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Affinity Chromatography

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Affinity Chromatography


Affinity chromatography was developed by Cuatrecasas,

Wilchek and Anfinsen (1) in 1968 as a laboratory protein
purification method that is based on the biospecific
recognition between a solute molecule and a ligand
immobilized onto a support material. As shown in Figure 5.1
(2), the affinity purification process can be idealized into the
selective adsorption of enzyme A from a mixture of proteins.
After the unadsorbed contaminating proteins are washed from
the column, enzyme A can be eluted from the ligand and
recovered. This technique has been used successfully to
purify enzymes, proteins, antibodies, oligonucleotides and
nucleic acids. Several recent review articles and books are
available which cover these applications (2-7).

Generalized protein purification schemes are shown in

Figure 5.2 (8) where conventional ion exchange and
chromatography techniques are compared to affinity
chromatography. The conventional techniques separate the
protein on the basis of size, electrical charge or isoelectric
point. Since these differences are often not sufficient to
allow effective separation, many additional steps are required.
This greatly reduces the overall yield of purified protein
compared to the affinity chromatography technique.

The “chromatography” portion of the term affinity

chromatography does not represent a true description of the

Affinity Chromatography 41’7

process as actually practiced. More correct descriptive terms

would be “affinity purification” or “affinity separation”.
However, for the sake of consistency with past authors on
this subject, this text will continue to use “affinity









Figure 5.1. A schematic of the selective, reversible

attachment of a protein to an immobilized ligand (Reference
418 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology





A \
Affinity column Acetone precipitation

t t
Dialysis or Protamine treatment
molecular sieving
(NH,I$O, Fractionation




Ion-exchange cellulose

Molecular sieving

Figure 5.2. Comparison of conventional and affinity

chromatography techniques (Reference 8).


When compared to the vast literature available on

empirical affinity chromatography studies, there is a paucity
of theoretical work that has been reported explaining affinity
chromatography. One reason is that the rigorous models
developed for analyzing chromatographic systems require
linear adsorption-desorption kinetics which do not occur for
the affinity purification systems. Another complicating factor
is the interference caused by non-specific adsorption which
contributes complexity and oftentimes irreproducibility to
many affinity chromatography systems.
Affinity Chromatography 419

Despite these difficulties, attempts to describe binding

selectivity, equilibrium constants and column kinetics have
provided useful insights into affinity purification processes.

5.2.1 Equilibrium and Binding Selectivity

The ideal ligand for affinity chromatography would
possess the ability to bind strongly the solute to be isolated
and the binding should be highly specific so that impurities
with similar structures are not bound. The binding should
also be reversible under readily obtained conditions so that
the isolated solute can be easily eluted from the ligand.
Thus, the binding strength, the selectivity and the elution
behavior constitute the controlling factors in a quantitative
description of affinity chromatography.

The binding strength and the selectivity are termed the

avidity of the ligand for the solute (9). The solute becomes
the ligate when it is bound to the ligand. The avidity is
described mathematically by the association constant, K,,:

a IEL I (5.1)

for the interaction of the ligand [L] and the ligate [El:

+ L
!a._ EL
E - (5.2)
The adsorption of the ligate by the ligand can be represented
by the Langmuir-type isotherm (10):



High values of KU? represent an extremely stable

complex. Typical values are 10 r5 M for the avidin-biotin
interaction, IO6 to 1012 for antigen-antibody interaction and
lo4 to lo6 for lectin-carbohydrate and enzyme-substrate
interactions (11).
420 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

In most cases, there are additional materials which will

compete with the desired ligate for ligand sites. In all cases,
such competition occurs when it becomes necessary to elute
the desired ligate from the ligand. These aspects of affinity
chromatography theory have been developed by Bottomley and
coworkers (12). When the competing ligate [D] is present in
the solution, the following equation can be used to describe
the relevant equilibria:

IE I =
as ILclI ’ KED l Lo I

In this equation, Km, represents the dissociation constant for

a complex formed between the two potential ligates in

- (5.6)

The parameter r represents the ratio of the partition

coefficients cyeq and an. The partition coefficient accounts
for the possibility that there are sections of the column
which are accessible to the solvent but not to the large
protein molecule, E.

Where for [E] and [EL] are obtained from the elution
curve (Figure 5.3). The shaded area in this figure represents
the amount of enzyme E bound to the ligand L. The values
for [E] and [EL] from experiments with different
concentrations of E at constant concentrations of D can be
plotted as in Figure 5.4 to give straight lines whose abscissa
values can be used to obtain values for K,, and K,n.

Elution volume
Figure 5.3. Elution profile of enzyme B applied to columns
of immobilized A. The hatched area represents the amount
of B bound to A. This is displaced from the column by some
competing ligand C at concentration D (Reference 12).
Affinity Chromatography 421

Figure 5.4. Primary plot for the three component system.

Values of B, and B, are obtained from the chromatography
experiments of Figure 5.3 at different concentrations (D1, D,,
Da, etc.). The slopes of all the lines should be the Same
(Reference 12).

Another useful quantity is the fraction Of the tOta1

enzyme which will be bound to the ligand at equilibrium.
This is given by the equation (9):

Bound Enzyme iLo1--v

=__= 14
~0ta1 Enzyme Ki(V + v) + [Loi" + pj7 (5*7)
PI "

where Ki = l/K,,, V is the volume of enzyme solution added

and v is the volume of solution entrapped within the affinity
support particles. As is seen from Figure 5.5, the resulting
curve for any value of Ki is a rectangular hyperbola similar
to the Langmuir adsorption isotherm or the Michaelis-Menten
equation. Typical ligand concentrations used in affinity
chromatography experiments are 1OmM. At this ligand
concentration, Ki values of 10e3M or less are necessary for
effective enzyme binding; higher values would result in
ineffective retention of the enzyme.

Figure 5.5 can also be used to evaluate the fractional

saturation for a system by substituting [E]V for the quantity
[L,]v on the abscissa and using K (V + v) + [L,]v instead of
K (V t v) t [E]V as the variable parameter. The fraction
[EL]/[L,] then is simply read on the ordinate scale. These
values are given in Table 5.1 as percentages for several
representative values of Ki, [E] and w, where w is the ratio
of v to v.
Affinity Chromatography 423

ligand capacity is exhausted. The lower experimental

capacity of affinity columns compared to titratable ligand has
usually been attributed to steric exclusion or ionic repulsion.
It is seen from this example that equilibrium effects alone
may be a sufficient explanation.

Washing and elution by changing Ki to new values were

also studied by Graves and Wu (9). Ki values of 10-s M
looked much less attractive than when binding alone was
considered because much of the enzyme was lost by washing.
If Ki was 10m5 M or less, batch adsorption and elution were
as good or better than column chromatography. When Ki was
changed to a new value during the elution step, the increase
had to be at least 10m2 M in order to remove enzyme
effectively from the ligand. Achieving such a high value can
be a serious limitation if the initial Ki is very low.

The number of washing steps and the volume of each

wash have as their primary effect an influence on the
removal of contaminant. The degree of purification was
strongly influenced by the thoroughness of washing. If Ki
was less than low4 M, very little enzyme was lost even with
a large amount of washing. This is illustrated in Figure 5.6
for simulated column chromatography.


El 3 5 7 9 II I3 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 30

Figure 5.6. Simulated column results for moderately good

binding (Ki = 10m4M) (Reference 9).
424 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

5.2.2 Kinetics of Affinity Purification

In Chapter 4, the plate theory was used to model the
column chromatography behavior. However, that theory is
only applicable where a linear isotherm can be assumed
because the plate height is a function of the fixed linear
equilibrium constant or partition ratio (13). This is not the
situation for affinity chromatography systems since
equilibrium isotherms of such systems are usually highly
curved. This points out one of the dangers of using the
term affinity chromatography rather than affinity purification
to describe these systems since it has led to the
inappropriate use of plate theory with these systems. As
Yang and Tsao (14) have pointed out, it is necessary to
choose a model with appropriate assumptions for the affinity
system studied. The porous particle, constant pattern rate
theory (15) and the statistical moment theory (16), although
more mathematically complicated, are more appropriate for
describing affinity purification systems.

The mechanism of mass transfer in affinity

chromatography is similar to what was observed with column
adsorption in Chapter 2. It can be divided into three
successive steps: the diffusion of the solute to the particle,
its diffusion inside this particle and the reaction between the
ligand and the ligate. Since the ligand-ligate reaction occurs
rapidly, the two diffusion steps are considered to control the
rate of mass transfer.

The mathematical description of the column kinetics for

affinity chromatography follows the same type of material
balance as was seen for volume elements in fixed bed
adsorption. With the assumption of uniform velocity
distribution over the cross section of the column and an
isothermal operation, the basic equation is written as (17):

dC aC dc a2c
u-- +c----- +
___2 = 0 (5.8)
dZ dt at i3Z

The axial diffusion coefficient, is essentially *z,the

eddy diffusion since the effect of molecular diffusion can be
neglected in affinity chromatography. The value of Ed u/D,
is constant when the Reynolds number is between 10” and
10. This would give:
DZ = hd u (5.9)
Affinity Chromatography 425

where X is a constant.

The adsorption rate can be expressed in terms of the

volumetric coefficient of the overall mass transfer based on
the fluid phase concentration, Kra:

Kf a (c - C*) (5.10)
“bt =

With the assumption of a constant pattern adsorption zone, zF_

can be set equal to (~Jc,)c so that Equation 5.10 can be
integrated to give:

* (5.11)
tE - tB =

where K,a is the average volumetric coefficient of overall

mass transfer over the range between cn and cE. If the
Freundlich adsorption isotherm, S = KcP, adequately describes
the system, an analytical integration of Equation 5.11 yields

'b Go XE B
In- * ___ In (5.12)
'E - ‘Ii = fi c 1-o
f 0 xB

Example 5.2
The breakthrough curve data for trypsin on Sepharose
4B columns with soybean trypsin inhibitor ligand (Figure 5.7)
and arginine peptide ligand (Figure 5.8) have been used with
Equation 5.12 to calculate the average values of the
volumetric coefficients of the overall trypsin transfer. These
values are shown in Table 5.2: The fact that changes in
trypsin concentration or in ligand caused little change in K>
indicates that the reaction rate of trypsin with the ligand
was not rate limiting. The finite difference method of Crank
and Nicolson (19) was used to generate the calculated
breakthrough curves. Note that the measured breakthrough
curves are somewhat steeper than the calculated curves at
the beginning of breakthrough. This has been attributed to
the variation of the intraparticle mass transfer coefficient
with the progress of adsorption.

The very tight binding of the ligate during the

adsorption step in affinity chromatography means that the
426 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

volume of etfluent , cm3

Figure 5.7. Breakthrough curve for trypsin on Sepharose 4B

columns with soybean trypsin inhibitor ligand (C, = 0.190
mg/cm3, liquid flow rate is 0.109 cm3/sec, column diameter is
2 cm) (Reference 17).

0cm.-------- O
I,0 - 0

volume of effluent, cm’

Figure 5.8. Breakthrough curve for trypsin on Sepharose 4B
columns with arginine peptide ligand (C, = 0.116 mg/cm3,
liquid flow rate is 0.056 cm3/sec, column diameter is 2 cm)
(Reference 17).
Affinity Chromatography 427

Table 5.2: Volumetric Coefficients (Kfa) for Sepharose 4BSoybean

Trypsin Inhibitor and Sepharose 4B-Arginine Peptides Systems (17)
Flow Kate Trypsin Kfa
Lip,and (cnJ/sec) (w/cm ) (set )

Soybean trypsin 0.056 0.078 0.0157

inhibitor 0.056 0.176 0.0138
0.109 0.083 0.020s
0.109 0.190 0.0189

Arginine peptides 0.056 0.009 0.0162

0.056 0.011 0.0148

0.056 0.019 0.0134

0.056 0.074 0.0168

0.056 0.116 0.0150

0.135 0.041 0.0210

0.135 0.048 0.0177

0.135 0.065 0.0146

shape of the breakthrough curve depends only on the rate

limiting mass transfer (or reaction) mechanism. Arnold and
coworkers (20) have presented analytical expressions for the
breakthrough curves for four cases in terms of the number of
transfer units (N) and a dimensionless throughput parameter
(T) when the particles had a 0.01 cm diameter, the superficial
velocity was 0.01 cm/set and the solute bulk diffusivity was
7 x 10e7 cm2/sec.

The breakthrough curve for the irreversible case with

pore diffusion is:

N pore CT - 1) = 2.44 - 0.273 /m (5.13)

where X is the dimensionless liquid phase concentration


N :
27 (DEFF/DnULK) L (5.14)

The effective diffusivity (D EFF) ’

IS usuaby l/l 00 of the value
of the bulk diffusivity (Dnu,,) (21). L is the column bed
length and
T = (V - fV)/TV (5.15)

with V the throughput volume, v the column volume, E the

void fraction and P the dimensionless distribution parameter.
428 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

The breakthrough curve for the solid homogeneous

diffusion case is:

NP(T-1) = -1.69
ln(l - X)2 + 0.61
1 (5.16)


N 2 21r (Dp/DBuLK) L (5.17)

with D, the pore diffusivity.

The combination of pore and film diffusion results in a

breakthrough curve given by:
@(X) + pore (In x + 1)
+ 1


d)(X) 2 2.39 - 3.59 lfC-7 (5.19)

Nf z 21 L (5.20)

The combination of solid homogeneous diffusion and film

mass transfer has a breakthrough curve given by:

OCX(E (5.21)
Nf (T - 1) = -mNp(T-1) =a

m .ln (l - *) + 1 + m; 69( x 6 1 (5.22)

(1 - 8)

m = - Nf/N (5.23)

a = l/(1 + N /N ) (5.24)
f P

Example 5.3
Typical breakthrough curves for the adsorption of
bovine serum albumin conjugated to arsanilic acid are shown
in Figure 5.9, on controlled pore glass and in Figure 5.10, on
Affinity Chromatography 429

Sepharose gel. The ligand for each column was mouse

monoclonal anti-benzenarsonate IgG.



Figure 5.9. Experimental and calculated breakthrough curve

for bovine serum albumin on 1.5 x 16.5 cm controlled pore
glass-monoclonal antibody column (Reference 20).

Figure 5.10. Experimental and calculated breakthrough curve

for bovine serum albumin on 1.5 x 18.3 cm Sepharose 4B-
monoclonal antibody column (Reference 20).
430 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

The experimental curve for the controlled pore glass

columns was better modeled using the pore diffusion equation
(5.13) with Npore = 8. However, the breakthrough curve for
the Sepharose column showed a greater tendency to tail off
at the upper end and was better modeled using the solid
diffusion equation (5.16) with N, = 5.


5.3.1 Supports

The earliest supports used in affinity chromatography

were agarose gels, a purified form of the naturally occurring
polysaccharide agar. Microporous glass beads, cellulose,
polyacrylamide, crosslinked dextrans and polystyrenes have
also been used as supports.

The proper selection of the support or matrix for the

ligands is of critical importance for the success of an
affinity chromatography system. An ideal support would
possess the following properties (22):
(1) It must interact very weakly with
proteins in general to minimize the non-
specific adsorption of proteins.
(2) It should be an insoluble, rigid material
which exhibits good flow properties
which are retained after coupling.
(3) It must possess chemical groups which
can be activated or modified, under
conditions innocuous to the structure of
the matrix, to allow the chemical linkage
of the ligand.
(4) These chemical groups should be
abundant in order to allow attainment of
a high effective concentration of
coupling sites, so that satisfactory
adsorption can be obtained even with
protein-ligand systems of low affinity.
(5) It must be mechanically and chemically
stable to the conditions of coupling and
to the varying conditions of pH, ionic
strength, temperature and presence of
denaturants (e.g., urea, guanidine
Affinity Chromatography 431

hydrochloride) which may be needed for

adsorption or elution. These properties
permit the repeated use of the support-
ligand material.
(6) It should form a very loose, porous
network which permits uniform and
unimpaired entry and exit of large
macromolecules throughout the entire

May and Landgraff (23) added three additonal

(7) The support should be resistent to
microbial attack.
(8) The support should be highly “wettable”
hydrophilic material when isolating
soluble macromolecules.
(9) It should be available at a reasonable

No support material meets all of the requirements of

this ideal. The most common matrices used are the
polysaccharide, agarose, polyacrylamide and controlled pore
glass. Other less successful materials used include
polystyrene, cellulose and dextrans. Hyrophobic supports,
such as polystyrene, cause drastic alterations in the three-
dimensional structure of proteins, resulting in substantial
decreases in the proteins’ activity (24).

Cellulose has a heterogeneous microstructure which

strongly detracts from its suitability as a support and, in
addition, has a significant amount of non-specific adsorption
(25). Cellulose particles are formed with more difficulty
compared to agarose gels. However, it has seen use as the
support material in the affinity chromatographic isolation of
immunoglobulins (26). The principal advantage of cellulose is
that it is the cheapest of the support materials.

Crosslinked dextrans are polysaccharides like agarose

and possess most of agarose’s desirable features, except for
its degree of porosity. The low porosity of dextrans make
them ineffective as adsorbents for enzyme purification (22). Agarose: Agarose is a linear polysaccharide

432 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

consisting of alternating P-D-galactose and 3,6-anhydro-a-L-

galactose residues linked 1,3- and 1,4- respectively. Agarose
is not chemically crosslinked and the size exclusion limit
depends on the percentage of agarose in the gel. A
crosslinked agarose (Figure 5.11) has been prepared with 2,3-
dibromopropanol which substantially increases the chemical
and mechanical stability of the support.


Figure 5.11. Chemical structure of crosslinked agarose

(Reference 23).

Agarose and other polysaccharides are usually activated

using the CNB method (27). This method may be carried out
in alkaline solution in a single step. Various procedures
involving addition of CNB solid or solution have been
developed. Activation is usually complete in less than 30
minutes. The activated gel must then be rapidly washed with
cold buffer and then the ligand is immediately attached. The
chemical reactions proposed for the activation process are
shown in Figure 5.12, along with the attachment of an
amino-containing ligand.

Agarose can also be activated using other chemical

reactions. The matrix can be activated by epichlorophydrins
or diepoxides which introduce reactive epoxide functionalities.
Figure 5.13 shows the epoxide formation, along with the
sulfhydryl coupling and derivatization with aminoalkyl arms
which allow spacing between the matrix and the ligand.
Affinity Chromatography 433

OH 0-CeN

t CNBr -


t i?



trourea Carbamrtc

Figure 5.12. Activation of polysaccharides with CNBr and

coupling of amino ligands (Reference 23).

Agarose continues to be one of the most popular

supports used in affinity chromatography. The porosity of
agarose results from the polymer’s ability to form a highly
hydrated open structure. Agarose is quite stable in aqueous
solutions of intermediate pH and ionic strength. The
disadvantages of agarose are its matrix compressibility, its
susceptibility to microbial attack, its instability at
temperatures above 40°C and its relatively high cost. It is
possible, however to strengthen its matrix by crosslinking it
with epichlorohydrin.
434 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology


a -c~,.cn -ai,,o(-CM,



cy--.-- c;d/"' o.cM, CM
t I


I” L


A’ I”




Figure 5.13. Formation of agarose derivatives by (A) epoxy

activation, (B) disulfide exchange and sulfhydryl coupling and
(C) derivatization of aminoalkyl arms for further coupling
(Reference 23).
Affinity Chromatography 435 Polyacrylamide Gels: Polyacrylamide gels are

synthetic, crosslinked polymers prepared by the
copolymerization of acrylamide and N,N-methylene-bis-
acrylamide (Figure 5.14). The chemistry of activation for the
polyacrylamide support is based on the exchangeability of the
carboxamide nitrogen with other amino-containing compounds,
as shown in Figure 5.15. Further modification of these
derivatives and the attachment of ligands is accomplished
using chemistry similar to that used with the agarose
activation (28).

CH2 0
cti- C - NH,
0 I
H Y 1
CH -C-r;- Ct$ - N-C-CH
II k

Figure 5.14. Chemical structure of acrylamide copolymerized

with N,N-methylene-bis-acrylamide (Reference 23).

C.N.CH, .CH, NH*
t k


Hydrolysis IOH- 1
Carboxylated Derivative


Figure 5.15. The chemistry of the activation of the

polyacrylamide support (Reference 23).
436 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

The advantages of polyacryamide gels include the

chemical stability due to its polyethylene backbone, a uniform
physical matrix and porosity, low non-specific adsorption of
proteins and a high concentration of carboxamide groups
which can be used as sites for ligand attachment. The major
drawback of this material is that its porosity is reduced after
the derivatization process.

A material is commercially available that combines the

three-dimensional polyacrylamide lattice with an interstitial
agarose gel (29). This material has both the hydroxyl and
carboxamide functionalities of the agarose and polyacrylamide,
respectively, which can be activated independently and
coupled to two separate ligands using independent reaction
schemes. The flow difficulties noted with agarose are
overcome by having the polyacrylamide lattice while the low
porosity of derivatized polyacrylamide supports are eliminated
by having the interstitial agarose. These combination
materials are available in varying concentrations of each
component. Controlled Pore Glass: Ohlson (30) was the

first to use microporous glass beads as a support material in
affinity chromatography. Controlled pore glass has also seen
wide use as a support in affinity chromatography.

The chemistry of derivatizing glass supports is shown in

Figure 5.16. The glass beads must first be silanized before
they can be activated. Silanization is the coupling of the
silane to the glass bead support through the surface silanol,
or of the oxide groups to the silylalkoxy groups (31). The
reaction sequence as shown in Figure 5.16 used
triethoxysilane. Specific silane reaction procedures have been
described by Weetall for organic (32) and aqueous (33)

The silanized controlled pore glass beads can then be

activated to form an arylamine, carboxyl or aldehyde
derivative (34). The arylamine is prepared from the silanized
support by reaction with p-nitrobenzoylchloride, followed by
reduction with sodium dithionite. The reaction is shown with
a 7-aminopropyltriethoxysilanized support in Figure 5.17. The
carboxylated derivative is prepared by reaction of the
alkylamine carrier with succinic anhydride, as shown in
Figure 5.18. The aldehyde derivative is prepared by reaction
with gluteraldehyde, which is illustrated in Figure 5.19.
Affinity Chromatography 437

:, OH
0-~i-O-S,iKH2)n R
:, 0 0
R (CH2), Si(OCH2CH,), + HO-ii-O- )----_* -0-Si - 0- SiKH21n R

:, :, :,
HO-ii-0 -0-Si - 0-Si (CH21n R
b :, dH

Figure 5.16. Silanization of the surface of porous glass. R

represents an organic functional group (Reference 34).

CARRIER -0-Si (Cl-i,), NH, * NO2


6 0


CARRIER -0- ;I (CH2), Nti; f-jN&

Figure 5.17. Preparation of the arylamine derivative from

the alkylamine derivative (Reference 34).

:, :, 0
0+ O &
CARRIER -0- .di (CHZ), NH2 t f I) -O-&CH~)3NH~(CH2), COOH


Figure 5.18. Preparation of the carboxyl derivative from the

alkylamine derivative (Reference 34).


CARRIER -0-5!i(CH,), NH2 + (LH2), I) -0-Si (CH, 1, N *CH(CH *I3 CHO


Figure 5.19. Preparation of the aldehyde derivative from the

alkylamine derivative (Reference 34).
438 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

Controlled-pore glass beads are now available with

surface coatings of glycerol and glycol-like structures to
eliminate non-specific protein adsorption. The advantages of
this type of support are its mechanical strength, its well-
defined and accessible pore volume, its resistance to
microbial attack and flexibility of chemical modification
procedures for ligand coupling. The principal disadvantage is
that silica is susceptible to dissolution in alkaline media
which restricts its use to solution pH values of less than 7.5.
This support is even more expensive than the agarose gel

53.2 Spacers
Hydrocarbon spacers between ligand molecules and the
support matrix are used extensively in affinity
chromatography. The usefulness of these spacers has been
attributed to the relief of steric restrictions imposed by the
matrix backbone and to an increased flexibility and mobility
of the ligand as it protrudes farther into the solvent (35).
Shaltiel (36) has pointed out, however, that hydrocarbon
extensions by themselves may bind proteins through
mechanisms unrelated to specific recognition of the ligand.
Such binding is more likely to occur when the affinity
chromatography material is prepared by first coating the
matrix with hydrocarbon arms and then attaching the specific
ligand to those extensions. Those hydrocarbon spacers which
do not have an attached ligand may bind other proteins
through hydrophobic interactions, thereby reducing the
specificity of the system. Therefore, when spacers are
employed between the matrix and the ligand, it is advisable
first to synthesize the ligand with the hydrocarbon attached
and then to attach the elongated ligand to the support
matrix. This procedure will minimize the possibility of
hydrophobic interactions of the space interfering with the
intended affinity chromatography.

Example 5.4
Figure 5.20 (37) shows the effect of hydrocarbon
spacers on the reversible binding of glycogen phosphorylase b
to alkyl agarose supports. The columns were equilibrated at
22°C with a buffer of 50 mM sodium ,&glycerophosphate, 50
mM 2-mercaptoethanol and 1mM EDTA at pH 7.0 before
applying the protein sample to the column. Nonadsorbed
protein was washed off with the same buffer. Elution,
initiated at the arrow in the figure, was carried out with a
Affinity Chromatography 439

deforming buffer of 0.4M imidazole, 50mM 2-mercaptoethanol

adjusted to pH 7.0 with citric acid. The binding on the C,
support is quite specific, since 95% of the crude muscle
extract, containing no phosphorylase b activity, is not
adsorbed while the small amount of protein eluted by the
deforming buffer has a very high phosporylase activity and
yields over 95% of the enzyme activity. This is in contrast
to the results with C,, where phosphorylase b is not
adsorbed, with Cs, where the enzyme is retarded, and with
C,, where the enzyme is adsorbed but could not be eluted.



Figure 5.20. Preferential adsorption of glycogen

phosphorylase b on hydrocarbon-coated agaroses depends on
ihe length of their alkyl side chains (Reference 37).

5.3.3 Ligands
The ligand is usually a small molecule, covalently
attached to the solid support, that displays a special and
unique affinity for the molecule to be purified. This small
molecule must possess chemical groups that can be modified
for linkage to the solid support without destroying or
seriously altering interactions with the designated protein.
When the target protein has a high molecular weight, the
ligand groups which interact with that protein must be
sufficiently distant from the solid matrix to minimize steric
interference. The use of “spacers” to create this distance
has just been discussed.

Enzymes constitute the largest category of proteins

purified by affinity chromatography. Purification of enzymes
440 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

can be divided into two categories: (A) enzymes purified

with the aid of specific inhibitors or substrates or (1;: the
purification of a wide range of enzymes using a general

A large number of different ligands are available for

specific interactions with enzymes; these include competitive
enzyme inhibitors, coenzymes, other substrates and cofactors.
The columns prepared from such ligands can only be used to
purify the specific enzymes for which the column was
designed. At times, specific columns may also serve for the
purification of enzymes with the identical catalytic activity
but which are derived from different organisms. Table 5.3
(38) shows some of the ligand-enzyme combinations based on
specific interactions.

Table 5.3 : Ligand-Enzyme Combinations Based on

Specific Interactions (38)

Enzyme Ligand Eluent

N - Acetylglucosamidase Thio-N-acetylglucosamide NaCl

Adenosine (phosphate) Inosine Adenosine

D-Alanine carboxypeptidase Penicillins N&l, hydroxylamine

Carboxylpeptidase N Aminobenzoyl arginine Cuanidinoethyl-mercapto


Choline dehydrogenase Choline Dithiothreitol

Dipeptidyl peptidase 4-Phenylbutylglycylproline Ethylene glycol, NaCl

t1astase Elastin, (Ala)3 Salt, Ala

m- L - Fucosldase Fucosamine Thiofuco- Fucose


B - Cdlocrosidase Thiogalactoside Thiogalactoside, ethylene


Glyoxylase Glutathione PH

tiistaminase Cadaverine Heparin

38 - Hydroxysreroid oxidase Cholesterol Triton X - 100

Nyosin kinasc (I, II) Calmodulin ECl’A

Phenylalanine hydroxylase Pteridine derivative Phenylalanine, pH

Prostaglandin cyclooxygenase Flubiprofen Flufenamic acid, ethylene


Renin Pepstatin, hemoglobin PH


Urclte oxidase 0 - Aminoxnnthine urate

Affinity Chromatography 441

The general ligand is a ligand which may be used with a

larger group of enzymes (39). Since about 30% of the known
enzymes require a coenzyme for their activity, using this
coenzyme as the ligand will allow purification of a relatively
large range of proteins on the same column. The coenzymes
most commonly used are NAD, NADP, ATP, CoA, and other
derivatives of adenine nucleotides. Table 5.4 (38) shows an
alphabetical list of some enzymes that have been purified
with general ligands.

Table 5.4: Enzymes Purified Using General Ligands

EnZIyllle Ligand Eluent

Adenosine ATP, ANP Adenosine, pH

Alanine dehydrogenase NADP NaCl

L - Arabinose kinase ATP NaCl

Choline acetyltransferase Coenzyme A Citrate-phosphate EDTA,


Cytochrome reductase NADP ADP NADP

L - Fucose dehydrogenase AMP Pfj

Glycogen phosphorylase AMP AMP

15 - Hydroxyprostaglandin NAD NADH


3 B - ffydroxysteroid pi

Isocitrate dehydrogenase AMP NAD

Malate thiokinase ADP CoA, ATP, malate

Nucleotide pyrophosphatase AMP N&l

Phosphoglucose isomerase ATP Glucose 6 - phosphate

Phosphorylase a AMP AMP

Pyridine dinucleotide NAD, Z’, 5’-ADP NADPfI, 2’-AMP


Ribonuclease T2 AMP 2’ (3)-AMP, NaCl

Sorbitol dehydrogenase NAD NAD

Threonine dehydratase AMP AMP

The lectin, concanavalin A, has been used as a general

ligand for polysaccharides and glycoproteins (40).
Concanavalin A will selectively bind glucose and mannose
residues in macromolecules. Therefore, when used as a
442 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

ligand, it can be used to isolate a wide variety of

biopolymers which contain one of the two sugar groups.

B-12 coenzyme and other cobalamins have been used as

general ligands by coupling to substituted agarose either
using the phosphate group or by amide formation at one of
the side chains (41). Intrinsic factor, transcobalamins and B-
12-dependent enzymes bind to these adsorbents.

The polyanionic aromatic dye chromophores mimic the

overall shape, size and charge distribution of the naturally
occurring biological heterocycles, such as the nucleotides and
coenzymes. This is seen in the use of dyes, especially the
reactive triazine-based textile dyes, as general ligands

Cibacron Blue F3G-A has been shown (42,44) to be an

especially effective adsorbent for the purification of pyridine
nucleotide-dependent oxidoreductases, phosphokinases,
coenzyme A-dependent enzymes, hydrolases, acetyl-,
phosphoribosyl- and aminotransferases, RNA and DNA
nucleases and polymerases, restriction endonucleases,
synthetases, hydroxylases, glycolytic enzymes,
phosphodiesterases, decarboxylases, sulfohydrolases and many
other seemingly unrelated proteins including interferon and

Other triazine dyes, such as Procion Red H-E3B, Procion

Red H-8BN, Procion Green H-4G and Procion Brown MX-SBR,
have also been found (45) to be suitable ligands for the
selective purification of individual pyridine nucleotide-
dependent dehydrogenases, phosphokinases, plasminogen,
carboxypeptidase G2, alkaline phosphatase and L-aminoacyl-
tRNA synthetases.

These synthetic dyes offer five advantages as general

ligands when compared to immobilized coenzymes or other
biological ligands for use in large scale affinity
1. The protein-binding capacities of
immobilized dye adsorbents exceed those
of biological origin by factors of 10 to
2. The synthetic dyes may be easily coupled
Affinity Chromatography 443

to the matrix materials and are resistant

to chemical and enzymatic degradation.
3. These dyes have general applicability and
allow easy elution of bound proteins
with good yields.
4. The characteristic spectral properties of
the dyes permit monitoring of ligand
concentrations and identification of
column materials (Table 5.5).
5. These dyes are readily available at a
reasonable cost.

Some of the commercially available affinity adsorbents

are shown in Table 5.6.

Table 5.5: Properties of Some Triazine Dyes (45)

Molar absorption
ReacLlve Dye (Z salt) coefficient (M-l cmml)

Cibacron Blue F3G-A 773.5 610 13,600

Procion Brown MX-5BR 588.2 530 15,000

Procion Green If-4G 1760.1 675 57,400

Procion Red H-8BN 801.2 546 21,300

Procion Red H-E3B ---__ 522 30,000


5.4.1 Selecting a Ligand

The task of selecting a suitable ligand remains an
empirical process involving the testing of a number of
potential ligands for their ability to bind the desired protein.

As an example of a typical empirical approach, the

relative suitability of several dyes as general ligands may be
conveniently tested with a series of small columns, each
containing 500 mg of agarose-bound dye equilibrated with an
appropriate buffer in 0.8 x 4 cm disposable polypropylene
columns (43). A small sample containing the desired protein
is applied to each column and the flow is interrupted for 10
minutes to allow equilibration of the sample with the dye
ligand. Nonadsorbed protein is purged with 5 to 10 mL of
the equilibration buffer. The bound protein is then eluted
with 1M KC1 in the same buffer. Both the void and the
Table 5.6: Some Commercially Available Affinity Adsorbents

Tradename Matrix Ligand Source

Dyematrex Blue A Silica Cibacron Blue F3GA Amicon R
Dyematrex Red A Silica Procion Red HE-3B Amicon Z
Matrex Gel PBA Agarose Phenyl boronate Amicon
Affi-Gel Blue Agarose Cibacron Blue F3GA Bio-Rad m.
Affi-Gel Calmodulin Agarose Calmodulin Bio-Rad 2
Affi-Gel Ovalbumin Agarose Ovalbumin Bio-Rad i;
Affi-Gel Galactosamine Agarose N- acetyl galactosamine Bio-Rad :
Affi-Gel Phenothiazine Agarose Phenothiazine Bio-Rad c;l
Affi-Gel 731 Polyacrylamide Polycations Bio-Rad
'I-Methyl-GTPSepharose Agarose P- aminophenylesterof Pharmacia
7- methylguanosine5- triphosphate
Oligo (dT)-Cellulose Type 7 Cellulose Oligo (dT) Pharmacia
DNA-Agarose Agarose DNA Pharmacia E?
AG POLY (A) Type 6 Agarose Polyriboadsnylicacid Pharmacia 2
AG POLY (C) Type 6 Agarose Polyribocytidylicacid Pharmacia
AG POLY (I) Type 6 Agarose Polyriboinosinicacid Pharmacia
Poly (U) Sepharose 48 Agarose Polyuridylicacid Pharmacia
Progel-TSK Chelate - 5PW Synthetic polymer Iminodiaceticacid Supelco/Toyo Soda
Progel-TSK Heparin - 5PW Synthetic polymer Heparin Supelco/Toyo Soda
Progel-TSK Blue - 5PW Synthetic polymer Cibacron Blue F3GA Supelco/Toyo Soda
Progel-TSK Boronate - 5PW Synthetic polymer M-Aminophenyl boronic acid SupelcoiToyo Soda
Progel-TSK ABA - 5PW Synthetic polymer P-Aminobenzamidine SupelcolToyo Soda
Affinity Chromatography 445

eluate fractions are assayed for protein and activity to allow

evaluation of the purification, recovery and capacity of the
dye-protein combinations. Many other examples of ligand
screening procedures are to be found in the literature (46

The kinetic inhibition constants or dissociation

constants of the protein-ligand interaction for a series of
ligands in free solution represents an alternate method of
screening potential ligands (49). For dye ligands, there is a
general trend of protein-dye dissociation constants (Kd)
across the color spectrum. The blue and green dyes tend to
bind more tightly to pig heart lactate dehydrogenase (Kd <
8M) than yellow dyes (Kd > 36M), while orange and red dyes
display intermediate affinities (10 M < K, < 33 M).

After these screening tests, the choice of a ligand

should be determined by two factors (50). First, it should
have a combination of chemical functionalities that allow it
to be attached to the activated support while retaining its
selective binding ability. Second, the ligand should have an
affinity for the desired product in the 10m4 to 10m8 M range
in free solution to allow maximum binding without the risk of
unacceptably difficult product elution.

Table 5.7 shows examples of many types of ligands

which have been used with Sepharose derivatives in affinity
purification applications. In general, enzymes have been used
as ligands to isolate a substrate analogue, an inhibitor or a
cofactor; an antibody may be used to isolate an antigen, a
virus or a cell type; a lectin for a polysaccharide, a
glycoprotein, a cell surface receptor or a cell type; a nucleic
acid for a complementary base sequence, a histone, a nucleic
acid polymerase or a binding protein; a hormone or a vitamin
for a receptor or a carrier protein; and a specific cell for a
cell surface specific protein or a lectin.

The capacity of affinity adsorbents has been shown to

depend on the degree of ligand substitution (51). The
greater the amount of ligand on the matrix, the lower the
specificity of the protein adsorption. The larger amounts of
ligand are likely to increase steric hindrance and non-specific
binding and to make elution difficult. Ten milligrams of
protein ligand per mL of support (2 pmols per mL) is a
useful upper limit on substitution.
446 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

Table 5.7 : Coupling Gels for Ligand Immobilization (50)

Derivative of
Type of Ligand Sepharose Comments

Proteins, peptides, CNBr -activated Method of choice for proteins and

amino acids, Sepharose 48 nucleic acids. Very well docwented.
nuclclc acids
(usin): -MI2 group)
CH-Sepharose 48 Coupling via 6-carbon spacer arm.
Or&r& solvents can be used for
water insoluble ligands. Carbo-
diimide coupling method used.

Activated CH- Activated gel for spontaneous Coup-

Sepharose 48 llng via spacer an. Especially use-
ful for small, sensitive ligands.

Epoxy-activated Activated gel for coupling amino

Sepharose 68 acids and peptides. Hydrophilic
spacer arm. Organic solvents can be

Amino acids, kcto AH-Sepharose 4B Coupling via 6-carbon spacer arm.

acids, carboxylic Organic solvents can be used for
acids water insoluble ligands. Carbo-
(using -COO11group) dlimide coupling method is used.

Sugars, other Epoxy-activated Activated gel for coupling via ex-

hydroxyl compounds Sepharose 6B tremely stable ether bond. Hydrophilic
(using -011 Broup) spacer arm. Organic solvents can be

Proteins Thiopropyl Sepharose 6-B For covalent chromatography of -SH

(using -St1 group) Activated Thiol containing substances. Coupling re-
Sepharose 48 actions are reversible.

Annno acids, other Epoxy-activated For a stable irreversibly coupled

low MN coIli[Jounds septlar0sO 68 product.

Low MN thiol Thiopropyl Sepharose 68 Ligand-matrix bond cleavable.

(using -31 group) (1.e. Coenzyme A)

5.4.2 Preparing the Support-Ligand

The ligand must be coupled to the solid support under
mild conditions that are well tolerated by both ligand and
support. The resulting support-ligand must be washed
exhaustively to make certain that all material which is not
covalently bound is removed. With highly aromatic
compounds, such as estradiol, complete removal of adsorbed
material is very difficult and will require many days of
continuous washing. In extreme cases, such as for Congo
red, it is necessary to wash the column with large quantities
of the protein to be purified, followed by elution to
regenerate the column.

A prerequisite to affinity chromatography experiments is

an accurate method for determining the amount of material
attached to the solid support. This is preferably determined
by measuring the amount of ligand released from the
support-ligand material after acid or alkaline hydrolysis.
Affinity Chromatography 447

Exhaustive digestion with pronase or carboxypeptidase has

been used in some cases in which oligopeptides are attached
to agarose. The degree of ligand substitution on the support
is then expressed in terms of concentration, such as
micromoles of ligand per milliliter of swollen support.

The quantity of ligand attached to the support can be

controlled by varying several parameters. Most important is
the amount of ligand added to the support. This is shown in
Table 5.8 for the attachment of 3’-(4-aminophenylphosphoryl)
deoxythymidine 5’-phosphate to agarose. When highly
substituted derivatives are desired, the amont of ligand added
should be 20-30 times higher than that which is desired in
the final product.

Table 5.8 : Efficiency of Coupling 3’-( 4-Aminophenylphosphoryl)

Deoxythymidine 5’-Phosphate to Agarose (1)
@ Moles of inhibitor/ml agarose
Experiment Added Coupled

A 4.1 2.3

B 2.5 1.5

C 1.5 1.0

D 0.5 0.3

The pH at which the attachment is performed will also

determine the degree of attachment since it is the
unprotonated form of the amino group which is reactive.
Compounds containing an o-amino group, with a pK about 8,
will react optimally at a pH of about 9.5 to 10.0. This is
shown in Table 5.9 for the attachment of alanine to argarose

Table 5.9: Effect of pH on the Coupling of Alanine to

Activated Agarose (35)
Conditions for Coupling Reaction Alanine Coupled

Buffer I?!!- ( moles per ml agarose)

Sodium citrate, 0.1 M 6.0 4.2

Sodium phosphate, 0.1 M 7.5 8.0

Sodium borate, 0.1 M 8.5 11.0

Sodium borate, 0.1 M 9.5 12.5

Sodium carbonate, 0.1 M 10.5 10.5

Sodium carbonate, 0.1 M 11.5 0.2

448 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

The time and temperature will also affect the quantity

of ligand attached. Swollen polyacrylamide beads are reacted
with 3 to 6M hydrazine hydrate in a constant temperature
bath at temperatures between 45°C and 50°C. Figure 5.21
shows the time required to achieve certain degrees of
derivatization (52). The amount of substitution varies
linearly for at least an eight hour period.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0
Time of heating (hours)

Figure 5.21. Time course of the reaction between

polyacrylamide BIO-GEL P-60 (100-200 mesh) and aqueous
hydrazine. C’ refers to mmoles of hydrazine groups found on
the amount of derivative produced from 1 gram of the
original dry polyacrylamide (Reference 52).
Affinity Chromatography 449

5.4.3 Ligate Adsorption

The specific conditions for affinity chromatography
adsorption are dictated by the specific properties of the
ligate to be purified. When ligands with mixed electrostatic-
hydrophobic characteristics are used, the pH, ionic strength
and temperature conditions can often be adjusted to improve
adsorption of the ligate. The optimal sample size, flow rate,
buffer composition, pH, ionic strength and temperature will
have to be defined for the specific ligand-ligate combination.
Table 5.10 (45) lists a selection of conditions that have been
used to adsorb proteins to immobilized dye ligands.

Table 5.10: Operational Parameters for the Adsorption of Proteins

to Immobilized Dyes (45)
Condition Data

Equilibration buffers
Molarlty 5 - loo mM

PH 5.5 - 9.0

Conlposltlo” Tris, phosphate, acetate. triethanolamine,

tcicine, IIEPES, HOPS, bicarbonate

Additives EDTA, KCl, N&l, NH4C1. (m4)2SO4,

2-mercaptoethanol, dithiothreitol,
cysteine, thioglycerol, phenylmethylsulfonyl
fluoride, urea, sucrose, glycerol, ethylene
glycol, detergents, chloramphenlcol,
amphotericin B

Netill Ions Na, K, Mg, Ca, SC, Bo, Zm, Cu, Co, Ni,
Mn, Fe, Al, Cc.

Sample applwd per bed volume 0.03 - 950 mglml

It is not necessary that the adsorption process take

place in a column. It may be advisable to use batch
purification, for example, when small amounts of protein are
to be extracted from very crude protein mixtures with an
adsorbent of very high affinity. The flow rate of such a
mixture through a column would be very slow, decreasing
with time for those cases when particulates are present in
the protein mixture.

In some cases involving very high affinity complexes,

such as occurs with certain antibody-antigen systems, it is
preferable to adsorb the protein to the support-ligand in a
column, to wash it there extensively and then to elute the
450 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

protein by removing the adsorbent from the column and

suspending it in a vessel with an appropriate solvent. This
means of elution requires less drastic conditions and may
give higher yields because of the thoroughness of mixing,
higher dilution of the insoluble ligand and easier control of
time and temperature which are possible.

The operational capacity for specific adsorption with a

given affinity adsorbent can be determined by slowly passing
an excess amount of enzyme or protein through a sample of
the adsorbent packed in a column. After washing with buffer
until negligible protein is present in the effluent, the
adsorbed protein is eluted and quantified. The operational
capacity is the amount eluted.

Another approach to determine operational capacity is

to add successive, small samples of pure protein to the
column until protein or enzymatic activity is noticed in the
column effluent. The operational capacity is the total
amount added until breakthrough occurs.

5.4.4 Ligate Elution

In most cases, the elution of the ligate is carried out
by changing the pH, ionic strength or temperature of the
buffer. Removal of proteins from very high affinity
adsorbents may require protein denaturants, such as urea or
guanidine hydrochloride. Ideal elution of a tightly bound
ligate should utilize a solvent which causes sufficient
alteration of the conformation of the protein to decrease
significantly the affinity of the protein for the ligand but
not so severely that the protein is completely denatured or
unfolded. The eluted protein should be neutralized, diluted
or dialyzed at once to allow prompt reconstitution of the
native protein structure.

Another method for elution is to cleave the support-

ligand bond selectively. This allows the removal of the
intact ligand-protein complex. Excess ligand can then be
removed by dialysis or by gel filtration. This method can be
used for ligands attached to the support by azo linkages or
by thiol or alcohol ester bonds.

There is no single method that serves as a general

example for all affinity chromatography elutions. However,
Affinity Chromatography 451

several elution methods for both specific and general elution

are being used with success.

Elution of the adsorbed protein may also be carried out

with a solution containing a specific inhibitor or substrate.
The inhibitor can either be the one that is covalently
attached to the matrix or an alternate, stronger competitive
inhibitor. If the inhibitor is the same as attached to the
support, it must be present at higher concentrations in the
elution solution.

Specific elution is also called affinity elution

chromatography since it utilizes competition for the ligand
site by hapten, ligands or inhibitor in solution to elute the
adsorbed species. This use of the bioaffinity of the adsorbed
species for elution represents the best conditions for highly
selective purification. On the other hand, non-specific
methods can be applied when apparently specific eluants fail
to elute the desired protein.

Non-specific methods include solvent or buffer changes,

pH or ionic strength changes, temperature changes, reversible
denaturation and the chemical cleavage of the ligand from
the support (53).

A good strategy for designing an elution method is the

initial examination of several means of non-specific elution
(38). Non-specific elution can be considered as an extra step
in washing the column if the desired compound is not eluted
since it serves to remove contaminating macromolecules. The
washing should be started with a high salt concentration in
the buffer so that compounds which are bound solely due to
their ion exchange properties will be eluted. Occasionally
low salt concentrations may be used initially to elute
compounds bound through hydrophobic interaction. When
changes in ionic strength are ineffective, different buffers,
such as a change from a Tris to a borate buffer, may be
tried. The next step in this strategy is to change the pH of
the eluant, beginning with small changes followed by the
addition of O.lN acetic acid or 0.5M NH,OH. If elution of
the desired protein does not occur, treatment with ethylene
glycol, dioxane or propionic acid may result in elution.

Table 5.11 (45) lists a number of conditions which have

been used to elute bound proteins from immobilized dye
452 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

ligands. The two techniques used most often are pH and salt
elution. The ionic strength of the eluant may be increased
in steps, pulses or gradients (54).

Table 5.11: Reported Eluents of Proteins from Immobilized Dye

Affinity Adsorbents (45)
Method Data

Molarity 0.025 - 6 M

Salts N&l, KCl, CaC12, NH4C1, (Nll412SO4

Polyols Glycerol, ethylene glycol

Chaotropes Urea, NaSCN, KSCN

Chelating agents EDTA, 2,2’-bypyridyl, pyridine dicarboxylic acid

Detergents 0.1% (w/v) SDS, Trlton X - 100

Specific elutants
Molarity 0.001 - 25 mM

Composition Coenzymcs, nucleotides, polynucleotides, ternary

complexes, substrates, dyes

When the elution tests just described are not effective, .

urea or guanidine may be added to remove the desired
protein through denaturation. The denaturation is time
dependent and reversible in many cases. Therefore, it is
necessary that the eluant with the denatured, desired protein
be collected in a dilution buffer immediately after leaving the
chromatography column to reverse the denaturation.

The binding of the desired protein to the affinity

column may be so tight as to preclude recovery of the
protein. Under such circumstances, the ligand should be
attached by means of a hydrolyzable bond or through a
destructible spacer arm. Esters (55) are readily hydrolyzed
with mild bases; vicinal hydroxyl groups are removed with
periodate; and diazo bonds are broken with dithionates (56).

In order to maintain specificity at the elution step, it is

advisable to perform the elution with a substrate or inhibitor
rather than other solvents. In either case, a control column
with ligand-free spacers should be used in order to evaluate
any contribution of hydrophobic interactions by the spacers
to the retention capability of affinity chromatography

In some instances, a suitable combination of substrates

Affinity Chromatography 453

and coenzymes may elute the desired protein with a much

greater yield than any of the individual components. As an
example, E. coli adenylosuccinate synthetase is eluted
efficiently from immobilized Procion Blue H-B using
quaternary complex formation with IMP, GTP and L-
aspartate, while much lower yields are obtained when a single
or pair of these substrates are employed (48).

Suzuki and Karube (57) have demonstrated the use of

light to control the affinity adsorption or elution of enzymes
to agarose modified with a spiropyran compounds, using the
isomerization shown in Figure 5.22, Trypsin from bovine
pancrease was bound in the dark on a spiropyran gel with a
soybean trypsin inhibitor ligand and was released with visible
light irradiation, as shown in Figure 5.23. Approximately 60
to 80% of bound trypsin was released with visible light
irradiation. The activity of the released trypsin was the
same as that of native trypsin. Approximately 2 1-fold
purification of trypsin was obtained using this technique. A
limitation of this method is the limited number of cycles the
spiropyran gel may be used because the spiropyran derivative
undergoes irreversible isomerization by the light irradiation.


( colorless form ) ( colored form )

Figure 5.22. Photoreversible isomerization of spiropyran

compounds (Reference 57).


When the laboratory procedure has been carefully

optimized, it is relatively easy to scale-up the process since
it only requires extrapolation of the volumes of affinity
adsorbent, washing buffer solution and elution solutions to
quantities sufficient to process the required amount of feed

As with other adsorption processes, the feedstream

needs to be pretreated to give a clear, particle-free solution
454 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

dark visible light

((0 2s so


Figure 5.23. Elution pattern of trypsin from the column of

light-activated ligand (Reference 57).

to prevent clogging if a column is used. It is desirable to

pretreat the feedstream to reduce the amount of unwanted
proteins to minimize any nonspecific binding to the affinity

Columns for process scale affinity chromatography are

short and wide, having a width to height ratio of 1 to 2-4 to
provide rapid throughput and reduced process time (Figure
5.24). When very large volumes (50 to 500 liters) of a
feedstream are to be processed, it is convenient to carry out
batch adsorption and elution in the same vessel. A very
wide column is used, fitted with a slow-speed overhead
stirrer. After batch mixing in the column, the affinity
particles are allowed to settle for washing to remove the
unbound material, followed by elution of the desired
Affinity Chromatography 455

substances. The settled bed height is typically about 10 cm

which allows high flow rates and rapid processing of large
volumes of the feedstream.









Figure 5.24. Process scale affinity column with adjustable

height, manufactured by Amicon.

The purification scheme will usually require a

subsequent step to remove the eluting agent from the
purified product, particularly when partial denaturization of
the product occurs during elution. Short connecting pipelines
and the highest possible flow rates are parameters that must
be designed into the process.
456 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

Automated instrumentation is usually employed to

control the affinity purification process. An integrated
automated system consists of a pump to maintain liquid flow,
a UV monitor and recorder connected to the column outlet to
follow the effluent composition and concentration, a
programmable fraction collector and a system of solenoid
valves to control feedstream and eluent application to the
column, collection of fractions from the column and changes
of eluents to clean and to regenerate the affinity adsorbent
(Figure 5.25) (58).

Figure 5.25. Process diagram for large-scale affinity

chromatography. S: sample; Bl to B3: buffers 1 to 3; PI to
P3: products 1 to 3; W: waste (Reference 58).


5.6.1 Batch Operations

As with the other batch operations described in this
book, the affinity particles are simply suspended in the
sample fluid and agitated for the desired length of time,
after which they are collected by filtration. The particles
are then washed to remove non-bound substances, after
which the particles are suspended in a solution which elutes
the desired protein from the affinity particles. This scheme
Affinity Chromatography 457

is shown in Figure 5.26. It is also possible to place the

washed particles in a column for the elution of the desired

\ ,
(A) Mixing/adsorption /a) Washing

(Cl Desorption 101 Recovery

Figure 5.26. Batch processing of biopolymers on an affinity

sorbent material. The open circles represent the affinity
material, the dots are the ligate molecules and the triangles
are the contaminants.

Sundberg and coworkers (59) have described a

laboratory batch operation known as the “tea bag” method.
With this method, shown in Figure 5.27, the affinity particles
are placed inside a porous fabric bag which is immersed into
the sample fluid. Several such bags, such containing affinity
particles with different ligands, may be used to extract
several proteins simultaneously from the same sample fluid.
This simultaneous extraction offers the advantages of savings
in time, of conserving precious starting materials and of
decreasing losses of labile components.
458 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology


k l’

Figure 5.27. Tea-bag processing of different ligate molecules

on three different affinity materials, A, B and C (Reference

Wong and Charm (60) have taken the porous fabric bag
approach and converted it into a continuous belt process,
shown in Figure 5.28. The porous belt containing the
affinity particles forms a continuous loop which moves
through a series of tanks so that affinity adsorption,
washing, elution and regeneration occur sequentially. This
process requires that the ligate have a very high affinity for
the sorbent material.

56.2 Column Operations

Affinity chromatography is most commonly carried out
in a column operation. A typical arrangement of such an
operation is shown in Figure 5.29. The feedstream is pumped
onto the column, followed by a washing buffer, and finally
Affinity Chromatography 459

the elution solution. The effluent from the column may be

directed to the waste stream, to product collection or to
further processing operations. A monitor on the effluent is
needed to identify the process stage to facilitate product

Plasma Wash Protein Regeneration

solution recovery

Figure 5.28. Continuous belt process for the affinity

adsorption of proteins (Reference 60).

Wash Derorbing
buffer agent


I Fraction collector I
rair 1

Figure 5.29. Affinity purification carried out in a column,

where valve A selects either sample, wash buffer or
desorbing solution. Valve B directs the column effluent to
waste or to further processing.
460 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

The industrial use of column affinity chromatography

requires the development of automatic control systems and
monitoring in order to achieve reliable operation. A suitable
control system consists of a set of valves to regulate the
application of fluid streams to the column (feedstream,
washes, eluants) and the collection of the effluent from the
bed (product and waste streams), along with a set of
instruments to provide a record of the separation. Figure
5.30 (61) shows the schematic of the microcomputer-
controlled automatic system developed by Chase. The process
includes an on-line gel filtration system for the rapid
removal of eluent from the eluted protein. This is a
desirable feature since eluents are often denaturants whose
rapid removal is required.

___--_---- __ --- - --_--_-



+&YE. R sz ’ s3


Rl R3 R4
’ t I
’ ’ I

P .__? r___+----
n-l I

c’ ,-*
--4 C __

t--* 11
I ’ f I
I; ' I i
II ! !
t ’

, LB_ ___-_~~~~_~___~__-__J I
L--------_----_-___- __________ ~~~~_.__~~-~~~~~J

Figure 5.30. Microcomputer controlled system for the

automatic control of fixed bed affinity separations. Bl:
immunosorbent bed; B2: gel filtration; C: computer; D: data
storage; F: fraction collector; P: pumps; R: reservoirs; S:
solenoid valve (Reference 61).
Affinity Chromatography 461

Several columns, each loaded with a different affinity

sorbent, may be used in series to isolate several desired
substances from a single feedstream. As an example (62), rat
liver extract was passed through two columns in series which
removed dihydrofolate reductase and guanine deaminase,

Begovich of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (63) has

developed a continuous column affinity chromatography
procedure using a rotating chromatograph. Instead of
changing feed, wash, elution and regeneration streams at
preset times, as occurs with conventional columns, all four
streams are fed continuously to separate segments of a
rotating column bed, as shown in Figure 5.31. These streams
are introduced at fixed points around the top of the column.



Figure 5.3 I. Continuous affinity chromatography on a

rotating chromatograph. The effluent concentrations are a
function of angular position rather than time: (1)
breakthrough curve for adsorption; (2) wash profile; (3)
efution profile; (4) regeneration (Reference 63).
462 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

The fraction of the column fed with each stream is equal to

the fraction of the overall process time devoted to that
operation in a conventional column, assuming all flow rates
were equal. As the bed rotates, the adsorbent material is
contacted with one or another of these streams. Purified
product is withdrawn at a particular position as a continuous
stream. The breakthrough, wash and elution profiles for this
type of column are plots of effluent concentration at
different angular positions around the column. While this
technique offers no advantages over conventional column
operations for small scale operations, it offers easier
operation and more uniform product quality when used in
preparative and manufacturing operations.

5.6.3 Affinity Purification with Membrane Operations

Affinity chromatography has been combined in a single
step with cross-flow filtration to provide a high resolution
and high recovery technique which is capable of treating
unclarified and viscous feedstreams. This technique,
illustrated in Figure 5.32 (64), has been used to purify
concanavalin A from a crude extract of Jack beans by using
Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells as the affinity ligand. Water-
soluble macroligands are retained on one side of the
ultrafiltration membrane. The feedstream is filtered in the
presence of these ligands, the macroligand-product complex is
retained while all impurities pass through the membrane. The
product can then be eluted from the affinity ligand. A
highly purified product at a yield of 70% was obtained using
0.8M D-glucose as the eluant.

Luong and coworkers (65) synthesized an acrylamide

polymer with pendant aminobenzamidine groups to be used
with this technique to purify trypsin. The trypsin-binding
capacity of the water-soluble macroligands was close to the
theoretical value 12O:l (weight of bound trypsin to weight of
aminobenzamidine), which is considerably higher than that
obtained with ligands on crosslinked gel supports. The eluant
used was OSM arginine. This one-step procedure was able to
purify trypsin from a trypsin-chymotrypsin mixture with 90%
yield and 98% purity.

Mandaro and coworkers (66) have reported the use of

an affinity filter matrix which had either Protein A or
Protein G as ligands to purify immunoglobulins from various
animal blood serum samples. The filter matrix was a
Affinity Chromatography 463

composite of vinyl monomers grafted to a cellulose support

which contained large pores. The pores allowed the
migration of macromolecules through the matrix even though
the matrix has the physical strength to be formed into a
high-flow rate filter cartridge (Figure 5.33).

- - --- -

o**.o”. **o
l o* O

Figure 5.32. A: Cross-flow filtration, substances separated by

sizes. Bl: Binding and elimination in affinity cross-flow
filtration. The binder is retained by specific attachment to
macroligands. B2: Dissociation of the product from
macroligands (Reference 64).
464 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology




Figure 5.33. Filtration support for affinity separations

(Reference 66).

These supports were activated with gluteraldehyde to

provide an aldehyde group at the end of an 18-atom spacer
arm. Depending on the ligand attachment process, between 4
and 5 mg of immobilized ligand is attached per gram of
matrix. Table 5.12 shows the capacity of a filter matrix with
12.4 mg of immobilized Protein A or with 10.6 mg of
immobilized Protein G. The flow rates of about 2 mL/min
resulted in pressures less than 1 bar. Larger systems with
ligand immobilization capacities of 80 mg and 3000 mg
allowed flow rates of 5 and 125 mL/min.

Table 5.12: Comparison of Protein A and Protein G Filter

Interaction with Various Polyclonal IgG’s (66)
Protein A Protein C
Species Capacity (mg) Ratio Capacity (mg) Ratio

Ihmsn I$ (puce) 43.99 3.55 46.66 4.42

lluman I& (serum) 39.03 3.15 40.05 3.79

Bovine I.$ (pure) 25.19 2.03 44.44 4.20

The Ratio is the eluted IgC/bound ligand.

Pungor and coworkers (67) developed a method of

continuous affinity-recycle extraction, shown in Figure 5.34.
The sample is fed to the adsorption stage where it contacts
the affinity adsorbent. The desired product selectively
adsorbs while contaminants are diluted with the addition of
wash buffer. The affinity adsorbent with the product then
Affinity Chromatography 465

passes to a desorbing stage where the addition of the eluting

solvent causes the product to desorb. The regenerated
affinity adsorbent is recycled to the adsorption stage while
the product is removed continuously through a membrane
filter. The filter unit may be used either internally or
externally from the two stages. Continuous operation is
achieved by keeping the adsorption and desorption vessels
well agitated and operating under steady-state conditions.
The recovery yield of j?-galactosidase from unpretreated
homogenized cells was 70% with a 35-fold purification and 4-
times concentration increase using this purification technique.




Figure 5.34. Schematic of continuous affinity-recycle

extraction system (Reference 67).

A different approach to combining filtration and affinity

purification was developed by Nigam and Wang (68). They
modeled the use of small affinity adsorbent particles
imbedded in hydrogel beads to treat whole broths. The
hydrogel matrix allowed the very small particles to be used
with relatively easy handling and reduced fouling of the
adsorbent particles. The use of the small adsorbent particles
466 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

also reduced the internal mass transfer resistance which

allowed increased adsorption, as shown in Figure 5.35, for
different numbers of immobilized particles imbedded in the
hydrogel bead.


0 02 004 006 0.8

Figure 5.35. Adsorption rate as a function of time for four

simulated cases (Reference 68).

5.6.4 Ligand Costs

When specific ligands are used to purify an enzyme, the
cost of the affinity chromatography adsorbent can be quite
expensive. Whether or not it is too expensive depends on
the end use of the purified material. Hamman and Calton
(69) have pointed out that although the cost of the
monoclonal immunosorbent used to purify urokinase is
$600/liter, this only amounts to $4.90/g of urokinase purified.
Since urokinase drug treatment charges at hospital
pharmacies are $9 1,000/g, affinity chromatography is
obviously not too expensive in this case.
Affinity Chromatography 467


Affinity chromatography was originally devised for

protein isolation and purification. Its success in this role is
demonstrated by the proteins purified using the ligands shown
in Table 5.13 (2). However, the use of this technique is
certainly not limited to protein purification. Carbohydrates
and glycoporteins have been purified by the use of
immobilized lectins (Table 5.14) (3). Hormone receptors have
been used for hormone purification and monoclonal antibodies
have been used to purify antigens. Cell organelles and even
whole cells have been purified by affinity chromatography.
Some illustrative examples from different affinity purification
applications will now be presented.

5.7.1 Protein Purification

Wickerhauser and coworkers (70) used heparin-Sepharose
to perform a large-scale purification of antithrombin III from
human plasma. The purification sequence is shown in Figure
5.36. While heparin-Sepharose is very effective in extracting
antithrombin III from other plasma proteins, it will also bind

Table 5.13: Proteins Purified Using Affinity Chromatography (2)

Proteins Purified Ligand

Succinic thiokinase Coenzyme A

Phosphofructokinase Adenosine monophosphate

Transcobalamin I and II Coenzyme 817,

Methylmalonyl - CoA mutase Coenzyme B12

Luciferase Flavin

Dihydrofolate reductase Folate

Tyrosine aminotransferase Pyridoxal phosphate

Aspnrtate aminotransferase Pyri&~tsl phosphate

Glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase Pyridoxal phosphate

Aldolase Nucleotide phosphates

Citrate synthetase Nucleotide phosphates

Ribonuclease reductase Nucleotide phosphates

Sialyltransferase Nucleotide phosphates

Galactosyltransferase Nucleotide phosphates

Glycogen synthetase Nucleotide phosphates

468 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

Table 5.14: Lectin-Agarose Affinity Chromatography Purifications

of Glycoproteins (2)

Lectin Ligand Glycoprotein Purified

Concanavalin A (I - Antitrypsin
Herpes-specific membrane glycoproteins
Horseradish peroxidase
Human alkaline phosphatase
Immunoglobulin A
Receptors for insulin
Receptors for epidermal growth factor
Porcine enteropeptidase
Rat brain glycopeptides
Ricinus communis (I- Fetoprotein
Wheat germ agglutin Erythropoietin
Glycophorin A
Receptors for insulin
Receptors for somatomedin C
Retinal glycoproteins

lipoproteins. Therefore, it was essential to remove the

lipoproteins by precipitation with 20% polyethylene glycol
prior to the affinity purification step. The pasteurization
step was included to eliminate any possibility of infectivity
remaining due to the hepatitis antigen. Table 5.15 shows the
volumes of plasma treated along with the amount of product
recovered with a 2M NaCl elution.

Several /3-lactamases, enzymes that play an important

part in antibiotic resistance, have been purified by
Cartwright and Waley (71) using boronic acid-agarose columns
with hydrophilic or hydrophdbic spacer arms. The results are
presented in Table 5.16.

For those ,&lactamases with a relatively high affinity

for m-aminophenylboronic acid (Ki < 200 PM), gels having a
hydrophilic spacer arm provide adequate binding. For those
p-lactamases with low affinity for m-aminophenylboronic
acid (Ki > 200 PM), an additional binding force is required.
This is provided by using a hydrophobic spacer arm. The
additive nature of the hydrophobic interaction and the ligand
specific interaction was illustrated for the p-lactamases that
had Ki’S in the millimolar region.
Affinity Chromatography 469

Plasma Cohn Fraction IV-1

I IO% in 0.05 M NaCI, pH 7.33
1 +20% polyelhylcne glycol
+20x polyethylene glycol
(final concenlration)
I Ba~;;~~;;~;;
Batch adsorption with heparin-Sepharose
hcparin-Sepkarose (S-8 g Fraction IV-I IO I ml gel)
(45 ml plasma 10 I ml gel)

Wash with 12.5 liters of

0. I5 and 0.5 M NaCI

Elute wiJ 12.5 liters

of 2 M NaCl

Concen*rat!on Pellicon
cassetfe system to 500 ml
Pasteurize with addition of
cilratc lo 0.5 M pH 7.55. 10 h 6O’C

Desalt on Sephadcx C-SO
2.5 liter column

750 ml solution

Sterile filter

Figure 5.36. Purification of antithrombin III from human

plasma or Cohn Fraction IV-l (Reference 70).

Table 5.15: Recovery of Antithrombin III from Human Plasma (70)

Volume Antithrombin III activity
Material (liters)
___ PE/ml
__ Total PE % Recovery

Plasma 113 0.949 107,237 100.0

Cryosupernatant 111 0.939 104,229 97.2

20% PEG
supernatant 115 0.655 75,325 70.2

DEAE unadsorbed
+ wash 215 0.321 69,015 64.4

HS unadsorbed 215 0.055 11,825 11.0

0.15 N NaCl wash 12.5 0.102 1,275 1.2
0.5 tl N&l wash 12.5 1.150 14,375 13.4
2.0 M NaCl eluate 12.0 4.133 49,596 46.2

Pasteurized product 0.74 46.8 34,632 32.3

470 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

Table 5.16: Purification of P-Lactamases on Phenylboronic Acid

Affinity Columns (71)
Purification K; (PM)
B - Lactamase (fold) m-aminophenylboronic kid Borate

Pseudomonas aeruginose 220 (a) 5 630

Entereobacter cloacae 12 (a) 60 5000

Pseudomonas maltophilia 2000 (a) 200 370

Bacillus cereus, I 15 (b) 2000 1000

Bacillus cereus, II _-- (c) Not inhibited

Bacillus cereus, III 60 (b) 1650 4400

Klebsiella aerogenes 40 (c) 770 600

(a) Reporter substrate was cephalosporin C.

(b) Reporter substrate was nitrocefin.

(c) Keporter substrate was penicillin G.

Fisher and Newsholme (72) developed a procedure which

directly combined the elution of adenosine kinase from a gel
filtration column with the adsorption of the enzyme onto a
5’-AMP-Sepharose 4B affinity chromatography column. The
buffer used throughout the purification procedure consisted
of 4mM Na,H,PO,, 2mM EDTA and 5% (v/v) glycerol at pH
7.0 and 4°C. Adenosine kinase was eluted from the affinity
column with 0.6 mM adenosine in the buffer. The specific
activity of adenosine kinase in the peak activity fraction
from the affinity column was about 2 pmol/min per mg of
protein, a purification of 870-fold.

Affinity chromatography on immobilized calmodulin has

been shown (73) to be a very convenient method for the
rapid purification of bull seminalplasmin to over 99% purity.
Many aspects of the complex formation between
seminalplasmin and calmodulin have been shown to be
identical with that of melittin, mastoparans and synthetic
model peptides. This similarity is shown in Figure 5.37. The
1:l Ca+2-dependent complex is fully resistant to urea and
displays an affinity constant of approximately log M-l. The
elution of seminalplasmin from the immobilized calmodulin
requires the presence of both EDTA and 4M urea in the
elution buffer.
Affinity Chromatography 4’71



-7 -6 -5

Figure 5.37. Displacement of Melex bound [3H] calmodulin

bull seminalplasmin
(Reference 73).
(0) as compared with soluble melittin (“x4;
Malate dehydrogenase and 3-hydroxybutyrate
dehydrogenase have been purified from Rhodopseudomotlas
spheroides extract using two sequential dye ligand affinity
chromatography columns (74). The cell-free extract was
applied to a 1.5 liter column of agarose-bound Procion Red
H-3B. The 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase was eluted with
the 1M KC1 buffer wash and the malate dehydrogenase was
subsequently eluted by including 2mM NADH in the buffer.
The dialyzed fractions containing malate dehydrogenase
activity were then applied to a 1 liter column of immobilized
Procion Blue MX-4GD. The malate dehydrogenase was eluted
472 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

with a linear gradient of KC1 (0 to 700mM, 8 liters) to yield

1 g of homogeneous enzyme at a 70% overall yield.

The Procion Red H-3B column wash fractions which

contained the 3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase were applied
to a 1 liter column of immobilized Procion Blue MX-4GD and
eluted with 2mM NADH to yield 300 mg of homogeneous
enzyme with an 80% overall yield. It should be noted that
the non-affinity chromatography scheme for isolating this
enzyme involves nine separate steps and has an overall yield
of only 9%.

5.7.2 Interferon Purification

Knight and Fahey (75) have used Blue Sepharose Cl-4B
in an affinity purification of homogeneous human fibroblast
interferon in yields ranging from 20 to 40%. The interferon
was produced by diploid fibroblast cells (FS-4) cultured in a
serum-free medium to give crude interferon of high specific
activity. The interferon adsorbs on the affinity material in
the presence of 1 or 2M NaCl, whereas the contaminating
proteins do not. Pure interferon is eluted from the Blue
Sepharose using 50% ethylene glycol. It is collected into a
buffered solution to make a final concentration of 37%
ethylene glycol because interferon is much more stable in
37% ethylene glycol. A second column is used for
concentration purposes, as shown in Table 5.17. The final
product has a specific activity of 5 x lo* units/mg.

Table 5.17: Purification of Human Fibroblast Interferon (75)

Volume Units, Protein Specific Recovered
Fraction (ml) Interferon (mg) activity (%)

Crude 10,000 a5 x io6 500 1.7 x 105 100

First Blue Sepharose 160 68 x 106 0.6 1 x 108 80

column, 1M N&l,
50% ethylene glycol

Second Blue 10 30 x 106 0.06 5 x 108 35

Scphnrose column,
2 i-l N&l, 40%
ethylene glycol

Staehelin and coworkers (76) at Hoffman-LaRoche have

produced a range of monoclonal antibodies for the affinity
chromatography purification of leukocyte interferon. The
process for isolating recombinant human leukocyte interferon
Affinity Chromatography 473

from cultures of E. coli is shown in Figure 5.38 and a

summary of the purification is shown in Table 5.18. A 17 ml
monoclonal antibody column was found to be able to process
the extract from 1 kg bacterial. The affinity purification
provided over l,OOO-fold purification in a single step and
yielded a homogeneous final product.

5.7.3 Receptor-Binding Affinity Chromatography

A receptor is a molecule that recognizes a specific
chemical entity, binds to it and initiates a series of
biochemical events resulting in a characteristic physiological
response (77). Because hormone receptors are present in
mammalian cells only in exceedingly small quantities (less
than 10 ppm on a dry weight basis) and because they are
relatively unstable, traditional methods for isolating and
purifying membrane-bound receptors have been of only
limited value. Only after the introduction of affinity
chromatography did such isolation become experimentally
feasible. Even with affinity chromatography, only a few cell
receptors, like those shown in Table 5.19 (2), have been
successfully purified.

The interaction between hormone, neurotransmitter or

drug and the respective receptor is selective and specific.
This selectivity causes the interaction between the ligand and
its receptor to be one of high affinity, among the highest
known among biological interactions. This means that harsh

Homogenize 1 kg E. cofi

Treat homogenate wilh 30% (NH.&Q
Treat supernatant with 65% (NH&SO4
Dissolve and dialyze pellet

Load on 17 ml column of anti-interferon-agar
Wash column; elute interferon at pH 2.5

Adjust interferon fractions to pH 4.5 (IM Tris)
and load on to CM-cellulose
Elute interferon with 0.5 M ammonium acetate

Figure 5.38. Process for isolating recombinant human

leukocyte interferon from E. coli cultures (Reference 76).
474 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology
x x
0 0
r. \D
Affinity Chromatography 475

conditions are necessary to elute receptors from columns

containing a selective affinity ligand. Monoclonal antibodies
are now being used to allow elution to be carried out under
milder conditions (78). Table 5.20 (38) shows examples of the
use of specific ligands and monoclonal antibodies for the
isolation of receptors and other binding proteins.

Table 5.19: Membrane-Bound Receptors Purified by

Affinity Chromatography
Receptor Source Ligand

Acetylcholine Electric eel Cobratoxin

Epidermal growth factor Placenta Plant lectins
Epinephrine Erythrocytes Alprenolol
Growth hormone Liver Growth hormone
Human chorionic Testes Human chorionic
gonadotrophin gonadotrophin
Immunoglobulin E Basophilic cells Immunoglobulin E
Insulin Liver, fat cells Concanavalin A
Prolactin Mammary gland Growth hormone
Thyrotropin-stimulating Thyroid gland Thyrotropin-stimulating
hormone hormone

Table 5.20: Receptor and Binding Proteins Purified by

Affinity Chromatography (38)
Receptor Ligand Eluent

B - Andrenergic Alprenolol, acebutolol Isoproterenol, alprenolol

Estradiol Estradiol derivative Estradiol, KC1

oligo (dT)

Fc IgG Urea

Insulin Insulin Guanidine, KSCN

Intrinsic facLor Intrinsic factor - Bl2 EDTA

Transcobalamin II Transcobalamin II EDTA

Binding Protein

C3b component Factor H NaCl

Elongation factors GDP GDP

Tu, Ts

Hemopexin Heme, hematin Gly-HC 1, urea

Migration inhibitory Glycolipids KSCN


m RNA cap m7GDP !CCl

476 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

5.7.4 Immuno Affinity Chromatography

Affinity chromatography has been used for the
purification of antibodies by employing antigens bound to
carriers. Immobilized antibodies have also been used for the
purification of proteins, including enzymes. Under ideal
conditions, these columns allow separation of specific
antibodies from crude mixtures in a one-step procedure.
Both conventional and monoclonal antibodies have been used.
A major difficulty in the use of immobilized antibodies is the
affinity of an antibody for antigens, thereby making the
recovery of active enzymes difficult owing to the drastic
conditions required for their elution. It is not unusual to
find eluents that consist of chaotrophs (5M KSCN), low pH
(2.2) or high pH (11.5) buffers, urea (3.5-8M) or guanidine
(6M). Despite such harsh conditions, it is of interest that
antigenicity is retained in most cases. When its antigenicity
is not retained, immobilized protein A (79) or antihapten
antibody (SO) may be used to bind antibody-antigen or hapten
antibody-antigen complexes. It is a purified complex, not the
antigen, that is eluted from the support.

The use of monoclonal antibodies (81) decreases the

possibility of contamination with antibodies directed against
proteins other than that desired. Since the number of
monoclonal antibodies against a specific protein are many, it
is advantageous to select low affinity antibodies for
immobilization. The lower affinity will allow the use of
milder elution conditions and reduces the possibility of
irreversible denaturation. Some of the proteins purified by
conventional and monoclonal antibodies are listed in Table

5.7.5 Cell Separation by Affinity Chromatography

Immunoadsorbent techniques are capable of efficient and
specific retention of cells and allow the recovery of unbound
cells in a viable, unaltered state. In these methods,
antibodies specific for a lymphocyte surface component are
bonded to solid phase matrices to provide a selective ligand
for isolating given cell subpopulations. Thus, B cells can be
conveniently isolated from a mixed population using
antiimmunoglobulin, T cells by using antibodies to Thy 1
antigens and null cells are taken as those that remain after
removal of both B and T cells. Commercial monoclonal
reagents can be used to separate T cells on the basis of Lyt
Affinity Chromatography 477

Table 5.21: Proteins Purified on Immuno Affinity Columns (38)

Protein Eluent

Adenosine deaminase Urea

a- Fetoprotein Urea

Angiotensin I converting enzyme Mg Cl2

Choriogonadotropin Mg Cl2

Estrogen receptor Na SCN


Glucocorticoid receptor Acetic acid

Insulin receptor Mg Cl2

Ribonuclease H Mg Cl2

Serine acetyltransferase 0- Acetylserine

Somatostatin Acetic acid

Thyrotropin Guanidine

Trypsin inhibitor Propionic acid

Urokinase Glycine - II Cl

antigens, for example, into killer, helper or suppressor cells


The most important parameter determining the success

of immunosorbent chromatography of cells is the level of
antibody substitution on the matrix. For adsorption of
unwanted cells, the level of the antibody ligand must be high
enough to allow adequate retention of the bound cells. For
positive selection, the level of the antibody ligand must be
low enough so that desorption of the cells is not made

Hubbard and coworkers (83) used the globulin fraction

of rabbit anti-mouse IgM serum for the separation of Ig+ and
Ig- cells. The cell suspension (l-5 x IO7 cells/ml; lo8 cells
maximum) was added to the column, followed by 2 bed
volumes of the buffer. This fraction contained the unbound
cells. After washing the column with 10 to 20 additional bed
volumes of buffer, the bound cells were specifically eluted
with 1 mg/mL of purified mouse IgM in the buffer. Release
of the bound cells occurs through competition between the
cell surface immunoglobulin and the free immunoglobulin for
478 Separation and Purification Techniques in Biotechnology

the immobilized antibody ligand. About 80 to 90% of the Ig-

cells and no Ig+ cells were recovered in the unbound
fraction. Likewise, 80 to 90% of the eluted bound cells
possessed surface immunoglobulin, but were only about 35 to
40% of the Ig+ cells applied to the column.

The interaction between Sfaphq’lococcus ~UXUS (SPA)

and cell surface IgG has been used in this technique to
isolate lymphocytes and other cells (84). Table 5.22 shows
the decrease in the percentage of Ig-bearing mouse B
lymphocytes in the nonadherent cell population after affinity
chromatography with SPA-Sepharose 6MB. The antibody
bearing subpopulation is eluted from the column with IgG or
by mechanical treatment.

Table 5.22: Isolation of &-Bearing Mouse Lymphocytes by

Affinity Chromatography on Sp A-Sepharose 6MB (84)

Cell Fraction Ig - bearing cells (%)

Before chromatography 40.8 2 1.7

After Chromatography
Nonadherent to column 10.9 z 1.2

Adherent to column 90.3 T 1.8

Separation of well-defined cell populations by affinity

chromatography can only be achieved if antibody ligands
against specific surface antigens are available.

The subpopulation enriched in cells bearing the specific

antigen has interacted with antibody and SpA during the
affinity chromatography operation. This is an unavoidable
consequence of methods using antibody as a tool for cell
separation. The antibody present on the surface of the
eluted cells may affect their normal function, For this
reason, affinity chromatography of cells is the method of
choice for depletion of a cell population rather than for
enrichment of a population in cells bearing a specific antigen.


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