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Introduction to Management
1.40 Manage
Management Summary
of organizati It is noth
for the
functioning ing but ge
and science working
different ways. Management
Management is the art undoke
others. Many

One Ould understand dutie
things done by
theorganizaion. There are
various inputs
and outputs
resource. It is goal

level, middle
described 14 pino
Henry Fayol descrih
level and
management. Management is an

of management
like top
of management. There are three levels with top
and administration
are the but deciding in advance what
Management is nothing
to do and when to do. Organizing
is the activity of co-ordinating and directing the company's.
of management. ns
Stating, etc. are the
ways of working. Staffing meane
function assists in
needs standards, ohi
achieve goals. Directing function primarily
organization. Controlling Marketino
about people working in the organization. Production,
goals. Line, Staff, Line and Staff,
Project are the types of Hun
Resource, Finance functional areas of management.
are the

Multiple Choice Questions

the duty of management?
mentioned few duties which is not
. Following are
motivate staff
(b) To
(a) To keep stability
(d) To do manufacturing
(c) To reduce wastages
of management?
Out of mentioned below, which is not the output
(b) Goal achievement
(a) Desired results
(d) Status in market
others is called as
3. Getting the things done from .

(b) Adjustment
(a) Management
(d) Direction
(c) Organization
4 What is management?
(a) It is a science (b) It is an art
(c) both (a) and (b) are wrong (d) both (a) and (b) are correct

5. Out of mentioned below, which is not the input of management?

(a) Human resources (b) Financial resources
(C) Growth (d) Technology
6. When there is no management, then what wil not happen?
(a) Overlapping of duties (b) Wastages of resources
(c)Poor functioning of executives (d) Mature work culture
7. Management isthere from
(a) After 1700 (b) After 1800
(c) After 1900 (d) Historical period
8. Match the pairs:
1. Adam Smith
) Need Hierarchy
2. F.W. Taylor () Econom s
3. Maslow
(ii) Principles of Management
4 Henry Fayol (iv) Scientific Management
(a) 1-(i), 2 (iv), (),4- (i)
3- -

(6) 1- (i), 2-(), 3 (iv), 4-0 -

(c) 1-(iv). 2-(), 3 -0, 4-(i) (d) 1-(iv), 2 - (, 3 -(i),4 - ()

Concepts and Managerial Skills
1.41 Introduction to Management

has given his contribution in

9. Mc Gregor
(a) Concept bureaucracy
of (b) Motion study
(c)TheoryX and Theony Y (d) Time study
10. F.W. Taylor has given his highest contribution in

(a) Economics and management (b) Principles of management

(cFunctions of management (d) Scientific management
11, Principles of management is the contribution of_
(a) Adam Smith (b) Henry Fayol
(c) Mary Parker (d) FW. Taylor
12. Below are mentioned stages' of evolution in management - which is not correct

(a) The beginning of management thought (b) The war management concept
in war era
(c) The pre war management concept (d) Management theory post
13. "Management is getting the things done by others" -

is said by .

(a) Henry Fayol (b) Drucker

(c) Mery Parker (d) Fayol

14. Management is not
(b) A system of authority
(a) An economic resource
(d) All are wrong
(c) A class or elite
15. Management is .
(b) Social science
(a) Methodology
(d) All are correct
(c) Team activity
16. Henry Fayol has given principles of management.
(b) 12
a) 14
(d) 13
(c) 16
17. Following is not the principle of management.
(b) Scalar chain
(a) Initiative
(d) Responsibility
18. Following is not the principle of management.
(b) Organizing
(a) Team work
(d) Remuneration
(C)Division ofwork
19. Following is not the principle of management.
(b) Authority
(a) Centralization
(d) Esprit de corps
20. Following is not the principle of management
(b) Discipline
(a) Authority
(d) Planning
21. Position, designation, seniority defines
(b) Initiative
(a) Centralization
(d) Scalar chain
22. Meaning of i s right tocommand.
(b) Authority
(a) Stability
(d) Initiative
c) Scalar chain
Introduction to Management Concepte
1.42 and
Management Managenal
23. Which statement is wrong? (b) Authority is the power to act
(a) Authority can not be delegated (d) Authority is right to command
is the authority
(Higherthe post, higher
24. What is the second side of coin of authority?
(b) Power
(a) Position (d) Remuneration

(c) Responsibility
25. Discipline starts from
(b) Bottom to top
(a) Top to Bottom
(d) All are wrong
(c) From middle
26. Which statement is
wrong (b) Organization needs discipline
(a) Discipline has no excuses
(d) Lack in discipline leads to loss of control
() Discipline starts from bottom to top
it is called as.
. When many functions are controlled by a central authority,
(a) Authority (b) Management
(d) Centralization
(c) Discipline
28 gives power in the hands of center.
(b) Centralization
(a) Discipline
(C) Authority (d) Responsibility
29. Which statement is wrong?
(a) Controls are concentrated at the centre
(b) Many functions are controlled by a central authority
(c) Centralization gives power in the hands of centre
(d) Centralization considers local level issues always
30. Out of following which is not the correct advantage of 'Division of Work'?
(a) Extra pressure of work on very few is reduced (b) Monopoly in skills by few is reduced
(c) Quality of work gets reduced (d) Work gets completed in less time.
31. To start with enthusiasm is called as
(a) Initiative (b) Dynamism
(c)Leadership (d) Management
32. Which statement is wrong?
(a) Initiative leads into new horizons of work
(b) Support by others is not expected after anybody's initiative
(c) Initiative may solve difficult problems
(d) Someone should take initiative
33. Remuneration is not based on
(a) Performance
(b) Responsibility
(c) Emotions
(d) Designation
34. Requirement of remuneration is not
(a) It must be in (b) Employee satisfaction
(c) Higher performance - higher remuneration (d) Based on reference and contacts
1.43 Introduction to Management Concepts and Managerial Skills
35. Which statement is wrong?
(a) In team work, there is more contribution from
(b) Talent of each member cannot be used
(c) Teamwork creates good work culture
(d) Big task is easier due to teamwork
36. Due to unity of direction
(a) Deviation from the defined path is
prevented (b) Work is dividend
(c) Authority is delegated (d) Teams are formed
37. Concentration in work is possible by.
(a) Authority (b) Responsibility
(c) Stability (d) Unity of command
38. Equity is seen by few ways. Which is not the correct from following?
(a) Pickup facility (b) Dress code
()Canteenfacility (d) Chair and Cabin
39. Which statement is wrong?
(a) Equity means equal wages (b) Equity gives dignity
(c)Equity means no bias (d) Equity gives good work culture
40. What is Esprit de Corps?
(a) It is function of management (b) It is principle of management
() It is management concept in Russia (d) It is name of company
41. Out of following which is not the function of management?
(a) Planning (b) Controling
()Discipline (d) Directing
42. Out of following which is not the function of management?
(a) Decision making (b) Remuneration
(c) Organizing (d) Staffing
43. Deciding in advance what to do, how to do and when to do is
(a) Planning (b) Organizing
(c) Decision-making (d) Motivating
44. Which is not the correct type of plan?

a) Corporate plan (b) Action plan

(c) Operational plan (d) Management plan
45. Why plan fails?
(a) Lack of knowledge (b) Insufficient data
(c) Over confidence (d) All are correct
46. Which statement is wrong?
Plan fails due to .
(a) No feedback system (b) Less devotion to work

)Conspiracy from enemy and bad luck (d) Incorrect person to do plan
Management 1.44 Introductlon to Management Concepts and Managerlal Ski.
47. Out of
following which is not the objective of good plan
(a) To reduce uncertainty (b) To increase productivity
(c) To avoid heavy mental (d) To get money
48. Which statement is
(a) Planning affects performance (b) Planning is sometimes essential
(c) Planning puts focus on
objectives (d) Planning is necessary to facilitate control
49. Which statement is
(a) Proper planning helps in reduces risk
motivating (b) Planning
(c)Planning is thinking after failures (d) Planning improves the processes
50. First step in planning is:
(a) Establish goals (b) Identify resources
(c) Prioritize goals (d) Establish tasks
51. Which is the next function
after planning?
(a) Scheduling
(b) Organizing
(c)Staffing (d) Decision-making
S. The assignment of each grouping to a manager with the authority necessary to supervise it, is called

(a) Planning (b) Organizing

(c) Staffing (d) Controlling
53. Out of following, which is the first in
activity organizing?
(a) Assigning the activities to managers (6) Grouping the activities
(c) Delegation of authority to managers (d) Identifying the activities
54. Providing correct way of working is
(a) Planning (b) Organizing
(c) Directing (d) Controlling
55. Which statement is wrong?
(a) Directing is one time activity
(b) Directing should not be autocratic
(c) Directing needs good vision in leadership
(d) Directing needs communication and motivation as supportive functions

56. is like a brake system in automobiles

(a) Directing (b) Planning

(c) Controlling (d) Management
57. Work on correct track with correct speed is possible by.
(a) Planning (6) Organizing
()Directing (d) Controling
58. Out of following which is not the characteristic of controlling?
(b) It needs at any time
(a) It is a starting function
(d) It is dynamic in nature
(c) It is flexible
59. Techniques not
used for control function are
(b) PERT
(a) CPM

() Audit
(d) Budget
Management 1.45 Introduction to Management Concepts and Managerial Skills
60. Control system having feedback is
(a) Reverse system (b) Feedback control
(c) Open loop system (d) Closed loop system
61. First step in decision-making is
(a) Recognize the problem (b) Evaluation
(c)Analysis (d) Finding out alternatives
62. Which of the following is the advantage of effective decision-making?
(a) No delays (b) Quick actions
(C)No confusion (d) All are correct
63. Which is not the technique for effective decision-making in core company

(a)Linearprogramming (b) Simulation

(c) Outsourcing (d) Dynamic programming
64. Employees get energized due to
(a) Controlling (b) Planning
(c)Motivation (d) Decision-making
65. Scientific management theory started from.
(a) 1900 (b) 19200
(c) 1870 (d) 1890

66. Motion study is associated with

(a) Adam Smith (b) Frank

(c)Gilberth (d) Maslow

67. Behavioural Management Theory is put up by.
(a) Maslow (b) Mary Parker
(c) Gilberth
(c)Max Weber
68. Extra pressure of work on 'very few' is avoided in
(b) Centralization
(a) Authority
(c) Division of work (d) None
69 anticipates problems and
(a) Planning (b) Controlling
Motivation (d) Directing
70. Directing needs good. in

(a) Coordination, Control (b) Vision, Leadership

(d) None
)Control, Vision time.
71. Control is. in nature and it needs at
(b) Static, starting
(a) Static, any
(d) Dynamic, starting
()Dynamic,any the alternatives?
2. What is the next step after finding
(a) Critically evaluation of the alternatives (b) Analysis
(d) Implementing the alternative
( Recognizing the problem
in deciding structure of organization?
13. Which is the important factor
(a) Type of product (b) Specialization
(d) All
(C) Functions
Management to Management
Concepis and Managerial Skill
74. Vertical dimension of
organization structure defines
(a) Departmentation
(b) Hierarchy
()Both hierarchy and departmentation
(d) None of the above
75. Scalar
organization is also known as
(a) Line organization (b) Project organization
(c) Staff organization (d) Functional organization
76. Line organization is of ype.
(a) Horizontal (b) Vertical
(C)Both (d) None
77. Decisions
very quick in

(a) Line organization (b) Functional organization

Line and staff
organization (d) Project organization
78. Which is not the correct
advantage of "'Line organization'?
(a) It is simple
(b) Confusion is less
(C) Specialised (d) Easy to understand
79. The structure of
organization depends on.
(a) Scope of functions (b) Span of control
() Number of employees (d) All the above
80. The structure of organization is not dependent on
(a) Span of control (b) Communication
(c) Profit margin (d) Resources available
81. Which are the essentials of organization?
(a) Organizational chart (b) Delegation
()Integration (d) all
82. Which is unimportant word in the definition of organization?
(a) Group of persons (b) Profit

()Common aim (d) United together

83. Following group is not an organization.
(a)Group of 15 people on busstop (b) Employees doing discussions in work area
(c) Meeting members in a company (d) Labour working on a site
84. Which are the aims of forming organization?
(a) Teamwork (b) Combined efforts
(c) Responsibility on all (d) All are correct
85. Which statement is wrong?
(a) Organization is a group of working people (b) It has aims and objectives
boundaries (d) Organization is
(c) Organization has no
a system
86. Military type organization is seen in_

(a) Line (b) Staff

(c) Line and Staff (d) Project
1.47 Introduction to Management Conceptsand Managerial Skills
87. Which is the first step in organization forming?
(a) Assignment of duties
(b) Aims are determined
(c)ldentifyingactivities (d) Formulating plans
88. Structure of organization is represented by.
(a) Organization chart (6) Organization brochure
() Organization draft (d) None of the above
89. Project organization has few forms. Which is correct one?
(a) Balanced matrix (6) Project matrix
()Functionalmatrix (d) All
90. Which is the correct limitation of project organization?
(a) Heavy pressures of work (b) Complication of functions
(c) Differences of opinions (d) All
91. Where line organization is applicable?
(a) Workshops (b) Small firms
(C)Small processindustries with automation (d) All
92. Functional organization is also called as
(a) Line organization (b) Staff organization

() Project organization (d) None of the above

93. Functional organization is.
(a) Horizontal (b) Vertical

(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None

94. Which is the correct advantage of staff organization?
(b) Standardization in process
(a) Performance better than line
(c) More productivity than line (d) All
95. Which is not the correct disadvantage of staff organization?
(a) Discipline is lacking (b) Lack of specializations
(d) Difficult to handle experts
(c)Ego of specialty
96. Line and Staff organization is
(b) Vertical
(a) Horizontal

Horizontal and Vertical

(d) None
() Both
97. Which organization is temporary in nature?
(b) Staff
(a) Line
(C) Line and Staff (d) Project
of "Line organization"?
98. Which is not the correct disadvantage
(b) Lack of specialization
(a) Poor performance
(d) Nobody is overloaded
()Overlapping of activities
is not possible?
99. At which place line organization
(b) Tiny firms
(a) Small workshops
(d) Government company
() Military department
organization into small and flexible administrative units
100 is a process of dividing large
(a) Departmentation
(b) Defragmentation
(c) Divisions formation (d) None
Concepts and Manan.
to Management
Management 1.

101. 'Car division' in Tata

Motors is example of .

Departmentation by function
(a) Departmentation by product (b)
(d) None
(C)Departmentation by process
102. Which statement is
In product type departmentation:
(a) Attention is given to the
(b) Product may become brand name
People become expert in the work allotted to them
(d) No duplication of work
103. 'Sales
Department' in Nokia is the example of .

(a) by process
Departmentation by product (b) Departmentation

(c) Departmentation by function (d) None

104. "Heat treatment'
shop in Kirloskar, is the example or,
(a) (b) Departmentation by
Departmentation by product
(c) Departmentation by function (d) None
105. Which is the principle of
(a) Authority and responsibility (b) Span of control
(c) Delegation (d) all
0. Number of subordinates handled by one manager effectively is called as

(a) Delegation (b) Responsibility

(c) Span of control (d) None
107. check the result, shows the result
(a) Authority, responsibility (b) Responsibility, Authority
(c) Authority, Authority (d) Responsibility, Responsibility
108. Which is not the advantage of delegation?
(a) Work load is reduced (b) Stress level on manager reduces
(c) Work can be finished in time (d) Controls from centre increases
109. Ability to adjust, change, bend is
(a) Flexibility (b) Balance
(c) Stability (d) Ability
110. Following is not the type of communication.
(a) Oral (b) Written
(C) Horizontal (d) Clear
111. 'Instructions' is the. Communication.
(a) Upward (b) Downward
(c) Informal (d) Horizontal
112. 'Meeting' is the. Communication.
(a) Formal (b) Non-verbal
(c) Written (d) both (b) and (c)
113. 'Request' is the communication.
(a) Upward (b) Downward
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None
Management 1.49 Introduction to Management Concepts and Managerial Skills
114. Which is barrier in communication?
(a) Language problem (b) Poor knowledge
(c) Confused information all
115. People, structure, departments, functions form into.
(a) Management
(b) Organization
(C) Team
(d) Nonee
116. While assigning duties following must be avoided.
(a) Overlapping (b) Under utilization
(c) Overloading (d) All
117. Organization will
never work without clear cut identification of, and
(a) Payment, bonus
(b) Authority, Responsibility
(c) Duty, Responsibility (d) Authority, Order
118. Network of formal relationships is
(a) Organizational structure (b) Essentials for organization
(c) Organizational chart (d) None
119. Each one is accountable to immediate senior
authority in. organization.
(a) Line (b) Staff
(c) Project (d) None
120. "Everybody is smart; difficult to handle experts" is observed in. organization.
(a) Line (b) Line and Staff
(c) Staff (d) None
121. A person is assigned to oversee the project and interacts on an equal basis with functional managers

(a) Functional matrix (b) Balanced matrix

(c) Project matrix (d) None
122. Due to departmentation
(a) People become specialised (d) Accountability of work is not easier
(c) More overlapping of work (d) Control in work is difficult
123 gives weightage to information.
(a) Departmentation (b) Authority
(c) Responsibility (d) Delegation
124. Authority enjoys and

(a) Duty, responsibility (b) Designation, responsibility

(c) Status, dignity (d) None
125. Referent Authority has,
(a) Use of punishment (b) Use of award
(c) Use of skill (d) Use of influence
126. Some of my repetitive and easier work is allotted to my junior and now I am busy in some important
work. What is this?
(a) Division of work (b) Delegation
(c) Use of power (d) Exploitation
127. "What's App" is communication.

(a) Formal (b) Informal

(c) Oral (d) All
128. Staff includes.
(a) Selection (b) Training
(c) Promotions (d) All the above
Concepts and Manecee.
Management 1.50 Introduction to Management

129. Staffing deals with .

(a) Manpower (b) Materials

(d) Production Planning
C)Travelling arrangement
130. Staffing is associated with
(a) Marketing (b) OR
C)HR (d) Finance
131. Training activity is more
concerned with
(a) Process planning (b) Finance
(c) Staffing (d) None of the
132. Specify the correct flow: (1) Selection, (2) Interview, (3) Advertisement, (4) Vacancy created, (5) Ofer
letter, (6) Training, (7) Joining
(a) 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 (b) 2-4-3-1-5-7-6

(C) 4-3-2-1-5-7-6 (d) 4-2-3-1-5-6-7

133. Following is not the characteristic of
(a) Catalyst (b) Goal oriented
() Authority (d) Acceptance
134. Management is
1 continuous process
2. goal oriented
(a) only 1 correct (b) only 2 correct
C) both correct (d) both incorrect
135. Management
1 Works like unifying force
2. Shows harmony effect
(a) only 1 correct (b) only 2 correct
(c) both correct (d) both incorrect
136. Management is subject.
(a) Multidisciplinary (b) Disciplinary
(c) Converging (d) None of the above
137. Following subject is part of the management.
(a) Sociology (b) Public administration
(c)Psychology (d) All
138. Following is the conceptual managerial skill.
(a) Decision-making (b) Motivating
(c) Communication (d) Leadership
139. Following is not the human relations managerial skill.
(a) Communicating (b) Leadership
(c) Organizational (d) Motivating
140. Skill of motivation comes under .
(a) Technical (b) Conceptual
(c) Human Relation (d) None of the above
141. Decision-making skill
comes under
(a) Technical skills (b) Conceptual skills
Human Relations skills (d) None of the above
142. Organization
skill comes under
(a) Technical (b) Conceptual
(c) Human Relations (d) None
Managerial Skills

1.51 ntroduction to Management Concepts and

skill comes under
143. Leadership
(a) Technical
(b) Conceptual
(c) Human Relations
(d) None
144. Strategic planning decides goals.
(a) Major (b) Minor
(c) All (d) All Incorrect
145. Tactical planning decides the use of resource for achieving. goals
(a) Summarized, Few (b) Detailed, Each
(C)Detailed,Main (d) Summarized, Each
146. Strategic planning is
1. done at higher level of management
2. more uncertain
(a) 1 correct (b) 2 correct
(c)Bothcorrect (d) Both wrong
147. Strategic planning is
1. Short term
2. More uncertain
(a) Only 1 correct (b) Only 2 correct
(c) Both correct (d) Both wrong
148. Strategic planning is
1. More detailed
2. Less uncertain
(a) Only 1 correct (b) Only 2 correct
(c) Both correct (d) Both wrong
149. Tactical planning is
1. Long term
2. More detailed
(a) Only 1 correct (b) Only 2 correct
(c) Both correct (d) Both wrong
150. Production management is also knownhas
(b) Finance management
(a) Operations management
() HR management (d) None of the above
151. Objectives of production management are
(a) Right Quality and Quantity (b) Predetermined Time
() Pre-established Cost (d) All the above
152. While ascertaining profitability, the following aspects must be considered
1. Cost of control 2. Pricing
3. Forecasting of future profits 4 Measuring the cost of capital
(6) 1&2
(a) All the above
(c) 3&4 (d) 18& 3
53. Effective utilization of human resource is object of_
(b) HRM
(a) Finance
(d) Marketing
4. Marketing is exchange of values between the . and the
(b) Seller & Buyer
(a) Production & Purchasing
(d) None of the above
(C) Input & Output
35. Customer orientation, integrated effort, viability are the basic elements of
(b) Finance
(a) Production management
(d) HRM
Concepts and Manager
Management Introduction to Management
156. Sales cannot be
promoted by. (b) Personal Selling
(a) Advertisement
(d) Sales promotion
157. Marketing mix is not the combination of
(a) Product Mix (b) Pricing Mix

(c)PromotionMix (d) Advertisement

Reputation build is concerned with. (b) Customer orientation

(a) Profitability
(c) Viability (d) None of the above

Answers 8. (a) 9. (c) 10.(d)

1. () 2. (c) 3. (d) 4 (d) 5. 5. (d) 7. (d)
18.(5) 19.(c) 20.(d)
11.(b) 12.(b) 13.(c) 14.(d) 15.(d) 16.(a) 17.(c)
28.(b) 29.(d) 30.(c)
21.(c) 22.(b) 23.( 24.(c) 25. a) 26.(c) 27.(d)

31.(a) 32.(b) 6.(a) 37.(C) 38.(d) 39.a) 40.(b)

33.(C) 34.(d) 35.(b)
48.(b) 49.(c) 50.(a)
41.(C) 42.(b) 43.(a) 44.(c) 45.(d) 46.(c) 47.(d)
51.(6) 52.(b) 53.(d) 54.(C) 55.(a) 56.(C) 57.(d) 58.(a) 59.(d) 60.(d)
61.(a) 62.(d) 64.(C) 65.(d) 66.(c) 67.(b) 68.(c) 69.(a) 70.(b)
71.(c) 72.(a) 73. (d) 74 (b) 75.(a) 76.(b) 77.(a) 78.(0 79.(d) 80.(c)
87.(b) 88.(a) 89.(d) 90.(d)
81.(d) 82.( 83.( 84.(d) 85.(C) 86.(a)
91.(d) 92.(b) 93.(a) 94. (d) 95.(t 96.(c) 97.(d) 98.(d) 99.(d) 100.(a)
105.(d) 106.(c) 107.(a) 108.(d) 109.(a) 110.(d)
101.(a) 102.(d) 103.(c) 104.(b)
117.(b) 118.(c) 119.a) 120.(0)
111.(b) 112.(a) 113.a)114.(d) 115.(6)_ 116.(d)
125.(d) 126. (b) 127.(6) 128.(d) 129.(a) 130.()
121.(b) 122.(a) 123.(b) 124.(c)
134.(c) 135.(c) 136.(a) (d)138.(a)139.(0) 140.()
131.(c) 132.(c) 133.(d)
141.(5) 142.(b)| 143.(c) 144.(a) 145.(b) 146.(C) 147.(b) 148.(d)149.(b) 150.(a)
151.(d) 152.(a) 153.(b) 154.(b) 155.(cC) 156.(c)157.(d)158.(c)

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