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Basic service, cleanliness and condition detail located in the How Hotels Are Evaluated During the BSA

document on

Brand Standard

Evaluation criteria for the basic service, cleanliness and condition questions are
.located in the How Hotels Are Evaluated During the BSA
Basic service, cleanliness and condition detail located in the How Hotels Are Evaluated During the BSA document on

Restaurant - Dinner

1 Server - Warm welcome/greeting 16 Restaurant - Operations : Yes No N/A

provided/ Cálida bienvenida/ Dinner Service
saludo fue proporcionado

2 Server - Guest name used during the 4 Restaurant - Operations : Yes No N/A
experience, when known/ Nombre Dinner Service
del huésped fue usado durante la

3 Server - Good posture, smile, eye 4 Restaurant - Operations : Yes No N/A

contact, and attentive listening Dinner Service
maintained throughout the
interaction/ Buena postura, sonrisa,
contacto visual y escucha atenta
durante toda la interacción.

4 Server - Well-groomed and professional, 4 Restaurant - Operations : Yes No N/A

wearing a uniform/ Buena presencia y Dinner Service
professional, con uniforme oscuro

5 Server - The associate was able to speak 4 Restaurant - Brand : Branded Yes No N/A
knowledgeably about wines offered in the Dinner Service
outlet/ el mozo o azafata demuestra
conocimiento sobre los vinos que se
ofrecen en el restaurante, mencionando
cepa, bodega, año, país de origen y
Server - The associate was able to speak knowledgeably about wines offered in the outlet

Mark N/A if any of the following:

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● Restaurant is a licensed concept
● Hotel does not have a restaurant

The associate must minimally demonstrate knowledge about wines offered in the outlet

Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

Basic service, cleanliness and condition detail located in the How Hotels Are Evaluated During the BSA document on

6 Wine service meets standards/ Se sirve el 4 Restaurant - Brand : Branded Yes No N/A
vino según estándares, haciendo catar, Dinner Service
usando el Lito, mostrando la etiqueta, etc
Wine service meets standards

Mark N/A if you find any of the following:

● Hotel does not have the facility on premises

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● Wine not ordered
● Restaurant is a licensed concept
● Hotel is located in Saudi Arabia or Kuwait

Wine by the glass

● Must be served in the correct glass for the type of wine

Wine by the bottle

● Server demonstrates label and pouring at the table with the label facing the guest
● A taste is offered prior to a complete pour

Order a beverage and mark NO if any of the above criteria are not met

7 Hot tea presentation meets standards/ Tea 2 Restaurant - Operations : Yes No N/A
o Café es servido de acuerdo a estándares Dinner Service
Basic service, cleanliness and condition detail located in the How Hotels Are Evaluated During the BSA document on

Hot tea presentation meets standards

Mark N/A if you find any of the following:

● Hotel does not have the facility on premises

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● Tea not ordered
● Restaurant is a licensed concept


● If served loose:
o Brewed in a pot
● If served tea bags
o At least 2 tea bags
o Presented on a B&B plate
o Served with a pot of hot water
▪ China pot or insulated pot specifically for tea service
● With a timer to ensure prefect tea (optional in MEA)
● Server must ask if guest prefers honey and lemon or milk (optional AP, EUR, MEA)

Order a beverage and mark NO if any of the above are not followed

8 Server is knowledgeable about menus 4 Restaurant - Operations : Yes No N/A

and uses suggestive selling/ Mozo o Dinner Service
azafata conoce la carta y promueve la
venta sugerente
Server is knowledgeable about menus and uses suggestive selling

Mark N/A if you find any of the following:

● Hotel does not have the facility on premises

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● Restaurant is a licensed concept

Server must:

● Provide recommendations of menu items, if asked

● Be knowledgeable of the beverage list (lunch/dinner)

● Offer dessert (lunch/dinner)

Interact with server and mark NO if any of the above standards are not met
Basic service, cleanliness and condition detail located in the How Hotels Are Evaluated During the BSA document on

9 Server - The associate must describe 4 Restaurant - Brand : Branded Yes No N/A
recommended items/ mozo o azafata Dinner Service
describe los platos recomendados
Server - The associate must describe recommended items

Mark N/A if any of the following:

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● Restaurant is a licensed concept
● Hotel does not have a restaurant

The associate must:

● Describe the recommended items

Mark NO if any of the above criteria was not met

10 Order taking meets standard/ Toma el 4 Restaurant - Operations : Yes No N/A

pedido de acuerdo al estandar, damas Dinner Service
primero, repite el pedido al huésped para
garantizar precisión
Order taking meets standard

Mark N/A if you find any of the following:

● Hotel does not have the facility on premises

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● Restaurant is a licensed concept

Server must minimally:

● Take order first from:

o Ladies (US/CAN, CALA, EUR)
● Repeat order back to guest to ensure accuracy

Interact with server and mark NO if any of the above criteria are not met

11 Food and beverage contents and plate 4 Restaurant - Operations : Yes No N/A
presentation meet standard/ La Dinner Service
presentación del plato cumple con el
estándar, se agrega cuchara para
sopas/consomés/gaspachos, se
agrega cubiertos para platos de
Basic service, cleanliness and condition detail located in the How Hotels Are Evaluated During the BSA document on

Food and beverage contents and plate presentation meet standard

Mark N/A if any of the following:

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● Restaurant is a licensed concept
● Hotel does not have a restaurant

Food and beverage contents and plate presentation must be:

● Served at appropriate temperature (i.e. Hot Food is Served Hot, Cold Food is Served Cold)
● Served in appropriate glassware and tableware

Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

12 Table setting enlivens the senses/ el 2 Restaurant - Operations : Yes No N/A

montaje de la mesa despierta los sentidos, Dinner Service
copas y cubiertos resplandecientes,
cubertería completa, saleros, etc
Basic service, cleanliness and condition detail located in the How Hotels Are Evaluated During the BSA document on

Table setting enlivens the senses

Mark N/A if you find any of the following:

● Hotel does not have the facility on premises

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● Restaurant is a licensed concept

Table must be level and stable

Table setting minimally must:

● Be clean and in good condition

● Flatware - free of tarnish/wear
● Napkins - pressed all-cotton or linen
o It is acceptable for outdoor restaurants to use a different type of napkin
● Salt and pepper shakers are present
o It is acceptable if salt and pepper are served/offered
o It is acceptable to not offer salt and/or pepper if the restaurant concept is a cuisine that does not
utilize salt and pepper (e.g. Japanese, Chinese)

Check decor items, flatware, linens, plates, settings, table and table top items and mark NO if you experience or
observe any of the following:

● Any of the above standards are not met

● Cleanliness issues
● Condition issues
● Gum underneath table
● Table uneven or unstable


13 Server - The associate completes guest 2 Restaurant - Brand : Branded Yes No N/A
task with appropriate verbiage, when Dinner Service
applicable/ mozo o azafata sirve los
platos usando lenguaje formal y
Basic service, cleanliness and condition detail located in the How Hotels Are Evaluated During the BSA document on

Server - The associate completes guest task with appropriate verbiage, when applicable

Mark N/A if any of the following:

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● Restaurant is a licensed concept
● Hotel does not have a restaurant
● No guest task available for completion

The associate must:

● Complete a guest task when possible

● Use the appropriate professional verbiage for the task (e.g. "allow me to dispose of your garbage", "it would
be my pleasure to...", "I would be delighted to")

Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

14 Server - Items handed to the guest were 2 Restaurant - Brand : Branded Yes No N/A
presented by the associate with two Dinner Service
hands, when possible/ los platos servidos
al huésped fueron con 2 manos para evitar
riesgos de caídas, cuando corresponda
Server - Items handed to the guest were presented by the associate with two hands, when possible

Mark N/A if any of the following:

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● Restaurant is a licensed concept
● Hotel does not have a restaurant
● Interaction does not allow associate to use two hands

The associate must hand items to guests using both hands, when possible

Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

15 Server - The associate demonstrated 2 Restaurant - Brand : Branded Yes No N/A

Poise and Grace/ mozo o azafata Dinner Service
demostró aplomo y gracia
Server - The associate demonstrated Poise and Grace
Basic service, cleanliness and condition detail located in the How Hotels Are Evaluated During the BSA document on

Mark N/A if any of the following:

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● Restaurant is a licensed concept
● Hotel does not have a restaurant
● Insufficient time during encounter to demonstrate personalization

The associate must minimally maintain throughout interaction:

● Demonstrating personalization through thoughtful questioning, responding to the guest when needed

Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

16 Server owns and resolves guest's 16 Restaurant - Operations : Yes No N/A

requests and opportunities Dinner Service
immediately/ mozo o azafata asume y
resuelve la solicitudes y oportunidades
de mejora inmediatamente
Server owns and resolves guest's requests and opportunities immediately

Mark N/A if you find any of the following:

● Hotel does not have the facility on premises

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● No problem or concern was encountered
Basic service, cleanliness and condition detail located in the How Hotels Are Evaluated During the BSA document on

● Restaurant is a licensed concept

Server must:

● Listen actively
● Empathize - Express empathy
● Apologize and assume ownership
● Resolve/Solve the problem and also provide an extra touch that goes beyond mere resolution
● Notify/Thank the guest to confirm their satisfaction
o Record the problem in Mystique (RC, RCDC)
o Record the problem in Starguest (SR, LC, W)

Mark NO if the Server:

● Does not actively listen to you

● Does not express empathy
● Does not offer an apology
● Does not solve the problem within 10 minutes
● Does not provide any special touch beyond mere resolution
● Does not confirm your satisfaction
● Does not record the problem in system

17 Server - The associate made the guest 0 Restaurant - Brand : Branded Yes No N/A
feel at ease and taken care of/ mozo o Dinner Service
azafata hizo que el huésped se sintiera
a gusto y cuidado
Server - The associate made the guest feel at ease and taken care of

Mark N/A if any of the following:

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● Restaurant is a licensed concept
● Hotel does not have a restaurant

The associate must create an emotional connection with the guest, resulting in the guest feeling at ease and taken
care of, examples include:

● Presenting a calm and confident demeanor

● Explaining the follow through of actions to the guest before completing them
● Engaging in natural conversation with the guest around guest interests
● Owning the interaction from start to finish

Mark NO if any of the above criteria is not met

Basic service, cleanliness and condition detail located in the How Hotels Are Evaluated During the BSA document on

18 Server uses appropriate verbiage and 4 Restaurant - Operations : Yes No N/A

shows genuine concern/ mozo o Dinner Service
azafata usa lenguaje formal y
apropiado, y muestra una
preocupación genuina
Server uses appropriate verbiage and shows genuine concern

Mark N/A if you find any of the following:

● Hotel does not have the facility on premises

● Area is under complete renovation and not available for guest use
● Restaurant is a licensed concept

Server must:

● Use appropriate verbiage with genuine delivery

o In Tune Language of Symphony of Service Program (e.g. “May I…”, “Excuse me/Pardon me”, “Allow
me”, “Right away”, “Absolutely”, “Excellent Choice” “I am happy to…”)

Mark NO if you encounter or observe any of the following:

● Inappropriate verbiage or jargon used

19 Server - Further assistance offered to the 2 Restaurant - Operations : Yes No N/A

guest/ Asistencia adicional fue ofrecida al Dinner Service

20 Server - Warm and sincere closing 4 Restaurant - Operations : Yes No N/A

offered and appreciation Dinner Service
demonstrated/ Despedida cálida y
sincera es ofrecida, demuestra aprecio
Basic service, cleanliness and condition detail located in the How Hotels Are Evaluated During the BSA document on

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