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Shriner's Upper Extremity Assessment

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Developed at Shriners Hospitals for Children

Greenville, South Carolina

Last updated February 19, 2008

© 2005 a work by Shriners Hospitals for Children

All rights reserved. This material contains valuable proprietary products and trade secrets of the Shriners Hospitals for Children,
embodying substantial creative efforts and confidential information, ideas and expressions. No part of this material may be
disclosed, used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, optical, mechanical, satellite, radio wave or
otherwise, including photocopying, recording, duplicating, or in connection with any information, image or object, storage,
retrieval or transmission system of any kind, without permission in writing from the Shriners Hospitals for Children.

Certain sections of this CD deal with health and medical related issues. Please note that such CD is not intended to supplant any
in-person medical consultation or examination. Always seek the advice of a trained health professional with any questions you
may have regarding this CD. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking medical treatment due to
information obtained from this CD. Any information received from this CD is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure. This CD
is for information purposes only. The information on this CD is not intended to replace proper medical care.

This manual is intended to instruct on the correct administration of the SHUEE. After reading through the
Introduction, Test Administration, and Test Scoring and Interpretation sections, proceed to the Case Studies
section to view example SHUEE videos. Blank scoring forms are provided under the Forms section for
practice. Correct scores for each case study are provided with the videos.

Note about videos: Videos are in MPEG-4 .avi format. If you have on older PC that cannot play these files,
you may need to install the appropriate codec to play this format. Click here for instructions on how to
install these files.

Note about PDF documents: Some documents contained in this manual are in .pdf format. The Adobe
Acrobat reader needs to be installed to view these files. This application can be downloaded from the
internet at the following address -

Page 1
Manual Organization

o Objectives
o Historical Background
o Description of the Test
o Clinical and Research Applications

Test Administration
o Testing Materials
o Videotaping
o Subject Preparation
o Evaluator Guidelines
o Evaluation Form
• General Information
Ø Demographic Info
Ø Subjective
Ø Range of Motion
Ø Tone
Ø Activities of Daily Living
• Analyses: Spontaneous Functional / Dynamic Positional / Grasp
and Release
Ø Overview
Ø Activities

Test Scoring and Interpretation

o Scoring
• Spontaneous Functional Analysis
• Dynamic Positional Analysis
• Grasp and Release Analysis
o Scoring Form
• Spontaneous Functional Analysis
• Dynamic Positional Analysis
• Grasp and Release Analysis
o Interpretation of Results


Page 2

This manual provides the examiner with an overview of the administration and interpretation of
the Shriners Hospital Upper Extremity Evaluation (SHUEE). Evaluator training prior to clinical
application of the SHUEE should include:

• Reading this manual

• Viewing the Key Interpretation video
• Completing the Video Proficiency test

Information regarding the assembly of a test kit has also been provided in this manual.


The SHUEE was developed in November 1996 to assess the segmental, dynamic alignment of
the involved upper extremity in clients with hemiplegic cerebral palsy when performing functional
tasks. Review of the literature revealed evaluation tools that measured those tasks that could be
completed, but no standardized methods for documenting the manner in which the functional
tasks were performed. Such information is essential in designing interventions and documenting

The SHUEE was initially developed as a screening test to determine which clients were
appropriate candidates for BOTOX injections to the involved upper extremity. It has subsequently
been used to trend upper extremity function, select surgical interventions, and document the
effects of such interventions.

Because the shoulder is rarely addressed surgically in clients with cerebral palsy, the SHUEE
focuses on segmental analysis of elbow, forearm, wrist, thumb and fingers. Observation of
shoulder girdle is recommended, but not currently included in the SHUEE.


The SHUEE is a video-based evaluation that was designed for use with clients with hemiplegic
type cerebral palsy. The SHUEE presents a descriptive profile for comparing dynamic segmental
alignment of the upper extremity, pre-and post intervention. The SHUEE has a numerical score
for comparing a client's own scores to one another.

The test consists of two pages. The first page evaluates the client through standard
measurements of active and passive range of motion (ROM), tone, and a history-based
assessment of the performance of activities of daily living. The second page evaluates the
spontaneous use of the involved extremity and the segmental alignment of the extremity while
performing tasks on demand. The SHUEE is designed to evaluate both functional and

Page 3
spontaneous abilities, as well as to document dynamic segmental alignment when performing

The SHUEE is video-based for several reasons. This allows it to be viewed at a later date. During
administration of the test, the client can complete all tasks in a dynamic fashion without starting
and stopping for the evaluator to record data. The SHUEE may be evaluated by a multi-
disciplinary team consisting of occupational/physical therapists, physicians, and family, resulting
in a more comprehensive treatment plan. The videotaped SHUEE becomes an invaluable part of
the medical record, documenting functional alignment and pre/post intervention for comparative


Although to date the SHUEE has only been evaluated for use with clients with hemiplegic
cerebral palsy between the ages of 3 and 18 years, other potential applications exist. Further
clinical testing is necessary before these other applications can be recommended.


The SHUEE utilizes the following testing materials. Click on each image to see a larger image.

Billfold style wallet to hold paper money

8 x 10 sheet of standard weight paper

Two 2” in diameter and approximately ½” thick, flat sided,

wooden beads

Stiff cord for stringing beads

Three dollar sized bills made of standard weight paper

Page 4
Four plastic coins of any size

One wide-mouth clear 2-2 ½” diameter bottle with 2-2 ½” screw cap

One can Play-Doh®

Standard fork and knife (not child size)

Shoe with tie fastener



Stickers of any size or type

One 30” ball


Any standard video recorder, with a tripod, can be used for the taping evaluation. Sound
recording is not needed. The taping area should be spacious enough for the client to toss the
large ball and crawl towards camera. An 8’ x 8’ area is adequate.

The videographer should be aware of which body segment is being analyzed. Table I can be
provided to videographer as a reference. This allows the videographer to adjust camera angles
as needed. If a second person is not available, the SHUEE can be performed by one person with
the camera stationary. In this situation, it is helpful to have a video monitor to ensure proper

Page 5
camera angles. The activities section of this manual describes camera angle specifics for each


For best observation of client’s extremity, remove all caps/hats, restrain long hair, and roll up
sleeve of involved extremity above the elbow. Optimal position of the camera relative to client is
important during video recording. The camera needs to be focused only on client’s upper body
and the table top. It is not necessary to have evaluator in camera angle. Position client sideways
to the camera with uninvolved side closest to the camera and involved side furthest from the
camera. This position allows best visibility of the involved hand and thumb during video.
Repositioning of the client and/or camera is occasionally necessary to optimize subsequent visual
analysis of the appropriate planes of motion at each joint. For best postural control, client should
be seated at a table. A table with wheels is optimal to allow it to be rolled out of the way for
certain tasks. For clarity for later viewing, a clutter-free background with light blue background is
suggested. To reduce clutter during filming, the test bag should be on the floor at the evaulator's
feet. Items should be removed from the bag prior to the test. Click here for a photo of a typical
test area.


With experience, the evaluator can perform the test in 15 minutes. While the SHUEE does
provide specific verbal instructions, the SHUEE does not limit verbal interactions between
evaluator and client. For example, the evaluator is encouraged to provide positive feedback. The
optimum sequence for administration of the SHUEE can be found on Table I. Modification of
sequence to suit the client or evaluator needs or preferences is acceptable.

Page 6
Table 1: SHUEE Test Item Sequence (table can be printed and laminated to aid in completion of the test)

Page 7


(See Page 1 of SHUEE)

· Demographic Information

• Client Name
• Age – current year and month
• Client’s Diagnosis
• History – include any significant birth history or previous surgery

· Subjective (may be asked of client or parent/guardian)

• Functional limitations – what movements prevent the client from being able to
accomplish tasks?
• What task would the client like to be able to perform?
• What “new” movement would help the most?
• What are the goals of the client and family?

· Range of Motion

• Standard passive and active range of motion assessments are completed with the limb
segments in anatomical positions. For brevity, record only those areas that are not within
normal limits. “Within normal limits” is defined as being within 10 degrees of normal range.

· Tone

• Circle the number corresponding to the client’s degree of tone as noted by the Modified
Ashworth Scale. [2]

· Activities of Daily Living (may be asked of client or parent/guardian)

• Domains
• Upper extremity dressing
• Lower extremity dressing
• Orthotics
• Shoes
• Fasteners
• Hygiene
• Scoring of Independence Level
• Independent – with no assistance needed by caregiver
• Assistance – client is able to perform task with minimum assistance

Page 8
Dependent – maximum assistance needed for task or completely dependent on

caregiver for task
• Comments
• Specific clarification of the performance of the task



(See Page 2 of SHUEE)


The second page consists of the analysis sheet for Spontaneous Functional Analysis (SFA),
Dynamic Positional Analysis (DPA), and Grasp/Release Analysis (GRA). The examiner will
present 16 tasks to the client. These activities have been grouped together to evaluate specific
joint movement. These tasks are developmentally age appropriate tasks addressing the areas of
Activities of Daily Living, Fine Motor and Gross Motor Skills. The GRA is done after the tasks
related to the SFA and DPA have been completed. A DPA score will be given to all 16 tasks
while a SFA score will only be given to 9 of the 16 tasks.


All items must be placed on table, presented at midline, without reference to which hand should
be used unless otherwise noted. Suggested sequence of tasks can be found on Table 1. Prior to
starting test, state the reason for the test. Example: “I am going to ask you to do some things, like
string beads, things like that. Show me how you normally would do it. Go ahead and take off one
of your socks and shoes. It doesn’t matter which one.”

Click each task to watch an example video clip. All video examples, with exception of sock donning and shoe tying,
are simulated to illicit a zero on the SFA scale to allow demonstration of the therapist physically cueing the child.

1. Money From Wallet

Action: Present client with billfold style wallet and ask client to remove paper bills
while observing the thumb/finger position.

Verbiage: “Take the paper money out of the wallet like you normally would.”

If client doesn’t use involved extremity, physically cue by touching involved upper
extremity and say, “Now do it again, letting this hand help.” Replace money in wallet
and repeat task.

Camera: Focus on webspace of thumb, making certain it is visible.

Page 9
2. Fold Pieces of Paper

Action: Hand client sheet of plain paper to fold in any fashion and observe
thumb/finger position. Roll table out of way to elicit two-handed use.

Verbiage: “Now fold this paper in ½ in any fashion.”

If involved hand isn’t used, physically cue by touch and say, “Now let this hand

Camera: Focus on web space of thumb, making certain it is visible.

3. Tear Piece of Paper

Action: Once paper is folded, ask client to tear paper. Evaluator may initiate three
tears. Paper does not have to be torn on fold. This task demonstrates thumb/finger

Verbiage: “I’m going to start tearing this paper and I want you to finish it.”

Camera: Focus on web space of thumb, making certain it is visible.

4. String Large Bead

Action: Client will be given string and 3 large beads and asked to string beads. This
task demonstrates thumb/finger position.

Verbiage: “Now I want you to string these beads.”

If involved upper extremity isn’t used, remove bead and say, “Let’s do it again and
let this hand help.” Physically cue by touching involved upper extremity.

Camera: Focus on web space of thumb, making certain it is visible.

5. Unscrew Bottle Cap

Action: Client is handed a bottle with a screw cap and asked to remove cap. Client
should hold bottle with involved upper extremity. Cap may be loosened by examiner

Page 10
and does not have to be replaced by the client. Wrist position is observed in this

Verbiage: “Please take the top off of this bottle.”

After client completes task, ask them to repeat it. Place cap back onto bottle and
state, “Now, I want you to do that one more time.” This is simply for ease of scoring.

If client doesn’t include involved extremity, physically cue client by touching involved
extremity and saying, “Now do it again, letting the other hand help.” Replace cap
and repeat task.

Camera: Focus on wrist angle, view should be radial (thumb side) of wrist.

6. Pull Play-Doh® Apart

Action: Examiner molds Play-Doh® into cylindrical shape and client is asked to pull
Play-Doh® apart at least three times while wrist position is observed.

Verbiage: “Now tear this Play-Doh® into three pieces.” If client doesn’t include
involved extremity, physically cue client by touching involved extremity and saying,
“Now do it again, letting the other hand help.”

Camera: Focus on wrist angle, view should be radial (thumb side) of wrist.

7. Cut Play-Doh® With Knife

Action: Examiner molds Play-Doh® into a flat circle for cutting and presents client
with knife and fork. It is understood that client uses dominant hand for cutting,
however, for evaluation purposes, client must hold knife in involved hand while wrist
position is observed.

Verbiage: “Pretend this is something good to eat and show me how you would cut

If the client states he cannot cut, state, “Just do the best you can.” Typically clients
will use dominant side for holding knife. If this is the case, say to client, “I know this
sounds crazy, but I want you to put the knife in this hand.” At that time, physically
cue client by touching involved extremity.

Camera: Focus on wrist angle, view should be radial (thumb side) of wrist.

Page 11
8. Throw Large Ball

Action: Examiner gives client large ball and asks client to throw ball back. The ball
can be tossed or bounced. This task is usually performed twice, videotaping from
both sides, observing wrist position.

Verbiage: “Now let’s stand up. I want you to stand over here.”

(Move table out of way and guide client to approximately four feet across from
therapist with involved extremity furthest from camera.) “I want you to toss this ball
to me and I’ll toss it back.” After two tosses, state, “Now, let’s switch places.” Guide
client to where you were standing, placing involved extremity closest to camera.
The ball is then tossed again two times.

Camera: Focus on wrist angle, view should be radial (thumb side) of wrist.

9. Accept Change

Action: Examiner gives three coins to client, placing each into open palm of involved
side to demonstrate supination. Remove table so subject does not use table to
facilitate supination.

Verbiage: “Let me give you these coins.”

If client uses non-involved hand physically cue client by touching involved extremity
and state, “Now let’s try it with this hand”.

Camera: Camera should be focusing on forearm and angle may need to be looking
along length of forearm from hand to get best view of supination.

10. Receives “5”

Action: Examiner asks client to receive low “5” with involved extremity
demonstrating supination. Remove table so client does not use table to facilitate

Verbiage: “Let me give you 5.”

If client uses non-involved hand, physically cue client to use involved extremity and
state, “Let’s do it with this hand”. If child then attempts to give you 5, reiterate, “No, I

Page 12
want to give you five”. “Can you turn your hand up towards the ceiling like this?” and
demonstrate supination.

Camera: Camera should be focusing on forearm and angle may need to be looking
along length of forearm from hand to get best view of supination.

11. Take Object to Mouth

Action: Examiner provides client with a cracker to eat and observes client taking
cracker to his/her mouth with involved side to demonstrate supination. If client
doesn’t demonstrate supination, ask them to place palm to mouth to facilitate this.

Verbiage: “Now I want you to show me how you would eat this. You don’t have to
eat it if you don’t want to. Just take it to your mouth.”

If client uses non-involved hand, physically touch involved hand and state, “Now
use this hand”. If client does not supinate state, “Now can you place your palm on
your mouth, like this?” Evaluator then demonstrates palm to mouth.

Camera: Camera should be focusing on forearm and angle may need to be looking
along length of forearm from hand to get best view of supination.

12. Touch Opposite Ear

Action: Examiner asks client to touch contralateral ear with the palm of the involved
upper extremity to demonstrate supination.

Verbiage: “Can you touch this palm to this ear? Like this?” Evaluator then touches
involved hand and contralateral ear. Evaluator then demonstrates palm to
contralateral ear. If client states he cannot, state, “Just do your best.”

Camera: Camera should be focusing on forearm and angle may need to be looking
along length of forearm from hand to get best view of supination.

13. Place Sticker on Ball

Action: Examiner asks client to place sticker on ball, using involved side, with ball
placed at arm’s length from client. Client may need physical cues to remain at arm’s
length distance from ball to demonstrate elbow extension.

Page 13
Verbiage: “Put this sticker on this ball.”

Camera: Focus on elbow directly from side to note elbow extension.

14. Put Socks On

Action: Client should have one sock and shoe removed. Client demonstrates sock
donning, assisting with involved extremity to demonstrate elbow extension.

Verbiage: “Go ahead and put your sock back on for me.”

If client doesn’t assist with involved extremity, physically cue client by touching
involved extremity and say, “Now let this arm help”. If child flexes lower extremity
which prevents upper extremity elbow extension, instruct the child to, “Put your leg
on the floor and let me see you do it again”.

Camera: Focus on elbow directly from side to note elbow extension.

15. Fastening Shoes

Action: Client demonstrates fastening shoes with involved upper extremity. Clients
who are too young or refuse to fasten shoes may be evaluated as they assist with
this activity. The objective is to look at elbow extension in reaching to the shoe, not
their ability to complete the task.

Verbiage: “Now tie your shoe.” If client states he cannot, state, “Just pretend you
are tying”. If he doesn’t use involved upper extremity in task, physically cue by
touching involved upper extremity, and state, “Let this hand help”. If child keeps
lower extremity flexed or crossed, ask client, “Put your leg down and reach for your

Camera: Focus on elbow directly from side to note elbow extension.

16. Crawl

Action: Client is asked to crawl towards camera in quadruped position

demonstrating elbow extension on the involved side. Client only needs to crawl
approximately four or five feet.

Page 14
Verbiage: “I know this is silly, but I want you to get down and crawl towards the
camera.” If client commando crawls or creeps, ask child, “Can you come up on your
hands and knees?”

Camera: Focus on elbow directly from side to note elbow extension.

Grasp/Release Analysis

Action: Once the client performs the 16 tasks, the therapist or client then positions the
wrist in: flexion, neutral, extension.

The therapist asks client to take bead from therapist. Bead should be held by side, not flat,
and not stuffed into client’s hand. A comment section is available to document if the client
is able to perform with difficulty or ease.

Verbiage: “Now I want you to stand over here.” Move client in front of background
positioning the client between the therapist and camera. Support the forearm with the
radial (thumb) side towards camera. If the wrist is not already held in a flexed position, flex
wrist and ask, “Can you take this bead from me?” “ Now can you straighten your wrist and
still pick up the bead?” Then, therapist must position wrist and then once again ask client
to grasp bead while therapist holds in neutral. “Now can you bring your wrist all the way
up and pick up the bead?” Then, therapist must position wrist and then once again ask
client to grasp bead while therapist holds in extension. For some clients, placing them into
wrist extension will take maximum physical effort on therapist’s part. Reposition client to
allow ulnar side of hand to be closest to camera and repeat all three tasks with same

Camera: Focus on wrist angle; view should be radial and then ulnar side of wrist

Page 15

The SHUEE data collection form consists of 2 pages. The first page is primarily descriptive and
requires no scoring. The second page is utilized during the video taped portion and requires
scoring of the Spontaneous Functional Analysis (SFA), the Dynamic Positional Analysis(DPA),
and the Grasp/Release(GRA) segments on the actual SHUEE form. The SFA score is circled and
the DPA score is marked in the grid with a check mark.


In order to assess the client’s actual function of the affected extremity, a spontaneous use score
is recorded. For this portion of the scoring, a modified House scale is used. The scale is shown
in Table II. The SFA is recorded for 9 of the 16 tasks. During these nine tasks, the examiner
will first evaluate the client for spontaneity of use. The Spontaneous use score should always be
completed first. Optimal score would be to achieve a score of 5, spontaneous use partial to
complete. It is important to remember during administration that the client is presented with the
task but no verbal reference is made to use of the affected limb. After observation, the evaluator
will circle the number that correlates with the House definition of spontaneous use. It is important
to note that for task #7, cutting Play- Doh® with knife task, the SFA is determined by the initial
grasp of either fork or knife, whereas the DPA requires grasp of knife with involved extremity. For
video examples of each activity level, click on the Example identifiers in Table II.

Page 16


Once the SFA is completed for a task, the evaluator will then record the second score, DPA. If
the client did not use the affected limb for initial task completion, then the limb is touched and
encouraged to be used. The second score for each of the 16 activities is related to joint and limb
segment movement. The DPA documents the dynamic, segmental alignment of the extremity
when performing the task. Clients who perform tasks on demand (i.e. not spontaneously) can still
be effectively evaluated using this portion of the evaluation. The DPA score can be recorded at
any time during the task. The DPA assesses five functional/anatomical segments.

Page 17
Thumb Segment Alignment

Static House Score - see Grasp and Release Analysis section

• Thumb In Palm – Any combination of metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP) flexion or

interphalangeal joint (IP) flexion resulting in the thumb being placed beneath the
fingers, in the palm. No visible web space is seen, from any angle at the first web
• Thumb Web Space Closed – No visible space at the first web space. Thumb is
adducted and may have a hyperextended IP joint, but does not cross index
metacarpal into palm. No visible web space is seen, from any angle at the first web
• Thumb Web Space Open – Thumb MCP in abduction. Any visible web space
constitutes an “open” score. Client able to extend or abduct thumb to grasp object.
Client does not have to maintain abducted posture to be given this score.

Finger Segment Alignment

Fingers are graded as a group because they frequently move in composite flexion or
extension. The tasks used for thumb evaluation are used for finger evaluation.

• Flexion - MCP maintained in greater than 45° flexion. Fingers are held in palm, in
variable flexion pattern at DIP joints.
• Neutral – Fingers are held in midrange with adequate alignment for task. Fingers
easily fluctuate between flexion and extension patterns with no joint aberrations.
• Extension – Fingers are held in hyperextension at MCP or IP joints. Associated
swan neck deformities or extensor splaying may also be present.

Wrist Segment Alignment

• Flexion – Wrist is held in flexed position throughout task; with or without ulnar
deviation; any measurement between 0° - 80° of flexion.[4]
• Anatomical neutral – Wrist in anatomical neutral position of 0º for all or portion of
task; with or without ulnar deviation.
• Extension – Wrist extends past anatomical neutral position for all or portion of the
task; any measurement between 0° - 70° of extension.
• Ulnar deviation – Wrist is held in an ulnarly deviated position throughout task; any
measurement between 0° - 30°.
• Neutral – Wrist is in the neutral plane; within 5° of neutral.
• Radial deviation – Wrist is held in a radial deviated position throughout task; any
measurement between 0° - 20°.

Page 18
Forearm Segment Alignment

• Extreme pronation – Excessive pronation, no active supination, resulting in palm

away from body; any measurement 91° or greater.
• Pronation – Pronated at rest with no active supination during task, resulting in palm
to floor; any measurement 0° - 90°.
• Neutral – Active movement from pronated position to neutral, resulting in 0° palm
towards body.
• Supination – Active movement beyond neutral to supination with palm open to
face. Anything 0° - 90°.

Elbow Segment Alignment

• Extreme flexion – Client is unable to actively extend past 90º.

• Flexion – Client is unable to extend past 30º.
• Extension – Client is able to extend between 30º and 0º.

The thumb/finger tasks were chosen to elicit thumb abduction and the use of the fingers with in a
neutral range. The wrist tasks encourage wrist extension with no ulnar or radial deviation. The
forearm tasks elicit supination. The elbow tasks require elbow extension. An “x” is placed on the
grid that corresponds to the segmental alignment of the extremity.

Page 19

The GRA records if the client can or cannot grasp and release the object with the wrist in the
three different positions. A yes (Y) or no (N) for grasp and release is provided contingent on
clients ability to close and open fingers with the wrist maintained in each position. The optimal
outcome would be for the client to open and close the fingers grasping the bead with the wrist in
all three positions.

Click here for examples of optimal grasp and release for each position.


This space is available to document the quality of the grasp and release, the tightness of the web
space, the MCP instability, or any other factor that the evaluating therapist deems necessary for
complete evaluation. The static position of the thumb can be recorded here with the House[3]
thumb scale.


Since the SHUEE was created to present a descriptive profile for comparing the dynamic
segmental alignment of the upper extremity, pre and post intervention, a SHUEE scoring form
summary sheet was designed so the evaluator could review numerous SHUEE scores. This form
provides a total score and a percentage for each of the scoring sections.

The following describes the manner in which the marks on the second page of the SHUEE form
are converted to a numerical fashion and documented on the SHUEE Scoring form.


• Nine tasks are scored

• Modified House Scale 0 to 5 (less to more spontaneous) is used
• Highest possible score equals 45 (normal spontaneous use)


• Sum numbers of tasks scored at each house level (0-5)

(from SHUEE form)

Page 20
(from Summary Form)

• Multiply sum number of tasks at each house level by the numerical value of each House

• Sum these values to determine the total score

Page 21

• Divide total score by highest possible score

• Multiply by 100
• Express score as percentage of normal or optimal score


• 5 segments analyzed
• 4 tasks for each segment
• score: 0 to3(pathological alignment to normal or optimal alignment)
• Highest possible score equals 72 (normal or optimal alignment)


• Convert positional scores to numerical values

• Sum the scores for each anatomical segment

(from SHUEE scoring form)

Page 22
(from Summary form)

• Sum the segment scores to determine the total score

• Divide the total score by the highest possible score
• Multiply by 100
• Express score as percentage of normal or optimal score


• Two hand functions analyzed in 3 wrist positions

• Score: 0 to 3 (pathological alignment to normal or optimal alignment)
• Highest possible score = 6 (normal or optimal function)


• Convert N/Y scores to numerical values by assigning a single point to the yes marks
and a 0 to the no marks

Page 23
• Sum the scores for each wrist position
• Sum the 3 wrist position scores to determine the total score
• Divide the score by highest possible score
• Multiply by 100
• Express score as percentage of normal or optimal score

(from SHUEE scoring form)

(from Summary form)


When reviewing the score sheet and results of the SHUEE, each client and their family dynamics
should be considered individually. General guidelines for interpretation of results are as follows.

With respect to the SFA, if a client demonstrates neglect of their hand (score of 0) or uses their
hand as a gross weight bearing surface (score of 1) for the majority of their scores then the trend
would favor more definitive intervention such as fusion (arthrodesis). Typically, due to neglect, the
client would have a difficult time with a prolonged rehabilitation. Likewise if the client scores in the
3, 4, and 5 range, they are actively engaging the affected hand in activities. This would favor
transfer strategies or Botox intervention. The rehabilitation participation would be favored.

The DPA scores allow a documented reference to the position of the hand during activities. The
lowest score correlates with the greatest amount of positional misalignment. If four of the four
wrist tasks were graded as a 0 or 1, a fusion (arthrodesis) would be considered. However if the
client is able to come to a neutral position or even attain correct alignment for at least two of the
four tasks, then the transfer or Botox strategies could be entertained.

Page 24
In the grasp and release section, if the client is unable to grasp and release in any position then a
fusion (arthrodesis) with a release for positioning may be indicated. If the client is able to grasp
and release in flexion and neutral but not in extension, then release with tendon transfers may be

The SHUEE does not conclude with a cumulative score thus a specific score does not equal a
particular intervention. The SHUEE is a documentation of the client’s spontaneous and dynamic
positional analysis so that an individualized treatment plan of care can be obtained and recorded
in an objective manner.


1. Trombly CA. Evaluation of biomechanical and physiological aspects of motor performance.

Occupational Therapy for Physical Dysfunction, 4th Ed., Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore,
Maryland; 1995, pp 126-130.
2. Bohannon RW, Smith MB. Interrater reliability of a modified Ashworth scale of muscle
spasticity. Phys Therapy 1986; 67:206-207.
3. House J, et al. A dynamic approach to the thumb-in-palm deformity in cerebral palsy. J
Pediatr Orthop; 63-A:216-225.
4. Barr NR. The Hand: Principles and techniques of simple splint making in rehabilitation,
Butterworth & Co., Woburn, Massachusetts.; 1979, pp 61-62.

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