference between nitrogen extraction and in a fabric-producing plant of the company Tejidos Royo in Picassent
applied nitrogen was considered as the excess nitrogen from which (Spain). AITEX, the Textile Industry Research Association, collabo-
15% is leached in the Guadalquivir valley according to Velthoft et al. rated in the data collection. The water consumed depends on the
(2007). Leaching was assumed to be negligible in the case of rainfed different processes followed to obtain a specific fabric, particularly
production. The nitrogen concentration limit was considered to be for the dying with indigo and subsequent washing steps.
50 mg NO 3 =l, in accordance with the EU Nitrates Directive (EC, The grey water footprint was calculated with the effluent
2002; EU 91/676/EEC). chemical oxygen demand of the factory and compared to the spe-
Only the water incorporated into the product was taken into cific discharge permitted by the municipal authorities. Both the
account in the cotton-ginning phase, which occurs with dried spinning and weaving steps occur in the same factory, and the grey
cotton (humidity is lowered from 7e9% to 3e5%). This humidity water footprint was estimated jointly. The calculation of the gar-
content is restored at the end of the process to avoid fire risk and to ment’s WF (jean trousers) was estimated by considering an average
facilitate the ensuing industrial phases (López-Bellido, 2003). weight of 780 g per unit. The water used in the confection phase
With regard to the Lyocell fibre, the calculation of the green was not taken into account.
water footprint of wood production was performed by estimating
the evapotranspiration of deciduous forests in Europe (van Oel
and Hoekstra, 2012). The wood yield and pulp processing pro- 2.3. Blue water impact assessment
cesses were according to the LCA published by the Lenzing Group
(Shen et al., 2010). The estimations of processing water used in The blue water footprint impact assessment was performed in
pulp production were based on the working draft of best avail- the cotton production phase by following the methodology of the
able technologies for Kraft processes, non-integrated pulp mills Water Footprint Assessment Manual (Hoekstra et al., 2011). The
(EC, 2012). The estimation of water consumption in the produc- methodology includes the estimation of the blue water stress index
tion phase was based on the data supplied by the producing per month at the river basin level. This index is the ratio of the total
company, Lenzing Group. The emission values of the Lyocell and blue WF in the study area to the blue water availability (BWA). This
pulp production processes were obtained from the Austrian availability is calculated as the difference between the river flow
standard for surface water quality for this sector (BLFUW, 2000a, under natural conditions and the environmental minimum flow
2000b). requirements (EFRs):
2.2.2. Fabric production stage WSBlue ½x; t ¼ WFBlue ½x; t=ðRnat ½x; t  EFR½x; tÞ (1)
Five different fabric types where considered for fabric produc-
tion (spinning, dyeing, and weaving stages). All of the fabrics differ where
in their final characteristics, covering the main categories of textile
for trousers, and included two cotton denim materials (colours 82 WSBlue [x, t] is the blue water scarcity (dimensionless) per river
and 212) plus two other cotton fabrics, one dyed in the weaving basin, x, and time frame (month), t;
242 D. Chico et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 57 (2013) 238e248

WFBlue [x, t] is the total blue water footprint per river basin and of each dam was obtained from the RBDMP (DHG, 2009, 2012 in the
month (Mm3/y); Guadalquivir and AAA, 2010 in the Guadalete and Barbate basins).
Rnat [x, t] is the natural runoff in the catchment for a time frame The stored capacity in dams and dam outflow at the end of the
(month) (Mm3/y); and study areas were obtained from the River Basin District information
EFR [x, t] is the environmental flow requirement (Mm3/y). tool (SAIH, 2012).
As stated in RBDMP, the environmental flows of the Guadalqui-
This index considers the theoretical natural runoff (not the vir’s estuary (Transition Water bodies) are complex and depend on
actual runoff) as the basis for the estimation of the water avail- the sea dynamics; thus these factors are not included in the present
ability (the denominator in Eq (1)), as suggested by Hoekstra et al. analysis. The same reasoning was applied to small coastal rivers. The
(2011). In our case, we divided the Guadalquivir and the Guadalete different information was geographically added using ArcGIS 9.3.
and Barbate River Basin District into smaller sub-basins that served
as the study areas so that the different information could be com- 3. Results
bined (Fig. 2). The EFR at the end of each sub-basin was known, as it
is given in the River Basin District Management Plan (RBDMP). 3.1. Water accounting
In this work, we also took into account the available water
stored in dams. This was estimated as the actual monthly volume Table 1 shows the maximum, minimum, and average water
stored in the dams in those years minus the dependent urban and footprints in each production stage in both production chains
industrial demands and the environmental minimum requirement (cotton and Lyocell) and the final WF per item.
for each dam, as calculated for each study area. Thus, an adjusted In the process of the Lyocell fibre, the main consumption lies in
WSI index was calculated. the wood growth stage, which relies mainly on green water, and the
The blue water footprint per crop, year, and municipality was water footprint of wood varies depending on the origin of the wood
estimated for all the study areas by following the methodology in and forest type (Van Oel and Hoekstra et al., 2012). The maximum
Salmoral et al. (2011a), as based on Garrido et al. (2010), and taking values shown here account for broadleaf forest from central
into account irrigation limitations as a consequence of the drought Europe, the actual origin of the wood, and the minimum values
level per irrigation district. A more realistic estimation of the blue account for temperate eucalyptus forests from South Africa, an
WF of crop production may be obtained in this way. The estimated alternative wood source that is used by the company to produce
yearly crop WF was distributed among the different months of the fibres other than Lyocell (Shen et al., 2010). These values are aver-
year according to the estimated blue water requirements in Garrido ages of various years and locations. Other possible wood origins
et al. (2010). The blue WF of all crops and municipalities of a study were not considered because, as provided by the manufacturer
area was then aggregated using the information of the crop irri- company, the sources used are those from which the wood for
gated surface at the municipal level given by the Ministry of Agri- Lyocell fibre may ultimately be derived.
culture, Food and Environment. For municipalities that are located Both cellulose pulp production and fibre production from the
partly outside of the basin or that are situated in more than one pulp exhibit a lower water footprint than the wood growth phase,
study area, the municipalities’ water consumption was assigned to albeit of a different nature. Green water is the main component in the
each study area proportionally based on the area of the munici- wood growth phase, whereas grey water is dominant in the indus-
pality inside the study area. The result is the crop blue WF of the trial phases. The existing technologies allow for industrial plants to
study area, which is equal to the total blue WF of the study area in almost completely reuse the water used in their processes, and the
Eq (1), and was used for the calculation of blue water availability. In effluents are reportedly within the legal environmental limits. This
the Guadalquivir basin, the crop blue WF represents 80% of the total causes the industrial WF to be small. Water consumption and
blue WF of all uses (Salmoral et al., 2011a). pollution in the spinning and weaving phases differ according to the
The data for the natural river flow (Rnat) was obtained from specifications of the fabric and are mainly related to the final colour
RBDMP and is based on the SIMPA hydrological model (Estrela and and appearance of the product. Different processes are followed to
Quintas, 1996), which is used by the Spanish River Basin authorities achieve these specifications. Dying, for example, requires water for
in their resource estimation. This model estimates the total runoff the application of the colour and subsequent washings to remove the
per 100  100-m grid cell. The average 1940/41e2005/06 monthly surplus dye. In the case of the Lyocell fibre, only one product is
accumulated runoff at the study area’s endpoint was used. The assessed, and, therefore, only one process is followed.
ecological flow at the end of the study areas and the municipal Additionally, in the case of the cotton products, the cotton
urban and industrial water demand and ecological flow at the end growth phase shows the highest water footprint values (m3/t) and

Table 1
Maximum, minimum and average green, blue and grey water footprint (m3/t product) in each production stage and total WF per trouser (m3/piece).

Cotton products Cotton lint (m3/t) Ginning (m3/t) Spinning and weaving (m3/t fabric) Total WF of cotton trousers (m3/item)

Green WF Blue WF Grey WF Green WF Blue WF Grey WF Green WF Blue WF Grey WF Green WF Blue WF Grey WF Total WF

Max (m3/t) 879 6339 550 0 30 0 0 134.3 0.06 544 4008 341 4894
Min (m3/t) 302 3862 272 0 60 0 0 53.5 0 187.9 2439.4 169.4 2797
Average (m3/t) 422 4380 326 0 40 0 0 91.76 0.06 263 2767 203 3233

Lyocell fibre Wood growth (m3/t) Fibre production (market pulp þ Spinning and weaving Total WF of Lyocell trousers (m3/item)
products Lyocell process) (m3/t fabric)

Green Blue Grey Green Blue Grey WF Green Blue Grey Green Blue Grey Total

Max (m3/t) 1012 0 0 0 e 3.71 0 104.8 0.06 1652.9 46.7 175.6 1875
Min (m3/t) 682 0 0 0 0 272.1 0 104.8 0 1115 46.4 2.4 1164
Average (m3/t) 847.1 0 0 0 1 56.7 0 104.8 0.06 1384 34.5 35.3 1454

Source: Own elaboration based on own calculations, data collected in Tejidos Royo with the help of AITEX and data supplied by Lenzing Group.
D. Chico et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 57 (2013) 238e248 243

variability, (taken as a larger difference between the maximum and fertiliser use and altering other agricultural practices, which
minimum). As explained, higher values in the spinning and resulted in lower yields, thus increasing the water footprint per
weaving phases are related to darker colours (which require higher unit. In the case of cotton production, a more extensive production
dyeing doses and stronger washing after dying). In contrast to the is less efficient with regard to green and blue water consumption.
wood-based Lyocell fibres, the blue water footprint is predominant Nevertheless, fertilisation and available nitrogen decreased, the
in cotton production, though grey water is also significant. yield reduction was even higher, causing the grey WF per unit to
Accordingly, we focused the sustainability assessment of the increase in 2009 compared to 2005.
jeans product on the cotton-producing stage, as this stage shows Land productivity was significantly smaller, thus less economic
the highest water footprint within the value chain. An analysis to value is obtained per unit area, and farm profitability is threatened.
evaluate the variation and impacts of this consumption was per- However, the relationship between the blue, green, and grey WF
formed. The Spanish cotton production was analysed at a municipal was reversed between 2005 and 2009: blue WF increased by 50%,
level. Because of the significant impact of the CAP reform on cotton grey water increased by 101%, and green water by 275%. Variance in
production, the years 2005 and 2009 were selected so that the the WF was also significant and higher in the 2009 than in 2005.
impact of CAP decoupling on the crop water footprint could be Table 3 shows the averages obtained and standard deviations in the
analysed. The WF per unit (m3/t) was calculated as a first step. results per municipality for green, blue, and grey WF (Table 2).
Fig. 3 shows the average water footprint (m3/t) of cotton pro- Water consumption increased in variability among municipalities
duction for the years 2005 and 2009 per irrigation method; the after the reform in 2008. There is a correlation between irrigation
land productivity (euro/ha) excluding CAP’s subsidies is also management and nitrogen losses. Cavero et al. (2012) studied this
shown. As a consequence of the decoupling of the EU Common relationship in three semiarid areas, reporting that irrigation
Agricultural Policy payments, the response of farmers to maintain management was more relevant for nitrogen control than good
profitability was to minimise variable costs, reducing irrigation and fertilisation management. This result suggests the interrelation of
blue and grey water footprints because irrigation with lower, more
frequent water applications reduces nitrogen lixiviation but in-
creases the blue water footprint as the evaporation increases.
Regarding the overall cotton WF, Fig. 4 represents the municipal
cotton water footprint per year. Although the WF per unit of
product (m3/t) increased, the total cotton WF in the basin decreased
as the cultivated surface diminished from 85,700 ha in 2005 to
58,477 ha in 2009. The total green WF decreased from 35 to 27 Mm3
and the blue WF from 455 to 197 Mm3 between 2005 and 2009. The
total grey water footprint decreased by more than half, from 32 to
15 Mm3 during this period.
The lowering of the overall WF of cotton production has
contributed to lower the pressure of water resources in the basin.
The setting of cotton production’s WF in the basins’ context was
then analysed.

3.2. Blue water sustainability assessment

The theoretical water availability was set against the river flow
and water stored in reservoirs (which is used for irrigation and also
for urban supply, hydropower and river regulation, and environ-
mental flow) as a comparison point. Table 3 shows the average
natural runoff, environmental flow minimums, stored water, and
basin outflow for the main body of the Guadalquivir River study
area in 2005 and 2009 and the results for the available water, crop
blue water footprint in 2005 and 2009, and WSI in 2005 and 2009.
According to RBDMP, in the Guadalquivir river basin urban
water withdrawal amounts to 380.39 Mm3/y. Industrial water use,
either directly from surface water bodies or from the urban
network, represents 71.77 Mm3/y. Irrigation water demand
(including losses and return flows) is estimated at 3495 Mm3/y in
the same documents. The demand for livestock adds 3.03 Mm3/y
(direct consumption by animals).
Fig. 3. Water footprint (m3/t, columns, left axis) and land productivity (LAP) (V/ha, The crop blue water footprint exceeds the naturally available
line, right axis) per irrigation method for the years 2005 and 2009. water from June to September, both in 2005 and 2009, causing the

Table 2
Average green, blue and grey WF (m3/t) and standard deviation among municipalities.

Year Av. Green WF (m3/t) Av. Blue WF (m3/t) Av. Grey WF (m3/t) SD municipal green WF SD municipal blue WF SD municipal grey WF

2005 133.2 1648.1 113.3 33.8 188.3 73.2

2009 499.8 2473.4 228.78 397.6 581.9 110.5

Source: Own elaboration.

244 D. Chico et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 57 (2013) 238e248

WSI to exceed 1. This means that, theoretically, crop production is



over-using water resources in these months and, therefore, is not

meeting environmental standards. In this case, we observe that the
real outflow of the study area is higher than the environmental


minimum, except in November 2009. This result shows that the

dam sitting at the end of this study area meets the environmental
minimum requirement, at least in terms of quantity. However, the


adjusted WSI, based on the available stored water reaches a


maximum of 0.17 for the entire year. In fact, crops are irrigated from
the water stored in the reservoirs during the previous months and
years. The Guadalquivir river basin has a total storage capacity of
Main variables of the WSI (Mm3/month), WSI for the years 2005 and 2009 and main variables of the ending reservoir (Mm3/month) for the main body of the Guadalquivir river study area.



7145 Mm3 (this figure includes all the study areas, except the



coastal area and Guadalete and Barbate river basins), and the stored
water is higher than the estimated blue WF in the main body of the
Guadalquivir river. It is this regulation of the river that determines
stored water

availability in the basin and, therefore, the fulfilment of the envi-


15302.2 ronmental flow requirements and water availability in the basin.



Nevertheless, the available stored water provides a reserve for

several months (and not only for one month), providing carry-over
resources for the next year. In its management, the River Basin
Available stored

District considers that demands are satisfied when the water deficit
water 2005

for urban use is less than 10% in a year and less than 50% for agri-
cultural use; these are the actual thresholds signalling water deficit

in the basin. However, a significant amount of agriculture in the

Guadalquivir basin is irrigated with groundwater (Salmoral et al.,
2011a), which would not be included in the estimated WF. It is
WSI of crop

estimated that 30% of the total irrigation consumption is ground-

water derived in the Guadalquivir RBD, with 20% in the Guadalete



and Barbate RBDs (DHG, 2012; Salmoral et al., 2011a; De Stefano


et al., 2012).
Table 4 provides the average cotton WF, aggregation of the total
WSI of crop

crop blue WF, natural runoff, naturally available water, average

monthly available water storage, and water flow data for all the



study areas for the years 2005 and 2009. The average WSI in cotton-

producing months and an adjusted WSI calculated using the outflow

from dams instead of the natural runoff are also shown.

Table 4 shows that the naturally available water from April to

Crop Blue
WF 2009

October is lower than the blue WF of the basins. The average of the



WSI in these months largely exceeds the limit of the naturally


available resources. If we consider the available stored water, the

total available water is still lower, though the adjusted WSI is lower
than the WSI based on natural flows because the basins’ river dams

have actually partially reversed the natural cycle. The flows in

Crop Blue
WF 2005




summer do not decrease as much as they would if natural condi-



tions were maintained to satisfy water usage. Nevertheless, in both

cases, the decrease of the basin’s blue WF lowered the water stress,
showing a smaller WSI in 2009 compared to 2005. The Gua-

dalquivir river basin has improved the efficiency of its agricultural




water use, even though the irrigated area has increased (Salmoral




et al., 2011a; JA, 2010).

4. Discussion





The WF methodology allows for the estimation of water

resource appropriation by human activities (Hoekstra et al., 2011).
For consumer products, the points of the production chain where

this appropriation occurs have been identified, providing infor-

Av. natural




mation that enables the connection between consumption and




production to be defined in a clear manner. We estimated the WF of

a consumer product, blue jeans, and identified fibre production as
the main water-consuming phase. Significant differences were
found between cotton-based products and cellulose-based fibres.



Indeed, Lyocell fibre production is based on green water, which, in


Table 3




most cases, implies reduced impact on water resources. Moreover,

as publicly stated by Lenzing Company (Shen et al., 2010), the origin
D. Chico et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 57 (2013) 238e248 245

Fig. 4. Municipal cotton green and blue water footprints (Mm3/y). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

of the wood for the cellulose is managed forests. Nevertheless, There are clear differences between the world’s main producers,
some authors discuss the trade-off between land use and green China and the USA, which rely on green water, and the remainder of
water consumption (Jewitt, 2006) and recommend the assessment the displayed countries, which have semiarid climates and where
of the ecosystem services provided by natural green water con- blue water plays an important role. Although the values present
sumption (Willaarts et al., 2012). similarities between countries, these are averages of both regions
In the case of cotton production, the values shown in Table 5 and years. Indeed, the differences for Spain can be greater than 50%
account for Spanish production, as estimated in this study. As a in one area. WFs exhibit a wide variability between and within re-
reference point, Table 5 shows the values for the main producing gions because of the local conditions or different production tech-
countries worldwide, as reported by Mekonnen and Hoekstra nologies. Several studies have shown significant variability in the
(2010). Turkey and Syria are included because they represent WF of an agricultural product. Salmoral et al. (2011b) and Chico et al.
Spain’s main cotton export countries. (2010) studied the cases of Spanish olive oil and tomato production.
246 D. Chico et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 57 (2013) 238e248

Table 4
Cotton water footprint (Mm3/y), blue water footprint of crop production (Mm3/y), total natural runoff (Mm3/y), total naturally available water (Mm3/y) average monthly WSI,
average monthly water storage (Mm3/month), total outflow (Mm3/y) and average adjusted WSI in cotton producing months (AprileOctober).

Year Cotton WF Total crop Total Total Average monthly WSI Monthly Available Total outflow Average adjusted
(Mm3/y) blue WF natural available (crop blue WF/Available water in Dams (Mm3/y) monthly WSI
(Mm3/y) runoff water water, per study area) (Mm3, Av. Aprile (crop blue WF/
(natural runoff e October) Monthly outflow)
EFR, Mm3/y)

2005 454.4 2532 1854.9 1704 5.59 3949 1066.9 1.67

2009 196 2457 1854.9 1702.4 4.55 2222.6 860.31 1.18

Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2010) estimated worldwide per region Hurtado et al. (2011) estimated the nitrogen losses from the lower
and country green, blue and grey WF of an ample selection of crops Guadalquivir area with artificial drainage under cotton cultivation in
and animal products. Ridoutt et al. (2011) showed the differences 2003, reporting that 6e8% of applied nitrogen is lost and suggesting
among production systems in the livestock sector. inadequate nitrogen management for this typical fertilisation behav-
Pfister et al. (2009) analysed the variation of cotton water con- iour. Santos et al. (2010) studied an irrigation scheme in the basin in
sumption, reporting that the variation is greater within a country detail and report a varying acceptance of the recommendations from
(for the main producing countries) than among countries. A river the irrigation advisory service by farmers, leading to varying effi-
basin or even a smaller unit is better assessment scale for the water ciencies in irrigation performance, both over- and under-satisfying
footprint of a product. In the case of specific consumer products, the crop water requirements.
spatial and temporal differences in WF make it necessary to study Lorite et al. (2012) observed that cotton farmers irrigated be-
water consumption at the lowest possible scale to provide accurate tween 29 and 57% below the recommended amount in the 2006
estimations for the product value chain. and 2007 seasons, emphasising the change in CAP payments, irri-
In their study of the water footprint of the Guadalquivir river, gation water availability, and differences in the response to deficit
Salmoral et al. (2011b) report that the total blue WF represents 9% irrigation between crops. In a detailed study on Andalusian cotton
of the precipitation falling in the basin. For a hydrologically normal production, Arriaza (2008) reported decreases of 55%, and 67% in
year (2003), these authors estimated the total runoff as 6088 Mm3/ fertiliser use, with the farmers declaring their intention of also
y, similar to the average data used herein, and their estimates of the reducing pesticide use. Wheat, sunflower, citrus, and olive tree
agricultural blue water footprint in the Guadalquivir basin were cultivation have substituted for cotton. The number of cotton pro-
2290 Mm3 for 2003 and 1470 Mm3 for 2008. These values are ducers decreased from 9445 in 2004/05 to 6979 in 2007 (JA, 2008),
similar to those reported in the present study because we based our and the working hours needed by the crop decreased by 20% be-
calculation on their methodology and adjusted the available irri- tween 2003 and 2006 and 2007 (García-Vila et al., 2008).
gation water to the crop type and type of hydrological year. The data However, due to a change in the CAP’s support to EU cotton
reported in Table 3 correspond to a fraction of the basin. Using a production, the total WF (Mm3) decreased by 65% because the
methodology based on the RBDMP’s water allocations per crop and cultivated surface decreased more than the increase in WF per ton
data from 2004, Montesinos et al. (2011) estimated the blue WF of produced. Giannoccaro and Berbel (2011) report that the response
the Guadalquivir basin to be 1755 Mm3. to a reform of CAP payments is influenced by the geographical sit-
The apparel industry procures its raw materials from a variety of uation of the farm. In the case of Andalusia (contrary to the overall
sources, thus the water footprint of its products may vary significantly. EU-wide result). Their survey shows that most of the farmers would
This forms the core of the industries’ environmental responsibility: modify their water use if the CAP payments were to be removed,
learning how suppliers can pollute less and become more efficient. both with regard to increasing and decreasing usage. Farming
Field results are more variable than the country and regional averages, practices respond to incentives, including the price obtained per
and this offers opportunities for companies that intend to lower the product and CAP payments. Accordingly, the production methods
environmental pressure of their products. A company’s logical changed significantly as the subsidy’s incentive disappeared.
response could be to select providers that are more efficient in water Nevertheless, within a context of higher product prices, the
use by taking advantages of agronomical practices and technology response of cotton producers is to intensify production. As the price
that significantly yield the best results. Indeed, the agricultural prac- paid for raw cotton increased by 90%, the cultivated surface and
tices could bear improvements with regard to the environment. yields obtained increased by 14 and 50% in the years 2008e2010,
respectively (MAGRAMA, 2012). In the analysis made for cotton
production in Spain, it was shown that the extensification of pro-
Table 5 duction has led to a higher WF per ton produced (average of 50%
Average water footprint of the fibres (m3/t). increase) and lower harvest value, which is partially compensated
Green WF Blue WF Grey WF Total WF for by the CAP’s subsidy. However, the environmental consequence
(m3/t) (m3/t) (m3/t) (m3/t) of this is ambiguous. When production was less intensive, the
Chinaa 3258 558 1477 5294
pressure on water resources per unit increased at the individual
Spaina 902 4876 0 5778 level because production was less efficient; however, the overall
Turkeya 1076 5271 490 6836 pressure decreased because a smaller surface area was cultivated.
United States 4781 2043 483 7307 There is a need to move toward sustainable intensification of
of Americaa
agricultural systems to restore systems and increase the efficiency
Uzbekistana 794 7556 0 8350
Syriaa 152 4669 397 5218 of resource use (natural/human/economic).
Cottonb 422 4380 326 5128 This is a very important factor to consider when attempting to
Lyocell fibreb 2223 0.58 57 2285 develop more environmentally friendly products, as it may impact
Source: Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2010). the effectiveness of the efforts taken. Companies aiming to generate
Source: Own elaboration. products with less environmental pressure could achieve products
D. Chico et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 57 (2013) 238e248 247

with less WF; however, if enough incentives are provided, the Independently of its relative weight in a region, the impact of
overall water consumption and total amount of agrochemicals specific agricultural production is determined by the aggregate
reaching the water bodies may increase. Another possibility is that response of many activities. Addressing the minimum WF per unit
the company’s efforts do not ameliorate the environmental situation (m3/t) may only partially affect the river basin status. Price incentives
of a river basin if their influence is restricted to a product. This could and public policies affect the response of farmers, but the collective
be the case in the Guadalquivir basin where cotton represents only result of all users is the one that influences the sustainability of water
7% of the basin’s blue WF. The overall state of a specific basin may be consumption in a region. These incentives may heavily affect the
out of the scope of a specific company, as the status depends on the water consumption of a specific production system and need to be
product’s relevance to the basin’s water issues. In this case, more taken into account by companies trying to improve their water
extensive cotton production has not substantially reduced the WF of management. Although some of these incentives may fall out of the
the study basin. scope of a particular company, such as those originating from the
Our results show that measuring only WF per unit is not suffi- Common Agricultural Policy, which only influence EU farmers, a good
cient to evaluate a product’s sustainable use of resources. Because understanding of them may improve the effectiveness of a company’s
resources are shared by many uses and production chains, inde- efforts to achieve environmentally friendlier products.
pendently of the performance of a specific product, the entire basin Weighing WFs with stress indicators assists in defining them with
may behave worse or better than a particular set of products. The regard to the local water scarcity and in comparing between years
WF per unit of a product has to be considered within the relevant and basins. Nevertheless, the definition of water scarcity is complex,
context to be meaningful and relevant to policy. A more intensive and technological and institutional tools may also be crucial for an
production will generally be accompanied by a reduced WF. How- area to manage its resources efficiently and prioritise the uses that it
ever, as WF is a relative indicator, it does not reflect the overall load considers most important. All these factors are difficult to combine
on the resources in the river basin. into a single indicator, and broader studies of the area are needed for
Because the production context has a high relevance, there is a a complete understanding of the impact of water use.
need for a second phase of analysis that includes an impact
assessment, and there is a need to weigh the obtained water con- Acknowledgements
sumption with water stress coefficients to make the results among
sites comparable (Ridoutt and Pfister, 2012). This was reflected in This work was done with the assistance of Inmaculada Del Moral
the calculated WSI. However, as the river basin studied is highly (Aitex), Jorge Solano and Antonio Almela (Tejidos Royo) and Lenz-
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