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Level 2 Remote Learning - 15th, 16th, 17th February 2021

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Level 2 Remote Learning - Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th February 2021

Students are to complete this in their Learning@Home book. If you would like to, you can complete some activities more than once.
Reading Writing Mathematics -
Decoding strategy: Eagle Eye Seed writing Number
1. Choose a book (could be a Take-Home Book or 1. Find something around your
any other book you have). house that you can use as a seed 1. Find a large group of
2. Before you read each page, look closely at the for writing. You may either use items you can use to
illustrations and think about these questions: something that you already chose help you count. For example, you could use pasta
• Where might this be taking place (the for your L@H task last week or shapes, toy cars, books, pencils etc. You need at
setting)? choose a new seed. least 10 items.
• What characters can you see? 2. Put your items into groups of 1 and count them
• What are they doing? Some examples are: by 1s to find the total.
• Why might they be doing this? - Your favourite toy 3. Re-arrange your items into groups of 2 then
3. As you read, practise using the Eagle Eye - A museum/movie ticket count by 2s to find how many you have
strategy to help you decode any unfamiliar - A special photo altogether.
words. Are there clues in the pictures? 4. Change your groups again so they are in groups
2. Draw a picture of your seed in of 5 and count by 5s to find the total.
What can you see? you L@H book. 5. Finally place your items into groups of 10 and
1. Look out a window at home. What can you count by 10s. How many are there altogether?
see? 3. Brainstorm some words
2. Choose one thing that you saw and draw it in around your picture that will What did you notice?
your L@H book. help you when writing about You may like to consider these questions:
3. You might like to label your drawing, or record your seed. • What did you discover about counting by
and finish this sentence: “I peek out my 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s?
window and I can see …" 4. Have a go at writing some • Which number was easiest for you to
sentences using some of the count by? Why?
words that you thought of • Did you notice a pattern?
during your brainstorm.
In your L@H book, record what you did. You may
like to draw, write or take a photo to show your
Maths - Statistics PYP – Unit of Inquiry Wellbeing
Tally marks Who We Are: Character Traits Learner Profile – Balanced

Create a question which you could collect data on We have been learning about character traits and How can you remain balanced while you are
whilst in your backyard or out on a walk E.g. How inquiring into which traits we have. learning at home for the next three days?
many silver cars drive past? How many trees are For example:
in my backyard? How many dogs are out walking? • I am caring Draw or write a list of some ideas in your L@H
OR • I am organised book then have a go at them!
• I am funny
Choose a question to collect data on by asking • I am principled Some examples are:
your family members E.g. Do you like ice-cream?
Do you like Summer? Make sure it is a simple yes Ask your family members what they think their • Having a fruit snack every morning
or no question. You might like to call some character traits are. • Going out for a bike ride
extended family members to collect more data. Do they want to try to develop any new traits? • Practising an instrument
For example, maybe they would like to be more • Practising mindfulness (yoga, meditation)
1. In your L@H book, create a table with your adventurous. • Drawing
question ready for you to record your tally
marks. Be reflective! Think about the following Tick the ideas off as you complete them or write a
2. Spend some time collecting your data to questions: short comment about how you felt after them.
answer your question. Use this rhyme to
remember how we write down our tally 1. Are any of their traits the same as yours?
marks: ‘1, 2, 3, 4 number 5 shuts the
door’. 2. Are there any more traits that you can
3. Once you have collected your data, you identify in your family members?
might like to consider these questions:
Draw / write about what you discovered in your
Which was the most popular response/What did I L@H book.
see mostly whilst outside?
Which was the least popular response/What
didn’t I see much of outside?

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