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Earth Science: Rocks and Minerals

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Rocks and Minerals
Week 2
Lesson Objectives

● Identify common rock-forming minerals

using their physical and chemical properties.
● Classify rocks into igneous, sedimentary, and
● Identify the minerals important to society.
● Describe how ore minerals are found, mined,
and processed for human use.
Earth Science

Earth Science

Minerals are the building blocks or rocks.
Scientist defines mineral as a naturally- occurring
chemical compound, it is solid in nature and it is
inorganic (without carbon element).
Earth Science

General Characteristics of Minerals

● Natural- occurring
● Inorganic
● Solid
● Definite chemical composition
● Ordered internal structure
Earth Science

Two Types of Minerals

Earth Science

Mineral has a distinguish properties

which can be consider in identifying
and classifying it. Estimated there are
4000 minerals found in earth’s crust.
Earth Science

Properties of Minerals
● Luster- is the ability of mineral to reflect
light from the its surface. Most minerals
have metallic luster and are described as
either glassy, dull or earthy, pearly, silky or
Earth Science

● Color- it is the most obvious and most seen

property of minerals but color of minerals is
not reliable because of impurity that may change
the color of minerals.
● Streak- this is the color of mineral in powdered
● Cleavage- is the ability of a mineral to break
along planes of weak bonding.
Earth Science

● Fracture- can be an irregular fracture when a

mineral breaks and exhibits uneven surface.
● Crystal shape- refers to the common or
characteristics shape of a crystal or combination
of crystal.
● Hardness- is the resistance of minerals to
abrasion or scratching.
Earth Science

Rocks & Rock

Earth Science

● Rocks are naturally solid aggregates of one or
more minerals.
● Rocks came from the Greek word lithos which
means stone.
● Rocks have a lots of useful function especially to
the house and building. There are three majors
type of rocks.
Earth Science

Three Classification of Rocks

1. Igneous rocks
Igneous rocks are formed by fire since they
originated from magma produced by the melting
of rocks in the hot mantle. It is crystalline when
they formed from cooled magma,lava & pyroclastic.
Earth Science

Earth Science

a. Crystalline Texture- how fast and slow the

cooling took place.
● Intrusive or Plutonic rocks- form from
slowly cooled magma
● Extrusive or Volcanic rocks- form from
rapidly cooled magma.
Earth Science

b. Pyroclastic- is derived from Greek word pyro

which means fire and klastos which means
shattered. This texture is the result of lithification
of eruption of erupted materials, these types of
rocks are distinguished from each other size of its
particle components.
Earth Science

2. Sedimentary Rocks
» Sedimentary rocks are formed by compacted
and cemented sediments.
» Sedimentary rocks can be also bioplastics
when it forms as the result of the accumulation
of organic material or biological activity.
» It may even contain remnants of plants, corals,
shells or fossil fragments.
Earth Science

Sand stone Breccia

Earth Science

3. Metamorphic rocks
» Metamorphism means transformation or change in form.
» Metamorphic rocks originate from pre- existing igneous,
sedimentary or even metamorphic rocks. Every
metamorphic rock has a parent or the rock form which it
» Metamorphic rocks are created by the physical or
chemical alteration by heat and pressure of an existing
igneous or sedimentary material into a denser form.
Earth Science

Schist Gneiss
Earth Science

Rock Cycle
Rock Cycle is a model that describes all the
processes by which rocks are formed,
modified, transported, decomposed, melted,
and reformed. These process occur both on
earth’s surface and underneath. Essentially it
is a dynamic process and product.
Earth Science

● When the magma cooled it became Igneous

rock. When the Igneous rock melted it became
● When the sediments compact it became
sedimentary rock. When sedimentary rocks
undergo through erosion and weathering it
became sediments.
Earth Science

● When Igneous rocks undergo in heat and

pressure it became Metamorphic rock. When
sedimentary rocks undergo heat and pressure it
became metamorphic rocks.
● When metamorphic rocks melted it became
magma. When metamorphic rocks experience
weathering and erosion it became sediments.
Earth Science
Earth Science

Earth Science

Ore is a solid material from which valuable

minerals can be profitably extracted.
Mining refers to a set of processes through
which useful resources are withdrawn from a
stock of any non-renewable resources.
Earth Science

There are two types of mining:

1. Surface Mining- it is done to extract ores that are near the earth’
Surface mining can be categorized by:
● Open pit Mining- This surface mining technique is used when
mineral or ore deposits are found relatively close to the surface
of the earth. Open-pits are sometimes called ‘quarries’ when they
produce building materials and dimension stone.
Earth Science

● Quarrying- refers to extracting materials directly from

the surface. The mining and quarrying sector includes
mining of fossil fuels (coal and lignite mining, oil and
gas extraction), mining of metal ores, quarrying of
stone, sand, and clay, and mining of phosphate and
other minerals.
● Strip Mining- is employed in coal reserves where the
overburden is removed in rectangular blocks in plain
view called pits or strip.
Earth Science

● Placer Mining- ancient method of using water

to excavate, transport, concentrate, and recover
heavy minerals from alluvial or placer deposits.
Placer mining takes advantage of gold's high
density, which causes it to sink more rapidly
from moving water than the lighter siliceous
materials with which it is found.
Earth Science

● Dredging- is the removal of sediments and debris from

the bottom of lakes, rivers, harbors, and other water
bodies. It is a routine necessity in waterways around the
world because sedimentation—the natural process of
sand and silt washing downstream—gradually fills
channels and harbors.
Earth Science

2. Underground Mining- it is way used to extract ores

that are found beneath earth’s surface.
● Shaft mining- is the process where miners dig
straight down, or almost straight down, until they
reach their desired depth. Then the mine begins to
branch out in all directions.
Earth Science

Surface Mining Underground Mining

Earth Science

Ores that are found on mining site will undergo

certain process to remove non-useful rocks and
minerals to give higher economic value to the
ore. There are three process to extract rocks or
minerals from the ore.
● Heap leaching- this is the addition of chemicals
like cyanide and acid to separate ore from
Earth Science

●Flotation- putting a substance that produces

air bubbles to make ore or important minerals
●Smelting- placing the ores into high
temperature resulting to the rocks separate
into layers to get the minerals or the ore.
Earth Science

Here some Examples of Ores and its Technique in Mining

Earth Science

Mining can’t be done without a proper procedure

indicated. Mining follows a certain process or
step. Here are the steps that need to follow.
a. Prospecting or exploration- it is looking for
ore substance.
b. Drilling- a little part of the ore is remove to
determined ore’s quality or grade.
Earth Science

c. Modeling- identifying the ore’s size, shape and grade

distribution throughout the deposit. This is to apply
specific mining technique, methods and to plan safety
d. Identifying and assessing potential impacts-thinking
the possible result of the mining. Considering if the are
can be back into original state or at least lessen the
Earth Science

e. Designing and constructing the mine-engineer and

scientist must work hand in hand to create perfect
design. All papers must have approved by government
and local communities.
f. Ore extraction- high grade ore separated from the rest
of the deposit.
Earth Science

g.Milling- the ore is crushed and concentrated.

Tailings are release.

h.Mine site decomposition- closure of mining

site. Mine site must be cleaned and
Earth Science

Philippines’ Ore and Minerals

□ Philippines belongs to the pacific ring of fire where
volcano and plate tectonic is active. Philippines is rich
in minerals and ore. In fact, Philippines ranked as fifth
(5th) most mineralized country in the world, third
(3rd) in gold, fourth (4th) in copper and fifth (5th) in
□ Baguio and Palawan is the main contributors of
minerals in the country.
Earth Science

Effects of Mining
➢ Mining has good benefits in the country, it may
improve economically.
It can offer lots of job opportunity to the people.
Those minerals are useful for manufacturing
gadgets, jewelry and can be used in electricity.
Also, rare ore and minerals gives a lot of
Earth Science

In contrast, mining also have a lot of negative

effect. First, the waste product that can cause
destruction of habitat of mans and animals.

Second, deforestation, people tend to cut trees to

make way in digging the mountains for its
precious gem.
Earth Science

➢ Deforestation can lead to soil erosion and flash

floods results in loss of lives and properties.
- -It can hazard the health of the miners because of
the extraction of ores.
-Mining company should be responsible in mining.
-It should be permitted by the government and
must follow the protocols.
Earth Science

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