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Stalemate 2

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No. 51 (First of Vol.


June 1978 (4 months late)

EDITORIAL past, present and future support.

Here beginneth Volume IV. "Bet- Perhaps some members who can't
ter the end of a thing than the be- attend London meetings might
ginning thereof", says Ecclesias- combine a holiday with a visit to
tes, which will do well as a motto Canterbury when the FIDE Com-
for endgame studies, but not for mission meets there (30.viii-6.ix.
EG itself. We continue with our 78)? I have every intention of
venture, despite three major being there.
blows. John Roy croft
First, Spotlight is no more. We be- London, iii.78
lieve that Walter Veitch, who ran
our analytical queries column with J U B I L E E S !
acid verve and incomparable skill in 1977 . . .
from the commencement of EG, A celebration took place in Lenin-
is alive and well, but he answers grad to mark the 70th birthday of
enquiries and letters with silence, F.I.D.E. Grandmaster of Composi-
a silence that is unexplained. His tion V. A. Korolkov.
replacement, if one can be found, F.I.D.E. Grandmaster of Composi-
must have qualities comparable to tion Jindrich Fritz (doctor of Law)
Walter's. reached the age of 65 years.
The second blow: no index to EG Sachove Umenie of vi.77 and Bre-
1-50. What happened here is that tislav Soukup-Bardon of Prague
we have been let down by what provide us with some biographical
was, alas, a mere show of enthu- details.
siasm, also unexplained, by one of Initially, Fritz' inspiration came
our members. The index can still from Rincl^, but his! eyes were
be produced if a conscientious, me. opened to a different style with
ticulous and persistent British the appearance in 1937 of "So-
reader willing to perform this self- vremmeny Shakhmatny Etyud"
less task will get in touch with me. with its many Soviet studies. His
The third blow is (no, not the in- first studies in this manner ap-
crease in subscription rates!) the peared in the newspaper Gros on
repeated lateness of the magazine. 24.xii.37.
This issue should have appeared Still better was his 'Romanian the-
on 20.ii.78, with the other 1978 me' study in Ceskoslovensky Sach
issues due on 2O.iv, 2O.vii and 20.x. in 1938, 20 years ahead of its time.
Readers display extraordinary pa- Fritz has composed over 400 stu-
tience, but some must be reaching dies as well as many problems,
the end of their tether, for example including selfmates. He won the
when tourney closing dates are Czech study composing champion-
published which are already his- ship 3 times, in 1951-52, 1953-54
tory. and 1963-65, as well as coming
On the credit side, there is no second once. In 1951 his first chess
dearth of material, whether origi- book "The Modern Chess Study"
nal or derived, and our tradition appeared, in Czech, and in 1954 his
of 'jubilee' tourneys continues. second book, Sachove Studie, con-
Thank you, everyone, for your taining 200 of his studies.

Fl J. Fritz style of composition is essentially
Ceskoslovensky Sach, xi.30 play with pieces. His finest crea-
tions are echoes, whether consecu-
tive or simultaneous.
and in 1978 ..
Allan Werle's 70th birthday is
being celebrated by the first com-
posing tourney of Nordisk Post-
sjakk Blad, the Scandinavian cor-
respondence chess magazine. Send
by l.xii.78 to: Roald Berthelsen,
Marknadsvagen 79, S-183 34 Taby,
Win Judge: Alexander Hildebrand.
Fl and in 1979
1. Kg6 Bc3 2. Rc4 Bd2 3. Sg2f Kfl 5th "JUBILEE" TOURNEY
4. Rxc8 Kxg2 5. Rc2 wins. O'r 1. ... OF "E G"
Bf8 2. Re4f Kfl (Kd2; Re8 or Kf2; Unpublished studies (unlimited in
Re8, Bd6; Rd8) 3. Re8 Bd6 4. Rxc8 quantity) are invited to celebrate
Bxf4 5. Rf8 wins. the 50th birthday (in 1979) of the
¥2 J. Fritz founder of The Chess Endgame
Ceskoslovensky Sach, iv.38 Study Circle and of "EG", John
Roycroft, who will be the tourney
judge. It is a formal (closed) tour-
Twin studies are not eligible. The
award will appear in "E G" during
1979 — every competitor will be
sent a copy. Send entries (1 copy
only, but including full solution
and composer's name and address)
by 30.xii.78 to:
J. R. Harman, 20 Oakfield Road,
London N4 4NL, ENGLAND,.
Envelopes must be marked: "ROY-
1. Belt Kb3/i 2. Sd6 Sd7/ii 3. Bxa5 This tourney was suggested by
Sc6f 4. Kc5 Sxa5 5. Kb6 Sc4f/iii Adam Sobey, studies editor of The
6. Sxc4 Bc8 7. Sf2/iv Kxc4 8. Kc7 Problemist. The previous 4 "JUBI-
with a super domination. LEE" tourneys of "E G" were in
i) 1. ... Ka3 2. Sd6 Se7 3. Sxa5 honour of David Joseph, Harold
Sc6f 4. Kc5 Sxa5 5. Kb6 Bg2 6. Lommer, ASSIAC (Heinrich
Sf4. Fraenkel) and Edmund Peckover.
1 ... Ka4 2. Sd6 Se7 3. Bc2f Ka3 Financial contributions towards
4. Sxa5 Sc6f 5. Kc5 Sxa5 6. Kb6 the "ROYCROFT JUBILEE" Prize
Kb2 7. Bf5. Fund should also be sent to Mr
ii) 2. ... Bg2 3. Bxg6 Sc6f 4. Kc5 Harman.
Se5 5. Sf4.
iii) This move illustrates the Ro- Note by AJR: 50 may seem rather
manian theme early to have a jubilee tourney,
iv) 7. Sd2f? Kc3 8. Se4| Kb2. but I'm not complaining! Compo-
7. Sa5f? Kb2. sers wishing to enter for both the
AJR Jubilee and Themes-64 Sene-
As the pages of EG continually ca Memorial Tourneys may like to
show, Dr Fritz is still active. His note that twin studies are not al-
lowed for the former but are wel- ny interesting studies can be com-
comed for the latter. posed.
Note on No. 3182 by D. Joseph. (Note: JRH finds no anticipa
The composer kindly took the tions!)
trouble to phone me with the ex-
planation of how this study ap- Rl A. Herbstman and
peared in Chess Life and Review. V. Korolkov
His brother Nathan lives in Reno, 3rd Prize, Trad, 1935
Nevada. When David composed
this study (on his birthday, as it
happened he was so pleased with
it that he sent it to Nathan. Again
as it happens Pal Renko has a re-
sidence in Reno, and Pal Benko
runs the CL&R column. What more
natural than that Nathan should
show the study to Benko? And
certainly understandable that
Benko should publish it.
JRH finds a couple of anticipa-
tions: Vandiest (1965, Volksgazet) Draw 5+4
- wKc4, wQa2, wSg5; bKg8, bQg7.
1 Kb5f Kh8 2. Qa8-al-hl-d5-d8- Rl: 1. Rh7f Kf8 2. Rh8f Kxf7 3.
d4-h4-c4-c8-c3-h3_c8-c4-h4-h7. e6f/i Kxe6 4. Ke4 Se5 5. d4 Rc4 6.
And Troitzky (1923), No. 1764 in Rh6t Bxh6 stalemate.
Cheron III. AJR i) 3. Ke4? Se5 4. Kxf4 Sg6f.


By Jan Rusinek, Warsaw Peckover Jubilee Tourney, '76
Where the maintheme is a simple
stalemate it is almost impossible to
achieve originality. However, it
appears that elegant stalemate po-
sitions which are new but more
complicated can be constructed. I
should like to present 4 examples
where play ends with stalemate
by mid-board pinning. Since the
stalemate is central to the study
we try to make the stalemate mo-
del and without useless Ps. In Rl
the pinned man is a P. Draw 5+4
Lately this theme interested me.
Let me introduce 3 efforts in R2: 1. Sf2t/i Kgl 2. Sh3t/ii Kfl 3.
which the pinned piece will be, d4 iii Bxd4 4. Bd6 Rxd6 5. b8Q
respectively, S, B and R. (See R2, Be5f 6. Sf4 Rg6f 7. Kh3 Rh6f 8.
R3 and R4.). Kg3 Bxb8 stalemate.
As we can observe there are 4 i) 1. Bd6? Rxd6 2. b8Q Be5f wins,
quite distinct stalemate positions or here 2. Sf2f Kgl 3. Sh3f Kfl 4.
constructed using the same Bl pie- b8Q and wPd2 prevents the main
ces: bR-fbB + bS. This suggests line stalemate.
that there remain many possibili- ii) 2. d4? Bxd4 3. Sh3f Khl wins,
ties to be discovered, and that ma- iii) This is for the stalemate.

Version of study in Szachy
(x.77) Gregorio J. Lastra (-1978). For
many years a prominent persona-
lity, official and magazine editor
in Argentina and Uruguay. We ex-
changed magazines with great re-
D, J. Morgan (1894-14.V.78). Welsh
schoolteacher, past President of
the British Chess Problem Society,
know to a wide audience for many
years as the omniscient compiler
of a 'Quotes and Queries' section
of BCM, often quoting from EG.
Draw 6+4 He died on his birthday.
R3 1. Sb2f Kxa3 (Kb3;Bc4f) 2. Alfred G. Sharp (1902-14.iv.78).
Sc4f Sxc4 3. c8Q (Bxc4? Rc5;) 3. Specialist in tracking down rare
... Sxd2f 4. Kcl Sb3f 5. Kc2 Rc5f chess books. EG subscriver from
6. Bc4 Be4f 7. Kc3 Rxc8 stalemate. early days.
R4 J. Rusinek
The Problemist, 1977


No. 3219 L. Mitrofanov
and E. Pogosjants
Kazantsev Jubilee Tourney,

Draw 3+4
R4. 1. f7 Kb5/i 2. Ke8/ii Relf 3.
Kd7 Sc5f 4. Kc8 Ral 5. f8Q Ra8f
6. Kc7 Bg3f 7. Rd6f Rxf8/iii sta-
i) 1. ... Kc6 2. Rc8f Kd7 3. Kd8f
Kc7 4. Rd7f Kc6 5 Ke8 draw. Win 3+6
ii) 2. Ke7? Bh4f wins. 2. Rb8f?
Kc4 3. Ke8 Relf 4. Kd7 Sc5f 5.
Kc8 Se6. No. 3219: L. Mitrofanov and E. Po-
iii) 7. ... Se6f 8. Kb7 Sxf8 9. Rb6f gosjants. 1. a7 Be4/i 2. Sxe4 dlQ 3.
Kc5 10. Kxa8 Kxb6 stalemate. Sd2 (a8Qf? Qd8) 3. ... Kh7/ii 4.
a8Q Kh6 5. Qh8f Kg5 6. Qe5f Kh4
7. Qh2f Kg5 8. Se4| Kf5 9. Sd6f
Kg5 10. Qe5f Kh4 11. Sf5f Kh3
(Kg5; Se3f) 12. Qh8f Kg2 13. Se3f
and 14. Sxdl.
i) 1. ... dlQ 2. a8Qf Kh7 3. Qg8f
Kh6 4. Sxf5f Kh5 5. Qg6 mate,
ii) 3. ... Qb3 (f3, fIf)? and not 3. ...
Qxd2 4. a8Qf.
No. 3220 G. A. Nadarelshvlli No. 3222 S. Sakharov
Prize, Prize,
Kazantsev Jubilee Tourney, Kazantsev Jubilee Tourney,
1975 1975

Draw 4+5 Win 7+6

No. 3220: G. A. Nadareishvili. 1. No. 3222: S. Sakharov. 1. b7f Kxb7
f8Sf Bxf8/i 2. efSt/ii Rxf8 3 Rhl /i 2. a6t Ka7 3. Rxf7f Kxa6/ii 4.
Rg8f 4. Kf6 Rg6f 5. Kf7 Rh6 o. Ra4f Kb5 5 Sxc3t Rxc3f 6. Kxc3
Rgl Rg6/iii 7. Rhl Rh6 8. Rgl, Kxa4 7. Kc4 Ra5 (else wRa7f) 8.
positional draw. Rf3/iii Be7 9. Ra3f Bxa3 10. b3
i) 1. ... Kg8 2. e8Q Bf6| 3. Kh6 mate.
Sg4f 4. Kh5. i) 1. ... Ka7 2. b8Qt Kxb8 3. Rh8t,
ii) 2. efQ? Sf3f and 3. ... Rh4 mate. 4. Rxf7t, and 5. Sxg3.
iii) 6. ... Sg2 any 7. Rg7f Kh8 8. ii) 3. ... Kb6 4. Rb4f Kc5 5. Sxg3
Rg8f Kh7 9. Rg7f. Kxb4 6. a7 Ra5 7. b c | Ka4 8. Rf5.
JRH: Nearest is Kalandadze iii) 8. Rfl? Rc5t 9. Kxc5 Kb3.
(1971), No. 1473 in EG 27.
No. 3221 E. Pogosjants No. 3223 A. G. Kopnin
Prize, Prize,
Kazantsev Jubilee Tourney, Kazantsev Jubilee Tourney,
1975 1975

Win 4+3 Draw 8+6

No. 3221: E. Pogosjants. 1. f6 Rg8 No. 3223: A. G. Kopnin. 1. f7f/i Kf8
2. fe Rxg7f 3. Kh3 Rh7f (Rxe7; 2. Rxc5 Rxc5t/ii 3 Kh3 Rh5f 4.
Ralf) 4. Kg3 Rg7f 5. Kf2 (Rxe7; Kg4 Rh6 5. Kg5 Re6 6. Kf5 Re5f
Rh4 mate) 5. ... Rf7f 6. Rf4 Rxf4| (to escape repetition) 7. Kf4 Rd5f
7. Ke3 wins. 8. Ke3 Bc5t/iii 9. Kf4 Rd4f 10. Ke3
JRH: Cf. Jonsson (1966) in Stella Rc4f 11. Kd3 Rcl 12. Kd2 Rc4 13.
Polaris. wKf3, wRc4, wSh6, wPe6, Kd3 Rd4f (again, against a repe-
d6; bKhl, bRh7, g7, bBf8. 1. c7 tition threat) 14. Ke3 Rd5t 15. Kf4
Bxe7 2. de Rf7f 3. Sxf7 Rxf7f 4. Bd6t 16. Ke3 Re5f 17. Kf4 Re6f 18.
Kg3 Rg7t 5. Kf2 Rf7| 6. Rf4. Kf5 Rh6 19. Kg5.
i) 1. Rxc5? Bxc5 2. Kf4 bSc6 3. No. 3225 L. Katsnelson
Sc7t Kf7. Hon. Mention
Kazantsev Jubilee Tourney,
ii) 2. ... Bxc5 3. Kf4 Rh5 4. Kg4 1975
Re5 5. Kf4 bSc6 6. Bxc6 Sxc6 7.
Sb6 Kxf7 8. a7 Be3f 9. Kf3 Sd4f
10. Kg4 Rg5f 11. Kh3 and Bl has
only a perpetual check.
iii) 8. ... Rdl 9. Ke2 Rd4 10. Ke3,
the typical repetition.

No. 3224 A. Frolovsky

Kazantsev Jubilee Tourney, Win 5-J-6
No. 3225: L. Katsnelson. 1. Rb8f
Ka4 2. Kxc2 g2 3 Kbl glQf 4. Ka2
Qh2 5. d5 e4 6. d6 ed 7. g5 d5 8.
Rb7 e3 9. g6 d4 10. g7 Qg2 11. Rb8
(b6) d3 12. Rb6 (b8) d2 13. b3
mate, or 9. ... Qc2 10. g7 e2 11. g8Q
elQ 12. Qg4f.

No. 3226 V. Kozirev

Hon. Men..
Kazantsev Jubilee 'Tourney,

No. 3224: A. Frolovsky. 1. Rb8/i

Bd6f 2. Kd5 Bxa3 3. Bc6 dcf/ii 4.
Kxc6 Bc5 5. b3/iii Bb6/iv 6. b4/v
Be3 7. Rb5 Bb6 8. Ra5f/vi Bxa5 9.
b5 mate.
i) Else 1. ... Bd6f, 2. ... Bxa3, and
3. ... c6.
ii) 3. ... Ka5 4. Rb5f Ka6 5. b4
Bxb4 6. Rxb4 Ka5 7. Rb5f Ka4 8.
Rbl dcf 9. Kc4 Ka5 10. Kc5 Ka6
11. Kxc6. Win 7+4
iiij 5. b4? Bb6 and W is in Zug-
zwang. No. 3226: V. Kozirev. l.Sf8Rxf8 2.
iv) Indeed, a position of reciprocal b6 Sd8f 3. Kd7 Sb7 4. c8Qf Rxc8
Zugzwang. 5. Kxc8 b3 6. h6 b2 7. h7 blQ
v) Now Bl suffers the Zugzwang. 8 h8R (h8Q? Qhl;) Qb2 9. Rg8
vi) Otherwise, 8. ... Ra8. Qb3 10. Rf8 Sd8 IT. Rxd8 Qf7 12.
This and No. 3222 are 'after' a c6.
famous Kazantsev (1953) study, JRH: Cf Kalandadze (1967) No.
but JRH also finds Gorgiev (I960), 389 in EG10, but Kasparyan
No. 88 in Studies of the Ukraine, (1936), No. 26 in his collection, is
and Kovalenko (1966), No. 708 in earliest. Asaba has also explored
EG14, and Sarychev (1973), No. this territory — see No. 94-98 in
2270 in EG39. Mironov book.

No. 3227 U Mitrofanov No. 3229 E. Pogosjants
and A. Gubanov Hon. Men..
Hon. Men.. Kazantsev Jubilee Tourney,
Kazantsev Jubilee Tourney, 1975

Draw 3+4
Win 4+4
i) 1. Kb2? Ba3f 2. Kxa3 ba 3. Rb4f
No. 3227: L. Mitrofanov and A. Ka6 4. Ra4f Kb5 5. Kb2 Kxa4 6.
Gubanov. 1. Kd5 Kc7 2 a7 Kb7 3. Kxa2 clR.
a8Qt Kxa8 4. Kc6 alQ 5. Kc7 Sb3
6. Kb6. BFs 5th move nullifies both
bQ defences: ... bQxb2f. and ... No. 3230 L. Silaev
bQa2. Hon. Men.,
Kazantsev Jubilee Tourney,

No. 3228 Y. Peipan

Hon. Men..
Kazantsev Jubilee 'Tourney,

Draw 3+4
No 3230: L. Silaev. 1. Sc6 h2 2. Sg4
hlQ 3. Sf6f Kf8 4. Sh7f Kg8 5
Se7f Kh8 6. Sg5 Qg2 7. Kh6 Qf 1 8.
3-f2 Kg6 Qblf 9. Kf 7 Qa2| 10. Kg6 Qa6f
No. 3228: Y. Peipan 1. Be2 h5 2. 11. Kf7 Qflt 12. Kg6 Qa6f 13. Kf7
Bfl h4 3. Bg2 Kf5 4. Kg7 Kg5 5. Qflf 14. Kg6 Qg2 15. Kh6, posi-
Kh7 Kh5 6. Kh8 Kh6 7. f4. tional draw.
JRH: A similar draw is developed
by Wojcik (1961), No. 277 in La-
No. 3229: E Pogosjants. 1. Bbl/i fora's book.
clQ 2. Rd7f Kc8 3. Rd8f Kb7 4.
Rd7f Kb6 5. Rb7t Kc5 6. Rc7f Kb4
7. Rb7f Ka3 8. Ra7t Kb4 9. Rb7f No. 3231: A. P. Kazantsev 1. d7
Kc4 10. Rc7| Kd5 11. Rd7f Bd6 Bg5 2. d8S Bxd8/i 3. cdS Ba4 4.
12. Rxd6| Ke5 13. Rd5f Ke6 14. h7 Be8f 5. Kh6 Rg6f 6. Kh5 Kc3
Rd6t Ke5 15. Rd5f Kf4 16. Rd4f 7. Sf7 Bxf7 8 h8S Rf6f 9. Sxf7
Ke3 17. Rd3f Ke2 18. Rxb3. Rxf7 10. g5 Kxd4 11. g6 Rfl 12. g7
No. 3231 A. P. Kazantsev i) 6. Ka3?Rel 7. Sxg2 Rgl 8. Sh4
64, xii.76, dedicated to the
participants in the tourney Rg3f wins.
ii) 8. Kc5? Kdl 9. Kd4 Ke2 10. Ke4
Kf2 11. Kf5 Kg3 12. Sxg2 Rxg2.
iii) 8. ... Kc2 9. g5 Rel 10. Sxg2
Re2 11. Sh4 Re4f 12. Kd5 Rxh4 13.

No. 3233 R. Vinokur

Kazantsev Jubilee Ty, 1976

Draw 7+4
Rgl 13. Kh6 Ke5 14. Kh7 Kf6 15.
i) 2. ... Ba4 3. Sc6 Bxc6 4. c8Q Rxc8
5. Kxg5 Bb5 6. d5 Bxd3 7. Kf6 Rg8
8. d6 Rg6f 9. Ke7.
There were 144 studies for this
'70th birthday' jubilee tourney.
The judge was Kazantsev himself, Win
who chose not to rank the studies 3+5
in the award beyond grouping No. 3233: R. Vinokur (Moscow). 1.
them by prizes, honourable men- g7 h2 2 g8Q hlQ 3. Qa2 Qe4 4.
tions and commendeds. Qblt Qelf 5. Qxelf Sxelf 6. a5 e4
JRH traces the S-promotion to 7. a6 e3 8. a7 e2 9. a8Q Sf3 10. Kxf3
Cozio (inRueb(S) IV, p. 60), but
the approach is new. elQ 11. Qg8f Qg3f 12. Qxg3f.

No. 3232 E. Asaba No. 3234 S. Sakharov

Commended, Commended,
Kazantsev Jubilee Ty, 1976 Kazantsev Jubilee Ty, 1976
'64', iii.77

Win 7+3
Draw 4+3
No. 3234: S. Sakharov. 1. h7 Rh8 2.
No. 3232: E. Asaba. 1. Bc7 g2 2. f8S Rxf8 3. f7 Rh8 4. f8S Rxf8 5,
Bh2 Rbl 3. Sg6 Rhl 4. Bgl Rxgl Sd7 Rh8 6. Sf6 Kxe3 7. a6 Kf4 8.
5. Sh4 Kal 6 Ka5/i Kbl 7. Kb5 a7 Ke5/i 9. a8Q Rxa8 10. Sg8.
Kcl 8. Kc4/ii* Kdl/iii 9. Kd3 Kel i) 8. ... Kg5 9. Sd7 Kg6 10. Kgl(g2)
10. Ke3 Kfl 11. Sf3 Rhl 12. Sd2f Ra8 11. h8Q Rxh8 12. Sb8, a sym-
Kel 13. Sf3f draws. metrical variation to the main line.

JRH: Cf. Lazard (1911), No. 538 in No. 3236: V. Razumenko and L. A.
1234' for the last phase, and Sal- Mitrofanov. 1. Qd3 blQ/i 2. Qh3t
kind, No. 2420 in '2500', for the Kg6 3. Bd8 hlQ 4. Qg4f Kf 7 5. Qg8
same idea preceded by underpro- mate.
motion to avoid mate and an un- i) 1. ... e4 2. Qh3f Kg6 3. Qe6 Qfl
derpromotion to avoid stalemate. 4. Bd8t Kh5 5. Kxh7 mates.
No. 3237 V. Samilo
No. 3235 V. S. Kovalenko Kazantsev Jubilee Ty, 1976
Kazantsev Jubilee Ty, 1976

Win 34-6
Draw 6+6 No. 3237: V. Samilo (Kharkov). 1.
Rh7 Rxa7/i 2. Kc7 a5 3. Kb8 Ra6/
No. 3235: V. S Kovalenko. 1. Sflt ii 4. Kxb7 wins.
Ke2 2. Sxh2 h4f 3. Kg2 Self 4. i) Castling not allowed, because
Bxel Bd5f 5. Sf3 Bxf3f 6. Kgl either bK or bR moved to create
Bc5f 7. d4 Bxd4f 8. Kh2 Be5f 9. the diagram.
Kgl Kxel 10. Sg5 and draws by ii) 3. ... Kd8 4. Rh8f Ke7 5. Kxa7
Sf3f (for stalemate) if Bl does not Kd6 6. Kxb6.
himself take the perpetual check No. 3238 R. Tavariani
by 10. ... Bd4| 11. Kh2 Be5f. Kazantsev Jubilee Ty, 1976
JRH: The final phase is known, Commended,
e.g. from Gulaev (1929), No. 434 in

No. 3236 V. Razumenko

and L. A. Mitrofabov
Kazantsev Jubilee Ty, 1976

Win 4+6
No. 3238: R. Tavariani. 1. Ra7t Kd8
/i 2. Ke5 Kc8/ii 3. Kd6 Kb8 4. Rg7
f2 5. Kc6 f 1Q 6 Rg8f Ka7 7. abf.
i) 1. ... Kc8 2. Kd3 e5 3. Rf7 e4f
4. Kc3 h4 5. ab h3 6. a5 h2 7. a6
hlQ 8. b7f.
ii) 2. ... b2 3. Kd6 Kc8 4. Kc6 Kb8
5. Rb7| Ka8 6. Kc7 blQ 7. Rb8f
Win 34-6 Ka7 8. abt Qxb6f 9. Rxb6 wins.

No. 3239 D. Gurgenldze and iii) 2. R7xf2? Rblf 3. Ka8 alQt 4.
V. Kalandadze
1st Prize, Ra2 Qg7.
Olympic Tourney, 1976 iv) 3. hRxf2? Rblf 4. Kc7 alQ 5.
Award: brochure vli.77 R2f5f Kd4 6. Rf4f Kc3 7. Rf3f Kb4
8. Rf4f Ka5.
v) 4. Ka6? alQt 5. Ra2 Qc3 fl.
hRe2f Kd5 7. aRd2f/x Kc6 8. Rc2
vi) 6. aRe2f? Kd6 7. Rd2f Kc7.
vii) 6. hRe2f? Kf4 7. Rf2f Kg3 8.
Rg2f Kf3.
viii) 2. Kc7 Rclf 3. Kb6 alQ 4.
Re2f Kd8 5. Rd2f Kc8.
ix) 6. ... Kc6? 7. Ra6f Rb6 8. Rxb6f
Kxb6 9. Rd6f.
6. ... Kb6 7. Rb7 Kc6 8. Rc2f Kd5
Draw 3+4 9. Rd2f Kc4 10. Rxbl Qf8f 11. Kb7
Qf3f 12. Kc7 Qf7| 13 Rd7.
x) 7. eRd2f Ke4 8. Re2f Kd3.
"A rare example of excellent tech-
nique, illustrating a non-descript
No. 3239: D. Gurgenidze and V. idea. Classical construction. An
Kalandadze. There were 52 entries impressive thematic try (1.
by 34 composers from 14 countries R8xf2?), a good and surprising
(nearly 40% from Eastern Europe) key, rich geometrical play (on the
in this section, judged by Hillel 2nd rank, and al-h8 diagonal), two
Aloni and Milu Milescu. Mr. Har- amazing harmonious variations (5.
man was consulted for anticipa- ... Qc3; and 5. ... Qd4;), an accura-
tions. 30 entries were eliminated cy rarely seen, and all this in a
for serious shortcomings. In the miniature. A perfect work of art."
(provisional) award the judges
comment on the quantitative as-
sessment controversy that "we are
of the opinion that a . . . way for
a reasonable quantitative assess- No. 3240 O. Komai
ment may be found, at least for 2nd Prize,
technical executions in certain Olympic Tourney, 1976
compositions, although we have to
reject such efforts in respect of ...
art and aesthetics ..."
1. Rf7f/i Ke6/ii 2. Rf6f/iii Ke5 3
R6xf2/iv Rblf 4. Ka8/v alQf 5.
Ra2 and two lines: 5 ... Qc3 6.
hRe2f/vi Kd6 7. eRd2f Ke5 8. Re2f
Kf4 9. Rf2f Ke3 10. aRe2f, and 5.
... Qd4 6. aRe2f/vii Kf5 7. eRf2f
Ke6 8. Re2f Kf5 9 eRf2f Kg4 10.
i) l. R8xf2? Rblf 2. Ka8/viii alQt
3. Ra2 Qf6 (Qd4? Qc3? main line) Win
4. hRe2f Kd8 5. eRd2f Kc7 6. Ra7f
Kc8/ix 7. Rc2f Kd8 8. Rd2f Ke8 9.
Re2f Kf8 10. Rf2 Rb8f (Qxf2? No. 3240: O. Komai. 1. Kg2/i h6/ii
Rf7|) 11. Kxb8 Qxf2 wins. 2. Kgl/iii Kh3/iv 3. Kf2 (Bg2f?
ii) 1. ... Kxf7? 2. Rxf2f Ke6 3. Ka6. Kg3) 3. ... h5 4. Bg2f/v Kh4 5.
1. ... Kd6? 2. Rh6f Ke5 3. Ra6 Rblf Ke2/vi Kg3 6. Bf 1 h4/vii 7. Ke3 h3
4. Kc6. 1. ...Ke8?2. Rf8f. 8. Bxh3 Kxh3 9. Kd4 Kg3 10. Ke5.

i) 1. Ke2? Kg3 2. Ke3 h5/viii 3. No. 3241: Y. Hoch. 1 ... Sg5/i 2.
Kd4 Kxf4 4. Kd5 Kg3 5. Ke5 Kh2 Rxg5 ba 3. e5/ii de 4. Rf5f Kgl/iii
6. Kxf5 Kxhl 7. Kg5 Kg2 8. f4 Kg3. 5. Rxe5/iv h6/v 6. Ka3 Kf2 7. Rf5t
1 Kf2? h5 2. Kgl (Ke3, Kg3;)/ix Ke2 (Kg3; Rf8) 8 Re5t Kd2 9.
2. ... Kg3 3. Bg2 h4 4. Bhl h3. 1. Rd5t Kc2 10. Rc5f Kbl 11. Rd5/vi
Bg2? Kg3 2. Kgl h6/x 3. Kfl h5 glQ 12. Rdlf Qxdl stalemate,
4. Kgl h4 1. Kgl? Kg3 2. Bg2 h6. i) 1. ... glQ 2. Rxglt Kxgl 3. a6.
ii) 1. ... h*5 2. Kf2 Kh3 3. Kgl Kg3, 1 ... ba 2. Rxf7t Ke2 3. Rg7 Kf2 4.
as in (i. 1. Kf2). Rf7f Kg3? 5. Rxh7.
iii) 2. Kh2? h5 3 Kgl Kg3. 2. Kf2? ii) 3. Rf5t? Ke2 (Kgl? Rxa5) 4.
h5. 2. Kfl? Kg3. Rg5 Kf2 5. e5/vii de 6. Rf5f Kg3 7.
iv) 2. ... Kg3 3. Bg2 h5 4. Kfl b4 Rxe5 h6/viii 8. Rel Kf2 9. Rbl
5. Kgl. glQ.
v) 4. Kfl? Kh2 5. Bg2 Kg3. iii) 4. ... Ke2 5. Rxe5f Kf2 6. Rfof
vi) 5. Ke3? Kg3 6. Bfl h4 7. Ke2 Kg3 7. h6.
h3. 5 Kel (gl)? Kg3 6. Kfl Kh4. iv) 5. h6? e4 6 Kb2 e3 7. Kc2 Kh2
vii) 6. ... Kh4 7. Ke3 8. Bd3. 8. Rh5f Kg3 9. Rg5f Kf3 10. Kd3
viii) 2. ... Kh2? 3. Kd4 Kxhl 4. a4 11. Rf5f Kg4 12. Rf8 Kh3 13.
Ke5 Kg2 5. Kxf5 h5 (Kxf3?; Ke5, Rg8 a3.
h5; f5) 6. Kg5 Kg3 7. f5 h4 8. f6 h3 v) 5. ... Khl 6. Relt glQ 7. Rxglf
9. f7 h2 10. f8Q hlQ 11. Qd6f Kf2 Kxgl 8. h6.
12. f4. vi) 11. Rb5f also, 11. ... Kal :2.
ix) 2 Kfl Kh3/xi 3. Kgl Kg3. Rd5.
x) 2. ... h5? 3. Kfl h4/xii 4. Kgl vii) 5. Rf5f Kg3 6. Rg5f Kh2 and
h3 5. Bhl. ... glQ.
xi) 2. Kg3? 3. Kgl h4 4. Bg2 h3 5. viii) 7. ... glQ? 8. Rg5f Kf2 9. Rxgl
Bhl h2t 6. Kfl. Kxgl 10. h6.
xii) 3. ... Kh4, see (vii) 3. ... "The play until the final stalemate
Kh2? 4. Kf2 h4 5. Bfl h3 6. Bd3 (starting with 7. Rf5t) is not new,
Khl 7. Kg3 h2 8. Bfl. but here the author introduces a
"W is a full piece up, and his vic- surprising counter-option for Bl
tory appears to be a matter of (5. ... h6; and in this connection
technique only; it is difficult to the try 3. Rf5f? too) which ap-
believe that only a fine triangular pears to widen the possibilities at
manoeuvre of wK assures victory. his disposal. On the other hand,
A highly practical and artful end- W's reply (6. Ka3!) does not sur-
game." prise us less. It is to be regretted
that no key could be found for W,
even if the sacrifice 1. ... Sg5 can
be considered valuable."
No. 3241 Y. Hoch No. 3242 V. Baja
3rd Prize, 1. H.M.,
Olympic Tourney, 1976 Olympic Tourney, 1976

Black to Move, Draw 5+6 Win 10+8

No. 3242: V. Baja (USA). 1. d6 ed/ Bxe3) 4. Bd2 Bxf4 5. Bxf4 elQ 6.
i 2. Re8f/ii Kh7 3. Sd5/iii Qxc6/iv b8Q.
4. Rxh6f gh/v 5. Rg8 Qd7f 6. Kh2 iii) 3. b8Q? elQt 4. Kxf8 Qb4f 5
Qe6 7. Re8 Qg6 8. a5/vi f5 (Qg7; Qxb4 Bxb4f 6. Kf7 Kh7.
c3) 9. SL6 f4 10. Rg8/vii Qe6 11. a7 iv) 5. ... Kh7 6. Qc7f Kg6 7. Qf7f
/viii Kxg8 12 a8Qf. Kh6 8. Qg7f Kh5 9. Qg5 mate. 5.
i) 1. ... Qb6 2. Sd5 Qgl 3. de Qhlf ... Qgl 6. Qe5f Kh7 7. Qh5 mate.
4. Kg3 Qglf 5. Kf3 Qhlf 6. Ke2 5. ... Qe6 6. Qb2f.
Qh2f 7. Kdl Qxe5 8. c7 Qd4f 9. v) 7. Qf5f? Kh6 8. Kf7 Qg3.
Ke2 Qxe4f 11. Se3. 1. ... Qc8f 2. d7 "The idea of the surprising quiet
Qd8 3. Rd5. move in an endgame of Qs is not
ii) 2. Sd5? Qc8f and ... Kh7. new, but here bQ remains power-
iii) 3. Rxh6f? Kxh6 4. Sd5 Qa7 5. less during 3 consecutive moves.
c7 Qf2. Very instructive!"
iv) 3. ... Qa7 4. c7 Qgl 5. Rxh6f
Kxh6 6. c8Q
v) 4. ... Kxh6 5. Rh8f and 6. Se7t, No. 3244 J. S elm an and
vi) 8. c3? f5 9. a5 f4 10. Rg8 Qf7 J. Marwitz
11. Re8 Qg6. 3. H.M.,
Olympic Tourney, 1976
vii) 10. Re7f? Kg8 11. Sxf4 Qf6.
viii) 11. c3? f3 12. a7 12 13. RhSf
"Rich imaginative play of R+S vs.
Q (5. Rg8! sacrifice to bK. 7. Rc8!
sacrifice to bQ; 10. Rg8! sacrifice
to the royal family). The clumsy
construction is to be regretted, ap-
pearing to be taken out of the
world of ... practical struggle."

No. 3243 J. Hoch Draw 4+5

2. H.M.,
Olympic Tourney, 1976
No. 3244: J. Selman (France) and
J. Marwitz (Netherlands). 1. d6
Bf5 2. Kxf5 Sxd6f 3. Sxd6 c3 4.
Kg6 (Kf6? Sg3) 4. ... Sg3/i 5. Sb5/
ii c2 6. Sd4 clQ 7. Sf3f Kg4 8. Se5|
Kh4 9. Sf3f.
i) 4. ... c2 5. Sf5f Kg4 6. Se3f.
ii) 5. Sc4? c2 6. Se5/iii Se2 7. Sd3
Sf4f 8. Sxf4 clQ 9. g3f Kg4
iii) 6. Sd2 Kg4 7. Sb3 Kf4 8. Kf6
Ke4 9. Kg5 Se2.
"Bl sacrifices 2 pieces (and a 3rd
Win 4+4 in the try 5. Sc4?) in order to
enable an aimless (?) promotion.
A solid theme well executed."
No. 3243: J. Hoch. 1. b7 Ba5f 2. Ke8
/ i e2/ii 3. Bd2/iii Bxd2 4. b8Q
elQt 5. Kxf8 Bxf4/iv 6. Qxf4 Kh7
7. Kf 7/v wins.
i) 2. Ke7? Bb4f 3. Kf7 e2 4. Bd2
Bd6 5. f5 Kh7 6. Bb4 Sd7.
ii) 2. ... Bc7 3. Kxf8 e2 (Bxf4;

No. 3245 L,. Evans No. 3246: G. Telbis (Romania). 1.
1. Comm., Rc5f Kd2/i 2. Rd5f Ke3 (Kc2;
Olympic Tourney, 1976
Re5) 3. Rd3f/ii Kf2/iii 4. Rxf3f/iv
Kgl 5. Rg3f/v Khl/vi 6. Rglf
Kxgl 7. Sd4 elQ 8. Sf3f.
i) 1. ... Kb3 2. Re5 Sxe5 3. Sd4f
Kc4 4. Sxe2 h5 5. Kh6. 1. ... Kb4
2. Sf4 Kxc5 3. Sxe2 h5 4. h4
ii) 3. Sd4? Sxd4 4. Re5f Kf4 5
Rxe2 Sxe2 6. Kxh6 Kf5 7. h4 Sf4
8 h5 Kf6 9. Kh7 Kf7 or 8. Kg7?
Sh5f 9. Kh6 Kg4.
iii) 3. ... Ke4 4. Sc5f Kf4 5. Ra3
(b3) Sf2 6. Se6f Ke4 7. Sc5f Kd4
8. Se6f.
Draw 3+4 iv) 4. Rd2? Sxd2 5. Se4 elS.
v) 5. Re3? Sxe3 6. Sd4 Sf5f.
No. 3245: L. Evans (USA). 1. h7/i vi) 5. ... Kh2 6. Sd4.
Bg7 2. Kd3/ii Kg3 3. Bd4 f2/iii 4. "An interesting pursuit, in stages,
Bxg7 flQ 5 Kd(c)2 Qg2| 6. Kd3/iv of wR (c5 d5-d3; f3, g3-gl). The
Qe4f 7. Kd2 Qd5t 8. Kc2 Qc6f 9. dual (5. Rb3) in the 3. ... Ke4 va-
Bc3 Qe4f 10. Kd2 Qg2f 11. Kd3. riation prevented a higher classi-
i) 1. Kd3? Bxh6 (Kg3? main line) fication."
2. Bxh6 Kg3/v 3 Be3 Kg2 4. Kd4
f4. 1. Kd2? Kg3 2. Kel Kg2 3. h7 No. 3247 V. Melnichenko
Bg7 4. Bc5 Bc3|. 3. Comm.,
Olympic Tourney, 1976
ii) 2. Bel? f2 3 Bb2 flQ 4. Bxg7
Qg2| and Qh3 (hl)f. 2. Bf2? Kh3
3. Kd3 Kg2 4. Bd4 f2 5. Bxg7 flQt
6. Kd2 Qf4t 7. Kd3 Qg3f wins
iii) 3. ... Bxd4 4. Kxd4 f2 5. h8Q
flQ 6. Qg8f.
iv) 6. Kc3? Qc6f and Qb7 (d7)f.
v) 2. ... f4? 3. Bf8 Kg3 4. Bc5 Kg2
5. Ke4.
" . . . a theme that always remains
attractive: an undefended P on the
threshold of promotion, against a
Q unable to capture. Final position
is instructive." Draw 9+7
No. 3247: V. Melnichenko (New
No. 3246 G. Telbis Zealand). 1 h7/i Bg7 2. e7/ii Rxb6
2. Comm., 3. g4f/iii Kf6 4. e8S| Kf7 5. Sxg7
Olympic Tourney, 1976 Kxg7/iv 6. cd/v Re6f 7. Kd3 Rf6
8. Ke3 draws/vi.
i) 1 g4f? Kg6/vii and Bl wins.
ii) 2. g4f? Kg6 3. e7 d3f 4. Kxd3
iii) 3. e8Q? Re6f 4. Qxe6f Kxe6 5.
cd Bxd4.
iv) 5. ... d3f 6. cd Kxg7 7. d4.
v) 6. h8Qf "only lengthening".
vi) 8. ... Rc6 9. Kd3 (d2) Rh6 10.
f3 (Ke3) Rh2 10. c3.
vii) 1. ... Kxe6? 2. h7 Bg7 3. Bxd4
Bxd4 4. cd main line. 1. ... Kxg4?
Draw 4+5 2. h7 Bg7 3. e7 Ra8 4. Bd8.

"The position of the 'suppressor' for an elegant final position. Of
(?) of K and Ps against K and R special interest is the motivation
does not present anything new. for moves".
However, the thematic try 1. g4t?
adds a special touch." No. 3249 V. Kivi (i.74)
2nd Prize,
Tidskrift for Schack, 1974
No. 3248 J. Rusinek (xii.74)
1st Prize,
Tidskrift for Schack, 1974
Award: v.75 a n d xii.75

Draw 4+5
No. 3249: V. Kivi. 1. Kc7 Bh2f 2.
Win 8-1-9
f4 Bxf4f 3. Kc8 Ka6 4 Sb2/i dlQ
5. Sxdl e2 6. Rf6| Ka5 7. Rf5f Kb6
No. 3248: J. Rusinek. Judge: Chris- 8. Rf6f Bd6 (Kc5;Sd2) 9. Re6/ii
ter Jonsson. This is the final, not edR/iii 10. Rxh6 Kc6 11. Rh7 Ral
provisional, award. There were 33 12. Rc7| Bxc7 stalemate.
studies. 1. f4f Kh6/i 2. Bf8/ii alQ i) With the threat 5 Sc4. If in
3. Qxal Qc8/iii 4. Qa6/iv Qc3f 5. reply 4. ... Kb6 5. Kd7 dlQt 6.
Qd3 Qc8/v 6. Qc4 Qxf8 7. Qxe6f Sxdl e2 7. Sb2 elQ 8. Sc4f Ka6
Rg6 8. g5f Kg7 9. h6f Rxh6 10. gh 9. Ra5f Qxa5 10. Sxa5 Kxa5 11.
mate Ke6 h5 12. Kf5 Bd2 13. Ke4, or in
i) 1. "... Kf6 2. e5f Kf7 3. Qxd7f. this, 10 ... h5 11. Sc6 h4 12. Sd4
ii) So that if 2, ... Qxa7 3. Kh4 h3 13. Sf3.
Qe7f 4. g5t mates. And if 2. ... Qd8 ii) 9. Rxd6f? Kc5 will win.
3. Bxg7f Bxg7 4. g5f Qxg5f 5. fgf iii) 9. ... edQ 10. Rxd6f Qxd6 sta-
Kxg5 6. Qxg7f Kxh5 7. Qg4| Kh6 lemate.
8. Kh4 alQ 9. Qg5. No. 3250 E. Dobrescu (xii.74)
iii) The best, meeting 4. Kh4? with 3rd Prize,
4. ... Qxf8. There is also the threat Tidskrift for Schack, 1974
of 4. ... Qc3f 5 Kh4 Qelf. Note
that 3. ... Qc7 would meet 4. Kh4?
with 4. ... Qxf4, but W has 4. Qdl
and 5. g5f. There is a quick mate
after 3. ... Qf7 4. g5f Kxh5 5. Qhlf.
iva A sacrifice, to cater for both 4.
... Qxa6 5. Kh4, and 4. ... Qxf8 5.
v) 5. ... Qxd3f 6. Kh4 5. ... Q e l |
6. Kg2 b2 7. Qf3 Qh4 8. g5f Qxg5f
9. fgf Kxg5 10. Bxg7 (blQ; Bxh8)
10. ... 11. Qe3f K- 12. Q-2f and 13.
Qxb2. 5. ... b2 6. Qxc3 blQ 7. Qf3 Win 7+4
Qel(gl) 8. Kh3. The text move
will answer 6. Qa6? with 6 ... No. 3250: E. Dobrescu. 1 Kel/i
Qc3f. Rxe2f 2. Kdl Rd2f 3. Kcl Rc2f 4.
"3 quiet wQ offers prepare the way Kbl Rb2f 5. Kal bRg2 6. Rb7 Ra2f

7. Kbl aRg2 8. Rc7 Rb2f 9. Kcl No. 3252 A. Kakovin and
A!. P. Kuznetsov (iii-iv.74)
bRg2 10. Rd7 Rc2f 11. Kdl cRg2 Tidskrift for Schack, 1974
12. Re7 Rd2| 13. Kel dRg2 14. Rxf7 5th Prize
Re2f 15. Kfl eRg2 16. Rg7 Rf2f
17. Kel Re2t 18. Kdl Rd2f 19.
Kcl Rc2f 20. Kbl Rb2t 21. Kal
i) 1. Sg3f? Rxg3 2. Kel gRxh3 3.
Rxf7 Rh6 4. RfIf Kg2 5. Rf2t Kg3
6. Rxh2 Rxh2 draw

No. 3251 K. Kafoiev (ii.74)

4th Prize,
Tidskrift for Schack, 1974

Draw 6+6
No 3252: A. Kakovin and Al. P.
Kuznetsov. 1. Sd4t Kg4 2. f3f/i
Kh3 3. Se2 Rait 4. Bgl Rc4 5. d7
Rdl 6. d8Q Rxd8 7. Bd4 Rclt 8.
Bgl Rc4 9. Bd4 Rclt 10 Bgl and
if 10. ... Rf8 11. Sf4t Rxf4 stale-
i) 2. Sxc6?? Rait 3. Kg2 h3t.
Win 3+2
No. 3251: K. Kabiev. 1. Qd5t Kb4 No. 3253 Al. P. Kuznetsov
and A. T. Motor (v.74)
2. Qb5t Ka3 3. Qa4t Kb2 4. Qa2t 1 H.M,
Kcl 5. Qblt Kd2 6. Se4t Ke2 7. Tidskrift for Schack, 1974
Sg3t Kf2/i 8. Qf5t Ke3/ii 9. Qe4t
Kd2/iii 10. Qb4t Kdl 11. Qblt Kd2
12. SfIt Ke2 13. Qe4t Kdl 14. Se3t
Kd2 15. Sc4t Kdl 16. Qblt Ke2
17. Qc2t Kf3 18. Qg2t Kf4 19. Qg4t-
i) 7. ... Kd2 8. Sflt Ke2 9. Qe4t,
as main line.
ii) 8. ... Kgl 9. Qc5t Qf2 10. Qclt
iii) 9. ... Kf2 10. Qf4t Kgl 11. Qd4t
Qf2 12. Qdlt.
JRH: bK dance round wS is well
known, eg Chekhover (1956), No.
2025 in '2545'. And the mating net Draw 4+4
is similar to Neishtadt (1926), No.
361 in FIDE. No. 3253: Al. P. Kuznetsov and A.
T. Motor. 1. Kb2 Sdlt 2. Kc2 Sxe3t
3. Kc3/i Kxe6 4. Kd4 Sf5t 5. Kc3
Sd6 6 Kd4 Sb5t 7. Kc5 Sa3 8. Kb4/
ii Sc2> 9. Kc3 (Kc5? c3) 9. ... Se3
10. Kd4 Sf5t 11. Kc3 Sd6 12. Kd4.
i) 3. Kd2? Sg4 4. Kc3 Se5 5. Kd4
Kxe6 6. Kc5 c3 7 Kd4 Sc6t, or 7.
Kb4 d4.
ii) 8. Kd4? Kd6 9. Sb7t Kc7 10. Sc5
Kc6 and 11. ... Sb5.

No. 3254 Y. Bazlov (xii.74) iv) Necessary, as otherwise 7.
2 H.M.,
Tidskrift for Schack, 1974 Sd8.
v) 10. Kc5? Ke3 will win.
No. 3256 A. Akerblom (xi.74)
1 Comm.,
Tidskrift for Schack, 1974

Draw 4+4
No. 3254: Y. Bazlov. 1. Sc3f Ke3/i
2. Sd5f Kf2 3. Bd4f Kg2/ii 4. Sf4f
Kg3 5. Se2f fef 6. Kxe2 hlQ/iii 7. Win 4+7
Be5f Kh4 8. Bf3 Qh3 9 Bf6f Kg3
10. Be5f Kh4 11. Bf6f. No. 3256: A. Akerblom. 1. Bb8f
i) 1. ... Kf4 2. Sd5f Ke4 3. Sf6f Ke6 2. Bxb3| Kf6 3 Bxe5f Kxe5
Kf4 4. Be5f Kxe5 5. Bxf3. 4. Sd3f Kf5 5. Sf2 Kg5 6. Shl/i h4/
ii) 3 ... Kg3 4. Be5t. ii 7. Sf2 h2 8. Shl/iii Kf5 9. Ba4
iii) Else 7. Bf3 follows. Kg5 10. Bd7 g3 11. Kxf3 Kf6 12.
JRH: B-perpetual is well known, Bh3 Kg5 13 Bfl Kf5 14. Bg2 Kg5
eg Sehwers (1922), on p.37 of 15. Bh3 Kh5 16. Kf4 K- 17. Kg4.
Rueb (B) V. i) 6. Bc4? Kh4 7. Kf4 g3 8. Se4 g2
9. Sg5 glS.
No. 3255 I. Krikheli (xii. 74)
ii) 6. ... Kh4 7 Kf4 h2 8. Bc4 Kh3
3 H.M., 9. Bflf Kh4 10. Sg3.
Tidskrift for Schack, 1974 After 6. ... h4 7. Bc4? is met by 7.
... g3 8. Kxf3 g2 9. Sf2 glSf.
iii) Against 8 ... g3 9. Shi g2.

No. 3257 J. Koppelomaki

2 Comm.
Tidskrift for Schack, 1974

Draw 3+4

No. 3255. I Krikheli. 1 d7 Se6/i

2. Sf7 Ba5 3. Kb5 Bc7 4 Kc6 Sb4f
5. Kb5/ii Sd5/iii 6. Kc6 Se7f 7.
Kb7/iv Ba5 8. Ka6 Sc6 9. Kb5 eSd4f
10. Ka6/v Bc7 11. Kb7 Ba5 12. Ka6
Se6 13 Kb5. Win 4+6
i) 1. ... Ba5 2. Sc6.
ii) 5. Kb7? Ba5 6. Kc8 Sc6 wins. No. 3257: J. Koppelomaki. 1. Ke2/
iii) 5. ... Sd3 6. Kc6 Se5| 7. Sxe5 i Bxhl/ii 2. Bh3/iii Bf3f 3. Kd3
Bxe5 8. Kd5 Be4f 4. Kc4 Bd5f 5. Kb5 Kb7 (Bc6f;

Ka5) 6. Bg2 a6t 7. Kb6. No. 3259 A. Kotov and
L. Mitrofanov
i) 1. Bh3? g2t 2. Ke2 Bf3f 3. Kd3 1st Prize,
Be4| 4. Kc4 Bd5f 5. Kb5 a6f 6. Ka5 Leninska Smena (Kharkov),
ghQ. 1976. Award: 13.i.77
ii) 1. ... g2 2 Rbl glSt 3. Kfl a5 4.
1. ... Bb7 2. Be6 a5 3. Rbl Ba6f 4.
Kf3 hlQ 5. Rxhl Bb7f 6. Kg4 g2
7. Bd5 Ka7 8. Bxg2 Be7 9 Rh8.
iii) 2. Bg4? Bb7 3. Bf3 Bxf3 is
check, and similarly after 2. Bd7?
or 2. Ba6? 2. Bf5?

No. 3258 H. Kallstrom

3 Comm.,
Tidskrift for Schack, 1974 54-5
S. Sakharov
2nd Prize,
Leninska Smena (Kharkov),

Draw 3+4
No. 3258: H. Kallstrom. 1. Re6 Bh5
2. f6 Bf2/i 3. Rxe2 Bxe2 4. f7 Belf
5. Ka4 (Kc5? Kb3.) 5. ... Bf3 6. Kb5 Win 12+5
Be2f 7. Ka4 Bg4 8 f8S/ii Bc3 9. No. 3260: S. Sakharov. 1. h5 Rh8 2.
Kb5 Bf5 10. Kc6 Bg7 11. Sd7. e8B Rxe8 3 e7 Rh8 4. e8B Rxe8 5.
i) 2. ... Bd4 3. f7 Bg7 4. f8Q Bxf8f e6 Rh8 6. Bb8f Rxb8 7. e7 Rh8 8.
5. Kc3 Bg4 6. Re8 Bh5 7. Re6 with e8B Rxe8 9. b7 Rh8 10. Rh6.
a draw on account of 8 Kd3.
ii) 8. Kb5? Bd7f 9. Kc5 Kb3 10.
Kd6 Bg4 11. Ke7 Bd4f 12. Kf6 Bf8 No. 3261 V. Vlasenko
3rd Prize,
13. Kg6 Be6 with a win for Bl. Leninska Smena (Kharkov),

No. 3259: A. Kotov and L. Mitro-

fanov Judge: S. Belokon. 1. Rb7
g4 2. c8Q Rxc8 3. Rf7f Bf2 4. Rf8
g3 5. g8Q Rxf8 6. c5 Rf7 7. Qg7
Rf6 8. Qg6 Rf5 9. Qg5 Rf4 10. Qg4
Rxg4 stalemate; or 9. ... Rxc5 10.
Qd5 cd (Rxd5) stalemate.
Cf. No. 3028 by the same composer
pair. Draw 7+9

No. 3261: V. Vlasenko. 1. Sd3 c2 2, No. 3263: D. Gurgenidze and E. L.
Rb8 Ka7 3. Rh8 e2 4. Scl elB (elQ; Pogosjants. 1. Scd6 Qclt 2. Kd7
Ra8f) 5. Rxh3 Bf2 6. Rd3 Bh4 7. Be6t 3. Kxe6 Qxc7 4. g7t Qxg7 5.
Rf3 Kb7 8. Se2 Kc7 9. Rc3 Bf6 10. Sf7t Kg8/i 6. Sf6t Kf8 7. Sd7t Ke8
Sd4 Bxd4 stalemate. 8. Sf6t Kf8 9. Sd7t
No. 3262 V. Evreinov
i) 5. ... Kh7 6. Sf6t Kg6 7. Se5t Kg5
1 H.M., 8. Sf7t Kg6 9. Se5t.
Leninska Smena (Kharkov),
No. 3264 A. Maksimovskikh
3 H.M.,
Leninska Smena (Kharkov),

Draw 7+5
No. 3262: V. Evreinov. 1. e7 Re5 2.
e8Q Rxe8 3. Se7 Rxe7 4. Bd8 f2 5. Win 6+5
Bxe7f g5 6 Bc5 flQf 7. Bgl Qf2
8. Bxf2 gf 9. Kh2 flSf 10. Kgl Sd2 No. 3264: A. Maksimovskikh. 1.
11. Kf2 Sc4 12. Kf3 Sd6 13. Kf2. dSe2 Ra7t 2. Kb8 Rb7t 3. Kc8 Rc7t
JRH: Cf. J. A. J. Drewitt (1917) 4. Kd8 Rd7t 5. Ke8 Re7t 6. Kf8
in Chess Amateur. wKhl, wBcl, Rf7f 7. Kxf7 g5t 8. Kg6(g8) gf 9.
wPg2, g4, h3; bKh4, bRe8, bPg3, Kxh7. wins (9. ... f3 10. Sd4 Kgl
g5, g6. 11. Sxf3t).
1. Bd2 Re2 2. Bc3 Rc2 3. Bd4 Rf2 4. No. 3265 E. Pogosjants
Ba7 Rflf 5. Bgl Rf2 6 Bxf2 gf 7. 4 H.M.,
Kh2 flSt 8. Kgl Sd2 9. Kf2 Sc4 10. Leninska Smena (Kharkov),
Kf3 Se5t 11. Kf2 Sd3t 12. Kf3 Sf4 1976
13. g3t Kxh3 14. gf gf 15. Kxf4
No. 3263 D. Gurgenidze and
E. Pogosjants
2 H.M.,
Leninska Smena (Kharkov),

Draw 4+5
No. 3265: E. Pogosjants. 1. Rhl
clQt 2. Rxcl Bxclt 3. Kh5 Sb6 4.
Bxb6 alQ 5. Bd4 Qxd4 6. Re4 Qxe4
JRH: Only the final R-pin and
offer are known, from Kubbel
Draw 5+4 (1923), No. 1093 in '2500'.

No. 3266 R. Tavariani i) 4. Qel? Qa8f 5. Rg2 Qxg2| 6.
5 H.M.,
Leninska Smena (Kharkov), Kxg2 Rc2t.
1976 4. Qfl? Qa8f 5. Rg2 Qd8.
ii) 5. Rg2? Qa5 6. Rg3 d2 7. Qxd2
iii) 6. Qg2? Rc2.
6. Rcl? a2 7 Q a l | Qb4 8. Rxc3
iv) 7. Qal? Qb4 8. Qgl Qb2f 9.
Kh3 d2.
No. 3268 F. S. Bondarenko
arid Al. P. Kuznetsov
2 Comm.,
Leninska Smena (Kharkov),
Win 3+4
No. 3266: R Tavariani. 1. Rc7f Kd8
2. Rd7f Ke8 3. Re7f Kf8 4. Rf7f
Kg8 5. Rg7f Kf8 6. aRf7f Ke8 7.
Re7f Kd8 8. Rd7f Kc8 9. Rc7f Kb8
10. Rb7t Ka8 11. Rbl.

No. 3267 A. Sarychev

1 Comm.,
Leninska Smena (Kharkov),
Win 5+10

No. 3269 E. Pogosjants

3 Comm.,
Leninska Smena (Kharkov),

Draw 6-f-5
No. 3267: A. Sarychev. 1. g7 Rd8 2.
g8Q Sxg8 3. Bxg8 Kg5 4. Be6 Rd6
5. Bxg4 Rxd5f 6. Kc4 Rd2 7 Kc3
Kxg4 8. e3 Bxe3 9. Sc4 Re2 10. Kd3
Kf3 11. Se5f Kf2 12. Sg4f Kf3 13.
Se5f. Win
JRH: A similar termination in 4+2
Badaj (1965), No. 171 in EG 5. No. 3269: E. Pogosjants. 1. b6
(abf? Kb6;) ba 2. b7 a2 3 b8Q
alQ 4. Qa7f Kd6/i 5. Qd7f Kc5 6.
No 3268: F. S. Bondarenko and Al. Qc6f Kb4 7. Qb5f Ka3 8. Qb3 mate,
P. Kuznetsov. 1. Rflf Kg8 2. Sh6f i) 4. ... Kb4 5. Qb6f Kc4 6. Qa6f
gh 3. Rglf Kh8 4. Qb2/i Qa8f 5. Kc5 7. Qc6f
Kh2/ii Qa5 6. Rg3/iii a3 7. Qg2/iv JRH: Cf. Havel (1926), No. 1019 in
Rc2 8. Rg8 mate. '1234'.

No. 3270 S. Chimedtzeren No. 3272 L. Veretennikov
4 Comm., =\I2 Prize (for beginners),
Leninska Smena (Kharkov), Leninska Smena (Kharkov),
1976 1976

Win 6+7 Win 4+2

No. 3270: S. Chimedtzeren. 1. Sc6t No. 3272: L. Veretennikov. 1. a5

Ka6 2. Sb8f Ka7 3. Rb7f Ka8 4. Bd5 Kb7 2. Sb6 Ka6 3. Ka4 Bd8 4. Sd7
Qf5 5 Sc6 Qg4f 6. Kc2 Qf5f 7. Kcl. Bxa5 5. Sc5f Kb6 6. Bgl Bel (Bc3;
Se4f) 7. Sd3f.
JRH: Birnov (1929), No. 159 in
'2545', or Kasparyan (1949), No.
2479 in '2500*.
No. 3271 B. Sidorov
5 Comm.,
Leninska Smena (Kharkov),

No. 3273 V. Kozhokar

=1/2 Prize (for beginners),
Leninska Smena (Kharkov),

Draw 5+5

No. 3271: B. Sidorov. 1. Bd5 ba 2.

Bxa2 b3 3. Sb5 ba 4. Sc3f Kb3 5.
Sxa2 Kxa2 6. g6 Kb3/i 7. Kf7 a2 8.
g7 alQ 9 g8Q draw/ii.
i) 6. ... Kb2 7. Kf6.
6. ... Kbl 7. Kh7.
ii) An interesting theoretical ver-
dict. As far as I know this not a Win 6+6
theoretical draw, any more than it
is a theoretical win. 9. ... Qe5 would
seem to give Bl very good winning No. 3273: V. Kozhokar. 1. Re5 dlS
chances AJR 2. Ba5 blS 3. Bd8 alQ 4. Bf6 Qa7
5. Bg5f Kxh5 6. Be3| Kh4 7 Bxa7.

No. 3274 M. S. Lokker and
N. Kralin (x.73)
Rxa4 6. Rb3f Rxb3 7. Sc2f and ma-
1st Prize, Magyar Sakkelet, te.
1973. Award: v.74 i) 3. ... Kc4 4. Rc8f Kd3 5. Sb5f.
JRH: Gurvich (1927), No. 6 in Por-
reca's. Studi Scacchistici. seems
No. 3276 J. Fritz
Magyar Sakkelet, 1973

Draw 6+3
No. 3274: M. S. Lokker and N.
Kralin. Judge: A. Koranyi. 1. Rc7
Qa6/i 2. Sd5f Ka5 3. Rc5f Kxa4 4.
Rb5 Ka3 5. Sc3 Qc6 6. Sblf Ka2
7. Sc3f perpetual check.
i) 1. ... Qa8 2. Sd5f Ka5 3. Rc5f Draw 34-5
Ka6 4. Rc6| Kb7 5. Rc7f Kb8 6.
Rc8f draw. No. 3276: J. Fritz. 1. Rg7 Bb3 2.
1. ... Qa5 2. Sd5t Ka6 3. Ke2 Sh2 Bxe6 Rb2f (Bxe6; Rb7f) 3 Kcl
4. Rh7 Sg4 5. Rc7 Se5 6. d4 Sg4 7. Bxe6 4. Rb7f Kc3 5. Rxb2 Ba3 6.
Rc5 Qxa4 8. Rc6f Kb7 9. Rc7f Kbl Bf5f 7. Ka2 Bxb2 stalemate.
Kb8 10. Rc8f draw.
JRH writes "the basic theme was No. 3277 J. Lazar
known as early as Mattison (1923), Commended.
No. 609 in 1234'. Modern examples Magyar Sakkelet, 1973
are Krikheli (1971/2), No. 2568 in
EG 44 and Lewandowski (1970V4,
No. 1522 in EG 28.

No. 3275 J. Hoch

Magyar Sakkelet, 1973

Draw 4+5
No. 3277: J. Lazar. wK is in check
in the diagram. 1. Kal/i gh/ii 2.
Bxh7t Kg7 3. Be4 Bxe4 4. Rxh2
Rxh2 stalemate.
i) 1. Kxbl? Kg7 2. Bd5 Rglf 3.
Kb2 Kxh8 wins.
Win 6-1-6 ii) 1. ... Rxh2 2. Bd5. 1. ... Kg7 2.
No. 3275: J. Hoch. 1. Sc3 dRxc3 1. ... Be4 2. Bxh7t Kg7 3. Bxe4.
(Rdlf; Sbl) 2. Qxb4f Rxb4 3. 1. ... Rgl 2. Bxh7f Kg7 3. Rg8f
Sxd4f Ka3/i 4. Ra6f Ba4 5. Rxa4f Kxh7 4. Rxg3.

No. 3278 P. Benno No. 3279: A Botokanov (USSR).
2nd Prize, 1. Rd8f Ke7 2. Rd7f Ke8 3. Bxa6
Magyar Sakkelet, 1973 Rxe6f 4. Kc7 Rc6f 5. Kxb7 Kxd7/i
6. Bb5 R3h6 7. Ba4.
i) 5. ... Rxa6 6. Rc7 R3h6 7 Rc8t
Kd7 8. Rc7f Kd6 9. Rc5 draw.
JRH: Earliest example of main
line draw is Kozlowski (1931) No.
523 in 1234'. Note (i) goes back
to an anonymous (1882) study on
p. 19 of Rueb (B) V. I have no
anticipation showing both.

No. 3280 L. Mozes and

E. Janosi (x.73)
Win 4+4 1 H.M.,
Magyar Sakkelet, 1973
No. 3278: P. Benno. (The composer
is NOT GM P. Benko!). 1. g6 K£8
2. Se2/i Bd5 3. Sf4/ii Bc4 (Be4; gf)
4. g7f Kg8 5. Sh3 b3 6. cb Bxb3 7.
Sf2 Be6 8. Sd3 wins (because Sc6
(g4) will threaten Se7 (h6)f win-
i) 2. g7f? Kg8 3. Sfl b3, or 3. Se2
Bd5 4. Scl Be4 5. Sa2 Bxc2 6. Sxb4
Be4 draw. wSb4 (d4, el) is met by
bBe4; and wSb6 (d6, e3) is met by
ii) 3. g7f? Kg8 4. Sf4 Be4 draw. Win 6+8
JRH: "Only 2 other studies in my No. 3280: L. Mozes and E. Janosi.
collection end in this forced pro- 1. Rd6f Ke7 2. Rb6 Re8 3. Rxbl
motion. K. Becker (1923) in Chess Kd7/i 4. Rdlf Kc6 5. Rd6f Kb5 6.
Amateur: wKd7, wSe6, wPa6, b7; Kd3 Rxe5 7. c4f Kb4 8. Rb6 mate,
bKb8, bBf6, bPa7. 1. Kc6 Be7 2. i) 3. ... Kf7 4. Rflf Kg6 5. Rf6f Kh5
Kd5 Bd6 3. Sd4 and 4. Sc6. Mora- 6. Kf3 Rxe5 7. g4f Kh4 8. Rh6
vec (1961), No. 624 in FIDE. mate.

No. 3279 A. Botokanov No. 3281 G. Steckbauer

(v.73) (viii.73)
3rd Prize, 2 H.M.,
Magyar Sakk<§let, 1973 Magyar Sakkelet, 1973

Draw 7+6 Win 4+3

No. 3281: G. Steckbauer. 1. b7/i No. 3283: I. Racz. 1. h7 Kxh7 2. g4
Rh4f/ii 2. Kg2/iii Rg4f 3. Kf2 Rg7 hlQ 3. Rh3f Qxh3 4. g6f Kh8 (Kh6;
4. Bc7 R£7f 5. Kg3 Rg7f 6. Kf4 Rf7f g5f) 5. g7f Kh7 6. Sg5.
7. Kg5/iv Rf8 8. Be5 Re8/v 9. Kf6/ JRH: Final manoeuvre foresha-
vi Rd8 (Rg8; Ke7) 10. Bc7 Rg8 11. dowed by the Platovs (1907), No.
Kf7 Rh8 12. Ke7 Rh7f (Rg8; Be5) 1550 in '2545'.
13. Kf8 Rh8f 14. Kf7 Rh7f 15. Kg8.
i) 1. Bc7? Rg5 2. b7 Rb5. No. 3284 C. M. Bent
ii) 1. ... Rg7 2. Bc7 Rg8 3. Be5. (v.73)
iii) 2. Kg3? Rhl 3. Be5 Rbl. Commended
iv) 7. Ke5? Rf8 8. Ke6 Kb2. Magyar Sakkelet, 1973
v) 8. ... Kc4 9 Sc2 d3 10. Se3f Kb3
11. b8Q.
vi) 9. Kg6? Re6f and 10. ... Rb6.

No. 3282 J. Lamoss

3 H.M.,
Magyar Sakkelet, 1973

Draw 4+4
No. 3284: C. M. Bent. 1. Rb6f Ka7
2. Ra6f Kxa6 3. Sb4f Kb5/i 4. Sxc2
f2 5. Bh5 flQ 6. Be2f Qxe2 7. Sd4t
Sxd4 stalemate.
i) Else 4. Sxc2 f2 5. Bc4.
JRH: I have 11 studies ending in
this 3-fold fork by wS sacrifice to
4+4 obtain this stalemate. Earliest is
No. 3282: J. Lamoss. 1. Sd3 blQ/i Jespersen (1890), No. 295 in T1000,
2. Rxbl Rxbl 3. c7 Rflf 4. Kg3 but I have no examples since 1932.
Rglt 5. Kh3 Rg8 6. Sf4f Kg5 7.
Se6f Kf6 8. Sd8.
i) 1. ... Rxc6 2. Rhlf Kg6 3. Se5f. No. 3285 C M. Bent
Magyar Sakkelet; 1973
No. 3283 I. Racz
Special Mention,
Magyar Sakkelet, 1973

Draw 4+5
No. 3285: C. M. Bent. 1. Sg2f Kg3
2. Kxh5 dc 3. Sel clQ 4. Sflf Kh3
Win 9+5 5. Sd3 draw.

UK ISSN 0012-7671
Addresses of magazines and bulletins that run annual (or biennial) international
informal tourneys for original endgame studies. The studies editor's name if any,
is in brackets. (In an address, a comma generally indicates the end of a line )
BULETIN PROBLEMATIC (Ing. C. Petrescu) Aleea Budacu Nr. 5; bloc M.3,
Sc.3 et.III ap. 54, Bucarest 49 - sector 3, Romania
GAZETA CZESTOCHOWSKA (S. Limbach) Srytka Pocztowa 349, 42 207 Czesto-
chowa, Poland
L'lTALIA SCACCHISTICA (Prof. R. Ravarini) Via F. Nazari 8, 28100 Novara, Italy
MAGYAR SAKKELET 'Tanulmanyrovat', P.O. Box 52, 1363 Budapest, Hungary
PROBLEM (Dr S. Zlatic) Baboniceva ul. 35, Zagreb, Yugoslavia
THE PROBLEMIST (A. J. Sobey) 15 Kingswood Firs, Grayshott, Hindhead, Surrey
GU26 6EU, England
REVISTA ROMANA DE SAH (I. Grosu) Str. Batistei 11, Bucuresti, Romania
ROKADA (Joze Zunec) Cecovje 58/C, 62390 Ravne na Koroskem, Yugoslavia
SACHOVE UMENIE (supplement to Ceskoslovensky Sach) (Prof. L. Kopac) Ziz-
kova Nam 20, 460 01 Liberec, Czechoslovakia
SCHACH (M. Zucker) Ernst Enge Strasse 96, 90 Karl Marx Stadt, DDR
SCHACH-ECHO (K. Junker) Ruderbruch 18, 5982 Neuenrade, BRD
SCHAKEND NEDERLAND (F. A. Spinhoven) van Kinsbergenstraat 25, Haarlem,
SHAHMAT (for Israel 'Ring' Tourney) H. Aloni, 6 Meirovich Str., Netanya 42-310
SHAKHMATY V SSSR Abonementny Yaschik 10, Moscow G-19, 121019 USSR
SINFONIE SCACCHISTICHE (Dr E. Paoli) Viale Piave 25, Reggio Emilia 42100,
SUOMEN SHAKKI (K. Virtanen) Kivilevontie 14E, 33420 Tampere 42, Finland
SZACHY Ul. Wspolna 61, 00-687 Warsaw, Poland
THEMES-64 (B. Fargette) 51 bis - Avenue de Lorraine, 78110 Le Vesinet, France
TIDSKRIFT FOR SCHACK (A. Hildebrand) Herrgarden, 74041 Morgongava, Sweden
64, Ul. Arkhipova 8, Moscow K-62, 101913 GSP, U.S.S.R.
Regular, but not international, tourneys are: Bulletin of Central Chess Club of
USSR, Chervony Girnik. These are informal. Other tourneys are irregular, or

The Chess Endgame Study Circle and EG 4 issues p.a. EG 51-54 for 1978 £ 4.00 or
$ 10.00. Calendar year.
How to subscribe:
1. Send money (cheques, dollar bills, International Money Orders) direct to
A. J. Roycroft.
2. Arrange for your Bank to transfer your subscription to the credit of: A. J. Roy-
croft Chess Account, National Westminster Bank Ltd., 21 Lombard St., London
EC3P 3AR, England.
3. If you heard about E G through an agent in your country you may, if you
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New subscribers, donations, changes of address, ideas, special subscription arran-
gements (if your country's Exchange Control regulations prevent you subscribing
A. J. Roycroft, 17 New Way Road, London England, NW9 6PL.
Editor: A. J. Roycroft.
"Anticipations", and anticipations service to tourney judges: J. R. Harman, 20 Oak-
field Road, Stroud Green, London, England, N4 4NL.
To magazine and study editors: Please arrange to send the complimentary copy
of your magazine, marked " E G E x c h a n g e", to: C. M. Bent, Black Latches,
Inkpen Common, Newbury, Berkshire, England.
Next meeting: Friday 7th July 1978, at 6.15 p.m. At: 101 Wigmore Street (IBM
building, behind Self ridge's in Oxford Street).

Printed by: Drukkerrj van Spijk - Postbox 210 - Venlo - Holland


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