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(Maridel) Pre Demo Tenses of Verb

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Republic of the Philippines


San Mariano Campus



Three Basic Tenses of Verb and their Uses

Prepared By

Maridel B. Diamsay

BSED- 4 English Major

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. define the three basic tenses on verb;
b. identify the different tenses of the verb in the text; and
c. use the correct verb tense in constructing a sentence.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Three Basic Tenses of Verb and their Uses
Reference/s: EN5G-la-3.3 English 5 Module Week 1 Quarter 2
Materials: Cartolina, Visual aids, Laptop, PPT

III. Procedure


1. Prayer.
Everyone please stand up for the prayer, Janus please lead us a prayer.
Father of God
Come be with us today.
Fill our hearts with joy.
Fill our mind with learning.
Fill our classroom with peace.
Fill our lesson with fun.
Fill our friendship with kindness.
Fill our school with love.

2. Greetings.
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am.
How are you today, are you happy  or sad ? We’re fine ma’am.
Oh good to hear that.

3. Preparing the Classroom and Checking of Attendance.

(Students will pick up some scattered papers and
Please pick up some scattered papers under your chair and arrange your
arrange their chairs properly)
chairs properly.

Please be seated.

As I call your name please come in front and get your nametag.
-Jeff A.
-Janus D.
-Jolina A.
-Karla Mae B.

You have a perfect attendance today. That’s good, please maintain that

4. Classroom Rules
Ok before we start I would like to introduce to you our classroom rules; first
raise your hands if you want to speak. Second participate in every activity and
lastly, respect other ideas.
(Students are listening)
Do you understand?
Do you have any questions?
Yes ma’am.
B. Review None ma’am.
Okay may we have a recap on the previous topic we have discussed? Anyone
from the group who wants to share? Last meeting we have discussed the Kinds of
Sentence according to structure
(the students will share their ideas)

Okay, very good! It seems that you understand well your previous lesson and I
hope you’ll do the same today.
Let’s play a game entitled “ARRANGE ME!” the class will be divided into three
groups. For your groupings please check the color of your nametags. The
students who got the color pink will be the group 1 and those who got the
color yellow will be the group 2 and the group 3 got the color violet. Please go
to your group and listen carefully to the mechanics of the game.

Directions: Every group will be given an envelope that contains scrambled

words. The students will arrange the scrambled words and form a sentence
based on the given words. If the group already form the correct sentence,
they will get the flag. The first group who will arrange the word and form the
correct sentence will be the winner and receive a prize.

Are you ready! Let’s start.

Good job! Group 1. This is your prize.

Now this is my question. Based on the game what did you noticed to the 1. Mrs. Santos is closing her eyes.
highlighted words? 2. Mrs. Santos closed her eyes.
3. Mrs. Santos will close her eyes

Very good!
The highlighted words are action words.

The highlighted words are known as verbs. They express actions that take
place in different periods such as present (closing), past (closed), and future
(will close)

Tenses of verbs are necessary to show the differences as to when an action

occurs or happens.

Let us try these.

Activity: Write the correct form of the verb listen as indicated in the
parentheses. Do this on your notebook.

Okay times up! Let check your answer.

Number 1 give the present tense. What is the answer?
Listen is correct.

Number 2 give the past tense. What is the answer?

Listened is correct. 1. I ____ to bedtime stories every night. (simple
present tense)- listen
Number 3 give the ast tense. What is the answer?
Will listen is correct. 2. She____ to the news yesterday. (past simple
tense) - listened
Your answers are all correct. Good Job!
3. Yeng ____ to her newly downloaded songs
tonight. (simple future tense) - will listen
Based on the game and activity you did. What do you think is our lesson
Very good!
Let us now proceed to our new lesson.
Are you ready?Alright let’s start.
Our lesson today is Tenses of verb ma’am.
What are verbs? Ma’am!
Please read the definition of verb Jahna. Verbs are action words.
play sing jump
walk dance write
run cook sleep

Remember class that a verb is compose of tense and aspect.

What is tense?
A verb tense or the time event indicates past,
Please read the definition Rose. present and future actions.

Tense is about time. It is the time of a verb’s action or state of being such as
present (something happening now), past (something happened earlier) and
future (something going to happen). These are called the verb’s time frame.
How about the aspect? What is it?
Yes Josh, please read the definition? Aspect refers to the state of action of a verb and
indicates the duration or completion of an event.

Aspect of a verb phrase indicates whether the action of the verb is completed
or continuous.
So today we will discuss the three (3) Types of Verb Aspects
 Simple
 Progressive
 Perfect

Now let us discuss the simple aspect.

1. Simple Aspect
Please read Jamille.
a. The simple present tense is used to describe
Listen class so this is the rule. general truths and habitual actions.
 If the subject is singular, use the s-form of a verb.
 If the subject is plural and for pronouns I and You, use the base form of a
Let’s have an example please read.

Uses Examples
a. Shows I drink coffee every morning.
Habits: We often go to the beach in
Time words go with the Simple Present Tense: everyday, always, often,
b. General The sun rises in the east.
usually, every month, daily, generally, sometimes, seldom.
Truths: Winter is cold and summer is
Let’s proceed to letter b. the simple past tense.
Please read the definition Charmaine.

How do we form the past tense?

Yes Claire you are raising your hand.
b. The simple past tense is used to express an event
or habitual action that was completed in the past.
Absolutely correct! And we call it regular verbs.
Present Past
watch watched The past simple is usually formed by adding d or ed
rain rained to the base form of the verb.
dance danced

Other verbs formed their past tense by totally change their spelling. We call it
irregular verbs.
Present Past
begin began
sing sang
write wrote
buy bought

Uses Examples
a. Shows Past Action at a I ate an apple yesterday.
Past Time
b. Past Habits: He used to smoke a packet of
She played a lot of games in her

Okay let’s move to the next slide.

Please read Rhea.

Formula for this is use will/shall + the base form of a verb.

For example:
Present Past Future
play played will play c. The simple future tense is used to express an
walk walked will walk action that will take place, or that a certain condition
jump jumped will jump will exist, in the future.

Another example:
We shall leave at noon tomorrow.
Our dramatic club will perform at the Cultural Center next month.

Time words often go with the Simple Future Tense: tomorrow, next day, next
week, next year, next month

We are done will the simple aspect. Now let’s move on to the progressive

2. The Progressive aspect

a. The present progressive expresses on-going actions.

Use be verb (am/is/are) + -ing from of a verb.

What are the signal words for present progressive? Yes Glaiza.

Another examples:
Uses Examples
a. Shows an Action in Keep quiet. Father is sleeping.
Progress: Look! The fire is burning.

b. Future Action with I am giving him a gift for his

Present Intention birthday.
She is coming to dinner tonight. The signal words for present progressive are: now,
c. Immediate Future He is leaving in a minute. right now, at present, at this moment
The train is arriving soon.
d. Constant Repetition You are always asking silly
I am constantly catching cold.

Next is the past progressive. When do we use the past progressive?

Yes Dennielle?

Very good! You are correct.

Remember class that the Progressive aspect also called continuous.

Use be verb (was/were) + -ing form of a verb

Past progressive also use when an action in progress at some specific point of
time in the past.
Example: Timmy was walking to the office at 7:00 this morning b. The past progressive is used when we talk about
I was preparing for the church at 6 o’clock yesterday. something which was happening at a special time in
the past.
Past Progressive also expresses a past action simultaneous with another
Example: They were reading when she came in.

Next letter c. the future progressive. Please read the definition Gizzelle.

Use will/shall be + -ing form of a verb.

We will be making a lot of cakes for the guests next week.
Trina will be graduating from elementary this year.

Okay let’s move on to the third aspect. Please read the definition Ciahara.

So present perfect expresses an action that began in the past and continues to
the present time.
Remember: The form is (Have/Has been + Past participle of the Verb) c. The future progressive expresses an action that
For example: He has been a driver for the past 20 years. will be in progress at a specific time in the future.
Sheila has been a girl scout since last year.

Meaning present perfect uses when a very recently completed action (often
use the word just).
For example: I have just completed my assignment.
Berta has just baked cookies
(The speaker stresses the recency of the completion of the action.)
3. Perfect Aspect
Take note that a. The Present perfect uses:
• if the subject is singular, use has + the past participle of a verb. • To express a condition that has existed in the past
• if the subject is plural and/or pronouns I and You, use have + the past up to the present moment, and still true at the
participle of a verb. present.

Next is the past perfect. Please read the definition Christian Paul.

The past perfect is used to express an action that was completed before
another action took place at some definite time in the past.
•To express recency of action or condition.
Remember: Use had + past participle of a verb.
For example: We had passed the junction when the accident occurred.
They had read the book before they saw the movie.

Let’s proceed to the future perfect. Please read the definition Charice.

So the future perfect expresses a future action that will be completed before
a specific time.
It is formed by the auxiliaries will have or shall have + the past participle of a
For example: Migs will have memorized the song by the end of this week.
By two o’clock tomorrow, Rose will have taken off Laguna.
b. The Past perfect this indicates that occurred in the
Okay that’s the end of the discussion. past before some other action that happened in the

c. The Future Perfect Used to indicate an action or

condition that will have been completed by
sometime in the future.
Did you understand our lesson? Yes ma’am!
Now please check your chairs. I have pasted an orange envelope under your
arm chairs. So the lucky four (4) students who got the orange envelope will
come in front and read what’s inside of the envelope. 1. When to use the present simple?
2. Explain briefly the 3 types of verb tenses.
3. How do we form the present simple, past simple
and future simple?
4. Give an example of sentence using habitual action,
present state or condition, and future action.

(the students will share their answers in front of the

Alright your answers are correct give them a barangay clap. That’s great I
guess you all understand our discussion this afternoon prepare yourself for
the activity.
Learning task 1. Identify the forms of the verbs study and prepare using the
aspects of verbs indicated in Column 1. Be guided by the example in Column

So we have four columns here. The first column is the aspects of the verb. Simple know/
present knows
Second column is the given example. Third column is the word study and last simple past knew
column the word prepare.
simple will know
The simple present of study is study/studies and the simple present of
present is/are
prepare is prepare/prepares. It’s your time to answer the rest of the activity.
progressive knowing
past was/were
progressive knowing
future will be
progressive knowing
present has/have
perfect known
past perfect had known

future will have

perfect known

Verbs Aspects Sentences

make simple
Okay let’s move on to learning task 2.
will create simple future
Learning task 2: Compose sentences using the given verbs and their aspects.
am believing present
had decided past perfect

were studying past

prepared past simple

Good work class. All of you class did a great job.

Give yourself a Barangay clap.

A. Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form. Select your answer from the choices given at the end of the statement.

1. By the time they found him, he _________ (died, had died, died/had died)
2. He_____ ___many years ago. (died, had died, has died)
3. By that time, everybody ________ asleep.( was, had been)
4. She told me that something _____________ to him. (happened, had happened, has happened)
5. I ____________about it until you mentioned it. (didn’t think, hadn’t thought)
6. She _____________him at once. (has recognized, recognized, had recognized)
7. I _____________ him yesterday. (saw, have been, had seen)
8. He ___________ in 1960. (born, was born, had born)
9. I ______________ enough time to finish the job. (didn’t get, hadn’t got)
10. When I arrived at the party, everybody __________ home. (went, has gone, had gone)

B. Choose the correct tense of each question below. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the sentences is correct?

a. Last year I go to Canada. b. Last year I went to Canada.
c. Last year I am going to Canada. d. Last year I will go to Canada.

2. Which of the sentences is correct?

a. I usually getting the bus to work. b. I usually gets the bus to work.
c. I am usually getting the bus to work. d. I usually get the bus to work.
3. Which of the sentences is correct?
a. Next week I am going to the cinema. b. Next week I will going to the cinema.
c. Next week I will go to the cinema. c. Next week I went to the cinema.

4. Which verb is not in the past tense?

a. He walked. b. He went c. He works d. He bought

5. Which verb is not in the present tense?

a. She listened b. She talks c. She waits d. She watches

Write an essay about your experiences during the COVID19 pandemic. Pay attention to the correct use of verb tense in
constructing your sentences.



Capitalization The essay is free of The essay has 1 or 2 The essay has 3 or more
and Punctuation capitalization and punctuation capitalization and punctuation capitalization and punctuation
errors. errors. errors.
Main Idea The paragraph contains strong The paragraph contains a topic The paragraph does not contain
topic/main idea sentence, and and closing sentence with 3 a clear main idea and or closing
closing sentence along with 3 major ideas. sentence.
major details.
Grammar The essay contains proper use The essay contains 1 or 2 errors The essay contains 3 or more
of nouns, subject/verb use of nouns, subject/verb errors in proper use of nouns,
agreement and uses verbs in agreement and uses some subject/verb agreement and use
the past tense. verbs in the past tense. of verbs in the past tense.
Spelling The essay is free of spelling The essay has 1 or 2 spelling The essay has 3 or more spelling
errors. errors. errors.

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