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All Is Well Script 5TH Demo

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Directions: Identify whether the statements are Fact or Opinion. Write your answer before
the number.1. I believe that the president of the country is doing his best to unite the people.
2. The president will serve the country for six years.
3. It is better to watch a movie than to listen to music.
4. Boracay is the best place to spend your summer vacation.
5. Star apple is a tree.
6. There are active volcanoes under the sea.
7. Men make major decisions in the family.
8. The Philippines is an archipelago.
9. Women want girls for their first-born child.
10. A dolphin is always playful.

DIRECTIONS: One of the sentences in the paragraph is irrelevant to the main idea of the
paragraph. Write the irrelevant sentence on your paper.
1. The longest-lived creature in the insect world is the queen termite (ant). She has been known
to live for over 50 years. During that time, the queen can lay over 30,000 eggs each day. So, in
her 50 years of life, it is possible for her to give birth to half a billion children. Some termite hills
can be over six meters high.
2. For many years, all books were written by hand. Because it took so long to write one book,
there were only a few of them. Most people could never own a book. Then sometime between
1450 and 1460, Johannes Gutenberg got the idea of carving separate letters and moving them
to make new words. Gutenberg died at the age of 68. This was the invention of moveable type.
From then on, the numbers of books printed grew quickly.
3. The solar system is believed to have formed, perhaps 5 billion years ago, from a spinning
cloud of gas called a nebula. As this nebula contracted it began to spin faster and faster.
Probably it spun off rings of planetary matter as it became more disk-like. These rings later
contracted into planets. Earth is the third planet from the Sun.
4. Some people do not know that the whale is a mammal just like a human. Humpback whales
will sometimes leap clear up out of the water, an act known as breaching. A humpback whale
can weigh thirty tons and measure 15 meters in length. So, it takes an enormous amount of
energy for a whale to breach.
5. The largest organ in the human body is the skin. One of the skin's functions is to help
regulate the amount of body heat that flows in and out of the body. Heavy smoking ages skin
very quickly. When it is cold, we cover the skin with extra layers of clothing to slow down the
outward flow of heat. When it is hot, evaporation of sweat cools us down.
6. The largest set of wings on any bird, more than three meters across, is found on the
albatross. They are so heavy that it is difficult for the albatross to flap them in order to take off
and fly. Not all large birds can fly. Albatross often nest on steep cliffs so that they can simply fall
off into the air. Once they are airborne, they soar gracefully.
7. Lake Baikal in central Asia is the deepest lake in the world. In places, it is 1.5 kilometers
deep. The lake contains about one sixth of the world's fresh water supply. It contains over 1200
species of animals and 500 species of plants. Many of these plants and animals are not to be
found anywhere else on earth. The name Baikal comes from the Mongolian word that means
8. Ice floats on water because it is not quite as dense as water is. The chemical formula for
water is H20. If ice were denser than water, then lakes and other bodies of water would freeze
from the bottom up during the winter. Fish would surface and eventually die.
9. Bats are able to maneuver in the dark even if they are blindfolded. However, if their ears are
taped shut, they cannot find their way. Bats emit very high-pitched sound waves through their
nostrils. The reflection of these sound waves reaching their sensitive ears enables bats to avoid
obstacles. In this way they can capture even very tiny insects. Many bats prefer to eat fruit than
10. The cheetah, which is found mostly in Africa and India, is one of the fastest land animals.
Cheetahs, like leopards, are covered in spots. They have long and muscular legs. Cheetahs
have been known to sprint at a speed of over 60 miles per hour. On a long-distance run,
however, a cheetah can be overtaken by a horse.

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