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Paper 01 Day 01 2023-1

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Past Papers(Paper 01)

DAY 01
M/J 2017(11)
2(a) Choose two from the following passages and write in detail about the various ways in
which God describes in them how He is unique: 6.101–103, 42.4-5, 112, 41.37. [10]
O/N 2013
2 (a) Using passages you have studied, write about the main teachings about God in the
Qur’an. [10]
O/N 2022
2 (a) Write about how God describes Himself so humans can know Him using:
(i) Sura 2.255 (Ayat al–Kursi)
(ii) Sura 114 (Ikhlas) [10]
Answer [Learn and write]:
The passages set for special study which represent the fundamental Quranic theme of ‘God in
Himself’, give us the prefect knowledge about God’s personality, Oneness and attributes. In the first place
these passages shed light on the concept of Tawhid in different ways. It is the first and the main principle of
Islamic faith. It means that Allah is the Supreme Being, Creator, Sustainer and Master of the Universe. The
language and descriptions used are there for humans to understand aspects of the nature of God in ways
that would be understandable and relatable, as the reality is that God is far beyond a human being’s
Surah Baqarah (2:255) also known as the Verse of Throne (Ayat al Kursi) clearly mentions the
concept of Tauhid (Oneness of God), which is the first part of the declaration of faith (Shahada) “Allah, there
is no god but He the Living, the self-subsisting, Eternal.”
so He depends on no one, but everyone depends on Him. He is eternal so He was always there and will
exist forever. He does not get tired, nor does he sleep – God is using examples that humans can relate to,
to show how He can never be unaware nor become negligent in His actions. “No slumber can seize him
nor sleep…” Everything is created and owned by Him showing His ultimate control and power. “to Him
belongs all that is in the heavens and on earth.” No one can appeal to God, or intercede, without His
permission. His knowledge is all encompassing, knowing everything in the past present and future. “He
knows what is before or after or behind them.” No one will gain knowledge unless He allows it. The Kursi
is His Throne and encompasses many meanings, including His power, His dominion and His Knowledge.
And in all this there is no fatigue, with His attributes being beyond human understanding.

Surah Anaam 6. 101-103 speaks of the absolute unity and Authority of Allah over the entire universe,
being the only Creator and Protector of everything . Therefore, He alone is to be worshipped .Allah creates
on His own without any help which shows that not only the Creation ,but the plan and means of creation
are all on account of His Will .Quran says “To Him is due to primal origin of the heavens and the earth.”
Since everything is creation of Allah, the question of His heaving a son does not arise. Allah, unlike humans,
is free from all human attributes and far superior to be in need to have children or spouse. “How can He
have a son when he has no consort.”
It is further states that human vision does not comprehend Him, but He comprehends everything of the
universe and nothing remains hidden from Him. Nothing is conceived from Him. He watches us all the time
and knows our intentions, “He created all things and He has full knowledge of all things.” Allah’s nature is
so subtle and far beyond our limited conception so as to be invisible to the physical eye and to be

imperceptible to the senses. His presence can only be felt through the manifestation of His creation and
His total control over it.
Surah Fussilat 41.37
This passage speaks of the cosmic sign of the universe as the great signs of Allah’s lordship, authority,
wisdom and power. These signs are not to be worshipped. Instead, by pondering over them one can
understand the reality of Allah’s Greatness and creative power. People have repeatedly been told in the
Quran that natural objects on earth and sley are creation of Allah with no power or authority .Night and
day are not conflicting power but are both creations of Allah. Allah is the sole cause and the source of all
that exits and whatever exits is a sign of His creative power. The objectives in this verse is to express the
glory of Allah and His exclusive worthiness for worship in the minds of the human beings. This verse invites
people to look over the wondrous creation of Allah and believe in Him. Quran says, “Behold! In the
creation of the heavens and earth and the alternation of night and day there are indeed signs for men of
The cycle of the night and day clearly points to the fact that sun and moon are not the objects of divine
power, but are helpless and powerless objects . They are moving according to the law of Almighty Allah . So
Allah alone should be worshipped and not the things which he has created which are actually subservient to
His commands. Thus these passage reflect that Allah is unique in His attributes and power. He alone is
worthy of worship and praise.
Surah ash Shura 42. 4-5
This passage highlights Allah’s total authority and ownership. All that is in the heaven and on the earth is
the exclusive property of Allah and He has full authority and controls to deal with it in any manner He
wants. He is the Master and Owner of the earth and heavens and everything contained in them, in any
form whatsoever, and no one else has any part or share in His ownership, His attributes and His Power. It is
said in Quran, “His are all things in the heavens and on earth.”
Allah’s glory and praise is so majestic that even the magnificent heavens tremble before His Might and
Splendour above them and are almost ready to burst asunder by His glory . “The heavens are almost rent
asunder from above them.” The angels, who are noble and pure beings glorify Allah. They look after the
safety of all beings on earth and pray to Allah for their forgiveness .They reflect on one side on Allah’s glory
and praise and on the other, to His forgiveness and mercy.
As all humans beings are weak and are liable to err and sin , Allah has willed upon Himself the law of grace
and mercy. Allah is forgiving and Merciful is clear from the fact that people persist in transgressing His
commands and rejecting His message, yet He mercifully goes on giving them respite so that they may
realize their mistakes and come to the right path. The Quran says, “He has inscribed for Himself (the rule
of ) Mercy.”
Surah Ikhlas 112
The name of this sura is Ikhlas meaning “Purity of faith” which is core matter because faith in the absolute
unity of Allah is the foundation of Islam. Allah is one, without any hint of plurality, He has no one to share
in His lordship, neither in His essence or His attributes. He is the only one to whom worship is due, all
other things or being are His creatures and in no way resemble Him are comparable to Him in rank,
attributes work or power “Say, He is Allah, the one and only.”
Allah is Eternal and Immortal without beginning or end , not limited by time or place or circumstances. He
is absolute no sustained or dependent on any other person or thing whereas all other are dependent on
Him for beginning as well as their continued existence. “Allah, the eternal, absolute.”
This sura negates the concept of polytheism and destroys all assumptions of family relations of Allah when
it is said, “He begets not nor is He begotten.”And there remains no room for confusion in this regard the
Quran says , “No son did Allah beget, nor is there any god along with Him.”
The fact that Allah is matchless and unique in every respect beyond the range of human imagination
explains why any attempt at depicting Him by means of figures or symbols must be denial of truth. “And
there is none like him.”

2(b) In your opinion, why should Muslims try to understand God’s attributes? Give
reason(s) for your answer. [4]

• It is extremely important for Muslims to understand God’s personality and attributes because
now a days, many Muslims are becoming detached from God.
• Learning about God’s attributes allows them to have an understanding of Him which increases
their understanding of the world around them, or their faith, etc.
• Because God is beyond humankind’s knowledge/perception, understanding Him through what
He says about Himself in the Qur’an allows humans to know why God is important to them in
their lives.
• Knowing God gives substance, reason, and purpose to our worship. Once we know him, it
makes perfect sense to worship him.
• We understand our relationship with God more clearly when we see not only how he
differs from us, but also how we can relate to him in spite of that.

O/N 2015, M/J 2021

3(a) The Battle of Uhud was fought in the year 625. Describe the main events of this battle.
Answer (Learn and write):
• After the battle of Badr, Islam gained a firm footing at Madinah and the importance of the city began
to increase. The Quraish considered the rise of Madinah as a threat to their political and commercial
interest. Moreover, they could not forget their defeat in the battle of Badr. Many of their important
leaders were killed in the battle, and they wanted to avenge their deaths. Abu Sufyan, the
commander of the Quraish army, went to meet the Jews of Banu Nazir, who promised help. He also
hired their poet Kaab bin Ashraf to write ridiculing poetry against the Prophet to instigate the Quraish
to fight against the Muslims. Another reason of the battle was the capture of one of their trade
caravans by the Prophet’s adopted son, Zaid bin Harith. Meetings were held to raise a strong army
for attacking Madinah . Finally, a fully armed force of three thousand men under Abu Sufyan left
Makkah for Madinah with 200 horses and 3000 camels.
• The Prophet got the news of Makkan army through one of his uncles Abbas bin Abdul Mutlaib.
The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) consulted his companions about the best way to meet the enemy. The
consensus of opinion was that the Muslims should go out of Madinah to meet the enemy. Although
the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) had a different opinion, yet when the majority insisted on meeting the
enemy outside Madinah, he agreed.
• Three miles to the north of Madinah, the Quraish camped near the hill of Uhad. On the way, Abdullah
bin Ubbay, the leader of the hypocrites, left with three hundred of his men on the excuse that the
Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) had turned down his suggestion of fighting the enemy from inside the city.
The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) with the remaining seven hundred men, reached Uhad and also set up
• He posted fifty archers under Abdullah bin Jubair to protect the pass in the Uhad mountain and
defend the Muslims from any possible attack by the enemy from behind. They were given strict
instructions not to leave their post under any circumstances.
• Several Quraish women accompanied the army of the pagans including Hinda, the daughter of Utba,;
Umm-e-Hakeem, the granddaughter of Abu Jahl, Muslim women also took part for the first time.
Among them were Aisha, Umm Salama and Umm Ammara.
• When the two armies came face to face, Abu Sufyan asked the Ansar to leave for his fight was not
with them. The Muslims, however, stayed united and firm. When the two armies clashed, the Muslim
archers fired a volley of arrows into the cavalry of the Makkans led by Khalid ibn al-Waleed, causing

chaos in the ranks. Talha ibn Abi Talha, who was the flag-bearer of the Makkans, came forward and
shouted for a man to meet him in single combat. Hazrat Ali R.A stepped forward and killed him with
a blow. The Makkan standard was taken by Talha’s brother who was struck down by Hazrat Hamza
• The battle was fiercely fought and the Makkans were being pushed back and killed. Abu Sufyan
narrowly escaped an attack. The Muslim advance continued until the enemy lines were broken
altogether and the way to their camp was thus laid open. Khalid bin Walid tried to break the Muslims
from behind three times but the archers held him off. Muslims got an advantage and the Makkans
started to flee from the battlefield in all directions.
• The archers posted to guard the rear of the Muslim army took this as signal to come down and collect
the spoils of war. Khalid ibn al-Waleed, noticing this fatal error on the part of the archers, and
attacked the unprotected Muslims.
• Panic now set in and despite the Prophet (P.B.U.H) calls, many of the Muslim warriors, who had
fought bravely, rushed for safety to the upper slopes of Uhad. Many, however, stayed and fought; a
group of nine Muslims made a protective shield around Prophet (P.B.U.H) and only Talha bin
Ubaidullah and Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas survived.
• The enemy tried to reach the spot where the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was. He was wounded in the
head and face and lost his teeth. They killed the Muslim flag bearer Musab bin Umair who resembled
the Prophet. The enemy raised the cry that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was killed and the confusion
• The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), however, stood firmly and called out to his companions to come back.
Ka'ab bin Malik announced that the Prophet was still alive. When the Muslims saw their leader, they
rejoined the battle. Soon, more support came to the Prophet (P.B.U.H) and a group of his companions
moved him to a well-protected area at the foot of the mountain.
• Now the fighting was less one-sided. The Muslims who had rallied put up a determined fight. Both
parties were, however, extremely exhausted. Soon the fighting died down and each army prepared
to leave. Before leaving Abu Sufyan challenged for a battle next year at Badr and the Prophet
accepted his challenge.
• In this encounter 63(70) Muslims were killed and forty injured; while the enemy lost only 22(37) of
their men. Wahshi al Harb killed Hazra tHamzah with a spear. Hinda mutilated the corpse and
chewed his liver in order to avenge the death of her father, Utba, killed in the Battle of Badr at the
hands of Hamza.
The Holy Quran mentions this battle in these words:
“Allah did indeed fulfill His promise to you, when you, with His permission, were about to destroy your
enemy, until you flinched and fell to disputing about the order and disobeyed it after He brought in sight
( of the spoils) which you desire. Among you are some who desire this world and some who desire the
Hereafter---.” (3:152)
“Those of you who turned back on the day the two hosts met, --- it was Satan who caused them to fail,---
.” ( 3:155)

3(b) Why is it important for Muslims to show obedience to God in difficult situations? [4]
• In difficult times, such as times of war, they should not give up hope of victory or of ease in their
• and that they should continue to pray and worship God and carry on doing good deeds, because God
is there for those who ask for help.
• in times of difficulty such as illness, God is testing how a person reacts, whether they lose hope and
• whether they continue being steadfast in their faith. God says “Call on Me and I’ll answer you.”

(b) ‘Success for Muslims depends on their obedience to the Prophet.’ Discuss this
statement in relation to Muslims today. [4]
(b) What lessons might be learned from the outcome of the Battle of Uhud? [4]
• The defeat at Uhud occurred due to the fact that the archers did not obey the Prophet’s command,
therefore, Muslims should obey the Prophet.
• The rules and guidance of Islam is based on the Qur’an and also the sunna and so to truly practise Islam
the way of the Prophet has to be followed.
• In battle, Muslims should stick to the rules that the Prophet gave, like not harming the environment or
women and children, and this can give Muslims success as they are following the commands of God, which
they will be rewarded for.
• In their everyday lives Muslims can obey the Prophet’s commands as to how to live their lives, in terms
of prayer, being good to people, etc., and this will make them successful in their lives as the guidance
given is all for their betterment.

4(a) Write about events from the Prophet’s (pbuh) life that show his qualities of
generosity, honesty and simplicity in action. [10]
Answer (Learn and write):
1. Generosity
Generosity means giving freely without expecting anything in return. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)
liked generosity as one of the quality of believers and has encouraged Muslims to show a generous attitude
towards every needy person. The generosity and kindness of the heart of the holy Prophet Muhammad
(P.B.U.H) was a household world.
• During the month of Ramzan, he would give away so lavishly as to leave hardly anything for himself.
He never kept money with him overnight. If he had anything left, before nightfall he would give it to the
needy and destitute. If he came across someone who was starving, he would give him hi meal and remain
hungry himself.
• Once a man who had embraced Islam asked the Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) for some goats
and sheep. It so happened that at this time the holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) had recently being given
great abundance of these animals. He gave the man so many that they filled the space between to hills.
• The Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was once given 70,000 dirhams, which he began to distribute
among the beggars soon the whole amount was exhausted. After all the beggars had departed and old man
came and asked for alms. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) had nothing left to give but he did not
want to send the man away empty-handed. He therefore, borrowed something from another and gave it to
• When Prophet (pbuh) returned a debt he gave more than he owed.When a Jewish man came to
demand back the money the Prophet owed him, he grabbed the Prophet by the collar. ‘Umar got angry at
the Jew, but the Prophet smiled. He asked for the debt to be repaid and extra given due to the harsh
treatment by ‘Umar. Even when he asked for water from a woman to drink, he gave the water skins back
with more water in them as well as some food.
• He was also generous with his prayers, praying for those who hurt him rather than asking for their
destruction, e.g. at Ta’if and Uhud.
2. Honesty and Trustworthiness :
Prophet (P.B.U.H) was honest and truthful. He was a poor orphan who started trade with his uncle, but in
short period; he became well known and respected. He was known as Al-Sadiq (the truthful) and Al-Amin
(the trust worthy).

• When the dispute arose among the various tribes of Makkah as to who should lay the Black Stone,
they decided the one who entered Ka’bah the next morning would place it. They were very pleased when
Muhammad (P.B.U.H) happened to enter the Ka’bah the next morning as they trusted him for his honesty.
• When Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was elevated to Prophet Hood the Quraish abused him, called him mad,
bewitched etc, but never called him a liar. Abu Jahl his bitterest enemy often said, “Muhammad, I do not
say that you are a liar, but what you say I do not think right.” (Ibn Ishaque)
• When Allah commanded the Prophet (P.B.U.H) to invite his people to Islam. He called the Quraish at
the mount Safa and said, “If I were to tell you that any enemy was advancing to attack you from the back
of the hill, would you believe me?” They said, yes, we have always known you to be truthful. However,
when he invited them to Islam, they turned away.
• Khadijah married him because of his high morals and honesty. Khadijah was a wealthy widow, who
used to send her merchandise to other countries. When she heard about Muhammad’s (P.B.U.H)
truthfulness and trustworthiness, she sent for him and proposed that he should take her goods. He came
back with double the profits that she normally used to get. She was so impressed by his high character that
she proposed marriage to him.
• People of Makkah used to keep their belongings with him for safe keeping. At the time of migration,
though his life was in danger he entrusted the belongings of people to Ali (R.A.) before leaving Makkah.
3. Humility and Simplicity:
Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was a simple man. He was unceremonious and informal his habits. He ate
whatever was available, wore coarse cloths. His bed consisted of a blanket and a pillow of date fiber covered
with leather. He ate bread made from coarse flour, and spent days on dates only. He sat on floor, bare ground
or a mat, without any hesitation even when he was the ruler of Madinah.
It is reported “Allah’s messenger Muhammad (P.B.U.H) used to patch his sandals, sew his garment and
conduct himself at home as anyone of you does in his house.”
• His companions used to stand up to show respect to him when he appeared in their midst but he forbade
them saying, “Don’t stand up for me as the unbelievers do to show respect to others.”
He lived humbly all his life and never boasted of his social or political status even after his success at Madina.
There are many incidents of his humility reported by his companions and recorded in history books. Anas
said that Allah’s messenger used to visit the sick, accompany funeral and accept the invitation of slaves.
• It is reported by Anas that when Allah’s messenger performed pilgrimage he kept on reporting.
“O Allah! make this pilgrimage, a pilgrimage without pretence and fame.”
His companions had a great deal of love and respect for him. However they did not stand up when he entered
a room, as he disliked it. He did not wish to be treated as a ruler.
• Someone asked Hazrat Aisha about the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) life at home. She replied that he did
household work. He mended clothes and shoes, milked the goats and swept the house. He shared and ate
his meals with the slaves and the poor. He sat with the needy and the destitute in such a way that no one
could tell the difference between him and poor people. When he went to an assembly, he sat wherever
he found place.
• When he was entering Makkah as a conqueror, he was not proud or boastful like a worldly conqueror. An
expression of humility and gentleness was on his face and he lowered his head in such a way that it touched
the saddle of his camel.
• It is reported by Hazrat Umar the he heard the holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) say: “Do not praise me as the
Christians praise the son of Mary. I am a servant of God, call me a servant and messenger of God.” Another
one of his companions reported him as saying, “Allah has revealed to me that you must be humble, so that
no one boasts that he is better than other.”
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) always lived in a humble way and taught his followers to do the same. He lived the
life of an ordinary human being and showed by his own example, how to live humbly, even in greatness

4(b) Can Muslims adopt a life of simplicity like the Prophet (pbuh) in current times? Give
reasons for your answer. [4]
• Yes, e.g. because people now have too many things and can live without a lot of them.
• They could simplify their lives and get rid of a lot of the things they have in their homes, as well as
eating less food.
• They could also spend less and give away more to charity.

5(a) Write about the lives of Fatima and any one other of the Prophet’s (pbuh) daughters. [10]
O/N 2013
Q5 (a): Give accounts of the lives of the Prophet’s four daughters. [10]
O/N 2018
5(a) Write a detailed account of the lives of the Prophet’s daughters, Zaynab and Fatima.[10]
M/J 2021
5(a) Write about the life of the Prophet’s daughter, Fatima. [10]

Answer [Learn and write]:

Hazrat Zainab
She was eldest daughter. She was born in 5th year of marriage when the Prophet (P.B.U.H) was 30. She was
married to Abul Aas bin Rabi, Khadija’s nephew. When Hazrat Zainab became a Muslim and her husband did
not, it caused problems.
Abul Aas fought on the side of Quraish in the battle of Badr, and he was taken as a prisoner and brought
before the Prophet. Hazrat Zainab sent a necklace, which her mother Hazrat Khadija had given her, for his
release. When the Prophet (P.B.U.H) saw the necklace, he recognized it and his eyes were filled with tears.
He consulted his companions and returned the necklace and freed Abul Aas on condition that he would send
Zainab to Madina. Abul Aas fulfilled his promise and sent Zainab to Madina. Later Abul Aas came to Madina
after returning the amount of ransom to makkans, and started living together with Zainab. However, they
were separated when a Divine Revelation prohibited Muslim women to marry non-Muslims. Later, Abul Aas
accepted Islam, and they were rejoined.
Zainab died in 8 A.H as a result of sword wound inflicted by Habbar bin Aswad at the time she was migrating
to Madina. She had a son Ali and a daughter Umamah, who became the second wife of Hazrat Ali after Hazrat
Fatima’s death.
Hazrat Ruqayyah (R.A)
She was three years younger than Zainab. She was first married to Utba, son of Abu Lahab before
prophethood. However, Abu Lahab became a bitter enemy of the Prophet after his prophethood.
After the revelation of Surah Lahab Abu Lahab asked his son to divorce Ruqayyah which he did. She then
was married to Hazrat Usman and migrated with him to Abyssinia Where she gave birth to a son Abdullah
who died when he was six year old. They came back to Makkh in the tenth year of prophethood. A few years
later she migrated to Madina with her husband.
She Died in 2 A.H, just at the time when Muslims were returning from the Battle of Badr. The Prophet
(P.B.U.H) performed her funeral prayer. Due to her illness, Hazrat Usman did not participate in the Battle of
Hazrat Umm e Kulthum (R.A)
Hazrat Umm Kulthum was the third daughter of Prophet (P.B.U.H). She was first married to Utaibah another
son of Abu Lahab. When the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) declared his mission, Abu Lahab became his enemy.
After the revelation of surah Lahab and asked his son to divorce Umm e Kulthum, which he did. She migrated
to Madina with her step mother Hazrat Sawdah. After the death of her sister Ruqayyah she was married to

Hazrat Usman, hence he came to be known as Zul-Noorain. She did not have any child. She died in 9 A.H in
the month of Shabaan while her father and husband were away on the Tabuk expedition.
Hazrat Fatima(R.A)
She was the youngest daughter born to Prophet (P.B.U.H) and Hazrat Khadja five years before prophethood.
She was much loved by her father and among all her sisters resembled him the most.
She used to hear him recite the Quran and had memorized the entire Holy Book. She also acquired much
knowledge and wisdom by spending time in the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) company. After the death of her mother
Hazrat Khadija she tried to look after the comfort and needs of her father at home. Whenever the Prophet
(P.B.U.H), came home injured from the streets of Makkah she would tend to his wounds.
Once she saw Abu Jahl putting the guts of a dead animal on her father’s back when he was praying and was
in prostration, she ran to him to remove the filth from its back whilst he stayed in his position. When the
Prophet (P.B.U.H) saw her crying he said, “Don’t cry, my daughter for indeed Allah will make your father
Prophet (P.B.U.H) migrated to Madina before her because he knew that if he allowed her to go before him
the Quraish would have known about his plans to migrate , and if he took her with him it would have posed
a big danger to her. So, she stayed back and followed later him to Madina with Hazrat Saudah.
In Madina many sought Hazrat Fatima hand in marriage but the Prophet (P.B.U.H) politely declined all and
gave her in marriage to Hazrat Ali. In 624AD they were married and lived simple yet happy life together,
experiencing the poverty faced by the most of the immigrants. She suffered hardships after her marriage
and did all the work at home herself, for example, grinding flour and carrying water from the well. When she
asked the Prophet (pbuh) for a share in the spoils of war after one of the battles, thinking she may be able
to get a maid to help at home, he said, I shall give you something better and told her to say Subhanallah,
Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar before going to sleep. A Year later Hazrat Fatima gave her birth to her first son
who the Prophet (P.B.U.H) named al-Hassan, the beautiful one and the following years in 626 she gave birth
to another son who the Prophet (P.B.U.H) named al-Hussain the little beautiful one. She also had two
daughters Zainab and umm kulthoom.
Prophet (P.B.U.H) had a special affection for his youngest daughter on one occasion he said to her,“You are
the highest of the women of the people of paradise except for Maryam daughter of Imran .”
She also remembered by her title ‘Al Zahra’, ‘the shining one’. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) showed his affection
for her and would visit her before he left on a journey and upon returning. In his last illness he foretold that
Hazart Fatima would be the first of his family to follow him and she died in 632, within 6 months of her father
death. Muslim hold Hazrat Fatima in high respect and she regarded as the perfect role model for Muslims

5(b) Explain the importance of the statement, ‘Daughters are a mercy (rahma)’. [4]
• In a time where daughters were not valued, the Prophet had four, and was loving and kind to them.
• This shows the kind of relationship parents should have with their daughters.
• They should protect them and be supportive of them.
• Education and work should be made available to them, and all daughters should be provided for
• Daughters in turn bring softness and care to a family, and are a means of salvation for parents who
look after them; “Whoever brings up two girls till they reach the age of puberty, he and I will come
on the Day of Resurrection like this,” (and he joined his blessed fingers.)

5.(b) Can Muslims learn from the Prophet’s bond with Fatima? Give reasons for your
answer. [4]
• Yes, we can learn many lessons as there is no greater father daughter relationship example than that
of prophet and Fatima and we can model our life after them.

• The holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) had special affection for Hazrat Fatima. He always stood up when she
came to him. Prophet’s great respect and dignity to her teaches us what good treatment to our
daughters looks like.
• Distance and dismissive behavior is against Islamic tradition. Once Prophet (P.B.U.H) said “Fatima is
a part of me, whoever hurts her, hurts me and whoever holds malice against her hold malice
against me”. Fathers who have a healthy connection with their daughters will find that what hurts
their daughter will hurts them.
• Prophet (P.B.U.H) never mourned that he had daughters and no sons (as his three sons died in
infancy) so Muslim should not think thatsons are better than daughters. Daughters can learn from
Hazrat Fatima loyalty and respect for her father.

1. Choose any two of the following passages from the Qur’an, and:
(a) briefly describe the main theme(s) in each passage. [4]
(b) briefly explain the importance of the themes in the daily living of Muslims. [4]

(a) _Main Theme: [2] Marks

• The main theme of the passage is Allah in Himself. It is taken from surah Baqarah, a madni
surah.It is also known as the verse of throne (ayat al kursi).
• It begins with the expression of the shahada (declaration of oneness of God) and elaborates
that the God is beyond human comprehension and He is free from all limitations and
• He is unlike other beings because He knows everything and can do everything and enjoys
autonomy in exercising His authority. Surah al Anaam says, “To Him is due the primal origin of
the heavens and the earth…..” [6:101]
• Throne (Kursi) is a symbol of authority which means that He is the King ruling over all that exists.
No one shares His attributes and kingdom. His powers never weaken or waver.
(b) Importance: [2] Marks
• The importance of these themes is that these verses allow Muslims to learn and understand
something about God in a way relevant to them. This verse is declared by the Prophet (pbuh) as one
of the treasures of Paradise.
• He has the knowledge and power over all things, and this could make Muslims more cautious
of their practices which eliminates the possibility of shirk in practical lives and Muslims donot
look towards others for the fulfillment of their needs.
• The theme of God’s self-subsistence shows how certain attributes that affect humans do not
affect Him, for example, sleep, , slumber, fatigue etc. so they can rely entirely on Him.

• It is recited by Muslims for seeking Allah’s protection in their daily lives against all evils.


(a) Main theme: [2] Marks

• These verses of Surah al Anaam, a makkan surah, discuss the fundamental Quranic theme of
Allah in Himself.
• It gives the message of Tauhid by expressing that God does not have partners and the
entireuniverse is the creation of His will and design.
• He is free from all physical relations especially wife and children. The Quran says, “He
begetsnot nor is He begotten.” [Ch112:V3]
• God is beyond human comprehension. Although humans cannot understand Him, He
understands everything in creation.
• God is the most powerful He is the one who has the power to help humans, and He hears
andsees all that they do, therefore they should worship Him and pray to Him to reward their

(b) Importance: [2] Marks

• These teachings emphasise the importance of tawhid for Muslims for their spiritualpurification.
It also protects them from shirk in daily living.
• Mankind is asked to worship Him as only He can fulfill their needs, so Muslims should be careful
to pray and fast, etc., to fulfill their obligation to Him.
• When Muslims believe in Allah as Al-Knowing-Well Aware, they refrain from committing sins
even secretly and become fair in dealings with people.
• In a world where there are lots of distractions, this surah reminds Muslims that they should
always remember their Creator as He is the ultimate authority over their affairs .

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