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Reviewer For CE

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Reviewer for CESC activities and is sometimes described as

'social action' or 'community engagement'.

Concept note #1 These activities can vary in their objective, the
role the community plays, the types of
COMMUNITY activities involved, their scale and their
LATIN WORD COMMUNIS integration within the council. What they
have in common is that they all involve
COMMUNITY DYNAMICS greater engagement of local citizens in the
Community Dynamics is the change and planning, design and delivery of local services.
development involved in a community that
includes all forms of living organisms. COMMUNITIES MAY BE FORMED IN TWO
1. Building community and social capacity NON-GEOGRAPHICAL
helping the community to share knowledge, - PRACTICES
skills and ideas. -NEEDS AND IDEAS
2. Community resilience - helping the -IDENTITY
community to support itself.
3. Prevention - a focus on early access to Concept note 2
services or support, engagement in design,
cross-sector collaboration and partnerships. Definition of Community in different
4. Maintaining and creating wealth – for Perspective
example helping people into employment or 1 Social Science Perspective
developing community *Views community as composed of people
enterprises. teracting with one another, sensitive to each
other's emotions as well as interests and
COMMUNITY MAY BE DIVIDED; subjective point of view.
MICRO LEVEL a Anthropology - this field examines the
a group is formed based on personal Various aspects of humans. Such as ther
MACRO LEVEL biology, behavior culture and social
Large group affiliations are formed such as interaction
national communities, international b. Economics-this fald studies the productor
communities, and virtual communities. llation and consumption of good and services
social ties C. Poltical Science - this field encompasses
The various ways and means of allocating
COMMUNITY ACTION power influences, and decision-making.
-Community action is any activity that d. Psychology - this discipline studies the
increases the human mind, brain, and social behavior
understanding, engagement and e Sogology - this field is the study of society ,
empowerment of communities in the design social order, social interactions, and culture
and delivery of local services. 2 Institutional Perspective
-Community action includes a broad range of Three dimension
a first - it is existing establishment or physical Educational Facilities and Programs -
space where members of the community go Adequate preparation for adults to enter
for a certain purpose labor force
b. Second - is the institutional community as a
social model Health and Welfare System’s - Adequate
C. Third-composed of the way people act, numbers of health professionals and specialist
interact each other, read, antexpect each at the same the facilities
other to act and interact
Sources of information and public opinion -
3 Civil Society Perspective Presence of television and radio stations and
Stresses the idea of forming a group, newspapers which provide the people
foundation or an organization in service to information and perspectives on the current
Society events

4 Local and Grassroots Perspective Summary Assessment of Community Issues -

• This perspective highlights overall assessment of community functioning
•Members of different communities may Concept note 4
involve themselves in various programs and Dynamics and Processes
Community Engagement - Train younger
Concept note 3 generation of leaders so that they are ready
Aspects of community to take over when the time comes.
Demograpics - Population size (Total number
of people living in the community Collaboration - Leaders should learn to
build "bridges" and cooperate across
Geography & Environmental Influence - the communities
community’s physical environment
Development of Social Capital Building -
Beliefs and Attitudes - cultural values, Developing a resilient capital is among the
tradition’s and belief’s of various segments of most important contribution to successful
the population COMMUNITY leadership.

Local Politics - structure of government COMMUNITY POWER -The capacity of the

communityto exercise control over activities
Local Economy and Business - Business, and seek ways to employ available resources
factories and other sources of employment to establish a stronger and successful
that characterize the community community

Income distribution - Public assistance LEADERSHIP - As the person who has the
benefits available to residents responsibility of controlling or taking charge
of a particular group. The important figure
Housing - will quide the members to carry out the plans
in pursuit of the group's objectives.
of the world considered closely connected by
Components in improving leadership in a modern telecommunication, though they are
community economically, socially and politically
LEADERSHIP independent.
•Development of Social Capital Building characterized by close social integration and
•Community Engagement physical proximity. Moreover, a local
Collaboration community is also define as a group of
people sharing the same environment and
Effective Communication - There should be conditions such as intent, belief, resources,
free access to important information preferences, and needs and risks.
concerning social issues and public matters.
SOCIAL CHANGE - Changes that occur in the The characteristics of urban areas are as
social order of a society. These changes may follows:
be related to nature, social institutions, social 1. There is a higher population density, with
behaviour, or social relations. Social change more diverse subgroups.
can be driven by cultural, religious, 2. Various industries and businesses are found
economics, scientific, or technological forces. in the area. 3. A large portion of the people
live in rented apartments or homes.
RELATIONSHIP - The success of a community 4. Transportation is readily available, although
will be more meaningful if its members have this may be costly.
harmonious relationships with each other. In 5. Urban areas are highly developed with
forming relationships, person can give and many buildings and structures.
receive support, 6. Traffic and noise levels are high in these
encouragement, praise and information. areas.
7. The large population gives rise to close
Concept note 5 interactions among many people, as well as
TYPOLOGY more intense political involvement among
• a study or systematic classification of type citizens.
that have
characteristics/traits in common. • it is way of RURAL
classification to COMMUNITY
categorize or interpret all elements to Three general characteristics of rural areas:
distinguished type or symbols. • the result of 1. Population density is found to be low,
classification according to their physical meaning few people populate the entire
characteristics. community, and they tend to live far apart
from each other.
GLOBAL COMMUNITY 2. The area is situated geographically distant
a system characterized by integration and from larger urban areas.
interaction between individuals and groups 3. Each area typically specializes in a
away from each other in time or space or particular form of livelihood, such as farming.
both. The word "global" refers to the nations
FORMAL COMMUNITY carpenter to the multinational corporation
• The group is created as per official with a local facility
authority, to fulfil certain goals or objective.
• The group possesses a systematic Sports and Recreation - Sports club, town or
hierarchical country recreation department, amateur and
structure. professional athletic association
• The position of a member defines his/her
importance Environment - Individual environmentalists.
in the group. international, national, and local
• There is a professional relationship among environmental organizations
• The flow of communication is restricted due Agriculture - Confined to rural areas
to the chain of command.
INFORMAL COMMUNITY Health - Medical and mental health
• The group is formed according to the likes, professions
interests, and attitudes of the members.
• The group has a loose structure, and the Education - Public and private pre- schools, K-
members 12 schools, colleges and universities school
* join to satisfy their social needs. committees, school administration, teachers
Every member is an important as any other others educational institution employee
• There is a personal relationship among Law Enforcement - The local and state police,
members. the court system-judges. probation officers,
• The flow of communication stretches in all prosecutors, court- appointed defence
directions. lawyers, court-mandated programs for
Concept nite 7
Sectors and social spaces Religion - Places of worship and their
members, religious organizations
virtual physical or space which Services/Fraternal Organization - Local and
members of the community visit or international services, college
where they stay. fraternities/sororities or other local and
national social clubs, as well as veterans'
Community sectors - are various groups or organizations
subdivisions of the large community divided
based on characteristics such as social, Yourh - Youth themselves and those who
political, economic, cultural, and religious work directly with them parents, human
beliefs. services, culture, and sports/recreation
Government - Regional, provincial, state,
local, and tribal government Media - Newspapers and magazines, radio,
and TV. vast array of blogs, videos, online
Business - (DOLE) From the self-employed news, and other materials available on the
* Agenda - engagement changes the choice
Human Service - Non-profit professional and and pours of
volunteer organizations that provide free or projects
affordable services * Design & belivery - Improvements to study
Concept 7 * Implementation & change - Improvements
sectors and sousal space can be made in the way research Findings are
social spaces - A physical or virtual space used.
which mem- bers of the community visit or * ethics. - creates opportunities to improve
where they stay. the consent process.
1. sports and Recreation - sports club, town or * The public involve the project - knowledge
country recreation department. & skills of
2. Environment - Individual environmentalists, public."
international, national, local environmental * Academic parmers - gain enhanced
organizations. understanding of the issue under study.
3. Agriculture confined to Rural areas. * Individual Research participants -
4. health - medical and mental health Improvements of way chudies are carried out
professions. * community organizations - gain knowledge,
5. education - public and private pre-school, a higher profile in the community
K-12 . * the general public - littely to be more
6. law enforcement - The local state police, receptive to the researon and reap groter
system, Judges. benefits from it.
7. Religion - Places of worship: A social ecological model.
8. Services / Fraternal Organization - local and
International services, veterans organization. - Individual
9. - Relationship
Overview of community engagement - - community
community engagement provers of working - Societal.
together with the member of a group based
on geographic proximity.
Power Vehicle.
-partnership and collaboration .

Community engagement continuum:

Outreach - some community Involvement.
Consult - more community involvement.
Involve - Better community Involvement.
collaborate- community Involvement.
Shared leadership strong - Bidirectional

Areas and benefits.

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