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Pre-Post OT Intervention

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The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy

Volume 6 Article 4
Issue 1 Winter 2018

January 2018

A Retrospective Pre-Post Treatment Study of Occupational

Therapy Intervention for Children with Sensory Processing
Sarah A. Schoen
Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions - USA,

Lucy Jane Miller

STAR Institute - USA,

Joanne Flanagan
University of Texas Medical Branch - USA,

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Recommended Citation
Schoen, S. A., Miller, L. J., & Flanagan, J. (2018). A Retrospective Pre-Post Treatment Study of
Occupational Therapy Intervention for Children with Sensory Processing Challenges. The Open Journal of
Occupational Therapy, 6(1).

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A Retrospective Pre-Post Treatment Study of Occupational Therapy Intervention
for Children with Sensory Processing Challenges

Background: This study investigated the impact of an intensive, short-term program that incorporates the
principles of sensory integration and relationship-based therapies with extensive parent collaboration.
The goals were to identify measures sensitive to change and explore the relation between sensory
modulation characteristics and change in behavior after intervention.

Method: A retrospective chart review examined routine clinical data pre-post intervention from 179
children identified with sensory processing challenges without comorbid autism. Change in measures of
adaptive behavior, emotional functioning, sensory-related behaviors, and motor functioning were
evaluated. Relations between sensory modulation and behavior were explored.

Results: Improvements were noted from pretreatment to postreatment on all measures of adaptive
behavior, problem behaviors, sensory-related functions, and measures of motor function. Sensory craving
symptoms were associated with a significant reduction in externalizing and behavior problems after

Conclusion: This study provides preliminary support for the effectiveness of a novel treatment approach.

treatment effectiveness, occupational therapy, sensory-based intervention, relationship-based approach,
parent coaching

Cover Page Footnote

We wish to thank the children and families who participated in this study and Jillian Sullivan, PhD, who
consulted on this project. We would also like to thank Shannon Hampton, Andrea Valdez, and Aryanna
Wiggins for their efforts on this paper.

Credentials Display
Sarah A Schoen, PhD, OTR; Lucy Jane Miller, PhD, OTR; Joanne Flanagan, PhD, OTR

Copyright transfer agreements are not obtained by The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy
(OJOT). Reprint permission for this Applied Research should be obtained from the
corresponding author(s). Click here to view our open access statement regarding user rights
and distribution of this Applied Research.
DOI: 10.15453/2168-6408.1367

This applied research is available in The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy:
Pre-post OT intervention

Evidence-based pediatric outcomes research is critical to developing better ways to improve the
quality of care for children and their families. Pediatric occupational therapists who work with children
with sensory processing challenges commonly use sensory-based treatments, relationship-based
therapies, developmental skill-based programs, and parent coaching and education approaches (Case-
Smith & Arbesman, 2008). However, little is known about the optimal intensity, the active ingredients
of treatment, or the outcomes most sensitive to change based on occupational therapy treatment.
Retrospective research is a useful approach for answering questions encountered in day-to-day
clinical practice. This methodology is often undervalued and underused, although there is evidence that
retrospective studies can expand on outcomes of randomized controlled trials as well as inform
randomized clinical trials (Gearing, Mian, Barber, & Ickowicz, 2006). These benefits include reduced
costs of conducting the study, easier access to data, and hypotheses generation for prospective studies
(Gearing et al., 2006). The following study describes a retrospective chart review of outcomes from an
intensive, short-term intervention for children with sensory processing challenges.
Sensory Modulation Difficulties
Sensory processing challenges (often called sensory processing disorder [SPD]) are often
characterized by using parent report and teacher report measures. Various measures exist that classify
the large group of children identified with sensory processing challenges into homogenous subtypes.
Although different frameworks are used to describe these subtypes, commonality exists in the
description of the unusual behaviors associated with the typologies of SPD. Sensory modulation
dysfunction, one pattern of SPD, usually includes (a) individuals who are overresponsive (i.e.,
hyperreactive, sensory sensitive, and sensory avoiding) and who experience sensations that most
individuals perceive as benign as aversive, uncomfortable, and/or painful; (b) individuals who are
underresponsive (e.g., hyporeactive, low sensory registration) and who are slow to respond or have a
muted response to sensory experiences of typical intensity; and (c) individuals who are sensory cravers
(e.g., sensory seekers) and who have an insatiable need for sensation beyond what is observed in
typically developing individuals (Miller, Coll, & Schoen, 2007). It is important to subtype individuals
with sensory processing challenges because each subtype has unique symptom clusters that may respond
differentially to treatment and the specific responses need further investigation.
Sensory processing challenges can negatively impact an individual’s functioning in daily life,
although little is known about the association between sensory subtypes and specific daily challenges.
Previous studies demonstrate a relation between sensory modulation and participation in functional
activities (e.g., daily care, academic activities, or play and leisure) (Bar-Shalita, Vatine, & Parush, 2008)
but have small samples that are inadequate to research the differences and characteristics by subtype.
The differential effect of interventions based on sensory subtype is also poorly understood, which is an
important consideration when investigating the effectiveness of interventions on sensory processing
Components of the Occupational Therapy Intervention
The intervention used in this study combines principles from pediatric occupational therapy and
mental health, including principles from sensory integration (Ayres, 1972) and DIR/ Floortime™
(Greenspan & Wieder, 2007). This intensive, short-term program, referred to as the STAR approach,
includes extensive parent collaboration and education as an integral part of the intervention. Parent
strategies are based on the clinical reasoning process described in No Longer A SECRET (Bailer &
Miller, 2011).

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The sensory component. Systematic reviews provide preliminary support for using a sensory
integrative approach with gains on individualized goals (using goal attainment scaling) as the primary
outcome of randomized controlled trials rather than improvements on standardized tests (May-Benson &
Koomar, 2010). Conclusions suggest that treatment effectiveness can neither be confirmed nor denied
and that additional studies are needed to corroborate previously obtained results. The more recent
studies of this approach have focused on children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) (Pfeiffer,
Koenig, Kinnealey, Sheppard, & Henderson, 2011; Schaaf et al., 2014), while an older study was
conducted on children without comorbid ASD (Miller et al., 2007).
The relationship component. Occupational therapists often use relationship-based
interventions in combination with sensory-based methods. These relationship-based approaches focus
on improving social engagement, social communication, and social-emotional development in children
with ASD and other developmental conditions (Prizant, Wetherby, Rydell, Wetherby, & Prizant, 2000).
One approach, known as DIR/Floortime™, promotes regulation of the child and his or her relationship
with caregivers as the key to functional improvements. Elements of this intervention include increasing
communicative intent and shared problem solving as a foundation for learning, growth, and
development (Kasari, Freeman, & Paparella, 2006; Mahoney & Perales, 2005). Positive results are
reported in studies of the effectiveness of these interventions, including increased social participation,
social competence, and social engagement (Hwang & Hughes, 2000; Solomon, Nechels, Ferch, &
Bruckman, 2007). The strategies that are used include following the child’s lead, using contingent
imitation and natural reinforcements, focusing on positive responsiveness (Hwang & Hughes, 2000),
increasing peer interaction, and sharing problem solving (Solomon et al., 2007). The foundation of the
approach is establishing mutually responsive, supportive relationships and bidirectional engagement
(Greenspan & Wieder, 2007).
The parent component. An increasing emphasis in many pediatric programs is to use parent
participation, coaching, and education (Dunn, Cox, Foster, Mische-Lawson, & Tanquary, 2012; Wilkes-
Gillan, Bundy, Cordier, & Lincoln, 2014). This increases the family-centered nature of occupational
therapy and highlights the role of parents as the primary supports to their child’s growth and
development. Parent involvement provides more contextually relevant intervention in daily routines and
shows improvement in child outcomes, including increased participation in everyday life (Wilkes-Gillan
et al., 2014). A recent meta-analysis demonstrated significant improvement in language outcomes when
parent-directed interventions were combined with therapist-led approaches (Hampton & Kaiser, 2016).
Purpose of the Study
The debate about the effectiveness of many pediatric interventions continues for several reasons.
The literature is rampant with jargon describing protocolized approaches or specific strategies that use a
one-size-fits-all approach, which, though easier to research, are not reflective of the clinical reasoning
used in pediatric occupational therapy. Previous studies have had additional challenges, including
poorly defined, nonreplicable interventions, no method to ascertain fidelity to the intervention, and a
lack of power (May-Benson & Koomar, 2010).
This present study addresses past problems by using a detailed manualized approach as well as a
well-defined training procedure for delivery of the intervention (May-Benson & Koomar, 2010). One of
the major challenges of conducting outcomes research is the significant time and cost needed for large
clinical trials. Therefore, data collected from chart reviews that document the effectiveness of
interventions are valuable additions to the literature.
DOI: 10.15453/2168-6408.1367 2
Pre-post OT intervention

The following retrospective chart review seeks to examine the effects of occupational therapy
intervention for children with sensory processing challenges using standardized outcome measures.
This intensive, short-term program uses direct treatment that incorporates the principles of sensory
integration and relationship-based therapy with extensive parent collaboration, including direct coaching
in treatment sessions and parent education provided during parent-only meetings.
Research Questions
The specific research questions addressed were:
1. What outcomes are most sensitive to change, suggesting their use in future prospective studies of
treatment effectiveness?
2. What is the relation between sensory modulation characteristics and changes in behavior after
3. What are the adaptive behavior challenges and problem behaviors of children with specific sensory
modulation subtypes?
4. Does intervention have a differential effect on adaptive behavior and problem behaviors based on the
sensory modulation subtype?
This study used a retrospective pretreatment and posttreatment design. Routine clinical data,
collected before and after treatment, were accessed retrospectively. Charts from 216 children who had
completed occupational therapy were reviewed. All of the children were enrolled in an intensive
program at a private pediatric clinic in Greenwood Village, CO, from 2007 to 2013. The Rocky
Mountain University of Health Professionals Institutional Review Board approved this study.
Referrals made between January 2007 and December 2013 were examined to determine which
children met the inclusion criteria. Inclusion was based on confirmation of impairment in sensory
processing defined by (a) the global clinical impression of an occupational therapist following
standardized testing using the Miller Function and Participation scale (MFUN) (Miller, 2006) or the
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, second edition (BOT-2) (Bruininks, 2005), and atypical
performance on the Sensory Processing 3 Dimensions (SP3D) Assessment; (b) abnormal scores on the
the Short Sensory Profile (SSP) (McIntosh, Miller, Shyu, & Dunn, 1999) (< -2.5 SD) and the SP3D
Assessment; and (c) atypical structured and unstrucutred observation in the clinic. Only children who
had both pretreatment and posttreatment test data on either the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System,
second edition (ABAS-II) or the Behavior Assessment System for Children, second edition (BASC-2)
were included.
In order to obtain a more homogenous sample, children were excluded if they had other known
psychiatric, neurological, or physical disorders, such as autism, Down syndrome, Fragile X syndrome,
Tourette’s syndrome, drug or alcohol exposure, spina bifida, and orthopedic problems. Comorbid
diagnoses of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety were allowed. We reviewed
206 charts. Thirty-one charts were deleted due to exclusion criteria: children who had a diagnosis of
ASD (n = 25), Tourette’s syndrome (n = 2), injury/accident (n = 2), or cerebral palsy (n = 2). Five
charts were deleted because of incomplete or missing information regarding the duration of treatment.
One chart was deleted because the child was seen for only five treatment sessions.
One hundred and seventy-nine child records met the inclusion criteria. The children were ages 2
to 13 years (mean = 6.1 years, SD = 2.3); 40 (22%) were female and 139 (78%) were male; 87% of the

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sample were Caucasian. Socioeconomic status, based on maternal and paternal education, demonstrated
94% with a college or graduate school degree. The majority of families who attend the clinic live in the
state of Colorado (60%), but some do come from other areas of the United States (35%) and from
around the world (5%). The parents of all children voluntarily sought out this intevention program
because of concerns that sensory impairments were significantly interfering with their child’s
participation at home, at school, or in the community.
Description of the Intervention
This was an intensive, short-term program designed to address sensory symptoms affecting
performance of daily life activities and routines. The intervention used a combined approach, including
sensory integration therapy (Ayres, 1972) and DIR/Floortime™ (Greenspan & Wieder, 2007).
Individualized treatment focused on regulation strategies to address arousal, relationship-based
strategies to enhance interpersonal connections, sensory integration activities to address sensory and
motor deficits, and social-emotional attunement to affect enjoyment and quality of life. Our theory of
change is that parent-child interactions impact the play process, which supports a child’s growth and
development. Activities are used to enhance the process of engagement, but the goal is to engage the
parent and child in increasingly complex processes of interactions that support the child’s underlying
sensory processing and relational challenges. In addition, some of the children in this study were
exposed to Integrated Listening SystemsTM (iLsTM) ( during the
intervention (complete information on the exact number was not available from the client charts).
Occupational therapy sessions were 50 min in duration and scheduled for three to five times a week.
The manual used for training clinicians in this approach appears in Sensational Kids (Miller, 2014). All
of the clinicians had a master’s degree in occupational therapy and a minimum of 5 years of experience.
They also participated in Level 1 and Level 2 mentorship training in sensory integration, were certified
in DIR/Floortime™, and had weekly individual supervision and team case review of all clients.
This approach is unique for its inclusion of a significant parent education (one in five sessions
are parents only, no children participate), parent collaboration, and parent coaching component. Parent
coaching takes place in each treatment session, and the parents participate in five to six parent-only
education sessions. The parent education component focuses on the development of home and school
strategies using the clinical reasoning model of A SECRET (Bailer & Miller, 2011).
All of the children were pre-post tested using standardized scales, parent report measures,
individualized goals, and goal attainment scaling (data on goal attainment scaling not included or
reported in this study). Posttreatment testing was conducted within 2 weeks of completing the program.
Training in the treatment approach was provided to therapists at the STAR Institute by the
authors of this study following the principles outlined in Sensational Kids (Miller, 2014). Fidelity to the
treatment model was attained through weekly, individual supervision and team meetings where
videotaped sessions were reviewed and discussed.
Instruments and Assessment Measures
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, second edition. The BOT-2 (Bruininks,
2005) is a standardized norm-referenced, performance-based assessment of fine and gross motor
abilities in children aged 4 to 21 years. The test assesses motor performance in four domains: fine
manual control, manual coordination, body coordination, and strength and agility, each with two
subtests. Because of missing data, only five subscales are reported in this study: (a) fine motor precision
reflecting drawing, writing, folding, and cutting skills; (b) bilateral coordination; (c) balance reflecting
DOI: 10.15453/2168-6408.1367 4
Pre-post OT intervention

motor skills used in locomotion, sports-based, or recreational movement; (d) manual dexterity; and (e)
upper limb coordination reflecting speed and accuracy of reaching, grasping, and bimanually
coordinated movements. Internal consistency reliability and test-retest consistency of the total test are
high: ~ .80 and .77 to .80, respectively. The content validity and construct validity of the scale has been
demonstrated (Bruininks, 2005).
Miller Function and Participation Scale. The MFUN (Miller, 2006) is a performance-based
assessment for children aged 2 years 6 months through 7 years 11 months. It is a standardized, norm-
referenced test that assesses visual motor, fine motor, and gross motor abilities. Each test produces a
separate normative scaled score. Support is provided for content validity and concurrent validity
(Miller, 2006). Sensitivity and specificity of the scale is considered strong, particularly for children who
score one standard deviation below the mean. Internal consistency for items in each domain is good (.85
to .92), test-retest reliability is moderately high (.77 to .82), and inter-rater reliability ranges from .91-.93
(Miller, 2006).
Adaptive Behavior Assessment Scale, second edition. The ABAS-II (Harrison & Oakland,
2003) is a norm-referenced parent or caregiver rating scale for individuals from birth to 21 years of age.
The ABAS-II provides a comprehensive assessment of a child’s adaptive behavior. Adaptive behavior
is concerned with conceptual, social, and practical skills that contribute to one’s ability to function in
daily life. There are 10 adaptive skill areas of the ABAS-II: communication, community use, functional
academics, school/home living, health and safety, leisure, self-care, self-direction, social, and work (the
latter for older adolescents and adults). There are four composite scores: general adaptive, conceptual,
social, and practical. Internal consistency reliability for the general adaptive behavior quotient and all
adaptive skill areas was high for all age groups (α = .79 - .99). There is strong convergent validity with
the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (Harrison & Oakland, 2003). Discriminant validity was
demonstrated between multiple clinical groups and typical controls, including individuals with learning
disorders, ADHD, ASD, mental retardation, and emotional/behavioral disorders.
Behavior Assessment System for Children, second edition. The BASC-2 (Reynolds &
Kamphaus, 2003) is a norm-referenced, multidimensional measure of emotional and behavioral
disorders for children aged 4 to 18 years. The parent rating scale assesses a child’s behavior at home
and in the community. The BASC-2 assists in the diagnosis of childhood disorders and includes a
variety of symptoms described in a number of developmental and mental health disorders. There are
four composite scores: externalizing problems, internalizing problems, adaptive skills, and behavioral
symptoms index. All composites have high internal consistency reliability, with α ranging from .88-.94.
Reliabilities average in the mid to upper .70s for all age levels. The factor structure was confirmed
using principal-axis factor analysis. Support is proved for both convergent and discriminant validity.
Psychometrics of the scale suggests that profiles of the clinical groups (including conduct disorder,
depression, emotionally disturbed, ADHD, learning disability, mild mental retardation, and ASD) were
significantly more impaired than typical controls.
Sensory Processing 3 Dimensions (SP3D) Assessment. The SP3D Assessment is an
unpublished performance measure of sensory modulation, sensory-based motor disorder, and sensory
discrimination disorder. It consists of activities similar to those encountered in daily life, specifically
designed to elicit typical and atypical behavioral responses to sensation. The assessment provides
structured opportunities and specific scoring criteria on which to base one’s determination of sensory
processing status. The activities on the assessment include those previously tested for reliability and

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validity on the Sensory Overresponsivity scale (Schoen, Miller, & Green, 2008) as well as items that
elicit sensory underresponsivity and sensory craving (Schoen et al., 2014) and new items tapping
postural disorder, dyspraxia, and discrimination problems. Preliminary evidence supports the internal
consistency reliability and discriminant validity of the scale as well as supporting the underlying
structure of the behavioral scoring categories (Schoen et al., 2014).
Sensory Processing 3 Dimensions (SP3D) Parent Inventory. The SP3D Parent Inventory is an
unpublished measure of sensory modulation and sensory-based motor disorder. It consists of five
subscales: sensory overresponsivity (SOR), sensory underresponsivity (SUR), sensory craving (SC),
postural disorder, and dyspraxia and sensory discrimination disorder. The items chosen for the
inventory include those previously tested for reliability and validity on the SOR subscale (Schoen et al.,
2008) as well as items that are based on behaviors usually observed in children with sensory
underresponsivity or sensory craving (Schoen, Miller, & Sullivan, 2016) and new items reflecting
postural, praxis, and discrimination problems. Scoring using a binary system, which requires the
informant to indicate whether a behavioral description applies to his or her child (applicable = 1; not
applicable = 0). The total SP3D Parent Inventory takes approximately 10 min to complete. The parent
rates the child on the five subscales; total subtest scores reflect the summed number of items endorsed
by the parent on each subscale. Subscales demonstrate good internal consistency reliability and
significantly discriminate between typically developing children and those with sensory modulation
challenges (Schoen et al., 2016). The internal structure of the scale is confirmed by principal axis factor
analysis (Schoen et al., 2016).
The Short Sensory Profile. The SSP (McIntosh et al., 1999) is a 38-item parent report
questionnaire. A child is scored using a 5-point Likert scale to quantify the occurrence of sensory-
related behaviors in the following dimensions: tactile sensitivity, taste/smell sensitivity, visual/auditory
sensitivity, auditory filtering, underresponsive/seeks sensation, and movement sensitivity. The
reliability and validity of the measure is strong and it is frequently used to characterize sensory
modulation challenges in children (McIntosh et al., 1999).
Data Analysis
Nonparametric tests were used for all analyses. Several criteria were examined to make this
decision: Shapiro-Wilks test, skewness, kurtosis, and examination of the distribution using histograms
and Q-Q plots. The majority of the pre-post measures were not normally distributed; Shapiro-Wilks
tests with p < .05, skewness (0.32 to 33.47), and kurtosis (-1.07 to 163.06) ranging from moderate to
severe and exceeding the acceptable range of ± 1.96. The associated histograms and Q-Q plots had non-
normal distributions and deviations from fit line. Based on these analyses, the data violates assumptions
required to run parametric analyses (Abu-Bader, 2011).
Impact of intervention. Impact of intervention was evaluated using the Wilcoxon signed rank
test, a non-parametric paired-samples test. Change in adaptive behavior on the ABAS-II, emotional
functioning on the BASC-2, and sensory-related behaviors on the SP3D Parent Inventory were assessed.
A subset of the sample had pre-posttreatment testing of motor performance using either the
MFUN (n = 40-47) or the BOT-2 (n = 17-33) performance measure. Wilcoxon signed rank tests were
used to evaluate change on these measures.
A correction for multiple comparisons was made for p values for the parent report measures by
dividing alpha (α = .05) by the number of comparisons (α = .002). A correction for multiple
DOI: 10.15453/2168-6408.1367 6
Pre-post OT intervention

comparisons was not made for the examiner-administered motor scales due to smaller n’s and the
preliminary/exploratory nature of these analyses.
To explore the impact of varied lengths of treatment, Spearman rho correlational analyses were
computed between number of treatment sessions and change scores on the primary outcome measure
variables. A correction for multiple comparisons was made for p values by dividing alpha (α =.05) by
the number of comparisons (α =.002).
Sensory modulation characteristics. Relations between sensory modulation symptoms and
behavior were explored using Spearman rho. Pretreatment scores of the SP3D Parent Inventory SOR,
SUR, and SC were correlated with the pretreatment scores of the ABAS-II and BASC-2 composite
scores. Threshold levels of significance were adjusted for multiple comparisons (p < .001).
Relations between sensory modulation symptoms and outcomes following intervention were
examined through Spearman rho correlational analyses. Pretreatment scores of the SP3D Parent
Inventory SOR, SUR, and SC were correlated with change scores on the ABAS-II and the BASC-2
composite scores. For these correlations, threshold levels of significance were not adjusted for multiple
comparisons due to the preliminary and exploratory nature of these analyses.
Eighty-four percent of this sample received a treatment program that consisted of 19 to 40
sessions (M = 26.1, SD = 7.74, range = 11 to 68). Fourteen percent received fewer than 19 sessions and
2% received greater than 40 sessions. The number of sessions varied due to parents’ schedules.
Impact of Intervention
Significant improvements were demonstrated from pretreatment testing to posttreatment testing
on all composite scores of the ABAS-II (see Table 1). Effect sizes were moderate to large (r > .45).
Performance of the sample on all composites (general adaptive, conceptual, social, and practical) were at
least one standard deviation or more below the mean at the start of therapy. Following the intervention,
all of the scores, except for the practical domain, were within average range.

Table 1
Scores on the ABAS-II Pre-Posttreatment and Effect Sizes
Before Treatment After Treatment Wilcoxon
Signed Rank
ABAS-II n M SD M SD p Size
General Adaptive 135 81.08 15.03 88.79 16.46 -6.43 <.001 0.55
Conceptual 141 85.25 14.50 92.23 15.72 -6.26 <.001 0.53
Social 146 85.84 15.77 91.77 17.29 -5.41 <.001 0.45
Practical 143 79.42 14.60 85.18 17.80 -5.33 <.001 0.45

Significant improvements were reported from pretreatment to posttreatment on all composite

scores of the BASC-2 (see Table 2). Effect sizes were moderate to large (r > .41).

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Table 2
Scores on the BASC-2 Pre-Posttreatment and Effect Sizes
Before Wilcoxon
After Treatment
Treatment Signed Rank Effect
BASC-2 n M SD M SD Test p Size
Externalizing 157 59.32 13.04 55.06 10.74 -5.15 <.001 0.41
Behavioral 157 62.62 12.67 57.17 10.69 -6.49 <.001 0.52
Internal 157 57.78 13.09 52.65 11.65 -5.88 <.001 0.47
Adaptive 156 40.93 8.74 45.22 8.59 -6.00 <.001 0.48

A post hoc analysis of pretreatment scores showed that before treatment approximately half of
the sample had atypical externalizing (n = 75; M = 70.40), atypical internalizing (n = 69; M = 69.41), or
atypical adaptive behaviors (n = 71; M = 33.35). Sixty-eight percent had an atypical behavioral index (n
= 96; M = 61.65) score before intervention. Notably, the group average for scores on three of the four
behavioral composites fell within the average range after intervention.
Improvements were noted from pretreatment to posttreatment for all subtests of the SP3D Parent
Inventory (see Table 3) with an overall reduction in atypical sensory modulation behaviors. However,
gains in posture and praxis were not significant after correcting for multiple comparisons. Subtests that
were significant had moderate effect sizes (r > .33).

Table 3
Scores on the SP3D Pre-Posttreatment and Effect Sizes
Before After Wilcoxon
Treatment Treatment Signed Rank
SP3D n M SD M SD Test p Effect Size
SUR 91 4.67 3.71 3.26 3.12 -4.19 <.001 0.44
SOR 119 9.05 5.16 7.44 5.13 -3.57 <.001 0.33
SC 116 7.63 6.40 4.75 5.10 -5.62 <.001 0.52
Posture 118 4.40 4.60 3.69 3.62 -2.10 .036 0.19
Praxis 118 10.07 7.56 7.36 6.01 -4.80 <.001 0.44
Discrimination 118 2.75 2.48 2.25 2.33 -1.94 .053 0.18

Data from a subset of charts had pre-post testing on either the MFUN or the BOT-2 (see Tables 4
and 5). Significant improvements were noted from pretreatment to posttreatment on all three subscales
of the MFUN (e.g., visual motor [n = 40], fine motor [n = 47], and gross motor [n = 40]), all with large
effect sizes (r > .52). Data from fine motor precision (n = 17), manual dexterity (n = 23), bilateral
coordination (n = 33), and balance subtests (n = 33) of the BOT-2 also showed significant improvement
from pretreatment to posttreatment with moderate to large effect sizes (r > .45). No change was noted in
upper limb coordination (n = 26).
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Pre-post OT intervention

Table 4
Scores on the MFUN Pre-Posttreatment and Effect Sizes
Before After Wilcoxon
Treatment Treatment Signed p
MFUN n M SD M SD Ranked Test
Visual Motor 40 6.25 2.86 7.63 2.95 -3.65 <.001 0.577
Fine Motor 40 5.36 2.18 6.92 2.83 -4.00 <.001 0.584
Gross Motor 40 5.63 2.34 7.00 3.07 -3.30 <.001 0.522

Table 5
Scores on the BOT-2 Pre-Posttreatment and Effect Sizes
Before After Wilcoxon
BOT-2 Treatment Treatment Signed Ranked Effect
Composite Subtest M SD M SD Test p Size
Fine manual Fine Motor
control Precision (n = 17) 9.53 4.11 11.65 4.68 -2.11 0.04 0.48

Manual Manual Dexterity

Coordination (n = 23) 9.61 3.04 11.26 4.15 -2.15 0.03 0.45
Upper Limb
Coordination 9.42 4.04 9.50 2.55 -0.67 0.50 0.13
Body Bilateral
Coordination Coordination 9.94 3.98 13.42 5.24 -3.51 0 0.61
(n = 33)
Balance (n = 33) 8.33 3.17 10.85 3.45 -3.63 0 0.63

Only one significant correlation was obtained between length of treatment and change in the
primary outcome measure variables; change in the externalizing composite of the BASC-2 was
correlated with the number of treatment sessions (rho = .262; p = .001). None of the other 21
correlations computed were significant.
Sensory Modulation Characteristics
Significant correlations were obtained between the SP3D sensory modulation subtypes and
impairments on the ABAS-II and BASC-2 prior to treatment. Sensory craving (SC) positively
correlated with externalizing problems (rho = 0.447; p < 0.001) and behavioral symptoms index
composites of the BASC-2 (rho = 0.405; p < 0.001). SC also correlated with the social domain of the
ABAS-II (rho = -0.283, p = 0.004) such that greater SC behaviors were associated with poorer social
adaptive behavior. Sensory overresponsivity (SOR) was positively correlated with the internalizing
problems composite of the BASC-2 (rho = 0.337; p = 0.001) but not with any domains of the ABAS-II.
Sensory underresponsivity (SUR) correlated with the conceptual domain (rho = -0.338; p = 0.002) and
practical domain (rho = -0.280, p = 0.010) of the ABAS-II, with greater SUR behaviors associated with
greater problems in conceptual and practical adaptive behavior. SUR did not correlate with any
composite scores on the BASC-2.
Significant correlations were found between SC symptoms prior to treatment and changes in
externalizing problems (rho = -0.23, p = 0.02) following treatment as well as between SC symptoms and
changes in the behavioral index composite (rho = -0.20, p = 0.04). In other words, greater SC behaviors

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pretreatment were associated with a greater reduction in externalizing and behavior problems after
intervention. No other composite scores were correlated with sensory modulation symptoms.
This pre-post treatment retrospective chart review addressed three primary research questions by
(a) providing preliminary evidence that supports the effectiveness of a model of occupational therapy
intervention for children with sensory processing challenges, (b) identifying measures that were
sensitive to change and suggesting potential for use in future outcome studies, and (c) suggesting
sensory modulation subtypes were associated with different adaptive behavior and emotional
functioning impairments.
Impact of Intervention
These results suggest that an intensive, short-term intervention was effective in improving
adaptive behavior, emotional functioning, and sensory processing as reported by parents as well as by
examiner-assessed motor performance. These results support a combined approach of direct treatment
that uses sensory integration and DIR/Floortime™ with active parent participation and collaboration,
parent coaching, and extensive parent education.
More specifically, improvements were noted on all standardized scales included in this study,
suggesting their usefulness in future investigations of treatment effectiveness. Gains in daily life
functioning were reflected by adaptive behaviors, such as functional communication, self-direction, self-
care, home living, health and safety, leisure, and social skills. There was a significant reduction in
problematic behaviors associated with externalizing, internalizing, and other behavioral symptoms, such
as hyperactivity, aggression, anxiety, depression, withdrawal, and inattention. In addition, there was a
decrease in sensory symptoms, including less SOR, SUR, and SC. Last, motor skills improved in the
areas of fine motor, gross motor, and visual motor abilities, with the exception of upper-limb
coordination on the BOT-2. It is possible that changes related to timing and sequencing in ball play are
not as evident immediately following therapy and may require a longer period of integration to become a
part of the child’s repertoire of motor skills.
Of interest is that length of treatment was not associated with improvement in outcomes except
for externalizing as measured by the BASC-2. Since no other improvements were associated with the
number of treatment sessions, the study suggests that length of treatment did not have a significant
impact on postintervention changes. The impact of the duration of treatment needs to be explored in
future studies under more controlled experimental conditions.
The sensory component. This study extends the treatment model developed by Ayres (1972)
and provides partial support of the effectiveness of an occupational therapy intervention that
incorporates the principles of a sensory integration approach. Like Ayres’ sensory integration, this study
used a clinic-based, child-centered approach that incorporates enhanced sensory opportunities that
address the needs of the child and foster more adaptive and organized responses in the context of play.
Several recent studies of sensory integration treatment showed positive gains in individualized goals
(using Goal Attainment Scaling) compared to usual care (Schaaf et al., 2014), a fine motor group
(Pfeiffer et al., 2011), and an active placebo or waitlist (no treatment) condition (Miller et al., 2007). In
comparison, the strength of this study showed gains in standardized measures.
The relationship component. This study makes an important contribution by providing
preliminary support for an approach to intervention that focuses on fostering the child’s growth and
development through parent-child interactions. The STAR approach is strongly rooted in relationship-
DOI: 10.15453/2168-6408.1367 10
Pre-post OT intervention

based approaches as a foundation for intervention and recognizes how critical relationships are to
learning (Greenspan & Wieder, 2007; Prizant, Wetherby, Rubin, Laurent, & Rydell, 2005). While many
relationship-based approaches exist, there are few large-scale studies supporting their effectiveness
(Case-Smith & Arbesman, 2008).
The parent component. Findings from this study also support previous findings of the
effectiveness of programs that emphasize parent participation/collaboration, parent coaching, and
parent-delivered interventions (Dunn et al., 2012). Inclusion of parents in the therapeutic process is
increasingly reported in the literature and is growing in popularity (Hanna & Rodger, 2002; Wilkes-
Gillian et al., 2014). The results of this study are consistent with other models of coaching and training
parents, which demonstrates significant improvements in child outcomes. Parent participation may
indeed maximize the gains of a therapist-provided intervention (Hampton & Kaiser, 2016).
Sensory modulation characteristics. The relations of sensory modulation subtypes, adaptive
behaviors, and emotional functioning impairments that emerged in this study are consistent with case
examples from clinical observation (Miller et al., 2007). For example, children with SC behaviors are
often driven to obtain excessive amounts of sensory stimuli to the point of being dysregulated. In this
study, they also tended to have more externalizing behaviors and behavior problems as reflected on the
BASC-2. It is not uncommon that clinicians refer to these kinds of children as being “always on the
go,” “in your face,” and “in your space,” and other such labels consistent with the behavioral dimensions
of externalizing (Miller, 2014). In this study, the children with SOR, who have adverse reactions to
innocuous or even pleasant sensory stimuli, tended to display more internalizing behaviors, such as
anxiety, withdrawal, and depression. These children are often wary of the unexpected and potentially
uncomfortable and unpredictable sensory experiences that may produce unease, worry, and excessive
concerns (Green, Ben-Sasson, Soto, & Carter, 2012). The children with SUR, who are slow to respond
or tend not to notice even high intensity stimuli, did not show a particular pattern of behavior problems
in this study, but rather showed greater problems in the conceptual and practical domain of the ABAS-II.
These domains reflect problems in communication, academics, self-direction, community use, school
living, health and safety, and self-care. If sensory experiences are missed because of SUR, then
impairments to functioning in daily life are not unexpected. For example, SUR in children with ASD
has been shown to be associated with impaired cognitive and academic performance as well as poorer
social functioning (Ashburner, Ziviani, & Rodger, 2008).
A novel finding of this study was the relationship between SC and the change in social-
emotional functioning after treatment. The children not only had greater amounts of externalizing and
behavioral challenges pretreatment, but also had greater change in both of these dimensions following
intervention (e.g., more than those with SOR or SUR). To our knowledge, this is the first study to
examine the differential effects of intervention by sensory subtype characteristics. Our findings suggest
that this would be an important characteristic to explore or control for in future studies of treatment
efficacy in children with sensory processing differences.
Strengths and Limitations
This study used an observational research method to complement findings from previous
randomized controlled trials. Limitations of this approach include the lack of a control group and non-
randomization. This study also only included individuals who attended therapy at one private pediatric
clinic, thus generalizability may be impacted. Nevertheless, this retrospective study included a large
sample across several years and was thought to be representative of the population seen in a typical

Published by ScholarWorks at WMU, 2018 11


pediatric occupational therapy practice that treats children with sensory processing challenges.
Although randomized controlled trials have significant advantages, the results presented here may be
more reflective of what happens in real world practices.
Future Directions
This is the first study to report changes using the STAR approach, an intensive, short-term model
of occupational therapy for children with sensory processing challenges. Evidence supports the value of
this approach to intervention that includes principles of sensory integration, relationship-based
approaches (DIR/Floortime™), and parent involvement. Future studies should examine the impact of
frequency, duration, and intensity by comparing treatment delivered three to five times a week as well as
examining the impact of duration by including more equal groups of participants with similar numbers
of treatment sessions. (Retrospective data were not specific enough to allow us to examine this question
adequately). Measures of sensory processing, adaptive behavior, and social-emotional functioning,
although sensitive to change, were all collected using parent report. Future studies should include
examiner-administered tools that would provide a more objective measure of social interaction,
engagement in activities, and participation of childhood occupations. Additional areas for future study
should reflect caregiver satisfaction, family empowerment, and impact on quality of life. Information on
the lasting effects of intervention and need for additional services following an intensive, short-term
program would help to understand the benefits of this dosage.
This study suggests that sensory modulation subtypes are associated with different adaptive
behavior and emotional functioning impairments. This study also provides preliminary support for the
effectiveness of a novel treatment approach developed at the STAR Institute that combines intensive,
short-term occupational therapy using principles from sensory integration and DIR/Floortime™, with
extensive parent education, collaboration, and coaching. All children improved on standardized
measures of adaptive behavior, emotional functioning, sensory processing, and motor skills, thus
suggesting that these measures are sensitive to change and hold promise for use in prospective studies
that employ more rigorous research designs.
Implications for Practice
This study contributes important information to guide evidence-based practice for children with
sensory processing challenges. The findings of this study suggest:
 A short-term program of intensive treatment occurring three to five times a week may be
effective in remediating motor, social-emotional, and adaptive behavior problems in children
with sensory processing challenges.
 A combination of sensory-based treatment with a focus on engagement or relationship may be an
effective and appropriate approach for addressing the sensory processing challenges in children.
 Parent education, collaboration, and coaching may be an important and integral part of pediatric
occupational therapy intervention.

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