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EL118- Technical Writing 3.

Functional or operational definition – used

for procedures or phenomena that occur over
Module 5. Technical Writing Techniques
Lesson 1. Definition
Ex: Sex- male or female
Definition – a way of giving or explaining the
Household member – spouse, children, etc.
meaning of an abstract term or a concept. A
method of identifying and clarifying the meaning 4. Extended (amplified) definition – more
of a technical term. detailed way of defining a term that is usually
composed of one or more paragraphs. Used to
Latin word finire (to limit) and de (from) which
explain technical, social, and economic terms
means limited only to what the readers needs to
Ways in amplifying a definition:
You can explain the meaning by showing details,
giving examples, describing, analyzing using - word derivation, exemplification and illustrations,
symbols, antonyms, and the like. comparison and contrast, narration, description,
classification, functional analysis, process,
Location of Definition is based on the ff:
analogy, cause and effect, and location.
1. the nature of the audience or readers.
Forms of Definition
2. length of definition
1. Definition by Synonym – when a text
3. purpose and layout contains words similar in meaning to unfamiliar
4. the agreed rules and practices in an area of
discipline. Ex: When you present your report, make brief or
You must out the definition in the glossary,
introduction and the appendix. 2. Definition by Contrast – antonym exists when
it indicates contradiction or opposite meaning to
Types of Definition unfamiliar words. Uses words or phrase like
1. Informal Definition – also called a rather, but, instead, although, unlike, however, on
parenthetical definition or an in-text definition. It is the contrary.
distinguished from other words through a dash, Ex: Rina was ecstatic but Jake was despaired.
colon, comma, parenthesis, italics or bold face.
3. Definition by Example – provide examples to
Ex: ROM – Read Only Memory – is a…. clarify a term.
A tumor (swelling) is a……… Ex: Planets such as Mercury, Venus, and Earth
2. Formal Definition – essential definition has are influenced by gravitational force.
three parts: species, genus, and differentia. 4. Definition by Explanation – provides hints
Species – term (word to be defined) about the meaning of an unfamiliar term through
Genus – group or class to which the term belong.
Ex: Cardo became wistful because of her
Differentia – part of the formal definition which boyfriend’s death.
states the distinctive characteristics.
5. Definition by Situation – the situation is used
Points to Remember in Formal Definition to provide clues to its meaning.
1. Avoid is when and “is where”. Ex: The trade was suspended between two
2. Avoid circular definition
The book trade was successful.
3. Avoid defining the subject in a more complex
language He learns the trade of wielding.
4. Do not substitute the example 6. Definition by Direct Definition – definition
follows an unfamiliar word.
Ex: Many companies are downsizing, reducing A. Audience/users
the number of products sold.
B. Purpose/function and formal definition
Placement of Definition
C. Overall description
1. Glossary – beginning or end of the document
D. Operation
2. Side bars – side of the main text
II. Main Parts
3. Information notes – bottom of the page
A. Definition of Parts
(footnote) or end part (end note)
B. Subparts
4. Incorporated information – definitions
integrated into the sentences. C. Shape, dimension, weight, composition,
texture, color
5. Appendix – collection of relevant materials at
the end. D. Material
6. Introduction – first part of the document. E. Relationship with other materials
Model of a Basic Technical Definition (you can proceed if there are many main parts
but same order)
I. Introduction
III. Closing
A. Background
A. Advantages/Disadvantages
B. Transition
B. Cost and Availability.
C. Thesis Statement
II. Body
B. Process Description
A. Distinguishing Feature 1 – 4
Process Description – series of steps or actions
III. Conclusion
that follow a sequence or order. It is a precise
Lesson 2. Description step-by-step explanation of how somethings was
performed or occurred. It is in declarative form.
A. Mechanism Description – part-by-part
depiction of the components of a mechanism or Processes can be classified as:
equipment. A mechanism can be simple or
1. Natural – metamorphosis and water cycle
complex. It provides precise details about the
features, appearances, or composition of the 2. Mechanical – how a phone operated
3. Historical – how the Japanese colonized the
A subject for description are the following: Philippines)
1. Location – electric powerplant 4. Organizational – how a meeting is conducted
2. Mechanism – electric fan, washing washing 5. Scientific – how to take medicine pills.
3. Organism and organ – monkey, rabbit, heart, Model of a Basic Process Description
I. Introduction
4. Substance – tofu, pesticide, chemicals, paints
A. State the purpose and the audience
5. Object – pencil, coin, figurine (without moving
parts) B. Define the process

6. Condition – a city after soil erosion C. Explain who, when and where

7. System – reproductive, ignition, and alarm D. List the tools needed

system E. Major steps.
Model of a Basic Mechanism Description II. Body
I. Introduction A. Main Step
1. Sub-step 1 5. Salutation – greetings.
2. Sub-step 3 Ex: Dear Ma’am:
(you can proceed if there are many steps but 6. Body – message. It is single-spaced but
same order) double-space to separate paragraphs.
III. Conclusion 7. Complimentary Close – expression used to
end a letter.
Lesson 3. Classification
Classification – systematic process of dividing
materials into kinds of classes. The purpose is to
breakdown information into parts to simplify or
explain specific things.
Ex: Classification of diseases
Classification of culture in the Philippines
Module 6. Business Letters
Business Letters – written device used to
transact business which cannot be conveniently
conducted orally.
Characteristics of a Business Letter (8C’s)
1. Clarity – purpose and words used should be 8. Signature block – signature of the sender and
clear. Clearly state your point. position in all caps lock.

2. Conciseness – stating an idea in the fewest 9. Identification initials – initial of other writers
words possible. or the secretary.

3. Consideration – be considerate. Make the 10. Postscript or PS – emphasizes something.

letter about him/her and not about you. Ex: P.S. I attached something. Kindly check.
4. Courtesy – respect to the reader 11. Enclosure Notation – attachements to the
5. Concreteness – use vivid and specific words letter
that appeal to the readers senses. 12. Copy Notation – name of the secondary
6. Cheerfulness – positive attitude. recipients (cc or bcc)

7. Correctness – accuracy in terms of facts and Example of Full Block Format

8. Character – uniqueness from the writer.
Parts of Business Letter
1. Letterhead – the writer, address, and contact
2. Date – between the letterhead and the inside
3. Inside address – readers/receiver’s name,
position and company, address.
4. Attention Line – when the writer wishes to
address the whole company but want to bring the
subject to the attention.
Ex: Attention : Dr. Jean N. Lopo
Example of Modified Block Format 1. Inquiry and reply – request for information
that writers believes the reader can provide. To
get the reader to respond with an action.
2. Request – ask another person or group of
people to grant a specific demand or respond to
inquiry or appeal.
3. Job application and resume – applies for a
work in an office. Resume is a written sales tool
that contains contact section, resume profile,
objective or summary, experience, education and
Module 7. Memo and Email
Memo – comes from the latin word “memorare”
which means “to remember”. It is a form of letter
typically used for communication inside the
business organization. It is an internal
communication of the company.
Email or electronic mail – communication tool
that consists of network of wires and electronic
signals. It allows a person to write, edit, and send
Synchronous communication – the recipient
displays the full text of the message, read it, and
responds to it immediately in real time.
Asynchronous communication – he may not
respond to the sender immediately.
Parts of a Memo
1. Letterhead – identifies the writer, her/his
address, and contact numbers
2. Date line – serves as chronological record for
reference purposes.
Example of Semi-block Format
3. “To” Line – indicates the name and title of the
4. Attention line – is used when the writer
wishes to address the whole company but wants
to bring the subject or topic of the letter to the
attention of a particular person in the company.
5. “From” Line – indicates the name of the
6. Subject Line – announces the main content or
topic of the memo. The word Subject is the
preferred than the old term Re.
7. Body – contains the message of the letter.
8. Identification initials – indicates the typist’s
initials if the sender is not the one who personally
Types of Business Letters typed or encoded the document.
9. Enclosure notation – are the attachments to not usually practices, but are useful in formal
the letter. business relationships.
10. Copy notation – indicates the name of the 9. Enclosure notation – are the attachments to
secondary recipients of the letter the letter.
Example: Example of Email

Parts of
an Email
1. “From” Line – indicates the name of the
2. “To” Line – indicates the name and title of the
3. Copy notation – indicates the name of the
secondary recipients of the letter
4. Date line or Sent – serves as chronological
record for reference purposes.
5. Subject Line – announces the main content or Differences of Letter, Memo, and Email
topic of the memo. It is the preferred than the old
term Re.
6. Salutation - the writer’s greetings to the reader
7. Body – contains the message of the letter.
8. Closing or Complimentary Close - is an
expression used to end a letter. Expression used
reflects the level of formality. Most emails end
with just the writer’s name especially when the
sender and the receiver are acquaintances.
P.S. Kayo na magsulat ng guidelines and tips.
The conventional complimentary closes Napakahaba, common sense lang naman
(Sincerely, Truly yours) in traditional letters are yun :>>
P.S.S. Wala pala ako nun hihi

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