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Volume 29 Issue 1 2021 Page 19-32

Sociodemographic and Health-related Determinants of COVID-19

Prevalence and Case Fatality Rate in Indonesia

Izza Suraya1, Mochamad Iqbal Nurmansyah2, Nia Musniati1, Elia Nur Ayunin1, Catur
Rosidati2, and Ibrahim Isa Koire3

Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka, Jakarta,
Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta,
Institute of Science, Istanbul University, Turkey

Corresponding Author: Mochamad Iqbal Nurmansyah



Indonesia is a country with the highest COVID-19 confirmed cases and mortality rate among
southeast Asian countries. This study was conducted to identify the correlation between
sociodemographic factors and the number of confirmed cases and mortality rates due to
COVID-19 in Indonesia. This research is an ecological study where secondary data published
by the Indonesian government was used. Spearman correlation were used in this study.
This study showed that sociodemographic conditions in Indonesia varied greatly. Spearman
correlation test results showed that a significant relationship (p-value < 0.05) between
the number of COVID-19 confirmation cases with population density, population growth,
decreased mobility outside the home, hypertension and diabetes prevalence, number of
health workers (general practitioners, specialist doctors, and nurses) as well as the number
of COVID-19 specialized hospitals. Significant correlations (p-value < 0.05) were also shown
by the relationship between COVID-19 mortality rates and a dense population, a large
decrease in mobility to the workplace, number of smokers, and number of health workers.
Equitable development is expected to reduce sociodemographic and health disparities so
that each region has good preparedness in dealing with outbreaks without the occurrence of
areas that are more severely affected by outbreaks compared to other regions.

Keywords: Case Fatality Rate; COVID-19; Indonesia; sociodemographic

Introduction chose to implement partial lock down instead

of total lockdown owing to the economic
In the middle of December 2020, with considerations (Pasley, 2020). It chose to
more than 600 thousand confirmed cases, implement large scale social restrictions
Indonesia became the country with the (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar/PSBB)
most confirmed COVID-19 cases among that are not implemented in all regions of
Southeast Asian countries (Dezan Shira Indonesia, but merely on various regions with
and Associates, 2020). In terms of policy high cases of COVID-19. However, a study
intervention, the Indonesian government has shown that these interventions have

Populasi Volume 29 Issue 1 2021 19

Izza Suraya, Mochamad Iqbal Nurmansyah, Nia Musniati, Elia Nur Ayunin,
Catur Rosidati, and Ibrahim Isa Koire

not been effective in reducing COVID-19 eastern part of Indonesia, has both the lowest
cases in several regions in Indonesia absolute number of general practitioners’
(Ariawan, 2020). The ineffectiveness of the doctors (GPs) and the lowest doctors per
interventions was indicated by the continued 1000 population (Mahendradhata et al.,
high mobility of the population in various 2017). The distribution of medical specialist
regions in Indonesia (Ariawan, 2020). was more concentrated in large provinces
Indonesia’s COVID-19 case mortality at the on the island of Java and Bali, while the
middle of December were at the highest three provinces with the lowest distribution of
death toll in the Southeast Asian region with medical specialists were North Maluku, West
a total of 19,248 fatalities, surpassing other Sulawesi, and East Nusa Tenggara (NTT)
ASEAN countries’ COVID-19 deaths (Dezan with 3.9, 3.5, 3.2 per 100.000 population
Shira and Associates, 2020). respectively (Slamet, 2018). WHO stated
The high number of smokers and that geographical inequality in health facility
presence of underlying diseases are and personnel is high in Indonesia (World
factors that contribute to the high number of Health Organization, 2017). In addition,
COVID-19 deaths in Indonesia (Brake et al., complete basic immunization coverage
2020; WHO Indonesia, 2020). Based on the was low nationally, and demonstrated a
2018 Indonesian Basic Health Survey, 63% large inequality, especially depending on
Indonesian adult men were smoker (Health sub-national region and economic status
Research and Development Agency of the (World Health Organization, 2017). Under-
Republic of Indonesia, 2019). The report five mortality rates in the eastern regions of
also stated that cardio vascular diseases and Indonesia (West Sulawesi, Maluku, and West
diabetes were among the highest disease Nusa Tenggara) were more than four times
burdens of the country Health Research higher than those in the western regions
and Development Agency of the Republic of (Central Java and Yogyakarta) (Johar et al.,
Indonesia, 2019). 2018). Therefore, with lower levels of several
Regional disparities within its health health indicators, the eastern regions of
system was allegedly responsible for the high Indonesia tend to be at a more disadvantage
number of COVID-19 cases (Wahyuni, 2020). (World Health Organization, 2017).
Indonesia has the sixth worst wealth inequality In outbreaks of infectious diseases, hard
in the world (Gibson, 2017). The growth of social and economic conditions contribute
cities seems to occur more rapidly in Java to the unpreparedness of different groups of
and the western part of Indonesia compared people to respond to these outbreaks (Bolin &
to outside Java and other eastern Indonesian Kurtz, 2018). Therefore, it may be worthwhile
regions (Wilonoyudho et al., 2017). World to address how health inequalities between
Health Organization highlighted differences sub-national regions in Indonesia affected
in health statuses and distribution of health and contributed in the COVID-19 cases and
resources across the sub-national regions of deaths. The study may help to understand
Indonesia (World Health Organization, 2017). the demographic impact on different patterns
In the context of numbers and distribution of of case numbers and mortality between
doctors, DKI Jakarta province as the capital regions (Balbo et al., 2020). Thus, this study
city has the highest number of doctors as well aimed at assessing correlation between
as the highest ratio of doctors to population sociodemographics and health related
(Mahendradhata et al., 2017). In contrast, conditions with COVID-19 cases and deaths
West Sulawesi province which is located in the in Indonesia.

20 Populasi Volume 29 Issue 1 2021

Sociodemographic and Health-related Determinants of COVID-19 Prevalence
and Case Fatality Rate in Indonesia

Method 2019). The variables related to distribution

This ecological study used secondary of health-care included; government
data from the Indonesian government’s primary health-care ratio per district in each
published report. The dependent variable province, percentage of government primary
in this study was the cumulative cases of health-care with all the 5 types of health
COVID-19 and Case fatality rates for the 34 workers (pharmacist, public health worker,
provinces that were reported by Indonesian health environment worker, nutritionist and
Ministry of Health on 17 June 2020 (Ministry medical laboratory workers), number of
of Health of the Republic of Indonesia 2020). COVID-19 special hospital and beds ratio
Independent variables were comprised per 1000 population in each province. We
of five big variables; sociodemographic also identified health workers’ conditions in
conditions in each province, mobility of each province by assessing the number of
people, health-related condition, health physicians, medical specialist and nurse who
workers distribution, and health facilities worked in COVID-19 special hospital in each
distribution. Demographic variables included province. The data related to health facility
population number, annual population growth and health workers were obtained from
rate, population density, percentage of older the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Board of
population, percentage of poor population, Development and Empowerment Human
percentage of +15 years old cigarette Resources of Health, 2020).
smoker and percentage of village number Descriptive statistics was employed to
in each province. Demographic variables measure mean, variance, range, minimum
data were obtained from the Central Bureau and maximum variables for the independent
of Statistics Indonesia 2020 Report (BPS variables. Bivariate analysis was performed
Statistics Indonesia, 2020). Mobility data was with the Spearman correlation test to
obtained from big data Google which showed determine the relationship between
the mobility across 34 provinces in Indonesia independent variables and the dependent
on 6 June 2020 (Google, 2020). The mobility variable using statistical software.
included mobility of community to retail and
recreation, grocery and pharmacy, parks, Results
transit stations, workplaces and residential.
The mobility data showed how visits and Univariate Analysis
length of stay at different places changed
compared to a baseline. On June 17, 2020, the average COVID-19
The third variable was health related confirmed cases across Indonesia was
conditions, which included percentage of 1,218.56 cases, with the smallest number of
children under five years old who received a cases in Aceh Province (37 cases) and the
complete basic immunization, the prevalence largest (9,349 cases) in Jakarta Province.
of asthma, coronary heart disease, While the average death rate was 3.9% with
hypertension, stroke and diabetes for all the lowest Case Fatality Rate 0.0% and the
ages in each province as obtained from the largest 8.02%. The highest CFR was owned
Indonesian Basic Health Survey 2018 (Badan by North Sulawesi Province (Figure 1 and
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, Figure 2).

Populasi Volume 29 Issue 1 2021 21

Izza Suraya, Mochamad Iqbal Nurmansyah, Nia Musniati, Elia Nur Ayunin,
Catur Rosidati, and Ibrahim Isa Koire

Figure 1. COVID-19 Cases Number by Province in Indonesia (Per 17 June 2020)

Figure 2. COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate by Province in Indonesia (Per 17 June 2020)

22 Populasi Volume 29 Issue 1 2021

Sociodemographic and Health-related Determinants of COVID-19 Prevalence
and Case Fatality Rate in Indonesia

Table 1 illustrates the imbalances in heterogeneity (σ2 = 7,337,404.09), with

demographic conditions, mobility, health West Papua having a population density of 9
behavior, health workers, and health services people/km2 while Jakarta had 15,900 people/
in Indonesia. The distribution of population km2. The percentage of poor people in each
in Indonesia is uneven. This is indicated by province also varied with a proportion of
the value of the variance of the population 3.42% to 26.55% (σ2 = 30.47). Likewise, the
(σ2 = 125,485,653.7) which is far from the elderly proportion was indicated by σ2 = 3.09
value of 0 and the average value. Population and the number of villages was indicated by
density in Indonesia also showed a high σ2 = 281.65.

Table 1. Mean and Disparity of Demographic Variables, Mobility, Health Related

Conditions, Health Workers, and Health Services in Indonesia

Mean Variance Range Minimum Maximum

Sociodemographic conditions
Population number 7,884.83 125,485,653.70 48,574.50 742.20 49,316.70
Annual population growth rate 1.72 0.42 3.22 0.62 3.84
Population density 742.03 7,337,404.09 15,891.00 9 15,900
Percentage of older population 5.12 3.09 7.90 1.90 9.80
Percentage of poor people 10.24 30.47 23.13 3.42 26.55
Percentage of rural area 85.51 281.65 100 0 100
People mobility
Retail and recreation -27.44 74,860 40 -48 -8
Grocery and pharmacy -10.26 65,413 35 -32 3
Parks -29.12 277,440 85 -90 -5
Transit stations -51.71 87,971 44 -77 33
Workplaces -12.65 56,720 39 -34 5
Residential 11.12 6,046 11 5 16
Health-related conditions
Basic immunization coverage 47.13 114.01 44.61 20.18 64.79
Percentage of smoker 27.89 10.15 14.11 19.75 33.86
Percentage of asthma 2.49 0.59 3.50 1 4.50
Percentage of CHD 1.42 0.16 2.13 0.07 2.20
Percentage of hypertension 31.07 22.64 21.91 22.22 44.13
Percentage of stroke 10.08 7.34 10.60 4.10 14.70
Percentage of diabetes 1.39 0.25 2 0.60 2.60
Health workers distributions
Physician number 362.62 159,917.09 1,642 14 1,656
Medical specialist number 335.56 196,310.86 1,655 22 1,677
Nurse number 4230.79 30,319,902.90 21,957 161 22,118
Health facilities distributions
PHC ratio per district 1.54 1.11 6.57 0.73 7.30
PHC with complete health workers 45.12 295.28 79.32 12.87 92.19
Number of COVID-19 Hospital 22.21 575 104 1 105
Bed ratio per 1000 people 1.46 0.26 2.38 0.78 3.16

Populasi Volume 29 Issue 1 2021 23

Izza Suraya, Mochamad Iqbal Nurmansyah, Nia Musniati, Elia Nur Ayunin,
Catur Rosidati, and Ibrahim Isa Koire

Based on the population mobility on June had 22,118 nurses. The gap in the number
6, 2020, there was a diversity of changes of general practitioners was also wide,
in population mobility. Having compared to amounting to 1,642 (with a value of σ2 =
mobility on the baseline (April 25, 2020), 159,917.09), while that of specialist doctors
all provinces had decreased mobility to was 1,655 (with σ2 = 196,310.86). The
workplaces, wholesalers, recreation, parks, existence of special health facilities for
and transit stations. However, mobility to handling COVID-19 in each province also
shopping, staples and medicines, stations varied. Even though the ratio of beds to 1000
and workplaces in several provinces population was homogeneous, the number
experienced an increase compared to the of specialized COVID-19 hospitals was very
baseline. The opposite condition occurred heterogeneous, with some provinces having
with the mobility towards residential areas, only 1 hospital while other provinces had 105
where all provinces experienced an increase hospitals (σ2 = 575. 26).
in the movement towards housing on 6 June
2020 with a range of change from 6% to 16%. Bivariate Analysis
Table 1 also showed variations in the
proportion of behavior related to health The results of the Spearman correlation
problems in Indonesia. The table shows that between the independent variables and the
basic immunization coverage in Indonesia COVID-19 confirmed cases are shown in Table
was uneven (σ2 = 114, 01), with some areas 2. There are 14 out of 26 independent variables
showing basic immunization coverage that showed a significant relationship. On the
of 20.18%, while other regions reached sociodemographic dimension, the provinces
64.79%. The percentage of smokers in each with high population density tended to have
province was diverse, ranging from 19.75% high COVID 19 confirmed cases (ρ = 0.717;
- 33.86% (σ2 = 10.15). Heterogeneity was p-value = 0.000) (Figure 3). The growth rate
also seen in the prevalence of hypertension variable showed the opposite, with provinces
(σ2 = 22.64) and stroke (σ2 = 7.34), while a that had low growth rates tending to have
more homogeneous value was seen in the high confirmed cases (ρ = -0.467; p-value =
prevalence of asthma (σ2 = 0.59), CHD (σ2 0.003). Provinces that had increased mobility
= 0.16), and diabetes (σ2 = 0.25). towards residential areas on June 6, 2020
In addition, there was inequality in the tended to have high confirmed cases (ρ =
distribution of health workers for handling 0.701; p-value = 0.000) (Figure 4). However,
COVID-19. With a variance value (σ2) of = provinces that had decreased mobility
30,319,902.89, there was one province that outside the home also tended to have high
only had 161 nurses working in specialized confirmed cases.
COVID-19 hospitals, while other provinces

24 Populasi Volume 29 Issue 1 2021

Sociodemographic and Health-related Determinants of COVID-19 Prevalence
and Case Fatality Rate in Indonesia

Figure 3. Scatter plot and Spearman correlation coefficient (r) of Population Density and
COVID-19 Confirmed Cases

Figure 4. Scatter plot and Spearman correlation coefficient (r) of Mobility for Residential
and COVID-19 Confirmed Cases
Populasi Volume 29 Issue 1 2021 25
Izza Suraya, Mochamad Iqbal Nurmansyah, Nia Musniati, Elia Nur Ayunin,
Catur Rosidati, and Ibrahim Isa Koire

Table 2. Correlation between Demographic Variables, Mobility, Health-related

Conditions, Health Workers, and Health Services with COVID Confirmed Case and
Case Fatality Rate 19 in Indonesia

Coeffition Corelation (ρ)

Variables Confirmed cases CFR
Sociodemographic conditions Coeff. pvalue Coeff. Pvalue
Population number 0.001 0.498 0.447 0.004
Annual population growth rate -0.467 0.003 -0.325 0.030
Population density 0.717 0.000 0.516 0.001
Percentage of older population 0.292 0.050 0.105 0.280
Percentage of poor people -0.209 0.117 -0.203 0.125
Percentage of rural area 0.091 0.307 0.051 0.388
People mobility
Retail and recreation -0.486 0.002 0.139 0.217
Grocery and pharmacy -0.344 0.023 0.158 0.186
Parks -0.388 0.012 -0.133 0.226
Transit stations -0.254 0.073 0.274 0.059
Workplaces -0.520 0.001 -0.313 0.036
Residential 0.701 0.000 0.271 0.060
Health-related conditions
Basic immunization coverage 0.268 0.062 -0.069 0.350
Percentage of smoker -0.201 0.127 0.385 0.012
Percentage of asthma 0.025 0.444 -0.160 0.183
Percentage of CHD 0.175 0.162 0.097 0.293
Percentage of hypertension 0.340 0.025 0.140 0.216
Percentage of stroke 0.267 0.063 0.257 0.071
Percentage of diabetes 0.437 0.005 0.200 0.129
Health workers distributions
Physician number 0.645 0.000 0.251 0.076
Medical specialist number 0.635 0.000 0.447 0.004
Nurse number 0.657 0.000 0.338 0.025
Health facilities distributions
PHC ratio per district 0.691 0.000 0.087 0.313
PHC with complete health workers -0.219 0107 -0.131 0.231
Number of COVID-19 Hospital 0.448 0.004 0.183 0.150
Bed ratio per 1000 people 0.165 0.175 -0.008 0.483

The health conditions variable was cases. In addition, provinces with high ratio
noted, with provinces that had high of government primary healthcare in sub-
prevalence of diabetes and high hypertension districts had high confirmed cases (ρ = 0.691;
having high COVID-19 confirmed cases. p-value = 0.000). This was also observed
In addition, the number of health workers with the number of COVID-19 specialized
such as doctors, specialists and nurses also hospitals (ρ = 0.448; p value = 0.004).
showed a strong positive correlation with Table 2 also shows the relationship
COVID-19 case number (with ρ> 0.6). This between the independent variables with
meant that provinces that had many health COVID-19 fatality rate. There was 7 out of 26
workers tended to detect more confirmed variables showing a significant correlation.
26 Populasi Volume 29 Issue 1 2021
Sociodemographic and Health-related Determinants of COVID-19 Prevalence
and Case Fatality Rate in Indonesia

Sociodemographic variables showed Based on health-related variables, the

provinces with large numbers and population proportion of smokers in a province had
density to have high mortality rates, while positive correlation with mortality due to
the growth rate variable had a negative COVID-19 (ρ = 0.385; p-value = 0.012) (Figure
correlation with CFR COVID 19 (ρ = -0.325; 5). In addition, the number of specialized
p-value = 0.03). Provinces that had low doctors and nurses in a province also
mobility to workplaces compared to baseline influenced the death rate due to COVID-19 (ρ
data have high COVID-19 mortality rates (ρ = 0.447; p-value = 0.004 & ρ = 0.338; p-value
= - 0.335; p-value = 0.036). = 0.025) (Table 2).

Figure 5. Scatter plot and Spearman correlation coefficient (r) of Smoker Prevalence and
COVID-19 Case Fatality Rate

Discussion in accelerating the spread of COVID-19

(Rocklöv & Sjödin, 2020), while another
This study found a correlation between study found population density to have a role
several sociodemographic and health- in the increase of number, proportion and
related factors with the increasing number distribution of infectious diseases (Tarwater &
of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. It found Martin, 2001). People who live in high-density
out that provinces with high population areas may find it more difficult to practice
density tended to have high COVID 19 physical distancing which is one of prevention
confirmation cases. A different study showed measures in COVID-19 fight (Center for
that high population densities play a role Diseases Control and Prevention, 2020).
Populasi Volume 29 Issue 1 2021 27
Izza Suraya, Mochamad Iqbal Nurmansyah, Nia Musniati, Elia Nur Ayunin,
Catur Rosidati, and Ibrahim Isa Koire

Jakarta, which has the highest COVID-19 people from Jakarta-Bekasi (West Java) and
cases, has a population density that is Jakarta-Banten during the implementation
much higher than the population density of large-scale social restriction policy had
of Indonesia; with the population density not changed much compared to the period
of Jakarta reaching 16,704 inhabitants km² before the policy was enacted (Suryahudaya,
while Indonesia’s population density is 141 2020). Jakarta being the centre of Indonesia’s
inhabitants/km² (Akbar, 2020). Related to economy, attracts people’s mobility from
density, one of the conditions that can be the neighboring provinces towards it for
a cluster of transmission of COVID-19 in work or school. A report from the Statistics
Indonesia are the traditional markets (Girsang Indonesian showed that 29.3 million people
et al., 2020). In addition to the increased in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang,
population density in traditional markets, Bekasi (these 4 cities are cities that border
where it is difficult to maintain physical directly with Jakarta) were commuters, with
distance, lack of community compliance in south Jakarta being the biggest commuter
implementing COVID-19 prevention protocols destination (Subdirektorat Statistik Mobilitas
such as regular hand washing and wearing Penduduk dan Tenaga Kerja, 2019).
masks, increases the likelihood of traditional A report from the Department of
markets to act as clusters of COVID-19 Transportation in the Jakarta Province also
transmission. showed that the number of vehicles entering
The percentage of older population had Jakarta from West Java and Banten during
no significant correlation with the increase in the second period of the large-scale social
COVID-19 cases; since COVID-19 cases in restriction was still high (Rahmawati, 2020).
Indonesia were dominated by the productive Despite the implementation of a large-
age (31-45 years) (Hidayati, 2020). However, scale social restriction policy, community
due to the changes in the physiological compliance with these regulations in the
functions of the respiratory system and policy was inadequate. This is indicated by
decreased immunity made older people with the fact that there were many people leaving
COVID-19 had worse clinical manifestations, their houses without wearing masks, with
greater severity and longer disease courses non-essential workplaces still operating. In
(Liu et al., 2020). Jakarta, the government found from 1 to 14
Due to the government’s policy of September 2020, there were more than 6000
implementation of large-scale social violation of the large-scale social restrictions
restrictions, it has had an impact on reducing (Saidah, 2020). For information, during the
the mobility of the population to various places large-scale social restriction, schools and
such as workplaces, recreation, grocery, workplaces (exempting central government
and transit stations. The increase in mobility offices, businesses and transportation
in the residential areas had a significant companies that serve public essential needs)
effect on the increase in COVID-19 cases, were closed, religious activities that involve
as observed in a previous study that showed mass gatherings, modes of transportation,
that the family was among the COVID-19 activities in public places or facilities were
transmission routes (Xiong et al., 2020). limited and everyone who goes out of the
However, we assumed that although there house was required to use a mask. A previous
has been a decline in mobility compared to study showed that timely implementation with
the baseline mobility, population mobility to high compliance from the community could
various places (such as workplaces and other be a factor in the successful implementation
places) is still quite high. A study performed in of non-pharmaceutical interventions (Fong et
Jakarta, Indonesia showed that movement of al., 2020). Therefore, the ineffectiveness of

28 Populasi Volume 29 Issue 1 2021

Sociodemographic and Health-related Determinants of COVID-19 Prevalence
and Case Fatality Rate in Indonesia

the PSBB in reducing COVID-19 cases was Later, Provinces that had high
not derived from misconceptions and rules prevalence of diabetes and hypertension
issued, but rather to the lack of community tended to have high COVID-19 confirmed
compliance with regulations such as wearing cases. A study that examined around 5,000
masks and maintaining physical distance. COVID-19 patients in New York City and
The underlying conditions to describe the the nearby areas showed that high blood
people’s lack of implementation of the PSBB pressure, obesity and diabetes were the
protocol were complicated. Restrictive most common commonalities (Richardson
social and business processes carried et al., 2020). Based on the Indonesian Basic
short and possibly medium-term financial Health Survey, prevalence of diabetes and
burdens (Anderson et al., 2020). The people, hypertension increased in 2018 compared to
particularly those working in the informal 2013 (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan
sector should continue to work or open their Kesehatan, 2019). The number of health
business to get income. A previous study workers such as doctors, specialists, and
showed some of the reasons why people nurses in one province also showed a strong
did not practice the social distance, including positive correlation with COVID-19 case
work requirements for non-essential number. This could mean that provinces
industries, engagement in social, physical with many health workers tended to detect
or routine activities and the belief that social more confirmed cases. Data showed that
distancing was not needed if other preventive Indonesia had only conducted SARS-
measures had been performed (Moore et al., CoV-2 tests on 25 people per one million
2020). people; the lowest compared to other Asian
This study found that a proportion countries (, 2020). Besides the
of smokers in a province had a positive lack of health infrastructure, the existence of
correlation with mortality due to COVID-19, negative stigma towards people infected with
whereas a previous study showed that COVID-19 discourages them, since they get
smokers were 1.4 times more likely (95% afraid to be shunned or treated badly could
CI: 0.98–2.00) to have severe conditions avoid testing or treatment.
and approximately 2.4 times more likely to The results of this study suggested that
be admitted to an ICU, needed mechanical government should put in heavy efforts on
ventilation or died compared to non-smokers policies related to population development;
(RR=2.4, 95% CI: 1.43–4.04) (Vardavas & like developing regional growth centers
Nikitara, 2020). As showed in this study, the especially in eastern Indonesia and outside
proportion of +15 age years old who smoked Java, so that population growth in each
cigarette in each province was quite diverse subnational region in Indonesia can be
in the range of 19.75% - 33.86%since not all distributed evenly. This in turn will have an
provinces had a smoke free area policy, since impact on the distribution of population
the 2018 data from Ministry of Home Affairs density. During pandemic, the government
of the Republic of Indonesia showed that 22 needed to take various efforts to increase
out of 34 Provinces had local regulations community compliance in implementing
about free area smoke policy (Nainggolan, large-scale social restrictions to reduce
2018). Although the central government community mobility and thereby encouraging
has already issued smoke free policy since communities to be more compliant in
2009, due to a decentralized system in the implementing preventive behavior, which in
Indonesian government, the realization of turn could reduce the number of COVID-19
these regulations at the city level requires cases. In addition, there is need to involve
passage of laws by local governments. various community groups to carry out

Populasi Volume 29 Issue 1 2021 29

Izza Suraya, Mochamad Iqbal Nurmansyah, Nia Musniati, Elia Nur Ayunin,
Catur Rosidati, and Ibrahim Isa Koire

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taken from a single date and not the average Klinkenberg, D., & Hollingsworth, T. D.
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Smoking Upregulates Angiotensin-
Converting Enzyme-2 Receptor: A

30 Populasi Volume 29 Issue 1 2021

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