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Optimized Water Solutions - Brochure

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Range brochure - 50Hz

Pumps and systems for today’s water
supply and wastewater challenges
We have
Every year, new Grundfos products increase
energy savings by 300 millions kWh. As we
introduce high efficiency motors into more

and more of our products and integrate these
with a wider focus on electrical, mechanical
and of course hydraulic efficiency, this figure
will rise and the cumulative effect of energy

the world
savings will increase, year on year.
Meeting challenges head-on
Grundfos develops and implements technologies that meet the challenges facing the water

1.8 billion
supply and wastewater industry. Owners are experiencing rising energy costs and increasing green
taxation, and CO2 emissions need to be reduced. Pressure is on the industry to lower operating
costs for Water Utility business and strengthen the search for optimised water solutions.

Pumps account for no less than 10% of the world’s electricity consumption, so it’s essential that
pump systems are optimised to their full potential. The long-standing experience that Grundfos
has with energy optimisation specifically for pumps is a unique asset.

Optimised water solutions
We design lifecycle costs into solutions to make life easier for everyone. Grundfos Water Utility
is a full-range­supplier and all elements of our pump systems embrace a high degree of
modularity­. If you are looking for energy-efficient, intelligent solutions and worry-free processes,
we offer products and services that can be tailored and optimised for any given water utility
application­using tried and tested technology, without compromising their superior performance.
We optimise pump systems to provide maximum reliability and resource efficiency – and our
expertise is part of any delivery.

* Grundfos Sustainability Report 2012.

This figure represents the global energy savings generated by all Grundfos A-labelled pumps
Meet the Energy Challenge
sold between 2005 and 2012. The estimate is based on the actual sales figures for the year and A Grundfos solution can make an immediate and substantial
assumptions about which previous models the sold pumps replace. The figure is calculated as difference in the fight to reduce global electricity consumption.
energy savings in kWh a year. Learn more at

page 2 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 3

lifecycle costs
and building
Grundfos Pump Audit
Measuring actual pump performance, the Pump Audit checks the overall efficiency of the
pumps and proposes changes that could improve efficiency. Recommendations cover the size
and number of pumps, the viability of frequency control, suitable motor protection, and so on.

Proposals are supported by calculations of the savings that can be made, the reduction in CO2
At Grundfos, resource efficiency starts with the pump. We lower Service products that add value emissions and the payback time on any investments.
product lifecycle costs, ensure sustainable water management
and build optimised equipment into the application. The Grundfos is not only there for you in the unlikely event that
measures we take for resource efficiency are from the outset something goes wrong. We can also offer you a long list of
designed for pumps and pump systems only, ensuring high services­that add a little bit extra to your business. We keep pace
reliability, continuous operation and superior performance. with your expectations and listen to what you have to say.

We need to reduce costs without compromising the reliability We deliver repair and maintenance solutions that simplify
demanded of critical water supply and wastewater operations. repair and rectify problems quickly and professionally. Remote
From new installations to refurbishment and replacement of monitoring solutions enable 24/7 management of pump
vital components, optimising resource efficiency has a positive installations, making preventative maintenance possible.
impact on the reliability, overall performance and lifecycle costs
of water supply and wastewater operations. Our service solutions help reduce energy consumption and your
carbon footprint, and we will even help you dispose of old
pump equipment. Our focus is global, and so is our service
organisation, ensuring a local partnership wherever your pump
installation may be.

Calculating lifecycle costs (LCC)

We use LCC calculations to show the benefits of a fully optimised pump
solution, from the design phase to disposal at the end of the product life.

When used as a comparison tool between possible design and refurbishment Refurbishment optimises performance
alternatives, the LCC process will show the most cost-effective solution and
payback time based on the available data. LCC calculations are freely available Pumping station refurbishment is a source of cost reductions and energy savings. Failure to
as part of our online selection and design program, WebCAPS. refurbish in time could result in excessive costs from using too much energy, the increasing
risk of breakage in the system, and health and environmental hazards to the community, the
Visit for more information environment, to workers and end-users. Grundfos minimises the impact on the safe and
reliable operation throughout the refurbishment period.

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Spare parts availability worldwide
Our global supply chain network includes dedicated
warehouses for spare parts and after market products
to ensure fast and efficient supply.

Reducing your WebCAPS – your online resource

lead times and WebCAPS is your free library for technical information,
literature and tools, including manuals, CAD drawings,
service instructions and videos, spare parts, and

securing your
effective sizing tools.

project research
&technology testing

Grundfos invests substantially more money in research and the entire Supply Chain and ensure alignment to your needs,
technology development than any other pump company and our matching our sales and consultancy activities, including complex
innovative efforts result in optimised solutions for the customer. Project Sales and Engineer-to-Order (ETO) pumps, to fit with your
Advanced solution tools for designing and validating
system designs, worldwide test facilities geared to the precise If a pump or any equipment requires replacement, then this must
applications for which our pump systems are manufactured, be done in the shortest possible time to reduce costly downtime.
and a global focus on procurement, manufacturing, and Our global logistics and distribution setup ensure rapid supply design
distribution all contribute to delivery of your optimised and installation of pumps and equipment, whether for a single &consultancy
water solution – on time and within budget. pump replacement or a full system refurbishment.

New projects and major refurbishments often require products

Project management and supply chain that require customisation at the factory or delivery outside the

We are focused on where to produce and where to stock to

usual distribution channels. We are a trusted partner for
consultants, contractors and water utilities who are looking for
ensure the highest flexibility, the best possible lead times security, flexibility and reliability for their water utility solution product life
from a full-line supplier.
and that your operations are constantly optimised. We manage

Product quality from worldwide testing Project execution an area of expertise after sales selection
support tools
We guarantee unsurpassed product quality using Grundfos has established a global Water Utility
stress, vibration, product lifetime, witness and competency network, to ensure that complex projects
environmental impact testing to meet or even surpass get the expertise they require. In direct cooperation with
international standards. We also conduct performance market clusters around the world, one of the key
tests tailored to your requirements, with certified functions of our competency network is to provide an
test equipment. optimised project execution, ensuring deliveries at all
stages of the project are timely, correct and within
budget. supply chain project
& delivery management

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for the entire
water cycle
Optimised solutions and services that are made for each other complement
an unrivalled focus on resource efficiency, design verification, and project
consultancy and execution. That is what you get from Grundfos, a full-line
supplier of products and solutions for all Water Utility applications.

RAW Water Drinking Water Water wastewater wasteWater

Intake Treatment distribution transport & treatment
Flood control

Optimise, treat and pressure manage your water supply Reliability and modularity for optimised wastewater handling
From the raw water intake to the treatment regime and onwards through Collecting, transporting and treating wastewater is about keeping reliability
the distribution network to the end user, a water supply system must be high. Grundfos products and solutions for wastewater transport, flood control
fully integrated. Resource efficiency requires that the pumps, controls, and the wastewater treatment plant build on operational reliability, energy
dosing and disinfection solutions and pressure management regime are efficiency through optimised pump systems and modular solutions.
made for each other. Grundfos does precisely that.

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raw Water
Optimal groundwater intake
Our range of submersible multistage pumps (SP) along with variable frequency drives (VFD)
is unmatched for well types. State-of-the-art hydraulic design delivers optimum efficiency
during periods of high demand with high reliability, very long service intervals and low total
cost of ownership. Using VFDs ensures more balanced water drawdown, protecting the water

Grundfos matches the stainless steel build quality of the SP pump to the groundwater
conditions­. Depending on the corrosion risk, high grade stainless steel variants are available.

stable water Energy optimisation in practice

Grundfos in the Netherlands and Vitens, the largest drinking water supplier in the Nether-

lands, have a long-standing cooperation with energy optimisation and have worked exten-
sively with Pump Audits and Well Field Energy Audits (WFEA). Vitens extracts and distributes
350 million m3 of water per year to 5.4 million customers along 47,500 km of distribution

Following a WFEA, Grundfos supplied SP pumps with MP 204 motor protection and Grundfos
Remote Management at Vitens’ Loosdrecht well field, one of a total of 110 well fields. This has
resulted in 21% energy savings, or 55,000 kWh per year. Grundfos is helping Vitens achieve
Sourcing raw water is the first step in any water supply Getting raw water moving ambitious energy reduction targets and WFEA and Pump Audits are central to this strategy.
system. Our cost effective, reliable and energy optimised raw
water pumping solutions go further than most to bring water At Grundfos, we have decades of experience manufacturing
to life in a manner that is financially and environmentally pumps and motors and developing controller and monitoring
sustainable. systems for pumping solutions. This ensures a perfect match
between hydraulics, motors, electrics, and all other
In addition to pumps and pump systems optimised for mechanical components that make up a comprehensive
performance and reliability, we supply the tools you need to pumping solution, ensuring the highest possible efficiency.
guarantee the highest possible energy efficiency. We carry out
energy audits at the water source, giving you the facts and Grundfos pioneered the implementation of variable speed
figures you require to optimise your system for top efficiency drives in pumping operations and has refined numerous
and reliable operation. functionalities­that cater specifically to pumping conditions.

As a full-line supplier with unsurpassed experience with Experience from a huge installed base of stainless steel
groundwater, we have a proven track record of applying our submersible­pumps and motors is reflected in our surface
extensive knowledge to all water sources and the entire water solutions. Grundfos can supply submersible,
water supply network. end-suction­, split-case and propeller shaft pumps that
effectively­handle surface water, recycled water and seawater.

Optimisation at the well field Performance testing

At the well field, the Grundfos Well Field Energy Audit All pumps leaving a Grundfos factory are performance
(WFEA) is a practical tool for optimising groundwater tested in accordance with relevant international
intake, with a documented savings potential from standards. Any pump can on customer demand also be
reduced energy consumption. WFEA takes many tested to the strictest standards. All tests are carried
operating issues into account, such as varying out on test equipment that is certified by third-party
water quality from well to well, water drawdown, inspectors. Tested performance data is stored by
and requirements for peak demand situations. Grundfos for a minimum of 5 years.

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Drinking Water
Grundfos Water Treatment Solutions
To meet the unique specifications of each water treatment project, we assemble an International
Project Management team from our experienced and highly qualified project engineers at our
Water Treatment Competence centres around the world.

With the know-how and the resources to handle any application in the field of dosing and
disinfection technology, no matter how complex, satisfactory project execution is assured.

Digital dosing pumps for desalination pre- and post-treatment

in Minjur, Chennai Municipality
The seawater desalination plant in Minjur will each day draw over 230 million litres of seawater
to produce 100 million litres of potable water, the equivalent of 100,000 m3 per day. With plant life
estimated at 25 years, the municipality required a turnkey solution with service and support from
Grundfos India.

Grundfos supplied 28 DME dosing pumps running on customised skids with 3 or 4 dosing pumps,
a pulsation dampener, a flow meter, and a counter pressure valve on each skid. For the customer,
the technical characteristics and capabilities of the Grundfos DME dosing pumps have proven to be

Keeping drinking
This met the requirements for the reverse osmosis pre-treatment, where seawater is filtered and
chemically adjusted, and post-treatment, where treated water is chemically adjusted to make it
drinkable, with varying flow rates.

water quality
Drinking water treatment is technology-driven and heavily International project expertise
regulated. That is why you need a partner who, in addition
to supplying pumping, dosing and disinfection solutions for Pure product knowledge is not enough. Grundfos offers
each stage of the water treatment cycle, is able to offer our expertise for your water treatment project and can
packaged solutions for the entire water treatment process. provide consultancy from planning through to design, cost
evaluation, commissioning and maintenance. Our dedicated,
Grundfos supplies a wide range of disinfection methods suitable global project management services help you with the
for different disinfection tasks and requirements. These include choices to be made, ensuring your customised water
innovative UV treatment for pre-treatment and in-line final treatment solutions are certified according to local rules
treatment, effective chlorine and sodium hypochlorite treatment and regulations – wherever in the world you may be.
with required residual effect, and chlorine dioxide treatment for SMART digital dosingTM solutions that redefine dosing
effective legionella and biofilm control. Process knowledge, engineering capability, precision
components, and dosing and disinfection accuracy are all part SMART Digital DDA, DDC and DDE diaphragm dosing pumps offer modularity, simplicity and flow
Prior to dosing and disinfection, we ensure a uniform of our delivery to you. From the outset every aspect of the intelligence and contribute to keeping lifecycle costs low. Processes where SMART Digital excels
bulk-flow and oxygenation in the reservoir. We use computer water treatment solution is integrated into your water supply include disinfection, pH-adjustment, chemical dosing, cleaning-in-place, biocides, coagulation,
simulations in the design to assess the need for mixing. system. precipitation/flocculation, filtration and reverse osmosis.
All necessary mixing and aeration equipment is supplied,
in accordance with the design requirements.

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Non-revenue water (NRW)
The key issue of reducing and controlling non-revenue water (NRW) in distribution networks is to
minimise losses through existing leaks and reduce the risk of new leaks. Pressure management is

now well recognised as being essential to effective leakage management; reducing surplus
pressure by 50% can reduce leakage loss by at least 20%. An important contributing factor behind
pipe bursts that increases water losses due to leakage is water hammer, which is also reduced with
a pressure management strategy.

pressure from
In addition to pressure management, the International Water Association (IWA) also
recommends active leak control, speed and quality of repairs, and infrastructure management.

source to tap
Water conditioning
Grundfos supplies solutions for water conditioning in the water distribution network, including
UV and Ozone, and we also provide repeater stations for the network, for example for renewing
chlorine content.

To reduce water loss (non-revenue water – NRW) and cut has been to size pumps based on maximum demand,
distribution costs, Grundfos offers pump optimisation and however far more time is spent pumping at low flows and
proportional pressure control solutions that increase pump the efficiency of such a single pump solution will fall quickly Demand Driven Distribution in Ploiesti, Romania
and system efficiency, ensure correct water pressure at the as flow decreases.
The proportional pressure management of water supply was implemented at the Ploiesti Nord
consumer, and deliver peace of mind from high reliability and
Gageni water supply zone, one of four such zones in this city of over 230,000 inhabitants.
intelligent surveillance of the water distribution system. The optimal solution is to install more smaller pumps in
parallel controlled by our multi-pump controller. Grundfos
Even though Ploiesti was already operating with a reduced night time pressure, the NRW (leakage)
Pressure management is now well recognised as being systems can be expected to deliver a hydraulic efficiency of
losses were reduced by a further 6.6% (approximately 146,000 M3/year) and specific energy (kWh/
essential to effective leakage management. We package more than 80%, and the multi-pump controller automatically
m3) was reduced by a further 7.4% (approximately 48,000 kWh/year). With these savings, costs
pumps, intelligent components and system surveillance to maintains the best efficiency point by cascade operation and
were recovered within one year.
build unique pressure management solutions that minimise speed control.
water losses (NRW), reduce energy consumption and
minimise operational costs for leaks and pipe maintenance. To design systems based on this principle, Grundfos uses load
profiles based on 24-hour consumption patterns. The load
profile gives an overview of how much a pumping system
System design using proportional flow operates at a specific flow rate on a daily basis, and the
system can be designed or redesigned accordingly. Compared
The highly variable flow rates that characterise water to traditional set-ups, the design principle we work by lowers
distribution networks are an important factor affecting the initial capital investment. When converting existing
cost-efficiency and water loss. A tendency in system design systems, payback time is typically within one to three years.

Grundfos Demand Driven Distribution

At the heart of the system is the Demand Driven Distribution controller,
which automatically can adapt the setpoint of the pump to the actual flow
required by the system and compensate for excessive system pressure.

Demand Driven Distribution minimises water losses, reduces energy

consumption, and minimises operational expenditures for leaks and pipe
maintenance. The system caters for all network sizes and ensures reliable,
optimised and resource efficient distribution.

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Dedicated Controls & Grundfos Remote Management
Dedicated Controls is an intelligent, user-friendly monitoring and control solution. Designed to
control up to six pumps in sewage pumping stations, Dedicated Controls can be combined with
Grundfos Remote Management or to any scada system for monitoring and managing pump
installations from a remote location.

Grundfos Remote Management reduces the need for onsite inspections and in the event of an
alarm or warning, the relevant people are notified directly. Initial investment is minimal, and a
fixed low fee covers data traffic, hosting costs and system support, including back-up of all data.

Keeping A solution for the old city, Chongqing, China

reliability high
A prefabricated pumping station installed for a sewage system reconstruction project in
Fengzhong Road in Chongqing, China was the perfect solution for difficult sewage system
reconstruction in the old city.

and downtime
The solution satisfied requirements for 4,320 m3/d inflow in a 2 m tank diameter with 8.3 m depth.
The pumping station footprint is minimal, and similarly the work area above ground for
installation was small, causing limited disruption.

Dependable, energy efficient solutions for your pumping We apply our technology and expertise to benefit the
stations and networks are essential for wastewater operation and reliability of your installation. Our
collection and transport. In an environment with continuous technology-leading wastewater pumps offer the industry’s
wastewater inflow, downtime is to be avoided at all costs. highest total, wire-to-water efficiency. VFDs, wastewater
Your pumps need to work, and risk minimisation needs to be control, and remote monitoring from Grundfos keep you
built into the system. always in complete control of your system.

A pumping station is complex, and getting things right at the Our prefabricated pumping stations offer a unique,
design stage is important to avoid issues such as blockages, customised­solution where space is critical. We carry out
odours, power outages and flooding. Grundfos takes the advanced computer modelling of pressurised sewer systems,
greatest risk factors out of the equation when designing or and for large pumping stations we use Computational
refurbishing a wastewater transport network, ensuring cost- Fluid Dynamics (CFD) flow simulation and model testing to
effective and reliable operation. optimise the design.

Prefabricated pumping stations Highest efficiency wastewater pumps

Grundfos offers a full range of functional modular To reduce lifecycle costs in the wastewater transport
pumping stations – complete with all necessary network, Grundfos supplies the SE/SL wastewater
pumps, piping, valves and level controls. The pump pit, pumps with the highest total, wire-to-water efficiency
pumps and controls can be combined to suit specific yet seen in the industry. S-tube impeller technology
requirements for each individual application. ensures no compromise between large free passage
and high efficiency, reducing the risk of blockages,
maintenance costs and downtime.

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Reduce turbulence and increase efficiency
Our range of axial-flow propeller KPL pumps for flood control and other heavy-duty pumping
applications offer the Turbulence Optimiser™, an innovative, patented solution for reducing
turbulence in the gap between the pump volute and the column pipe, increasing efficiency by up
to two percentage points.

Handbooks and guidelines available

Grundfos offers consultancy on every aspect of the flood control solution, and this is knowledge we
are happy to share. Our handbooks for the design and optimisation of stormwater tanks and for
flood control pumping stations are available for order or download from our website.

Responding ‘Pump gate’ – designed on site to solve local issues

to flood and
To reduce the impact of flooding coinciding with high tides in Poglar, a suburb to Jakarta,
Indonesia, we built an innovative solution where a floodgate was equipped with pumps.
The ‘pump gate’ solution was developed in direct response to the challenges at the location.

stormwater risk
Compared to a traditional pumping station, ‘pump gate’ required no additional land, no long and
invasive construction period, costs were reduced, and there was an immediate benefit for the
many residents in Poglar, living on the banks of the Angkwe River.

Flood control pumping is characterised by a requirement Stormwater tanks are an effective way of reducing peak
for high flow and low head. As many flood scenarios are flow and equalising flow rates from stormwater runoffs in
seasonal, flood control pumps may only run occasionally, the sewer system. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) flow
placing heavy demands on the reliability of the pumping simulation and model testing are used to optimise tank
solution. design and our pump and control solutions ensure reliable
and automatic operation, regardless of the size. And once
As part of our dependable, energy-efficient flood control the hydraulic load is reduced and capacity is available, you
solutions, we supply a complete range of products optimised can get stormwater moving again with perfect efficiency and
for high total efficiency and low maintenance costs. Applying reliability.
our design and flow simulation competencies means we can
minimise the pumping station footprint, ensure safe pump
operation and reduce the total cost of the pumping station.

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Integrated dosing and disinfection systems

Peace of mind We ensure that the PLC-controlled, fully automatic systems for dosing chemicals and poly-
electrolytes­we provide are seamlessly integrated with local regulations and requirements.
We can advise on the use of chemicals (either as concentrates or ready-to-use solutions) and also

from modular,
on chemical storage with relevant safety procedures.

optimised Refurbishment of Kubratovo WWTP, Bulgaria

The wastewater treatment plant at Kubratovo treats the domestic wastewater, process water and
rain water from Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. Serving a population of 1,313,000 (90% of Sofia),
480,000 cubic metres wastewater is tested daily.

Grundfos was involved very early in the refurbishment project and worked closely together with
both the designer and the contractor to build the optimal design for the process tanks, focusing on
processes, hydraulics and cost of installation and operation. Several CFD simulations were carried
out by Grundfos in order to fully optimise the system.
The efficient treatment of wastewater requires strong Modular solutions optimised
technical competencies. At the same time, wastewater from the design phase
treatment plants are required to meet increasingly stringent
demands to reduce their impact on the environment and Our contribution starts with the initial identification of
local communities. Wastewater goes through an increasing needs. Through our design expertise we provide guidance in
number of processes before being discharged into receiving optimal selection and positioning of equipment. For complex
waters, and each new process increases total energy costs. installations this can include CFD flow simulations in the
design and specification phase. Our pumping, mixing, dosing
From solution design and proposal to project execution and and aeration systems are optimised for each other, and we
handover and run-in, Grundfos offers one point of contact for offer pre-engineered and optimised modules for treatment
all phases of the project. We are a trusted partner for design, processes.
verification, installation, operation and maintenance. We save
you time, energy and costs. Biological treatment is the largest and most expensive
element at a wastewater treatment plant. With our
Throughout the design stage Grundfos works with you to aeration systems, we can help optimise tank performance
ensure low lifecycle costs and hydraulic stability for mechani- and minimise operating costs. In response to flow varia-
cal, biological and chemical treatment. tions in the tank, variable speed pumps equalise flow and
load to the plant so the capacity of the biological process
is not exceeded. With our aeration systems, we can further
optimise tank performance and minimise operating costs.
If the recommendations­of a Grundfos system and energy
audit are followed, savings of up to 50% of the yearly energy
consumption­are possible.

Shear Strain Rate

(Contour 1)

8.889e-001 Optimise tank design for increased efficiency

Correct configuration of submersible wastewater pumps,
mixers, flowmakers, ejectors and aerators is assured by using
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations to depict
4.444e-001 accurately fluid flows at any location in the tank.

The result will reveal any bottlenecks, vortexes and areas
with high or low velocity of the wastewater.


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Product overview

/ Matching pumps
and products to applications

26 / Submersible pumps

28 / Single-stage standard pumps

Optimised / Multi-stage centrifugal pumps

and systems

solutions 36 / Wastewater pumps

for the entire 42 / Flood Control pumps

water cycle
44 / Mixers, flowmakers, aeration
and ejectors

48 / Prefabricated pumping stations

Whatever the water utility application, Grundfos has a high
quality, sustainable and optimised solution available. 50 / Controls & Monitoring
Find your pump or system online
60 / Dosing & Disinfection
You can draw on a wide range of expert knowledge, documentation, installation and
service information at our online selection and design program, WebCAPS.

Visit for more information

Grundfos Blueflux® guarantees the highest motor efficiency The S-tube impeller is the only impeller available in the
from Grundfos. The Grundfos Blueflux® label guarantees wastewater market that does not compromise either hydraulic
that the motor technology used is ahead of current market efficiency or free passage through the pump. Offering simplicity
standards, and either meets or exceeds global legislative in design and operation, we expect the S-tube impeller will be
requirements for motor efficiency, where these apply. the impeller of choice for wastewater applications in the future.


A holistic approach to system intelligence: Customised User-driven design: Trouble-free installation, operation
interactive technologies allow your pump system to adapt and maintenance through functional design.
dynamically and intelligently to current needs.

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Water distribution

Matching pumps
Local Water
Distribution Boosting
Stations Towers


and products to









Optimised solutions from Grundfos draw on a comprehensive range of CONTROLS & MONITORING
products. The Matrices below match our wide product range to specific DOSING & DISINFECTION
water supply and wastewater applications.

RAW Water Intake wasteWater transport & Flood Control

Ground- Rivers & Recycled Pumping Main Pressurised Network
Seawater Transfer Flood
water Lakes Water from inside Pumping Pumping Pumping
building Station Station Station

drinking Water treatment wasteWater treatment

Chemical Desali­ Sedimen­ Water Primary Chemical Biological Tertiary Sludge
Flocculation Filtration Backwash Disinfection Inlet
­Treatment nation tation Reservoirs Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment Treatment













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Submersible Pumps
– SP
Complete range of submersible pumps for groundwater applications built
to deliver optimum efficiency during periods of high demand, with long
product life and easy maintenance.

• State-of-the-art hydraulics provide high efficiency
and low operating costs
• Made entirely of stainless steel to ensure high reliability and long
lifetime­, even in corrosive environments

• One supplier of the pump, motor and controls for an optimal
pumping system.
600 Technical data Applications:

400 • Motor size: 0.37 kW - 250 kW • RAW WATER INTAKE
• Flow rate (Q): Maximum 470 m3/h • DRINKING WATER TREATMENT
• Head (H): Maximum 670 m

• Liquid temperature: 0 °C to +60 °C
• Discharge diameter: 1″ to 6″
• Diameter: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 inch
Grundfos is a global market leader for 40

submersible­groundwater pumps, 20

having­perfected the match between 10

the pump, motor and protection, with 1 2 4 10 20 40 100 200 600

Q [m3/h]
monitoring­and controls available for
system optimisation. Grundfos is one of
the world’s largest manufacturers of Submersible pumps
high-quality submersible motors, and – SQ (E)
Compact light weight, 3″ submersible multistage centrifugal pump with a
our motors match the optimum duty wide performance­range for groundwater applications
points for our SP and SQ pumps.
• Built-in electronics provide multiple protection features
for reliable water supply at all times
• Permanent magnet motors offer excellent efficiency levels and will
supply­pump heads up to 180 m at rated flow
• Constant pressure option for water supply if connected to the
Grundfos CU 301 control box

200 Technical data Applications:
150 • Motor size: 0.70 - 1.85 kW • RAW WATER INTAKE

100 • Flow rate (Q): > 7 m3/h

80 • Head (H): > 180 m
60 • Liquid temperature: 0 to +40 °C
• Discharge diameter: 1″ to 1½″
• Enclosure class: IP68
• Maximum system pressure: 240 m

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Q [m3/h]

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Single-stage end-suction
standard pumps
Multi-purpose end-suction pumps for reliable and cost-efficient applications­
such as water supply. Non-self-priming, single-stage, centrifugal­volute
pumps with axial suction port, radial discharge port and horizontal shaft;
these close-coupled pumps’ are following the same inlet and outlet di-
mensions as mentioned in EN733 (For NB) , and ISO2858 (for NBG), that are
normally used for long coupled pumps

• Optimised hydraulics in housing and impeller for unimpeded
liquid flow
• O-ring seal between pump housing and cover means no risk of leakage
• Housing, impeller and wear ring in different materials for improved
corrosion­resistance, no sticking elements

Technical data Applications:

• Motor size: 0.55 to 200 kW • RAW WATER INTAKE
• Flow rate (Q): Up to 1450 m3/h • WATER DISTRIBUTION
• Head (H): 150 m
• Liquid temperature: -25 to +140 °C
• Discharge diameter: DN32 - DN250
[m] • Maximum system pressure: 16/25 bar
• Maximum hydraulic efficiency: 88.5%

30 • Available in a number of shaft seal
and material variants

Cast iron

4 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
Q [m3/h]

pumps H



Grundfos single-stage pumps are available for a wide variety 20

of applications, where reliability and cost-efficiency is NB/NBG
Stainless steel
required. In water utility, single-stage pumps are generally 5

used in raw water or water supply applications where the 2

requirement is for low head relative to the flow and are 1
available­in both a vertical and a horizontal design. 4 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
Q [m3/h]

page 28 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 29

Single-stage end-suction Horizontal Split Case pumps
standard pumps – HS
– NK/NKG/NKE/NKGE This horizontal split case pump is a single-stage, non-self-priming,
between­bearing, centrifugal volute pump. The axially split design allows­
Multi-purpose end-suction pumps for reliable and cost-efficient
easy removal of the top casing and access to the pump components
applications­such as water supply and irrigation. Back pull-out design
without­disturbing the motor or pipework.
enables­removal of the motor, coupling, bearing bracket and impeller
without­disturbing the pump housing or pipework; these long-coupled
pumps comply fully with either EN733 or ISO2858. Benefits
• High energy efficiency and low life-cycle costs from the easy to service
Benefits split case design
• Optimised hydraulics in housing and impeller for unimpeded • Double suction minimises axial load, extending the life of the wear
liquid flow rings, shaft seals and bearings
• O-ring seal between pump housing and cover means no risk of leakage • Double volute reduces radial forces and minimises noise and vibration
• Back pull-out design for easy dismantling for service [m]
150 Technical data Variants
Technical data Applications: 100
• Motor size: 1.5 - 630 kW • Available in three configurations
• Flow rate (Q): 3000 m3/h – pump with motor and
• Motor size: 0.55 to 460 kW • RAW WATER INTAKE
baseframe­, pump with baseframe,
• Flow rate (Q): Up to 1500 • DRINKING WATER TREATMENT • Head (H): 148 m
60 and bare shaft pump only
• WATER DISTRIBUTION • Liquid temperature: 0 to +100 °C
• Head (H): 150 m • Many product variants available
• Liquid temperature: -25 to +200 °C • Discharge diameter: DN 50 - DN 400
• Discharge diameter: DN32 - DN250 • Maximum system pressure: 16 bar
• Maximum system pressure: 16/25 bar • Maximum hydraulic efficiency: 90%
• Maximum hydraulic efficiency: 88.5 % • DRINKING WATER TREATMENT
Variants 20 40 100 200 400 1000 3000
• Available in Cast iron with multiple Q [m3/h]
impeller material choices
[m] • Available in full stainless steel 1.4408
• Available in full Duplex stainless steel
Vertical Inline Volute Pumps

• Available with single and double seal
• Available with Grease for life or Heavy
Single-stage, in-line centrifugal volute pumps with standard motors and
30 duty 100.000 hours bearing brackets mechanical shaft seals. Compared to end-suction pumps, in-line pumps
NK/NKG allow a straight pipework and thus often reduced installation costs and
Cast iron
10 space. TP pumps up to 22 kW are available as TPE pumps with built-in
Variable Frequency Drive.

1 • Optimised hydraulics for high efficiency
4 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
• Reduced power consumption
Q [m3/h]
• High levels of reliability and efficiency from the quiet,
H highly-efficient IE3 motors
Technical data Applications:
[m] • Motor size: 0.18 - 630 kW • RAW WATER INTAKE
200 • Flow rate (Q): 4600 m3/h
• Head (H): 168 m
100 50
NK/NKG • Liquid temperature: -25 to +150 °C
Stainless steel
50 • Discharge diameter: DN 32 - DN 400
20 • Maximum system pressure: 25 bar
• Maximum hydraulic efficiency: 87%
15 10
4 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 5
Q [m3/h] 10 40 100 200 400 1000 4000
Q [m3/h]

page 30 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 31

Multi- stage centrifugal pumps
– CR (E)
Modularity for a complete range of pump solutions; from four material
variants, thirteen flow sizes (up to almost 50 bar of pressure), a variety
of shaft seals, rubber materials, and supply voltages. Pump parts can be
optimised­and designed for specific requirements.

• Available with Grundfos Blueflux IE3 motor efficiency,
reducing energy costs
• Multi-flange fits a variety of standard connections for
a more flexible solution
• Uniquely designed cartridge shaft seal increases reliability,
reducing downtime

Technical data • All-titanium

• Motor size: 0.37 - 75 kW

• Flow (Q): Maximum 180 m3/h Applications:
150 • Head (H): Maximum 500 m • RAW WATER INTAKE

• Liquid temp.: -40 °C to +180 ° • WATER DISTRIBUTION
(240° C, Thermal oil)
• Operating pressure: Maximum 50 bar
60 • Discharge diameter: Up to DIN 150

• Maximum efficiency: 80%

Available materials
20 • Cast iron

1 2 4 6 10 20 40 100 200
• Two grades of stainless steel
Q [m3/h]

Hydro Booster
Booster systems built to last: sturdy, compact units with easy access to all
service parts and can be used wherever additional pressure is required.
Each booster model has been designed to meet specific customer demands
for capacity and control.

In water utility applications where a high head Benefits

relative­to the flow is required, Grundfos supplies • Intelligent cascade control ensures that the optimum number
of pumps required to meet the demand operate at any time
multistage pumps that can deliver this. Our CR • CR pumps with IE3 motors for the most energy-efficient solution
pumps are one of our most recognised­and successful available­for constant pressure during changing flow demands
• Grundfos MPC controller handles even the most difficult
products and are at the heart of our pressure H
[m] boosting jobs with ease and accuracy
boosting­ systems. 150

Technical data Applications:

100 • Motor size: 0.55 - 75 kW • RAW WATER INTAKE
80 • Flow rate (Q): 1080 m3/h • DRINKING WATER TREATMENT
• Head (H): 155 m
• Liquid temperature: 0 to +70C

40 • Discharge diameter: Up to DN 350

• Enclosure class: IP 54
• Maximum system pressure:
PN16 (standard) (up to PN 40 on request)
• Maximum hydraulic efficiency: 80%
5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000
Q [m3/h] • Ambient: 0C - +40

page 32 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 33

Booster Modules
Booster Modules
– BM
High-pressure booster modules for boosting, liquid transfer and circula-
tion in systems under high static pressure and used in reverse osmosis and Booster module consisting of a BMS hs and a BMT pump, connected in
ultra-filtration applications in water supply, water treatment and industrial series designed for use in reverse osmosis system where the energy from
plants. the resulting high pressure concentrate is recovered by the Pelton turbine
build into the BMT pump.

• All stainless steel construction, available in three qualities:
SS 304, SS 316, SS 904 L • Energy savings of up to 34 % compared to conventional systems
• Easy to install and low noise • Both pumps have water lubricated axial thrust bearings build in to
H absorb the axial thrust from the pump.
[m] • Compact and modular design that is leakage free
400 Technical data Applications: [m]

• Motor size: 0.75 kW to 92 kW • DRINKING WATER TREATMENT

200 • Flow rate (Q): Up to 260 m3/h • WATER DISTRIBUTION Technical data
• Head (H): Up to 800 m (serial connection)
100 • Motor size: Up to 180 KW
• Liquid temperature: 40 degree °C.
• Flow rate (Q): Up to 120 m3/h
• Discharge diameter: Victaulic connection
• Head (H): 700 m
BM 160
BM 125

BM 215

BM 60
BM 46


BM 30

BM 95
BM 77
BM 17

40 • Maximum system pressure: Up to 60 bar.

• Liquid temperature: Up to 40 degree C
• Maximum hydraulic efficiency: Up to 80%
20 BM 8″ • Inlet/ discharge: Victaulic couplings
BM 6″
BM 4″ • Insulation class(motor): IP 55
0,8 1 2 4 6 8 10 20 20 40 100 200 400
Q [l/s]
0 120
Q [m3/h]

Booster Modules
Booster Modules
– BMS hs.
The BMS hs range is a completely new range of booster modules mainly
used for reverse osmosis, ultra filtration, filtration and pressure boosting The new BMSX is a booster system consisting of a BMS hs pump, a BMS hp
applications. It features a directly coupled pump powered by a permanent pump and an isobaric pressure exchanger. The BMSX is designed for sea
magnet motor. The axial thrust from the pump is absorbed by a water lubri- water and brackish water desalination. Variable frequency drives on both
cated build in thrust bearing. motors ensures optimised operation and efficiency.

Benefits Benefits
H • Improved design that makes service and maintenance easier than ever, • C
apable of delivering 1500 m3 permeate per day with an energy recovery
[m] of up to 60%
and at the same time increases durability and reliability.
1000 • The speed of the permanent magnet motor is controlled by a variable • Critical components made of super duplex stainless steel, polymer
frequency drive, which features a an optional communication module and ceramic, making the module extremely resistant to its operating
and the possibility of various adaptions to the application. The perma- environment.
800 nent motor, together with the design improvement, is also increasing • Compact design and very small footprint
energy savings due to improved efficiency.
• The high-speed motor also gives the BMS hs range a smaller footprint
600 and drastically reduces the weight of the pump. Technical data
500 • Motor size: Up to 180 KW
Technical data • Head (H): Up to 82.7 bar
• Motor size: Up to 180 KW. • Liquid temperature: Up to 40 degree C
300 • Flow rate (Q): Up to 115 m3/h • Inlet/discharge connections: Victaulic
• Head (H): Up to 827 m. couplings
• Liquid temp: Up to 40 degree C • Insulation class (motor): IP 55
100 • Inlet/discharge: 3” Victaulic
0 • Insulation class (motor): IP 55
0 10 30 50 70 90 110 • Maximum system pressure: 350 m
Q [m3/h]
• Maximum hydraulic efficiency: Up to 80%

page 34 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 35

Submersible Wastewater Pumps
Designed for the handling of wastewater, process water and unscreened raw
sewage. The pumps can be installed submerged and/or dry.

• SE/SL pumps offer you the best level of reliability due to optimised hydrau-
lics designed with large free passage

• Highest wire-to-water efficiency available, reducing your total costs
• Highest level of service friendliness, making service of the pump
trouble-free­and time saving
• Plug and pump – all necessary control and protection built into
the pump, eliminating complexity (For the SL 0.9-1.5kW AUTOADAPT version)

Grundfos offers a complete range of wastewater pumps for Technical data Available materials
• Motor size: 0.9 to 30 kW • Stainless steel impeller (SE, SL)
collecting and transporting wastewater, offering reliability H • Flow rate (Q): Maximum 280 l/s • Stainless steel variants for
and energy efficiency. These pumps are enclosed units with a [m] (1008 m3/h) standards EN 1.4408 and EN
1.4517/1.4539 (SE)
80 • Head (H): Maximum 71.3 m
pump and motor, making them suitable for submersible 60 • Liquid temperature: 0 to +40°C
operation; however their construction means that service 40
• Discharge diameter: DN 65 to DN 300 Applications:
can be carried out without entering the pit, and they can also • Free passage: Up to 160 mm
• Insulation class: H

Raw Water Intake
be dry-installed horizontally or vertically. 20 • Maximum efficiency:83.7%
• Maximum system pressure: PN10 • WASTEWATER TREATMENT


5 10 20 40 60 100 300
Q [l/s]

page 36 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 37

SEWAGE PUMPS Grinder pumps
Highly dependable, powerful sewage pumps, designed for handling Submersible sewage grinder pumps for pressurised wastewater pumping­
unscreened raw sewage, acknowledged for their strength, their durability­, designed to optimise performance in your system. The adaptive
and for innovative features such as SmartTrim impeller clearance intelligence­built into the AUTOADAPT versions minimises risk factors and
adjustment­system and SmartSeal for leakage prevention. reduces costs for installation, commissioning and maintenance.

Benefits Benefits
• High efficiency and excellent non-clogging capabilities with • High discharge pressure enables transfer of wastewater
large free passage of 80 - 145 mm over longer distances
• Patented SmartTrim system for extremely easy impeller adjustment • Plug and pump – all necessary control and protection built into
without dismantling the pump, to maintain peak performance the pump, eliminating complexity (AUTOADAPT version)
and keep lifecycle costs low. • Wear resistant grinder system which grinds solids into small pieces, so
• The SmartSeal auto-coupling gasket provides a completely H they can be pumped away through discharge pipes of a small diameter
leak-proof connection between the pump and the base unit of the
auto-coupling system 40.3 Technical data Applications:
• Motor size: 0.9 – 4 kW • WASTEWATER TRANSPORT
Technical data Variants 35
31.3 • Flow rate (Q): 4.75 l/s (17 m3/h)
H • Motor size: Up to 520 kW • Stainless steel variants to 30
26.3 • Head (H): 45.7 m
[m] EN 1.4408
• Flow rate (Q): 2500 l/s (9000 m3/h) 25
15.3 • Liquid temperature: 0 to +40 C
100 • Head (H): 116 m • Sensors available for monitoring 20
the pump: bearing and winding • Discharge diameter: DN 40/50
• Liquid temperature: 0 to +40 °C 15 • Insulation class: F
60 temperature, vibrations and water 12.1
• Discharge diameter: 80 to 600 in oil 10 9.3 • Free passage: Grinder
40 • Free passage: Up to 145 mm 9.1
• A wide range of possibilities 5 • Insulation Class: IP68
• Insulation class: F (H on request) for customising to customers
20 requirements
• Maximum system pressure: PN 10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
• Maximum hydraulic efficiency: 85 % Q [l/s]

10 Applications:
• RAW WATER INTAKE Drainage Sewage Pumps

10 20 40 100 200 400 1000 3000 • WASTEWATER TREATMENT Transportable multi-vane, semi-open impeller pumps specifically designed
Q [l/s] for a range of drainage applications with solids handling up to 10 mm.
The pumps are made of wear-resistant materials, such as cast iron and
stainless steel to ensure reliable operation. The adaptive intelligence built
into the AUTOADAPT versions minimises risk factors and reduces costs for
installation, commissioning and maintenance

• For use free-standing or for installation on an auto-coupling system with
an integrated three-leg stand that keeps the suction inlet clear of the pit
• Patented SmartTrim system for extremely easy impeller adjustment
without dismantling the pump, to maintain peak performance; no spe-
cial tools are required
[m] • Plug and pump – all necessary control and protection built into
30 the pump, eliminating complexity (AUTOADAPT version)


Technical data Applications:

• Max flow 12.5 l/s (45 m /h)
• Motor size: 0.9-2.6 kW
• Discharge diameter: R2” + DN65
• Free passage: 10 mm
1 2 4 6 10 15 20
Q [l/s] • Insulation class: F

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Effluent Sewage Pumps Heavy-duty dewatering pumps
Suitable for pumping effluent and other liquids such as drainage and Contractor pumps for construction dewatering in building and infra-
surface water with small impurities and solids handling up to 30 mm size, structure sites, designed with semi-open or enclosed impeller. Made of
with a rigid or flexible discharge pipe mounted on the discharge port. The corrosion-resistant materials such as cast iron and high-chrome stainless
adaptive intelligence built into the AUTOADAPT versions minimises risk steel, for harsh environments.
factors and reduces costs for installation, commissioning and maintenance
Benefits • High reliability and flexibility pumps with protection features for
• For use free-standing or for installation on an auto-coupling system with harsh operating environments
an integrated three-leg stand that keeps the suction inlet clear of the pit • Top-discharge with different connection types available for multiple
bottom use of the pump, depending on conditions and specific needs
• Patented SmartTrim system for extremely easy impeller adjustment • Pumps up to 15 kW have a double mechanical seal and pumps from
without dismantling the pump, to maintain peak performance; no spe- [m] 22 kW to 90 kW have a triple-seal system, for longer operation and
H cial tools are required less downtime
[m] 100

24 • Plug and pump – all necessary control and protection built into 80
22 the pump, eliminating complexity (AUTOADAPT version) DWK-E Technical data Applications:
20 • Motor size: 0.75 - 90 kW • FLOOD CONTROL
40 • Flow rate (Q): 120 l/s (430 m3/h)
14 • Head (H): 89 m
12 DWK-O • Liquid temperature: 0 to +40°C
10 Technical data Applications: • Discharge diameter: 2″ - 6″
8 20
• Max flow 12.9 l/s (46 m3/h) • FLOOD CONTROL
8 • Free passage: Strainer
6 • Max head: 22.5 m • WASTEWATER TRANSPORT
• Insulation class: F
4 • Motor size: 0.6 - 1.5 kW
10 • Maximum hydraulic efficiency: 75%
• Discharge diameter: R2” 1 2 4 6 10 20 40 60 100
• Free passage: 30 mm Q [l/s]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Q [l/s] • Insulation class: F

Contractor pumps Submersible drainage pumps

– DW – DPK
Contractor pumps for construction dewatering in building and infra­ Drainage pumps designed with semi-open or enclosed impeller for
structure­sites. The aluminium materials for the main parts contribute to a pumping­water in a wide range of applications. The pumps are made of
light weight construction. robust cast iron, ensuring durable operation.

Benefits Benefits
• Rubber lined hydraulic parts and high-chromium stainless steel impeller • Semi-open ductile cast iron impeller maintains its performance,
for extreme high wear resistance ensuring­an increased lifetime
• Integrated level control automatically starts and stops the pump when • Submerged free-standing installation, or submerged installation
the built-in electrodes come into contact with water on an auto-coupling system
• Top-discharge with different connection types available for multiple use • The double mechanical seal is positioned in the oil chamber and
of the pump, depending on conditions and specific needs H ensures trouble-free operation
H [m]
100 Technical data Applications: 50 Technical data Applications:
• Motor size: 0.7 - 20 kW • FLOOD CONTROL • Motor size: 0.75 - 22 kW • FLOOD CONTROL
60 40
• Flow rate (Q): 83 l/s ( 300 m3/h) • Flow rate (Q): 45 l/s (165 m3/h)
40 • Head (H): 98 m • Head (H): 56 m
• Liquid temperature: 0 to +40 °C • Liquid temperature: 0 to +40 °C
20 • Discharge diameter: 2” - 6” • Discharge diameter: DN 50 - DN 150
15 20
• Free passage: Strainer • Free passage: 10 to 20 mm
10 • Insulation class: F • Insulation class: F
8 • Maximum hydraulic efficiency: 55% • Maximum hydraulic efficiency: 74%

4 10
1 2 3 4 6 8 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 1 2 4 0 10 20 40 60
Q [m3/h] Q [l/s]

page 40 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 41

Axial Flow Propeller Pump
Axial flow propeller pump designed for the high flow at low head
requirements­of flood control and other similar duty applications­.
The Turbulence Optimiser™ reduces turbulence in the gap between the
pump volute and the column pipe, increasing efficiency by up to two
percentage points.


• With the Turbulence Optimiser™, for best-in-class hydraulic
efficiency of up to 86%
• High-voltage motors for low installation costs
• High-precision one piece propeller with back-swept design

reduces clogging­
10 Technical data Variants
• Motor size: 11 - 700 kW • Propeller in stainless steel is
7 (Up to 850 kW on request) standard; other materials available
6 • Flow rate (Q): 9,200l/s (33,120 m3/h) on request

Flood control pumping is characterised by a 5

4 • Head (H): 10 m • Sensors for monitoring the pump:
bearing and winding temperature,
requirement for pump solutions with high flow 3
• Liquid temperature: 0 to +40 °C
vibrations and water in oil
1 • Discharge diameter: Up to 2200 mm
and low head. The powerful Grundfos range of 0 1000 1500 3000 4000 5000 8000 • Insulation class: F
axial and mixed-flow pumps for flood control are Q [l/s]
• Maximum installation depth: 20 m
• Maximum hydraulic efficiency: 86%
specifically designed for durable use in pumping • WASTEWATER TRANSPORT
stations, harbour management and stormwater • WASTEWATER TREATMENT

tank solutions­.
Mixed Flow Pump
Flood control pumps are individually engineered
to suit your requirements, ensuring cost-efficient Mixed flow pump designed for the high flow at low head requirements­of,
performance. Including Grundfos during the wastewater treatment recirculation control and other heavy-duty pumping
planning stages of the flood control solution
ensures that all aspects are considered, such as Benefits
pumping station design, retention tank design, • Simple pump design for long lifetime
• Robust, reliable and efficient, offering maximum value for money
pump selection­, future requirements, and the • High-voltage motors for low installation costs
total life cycle costs. H
Technical data Variants
14 • Motor size: 11 - 700 kW • Impeller in cast iron is standard;
(Up to 850 kW on request) stainless steel available on request
• Flow rate (Q): 5,555 l/s (20,000 m3/h) • Sensors for monitoring the pump:
6 bearing and winding temperature,
5 • Head (H): 20 m (Up to 40 m on request)
4 vibrations and water in oil
• Liquid temperature: 0 to +40 °C
• Discharge diameter: column
200 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
(FPV upto DN 2,200) Applications:
Q [l/s] • Insulation class: F • RAW WATER INTAKE
• Maximum installation depth: 20 m • WASTEWATER TRANSPORT
• Maximum hydraulic efficiency: 85%

page 42 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 43

Mixers for keeping particles evenly distributed in wastewater and
sludge, preventing sedimentation and supporting treatment processes,
available direct-driven (AMD) in 8-pole versions from 1.5-4.5 kW, or
planetary­gear-driven­with (AMG) stainless steel propellers
from 1.5-18.5 kW.

• Hydrodynamic 2 or 3 blade propellers help ensure high efficiency
and non-clogging operation
• Full range of high-quality installation accessories
• Suitable for continuous and variable speed (CUE) operation

Technical data Applications:

• Motor size: 1.5 - 18.5 kW • WASTEWATER TRANSPORT
• Liquid temperature: 5 to 40 °C • WASTEWATER TREATMENT

• Thrust to power ratio:

AMD: 0.17 to 0.22 N/W
AMG: 0.24 to 0.33 N/W
• Propeller diameter: 450 - 910 mm
• Propeller speed: 330 - 710 rpm
• Axial Thrust: 434 - 4350 N

flowmakers­, Flowmakers

Flowmakers for keeping particles evenly distributed in even the largest
wastewater tanks and basins, preventing sedimentation and supporting
treatment processes. Gear-driven flowmakers are available from 1.3-7.5 kW.

ejectors and Benefits

• Hydrodynamic 2 or 3 blade propellers help ensure high efficiency

and non-clogging operation
• Full range of high quality installation accessories
• Suitable for continuous and variable speed (CUE) operation

Technical data Applications:

• Motor size: 0.8 - 7.5 kW • WASTEWATER TREATMENT

Mixers, flowmakers and recirculation pumps available from • Liquid temperature: 5 to 40 °C

• Thrust to power ratio: 0.52 to 0.97 N/W
Grundfos cover everything from small-scale mixers, ideal for • Propeller diameter: 1300 - 2660 mm
prefabricated pumping stations, to large-scale flowmakers • Propeller speed: 23 - 95 rpm

created for large tanks and basins and recirculation pumps • Axial Thrust: 770 - 6440 N

for moving large flows at low head – a requirement often

seen at treatment plants, for recirculation between process

page 44 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 45

Submersible recirculation pumps Sewage Aeration Diffusers
Submersible recirculation pumps to handle large flows with low heads A large range of energy efficient, sturdy and flexible membrane disc and
that are equally suitable for wastewater treatment plants and flood tube fine bubble diffusers for process tanks and other wastewater
control. The triple sealing system ensures maximum protection of the treatment­applications. For new build or refurbishment, systems include
mechanical shaft seal, and the bracket makes installation very easy. pipes and fittings, manifold, anchors and diffusers.

Benefits Benefits Technical data

• High efficiency stainless steel propeller with self-cleaning properties • C
ustomised energy efficient, fine • Disc diffusers 9″ & 12″
bubbled­diffuser systems delivered with Maximum Qnominal 8.0 Nm3/h
• Wide performance range
complete working layout drawings and • Tube diffusers 2″ & 3″
• Electronic leak sensor in gearbox/shaft seal housing a calculation­of system performance Maximum Qnominal­34.0 Nm3/h
• D
iffuser systems are delivered
H Technical data Applications: pre-assembled­, with fast and easy
[m] SOTE one-bolt on-site installation of the air Applications:
• Motor size: 0.8 - 24 kW • FLOOD CONTROL [%]
distribution pipes • DRINKING WATER TREATMENT
2.0 • Flow rate (Q): 1450 l/sec (5250 m3/h) • WASTEWATER TREATMENT
34 • A
large range of disc and tubular • WASTEWATER TREATMENT
1.5 • Head (H): 2.1 m diffuser­s, with system components
• Liquid temperature: 5 to 40 °C 30 available­in a range of materials for
1.0 • Discharge diameter: 300 - 800 different­wastewater types
0.8 • Insulation class: F
• Maximum hydraulic efficiency: 68 % 22

20 50 100 200 500 1000
1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Q [l/s]
Q [m3/h]

– AeroJet 26

Self-aspirating aerator that keeps aerobic treatment processes running and
also helps to avoid odour problems in wastewater storage, as anaerobic 22

zones can be eliminated providing mixing and aeration in the same device. 20

• Robust industrial design for continuous operation, made completely
in stainless steel for strength
• Easy to install, operate and maintain, as they do not require any blowers, 12

air distribution piping or control valves 10

• Submerged aerator increases oxygen transfer time, and the submerged 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 46
Q [m3/h]
installation reduces noise and limits aerosol formation at the tank
Technical data Applications:
• Motor size: 4 - 50 kW • WASTEWATER TRANSPORT
• Liquid temperature: 0 to 40 °C • FLOOD CONTROL
• Standard Oxygen Transfer Rate at 4 m
submersion: SOTR 61 [kgO2/h]

1 2 3 4 5 6

page 46 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 47

pumping stations
Sturdy and well-designed pump pit sized to suit requirements, with
up to three wastewater pumps easily installed on auto couplings.

All necessary components such as piping and valves are built in or placed
in a seperate valve champer. Grundfos Dedicated Control offer operational
reliability, integration and automatic optimisation.

• Sturdy construction from high quality corrosion-free materials;
• Designed for easy and fast installation
• The design of the pit sump limits sludge and odour problems­and is for
unattended operation and remote control

Product data: Applications:

• Maximum diameter: 400 - 4000 mm • WASTEWATER TRANSPORT
• Maximum length: 12 m • FLOOD CONTROL

• Material of tank: PEHD / GRP

• Primarily designed for up to three
Grundfos­wastewater pumps
• Grundfos controllers offer a full range

of options for monitoring, control,
communication and optimisation.
• Options for level sensors, external
control­units and valves

Grundfos offers a full range of functional modular pumping
stations – complete with all necessary pumps, piping, valves
and level controls. The pump pit, pumps and controls can be
combined to suit specific requirements for each individual

The Grundfos prefabricated pumping stations are available

in a variety of sizes and heights. Depending on the selected
pump, applications can be for drainage, effluent,
stormwater­and wastewater. The pumping stations are
made either from polyethylene (PEHD) or Glass Reinforced
Plastic (GRP). All pre-installed piping is stainless steel or PEHD.

page 48 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 49

Remote Management
Grundfos Remote Management is a cost-effective and straightforward
way to monitor and manage pump installations in water supply and
wastewater­infrastructure and irrigation. It reduces the need for onsite
inspections and in the event of an alarm or warning, the relevant people
are notified directly.

Communication: • Live monitoring, analysis and

adjustments, monitoring of energy
• CIU271 communication interface enables consumption, and optimisation of
data transmission via GPRS / SMS from system performance.
Grundfos pumps and controllers
• Manage service & maintenance;
• Built-in multi-purpose I/O board allows plan service work on the basis
the connection of sensors and switches of actual operating data and get
• A fixed low fee covers data traffic, notification when service is due
hosting­costs and system support,
including back-up of all data
• A full overview of the operation, perfor- • WATER DISTRIBUTION

controls &
mance and trends and see the status of • WASTEWATER TRANSPORT
your entire system on your own map or • FLOOD CONTROL

Grundfos can supply dedicated communication
Mobile pump control
module­s and controls for every eventuality, ensuring – Grundfos GO Remote
trouble-free and continuous operation of complex Designed to save time and effort for the pump owner, this is the most
pumping solutions, offering open protocols, control comprehensive­platform for mobile pump on the market, offering intui-
tive, handheld­assistance and access to the Grundfos online tools, saving
and monitoring with data collection options, all fully valuable­time in reporting and data collection.

compatible­with your management system.

Communication: Benefits
• Wink function, live data feed, frequently • Group pumps, change
For many of our monitoring and control solutions, needed shortcuts (wizard), and improved
alarm logging
configuration­parameters and
monitor pump data
the packaged software Grundfos PC Tool is used for • User-friendly interface • Descriptive error codes make
trouble­shooting easy and intuitive
commissioning, monitoring pump status, adjusting • Infrared, radio, or universal MI 301
dongle • Time saving, with quick links to
the settings, start/stop of the pumps, query data, • MI 201 is a complete box product documentation, replacement tool,
including­an iPod and automatic updates
generating reports on the operation, and • Supports infrared connection to existing
establishing­service reports. A huge range of main products, and radio communication to Applications:
newer products.
functions and specialised functions, depending on • WATER DISTRIBUTION
the application, is also easily accessible via the PC
tool, or from the user interface.

page 50 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 51

Fieldbus motor protection UNIT
communication interfaces – MP 204
– CIM/CIU Reliable, easy to set up and easy to use motor protection for all Grundfos­
pumps and applications, for motors ranging from 3 to 999 amps and
The Grundfos fieldbus concept is the ideal solution for complete control
voltages­from 100 to 480 VAC that protects pump motors against under­
of pumps and pump systems. The Communication Interface Module (CIM)
voltage­, overvoltage and other variations in power supply and overheating­.
and the Communication Interface Unit (CIU) enable data communication
via open and interoperable networks.
Communication Applications:
Communication Applications: • Supports communication with • RAW WATER INTAKE
monitoring­equipment or other external • DRINKING WATER TREATMENT
• Available with GENIbus, BACnet MS/ • RAW WATER INTAKE
units via a number of different fieldbus • WATER DISTRIBUTION
protocols using the Communication • WASTEWATER TRANSPORT
Interface Unit (CIU) • FLOOD CONTROL
• Compatible with Grundfos Remote • WASTEWATER TREATMENT
Benefits Management

• Ease of installation and commissioning, • Connect to any SCADA system, allowing

user-friendliness, and great value for remote access to pump data anywhere
• All modules are based on standard­ Benefits
functional­profiles for easy
integration­into the network and easy • Power factor measurement, giving an
understanding­of data points indication of clogging in the intake or
impeller wear
• Supports a wide range of Grundfos
products • Motor power consumption continually
checked with precision, stopping the
pump before dry-running and preventing
Components pump damage

• CIM/CIU 100/110 LON is mainly used for • Alerts for ground failure/insulation­
HVAC applications resistance, allowing preventive
maintenance­of the motor, cables, or
• CIM/CIU 150 Profibus DP is mainly used
cable joints
for factory and process automation
• CIM/CIU 200 Modbus RTU is used for
versatile automation e.g. HVAC and Components
wastewater applications
• The Control MP204 cabinet is also
• CIM/CIU 250 GSM is mainly used for wa- available with DOL (Direct on-line), SD
ter supply and wastewater applications (Star delta) and SS (Soft starter) starting
• CIM/CIU 270 GRM is used together­with methods.
Grundfos Remote Management­
• CIM/CIU 300 BACnet is used for building

page 52 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 53

multi-pump controller wastewater Controls
– MPC – Dedicated controls
Pressure boosting permits monitoring and control of up to six identical Control up to six pumps in wastewater applications in main, network
pumps connected in parallel and will minimise energy consumption and and pressurised pumping stations. A range of advanced features allow
cut energy costs straight out of the box for the highest possible system for system­measurement and calculation, and integration with other
energy efficiency. monitoring­, control and energy optimising equipment.

Communication • Soft pressure build-up function Communication • In addition to a comprehensive

minimises­risk of water hammer, range of basic features, defined
• Supports communication with reducing­the risk of water loss and • Supports communication with inputs/outputs­can be added for
monitoring­equipment or other external costs of pipe maintenance monitoring­equipment or other external system functions specific­for the
units using the Communication Interface units Communication Interface Module pumping station
Module (CIM) via a number of different (CIM) via a number of different fieldbus
fieldbus protocols Components protocols
• Compatible with Grundfos Remote The basic components of the • Compatible with Grundfos Remote Components
Management Control MPC are: Management • The main components of the
• CU 352 – control unit • Communication using wired or wireless system­Dedicated Controls are:
(GPRS/GSM) networks to SCADA and
Benefits • IO 351 – primary I/O unit
BMS systems.
• CU 362 – control unit
• IO 351 – basic I/O module
• Easy to install and configure; Wizard
helps the user to configure the system The Control MPC comes in variants • IO 113 – protection module for
when you first start, ensuring the for mains operation, for external VFD Benefits pumps sensors
desired­parameters are set up in the speed control, or with speed control • The anti-clogging attributes of the • SM 113 – sensor module
correct­ sequence built in. flush and reverse function are unique
• Standby pump allocation, forced pump to Dedicated Controls, as is the ability
changeover and dry-running protection­ for continuous energy optimisation Applications:
Applications: according­to duty condition
help to increase system reliability • WASTEWATER TRANSPORT
and decrease downtime and costly • WATER DISTRIBUTION • FLOOD CONTROL
• User-friendly display interface with an
maintenance­ intuitive and easy-to-follow installation • WASTEWATER TREATMENT
wizard and you can also choose your

external frequency converters level controllers

A complete range of external frequency converters designed for speed Single or two-pump controllers designed for level control and for
control of a wide range of Grundfos pumps for water supply, wastewater monitoring­and protection of pumps in wastewater, water supply and
and irrigation applications. A special start-up guide will lead you through drainage systems that offer effective and reliable control functions, offering­
the set-up of the CUE. basic control for basic needs with easy commissioning and maintenance­.

Communication Components Communication Components

• Supports communication with • Additional functions available • The cabinet can be fitted with a Com- • Three series with a total of six
monitoring­equipment or other external that for example provide better munication Interface Unit (CIU) to versions are available, operated
units via a number of different fieldbus application support and system transmit the data collected via GPRS/ by level bells, float switches or
protocols using the Communication optimisation GSM networks electrodes
Interface Unit (CIU) • Additional analog input/output • Compatible with Grundfos Remote • A comprehensive range of acces-
• Compatible with Grundfos Remote board, providing for additional Management. sories is also available for the LC/
Management. inputs, for example temperature LCD series
sensors for monitoring bearings
• Use with direct on-line start mo-
• A range of motor filters available Benefits
Benefits tors up to 11 kW, or the LC/LCD
• A perfect match for Grundfos pumps, range can also be supplied with
• Predefined control modes, sensor supplied as a complete controller an integrated star-delta starter for
range and pump family data make it Applications: incorporating motor protection relay applications requiring larger mo-
very easy to set up a system in only a • RAW WATER INTAKE and control unit and offering protection tors, up to 30 kW.
few steps • DRINKING WATER TREATMENT against water hammer
• Shares the unique Grundfos intuitive­ • WATER DISTRIBUTION • Automatic pump changeover, ensuring
interface­with Grundfos control • WASTEWATER TRANSPORT even distribution of operating hours on
• Very easy installation and set-up – just • WASTEWATER TREATMENT • FLOOD CONTROL
• Selection of automatic test run (every 24
16 steps to get a system up and running hours) during long periods of inactivity­,
and of alarms and alarm resetting, auto-
matic restart and more

page 54 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 55

Safety equipment, gas Measurement and control systems
warning systems – Conex® DIA
– Conex® DIA-G and DIS-G The Conex® DIA (Dosing Instrumentation Advanced) series of measuring
amplifiers and controllers for one or two parameters – Cl2, ClO2, O3, H2O2,
The Conex® DIA-G (Dosing Instrumentation Advanced-Gas) and DIS-G
PAA, pH, redox (ORP) – is designed for users without previous knowledge.
(Dosing Instrumentation Standard-Gas) safety system monitors chlorine
Conex® units monitor themselves, ensuring high water quality at all time
dioxide systems, gas dosing installations and gas storage rooms. Gas
and come in three versions. DIA preasssembled systems combine control-
warning parameters monitored are Cl2, ClO2 and O3, DIA-G can additionally
lers and tried-and-tested electrodes on a plate ready for quick installation.
monitor NH3 and HCl.

Benefits Benefits
• The calibration function carries out a plausibility check
• Monitoring of two different gas storage rooms or two different gases
to prevent mishaps­
at the same time
• The logbook function records sensor data and calibration values
• Simultaneous display of both measured values
complete with date and time
• Optimum safety due to permanent sensor monitoring, alarm relay and
• The units also keep an eye on the temperature and make
optional backup operation by connection of an external buffer battery
adjustments as necessary

Technical data Applications:

• Display: High resolution, plain-text LCD • Drinking Water Treatment
Technical data Applications:
(DIA-G) LCD, 2 lines, 2x 16 characters • Water Distribution • Display: High resolution, plain-text LCD • Drinking Water Treatment
(DIS-G) • Wastewater Treatment • Indication mode: Measured value as a • Water Distribution
• Indication mode: Measured value as a physical variable
physical variable • Controller: PI / PID-controller
• Permissable operating temperature: • Temperature compensation: Manually or
0 to +50 °C (DIA-G) automatically by Pt 100 sensor
0 to +45 °C (DIS-G)
• pH-compensation: Chlorine (Cl2)
• Permissible relative humidity: Maximum measurement: automatically by pH
90 % (non condensing) measurement
• Mains voltage: 110-240 V, 50/60 Hz or • Permissable operating temperature:
24 VDC (DIA-G) 115/120 V, 50/60 Hz or 0 to +50 °C (DIA-G)
230/240 V, 50/60Hz (DIS-G)
• Permissible relative humidity:
• Power consumption: Approximately 20 Maximum 90 % (non condensing)
VA (DIA-G) Approximately 5 VA (DIS-G)
• Mains voltage: 230/240 V, 50/60 Hz or
• Enclosure class: IP 65 115/120 V, 50/60 Hz or 24 VDC
• Power consumption: Approx. 15 VA
• Enclosure class:
IP 65 (wall-mounted)
IP 54 (panel-mounted)

page 56 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 57

Photometric water analysis
– DIT-M photometer and
DIT-L compact photometer
The DIT-M photometer and DIT-L compact photometer with the DIT-IR
interface module offer water analysis from a state-of-the-art measuring
unit of up to 15 parameters in water treatment. Long-term stable reagents
in tablet form are used.

• The DIT-M photometer operates with 6 interference filters and
long-term stable LEDs as light sources without moving parts
• Up to 1000 (DIT-M) or up to 16 (DIT-L compact) data sets can be saved
• Data transfer to a PC or a printer is possible with an infrared interface
via the optional DIT-IR module

Technical data
• D
IT-M: Aluminium, bromine,
• Water Distribution
chlorine,(free, total, combined), chlorine
• Wastewater Treatment
dioxide, chloride, chlorite, cyanuric acid,
iron,fluoride, manganese, ozone, phos-
phate, pH, acid capacity KS 4.3., hydrogen
• DIT-L: Chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chlorite
or ozone as well as the pH value.

page 58 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 59

SMART Digital
– DDA, DDC and DDE

Dosing and
Diaphragm dosing pumps with powerful variable-speed stepper motors
offer high dosing accuracy and flow control, longer maintenance intervals
due to the universal chemical resistance of the full-PTFE diaphragm, and
reduced energy consumption from the state-of-the-art drive technology.

• Modularity: The included click-stop mounting plate is an example of
the unique flexibility offered, with only a few variants.
• Simplicity: Easy handling and perfect overview and control ensure
simple­installation, commissioning and operation.

Grundfos offers one of the most extensive product p

• Flow intelligence: The pump monitors the dosing process of liquids
when the FlowControl function is activated, for advanced process
ranges in the market for dosing and disinfection, covering 16 reliability­.
everything from disinfection of drinking water to water 7.5-16
Technical data Applications:
treatment in highly sensitive industrial processes. • Flow (Q): 0.0025 to 30 l/h • RAW WATER INTAKE
10 • Operating pressure: 16 - 4 bar • WATER DISTRIBUTION
DDE 12-10 • Setting range: Up to 3000
Grundfos can supply complete dosing pump systems for 7
large or small volumes and based on different 9-7 17-7
technologies­for flocculation­, disinfection, and pH DDC/DDE

adjustment­. Moreover, the Grundfos­range of electronic 0

and electrochemical accessories offers complete control 0 6 7.5 9 12 15 17 30
Q [l/h]
of your dosing and disinfection processes­and can be
seamlessly integrated into your system. We can also
advise and supply disinfection solutions using chlorine­ Digital Dosing
compounds such as chlorine gas (Cl2), sodium – DME
hypochlorite­(NaOCl), and chlorine dioxide (ClO2). Digital Dosing pumps that combine perfect precision and user-friendliness
for large dosing quantities from 60 l/h to 940 l/h, offering all the benefits
of the highly acclaimed smaller Digital Dosing range, making accurate dos-
ing is easier than ever.

• Wide dosing range with a turndown ratio of 1:800 for a range of water
supply, wastewater and water treatment applications
• Easy to install, the operator can set the pump to discharge exactly the
quantity of dosing liquid required in the application
p • Available with Profibus interface to supply performance data and status
information for quality control, preventive maintenance and future
10 reference.

7 Technical data: Applications:

6 60-10 375-10 • Flow (Q): 0.075 - 940 l/h • RAW WATER INTAKE
• Operating pressure: 10 - 4 bar • DRINKING WATER TREATMENT
• Setting range: up to 1:800

150-4 940-4 • The dosing heads of DME pumps are
available in stainless steel, PVDF, and
0 environmentally friendly, cost-efficient
1 60 150 375 940 polypropylene.
Q [l/h]

page 60 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 61

Mechanical diaphragm Full-vacuum chlorine gas dosing
dosing pumps systems
– DMX – Vaccuperm
Robust diaphragm-based design with high-quality motors for many dosing Gas dosing systems that work in accordance with the tried-and-tested full-
applications, they require minimum maintenance and are highly versatile, vacuum­principle with the addition of gaseous chlorine regulated reliably
covering a wide flow range and offering a variety of dosing head sizes, and precisely.
materials and accessories.
Benefits • Safe operation due to the vacuum principle and easy handling
• Dosing from 0.4 up to 2 x 4000 l/h • Reliable full-vacuum method with chlorine gas for a reliable
• Compact design – saves money and space disinfection process
• Smooth and low-pulsation dosing, proven technology • Very straightforward handling for an operation, saving time and
p therefore­running costs
10 Technical data Applications:
8 • Motor size: 0.09 - 2.2 kW • RAW WATER INTAKE Technical data Applications:
• Flow rate (Q): 0.4 - 2 x 4000 l/h • WATER DISTRIBUTION • VGB: up to 2 kg/h • DRINKING WATER TREATMENT
• Maximum system pressure: 10 bar • VGA: up to 10 kg/h
• Liquid temperature: Up to +70 C • WASTEWATER TREATMENT • VGS: up to 200 kg/h
• Discharge diameter: DN 8 to DN 65
• Enclosure class: IP 55 or IP 65
(depends on motor)
• Dosing flow variation: below +/- 1,5 %
• Dosing linearity: below +/- 4 %

0 190 460 4000
Q [l/h]

Hydraulic piston DIAPHRAGM Electro-chlorination systems

dosing­ pumps – Selcoperm
– DMH Selcoperm electrolysers produce sodium hypochlorite electrolytically,
directly­from a solution of common salt using electricity, offering health
Extremely strong, robust pumps for applications requiring a reliable dosing
and safety benefits for operators and savings on transport and handling.
and high-pressure capability for high-pressure applications from 50 up
to 200 bar. Highly versatile for a wide flow range and offering a variety of
dosing head sizes, materials and accessories. Benefits
• Requires only salt, water and electricity for low-cost generation
Benefits of your disinfectant
• EX/ATEX and API 675 versions available • Generates chlorine on site according to your requirements,
saving you transportation and storage costs
• Very accurate dosing
• Common salt is non-toxic and easy to store
• Dosing of flammable liquids
p • Customised solutions on request
[bar] • Full PTFE membrane as a standard

200 Technical data Applications:

Technical data Applications:
100 • Motor size: 0.09 - 2.2 kW • RAW WATER INTAKE • WATER DISTRIBUTION
• 110 g/hour -> 1.8 kg/hour
• Flow rate (Q): 0.15 - 2 x 1500 l/h • WATER DISTRIBUTION • FLOOD CONTROL
50 • WASTEWATER TRANSPORT • NaOCl conc. up to 7 g/l
• Maximum system pressure: 200 bar • WASTEWATER TREATMENT
• Discharge diameter: DN 4 to DN 32 • WASTEWATER TREATMENT
16 • Enclosure class: IP 65
10 • Dosing flow variation:
Below +/- 1 % (DMH 28x)
4 • Dosing flow linearity:
Below +/- 1 % (DMH 28x)
0 50 105 276 1500
Q [l/h]

page 62 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 63

Chlorine dioxide preparation and Preparation and Dosing Installations
dosing systems – POLYDOS
– Oxiperm The Polydos series are flexible, environmentally friendly and economic dosing
and preparation systems that range from three chamber installations for
Chlorine dioxide generators that are extremely easy to use, bringing
preparation of dry or liquid polymers. We customise the system to match the
together precise dosing technology, an ideal mixture of components, quick
chemical reactions with Maximum conversion rates, and outstanding
reliability­for effective disinfection
Benefits • Compact, yet flexible installation of fully integrated system, including ma-
terial handling, preparation and maturing and solution dosing
• Compact design, also for confined spaces, offering easy installation
• Environmentally friendly and economical to use with precise prepared,
• Low operating costs from a solution that saves time
precise dosing and water metering and with variants that meet the cus-
• Innovative dosing and calibration technology; always the optimum tomers’ exact needs
solution­for your specific application
• Configured according to the required polymer quantity in kg/h or require
volume of prepared solution, the concentration of the preparation polymer,
Technical data Applications: and the maturation time in minutes
• Oxiperm Pro 162 OCD - 5/10/30/60 g/hour • DRINKING WATER TREATMENT
• Oxiperm 164 C 450 g/hour -> 2.5 kg/hour
Variants Technical data
• Oxiperm 164 D 120 g/hour -> 750 g/hour • Polydos 412 fully automatic three-cham- • Capacity range: Up to 10 m3/h of
• Oxiperm 166 up to 10 kg/hour ber preparation system for liquid and dry prepared solution with 60 minutes
polymers with PLC and graphic display maturation time
for convenient preparation and dosing of • Concentration range: 0,05 to 0,5%
dry or liquid floccolents and coagulents
• Water inlet: Shut-off valve,
in a broad capacity spectrum.
solenoid valve , pressure reducing
• Polydos 412 ECO preparation system for valve and contact water meter.
liquid and dry polymers.
• Maximum viscosity of the polymer
• TD423 dry material feeding system for solution: 2500 mPas
feeding of constant or varying quanti-
• Protection control panel: IP 65
ties of powders or granules, such as lime
hydrate, aluminium sulphate, diato- • Protection agitators: IP 55
mite, phosphates, activated carbon or • Ultra-sonic level sensor to enable
polymers. flow proportional preparation
• Polydos 460 fully automatic two-
chamber preparation system for liquid
polymers with PLC and graphic display Material:
for convenient preparation and dosing • Dry material feeder and feeding
• KD 440 fully automatic one-chamber dry worm, agitator shaft and
material preparation system with PLC stainless steel propeller
and graphic display for preparation and • Tank material: PPH or SS
dosing of solutions out of dry materials.
• Lines and connections: PVC-U


page 64 / Optimised Water Solutions Optimised Water Solutions / page 65


page 66 / Optimised Water Solutions

Grundfos Water Utility
– optimised water solutions
Grundfos Water Utility is a full-range supplier of
intelligent­pumps and systems for all water supply and

98429572 / 0213
wastewater­applications. We optimise pumping solutions
to provide maximum reliability and resource efficiency
for our customers. Our solutions are made with tried
and tested technology and our expertise is part of any

The name Grundfos, the Grundfos logo, and be think innovate are registered trademarks owned by Grundfos Holding A/S or Grundfos A/S, Denmark. All rights reserved worldwide.
We offer solutions and expertise
within the following applications:







Grundfos Holding A/S

Poul Due Jensens Vej 7
DK-8850 Bjerringbro
Tel: +45 87 50 14 00

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