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Hyster A214 (H360H, H400H, H400H-EC5,

H450H, H450H-EC6) Forklift

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H14.00-20.00XM (H360-450H) [A214]; H16.00-
18.00XM-12EC (H400-450H-EC5-6) [A214];
RS45-30CH, RS46-33CH, RS46-36CH, RS45-27IH,
RS46-30IH, RS46-33IH [A222]; H20.00-32.00F,
H28.00F-16CH (H440, H550, H620, H700F,
FS) [E008]; H36.00-48.00E (H800-1050E) [D117];
H36.00-48.00E-16CH (H800-1050E-16CH) [D117]

PART NO. 1531821 1800 SRM 1037

• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly
fastened, and that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and
chains have the capacity to support the weight of the load.

• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.

• Wear safety glasses.

• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair

on electric lift trucks.

• Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.

• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Mainte-
nance section.

• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.

• Use the correct tools for the job.

• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.

• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts
must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.

• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before
using force to remove parts.

• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs,
or if the unit needs repairs.

• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.

• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel
are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these
fuels and when working on these fuel systems.

• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks
away from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!

Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
Parking Brake Table of Contents


General ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Description and Operation ................................................................................................................................ 1
Parking Brake Caliper Repair .......................................................................................................................... 2
Release Brake Manually ............................................................................................................................... 2
Hydraulic Pressure Available ................................................................................................................... 2
Hydraulic Pressure not Available............................................................................................................. 2
Remove ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Disassemble ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Clean .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Inspect ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Linings ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Disc............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Caliper Parts ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Assemble ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Install ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Bleed Brakes .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Adjust ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Test ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Specifications...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................................. 10

This section is for the following models:

H14.00-20.00XM (H360-450H) [A214];

H16.00-18.00XM-12EC (H400-450H-EC5-6) [A214];
RS45-30CH, RS46-33CH, RS46-36CH, RS45-27IH, RS46-30IH,
RS46-33IH [A222];
H20.00-32.00F, H28.00F-16CH (H440, H550, H620, H700F, FS) [E008];
H36.00-48.00E (H800-1050E) [D117];
H36.00-48.00E-16CH (H800-1050E-16CH) [D117]



1800 SRM 1037 Description and Operation

The main components of the parking brake system This parking brake is for use on hydraulic brake sys-
are: tems only.
• Parking brake switch
• Solenoid valve
• Parking brake caliper

Description and Operation

The parking brake system uses a disc brake that
is installed at the rear of the differential housing.
See Figure 1 for typical system configuration. The
spring-applied caliper is installed on the differential
housing. The brake rotor is installed on the pinion

When hydraulic pressure is released, the springs in-

side the brake expand to force the piston and lin-
ings against the disc. To release the brake, hydraulic
pressure must be applied to release the springs. The
brake can be released manually if hydraulic pressure
is not available.

The operation of the parking brake is controlled by

a solenoid valve for the parking brake. The sole-
noid is operated by a switch on the instrument panel.
The solenoid is normally energized during operation
for oil pressure to compress the spring to release the
parking brake.


Figure 1. Auxiliary and Parking Brake


Parking Brake Caliper Repair 1800 SRM 1037

Parking Brake Caliper Repair

RELEASE BRAKE MANUALLY 3. Remove the cotter pin from the stud nut. Tighten
the nut against the spring cap and continue
Hydraulic Pressure Available tightening to manually retract the piston and
lining from the disc. Stop tightening when the
WARNING spring cap starts to turn.
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe REMOVE
eye protection when doing maintenance or ser-
vice. 1. Verify that the vehicle is on a level surface.

WARNING 2. Put blocks under the wheels not being serviced

to keep the vehicle from moving.
If it is necessary to raise the vehicle to service
the parking brake, support the vehicle with
safety stands. Do not work under a vehicle WARNING
supported only by jacks. Jacks can slip or fall Before disconnecting any hydraulic lines, re-
over and cause serious personal injury. lease pressure from the hydraulic circuit as fol-
WARNING a. Shut off the engine and completely lower
the carriage. Install blocks at the wheels to
Never try to turn or remove the spring cap
prevent the lift truck from moving.
while hydraulic pressure is applied to the
b. Operate the lift/lower lever and the brake
brake. Turning the cap while pressure is ap-
pedals until the hydraulic pressure is re-
plied can damage the O-ring seals and the
spring cap threads. Removing the cap can
cause serious personal injury by the sudden
release of hydraulic pressure. Verify that the WARNING
nut is at the end of the stud before you place Brake linings can contain dangerous fibers.
the vehicle in service. If the nut is tightened Breathing the dust from these linings can
against the spring cap, the brake cannot be be a cancer or lung disease hazard. Do not
applied and serious personal injury can result. make dust! Do not clean brake parts with
compressed air or by brushing. Use vacuum
1. Verify that the vehicle is on a level surface. equipment approved for brake dust or follow
the cleaning procedure in this section. When
2. Put blocks under the wheels not being serviced calipers are removed, do not make dust.
to keep the vehicle from moving.
Do not sand, grind, chisel, hammer, or change
3. Apply hydraulic pressure to release the brake. linings in any way that will make dust. Any
NOTE: The manual release stud and nut have left- changes to linings must be done in a restricted
hand threads. area with special ventilation. Protective cloth-
ing and a respirator must be used.
4. To lock the brake in the released position, remove
the cotter pin from the stud nut until it touches 3. Manually release the brakes using the proce-
the spring cap. dures described in Release Brake Manually.

5. Release the hydraulic pressure. 4. Disconnect the brake line from the caliper inlet.
Put plugs in the brake line and in the inlet to pre-
Hydraulic Pressure not Available vent contamination of the system. See Figure 2.

1. Verify that the vehicle is on a level surface. 5. Remove the centering device if one is assembled
on the end of the caliper.
2. Put blocks under the wheels not being serviced
to keep the vehicle from moving.

1800 SRM 1037 Parking Brake Caliper Repair



Figure 2. Parking Brake Assembly

6. Remove the caliper slide pin fasteners. Remove 1. Remove the inlet fitting and the O-ring from the
slide pins. housing. Drain and discard the fluid. See Fig-
ure 3.
7. Remove the caliper from the disc.
2. Put a plug in the inlet to prevent contamination
DISASSEMBLE of the housing.

3. Remove lining fasteners. Remove linings by us-

ing a pry bar between the lining and piston or
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe housing.
eye protection when doing maintenance or ser-
vice. NOTE: The manual release stud and nut have left-
hand threads.
4. If necessary, remove the pin and nut from the
If it is necessary to raise the vehicle to service
manual release stud. Do not remove the washer
the parking brake, support the vehicle with
from around the stud unless the washer is loose
safety stands. Do not work under a vehicle
or damaged.
supported only by jacks. Jacks can slip or fall
over and cause serious personal injury.

Parking Brake Caliper Repair 1800 SRM 1037


7. O-RING SEAL, 1 EA 16. NUT, 1 EA

Figure 3. Parking Brake Caliper Components

5. Use a spanner wrench or an Allen wrench as re- 7. Remove the piston through the hole for the
quired to remove the spring cap. spring cap.

6. Remove the washers and springs from inside the 8. If necessary, remove the setscrews or snaps if ei-
caliper housing. ther hold the linings to the piston and housing.

1800 SRM 1037 Parking Brake Caliper Repair

parts. Isopropyl alcohol can be used for this

CAUTION purpose.
Use a wooden tool and vise with soft jaws in
the following steps to prevent damage to the 1. Use solvent cleaners to clean all metal parts that
caliper piston or housing. have a ground or polished surface. Metal sur-
faces that have a rough surface can be cleaned
9. Remove and discard the O-rings and backup with solvent cleaners or alkaline solutions.
rings from the piston and housing.
2. Clean all threads and fittings with a wire brush.
NOTE: The piston has right-hand threads.
3. Clean all parts not made of metal with soap and
10. If necessary, hold the piston in a vise and remove water.
the stud from the piston.
4. Scrape off all mud and dirt from the brake lin-
CLEAN ings. Discard all linings contaminated with oil
or grease.
WARNING 5. Dry all parts with clean paper or rags.
To prevent serious eye injury, always wear safe
eye protection when performing vehicle main- 6. Apply hydraulic fluid used in the system to the
tenance or service. clean parts that are to be assembled. Do not ap-
ply fluid to the linings or disc.
To avoid personal injury when cleaning parts,
work in a well-ventilated area, wear protective Linings
clothing (face shield or safety glasses and pro-
tective gloves), and follow chemical manufac-
turer’s recommendations for safe usage. CAUTION
Always replace both linings. If only one lining
Solvent cleaners can be flammable, poisonous, is replaced, possible disc damage can occur.
and cause burns. Examples of solvent clean-
ers are carbon tetrachloride, emulsion-type 1. Replace linings when the thickness of the lining
cleaners, and petroleum-based cleaners. To is less than 3 mm (0.125 in.) from the piston or
avoid serious personal injury when using sol- housing.
vent cleaners, carefully follow manufacturer’s
instructions and these procedures: 2. Replace the lining if the thickness of the two lin-
• Wear safe eye protection. ings is different.
• Wear clothing that protects skin.
• Work in a well-ventilated area. 3. Replace the linings if contaminated with oil or
• Do not use gasoline or solvents that contain grease.
gasoline. Gasoline can explode. 4. Replace linings that have larger or deeper cracks
• Use hot solution tanks or alkaline solutions than the normal, small, tight cracks on the sur-
correctly. Carefully follow manufacturer’s face caused by the caliper when used under high
instructions. temperature conditions.

Use only solvent cleaners to clean ground or
If the disc is worn beyond the wear limits, replace the
polished metal parts. Hot solution tanks or wa-
disc. See Figure 4 and Table 1.
ter and alkaline solutions will damage these

Parking Brake Caliper Repair 1800 SRM 1037

5. Inspect springs for wear and damage. Always

replace springs as a set.

6. Inspect the threads of the spring cap for damage.

If damage cannot be repaired, replace the spring

7. Inspect the stud and threads on the stud in the

piston. Replace studs if damaged.

8. Inspect the lining fasteners for wear or damage.

Replace worn or damaged fasteners.


Use only specified components when assem-
1. MAXIMUM DISC THICKNESS bling the caliper. Do not use components from
2. MINIMUM DISC THICKNESS other calipers. If the wrong components are
installed, the caliper will not operate correctly
Figure 4. Disc Maximum Wear Limits and can cause damage to the equipment. Use
of parts not approved by Hyster can cause
Table 1. Disc Wear Limits damage and loss of braking which could result
in serious personal injury.
Original Disc Maximum Disc Minimum Disc
Thickness Wear Wear WARNING
12.7 mm 1.5 mm 9.7 mm Take care when using Loctite® to avoid seri-
(0.5 in.) (0.06 in.) (0.38 in.) ous personal injury. Follow manufacturer’s
20 mm 1.5 mm 17 mm instructions to prevent irritation to eyes and
(0.79 in.) (0.06 in.) (0.67 in.) skin. If Loctite® gets into eyes, flush them with
water for 15 minutes. Have eyes checked by a
doctor as soon as possible.
Caliper Parts
1. Inspect the piston, housing bore, and O-ring for CAUTION
scratches or corrosion. Remove small scratches Use a vise with soft jaws in the following step
or corrosion with fine emery cloth. Replace the to prevent damage to the caliper piston.
components if there are large scratches or exces-
sive corrosion. 1. Apply Loctite® 277 or equivalent to the threads
of the stud. Using a vise with soft jaws to hold
2. Measure the diameter of the piston at the large the piston, install the stud into the piston.
and small end. Replace the piston if the large
end diameter is less than 101.47 mm (3.995 in.) 2. Lubricate the piston outer diameter and ring
or the small end diameter is less than 63.37 mm groove, housing bore and ring groove, new
(2.495 in.). O-rings, and backup rings with Dow Corning®
DC4 or with the type of hydraulic fluid used in
3. Measure the diameter of the housing bore at the the system.
large and small end. Replace the housing if the
large end is greater than 101.68 mm (4.003 in.) 3. Install new O-rings and backup rings in both
or the small end is greater than 63.63 mm the piston groove and housing groove so that the
(2.505 in.). curved side of the backup ring is against each
O-ring. Verify the O-ring on the piston is closest
4. Inspect the housing for damage. If damage can- to the disc. In the housing the O-ring goes closest
not be repaired, replace the housing. to the spring cap. See Figure 5.

1800 SRM 1037 Parking Brake Caliper Repair

c. Linings fastened with screws:

(1) Apply Loctite® 271, or equivalent, to the

threads of the screws.

(2) Attach the linings to the piston and

the housing. Torque the screws to 5 to
6 N•m (44 to 53 lbf in)

5. Install the piston and lining through the hole for

the spring cap. Press the pistons through the
seals with a steady force.

6. Apply a graphite base antisieze compound to the

surfaces of the springs and the housing threads
1. O-RING 4. PISTON of the spring cap.
3. SPRING 6. HOUSING 7. Install the washers and springs on the spring
cap. See Figure 6.
Figure 5. Parking Brake Caliper

4. Install the linings.

a. Linings fastened with adhesive and


(1) Apply Loctite® 271, or equivalent, to the

threads of the setscrews.

(2) Install the setscrews in the piston and

the housing. The top of the screw must
have a clearance of 3 mm (0.12 in.) from
the surfaces of the piston and housing. 2. 2 SPRINGS, CUP UP
(3) Apply 3M® Super 77 spray adhesive,
or equivalent, to the linings where con- Figure 6. Spring Cap
tact is made with the piston and the
housing. Follow manufacturer’s in- 8. Install the spring cap into the housing. Tighten
structions for use of spray adhesive. the spring cap until the top of the spring cap is
even with the top of the housing.
(4) Install the linings on the piston and the
housing. 9. Install the washer around the stud and attach
the washer with 3M® Super 77 spray adhesive, or
b. Linings fastened with one-piece snaps: equivalent. Follow manufacturer’s instructions
for use of spray adhesive.
(1) Apply Loctite® 271, or equivalent, to the
threads of the snap fastener screws. 10. Install the stud nut at the end of the stud and
fasten in place with the pin.
(2) Screw the snap onto the piston and the
housing. Torque to 5 to 6 N•m (44 to
53 lbf in).

(3) Align the lining pins with the holes and

engage the snaps on the linings with the
snaps on the piston and the housing.

Parking Brake Caliper Repair 1800 SRM 1037

INSTALL Always start at the point that is the farthest from

the master cylinder and work back toward the mas-
1. Check the slide pins and the caliper holes for ter cylinder. Bleed every bleeder screw on every
nicks, burrs, or other damage that could keep the caliper at every brake position. When you complete
caliper from sliding along the pins. Repair or re- a caliper, go to the next closest caliper at the same
place components as necessary. position. When you complete a position, go to the
farthest bleeder screw on the next closest position.
2. Apply a graphite base antisieze compound to the
slide pin outside diameter. 1. Verify that the master cylinder is filled. Keep the
master cylinder filled during bleeding so you do
3. Remove the plugs from the brake line and caliper
not draw air into the system through the master
inlet and connect the line to the inlet.
cylinder. Verify that the master cylinder is filled
4. Remove all air from the brake hydraulic system. when you are done bleeding the system.
See section Bleed Brakes.
2. Put a clear tube on the bleeder screw. Place the
5. Apply hydraulic pressure to retract the piston to other end of the clear tube in a container of clean
provide clearance to slide the piston over the disc. hydraulic fluid.

6. Install the pins and fasteners to hold the caliper 3. Bleed brakes.
to the mounting bracket.
a. For full hydraulic systems:
7. Verify that the brake slides easily on the slide
(1) Slowly apply hydraulic pressure to the
8. Adjust brakes.
(2) Loosen the bleeder screw and continue
to apply pressure until no air bubbles
appear in the container of fluid.

WARNING (3) Tighten the bleeder screw to 20 to

Remove air from the brake system after each 27 N•m (15 to 20 lbf ft). Release the
installation or repair of hydraulic or brake sys- pressure to the brake.
tem components or hydraulic lines. The brakes
will not operate correctly with air in the system b. For air/hydraulic or mechanical actuator sys-
and can cause injury or damage. tems:

(1) Apply brake pedal, then loosen the

WARNING bleeder screw.
Properly discard hydraulic fluid that is re-
(2) Tighten the bleeder screw to 20 to
moved from the brake system. Hydraulic fluid
27 N•m (15 to 20 lbf ft) before releasing
that is removed can be contaminated and
the brake, so air is not pulled back into
cause damage, loss of braking, and serious
the system.
personal injury.
(3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 until no air bub-
WARNING bles appear in the container of fluid
Use only the type of hydraulic fluid specified when you apply the brake pedal.
by Hyster. Do not use or mix different types
4. Check for fluid leaks.
of hydraulic fluid. The wrong hydraulic fluid
can damage rubber parts of the caliper and can
cause damage, loss of braking, and serious per-
sonal injury.

1800 SRM 1037 Parking Brake Caliper Repair


If the brake has too little clearance, it may not
release properly. This will cause the linings to
drag and damage to both linings and the disc.

If there is too much clearance, the clamping
force applied to the disc will be reduced. This Figure 7. Spanner Wrench
can cause the brake to slip after it is applied.
Too much pressure also puts extra stress on the 5. Apply hydraulic pressure to the brake to over-
springs in the caliper. This can cause prema- come the spring pressure.
ture spring wear and damage.
Adjust the brake to provide the lining to disc clear-
Verify that the nut is at the end of the stud be-
ance to a maximum of 2.54 mm (0.100 in.) and a min-
fore you put the vehicle in service. If the nut
imum of 0.5 mm (0.020 in.). Recommended clearance
is tightened against the spring cap, the brake
is 2 mm (0.080 in.).
cannot be applied and serious personal injury
The brake must have less than 2.54 mm (0.100 in.) can result.
when the brake is released. Check and adjust the
6. Loosen the stud nut and move it to the end of
brake until the correct clearance is released.
the stud. Install the cotter pin to hold the nut in
1. Apply hydraulic pressure to release the brake. place.

NOTE: The manual release stud and nut have left- 7. Verify that the brake slides easily on the slide
hand threads. pins.

2. Remove the cotter pin from the stud nut and 8. Install the centering device if one was removed
tighten the nut until it touches the spring cap. from the end of the caliper.
This will lock the brake in the release position.
3. Release hydraulic pressure.
NOTE: The caliper should always be tested after it is
assembled and before it is put into service.
Never try to turn or remove the spring cap 1. Apply hydraulic pressure to verify that the
when hydraulic pressure is applied to the caliper will release when required. If the piston
brake. Turning the cap while pressure is ap- does not retract in the housing, readjust the
plied can cause damage to the O-ring seals and brake.
the spring cap threads. Removing the cap can
cause serious personal injury by the sudden 2. Release the hydraulic pressure and verify that
release of hydraulic pressure. the springs expand and force the piston out to
apply the brake. If not, remove and disassemble
4. Use a spanner wrench to turn the spring cap to the caliper and find and correct the problem.
the disc clearance required. A quarter of a turn
of the spring cap in either direction will change 3. To verify that there are no leaks, apply and re-
the total clearance by 0.4 mm (0.016 in.). See lease the hydraulic pressure three times. If there
Figure 7. is a leak, disassemble and repair or replace com-
ponents as necessary.

Troubleshooting 1800 SRM 1037

Table 2. Torque Requirements

Component Torque
Lining snap fastener screws 5 to 6 N•m (44 to 53 lbf in)
Bleeder screws 20 to 27 N•m (15 to 20 lbf ft)

Table 3. Wear Limits

Component Replace
Disc Wear exceeds maximum of 1.524 mm (0.06 in.)
Housing Large end bore diameter exceeds 101.68 mm (4.003 in.) or small end bore exceeds
63.63 mm (2.505 in.).
Linings Thickness is less than 3 mm (0.125 in.) from piston or housing.
Piston Large end diameter is worn to less than 101.47 mm (3.995 in.) or small end is worn to
less than 63.37 mm (2.495 in.).

Table 4. Lining to Disc Clearance

Maximum 2.54 mm (0.100 in.)

Minimum 0.5 mm (0.020 in.)



The parking brake does not The hydraulic pressure is too low. Check for low fluid level, air in sys-
release. tem, restricted lines, fluid leaks,
damaged seals or seals installed

The piston is cocked in the bore. Replace piston if large end diameter
is less than 101.47 mm (3.995 in.) or
the small end is less than 63.37 mm
(2.495 in.). Replace housing if the
large end of bore exceeds 101.68 mm
(4.003 in.) or the small end of the
bore exceeds 63.63 mm (2.505 in.).

1800 SRM 1037 Troubleshooting


The parking brake will not The springs in the brake caliper are Replace springs.
apply. damaged.

The piston is cocked in the bore. Replace piston if large end diameter
is less than 101.47 mm (3.995 in.) or
the small end is less than 63.37 mm
(2.495 in.). Replace housing if the
large end of bore exceeds 101.68 mm
(4.003 in.) or the small end of the
bore exceeds 63.63 mm (2.505 in.).

The caliper is locked in the released Move the stud nut to the end of the
position. stud.

The brake does not hold. Brake is not properly adjusted. Adjust the brake.

Linings or disc is excessively worn. Replace linings when the thick-

ness of the lining is less than 3 mm
(0.118 in.) from the piston or hous-
ing. Replace the disc when wear
exceeds a maximum of 1.524 mm
(0.06 in.).

Linings are contaminated with oil or Replace linings.


The springs in the brake caliper are Replace springs.


Damaged seals. Wrong type of fluid is being used. Drain, flush, and refill with the
correct fluid. Replace O-rings and
backup rings.

Spring cap turned when hydraulic Replace O-rings and backup rings.
pressure was applied to the brake.

Damaged springs. Brake is not properly adjusted. Replace the springs and adjust the
Springs worn. brake.

Lack of lubrication. Replace the springs and apply an an-

tisieze compound to the springs.

Troubleshooting 1800 SRM 1037


Damaged linings or disc. Brake is not properly adjusted. Lin- Adjust brake. Replace parts as
ings are dragging. needed.

The caliper is seized on the slide Clean, replace or repair slide pins or
pins. caliper. Replace linings.

The piston is cocked in the bore. Replace piston if large end diameter
is less than 101.47 mm (3.995 in.) or
the small end is less than 63.37 mm
(2.495 in.). Replace housing if the
large end of bore exceeds 101.68 mm
(4.003 in.) or the small end of the
bore exceeds 63.63 mm (2.505 in.).


1800 SRM 1037 2/03 Printed in U.S.A.

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