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FIRST COT - 2021 2022 2nd Checked For Rpms 2023

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LESSON LOG Teacher ESCABILLAS, VERONICA T Learning Area English 5

Teaching Date and March 2, 2023, 12:00 NN - 12:45 NN Quarter 3rd Quarter
Time V - Honesty Week 3

A. Content Standard Summarize various text types based on elements (EN5RC-Ic-2.23)
Pamantayang Pangnilalaman Sub-LC: Identify the elements of literary texts
B. Performance Standard The learner listens critically to different text types; expresses ideas logically in oral and
Pamantayan sa written forms; and demonstrates interest in reading to meet various needs.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
C. Learning Competency/Objectives
a.) Identify the elements of literary texts; EN5LC-Ib-2.17.1
Mga Kasanayan sa Pagkatuto
b.) Show openness to criticism;
Write the LC code for each
c.) Use differentiated tasks to summarize the elements of the text. (EN5RC-Ic-2.23)
II. CONTENT (EN5RC-Ic-2.23) Summarize various text types based on elements
NILALAMAN Sub-LC: Identify the elements of literary texts
A. References
Mga Sanggunian
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
Mga pahina sa Gabay ng
2. Learner’s Materials pages
Mga pahina sa Kagamitan ng Mag- Learning activity sheets, Quarter 3, Week 3 pgs. 1- 6.
3. Textbook pages
Mga pahina sa Textbook
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
Karagdagang kagamitan mula sa
learning resource (LR) portal
 Video Clips
 Laptop - PowerPoint Presentation
 Links
B. Other Learning Resource o
Karagdagang kagamitan sa pagtuturo o

A. Reviewing previous lesson or
presenting the new lesson Preparatory Activities
Balik-aral sa nakaraang aralin - Greet the pupils
at/opagsisimula ng bagong aralin - Opening prayer
- Presenting the classroom rules in class
KRA 2 Objective 5 - Checking of attendance
Managed learner behavior constructively by
applying positive and non-violent discipline to -The teacher will ask to sign in classroom for today’s lesson.
ensure learningfocused environments. (PPST 2.6.2)
Say: Let us review our topic last week. We talk about author’s purpose, what may the
authors purpose when they write? It may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the
reader, to inform the reader, or to give instruction or directions.

Let us prepare your pen and paper, writes number 1- 5.

Identify the purpose of the following texts as to inform, to persuade, or to instruct.

1. What is a storm surge? Storm surge is an abnormal rise of water caused by the
strong winds in a hurricane or a storm.
2. Here’s the step on frying a scrambled egg on a pan. First hit the pan then put the
scrambled egg wait until it becomes slightly golden.
3. Corona Virus 2019 spread throughout the whole world and kills many lives.
4. Using mild soap was proven that makes the skin looks younger so try it now.
5. Everyone must wear their masks in order to protect themselves to deadly virus.

(Giving positive feedback) (Allowing the student to express their ideas) (Encouraging
learners to ask questions)
• Students will guess the title and answer the questions based on the pictures

Say: All of us always have a favorite story, we tend to love this because it is an
interesting story. It is a narration of the events in the life of a person or the existence of
a thing or such events. Right now, I will present pictures related to a somehow
timeless story, and you will guess what title it is. You only have 5 seconds to answer
this using the I will call you to answer it orally.

Are you now ready? Let us now start.

CINDERELLA, The Cinderella was first published in 1697

by Charles Perrault. The themes of the story are good
versus evil and luck changing your life. Release feelings of
resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who
has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually
deserve your forgiveness.

Ask: Who are the characters in the story? *Cinderella, stepmother- Lady Tremaine,
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson stepsister- Anastasia and Drizella, fairy godmother, Prince charming – Henry, Mice -
Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin Jaq and Gus

Managed classroom structure to Abadeha: The Philippine Cinderella by Myrna J. De

engage learners, individually or in La Paz was published in 1991. The author’s purpose
groups, in meaningful exploration, is to make the Philippines stand out. She is informing
discovery and hands-on activities people that the Philippines is an amazing place. She
within a range of physical learning wants the readers to get hooked by the beauty of our
environments. (PPST 2.3.2) country.
philippine-cinderella book.jpg?fit=375%2C375&ssl=1

SLEEPING BEAUTY, France (1528) was written by

Charles Perrault, inventor of the modern fairy tale and
creator of such timeless characters as Little Red
Riding Hood and Puss in Boots. It is all about true
love and it can conquer anything in its path.

Ask: Where did the story happen? * Castle in The Forest

Did you know? According to Guinness world record, in 1964, 264 consecutive hours –
Randy Gardener, at the age of 17, stayed awake for 11 straight days and has a world
record for the longest time without sleep. Then he slept for 14 hours straight after.

Say: At this time of the pandemic, we must have enough sleep to boost our immune
system and our healthy foods, vitamins, and drink water consistently. Let us be healthy

Say: Who got the perfect score? Alright, great job everyone! Keep up the good work.

(Giving positive feedback) (Allowing the student to express their ideas) (Encouraging
learners to ask questions)
C. Presenting examples/instances of the Say: Alright, this week we will summarize various text types based on elements
new lesson (EN6RC-Ig-2.24.1-2)
Pag-uugnay ng mga Halimbawa sa At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
Bagong Aralin a.) Identify the elements of literary texts
b.) Show openness to criticism
c.) Use differentiated tasks to summarize the elements of the story.
Knowing how to use analytical tools, like literary elements, to uncover the meaning of
the text is a big help.

The five essential Elements of Literary Texts

(Ask the student to read the definition)

Setting - This is where and when is the story

set. It represents both the physical location,
the time (i.e. past, present, future), and the
social and cultural conditions in which the
characters exist.

(Ask the student to read the definition)

Character - This could be a person or

animal or really anything personified.
There can be one main character or
many, and often there are secondary
characters, but not always. What are the
two main types of characters?
*protagonist *antagonist

(Ask the student to read the definition)

KRA 1 Objective 1 Indicator 1

Applied knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching areas.
(PPST 1.1.2)

Managed classroom structure to

engage learners, individually or in
groups, in meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on activities
within a range of physical learning
environments. (PPST 2.3.2) Plot – It is the organized pattern or sequence of events that make up a story. It is the
literary element that describes the structure of a story. It shows arrangement of events
and actions within a story.
What is the chronological pattern in evaluating the plot? *exposition, rising action,
climax, falling action, resolution.

Did you know?

Heart rate is important because the heart's function is so important. The heart
circulates oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the body. The average heart is
the size of an adult fist. Your heart will beat about 115,000 times each day.

(Ask the student to read the definition)

Theme – It is the central, general message, the

main idea, the controlling topic about life or
people the author wants to get across through
a literary work.
To discover the theme of a story, think big.

What big message is the author trying to say

about the world in which we live?
 What is this storytelling me about how life works?

These essential elements keep the story running smoothly and allow the action to
develop in a logical way that the reader can follow. For us to understanding how a
story is organized is necessary for students to access the highest levels of
comprehension of that story

• Ask: Do you have any questions?

- The teacher will present a video presentation.

- Androcles and the Lion by Aesop

- A slave named Androcles once escaped from his master and went to the
forest. As he was wandering about there, he came upon a lion lying down
groaning and whimpering. At first, he turned to flee, but finding that the lion
did not attack him, he turned back and went up to him. As he came near, the
lion put out his paw, which was all swollen and bleeding, and Androcles found
that a huge thorn had got into it and was causing all the pain. He pulled out
the thorn and bound up the paw of the lion, who was soon able to rise and
lick the hand of Androcles like a dog. Then the lion took Androcles to his
cave, and every day used to bring him meat from which to live. But shortly
afterwards both Androcles and the lion were captured, and the slave was
D. Discussing new concepts and sentenced to be thrown to the lion, after the latter had been kept without food
practicing new skills # 1 for several days. The emperor and all his Court came to see the spectacle,
Pagtatalakay ng bagong konsepto at and Androcles was led out into the middle of the arena. Soon the lion was let
paglalahad ng bagong kasanayan #1 loose from his den and rushed bounding and roaring towards his victim. But
as soon as he came near to Androcles he recognized his friend, and fawned
Used a range of teaching strategies upon him, and licked his hands like a friendly dog. The emperor, surprised at
that enhance learner achievement in this, summoned Androcles to him, who told him the whole story. Whereupon
literacy and numeracy skills. the slave was pardoned and freed, and the lion let loose to his native forest.
(PPST 1.4.2) - The teacher will ask the following questions using this graphic organizer.

Say: Let us share your answers here, I will call you to answer the question.

Call randomly, then ask questions to the students.

 What are literary elements? -character, setting, plot and theme.

E. Discussing new concepts and
 Why are literary elements important? * Understanding how a story is
practicing new skills # 2
organized is necessary for students to access the highest levels of
Pagtalakay ng bagong konsepto at
comprehension of that story.
paglalahad ng bagong kasanayan #2
Let us remember: The basic elements of literary texts include the theme, setting,
Applied a range of teaching strategies
characters, plot. The theme refers to the author’s message or insight about life or
to develop critical and creative
human nature he or she tries to convey through the story. The setting answers when
thinking, as well as other higher-order
and where the story happens while the characters are the people, animals, or things
thinking skills.(PPST 1.5.2)
that are responsible for the events. The plot consists of the episodes that make up the
beginning, middle and ending events.
Differentiated tasks:
 Retell me - Google docs write the summary of the story comprehensively.
The elements of the story must show.
 Sketch the story - must visualize the elements of the story. Every member will
draw to participate in the activity. Every member is expected to show their
F. Developing mastery  54321 Action - The video presentation must show the elements of the story.
Paglinang na Kabihasaan The voice-over for the narration of the story must show
 Story Map - use of google docs Organize the story using the graphic
Used differentiated, developmentally organizer. The elements of the story must be shown.
appropriate learning experiences to  Story photography - visual storytelling is often called a 'photo essay' or 'photo
address learners’ gender, needs, story. You will narrate a story with a series of photographs.
strengths, interests, and experiences.  *All available inside of your house to represent the story. Captions are also an
(PPST 3.1.2) integral part of a photo story that should help the viewer understand each

Content / relevance – 5
Well organized - 5
creativity – 5
Unity – 5
Total: 20 pts

Say: Let us read my text about the Mañana Habit, it is something that we have learned
from the Spaniards. The word “Mañana” means ‘tomorrow’ or ‘specified future time’.
As defines it – it’s “in the indefinite future (used to indicate procrastination – the action
G. Finding practical application of of delaying or postponing something)”, or “mamaya na” in Filipino.
concepts and skills in daily living
Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang-araw- The story of Maniana-habit
araw na buhay
Harvey is a grade five student at Pajo Elementary School. Every day he has
worksheets to be done. He loves to read a story and finish his activity sheets on time
Used a range of teaching strategies and on scheduled. While, he has cousin named Manny, Manny loves to play mobile
that enhance learner achievement in games and watching television. He read a story but did not finish it. He always keeps
literacy and numeracy skills. (PPST on saying, it will be done tomorrow until it never been done.
Who are the characters in the text given?
Are you Harvey or Manny?
What are the causes of maniana habit?
How do you finish your activity sheets?

1. What are the elements of the story?

H. Making generalizations and 2. Why are story elements important?
abstractions about the lesson 3. How do we summarize a story?
Paglalahat ng Aralin 4. How can the literary text be powerful? *Telling or reading stories is one of the
most powerful means that readers must influence, teach, and inspire
Applied a range of teaching strategies 5. How do we evaluate a story? *We evaluate a story by using the elements of
to develop critical and creative the story.
thinking, as well as other higher order
thinking skills. (PPST 1.5.2) Are there any questions or clarifications?

Direction: Read the passage answer the following questions.

My reading habit, my best friend

My hobby is to read a book. Books are my best friends. While growing up the best
habit I can tell everyone is to keep on reading because you become what you read.
I. Evaluating learning The books that I read play a very important role in my up bringing as they are my
Pagtataya ng Aralin guide for the journey of life. Let us remember that a person who possesses the habit
of reading will encourage others to do the same. Whatever you read leave a reflection
of his own on the crowd.

What is the theme of the literary text?

What is the text purpose to the reader?
Is reading your habit?
How reading helps us to grow?
J. Additional activities for application or Read the story about The Queue and answer the following questions. Learning
remediation activity sheets, quarter 3, week 3, pg. 7
Karagdagang gawain para sa
takdang-aralin at remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Checked and Reviewed by:


Master Teacher I

Observed by:

Principal I

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