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Virtual Small Group Study Session 3: To Cheer & To Cherish Participant's Guide Learning Objectives

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Virtual Small Group Study


Participant’s Guide

Learning Objectives: By the end of this session, couples will have:

1. Identified the top needs of men and women.
2. Affirmed each other as women share specific ways how to respect/cheer their husbands and as
husbands share how to love/cherish their wives.
3. Listed at least one or two specific action steps on how to cheer/cherish their spouse to start
applying this week.

I. Preliminaries
II. Review:
III. Interaction /Discussion Time:
A. About the video:
B. Discuss the ff.
Men and women are different. We are wired completely different with different
needs, and we bring differences in our marriages. But God uses our differences to
help complete us and help us grow. We need then, to recognize the differences
between men and women and their top real needs in order to address them
according to God’s design. Eph. 5:33 says, “However, each one of you (husbands) also
must LOVE his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must RESPECT her husband”.

1. For the Husbands: Dave Wilson mentioned that men are wired to be respected,
so they go where they are respected. Every husband needs a wife who respects
him. “There is no more powerful attitude that a wife can have towards her
husband than respect.” (B. Rainey)

• Husbands, any comment about the above statements? (#.1). How

would you confirm the said statements? Please share your
personal experience.

• What makes you feel respected or disrespected by your wife? How

do you usually respond when you feel disrespected?

2. a. For the Wives: Wives are called to respect their husbands.
● What does it mean to you personally to respect your husband?

One way to show respect to your husband is to cheer him on – to

encourage (build confidence) and admire (inspire and energize) him. He
longs for you to be his cheerleader.

● How are you as your husband’s cheerleader? What are some ways that
you do to show that you are a cheer leader to him, that you respect him?

b. As a wife you have the power to create or destroy your relationship with your
husband (Ps. 14:1). It’s either you build him up, or you tear him down. Dave and
Ann Wilson talked about the 3 top cheers wives can do to show respect to their

a. Notice him. (The good things he does and who he is).

b. Speak life to him. (Words that build up)
c. Desire him sexually. (Sex is tied to respect)

(Note: Husbands, you can share your thoughts here or you may affirm your

• Which one/s do you do best? Share what are some ways you do it
and how does it affect him?

• Which one needs improvement? How do you plan to improve it?

3. For the husbands (and wives): Eph. 5:33 – “…each one of you (husbands) also
must love his wife as he loves himself…” Husbands are called to LOVE their wives.
• Husbands: What does it mean for a man to love and cherish his
wife? What are some ways that you can show and let your wife
feel that you cherish her? Please share.

• Wives: What makes you feel the most loved or cherished by your

• Husbands: (Wives can share your thoughts here or may affirm
your husbands too). Of the 4 T’s to cherish your wife: Time (pursue
her), Taaaaaaalk (listen, connect, don’t fix), Touch (non-sexual
touch), and Truth (lead her to Jesus), what has impacted you the
most? Why?

• Husbands: Which one /s do you do best? Which one/s would you

like to improve? In what ways?

IV. Specific Application:

As you reflect on today’s topic of Respect and Love, what is your biggest takeaway or
realization? Why?

What is your “I will” this week? Ex: “I will make it a habit to speak life to my hubby,
by appreciating him for at least 2 things, before we go to sleep everyday starting
tomorrow.”(You can make a list of specific action plans and continue doing them
after this week). “I will ________________.” (Write it on your Specific Application “I
will” Chart).

V. Moments Together: (Connect horizontally and vertically).

As a couple, you are highly encouraged to take time (make a date) and discuss the
questions together this week and come up with additional specific action points for
your application. This is also the best time for you to go VERTICAL by ending your
time praying together as a couple.

Wrap-up: Go back to the big group (for announcements & closing prayer).

/spm ☺ - 8/20, Davao City


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