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Practice Through Play: David Baird

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Practice Through Play

David Baird

Practice through Play has a simple objective. To support coaches to create fun
and conducive learning environments at football training. I hope that this
resource will encourage and support coaches to reach this objective.

The recommended player age group for this resource is 8-14 years old, however
I appreciate that this may vary depending on experience and ability level.

Amongst some tried and tested content hopefully you will also find some new
ideas and concepts. Kindest Regards

David Baird
Practice Play

Fun and engaging practices. Play games with inventive

Maximizing involvement to adaptations to support or
promote player development stretch individuals. Learn
through trial and error. by doing.
Practice 1 Play 1
Fun practice ‘Volcanoes v spaceships’ Small sided games with the fun game of
with lots of technical repetition. volcanoes v spaceships working as the
scoreboard alongside the games.
Practice 2 Play 2
Work on close control, changes of 3v3 Games with the challenge of dribbling
direction and pace in this gates into the oppositions end zone.
Practice 3 Play 3
3v3 Environment that creates plenty of 3v3 Games with a fun ‘Connect 4’
attacking overloads and situations to incentive in the middle which works as a
defend outnumbered. scoreboard.
Practice 4 Play 4
Players have autonomy here, choosing what 2v2 Game to encourage quick decisions and
to practice. 1v1, 1v2, 2v1 or 2v2? technical competencies.
The cones at the top of the activity 2v2 Game.
determine if the scenario will be
1v1, 1v2, 2v1 or 2v2. When a team scores they quickly grab
the ball and attack the other
Initially the attacker can choose direction.
which cone to move in front of and
receive a pass. However this can be As this happens 1 player from the
progressed to the defender passing other team must touch a corner cone
to any set of cones to choose the before being involved in the game.
scenario / further
challenge the attacker. When the ball is kicked out of play,
the other learn can pass, dribble or
Rotation as show. shoot it back in.
Practice 5 Play 5
Coach shouts the number of players to enter Best v Rest. Uneven team games are a
the field and plays a ball in. Utilise the great way to support players within your
bonus ball idea where possible. session and stretch certain individuals.
5v5+2 Game. The amount of passes completed
before scoring is the amount of goals awarded.



Practice 8 Play 8
An environment for some players to Play this game to improve spreading out,
practice pressing and tackling while the finishing and decision making with the
other must spread out, pass and move. ball.
Content shown is just a Kids love scoring goals.
guide. Adapt numbers Many of the games shown

Coach Considerations
accordingly. can be adapted to become
multi directional -
The important thing is to score in either goal? Or
maximize involvement. Use add more goals, 4/6 goal
the playmaker idea games? These slight
where needed, which is adaptations create new
someone who plays for the scenarios for players both
team in possession or use in an attacking and
uneven teams - this is fun defending sense. Jumpers
and challenging for for goalposts are
players. absolutely fine.

Football is unpredictable. Therefore we

should try to play within unpredictable
environments as much as possible.

The bonus ball idea is a great way to

keep tempo high and keep players thinking.
I would recommend the coach always has
footballs at their feet to play into the
practice or game when a ball goes out of
play or where they see fit to engage and
test players.
Score in the goal for 1 point or hit a ball for 2.

If you miss you must fetch and replace the ball now
used by the opposition.

Practice 9 Play 9
Players who don’t have a ball must stand 3v3 With various targets to aid deception
still, those with the ball must create and disguise when passing/dribbling.
angles to pass while avoiding defenders.
Using This Resource Practice

You might plan to structure a session in one of

the following ways:
Play Play
practice - play - practice - play Plan

play - play - play - play

play - practice - practice - play Practice

You may choose content from this resource that have a common theme to create a session? Or content that
doesn’t link in at all? Chaos is a great teacher. Your plan may go out the window when delivering if a component
of your session is going really well and achieving its objectives. Therefore you simply prolong that activity.
Practice 17 Play 17
Plenty of passing and receiving A possession based game to encourage
repetition in this easily adapted passing, moving and teamwork.
Players start by working on passing 3v3+2 to promote positive
through/around the gate and fun reinforcement and decision making in
races can be introduced at this this game.
Score by passing to a teammate
Progress to not being able to go through a gate. Players may need
through the same gate twice in a encouragement to not force passes
row. through gates and instead create
that opportunity through possession.
A further/fun progression is for the
coach or allocated players to be The players out of possession
able to run around and 'close' gates working together to win the ball and
by standing in them. Meaning players transition into possession
need to change path quickly to find will be a crucial hidden learning
an open gate. outcome in games such as this.
Practice 18 Play 18
Work on scanning, quick passing and 2v2+4 Game with a lot of hidden learning
moving in this environment. Rotational and disguised fitness. Encourage players
progression shown in animation. to find quick solutions to goal.
Practice 19 Play 19
Simple 1v1 exercise involving a wall player Attack and defend 2 goals with 1 keeper.
that players may want to use or use as a Scanning and switching play likely to be
decoy before taking the defender on? crucial for success.
Practice 20 Play 20
Look to play the ball from 1 target Use your own zone for unopposed possession if
player to the other in this possession needed but to score must pass/receive in
practice. opposition zone. Shooting progression shown.
Use the area size for both the

Suggested Area Sizes

‘Practice’ and ‘Play’ aspect of
your session to minimise
transition time from one component
to another.

Players Area (yards)

6v6 55 x 40

5v5 45 x 35

4v4 40 x 25

3v3 30 x 20

2v2 25 x 15

1v1 15 x 12
Practice 25 Play 25
6v3 Rondo to work on angles and technique Skill and strategy a key part of this fun
for passing and receiving. ‘knock over the cones’ game. Ensure you
have plenty of bonus balls ready.
Practice 26 Play 26
A challenge to perform as many Cones all over the pitch to test scanning,
turns/skills as possible being aware of passing and ball manipulation. Goal for other
obstacles, other players and defenders. team if you hit a cone while playing.
Practice 27 Play 27
Central coned area represents a goal. Teams Touch the ball in 2 zones before scoring.
aim to make a minimum of 2 passes before Progression: The amount of zones you visit
shooting through the area which has a GK. before scoring is how many goals awarded.
Practice 28 Play 28
How many passes can be made before the The environment here promotes switches of
dribbling team get across the grid 6 times? play and goalkeeper footwork/diving. Score
Everyone avoid footballs colliding. through any of the 3 gates provided.
‘Where are the coaching points?!’
This resource aims to limit instruction and promote conducive learning environments through practice and play.
To develop critical thinking players I believe it’s important to encourage critical thinking in coaches.

Conventional Approach:

Players receive second hand coaching

Coach educator provides coach with preconceived Coach provides all players with points that may not be relevant to their
coaching points. preconceived coaching points. individual needs. May actually be

Suggested Alternative:

Individual players are engaged in a two

Coach educator provides coaches with ideas and Coach implements these environments way communication with the coach to
environments to promote learning. / adaptations relevant to the players. be supported / challenged where

Avoid ‘Blanket Coaching’. Meet players where they are on their journey. You aren’t delivering a session for 15 players.
You’re delivering a session for Meghan, Rosa, James, Christopher, etc.
Practice 33 Play 33
Scanning to receive before driving away Coach sets the time limit but doesn't’ tell
with the ball. the players. When the whistle goes, whatever
team had scored the last goal has won.
Scoreboard Soccer
Some coaches may be familiar with some of my previous work around creating fun and conducive
learning environments, such as ‘Scoreboard Soccer’. Play football but reward players via fun
games or technical practice which act as the scoreboard. Throughout this resource there are
examples of this. If you wish to be sent the Scoreboard Soccer resource, email me:

David Baird

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David Baird

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