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Chapter 1

Digital Literacy
DIGITAL LITERACY: A World of Technology
Information Literacy
Media Literacy
Technology Literacy
The current state of ICT technologies
Future Trends of Media and Information
Information Literate people are those who have learned how to
learn. They know how find information, and how to use
information in such a way that others can learn from them. They
are people prepared for lifelong learning, because they can
always find the information needed for any task or decision at

~American Library Association Presidential Committee on Information Literacy, 1989.p.1.

To become effective information users, students must have
frequent opportunities to handle all kinds of information.
Locating, interpreting, analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating, and
communicating information should become a part of every
subject across the curriculum.

~ “Information Literacy”, 1995,pp.20-23

• Data, knowledge derived • The ability to recognize
from study, experience, or when information is
instruction, signals or needed and to locate,
symbols. evaluate, effectively use
• Knowledge of specific and communicate
events or situations. information in its various
• The communication channels through which we disseminate news, music,
movies, education, promotional messages and other data.
• It includes physical and online newspapers and magazines, television,
radio, billboards, telephone, the Internet, fax and billboards.
• Communication channels
• The ability to read,
through which news,
analyze, evaluate and
entertainment, education,
produce communication
data, or promotional
in a variety of media
messages are

Types of Media
Traditional Media
~Media experience is limited
~Sense receptors used are very specific
 Print media - sense of sight
 Broadcast media - sense of hearing
 Radio – sense of hearing
 TV and film – sight and hearing
Types of Media
New Media
• Digital media that are interactive, incorporate two-way communication
and involve some form of computing
• Media experience is more interactive
• Audiences are more involved and can send feedback simultaneously
• Integrates all the aspect of old media
Social Media- forms of electronic communication (such as web sites)
through which people create online communities to share information,
ideas, personal messages, etc.
• The ability to read, analyze,
evaluate and produce
communication in a variety of
media forms.
• Ability to decode, analyze,
evaluate and produces
communication in a variety of
• What is the message
of this poster?
• Do you agree with the
message? Why or
why not?
• What is the message
of this poster?
• Do you agree with the
message? Why or
why not?
1. What is the emerging
role of social media
in the society?
2. How do you think
social media is
affecting our culture?
• What is communication?
• Why do we communicate?
• How do we communicate?
• How do you get most of your
news about the world?
• How can you describe media
in the Philippines?
What are the
characteristics of
responsible users and
competent producers of
media and information?
Why is being a media
and information literate
very important in this
modern world?
Responsible User of Competent Producer of
Media Information Media Information
“Technology will not replace teachers, but teachers who use
technology will replace those who do not.”
 Technology is changing everyday
 Education is moving towards online and distance education
opportunities becoming more commonplace than face-to-face
 Students are already immersed in technology outside of the
 Technology Literacy
 The ability to use digital technology, communication tools or networks
to locate, evaluate, use, and create information.
 Technology literacy is about taking advantage of technology to
communicate, access, use, manipulate, compare, and store
 Your technology knowledge and advanced skills will translate into
real world of work applications.
Why are Technology literacy skills important?
 They have an impact on an adult’s equality of access to
information and services, employability and social inclusion
 They offer greater opportunities for participation in learning,
social, civic and work activities
Students today have never known life
without a computer.
What would you do without the following?
• Smartphone, Tablet, and laptop
• Telephone
• Flash drive, HDD, DVD, and CD
• Television
Technology – The application of scientific knowledge for practical
purposes, especially in industry. A machinery and equipment
developed from the application of scientific knowledge.
ICT – Information and Communications Technology
• It is an extended term of Information Technology
• It stresses the roles of unified communications and the integration of
telecommunications, computers, as well as necessary enterprise
software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable
users to access, store, transmit and manipulate information.
The Web
1. The first generation. All Web 1.0 websites were based on
Hypertext Markup Language (html/htm).
2. These sites were Static websites, which means they worked on
a ready-only principle. The visitor’s function was to simply work
as an observer of what’s already been saved in the server.
3. Only the owner/administrator had the authorization to make
any change.
The Web
4. A Web 1.0 website was basically a single file saved in the server
and displayed in its entirety when a visitor entered the address
from their browser.
5. The Uniform Resource Locator or the URL address remained
unchanged regardless of the user’s location.
6. Only displayed text and images.
7. Known as the “readable” phrase of the World Wide Web.
The Web 2.0 ( Dynamic Web)
1. The generation that worked on the participation principle.
2. The user and the website worked on a give-and-take relationship. It
means while the website provided a set of information, the user could
work on and add to it.
3. Allowed for real-life interactive communication that paved the way for
media sharing and online banking and shopping.
4. Known as the “writable” phrase of the World Wide Web.
The Web 3.0 ( Semantic Web)
1. The current generation.
2. All available information is based on real-time events.
3. Users stay connected to the live internet at all times.
4. Allows for a platform that lets digital devices suggest probable actions based on your
previous decisions.
5. Known as the “executable” phrase of the internet.
We experience the features of Web 3.0 internet every day. For instance, consider the live
stream feature of Facebook and YouTube. YouTube’s video suggestion works on the same
Convergent Technologies
• It is an extension of the term convergence which means a
“coming together of two or more disparate disciplines or
• For example, the so-called fax revolution was produced by a
convergence of telecommunications technology, optical
scanning technology, and printing technology.”
Convergent Technologies
• These are some of the latest smartphones for
now, useful for calling, texting and Facebooking
• It combines features of a computer and a
phone combined for the ultimate in convergent
technology and definitely one of the most
popular forms of everyday convergent
technology today.
Convergent Technologies
Facebook is another example of convergent
technologies. Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook with
two of his fellow roommates and computer science
majors. It originally started as a way for Harvard students
to stay in touch, but was eventually expanded to include
all university students, and finally everyone over the age
of 13.
Social Media
“These are computer-mediated
tools that allow people or
companies to create, share, or
exchange information, career
interests, ideas, and
pictures/videos in virtual
communities and networks.”
Social Media types
Social Networks
Sites that allow you to connect with other people with the same interest or background.
Bookmark Sites
Sites that allow you to store and manage links to various websites and resources
Social News.
Sites that allow users to post their own news items or links to other news sources.
Media Sharing
Sites that allow you to upload and share media content like images, music, and video.
Social Media types
Sites that focus on short updates from the user.
Blogs and Forums
Sites that allow users to post their content. Other users are able to comment on the said
Mobile Media
–This refers to “media devices
such as mobile phones and
PDA’s were the primary source
of portable media from which
we could obtain information
and communicate with one
Mobile Media
More recently, the smartphone (which
has combined many features of the
cellphone with the PDA) has rendered
the PDA next to obsolete.
The growth of new mobile media as a
true force in society was marked by
smartphone sales outpacing personal
computer sales in 2011.”
Mobile Technologies
The popularity of smartphones and tablets
has taken a major rise over the years.
iOS-used in Apple devices such as the
iPhone and iPad
Android-an open source operating system
developed by Google.
Blackberry OS-used in Blackberry devices
Mobile Technologies
Windows Phone OS-a closed source and
proprietary operating system developed by
Symbian-the original used for smartphone
OS; used by Nokia devices.
WebOS-originally used for smartphones; now
used for SmartTVs
Windows Mobile-developed by Microsoft for
smartphones and pocket PCs
Assistive Media
A component under Assis ve
technology (AT), which is a generic
term used to refer to a group of
software or hardware devices by
which people with disabilities can
access computers.
Online Systems
Are online versions of information
systems which is “ the process of
and tools for storing, managing,
using and gathering of data and
communications in an
organization. An example of
information systems are tools for
sending out communications and
storing files in a business.”
Ubiquitous learning
Ubiquitous learning is common in
the age of information. Since
information in the digital age can
be accessed by anyone, at any
given time and place, ubiquitous or
an ever-present type learning of
learning is possible.
The paperless society
The paperless society is a society
where communication is done
electronically and all forms of
printed communication have
become obsolete. It is
characterized by the shift from
letters to e-mails, newspapers to
news web pages, books to e-books,
and so on.
The Concept of 3D Environment
3D or three dimensional in its literal
sense refers to anything that has
width, height, and depth. The
physical world is an example of a
3D environment. The concept of 3D
environment is explored to mimic
the physical world in media.
Wearable technology
Wearable technologies today are smart watches.
These watches are worn as a typical wristwatch but
do more than just tell time. Modern smart watches
perform the same functions as smartphones.
Another example is a Fitness tracker. It is derived
from smart watches in form and physical design but
serves health applications. Fitness trackers aim to
promote health and wellness among its enthusiasts,
unfortunately, issues in their accuracy have been
raised in several reviews.
Wearable technology
Virtual Reality (VR) wearable technology is
gradually growing in popularity among enthusiast.
Oculus, a high-end VR headsets intended for
entertainment has been released to the public on
March 28, 2016. This wearable technology takes
users to computer generated worlds and let them
experience it as if they were actually there. Oculus
have so far received positive reviews among users.
However, concerns were raised about VR
technology’s potential to cause a total disconnect
from the physical world.
Which of the discussed trends in
media and information do you
think will have the most impact
or influence to people and to the
society as a whole? Why?
1. Identify problems or issues that is related to
media and information in the Philippines
2. Among the identified problems, select which
you think needed an immediate attention.
Brainstorm what causes the problem and
what are the possible ways to solve it
1. Identify problems or issues that is related to
media and information in the Philippines
2. Among the identified problems, select which
you think needed an immediate attention.
Brainstorm what causes the problem and
what are the possible ways to solve it
3. Everyone will design a technology tool that
will provide the needed solution to the
discussed issue or problem.
4. Create a prototype of the technology tool
designed to address the problem.

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