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Spring - 9 Review

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0: This eek e re revie ing: QUARTER 3: REVIEW

MONDAY Pa i e and Ac i e Voice Wo d Choice

Indicate hether the follo ing passages are ac e (A) or a e (P).

A 1. Harr ate si shrimp at dinner.
______ 2. At dinner, si shrimp ere eaten.
______ 3. The savannah is roamed b beautiful giraffes.
A 4. Beautiful giraffes roam the savannah.

______ 5. Sue changed the flat tire.
______ 6. The flat tire as changed.
Choose the best replacement to the underlined ord or phrase.
When riting in a formal setting, ou must al a s 7.
use the active voice. In a sentence using an active voice, B. ou must never

C. one should
the subject of the sentence gets to perform the action D. one should never
e pressed in the verb. 8.
When a passive voice is used, the subject is no B. performing
9 C. gets
longer active. Ho ever, sometimes it is reall hard D. performs
to not use the passive voice, especiall hen 9.
the subject of the action that is ritten b the riter is B. one uses the passive voice
11 C. a passive voice as used
not kno n. D. one s passive voice ere used

11. 10.
B. the riter does not kno the subject of the action B. reall difficult
C. the subject that is ritten is unkno n C. hard
D. the subject is unkno n. O
D. difficult
TUESDAY Appo i i e R n on and Comma Splice

An a e is a noun or pronoun often ith modifiers set beside another noun or

pronoun to e plain or identif it. Here are some e amples of appositives (the
be b e, the a e be ed).

Your f e d B is in trouble.

M brother's ca , a ed c e be b c e ea , is the env of m friends.

Highlight or Underline and punctuate the appositives in the follo ing sentences. Not all require
11. M son, the policeman, ill be visiting us ne t eek.
12. The captain ordered the ship's carpenters to assemble the shallop' a large ro boat.
13. Walter the adventurer and riter is ver attached to his mother, Mrs. Hammon.

14. Paul Ne man the famous American actor directed five motion pictures.

Ans er the follo ing questions, marking it either Correct or Run-On/Comma Splice.
15. The best thing about English class is the cat stories; Dr. Crisp has a cat named Ack-Ack.
A. Correct
B. Run-On / Comma Splice

16. Dr. Crisp also has t o dogs the are Great Danes.
C. Correct
D. Run-On / Comma Splice

17. Humbaba, the male Great Dane, eighs 170 pounds.

E. Correct
F. Run-On / Comma Splice

18. Humbaba is a name that is fun to sa , it comes from the ancient Sumerian epic, Gilgamesh.
G. Correct
H. Run-On / Comma Splice
WEDNESDAY F agmen R n On and Idiom
For each sentence belo , mark hether it is a Fragment (F) a Run-On (R) or Correct (C).
19. _____
R The book e had to read for class as reall long m teacher doesn t seem to
understand that e have other classes to read for too.

20. _____ Mi ing the stra berries to make a smoothie.
21. _____ There is nothing to orr about right no .
Choose the best choice for each underlined ord or phrase.

M phone bu ed late Saturda night, but I as 21. A. NO CHANGE

B. I as preoccupied ith
preoccupied about m studies. It as Matt te ting me, asking m studies
21 C. I am preoccupied for m
me if I as free to hang out at the oo. I had a fondness to ard studies
the oo. I heard the just received a ne red panda named 22. A. NO CHANGE
B. I had a fondness ith
Tofu. C. I had a fondness for

I had just read about Tofu, and I found that her diet consists O
23 B. consists in mainl
of mainl vegetables and dog food. I asked Matt about Tofu, C. consists ith mainl

but it seemed his a areness about the red panda as limited. 24. A. NO CHANGE
24 O
B. a areness of
C. a areness ith
THURSDAY Da he Semi colon and Colon

Ma k hich c ai d ef each e e ce: D (da h), C ( e i-c ), C

(c ). mirror

sac j j
25. ____ : In the last ear I have visited Paris, France ___ London, England ___ and Houston,
Te as.
26. ____ : M high school teacher as full of advice ___ Al a s bring a toothbrush.
c : I need a fe items from the store ____ a to el, some tape, and a ne notebook.
27. ____
28. ____
D : Even pennies ___ orthless the ma seem ___ can add up to a large amount.
29. ____ : B tr ing e can easil learn to endure adversit ___ another man's, I mean.
30. ____ : Superhero movies are ver popular ___ the are gaining ground ith all t pes of
vie ers.

Choose the best replacement to the underlined ord or phrase.

Colons follo independent clauses - clauses that 31.

could stand alone as sentences - and can be used to B. ; clauses that could stand alone
31 as sentences;
present an e planation, dra attention to something, or C. clauses that could stand alone as
join ideas together. D. : clauses that could stand alone
as sentences:
The semi-colon looks like a comma ith a period
above it, this can be a good a to remember hat it A. NO CHANGE
32 B. it - this
does. A semi-colon creates more separation bet een C. it; this
D. it (this
thoughts than a comma does - but less than a period
33 33.
does. A. NO CHANGE
B. does, but
Overusing dashes can break up the flo of our C. does but

D. does; but
riting, making it chopp or even difficult to follo ; so
34 34.
don t overdo it. A. NO CHANGE
B. follo : so
C. follo so
D. follo , so
F ida Modi e

35. Which sentence uses modifiers CORRECTLY?

A. After reading the original stud , the article remains unconvincing.
B. Relieved of our responsibilities at our job, our home should be a place to rela .
C. To improve his results, the e periment as done again.
OD. The failed the e periment, not having studied the lab manual carefull .

36. Is the follo ing sentence using correct grammar?

While Lancaster as riding his bike, a bird s ooped past.

O A. True B. False

37. Which of the follo ing sentences is correct?

A. Having jumped up, the cat pounced.
B. The cat pounced hen the mouse jumped up.
C. Having jumped up, the cat pounced the mouse.
D. Having up jumped the cat, the mouse pounced.

38. What is the correct correction of this sentence?Having finished stud ing, the cookies began
A. Change began baking to begun baking.
B. Change having finished to hile finishing.
C. There is no error in this sentence.
D. None of the above.


C c e e c ec e b ef e e ce , e c c e e e e b ec / e b
The nois students (have, has) to leave after t o arnings. (Singular, Plural)
She is the onl one of the students ho (have,o has) failed the test.
(Singular, Plural)

41. The cr ing bab (irritate, irritates) them. (Singular, Plural)
42. The longest of the presentations (is, are) the ne t group. (Singular, Plural)

Underline the e d in each sentence.

43. Traveling might satisf our desire for ne e periences.

44. The do not appreciate m singing.

45. M cat's favorite activit is sleeping.

A e d a e is a group of ords consisting of a gerund and the modifier(s) and/or

(pro)noun(s) or noun phrase(s) that function as the direct object(s), indirect object(s), or
complement(s) of the action or state e pressed in the gerund

Underline the e d a e in each sentence.

46. Finding a needle in a ha stack ould be easier than hat e're tr ing to do.

47. You might get in trouble for faking an illness to avoid ork.

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