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Final Lesson Plan 1

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Detailed Lesson Plan

In English
May 21, 2021

A. Content Standard
 Identify Common and Proper Noun in sentence.
B. Performance Standard
 Uses familiar sight and irregularly spelled word in meaningful oral and
written task.
C. Learning Competences
1. Use Common and Proper Noun (EN3G-IF-2.2)
1. Recognize the difference between Common and Proper Noun
2. Provide examples of Common Noun and Proper Noun
2. Use of Common and Proper Noun in our daily life
Common Noun and Proper Noun
 Fun in English 3
A. References
1. Teaching Guide Pages 130
2. Learning Materials Pages 159-160
B. Other Learning Materials
1. PowerPoint
2. Visual Aids (Printed Pictures, Charts)
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
I. Prayer
Let’s us pray first. May I request (Students raise their hands)
someone to lead the prayer.

Yes, Vanessa? (Students stand and pray)

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom
God’s love commit thee here. Ever this day,
be at my sight, to light, to guard, to rule, to
guide. Amen!
II. Greetings
Good morning, class!
Good morning, Ma’am!
How are you today? Is it good?
It’s great Ma’am!

III. Checking of Attendance

Okay class say present if I call your (Student who are present will tell who’s the
name. absent of the day.)
Very good class. You have a perfect Thank you, Ma’am!
attendance. I know all of you are
excited to learn for today.

A. Review on the previous lesson

Before we proceed with our discussion,
let’s have a quick review about our
lesson yesterday.

Do you still remember what is a Ma’am!


Yes, Mica? Noun is a Name of Person, Place, Things,

Animals and Event.
Very well said!

B. Establishing a purpose for the


Today we are going to discuss a new

lesson, but before that let me present to
you our objective that we need to attain
at the end of the lessons.
Who wants to read our objectives?
1. Recognize the difference between
Common and Proper Noun.
2. Provide examples of Common Noun
and Proper Noun.
3. Appreciate the use of Common Noun
and Proper Noun in our daily life

C. Presenting example/ instances of

the lesson

“I have here some examples of nouns. I

want you to look closely to them and
then identify what word are meant to
the picture have shown”
(students raises their hands and do the
Who wants to volunteer? instruction)

1. school-Fullbright 2. boy-John

3. flower-Gumamela

5. car-Toyota

What have you notice with the words (the students will notice some words starts
that course meant to each picture? with small letters and some words starts
with big letters.)
Ma’am I will notice some words are start
Cristine? with the small letter and some words start
with the big letter.

Very Good!
What do you think our lesson for

Yes, Jessa? Ma’am I think our lesson for today is all

about kind of Noun.

Very well said!

Okay, class are you ready for our

lesson for today. Tell me if you are
ready sit properly, pay attention listen
attentively, but today we are going to
focus on the two kinds of Noun. The
Proper Nouns and Common Nouns.
Now, let us define what is Common
Noun? Who want to read?
Yes, Mark?
Common Nouns are used to name persons,
places, things, animals and event in
GENERAL. It refers to class or types of
noun without being specific.
Very good!
Example: Food, Student, Flower and
How about Proper Noun? Proper Noun are used to name SPICIFIC
Person, place, things, animals and events. It
always begins with a capital letter.
Yes, Kent?
Very Good!
The examples of proper nouns are
Menudo, Samantha, Sampaguita,

C. Discussing new concept and

practicing new skills #1
Let have activity. Get ¼ sheet of paper.
Direction: “Match column A with
column B and write your answer in
your paper. Tell whether the following
names are Common noun or Proper
1. movie 1. Common noun
2. Robinsons Palawan 2. Proper noun
3. Mrs. Louella Rica 3. Proper noun
4. ballpen 4. Common noun
5. Puerto Princesa Pilot Elementary 5. Proper noun
Okay class, very good!

E. Discussing new concept and

practicing new skills #2
Now let’s have an activity and I will
divide you into two groups. The first
row will be the 1st group and the second
row will be the 2nd group.

Direction: For group 1 classify the

Noun into correct group and for the
group 2 give the Proper Noun of each
Common Noun.

All right I’ll give you 5 minutes to

answer the activity.

Mr. Smith, June, snickers, candy, boy,

Toy Story, Tuesday, Jack, doctor,
Tokyo, movie, restaurant, Apple

Common Noun Proper Noun

snickers Mr. Smith
candy June
boy Toy story
doctor Tuesday
movie Jack
restaurant Apple
Common Noun Proper Noun
Class are you done?
Okay let’s see if your answer is correct. (The group 1 presents their work)
The group leader will present your
work, Group 1 will be the first.
Very well said! Give group 1 Coca-
Cola clap. (The group 2 presents their work)
Now group 2 it’s your turn.
Very well said! Let’s give a
Marshmallow clap for group 2.

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to

formative assessment)

Notebook activity: Put a star if a

word is common noun and heart if
word is proper noun. 1.Bohol -
1. Bohol 2. soap -
2. soap 3. English -
3. English 4. Dog -
4. dog 5. Brownie-
5. Brownie 6. Fiesta -
6. fiesta 7. English -
7. English 8. bread -
8. bread 9. Planet -
9. planet 10. Friday -
10. Friday

G. Finding Practical application of

concepts and skills in daily living.

Can anyone tell me what are the (Students raise their hands)
importance of learning the two kinds of
nouns? Aside from we learned their differences and
can be able to know how and when to use
Yes, Saavedra? the capitalization of letter. We can also
manage and enhance our writing skills and
specified things when we are
communicating to someone

Very good! Thank you, Saavedra.

H. Making generalization and

abstraction of the lesson

Let us try if you truly understand our Ma’am, Proper noun are used to name
lesson today. What is Proper noun? SPICIFIC Person, place, things, animals
Yes, Babycel? and evens. It always begins with a capital

Very good! Now who can tell me what

is Common Noun?
Common nouns are used to name persons,
Yes, Klyne? things, places, animals, events or ideas in

Very Good! Ma’am the example of Common Noun is

man, ocean, building and state.
Give example of Common Noun,


Do you have any questions or None, Ma’am.

clarification regarding our lesson?
I. Evaluating Learning:

Let’s have an activity.

Direction: Identify if the words is Common Noun write C if the words is Proper Noun
write P. Write your answer in your paper.

1. book-
2. Jordan-
3. mother-
4. soft drinks-
5. Coca-Cola-
6. Dora-
7. Manila-
8. Cow-
9. flower-
10. chair-

J. Additional Activities for application:

Get your Notebook and Pen and copy your assignment.

Direction: Try to research different kinds of Noun.

Prepared by:
Laika Rose P. Latube
Louella Rica Saavedra

Prepared to:
Ms. Mighty Faith Juan

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