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Stress Can Be Defined As The Degree To Which You: Coping With Stress in Middle and Late Adolescene

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Medical research has found seven factors that contribute
TOPIC 3: COPING WITH STRESS IN MIDDLE to your overall stress level. The seven stress risks are:
AND LATE ADOLESCENE  depression. Learn the signs of depression and what to
do if you have them
Content Standards:  sleep apnea. Learn the signs of sleep apnea and what
 The learners demonstrate an understanding of to do if you have them
himself/herself during middle and late  distress. Learn the signs of distress and what to do if
adolescence you have them
 The various aspects of holistic development:  disturbed sleep. Learn the signs of disturbed sleep
physiological, cognitive, psychological, and what to do if you have them
spiritual, and social development  loss of sense of control. Learn what you can do to feel
more in control »
 chronic stress. Learn the signs of chronic stress and
DISCUSSION: what you can do if you have them
 many stressful life events in the past year. Stressful
life events may include good events such as a
What is Stress? wedding or a new job or bad events such as a death,
Stress can be defined as the degree to which you loss of a job or divorce. Learn what actions to take to
feel overwhelmed or unable to cope as a result of help you cope with major life stresses
pressures that are unmanageable.
Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress
CAUSES OF STRESS Feeling emotional and nervous or having trouble sleeping
and eating can all be normal reactions to stress. Here are
Life stresses can also have a big impact. Examples of life some healthy ways you can deal with stress:
stresses are:
 Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, exercise, get
 The death of a loved one plenty of sleep, and give yourself a break if you
 Divorce feel stressed out.
 Loss of a job  Talk to others. Share your problems and how you
 Increase in financial obligations are feeling and coping with a parent, friend,
 Getting married counselor, doctor, or pastor.
 Moving to a new home  Avoid drugs and alcohol. These may seem to
 Chronic illness or injury help, but they can create additional problems and
 Emotional problems (depression, anxiety, increase the stress you are already feeling.
anger, grief, guilt, low self-esteem)  Take a break. If news events are causing your
 Taking care of an elderly or sick family member stress, take a break from listening or watching the
 Traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, theft, news.
rape, or violence against you or a loved one  Recognize when you need more help. If
problems continue or you are thinking about
EFFECT OF STRESS suicide, talk to a psychologist, social worker, or
professional counselor.

The long-term effects of stress Maintaining mental health

Your mental health and wellbeing is just as
If you are often under stress, you need to learn to manage important as your physical health.
it well. Stress can affect your well-being. Over time, you Positive mental health and wellbeing enables you to
may show some of these symptoms of being stressed: function well, have meaningful social connections,
positive self-esteem and be better able to cope with life's
ups and downs.
 Physical. Frequent colds or flu, headaches, trouble
sleeping, muscle tension, skin problems, trouble with
A few tips that can help maintain your mental health and
 Mental. Poor concentration, forgetfulness, learning
problems, frequent negative thoughts, speech problems
 Emotional. Anxiety, depression, anger, irritability,  spend time with friends, loved ones and people
feelings of helplessness, lack of purpose, relationship you trust
troubles  talk about or express your feelings regularly
 Behavioral. Eating poorly, driving recklessly, abusing  reduce alcohol consumption
alcohol or drugs, being accident prone, showing  avoid illicit drug use
aggression.  keep active and eat well
 develop new skills and challenge your capabilities
 relax and enjoy your hobbies
 set realistic goals
 take time out
 get enough sleep.


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