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Apexior 1

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Dampney,s Apexior No.1 ComPOu nd _ngtE


Product Data
Cbmpasitjot] Ove'coating IIllerVal
Apexior No.1
Bi(uminous vehlcle comaining Minimum: 8 hours, A unique, specially fomulated compos!-
amorphous carbon pigmem. Maximum: Indefimte, tion designed as an anti-corrosive coating
VIolune Solids (ISO 3233) Appheatlon for metal surfaces in continuous COntaCI
54 2 Brush wlth hot water and steam above 93.C
Cong CrfuLy Heat Rchtapee (200^F)- Il iS PflnlCllhrly Sulted for the
Theoretical: l3.5 m2/litre at 40 microns Withstands contllluOuS COntaC( With Water imerml lining of steel bOllerS, -`(Cam Pipes

dr\ flLln thichaess or steanl hell+eon 93oC dnct 540flC and hot well tanks- A regular maimc
Rdsunended Film Thichaess FlasII Point nonce schedule during shut down periods
40 micrr)ns dry:74 mICronS Wet (Per coat) 40oC is necessary to ensure the I()g term
hrfug Ralo Colour perfo-Once c)i the coating-
Not applicable - single pack. Black. The product has been demonstrated to
Pot Life Packages lrnProVe the heat tranSmISSIOn effICieney Of

Not applicable. 5 litre coated surfaces, with real energy

Shelf Llfe WeigJlt I)er Litre saving benefltS,

24 months, stc)red under cool, dry 1.I kg.

conditions ln original, llnr)Pened Packs SolveI]l/Clcaaer Reforenc¢ nr).:

Drying Tine Clean eql"p-nl thorc)ughly. lmmcdiatal),

Drying time will depend on temperature after use wlth White Splm. Apexior No,I 1772507
and vemilalion condltiOnS. The following Fil]ish

are given as a gulde at 15uC. They may Matt.

be doubled al 7oC Voa (Iso ll890-1)
Touch dry: 6-8 hours. 357 g/litre.
Hard dry: OlllY achieved after maimain-
mg water/steam temperatue above lcooC
for 5 hours.

Surface Preparation
Remove grease, oil and other contaminams. Special care must be taken on weld areas to
remove flux and spatlcr. Welds and JOlntS Should be Prepared b). grlndlng ln accordance
with EN l5879-I. Blast clean tt) a minimum standard of cleanliness Sa 2y2 BS 7079: l989
(ISO 850l-I: 1988). Surface proflle Rz should not exceed 100 microns (0004 in ).
If blasting IS not PraCtiCal' -ke full use Of mechanical tools, manual Chipping and Wire
bmshlng to remove rust and scale to achieve preparatlon standard St 2 BS 7079: l989
(ISO 850l-I: I988). Excesslve of the steel should be avoided, Rermve all drsl
and debris from the sllrface, which should be coated bef{)re contamination can (}ccur-
£,ylstlng Apexior No.1 coated surfaces sriould be clean, dr). and free from dlrt, oil, grease,
scale or other contamination.

Application Method
Apexior No.I should only be applied to clean metal or sound previous coats of itself.
Three or more coats are required for full protection of steel, and at least two Coats for lhe
-intenance palntlng nf ourfuce` pl.evln`lsh, coated Wllh the PrOdtlCl, S"I thoroughly
before use, addltlon of thlnner lS not nOrinally necessary
this product ls intended for bnlsh appllcatlon only, a mlnlmum Of two coots Should be
applied. work the f"st coat well into the seams, bolts' eta. Since dring prlmarlly OCCurs
by solvem evapouratlon, good ventilation must be provided

The product is Intended for industrial use

surfaces coated with Apexior No.1 should not be exposed (a weathering. oniv. Improper work practices or
Do nc)( apply when relattve humidity exceeds 90 and I-ondensdtloll tS IIkely. Drlung Will neg'hgerlf Pndun hulndtry may be
be retarded below 4oC and painting should be stopped until temperature rises. Only apply dangerous to health and create risk ()i fire
coating when metal temperattlrc ts Sac or more abo\,a dew point. When conditions or a.¥plasi(m. Apprapriatc safer).
approach (hose critical limits the use of heating and dehumidiflcation equipment is regtlhations, as weu as the MSDS and hazard
essemial if application iS tO COntinue Loss factors based on the nature I)i the surfuce and waning labels must be fuHy observed.
the chosen appllcalion method Should be applied tO Obtain a Practical Covering Capacity.

Do not vary recommended dry film thlckness without written COnfi-atiOn.

Data Sheet GO3d
November 2008

HCC motcctive Coatings limited

The Colchestcr Centre Hawkins Road Colchcster CO2 8JX
Telephone: 01206 266866 Facsimile: 012O6 266868 E-mail:

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