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Unit One: Features of Higher Education

Activity 1
1. Outline the characteristic features of higher education.
i) Teaching and learning process
Facilitating and conducting teaching and learning process in higher education according to
subject matter.
ii) Contribution to research and community service

Doing research and community service that solving problem found in the local communities.
iii) Technological adopting and transferring

Work on the solving of social, environmental and economic obstacles that create job
opportunity for local communities as well as country level.

2. How does the academic profession differ from other professions?

Answer: From the beginning the simple answer is teaching builds other professions not
other profession builds Teaching profession.  Teaching will provide a strong sense of
satisfaction which is the purpose of life to give longer. Teachers leave memories with
upcoming generations with a strong mentoring lead to satisfy self and the students on the
purpose of life.

Teaching is the parent of all profession. Real teachers teach us everything. Along with school
exam they prepare us to face life. If you want to become anything in life, a teacher is must
needed. It is in the hands of the teachers to shape the future of kids. It takes a big heart to
teach young minds and a lot of patience is needed. A teacher can be good or bad. Good
teacher will develop talents of students while the worst ones will kill their curiosity. Not
everyone can be in their shoes. Not everyone can become one. If one possess patience,
courage, power, caring heart and if one is passionate about it, then he/she can become a good
teacher. Teaching is a responsibility. One can never tell where the influence of a good teacher

3. What are the current challenges of Ethiopian higher education and what do you
think are their sources?
Answer: Higher Education facing a number of challenges and most contributions
mention curriculum design, student retention, new technologies, quality of learning and
teaching, widening participation, quality of research, funding and the necessity to improve
governance and management as the most burning challenges.

4. Higher education institutions across the globe are increasingly pressed to find ways
of proving their worth not only in the academic preparation of students, but also in how
their preparations are linked to business and industry. Discuss the actions that need to
be taken by your university in addressing this issue.

Answer: So, we can break down some of the barriers that exist between industry and
universities to accelerate the technology transfer process.

To help move more innovations from the lab to marketplace, we must make it easier for
companies to engage and collaborate with academic institutions for the Technology Transfer
and Commercialization Task Force.  Wollega University Shambu campus need to create
stronger connections with industry to enable the effective transfer of innovative technologies
and product concepts that will translate into private sector business growth, job creation and
overall economic impact.

Prior to embarking on a technology transfer project, both sides need to build a foundation of
shared purposes, values and expectations as well as specific goals.  It’s important that all
partners be clear about what assets they bring to the effort.  Each party needs to clearly define
and communicate the purposes and expectations associated with the collaboration.  Being
transparent about the “milestones and definition(s) of success” is critical.

Activity 2

List the advantages and disadvantages of the process of globalization in the

development of higher education in Ethiopia.

No Advantages of globalization Disadvantages of globalization

1 enhances the student's and teacher’s Inappropriate flow of knowledge and

ability information

2 enhances the ability of learners to It affects cultural, political, social and

access economic

3 to think independently to exercise Increase plagiarism in education

appropriate judgment
Reflective Activity 1

Discuss the mission of your university from the point of view of content, relevance,
clarity, precision, etc.
1. Reflection on the Mission
 The mission of Wollega University is to be one of top 25 University in Africa in 2025.
Mission is the strategic planning of vision. So, Wollega University ongoing to achieve the
proposed mission by taking different action on education quality, good governance and
fulfilling infrastructure for community of university.

2. Reflection on Vision
 The Vision at Wollega University is “to form collaborative partnership between students,
faculty, and with the community of Wollega University to facilitate the goal of providing
a quality education for every student.”

3. How effectively are the teachers in your HEI working towards realizing the mission
and vision of the institution?
 Committed on teaching activity in order to address quality education and enhance
ALMs. Besides participating on conducting research and community service on the
existing problems is one of crucial things.

4. What are the core values of your institution?

The core values of Wollega University are the following.
 Unity
 Community first
 Committed no matter what
 Quality first
 Equity for all
 Value each other
 Creativity
 Democratic thinking

5. To what extent is the above core values practiced?

The above core values was practiced in higher education from starting having institutional
brand or motto and setting their vision and mission in order to achieve their desire goals and
objectives towards their job. In order to achieve this mission and vision communities of
higher education institutions should practice and apply core values according to their

Reflective Activity 2

1. How relevant and important are the various leadership positions for the effective
functioning of HEIs?
The relevant and important of various leadership positions in HEIs emphasizes bridging the
gap among various internal and external stakeholders. Within the institution, for example, a
collaborative leader would view laboratory research and classroom teaching as
complementing rather than competing.

2. To what extent does the top leadership understand and support the efforts of lower
academic units to achieve the ultimate goals of the institution?
 The top leaders identify challenges and opportunity for lower academic units and put
appropriate direction.
3. From the point of view of need and efficiency, how satisfactory is the organization of
 Higher education institution is the best place of in which in every minute there is
progress knowledge transferring and updating personal quality.
4. Academic Rules and Regulations
Higher education academic rules and regulation are the following:
 Code of conduct
 Credit hours
 Graduation requirements
 Evaluation and course policies
 Evaluation of academic performance

Reflective Activity 3
1. How reasonable are the rights and duties of the academic staff as indicated in the
Senate Legislation of your University?
The rights of academic staff are:

 The right to determine course content, grading, and classroom procedures in the courses
they teach.
 The right to conduct research and to engage in creative endeavors.
 The right to publish or present research findings and creative works.
 The right to engage in public service activities.

The duties of academic staff are

 Full-time teaching assignments consist of the equivalent of 9 credit hours of assigned
time per semester and 2 credit hours for research and 1 credit hour for community
 The responsibility to carry out assigned teaching, research, and public service duties
in a professional manner and in keeping with University policy;
 The responsibility, as teachers, to refrain from introducing matters which are not
consistent with their teaching duties and professional competence and which have no
significant bearing on the subject matter of the course as approved under University
 The responsibility to pursue excellence and intellectual honesty in teaching, research,
and other creative endeavors and in public service activities; and in publishing or
presenting research findings and creative works;
 The responsibility to encourage students and colleagues to engage in free discussion
and inquiry; and to evaluate student and colleague performance on a scholarly basis.

2. To what extent are higher education teachers in your university performing

according to their duties and responsibilities as indicated in the Senate Legislation?
 From the beginning all university teacher must know the legislation of their university
and follow the legislation accordingly. Keeping working hours and participating on
teaching, research and community service. Besides preparing themselves for
additional assignments if it’s given by the university management.
Unit Two: The Role of Reflection among Higher Education Teachers

Reflective Activity 4
1. What do reflection, reflective practice and reflective teaching mean to you?

Reflection in this case means, "Serious thought or contemplation". It means taking new

information in and focusing on it, making sense of it. We can think or write about what we
learned, what we would do differently the next time or what comes next in a sequence. We
can use reflection as a jumping off point.

Reflective practice is the ability to reflect on one's actions so as to engage in a process of

continuous learning.

Reflective teaching means looking at what you do in the classroom, thinking about why you
do it, and thinking about if it works - a process of self-observation and self-evaluation. This
may then lead to changes and improvements in our teaching.

2. How well do you practice reflective thinking to deepen your own understanding and
to improve your teaching competence?

Self-awareness is a primary component of emotional intelligence which helps in developing a

better understanding of others. Reflective practice helps you to develop creative thinking
skills. It also encourages an individual's active engagement during work processes.

Reflective practice has huge benefits in increasing self-awareness, which is a key component

of emotional intelligence, and in developing a better understanding of others. Reflective
practice can also help you to develop creative thinking skills, and encourages active
engagement in work processes.

3. Based on your teaching experiences give examples of reflection on, in and for action.

Reflection-in-action is reflection during the ‘doing’ stage (that is, reflecting on the incident
while it can still benefit the learning). This is carried out during the lesson rather than
reflecting on how you would do things differently in the future. This is an extremely efficient
method of reflection as it allows you to react and change an event at the time it happens. For
example, in the classroom you may be teaching a topic which you can see the students are not
understanding. Your reflection-in-action allows you to understand why this has happened and
how to respond to overcome this situation.
Reflection-on-action means you reflect after the event on how your knowledge of previous
teaching may have directed you to the experience you had.

Reflection-on-action should encourage ideas on what you need to change for the future. You
carry out reflection-on-action outside the classroom, where you consider the situation again.
This requires deeper thought, for example, as to why the students did not understand the
topic. It encourages you to consider causes and options, which should be informed by a wider
network of understanding from research.

Reflection for action

This means reflecting on the idea before the action it happened and thinking and responding
for the event to be occurred. This type of task carried out outside of classroom. For the
example, the preparing for topic issues or questions before happening.

4. How well have you handled the technical, practical and critical levels of reflection?

The best practices that I have learned in the master’s program is to be reflective, the
reflexivity is a new change in my personal and professional life. Reflexivity includes a new
level of thinking and understanding the concept. This gives a practitioner a chance to get
better and better each time in order to performing tasks of teaching. The reflexivity or the
level of reflection is categorized into three.

Level One: Technical reflection

I consider only the technical application of educational knowledge and basic curriculum
principles for the purposes of attaining a given end. At this level the contexts of the
classroom, school, community, and/or society are not seen as linked to the problem.
Level Two: Practical reflection

As a teacher I become concerned with clarifying assumptions and competing pedagogical

goals while assessing the educational consequences toward which a teaching action leads
regarding objectives of each courses given to my students that helps the students in their life.

Level Three: Critical Reflection

At this level most of I am looking with worth of knowledge and the social circumstances
useful to students without distortions of personal bias. Critical reflection is viewed as a non-
defensive stance in remaining open-minded to moral and ethical considerations to educational

Reflective Activity 5
1. What are the different techniques of reflection that you have been using in your
reflective learning endeavors?

Provide authentic tasks involving ill-structured data to encourage reflective thinking during

learning activities. Prompt students' reflection by asking questions that seek reasons and
evidence. Provide some explanations to guide students' thought processes during

Why did you use them and how?

Reflecting during teaching, it can identify any barriers to learning that the students have. It
allows teacher to take time to assess and appreciate teaching process. Reflective practice also
helps create confident students. As a result of reflecting, students are challenged the teacher
as use new methods in the classroom.

2. Which reflective technique is more preferable and appropriate for teaching/learning

and for lifelong learning? How?
Reflective practice is best in order to learning through and from experience towards gaining
new insights of self and practice. It is a systematic reviewing process for all teachers which
allows you to make links from one experience to the next, making sure your students make
maximum progress.

Reflective Activity 6
1. What have you understood about reflective higher education teachers from the above
From the case one Mr. Balcha use reflection on action to solve immediate problem and he
prepares lesson pan and knowing his own strength and weakness and willing to improve his
weakness. Whereas, in case two Mr. Endelibu has experience more than 20 years but he
failed to use lesson plan and he considered himself as only source of knowledge. From case
three she is fresh academic teacher and afraid to asking senior teachers.
2. How effective are the above cases in changing your attitude towards applying
reflective thinking in your study and in your teaching? Explain.

From the three cases I understood how to update and competent enough on subject matter
rather than counting year of experiences. This shows that experience is nothing without
updating on subject matter and act as reflecting teaching.

3. After going through the cases, do you feel you should change your attitude towards
the application of reflection in your practice? Explain

After reading the cases I decide to completely change my attitudes regarding lesson plan
preparation and competent enough in using reflective teaching and ALMs.
Unit Three: Professionalism in Higher Education
Reflective Activity 7
Complete the following chart individually on a significant role model of your choice.

My significant role model: Instructor: Shewit G/medhin at Bahir Dar University

No Characteristics: e.g. competence and Behavior: e.g. punctuality; responsiveness
interest in subject area; years of service
1 He is a young scientist Respect the students idea
2 He updates himself and enough He is honest for his profession
competent on his subject matter of
wetland science
3 Rational man He is a reflective teacher
4 He is honest for his job For any feedback he need justification

Which of the characteristics and behaviors you listed above do you think are
particularly important in influencing student values and conduct?

From the above characteristics things very important is that the habit of updating and making
himself enough competent on his subject matter.

The behavior that is important in influencing student values and conduct is the passion of
respecting the student’s ideas and very honest on his profession.

Reflective Activity 8
1. What is your best characteristic as a teacher?

As higher education teacher my best characteristics is some of qualities include skills in

communication, listening, collaboration, adaptability, empathy and patience. Other
characteristics of effective teaching include an engaging classroom presence, value in real-
world learning, exchange of best practices and a lifelong love of learning.

2. Which role model characteristic do you want to develop?

From the above case personally I want to develop being as rational man in my life long and to
bring change on my attitude.
3. Write three things you can do to develop the characteristic you identified above.

 To be enough competent on my profession

 To be rational man
 Creative man
Unit Four: Diversity Management
Reflective Activity 9

1. Is diversity a problem or an opportunity for student learning? Yes/No? Why?

Diversity is an opportunity for student learning in order to exchange their culture, language
and norms and values. So, students who comes across this situation and experience is belief
in diversity and accept the identity of his class mate students as it is and their way of thinking
also grow.

2. In your opinion, how fairly do teachers in your university treat students with diverse

Most of higher education teachers are not free from treating students equally with diverse
background. Today in higher education institution teachers favors the students mostly by one
direction only.

3. You most probably had the experience of teaching students with different attributes
(linguistic, socio-economic, etc). How well did you manage the task? If you faced
problems in this regard, how did you resolve them?

This year I am applying to treat students with diversity background. For example, some
students unable to copy handout by their own due to socio-economic status. So as FWWM
department we are treating those students facilitating through giving handout. Personally, I
motivate some students who are not enough competent in their subject matter through
considering teaching techniques.

4. How can the issue of diversity and equity be best addressed in your institution?
Discuss in groups.

The issue of diversity and equity to be best practiced, we have to consider the students
background like their culture, linguist, and socio-economic status. For example some students
unable to compete with other students mainly because of lack of money for material that is
important for learning. So such student should be managed and facilitate things to make
conducive learning environment. And some of other students they need special treatment in
order to enhance and bring them to the level of high achiever.
Activity 13
How do you conceptualize inclusive education?
Inclusive education promotes effective developments through full participation of all
members of a population, people with disabilities and vulnerabilities, where all are equal
contributors of development and equitable beneficiaries. Through inclusive practices, it is
possible to identify and remove social and physical barriers so that people with disabilities
and vulnerabilities can participate and benefit from all developments.

Do you think that there are people who cannot learn? Explain.

Doesn’t think that no one unable to learn. Every people have the ability to learn and perceive
their environment. But, the way we handle people must consider their situation and their
environment perform in.

Have you ever taught students with any kind of disability? If yes, how did you handle
Answer: No

Reflective Activity 10

Identify at least three major problems that hinder the education of persons with disability or
other marginalized groups in HEIs and suggest possible solutions.

No Observed Problems or Issues Suggested Solutions and Actions

1 Infrastructure problem Making the environment conducive for
disability like building room that suitable for
2 Neglecting disability persons as Creating awareness regarding with the hidden
unable to function/work anything potential of disability and which can support
other people.
3 Lack of trained manpower Training and teaching disability means making
regarding disability the environment conducive for all.

Activity 15
How do you address gender issues with respect to teaching-learning and evaluation?
Teachers can create the appearance of gender bias through unintentional, nonverbal actions.
The first step to correcting this problem is to organize your classroom in a way that makes all
students feel equal. It is important for a teacher to establish a set of rules from the very
beginning that promote equality.

To address gender issue in education understanding relevant cultural, social, and health
factors are critical to addressing girls’ education and the “keeping girls in school” gap.
Schools can magnify or diminish gender differences by providing environments that promote
within-gender similarity and between-gender differences, or the inverse (within-gender
variability and between group similarity).
End-of-Module Self-Assessment - Module One
Write a reflective comment on your overall performance and achievements in Module One
with respect to each of the following areas.

1. Reflective activity
Reflective activity is most useful in developing skills with critical evaluations and detailed
developed reflections, clearly identifying strengths and areas for development; action
planning for improvement, progress evident through self-monitoring

2. Planning sessions, conducting observations and evaluations

It was very good planning session in order to conducting observations and evaluations. Each
activities was evaluated through self and peer assessment method. Following this I grasp
different types of knowledge and skills on how to prepare myself to deliver a good teaching
and learning process by using ALMs.

3. Contributions to group work

Each activity was done through collaborative with HDP candidates. Sometimes my role in
HDP group work is writing and presenting project given by HDL.

4. Carrying out projects

I have did each projects in HDP room or at home that is given by HDL.

5. Attendance and punctuality

I was successfully attempted each class except I left by permission.

How would you evaluate your overall performance in Module One? Circle one.


Signature of candidate: __________________ Date: ____________________

Higher Diploma Leader/Tutor Assessment - Module One

Observations and comments from Higher Diploma Leader on the Module Performance
1. General comments on achievement in this Module

2. Please comment specifically on areas where you disagree with the self-assessment.
Please comment on what the candidate should do in the next Module to improve.

Overall performance of the candidate in this Module


Signature of Higher Diploma Program leader: __________________Date: ____________



Unit One: Understanding Learning

Reflective activity 1

1. Which perspectives of learning were dominant in your personal experience at the

different stages of your education? Give an example in each case

No Stage Behaviorist Cognitive Social Predominant

Constructivi constructivist Feature/s/and
st Examples
1 Primary  Repetitive
2 Secondary   Problem
solving by
3 Undergraduate  Discussions
program and
4 Postgraduate  Case studies

2. Discuss the implications of each learning theory for classroom teaching and learning.

The three main categories or philosophical frameworks under which learning theories falls
are behavioral, cognitive, and constructivism. Behaviorism focuses only on the objectively
observable aspects of learning. Cognitive theories look beyond behavior to explain brain-
based learning. Implication of the cognitive theories of learning of to the development of
teaching. Teachers should organize the teaching materials in a way that the concept in them
can easily be required and processed by learner’s mind. Teachers need to use variety of
teaching techniques. Teachers must repeat, give sufficient drill in some subjects like
mathematics, drawing, music or vocabulary for fixing material in the minds of the students.
In addition, constructivism views learning as a process in which the learner actively
constructs or builds new ideas or concepts.

Activity 1.3 - P. 52
Go through the following questions and share your responses to each of the following
questions with a colleague.

1. What have you found out about your learning style from the above?
Information enters your brain three main ways: sight, hearing, and touch. By examining your
learning style, you’ll become aware of how your brain learns best. And if you know how you
learn best, you can also communicate more effectively with your instructors. According to
research, each learning style uses different parts of the brain. For example, auditory learners
use hearing to process information while visual learners rely on seeing to learn. Kinetic
learners learn best by doing or processing information in a hands-on approach. No learning
style is either better or worse than another. In fact, each learning style has its own strengths
and limitations. But if you know your limitations, you can extend your abilities and reach
your highest potential.

2. Do you think you learning style affects your teaching as in course planning, delivery,
etc.? If so, how?
Yes, my learning style influencing my teaching strategy in a number of ways. For instance,
when I was student I took few notes and I prefer for listening and generating pictures (Visual)
on the subject delivering in the classroom. Today I prefer to deliver the course through slide
showing and presenting the notes for the students rather than writing more.
3. How can you as a teacher identify the learning styles of your students in the
classroom so as to help them more? Learning styles and preferences take on a variety of
forms and not all people fit neatly into one category. But generally speaking, these are the
most common types of learners:
1. Visual learners: Someone with a preference for visual learning is partial to seeing and
observing things, including pictures, diagrams, written directions and more. This is also
referred to as the “spatial” learning style. 
2. Auditory learners: Auditory learners tend to learn better when the subject matter is
reinforced by sound. Watching videos and using music or audiotapes are also helpful ways of
learning for this group.
3. Kinesthetic learners: Kinesthetic learners, sometimes called tactile learners, learn
through experiencing or doing things. They like to get involved by acting out events or using
their hands to touch and handle in order to understand concepts.
Activity 1.4 - Pp. 54 – 55
1. If you have ever applied ALMs (active learning methods) such as pair work, role
play, jigsaw, etc., give examples of those which you most frequently used.
 From above ALMs listed I used both pair work and group discussion frequently
during teaching and learning process at class room session
2. What do you think are the challenges in applying the ALMs?
 There are many challenges which affect ALM not to be applied at learning–teaching
 vast content of the course,
 inappropriate sitting arrangement,
 large class size,
 low consideration of both teachers and students for active learning methods,
 Low availability of resources and facilities, Lack of management, planning,
preparation and time management, sometimes over load of work, etc.
3. What strategies can you think of to overcome the challenges?
There are many solutions to overcome challenges of ALM some of them are;-
 minimize the class size/groups
 teachers should be motivate for the using of the active learning method
 fulfil the teaching resources and facilities
 recruit the teachers to minimize work load
 Staff development strategies
 Different training like HDP and induction trainings need to address the issues of
ALMs, Individual instructors need to update themselves with the contemporary
learning strategies and etc.
4. in the first column (below) list active learning methods used in the HDP sessions so
far. In the second column, tick if you have used ¬these methods in your teaching. Use
the third column to explain the degree of your success in using ¬ the methods.
Active learning method Tick if you have Explanation of the success of this
used in the class used method in your teaching
Cooperative learning √ Increase knowledge sharing between
Provide a good relationship.
Increase participation.
Decision line √ Increases ability to convince
Generate new ideas and opinions.
Buzz group √ Increase understanding of students
Hot seating - -
Jigsaw - -
Cross over - -
Micro teaching - -
Case study √ To increase their understanding
Balloon - -

5. Check the application of the following activities related to student motivation,

performance and cognitive development when they are implemented in classroom

Activity Response Explanation

Yes N of response
Is the task you set at the right level for your students? √
Is the work of mixed difficulty so every student can be √
challenged and experience success?
Is the task interesting and relevant? √
Can students resubmit work that is not up to standard? √
Do students understand what they will gain from what you √
are asking them to do?
Do students understand the relevance of what they are √
Are your sessions varied? √
Do your sessions engage students in activities? √
Do you base your teaching on interesting and/or topical √
Are you enthusiastic in your sessions? √
Do you have a good relationship with your students? √
Can students show creativity in your sessions? √
Are students able to work with others when undertaking √
Do your students get frequent feedback such as praise or √
positive comments, etc. about their work?
Do you set personal goals for students? √
Is it possible to make all students active learners? √
Do you encourage students to take responsibility for their √
own learning?

Activity 1.7 - Pp. 64

1. Which of the above ALMs could be suitable/unsuitable for your course? Explain with
practical examples.
 From the above active learning methods mentioned on the handbook; most of them are
suitable for my course like group work, assignment, quiz, Brainstorming,
Demonstrations, field work and etc. except storytelling, newspaper or radio reporting
hot sitting not be fit for my course areas of study due to some reasons

2. Using the VAK model identify useful active learning methods for supporting different types of
learners and discuss their implications for classroom instruction

Learning Style Helpful method

Visual  Plasma
 Pictures and diagrams
 Videos
 Conversation
Auditory  Dialogues
 Radios
 Recorded sounds
 Projects
Kinesthetic  Laboratories
 Exercises
 Field trips
 Demonstrations
 Educational tours
Activity 1.7- Pp. 65
1. In your opinion, how practical and useful can cooperative learning be in Agriculture
College classes? Explain.
The use of cooperative learning also helps students clarify concepts and ideas through
discussion and debate. Because the level of discussion within groups is significantly greater
than in instructor led discussions, students receive immediate feedback, thus advancing the
level of discussion.
Activity 1.8 - P. 67
What should the instructor do during group work? Discuss the following scenarios,
considering the advantages and disadvantages.
1. The instructor leaves the groups alone to get on with the work.
Advantage: It may improve independent learners, because the students can reflect their ideas
freely without an interference/fear. This may create the student’s self-learners.
Disadvantage: There is no class room management and it might be confused for students if
they are not understand the concept of their group work.
2. The instructor spends time with each group in turn.
Advantage: It is best to follow the all group members’ activity participation in discussion.
Disadvantage. It may not ensure the ability of students’ to doing on given tasks/activities by
themselves because they depend on direction of the teacher rather than doing independently.
3. The instructor moves around the room listening to what each group is saying. S/he
only assists when asked, or if the group is unsure what to do.
Ensure that all group members feel part of the activity, introduce activities or questions to
stimulate discussion, It develop active participation of the all group members.

Activity 1.11 - P. 72
1. Write down three things you have learnt today about effective group work.
I have learnt many things from effective group work some of them are:
Clear goals are set
there is clear leadership
each member is assigned a specific role
there’s equal participation from all group members
the task is relevant to syllabus content
2. What will you change the next time when you organize a group activity in your
One thing I can do to be effective in organizing group activity is planning the works to be
done by using different types of ALMs. Before setting the activities for group work, knowing
the behaviors’ of group members is very important and assigning group work as a good
teaching strategy, in order to effective group working. Research shows that by working
together in groups, students can develop critical thinking skills, exchange knowledge, share
expertise, increase motivation and improve their attitudes toward learning.
Activity 1.12- P. 76
1. Do you consider yourself a teacher, coach or mentor? Explain. Yes, I consider myself
as a teacher when I teach the course theoretically to students in the class, because I have
professional on it and as coach when I advise students how they write research proposal,
research and as well as report writing for practical session.
2. Do you think that your students can take responsibility for their own learning? Why
or why not? No, because my teaching style is not student centered teaching style due to
different reason. As a result student prefer to be dependent learner rather than taking
responsibility on their activity.
3. Is your role to be an expert and give students answers or to ask questions and
challenge them? Explain. Yes, the way of challenge the students have the role to enhancing
education quality by creating question in the mind of students.
4. What type of help do your students need to be independent learners?
Giving direction on given task
Supporting and encourage students to become independent learners
Giving materials which are enhance to independent learners
Giving create awareness/ training on the importance of independent learners for
Giving opportunity for students to work with their peers as they can learn from each
Encouraging goal setting which allows students to create targets that they would like
to work on independently and achieve in a given time frame.
Encourage a sense of purpose independent learners.
5. What possible mechanisms do you suggest to realize independent learning in the
Agriculture courses you teach?
 Make sure your student understands what they are supposed to get out of each lesson
or activity before it begins. With objectives that are as clear as possible, students can
determine what information they need to learn and how it is going to benefit them in
their studies.
 Help them become an independent learner by working on note taking strategies.
 By practicing to manage and optimize their day in university as well as in the class,
they are developing an essential study skill that will stay with them in high school and
 Encourage students to use opportunities to ask questions and start discussions about
difficult concepts.
 Create sample test questions to help your students use the information they are
learning in different ways.
 Encourage students to reflect on their progress and have them think about the way
they learn best.
 The more they realize their study strengths (and weaknesses), the more your student
can master their independent learning skills.
Activity 1.14 - P. 79
1. How do your students use the media to enhance their learning? They use media in
different ways to enhance their learning. For example they use internet and you tube to do
different tasks like assignment, homework, project work and etc. by searching on Google.
2. How does access to different media affect your teaching? It affect my teaching as
positively and negatively. Positively if I use in appropriate ways it reduce both efforts
and time consume. And it improve my teaching style to stimulate interest in and develop
knowledge of the material being taught, media resources can also be used to engage
students and facilitate active learning strategies which promote deeper learning. For
example, media provides a useful platform for teaching with cases, cooperative learning,
problem solving, and for giving more interactive lecture demonstrations.
Negatively, Social Media are a major factor that are leading to distraction and hindrance
of mind. These days students tend to lose their focus from studying and rather enjoy
browsing on Social Media. All of this leads to wastage of time without learning anything
from it. Media may reduce the critical thinking of students as everything exists on
internet, you tube and telegram.
3. How do you select appropriate media in relation to your session objectives and
content during your classroom sessions? Give an example.
I select media that present information in a variety of ways. Using mixed media (text, video,
images, real world examples, graphs, etc.). Make information more interesting and address
learners’ different learning styles. Make sure the materials support learning objectives:
Provide a wide range of materials that will enrich and support the curriculum and course
objectives. The instructional materials should reinforce and supplement, not substitute for, the
teacher’s teaching efforts .Make the materials clear and accessible: Make sure learners have
sufficient background knowledge to comprehend the learning materials

Activity 1.15 - P. 80
Based on your experience, as Agriculture instructor, write down some advantages of
using instructional media in your classrooms.
 There are some advantages of using instructional media in a classroom teaching-
learning process, such as: to promote mental activities of students, to give feedback to
the teacher about student progress/achievement, to encourage emotional response
encouraging the teachers and the learners in delivering the subject materials, helping
the learners to understand the subject materials and facilitating the learners in learning
activities. Instructional media are vital in the teaching- learning process, enhancing
ability to read and write correctly.

Activity 1.16 - P. 80

1. How do you define time management? Time management is the process of planning and
exercising conscious control of the time spent on specific activities to work smarter than
harder. It is also refers to managing time effectively so that the right time is allocated to the
right activity. Time Management includes: Effective Planning, Setting goals and objectives,
Setting deadlines, Delegation of responsibilities, Prioritizing activities as per their
importance, Spending the right time on the right activity.

2. How effective are you in managing your time? I am effective in managing my time
within the range of a time through planning, prioritizing activities, organizing and scheduling
for each activities. For example the best way of effective managing activities in the range of
time is start on time and better planning.
3. Do you manage time or does time manage you?
I manage my time with my activities in given a range of time. Therefore, time
management can be considered a range of skills, tools and techniques used
to manage activities. If time manage me, it means that I cannot run my activities within the
range of time bounded.

4. How effective/ punctual are you in using instructional time and appointment with
your students or other clients?
I didn’t effective in using instructional time and appointment with my students in appropriate
manner before. But I use instructional time more effectively in order to create conducive
environment for teaching and learning process, and by considering student centered now after
learning this HDP.

Activity 1.17 - P. 82
1. Comment on the items in the matrix provided above.
I have no comment on this matrix
2. How does the Time Management Matrix relate to your experience as a teacher?
Ways of categorize of activities based on their importance without requiring immediate
action. Investing my time for looking of new things and enjoying life rather than suffering.
3. How much time do you spend on planning and preparation for your teaching?
I spend more than two weeks on planning and preparation of course contents, teaching
schedule and teaching materials.

Activity 1.18 – Pp. 84 - 85

Time Management Questionnaire
Read each statement in the following chart and circle the number of your choice for each. Do
this as quickly as you can.
1= strongly disagree 2=Disagree 3= slightly disagree 4 = slightly agree 5= Agree 6= strongly
Statements SDA DA St. St. A SA
1. I spend much of my time on important activities that 1 2 3 4 5 6
demand my immediate attention, such as crises,
pressing problems, and meeting deadlines
2. I feel I am always “trouble-shooting” and working in 1 2 3 4 5 6
crisis mode. I am always being called to help with
important problems.
3. I feel as if I am wasting a lot of time. 1 2 3 4 5 6
4. I spend much of my time on activities that have little 1 2 3 4 5 6
relevance to my top priorities but demand my
immediate attention (e.g. interruptions, unimportant
meetings, non-critical phone calls)
5. I spend much of my time on activities that are 1 2 3 4 5 6
important but not urgent, such as planning, preparation,
prevention and relationship building
6. I spend much of my time on ‘busy’ but non- 1 2 3 4 5 6
productive work, watching TV, games, browsing the
Internet, etc.
7. I feel I am on top of things because of careful 1 2 3 4 5 6
preparation, planning and prevention.
8. I feel I am constantly addressing issues that are 1 2 3 4 5 6
important to others but not to me.
Question 1 = __5___ Question 5 = ____6_
Question 2 = __4___ Question 7 = __4___
Total A ____9____ Total B _____10___
Question 4 = ___2___ Question 3 = __1___
Question 8 = __3____ Question 6 = _5____
Total C ______5__ Total D _____6___
Dominant type __________B_____________
If you are an A, C, or, D type, how can you move to be type B? If you are type B, how
can you support your colleagues in becoming type B?
I can support my colleagues on how to manage their activities within a range of their time to
be a type ‘’B’’ quadrant. Besides, giving value for every minute and prioritizing task which is
going to be accomplished according to their degree of importance.
Activity 1.19 – P. 89
1. List three important things you have learnt about managing your time and reflect
on them in relation to your personal practice.
Time Management plays a very important role not only in organizations but also in our
personal lives. It allows individuals to assign specific time slots to activities as per their
importance. There are many advantages that come along with proper management of time.
In your professional life, time management can benefit you in the following ways:
 Deliver work on time
 provide a better quality of work, much less procrastination
 Less stress and anxiety, improved quality of life etc.

2. How do you plan to improve your time management and be productive in your
 Good time management lets you work smarter not harder so you get more done in
less time.
 You can improve your ability to function more effectively even when time is tight
and pressures are high.
Unit Two: Instructional Planning
Activity 2.1

1. Have you ever prepared a course plan for the courses you taught? If YES, did it help
you to achieve the objectives of the course? If NO, why not?
Yes, I have prepared course plan for my course which I was taught and it helped me a lot to
complete to course contents on given time and to achieve the objective of the course through:
Effectively use of time, use of appropriate Active learning method, assessment methods and
2. Do you think that two instructors who have similar qualifications, work experience
and academic achievement will demonstrate the same performance in their instruction?
Why /Why not? They may not demonstrate the same performance, because they use
different methods, techniques or strategies, different assessment methods, they used different
method to deliver course for students with each other.

Activity 2.3
1. Develop a course plan constituting the above elements and exchange with your
Activity 2.4
1. Indicate whether or not the following objectives are SMART (Specific, Measurable,
Achievable, Relevant, and Time limited).
Objectives Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time
By the end of the session students limited
Know about flowers. X x √ x x
Be able to solve quadratic equations. X x
Understand climate. X x X √ x
Write a descriptive paragraph to X √ X x x
begin a story.
Know about the Battle of Adwa. X x X x √
Have completed a lesson plan. X √ X x x
Explain the rules of volley-ball. √ x X x x
Be able to identify rock samples. √
Classify materials and justify their √ x X x x
Appreciate individual differences x x X √ x
between students.
Know different geometrical shapes. x √ X x x
Understand electrical charges. √ x X x x
2. using the following format write some examples of SMART objectives for one of your
courses and discuss them with your colleagues.

Instructor’s name Delesa Abdisa Date : 26/05/2022 Room:B23R2

Department Horticulture Year/Semester III/II

Course/module title Weeds and their Course code:HORT342 2(1+1)

Topic: crop-weed competition
Number of students: Male = 9 Female = 6 Total = 15
Specific learning outcomes:
By the end of this session, the students will be able to
i Identify the crop-weed competition
ii Explain the responses of crops and weeds to competition
iii Differentiate on critical period of weed-crop competition
Teacher Activity Time Student Assessment Resources
= 50' activity methods
Introduction 5' Respondi Oral assessment Chalk,
ng and by asking Black board,
 Greeting the students
listening question
 Recalling about last lesson on the history weed
biology and weed ecology
Lecturing/presentation 25' Listening Asking question Black board,
Presenting on the following issues:- , taking by oral Projector,
 Crop –weed competition note and Laptop,
 Responses of crops and weeds to competition, group duster
 Critical period of weed- crop competition discussio .
Stabilizing/Summarizing 10'Listening Oral question, Black board,
, pair and group Projector,
 Teaching again the highlight of the above Respondi discussion Laptop,
presentation in order to enhance their ng on the duster
understanding. questions .
 Asking question the students. .
Evaluation 10' Doing Written Pen and
 Giving questions in the form class work or class assessment like paper
assignment in order to evaluate the level of their work, test quiz,
understanding. E.g. quiz, test and assignment. and
Instructor’s name: Delesa Abdisa Signature: ________________Date:_____________
Head of Department name: Biratu Abeshu Signature: __________Date: _____________
Unit Three: Assessment
Activity 21
1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of assessment.
Presentations Written Tests Self-Report
Best Content Content Content Habits of mind.
Application knowledge and knowledge. knowledge.
skills. Some content
Advantages Opportunities for Allows students Allows for a Allows for
authentic to work over an standardized teacher to
contexts. Allows extended period administration assess attitudes,
students to of time to to large groups reflections, and
demonstrate their incorporate of students. thinking
work to an revisions. processes of
authentic Useful for students.
audience. Allows for assessing
student individual Allows students
Allows for the craftsmanship, students. to identify the
integration of pride, and benefits of
complex skills. personal project work;
embellishment. good for

Disadvantages Difficult to set up Difficult to Difficult to Difficult to

and administer, assess individual assess skills establish
especially with a contributions through paper- reliable criteria.
large number of when the product and-pencil
students. is a group measures.
product. Judging
what has been
learned is not
always evident
from looking at

2. Which types of assessment methods do you most frequently apply in the courses you
teach? Why?
Answer: quiz, test and assignment.

The course I am teaching now is not suitable for other types of assessment method. Most of
the course content is theoretical based so it is difficult for others types of assessment.

Activity 3.5 - P. 110

1. List the methods of assessment used in the HDP sessions so far.
 Oral question
 Debate
 Presentation
 Group discussion
 Portfolio/report
 Decision line
2. Comment on the list given in number 1 above. Did it involve continuous assessment?
If so, how?
Answer: Yes, I used formative assessment day to day assessment like quiz, test and
assignment. Besides, I carried out summative assessment at final stage of learning outcome
that shows acquisition evidence of learner’s.
3. Can you give an example of the methods of assessment you used in your classes?
I used Continuous assessment during learning- teaching process in my classes’ session like
test, quiz, group assignment, group discussions and presentation

Reflective Activity 8
1. Answer the following questions by ticking under ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Reflection on the
Questions Yes No
1. Are you satisfied with the present assessment methods you are using? √

2 Do you have any choice in how you assess your students? √

3 Do you think the assessment methods you are using are fairto your students? √
4. Do your students think the present system of assessment you are using is fair √
to them?

5. Do you think the assessment methods you are using give you time to √

Reflect and use the results for the benefit of yourself and your students?

6. Is all the time taken by your assessment methods justified by the benefits to √
you and your students?

7. Do you and your colleagues have the opportunity to change the assessment √
8. Do you fully understand the assessment system you are using? √
9. Is there any ‘moderation’ procedure to ensure that the assessment or grade
you give your students would be the same as the grades given by other √
10. Does your assessment really make any difference to whether your students √
pass or fail your course?
11. Are your assessment methods related to the aims and objectives of your
course? √
12. Do your students use your assessments to improve their progress? √
13. Do your assessment methods support less able as well as more able √
14. Do your methods recognize and reward qualities that are difficult to assess √
15. Do you ever use self-assessment in your teaching? √

2. Answer the following questions by circling or writing your answer.

How effective are your present assessment methods in improving your students’
performance? Circle one below.
Very effective Effective not sure HasNot
little effect
very effective
How effective is your present assessment system in improving your own performance?
Circle one below.
very effective Effective not sure not very effective has little effect
What do your answers tell you about the system of assessment you are using? 
 The system of assessment is continuous assessment giving test, group
assignment, quiz, presentation and etc
What can you do about any limitation that you may have discovered?
Some of limitation I faced during assessment are :
 cheating,
 student discipline,
 unsuitable sitting/chair arrangement

Reflective Activity 9
1. Have you ever experienced any difficulties while implementing continuous
 The major difficulties of applying continuous assessment is it
consume time and unable to achieve the desired session plan
within a short period of time.
2. What remedial actions have you taken?
 Applying ALMs in classroom
 Giving tutorial class.
Activity 23
1. How do you define peer assessment?
Peer assessment involves students taking responsibility for assessing the work of their
peers against set assessment criteria. This makes peer assessment an important
component of Assessment for Learning, rather than simply a means of measuring

2. How do you define self-assessment?

Assessment or evaluation of oneself or one's actions and attitudes, in particular, of
one's performance at a job or learning task considered in relation to an objective

Reflective Activity 10
1. How have your ideas about assessment changed?

 Identify and avoid bias

 Follow up
 Blend assessments into your teaching

2. Which types of assessment do you think you could use effectively in the future?

 Test and group work assessment

3. How will the assessment methods you selected help your students to progress?
Showing clear ability to help the Action Learning Set get on with the task and to involve
group members; encourages others to speak and makes them feel involved; shows leadership
skills; gets on with tasks reliably. Also develop their Attendance and punctuality.
Unit Four: Managing Teaching Sessions (Teaching Project)
Activity 4.1
Design six consecutive session plan based on session planning principles and formats
presented under the second unit of this module
Name of candidate: Delesa Abdisa
Faculty: Agriculture
Department: Horticulture
Course Name: Weeds and their management
Course code: Hort342
Year/ semester: III/ II

Session Date Time Location

1 Friday 13/9/2013 8:00-8:50AM B24R4

2 Thursday 26/09/2013 9:00-10:50AM B24R4

3 Wednesday 24/10/2013 8:00-8:50AM B24R4

4 Thursday 28/10/2013 9:00-10:50AM B24R4

Session plan 2
Instructor’s name Delesa Abdisa Date: 03/11/2014
Department Horticulture Year/ III/II
Course/module title Weeds and their Course Hort342 2
management code:
Topic:1 Weed management
Number of students: Male = Female = 6 Total = 15
Specific learning outcomes:
By the end of this session, the students will be able to
I Identify the term weed management
II Understand the important of weed management
III Differentiate the types of weed management methods
Teacher Activity Time Student Assessmen Resources
50' activity t methods
Introduction 5' Responding Oral Chalk,
 Greeting and question/ Black board,
 Recalling on the last lesson of crop-weed listening assessment
Gap Lecturing 25' Listening, Group Black board,
Presenting on the following issues:- taking note discussion Projector,
 The term weed management and Laptop,
 Defining why weed management is answering Class room.
needed the question
 Presenting types of weed management
Stabilizing/Summarizing 10' Listening, Oral Black board,
 Recapping session presentation, asking Responding assessment Projector,
question and reacting on. on the Laptop,
questions. Class room.
Evaluation 10' Doing class Class work Pen,
work paper
 Giving questions in the form of class

Instructor’s Name: Delesa Abdisa Name of Dep’t Head: Biratu

Signature_______________ Signature_________________
Date ___________________ Date _____________________
Session 1
Instructor’s Delesa Abdisa Date: 01/11/2014

Department Horticulture Year/Semester III/II

Course/ Weed and their
module title management Course code: Hort342 2
Topic 2. Weed biology and ecology
Number of students: Male Female =6 Total = 15
Specific learning outcomes:
By the end of this session, the students will be able to
I Describe weed biology and ecology
I Understand the concept of weed biology and ecology
Teacher Activity Time Student Assessment Resources
= 50' activity methods
Introduction 5' Responding Oral Chalk,
 Greeting and assessment Black board,
 Recalling on the last lesson of effects listening
of weed on crop production
Gap Lecturing 20' Listening Oral asking Black board,
Presenting on the following issues:- Taking note, question and LCD,
 Weed biology peer presentation Laptop,
 On the weed ecology and their types discussion Class room.

Stabilizing/Summarizing 15' Listening, Oral Black board,

 Recapping session presentation, Responding assessment Projector,
asking question and give chance for on the Laptop,
the student to react on. questions. Class room.
Evaluation 10' Answering quiz -
 Giving questions in the form of quiz quiz

Instructor’s Name: Delesa Abdisa Name of Dep’t Head: Biratu

Signature_______________ Signature_________________
Date ___________________ Date _____________________
Instructor’s name Delesa Abdisa Date 05/11/2014
Department Horticulture Year/Semester III/II
Course/module title Weed and their Course
management code: Hort342 2
Topic 3. Integrated weed management
Number of students: Mal Female Total = 15
e= =6
Specific learning outcomes:
By the end of this session, the students will be able to
I Follow the criteria for the selection of Integrated weed management
Ii Identify the importance of Integrated weed management
Teacher Activity Tim Student Assessment Resources
e= activity methods
Introduction 5' Respond Oral assessment Chalk,
 Greeting ing and and brainstorming Black
 Recalling on the last lesson of weed listening board,
management methods
Gap lecturing 20' Listenin Oral asking Black
Presenting on the following issues:- g, question and board,
 integrated weed management Taking presentation LCD,
 criteria for the selection of integrated weed note, Laptop,
management Group Class
 Important of integrated weed management discussi room.
Stabilizing/Summarizing 15' Listenin Oral asking Black
 Recapping session presentation, asking g, question board,
question and give chance for the student to Respond Projector,
react on. ing on Laptop,
the Class
question room.
Evaluation 10' Doing Class work and Paper and
 Giving questions in the form of quiz class home work pen
Session 3
Instructor’s name Delesa Abdisa Date 07/11/2014
Department Horticulture Year/ III/II
Course title Weed and their Course
management code: Hort342 2
Topic 4. Herbicide
Number of students: Male = 6 Female = Total = 20
Specific learning outcomes:
By the end of this session, the students will be able to
I Define herbicide
Ii Differentiate the types of herbicide
Iii Identify advantages and disadvantages of herbicide
Teacher Activity Time = 50' Student Assessment Resources
activity methods
Introduction 5' Responding Oral Chalk,
 Greeting and assessment Black board,
 Recalling on the last lesson of listening and
types of weed management brainstormin
Gap lecturing 25' Listening, Oral Black board,
Presenting on the following Group question, LCD,
issues:- discussion Group Laptop,
 Define the herbicide and presentation Class room.
discuss on its concept
 Types of herbicide
 Advantages and disadvantages
of herbicide
Stabilizing/Summarizing 10' Listening, Asking Oral Black board,
 Recapping session presentation, Responding question Projector,
asking question and reacting on. on the Laptop,
questions. Class room.
Evaluation 10' Answering, Class work Paper and pen
 Giving questions in the form doing class and
class work and assignment work and assignment
Session plan 4

Instructor’s Name: Delesa Abdisa Name of Dep’t Head: Biratu

Signature_______________ Signature_________________
Date ___________________ Date _____________________
End-of-Module Self-Assessment - Module Two
Write a reflective comment on your overall performance and achievements in Module One
with respect to each of the following areas.

1. Reflective activity
Reflective activity is most useful in developing skills with critical evaluations and detailed
developed reflections, clearly identifying strengths and areas for development; action
planning for improvement, progress evident through self-monitoring

2. Planning sessions, conducting observations and evaluations

It was very good planning session in order to conducting observations and evaluations. Each
activities was evaluated through self and peer assessment method. Following this I grasp
different types of knowledge and skills on how to prepare myself to deliver a good teaching
and learning method by using ALMs.

3. Contributions to group work

Each activity was done through collaborative with HDP candidates. Sometimes my role in
HDP group work is writing and presenting the project that is given by HDL.

4. Carrying out projects

I have did each projects in HDP room or at home that is given by HDL.

5. Attendance and punctuality

I was successfully attempted each class.

How would you evaluate your overall performance in Module One? Circle one.


Signature of candidate: __________________ Date: ____________________

Higher Diploma Leader/Tutor Assessment - Module Two

Observations and comments from Higher Diploma Leader on the Module Performance
1. General comments on achievement in this Module

2. Comment specifically on areas where you disagree with the self-assessment. Comment on
what the candidates should do in the next Module to improve.

Overall performance of the candidate in this Module


Signature of HDL: ____________________ Date: ____________________

MODULE THREE: Action Research
Unit One: The Concept and Characteristics of Action Research
Activity 1
1. How do you define action research?
Action research is an interactive inquiry process that balances problem-solving actions
implemented in a collaborative context with data driven collaborative….

2. How do you characterize action research?

3. How is action research different from other forms of research?

4. What is the importance of action research?

Activity 2
How useful do you think action research is for your teaching effectiveness?
End-of-Module Self-Assessment - Module Three

Write a reflective comment on your overall performance and achievements in Module Three.

How would you evaluate your overall performance in Module Three? Circle one.

Signature of candidate: _____________________ Date: __________________________

Higher Diploma Leader/Tutor Assessment - Module Three

Observations and comments by the Higher Diploma Leader on the Module Performance
1. General comments on achievement in this Module

2. Please comment specifically on areas where you disagree with the self-assessment.
Also recommend what the candidate should do in the next Module to improve his/her
performance on HDP.

Overall performance of the candidate in this Module


Signature by the HDL: ____________________ Date ____________________

Unit One: Placement to Educational Institutions (12hrs)
Unit Three: Organizational Placement- Guidelines and Report (12 hrs)

3.2 Report Format

This form must be completed and submitted to the HDL by all candidates.
Date: _________________Time: ________________
Name of organization: _________________
Type of business: _____________________________
Name of the Head of Organization: __________________Position: ________________
Number of employees: ________________ Male: ______ Female: _____
Name of HDP Candidate: ____________________________________
University: _________________________
Date Summary of activities Hours spent

I confirm that the report above is an accurate statement of the time I spent in the organization.
Signature of Candidate: __________________________ Date: __________________
I confirm that the above is a true statement of the candidate.
Signature: _________________ Position in organization: ______________________
Organization’s stamp
End-of-Module Self-Assessment - Module Four

Write a reflective comment on your overall performance and achievements in Module Four.

How would you evaluate your overall performance in Module Four? Circle one.

Signature of Candidate: ________Date: ________

Higher Diploma Leader/Tutor Assessment - Module Four

Observations and comments by the HDL on the Module Performance

1. General comments on achievement in this Module 2.

Overall performance of the candidate in this Module


Signature by the HDL: _____________ Date: ____________________

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