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ISO20022 MDRPart2 PaymentsClearingAndSettlement 2020 2021

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ISO 20022

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance

2020 - 2021

Message Definition Report - Part 2

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021
This document provides details of the Message Definitions for Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 -

February 2021
Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Message Set Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 List of MessageDefinitions ........................................................................................................................... 4

2 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 ................................................................................ 6

2.1 MessageDefinition Functionality .................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Structure .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Constraints .................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.4 Message Building Blocks ............................................................................................................................ 18

3 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 .............................................................................. 122

3.1 MessageDefinition Functionality .............................................................................................................. 122
3.2 Structure ...................................................................................................................................................... 123
3.3 Constraints .................................................................................................................................................. 130
3.4 Message Building Blocks .......................................................................................................................... 134

4 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 ....................................................................................................... 229

4.1 MessageDefinition Functionality .............................................................................................................. 229
4.2 Structure ...................................................................................................................................................... 230
4.3 Constraints .................................................................................................................................................. 248
4.4 Message Building Blocks .......................................................................................................................... 254

5 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 ..................................................................................... 502

5.1 MessageDefinition Functionality .............................................................................................................. 502
5.2 Structure ...................................................................................................................................................... 503
5.3 Constraints .................................................................................................................................................. 512
5.4 Message Building Blocks .......................................................................................................................... 517

6 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 ....................................................................... 637

6.1 MessageDefinition Functionality .............................................................................................................. 637
6.2 Structure ...................................................................................................................................................... 638
6.3 Constraints .................................................................................................................................................. 647
6.4 Message Building Blocks .......................................................................................................................... 651

7 pacs.009.001.10 FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 ................................................................ 761

7.1 MessageDefinition Functionality .............................................................................................................. 761
7.2 Structure ...................................................................................................................................................... 762
7.3 Constraints .................................................................................................................................................. 773
7.4 Message Building Blocks .......................................................................................................................... 778

8 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05 ....................................................................... 921

8.1 MessageDefinition Functionality .............................................................................................................. 921
8.2 Structure ...................................................................................................................................................... 922
8.3 Constraints .................................................................................................................................................. 924
8.4 Message Building Blocks .......................................................................................................................... 926

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 2 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Table of Contents

9 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 ......................................................................... 960

9.1 MessageDefinition Functionality .............................................................................................................. 960
9.2 Structure ...................................................................................................................................................... 961
9.3 Constraints .................................................................................................................................................. 968
9.4 Message Building Blocks .......................................................................................................................... 970

10 Message Items Types .................................................................................................................................. 1066

10.1 MessageComponents ............................................................................................................................. 1066
10.2 Message Datatypes ................................................................................................................................. 1141

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 3 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Set Overview

1 Message Set Overview

Set of messages used between financial institutions for the clearing and settlement of payment

1.1 List of MessageDefinitions

The following table lists all MessageDefinitions described in this book.

MessageDefinition Definition

pacs.002.001.12 The FIToFIPaymentStatusReport message is sent by

FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 an instructed agent to the previous party in the
payment chain. It is used to inform this party about the
positive or negative status of an instruction (either
single or file). It is also used to report on a pending

pacs.003.001.09 The
FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 FinancialInstitutionToFinancialInstitutionCustomerDirec
tDebit message is sent by the creditor agent to the
debtor agent, directly or through other agents and/or a
payment clearing and settlement system.

It is used to collect funds from a debtor account for a


pacs.004.001.11 The PaymentReturn message is sent by an agent to

PaymentReturnV11 the previous agent in the payment chain to undo a
payment previously settled.

pacs.007.001.11 The
FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 FinancialInstitutionToFinancialInstitutionPaymentRever
sal message is sent by an agent to the next party in the
payment chain. It is used to reverse a payment
previously executed.

pacs.008.001.10 The
FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 FinancialInstitutionToFinancialInstitutionCustomerCredi
tTransfer message is sent by the debtor agent to the
creditor agent, directly or through other agents and/or a
payment clearing and settlement system. It is used to
move funds from a debtor account to a creditor.

pacs.009.001.10 The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message is sent

FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 by a debtor financial institution to a creditor financial
institution, directly or through other agents and/or a
payment clearing and settlement system.

It is used to move funds from a debtor account to a

creditor, where both debtor and creditor are financial

pacs.010.001.05 Scope:
The FinancialInstitutionDirectDebit message is sent by
an exchange or clearing house, or a financial
institution, directly or through another agent, to the
DebtorAgent. It is used to instruct the DebtorAgent to
move funds from one or more debtor(s) account(s) to
one or more creditor(s), where both debtor and creditor
are financial institutions.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 4 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Set Overview

MessageDefinition Definition


The FinancialInstitutionDirectDebit message is

exchanged between agents and can contain one or
more financial institution direct debit instruction(s) for
one or more creditor(s). The
FinancialInstitutionDirectDebit message can be used in
domestic and cross-border scenarios.

pacs.028.001.05 The
FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 FinancialInstitutionToFinancialInstitutionPaymentStatu
sRequest message is sent by the debtor agent to the
creditor agent, directly or through other agents and/or a
payment clearing and settlement system. It is used to
request a FIToFIPaymentStatusReport message
containing information on the status of a previously
sent instruction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 5 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

2 pacs.002.001.12

2.1 MessageDefinition Functionality


The FIToFIPaymentStatusReport message is sent by an instructed agent to the previous party in the
payment chain. It is used to inform this party about the positive or negative status of an instruction
(either single or file). It is also used to report on a pending instruction.


The FIToFIPaymentStatusReport message is exchanged between agents to provide status information

about instructions previously sent. Its usage will always be governed by a bilateral agreement between
the agents.

The FIToFIPaymentStatusReport message can be used to provide information about the status (e.g.
rejection, acceptance) of a credit transfer instruction, a direct debit instruction, as well as other intra-
agent instructions (for example FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest).

The FIToFIPaymentStatusReport message refers to the original instruction(s) by means of references

only or by means of references and a set of elements from the original instruction.

The FIToFIPaymentStatusReport message can be used in domestic and cross-border scenarios.

The FIToFIPaymentStatusReport may also be sent to the receiver of the payment in a real time
payment scenario, as both sides of the transactions must be informed of the status of the transaction
(for example either the beneficiary is credited, or the transaction is rejected).
The FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 MessageDefinition is composed of 4 MessageBuildingBlocks:

A. GroupHeader
Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the status report message.

B. OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus
Original group information concerning the group of transactions, to which the status report
message refers to.

C. TransactionInformationAndStatus
Information concerning the original transactions, to which the status report message refers.

D. SupplementaryData
Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other specific

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 6 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

2.2 Structure
Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page

Message root <Document> <FIToFIPmtStsRpt> [1..1] C8, C9,


GroupHeader <GrpHdr> [1..1] 18

MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 19

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 19

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 19

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 19

OriginalBusinessQuery <OrgnlBizQry> [0..1] ± 20

OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus <OrgnlGrpInfAndSts> [0..*] C25, 20


OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId> [1..1] Text 21

OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> [1..1] Text 21

OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 22

OriginalNumberOfTransactions <OrgnlNbOfTxs> [0..1] Text 22

OriginalControlSum <OrgnlCtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 22

GroupStatus <GrpSts> [0..1] CodeSet 22

StatusReasonInformation <StsRsnInf> [0..*] C26 22

Originator <Orgtr> [0..1] ± 23

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 23

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 23

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 23

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..*] Text 23

NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus <NbOfTxsPerSts> [0..*] ± 24

TransactionInformationAndStatus <TxInfAndSts> [0..*] 24

StatusIdentification <StsId> [0..1] Text 32

OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> [0..1] ± 32

OriginalInstructionIdentification <OrgnlInstrId> [0..1] Text 32

OriginalEndToEndIdentification <OrgnlEndToEndId> [0..1] Text 32

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 7 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalTransactionIdentification <OrgnlTxId> [0..1] Text 33

OriginalUETR <OrgnlUETR> [0..1] IdentifierSet 33

TransactionStatus <TxSts> [0..1] CodeSet 33

StatusReasonInformation <StsRsnInf> [0..*] C26 33

Originator <Orgtr> [0..1] ± 34

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 34

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 34

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 34

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..*] Text 34

ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> [0..*] ± 35

AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 35

EffectiveInterbankSettlementDate <FctvIntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] ± 35

AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text 35

ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 35

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 36

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 36

OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef> [0..1] 36

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 43

Amount <Amt> [0..1] ± 43

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 44

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 44

RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> [0..1] ± 44

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 44

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [0..1] C15, 45


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 48

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C14, 48


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 49

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 49

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 8 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 50

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 50

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 50

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 50

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 51

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 51

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 51

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C14, 51

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C13

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 52

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 52

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 53

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 53

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 53

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 53

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C14, 54

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C13

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 54

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 55

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 55

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 55

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 56

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 56

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C14, 56

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C13

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 57

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 57

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 57

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 58

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 58

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 58

PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 59

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] 59

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 9 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C2, C3 61

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 63

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 63

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 63

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 64

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 66

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 66

OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 66

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 66


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 67

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 67

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 68

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 68

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 68

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 68

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C14, 69


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 69

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 70

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 70

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 70

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 71

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 71

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 71


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 72

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 72

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 72

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 73

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 73

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 73

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 73

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 10 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 74

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 74

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 74

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 74

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 74

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 75

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 75

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 75

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 75

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 75

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 76

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 76

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 76

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 76

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 79

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 79

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 82

Type <Tp> [0..1] 84

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 84

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 84

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 85

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 85

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 85

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 86

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 86

Identification <Id> [1..*] 87

Type <Tp> [0..1] 88

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 88

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 88

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 89

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 89

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 11 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 89

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 89

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 89

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 89

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 90

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 91

Type <Tp> [0..1] 91

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 91

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 91

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 91

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 92

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 92

Type <Tp> [0..1] 92

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 93

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 93

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 94

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 94

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 94

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 94

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 95

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 95

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 96

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 97

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 97

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 98

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 100

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 100

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 100

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 101

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 12 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 101

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 101

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 101

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 102

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 102

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 102

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 102

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 103

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 103

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 103

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 104

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 104

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 104

Period <Prd> [0..1] 104

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 104

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 104

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 105

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 106

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 106

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 107

Period <Prd> [0..1] 107

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 107

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 108

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 108

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 109

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 109

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 109

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 110

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 110

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 13 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 110

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C14, 111


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 111

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 112

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 112

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 112

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 112

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 113

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 113


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 114

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 114

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 114

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 115

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 115

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 115

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 115


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 116

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 116

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 117

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 117

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 117

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 117

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C14, 118


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 118

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 119

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 119

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 119

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 119

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 120

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 120

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C28 120

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C28 121

2.3 Constraints
C1 ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the
Currency is exchanged.

C2 AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule
If AmendmentIndicator is false, then AmendmentInformationDetails is not allowed.

C3 AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule
If AmendmentIndicator is true, then AmendementInformationDetails must be present.

Only a valid Business identifier code is allowed. Business identifier codes for financial or non-
financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority in the
ISO directory of BICs, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters.

Valid BICs for financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration
Authority in the ISO directory of BICs, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous

C6 Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO
3166, Alpha-2 code).

C7 CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

C8 GroupStatusAcceptedRule
If OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus/GroupStatus is present and is equal to ACTC
(AcceptedTechnicalValidation), ACCP (AcceptedCustomerProfile), ACSP
(AcceptedSettlementInProcess), ACSC (AcceptedSettlementCompleted) or ACWC
(AcceptedWithChange), then TransactionInformationAndStatus/TransactionStatus must be
different from RJCT (Rejected).
On Condition
/OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus[*]/GroupStatus is present
And /OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus[*]/GroupStatus is within DataType
<<Code>> ValidationRuleStatus1Code
And /TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/TransactionStatus is present
Following Must be True

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 15 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

/TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/TransactionStatus Must not be within

DataType <<Code>> ValidationRuleRejected1Code
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C9 GroupStatusPendingRule
If OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus/GroupStatus is present and is equal to PDNG (Pending),
then TransactionInformationAndStatus/TransactionStatus must be different from RJCT
On Condition
/OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus[*]/GroupStatus is present
And /OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus[*]/GroupStatus is within DataType
<<Code>> ValidationRulePending1Code
And /TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/TransactionStatus is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/TransactionStatus Must not be within
DataType <<Code>> ValidationRuleRejected1Code
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C10 GroupStatusReceivedRule
If OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus/GroupStatus is present and is equal to RCVD
(Received), then TransactionInformationAndStatus/TransactionStatus is not allowed.
On Condition
/OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus[*]/GroupStatus is present
And /OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus[*]/GroupStatus is within DataType
<<Code>> ValidationRuleReceived1Code
And /TransactionInformationAndStatus[1] is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/TransactionStatus Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C11 GroupStatusRejectedRule
If OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus/GroupStatus is present and is equal to RJCT (Rejected),
then TransactionInformationAndStatus/TransactionStatus, if present, must be equal to RJCT
On Condition
/OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus[*]/GroupStatus is present
And /OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus[*]/GroupStatus is within DataType
<<Code>> ValidationRuleRejected1Code
And /TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/TransactionStatus is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/TransactionStatus Must be within
DataType <<Code>> ValidationRuleRejected1Code
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and

C13 IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

C14 IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.

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C15 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent
must be present.

C16 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent
must be present.

C17 NumberOfTransactionPerStatusGuideline
OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus/NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus should only be present if
GroupStatus equals 'PART'.

C18 OriginalGroupInformationAbsenceRule
If OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus is absent, then

TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/OriginalGroupInformation must be present.

On Condition
/OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus[*] is absent
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/OriginalGroupInformation Must be
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C19 OriginalGroupInformationMultiplePresenceRule
If OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus is present and multiple times (Occurrence > 1), then
TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/OriginalGroupInformation must be present.
On Condition
/OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus[2] is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/OriginalGroupInformation Must be
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C20 OriginalGroupInformationSinglePresenceRule
If OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus is present and only once, then
TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/OriginalGroupInformation must be absent.
On Condition
/OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus[1] is present
And /OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus[2] is absent
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/OriginalGroupInformation Must be
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C21 SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and
ClearingSystem are not allowed.

C22 SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s)
are not allowed.

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C23 SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.

C24 SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not

C25 StatusReasonInformationRule
If GroupStatus is present and is different from RJCT or PDNG then StatusReasonInformation/
AdditionalInformation must be absent.

C26 StatusReasonRule
If Reason/Code is equal to NARR, then AddititionalInformation must be present.

C27 SupplementaryDataRule
The SupplementaryData building block at message level must not be used to provide additional
information about a transaction. The SupplementaryData element at transaction level should be
used for that purpose.
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C28 SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the
RA of ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

C29 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be

C30 ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.

2.4 Message Building Blocks

This chapter describes the MessageBuildingBlocks of this MessageDefinition.

2.4.1 GroupHeader <GrpHdr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the status report

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

GroupHeader <GrpHdr> contains the following GroupHeader101 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 19

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 19

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 19

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 19

OriginalBusinessQuery <OrgnlBizQry> [0..1] ± 20 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing party, and sent to the next party in the
chain to unambiguously identify the message.

Usage: The instructing party has to make sure that MessageIdentification is unique per instructed party
for a pre-agreed period.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the message was created.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).

Usage: The instructing agent is the party sending the status message and not the party that sent the
original instruction that is being reported on.
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)

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Usage: The instructed agent is the party receiving the status message and not the party that received
the original instruction that is being reported on.
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalBusinessQuery <OrgnlBizQry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original requestor, to unambiguously identify the
business query message.
OriginalBusinessQuery <OrgnlBizQry> contains the following elements (see
"OriginalBusinessQuery1" on page 1090 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 1090

MessageNameIdentification <MsgNmId> [0..1] Text 1090

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 1090

2.4.2 OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus
Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Original group information concerning the group of transactions, to which the status report
message refers to.
Impacted by: C25 "StatusReasonInformationRule", C17 "NumberOfTransactionPerStatusGuideline"

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus <OrgnlGrpInfAndSts> contains the following

OriginalGroupHeader17 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId> [1..1] Text 21

OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> [1..1] Text 21

OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 22

OriginalNumberOfTransactions <OrgnlNbOfTxs> [0..1] Text 22

OriginalControlSum <OrgnlCtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 22

GroupStatus <GrpSts> [0..1] CodeSet 22

StatusReasonInformation <StsRsnInf> [0..*] C26 22

Originator <Orgtr> [0..1] ± 23

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 23

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 23

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 23

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..*] Text 23

NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus <NbOfTxsPerSts> [0..*] ± 24


• NumberOfTransactionPerStatusGuideline
OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus/NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus should only be present if
GroupStatus equals 'PART'.

• StatusReasonInformationRule
If GroupStatus is present and is different from RJCT or PDNG then StatusReasonInformation/
AdditionalInformation must be absent.
On Condition
/GroupStatus is present
And /GroupStatus is not within DataType <<Code>>
Following Must be True
/StatusReasonInformation[*]/AdditionalInformation[*] Must be absent OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the original instructing party, to unambiguously
identify the original message.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the original message name identifier to which the message refers.

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Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the original message was created.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 OriginalNumberOfTransactions <OrgnlNbOfTxs>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual transactions contained in the original message.
Datatype: "Max15NumericText" on page 1163 OriginalControlSum <OrgnlCtrlSum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual amounts included in the original message, irrespective of currencies.
Datatype: "DecimalNumber" on page 1161 GroupStatus <GrpSts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the status of a group of transactions.
Datatype: "ExternalPaymentGroupStatus1Code" on page 1150 StatusReasonInformation <StsRsnInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides detailed information on the status reason.
Impacted by: C26 "StatusReasonRule"
StatusReasonInformation <StsRsnInf> contains the following StatusReasonInformation12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Originator <Orgtr> [0..1] ± 23

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 23

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 23

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 23

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..*] Text 23


• StatusReasonRule
If Reason/Code is equal to NARR, then AddititionalInformation must be present.

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On Condition
/Reason/Code is within DataType <<Code>> ValidationRuleNarrative1Code
And /Reason is present
And /Reason/Code is present
Following Must be True
/AdditionalInformation[1] Must be present Originator <Orgtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that issues the status.
Originator <Orgtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the status report.
Reason <Rsn> contains one of the following StatusReason6Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 23

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 23 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the status, as published in an external reason code list.
Datatype: "ExternalStatusReason1Code" on page 1153 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the status, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Further details on the status reason.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 23 February 2021

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Usage: Additional information can be used for several purposes such as the reporting of repaired
Datatype: "Max105Text" on page 1163 NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus <NbOfTxsPerSts>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Detailed information on the number of transactions for each identical transaction status.
NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus <NbOfTxsPerSts> contains the following elements (see
"NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus5" on page 1096 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DetailedNumberOfTransactions <DtldNbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 1097

DetailedStatus <DtldSts> [1..1] CodeSet 1097

DetailedControlSum <DtldCtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 1097

2.4.3 TransactionInformationAndStatus <TxInfAndSts>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information concerning the original transactions, to which the status report message refers.

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TransactionInformationAndStatus <TxInfAndSts> contains the following PaymentTransaction130


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


StatusIdentification <StsId> [0..1] Text 32

OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> [0..1] ± 32

OriginalInstructionIdentification <OrgnlInstrId> [0..1] Text 32

OriginalEndToEndIdentification <OrgnlEndToEndId> [0..1] Text 32

OriginalTransactionIdentification <OrgnlTxId> [0..1] Text 33

OriginalUETR <OrgnlUETR> [0..1] IdentifierSet 33

TransactionStatus <TxSts> [0..1] CodeSet 33

StatusReasonInformation <StsRsnInf> [0..*] C26 33

Originator <Orgtr> [0..1] ± 34

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 34

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 34

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 34

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..*] Text 34

ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> [0..*] ± 35

AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 35

EffectiveInterbankSettlementDate <FctvIntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] ± 35

AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef> [0..1] Text 35

ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 35

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 36

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 36

OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef> [0..1] 36

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 43

Amount <Amt> [0..1] ± 43

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 44

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 44

RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> [0..1] ± 44

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 44

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [0..1] C15, 45


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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 48

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C14, 48


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 49

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 49

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 50

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 50

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 50

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 50

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 51

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 51

InstructingReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 51

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C14, 51

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C13

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 52

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 52

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 53

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 53

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 53

InstructedReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 53

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C14, 54

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C13

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 54

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 55

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 55

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 55

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 56

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 56

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C14, 56

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C13

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 57

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 57

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 26 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 57

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 58

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 58

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 58

PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 59

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] 59

{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C2, C3 61

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 63

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 63

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 63

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 64

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 66

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 66

OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 66

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount [0..1] C14, 66

<OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> C13

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 67

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 67

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 68

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 68

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 68

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 68

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C14, 69


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 69

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 70

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 70

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 70

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 71

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 71

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 71


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 72

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 27 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 72

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 72

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 73

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 73

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 73

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 73

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 74

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 74

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 74

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 74

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 74

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 75

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 75

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 75

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 75

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 75

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 76

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 76

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 76

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 76

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 79

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 79

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 82

Type <Tp> [0..1] 84

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 84

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 84

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 85

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 85

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 85

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 86

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 86

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 28 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..*] 87

Type <Tp> [0..1] 88

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 88

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 88

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 89

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 89

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 89

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 89

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 89

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 89

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 90

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 91

Type <Tp> [0..1] 91

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 91

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 91

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 91

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 92

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 92

Type <Tp> [0..1] 92

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 93

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 93

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 94

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 94

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 94

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 94

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 95

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 95

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 96

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 97

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 29 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 97

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 98

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 100

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 100

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 100

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 101

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 101

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 101

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 101

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 102

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 102

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 102

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 102

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 103

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 103

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 103

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 104

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 104

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 104

Period <Prd> [0..1] 104

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 104

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 104

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 105

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 106

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 106

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 107

Period <Prd> [0..1] 107

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 107

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 108

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 108

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 109

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 109

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 109

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 110

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 110

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 110

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C14, 111


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 111

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 112

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 112

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 112

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 112

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 113

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 113


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 114

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 114

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 114

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 115

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 115

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 115

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 115


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 116

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 116

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 117

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 117

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 117

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 117

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C14, 118


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 118

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 119

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 119

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 119

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 119

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 120

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 120

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C28 120 StatusIdentification <StsId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to
unambiguously identify the reported status.

Usage: The instructing party is the party sending the status message and not the party that sent the
original instruction that is being reported on.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the original instructing party, to unambiguously
identify the original message.
OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> contains the following elements (see
"OriginalGroupInformation29" on page 1093 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId> [1..1] Text 1093

OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> [1..1] Text 1094

OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 1094 OriginalInstructionIdentification <OrgnlInstrId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original instructing party for the original instructed
party, to unambiguously identify the original instruction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalEndToEndIdentification <OrgnlEndToEndId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original initiating party, to unambiguously identify
the original transaction.

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Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalTransactionIdentification <OrgnlTxId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original first instructing agent, to unambiguously
identify the transaction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalUETR <OrgnlUETR>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Universally unique identifier to provide the original end-to-end reference of a payment
Datatype: "UUIDv4Identifier" on page 1160 TransactionStatus <TxSts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the status of a transaction, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalPaymentTransactionStatus1Code" on page 1151 StatusReasonInformation <StsRsnInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides detailed information on the status reason.
Impacted by: C26 "StatusReasonRule"
StatusReasonInformation <StsRsnInf> contains the following StatusReasonInformation12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Originator <Orgtr> [0..1] ± 34

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 34

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 34

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 34

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..*] Text 34


• StatusReasonRule
If Reason/Code is equal to NARR, then AddititionalInformation must be present.
On Condition
/Reason/Code is within DataType <<Code>> ValidationRuleNarrative1Code
And /Reason is present
And /Reason/Code is present

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 33 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Following Must be True

/AdditionalInformation[1] Must be present Originator <Orgtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that issues the status.
Originator <Orgtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the status report.
Reason <Rsn> contains one of the following StatusReason6Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 34

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 34 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the status, as published in an external reason code list.
Datatype: "ExternalStatusReason1Code" on page 1153 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the status, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Further details on the status reason.

Usage: Additional information can be used for several purposes such as the reporting of repaired

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 34 February 2021

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Datatype: "Max105Text" on page 1163 ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides information on the charges related to the processing of the rejection of the

Usage: This is passed on for information purposes only. Settlement of the charges will be done
ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> contains the following elements (see "Charges7" on page 1071 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1071

Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1071 AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Point in time when the payment order from the initiating party meets the processing
conditions of the account servicing agent. This means that the account servicing agent has received the
payment order and has applied checks such as authorisation, availability of funds.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 EffectiveInterbankSettlementDate <FctvIntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a transaction is completed and cleared, that is, payment is effected.
EffectiveInterbankSettlementDate <FctvIntrBkSttlmDt> contains one of the following elements (see
"DateAndDateTime2Choice" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] Date 1072

Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime 1073 AccountServicerReference <AcctSvcrRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique reference, as assigned by the account servicing institution, to unambiguously identify
the instruction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 35 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Definition: Unique reference, as assigned by a clearing system, to unambiguously identify the

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).

Usage: The instructing agent is the party sending the status message and not the party that sent the
original instruction that is being reported on.
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)

Usage: The instructed agent is the party receiving the status message and not the party that received
the original instruction that is being reported on.
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Key elements used to identify the original transaction that is being referred to.

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OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef> contains the following

OriginalTransactionReference35 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 43

Amount <Amt> [0..1] ± 43

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 44

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 44

RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> [0..1] ± 44

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 44

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [0..1] C15, 45


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 48

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C14, 48


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 49

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 49

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 50

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 50

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 50

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 50

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 51

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 51

InstructingReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 51

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C14, 51

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C13

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 52

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 52

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 53

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 53

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 53

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 53

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C14, 54

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C13

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 54

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 55

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 55

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 55

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 56

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 56

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C14, 56

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C13

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 57

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 57

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 57

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 58

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 58

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 58

PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 59

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] 59

{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C2, C3 61

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 63

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 63

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 63

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 64

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 66

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 66

OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 66

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 66


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 67

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 67

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 68

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 68

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 68

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 38 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 68

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C14, 69


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 69

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 70

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 70

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 70

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 71

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 71

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 71


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 72

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 72

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 72

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 73

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 73

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 73

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 73

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 74

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 74

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 74

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 74

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 74

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 75

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 75

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 75

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 75

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 75

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 76

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 76

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 76

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 76

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 79

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Structured <Strd> [0..*] 79

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 82

Type <Tp> [0..1] 84

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 84

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 84

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 85

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 85

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 85

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 86

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 86

Identification <Id> [1..*] 87

Type <Tp> [0..1] 88

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 88

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 88

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 89

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 89

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 89

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 89

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 89

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 89

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 90

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 91

Type <Tp> [0..1] 91

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 91

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 91

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 91

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 92

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 92

Type <Tp> [0..1] 92

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 93

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 93

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 40 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 93

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 94

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 94

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 94

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 94

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 95

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 95

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 96

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 97

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 97

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 98

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 100

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 100

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 100

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 101

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 101

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 101

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 101

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 102

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 102

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 102

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 102

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 103

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 103

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 103

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 104

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 104

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 104

Period <Prd> [0..1] 104

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 104

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 104

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 105

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 106

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 106

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 107

Period <Prd> [0..1] 107

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 107

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 108

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 108

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 109

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 109

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 109

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 110

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 110

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 110

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C14, 111


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 111

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 112

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 112

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 112

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 112

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 113

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 113


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 114

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 114

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 114

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 115

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 115

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 115

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 115


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 116

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 116

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 117

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 117

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 117

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 117

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C14, 118


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 118

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 119

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 119

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 119

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 119

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 120

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 120 InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of
charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Amount <Amt> contains one of the following elements (see "AmountType4Choice" on page 1069 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1069

Or} EquivalentAmount <EqvtAmt> [1..1] 1070

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1070

CurrencyOfTransfer <CcyOfTrf> [1..1] CodeSet C1 1070 InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the creditor requests that the amount of money is to be collected from
the debtor.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment.

Usage: This is the date on which the debtor's account is to be debited. If payment by cheque, the date
when the cheque must be generated by the bank.
RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> contains one of the following elements (see
"DateAndDateTime2Choice" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] Date 1072

Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime 1073 CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Credit party that signs the mandate.

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CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> contains the following elements (see

"PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 SettlementInformation <SttlmInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the details on how the settlement of the original transaction(s) between the
instructing agent and the instructed agent was completed.
Impacted by: C15 "InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C16
"InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C21 "SettlementMethodAgentRule", C22
"SettlementMethodClearingRule", C23 "SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule", C24
"SettlementMethodCoverRule", C29 "ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C30

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SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> contains the following SettlementInstruction11 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 48

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C14, 48


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 49

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 49

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 50

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 50

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 50

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 50

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 51

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 51

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 51

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C14, 51

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C13

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 52

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 52

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 53

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 53

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 53

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 53

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C14, 54

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C13

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 54

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 55

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 55

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 55

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 56

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 56

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C14, 56

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C13

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 57

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 57

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 57

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 58

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 58


• InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructedReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructingReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and ClearingSystem
are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructingAgent'
Or /SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructedAgent'
Following Must be True
/ClearingSystem Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s) are not
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'ClearingSystem'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
Or /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 47 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

• SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /ClearingSystem Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is present
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Method used to settle the (batch of) payment instructions.
Datatype: "SettlementMethod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

INDA InstructedAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructed to execute a payment

INGA InstructingAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructing and forwarding the payment
to the next party in the payment chain.

COVE CoverMethod Settlement is done through a cover


CLRG ClearingSystem Settlement is done through a payment

clearing system. SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: A specific purpose account used to post debit and credit entries as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C14 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C13 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 48 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 49

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 49

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 50

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 50

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 50


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 49 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ClearingSystem <ClrSys>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which
the payment instruction is processed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 50 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> contains one of the following ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 51

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 51 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Infrastructure through which the payment instruction is processed, as published in an
external clearing system identification code list.
Datatype: "ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code" on page 1148 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Clearing system identification in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent through which the instructing agent will reimburse the instructed agent.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructing reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C14 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C13 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 51 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following

CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 52

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 52

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 53

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 53

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 53


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 52 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 53 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Usage: If InstructedReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructed reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C14 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C13 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 54

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 55

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 55

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 55

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 56


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 54 February 2021

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Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 55 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Usage: If ThirdReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.
ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the third reimbursement agent account at its
servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C14 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C13 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 57

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 57

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 57

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 58

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 58

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 56 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 57 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 58 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see

"PaymentTypeInformation27" on page 1113 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1114

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1115

SequenceType <SeqTp> [0..1] CodeSet 1115

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1115

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1115

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1116 PaymentMethod <PmtMtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the means of payment that will be used to move the amount of money.
Datatype: "PaymentMethod4Code" on page 1154

CodeName Name Definition

CHK Cheque Written order to a bank to pay a certain

amount of money from one person to
another person.

TRF CreditTransfer Transfer of an amount of money in the

books of the account servicer.

DD DirectDebit Collection of an amount of money from

the debtor's bank account by the
creditor. The amount of money and
dates of collections may vary.

TRA TransferAdvice Transfer of an amount of money in the

books of the account servicer. An advice
should be sent back to the account
owner. MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides further details of the mandate signed between the creditor and the debtor.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 59 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> contains one of the following

MandateRelatedData2Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C2, C3 61

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 63

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 63

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 63

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 64

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 66

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 66

OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 66

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 66


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 67

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 67

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 68

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 68

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 68

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 68

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C14, 69


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 69

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 70

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 70

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 70

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 71

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 71

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 71


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 72

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 72

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 72

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 73

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 73

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 60 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 73

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 73

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 74

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 74

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 74

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 74

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 74

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 75

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 75

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 75

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 75

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 75

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 76

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 76

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 76 DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specific direct debit mandate data.
Impacted by: C2 "AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule", C3 "AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 61 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> contains the following MandateRelatedInformation15 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 63

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 63

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 63

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 64

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 66

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 66

OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 66

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 66


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 67

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 67

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 68

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 68

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 68

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 68

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C14, 69


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 69

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 70

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 70

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 70

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 71

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 71

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 71


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 72

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 72

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 72

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 73

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 73

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 73

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 73

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 62 February 2021

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 74

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 74

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 74

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 74

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 74

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 75

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 75

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 75

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 75

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 75

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 76

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 76


• AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule
If AmendmentIndicator is false, then AmendmentInformationDetails is not allowed.
On Condition
/AmendmentIndicator is equal to value 'false'
Following Must be True
/AmendmentInformationDetails Must be absent

• AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule
If AmendmentIndicator is true, then AmendementInformationDetails must be present.
On Condition
/AmendmentIndicator is equal to value 'true'
Following Must be True
/AmendmentInformationDetails Must be present MandateIdentification <MndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the mandate.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the direct debit mandate has been signed by the debtor.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 63 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Definition: Indicator notifying whether the underlying mandate is amended or not.

Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "TrueFalseIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: True

• Meaning When False: False AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: List of mandate elements that have been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 64 February 2021

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AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> contains the following

AmendmentInformationDetails14 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 66

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 66

OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 66

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 66


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 67

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 67

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 68

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 68

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 68

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 68

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C14, 69


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 69

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 70

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 70

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 70

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 71

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 71

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C14, 71


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 72

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 72

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 72

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 73

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 73

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 73

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 73

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 74

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 74

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 74

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 65 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 74 OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the original
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification <OrgnlCdtrSchmeId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor scheme identification that has been modified.
OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification <OrgnlCdtrSchmeId> contains the following elements (see
"PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor agent that has been modified.
OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor agent account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C14 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C13 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 66 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 67

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 67

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 68

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 68

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 68


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 67 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor that has been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 68 February 2021

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OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on

page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C14 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C13 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 69

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 70

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 70

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 70

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 71


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 69 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 70 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor agent that has been modified.
OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor agent account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C14 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C13 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 72

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 72

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 72

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 73

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 73

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 71 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 72 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original final collection date that has been modified.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original frequency that has been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 73 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> contains one of the following elements (see "Frequency36Choice"

on page 1094 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1094

Or Period <Prd> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1095

CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd> [1..1] Quantity 1095

Or} PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1096

PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] Text 1096 OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original reason for the mandate to allow the user to distinguish between different mandates
for the same creditor.
OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> contains one of the following MandateSetupReason1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 74

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 74 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, as published in an external reason code list.
Datatype: "ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original number of tracking days that has been modified.
Datatype: "Exact2NumericText" on page 1162 ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Additional security provisions, such as a digital signature, as provided by the debtor.

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Datatype: "Max1025Text" on page 1162 FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date of the first collection of a direct debit as per the mandate.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date of the final collection of a direct debit as per the mandate.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Frequency <Frqcy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Regularity with which direct debit instructions are to be created and processed.
Frequency <Frqcy> contains one of the following elements (see "Frequency36Choice" on page 1094
for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1094

Or Period <Prd> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1095

CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd> [1..1] Quantity 1095

Or} PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1096

PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] Text 1096 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reason for the direct debit mandate to allow the user to distinguish between different
mandates for the same creditor.
Reason <Rsn> contains one of the following MandateSetupReason1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 75

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 76 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, as published in an external reason code list.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 75 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Datatype: "ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 TrackingDays <TrckgDays>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the number of days the direct debit instruction must be tracked.
Datatype: "Exact2NumericText" on page 1162 CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specific credit transfer mandate data.
CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> contains the following elements (see
"CreditTransferMandateData1" on page 1073 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 1073

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1073

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 1074

DateOfVerification <DtOfVrfctn> [0..1] DateTime 1074

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Binary 1074

FirstPaymentDate <FrstPmtDt> [0..1] Date 1074

FinalPaymentDate <FnlPmtDt> [0..1] Date 1074

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 1075

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1075

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1075

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1075 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is
intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 76 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> contains the following RemittanceInformation21 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 79

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 79

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 82

Type <Tp> [0..1] 84

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 84

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 84

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 85

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 85

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 85

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 86

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 86

Identification <Id> [1..*] 87

Type <Tp> [0..1] 88

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 88

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 88

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 89

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 89

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 89

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 89

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 89

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 89

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 90

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 91

Type <Tp> [0..1] 91

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 91

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 91

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 91

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 92

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 92

Type <Tp> [0..1] 92

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 93

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 77 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 93

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 94

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 94

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 94

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 94

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 95

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 95

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 96

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 97

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 97

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 98

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 100

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 100

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 100

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 101

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 101

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 101

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 101

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 102

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 102

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 102

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 102

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 103

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 103

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 103

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 104

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 104

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 104

Period <Prd> [0..1] 104

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 78 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 104

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 104

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 105

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 106

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 106

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 107

Period <Prd> [0..1] 107

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 107

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 108

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 108

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 109

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 109

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 109

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 110 Unstructured <Ustrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in an
unstructured form.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Structured <Strd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in a
structured form.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 79 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Structured <Strd> contains the following StructuredRemittanceInformation17 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 82

Type <Tp> [0..1] 84

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 84

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 84

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 85

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 85

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 85

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 86

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 86

Identification <Id> [1..*] 87

Type <Tp> [0..1] 88

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 88

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 88

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 89

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 89

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 89

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 89

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 89

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 89

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 90

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 91

Type <Tp> [0..1] 91

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 91

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 91

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 91

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 92

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 92

Type <Tp> [0..1] 92

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 93

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 93

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 80 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 94

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 94

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 94

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 94

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 95

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 95

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 96

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 97

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 97

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 98

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 100

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 100

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 100

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 101

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 101

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 101

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 101

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 102

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 102

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 102

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 102

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 103

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 103

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 103

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 104

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 104

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 104

Period <Prd> [0..1] 104

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 104

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 104

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 105

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 106

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 106

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 107

Period <Prd> [0..1] 107

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 107

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 108

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 108

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 109

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 109

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 109

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 110 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides the identification and the content of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 82 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> contains the following

ReferredDocumentInformation7 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 84

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 84

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 84

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 85

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 85

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 85

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 86

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 86

Identification <Id> [1..*] 87

Type <Tp> [0..1] 88

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 88

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 88

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 89

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 89

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 89

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 89

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 89

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 89

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 90

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 91

Type <Tp> [0..1] 91

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 91

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 91

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 91

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 92

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 92

Type <Tp> [0..1] 92

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 93

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 93

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 83 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 94

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 94

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 94

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 94

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 95 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document.
Type <Tp> contains the following ReferredDocumentType4 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 84

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 84

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 85

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 85 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following ReferredDocumentType3Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 84

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 85 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Document type in a coded form.
Datatype: "DocumentType6Code" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

MSIN MeteredServiceInvoice Document is an invoice claiming

payment for the supply of metered
services, for example gas or electricity
supplied to a fixed meter.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 84 February 2021

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CodeName Name Definition

CNFA CreditNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a credit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

DNFA DebitNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a debit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

CINV CommercialInvoice Document is an invoice.

CREN CreditNote Document is a credit note.

DEBN DebitNote Document is a debit note.

HIRI HireInvoice Document is an invoice for the hiring of

human resources or renting goods or

SBIN SelfBilledInvoice Document is an invoice issued by the


CMCN CommercialContract Document is an agreement between the

parties, stipulating the terms and
conditions of the delivery of goods or

SOAC StatementOfAccount Document is a statement of the

transactions posted to the debtor's
account at the supplier.

DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.

BOLD BillOfLading Document is a shipping notice.

VCHR Voucher Document is an electronic payment


AROI AccountReceivableOpenItem Document is a payment that applies to a

specific source document.

TSUT TradeServicesUtilityTransaction Document is a transaction identifier as

assigned by the Trade Services Utility.

PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order. Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document type.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the referred document.

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Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 LineDetails <LineDtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide the content of the referred document line.

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LineDetails <LineDtls> contains the following DocumentLineInformation1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..*] 87

Type <Tp> [0..1] 88

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 88

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 88

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 89

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 89

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 89

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 89

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 89

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 89

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 90

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 91

Type <Tp> [0..1] 91

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 91

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 91

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 91

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 92

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 92

Type <Tp> [0..1] 92

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 93

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 93

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 94

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 94

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 94

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 94

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 95 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..*]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 87 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Definition: Provides identification of the document line.

Identification <Id> contains the following DocumentLineIdentification1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 88

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 88

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 88

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 89

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 89

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 89

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 89 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document line identification.
Type <Tp> contains the following DocumentLineType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 88

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 88

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 89

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 89 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document line identification.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following DocumentLineType1Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 88

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 89 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Line identification type in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDocumentLineType1Code" on page 1149

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 88 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document line identificationtype.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the type specified for the referred document line.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document line.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Description <Desc>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Description associated with the document line.
Datatype: "Max2048Text" on page 1164 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the document line.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Amount <Amt> contains the following RemittanceAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 90

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 91

Type <Tp> [0..1] 91

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 91

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 91

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 91

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 92

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 92

Type <Tp> [0..1] 92

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 93

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 93

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 94

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 94

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 94

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 94

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 95 DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 90 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of discount to be applied to the amount due and payable to the creditor.
DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> contains the following DiscountAmountAndType1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 91

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 91

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 91

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 91 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following DiscountAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 91

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 91 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDiscountAmountType1Code" on page 1149 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142

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• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of a credit note.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of the tax.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmountAndType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 92

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 93

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 93

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 93 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 92 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Type <Tp> contains one of the following TaxAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 93

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 93 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalTaxAmountType1Code" on page 1153 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Specifies detailed information on the amount and reason of the adjustment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 93 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> contains the following

DocumentAdjustment1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 94

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 94

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 94

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 94 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money of the document adjustment.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies whether the adjustment must be subtracted or added to the total amount.
Datatype: "CreditDebitCode" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.

DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease. Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the adjustment.
Datatype: "Max4Text" on page 1165 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Definition: Provides further details on the document adjustment.

Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money remitted.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the referred document.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> contains the following elements (see

"RemittanceAmount2" on page 1098 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1099

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1099

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1099

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1099

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1100

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1101

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1101

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1101

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1101

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1101

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 1102

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1102

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1102

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1103

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1103

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1103 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 96 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> contains the following elements (see

"CreditorReferenceInformation2" on page 1076 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1076

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1076

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1076

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1077

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1077

Reference <Ref> [0..1] Text 1077 Invoicer <Invcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the organisation issuing the invoice, when it is different from the creditor or
ultimate creditor.
Invoicer <Invcr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Invoicee <Invcee>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the party to whom an invoice is issued, when it is different from the debtor or
ultimate debtor.
Invoicee <Invcee> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 97 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 TaxRemittance <TaxRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment made for tax-related purposes.

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TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> contains the following TaxData1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 100

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 100

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 100

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 101

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 101

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 101

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 101

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 102

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 102

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 102

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 102

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 103

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 103

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 103

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 104

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 104

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 104

Period <Prd> [0..1] 104

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 104

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 104

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 105

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 106

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 106

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 107

Period <Prd> [0..1] 107

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 107

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 108

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 108

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 109

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 109 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the credit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty1" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1140

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1140

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1140 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the debit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor, in this case, to the
taxing authority.

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UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Territorial part of a country to which the tax payment is related.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 ReferenceNumber <RefNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax reference information that is specific to a taxing agency.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Method <Mtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Method used to indicate the underlying business or how the tax is paid.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 101 February 2021

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Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money as result of the calculation of the tax.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Date <Dt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date by which tax is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SequenceNumber <SeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the tax report.
Datatype: "Number" on page 1161 Record <Rcrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Record of tax details.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 102 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Record <Rcrd> contains the following TaxRecord3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 103

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 103

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 103

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 104

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 104

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 104

Period <Prd> [0..1] 104

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 104

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 104

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 105

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 106

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 106

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 107

Period <Prd> [0..1] 107

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 107

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 108

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 108

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 109

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 109 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: High level code to identify the type of tax details.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Category <Ctgy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the tax code as published by the tax authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 103 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Definition: Provides further details of the category tax code.

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DebtorStatus <DbtrSts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Code provided by local authority to identify the status of the party that has drawn up the
settlement document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CertificateIdentification <CertId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification number of the tax report as assigned by the taxing authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 FormsCode <FrmsCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies, in a coded form, on which template the tax report is to be provided.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 104

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 104

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 105 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 104 February 2021

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CodeName Name Definition

MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 105 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the amount of the tax record.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 106

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 106

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 107

Period <Prd> [0..1] 107

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 107

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 108

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 108

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 109 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the tax.
Datatype: "PercentageRate" on page 1162 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalAmount <TtlAmt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 106 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Definition: Total amount that is the result of the calculation of the tax for the record.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Details <Dtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the tax period and amount.
Details <Dtls> contains the following TaxRecordDetails3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Period <Prd> [0..1] 107

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 107

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 108

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 108

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 109 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 107

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 108

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 108 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 107 February 2021

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Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 108 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Underlying tax amount related to the specified period.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details of the tax record.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment for garnishment-related purposes.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 109 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> contains the following elements (see "Garnishment3" on

page 1131 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [1..1] 1132

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1132

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1132

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1132

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1132

Garnishee <Grnshee> [0..1] ± 1133

GarnishmentAdministrator <GrnshmtAdmstr> [0..1] ± 1133

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1133

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1133

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1133

FamilyMedicalInsuranceIndicator <FmlyMdclInsrncInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134

EmployeeTerminationIndicator <MplyeeTermntnInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf>

Presence: [0..3]
Definition: Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on
page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 110 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Debtor <Dbtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made
as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C14 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C13 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 111

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 112

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 112

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 112

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 112


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 111 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

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Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the
payment chain.
Impacted by: C14 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C13 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 114

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 114

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 114

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 115

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 115

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 113 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 114 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor agent at its servicing agent to which
a credit entry will be made as a result of the payment transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 115 February 2021

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Impacted by: C14 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C13 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 116

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 116

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 117

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 117

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 117


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 116 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party to which an amount of money is due.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 117 February 2021

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Creditor <Cdtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be
posted as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C14 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C13 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 118

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 119

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 119

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 119

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 119


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 118 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 119 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.
UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on
page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 Purpose <Purp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the payment transaction.


Purpose is used by the end customers, that is initiating party, (ultimate) debtor, (ultimate) creditor to
provide information concerning the nature of the payment. Purpose is a content element, which is not
used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
Purpose <Purp> contains one of the following elements (see "Purpose2Choice" on page 1089 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1090

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1090 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C28 "SupplementaryDataRule"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 120 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.002.001.12 FIToFIPaymentStatusReportV12

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on

page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

2.4.4 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C28 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 121 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

3 pacs.003.001.09

3.1 MessageDefinition Functionality


The FinancialInstitutionToFinancialInstitutionCustomerDirectDebit message is sent by the creditor agent

to the debtor agent, directly or through other agents and/or a payment clearing and settlement system.

It is used to collect funds from a debtor account for a creditor.


The FItoFICustomerDirectDebit message can contain one or more customer direct debit instructions.

The FIToFICustomerDirectDebit message does not allow for grouping.

The FItoFICustomerDirectDebit message may or may not contain mandate related information, that is
extracts from a mandate, such as the MandateIdentification or DateOfSignature. The
FIToFICustomerDirectDebit message must not be considered as a mandate.

The FItoFICustomerDirectDebit message can be used in domestic and cross-border scenarios.

The FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 MessageDefinition is composed of 3 MessageBuildingBlocks:

A. GroupHeader
Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message.

B. DirectDebitTransactionInformation
Set of elements providing information specific to the individual direct debit(s).

C. SupplementaryData
Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other specific

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3.2 Structure
Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page

Message root <Document> <FIToFICstmrDrctDbt> [1..1] C12,


GroupHeader <GrpHdr> [1..1] C31 134

MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 135

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 136

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..2] ± 136

BatchBooking <BtchBookg> [0..1] Indicator 136

NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 136

ControlSum <CtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 137

TotalInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C10 137

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 137

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [1..1] C27, 137


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 138

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C15, 139


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 139

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 139

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 140

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 140

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 140

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 141

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 141

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 141

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 141

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 142

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 142

DirectDebitTransactionInformation <DrctDbtTxInf> [1..*] C8, C17, 143


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 123 February 2021

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page

C25, C7,

PaymentIdentification <PmtId> [1..1] ± C34 151

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 152

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C10 153

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 153

SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 153

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 153

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 154

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 154

InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 154

ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [0..1] Rate 154

ChargeBearer <ChrgBr> [1..1] CodeSet 155

ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> [0..*] ± 155

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 155

DirectDebitTransaction <DrctDbtTx> [0..1] 156

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] C3, C4 158

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 160

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 160

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 161

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 161

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 163

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 163


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 163

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 163


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 164

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 164

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 165

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 165

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 165

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 165

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C15, 166


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 166

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 167

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 167

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 167

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 168

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 168

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 168


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 169

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 169

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 169

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 170

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 170

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 170

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 170

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 171

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 171

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 171

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 171

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 171

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 172

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 172

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 172

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 172

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 172

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 173

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 173

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 173

PreNotificationIdentification <PreNtfctnId> [0..1] Text 173

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PreNotificationDate <PreNtfctnDt> [0..1] Date 173

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 173

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C15, 174


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 174

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 175

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 175

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 175

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 176

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [1..1] ± 176

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 176


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 177

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 177

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 177

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 178

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 178

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 178

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 179

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 179

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 179

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 179

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C15, 180


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 180

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 181

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 181

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 181

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 182

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 182

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C15, 182


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 183

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 183

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 126 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 183

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 184

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 184

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 184

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C15, 185


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 185

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 185

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 186

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 186

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 186

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 187

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [1..1] C15, 187


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 188

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 188

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 188

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 189

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 189

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [1..1] ± 189

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 189


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 190

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 190

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 191

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 191

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 191

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 192

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 192

RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg> [0..10] ± 192

RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> [0..10] ± 193

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 193

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 196

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Structured <Strd> [0..*] 196

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 199

Type <Tp> [0..1] 201

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 201

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 201

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 202

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 202

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 202

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 203

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 203

Identification <Id> [1..*] 204

Type <Tp> [0..1] 205

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 205

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 205

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 206

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 206

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 206

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 206

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 206

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 206

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 207

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 208

Type <Tp> [0..1] 208

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 208

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 208

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 208

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 209

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 209

Type <Tp> [0..1] 209

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 210

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 210

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 128 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 210

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 210

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 211

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 211

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 211

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 211

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 212

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 212

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 213

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 214

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 214

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 215

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 217

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 217

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 217

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 218

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 218

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 218

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 218

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 219

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 219

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 219

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 219

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 220

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 220

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 220

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 221

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 221

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 221

Period <Prd> [0..1] 221

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 221

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 221

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 222

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 223

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 223

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 224

Period <Prd> [0..1] 224

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 224

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 225

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 225

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 226

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 226

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 226

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 227

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C30 227

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C30 228

3.3 Constraints
C1 ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the
message containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with
the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet
withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

C2 ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the
Currency is exchanged.

C3 AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule
If AmendmentIndicator is false, then AmendmentInformationDetails is not allowed.

C4 AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule
If AmendmentIndicator is true, then AmendementInformationDetails must be present.

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Only a valid Business identifier code is allowed. Business identifier codes for financial or non-
financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority in the
ISO directory of BICs, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters.

Valid BICs for financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration
Authority in the ISO directory of BICs, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous

C7 ChargesAmountGuideline
If ChargesInformation is present, then the currency of ChargesInformation/ChargesAmount is
recommended to be the same as the currency of InterbankSettlementAmount.

C8 ChargesInformationAndInstructedAmountRule
If ChargesInformation is present, then InstructedAmount must be present.

C9 Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO
3166, Alpha-2 code).

C10 CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

C11 CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

C12 GroupHeaderInterbankSettlementDateRule
If GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is present, then DirectDebitTransactionInformation/
InterbankSettlementDate is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is present
Following Must be True
/DirectDebitTransactionInformation[*]/InterbankSettlementDate Must be
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and

C14 IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

C15 IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.

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C16 InstructedAgentRule
If GroupHeader/InstructedAgent is present, then DirectDebitTransactionInformation/
InstructedAgent is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InstructedAgent is present
Following Must be True
/DirectDebitTransactionInformation[*]/InstructedAgent Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C17 InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate1Rule
If InstructedAmount is present and the currency is different from the currency in
InterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate must be present.

C18 InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate2Rule
If InstructedAmount is present and the currency is the same as the currency in
InterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate is not allowed.

C19 InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate3Rule
If InstructedAmount is not present, then ExchangeRate is not allowed.

C20 InstructingAgentRule
If GroupHeader/InstructingAgent is present, then DirectDebitTransactionInformation/
InstructingAgent is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InstructingAgent is present
Following Must be True
/DirectDebitTransactionInformation[*]/InstructingAgent Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C21 IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.

C22 IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.

C23 IntermediaryAgent2Rule
If IntermediaryAgent2 is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.

C24 IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.

C25 IntermediaryAgent3Rule
If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.

C26 PaymentTypeInformationRule
If GroupHeader/PaymentTypeInformation is present, then DirectDebitTransactionInformation/
PaymentTypeInformation is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/PaymentTypeInformation is present
Following Must be True
/DirectDebitTransactionInformation[*]/PaymentTypeInformation Must be

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This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C27 SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ClearingSystem is not allowed.

C28 SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then ClearingSystem must be present and
SettlementAccount is not allowed.

C29 SupplementaryDataRule
The SupplementaryData building block at message level must not be used to provide additional
information about a transaction. The SupplementaryData element at transaction level should be
used for that purpose.
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C30 SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the
RA of ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

C31 TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule
If TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then InterbankSettlementDate must be present.

C32 TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndSumRule
If GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then it must equal the sum of all
occurrences of DirectDebitTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementAmount.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True
/GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount Must be equal to value 'sum
of /DirectDebitTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementAmount'
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C33 TotalInterbankSettlementAmountRule
If GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then all occurrences of
DirectDebitTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementAmount must have the same currency
as the currency of GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True
attribute::Currency Must be equal to /GroupHeader/
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C34 TransactionIdentificationPresenceRule
TransactionIdentification or UETR must be present. Both may be present

C35 TransactionInterbankSettlementDateRule
If GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is not present, then
DirectDebitTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementDate must be present.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is absent
Following Must be True

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/DirectDebitTransactionInformation[*]/InterbankSettlementDate Must be
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C36 UltimateCreditorGuideline
UltimateCreditor may only be present if different from Creditor.

C37 UltimateDebtorGuideline
UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor.

3.4 Message Building Blocks

This chapter describes the MessageBuildingBlocks of this MessageDefinition.

3.4.1 GroupHeader <GrpHdr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message.
Impacted by: C31 "TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule"

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GroupHeader <GrpHdr> contains the following GroupHeader98 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 135

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 136

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..2] ± 136

BatchBooking <BtchBookg> [0..1] Indicator 136

NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 136

ControlSum <CtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 137

TotalInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C10 137

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 137

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [1..1] C27, 137


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 138

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C15, 139


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 139

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 139

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 140

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 140

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 140

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 141

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 141

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 141

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 141

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 142

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 142


• TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule
If TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then InterbankSettlementDate must be present.
On Condition
/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True
/InterbankSettlementDate Must be present MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [1..1]

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Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing party, and sent to the next party in the
chain to unambiguously identify the message.

Usage: The instructing party has to make sure that MessageIdentification is unique per instructed party
for a pre-agreed period.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the message was created.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 Authorisation <Authstn>

Presence: [0..2]
Definition: User identification or any user key to be used to check whether the initiating party is allowed
to initiate transactions from the account specified in the message.

Usage: The content is not of a technical nature, but reflects the organisational structure at the initiating

The authorisation element can typically be used in relay scenarios, payment initiations, payment returns
or payment reversals that are initiated on behalf of a party different from the initiating party.
Authorisation <Authstn> contains one of the following elements (see "Authorisation1Choice" on
page 1103 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1103

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1104 BatchBooking <BtchBookg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies whether a single entry per individual transaction or a batch entry for the sum of the
amounts of all transactions within the group of a message is requested.

Usage: Batch booking is used to request and not order a possible batch booking.
Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "BatchBookingIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: Identifies that a batch entry for the sum of the amounts of all transactions in the
batch or message is requested.

• Meaning When False: Identifies that a single entry for each of the transactions in the batch or
message is requested. NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Number of individual transactions contained in the message.

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Datatype: "Max15NumericText" on page 1163 ControlSum <CtrlSum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual amounts included in the message, irrespective of currencies.
Datatype: "DecimalNumber" on page 1161 TotalInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveCurrency", C10 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1141


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SettlementInformation <SttlmInf>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the details on how the settlement of the transaction(s) between the instructing
agent and the instructed agent is completed.
Impacted by: C27 "SettlementMethodAgentRule", C28 "SettlementMethodClearingRule"

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SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> contains the following SettlementInstruction14 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 138

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C15, 139


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 139

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 139

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 140

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 140

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 140

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 141

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 141

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 141


• SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ClearingSystem is not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructingAgent'
Or /SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructedAgent'
Following Must be True
/ClearingSystem Must be absent

• SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then ClearingSystem must be present and
SettlementAccount is not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'ClearingSystem'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /ClearingSystem Must be present SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Method used to settle the (batch of) payment instructions.
Datatype: "SettlementMethod2Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

INDA InstructedAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructed to execute a payment

INGA InstructingAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructing and forwarding the payment
to the next party in the payment chain.

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CodeName Name Definition

CLRG ClearingSystem Settlement is done through a payment

clearing system. SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: A specific purpose account used to post debit and credit entries as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 139

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 139

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 140

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 140

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 140


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

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Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ClearingSystem <ClrSys>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which
the payment instruction is processed.
ClearingSystem <ClrSys> contains one of the following ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 141

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 141 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Infrastructure through which the payment instruction is processed, as published in an
external clearing system identification code list.
Datatype: "ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code" on page 1148 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Clearing system identification in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.

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PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see

"PaymentTypeInformation27" on page 1113 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1114

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1115

SequenceType <SeqTp> [0..1] CodeSet 1115

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1115

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1115

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1116 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

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3.4.2 DirectDebitTransactionInformation <DrctDbtTxInf>

Presence: [1..*]
Definition: Set of elements providing information specific to the individual direct debit(s).
Impacted by: C8 "ChargesInformationAndInstructedAmountRule", C17
"InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate1Rule", C18 "InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate2Rule", C19
"InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate3Rule", C21 "IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule", C22
"IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule", C23 "IntermediaryAgent2Rule", C24
"IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule", C25 "IntermediaryAgent3Rule", C7 "ChargesAmountGuideline",
C36 "UltimateCreditorGuideline", C37 "UltimateDebtorGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 143 February 2021

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DirectDebitTransactionInformation <DrctDbtTxInf> contains the following

DirectDebitTransactionInformation29 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PaymentIdentification <PmtId> [1..1] ± C34 151

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 152

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C10 153

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 153

SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 153

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 153

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 154

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 154

InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 154

ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [0..1] Rate 154

ChargeBearer <ChrgBr> [1..1] CodeSet 155

ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> [0..*] ± 155

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 155

DirectDebitTransaction <DrctDbtTx> [0..1] 156

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] C3, C4 158

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 160

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 160

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 161

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 161

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 163

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 163


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 163

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 163


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 164

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 164

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 165

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 165

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 165

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 165

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C15, 166


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 166

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 167

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 167

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 167

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 168

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 168

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 168


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 169

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 169

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 169

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 170

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 170

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 170

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 170

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 171

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 171

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 171

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 171

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 171

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 172

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 172

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 172

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 172

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 172

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 173

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 173

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 173

PreNotificationIdentification <PreNtfctnId> [0..1] Text 173

PreNotificationDate <PreNtfctnDt> [0..1] Date 173

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 173

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 145 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C15, 174


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 174

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 175

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 175

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 175

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 176

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [1..1] ± 176

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 176


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 177

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 177

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 177

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 178

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 178

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 178

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 179

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 179

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 179

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 179

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C15, 180


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 180

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 181

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 181

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 181

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 182

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 182

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C15, 182


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 183

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 183

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 183

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 184

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 184

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 184

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C15, 185


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 185

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 185

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 186

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 186

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 186

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 187

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [1..1] C15, 187


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 188

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 188

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 188

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 189

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 189

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [1..1] ± 189

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 189


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 190

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 190

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 191

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 191

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 191

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 192

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 192

RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg> [0..10] ± 192

RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> [0..10] ± 193

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 193

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 196

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 196

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 199

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 147 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 201

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 201

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 201

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 202

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 202

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 202

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 203

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 203

Identification <Id> [1..*] 204

Type <Tp> [0..1] 205

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 205

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 205

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 206

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 206

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 206

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 206

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 206

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 206

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 207

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 208

Type <Tp> [0..1] 208

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 208

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 208

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 208

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 209

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 209

Type <Tp> [0..1] 209

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 210

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 210

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 210

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 210


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 148 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 211

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 211

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 211

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 211

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 212

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 212

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 213

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 214

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 214

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 215

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 217

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 217

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 217

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 218

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 218

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 218

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 218

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 219

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 219

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 219

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 219

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 220

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 220

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 220

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 221

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 221

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 221

Period <Prd> [0..1] 221

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 221

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 221

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 222

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 223

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 223

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 224

Period <Prd> [0..1] 224

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 224

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 225

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 225

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 226

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 226

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 226

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 227

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C30 227


• ChargesAmountGuideline
If ChargesInformation is present, then the currency of ChargesInformation/ChargesAmount is
recommended to be the same as the currency of InterbankSettlementAmount.

• ChargesInformationAndInstructedAmountRule
If ChargesInformation is present, then InstructedAmount must be present.
On Condition
/ChargesInformation[*]/Amount is present
Following Must be True
/InstructedAmount Must be present

• InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate1Rule
If InstructedAmount is present and the currency is different from the currency in
InterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate must be present.
On Condition
/InstructedAmount is present
And /InstructedAmount/attribute::Currency is different from /
Following Must be True
/ExchangeRate Must be present

• InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate2Rule
If InstructedAmount is present and the currency is the same as the currency in
InterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate is not allowed.
On Condition
/InstructedAmount is present

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And /InstructedAmount/attribute::Currency is equal to /

Following Must be True
/ExchangeRate Must be absent

• InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate3Rule
If InstructedAmount is not present, then ExchangeRate is not allowed.
On Condition
/InstructedAmount is absent
Following Must be True
/ExchangeRate Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent1 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent1Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent2 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent2Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent2Rule
If IntermediaryAgent2 is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent2 is present
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent1 Must be present

• IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent3 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent3Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent3Rule
If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent3 is present
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent2 Must be present

• UltimateCreditorGuideline
UltimateCreditor may only be present if different from Creditor.

• UltimateDebtorGuideline
UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor. PaymentIdentification <PmtId>

Presence: [1..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 151 February 2021

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Definition: Set of elements used to reference a payment instruction.

Impacted by: C34 "TransactionIdentificationPresenceRule"
PaymentIdentification <PmtId> contains the following elements (see "PaymentIdentification13" on
page 1085 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionIdentification <InstrId> [0..1] Text 1085

EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId> [1..1] Text 1085

TransactionIdentification <TxId> [0..1] Text 1086

UETR <UETR> [0..1] IdentifierSet 1086

ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 1086


• TransactionIdentificationPresenceRule
TransactionIdentification or UETR must be present. Both may be present
Following Must be True
/TransactionIdentification Must be present
Or /UETR Must be present PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.
PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see
"PaymentTypeInformation27" on page 1113 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1114

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1115

SequenceType <SeqTp> [0..1] CodeSet 1115

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1115

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1115

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1116

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 152 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveCurrency", C10 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1141


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the
instructed party to apply to the processing of the settlement instruction.
Datatype: "Priority3Code" on page 1155

CodeName Name Definition

URGT Urgent Priority level is urgent (highest priority


HIGH High Priority level is high.

NORM Normal Priority level is normal. SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the occurred settlement time(s) of the payment transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 153 February 2021

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SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> contains the following SettlementDateTimeIndication1


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 154

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 154 DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been debited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been debited at the central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been credited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been credited at the receiving central
bank, expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of
charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.

Usage: This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ExchangeRate <XchgRate>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 154 February 2021

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Definition: Factor used to convert an amount from one currency into another. This reflects the price at
which one currency was bought with another currency.
Datatype: "BaseOneRate" on page 1161 ChargeBearer <ChrgBr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the
payment transaction.
Datatype: "ChargeBearerType1Code" on page 1144

CodeName Name Definition

DEBT BorneByDebtor All transaction charges are to be borne

by the debtor.

CRED BorneByCreditor All transaction charges are to be borne

by the creditor.

SHAR Shared In a credit transfer context, means that

transaction charges on the sender side
are to be borne by the debtor,
transaction charges on the receiver side
are to be borne by the creditor. In a
direct debit context, means that
transaction charges on the sender side
are to be borne by the creditor,
transaction charges on the receiver side
are to be borne by the debtor.

SLEV FollowingServiceLevel Charges are to be applied following the

rules agreed in the service level and/or
scheme. ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides information on the charges to be paid by the charge bearer(s) related to the
payment transaction.
ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> contains the following elements (see "Charges7" on page 1071 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1071

Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1071 RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the creditor requests that the amount of money is to be collected from
the debtor.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 155 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 DirectDebitTransaction <DrctDbtTx>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information specific to the direct debit mandate.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 156 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

DirectDebitTransaction <DrctDbtTx> contains the following DirectDebitTransaction11 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] C3, C4 158

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 160

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 160

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 161

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 161

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 163

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 163


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 163

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 163


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 164

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 164

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 165

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 165

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 165

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 165

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C15, 166


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 166

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 167

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 167

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 167

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 168

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 168

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 168


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 169

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 169

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 169

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 170

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 170

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 170

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 170

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 171

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 171

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 171

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 171

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 171

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 172

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 172

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 172

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 172

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 172

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 173

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 173

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 173

PreNotificationIdentification <PreNtfctnId> [0..1] Text 173

PreNotificationDate <PreNtfctnDt> [0..1] Date 173 MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides further details of the direct debit mandate signed between the creditor and the
Impacted by: C3 "AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule", C4 "AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 158 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> contains the following MandateRelatedInformation15


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 160

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 160

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 161

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 161

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 163

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 163


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 163

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 163


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 164

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 164

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 165

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 165

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 165

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 165

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C15, 166


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 166

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 167

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 167

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 167

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 168

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 168

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 168


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 169

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 169

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 169

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 170

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 170

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 170

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 170

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 171

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 171

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 171

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 171

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 171

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 172

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 172

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 172

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 172

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 172

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 173

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 173


• AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule
If AmendmentIndicator is false, then AmendmentInformationDetails is not allowed.
On Condition
/AmendmentIndicator is equal to value 'false'
Following Must be True
/AmendmentInformationDetails Must be absent

• AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule
If AmendmentIndicator is true, then AmendementInformationDetails must be present.
On Condition
/AmendmentIndicator is equal to value 'true'
Following Must be True
/AmendmentInformationDetails Must be present MandateIdentification <MndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the mandate.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the direct debit mandate has been signed by the debtor.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 160 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicator notifying whether the underlying mandate is amended or not.
Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "TrueFalseIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: True

• Meaning When False: False AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: List of mandate elements that have been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 161 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> contains the following

AmendmentInformationDetails14 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 163

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 163


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 163

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 163


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 164

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 164

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 165

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 165

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 165

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 165

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C15, 166


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 166

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 167

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 167

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 167

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 168

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 168

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 168


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 169

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 169

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 169

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 170

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 170

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 170

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 170

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 171

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 171

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 171

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 162 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 171 OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the original
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification <OrgnlCdtrSchmeId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor scheme identification that has been modified.
OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification <OrgnlCdtrSchmeId> contains the following elements (see
"PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor agent that has been modified.
OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor agent account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 163 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 164

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 164

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 165

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 165

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 165


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 164 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor that has been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 165 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on

page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 166

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 167

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 167

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 167

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 168


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 166 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 167 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor agent that has been modified.
OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor agent account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 169

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 169

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 169

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 170

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 170

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 168 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 169 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original final collection date that has been modified.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original frequency that has been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 170 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> contains one of the following elements (see "Frequency36Choice"

on page 1094 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1094

Or Period <Prd> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1095

CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd> [1..1] Quantity 1095

Or} PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1096

PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] Text 1096 OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original reason for the mandate to allow the user to distinguish between different mandates
for the same creditor.
OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> contains one of the following MandateSetupReason1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 171

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 171 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, as published in an external reason code list.
Datatype: "ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original number of tracking days that has been modified.
Datatype: "Exact2NumericText" on page 1162 ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Additional security provisions, such as a digital signature, as provided by the debtor.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 171 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Datatype: "Max1025Text" on page 1162 FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date of the first collection of a direct debit as per the mandate.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date of the final collection of a direct debit as per the mandate.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Frequency <Frqcy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Regularity with which direct debit instructions are to be created and processed.
Frequency <Frqcy> contains one of the following elements (see "Frequency36Choice" on page 1094
for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1094

Or Period <Prd> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1095

CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd> [1..1] Quantity 1095

Or} PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1096

PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] Text 1096 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reason for the direct debit mandate to allow the user to distinguish between different
mandates for the same creditor.
Reason <Rsn> contains one of the following MandateSetupReason1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 172

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 173 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, as published in an external reason code list.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 172 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Datatype: "ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 TrackingDays <TrckgDays>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the number of days the direct debit instruction must be tracked.
Datatype: "Exact2NumericText" on page 1162 CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Credit party that signs the mandate.
CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> contains the following elements (see
"PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 PreNotificationIdentification <PreNtfctnId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the pre-notification which is sent separately from
the direct debit instruction.

Usage: The direct debit pre-notification is used to reconcile separately sent collection information with
the direct debit transaction information.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 PreNotificationDate <PreNtfctnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the creditor notifies the debtor about the amount and date on which the direct
debit instruction will be presented to the debtor's agent.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [1..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 173 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Definition: Party to which an amount of money is due.

Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be
posted as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 174

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 175

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 175

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 175

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 176


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 174 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 175 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor agent at its servicing agent to which
a credit entry will be made as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 177

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 177

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 177

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 178

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 178

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 176 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 177 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.
UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on
page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 178 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 InitiatingParty <InitgPty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that initiates the payment.

Usage: This can be either the creditor or a party that initiates the direct debit on behalf of the creditor.
InitiatingParty <InitgPty> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107
for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 179 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Usage: If more than one intermediary agent is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 identifies the agent
between the DebtorAgent and the IntermediaryAgent2.
IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 1 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 180

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 181

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 181

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 181

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 182


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 180 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 181 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If more than two intermediary agents are present, then IntermediaryAgent2 identifies the agent
between the IntermediaryAgent1 and the IntermediaryAgent3.
IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 2 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 183

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 183

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 183

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 184

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 184

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 182 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 183 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor agent and creditor agent.

Usage: If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then it identifies the agent between the intermediary agent 2
and the debtor agent.
IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 184 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 3 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 185

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 185

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 186

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 186

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 186


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 185 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 186 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made
as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 188

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 188

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 188

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 189

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 189

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 187 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 188 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 189 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the
payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 190

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 190

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 191

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 191

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 191


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 190 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 191 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on
page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Purpose <Purp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the payment transaction.

Usage: Purpose is used by the end-customers, that is initiating party, (ultimate) debtor, (ultimate)
creditor to provide information concerning the nature of the payment. Purpose is a content element,
which is not used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
Purpose <Purp> contains one of the following elements (see "Purpose2Choice" on page 1089 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1090

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1090 RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg>

Presence: [0..10]
Definition: Information needed due to regulatory and statutory requirements.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 192 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg> contains the following elements (see "RegulatoryReporting3" on

page 1127 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DebitCreditReportingIndicator <DbtCdtRptgInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1128

Authority <Authrty> [0..1] 1128

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1128

Country <Ctry> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1129

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 1129

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 1129

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1129

Country <Ctry> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1129

Code <Cd> [0..1] Text 1130

Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1130

Information <Inf> [0..*] Text 1130 RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf>

Presence: [0..10]
Definition: Provides information related to the handling of the remittance information by any of the
agents in the transaction processing chain.
RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> contains the following elements (see
"RemittanceLocation7" on page 1130 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


RemittanceIdentification <RmtId> [0..1] Text 1131

RemittanceLocationDetails <RmtLctnDtls> [0..*] ± 1131 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is
intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 193 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> contains the following RemittanceInformation21 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 196

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 196

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 199

Type <Tp> [0..1] 201

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 201

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 201

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 202

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 202

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 202

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 203

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 203

Identification <Id> [1..*] 204

Type <Tp> [0..1] 205

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 205

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 205

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 206

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 206

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 206

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 206

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 206

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 206

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 207

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 208

Type <Tp> [0..1] 208

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 208

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 208

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 208

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 209

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 209

Type <Tp> [0..1] 209

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 210

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 194 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 210

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 210

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 210


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 211

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 211

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 211

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 211

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 212

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 212

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 213

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 214

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 214

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 215

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 217

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 217

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 217

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 218

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 218

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 218

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 218

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 219

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 219

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 219

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 219

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 220

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 220

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 220

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 221

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 221

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 221

Period <Prd> [0..1] 221

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 195 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 221

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 221

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 222

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 223

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 223

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 224

Period <Prd> [0..1] 224

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 224

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 225

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 225

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 226

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 226

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 226

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 227 Unstructured <Ustrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in an
unstructured form.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Structured <Strd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in a
structured form.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 196 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Structured <Strd> contains the following StructuredRemittanceInformation17 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 199

Type <Tp> [0..1] 201

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 201

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 201

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 202

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 202

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 202

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 203

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 203

Identification <Id> [1..*] 204

Type <Tp> [0..1] 205

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 205

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 205

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 206

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 206

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 206

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 206

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 206

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 206

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 207

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 208

Type <Tp> [0..1] 208

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 208

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 208

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 208

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 209

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 209

Type <Tp> [0..1] 209

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 210

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 210

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 210

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 197 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 210


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 211

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 211

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 211

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 211

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 212

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 212

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 213

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 214

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 214

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 215

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 217

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 217

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 217

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 218

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 218

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 218

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 218

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 219

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 219

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 219

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 219

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 220

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 220

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 220

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 221

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 221

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 221

Period <Prd> [0..1] 221

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 221

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 221

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 198 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 222

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 223

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 223

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 224

Period <Prd> [0..1] 224

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 224

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 225

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 225

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 226

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 226

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 226

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 227 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides the identification and the content of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 199 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> contains the following

ReferredDocumentInformation7 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 201

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 201

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 201

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 202

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 202

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 202

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 203

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 203

Identification <Id> [1..*] 204

Type <Tp> [0..1] 205

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 205

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 205

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 206

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 206

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 206

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 206

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 206

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 206

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 207

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 208

Type <Tp> [0..1] 208

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 208

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 208

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 208

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 209

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 209

Type <Tp> [0..1] 209

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 210

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 210

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 210

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 200 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 210


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 211

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 211

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 211

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 211

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 212 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document.
Type <Tp> contains the following ReferredDocumentType4 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 201

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 201

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 202

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 202 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following ReferredDocumentType3Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 201

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 202 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Document type in a coded form.
Datatype: "DocumentType6Code" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

MSIN MeteredServiceInvoice Document is an invoice claiming

payment for the supply of metered
services, for example gas or electricity
supplied to a fixed meter.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 201 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

CodeName Name Definition

CNFA CreditNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a credit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

DNFA DebitNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a debit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

CINV CommercialInvoice Document is an invoice.

CREN CreditNote Document is a credit note.

DEBN DebitNote Document is a debit note.

HIRI HireInvoice Document is an invoice for the hiring of

human resources or renting goods or

SBIN SelfBilledInvoice Document is an invoice issued by the


CMCN CommercialContract Document is an agreement between the

parties, stipulating the terms and
conditions of the delivery of goods or

SOAC StatementOfAccount Document is a statement of the

transactions posted to the debtor's
account at the supplier.

DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.

BOLD BillOfLading Document is a shipping notice.

VCHR Voucher Document is an electronic payment


AROI AccountReceivableOpenItem Document is a payment that applies to a

specific source document.

TSUT TradeServicesUtilityTransaction Document is a transaction identifier as

assigned by the Trade Services Utility.

PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order. Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document type.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 202 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 LineDetails <LineDtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide the content of the referred document line.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 203 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

LineDetails <LineDtls> contains the following DocumentLineInformation1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..*] 204

Type <Tp> [0..1] 205

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 205

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 205

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 206

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 206

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 206

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 206

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 206

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 206

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 207

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 208

Type <Tp> [0..1] 208

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 208

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 208

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 208

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 209

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 209

Type <Tp> [0..1] 209

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 210

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 210

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 210

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 210


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 211

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 211

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 211

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 211

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 212 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..*]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 204 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Definition: Provides identification of the document line.

Identification <Id> contains the following DocumentLineIdentification1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 205

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 205

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 205

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 206

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 206

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 206

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 206 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document line identification.
Type <Tp> contains the following DocumentLineType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 205

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 205

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 206

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 206 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document line identification.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following DocumentLineType1Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 205

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 206 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Line identification type in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDocumentLineType1Code" on page 1149

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 205 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document line identificationtype.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the type specified for the referred document line.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document line.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Description <Desc>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Description associated with the document line.
Datatype: "Max2048Text" on page 1164 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the document line.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 206 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Amount <Amt> contains the following RemittanceAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 207

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 208

Type <Tp> [0..1] 208

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 208

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 208

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 208

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 209

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 209

Type <Tp> [0..1] 209

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 210

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 210

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 210

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 210

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 211

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 211

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 211

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 211

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 212 DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 207 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of discount to be applied to the amount due and payable to the creditor.
DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> contains the following DiscountAmountAndType1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 208

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 208

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 208

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 208 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following DiscountAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 208

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 208 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDiscountAmountType1Code" on page 1149 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of a credit note.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of the tax.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmountAndType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 209

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 210

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 210

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 210 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 209 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Type <Tp> contains one of the following TaxAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 210

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 210 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalTaxAmountType1Code" on page 1153 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Specifies detailed information on the amount and reason of the adjustment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 210 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> contains the following

DocumentAdjustment1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 211

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 211

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 211

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 211 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money of the document adjustment.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies whether the adjustment must be subtracted or added to the total amount.
Datatype: "CreditDebitCode" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.

DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease. Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the adjustment.
Datatype: "Max4Text" on page 1165 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 211 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Definition: Provides further details on the document adjustment.

Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money remitted.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 212 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> contains the following elements (see

"RemittanceAmount2" on page 1098 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1099

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1099

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1099

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1099

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1100

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1101

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1101

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1101

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1101

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1101

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 1102

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1102

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1102

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1103

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1103

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1103 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 213 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> contains the following elements (see

"CreditorReferenceInformation2" on page 1076 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1076

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1076

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1076

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1077

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1077

Reference <Ref> [0..1] Text 1077 Invoicer <Invcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the organisation issuing the invoice, when it is different from the creditor or
ultimate creditor.
Invoicer <Invcr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Invoicee <Invcee>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the party to whom an invoice is issued, when it is different from the debtor or
ultimate debtor.
Invoicee <Invcee> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 214 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 TaxRemittance <TaxRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment made for tax-related purposes.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 215 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> contains the following TaxData1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 217

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 217

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 217

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 218

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 218

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 218

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 218

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 219

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 219

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 219

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 219

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 220

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 220

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 220

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 221

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 221

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 221

Period <Prd> [0..1] 221

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 221

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 221

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 222

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 223

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 223

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 224

Period <Prd> [0..1] 224

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 224

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 225

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 225

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 226

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 216 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 226 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the credit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty1" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1140

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1140

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1140 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the debit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor, in this case, to the
taxing authority.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 217 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Territorial part of a country to which the tax payment is related.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 ReferenceNumber <RefNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax reference information that is specific to a taxing agency.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Method <Mtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Method used to indicate the underlying business or how the tax is paid.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 218 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money as result of the calculation of the tax.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Date <Dt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date by which tax is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SequenceNumber <SeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the tax report.
Datatype: "Number" on page 1161 Record <Rcrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Record of tax details.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 219 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Record <Rcrd> contains the following TaxRecord3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 220

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 220

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 220

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 221

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 221

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 221

Period <Prd> [0..1] 221

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 221

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 221

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 222

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 223

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 223

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 224

Period <Prd> [0..1] 224

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 224

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 225

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 225

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 226

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 226 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: High level code to identify the type of tax details.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Category <Ctgy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the tax code as published by the tax authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 220 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Definition: Provides further details of the category tax code.

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DebtorStatus <DbtrSts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Code provided by local authority to identify the status of the party that has drawn up the
settlement document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CertificateIdentification <CertId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification number of the tax report as assigned by the taxing authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 FormsCode <FrmsCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies, in a coded form, on which template the tax report is to be provided.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 221

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 221

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 222 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 221 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

CodeName Name Definition

MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 222 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the amount of the tax record.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 223

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 223

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 224

Period <Prd> [0..1] 224

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 224

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 225

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 225

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 226 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the tax.
Datatype: "PercentageRate" on page 1162 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalAmount <TtlAmt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 223 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Definition: Total amount that is the result of the calculation of the tax for the record.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Details <Dtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the tax period and amount.
Details <Dtls> contains the following TaxRecordDetails3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Period <Prd> [0..1] 224

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 224

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 225

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 225

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 226 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 224

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 225

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 225 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 224 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 225 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Underlying tax amount related to the specified period.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details of the tax record.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment for garnishment-related purposes.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 226 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> contains the following elements (see "Garnishment3" on

page 1131 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [1..1] 1132

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1132

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1132

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1132

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1132

Garnishee <Grnshee> [0..1] ± 1133

GarnishmentAdministrator <GrnshmtAdmstr> [0..1] ± 1133

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1133

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1133

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1133

FamilyMedicalInsuranceIndicator <FmlyMdclInsrncInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134

EmployeeTerminationIndicator <MplyeeTermntnInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf>

Presence: [0..3]
Definition: Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C30 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 227 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.003.001.09 FIToFICustomerDirectDebitV09


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

3.4.3 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C30 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 228 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

4 pacs.004.001.11

4.1 MessageDefinition Functionality


The PaymentReturn message is sent by an agent to the previous agent in the payment chain to undo a
payment previously settled.


The PaymentReturn message is exchanged between agents to return funds after settlement of credit
transfer instructions (that is FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer message and
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message) or direct debit instructions (FIToFICustomerDirectDebit

The PaymentReturn message should not be used between agents and non-financial institution
customers. Non-financial institution customers will be informed about a debit or a credit on their
account(s) through a BankToCustomerDebitCreditNotification message ('notification') and/or
BankToCustomerAccountReport/BankToCustomerStatement message ('statement').

The PaymentReturn message can be used to return single instructions or multiple instructions from one
or different files.

The PaymentReturn message can be used in domestic and cross-border scenarios.

The PaymentReturn message refers to the original instruction(s) by means of references only or by
means of references and a set of elements from the original instruction.
The PaymentReturnV11 MessageDefinition is composed of 4 MessageBuildingBlocks:

A. GroupHeader
Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message.

B. OriginalGroupInformation
Information concerning the original group of transactions, to which the message refers.

C. TransactionInformation
Information concerning the original transactions, to which the return message refers.

D. SupplementaryData
Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other specific

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 229 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

4.2 Structure
Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page

Message root <Document> <PmtRtr> [1..1] C12,


GroupHeader <GrpHdr> [1..1] C8, C56, 254


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 257

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 257

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..2] ± 257

BatchBooking <BtchBookg> [0..1] Indicator 257

NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 258

ControlSum <CtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 258

GroupReturn <GrpRtr> [0..1] Indicator 258

TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount [0..1] Amount C1, C10 258


InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 258

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [1..1] C22, 259


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 262

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 262


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 263

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 263

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 264

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 264

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 264

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 264

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 265

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 265

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 265

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 265

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 266

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 266

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 267

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 267

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 267

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 267

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 268

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 268

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 269

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 269

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 269

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 270

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 270

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 270

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 271

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 271

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 271

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 272

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 272

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 272

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 273

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 273

OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> [0..1] 274

OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId> [1..1] Text 274

OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> [1..1] Text 274

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 274

ReturnReasonInformation <RtrRsnInf> [0..*] ± C47 274

TransactionInformation <TxInf> [0..*] C7, C45, 275


ReturnIdentification <RtrId> [0..1] Text 293

OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> [0..1] ± 293

OriginalInstructionIdentification <OrgnlInstrId> [0..1] Text 293

OriginalEndToEndIdentification <OrgnlEndToEndId> [0..1] Text 293

OriginalTransactionIdentification <OrgnlTxId> [0..1] Text 293

OriginalUETR <OrgnlUETR> [0..1] IdentifierSet 293

OriginalClearingSystemReference <OrgnlClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 294

OriginalInterbankSettlementAmount <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 294

OriginalInterbankSettlementDate <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 294

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 294

ReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount <RtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C10 295

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 295

SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 296

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 296

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 296

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 296

SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> [0..1] ± 297

ReturnedInstructedAmount <RtrdInstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 297

ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [0..1] Rate 297

CompensationAmount <CompstnAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 297

ChargeBearer <ChrgBr> [0..1] CodeSet 298

ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> [0..*] ± 298

ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 299

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 299

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 299

ReturnChain <RtrChain> [0..1] C25, 299


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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 304

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 304

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 304


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 305

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 305

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 306

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 306

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 306

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 306

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 307

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 307


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 308

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 308

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 308

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 308

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 309

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 309

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> [0..1] C20, 309


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 310

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 310

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 311

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 311

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 311

PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 311

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> [0..1] C20, 312


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 312

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 313

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 313

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 313

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 314

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 314

PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> [0..1] C20, 314


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 315

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 315

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 315

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 316

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 316

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 316

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C20, 317


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 317

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 317

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 318

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 318

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 318

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 319

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C20, 319


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 320

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 320

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 320

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 321

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 321

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 321

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C20, 322


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 322

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 322

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 323

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 323

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 323

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 324

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 324


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 325

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 325

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 325

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 326

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 326

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 326

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 326


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 327

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 327

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 328

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 328

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 328

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 328

ReturnReasonInformation <RtrRsnInf> [0..*] ± C47 329

OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef> [0..1] C62 329

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 343

Amount <Amt> [0..1] ± 343

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 343

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 344

RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> [0..1] ± 344

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 344

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [0..1] C22, 344


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 347

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 347


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 348

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 348

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 235 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 349

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 349

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 349

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 349

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 350

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 350

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 350

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 350

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 351

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 351

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 352

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 352

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 352

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 352

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 353

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 353

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 354

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 354

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 354

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 355

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 355

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 355

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 356

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 356

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 356

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 357

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 357

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 357

PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 358

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] 358

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C3, C4 360

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 362

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 362

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 362

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 363

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 365

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 365


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 365

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 365


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 366

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 366

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 367

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 367

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 367

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 367

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 368


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 368

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 369

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 369

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 369

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 370

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 370

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 370


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 371

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 371

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 371

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 372

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 372

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 372

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 372

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 373

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 373

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 373

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 373

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 373

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 374

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 374

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 374

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 374

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 374

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 375

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 375

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 375

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 375

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 378

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 378

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 381

Type <Tp> [0..1] 383

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 383

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 383

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 384

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 384

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 384

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 385

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 385

Identification <Id> [1..*] 386

Type <Tp> [0..1] 387

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 387

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 387

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 388

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 388

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 388

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 388

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 388

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 388

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 389

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 390

Type <Tp> [0..1] 390

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 390

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 390

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 390

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 391

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 391

Type <Tp> [0..1] 391

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 392

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 392

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 392

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 392


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 393

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 393

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 393

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 393

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 394

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 394

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 395

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 396

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 396

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 397

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 399

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 399

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 399

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 400

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 400

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 400

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 400

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 401

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 401

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 401

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 401

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 402

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 402

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 402

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 403

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 403

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 403

Period <Prd> [0..1] 403

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 403

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 403

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 404

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 405

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 405

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 406

Period <Prd> [0..1] 406

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 406

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 407

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 407

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 408

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 408

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 408

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 409

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 409

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 409

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 410


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 410

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 411

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 411

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 411

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 411

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 412

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 412


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 413

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 413

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 413

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 414

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 414

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 414

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 414


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 415

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 415

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 416

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 416

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 416

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 416

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 417


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 417

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 418

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 418

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 418

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 418

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 419

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 419

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransfer <UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf> [0..1] C26, 419


UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 428

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 429

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 429

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 429


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 430

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 430

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 431

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 431

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 431

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [1..1] ± 432

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 432


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 433

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 433

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 433

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 434

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 434

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 434

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> [0..1] C20, 435


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 435

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 435

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 436

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 436

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 436

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 437

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> [0..1] C20, 437


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 438

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 438

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 438

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 439

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 439

PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 439

PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> [0..1] C20, 440


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 440

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 440

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 441

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 441

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 441

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 442

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C20, 442


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 443

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 443

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 443

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 444

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 444

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 444

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C20, 444


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 445

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 445

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 446

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 446

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 446

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 447

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C20, 447


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 448

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 448

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 448

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 449

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 449

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [1..1] ± 449

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 449


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 450

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 450

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 451

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 451

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 451

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 451

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 452


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 452

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 453

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 453

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 453

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 454

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 454

InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> [0..*] ± 454

InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> [0..*] 454

Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 455

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 455

Tax <Tax> [0..1] 455

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 457

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 457

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 457

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 457

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 457

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 457

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 458

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 458

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 458

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 458

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 459

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 459

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 460

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 460

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 460

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 460

Period <Prd> [0..1] 460

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 460

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 460

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 461

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 462

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 462

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 462

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 463

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 463

Period <Prd> [0..1] 463

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 464

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 464

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 465

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 465

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 465

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 466

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 469

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 469

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 472

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 474

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 474

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 474

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 475

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 475

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 475

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 476

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 476

Identification <Id> [1..*] 477

Type <Tp> [0..1] 478

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 478

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 478

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 479

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 479

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 479

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 479

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 479

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 479

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 480

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 481

Type <Tp> [0..1] 481

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 481

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 481

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 481

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 482

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 482

Type <Tp> [0..1] 482

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 483

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 483

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 483

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 483


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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 484

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 484

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 484

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 484

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 485

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 485

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 486

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 487

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 487

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 488

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 490

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 490

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 490

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 491

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 491

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 491

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 491

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 492

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 492

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 492

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 492

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 493

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 493

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 493

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 494

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 494

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 494

Period <Prd> [0..1] 494

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 494

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 494

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 495

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 496

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 496

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 497

Period <Prd> [0..1] 497

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 497

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 498

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 498

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 499

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 499

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 499

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 500

InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 500

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C53 501

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C53 501

4.3 Constraints
C1 ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the
message containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with
the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet
withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

C2 ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the
Currency is exchanged.

C3 AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule
If AmendmentIndicator is false, then AmendmentInformationDetails is not allowed.

C4 AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule
If AmendmentIndicator is true, then AmendementInformationDetails must be present.

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Only a valid Business identifier code is allowed. Business identifier codes for financial or non-
financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority in the
ISO directory of BICs, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters.

Valid BICs for financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration
Authority in the ISO directory of BICs, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous

C7 ChargesInformationAndReturnedInstructedAmountRule
If ChargesInformation is present, then ReturnedInstructedAmount must be present.

C8 ControlSumAndGroupReturnRule
If GroupReturn is true, then ControlSum is not allowed.

C9 Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO
3166, Alpha-2 code).

C10 CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

C11 CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

C12 GroupHeaderInterbankSettlementDateRule
If GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is present, then TransactionInformation/
InterbankSettlementDate is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*]/InterbankSettlementDate Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C13 GroupReturnAndNumberOfTransactionsGuideline
If GroupReturn is true, then NumberOfTransactions equals the number of transactions in the
original message.

C14 GroupReturnAndNumberOfTransactionsRule
If GroupHeader/GroupReturn is false, then GroupHeader/NumberOfTransactions must equal
the number of occurrences of TransactionInformation.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/GroupReturn is present
And /GroupHeader/GroupReturn is equal to value 'false'
Following Must be True
/GroupHeader/NumberOfTransactions Must be equal to value 'Number
Occurrences TransactionInformation'
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

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C15 GroupReturnAndReturnReasonRule
If GroupHeader/GroupReturn is true, then OriginalGroupInformation/ReturnReasonInformation/
ReturnReason must be present.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/GroupReturn is present
And /GroupHeader/GroupReturn is equal to value 'true'
And /OriginalGroupInformation/ReturnReasonInformation[*]/
AdditionalInformation[1] is present
Following Must be True
/OriginalGroupInformation/ReturnReasonInformation[*]/Reason Must be
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C16 GroupReturnAndTransactionInformationNotPresentRule
If GroupHeader/GroupReturn is true, then TransactionInformation is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/GroupReturn is present
And /GroupHeader/GroupReturn is equal to value 'true'
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*] Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C17 GroupReturnAndTransactionInformationPresentRule
If GroupHeader/GroupReturn is false, then at least one occurrence of TransactionInformation
must be present.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/GroupReturn is present
And /GroupHeader/GroupReturn is equal to value 'false'
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[1] Must be present
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and

C19 IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

C20 IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.

C21 InstructedAgentRule
If GroupHeader/InstructedAgent is present, then TransactionInformation/InstructedAgent is not
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InstructedAgent is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*]/InstructedAgent Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

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C22 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent
must be present.

C23 InstructingAgentRule
If GroupHeader/InstructingAgent is present, then TransactionInformation/InstructingAgent is not
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InstructingAgent is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*]/InstructingAgent Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C24 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent
must be present.

C25 IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.

C26 IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.

C27 IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.

C28 IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.

C29 IntermediaryAgent2Rule
If IntermediaryAgent2 is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.

C30 IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.

C31 IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.

C32 IntermediaryAgent3Rule
If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.

C33 NoCoverSettlementMethodRule
GroupHeader/SettlementInformation/SettlementMethod must be different from COVE (Cover)
when returning direct debit transactions.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/SettlementInformation is present
And /GroupHeader/SettlementInformation/SettlementMethod is equal to value
Following Must be True
1,8) Must be different from value 'pacs.003'
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

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C34 OriginalGroupInformationRule
If OriginalGroupInformation is present, then TransactionInformation/OriginalGroupInformation is
not allowed.
On Condition
/OriginalGroupInformation is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*]/OriginalGroupInformation Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C35 PaymentTypeInformationRule
If GroupHeader/PaymentTypeInformation is present, then TransactionInformation/
PaymentTypeInformation is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/PaymentTypeInformation is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*]/PaymentTypeInformation Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C36 PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent1Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be

C37 PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent1Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be

C38 PreviousInstructingAgent1Guideline
It is recommended that, when present, PreviousInstructingAgent1 is the closest to the
DebtorAgent in the payment chain.

C39 PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be

C40 PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be

C41 PreviousInstructingAgent2Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be present.

C42 PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 must be

C43 PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 must be

C44 PreviousInstructingAgent3Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be present.

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C45 ReturnedInstructedAmountAndExchangeRate1Rule
If ReturnedInstructedAmount is present and the currency is different from the currency in
ReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate must be present.

C46 ReturnedInstructedAmountAndExchangeRate2Rule
If ReturnedInstructedAmount is present and the currency is the same as the currency in
ReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate is not allowed.

C47 ReturnReasonRule
If Reason/Code is equal to NARR, then AddititionalInformation must be present.

C48 SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and
ClearingSystem are not allowed.

C49 SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s)
are not allowed.

C50 SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.

C51 SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not

C52 SupplementaryDataRule
The SupplementaryData building block at message level must not be used to provide additional
information about a transaction. The SupplementaryData element at transaction level should be
used for that purpose.
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C53 SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the
RA of ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

C54 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be

C55 ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.

C56 TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule
If TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then InterbankSettlementDate must be

C57 TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmountAndSumRule
GroupHeader/TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount must equal the sum of all occurrences
of TransactionInformation/ReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount when present.

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On Condition
/GroupHeader/TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True
/GroupHeader/TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount Must be equal to
value 'sum of TransactionInformation/ReturnedInterbankSttlementAmount'
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C58 TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmountRule
If GroupHeader/TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then all occurrences of
TransactionInformation/ReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount must have the same currency as
the currency of GroupHeader/TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount is present
And /TransactionInformation[1] is present
And /TransactionInformation[*]/ReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount is
Following Must be True
attribute::Currency Must be equal to /GroupHeader/
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C59 TransactionInterbankSettlementDateRule
If GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is not present, then TransactionInformation/
InterbankSettlementDate must be present.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is absent
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*]/InterbankSettlementDate Must be present
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C60 UltimateCreditorGuideline
UltimateCreditor may only be present if different from Creditor.

C61 UltimateDebtorGuideline
UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor.

C62 UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransferRule
The UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransfer element can only be present if present in the original
transaction being returned.

4.4 Message Building Blocks

This chapter describes the MessageBuildingBlocks of this MessageDefinition.

4.4.1 GroupHeader <GrpHdr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message.
Impacted by: C8 "ControlSumAndGroupReturnRule", C56
"TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule", C13

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GroupHeader <GrpHdr> contains the following GroupHeader99 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 257

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 257

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..2] ± 257

BatchBooking <BtchBookg> [0..1] Indicator 257

NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 258

ControlSum <CtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 258

GroupReturn <GrpRtr> [0..1] Indicator 258

TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount [0..1] Amount C1, C10 258


InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 258

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [1..1] C22, 259


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 262

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 262


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 263

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 263

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 264

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 264

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 264

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 264

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 265

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 265

InstructingReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 265


InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 265

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 266

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 266

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 267

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 267

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 267

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 267

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 268

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 268

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 269

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 269

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 269

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 270

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 270

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 270

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 271

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 271

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 271

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 272

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 272

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 272

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 273

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 273


• ControlSumAndGroupReturnRule
If GroupReturn is true, then ControlSum is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupReturn is present
And /GroupReturn is equal to value 'true'
Following Must be True
/ControlSum Must be absent

• GroupReturnAndNumberOfTransactionsGuideline
If GroupReturn is true, then NumberOfTransactions equals the number of transactions in the original

• TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule
If TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then InterbankSettlementDate must be
On Condition
/TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount is present

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Following Must be True

/InterbankSettlementDate Must be present MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing party and sent to the next party in the
chain, to unambiguously identify the message.

Usage: The instructing party has to make sure that MessageIdentification is unique per instructed party
for a pre-agreed period.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the message was created.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 Authorisation <Authstn>

Presence: [0..2]
Definition: User identification or any user key to be used to check whether the initiating party is allowed
to initiate transactions from the account specified in the message.

Usage: The content is not of a technical nature, but reflects the organisational structure at the initiating

The authorisation element can typically be used in relay scenarios, payment initiations, payment returns
or payment reversals that are initiated on behalf of a party different from the initiating party.
Authorisation <Authstn> contains one of the following elements (see "Authorisation1Choice" on
page 1103 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1103

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1104 BatchBooking <BtchBookg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies whether a single entry per individual transaction or a batch entry for the sum of the
amounts of all transactions within the group of a message is requested.

Usage: Batch booking is used to request and not order a possible batch booking.
Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "BatchBookingIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: Identifies that a batch entry for the sum of the amounts of all transactions in the
batch or message is requested.

• Meaning When False: Identifies that a single entry for each of the transactions in the batch or
message is requested.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 257 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Number of individual transactions contained in the message.
Datatype: "Max15NumericText" on page 1163 ControlSum <CtrlSum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual amounts included in the message, irrespective of currencies.
Datatype: "DecimalNumber" on page 1161 GroupReturn <GrpRtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the return applies to the whole group of transactions or to individual
transactions within the original group(s).
Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "TrueFalseIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: True

• Meaning When False: False TotalReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlRtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent in the
return message.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveCurrency", C10 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1141


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 258 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 SettlementInformation <SttlmInf>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the details on how the settlement of the transaction(s) between the instructing
agent and the instructed agent is completed.
Impacted by: C22 "InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C24
"InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C48 "SettlementMethodAgentRule", C49
"SettlementMethodClearingRule", C50 "SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule", C51
"SettlementMethodCoverRule", C54 "ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C55

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 259 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> contains the following SettlementInstruction11 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 262

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 262


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 263

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 263

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 264

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 264

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 264

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 264

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 265

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 265

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 265

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 265

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 266

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 266

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 267

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 267

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 267

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 267

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 268

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 268

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 269

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 269

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 269

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 270

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 270

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 270

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 271

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 271

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 271

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 260 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 272

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 272


• InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructedReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructingReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and ClearingSystem
are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructingAgent'
Or /SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructedAgent'
Following Must be True
/ClearingSystem Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s) are not
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'ClearingSystem'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
Or /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 261 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

• SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /ClearingSystem Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is present
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Method used to settle the (batch of) payment instructions.
Datatype: "SettlementMethod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

INDA InstructedAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructed to execute a payment

INGA InstructingAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructing and forwarding the payment
to the next party in the payment chain.

COVE CoverMethod Settlement is done through a cover


CLRG ClearingSystem Settlement is done through a payment

clearing system. SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: A specific purpose account used to post debit and credit entries as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 262 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 263

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 263

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 264

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 264

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 264


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 263 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ClearingSystem <ClrSys>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which
the payment instruction is processed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 264 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> contains one of the following ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 265

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 265 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Infrastructure through which the payment instruction is processed, as published in an
external clearing system identification code list.
Datatype: "ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code" on page 1148 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Clearing system identification in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent through which the instructing agent will reimburse the instructed agent.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructing reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 265 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following

CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 266

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 266

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 267

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 267

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 267


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 266 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 267 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Usage: If InstructedReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructed reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 268

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 269

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 269

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 269

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 270


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 268 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 269 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Usage: If ThirdReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.
ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the third reimbursement agent account at its
servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 271

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 271

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 271

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 272

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 272

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 270 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 271 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the return transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 272 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see

"PaymentTypeInformation28" on page 1116 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1117

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1118

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1118

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).

Usage: The instructing agent is the party sending the return message and not the party that sent the
original instruction that is being returned.
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)

Usage: The instructed agent is the party receiving the return message and not the party that received
the original instruction that is being returned.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see

"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

4.4.2 OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information concerning the original group of transactions, to which the message refers.
OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> contains the following OriginalGroupHeader18 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId> [1..1] Text 274

OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> [1..1] Text 274

OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 274

ReturnReasonInformation <RtrRsnInf> [0..*] ± C47 274 OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the original instructing party, to unambiguously
identify the original message.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the original message name identifier to which the message refers.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the original message was created.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 ReturnReasonInformation <RtrRsnInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides detailed information on the return reason.
Impacted by: C47 "ReturnReasonRule"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 274 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

ReturnReasonInformation <RtrRsnInf> contains the following elements (see

"PaymentReturnReason6" on page 1136 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Originator <Orgtr> [0..1] ± 1137

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1137

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1138

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1138

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..*] Text 1138


• ReturnReasonRule
If Reason/Code is equal to NARR, then AddititionalInformation must be present.
On Condition
/Reason/Code is present
And /Reason/Code is within DataType <<Code>> ValidationRuleNarrative1Code
And /Reason is present
Following Must be True
/AdditionalInformation[1] Must be present

4.4.3 TransactionInformation <TxInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information concerning the original transactions, to which the return message refers.
Impacted by: C7 "ChargesInformationAndReturnedInstructedAmountRule", C45
"ReturnedInstructedAmountAndExchangeRate1Rule", C46

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TransactionInformation <TxInf> contains the following PaymentTransaction133 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReturnIdentification <RtrId> [0..1] Text 293

OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> [0..1] ± 293

OriginalInstructionIdentification <OrgnlInstrId> [0..1] Text 293

OriginalEndToEndIdentification <OrgnlEndToEndId> [0..1] Text 293

OriginalTransactionIdentification <OrgnlTxId> [0..1] Text 293

OriginalUETR <OrgnlUETR> [0..1] IdentifierSet 293

OriginalClearingSystemReference <OrgnlClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 294

OriginalInterbankSettlementAmount [0..1] Amount C2, C11 294


OriginalInterbankSettlementDate <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 294

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 294

ReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount [1..1] Amount C1, C10 295


InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 295

SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 296

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 296

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 296

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 296

SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> [0..1] ± 297

ReturnedInstructedAmount <RtrdInstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 297

ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [0..1] Rate 297

CompensationAmount <CompstnAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 297

ChargeBearer <ChrgBr> [0..1] CodeSet 298

ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> [0..*] ± 298

ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 299

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 299

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 299

ReturnChain <RtrChain> [0..1] C25, 299


UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 304

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 304

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 304


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 305

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 305

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 306

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 306

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 306

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 306

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 307

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 307


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 308

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 308

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 308

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 308

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 309

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 309

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account [0..1] C20, 309

<PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 310

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 310

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 311

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 311

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 311

PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 311

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account [0..1] C20, 312

<PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 312

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 313

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 313

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 313

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 314

PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 314

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PreviousInstructingAgent3Account [0..1] C20, 314

<PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 315

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 315

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 315

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 316

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 316

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 316

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C20, 317


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 317

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 317

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 318

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 318

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 318

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 319

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C20, 319


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 320

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 320

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 320

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 321

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 321

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 321

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C20, 322


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 322

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 322

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 323

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 323

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 323

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 324

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 324


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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 325

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 325

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 325

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 326

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 326

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 326

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 326


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 327

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 327

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 328

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 328

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 328

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 328

ReturnReasonInformation <RtrRsnInf> [0..*] ± C47 329

OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef> [0..1] C62 329

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 343

Amount <Amt> [0..1] ± 343

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 343

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 344

RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> [0..1] ± 344

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 344

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [0..1] C22, 344


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 347

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 347


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 348

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 348

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 349

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 349

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 349

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 349

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 350

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 350

InstructingReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 350


InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 350

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 351

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 351

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 352

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 352

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 352

InstructedReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 352


InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 353

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 353

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 354

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 354

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 354

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 355

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 355

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 355

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 356

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 356

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 356

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 357

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 357

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 357

PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 358

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] 358

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C3, C4 360

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 362

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 362

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 362

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 363

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 365

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 365


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 365

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 365

<OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 366

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 366

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 367

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 367

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 367

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 367

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 368


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 368

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 369

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 369

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 369

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 370

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 370

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 370


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 371

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 371

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 371

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 372

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 372

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 372

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 372

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 373

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 373

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 373

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 373

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 373

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 374

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 374

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 374

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 374

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 374

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 375

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 375

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 375

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 375

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 378

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 378

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 381

Type <Tp> [0..1] 383

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 383

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 383

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 384

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 384

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 384

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 385

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 385

Identification <Id> [1..*] 386

Type <Tp> [0..1] 387

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 387

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 387

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 388

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 388

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 388

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 388

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 388

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 388

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 389

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 390

Type <Tp> [0..1] 390

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 390

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 390

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 390

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 391

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 391

Type <Tp> [0..1] 391

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 392

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 392

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 392

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 392


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 393

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 393

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 393

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 393

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 394

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 394

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 395

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 396

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 396

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 397

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 399

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 399

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 399

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 400

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 400

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 400

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 400

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 401

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 401

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 401

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 401

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 402

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 402

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 402

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 403

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 403

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 403

Period <Prd> [0..1] 403

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 403

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 403

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 404

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 405

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 405

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 406

Period <Prd> [0..1] 406

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 406

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 407

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 407

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 408

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 408

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 408

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 409

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 409

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 409

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 410


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 410

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 411

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 411

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 411

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 411

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 412

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 412


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 413

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 413

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 413

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 414

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 414

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 414

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 414


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 415

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 415

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 416

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 416

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 416

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 416

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 417


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 417

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 418

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 418

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 418

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 418

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 419

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 419

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransfer [0..1] C26, 419

<UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf> C28,

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 428

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 429

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 429

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 429


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 430

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 430

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 431

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 431

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 431

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [1..1] ± 432

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 432


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 433

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 433

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 433

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 434

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 434

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 434

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account [0..1] C20, 435

<PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 435

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 435

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 436

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 436

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 436

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 437

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account [0..1] C20, 437

<PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 438

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 438

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 438

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 439

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 439

PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 439

PreviousInstructingAgent3Account [0..1] C20, 440

<PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 440

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 440

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 441

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 441

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 441

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 442

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C20, 442


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 443

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 443

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 443

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 444

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 444

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 444

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C20, 444


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 445

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 445

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 446

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 446

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 446

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 447

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C20, 447


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 448

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 448

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 448

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 449

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 449

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [1..1] ± 449

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 449


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 450

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 450

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 451

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 451

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 451

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 451

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 452


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 452

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 453

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 453

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 453

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 454

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 454

InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> [0..*] ± 454

InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> [0..*] 454

Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 455

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 455

Tax <Tax> [0..1] 455

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 457

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 457

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 457

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 457

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 457

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 457

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 458

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 458

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 458

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 458

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 459

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 459

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 460

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 460

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 460

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 460

Period <Prd> [0..1] 460

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 460

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 460

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 461

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 462

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 462

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 462

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 463

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 463

Period <Prd> [0..1] 463

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 464

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 464

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 465

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 465

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 465

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 466

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 469

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 469

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 472

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 474

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 474

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 474

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 475

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 475

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 475

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 476

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 476

Identification <Id> [1..*] 477

Type <Tp> [0..1] 478

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 478

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 478

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 479

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 479

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 479

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 479

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 479

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 479

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 480

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 481

Type <Tp> [0..1] 481

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 481

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 481

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 481

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 482

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 482

Type <Tp> [0..1] 482

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 483

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 483

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 483

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 483


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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 484

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 484

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 484

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 484

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 485

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 485

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 486

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 487

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 487

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 488

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 490

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 490

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 490

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 491

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 491

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 491

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 491

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 492

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 492

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 492

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 492

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 493

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 493

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 493

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 494

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 494

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 494

Period <Prd> [0..1] 494

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 494

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 494

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 495

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 496

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 496

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 497

Period <Prd> [0..1] 497

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 497

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 498

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 498

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 499

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 499

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 499

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 500

InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 500

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C53 501


• ChargesInformationAndReturnedInstructedAmountRule
If ChargesInformation is present, then ReturnedInstructedAmount must be present.
On Condition
/ChargesInformation[1] is present
And /ChargesInformation[1]/Amount is present
Following Must be True
/ReturnedInstructedAmount Must be present

• ReturnedInstructedAmountAndExchangeRate1Rule
If ReturnedInstructedAmount is present and the currency is different from the currency in
ReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate must be present.
On Condition
/ReturnedInstructedAmount is present
And /ReturnedInstructedAmount/attribute::Currency is different from /
Following Must be True
/ExchangeRate Must be present

• ReturnedInstructedAmountAndExchangeRate2Rule
If ReturnedInstructedAmount is present and the currency is the same as the currency in
ReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate is not allowed.
On Condition
/ReturnedInstructedAmount is present
And /ReturnedInstructedAmount/attribute::Currency is equal to /

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Following Must be True

/ExchangeRate Must be absent ReturnIdentification <RtrId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to
unambiguously identify the returned transaction.

Usage: The instructing party is the party sending the return message and not the party that sent the
original instruction that is being returned.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the original message.
OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> contains the following elements (see
"OriginalGroupInformation29" on page 1093 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId> [1..1] Text 1093

OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> [1..1] Text 1094

OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 1094 OriginalInstructionIdentification <OrgnlInstrId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original instructing party for the original instructed
party, to unambiguously identify the original instruction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalEndToEndIdentification <OrgnlEndToEndId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original initiating party, to unambiguously identify
the original transaction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalTransactionIdentification <OrgnlTxId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original first instructing agent, to unambiguously
identify the transaction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalUETR <OrgnlUETR>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Universally unique identifier to provide the original end-to-end reference of a payment
Datatype: "UUIDv4Identifier" on page 1160 OriginalClearingSystemReference <OrgnlClrSysRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique reference, as assigned by the original clearing system, to unambiguously identify the
original instruction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalInterbankSettlementAmount <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent, as provided
in the original instruction.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. OriginalInterbankSettlementDate <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.

Usage: the OriginalInterbankSettlementDate is the interbank settlement date of the original instruction
return message, and not of the return message.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the return transaction.

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PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see

"PaymentTypeInformation28" on page 1116 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1117

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1118

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1118

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118 ReturnedInterbankSettlementAmount <RtrdIntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent in the
returned instruction.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveCurrency", C10 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1141


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.

Usage: the InterbankSettlementDate is the interbank settlement date of the return message, and not of
the original instruction.

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Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the
instructed party to apply to the processing of the settlement instruction.

Usage: the SettlementPriority is the settlement priority of the return message, and not of the original
Datatype: "Priority3Code" on page 1155

CodeName Name Definition

URGT Urgent Priority level is urgent (highest priority


HIGH High Priority level is high.

NORM Normal Priority level is normal. SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the occurred settlement time(s) of the payment transaction.
SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> contains the following SettlementDateTimeIndication1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 296

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 296 DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been debited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been debited at the central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been credited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been credited at the receiving central
bank, expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159

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Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the requested settlement time(s) of the payment instruction.
SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> contains the following elements (see
"SettlementTimeRequest2" on page 1111 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CLSTime <CLSTm> [0..1] Time 1112

TillTime <TillTm> [0..1] Time 1112

FromTime <FrTm> [0..1] Time 1112

RejectTime <RjctTm> [0..1] Time 1112 ReturnedInstructedAmount <RtrdInstdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and the creditor, before deduction of
charges, in the returned transaction.

Usage: This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ExchangeRate <XchgRate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Factor used to convert an amount from one currency into another. This reflects the price at
which one currency was bought with another currency.
Datatype: "BaseOneRate" on page 1161 CompensationAmount <CompstnAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money asked or paid as compensation for the processing of the instruction.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"

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Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ChargeBearer <ChrgBr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the
payment transaction.

Usage: The ChargeBearer applies to the return message, not to the original instruction.
Datatype: "ChargeBearerType1Code" on page 1144

CodeName Name Definition

DEBT BorneByDebtor All transaction charges are to be borne

by the debtor.

CRED BorneByCreditor All transaction charges are to be borne

by the creditor.

SHAR Shared In a credit transfer context, means that

transaction charges on the sender side
are to be borne by the debtor,
transaction charges on the receiver side
are to be borne by the creditor. In a
direct debit context, means that
transaction charges on the sender side
are to be borne by the creditor,
transaction charges on the receiver side
are to be borne by the debtor.

SLEV FollowingServiceLevel Charges are to be applied following the

rules agreed in the service level and/or
scheme. ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides information on the charges to be paid by the charge bearer(s) related to the
processing of the return transaction.

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ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> contains the following elements (see "Charges7" on page 1071 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1071

Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1071 ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique reference, as assigned by the clearing system, to unambiguously identify the return
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).

Usage: The instructing agent is the party sending the return message and not the party that sent the
original instruction that is being returned.
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)

Usage: The instructed agent is the party receiving the return message and not the party that received
the original instruction that is being returned.
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 ReturnChain <RtrChain>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 299 February 2021

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Definition: Provides all parties (agents and non-agents) involved in a return transaction.
Impacted by: C25 "IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule", C27 "IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule", C30
"IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule", C36 "PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule", C39
"PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule", C42 "PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 300 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

ReturnChain <RtrChain> contains the following TransactionParties10 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 304

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 304

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 304


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 305

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 305

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 306

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 306

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 306

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 306

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 307

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 307


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 308

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 308

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 308

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 308

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 309

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 309

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account [0..1] C20, 309

<PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 310

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 310

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 311

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 311

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 311

PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 311

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account [0..1] C20, 312

<PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 312

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 313

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 313

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 313

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 314

PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 314

PreviousInstructingAgent3Account [0..1] C20, 314

<PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 315

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 315

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 315

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 316

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 316

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 316

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C20, 317


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 317

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 317

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 318

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 318

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 318

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 319

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C20, 319


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 320

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 320

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 320

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 321

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 321

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 321

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C20, 322


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 322

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 322

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 323

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 323

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 323

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 324

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 324


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 325

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 325

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 325

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 326

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 326

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 326

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 326


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 327

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 327

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 328

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 328

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 328

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 328


• IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent1 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent1Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent2 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent2Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent3 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent3Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent1Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent1 is absent

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 303 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Following Must be True

/PreviousInstructingAgent1Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent2 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent2Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent3 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent3Account Must be absent UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on
page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made
as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 304 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 305

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 305

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 306

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 306

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 306


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 305 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 InitiatingParty <InitgPty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that initiates the payment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 306 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Usage: This can be either the debtor or a party that initiates the credit transfer on behalf of the debtor.
InitiatingParty <InitgPty> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on page 1110
for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the
payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 308

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 308

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 308

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 308

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 309


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 307 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Following Must be True

/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 308 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If more than one previous instructing agent is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 identifies
the agent between the DebtorAgent and the PreviousInstructingAgent2.
PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 309 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> contains the following CashAccount40


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 310

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 310

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 311

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 311

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 311


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 310 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 311 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Usage: If more than two previous instructing agent are present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2
identifies the agent between the PreviousInstructingAgent1 and the PreviousInstructingAgent3.
PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 312

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 313

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 313

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 313

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 314


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 312 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 313 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 identifies the agent

between the PreviousInstructingAgent2 and the InstructingAgent.
PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 315

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 315

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 315

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 316

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 316

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 314 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 315 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If more than one intermediary agent is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 identifies the agent
between the DebtorAgent and the IntermediaryAgent2.
IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 316 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 1 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 317

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 317

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 318

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 318

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 318


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 317 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 318 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If more than two intermediary agents are present, then IntermediaryAgent2 identifies the agent
between the IntermediaryAgent1 and the IntermediaryAgent3.
IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 2 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 320

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 320

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 320

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 321

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 321

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 319 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 320 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then it identifies the agent between the IntermediaryAgent 2
and the CreditorAgent.
IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 321 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 3 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 322

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 322

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 323

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 323

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 323


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 322 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 323 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor agent at its servicing agent to which
a credit entry will be made as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 325

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 325

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 325

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 326

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 326

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 324 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 325 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Party to which an amount of money is due.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be
posted as a result of the payment transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 326 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 327

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 327

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 328

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 328

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 328


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 327 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 328 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on

page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 ReturnReasonInformation <RtrRsnInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides detailed information on the return reason.
Impacted by: C47 "ReturnReasonRule"
ReturnReasonInformation <RtrRsnInf> contains the following elements (see
"PaymentReturnReason6" on page 1136 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Originator <Orgtr> [0..1] ± 1137

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1137

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1138

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1138

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..*] Text 1138


• ReturnReasonRule
If Reason/Code is equal to NARR, then AddititionalInformation must be present.
On Condition
/Reason/Code is present
And /Reason/Code is within DataType <<Code>> ValidationRuleNarrative1Code
And /Reason is present
Following Must be True
/AdditionalInformation[1] Must be present OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Key elements used to identify the original transaction that is being referred to.
Impacted by: C62 "UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransferRule"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 329 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef> contains the following

OriginalTransactionReference36 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 343

Amount <Amt> [0..1] ± 343

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 343

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 344

RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> [0..1] ± 344

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 344

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [0..1] C22, 344


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 347

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 347


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 348

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 348

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 349

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 349

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 349

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 349

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 350

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 350

InstructingReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 350


InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 350

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 351

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 351

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 352

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 352

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 352

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 352

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 330 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 353

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 353

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 354

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 354

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 354

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 355

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 355

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 355

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 356

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 356

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 356

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 357

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 357

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 357

PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 358

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] 358

{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C3, C4 360

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 362

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 362

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 362

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 363

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 365

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 365


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 365

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 365


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 366

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 366

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 367

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 367

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 367

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 331 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 367

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 368


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 368

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 369

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 369

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 369

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 370

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 370

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 370


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 371

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 371

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 371

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 372

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 372

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 372

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 372

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 373

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 373

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 373

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 373

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 373

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 374

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 374

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 374

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 374

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 374

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 375

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 375

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 375

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 375

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 378

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 332 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Structured <Strd> [0..*] 378

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 381

Type <Tp> [0..1] 383

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 383

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 383

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 384

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 384

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 384

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 385

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 385

Identification <Id> [1..*] 386

Type <Tp> [0..1] 387

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 387

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 387

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 388

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 388

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 388

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 388

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 388

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 388

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 389

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 390

Type <Tp> [0..1] 390

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 390

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 390

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 390

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 391

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 391

Type <Tp> [0..1] 391

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 392

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 392

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 333 February 2021

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 392

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 392


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 393

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 393

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 393

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 393

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 394

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 394

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 395

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 396

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 396

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 397

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 399

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 399

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 399

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 400

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 400

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 400

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 400

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 401

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 401

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 401

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 401

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 402

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 402

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 402

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 403

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 403

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 403

Period <Prd> [0..1] 403

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 403

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 403

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 404

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 405

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 405

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 406

Period <Prd> [0..1] 406

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 406

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 407

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 407

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 408

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 408

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 408

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 409

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 409

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 409

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 410


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 410

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 411

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 411

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 411

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 411

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 412

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 412


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 413

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 413

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 413

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 414

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 414

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 414

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 335 February 2021

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 414


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 415

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 415

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 416

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 416

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 416

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 416

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 417


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 417

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 418

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 418

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 418

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 418

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 419

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 419

UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransfer [0..1] C26, 419

<UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf> C28,

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 428

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 429

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 429

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 429


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 430

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 430

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 431

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 431

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 431

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [1..1] ± 432

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 432


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 433

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 433

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 433

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 434

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 434

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 434

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account [0..1] C20, 435

<PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 435

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 435

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 436

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 436

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 436

PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 437

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account [0..1] C20, 437

<PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 438

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 438

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 438

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 439

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 439

PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 439

PreviousInstructingAgent3Account [0..1] C20, 440

<PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 440

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 440

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 441

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 441

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 441

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 442

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C20, 442


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 443

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 443

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 443

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 444

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 444

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 444

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C20, 444


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 445

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 445

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 446

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 446

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 446

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 447

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C20, 447


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 448

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 448

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 448

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 449

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 449

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [1..1] ± 449

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 449


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 450

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 450

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 451

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 451

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 451

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 451

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 452


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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 452

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 453

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 453

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 453

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 454

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 454

InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> [0..*] ± 454

InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> [0..*] 454

Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 455

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 455

Tax <Tax> [0..1] 455

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 457

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 457

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 457

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 457

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 457

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 457

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 458

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 458

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 458

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 458

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 459

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 459

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 460

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 460

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 460

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 460

Period <Prd> [0..1] 460

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 460

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 460

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 461

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 462

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 462

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 462

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 463

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 463

Period <Prd> [0..1] 463

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 464

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 464

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 465

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 465

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 465

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 466

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 469

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 469

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 472

Type <Tp> [0..1] 474

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 474

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 474

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 475

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 475

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 475

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 476

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 476

Identification <Id> [1..*] 477

Type <Tp> [0..1] 478

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 478

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 478

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 479

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 479

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 479

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 479

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 479

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 479

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 480

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 481

Type <Tp> [0..1] 481

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 481

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 481

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 481

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 482

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 482

Type <Tp> [0..1] 482

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 483

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 483

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 483

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 483


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 484

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 484

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 484

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 484

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 485

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 485

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 486

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 487

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 487

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 488

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 490

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 490

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 490

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 491

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 491

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 491

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 491

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 492

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 492

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 492

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 492

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 493

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 493

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 493

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 494

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 494

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 494

Period <Prd> [0..1] 494

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 494

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 494

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 495

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 496

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 496

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 497

Period <Prd> [0..1] 497

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 497

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 498

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 498

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 499

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 499

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 499

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 500

InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 500

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• UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransferRule
The UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransfer element can only be present if present in the original
transaction being returned. InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of
charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Amount <Amt> contains one of the following elements (see "AmountType4Choice" on page 1069 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1069

Or} EquivalentAmount <EqvtAmt> [1..1] 1070

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1070

CurrencyOfTransfer <CcyOfTrf> [1..1] CodeSet C1 1070 InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 343 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the creditor requests that the amount of money is to be collected from
the debtor.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment.

Usage: This is the date on which the debtor's account is to be debited. If payment by cheque, the date
when the cheque must be generated by the bank.
RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> contains one of the following elements (see
"DateAndDateTime2Choice" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] Date 1072

Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime 1073 CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Credit party that signs the mandate.
CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> contains the following elements (see
"PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 SettlementInformation <SttlmInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the details on how the settlement of the original transaction(s) between the
instructing agent and the instructed agent was completed.
Impacted by: C22 "InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C24
"InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C48 "SettlementMethodAgentRule", C49
"SettlementMethodClearingRule", C50 "SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule", C51
"SettlementMethodCoverRule", C54 "ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C55

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 344 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> contains the following SettlementInstruction11 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 347

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 347


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 348

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 348

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 349

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 349

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 349

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 349

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 350

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 350

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 350

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 350

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 351

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 351

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 352

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 352

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 352

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 352

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 353

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 353

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 354

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 354

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 354

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 355

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 355

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 355

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 356

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 356

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 356

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 357

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 357


• InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructedReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructingReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and ClearingSystem
are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructingAgent'
Or /SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructedAgent'
Following Must be True
/ClearingSystem Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s) are not
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'ClearingSystem'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
Or /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 346 February 2021

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• SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /ClearingSystem Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is present
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Method used to settle the (batch of) payment instructions.
Datatype: "SettlementMethod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

INDA InstructedAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructed to execute a payment

INGA InstructingAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructing and forwarding the payment
to the next party in the payment chain.

COVE CoverMethod Settlement is done through a cover


CLRG ClearingSystem Settlement is done through a payment

clearing system. SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: A specific purpose account used to post debit and credit entries as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 347 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 348

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 348

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 349

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 349

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 349


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 348 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ClearingSystem <ClrSys>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which
the payment instruction is processed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 349 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> contains one of the following ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 350

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 350 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Infrastructure through which the payment instruction is processed, as published in an
external clearing system identification code list.
Datatype: "ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code" on page 1148 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Clearing system identification in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent through which the instructing agent will reimburse the instructed agent.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructing reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 350 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following

CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 351

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 351

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 352

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 352

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 352


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 351 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 352 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Usage: If InstructedReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructed reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 353

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 354

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 354

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 354

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 355


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 353 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 354 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Usage: If ThirdReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.
ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the third reimbursement agent account at its
servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 356

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 356

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 356

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 357

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 357

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 355 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 356 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 357 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see

"PaymentTypeInformation27" on page 1113 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1114

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1115

SequenceType <SeqTp> [0..1] CodeSet 1115

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1115

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1115

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1116 PaymentMethod <PmtMtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the means of payment that will be used to move the amount of money.
Datatype: "PaymentMethod4Code" on page 1154

CodeName Name Definition

CHK Cheque Written order to a bank to pay a certain

amount of money from one person to
another person.

TRF CreditTransfer Transfer of an amount of money in the

books of the account servicer.

DD DirectDebit Collection of an amount of money from

the debtor's bank account by the
creditor. The amount of money and
dates of collections may vary.

TRA TransferAdvice Transfer of an amount of money in the

books of the account servicer. An advice
should be sent back to the account
owner. MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides further details of the mandate signed between the creditor and the debtor.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 358 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> contains one of the following

MandateRelatedData2Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C3, C4 360

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 362

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 362

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 362

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 363

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 365

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 365


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 365

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 365


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 366

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 366

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 367

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 367

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 367

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 367

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 368


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 368

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 369

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 369

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 369

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 370

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 370

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 370


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 371

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 371

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 371

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 372

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 372

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 359 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 372

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 372

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 373

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 373

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 373

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 373

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 373

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 374

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 374

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 374

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 374

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 374

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 375

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 375

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 375 DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specific direct debit mandate data.
Impacted by: C3 "AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule", C4 "AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 360 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> contains the following MandateRelatedInformation15 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 362

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 362

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 362

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 363

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 365

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 365


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 365

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 365


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 366

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 366

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 367

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 367

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 367

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 367

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 368


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 368

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 369

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 369

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 369

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 370

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 370

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 370


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 371

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 371

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 371

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 372

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 372

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 372

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 372

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 373

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 373

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 373

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 373

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 373

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 374

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 374

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 374

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 374

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 374

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 375

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 375


• AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule
If AmendmentIndicator is false, then AmendmentInformationDetails is not allowed.
On Condition
/AmendmentIndicator is equal to value 'false'
Following Must be True
/AmendmentInformationDetails Must be absent

• AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule
If AmendmentIndicator is true, then AmendementInformationDetails must be present.
On Condition
/AmendmentIndicator is equal to value 'true'
Following Must be True
/AmendmentInformationDetails Must be present MandateIdentification <MndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the mandate.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the direct debit mandate has been signed by the debtor.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 362 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Definition: Indicator notifying whether the underlying mandate is amended or not.

Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "TrueFalseIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: True

• Meaning When False: False AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: List of mandate elements that have been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 363 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> contains the following

AmendmentInformationDetails14 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 365

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 365


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 365

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 365


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 366

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 366

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 367

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 367

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 367

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 367

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 368


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 368

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 369

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 369

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 369

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 370

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 370

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 370


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 371

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 371

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 371

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 372

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 372

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 372

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 372

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 373

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 373

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 373

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 364 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 373 OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the original
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification <OrgnlCdtrSchmeId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor scheme identification that has been modified.
OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification <OrgnlCdtrSchmeId> contains the following elements (see
"PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor agent that has been modified.
OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor agent account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 365 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 366

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 366

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 367

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 367

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 367


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 366 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor that has been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 367 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on

page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 368

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 369

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 369

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 369

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 370


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 368 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 369 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor agent that has been modified.
OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor agent account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 371

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 371

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 371

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 372

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 372

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 370 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 371 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original final collection date that has been modified.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original frequency that has been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 372 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> contains one of the following elements (see "Frequency36Choice"

on page 1094 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1094

Or Period <Prd> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1095

CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd> [1..1] Quantity 1095

Or} PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1096

PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] Text 1096 OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original reason for the mandate to allow the user to distinguish between different mandates
for the same creditor.
OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> contains one of the following MandateSetupReason1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 373

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 373 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, as published in an external reason code list.
Datatype: "ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original number of tracking days that has been modified.
Datatype: "Exact2NumericText" on page 1162 ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Additional security provisions, such as a digital signature, as provided by the debtor.

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Datatype: "Max1025Text" on page 1162 FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date of the first collection of a direct debit as per the mandate.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date of the final collection of a direct debit as per the mandate.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Frequency <Frqcy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Regularity with which direct debit instructions are to be created and processed.
Frequency <Frqcy> contains one of the following elements (see "Frequency36Choice" on page 1094
for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1094

Or Period <Prd> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1095

CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd> [1..1] Quantity 1095

Or} PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1096

PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] Text 1096 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reason for the direct debit mandate to allow the user to distinguish between different
mandates for the same creditor.
Reason <Rsn> contains one of the following MandateSetupReason1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 374

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 375 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, as published in an external reason code list.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 374 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Datatype: "ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 TrackingDays <TrckgDays>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the number of days the direct debit instruction must be tracked.
Datatype: "Exact2NumericText" on page 1162 CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specific credit transfer mandate data.
CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> contains the following elements (see
"CreditTransferMandateData1" on page 1073 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 1073

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1073

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 1074

DateOfVerification <DtOfVrfctn> [0..1] DateTime 1074

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Binary 1074

FirstPaymentDate <FrstPmtDt> [0..1] Date 1074

FinalPaymentDate <FnlPmtDt> [0..1] Date 1074

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 1075

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1075

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1075

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1075 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is
intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 375 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> contains the following RemittanceInformation21 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 378

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 378

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 381

Type <Tp> [0..1] 383

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 383

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 383

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 384

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 384

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 384

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 385

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 385

Identification <Id> [1..*] 386

Type <Tp> [0..1] 387

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 387

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 387

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 388

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 388

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 388

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 388

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 388

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 388

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 389

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 390

Type <Tp> [0..1] 390

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 390

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 390

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 390

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 391

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 391

Type <Tp> [0..1] 391

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 392

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 376 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 392

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 392

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 392


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 393

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 393

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 393

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 393

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 394

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 394

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 395

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 396

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 396

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 397

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 399

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 399

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 399

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 400

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 400

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 400

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 400

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 401

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 401

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 401

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 401

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 402

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 402

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 402

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 403

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 403

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 403

Period <Prd> [0..1] 403

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 377 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 403

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 403

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 404

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 405

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 405

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 406

Period <Prd> [0..1] 406

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 406

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 407

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 407

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 408

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 408

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 408

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 409 Unstructured <Ustrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in an
unstructured form.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Structured <Strd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in a
structured form.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 378 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Structured <Strd> contains the following StructuredRemittanceInformation17 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 381

Type <Tp> [0..1] 383

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 383

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 383

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 384

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 384

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 384

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 385

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 385

Identification <Id> [1..*] 386

Type <Tp> [0..1] 387

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 387

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 387

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 388

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 388

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 388

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 388

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 388

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 388

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 389

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 390

Type <Tp> [0..1] 390

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 390

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 390

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 390

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 391

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 391

Type <Tp> [0..1] 391

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 392

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 392

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 392

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 379 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 392


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 393

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 393

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 393

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 393

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 394

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 394

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 395

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 396

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 396

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 397

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 399

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 399

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 399

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 400

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 400

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 400

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 400

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 401

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 401

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 401

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 401

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 402

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 402

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 402

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 403

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 403

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 403

Period <Prd> [0..1] 403

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 403

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 403

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 380 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 404

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 405

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 405

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 406

Period <Prd> [0..1] 406

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 406

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 407

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 407

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 408

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 408

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 408

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 409 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides the identification and the content of the referred document.

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ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> contains the following

ReferredDocumentInformation7 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 383

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 383

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 383

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 384

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 384

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 384

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 385

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 385

Identification <Id> [1..*] 386

Type <Tp> [0..1] 387

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 387

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 387

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 388

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 388

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 388

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 388

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 388

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 388

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 389

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 390

Type <Tp> [0..1] 390

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 390

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 390

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 390

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 391

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 391

Type <Tp> [0..1] 391

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 392

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 392

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 392

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 392


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 393

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 393

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 393

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 393

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 394 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document.
Type <Tp> contains the following ReferredDocumentType4 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 383

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 383

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 384

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 384 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following ReferredDocumentType3Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 383

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 384 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Document type in a coded form.
Datatype: "DocumentType6Code" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

MSIN MeteredServiceInvoice Document is an invoice claiming

payment for the supply of metered
services, for example gas or electricity
supplied to a fixed meter.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 383 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

CodeName Name Definition

CNFA CreditNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a credit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

DNFA DebitNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a debit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

CINV CommercialInvoice Document is an invoice.

CREN CreditNote Document is a credit note.

DEBN DebitNote Document is a debit note.

HIRI HireInvoice Document is an invoice for the hiring of

human resources or renting goods or

SBIN SelfBilledInvoice Document is an invoice issued by the


CMCN CommercialContract Document is an agreement between the

parties, stipulating the terms and
conditions of the delivery of goods or

SOAC StatementOfAccount Document is a statement of the

transactions posted to the debtor's
account at the supplier.

DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.

BOLD BillOfLading Document is a shipping notice.

VCHR Voucher Document is an electronic payment


AROI AccountReceivableOpenItem Document is a payment that applies to a

specific source document.

TSUT TradeServicesUtilityTransaction Document is a transaction identifier as

assigned by the Trade Services Utility.

PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order. Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document type.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 384 February 2021

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Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 LineDetails <LineDtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide the content of the referred document line.

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LineDetails <LineDtls> contains the following DocumentLineInformation1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..*] 386

Type <Tp> [0..1] 387

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 387

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 387

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 388

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 388

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 388

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 388

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 388

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 388

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 389

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 390

Type <Tp> [0..1] 390

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 390

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 390

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 390

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 391

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 391

Type <Tp> [0..1] 391

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 392

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 392

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 392

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 392


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 393

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 393

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 393

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 393

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 394 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..*]

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Definition: Provides identification of the document line.

Identification <Id> contains the following DocumentLineIdentification1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 387

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 387

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 387

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 388

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 388

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 388

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 388 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document line identification.
Type <Tp> contains the following DocumentLineType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 387

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 387

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 388

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 388 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document line identification.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following DocumentLineType1Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 387

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 388 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Line identification type in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDocumentLineType1Code" on page 1149

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 387 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document line identificationtype.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the type specified for the referred document line.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document line.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Description <Desc>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Description associated with the document line.
Datatype: "Max2048Text" on page 1164 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the document line.

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Amount <Amt> contains the following RemittanceAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 389

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 390

Type <Tp> [0..1] 390

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 390

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 390

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 390

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 391

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 391

Type <Tp> [0..1] 391

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 392

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 392

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 392

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 392

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 393

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 393

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 393

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 393

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 394 DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 389 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of discount to be applied to the amount due and payable to the creditor.
DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> contains the following DiscountAmountAndType1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 390

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 390

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 390

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 390 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following DiscountAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 390

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 390 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDiscountAmountType1Code" on page 1149 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142

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• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of a credit note.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of the tax.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmountAndType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 391

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 392

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 392

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 392 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Type <Tp> contains one of the following TaxAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 392

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 392 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalTaxAmountType1Code" on page 1153 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Specifies detailed information on the amount and reason of the adjustment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 392 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> contains the following

DocumentAdjustment1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 393

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 393

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 393

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 393 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money of the document adjustment.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies whether the adjustment must be subtracted or added to the total amount.
Datatype: "CreditDebitCode" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.

DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease. Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the adjustment.
Datatype: "Max4Text" on page 1165 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Provides further details on the document adjustment.

Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money remitted.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the referred document.

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ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> contains the following elements (see

"RemittanceAmount2" on page 1098 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1099

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1099

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1099

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1099

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1100

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1101

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1101

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1101

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1101

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1101

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 1102

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1102

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1102

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1103

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1103

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1103 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 395 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> contains the following elements (see

"CreditorReferenceInformation2" on page 1076 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1076

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1076

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1076

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1077

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1077

Reference <Ref> [0..1] Text 1077 Invoicer <Invcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the organisation issuing the invoice, when it is different from the creditor or
ultimate creditor.
Invoicer <Invcr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Invoicee <Invcee>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the party to whom an invoice is issued, when it is different from the debtor or
ultimate debtor.
Invoicee <Invcee> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 396 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 TaxRemittance <TaxRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment made for tax-related purposes.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> contains the following TaxData1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 399

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 399

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 399

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 400

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 400

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 400

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 400

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 401

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 401

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 401

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 401

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 402

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 402

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 402

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 403

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 403

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 403

Period <Prd> [0..1] 403

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 403

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 403

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 404

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 405

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 405

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 406

Period <Prd> [0..1] 406

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 406

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 407

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 407

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 408

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 408 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the credit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty1" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1140

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1140

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1140 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the debit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor, in this case, to the
taxing authority.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Territorial part of a country to which the tax payment is related.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 ReferenceNumber <RefNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax reference information that is specific to a taxing agency.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Method <Mtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Method used to indicate the underlying business or how the tax is paid.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 400 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money as result of the calculation of the tax.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Date <Dt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date by which tax is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SequenceNumber <SeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the tax report.
Datatype: "Number" on page 1161 Record <Rcrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Record of tax details.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 401 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Record <Rcrd> contains the following TaxRecord3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 402

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 402

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 402

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 403

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 403

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 403

Period <Prd> [0..1] 403

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 403

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 403

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 404

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 405

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 405

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 406

Period <Prd> [0..1] 406

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 406

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 407

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 407

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 408

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 408 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: High level code to identify the type of tax details.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Category <Ctgy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the tax code as published by the tax authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 402 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Definition: Provides further details of the category tax code.

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DebtorStatus <DbtrSts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Code provided by local authority to identify the status of the party that has drawn up the
settlement document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CertificateIdentification <CertId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification number of the tax report as assigned by the taxing authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 FormsCode <FrmsCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies, in a coded form, on which template the tax report is to be provided.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 403

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 403

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 404 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 403 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

CodeName Name Definition

MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 404 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the amount of the tax record.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 405

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 405

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 406

Period <Prd> [0..1] 406

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 406

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 407

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 407

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 408 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the tax.
Datatype: "PercentageRate" on page 1162 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalAmount <TtlAmt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 405 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Definition: Total amount that is the result of the calculation of the tax for the record.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Details <Dtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the tax period and amount.
Details <Dtls> contains the following TaxRecordDetails3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Period <Prd> [0..1] 406

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 406

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 407

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 407

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 408 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 406

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 407

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 407 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 406 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 407 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Underlying tax amount related to the specified period.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details of the tax record.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment for garnishment-related purposes.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 408 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> contains the following elements (see "Garnishment3" on

page 1131 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [1..1] 1132

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1132

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1132

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1132

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1132

Garnishee <Grnshee> [0..1] ± 1133

GarnishmentAdministrator <GrnshmtAdmstr> [0..1] ± 1133

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1133

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1133

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1133

FamilyMedicalInsuranceIndicator <FmlyMdclInsrncInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134

EmployeeTerminationIndicator <MplyeeTermntnInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf>

Presence: [0..3]
Definition: Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on
page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 409 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Debtor <Dbtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made
as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 410

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 411

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 411

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 411

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 411


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 410 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 411 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the
payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 413

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 413

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 413

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 414

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 414

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 412 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 413 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor agent at its servicing agent to which
a credit entry will be made as a result of the payment transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 414 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 415

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 415

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 416

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 416

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 416


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 415 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party to which an amount of money is due.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 416 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Creditor <Cdtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be
posted as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 417

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 418

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 418

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 418

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 418


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 417 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 418 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.
UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on
page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 Purpose <Purp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the payment transaction.


Purpose is used by the end customers, that is initiating party, (ultimate) debtor, (ultimate) creditor to
provide information concerning the nature of the payment. Purpose is a content element, which is not
used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
Purpose <Purp> contains one of the following elements (see "Purpose2Choice" on page 1089 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1090

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1090 UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransfer <UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the underlying customer credit transfer for which cover is provided.
Impacted by: C26 "IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule", C28 "IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule", C29
"IntermediaryAgent2Rule", C31 "IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule", C32 "IntermediaryAgent3Rule", C37
"PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule", C40 "PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule", C41
"PreviousInstructingAgent2Rule", C43 "PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule", C44

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 419 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

"PreviousInstructingAgent3Rule", C38 "PreviousInstructingAgent1Guideline", C60

"UltimateCreditorGuideline", C61 "UltimateDebtorGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 420 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransfer <UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf> contains the following

CreditTransferTransaction52 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 428

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 429

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 429

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 429


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 430

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 430

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 431

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 431

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 431

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [1..1] ± 432

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 432


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 433

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 433

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 433

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 434

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 434

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 434

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account [0..1] C20, 435

<PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 435

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 435

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 436

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 436

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 436

PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 437

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account [0..1] C20, 437

<PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 438

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 438

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 438

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 421 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 439

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 439

PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 439

PreviousInstructingAgent3Account [0..1] C20, 440

<PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 440

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 440

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 441

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 441

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 441

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 442

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C20, 442


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 443

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 443

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 443

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 444

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 444

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 444

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C20, 444


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 445

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 445

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 446

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 446

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 446

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 447

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C20, 447


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 448

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 448

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 448

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 449

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 449

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 422 February 2021

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [1..1] ± 449

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 449


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 450

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 450

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 451

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 451

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 451

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 451

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 452


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 452

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 453

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 453

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 453

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 454

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 454

InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> [0..*] ± 454

InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> [0..*] 454

Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 455

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 455

Tax <Tax> [0..1] 455

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 457

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 457

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 457

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 457

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 457

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 457

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 458

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 458

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 458

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 458

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 459

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 423 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 459

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 460

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 460

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 460

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 460

Period <Prd> [0..1] 460

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 460

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 460

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 461

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 462

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 462

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 462

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 463

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 463

Period <Prd> [0..1] 463

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 464

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 464

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 465

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 465

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 465

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 466

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 469

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 469

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 472

Type <Tp> [0..1] 474

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 474

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 474

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 475

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 475

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 475

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 476

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 476

Identification <Id> [1..*] 477

Type <Tp> [0..1] 478

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 478

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 478

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 479

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 479

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 479

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 479

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 479

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 479

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 480

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 481

Type <Tp> [0..1] 481

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 481

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 481

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 481

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 482

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 482

Type <Tp> [0..1] 482

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 483

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 483

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 483

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 483


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 484

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 484

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 484

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 484

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 485

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 485

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 486

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 425 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 487

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 487

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 488

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 490

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 490

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 490

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 491

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 491

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 491

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 491

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 492

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 492

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 492

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 492

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 493

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 493

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 493

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 494

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 494

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 494

Period <Prd> [0..1] 494

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 494

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 494

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 495

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 496

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 496

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 497

Period <Prd> [0..1] 497

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 497

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 498

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 498

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 499

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 499

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 499

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 500

InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 500


• IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent1 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent1Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent2 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent2Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent2Rule
If IntermediaryAgent2 is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent2 is present
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent1 Must be present

• IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent3 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent3Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent3Rule
If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent3 is present
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent2 Must be present

• PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent1Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be present.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent1 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent1Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent1Guideline
It is recommended that, when present, PreviousInstructingAgent1 is the closest to the DebtorAgent
in the payment chain.

• PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent2 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent2Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent2Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent2 is present
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent1 Must be present

• PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent3 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent3Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent3Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent2 Must be present

• UltimateCreditorGuideline
UltimateCreditor may only be present if different from Creditor.

• UltimateDebtorGuideline
UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor. UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on

page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 InitiatingParty <InitgPty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that initiates the payment.

Usage: This can be either the debtor or a party that initiates the credit transfer on behalf of the debtor.
InitiatingParty <InitgPty> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107
for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 429 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made
as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 430

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 430

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 431

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 431

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 431


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

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Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

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Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the
payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 433

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 433

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 433

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 434

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 434

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• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 433 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If more than one previous instructing agent is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 identifies
the agent between the DebtorAgent and the PreviousInstructingAgent2.
PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 434 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 435

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 435

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 436

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 436

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 436


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 435 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 436 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If more than two previous instructing agent are present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2
identifies the agent between the PreviousInstructingAgent1 and the PreviousInstructingAgent3.
PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 438

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 438

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 438

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 439

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 439

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 437 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 438 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 identifies the agent

between the PreviousInstructingAgent2 and the InstructingAgent.
PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 439 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 440

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 440

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 441

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 441

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 441


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 440 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 441 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If more than one intermediary agent is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 identifies the agent
between the DebtorAgent and the IntermediaryAgent2.
IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 1 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 443

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 443

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 443

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 444

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 444

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 442 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 443 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If more than two intermediary agents are present, then IntermediaryAgent2 identifies the agent
between the IntermediaryAgent1 and the IntermediaryAgent3.
IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 444 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 2 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 445

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 445

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 446

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 446

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 446


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 445 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 446 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then it identifies the agent between the IntermediaryAgent 2
and the CreditorAgent.
IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 3 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 448

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 448

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 448

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 449

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 449

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 447 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 448 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor agent at its servicing agent to which
a credit entry will be made as a result of the payment transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 449 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 450

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 450

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 451

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 451

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 451


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 450 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Party to which an amount of money is due.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 451 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be
posted as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 452

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 453

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 453

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 453

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 454


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 452 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 453 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.
UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on
page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction, provided by the
initiating party, and intended for the creditor agent.
InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"InstructionForCreditorAgent3" on page 1112 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 1112

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 1112 InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction that may need to be
acted upon by the next agent.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 454 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> contains the following InstructionForNextAgent1


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 455

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 455 Code <Cd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Coded information related to the processing of the payment instruction, provided by the
initiating party, and intended for the next agent in the payment chain.
Datatype: "Instruction4Code" on page 1154

CodeName Name Definition

PHOA PhoneNextAgent Please advise/contact next agent by


TELA TelecomNextAgent Please advise/contact next agent by the

most efficient means of
telecommunication. InstructionInformation <InstrInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further information complementing the coded instruction or instruction to the next agent that
is bilaterally agreed or specific to a user community.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Tax <Tax>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the tax.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 455 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Tax <Tax> contains the following TaxInformation10 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 457

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 457

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 457

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 457

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 457

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 457

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 458

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 458

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 458

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 458

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 459

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 459

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 460

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 460

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 460

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 460

Period <Prd> [0..1] 460

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 460

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 460

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 461

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 462

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 462

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 462

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 463

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 463

Period <Prd> [0..1] 463

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 464

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 464

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 465

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 465

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 465

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 456 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the credit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty1" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1140

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1140

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1140 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the debit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Territorial part of a country to which the tax payment is related.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 ReferenceNumber <RefNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax reference information that is specific to a taxing agency.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Method <Mtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Method used to indicate the underlying business or how the tax is paid.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 457 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Definition: Total amount of money on which the tax is based.

Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money as result of the calculation of the tax.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Date <Dt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date by which tax is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SequenceNumber <SeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the tax report.
Datatype: "Number" on page 1161 Record <Rcrd>

Presence: [0..*]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 458 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Definition: Record of tax details.

Record <Rcrd> contains the following TaxRecord3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 459

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 459

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 460

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 460

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 460

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 460

Period <Prd> [0..1] 460

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 460

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 460

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 461

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 462

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 462

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 462

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 463

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 463

Period <Prd> [0..1] 463

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 464

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 464

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 465

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 465

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 465 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: High level code to identify the type of tax details.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Category <Ctgy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the tax code as published by the tax authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 459 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides further details of the category tax code.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DebtorStatus <DbtrSts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Code provided by local authority to identify the status of the party that has drawn up the
settlement document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CertificateIdentification <CertId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification number of the tax report as assigned by the taxing authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 FormsCode <FrmsCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies, in a coded form, on which template the tax report is to be provided.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 460

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 460

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 461 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 460 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 461 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the amount of the tax record.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 462

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 462

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 463

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 463

Period <Prd> [0..1] 463

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 464

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 464

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 465

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 465 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the tax.
Datatype: "PercentageRate" on page 1162 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 462 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalAmount <TtlAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount that is the result of the calculation of the tax for the record.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Details <Dtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the tax period and amount.
Details <Dtls> contains the following TaxRecordDetails3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Period <Prd> [0..1] 463

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 464

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 464

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 465

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 465 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 463 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 464

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 464

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 465 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 464 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

CodeName Name Definition

QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Underlying tax amount related to the specified period.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details of the tax record.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 465 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is
intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 466 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> contains the following RemittanceInformation21 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 469

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 469

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 472

Type <Tp> [0..1] 474

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 474

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 474

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 475

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 475

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 475

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 476

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 476

Identification <Id> [1..*] 477

Type <Tp> [0..1] 478

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 478

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 478

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 479

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 479

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 479

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 479

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 479

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 479

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 480

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 481

Type <Tp> [0..1] 481

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 481

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 481

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 481

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 482

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 482

Type <Tp> [0..1] 482

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 483

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 467 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 483

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 483

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 483


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 484

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 484

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 484

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 484

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 485

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 485

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 486

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 487

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 487

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 488

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 490

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 490

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 490

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 491

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 491

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 491

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 491

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 492

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 492

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 492

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 492

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 493

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 493

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 493

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 494

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 494

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 494

Period <Prd> [0..1] 494

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 468 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 494

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 494

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 495

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 496

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 496

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 497

Period <Prd> [0..1] 497

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 497

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 498

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 498

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 499

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 499

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 499

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 500 Unstructured <Ustrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in an
unstructured form.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Structured <Strd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in a
structured form.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 469 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Structured <Strd> contains the following StructuredRemittanceInformation17 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 472

Type <Tp> [0..1] 474

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 474

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 474

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 475

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 475

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 475

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 476

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 476

Identification <Id> [1..*] 477

Type <Tp> [0..1] 478

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 478

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 478

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 479

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 479

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 479

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 479

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 479

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 479

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 480

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 481

Type <Tp> [0..1] 481

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 481

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 481

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 481

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 482

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 482

Type <Tp> [0..1] 482

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 483

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 483

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 483

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 470 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 483


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 484

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 484

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 484

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 484

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 485

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 485

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 486

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 487

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 487

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 488

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 490

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 490

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 490

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 491

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 491

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 491

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 491

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 492

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 492

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 492

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 492

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 493

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 493

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 493

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 494

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 494

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 494

Period <Prd> [0..1] 494

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 494

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 494

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 495

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 496

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 496

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 497

Period <Prd> [0..1] 497

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 497

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 498

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 498

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 499

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 499

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 499

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 500 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides the identification and the content of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 472 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> contains the following

ReferredDocumentInformation7 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 474

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 474

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 474

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 475

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 475

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 475

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 476

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 476

Identification <Id> [1..*] 477

Type <Tp> [0..1] 478

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 478

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 478

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 479

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 479

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 479

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 479

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 479

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 479

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 480

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 481

Type <Tp> [0..1] 481

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 481

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 481

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 481

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 482

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 482

Type <Tp> [0..1] 482

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 483

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 483

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 483

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 473 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 483


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 484

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 484

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 484

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 484

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 485 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document.
Type <Tp> contains the following ReferredDocumentType4 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 474

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 474

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 475

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 475 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following ReferredDocumentType3Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 474

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 475 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Document type in a coded form.
Datatype: "DocumentType6Code" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

MSIN MeteredServiceInvoice Document is an invoice claiming

payment for the supply of metered
services, for example gas or electricity
supplied to a fixed meter.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 474 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

CodeName Name Definition

CNFA CreditNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a credit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

DNFA DebitNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a debit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

CINV CommercialInvoice Document is an invoice.

CREN CreditNote Document is a credit note.

DEBN DebitNote Document is a debit note.

HIRI HireInvoice Document is an invoice for the hiring of

human resources or renting goods or

SBIN SelfBilledInvoice Document is an invoice issued by the


CMCN CommercialContract Document is an agreement between the

parties, stipulating the terms and
conditions of the delivery of goods or

SOAC StatementOfAccount Document is a statement of the

transactions posted to the debtor's
account at the supplier.

DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.

BOLD BillOfLading Document is a shipping notice.

VCHR Voucher Document is an electronic payment


AROI AccountReceivableOpenItem Document is a payment that applies to a

specific source document.

TSUT TradeServicesUtilityTransaction Document is a transaction identifier as

assigned by the Trade Services Utility.

PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order. Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document type.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the referred document.

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Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 LineDetails <LineDtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide the content of the referred document line.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

LineDetails <LineDtls> contains the following DocumentLineInformation1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..*] 477

Type <Tp> [0..1] 478

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 478

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 478

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 479

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 479

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 479

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 479

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 479

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 479

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 480

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 481

Type <Tp> [0..1] 481

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 481

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 481

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 481

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 482

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 482

Type <Tp> [0..1] 482

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 483

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 483

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 483

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 483


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 484

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 484

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 484

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 484

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 485 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..*]

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Definition: Provides identification of the document line.

Identification <Id> contains the following DocumentLineIdentification1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 478

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 478

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 478

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 479

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 479

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 479

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 479 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document line identification.
Type <Tp> contains the following DocumentLineType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 478

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 478

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 479

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 479 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document line identification.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following DocumentLineType1Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 478

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 479 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Line identification type in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDocumentLineType1Code" on page 1149

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 478 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document line identificationtype.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the type specified for the referred document line.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document line.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Description <Desc>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Description associated with the document line.
Datatype: "Max2048Text" on page 1164 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the document line.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Amount <Amt> contains the following RemittanceAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 480

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 481

Type <Tp> [0..1] 481

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 481

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 481

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 481

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 482

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 482

Type <Tp> [0..1] 482

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 483

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 483

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 483

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 483

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 484

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 484

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 484

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 484

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 485 DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 480 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of discount to be applied to the amount due and payable to the creditor.
DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> contains the following DiscountAmountAndType1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 481

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 481

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 481

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 481 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following DiscountAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 481

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 481 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDiscountAmountType1Code" on page 1149 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142

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• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of a credit note.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of the tax.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmountAndType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 482

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 483

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 483

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 483 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Type <Tp> contains one of the following TaxAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 483

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 483 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalTaxAmountType1Code" on page 1153 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Specifies detailed information on the amount and reason of the adjustment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 483 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> contains the following

DocumentAdjustment1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 484

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 484

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 484

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 484 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money of the document adjustment.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies whether the adjustment must be subtracted or added to the total amount.
Datatype: "CreditDebitCode" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.

DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease. Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the adjustment.
Datatype: "Max4Text" on page 1165 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 484 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Definition: Provides further details on the document adjustment.

Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money remitted.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 485 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> contains the following elements (see

"RemittanceAmount2" on page 1098 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1099

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1099

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1099

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1099

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1100

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1101

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1101

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1101

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1101

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1101

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 1102

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1102

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1102

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1103

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1103

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1103 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 486 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> contains the following elements (see

"CreditorReferenceInformation2" on page 1076 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1076

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1076

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1076

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1077

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1077

Reference <Ref> [0..1] Text 1077 Invoicer <Invcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the organisation issuing the invoice, when it is different from the creditor or
ultimate creditor.
Invoicer <Invcr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Invoicee <Invcee>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the party to whom an invoice is issued, when it is different from the debtor or
ultimate debtor.
Invoicee <Invcee> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 487 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 TaxRemittance <TaxRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment made for tax-related purposes.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 488 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> contains the following TaxData1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 490

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 490

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 490

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 491

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 491

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 491

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 491

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 492

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 492

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 492

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 492

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 493

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 493

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 493

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 494

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 494

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 494

Period <Prd> [0..1] 494

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 494

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 494

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 495

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 496

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 496

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 497

Period <Prd> [0..1] 497

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 497

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 498

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 498

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 499

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 489 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 499 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the credit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty1" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1140

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1140

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1140 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the debit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor, in this case, to the
taxing authority.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 490 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Territorial part of a country to which the tax payment is related.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 ReferenceNumber <RefNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax reference information that is specific to a taxing agency.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Method <Mtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Method used to indicate the underlying business or how the tax is paid.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 491 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money as result of the calculation of the tax.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Date <Dt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date by which tax is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SequenceNumber <SeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the tax report.
Datatype: "Number" on page 1161 Record <Rcrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Record of tax details.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 492 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Record <Rcrd> contains the following TaxRecord3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 493

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 493

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 493

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 494

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 494

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 494

Period <Prd> [0..1] 494

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 494

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 494

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 495

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 496

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 496

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 497

Period <Prd> [0..1] 497

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 497

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 498

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 498

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 499

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 499 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: High level code to identify the type of tax details.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Category <Ctgy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the tax code as published by the tax authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 493 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Definition: Provides further details of the category tax code.

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DebtorStatus <DbtrSts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Code provided by local authority to identify the status of the party that has drawn up the
settlement document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CertificateIdentification <CertId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification number of the tax report as assigned by the taxing authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 FormsCode <FrmsCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies, in a coded form, on which template the tax report is to be provided.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 494

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 494

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 495 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 494 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

CodeName Name Definition

MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 495 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the amount of the tax record.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 496

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 496

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 497

Period <Prd> [0..1] 497

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 497

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 498

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 498

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 499 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the tax.
Datatype: "PercentageRate" on page 1162 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalAmount <TtlAmt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 496 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Definition: Total amount that is the result of the calculation of the tax for the record.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Details <Dtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the tax period and amount.
Details <Dtls> contains the following TaxRecordDetails3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Period <Prd> [0..1] 497

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 497

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 498

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 498

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 499 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 497

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 498

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 498 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 497 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 498 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Underlying tax amount related to the specified period.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details of the tax record.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment for garnishment-related purposes.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 499 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> contains the following elements (see "Garnishment3" on

page 1131 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [1..1] 1132

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1132

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1132

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1132

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1132

Garnishee <Grnshee> [0..1] ± 1133

GarnishmentAdministrator <GrnshmtAdmstr> [0..1] ± 1133

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1133

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1133

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1133

FamilyMedicalInsuranceIndicator <FmlyMdclInsrncInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134

EmployeeTerminationIndicator <MplyeeTermntnInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf>

Presence: [0..3]
Definition: Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of
charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.

Usage: This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 500 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.004.001.11 PaymentReturnV11

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C53 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

4.4.4 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C53 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 501 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

5 pacs.007.001.11

5.1 MessageDefinition Functionality


The FinancialInstitutionToFinancialInstitutionPaymentReversal message is sent by an agent to the next

party in the payment chain. It is used to reverse a payment previously executed.


The FIToFIPaymentReversal message is exchanged between agents to reverse a payment message

that has been settled. The result will be a credit on the debtor account (when the reversed payment was
a direct debit) or a debit on the creditor account (when the reversed payment was a credit transfer).

The FIToFIPaymentReversal message may or may not be the follow-up of a payment message.

The FIToFIPaymentReversal message refers to the original payment message by means of references
only or by means of references and a set of elements from the original instruction.

The FIToFIPaymentReversal message can be used in domestic and cross-border scenarios.

The FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 MessageDefinition is composed of 4 MessageBuildingBlocks:

A. GroupHeader
Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message.

B. OriginalGroupInformation
Information concerning the original group of transactions, to which the message refers.

C. TransactionInformation
Information concerning the original transactions, to which the reversal message refers.

D. SupplementaryData
Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other specific

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5.2 Structure
Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page

Message root <Document> <FIToFIPmtRvsl> [1..1] C12,


GroupHeader <GrpHdr> [1..1] C8, C37, 517


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 520

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 520

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..2] ± 520

BatchBooking <BtchBookg> [0..1] Indicator 520

NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 521

ControlSum <CtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 521

GroupReversal <GrpRvsl> [0..1] Indicator 521

TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmount [0..1] Amount C1, C10 521


InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 521

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [1..1] C22, 522


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 525

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 525


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 526

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 526

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 527

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 527

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 527

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 527

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 528

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 528

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 528

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 528

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 529

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 529

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 530

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 530

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 530

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 530

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 531

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 531

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 532

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 532

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 532

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 533

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 533

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 533

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 534

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 534

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 534

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 535

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 535

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 535

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 536

OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> [0..1] 536

OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId> [1..1] Text 536

OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> [1..1] Text 536

OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 536

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReversalReasonInformation <RvslRsnInf> [0..*] ± 537

TransactionInformation <TxInf> [0..*] C7, C27, 537


ReversalIdentification <RvslId> [0..1] Text 545

OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> [0..1] ± 546

OriginalInstructionIdentification <OrgnlInstrId> [0..1] Text 546

OriginalEndToEndIdentification <OrgnlEndToEndId> [0..1] Text 546

OriginalTransactionIdentification <OrgnlTxId> [0..1] Text 546

OriginalUETR <OrgnlUETR> [0..1] IdentifierSet 546

OriginalClearingSystemReference <OrgnlClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 546

OriginalInterbankSettlementAmount <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 547

ReversedInterbankSettlementAmount <RvsdIntrBkSttlmAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C10 547

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 547

SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 548

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 548

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 548

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 548

ReversedInstructedAmount <RvsdInstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 549

ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [0..1] Rate 549

CompensationAmount <CompstnAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 549

ChargeBearer <ChrgBr> [0..1] CodeSet 550

ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> [0..*] ± 550

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 550

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 551

ReversalReasonInformation <RvslRsnInf> [0..*] ± 551

OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef> [0..1] 551

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 558

Amount <Amt> [0..1] ± 558

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 559

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 559

RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> [0..1] ± 559

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 559

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [0..1] C22, 560


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 563

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 563


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 564

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 564

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 565

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 565

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 565

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 565

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 566

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 566

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 566

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 566

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 567

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 567

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 568

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 568

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 568

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 568

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 569

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 569

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 570

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 570

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 570

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 571

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 571

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 571

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 572

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 572

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 572

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 573

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 573

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 573

PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 574

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] 574

{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C3, C4 576

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 578

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 578

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 578

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 579

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 581

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 581


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 581

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 581


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 582

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 582

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 583

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 583

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 583

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 583

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 584


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 584

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 585

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 585

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 585

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 586

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 586

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 586


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 587

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 587

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 587

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 588

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 588

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 588

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 588

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 589

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 589

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 589

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 589

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 589

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 590

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 590

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 590

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 590

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 590

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 591

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 591

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 591

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 591

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 594

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 594

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 597

Type <Tp> [0..1] 599

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 599

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 599

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 600

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 600

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 600

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 601

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 601

Identification <Id> [1..*] 602

Type <Tp> [0..1] 603

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 603

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 603

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 604

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 604

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 604

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 604

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 604

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 604

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 605

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 606

Type <Tp> [0..1] 606

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 606

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 606

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 606

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 607

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 607

Type <Tp> [0..1] 607

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 608

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 608

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 608

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 608


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 609

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 609

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 609

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 609

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 610

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 610

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 611

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 612

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 612

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 613

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 615

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 615

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 615

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 616

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 616

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 616

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 616

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 617

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 617

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 617

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 617

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 618

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 618

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 618

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 619

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 619

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 619

Period <Prd> [0..1] 619

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 619

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 619

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 620

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 621

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 621

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 622

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Period <Prd> [0..1] 622

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 622

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 623

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 623

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 624

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 624

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 624

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 625

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 625

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 625

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 626


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 626

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 627

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 627

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 627

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 627

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 628

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 628


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 629

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 629

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 629

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 630

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 630

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 630

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 630


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 631

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 631

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 632

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 632

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 632

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 632

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 633


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 633

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 634

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 634

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 634

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 635

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 635

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 635

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C34 635

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C34 636

5.3 Constraints
C1 ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the
message containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with
the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet
withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

C2 ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the
Currency is exchanged.

C3 AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule
If AmendmentIndicator is false, then AmendmentInformationDetails is not allowed.

C4 AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule
If AmendmentIndicator is true, then AmendementInformationDetails must be present.

Only a valid Business identifier code is allowed. Business identifier codes for financial or non-
financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority in the
ISO directory of BICs, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters.

Valid BICs for financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration
Authority in the ISO directory of BICs, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous

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C7 ChargesInformationAndReversedInstructedAmountRule
If ChargesInformation is present, then ReversedInstructedAmount must be present.

C8 ControlSumAndGroupReversalRule
If GroupReversal is true, then ControlSum is not allowed.

C9 Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO
3166, Alpha-2 code).

C10 CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

C11 CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

C12 GroupHeaderInterbankSettlementDateRule
If GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is present, then TransactionInformation/
InterbankSettlementDate is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*]/InterbankSettlementDate Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C13 GroupReversalAndNumberOfTransactionsGuideline
If GroupReversal is true, then NumberOfTransactions equals the number of transactions in the
original message.

C14 GroupReversalAndNumberOfTransactionsRule
If GroupHeader/GroupReversal is false, then GroupHeader/NumberOfTransactions must equal
the number of occurrences of TransactionInformation.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/GroupReversal is present
And /GroupHeader/GroupReversal is equal to value 'false'
Following Must be True
/GroupHeader/NumberOfTransactions Must be equal to value 'Number
Occurrences TransactionInformation'
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C15 GroupReversalAndReasonRule
If GroupHeader/GroupReversal is true, then OriginalGroupInformation/
ReversalReasonInformation/Reason must present.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/GroupReversal is present
And /GroupHeader/GroupReversal is equal to value 'true'
Following Must be True
/OriginalGroupInformation/ReversalReasonInformation[1] Must be present
And /OriginalGroupInformation/ReversalReasonInformation[*]/Reason Must be

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This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C16 GroupReversalAndTransactionInformationNotPresentRule
If GroupHeader/GroupReversal is true, then TransactionInformation is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/GroupReversal is present
And /GroupHeader/GroupReversal is equal to value 'true'
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*] Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C17 GroupReversalAndTransactionInformationPresentRule
If GroupHeader/GroupReversal is false, then at least one occurrence of TransactionInformation
must be present.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/GroupReversal is present
And /GroupHeader/GroupReversal is equal to value 'false'
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[1] Must be present
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and

C19 IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

C20 IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.

C21 InstructedAgentRule
If GroupHeader/InstructedAgent is present, then TransactionInformation/InstructedAgent is not
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InstructedAgent is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*]/InstructedAgent Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C22 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent
must be present.

C23 InstructingAgentRule
If GroupHeader/InstructingAgent is present, then TransactionInformation/InstructingAgent is not
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InstructingAgent is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*]/InstructingAgent Must be absent

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This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C24 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent
must be present.

C25 NoCoverSettlementMethodRule
GroupHeader/SettlementInformation/SettlementMethod must be different from COVE (Cover)
when reversing direct debit transactions.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/SettlementInformation is present
And /GroupHeader/SettlementInformation/SettlementMethod is equal to value
Following Must be True
1,8) Must be different from value 'pacs.003'
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C26 OriginalGroupInformationRule
If OriginalGroupInformation is present, then TransactionInformation/OriginalGroupInformation is
not allowed.
On Condition
/OriginalGroupInformation is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*]/OriginalGroupInformation Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C27 ReversedInstructedAmountAndExchangeRate1Rule
If ReversedInstructedAmount is present and the currency is different from the currency in
InterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate must be present.

C28 ReversedInstructedAmountAndExchangeRate2Rule
If ReversedInstructedAmount is present and the currency is the same as the currency in
InterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate is not allowed.

C29 SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and
ClearingSystem are not allowed.

C30 SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s)
are not allowed.

C31 SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.

C32 SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not

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C33 SupplementaryDataRule
The SupplementaryData building block at message level must not be used to provide additional
information about a transaction. The SupplementaryData element at transaction level should be
used for that purpose.
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C34 SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the
RA of ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

C35 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be

C36 ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.

C37 TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule
If TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then InterbankSettlementDate must be

C38 TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmountAndSumRule
GroupHeader/TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmount must equal the sum of all individual
TransactionInformation/ReversedInterbankSettlementAmount when present.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True
/GroupHeader/TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmount Must be equal to
value 'sum of TransactionInformation/ReversedInterbankSttlementAmount'
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C39 TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmountRule
If GroupHeader/TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then all occurrences of
TransactionInformation/ReversedInterbankSettlementAmount must have the same currency as
the currency of GroupHeader/TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmount.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmount is present
And /TransactionInformation[1] is present
And /TransactionInformation[*]/ReversedInterbankSettlementAmount is
Following Must be True
attribute::Currency Must be equal to /GroupHeader/
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C40 TransactionInterbankSettlementDateRule
If GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is not present, then TransactionInformation/
InterbankSettlementDate must be present.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is absent

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 516 February 2021

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Following Must be True

/TransactionInformation[*]/InterbankSettlementDate Must be present
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

5.4 Message Building Blocks

This chapter describes the MessageBuildingBlocks of this MessageDefinition.

5.4.1 GroupHeader <GrpHdr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message.
Impacted by: C8 "ControlSumAndGroupReversalRule", C37
"TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule", C13

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 517 February 2021

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GroupHeader <GrpHdr> contains the following GroupHeader97 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 520

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 520

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..2] ± 520

BatchBooking <BtchBookg> [0..1] Indicator 520

NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 521

ControlSum <CtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 521

GroupReversal <GrpRvsl> [0..1] Indicator 521

TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmount [0..1] Amount C1, C10 521


InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 521

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [1..1] C22, 522


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 525

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 525


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 526

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 526

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 527

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 527

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 527

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 527

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 528

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 528

InstructingReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 528


InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 528

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 529

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 529

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 530

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 530

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 518 February 2021

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 530

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 530

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 531

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 531

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 532

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 532

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 532

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 533

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 533

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 533

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 534

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 534

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 534

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 535

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 535

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 535

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 536


• ControlSumAndGroupReversalRule
If GroupReversal is true, then ControlSum is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupReversal is present
And /GroupReversal is equal to value 'true'
Following Must be True
/ControlSum Must be absent

• GroupReversalAndNumberOfTransactionsGuideline
If GroupReversal is true, then NumberOfTransactions equals the number of transactions in the
original message.

• TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule
If TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then InterbankSettlementDate must be
On Condition
/TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True
/InterbankSettlementDate Must be present

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 519 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing party, and sent to the next party in the
chain to unambiguously identify the message.

Usage: The instructing party has to make sure that MessageIdentification is unique per instructed party
for a pre-agreed period.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the message was created.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 Authorisation <Authstn>

Presence: [0..2]
Definition: User identification or any user key to be used to check whether the initiating party is allowed
to initiate transactions from the account specified in the message.

Usage: The content is not of a technical nature, but reflects the organisational structure at the initiating

The authorisation element can typically be used in relay scenarios, payment initiations, payment returns
or payment reversals that are initiated on behalf of a party different from the initiating party.
Authorisation <Authstn> contains one of the following elements (see "Authorisation1Choice" on
page 1103 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1103

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1104 BatchBooking <BtchBookg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies whether a single entry per individual transaction or a batch entry for the sum of the
amounts of all transactions within the group of a message is requested.

Usage: Batch booking is used to request and not order a possible batch booking.
Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "BatchBookingIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: Identifies that a batch entry for the sum of the amounts of all transactions in the
batch or message is requested.

• Meaning When False: Identifies that a single entry for each of the transactions in the batch or
message is requested.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 520 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Number of individual transactions contained in the message.
Datatype: "Max15NumericText" on page 1163 ControlSum <CtrlSum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual amounts included in the message, irrespective of currencies.
Datatype: "DecimalNumber" on page 1161 GroupReversal <GrpRvsl>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates whether the reversal applies to the whole group of transactions or to individual
transactions within the original group.
Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "TrueFalseIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: True

• Meaning When False: False TotalReversedInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlRvsdIntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent in the
reversal message.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveCurrency", C10 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1141


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 521 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 SettlementInformation <SttlmInf>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the details on how the settlement of the transaction(s) between the instructing
agent and the instructed agent is completed.
Impacted by: C22 "InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C24
"InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C29 "SettlementMethodAgentRule", C30
"SettlementMethodClearingRule", C31 "SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule", C32
"SettlementMethodCoverRule", C35 "ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C36

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 522 February 2021

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SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> contains the following SettlementInstruction11 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 525

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 525


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 526

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 526

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 527

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 527

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 527

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 527

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 528

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 528

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 528

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 528

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 529

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 529

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 530

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 530

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 530

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 530

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 531

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 531

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 532

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 532

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 532

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 533

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 533

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 533

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 534

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 534

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 534

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 523 February 2021

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 535

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 535


• InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructedReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructingReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and ClearingSystem
are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructingAgent'
Or /SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructedAgent'
Following Must be True
/ClearingSystem Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s) are not
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'ClearingSystem'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
Or /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 524 February 2021

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• SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /ClearingSystem Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is present
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Method used to settle the (batch of) payment instructions.
Datatype: "SettlementMethod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

INDA InstructedAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructed to execute a payment

INGA InstructingAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructing and forwarding the payment
to the next party in the payment chain.

COVE CoverMethod Settlement is done through a cover


CLRG ClearingSystem Settlement is done through a payment

clearing system. SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: A specific purpose account used to post debit and credit entries as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 525 February 2021

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SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 526

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 526

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 527

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 527

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 527


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 526 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ClearingSystem <ClrSys>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which
the payment instruction is processed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 527 February 2021

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ClearingSystem <ClrSys> contains one of the following ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 528

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 528 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Infrastructure through which the payment instruction is processed, as published in an
external clearing system identification code list.
Datatype: "ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code" on page 1148 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Clearing system identification in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent through which the instructing agent will reimburse the instructed agent.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructing reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 528 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following

CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 529

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 529

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 530

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 530

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 530


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 529 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 530 February 2021

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Usage: If InstructedReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructed reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 531

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 532

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 532

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 532

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 533


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 531 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 532 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Usage: If ThirdReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.
ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the third reimbursement agent account at its
servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 534

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 534

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 534

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 535

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 535

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• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 534 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).

Usage: The instructing agent is the party sending the reversal message and not the party that sent the
original instruction that is being reversed.
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 535 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)

Usage: The instructed agent is the party receiving the reversal message and not the party that received
the original instruction that is being reversed.
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

5.4.2 OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information concerning the original group of transactions, to which the message refers.
OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> contains the following OriginalGroupHeader16 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId> [1..1] Text 536

OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> [1..1] Text 536

OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 536

ReversalReasonInformation <RvslRsnInf> [0..*] ± 537 OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the original instructing party, to unambiguously
identify the original message.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the original message name identifier to which the message refers.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the original message was created.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 536 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 ReversalReasonInformation <RvslRsnInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides detailed information on the reversal reason.
ReversalReasonInformation <RvslRsnInf> contains the following elements (see
"PaymentReversalReason9" on page 1138 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Originator <Orgtr> [0..1] ± 1138

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1139

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1139

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1139

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..*] Text 1139

5.4.3 TransactionInformation <TxInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information concerning the original transactions, to which the reversal message refers.
Impacted by: C7 "ChargesInformationAndReversedInstructedAmountRule", C27
"ReversedInstructedAmountAndExchangeRate1Rule", C28

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 537 February 2021

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TransactionInformation <TxInf> contains the following PaymentTransaction135 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReversalIdentification <RvslId> [0..1] Text 545

OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> [0..1] ± 546

OriginalInstructionIdentification <OrgnlInstrId> [0..1] Text 546

OriginalEndToEndIdentification <OrgnlEndToEndId> [0..1] Text 546

OriginalTransactionIdentification <OrgnlTxId> [0..1] Text 546

OriginalUETR <OrgnlUETR> [0..1] IdentifierSet 546

OriginalClearingSystemReference <OrgnlClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 546

OriginalInterbankSettlementAmount [0..1] Amount C2, C11 547


ReversedInterbankSettlementAmount [1..1] Amount C1, C10 547


InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 547

SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 548

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 548

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 548

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 548

ReversedInstructedAmount <RvsdInstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 549

ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [0..1] Rate 549

CompensationAmount <CompstnAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 549

ChargeBearer <ChrgBr> [0..1] CodeSet 550

ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> [0..*] ± 550

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 550

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 551

ReversalReasonInformation <RvslRsnInf> [0..*] ± 551

OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef> [0..1] 551

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 558

Amount <Amt> [0..1] ± 558

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 559

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 559

RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> [0..1] ± 559

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 559

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [0..1] C22, 560


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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 563

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 563


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 564

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 564

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 565

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 565

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 565

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 565

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 566

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 566

InstructingReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 566


InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 566

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 567

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 567

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 568

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 568

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 568

InstructedReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 568


InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 569

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 569

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 570

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 570

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 570

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 571

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 571

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 571

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 539 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 572

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 572

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 572

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 573

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 573

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 573

PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 574

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] 574

{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C3, C4 576

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 578

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 578

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 578

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 579

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 581

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 581


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 581

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 581

<OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 582

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 582

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 583

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 583

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 583

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 583

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 584


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 584

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 585

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 585

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 585

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 586

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 586

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 540 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 586


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 587

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 587

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 587

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 588

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 588

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 588

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 588

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 589

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 589

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 589

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 589

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 589

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 590

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 590

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 590

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 590

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 590

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 591

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 591

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 591

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 591

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 594

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 594

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 597

Type <Tp> [0..1] 599

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 599

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 599

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 600

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 600

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 600

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 541 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 601

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 601

Identification <Id> [1..*] 602

Type <Tp> [0..1] 603

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 603

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 603

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 604

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 604

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 604

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 604

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 604

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 604

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 605

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 606

Type <Tp> [0..1] 606

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 606

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 606

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 606

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 607

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 607

Type <Tp> [0..1] 607

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 608

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 608

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 608

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 608


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 609

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 609

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 609

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 609

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 610

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 610

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 542 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 611

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 612

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 612

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 613

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 615

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 615

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 615

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 616

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 616

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 616

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 616

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 617

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 617

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 617

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 617

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 618

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 618

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 618

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 619

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 619

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 619

Period <Prd> [0..1] 619

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 619

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 619

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 620

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 621

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 621

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 622

Period <Prd> [0..1] 622

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 543 February 2021

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 622

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 623

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 623

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 624

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 624

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 624

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 625

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 625

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 625

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 626


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 626

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 627

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 627

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 627

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 627

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 628

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 628


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 629

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 629

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 629

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 630

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 630

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 630

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 630


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 631

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 631

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 632

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 632

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 632

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 632

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 633


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 633

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 634

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 634

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 634

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 635

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 635

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 635

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C34 635


• ChargesInformationAndReversedInstructedAmountRule
If ChargesInformation is present, then ReversedInstructedAmount must be present.
On Condition
/ChargesInformation[1] is present
And /ChargesInformation[1]/Amount is present
Following Must be True
/ReversedInstructedAmount Must be present

• ReversedInstructedAmountAndExchangeRate1Rule
If ReversedInstructedAmount is present and the currency is different from the currency in
InterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate must be present.
On Condition
/ReversedInstructedAmount is present
And /ReversedInstructedAmount/attribute::Currency is different from /
Following Must be True
/ExchangeRate Must be present

• ReversedInstructedAmountAndExchangeRate2Rule
If ReversedInstructedAmount is present and the currency is the same as the currency in
InterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate is not allowed.
On Condition
/ReversedInstructedAmount is present
And /ReversedInstructedAmount/attribute::Currency is equal to /
Following Must be True
/ExchangeRate Must be absent ReversalIdentification <RvslId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to
unambiguously identify the reversed transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 545 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Usage: The instructing party is the party sending the reversal message and not the party that sent the
original instruction that is being reversed.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the original message.
OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> contains the following elements (see
"OriginalGroupInformation29" on page 1093 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId> [1..1] Text 1093

OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> [1..1] Text 1094

OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 1094 OriginalInstructionIdentification <OrgnlInstrId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original instructing party for the original instructed
party, to unambiguously identify the original instruction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalEndToEndIdentification <OrgnlEndToEndId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original initiating party, to unambiguously identify
the original transaction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalTransactionIdentification <OrgnlTxId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original first instructing agent, to unambiguously
identify the transaction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalUETR <OrgnlUETR>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Universally unique identifier to provide the original end-to-end reference of a payment
Datatype: "UUIDv4Identifier" on page 1160 OriginalClearingSystemReference <OrgnlClrSysRef>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 546 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Definition: Unique reference, as assigned by the original clearing system, to unambiguously identify the
original instruction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalInterbankSettlementAmount <OrgnlIntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent, as provided
in the original instruction.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ReversedInterbankSettlementAmount <RvsdIntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent in the
reversed instruction.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveCurrency", C10 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1141


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 547 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Usage: The InterbankSettlementDate is the interbank settlement date of the reversal message, and not
of the original instruction.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the
instructed party to apply to the processing of the settlement instruction.

Usage: the SettlementPriority is the settlement priority of the reversal message, and not of the original
Datatype: "Priority3Code" on page 1155

CodeName Name Definition

URGT Urgent Priority level is urgent (highest priority


HIGH High Priority level is high.

NORM Normal Priority level is normal. SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the occurred settlement time(s) of the payment transaction.
SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> contains the following SettlementDateTimeIndication1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 548

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 548 DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been debited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been debited at the central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been credited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been credited at the receiving central
bank, expressed in Central European Time (CET).

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 548 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 ReversedInstructedAmount <RvsdInstdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and the creditor, before deduction of
charges, in the reversed transaction.

Usage: This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ExchangeRate <XchgRate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Factor used to convert an amount from one currency into another. This reflects the price at
which one currency was bought with another currency.
Datatype: "BaseOneRate" on page 1161 CompensationAmount <CompstnAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money asked or paid as compensation for the processing of the instruction.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 549 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 ChargeBearer <ChrgBr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies if the creditor and/or debtor will bear the charges associated with the processing of
the payment transaction.

Usage: The ChargeBearer applies to the reversal message, not to the original instruction.
Datatype: "ChargeBearerType1Code" on page 1144

CodeName Name Definition

DEBT BorneByDebtor All transaction charges are to be borne

by the debtor.

CRED BorneByCreditor All transaction charges are to be borne

by the creditor.

SHAR Shared In a credit transfer context, means that

transaction charges on the sender side
are to be borne by the debtor,
transaction charges on the receiver side
are to be borne by the creditor. In a
direct debit context, means that
transaction charges on the sender side
are to be borne by the creditor,
transaction charges on the receiver side
are to be borne by the debtor.

SLEV FollowingServiceLevel Charges are to be applied following the

rules agreed in the service level and/or
scheme. ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides information on the charges to be paid by the charge bearer(s) related to the
processing of the reversal transaction.
ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> contains the following elements (see "Charges7" on page 1071 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1071

Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1071 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).

Usage: The instructing agent is the party sending the reversal message and not the party that sent the
original instruction that is being reversed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 550 February 2021

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InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see

"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)

Usage: The instructed agent is the party receiving the reversal message and not the party that received
the original instruction that is being reversed.
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 ReversalReasonInformation <RvslRsnInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides detailed information on the reversal reason.
ReversalReasonInformation <RvslRsnInf> contains the following elements (see
"PaymentReversalReason9" on page 1138 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Originator <Orgtr> [0..1] ± 1138

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1139

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1139

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1139

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..*] Text 1139 OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Key elements used to identify the original transaction that is being referred to.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 551 February 2021

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OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef> contains the following

OriginalTransactionReference35 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 558

Amount <Amt> [0..1] ± 558

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 559

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 559

RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> [0..1] ± 559

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 559

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [0..1] C22, 560


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 563

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 563


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 564

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 564

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 565

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 565

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 565

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 565

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 566

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 566

InstructingReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 566


InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 566

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 567

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 567

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 568

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 568

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 568

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 568

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 552 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 569

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 569

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 570

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 570

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 570

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 571

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 571

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 571

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 572

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 572

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 572

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 573

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 573

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 573

PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 574

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] 574

{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C3, C4 576

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 578

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 578

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 578

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 579

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 581

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 581


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 581

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 581


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 582

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 582

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 583

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 583

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 583

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 553 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 583

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 584


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 584

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 585

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 585

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 585

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 586

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 586

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 586


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 587

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 587

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 587

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 588

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 588

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 588

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 588

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 589

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 589

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 589

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 589

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 589

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 590

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 590

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 590

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 590

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 590

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 591

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 591

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 591

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 591

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 594

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 554 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Structured <Strd> [0..*] 594

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 597

Type <Tp> [0..1] 599

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 599

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 599

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 600

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 600

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 600

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 601

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 601

Identification <Id> [1..*] 602

Type <Tp> [0..1] 603

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 603

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 603

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 604

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 604

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 604

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 604

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 604

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 604

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 605

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 606

Type <Tp> [0..1] 606

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 606

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 606

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 606

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 607

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 607

Type <Tp> [0..1] 607

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 608

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 608

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 555 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 608

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 608


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 609

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 609

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 609

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 609

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 610

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 610

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 611

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 612

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 612

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 613

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 615

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 615

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 615

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 616

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 616

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 616

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 616

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 617

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 617

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 617

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 617

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 618

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 618

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 618

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 619

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 619

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 619

Period <Prd> [0..1] 619

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 619

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 556 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 619

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 620

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 621

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 621

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 622

Period <Prd> [0..1] 622

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 622

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 623

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 623

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 624

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 624

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 624

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 625

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 625

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 625

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 626


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 626

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 627

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 627

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 627

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 627

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 628

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 628


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 629

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 629

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 629

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 630

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 630

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 630

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 557 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 630


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 631

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 631

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 632

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 632

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 632

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 632

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 633


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 633

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 634

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 634

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 634

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 635

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 635

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 635 InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 558 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of
charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.
Amount <Amt> contains one of the following elements (see "AmountType4Choice" on page 1069 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1069

Or} EquivalentAmount <EqvtAmt> [1..1] 1070

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1070

CurrencyOfTransfer <CcyOfTrf> [1..1] CodeSet C1 1070 InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the creditor requests that the amount of money is to be collected from
the debtor.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment.

Usage: This is the date on which the debtor's account is to be debited. If payment by cheque, the date
when the cheque must be generated by the bank.
RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> contains one of the following elements (see
"DateAndDateTime2Choice" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] Date 1072

Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime 1073 CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Credit party that signs the mandate.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 559 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> contains the following elements (see

"PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 SettlementInformation <SttlmInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the details on how the settlement of the original transaction(s) between the
instructing agent and the instructed agent was completed.
Impacted by: C22 "InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C24
"InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C29 "SettlementMethodAgentRule", C30
"SettlementMethodClearingRule", C31 "SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule", C32
"SettlementMethodCoverRule", C35 "ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C36

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 560 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> contains the following SettlementInstruction11 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 563

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C20, 563


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 564

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 564

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 565

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 565

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 565

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 565

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 566

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 566

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 566

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 566

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 567

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 567

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 568

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 568

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 568

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 568

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 569

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 569

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 570

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 570

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 570

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 571

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 571

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C20, 571

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C19

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 572

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 572

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 572

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 561 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 573

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 573


• InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructedReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructingReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and ClearingSystem
are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructingAgent'
Or /SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructedAgent'
Following Must be True
/ClearingSystem Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s) are not
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'ClearingSystem'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
Or /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 562 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

• SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /ClearingSystem Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is present
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Method used to settle the (batch of) payment instructions.
Datatype: "SettlementMethod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

INDA InstructedAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructed to execute a payment

INGA InstructingAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructing and forwarding the payment
to the next party in the payment chain.

COVE CoverMethod Settlement is done through a cover


CLRG ClearingSystem Settlement is done through a payment

clearing system. SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: A specific purpose account used to post debit and credit entries as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 563 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 564

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 564

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 565

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 565

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 565


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 564 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ClearingSystem <ClrSys>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which
the payment instruction is processed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 565 February 2021

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ClearingSystem <ClrSys> contains one of the following ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 566

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 566 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Infrastructure through which the payment instruction is processed, as published in an
external clearing system identification code list.
Datatype: "ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code" on page 1148 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Clearing system identification in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent through which the instructing agent will reimburse the instructed agent.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructing reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 566 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following

CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 567

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 567

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 568

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 568

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 568


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 567 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 568 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Usage: If InstructedReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructed reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 569

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 570

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 570

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 570

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 571


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 569 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 570 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Usage: If ThirdReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.
ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the third reimbursement agent account at its
servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 572

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 572

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 572

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 573

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 573

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 571 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 572 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 573 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see

"PaymentTypeInformation27" on page 1113 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1114

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1115

SequenceType <SeqTp> [0..1] CodeSet 1115

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1115

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1115

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1116 PaymentMethod <PmtMtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the means of payment that will be used to move the amount of money.
Datatype: "PaymentMethod4Code" on page 1154

CodeName Name Definition

CHK Cheque Written order to a bank to pay a certain

amount of money from one person to
another person.

TRF CreditTransfer Transfer of an amount of money in the

books of the account servicer.

DD DirectDebit Collection of an amount of money from

the debtor's bank account by the
creditor. The amount of money and
dates of collections may vary.

TRA TransferAdvice Transfer of an amount of money in the

books of the account servicer. An advice
should be sent back to the account
owner. MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides further details of the mandate signed between the creditor and the debtor.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 574 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> contains one of the following

MandateRelatedData2Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C3, C4 576

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 578

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 578

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 578

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 579

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 581

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 581


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 581

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 581


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 582

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 582

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 583

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 583

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 583

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 583

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 584


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 584

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 585

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 585

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 585

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 586

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 586

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 586


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 587

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 587

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 587

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 588

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 588

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 575 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 588

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 588

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 589

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 589

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 589

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 589

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 589

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 590

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 590

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 590

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 590

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 590

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 591

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 591

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 591 DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specific direct debit mandate data.
Impacted by: C3 "AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule", C4 "AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 576 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> contains the following MandateRelatedInformation15 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 578

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 578

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 578

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 579

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 581

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 581


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 581

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 581


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 582

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 582

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 583

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 583

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 583

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 583

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 584


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 584

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 585

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 585

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 585

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 586

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 586

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 586


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 587

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 587

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 587

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 588

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 588

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 588

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 588

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 577 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 589

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 589

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 589

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 589

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 589

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 590

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 590

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 590

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 590

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 590

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 591

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 591


• AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule
If AmendmentIndicator is false, then AmendmentInformationDetails is not allowed.
On Condition
/AmendmentIndicator is equal to value 'false'
Following Must be True
/AmendmentInformationDetails Must be absent

• AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule
If AmendmentIndicator is true, then AmendementInformationDetails must be present.
On Condition
/AmendmentIndicator is equal to value 'true'
Following Must be True
/AmendmentInformationDetails Must be present MandateIdentification <MndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the mandate.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the direct debit mandate has been signed by the debtor.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 578 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Definition: Indicator notifying whether the underlying mandate is amended or not.

Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "TrueFalseIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: True

• Meaning When False: False AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: List of mandate elements that have been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 579 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> contains the following

AmendmentInformationDetails14 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 581

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 581


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 581

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 581


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 582

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 582

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 583

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 583

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 583

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 583

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C20, 584


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 584

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 585

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 585

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 585

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 586

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 586

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C20, 586


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 587

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 587

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 587

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 588

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 588

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 588

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 588

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 589

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 589

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 589

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 580 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 589 OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the original
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification <OrgnlCdtrSchmeId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor scheme identification that has been modified.
OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification <OrgnlCdtrSchmeId> contains the following elements (see
"PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor agent that has been modified.
OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor agent account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 581 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 582

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 582

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 583

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 583

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 583


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 582 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor that has been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 583 February 2021

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OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on

page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 584

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 585

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 585

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 585

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 586


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 584 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 585 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor agent that has been modified.
OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor agent account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 587

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 587

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 587

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 588

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 588

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 586 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 587 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original final collection date that has been modified.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original frequency that has been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 588 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> contains one of the following elements (see "Frequency36Choice"

on page 1094 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1094

Or Period <Prd> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1095

CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd> [1..1] Quantity 1095

Or} PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1096

PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] Text 1096 OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original reason for the mandate to allow the user to distinguish between different mandates
for the same creditor.
OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> contains one of the following MandateSetupReason1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 589

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 589 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, as published in an external reason code list.
Datatype: "ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original number of tracking days that has been modified.
Datatype: "Exact2NumericText" on page 1162 ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Additional security provisions, such as a digital signature, as provided by the debtor.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 589 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Datatype: "Max1025Text" on page 1162 FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date of the first collection of a direct debit as per the mandate.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date of the final collection of a direct debit as per the mandate.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Frequency <Frqcy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Regularity with which direct debit instructions are to be created and processed.
Frequency <Frqcy> contains one of the following elements (see "Frequency36Choice" on page 1094
for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1094

Or Period <Prd> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1095

CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd> [1..1] Quantity 1095

Or} PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1096

PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] Text 1096 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reason for the direct debit mandate to allow the user to distinguish between different
mandates for the same creditor.
Reason <Rsn> contains one of the following MandateSetupReason1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 590

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 591 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, as published in an external reason code list.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 590 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Datatype: "ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 TrackingDays <TrckgDays>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the number of days the direct debit instruction must be tracked.
Datatype: "Exact2NumericText" on page 1162 CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specific credit transfer mandate data.
CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> contains the following elements (see
"CreditTransferMandateData1" on page 1073 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 1073

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1073

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 1074

DateOfVerification <DtOfVrfctn> [0..1] DateTime 1074

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Binary 1074

FirstPaymentDate <FrstPmtDt> [0..1] Date 1074

FinalPaymentDate <FnlPmtDt> [0..1] Date 1074

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 1075

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1075

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1075

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1075 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is
intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 591 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> contains the following RemittanceInformation21 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 594

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 594

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 597

Type <Tp> [0..1] 599

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 599

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 599

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 600

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 600

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 600

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 601

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 601

Identification <Id> [1..*] 602

Type <Tp> [0..1] 603

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 603

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 603

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 604

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 604

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 604

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 604

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 604

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 604

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 605

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 606

Type <Tp> [0..1] 606

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 606

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 606

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 606

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 607

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 607

Type <Tp> [0..1] 607

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 608

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 592 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 608

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 608

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 608


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 609

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 609

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 609

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 609

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 610

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 610

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 611

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 612

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 612

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 613

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 615

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 615

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 615

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 616

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 616

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 616

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 616

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 617

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 617

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 617

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 617

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 618

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 618

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 618

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 619

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 619

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 619

Period <Prd> [0..1] 619

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 593 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 619

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 619

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 620

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 621

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 621

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 622

Period <Prd> [0..1] 622

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 622

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 623

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 623

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 624

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 624

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 624

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 625 Unstructured <Ustrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in an
unstructured form.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Structured <Strd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in a
structured form.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 594 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Structured <Strd> contains the following StructuredRemittanceInformation17 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 597

Type <Tp> [0..1] 599

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 599

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 599

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 600

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 600

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 600

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 601

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 601

Identification <Id> [1..*] 602

Type <Tp> [0..1] 603

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 603

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 603

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 604

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 604

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 604

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 604

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 604

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 604

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 605

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 606

Type <Tp> [0..1] 606

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 606

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 606

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 606

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 607

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 607

Type <Tp> [0..1] 607

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 608

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 608

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 608

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 595 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 608


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 609

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 609

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 609

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 609

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 610

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 610

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 611

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 612

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 612

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 613

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 615

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 615

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 615

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 616

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 616

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 616

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 616

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 617

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 617

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 617

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 617

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 618

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 618

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 618

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 619

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 619

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 619

Period <Prd> [0..1] 619

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 619

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 619

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 596 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 620

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 621

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 621

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 622

Period <Prd> [0..1] 622

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 622

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 623

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 623

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 624

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 624

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 624

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 625 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides the identification and the content of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 597 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> contains the following

ReferredDocumentInformation7 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 599

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 599

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 599

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 600

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 600

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 600

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 601

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 601

Identification <Id> [1..*] 602

Type <Tp> [0..1] 603

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 603

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 603

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 604

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 604

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 604

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 604

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 604

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 604

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 605

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 606

Type <Tp> [0..1] 606

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 606

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 606

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 606

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 607

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 607

Type <Tp> [0..1] 607

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 608

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 608

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 608

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 598 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 608


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 609

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 609

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 609

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 609

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 610 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document.
Type <Tp> contains the following ReferredDocumentType4 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 599

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 599

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 600

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 600 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following ReferredDocumentType3Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 599

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 600 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Document type in a coded form.
Datatype: "DocumentType6Code" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

MSIN MeteredServiceInvoice Document is an invoice claiming

payment for the supply of metered
services, for example gas or electricity
supplied to a fixed meter.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 599 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

CodeName Name Definition

CNFA CreditNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a credit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

DNFA DebitNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a debit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

CINV CommercialInvoice Document is an invoice.

CREN CreditNote Document is a credit note.

DEBN DebitNote Document is a debit note.

HIRI HireInvoice Document is an invoice for the hiring of

human resources or renting goods or

SBIN SelfBilledInvoice Document is an invoice issued by the


CMCN CommercialContract Document is an agreement between the

parties, stipulating the terms and
conditions of the delivery of goods or

SOAC StatementOfAccount Document is a statement of the

transactions posted to the debtor's
account at the supplier.

DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.

BOLD BillOfLading Document is a shipping notice.

VCHR Voucher Document is an electronic payment


AROI AccountReceivableOpenItem Document is a payment that applies to a

specific source document.

TSUT TradeServicesUtilityTransaction Document is a transaction identifier as

assigned by the Trade Services Utility.

PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order. Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document type.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 600 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 LineDetails <LineDtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide the content of the referred document line.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 601 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

LineDetails <LineDtls> contains the following DocumentLineInformation1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..*] 602

Type <Tp> [0..1] 603

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 603

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 603

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 604

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 604

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 604

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 604

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 604

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 604

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 605

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 606

Type <Tp> [0..1] 606

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 606

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 606

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 606

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 607

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 607

Type <Tp> [0..1] 607

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 608

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 608

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 608

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 608


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 609

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 609

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 609

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 609

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 610 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..*]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 602 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Definition: Provides identification of the document line.

Identification <Id> contains the following DocumentLineIdentification1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 603

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 603

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 603

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 604

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 604

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 604

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 604 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document line identification.
Type <Tp> contains the following DocumentLineType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 603

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 603

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 604

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 604 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document line identification.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following DocumentLineType1Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 603

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 604 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Line identification type in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDocumentLineType1Code" on page 1149

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 603 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document line identificationtype.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the type specified for the referred document line.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document line.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Description <Desc>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Description associated with the document line.
Datatype: "Max2048Text" on page 1164 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the document line.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 604 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Amount <Amt> contains the following RemittanceAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 605

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 606

Type <Tp> [0..1] 606

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 606

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 606

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 606

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 607

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 607

Type <Tp> [0..1] 607

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 608

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 608

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 608

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 608

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 609

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 609

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 609

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 609

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 610 DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 605 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of discount to be applied to the amount due and payable to the creditor.
DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> contains the following DiscountAmountAndType1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 606

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 606

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 606

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 606 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following DiscountAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 606

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 606 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDiscountAmountType1Code" on page 1149 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of a credit note.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of the tax.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmountAndType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 607

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 608

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 608

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 608 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 607 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Type <Tp> contains one of the following TaxAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 608

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 608 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalTaxAmountType1Code" on page 1153 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Specifies detailed information on the amount and reason of the adjustment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 608 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> contains the following

DocumentAdjustment1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 609

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 609

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 609

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 609 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money of the document adjustment.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies whether the adjustment must be subtracted or added to the total amount.
Datatype: "CreditDebitCode" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.

DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease. Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the adjustment.
Datatype: "Max4Text" on page 1165 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 609 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Definition: Provides further details on the document adjustment.

Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money remitted.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 610 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> contains the following elements (see

"RemittanceAmount2" on page 1098 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1099

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1099

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1099

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1099

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1100

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1101

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1101

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1101

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1101

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1101

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 1102

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1102

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1102

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1103

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1103

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1103 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 611 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> contains the following elements (see

"CreditorReferenceInformation2" on page 1076 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1076

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1076

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1076

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1077

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1077

Reference <Ref> [0..1] Text 1077 Invoicer <Invcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the organisation issuing the invoice, when it is different from the creditor or
ultimate creditor.
Invoicer <Invcr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Invoicee <Invcee>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the party to whom an invoice is issued, when it is different from the debtor or
ultimate debtor.
Invoicee <Invcee> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 612 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 TaxRemittance <TaxRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment made for tax-related purposes.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 613 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> contains the following TaxData1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 615

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 615

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 615

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 616

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 616

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 616

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 616

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 617

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 617

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 617

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 617

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 618

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 618

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 618

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 619

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 619

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 619

Period <Prd> [0..1] 619

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 619

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 619

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 620

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 621

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 621

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 622

Period <Prd> [0..1] 622

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 622

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 623

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 623

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 624

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 614 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 624 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the credit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty1" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1140

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1140

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1140 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the debit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor, in this case, to the
taxing authority.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 615 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Territorial part of a country to which the tax payment is related.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 ReferenceNumber <RefNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax reference information that is specific to a taxing agency.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Method <Mtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Method used to indicate the underlying business or how the tax is paid.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 616 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money as result of the calculation of the tax.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Date <Dt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date by which tax is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SequenceNumber <SeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the tax report.
Datatype: "Number" on page 1161 Record <Rcrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Record of tax details.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 617 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Record <Rcrd> contains the following TaxRecord3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 618

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 618

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 618

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 619

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 619

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 619

Period <Prd> [0..1] 619

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 619

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 619

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 620

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 621

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 621

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 622

Period <Prd> [0..1] 622

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 622

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 623

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 623

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 624

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 624 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: High level code to identify the type of tax details.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Category <Ctgy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the tax code as published by the tax authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 618 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Definition: Provides further details of the category tax code.

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DebtorStatus <DbtrSts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Code provided by local authority to identify the status of the party that has drawn up the
settlement document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CertificateIdentification <CertId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification number of the tax report as assigned by the taxing authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 FormsCode <FrmsCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies, in a coded form, on which template the tax report is to be provided.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 619

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 619

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 620 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 619 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

CodeName Name Definition

MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 620 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the amount of the tax record.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 621

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 621

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 622

Period <Prd> [0..1] 622

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 622

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 623

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 623

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 624 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the tax.
Datatype: "PercentageRate" on page 1162 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalAmount <TtlAmt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 621 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Definition: Total amount that is the result of the calculation of the tax for the record.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Details <Dtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the tax period and amount.
Details <Dtls> contains the following TaxRecordDetails3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Period <Prd> [0..1] 622

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 622

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 623

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 623

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 624 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 622

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 623

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 623 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 622 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 623 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Underlying tax amount related to the specified period.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details of the tax record.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment for garnishment-related purposes.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 624 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> contains the following elements (see "Garnishment3" on

page 1131 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [1..1] 1132

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1132

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1132

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1132

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1132

Garnishee <Grnshee> [0..1] ± 1133

GarnishmentAdministrator <GrnshmtAdmstr> [0..1] ± 1133

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1133

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1133

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1133

FamilyMedicalInsuranceIndicator <FmlyMdclInsrncInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134

EmployeeTerminationIndicator <MplyeeTermntnInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf>

Presence: [0..3]
Definition: Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on
page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 625 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Debtor <Dbtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made
as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 626

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 627

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 627

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 627

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 627


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 626 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 627 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the
payment chain.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 629

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 629

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 629

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 630

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 630

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 628 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 629 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor agent at its servicing agent to which
a credit entry will be made as a result of the payment transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 630 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 631

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 631

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 632

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 632

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 632


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 631 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party to which an amount of money is due.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 632 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Creditor <Cdtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on page 1110 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be
posted as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C20 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C19 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 633

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 634

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 634

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 634

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 635


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 633 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 634 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.
UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on
page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 Purpose <Purp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the payment transaction.


Purpose is used by the end customers, that is initiating party, (ultimate) debtor, (ultimate) creditor to
provide information concerning the nature of the payment. Purpose is a content element, which is not
used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
Purpose <Purp> contains one of the following elements (see "Purpose2Choice" on page 1089 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1090

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1090 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 635 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.007.001.11 FIToFIPaymentReversalV11

Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C34 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

5.4.4 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C34 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

6 pacs.008.001.10

6.1 MessageDefinition Functionality


The FinancialInstitutionToFinancialInstitutionCustomerCreditTransfer message is sent by the debtor

agent to the creditor agent, directly or through other agents and/or a payment clearing and settlement
system. It is used to move funds from a debtor account to a creditor.


The FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer message is exchanged between agents and can contain one or
more customer credit transfer instructions.

The FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer message does not allow for grouping: a

CreditTransferTransactionInformation block must be present for each credit transfer transaction.

The FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer message can be used in different ways:

- If the instructing agent and the instructed agent wish to use their direct account relationship in the
currency of the transfer then the message contains both the funds for the customer transfer(s) as well
as the payment details;

- If the instructing agent and the instructed agent have no direct account relationship in the currency of
the transfer, or do not wish to use their account relationship, then other (reimbursement) agents will be
involved to cover for the customer transfer(s). The FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer contains only the
payment details and the instructing agent must cover the customer transfer by sending a
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer to a reimbursement agent. This payment method is called the Cover

- If more than two financial institutions are involved in the payment chain and if the
FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer is sent from one financial institution to the next financial institution in the
payment chain, then the payment method is called the Serial method.

The FIToFICustomerCreditTransfer message can be used in domestic and cross-border scenarios.

The FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 MessageDefinition is composed of 3 MessageBuildingBlocks:

A. GroupHeader
Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message.

B. CreditTransferTransactionInformation
Set of elements providing information specific to the individual credit transfer(s).

C. SupplementaryData
Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other specific

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6.2 Structure
Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page

Message root <Document> <FIToFICstmrCdtTrf> [1..1] C12,


GroupHeader <GrpHdr> [1..1] C45 652

MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 654

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 654

BatchBooking <BtchBookg> [0..1] Indicator 655

NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 655

ControlSum <CtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 655

TotalInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C10 655

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 655

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [1..1] C20, 656


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 659

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C15, 659


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 660

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 660

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 661

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 661

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 661

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 661

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 662

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 662

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 662

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C15, 662

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C14

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 638 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 663

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 663

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 664

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 664

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 664

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 664

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C15, 665

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C14

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 665

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 666

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 666

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 666

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 667

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 667

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C15, 667

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C14

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 668

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 668

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 668

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 669

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 669

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 669

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 670

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 670

CreditTransferTransactionInformation <CdtTrfTxInf> [1..*] C5, C7, 671

C36, C6,
C8, C32,

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 639 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PaymentIdentification <PmtId> [1..1] ± C48 681

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 682

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C10 682

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 683

SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 683

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 683

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 683

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 684

SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> [0..1] ± 684

AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 684

PoolingAdjustmentDate <PoolgAdjstmntDt> [0..1] Date 684

InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 684

ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [0..1] Rate 685

ChargeBearer <ChrgBr> [1..1] CodeSet 685

ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> [0..*] ± 685

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] ± 686

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 686

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> [0..1] C15, 687


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 687

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 687

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 688

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 688

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 688

PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 689

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> [0..1] C15, 689


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 690

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 690

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 690

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 691

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 640 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 691

PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 691

PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> [0..1] C15, 692


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 692

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 692

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 693

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 693

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 693

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 694

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 694

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 694

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C15, 695


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 695

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 696

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 696

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 696

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 697

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 697

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C15, 697


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 698

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 698

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 698

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 699

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 699

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 699

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C15, 700


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 700

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 700

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 701

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 701

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 641 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 701

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 702

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 702

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 702

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C15, 703


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 703

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 704

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 704

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 704

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 705

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [1..1] ± 705

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 705


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 706

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 706

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 706

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 707

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 707

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [1..1] ± 707

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 707


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 708

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 708

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 709

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 709

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 709

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 710

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C15, 710


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 711

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 711

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 711

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 712

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 642 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 712

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 712

InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> [0..*] ± 713

InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> [0..*] 713

Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 713

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 713

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 714

RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg> [0..10] ± 714

Tax <Tax> [0..1] 714

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 716

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 716

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 716

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 716

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 716

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 717

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 717

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 717

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 717

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 718

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 718

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 718

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 719

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 719

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 719

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 719

Period <Prd> [0..1] 719

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 719

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 719

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 720

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 721

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 721

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 721

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 722

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 722

Period <Prd> [0..1] 722

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 723

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 723

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 724

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 724

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 724

RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> [0..10] ± 725

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 725

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 728

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 728

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 731

Type <Tp> [0..1] 733

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 733

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 733

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 734

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 734

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 734

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 735

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 735

Identification <Id> [1..*] 736

Type <Tp> [0..1] 737

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 737

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 737

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 738

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 738

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 738

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 738

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 738

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [0..1] 738

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 739

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 740

Type <Tp> [0..1] 740

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 740

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 740

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 740

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 741

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 741

Type <Tp> [0..1] 741

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 742

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 742

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 742

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 742

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 743

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 743

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 743

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 743

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 744

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 744

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 745

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 746

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 746

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 747

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 749

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 749

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 749

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 750

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 750

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 750

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 750

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 751

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 751

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 751

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 751

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 752

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 752

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 752

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 753

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 753

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 753

Period <Prd> [0..1] 753

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 753

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 753

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 754

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 755

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 755

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 756

Period <Prd> [0..1] 756

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 756

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 757

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 757

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 758

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 758

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 758

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 759

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C42 759

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C42 760

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6.3 Constraints
C1 ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the
message containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with
the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet
withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

C2 ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the
Currency is exchanged.

Only a valid Business identifier code is allowed. Business identifier codes for financial or non-
financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority in the
ISO directory of BICs, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters.

Valid BICs for financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration
Authority in the ISO directory of BICs, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous

C5 ChargeBearerAndChargesInformationRule
If ChargeBearer contains DEBT, then ChargesInformation may be present to communicate
charges that have been added for (the) InstructedAgent(s).

If ChargeBearer contains CRED, then at least one occurrence of ChargesInformation must be

present to communicate charges that have been deducted from the InstructedAmount by (the)

If ChargeBearer contains SHAR or SLEV, then ChargesInformation is optional.

C6 ChargesAmountGuideline
If ChargesInformation is present, then the currency of ChargesInformation/ChargesAmount is
recommended to be the same as the currency of InterbankSettlementAmount.

C7 ChargesInformationAndInstructedAmountRule
If ChargesInformation is present, then InstructedAmount must be present.

C8 ChargesInformationGuideline
The repetitive ChargesInformation should contain all information on charges amount and which
party has taken the charges, separately for each agent along the payment chain.

C9 Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO
3166, Alpha-2 code).

C10 CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

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Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

C11 CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

C12 GroupHeaderInterbankSettlementDateRule
If GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is present, then
CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementDate is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is present
Following Must be True
/CreditTransferTransactionInformation[*]/InterbankSettlementDate Must be
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and

C14 IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

C15 IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.

C16 InstructedAgentRule
If GroupHeader/InstructedAgent is present, then CreditTransferTransactionInformation/
InstructedAgent is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InstructedAgent is present
Following Must be True
/CreditTransferTransactionInformation[*]/InstructedAgent Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C17 InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate1Rule
If InstructedAmount is present and the currency is different from the currency in
InterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate must be present.

C18 InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate2Rule
If InstructedAmount is present and the currency is the same as the currency in
InterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate is not allowed.

C19 InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate3Rule
If InstructedAmount is not present, then ExchangeRate is not allowed.

C20 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent
must be present.

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C21 InstructingAgentRule
If GroupHeader/InstructingAgent is present, then CreditTransferTransactionInformation/
InstructingAgent is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InstructingAgent is present
Following Must be True
/CreditTransferTransactionInformation[*]/InstructingAgent Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C22 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent
must be present.

C23 InstructionForCreditorAgentRule
If InstructionForCreditorAgent/Code contains CHQB (PayCreditorByCheque), then
CreditorAccount is not allowed.

C24 IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.

C25 IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.

C26 IntermediaryAgent2Rule
If IntermediaryAgent2 is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.

C27 IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.

C28 IntermediaryAgent3Rule
If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.

C29 NumberOfTransactionsAndCreditTransfersRule
GroupHeader/NumberOfTransactions must equal the number of occurrences of
Following Must be True
/GroupHeader/NumberOfTransactions Must be equal to value 'number of
occurrences of CreditTransferTransactionInformation'
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C30 PaymentTypeInformationRule
If GroupHeader/PaymentTypeInformation is present, then
CreditTransferTransactionInformation/PaymentTypeInformation is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/PaymentTypeInformation is present
Following Must be True
/CreditTransferTransactionInformation[*]/PaymentTypeInformation Must be
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

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C31 PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent1Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be

C32 PreviousInstructingAgent1Guideline
It is recommended that, when present, PreviousInstructingAgent1 is the closest to the
DebtorAgent in the payment chain.

C33 PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be

C34 PreviousInstructingAgent2Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be present.

C35 PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 must be

C36 PreviousInstructingAgent3Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be present.

C37 SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and
ClearingSystem are not allowed.

C38 SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s)
are not allowed.

C39 SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.

C40 SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not

C41 SupplementaryDataRule
The SupplementaryData building block at message level must not be used to provide additional
information about a transaction. The SupplementaryData element at transaction level should be
used for that purpose.
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C42 SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the
RA of ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

C43 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be

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C44 ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.

C45 TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule
If TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then InterbankSettlementDate must be present.

C46 TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndSumRule
If GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then it must equal the sum of all
occurrences of CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementAmount.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True
/GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount Must be equal to value 'sum
of /CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementAmount'
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C47 TotalInterbankSettlementAmountRule
If GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then all occurrences of
CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementAmount must have the same
currency as the currency of GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True
attribute::Currency Must be equal to /GroupHeader/
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C48 TransactionIdentificationPresenceRule
TransactionIdentification or UETR must be present. Both may be present

C49 TransactionInterbankSettlementDateRule
If GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is not present, then
CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementDate must be present.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is absent
Following Must be True
/CreditTransferTransactionInformation[*]/InterbankSettlementDate Must be
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C50 UltimateCreditorGuideline
UltimateCreditor may only be present if different from Creditor.

C51 UltimateDebtorGuideline
UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor.

6.4 Message Building Blocks

This chapter describes the MessageBuildingBlocks of this MessageDefinition.

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6.4.1 GroupHeader <GrpHdr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message.
Impacted by: C45 "TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule"

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GroupHeader <GrpHdr> contains the following GroupHeader96 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 654

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 654

BatchBooking <BtchBookg> [0..1] Indicator 655

NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 655

ControlSum <CtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 655

TotalInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C10 655

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 655

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [1..1] C20, 656


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 659

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C15, 659


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 660

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 660

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 661

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 661

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 661

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 661

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 662

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 662

InstructingReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 662


InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C15, 662

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C14

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 663

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 663

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 664

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 664

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 664

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 664

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C15, 665

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C14

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 665

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 666

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 666

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 666

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 667

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 667

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C15, 667

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C14

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 668

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 668

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 668

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 669

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 669

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 669

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 670

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 670


• TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule
If TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then InterbankSettlementDate must be present.
On Condition
/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True
/InterbankSettlementDate Must be present MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing party, and sent to the next party in the
chain to unambiguously identify the message.

Usage: The instructing party has to make sure that MessageIdentification is unique per instructed party
for a pre-agreed period.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the message was created.

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Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 BatchBooking <BtchBookg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies whether a single entry per individual transaction or a batch entry for the sum of the
amounts of all transactions within the group of a message is requested.

Usage: Batch booking is used to request and not order a possible batch booking.
Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "BatchBookingIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: Identifies that a batch entry for the sum of the amounts of all transactions in the
batch or message is requested.

• Meaning When False: Identifies that a single entry for each of the transactions in the batch or
message is requested. NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Number of individual transactions contained in the message.
Datatype: "Max15NumericText" on page 1163 ControlSum <CtrlSum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual amounts included in the message, irrespective of currencies.
Datatype: "DecimalNumber" on page 1161 TotalInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveCurrency", C10 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1141


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SettlementInformation <SttlmInf>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the details on how the settlement of the transaction(s) between the instructing
agent and the instructed agent is completed.
Impacted by: C20 "InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C22
"InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C37 "SettlementMethodAgentRule", C38
"SettlementMethodClearingRule", C39 "SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule", C40
"SettlementMethodCoverRule", C43 "ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C44

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SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> contains the following SettlementInstruction11 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 659

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C15, 659


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 660

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 660

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 661

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 661

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 661

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 661

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 662

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 662

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 662

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C15, 662

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C14

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 663

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 663

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 664

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 664

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 664

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 664

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C15, 665

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C14

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 665

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 666

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 666

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 666

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 667

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 667

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C15, 667

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C14

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 668

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 668

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 668

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 669

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 669


• InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructedReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructingReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and ClearingSystem
are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructingAgent'
Or /SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructedAgent'
Following Must be True
/ClearingSystem Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s) are not
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'ClearingSystem'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
Or /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 658 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

• SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /ClearingSystem Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is present
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Method used to settle the (batch of) payment instructions.
Datatype: "SettlementMethod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

INDA InstructedAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructed to execute a payment

INGA InstructingAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructing and forwarding the payment
to the next party in the payment chain.

COVE CoverMethod Settlement is done through a cover


CLRG ClearingSystem Settlement is done through a payment

clearing system. SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: A specific purpose account used to post debit and credit entries as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 659 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 660

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 660

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 661

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 661

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 661


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 660 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ClearingSystem <ClrSys>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which
the payment instruction is processed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 661 February 2021

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ClearingSystem <ClrSys> contains one of the following ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 662

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 662 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Infrastructure through which the payment instruction is processed, as published in an
external clearing system identification code list.
Datatype: "ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code" on page 1148 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Clearing system identification in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent through which the instructing agent will reimburse the instructed agent.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructing reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 662 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following

CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 663

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 663

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 664

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 664

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 664


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 663 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 664 February 2021

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Usage: If InstructedReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructed reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 665

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 666

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 666

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 666

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 667


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 665 February 2021

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Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 666 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Usage: If ThirdReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.
ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the third reimbursement agent account at its
servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 668

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 668

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 668

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 669

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 669

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 667 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 668 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 669 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see

"PaymentTypeInformation28" on page 1116 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1117

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1118

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1118

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 670 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

6.4.2 CreditTransferTransactionInformation <CdtTrfTxInf>

Presence: [1..*]
Definition: Set of elements providing information specific to the individual credit transfer(s).
Impacted by: C5 "ChargeBearerAndChargesInformationRule", C7
"ChargesInformationAndInstructedAmountRule", C17 "InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate1Rule", C18
"InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate2Rule", C19 "InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate3Rule", C23
"InstructionForCreditorAgentRule", C24 "IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule", C25
"IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule", C26 "IntermediaryAgent2Rule", C27
"IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule", C28 "IntermediaryAgent3Rule", C31
"PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule", C33 "PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule", C34
"PreviousInstructingAgent2Rule", C35 "PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule", C36
"PreviousInstructingAgent3Rule", C6 "ChargesAmountGuideline", C8 "ChargesInformationGuideline",
C32 "PreviousInstructingAgent1Guideline", C50 "UltimateCreditorGuideline", C51

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 671 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

CreditTransferTransactionInformation <CdtTrfTxInf> contains the following

CreditTransferTransaction50 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PaymentIdentification <PmtId> [1..1] ± C48 681

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 682

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C10 682

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 683

SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 683

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 683

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 683

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 684

SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> [0..1] ± 684

AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 684

PoolingAdjustmentDate <PoolgAdjstmntDt> [0..1] Date 684

InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 684

ExchangeRate <XchgRate> [0..1] Rate 685

ChargeBearer <ChrgBr> [1..1] CodeSet 685

ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> [0..*] ± 685

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] ± 686

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 686

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account [0..1] C15, 687

<PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> C14

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 687

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 687

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 688

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 688

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 688

PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 689

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account [0..1] C15, 689

<PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> C14

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 690

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 690

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 690

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 691

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 672 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 691

PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 691

PreviousInstructingAgent3Account [0..1] C15, 692

<PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> C14

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 692

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 692

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 693

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 693

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 693

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 694

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 694

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 694

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C15, 695


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 695

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 696

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 696

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 696

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 697

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 697

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C15, 697


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 698

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 698

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 698

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 699

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 699

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 699

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C15, 700


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 700

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 700

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 701

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 701

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 701

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 702

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 702

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 702

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C15, 703


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 703

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 704

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 704

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 704

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 705

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [1..1] ± 705

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 705


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 706

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 706

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 706

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 707

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 707

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [1..1] ± 707

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C15, 707


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 708

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 708

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 709

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 709

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 709

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 710

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C15, 710


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 711

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 711

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 711

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 712

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 712

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 712

InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> [0..*] ± 713

InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> [0..*] 713

Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 713

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 713

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 714

RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg> [0..10] ± 714

Tax <Tax> [0..1] 714

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 716

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 716

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 716

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 716

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 716

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 717

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 717

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 717

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 717

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 718

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 718

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 718

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 719

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 719

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 719

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 719

Period <Prd> [0..1] 719

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 719

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 719

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 720

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 721

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 721

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 721

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 722

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 722

Period <Prd> [0..1] 722

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 723

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 723

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 724

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 724

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 724

RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> [0..10] ± 725

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 725

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 728

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 728

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 731

Type <Tp> [0..1] 733

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 733

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 733

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 734

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 734

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 734

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 735

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 735

Identification <Id> [1..*] 736

Type <Tp> [0..1] 737

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 737

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 737

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 738

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 738

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 738

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 738

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 738

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [0..1] 738

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 739

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 740

Type <Tp> [0..1] 740

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 740

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 740

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 740

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 741

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 741

Type <Tp> [0..1] 741

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 742

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 742

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 742

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 742


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 743

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 743

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 743

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 743

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 744

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 744

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 745

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 746

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 746

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 747

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 749

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 749

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 749

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 750

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 750

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 750

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 750

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 751

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 751

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 751

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 751

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 752

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 752

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 752

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 753

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 753

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 753

Period <Prd> [0..1] 753

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 753

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 753

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 754

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 755

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 755

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 756

Period <Prd> [0..1] 756

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 756

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 757

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 757

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 758

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 758

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 758

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 759

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C42 759


• ChargeBearerAndChargesInformationRule
If ChargeBearer contains DEBT, then ChargesInformation may be present to communicate charges
that have been added for (the) InstructedAgent(s).

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If ChargeBearer contains CRED, then at least one occurrence of ChargesInformation must be

present to communicate charges that have been deducted from the InstructedAmount by (the)

If ChargeBearer contains SHAR or SLEV, then ChargesInformation is optional.

On Condition
/ChargeBearer is equal to value 'BorneByCreditor'
Following Must be True
/ChargesInformation[1] Must be present

• ChargesAmountGuideline
If ChargesInformation is present, then the currency of ChargesInformation/ChargesAmount is
recommended to be the same as the currency of InterbankSettlementAmount.

• ChargesInformationAndInstructedAmountRule
If ChargesInformation is present, then InstructedAmount must be present.
On Condition
/ChargesInformation[1] is present
And /ChargesInformation[*]/Amount is present
Following Must be True
/InstructedAmount Must be present

• ChargesInformationGuideline
The repetitive ChargesInformation should contain all information on charges amount and which party
has taken the charges, separately for each agent along the payment chain.

• InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate1Rule
If InstructedAmount is present and the currency is different from the currency in
InterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate must be present.
On Condition
/InstructedAmount is present
And /InstructedAmount/attribute::Currency is different from /
Following Must be True
/ExchangeRate Must be present

• InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate2Rule
If InstructedAmount is present and the currency is the same as the currency in
InterbankSettlementAmount, then ExchangeRate is not allowed.
On Condition
/InstructedAmount is present
And /InstructedAmount/attribute::Currency is equal to /
Following Must be True
/ExchangeRate Must be absent

• InstructedAmountAndExchangeRate3Rule
If InstructedAmount is not present, then ExchangeRate is not allowed.
On Condition
/InstructedAmount is absent
Following Must be True
/ExchangeRate Must be absent

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• InstructionForCreditorAgentRule
If InstructionForCreditorAgent/Code contains CHQB (PayCreditorByCheque), then CreditorAccount
is not allowed.
On Condition
/InstructionForCreditorAgent[*]/Code is within DataType <<Code>>
Following Must be True
/CreditorAccount Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent1 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent1Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent2 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent2Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent2Rule
If IntermediaryAgent2 is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent2 is present
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent1 Must be present

• IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent3 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent3Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent3Rule
If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent3 is present
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent2 Must be present

• PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent1Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent1 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent1Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent1Guideline
It is recommended that, when present, PreviousInstructingAgent1 is the closest to the DebtorAgent
in the payment chain.

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• PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent2 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent2Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent2Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent2 is present
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent1 Must be present

• PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent3 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent3Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent3Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent2 Must be present

• UltimateCreditorGuideline
UltimateCreditor may only be present if different from Creditor.

• UltimateDebtorGuideline
UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor. PaymentIdentification <PmtId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to reference a payment instruction.
Impacted by: C48 "TransactionIdentificationPresenceRule"
PaymentIdentification <PmtId> contains the following elements (see "PaymentIdentification13" on
page 1085 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionIdentification <InstrId> [0..1] Text 1085

EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId> [1..1] Text 1085

TransactionIdentification <TxId> [0..1] Text 1086

UETR <UETR> [0..1] IdentifierSet 1086

ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 1086

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• TransactionIdentificationPresenceRule
TransactionIdentification or UETR must be present. Both may be present
Following Must be True
/TransactionIdentification Must be present
Or /UETR Must be present PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.
PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see
"PaymentTypeInformation28" on page 1116 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1117

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1118

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1118

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118 InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveCurrency", C10 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1141


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217

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Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the
instructed party to apply to the processing of the settlement instruction.
Datatype: "Priority3Code" on page 1155

CodeName Name Definition

URGT Urgent Priority level is urgent (highest priority


HIGH High Priority level is high.

NORM Normal Priority level is normal. SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the occurred settlement time(s) of the payment transaction.
SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> contains the following SettlementDateTimeIndication1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 683

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 684 DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been debited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been debited at the central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been credited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been credited at the receiving central
bank, expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the requested settlement time(s) of the payment instruction.
SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> contains the following elements (see
"SettlementTimeRequest2" on page 1111 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CLSTime <CLSTm> [0..1] Time 1112

TillTime <TillTm> [0..1] Time 1112

FromTime <FrTm> [0..1] Time 1112

RejectTime <RjctTm> [0..1] Time 1112 AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Point in time when the payment order from the initiating party meets the processing
conditions of the account servicing agent. This means that the account servicing agent has received the
payment order and has applied checks such as authorisation, availability of funds.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 PoolingAdjustmentDate <PoolgAdjstmntDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date used for the correction of the value date of a cash pool movement that has been posted
with a different value date.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of
charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.

Usage: This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142

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• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ExchangeRate <XchgRate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Factor used to convert an amount from one currency into another. This reflects the price at
which one currency was bought with another currency.
Datatype: "BaseOneRate" on page 1161 ChargeBearer <ChrgBr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the
payment transaction.
Datatype: "ChargeBearerType1Code" on page 1144

CodeName Name Definition

DEBT BorneByDebtor All transaction charges are to be borne

by the debtor.

CRED BorneByCreditor All transaction charges are to be borne

by the creditor.

SHAR Shared In a credit transfer context, means that

transaction charges on the sender side
are to be borne by the debtor,
transaction charges on the receiver side
are to be borne by the creditor. In a
direct debit context, means that
transaction charges on the sender side
are to be borne by the creditor,
transaction charges on the receiver side
are to be borne by the debtor.

SLEV FollowingServiceLevel Charges are to be applied following the

rules agreed in the service level and/or
scheme. ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides information on the charges to be paid by the charge bearer(s) related to the
payment transaction.

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ChargesInformation <ChrgsInf> contains the following elements (see "Charges7" on page 1071 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1071

Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1071 MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides further details of the mandate signed between the creditor and the debtor.
MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> contains the following elements (see
"CreditTransferMandateData1" on page 1073 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 1073

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1073

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 1074

DateOfVerification <DtOfVrfctn> [0..1] DateTime 1074

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Binary 1074

FirstPaymentDate <FrstPmtDt> [0..1] Date 1074

FinalPaymentDate <FnlPmtDt> [0..1] Date 1074

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 1075

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1075

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1075

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1075 PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If more than one previous instructing agent is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 identifies
the agent between the DebtorAgent and the PreviousInstructingAgent2.
PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

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Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 687

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 687

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 688

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 688

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 688


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

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Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 688 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If more than two previous instructing agent are present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2
identifies the agent between the PreviousInstructingAgent1 and the PreviousInstructingAgent3.
PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 690

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 690

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 690

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 691

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 691

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 689 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 690 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 identifies the agent

between the PreviousInstructingAgent2 and the InstructingAgent.
PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 691 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 692

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 692

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 693

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 693

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 693


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 692 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 693 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If more than one intermediary agent is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 identifies the agent
between the DebtorAgent and the IntermediaryAgent2.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 694 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> contains the following elements (see

"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 1 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 695

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 696

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 696

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 696

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 697


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 695 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 696 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If more than two intermediary agents are present, then IntermediaryAgent2 identifies the agent
between the IntermediaryAgent1 and the IntermediaryAgent3.
IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 2 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 698

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 698

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 698

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 699

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 699

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 697 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 698 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then it identifies the agent between the IntermediaryAgent 2
and the CreditorAgent.
IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 699 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 3 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 700

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 700

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 701

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 701

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 701


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 700 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 701 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on
page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 InitiatingParty <InitgPty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that initiates the payment.

Usage: This can be either the debtor or a party that initiates the credit transfer on behalf of the debtor.
InitiatingParty <InitgPty> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107
for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [1..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 702 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Definition: Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.

Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made
as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 703

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 704

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 704

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 704

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 705


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 703 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 704 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the
payment chain.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 706

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 706

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 706

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 707

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 707

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 705 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 706 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 707 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor agent at its servicing agent to which
a credit entry will be made as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 708

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 708

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 709

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 709

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 709


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 708 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 709 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Party to which an amount of money is due.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be
posted as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C15 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C14 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 711

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 711

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 711

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 712

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 712

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 710 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 711 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.
UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on
page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 712 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction, provided by the
initiating party, and intended for the creditor agent.
InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"InstructionForCreditorAgent3" on page 1112 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 1112

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 1112 InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction that may need to be
acted upon by the next agent.

Usage: The next agent may not be the creditor agent.

The instruction can relate to a level of service, can be an instruction that has to be executed by the
agent, or can be information required by the next agent.
InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> contains the following InstructionForNextAgent1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 713

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 713 Code <Cd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Coded information related to the processing of the payment instruction, provided by the
initiating party, and intended for the next agent in the payment chain.
Datatype: "Instruction4Code" on page 1154

CodeName Name Definition

PHOA PhoneNextAgent Please advise/contact next agent by


TELA TelecomNextAgent Please advise/contact next agent by the

most efficient means of
telecommunication. InstructionInformation <InstrInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further information complementing the coded instruction or instruction to the next agent that
is bilaterally agreed or specific to a user community.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 713 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Purpose <Purp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the payment transaction.

Usage: Purpose is used by the end-customers, that is initiating party, (ultimate) debtor, (ultimate)
creditor to provide information concerning the nature of the payment. Purpose is a content element,
which is not used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
Purpose <Purp> contains one of the following elements (see "Purpose2Choice" on page 1089 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1090

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1090 RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg>

Presence: [0..10]
Definition: Information needed due to regulatory and statutory requirements.
RegulatoryReporting <RgltryRptg> contains the following elements (see "RegulatoryReporting3" on
page 1127 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DebitCreditReportingIndicator <DbtCdtRptgInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1128

Authority <Authrty> [0..1] 1128

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1128

Country <Ctry> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1129

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 1129

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 1129

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1129

Country <Ctry> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1129

Code <Cd> [0..1] Text 1130

Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1130

Information <Inf> [0..*] Text 1130 Tax <Tax>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the tax.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 714 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Tax <Tax> contains the following TaxInformation10 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 716

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 716

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 716

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 716

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 716

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 717

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 717

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 717

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 717

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 718

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 718

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 718

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 719

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 719

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 719

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 719

Period <Prd> [0..1] 719

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 719

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 719

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 720

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 721

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 721

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 721

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 722

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 722

Period <Prd> [0..1] 722

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 723

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 723

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 724

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 724

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 724

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 715 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the credit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty1" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1140

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1140

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1140 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the debit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Territorial part of a country to which the tax payment is related.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 ReferenceNumber <RefNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax reference information that is specific to a taxing agency.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Method <Mtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Method used to indicate the underlying business or how the tax is paid.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 716 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money as result of the calculation of the tax.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Date <Dt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date by which tax is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SequenceNumber <SeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the tax report.
Datatype: "Number" on page 1161

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 717 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 Record <Rcrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Record of tax details.
Record <Rcrd> contains the following TaxRecord3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 718

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 718

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 719

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 719

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 719

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 719

Period <Prd> [0..1] 719

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 719

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 719

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 720

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 721

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 721

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 721

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 722

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 722

Period <Prd> [0..1] 722

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 723

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 723

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 724

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 724

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 724 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: High level code to identify the type of tax details.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Category <Ctgy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the tax code as published by the tax authority.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 718 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides further details of the category tax code.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DebtorStatus <DbtrSts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Code provided by local authority to identify the status of the party that has drawn up the
settlement document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CertificateIdentification <CertId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification number of the tax report as assigned by the taxing authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 FormsCode <FrmsCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies, in a coded form, on which template the tax report is to be provided.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 719

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 719

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 720 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

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CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 720 February 2021

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FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the amount of the tax record.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 721

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 721

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 722

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 722

Period <Prd> [0..1] 722

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 723

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 723

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 724

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 724 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the tax.
Datatype: "PercentageRate" on page 1162 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 721 February 2021

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contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalAmount <TtlAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount that is the result of the calculation of the tax for the record.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Details <Dtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the tax period and amount.
Details <Dtls> contains the following TaxRecordDetails3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Period <Prd> [0..1] 722

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 723

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 723

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 724

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 724 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 722 February 2021

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Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 723

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 723

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 724 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 723 February 2021

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CodeName Name Definition

QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Underlying tax amount related to the specified period.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details of the tax record.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 724 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf>

Presence: [0..10]
Definition: Provides information related to the handling of the remittance information by any of the
agents in the transaction processing chain.
RelatedRemittanceInformation <RltdRmtInf> contains the following elements (see
"RemittanceLocation7" on page 1130 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


RemittanceIdentification <RmtId> [0..1] Text 1131

RemittanceLocationDetails <RmtLctnDtls> [0..*] ± 1131 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is
intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system.

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RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> contains the following RemittanceInformation21 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 728

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 728

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 731

Type <Tp> [0..1] 733

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 733

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 733

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 734

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 734

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 734

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 735

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 735

Identification <Id> [1..*] 736

Type <Tp> [0..1] 737

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 737

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 737

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 738

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 738

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 738

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 738

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 738

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 738

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 739

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 740

Type <Tp> [0..1] 740

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 740

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 740

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 740

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 741

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 741

Type <Tp> [0..1] 741

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 742

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 726 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 742

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 742

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 742


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 743

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 743

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 743

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 743

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 744

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 744

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 745

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 746

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 746

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 747

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 749

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 749

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 749

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 750

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 750

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 750

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 750

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 751

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 751

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 751

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 751

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 752

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 752

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 752

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 753

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 753

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 753

Period <Prd> [0..1] 753

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 753

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 753

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 754

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 755

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 755

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 756

Period <Prd> [0..1] 756

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 756

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 757

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 757

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 758

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 758

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 758

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 759 Unstructured <Ustrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in an
unstructured form.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Structured <Strd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in a
structured form.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 728 February 2021

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Structured <Strd> contains the following StructuredRemittanceInformation17 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 731

Type <Tp> [0..1] 733

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 733

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 733

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 734

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 734

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 734

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 735

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 735

Identification <Id> [1..*] 736

Type <Tp> [0..1] 737

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 737

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 737

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 738

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 738

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 738

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 738

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 738

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 738

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 739

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 740

Type <Tp> [0..1] 740

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 740

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 740

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 740

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 741

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 741

Type <Tp> [0..1] 741

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 742

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 742

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 742

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 729 February 2021

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 742


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 743

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 743

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 743

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 743

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 744

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 744

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 745

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 746

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 746

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 747

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 749

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 749

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 749

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 750

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 750

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 750

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 750

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 751

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 751

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 751

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 751

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 752

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 752

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 752

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 753

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 753

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 753

Period <Prd> [0..1] 753

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 753

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 753

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 754

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 755

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 755

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 756

Period <Prd> [0..1] 756

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 756

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 757

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 757

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 758

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 758

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 758

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 759 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides the identification and the content of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 731 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> contains the following

ReferredDocumentInformation7 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 733

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 733

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 733

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 734

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 734

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 734

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 735

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 735

Identification <Id> [1..*] 736

Type <Tp> [0..1] 737

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 737

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 737

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 738

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 738

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 738

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 738

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 738

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 738

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 739

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 740

Type <Tp> [0..1] 740

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 740

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 740

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 740

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 741

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 741

Type <Tp> [0..1] 741

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 742

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 742

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 742

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 732 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 742


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 743

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 743

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 743

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 743

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 744 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document.
Type <Tp> contains the following ReferredDocumentType4 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 733

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 733

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 734

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 734 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following ReferredDocumentType3Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 733

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 734 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Document type in a coded form.
Datatype: "DocumentType6Code" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

MSIN MeteredServiceInvoice Document is an invoice claiming

payment for the supply of metered
services, for example gas or electricity
supplied to a fixed meter.

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CodeName Name Definition

CNFA CreditNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a credit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

DNFA DebitNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a debit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

CINV CommercialInvoice Document is an invoice.

CREN CreditNote Document is a credit note.

DEBN DebitNote Document is a debit note.

HIRI HireInvoice Document is an invoice for the hiring of

human resources or renting goods or

SBIN SelfBilledInvoice Document is an invoice issued by the


CMCN CommercialContract Document is an agreement between the

parties, stipulating the terms and
conditions of the delivery of goods or

SOAC StatementOfAccount Document is a statement of the

transactions posted to the debtor's
account at the supplier.

DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.

BOLD BillOfLading Document is a shipping notice.

VCHR Voucher Document is an electronic payment


AROI AccountReceivableOpenItem Document is a payment that applies to a

specific source document.

TSUT TradeServicesUtilityTransaction Document is a transaction identifier as

assigned by the Trade Services Utility.

PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order. Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document type.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 734 February 2021

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Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 LineDetails <LineDtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide the content of the referred document line.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 735 February 2021

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LineDetails <LineDtls> contains the following DocumentLineInformation1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..*] 736

Type <Tp> [0..1] 737

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 737

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 737

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 738

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 738

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 738

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 738

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 738

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 738

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 739

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 740

Type <Tp> [0..1] 740

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 740

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 740

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 740

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 741

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 741

Type <Tp> [0..1] 741

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 742

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 742

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 742

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 742


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 743

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 743

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 743

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 743

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 744 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..*]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 736 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Definition: Provides identification of the document line.

Identification <Id> contains the following DocumentLineIdentification1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 737

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 737

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 737

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 738

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 738

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 738

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 738 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document line identification.
Type <Tp> contains the following DocumentLineType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 737

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 737

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 738

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 738 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document line identification.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following DocumentLineType1Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 737

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 738 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Line identification type in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDocumentLineType1Code" on page 1149

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 737 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document line identificationtype.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the type specified for the referred document line.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document line.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Description <Desc>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Description associated with the document line.
Datatype: "Max2048Text" on page 1164 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the document line.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 738 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Amount <Amt> contains the following RemittanceAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 739

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 740

Type <Tp> [0..1] 740

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 740

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 740

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 740

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 741

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 741

Type <Tp> [0..1] 741

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 742

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 742

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 742

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 742

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 743

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 743

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 743

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 743

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 744 DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 739 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of discount to be applied to the amount due and payable to the creditor.
DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> contains the following DiscountAmountAndType1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 740

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 740

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 740

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 740 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following DiscountAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 740

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 740 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDiscountAmountType1Code" on page 1149 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 740 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of a credit note.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of the tax.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmountAndType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 741

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 742

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 742

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 742 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 741 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Type <Tp> contains one of the following TaxAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 742

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 742 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalTaxAmountType1Code" on page 1153 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Specifies detailed information on the amount and reason of the adjustment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 742 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> contains the following

DocumentAdjustment1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 743

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 743

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 743

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 743 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money of the document adjustment.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies whether the adjustment must be subtracted or added to the total amount.
Datatype: "CreditDebitCode" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.

DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease. Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the adjustment.
Datatype: "Max4Text" on page 1165 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 743 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Definition: Provides further details on the document adjustment.

Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money remitted.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 744 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> contains the following elements (see

"RemittanceAmount2" on page 1098 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1099

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1099

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1099

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1099

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1100

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1101

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1101

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1101

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1101

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1101

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 1102

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1102

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1102

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1103

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1103

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1103 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 745 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> contains the following elements (see

"CreditorReferenceInformation2" on page 1076 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1076

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1076

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1076

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1077

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1077

Reference <Ref> [0..1] Text 1077 Invoicer <Invcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the organisation issuing the invoice, when it is different from the creditor or
ultimate creditor.
Invoicer <Invcr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Invoicee <Invcee>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the party to whom an invoice is issued, when it is different from the debtor or
ultimate debtor.
Invoicee <Invcee> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 746 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 TaxRemittance <TaxRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment made for tax-related purposes.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 747 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> contains the following TaxData1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 749

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 749

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 749

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 750

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 750

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 750

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 750

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 751

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 751

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 751

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 751

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 752

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 752

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 752

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 753

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 753

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 753

Period <Prd> [0..1] 753

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 753

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 753

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 754

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 755

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 755

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 756

Period <Prd> [0..1] 756

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 756

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 757

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 757

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 758

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 748 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 758 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the credit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty1" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1140

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1140

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1140 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the debit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor, in this case, to the
taxing authority.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 749 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Territorial part of a country to which the tax payment is related.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 ReferenceNumber <RefNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax reference information that is specific to a taxing agency.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Method <Mtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Method used to indicate the underlying business or how the tax is paid.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 750 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money as result of the calculation of the tax.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Date <Dt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date by which tax is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SequenceNumber <SeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the tax report.
Datatype: "Number" on page 1161 Record <Rcrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Record of tax details.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 751 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Record <Rcrd> contains the following TaxRecord3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 752

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 752

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 752

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 753

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 753

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 753

Period <Prd> [0..1] 753

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 753

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 753

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 754

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 755

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 755

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 756

Period <Prd> [0..1] 756

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 756

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 757

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 757

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 758

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 758 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: High level code to identify the type of tax details.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Category <Ctgy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the tax code as published by the tax authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 752 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Definition: Provides further details of the category tax code.

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DebtorStatus <DbtrSts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Code provided by local authority to identify the status of the party that has drawn up the
settlement document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CertificateIdentification <CertId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification number of the tax report as assigned by the taxing authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 FormsCode <FrmsCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies, in a coded form, on which template the tax report is to be provided.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 753

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 753

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 754 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 753 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

CodeName Name Definition

MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 754 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the amount of the tax record.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 755

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C11 755

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 756

Period <Prd> [0..1] 756

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 756

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 757

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 757

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 758 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the tax.
Datatype: "PercentageRate" on page 1162 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalAmount <TtlAmt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 755 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

Definition: Total amount that is the result of the calculation of the tax for the record.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Details <Dtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the tax period and amount.
Details <Dtls> contains the following TaxRecordDetails3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Period <Prd> [0..1] 756

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 756

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 757

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 757

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C11 758 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 756

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 757

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 757 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 756 February 2021

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Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 757 February 2021

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Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Underlying tax amount related to the specified period.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C11 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details of the tax record.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment for garnishment-related purposes.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 758 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> contains the following elements (see "Garnishment3" on

page 1131 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [1..1] 1132

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1132

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1132

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1132

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1132

Garnishee <Grnshee> [0..1] ± 1133

GarnishmentAdministrator <GrnshmtAdmstr> [0..1] ± 1133

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1133

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1133

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1133

FamilyMedicalInsuranceIndicator <FmlyMdclInsrncInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134

EmployeeTerminationIndicator <MplyeeTermntnInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf>

Presence: [0..3]
Definition: Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C42 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 759 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.008.001.10 FIToFICustomerCreditTransferV10


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

6.4.3 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C42 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 760 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

7 pacs.009.001.10

7.1 MessageDefinition Functionality


The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message is sent by a debtor financial institution to a creditor

financial institution, directly or through other agents and/or a payment clearing and settlement system.

It is used to move funds from a debtor account to a creditor, where both debtor and creditor are
financial institutions.


The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message is exchanged between agents and can contain one or
more credit transfer instructions where debtor and creditor are both financial institutions.

The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message does not allow for grouping: a

CreditTransferTransactionInformation block must be present for each credit transfer transaction.

The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message can be used in domestic and cross-border scenarios.

The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 MessageDefinition is composed of 3 MessageBuildingBlocks:

A. GroupHeader
Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message.

B. CreditTransferTransactionInformation
Set of elements providing information specific to the individual credit transfer(s).

C. SupplementaryData
Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other specific

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 761 February 2021

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7.2 Structure
Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page

Message root <Document> <FICdtTrf> [1..1] C10,


GroupHeader <GrpHdr> [1..1] C50 778

MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 780

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 780

BatchBooking <BtchBookg> [0..1] Indicator 781

NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 781

ControlSum <CtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 781

TotalInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 781

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 781

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [1..1] C15, 782


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 785

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C13, 785


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 786

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 786

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 787

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 787

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 787

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 787

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 788

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 788

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 788

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C13, 788

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C12

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 762 February 2021

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 789

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 789

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 790

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 790

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 790

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 790

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C13, 791

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 791

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 792

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 792

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 792

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 793

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 793

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C13, 793

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 794

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 794

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 794

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 795

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 795

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 795

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 796

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 796

CreditTransferTransactionInformation <CdtTrfTxInf> [1..*] C6, C9, 797


PaymentIdentification <PmtId> [1..1] ± C53 809

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 763 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 809

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 810

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 810

SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 811

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 811

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 811

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 811

SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> [0..1] ± 811

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 812

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> [0..1] C13, 812


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 813

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 813

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 813

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 814

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 814

PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 814

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> [0..1] C13, 815


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 815

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 815

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 816

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 816

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 816

PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 817

PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> [0..1] C13, 817


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 818

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 818

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 818

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 819

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 819

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 819

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 764 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 819

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 820

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C13, 820


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 821

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 821

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 821

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 822

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 822

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 822

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C13, 823


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 823

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 823

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 824

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 824

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 824

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 825

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C13, 825


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 826

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 826

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 826

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 827

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 827

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 827

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 827

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C13, 828


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 828

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 829

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 829

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 829

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 830

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 765 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 830

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C13, 830


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 831

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 831

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 831

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 832

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 832

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 832

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C13, 832


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 833

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 833

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 834

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 834

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 834

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 835

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C13, 835


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 836

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 836

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 836

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 837

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 837

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 837

InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> [0..*] ± 837

InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> [0..*] 838

Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 838

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 838

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 839

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] ± 839

UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransfer <UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf> [0..1] C19, 839


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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 847

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 848

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 848

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C13, 848


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 849

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 849

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 850

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 850

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 850

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [1..1] ± 851

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C13, 851


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 852

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 852

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 852

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 853

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 853

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 853

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> [0..1] C13, 854


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 854

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 854

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 855

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 855

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 855

PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 856

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> [0..1] C13, 856


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 857

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 767 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 857

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 857

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 858

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 858

PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 858

PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> [0..1] C13, 859


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 859

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 859

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 860

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 860

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 860

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 861

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C13, 861


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 862

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 862

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 862

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 863

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 863

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 863

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C13, 864


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 864

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 864

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 865

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 865

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 865

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 866

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C13, 866


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 867

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 867

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 867

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 768 February 2021

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 868

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 868

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [1..1] ± 868

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C13, 868


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 869

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 869

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 870

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 870

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 870

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 870

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C13, 871


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 871

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 872

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 872

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 872

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 873

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 873

InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> [0..*] ± 873

InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> [0..*] 873

Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 874

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 874

Tax <Tax> [0..1] 874

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 876

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 876

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 876

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 876

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 876

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 876

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 877

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 877

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 877

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 769 February 2021

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 877

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 878

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 878

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 879

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 879

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 879

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 879

Period <Prd> [0..1] 879

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 879

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 879

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 880

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 881

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 881

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 881

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 882

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 882

Period <Prd> [0..1] 882

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 883

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 883

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 884

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 884

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 884

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 885

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 888

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 888

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 891

Type <Tp> [0..1] 893

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 893

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 893

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 894

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 894

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 894

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 895

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 895

Identification <Id> [1..*] 896

Type <Tp> [0..1] 897

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 897

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 897

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 898

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 898

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 898

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 898

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 898

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 898

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 899

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 900

Type <Tp> [0..1] 900

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 900

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 900

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 900

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 901

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 901

Type <Tp> [0..1] 901

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 902

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 902

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 902

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 902


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 903

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 903

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 903

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 903

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 904

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 904

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 905

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 906

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 906

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 907

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 909

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 909

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 909

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 910

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 910

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 910

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 910

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 911

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 911

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 911

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 911

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 912

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 912

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 912

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 913

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 913

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 913

Period <Prd> [0..1] 913

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 913

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 913

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 914

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 915

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 915

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 916

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Period <Prd> [0..1] 916

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 916

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 917

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 917

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 918

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 918

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 918

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 919

InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 919

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C47 920

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C47 920

7.3 Constraints
C1 ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the
message containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with
the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet
withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

C2 ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the
Currency is exchanged.

Only a valid Business identifier code is allowed. Business identifier codes for financial or non-
financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority in the
ISO directory of BICs, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters.

Valid BICs for financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration
Authority in the ISO directory of BICs, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous

C5 Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO
3166, Alpha-2 code).

C6 CreditorAgentAccountRule
If CreditorAgentAccount is present, then CreditorAgent must be present.

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C7 CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

C8 CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

C9 DebtorAgentAccountRule
If DebtorAgentAccount is present, then DebtorAgent must be present.

C10 GroupHeaderInterbankSettlementDateRule
If GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is present, then
CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementDate is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is present
Following Must be True
/CreditTransferTransactionInformation[*]/InterbankSettlementDate Must be
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and

C12 IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

C13 IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.

C14 InstructedAgentRule
If GroupHeader/InstructedAgent is present, then CreditTransferTransactionInformation/
InstructedAgent is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InstructedAgent is present
Following Must be True
/CreditTransferTransactionInformation[*]/InstructedAgent Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C15 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent
must be present.

C16 InstructingAgentRule
If GroupHeader/InstructingAgent is present, then CreditTransferTransactionInformation/
InstructingAgent is not allowed.

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On Condition
/GroupHeader/InstructingAgent is present
Following Must be True
/CreditTransferTransactionInformation[*]/InstructingAgent Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C17 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent
must be present.

C18 IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.

C19 IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.

C20 IntermediaryAgent1Rule
If IntermediaryAgent1 is present, then CreditorAgent must be present.

C21 IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.

C22 IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.

C23 IntermediaryAgent2Rule
If IntermediaryAgent2 is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.

C24 IntermediaryAgent2Rule
If IntermediaryAgent2 is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.

C25 IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.

C26 IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.

C27 IntermediaryAgent3Rule
If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.

C28 IntermediaryAgent3Rule
If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.

C29 PaymentTypeInformationRule
If GroupHeader/PaymentTypeInformation is present, then
CreditTransferTransactionInformation/PaymentTypeInformation is not allowed.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/PaymentTypeInformation is present
Following Must be True
/CreditTransferTransactionInformation[*]/PaymentTypeInformation Must be
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

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C30 PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent1Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be

C31 PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent1Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be

C32 PreviousInstructingAgent1Guideline
It is recommended that, when present, PreviousInstructingAgent1 is the closest to the
DebtorAgent in the payment chain.

C33 PreviousInstructingAgent1Guideline
It is recommended that, when present, PreviousInstructingAgent1 is the closest to the
DebtorAgent in the payment chain.

C34 PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be

C35 PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be

C36 PreviousInstructingAgent2Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be present.

C37 PreviousInstructingAgent2Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be present.

C38 PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 must be

C39 PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 must be

C40 PreviousInstructingAgent3Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be present.

C41 PreviousInstructingAgent3Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be present.

C42 SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and
ClearingSystem are not allowed.

C43 SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s)
are not allowed.

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C44 SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.

C45 SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not

C46 SupplementaryDataRule
The SupplementaryData building block at message level must not be used to provide additional
information about a transaction. The SupplementaryData element at transaction level should be
used for that purpose.
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C47 SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the
RA of ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

C48 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be

C49 ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.

C50 TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule
If TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then InterbankSettlementDate must be present.

C51 TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndSumRule
If GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then it must equal the sum of all
occurrences of CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementAmount.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True
/GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount Must be equal to value 'sum
of /CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementAmount'
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C52 TotalInterbankSettlementAmountRule
If GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then all occurrences of
CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementAmount must have the same
currency as the currency of GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True
attribute::Currency Must be equal to /GroupHeader/
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

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C53 TransactionIdentificationPresenceRule
TransactionIdentification or UETR must be present. Both may be present

C54 TransactionInterbankSettlementDateRule
If GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is not present, then
CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementDate must be present.
On Condition
/GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is absent
Following Must be True
/CreditTransferTransactionInformation[*]/InterbankSettlementDate Must be
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C55 UltimateCreditorGuideline
UltimateCreditor may only be present if different from Creditor.

C56 UltimateCreditorGuideline
UltimateCreditor may only be present if different from Creditor.

C57 UltimateDebtorGuideline
UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor.

C58 UltimateDebtorGuideline
UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor.

7.4 Message Building Blocks

This chapter describes the MessageBuildingBlocks of this MessageDefinition.

7.4.1 GroupHeader <GrpHdr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message.
Impacted by: C50 "TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule"

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GroupHeader <GrpHdr> contains the following GroupHeader96 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 780

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 780

BatchBooking <BtchBookg> [0..1] Indicator 781

NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 781

ControlSum <CtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 781

TotalInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 781

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 781

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [1..1] C15, 782


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 785

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C13, 785


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 786

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 786

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 787

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 787

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 787

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 787

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 788

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 788

InstructingReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 788


InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C13, 788

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 789

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 789

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 790

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 790

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 790

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 790

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C13, 791

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 791

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 792

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 792

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 792

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 793

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 793

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C13, 793

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 794

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 794

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 794

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 795

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 795

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 795

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 796

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 796


• TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndDateRule
If TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then InterbankSettlementDate must be present.
On Condition
/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True
/InterbankSettlementDate Must be present MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing party, and sent to the next party in the
chain to unambiguously identify the message.

Usage: The instructing party has to make sure that MessageIdentification is unique per instructed party
for a pre-agreed period.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the message was created.

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Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 BatchBooking <BtchBookg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies whether a single entry per individual transaction or a batch entry for the sum of the
amounts of all transactions within the group of a message is requested.

Usage: Batch booking is used to request and not order a possible batch booking.
Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "BatchBookingIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: Identifies that a batch entry for the sum of the amounts of all transactions in the
batch or message is requested.

• Meaning When False: Identifies that a single entry for each of the transactions in the batch or
message is requested. NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Number of individual transactions contained in the message.
Datatype: "Max15NumericText" on page 1163 ControlSum <CtrlSum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual amounts included in the message, irrespective of currencies.
Datatype: "DecimalNumber" on page 1161 TotalInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1141


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SettlementInformation <SttlmInf>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the details on how the settlement of the transaction(s) between the instructing
agent and the instructed agent is completed.
Impacted by: C15 "InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C17
"InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C42 "SettlementMethodAgentRule", C43
"SettlementMethodClearingRule", C44 "SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule", C45
"SettlementMethodCoverRule", C48 "ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C49

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 782 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> contains the following SettlementInstruction11 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 785

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C13, 785


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 786

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 786

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 787

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 787

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 787

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 787

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 788

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 788

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 788

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C13, 788

<InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 789

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 789

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 790

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 790

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 790

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 790

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C13, 791

<InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 791

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 792

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 792

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 792

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 793

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 793

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C13, 793

<ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 794

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 794

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 794

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 795

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 795


• InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructedReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructingReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and ClearingSystem
are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructingAgent'
Or /SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructedAgent'
Following Must be True
/ClearingSystem Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s) are not
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'ClearingSystem'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
Or /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present

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• SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /ClearingSystem Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is present
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Method used to settle the (batch of) payment instructions.
Datatype: "SettlementMethod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

INDA InstructedAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructed to execute a payment

INGA InstructingAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructing and forwarding the payment
to the next party in the payment chain.

COVE CoverMethod Settlement is done through a cover


CLRG ClearingSystem Settlement is done through a payment

clearing system. SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: A specific purpose account used to post debit and credit entries as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 785 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 786

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 786

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 787

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 787

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 787


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 786 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ClearingSystem <ClrSys>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which
the payment instruction is processed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 787 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> contains one of the following ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 788

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 788 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Infrastructure through which the payment instruction is processed, as published in an
external clearing system identification code list.
Datatype: "ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code" on page 1148 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Clearing system identification in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent through which the instructing agent will reimburse the instructed agent.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructing reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 788 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following

CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 789

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 789

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 790

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 790

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 790


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 789 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 790 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Usage: If InstructedReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructed reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 791

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 792

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 792

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 792

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 793


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 791 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 792 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Usage: If ThirdReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.
ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the third reimbursement agent account at its
servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 794

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 794

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 794

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 795

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 795

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 793 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 794 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 795 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see

"PaymentTypeInformation28" on page 1116 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1117

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1118

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1118

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 796 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

7.4.2 CreditTransferTransactionInformation <CdtTrfTxInf>

Presence: [1..*]
Definition: Set of elements providing information specific to the individual credit transfer(s).
Impacted by: C6 "CreditorAgentAccountRule", C9 "DebtorAgentAccountRule", C18
"IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule", C20 "IntermediaryAgent1Rule", C21
"IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule", C23 "IntermediaryAgent2Rule", C25
"IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule", C27 "IntermediaryAgent3Rule", C30
"PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule", C34 "PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule", C36
"PreviousInstructingAgent2Rule", C38 "PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule", C40
"PreviousInstructingAgent3Rule", C32 "PreviousInstructingAgent1Guideline", C55
"UltimateCreditorGuideline", C57 "UltimateDebtorGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 797 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

CreditTransferTransactionInformation <CdtTrfTxInf> contains the following

CreditTransferTransaction56 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PaymentIdentification <PmtId> [1..1] ± C53 809

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 809

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 810

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 810

SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 811

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 811

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 811

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 811

SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> [0..1] ± 811

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 812

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account [0..1] C13, 812

<PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 813

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 813

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 813

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 814

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 814

PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 814

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account [0..1] C13, 815

<PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 815

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 815

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 816

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 816

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 816

PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 817

PreviousInstructingAgent3Account [0..1] C13, 817

<PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 818

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 818

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 818

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 819

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 798 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 819

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 819

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 819

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 820

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C13, 820


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 821

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 821

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 821

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 822

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 822

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 822

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C13, 823


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 823

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 823

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 824

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 824

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 824

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 825

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C13, 825


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 826

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 826

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 826

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 827

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 827

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 827

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 827

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C13, 828


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 828

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 829

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 829

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 799 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 829

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 830

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 830

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C13, 830


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 831

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 831

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 831

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 832

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 832

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 832

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C13, 832


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 833

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 833

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 834

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 834

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 834

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 835

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C13, 835


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 836

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 836

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 836

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 837

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 837

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 837

InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> [0..*] ± 837

InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> [0..*] 838

Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 838

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 838

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 839

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] ± 839

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 800 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransfer [0..1] C19, 839

<UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf> C22,

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 847

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 848

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 848

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C13, 848


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 849

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 849

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 850

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 850

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 850

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [1..1] ± 851

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C13, 851


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 852

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 852

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 852

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 853

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 853

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 853

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account [0..1] C13, 854

<PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 854

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 854

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 855

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 855

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 855

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 856

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account [0..1] C13, 856

<PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 857

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 857

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 857

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 858

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 858

PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 858

PreviousInstructingAgent3Account [0..1] C13, 859

<PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 859

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 859

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 860

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 860

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 860

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 861

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C13, 861


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 862

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 862

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 862

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 863

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 863

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 863

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C13, 864


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 864

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 864

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 865

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 865

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 865

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 866

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C13, 866


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 867

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 867

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 867

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 868

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 868

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [1..1] ± 868

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C13, 868


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 869

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 869

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 870

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 870

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 870

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 870

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C13, 871


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 871

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 872

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 872

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 872

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 873

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 873

InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> [0..*] ± 873

InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> [0..*] 873

Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 874

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 874

Tax <Tax> [0..1] 874

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 876

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 876

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 876

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 876

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 876

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 876

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 877

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 877

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 877

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 877

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 878

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 878

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 879

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 879

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 879

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 879

Period <Prd> [0..1] 879

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 879

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 879

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 880

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 881

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 881

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 881

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 882

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 882

Period <Prd> [0..1] 882

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 883

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 883

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 884

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 884

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 884

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 885

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 888

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 888

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 891

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 893

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 893

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 893

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 894

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 894

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 894

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 895

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 895

Identification <Id> [1..*] 896

Type <Tp> [0..1] 897

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 897

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 897

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 898

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 898

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 898

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 898

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 898

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 898

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 899

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 900

Type <Tp> [0..1] 900

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 900

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 900

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 900

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 901

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 901

Type <Tp> [0..1] 901

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 902

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 902

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 902

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 902


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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 903

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 903

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 903

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 903

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 904

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 904

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 905

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 906

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 906

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 907

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 909

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 909

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 909

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 910

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 910

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 910

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 910

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 911

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 911

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 911

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 911

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 912

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 912

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 912

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 913

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 913

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 913

Period <Prd> [0..1] 913

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 913

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 913

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 914

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 915

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 915

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 916

Period <Prd> [0..1] 916

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 916

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 917

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 917

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 918

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 918

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 918

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 919

InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 919

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C47 920


• CreditorAgentAccountRule
If CreditorAgentAccount is present, then CreditorAgent must be present.
On Condition
/CreditorAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/CreditorAgentAccount Must be absent

• DebtorAgentAccountRule
If DebtorAgentAccount is present, then DebtorAgent must be present.
On Condition
/DebtorAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/DebtorAgentAccount Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent1 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent1Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent1Rule
If IntermediaryAgent1 is present, then CreditorAgent must be present.

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On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent1 is present
Following Must be True
/CreditorAgent Must be present

• IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent2 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent2Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent2Rule
If IntermediaryAgent2 is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent2 is present
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent1 Must be present

• IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent3 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent3Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent3Rule
If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent3 is present
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent2 Must be present

• PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent1Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent1 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent1Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent1Guideline
It is recommended that, when present, PreviousInstructingAgent1 is the closest to the DebtorAgent
in the payment chain.

• PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent2 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent2Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent2Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent2 is present

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Following Must be True

/PreviousInstructingAgent1 Must be present

• PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent3 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent3Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent3Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent2 Must be present

• UltimateCreditorGuideline
UltimateCreditor may only be present if different from Creditor.

• UltimateDebtorGuideline
UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor. PaymentIdentification <PmtId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to reference a payment instruction.
Impacted by: C53 "TransactionIdentificationPresenceRule"
PaymentIdentification <PmtId> contains the following elements (see "PaymentIdentification13" on
page 1085 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionIdentification <InstrId> [0..1] Text 1085

EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId> [1..1] Text 1085

TransactionIdentification <TxId> [0..1] Text 1086

UETR <UETR> [0..1] IdentifierSet 1086

ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 1086


• TransactionIdentificationPresenceRule
TransactionIdentification or UETR must be present. Both may be present
Following Must be True
/TransactionIdentification Must be present
Or /UETR Must be present PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 809 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Definition: Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see
"PaymentTypeInformation28" on page 1116 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1117

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1118

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1118

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118 InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1141


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 810 February 2021

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FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the
instructed party to apply to the processing of the settlement instruction.
Datatype: "Priority3Code" on page 1155

CodeName Name Definition

URGT Urgent Priority level is urgent (highest priority


HIGH High Priority level is high.

NORM Normal Priority level is normal. SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the occurred settlement time(s) of the payment transaction.
SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> contains the following SettlementDateTimeIndication1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 811

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 811 DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been debited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been debited at the central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been credited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been credited at the receiving central
bank, expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the requested settlement time(s) of the payment instruction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 811 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> contains the following elements (see

"SettlementTimeRequest2" on page 1111 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CLSTime <CLSTm> [0..1] Time 1112

TillTime <TillTm> [0..1] Time 1112

FromTime <FrTm> [0..1] Time 1112

RejectTime <RjctTm> [0..1] Time 1112 PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If more than one previous instructing agent is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 identifies
the agent between the DebtorAgent and the PreviousInstructingAgent2.
PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 813

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 813

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 813

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 814

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 814

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• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 813 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If more than two previous instructing agent are present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2
identifies the agent between the PreviousInstructingAgent1 and the PreviousInstructingAgent3.
PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

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FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 815

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 815

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 816

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 816

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 816


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 815 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 816 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 identifies the agent

between the PreviousInstructingAgent2 and the InstructingAgent.
PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 818

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 818

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 818

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 819

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 819

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 817 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 818 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 819 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If more than one intermediary agent is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 identifies the agent
between the DebtorAgent and the IntermediaryAgent2.
IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 1 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 821

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 821

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 821

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 822

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 822

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 820 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 821 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If more than two intermediary agents are present, then IntermediaryAgent2 identifies the agent
between the IntermediaryAgent1 and the IntermediaryAgent3.
IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 822 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 2 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 823

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 823

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 824

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 824

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 824


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 823 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 824 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then it identifies the agent between the IntermediaryAgent 2
and the CreditorAgent.
IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 3 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 826

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 826

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 826

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 827

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 827

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 825 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 826 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate financial institution that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) institutional
UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [1..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 827 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Definition: Financial institution that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) financial institutional
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on
page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made
as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 828

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 829

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 829

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 829

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 830


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 828 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 829 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the
payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 831

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 831

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 831

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 832

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 832

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 830 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 831 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 832 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor agent at its servicing agent to which
a credit entry will be made as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 833

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 833

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 834

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 834

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 834


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 833 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 834 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Financial institution that receives an amount of money from the financial institutional debtor.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on
page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be
posted as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 836

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 836

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 836

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 837

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 837

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• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 836 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate financial institution to which an amount of money is due.
UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..*]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 837 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Definition: Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction, provided by the
initiating party, and intended for the creditor agent.
InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"InstructionForCreditorAgent3" on page 1112 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 1112

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 1112 InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction that may need to be
acted upon by the next agent.

Usage: The next agent may not be the creditor agent.

The instruction can relate to a level of service, can be an instruction that has to be executed by the
agent, or can be information required by the next agent.
InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> contains the following InstructionForNextAgent1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 838

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 838 Code <Cd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Coded information related to the processing of the payment instruction, provided by the
initiating party, and intended for the next agent in the payment chain.
Datatype: "Instruction4Code" on page 1154

CodeName Name Definition

PHOA PhoneNextAgent Please advise/contact next agent by


TELA TelecomNextAgent Please advise/contact next agent by the

most efficient means of
telecommunication. InstructionInformation <InstrInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further information complementing the coded instruction or instruction to the next agent that
is bilaterally agreed or specific to a user community.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 838 February 2021

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FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 Purpose <Purp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the payment transaction.

Usage: Purpose is used by the end-customers, that is initiating party, (ultimate) debtor, (ultimate)
creditor to provide information concerning the nature of the payment. Purpose is a content element,
which is not used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
Purpose <Purp> contains one of the following elements (see "Purpose2Choice" on page 1089 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1090

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1090 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is
intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system.
RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> contains the following elements (see "RemittanceInformation2" on
page 1089 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 1089 UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransfer <UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the underlying customer credit transfer for which cover is provided.
Impacted by: C19 "IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule", C22 "IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule", C24
"IntermediaryAgent2Rule", C26 "IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule", C28 "IntermediaryAgent3Rule", C31
"PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule", C35 "PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule", C37
"PreviousInstructingAgent2Rule", C39 "PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule", C41
"PreviousInstructingAgent3Rule", C33 "PreviousInstructingAgent1Guideline", C56
"UltimateCreditorGuideline", C58 "UltimateDebtorGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 839 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

UnderlyingCustomerCreditTransfer <UndrlygCstmrCdtTrf> contains the following

CreditTransferTransaction52 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 847

InitiatingParty <InitgPty> [0..1] ± 848

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 848

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C13, 848


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 849

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 849

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 850

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 850

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 850

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [1..1] ± 851

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C13, 851


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 852

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 852

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 852

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 853

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 853

PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> [0..1] ± 853

PreviousInstructingAgent1Account [0..1] C13, 854

<PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 854

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 854

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 855

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 855

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 855

PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> [0..1] ± 856

PreviousInstructingAgent2Account [0..1] C13, 856

<PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 857

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 857

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 857

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 858

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 858

PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> [0..1] ± 858

PreviousInstructingAgent3Account [0..1] C13, 859

<PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> C12

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 859

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 859

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 860

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 860

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 860

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 861

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C13, 861


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 862

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 862

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 862

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 863

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 863

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 863

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C13, 864


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 864

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 864

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 865

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 865

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 865

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 866

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C13, 866


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 867

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 867

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 867

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 868

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 868

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [1..1] ± 868

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C13, 868


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 869

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 869

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 870

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 870

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 870

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 870

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C13, 871


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 871

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 872

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 872

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 872

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 873

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 873

InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> [0..*] ± 873

InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> [0..*] 873

Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 874

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 874

Tax <Tax> [0..1] 874

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 876

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 876

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 876

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 876

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 876

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 876

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 877

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 877

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 877

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 877

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 878

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 878

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 879

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 879

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 879

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 879

Period <Prd> [0..1] 879

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 879

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 879

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 880

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 881

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 881

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 881

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 882

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 882

Period <Prd> [0..1] 882

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 883

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 883

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 884

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 884

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 884

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 885

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 888

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 888

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 891

Type <Tp> [0..1] 893

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 893

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 893

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 894

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 894

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 894

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 895

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 895

Identification <Id> [1..*] 896

Type <Tp> [0..1] 897

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 897

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 897

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 898

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 898

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 898

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 898

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 898

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 898

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 899

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 900

Type <Tp> [0..1] 900

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 900

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 900

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 900

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 901

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 901

Type <Tp> [0..1] 901

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 902

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 902

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 902

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 902


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 903

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 903

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 903

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 903

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 904

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 904

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 905

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 844 February 2021

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 906

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 906

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 907

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 909

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 909

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 909

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 910

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 910

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 910

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 910

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 911

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 911

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 911

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 911

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 912

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 912

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 912

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 913

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 913

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 913

Period <Prd> [0..1] 913

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 913

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 913

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 914

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 915

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 915

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 916

Period <Prd> [0..1] 916

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 916

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 917

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 917

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 918

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 918

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 918

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 919

InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 919


• IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent1 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent1Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent2 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent2Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent2Rule
If IntermediaryAgent2 is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent2 is present
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent1 Must be present

• IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent3 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent3Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent3Rule
If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent3 is present
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent2 Must be present

• PreviousInstructingAgent1AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent1Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be present.

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On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent1 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent1Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent1Guideline
It is recommended that, when present, PreviousInstructingAgent1 is the closest to the DebtorAgent
in the payment chain.

• PreviousInstructingAgent2AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent2 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent2Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent2Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent2 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent2 is present
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent1 Must be present

• PreviousInstructingAgent3AccountRule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3Account is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent3 is absent
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent3Account Must be absent

• PreviousInstructingAgent3Rule
If PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present
Following Must be True
/PreviousInstructingAgent2 Must be present

• UltimateCreditorGuideline
UltimateCreditor may only be present if different from Creditor.

• UltimateDebtorGuideline
UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor. UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 847 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on

page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 InitiatingParty <InitgPty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that initiates the payment.

Usage: This can be either the debtor or a party that initiates the credit transfer on behalf of the debtor.
InitiatingParty <InitgPty> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107
for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 848 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made
as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 849

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 849

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 850

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 850

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 850


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 849 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 850 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the
payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 852

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 852

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 852

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 853

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 853

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 851 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 852 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If more than one previous instructing agent is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent1 identifies
the agent between the DebtorAgent and the PreviousInstructingAgent2.
PreviousInstructingAgent1 <PrvsInstgAgt1> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 853 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent1Account <PrvsInstgAgt1Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 854

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 854

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 855

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 855

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 855


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 854 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 855 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If more than two previous instructing agent are present, then PreviousInstructingAgent2
identifies the agent between the PreviousInstructingAgent1 and the PreviousInstructingAgent3.
PreviousInstructingAgent2 <PrvsInstgAgt2> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent2Account <PrvsInstgAgt2Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 857

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 857

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 857

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 858

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 858

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 856 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 857 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the instructing agent.

Usage: If PreviousInstructingAgent3 is present, then PreviousInstructingAgent3 identifies the agent

between the PreviousInstructingAgent2 and the InstructingAgent.
PreviousInstructingAgent3 <PrvsInstgAgt3> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 858 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing
agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
PreviousInstructingAgent3Account <PrvsInstgAgt3Acct> contains the following CashAccount40

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 859

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 859

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 860

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 860

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 860


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 859 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 860 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If more than one intermediary agent is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 identifies the agent
between the DebtorAgent and the IntermediaryAgent2.
IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 1 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 862

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 862

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 862

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 863

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 863

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 861 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 862 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If more than two intermediary agents are present, then IntermediaryAgent2 identifies the agent
between the IntermediaryAgent1 and the IntermediaryAgent3.
IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 863 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 2 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 864

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 864

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 865

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 865

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 865


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 864 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 865 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then it identifies the agent between the IntermediaryAgent 2
and the CreditorAgent.
IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 3 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 867

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 867

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 867

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 868

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 868

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 866 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 867 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor agent at its servicing agent to which
a credit entry will be made as a result of the payment transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 868 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 869

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 869

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 870

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 870

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 870


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 869 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Party to which an amount of money is due.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 870 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be
posted as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C13 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C12 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 871

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 872

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 872

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 872

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 873


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 871 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 872 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.
UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on
page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction, provided by the
initiating party, and intended for the creditor agent.
InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"InstructionForCreditorAgent3" on page 1112 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 1112

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 1112 InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt>

Presence: [0..*]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 873 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Definition: Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction that may need to be
acted upon by the next agent.
InstructionForNextAgent <InstrForNxtAgt> contains the following InstructionForNextAgent1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 874

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 874 Code <Cd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Coded information related to the processing of the payment instruction, provided by the
initiating party, and intended for the next agent in the payment chain.
Datatype: "Instruction4Code" on page 1154

CodeName Name Definition

PHOA PhoneNextAgent Please advise/contact next agent by


TELA TelecomNextAgent Please advise/contact next agent by the

most efficient means of
telecommunication. InstructionInformation <InstrInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further information complementing the coded instruction or instruction to the next agent that
is bilaterally agreed or specific to a user community.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Tax <Tax>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the tax.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 874 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Tax <Tax> contains the following TaxInformation10 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 876

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 876

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 876

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 876

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 876

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 876

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 877

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 877

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 877

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 877

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 878

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 878

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 879

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 879

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 879

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 879

Period <Prd> [0..1] 879

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 879

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 879

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 880

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 881

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 881

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 881

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 882

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 882

Period <Prd> [0..1] 882

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 883

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 883

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 884

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 884

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 884

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 875 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the credit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty1" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1140

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1140

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1140 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the debit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Territorial part of a country to which the tax payment is related.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 ReferenceNumber <RefNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax reference information that is specific to a taxing agency.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Method <Mtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Method used to indicate the underlying business or how the tax is paid.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 876 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Definition: Total amount of money on which the tax is based.

Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money as result of the calculation of the tax.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Date <Dt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date by which tax is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SequenceNumber <SeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the tax report.
Datatype: "Number" on page 1161 Record <Rcrd>

Presence: [0..*]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 877 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Definition: Record of tax details.

Record <Rcrd> contains the following TaxRecord3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 878

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 878

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 879

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 879

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 879

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 879

Period <Prd> [0..1] 879

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 879

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 879

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 880

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 881

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 881

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 881

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 882

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 882

Period <Prd> [0..1] 882

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 883

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 883

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 884

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 884

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 884 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: High level code to identify the type of tax details.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Category <Ctgy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the tax code as published by the tax authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 878 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides further details of the category tax code.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DebtorStatus <DbtrSts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Code provided by local authority to identify the status of the party that has drawn up the
settlement document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CertificateIdentification <CertId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification number of the tax report as assigned by the taxing authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 FormsCode <FrmsCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies, in a coded form, on which template the tax report is to be provided.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 879

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 879

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 880 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 879 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 880 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the amount of the tax record.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 881

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 881

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 882

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 882

Period <Prd> [0..1] 882

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 883

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 883

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 884

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 884 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the tax.
Datatype: "PercentageRate" on page 1162 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 881 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalAmount <TtlAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount that is the result of the calculation of the tax for the record.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Details <Dtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the tax period and amount.
Details <Dtls> contains the following TaxRecordDetails3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Period <Prd> [0..1] 882

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 883

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 883

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 884

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 884 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 882 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 883

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 883

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 884 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 883 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

CodeName Name Definition

QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Underlying tax amount related to the specified period.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details of the tax record.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 884 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is
intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 885 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> contains the following RemittanceInformation21 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 888

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 888

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 891

Type <Tp> [0..1] 893

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 893

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 893

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 894

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 894

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 894

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 895

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 895

Identification <Id> [1..*] 896

Type <Tp> [0..1] 897

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 897

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 897

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 898

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 898

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 898

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 898

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 898

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 898

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 899

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 900

Type <Tp> [0..1] 900

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 900

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 900

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 900

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 901

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 901

Type <Tp> [0..1] 901

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 902

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 886 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 902

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 902

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 902


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 903

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 903

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 903

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 903

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 904

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 904

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 905

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 906

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 906

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 907

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 909

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 909

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 909

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 910

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 910

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 910

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 910

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 911

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 911

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 911

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 911

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 912

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 912

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 912

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 913

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 913

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 913

Period <Prd> [0..1] 913

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 913

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 913

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 914

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 915

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 915

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 916

Period <Prd> [0..1] 916

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 916

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 917

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 917

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 918

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 918

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 918

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 919 Unstructured <Ustrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in an
unstructured form.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Structured <Strd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in a
structured form.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 888 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Structured <Strd> contains the following StructuredRemittanceInformation17 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 891

Type <Tp> [0..1] 893

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 893

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 893

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 894

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 894

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 894

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 895

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 895

Identification <Id> [1..*] 896

Type <Tp> [0..1] 897

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 897

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 897

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 898

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 898

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 898

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 898

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 898

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 898

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 899

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 900

Type <Tp> [0..1] 900

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 900

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 900

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 900

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 901

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 901

Type <Tp> [0..1] 901

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 902

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 902

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 902

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 889 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 902


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 903

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 903

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 903

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 903

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 904

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 904

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 905

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 906

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 906

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 907

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 909

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 909

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 909

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 910

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 910

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 910

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 910

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 911

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 911

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 911

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 911

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 912

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 912

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 912

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 913

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 913

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 913

Period <Prd> [0..1] 913

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 913

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 913

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 890 February 2021

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 914

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 915

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 915

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 916

Period <Prd> [0..1] 916

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 916

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 917

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 917

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 918

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 918

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 918

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 919 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides the identification and the content of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 891 February 2021

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ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> contains the following

ReferredDocumentInformation7 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 893

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 893

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 893

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 894

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 894

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 894

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 895

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 895

Identification <Id> [1..*] 896

Type <Tp> [0..1] 897

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 897

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 897

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 898

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 898

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 898

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 898

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 898

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 898

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 899

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 900

Type <Tp> [0..1] 900

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 900

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 900

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 900

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 901

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 901

Type <Tp> [0..1] 901

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 902

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 902

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 902

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 892 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 902


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 903

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 903

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 903

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 903

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 904 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document.
Type <Tp> contains the following ReferredDocumentType4 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 893

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 893

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 894

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 894 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following ReferredDocumentType3Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 893

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 894 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Document type in a coded form.
Datatype: "DocumentType6Code" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

MSIN MeteredServiceInvoice Document is an invoice claiming

payment for the supply of metered
services, for example gas or electricity
supplied to a fixed meter.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 893 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

CodeName Name Definition

CNFA CreditNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a credit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

DNFA DebitNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a debit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

CINV CommercialInvoice Document is an invoice.

CREN CreditNote Document is a credit note.

DEBN DebitNote Document is a debit note.

HIRI HireInvoice Document is an invoice for the hiring of

human resources or renting goods or

SBIN SelfBilledInvoice Document is an invoice issued by the


CMCN CommercialContract Document is an agreement between the

parties, stipulating the terms and
conditions of the delivery of goods or

SOAC StatementOfAccount Document is a statement of the

transactions posted to the debtor's
account at the supplier.

DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.

BOLD BillOfLading Document is a shipping notice.

VCHR Voucher Document is an electronic payment


AROI AccountReceivableOpenItem Document is a payment that applies to a

specific source document.

TSUT TradeServicesUtilityTransaction Document is a transaction identifier as

assigned by the Trade Services Utility.

PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order. Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document type.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 894 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 LineDetails <LineDtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide the content of the referred document line.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 895 February 2021

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LineDetails <LineDtls> contains the following DocumentLineInformation1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..*] 896

Type <Tp> [0..1] 897

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 897

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 897

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 898

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 898

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 898

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 898

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 898

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 898

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 899

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 900

Type <Tp> [0..1] 900

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 900

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 900

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 900

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 901

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 901

Type <Tp> [0..1] 901

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 902

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 902

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 902

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 902


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 903

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 903

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 903

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 903

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 904 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..*]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 896 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Definition: Provides identification of the document line.

Identification <Id> contains the following DocumentLineIdentification1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 897

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 897

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 897

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 898

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 898

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 898

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 898 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document line identification.
Type <Tp> contains the following DocumentLineType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 897

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 897

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 898

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 898 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document line identification.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following DocumentLineType1Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 897

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 898 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Line identification type in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDocumentLineType1Code" on page 1149

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 897 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document line identificationtype.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the type specified for the referred document line.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document line.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Description <Desc>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Description associated with the document line.
Datatype: "Max2048Text" on page 1164 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the document line.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 898 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Amount <Amt> contains the following RemittanceAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 899

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 900

Type <Tp> [0..1] 900

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 900

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 900

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 900

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 901

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 901

Type <Tp> [0..1] 901

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 902

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 902

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 902

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 902

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 903

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 903

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 903

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 903

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 904 DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 899 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of discount to be applied to the amount due and payable to the creditor.
DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> contains the following DiscountAmountAndType1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 900

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 900

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 900

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 900 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following DiscountAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 900

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 900 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDiscountAmountType1Code" on page 1149 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 900 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of a credit note.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of the tax.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmountAndType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 901

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 902

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 902

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 902 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 901 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Type <Tp> contains one of the following TaxAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 902

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 902 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalTaxAmountType1Code" on page 1153 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Specifies detailed information on the amount and reason of the adjustment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 902 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> contains the following

DocumentAdjustment1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 903

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 903

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 903

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 903 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money of the document adjustment.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies whether the adjustment must be subtracted or added to the total amount.
Datatype: "CreditDebitCode" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.

DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease. Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the adjustment.
Datatype: "Max4Text" on page 1165 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 903 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Definition: Provides further details on the document adjustment.

Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money remitted.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 904 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> contains the following elements (see

"RemittanceAmount2" on page 1098 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1099

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1099

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1099

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1099

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1100

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1101

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1101

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1101

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1101

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1101

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 1102

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1102

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1102

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1103

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1103

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1103 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 905 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> contains the following elements (see

"CreditorReferenceInformation2" on page 1076 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1076

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1076

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1076

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1077

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1077

Reference <Ref> [0..1] Text 1077 Invoicer <Invcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the organisation issuing the invoice, when it is different from the creditor or
ultimate creditor.
Invoicer <Invcr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Invoicee <Invcee>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the party to whom an invoice is issued, when it is different from the debtor or
ultimate debtor.
Invoicee <Invcee> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 906 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 TaxRemittance <TaxRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment made for tax-related purposes.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 907 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> contains the following TaxData1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 909

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 909

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 909

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 910

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 910

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 910

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 910

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 911

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 911

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 911

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 911

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 912

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 912

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 912

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 913

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 913

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 913

Period <Prd> [0..1] 913

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 913

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 913

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 914

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 915

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 915

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 916

Period <Prd> [0..1] 916

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 916

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 917

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 917

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 918

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 908 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 918 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the credit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty1" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1140

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1140

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1140 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the debit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor, in this case, to the
taxing authority.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 909 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Territorial part of a country to which the tax payment is related.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 ReferenceNumber <RefNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax reference information that is specific to a taxing agency.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Method <Mtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Method used to indicate the underlying business or how the tax is paid.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 910 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money as result of the calculation of the tax.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Date <Dt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date by which tax is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SequenceNumber <SeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the tax report.
Datatype: "Number" on page 1161 Record <Rcrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Record of tax details.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 911 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Record <Rcrd> contains the following TaxRecord3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 912

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 912

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 912

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 913

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 913

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 913

Period <Prd> [0..1] 913

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 913

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 913

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 914

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 915

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 915

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 916

Period <Prd> [0..1] 916

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 916

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 917

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 917

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 918

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 918 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: High level code to identify the type of tax details.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Category <Ctgy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the tax code as published by the tax authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 912 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Definition: Provides further details of the category tax code.

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DebtorStatus <DbtrSts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Code provided by local authority to identify the status of the party that has drawn up the
settlement document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CertificateIdentification <CertId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification number of the tax report as assigned by the taxing authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 FormsCode <FrmsCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies, in a coded form, on which template the tax report is to be provided.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 913

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 913

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 914 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 913 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

CodeName Name Definition

MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 914 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10
FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV10 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the amount of the tax record.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 915

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C2, C8 915

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 916

Period <Prd> [0..1] 916

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 916

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 917

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 917

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 918 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the tax.
Datatype: "PercentageRate" on page 1162 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalAmount <TtlAmt>

Presence: [0..1]

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.009.001.10

Definition: Total amount that is the result of the calculation of the tax for the record.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Details <Dtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the tax period and amount.
Details <Dtls> contains the following TaxRecordDetails3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Period <Prd> [0..1] 916

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 916

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 917

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 917

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C2, C8 918 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 916

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 917

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 917 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.

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Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Underlying tax amount related to the specified period.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details of the tax record.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment for garnishment-related purposes.

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GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> contains the following elements (see "Garnishment3" on

page 1131 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [1..1] 1132

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1132

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1132

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1132

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1132

Garnishee <Grnshee> [0..1] ± 1133

GarnishmentAdministrator <GrnshmtAdmstr> [0..1] ± 1133

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1133

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1133

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1133

FamilyMedicalInsuranceIndicator <FmlyMdclInsrncInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134

EmployeeTerminationIndicator <MplyeeTermntnInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf>

Presence: [0..3]
Definition: Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of
charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.

Usage: This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C8 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 919 February 2021

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Note: The decimal separator is a dot. SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C47 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

7.4.3 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C47 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

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8 pacs.010.001.05

8.1 MessageDefinition Functionality


The FinancialInstitutionDirectDebit message is sent by an exchange or clearing house, or a financial

institution, directly or through another agent, to the DebtorAgent. It is used to instruct the DebtorAgent
to move funds from one or more debtor(s) account(s) to one or more creditor(s), where both debtor and
creditor are financial institutions.


The FinancialInstitutionDirectDebit message is exchanged between agents and can contain one or
more financial institution direct debit instruction(s) for one or more creditor(s). The
FinancialInstitutionDirectDebit message can be used in domestic and cross-border scenarios.
The FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05 MessageDefinition is composed of 3 MessageBuildingBlocks:

A. GroupHeader
Common characteristics for all individual transactions included in the message.

B. CreditInstruction
Characteristics that apply to the credit side of the payment transaction(s) included in the message.

C. SupplementaryData
Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other specific

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8.2 Structure
Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page

Message root <Document> <FIDrctDbt> [1..1] C18

GroupHeader <GrpHdr> [1..1] ± 926

CreditInstruction <CdtInstr> [1..*] C5, C10, 927


CreditIdentification <CdtId> [1..1] Text 932

BatchBooking <BtchBookg> [0..1] Indicator 932

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 932

TotalInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C6 933

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 933

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 934

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 934

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 934

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 934

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 934

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 935

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C9, C8 935

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 936

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 936

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 936

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 937

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 937

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 937

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C9, C8 938

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 938

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 938

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 939

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 939

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 939

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 940

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C9, C8 940

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 941

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 941

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 941

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 942

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 942

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 942

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C9, C8 942

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 943

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 943

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 944

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 944

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 944

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 945

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C9, C8 945

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 946

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 946

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 946

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 947

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 947

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 947

InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> [0..*] ± 947

DirectDebitTransactionInformation <DrctDbtTxInf> [1..*] C24 948

PaymentIdentification <PmtId> [1..1] ± C22 950

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 950

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C6 951

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 951

SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 952

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 952

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 952

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 952

SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> [0..1] ± 952

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 953

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 953

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C9, C8 953

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 954

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 954

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 955

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 955

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 955

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 955

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C9, C8 956

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 956

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 957

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 957

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 957

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 958

InstructionForDebtorAgent <InstrForDbtrAgt> [0..1] Text 958

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 958

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] ± 958

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C19 959

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C19 959

8.3 Constraints
C1 ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the
message containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with
the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet
withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

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C2 ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the
Currency is exchanged.

Valid BICs for financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration
Authority in the ISO directory of BICs, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous

C4 Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO
3166, Alpha-2 code).

C5 CreditorAgentAccountRule
If CreditorAgentAccount is present, then CreditorAgent must be present.

C6 CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and

C8 IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

C9 IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.

C10 InterbankSettlementDateRule
If InterbankSettlementDate is present, then DirectDebitTransactionInformation/
InterbankSettlementDate is not allowed.

C11 IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.

C12 IntermediaryAgent1Rule
If IntermediaryAgent1 is present, then CreditorAgent must be present.

C13 IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.

C14 IntermediaryAgent2Rule
If IntermediaryAgent2 is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.

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C15 IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.

C16 IntermediaryAgent3Rule
If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.

C17 PaymentTypeInformationRule
If PaymentTypeInformation is present, then DirectDebitTransactionInformation/
PaymentTypeInformation is not allowed.

C18 SupplementaryDataRule
The SupplementaryData building block at message level must not be used to provide additional
information about a transaction. The SupplementaryData element at transaction level should be
used for that purpose.
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C19 SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the
RA of ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

C20 TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndSumRule
If TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then it must equal the sum of all occurrences of

C21 TotalInterbankSettlementAmountRule
If CreditInformation/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then all occurrences of
DirectDebitTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementAmount must have the same currency
as the currency of CreditInformation/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount.

C22 TransactionIdentificationPresenceRule
TransactionIdentification or UETR must be present. Both may be present

C23 UltimateCreditorGuideline
UltimateCreditor may only be present if different from Creditor.

C24 UltimateDebtorGuideline
UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor.

8.4 Message Building Blocks

This chapter describes the MessageBuildingBlocks of this MessageDefinition.

8.4.1 GroupHeader <GrpHdr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Common characteristics for all individual transactions included in the message.

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GroupHeader <GrpHdr> contains the following elements (see "GroupHeader92" on page 1091 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 1091

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 1091

NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 1091

ControlSum <CtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 1091

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 1091

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 1092

8.4.2 CreditInstruction <CdtInstr>

Presence: [1..*]
Definition: Characteristics that apply to the credit side of the payment transaction(s) included in the
Impacted by: C5 "CreditorAgentAccountRule", C10 "InterbankSettlementDateRule", C11
"IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule", C12 "IntermediaryAgent1Rule", C13
"IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule", C14 "IntermediaryAgent2Rule", C15
"IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule", C16 "IntermediaryAgent3Rule", C17
"PaymentTypeInformationRule", C20 "TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndSumRule", C21
"TotalInterbankSettlementAmountRule", C23 "UltimateCreditorGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 927 February 2021

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CreditInstruction <CdtInstr> contains the following CreditTransferTransaction53 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CreditIdentification <CdtId> [1..1] Text 932

BatchBooking <BtchBookg> [0..1] Indicator 932

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 932

TotalInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C6 933

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 933

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 934

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 934

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 934

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 934

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 934

IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> [0..1] ± 935

IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> [0..1] C9, C8 935

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 936

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 936

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 936

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 937

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 937

IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> [0..1] ± 937

IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> [0..1] C9, C8 938

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 938

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 938

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 939

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 939

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 939

IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> [0..1] ± 940

IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> [0..1] C9, C8 940

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 941

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 941

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 941

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 942

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 942

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 942

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C9, C8 942

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 943

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 943

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 944

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 944

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 944

Creditor <Cdtr> [1..1] ± 945

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C9, C8 945

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 946

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 946

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 946

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 947

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 947

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 947

InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> [0..*] ± 947

DirectDebitTransactionInformation <DrctDbtTxInf> [1..*] C24 948

PaymentIdentification <PmtId> [1..1] ± C22 950

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 950

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C6 951

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 951

SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 952

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 952

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 952

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 952

SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> [0..1] ± 952

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 953

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 953

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C9, C8 953

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 954

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 954

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 955

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 955

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 955

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 955

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C9, C8 956

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 956

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 957

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 957

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 957

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 958

InstructionForDebtorAgent <InstrForDbtrAgt> [0..1] Text 958

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 958

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] ± 958

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C19 959


• CreditorAgentAccountRule
If CreditorAgentAccount is present, then CreditorAgent must be present.
On Condition
/CreditorAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/CreditorAgentAccount Must be absent

• InterbankSettlementDateRule
If InterbankSettlementDate is present, then DirectDebitTransactionInformation/
InterbankSettlementDate is not allowed.
On Condition
/InterbankSettlementDate is present
Following Must be True
/DirectDebitTransactionInformation[*]/InterbankSettlementDate Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent1AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent1Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent1 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent1Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent1Rule
If IntermediaryAgent1 is present, then CreditorAgent must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent1 is present

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 930 February 2021

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Following Must be True

/CreditorAgent Must be present

• IntermediaryAgent2AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent2Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent2 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent2Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent2Rule
If IntermediaryAgent2 is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent2 is present
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent1 Must be present

• IntermediaryAgent3AccountRule
If IntermediaryAgent3Account is present, then IntermediaryAgent3 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent3 is absent
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent3Account Must be absent

• IntermediaryAgent3Rule
If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then IntermediaryAgent2 must be present.
On Condition
/IntermediaryAgent3 is present
Following Must be True
/IntermediaryAgent2 Must be present

• PaymentTypeInformationRule
If PaymentTypeInformation is present, then DirectDebitTransactionInformation/
PaymentTypeInformation is not allowed.
On Condition
/PaymentTypeInformation is present
Following Must be True
/DirectDebitTransactionInformation[*]/PaymentTypeInformation Must be absent

• TotalInterbankSettlementAmountAndSumRule
If TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then it must equal the sum of all occurrences of
On Condition
/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True
/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount Must be equal to value 'sum of /

• TotalInterbankSettlementAmountRule
If CreditInformation/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then all occurrences of
DirectDebitTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementAmount must have the same currency as the
currency of CreditInformation/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount.
On Condition
/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present
Following Must be True

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attribute::Currency Must be equal to /TotalInterbankSettlementAmount/


• UltimateCreditorGuideline
UltimateCreditor may only be present if different from Creditor. CreditIdentification <CdtId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by a sending party, to unambiguously identify the credit
instruction within the message.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 BatchBooking <BtchBookg>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies whether a single entry per individual direct debit transaction or a batch entry for the
sum of the amounts of all transactions within the group of a message is requested.

Usage: Batch booking is used to request and not order a possible batch booking.
Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "BatchBookingIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: Identifies that a batch entry for the sum of the amounts of all transactions in the
batch or message is requested.

• Meaning When False: Identifies that a single entry for each of the transactions in the batch or
message is requested. PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further specifies the type of transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 932 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see

"PaymentTypeInformation28" on page 1116 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1117

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1118

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1118

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118 TotalInterbankSettlementAmount <TtlIntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveCurrency", C6 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1141


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 933 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05 SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the occurred settlement time(s) of the payment transaction.
SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> contains the following SettlementDateTimeIndication1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 934

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 934 DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been debited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been debited at the central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been credited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been credited at the receiving central
bank, expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 934 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see

"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If more than one intermediary agent is present, then IntermediaryAgent1 identifies the agent
between the DebtorAgent and the IntermediaryAgent2.
IntermediaryAgent1 <IntrmyAgt1> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 1 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C9 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C8 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent1Account <IntrmyAgt1Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 936

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 936

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 936

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 937

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 937

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• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 936 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If more than two intermediary agents are present, then IntermediaryAgent2 identifies the agent
between the IntermediaryAgent1 and the IntermediaryAgent3.
IntermediaryAgent2 <IntrmyAgt2> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 937 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05 IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 2 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C9 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C8 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent2Account <IntrmyAgt2Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 938

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 938

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 939

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 939

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 939


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 938 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 939 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent between the debtor's agent and the creditor's agent.

Usage: If IntermediaryAgent3 is present, then it identifies the agent between the IntermediaryAgent 2
and the CreditorAgent.
IntermediaryAgent3 <IntrmyAgt3> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 3 at its servicing agent in
the payment chain.
Impacted by: C9 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C8 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
IntermediaryAgent3Account <IntrmyAgt3Acct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 941

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 941

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 941

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 942

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 942

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 940 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 941 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 942 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor agent at its servicing agent to which
a credit entry will be made as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C9 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C8 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 943

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 943

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 944

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 944

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 944


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 943 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 944 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Financial institution that receives an amount of money from the financial institutional debtor.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on
page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be
posted as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C9 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C8 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 946

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 946

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 946

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 947

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 947

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 945 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 946 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate financial institution to which an amount of money is due.
UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..*]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 947 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

Definition: Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction, provided by the
initiating party, and intended for the creditor agent.
InstructionForCreditorAgent <InstrForCdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"InstructionForCreditorAgent3" on page 1112 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 1112

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 1112 DirectDebitTransactionInformation <DrctDbtTxInf>

Presence: [1..*]
Definition: Provides information on the individual debit transaction(s) included in the message.
Impacted by: C24 "UltimateDebtorGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 948 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

DirectDebitTransactionInformation <DrctDbtTxInf> contains the following

DirectDebitTransactionInformation27 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PaymentIdentification <PmtId> [1..1] ± C22 950

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 950

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C6 951

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 951

SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 952

SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> [0..1] 952

DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 952

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 952

SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> [0..1] ± 952

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 953

Debtor <Dbtr> [1..1] ± 953

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C9, C8 953

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 954

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 954

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 955

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 955

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 955

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 955

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C9, C8 956

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 956

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 957

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 957

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 957

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 958

InstructionForDebtorAgent <InstrForDbtrAgt> [0..1] Text 958

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 958

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] ± 958

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 949 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05


• UltimateDebtorGuideline
UltimateDebtor may only be present if different from Debtor. PaymentIdentification <PmtId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: References used for a payment instruction.
Impacted by: C22 "TransactionIdentificationPresenceRule"
PaymentIdentification <PmtId> contains the following elements (see "PaymentIdentification13" on
page 1085 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionIdentification <InstrId> [0..1] Text 1085

EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId> [1..1] Text 1085

TransactionIdentification <TxId> [0..1] Text 1086

UETR <UETR> [0..1] IdentifierSet 1086

ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 1086


• TransactionIdentificationPresenceRule
TransactionIdentification or UETR must be present. Both may be present
Following Must be True
/TransactionIdentification Must be present
Or /UETR Must be present PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 950 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see

"PaymentTypeInformation28" on page 1116 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1117

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1118

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1118

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118 InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveCurrency", C6 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1141


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 951 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05 SettlementPriority <SttlmPrty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the
instructed party to apply to the processing of the settlement instruction.
Datatype: "Priority3Code" on page 1155

CodeName Name Definition

URGT Urgent Priority level is urgent (highest priority


HIGH High Priority level is high.

NORM Normal Priority level is normal. SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the occurred settlement time(s) of the payment transaction.
SettlementTimeIndication <SttlmTmIndctn> contains the following SettlementDateTimeIndication1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 952

CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 952 DebitDateTime <DbtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been debited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been debited at the central bank,
expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 CreditDateTime <CdtDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which a payment has been credited at the transaction administrator. In the
case of TARGET, the date and time at which the payment has been credited at the receiving central
bank, expressed in Central European Time (CET).
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides information on the requested settlement time(s) of the payment instruction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 952 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

SettlementTimeRequest <SttlmTmReq> contains the following elements (see

"SettlementTimeRequest2" on page 1111 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CLSTime <CLSTm> [0..1] Time 1112

TillTime <TillTm> [0..1] Time 1112

FromTime <FrTm> [0..1] Time 1112

RejectTime <RjctTm> [0..1] Time 1112 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate financial institution that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) institutional
UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Financial institution that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) financial institutional
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on
page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made
as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C9 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C8 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 953 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 954

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 954

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 955

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 955

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 955


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 954 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 955 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see

"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the
payment chain.
Impacted by: C9 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C8 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 956

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 957

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C2 957

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 957

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 958


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 956 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C2 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 957 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 InstructionForDebtorAgent <InstrForDbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction, that may need to be
acted upon by the debtor agent, depending on agreement between debtor and the debtor agent.
Datatype: "Max210Text" on page 1164 Purpose <Purp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the payment transaction.

Usage: Purpose is used by the end-customers, that is initiating party, (ultimate) debtor, (ultimate)
creditor to provide information concerning the nature of the payment. Purpose is a content element,
which is not used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
Purpose <Purp> contains one of the following elements (see "Purpose2Choice" on page 1089 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1090

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1090 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is
intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system.
RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> contains the following elements (see "RemittanceInformation2" on
page 1089 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 1089

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 958 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.010.001.05 FinancialInstitutionDirectDebitV05 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C19 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

8.4.3 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C19 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 959 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

9 pacs.028.001.05

9.1 MessageDefinition Functionality


The FinancialInstitutionToFinancialInstitutionPaymentStatusRequest message is sent by the debtor

agent to the creditor agent, directly or through other agents and/or a payment clearing and settlement
system. It is used to request a FIToFIPaymentStatusReport message containing information on the
status of a previously sent instruction.


The FIToFIPaymentStatusRequest message is exchanged between agents to request status

information about instructions previously sent. Its usage will always be governed by a bilateral
agreement between the agents.

The FIToFIPaymentStatusRequest message can be used to request information about the status (such
as rejection, acceptance) of a credit transfer instruction, a direct debit instruction, as well as other intra-
agent instructions (for example FIToFIPaymentCancellationRequest).

The FIToFIPaymentStatusRequest message refers to the original instruction(s) by means of references

only or by means of references and a set of elements from the original instruction.

The FIToFIPaymentStatusRequest message can be used in domestic and cross-border scenarios.

The FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 MessageDefinition is composed of 4 MessageBuildingBlocks:

A. GroupHeader
Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the status request message.

B. OriginalGroupInformation
Original group information concerning the group of transactions, to which the status request
message refers to.

C. TransactionInformation
Information concerning the original transaction, to which the status request message refers.

D. SupplementaryData
Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other specific

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 960 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

9.2 Structure
Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page

Message root <Document> <FIToFIPmtStsReq> [1..1] C13,


GroupHeader <GrpHdr> [1..1] ± 970

OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> [0..*] ± 970

TransactionInformation <TxInf> [0..*] 971

StatusRequestIdentification <StsReqId> [0..1] Text 978

OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> [0..1] ± 979

OriginalInstructionIdentification <OrgnlInstrId> [0..1] Text 979

OriginalEndToEndIdentification <OrgnlEndToEndId> [0..1] Text 979

OriginalTransactionIdentification <OrgnlTxId> [0..1] Text 979

OriginalUETR <OrgnlUETR> [0..1] IdentifierSet 979

AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 979

ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 980

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 980

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 980

OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef> [0..1] 980

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 987

Amount <Amt> [0..1] ± 987

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 988

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 988

RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> [0..1] ± 988

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 988

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [0..1] C11, 989


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 992

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 992

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 993

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 961 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 993

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 994

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 994

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 994

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 994

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 995

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 995

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 995

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C10, C9 995


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 996

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 996

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 997

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 997

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 997

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 997

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C10, C9 998


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 998

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 999

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 999

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 999

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1000

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 1000

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C10, C9 1000


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1001

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1001

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1001

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1002

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1002

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 1002

PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 1003

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 962 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] 1003

{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C2, C3 1005

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 1007

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 1007

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 1007

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 1008

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 1010

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 1010


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1010

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1010

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1011

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1011

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1012

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1012

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1012

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 1012

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1013

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1013

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1014

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1014

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1014

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1015

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1015

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1015

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1016

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1016

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1016

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1017

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1017

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1017

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 1017

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 1018

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1018

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1018

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 1018

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 1018

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1019

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1019

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 1019

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1019

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1019

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1020

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 1020

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 1020

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 1020

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 1023

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 1023

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 1026

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1028

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1028

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1028

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1029

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1029

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1029

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1030

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 1030

Identification <Id> [1..*] 1031

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1032

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1032

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1032

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1033

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1033

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1033

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1033

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 1033

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 1033

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1034

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1035

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1035

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1035

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1035

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1035

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1036

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1036

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1036

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1037

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1037

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1037

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 1037


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1038

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1038

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1038

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1038

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1039

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 1039

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 1040

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 1041

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 1041

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 1042

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 1044

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 1044

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 1044

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 1045

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1045

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 1045

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1045

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1046

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1046

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 1046

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 1046

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 1047

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 1047

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 1047

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 1048

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 1048

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 1048

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1048

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1048

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1048

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1049

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 1050

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 1050

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 1051

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1051

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1051

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1052

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1052

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1053

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1053

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 1053

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 1054

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 1054

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 1054

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1055

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1055

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1056

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1056

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1056

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1056

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1057

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1057

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1058

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1058

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1058

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1059

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1059

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1059

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1059

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1060

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1060

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1061

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1061

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1061

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 1061

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1062

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1062

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1063

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1063

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1063

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1064

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 1064

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 1064

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C21 1064

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Or MessageElement/BuildingBlock<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C21 1065

9.3 Constraints
C1 ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the
Currency is exchanged.

C2 AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule
If AmendmentIndicator is false, then AmendmentInformationDetails is not allowed.

C3 AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule
If AmendmentIndicator is true, then AmendementInformationDetails must be present.

Only a valid Business identifier code is allowed. Business identifier codes for financial or non-
financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority in the
ISO directory of BICs, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters.

Valid BICs for financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration
Authority in the ISO directory of BICs, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous

C6 Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO
3166, Alpha-2 code).

C7 CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and

C9 IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

C10 IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.

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C11 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent
must be present.

C12 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent
must be present.

C13 OriginalGroupInformationAbsenceRule
If OriginalGroupInformation is absent, then

TransactionInformation[*]/OriginalGroupInformation must be present.

On Condition
/OriginalGroupInformation[*] is absent
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*]/OriginalGroupInformation Must be present
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C14 OriginalGroupInformationMultiplePresenceRule
If OriginalGroupInformation is present and multiple times (Occurrence > 1), then
TransactionInformation[*]/OriginalGroupInformation must be present.
On Condition
/OriginalGroupInformation[2] is present
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*]/OriginalGroupInformation Must be present
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C15 OriginalGroupInformationSinglePresenceRule
If OriginalGroupInformationAndStatus is present and only once, then
TransactionInformationAndStatus[*]/OriginalGroupInformation must be absent.
On Condition
/OriginalGroupInformation[1] is present
And /OriginalGroupInformation[2] is absent
Following Must be True
/TransactionInformation[*]/OriginalGroupInformation Must be absent
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C16 SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and
ClearingSystem are not allowed.

C17 SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s)
are not allowed.

C18 SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.

C19 SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 969 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

C20 SupplementaryDataRule
The SupplementaryData building block at message level must not be used to provide additional
information about a transaction. The SupplementaryData element at transaction level should be
used for that purpose.
This constraint is defined at the MessageDefinition level.

C21 SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the
RA of ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

C22 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be

C23 ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.

9.4 Message Building Blocks

This chapter describes the MessageBuildingBlocks of this MessageDefinition.

9.4.1 GroupHeader <GrpHdr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the status request
GroupHeader <GrpHdr> contains the following elements (see "GroupHeader91" on page 1092 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 1092

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 1092

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 1093

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 1093

9.4.2 OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Original group information concerning the group of transactions, to which the status request
message refers to.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> contains the following elements (see

"OriginalGroupInformation27" on page 1097 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId> [1..1] Text 1097

OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> [1..1] Text 1097

OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 1097

OriginalNumberOfTransactions <OrgnlNbOfTxs> [0..1] Text 1098

OriginalControlSum <OrgnlCtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 1098

9.4.3 TransactionInformation <TxInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information concerning the original transaction, to which the status request message refers.

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Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

TransactionInformation <TxInf> contains the following PaymentTransaction131 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


StatusRequestIdentification <StsReqId> [0..1] Text 978

OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> [0..1] ± 979

OriginalInstructionIdentification <OrgnlInstrId> [0..1] Text 979

OriginalEndToEndIdentification <OrgnlEndToEndId> [0..1] Text 979

OriginalTransactionIdentification <OrgnlTxId> [0..1] Text 979

OriginalUETR <OrgnlUETR> [0..1] IdentifierSet 979

AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 979

ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 980

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 980

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 980

OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef> [0..1] 980

InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 987

Amount <Amt> [0..1] ± 987

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 988

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 988

RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> [0..1] ± 988

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 988

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [0..1] C11, 989


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 992

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 992

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 993

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 993

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 994

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 994

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 994

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 994

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 995

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 995

InstructingReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 995


InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C10, C9 995


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 996

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 996

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 997

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 997

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 997

InstructedReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 997


InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C10, C9 998


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 998

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 999

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 999

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 999

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1000

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 1000

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C10, C9 1000


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1001

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1001

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1001

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1002

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1002

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 1002

PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 1003

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] 1003

{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C2, C3 1005

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 1007

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 1007

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 1007

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 1008

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 1010

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 1010


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1010

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount [0..1] C10, C9 1010


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1011

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1011

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1012

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1012

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1012

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 1012

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1013

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1013

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1014

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1014

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1014

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1015

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1015

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1015

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1016

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1016

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1016

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1017

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1017

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1017

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 1017

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 1018

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1018

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1018

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 1018

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 1018

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1019

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1019

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 1019

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1019

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1019

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1020

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 1020

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 1020

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 1020

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 1023

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 1023

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 1026

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1028

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1028

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1028

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1029

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1029

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1029

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1030

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 1030

Identification <Id> [1..*] 1031

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1032

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1032

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1032

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1033

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1033

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1033

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1033

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 1033

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 1033

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1034

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1035

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1035

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1035

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1035

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1035

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1036

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1036

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1036

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1037

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1037

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1037

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 1037


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1038

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1038

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1038

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1038

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1039

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 1039

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 1040

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 1041

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 1041

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 1042

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 1044

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 1044

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 1044

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 1045

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1045

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 1045

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1045

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1046

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1046

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 1046

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 1046

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 1047

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 1047

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 1047

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 1048

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 1048

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 1048

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1048

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1048

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1048

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1049

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 1050

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 1050

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 1051

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1051

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1051

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1052

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1052

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1053

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1053

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 1053

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 1054

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 1054

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 1054

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1055

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1055

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1056

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1056

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1056

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1056

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1057

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1057

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1058

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1058

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1058

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1059

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1059

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1059

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1059

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1060

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1060

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1061

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1061

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1061

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 1061

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1062

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1062

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1063

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1063

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1063

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1064

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 1064

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 1064

SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> [0..*] ± C21 1064 StatusRequestIdentification <StsReqId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to
unambiguously identify the status request.

Usage: The instructing party is the party sending the request message and not the party that sent the
original instruction that is being reported on.

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Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the original instructing party, to unambiguously
identify the original message.
OriginalGroupInformation <OrgnlGrpInf> contains the following elements (see
"OriginalGroupInformation29" on page 1093 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId> [1..1] Text 1093

OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> [1..1] Text 1094

OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 1094 OriginalInstructionIdentification <OrgnlInstrId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original instructing party for the original instructed
party, to unambiguously identify the original instruction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalEndToEndIdentification <OrgnlEndToEndId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original initiating party, to unambiguously identify
the original transaction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalTransactionIdentification <OrgnlTxId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original first instructing agent, to unambiguously
identify the transaction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalUETR <OrgnlUETR>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Universally unique identifier to provide the original end-to-end reference of a payment
Datatype: "UUIDv4Identifier" on page 1160 AcceptanceDateTime <AccptncDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]

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Definition: Point in time when the payment order from the initiating party meets the processing
conditions of the account servicing agent. This means that the account servicing agent has received the
payment order and has applied checks such as authorisation, availability of funds.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique reference, as assigned by a clearing system, to unambiguously identify the
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Key elements used to identify the original transaction that is being referred to.

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OriginalTransactionReference <OrgnlTxRef> contains the following

OriginalTransactionReference35 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 987

Amount <Amt> [0..1] ± 987

InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt> [0..1] Date 988

RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt> [0..1] Date 988

RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> [0..1] ± 988

CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> [0..1] ± 988

SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> [0..1] C11, 989


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 992

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 992

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 993

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 993

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 994

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 994

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 994

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 994

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 995

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 995

InstructingReimbursementAgent [0..1] ± 995


InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C10, C9 995


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 996

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 996

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 997

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 997

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 997

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 997

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C10, C9 998


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 998

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 999

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 999

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 999

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1000

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 1000

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C10, C9 1000


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1001

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1001

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1001

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1002

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1002

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> [0..1] ± 1002

PaymentMethod <PmtMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 1003

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> [0..1] 1003

{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C2, C3 1005

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 1007

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 1007

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 1007

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 1008

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 1010

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 1010


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1010

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1010

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1011

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1011

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1012

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1012

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1012

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 1012

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1013

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1013

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1014

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1014

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1014

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1015

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1015

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1015

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1016

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1016

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1016

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1017

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1017

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1017

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 1017

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 1018

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1018

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1018

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 1018

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 1018

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1019

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1019

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 1019

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1019

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1019

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1020

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 1020

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 1020

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> [0..1] 1020

Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 1023

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Structured <Strd> [0..*] 1023

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 1026

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1028

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1028

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1028

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1029

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1029

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1029

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1030

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 1030

Identification <Id> [1..*] 1031

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1032

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1032

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1032

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1033

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1033

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1033

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1033

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 1033

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 1033

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1034

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1035

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1035

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1035

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1035

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1035

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1036

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1036

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1036

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1037

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1037

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1037

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 1037


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1038

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1038

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1038

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1038

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1039

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 1039

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 1040

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 1041

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 1041

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 1042

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 1044

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 1044

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 1044

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 1045

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1045

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 1045

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1045

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1046

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1046

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 1046

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 1046

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 1047

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 1047

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 1047

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 1048

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 1048

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 1048

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1048

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1048

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1048

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1049

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 1050

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 1050

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 1051

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1051

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1051

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1052

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1052

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1053

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1053

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 1053

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 1054

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 1054

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 1054

DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1055

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1055

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1056

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1056

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1056

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1056

DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1057

DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1057

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1058

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1058

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1058

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1059

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1059

CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1059

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1059

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1060

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1060

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1061

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1061

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1061

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 1061

CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1062

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1062

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1063

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1063

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1063

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1064

UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> [0..1] ± 1064

Purpose <Purp> [0..1] ± 1064 InterbankSettlementAmount <IntrBkSttlmAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of
charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.

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Amount <Amt> contains one of the following elements (see "AmountType4Choice" on page 1069 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1069

Or} EquivalentAmount <EqvtAmt> [1..1] 1070

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1070

CurrencyOfTransfer <CcyOfTrf> [1..1] CodeSet C1 1070 InterbankSettlementDate <IntrBkSttlmDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and
when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 RequestedCollectionDate <ReqdColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the creditor requests that the amount of money is to be collected from
the debtor.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date at which the initiating party requests the clearing agent to process the payment.

Usage: This is the date on which the debtor's account is to be debited. If payment by cheque, the date
when the cheque must be generated by the bank.
RequestedExecutionDate <ReqdExctnDt> contains one of the following elements (see
"DateAndDateTime2Choice" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] Date 1072

Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime 1073 CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Credit party that signs the mandate.

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CreditorSchemeIdentification <CdtrSchmeId> contains the following elements (see

"PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 SettlementInformation <SttlmInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the details on how the settlement of the original transaction(s) between the
instructing agent and the instructed agent was completed.
Impacted by: C11 "InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C12
"InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C16 "SettlementMethodAgentRule", C17
"SettlementMethodClearingRule", C18 "SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule", C19
"SettlementMethodCoverRule", C22 "ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule", C23

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 989 February 2021

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SettlementInformation <SttlmInf> contains the following SettlementInstruction11 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd> [1..1] CodeSet 992

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 992

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 993

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 993

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 994

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 994

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 994

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> [0..1] 994

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 995

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 995

InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 995

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C10, C9 995


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 996

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 996

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 997

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 997

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 997

InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 997

InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C10, C9 998


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 998

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 999

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 999

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 999

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1000

ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> [0..1] ± 1000

ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount [0..1] C10, C9 1000


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1001

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1001

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1001

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Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1002

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1002


• InstructedReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructedReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructedReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• InstructingReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent must be
On Condition
/InstructingReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• SettlementMethodAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to INDA or INGA, then ReimbursementAgent(s) and ClearingSystem
are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructingAgent'
Or /SettlementMethod is equal to value 'InstructedAgent'
Following Must be True
/ClearingSystem Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodClearingRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to CLRG, then SettlementAccount and ReimbursementAgent(s) are not
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'ClearingSystem'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be absent
And /ThirdReimbursementAgent Must be absent

• SettlementMethodCoverAgentRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then InstructedReimbursementAgent or
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
Or /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present

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• SettlementMethodCoverRule
If SettlementMethod is equal to COVE, then SettlementAccount and ClearingSystem are not allowed.
On Condition
/SettlementMethod is equal to value 'CoverMethod'
Following Must be True
/SettlementAccount Must be absent
And /ClearingSystem Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentAccountRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount is present, then ThirdReimbursementAgent must be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is absent
Following Must be True
/ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount Must be absent

• ThirdReimbursementAgentRule
If ThirdReimbursementAgent is present, then InstructingReimbursementAgent and
InstructedReimbursementAgent must both be present.
On Condition
/ThirdReimbursementAgent is present
Following Must be True
/InstructingReimbursementAgent Must be present
And /InstructedReimbursementAgent Must be present SettlementMethod <SttlmMtd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Method used to settle the (batch of) payment instructions.
Datatype: "SettlementMethod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

INDA InstructedAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructed to execute a payment

INGA InstructingAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructing and forwarding the payment
to the next party in the payment chain.

COVE CoverMethod Settlement is done through a cover


CLRG ClearingSystem Settlement is done through a payment

clearing system. SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: A specific purpose account used to post debit and credit entries as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C10 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C9 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 992 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

SettlementAccount <SttlmAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 993

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 993

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 994

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 994

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 994


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 993 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ClearingSystem <ClrSys>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which
the payment instruction is processed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 994 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

ClearingSystem <ClrSys> contains one of the following ClearingSystemIdentification3Choice


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 995

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 995 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Infrastructure through which the payment instruction is processed, as published in an
external clearing system identification code list.
Datatype: "ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code" on page 1148 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Clearing system identification in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent through which the instructing agent will reimburse the instructed agent.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructingReimbursementAgent <InstgRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructing reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C10 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C9 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 995 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount <InstgRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following

CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 996

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 996

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 997

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 997

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 997


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 996 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 997 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Usage: If InstructedReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.

Usage: If InstructingAgent and InstructedAgent have the same reimbursement agent, then only
InstructingReimbursementAgent must be used.
InstructedReimbursementAgent <InstdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the instructed reimbursement agent account at
its servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C10 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C9 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount <InstdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 998

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 999

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 999

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 999

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1000


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 998 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 999 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent at which the instructed agent will be reimbursed.

Usage: If ThirdReimbursementAgent contains a branch of the InstructedAgent, then the party in

InstructedAgent will claim reimbursement from that branch/will be paid by that branch.
ThirdReimbursementAgent <ThrdRmbrsmntAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the third reimbursement agent account at its
servicing agent in the payment chain.
Impacted by: C10 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C9 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount <ThrdRmbrsmntAgtAcct> contains the following
CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1001

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1001

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1001

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1002

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1002

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1000 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1001 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1002 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

PaymentTypeInformation <PmtTpInf> contains the following elements (see

"PaymentTypeInformation27" on page 1113 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1114

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1115

SequenceType <SeqTp> [0..1] CodeSet 1115

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1115

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1115

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1116 PaymentMethod <PmtMtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the means of payment that will be used to move the amount of money.
Datatype: "PaymentMethod4Code" on page 1154

CodeName Name Definition

CHK Cheque Written order to a bank to pay a certain

amount of money from one person to
another person.

TRF CreditTransfer Transfer of an amount of money in the

books of the account servicer.

DD DirectDebit Collection of an amount of money from

the debtor's bank account by the
creditor. The amount of money and
dates of collections may vary.

TRA TransferAdvice Transfer of an amount of money in the

books of the account servicer. An advice
should be sent back to the account
owner. MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides further details of the mandate signed between the creditor and the debtor.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1003 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

MandateRelatedInformation <MndtRltdInf> contains one of the following

MandateRelatedData2Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> [0..1] C2, C3 1005

MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 1007

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 1007

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 1007

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 1008

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 1010

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 1010


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1010

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1010

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1011

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1011

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1012

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1012

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1012

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 1012

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1013

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1013

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1014

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1014

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1014

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1015

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1015

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1015

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1016

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1016

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1016

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1017

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1017

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1017

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 1017

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1004 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 1018

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1018

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1018

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 1018

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 1018

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1019

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1019

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 1019

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1019

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1019

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1020

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 1020

Or} CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> [0..1] ± 1020 DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specific direct debit mandate data.
Impacted by: C2 "AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule", C3 "AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1005 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

DirectDebitMandate <DrctDbtMndt> contains the following MandateRelatedInformation15 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 1007

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 1007

AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd> [0..1] Indicator 1007

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> [0..1] 1008

OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 1010

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 1010


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1010

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1010

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1011

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1011

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1012

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1012

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1012

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 1012

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1013

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1013

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1014

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1014

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1014

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1015

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1015

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1015

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1016

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1016

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1016

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1017

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1017

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1017

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 1017

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 1018

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1006 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1018

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1018

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 1018

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Text 1018

FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1019

FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1019

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 1019

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1019

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1019

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1020

TrackingDays <TrckgDays> [0..1] Text 1020


• AmendmentIndicatorFalseRule
If AmendmentIndicator is false, then AmendmentInformationDetails is not allowed.
On Condition
/AmendmentIndicator is equal to value 'false'
Following Must be True
/AmendmentInformationDetails Must be absent

• AmendmentIndicatorTrueRule
If AmendmentIndicator is true, then AmendementInformationDetails must be present.
On Condition
/AmendmentIndicator is equal to value 'true'
Following Must be True
/AmendmentInformationDetails Must be present MandateIdentification <MndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the mandate.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the direct debit mandate has been signed by the debtor.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 AmendmentIndicator <AmdmntInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicator notifying whether the underlying mandate is amended or not.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1007 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "TrueFalseIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: True

• Meaning When False: False AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: List of mandate elements that have been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1008 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

AmendmentInformationDetails <AmdmntInfDtls> contains the following

AmendmentInformationDetails14 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId> [0..1] Text 1010

OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification [0..1] ± 1010


OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1010

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1010

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1011

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1011

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1012

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1012

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1012

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> [0..1] ± 1012

OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1013

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1013

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1014

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1014

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1014

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1015

OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> [0..1] ± 1015

OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> [0..1] C10, C9 1015

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1016

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1016

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1016

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1017

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1017

OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt> [0..1] Date 1017

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> [0..1] ± 1017

OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> [0..1] 1018

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1018

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1018

OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays> [0..1] Text 1018

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1009 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 OriginalMandateIdentification <OrgnlMndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the original
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification <OrgnlCdtrSchmeId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor scheme identification that has been modified.
OriginalCreditorSchemeIdentification <OrgnlCdtrSchmeId> contains the following elements (see
"PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor agent that has been modified.
OriginalCreditorAgent <OrgnlCdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original creditor agent account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C10 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C9 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1010 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

OriginalCreditorAgentAccount <OrgnlCdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40


Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1011

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1011

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1012

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1012

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1012


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1011 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor that has been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1012 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

OriginalDebtor <OrgnlDbtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on

page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C10 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C9 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
OriginalDebtorAccount <OrgnlDbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1013

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1014

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1014

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1014

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1015


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1013 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1014 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor agent that has been modified.
OriginalDebtorAgent <OrgnlDbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original debtor agent account that has been modified.
Impacted by: C10 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C9 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
OriginalDebtorAgentAccount <OrgnlDbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1016

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1016

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1016

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1017

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1017

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1015 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1016 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 OriginalFinalCollectionDate <OrgnlFnlColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original final collection date that has been modified.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original frequency that has been modified.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1017 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

OriginalFrequency <OrgnlFrqcy> contains one of the following elements (see "Frequency36Choice"

on page 1094 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1094

Or Period <Prd> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1095

CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd> [1..1] Quantity 1095

Or} PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1096

PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] Text 1096 OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original reason for the mandate to allow the user to distinguish between different mandates
for the same creditor.
OriginalReason <OrgnlRsn> contains one of the following MandateSetupReason1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1018

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1018 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, as published in an external reason code list.
Datatype: "ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 OriginalTrackingDays <OrgnlTrckgDays>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original number of tracking days that has been modified.
Datatype: "Exact2NumericText" on page 1162 ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Additional security provisions, such as a digital signature, as provided by the debtor.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1018 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Datatype: "Max1025Text" on page 1162 FirstCollectionDate <FrstColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date of the first collection of a direct debit as per the mandate.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 FinalCollectionDate <FnlColltnDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date of the final collection of a direct debit as per the mandate.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Frequency <Frqcy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Regularity with which direct debit instructions are to be created and processed.
Frequency <Frqcy> contains one of the following elements (see "Frequency36Choice" on page 1094
for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1094

Or Period <Prd> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1095

CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd> [1..1] Quantity 1095

Or} PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1096

PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] Text 1096 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reason for the direct debit mandate to allow the user to distinguish between different
mandates for the same creditor.
Reason <Rsn> contains one of the following MandateSetupReason1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1019

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1020 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, as published in an external reason code list.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1019 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Datatype: "ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 TrackingDays <TrckgDays>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the number of days the direct debit instruction must be tracked.
Datatype: "Exact2NumericText" on page 1162 CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specific credit transfer mandate data.
CreditTransferMandate <CdtTrfMndt> contains the following elements (see
"CreditTransferMandateData1" on page 1073 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 1073

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1073

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 1074

DateOfVerification <DtOfVrfctn> [0..1] DateTime 1074

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Binary 1074

FirstPaymentDate <FrstPmtDt> [0..1] Date 1074

FinalPaymentDate <FnlPmtDt> [0..1] Date 1074

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 1075

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1075

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1075

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1075 RemittanceInformation <RmtInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is
intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1020 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

RemittanceInformation <RmtInf> contains the following RemittanceInformation21 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 1023

Structured <Strd> [0..*] 1023

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 1026

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1028

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1028

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1028

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1029

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1029

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1029

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1030

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 1030

Identification <Id> [1..*] 1031

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1032

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1032

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1032

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1033

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1033

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1033

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1033

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 1033

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 1033

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1034

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1035

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1035

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1035

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1035

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1035

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1036

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1036

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1036

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1037

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1021 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1037

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1037

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 1037


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1038

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1038

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1038

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1038

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1039

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 1039

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 1040

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 1041

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 1041

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 1042

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 1044

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 1044

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 1044

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 1045

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1045

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 1045

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1045

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1046

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1046

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 1046

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 1046

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 1047

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 1047

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 1047

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 1048

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 1048

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 1048

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1048

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1022 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1048

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1048

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1049

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 1050

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 1050

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 1051

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1051

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1051

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1052

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1052

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1053

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1053

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 1053

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 1054 Unstructured <Ustrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in an
unstructured form.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Structured <Strd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching/reconciliation of an entry with the items that the
payment is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system, in a
structured form.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1023 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Structured <Strd> contains the following StructuredRemittanceInformation17 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> [0..*] 1026

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1028

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1028

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1028

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1029

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1029

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1029

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1030

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 1030

Identification <Id> [1..*] 1031

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1032

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1032

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1032

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1033

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1033

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1033

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1033

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 1033

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 1033

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1034

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1035

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1035

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1035

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1035

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1035

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1036

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1036

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1036

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1037

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1037

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1037

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1024 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 1037


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1038

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1038

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1038

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1038

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1039

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> [0..1] ± 1039

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> [0..1] ± 1040

Invoicer <Invcr> [0..1] ± 1041

Invoicee <Invcee> [0..1] ± 1041

TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> [0..1] 1042

Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 1044

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 1044

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 1044

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 1045

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1045

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 1045

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1045

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1046

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1046

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 1046

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 1046

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 1047

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 1047

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 1047

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 1048

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 1048

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 1048

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1048

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1048

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1048

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1025 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1049

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 1050

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 1050

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 1051

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1051

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1051

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1052

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1052

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1053

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1053

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> [0..1] ± 1053

AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf> [0..3] Text 1054 ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Provides the identification and the content of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1026 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

ReferredDocumentInformation <RfrdDocInf> contains the following

ReferredDocumentInformation7 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1028

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1028

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1028

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1029

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1029

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1029

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1030

LineDetails <LineDtls> [0..*] 1030

Identification <Id> [1..*] 1031

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1032

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1032

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1032

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1033

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1033

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1033

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1033

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 1033

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 1033

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1034

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1035

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1035

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1035

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1035

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1035

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1036

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1036

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1036

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1037

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1037

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1037

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1027 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 1037


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1038

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1038

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1038

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1038

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1039 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document.
Type <Tp> contains the following ReferredDocumentType4 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1028

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1028

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1029

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1029 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following ReferredDocumentType3Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1028

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1029 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Document type in a coded form.
Datatype: "DocumentType6Code" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

MSIN MeteredServiceInvoice Document is an invoice claiming

payment for the supply of metered
services, for example gas or electricity
supplied to a fixed meter.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1028 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

CodeName Name Definition

CNFA CreditNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a credit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

DNFA DebitNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a debit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

CINV CommercialInvoice Document is an invoice.

CREN CreditNote Document is a credit note.

DEBN DebitNote Document is a debit note.

HIRI HireInvoice Document is an invoice for the hiring of

human resources or renting goods or

SBIN SelfBilledInvoice Document is an invoice issued by the


CMCN CommercialContract Document is an agreement between the

parties, stipulating the terms and
conditions of the delivery of goods or

SOAC StatementOfAccount Document is a statement of the

transactions posted to the debtor's
account at the supplier.

DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.

BOLD BillOfLading Document is a shipping notice.

VCHR Voucher Document is an electronic payment


AROI AccountReceivableOpenItem Document is a payment that applies to a

specific source document.

TSUT TradeServicesUtilityTransaction Document is a transaction identifier as

assigned by the Trade Services Utility.

PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order. Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document type.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1029 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 LineDetails <LineDtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide the content of the referred document line.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1030 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

LineDetails <LineDtls> contains the following DocumentLineInformation1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..*] 1031

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1032

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1032

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1032

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1033

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1033

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1033

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1033

Description <Desc> [0..1] Text 1033

Amount <Amt> [0..1] 1033

DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1034

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1035

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1035

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1035

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1035

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1035

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1036

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1036

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1036

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1037

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1037

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1037

AdjustmentAmountAndReason [0..*] 1037


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1038

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1038

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1038

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1038

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1039 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..*]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1031 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Definition: Provides identification of the document line.

Identification <Id> contains the following DocumentLineIdentification1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1032

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1032

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1032

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1033

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1033

Number <Nb> [0..1] Text 1033

RelatedDate <RltdDt> [0..1] Date 1033 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of referred document line identification.
Type <Tp> contains the following DocumentLineType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1032

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1032

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1033

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1033 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the referred document line identification.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following DocumentLineType1Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1032

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1033 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Line identification type in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDocumentLineType1Code" on page 1149

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1032 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of the remittance document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the reference document line identificationtype.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Number <Nb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the type specified for the referred document line.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RelatedDate <RltdDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date associated with the referred document line.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Description <Desc>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Description associated with the document line.
Datatype: "Max2048Text" on page 1164 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the document line.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1033 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Amount <Amt> contains the following RemittanceAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1034

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1035

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1035

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1035

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1035

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1035

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1036

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1036

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1036

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1037

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1037

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1037

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 1037

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1038

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1038

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1038

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1038

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1039 DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1034 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of discount to be applied to the amount due and payable to the creditor.
DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> contains the following DiscountAmountAndType1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1035

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1035

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1035

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1035 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following DiscountAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1035

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1035 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalDiscountAmountType1Code" on page 1149 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1035 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of a credit note.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount of the tax.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmountAndType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1036

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1037

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1037

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1037 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1036 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Type <Tp> contains one of the following TaxAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1037

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1037 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalTaxAmountType1Code" on page 1153 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Specifies detailed information on the amount and reason of the adjustment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1037 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> contains the following

DocumentAdjustment1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1038

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1038

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1038

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1038 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money of the document adjustment.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies whether the adjustment must be subtracted or added to the total amount.
Datatype: "CreditDebitCode" on page 1146

CodeName Name Definition

CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.

DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease. Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the adjustment.
Datatype: "Max4Text" on page 1165 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1038 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Definition: Provides further details on the document adjustment.

Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money remitted.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides details on the amounts of the referred document.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1039 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

ReferredDocumentAmount <RfrdDocAmt> contains the following elements (see

"RemittanceAmount2" on page 1098 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1099

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1099

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1099

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1099

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1100

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1101

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1101

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1101

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1101

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1101

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 1102

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1102

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1102

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1103

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1103

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1103 CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1040 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

CreditorReferenceInformation <CdtrRefInf> contains the following elements (see

"CreditorReferenceInformation2" on page 1076 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1076

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1076

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1076

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1077

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1077

Reference <Ref> [0..1] Text 1077 Invoicer <Invcr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the organisation issuing the invoice, when it is different from the creditor or
ultimate creditor.
Invoicer <Invcr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Invoicee <Invcee>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the party to whom an invoice is issued, when it is different from the debtor or
ultimate debtor.
Invoicee <Invcee> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1041 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 TaxRemittance <TaxRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment made for tax-related purposes.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1042 February 2021

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TaxRemittance <TaxRmt> contains the following TaxData1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Creditor <Cdtr> [0..1] ± 1044

Debtor <Dbtr> [0..1] ± 1044

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> [0..1] ± 1044

AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone> [0..1] Text 1045

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1045

Method <Mtd> [0..1] Text 1045

TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1045

TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1046

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1046

SequenceNumber <SeqNb> [0..1] Quantity 1046

Record <Rcrd> [0..*] 1046

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 1047

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 1047

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 1047

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 1048

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 1048

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 1048

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1048

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1048

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1048

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1049

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 1050

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 1050

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 1051

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1051

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1051

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1052

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1052

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1053

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1043 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1053 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the credit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Creditor <Cdtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty1" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1140

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1140

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1140 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the debit side of the transaction to which the tax applies.
Debtor <Dbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor, in this case, to the
taxing authority.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1044 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains the following elements (see "TaxParty2" on page 1140 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 AdministrationZone <AdmstnZone>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Territorial part of a country to which the tax payment is related.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 ReferenceNumber <RefNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax reference information that is specific to a taxing agency.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Method <Mtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Method used to indicate the underlying business or how the tax is paid.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TotalTaxableBaseAmount <TtlTaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1045 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalTaxAmount <TtlTaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total amount of money as result of the calculation of the tax.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Date <Dt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date by which tax is due.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 SequenceNumber <SeqNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Sequential number of the tax report.
Datatype: "Number" on page 1161 Record <Rcrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Record of tax details.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1046 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Record <Rcrd> contains the following TaxRecord3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 1047

Category <Ctgy> [0..1] Text 1047

CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls> [0..1] Text 1047

DebtorStatus <DbtrSts> [0..1] Text 1048

CertificateIdentification <CertId> [0..1] Text 1048

FormsCode <FrmsCd> [0..1] Text 1048

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1048

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1048

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1048

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1049

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..1] 1050

Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 1050

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 1051

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1051

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1051

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1052

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1052

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1053

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1053 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: High level code to identify the type of tax details.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Category <Ctgy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the tax code as published by the tax authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CategoryDetails <CtgyDtls>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1047 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Definition: Provides further details of the category tax code.

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DebtorStatus <DbtrSts>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Code provided by local authority to identify the status of the party that has drawn up the
settlement document.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CertificateIdentification <CertId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification number of the tax report as assigned by the taxing authority.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 FormsCode <FrmsCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies, in a coded form, on which template the tax report is to be provided.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1048

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1048

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1049 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1048 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

CodeName Name Definition

MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1049 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the amount of the tax record.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmount3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Rate <Rate> [0..1] Rate 1050

TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

TotalAmount <TtlAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1050

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 1051

Period <Prd> [0..1] 1051

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1051

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1052

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1052

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1053 Rate <Rate>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Rate used to calculate the tax.
Datatype: "PercentageRate" on page 1162 TaxableBaseAmount <TaxblBaseAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money on which the tax is based.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. TotalAmount <TtlAmt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1050 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Definition: Total amount that is the result of the calculation of the tax for the record.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Details <Dtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the tax period and amount.
Details <Dtls> contains the following TaxRecordDetails3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Period <Prd> [0..1] 1051

Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1051

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1052

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1052

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1053 Period <Prd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the period of time related to the tax payment.
Period <Prd> contains the following TaxPeriod3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Year <Yr> [0..1] Year 1051

Type <Tp> [0..1] CodeSet 1052

FromToDate <FrToDt> [0..1] ± 1052 Year <Yr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Year related to the tax payment.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1051 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Datatype: "ISOYear" on page 1166 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the period related to the tax payment.
Datatype: "TaxRecordPeriod1Code" on page 1157

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the

period. FromToDate <FrToDt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1052 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Definition: Range of time between a start date and an end date for which the tax report is provided.
FromToDate <FrToDt> contains the following elements (see "DatePeriod2" on page 1072 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Underlying tax amount related to the specified period.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further details of the tax record.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment for garnishment-related purposes.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1053 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

GarnishmentRemittance <GrnshmtRmt> contains the following elements (see "Garnishment3" on

page 1131 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [1..1] 1132

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1132

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1132

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1132

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1132

Garnishee <Grnshee> [0..1] ± 1133

GarnishmentAdministrator <GrnshmtAdmstr> [0..1] ± 1133

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1133

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1133

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1133

FamilyMedicalInsuranceIndicator <FmlyMdclInsrncInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134

EmployeeTerminationIndicator <MplyeeTermntnInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134 AdditionalRemittanceInformation <AddtlRmtInf>

Presence: [0..3]
Definition: Additional information, in free text form, to complement the structured remittance information.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
UltimateDebtor <UltmtDbtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on
page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 Debtor <Dbtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1054 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Debtor <Dbtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made
as a result of the transaction.
Impacted by: C10 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C9 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAccount <DbtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1055

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1056

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1056

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1056

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1056


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1055 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1056 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
DebtorAgent <DbtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the
payment chain.
Impacted by: C10 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C9 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
DebtorAgentAccount <DbtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1058

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1058

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1058

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1059

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1059

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1057 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1058 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
CreditorAgent <CdtrAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor agent at its servicing agent to which
a credit entry will be made as a result of the payment transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1059 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Impacted by: C10 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C9 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"

CreditorAgentAccount <CdtrAgtAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1060

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1060

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1061

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1061

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1061


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on
page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1060 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 Creditor <Cdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party to which an amount of money is due.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1061 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Creditor <Cdtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on page 1110 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be
posted as a result of the payment transaction.
Impacted by: C10 "IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule", C9 "IdentificationAndProxyGuideline"
CreditorAccount <CdtrAcct> contains the following CashAccount40 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1062

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1063

Currency <Ccy> [0..1] CodeSet C1 1063

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1063

Proxy <Prxy> [0..1] ± 1064


• IdentificationAndProxyGuideline
If the account identification is not defined through a conventional identification such as an email
address or a mobile number, then the proxy element should be used for the identification of the

• IdentificationOrProxyPresenceRule
Identification must be present or Proxy must be present. Both may be present.
Following Must be True
/Identification Must be present
And /Proxy Must be present Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification for the account between the account owner and the
account servicer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1062 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "AccountIdentification4Choice" on

page 1068 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use of the account.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following elements (see "CashAccountType2Choice" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Currency <Ccy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the currency in which the account is held.

Usage: Currency should only be used in case one and the same account number covers several

and the initiating party needs to identify which currency needs to be used for settlement on the account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution, in agreement with the
account owner in order to provide an additional means of identification of the account.

Usage: The account name is different from the account owner name. The account name is used in
certain user communities to provide a means of identifying the account, in addition to the account
owner's identity and the account number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1063 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05 Proxy <Prxy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies an alternate assumed name for the identification of the account.
Proxy <Prxy> contains the following elements (see "ProxyAccountIdentification1" on page 1067 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.
UltimateCreditor <UltmtCdtr> contains one of the following elements (see "Party40Choice" on
page 1110 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 Purpose <Purp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the payment transaction.


Purpose is used by the end customers, that is initiating party, (ultimate) debtor, (ultimate) creditor to
provide information concerning the nature of the payment. Purpose is a content element, which is not
used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
Purpose <Purp> contains one of the following elements (see "Purpose2Choice" on page 1089 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1090

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1090 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1064 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 pacs.028.001.05 FIToFIPaymentStatusRequestV05

Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C21 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

9.4.4 SupplementaryData <SplmtryData>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other
specific block.
Impacted by: C21 "SupplementaryDataRule"
SupplementaryData <SplmtryData> contains the following elements (see "SupplementaryData1" on
page 1104 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1065 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

10 Message Items Types

10.1 MessageComponents
10.1.1 Account CashAccountType2Choice
Definition: Nature or use of the account.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1066

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1066 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Account type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalCashAccountType1Code" on page 1147 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Nature or use of the account in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 GenericAccountIdentification1
Definition: Information related to a generic account identification.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1066

SchemeName <SchmeNm> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1067

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1067

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1067 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identification assigned by an institution.
Datatype: "Max34Text" on page 1164

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1066 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types SchemeName <SchmeNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme.
SchemeName <SchmeNm> contains one of the following AccountSchemeName1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1067

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1067 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list.
Datatype: "ExternalAccountIdentification1Code" on page 1147 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme, in a free text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Entity that assigns the identification.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 ProxyAccountIdentification1
Definition: Information related to a proxy identification of the account.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1068 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Type of the proxy identification.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1067 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Type <Tp> contains one of the following ProxyAccountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1068

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1068 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list.
Datatype: "ExternalProxyAccountType1Code" on page 1151 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme, in a free text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identification used to indicate the account identification under another specified name.
Datatype: "Max2048Text" on page 1164

10.1.2 Account Identification AccountIdentification4Choice
Definition: Specifies the unique identification of an account as assigned by the account servicer.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or IBAN <IBAN> [1..1] IdentifierSet C12 1068

Or} Other <Othr> [1..1] ± 1069 IBAN <IBAN>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: International Bank Account Number (IBAN) - identifier used internationally by financial
institutions to uniquely identify the account of a customer. Further specifications of the format and
content of the IBAN can be found in the standard ISO 13616 "Banking and related financial services -
International Bank Account Number (IBAN)" version 1997-10-01, or later revisions.
Impacted by: C12 "IBAN"
Datatype: "IBAN2007Identifier" on page 1160

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1068 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types


A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and
BBAN. Other <Othr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique identification of an account, as assigned by the account servicer, using an
identification scheme.
Other <Othr> contains the following elements (see "GenericAccountIdentification1" on page 1066 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1066

SchemeName <SchmeNm> [0..1] 1067

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1067

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1067

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1067

10.1.3 Amount AmountType4Choice
Definition: Specifies the amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before
deduction of charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or InstructedAmount <InstdAmt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1069

Or} EquivalentAmount <EqvtAmt> [1..1] 1070

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1070

CurrencyOfTransfer <CcyOfTrf> [1..1] CodeSet C1 1070 InstructedAmount <InstdAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, before deduction of
charges, expressed in the currency as ordered by the initiating party.

Usage: This amount has to be transported unchanged through the transaction chain.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1069 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. EquivalentAmount <EqvtAmt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between the debtor and creditor, expressed in the currency of
the debtor's account, and the currency in which the amount is to be moved.
EquivalentAmount <EqvtAmt> contains the following EquivalentAmount2 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1070

CurrencyOfTransfer <CcyOfTrf> [1..1] CodeSet C1 1070 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be moved between debtor and creditor, before deduction of charges,
expressed in the currency of the debtor's account, and to be moved in a different currency.

Usage: The first agent will convert the equivalent amount into the amount to be moved.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CurrencyOfTransfer <CcyOfTrf>

Presence: [1..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1070 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Definition: Specifies the currency of the to be transferred amount, which is different from the currency of
the debtor's account.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

10.1.4 Charge Charges7
Definition: Provides information on the charges related to the payment transaction.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1071

Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1071 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Transaction charges to be paid by the charge bearer.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Agent <Agt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Agent that takes the transaction charges or to which the transaction charges are due.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1071 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Agent <Agt> contains the following elements (see "BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on

page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

10.1.5 Date Period DatePeriod2
Definition: Range of time defined by a start date and an end date.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FromDate <FrDt> [1..1] Date 1072

ToDate <ToDt> [1..1] Date 1072 FromDate <FrDt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Start date of the range.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 ToDate <ToDt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: End date of the range.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158

10.1.6 Date Time DateAndDateTime2Choice
Definition: Choice between a date or a date and time format.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Date <Dt> [1..1] Date 1072

Or} DateTime <DtTm> [1..1] DateTime 1073 Date <Dt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specified date.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1072 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types DateTime <DtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specified date and time.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159

10.1.7 Direct Debit CreditTransferMandateData1
Definition: Provides further details related to a credit transfer mandate signed between the creditor and
the debtor.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MandateIdentification <MndtId> [0..1] Text 1073

Type <Tp> [0..1] ± 1073

DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr> [0..1] Date 1074

DateOfVerification <DtOfVrfctn> [0..1] DateTime 1074

ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr> [0..1] Binary 1074

FirstPaymentDate <FrstPmtDt> [0..1] Date 1074

FinalPaymentDate <FnlPmtDt> [0..1] Date 1074

Frequency <Frqcy> [0..1] ± 1075

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1075

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1075

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1075 MandateIdentification <MndtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously identify the mandate.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of mandate, such as paper, electronic or scheme.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1073 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Type <Tp> contains the following elements (see "MandateTypeInformation2" on page 1087 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..1] 1087

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1087

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1088

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1088

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1088

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1088

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1088

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1088

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1089

Classification <Clssfctn> [0..1] ± 1089 DateOfSignature <DtOfSgntr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the credit transfer mandate has been signed by the debtor.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 DateOfVerification <DtOfVrfctn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date on which the credit transfer mandate has been verified.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 ElectronicSignature <ElctrncSgntr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Additional security provisions, such as a digital signature, as provided by the debtor.
Datatype: "Max10KBinary" on page 1143 FirstPaymentDate <FrstPmtDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date of the first payment of a recurrent credit transfer as per the mandate.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 FinalPaymentDate <FnlPmtDt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date of the final payment of a recurrent credit transfer as per the mandate.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1074 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types Frequency <Frqcy>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Regularity with which credit transfer instructions are to be created and processed.
Frequency <Frqcy> contains one of the following elements (see "Frequency36Choice" on page 1094
for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1094

Or Period <Prd> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1095

CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd> [1..1] Quantity 1095

Or} PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1096

PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] Text 1096 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reason for the setup of the credit transfer mandate.


The reason will allow the user to distinguish between different mandates for the same creditor.
Reason <Rsn> contains one of the following MandateSetupReason1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1075

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1075 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, as published in an external reason code list.
Datatype: "ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the mandate setup, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1075 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

10.1.8 Document CreditorReferenceInformation2
Definition: Reference information provided by the creditor to allow the identification of the underlying

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1076

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1076

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1076

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1077

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1077

Reference <Ref> [0..1] Text 1077 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of creditor reference.
Type <Tp> contains the following CreditorReferenceType2 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1076

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1076

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1077

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1077 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Coded or proprietary format creditor reference type.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following CreditorReferenceType1Choice

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1076

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1077 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Type of creditor reference, in a coded form.
Datatype: "DocumentType3Code" on page 1146

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1076 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

CodeName Name Definition

RADM RemittanceAdviceMessage Document is a remittance advice sent

separately from the current transaction.

RPIN RelatedPaymentInstruction Document is a linked payment

instruction to which the current payment
instruction is related, for example, in a
cover scenario.

FXDR ForeignExchangeDealReference Document is a pre-agreed or pre-

arranged foreign exchange transaction
to which the payment transaction refers.

DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.

PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order.

SCOR StructuredCommunicationReference Document is a structured communication

reference provided by the creditor to
identify the referred transaction. Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Creditor reference type, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Entity that assigns the credit reference type.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Reference <Ref>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique reference, as assigned by the creditor, to unambiguously refer to the payment

Usage: If available, the initiating party should provide this reference in the structured remittance
information, to enable reconciliation by the creditor upon receipt of the amount of money.

If the business context requires the use of a creditor reference or a payment remit identification, and
only one identifier can be passed through the end-to-end chain, the creditor's reference or payment
remittance identification should be quoted in the end-to-end transaction identification.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165

10.1.9 Financial Institution Identification ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by a clearing system, to unambiguously identify a member
of the clearing system.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1077 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ClearingSystemIdentification <ClrSysId> [0..1] ± 1078

MemberIdentification <MmbId> [1..1] Text 1078 ClearingSystemIdentification <ClrSysId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specification of a pre-agreed offering between clearing agents or the channel through which
the payment instruction is processed.
ClearingSystemIdentification <ClrSysId> contains one of the following elements (see
"ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice" on page 1139 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1139

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1139 MemberIdentification <MmbId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identification of a member of a clearing system.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 FinancialInstitutionIdentification18
Definition: Specifies the details to identify a financial institution.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


BICFI <BICFI> [0..1] IdentifierSet C5 1078

ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId> [0..1] ± 1079

LEI <LEI> [0..1] IdentifierSet 1079

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1079

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1079

Other <Othr> [0..1] ± 1080 BICFI <BICFI>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described
in ISO 9362 "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)".
Impacted by: C5 "BICFI"
Datatype: "BICFIDec2014Identifier" on page 1159

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1078 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types


Valid BICs for financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration
Authority in the ISO directory of BICs, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters. ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information used to identify a member within a clearing system.
ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId> contains the following elements (see
"ClearingSystemMemberIdentification2" on page 1077 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ClearingSystemIdentification <ClrSysId> [0..1] ± 1078

MemberIdentification <MmbId> [1..1] Text 1078 LEI <LEI>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Legal entity identifier of the financial institution.
Datatype: "LEIIdentifier" on page 1160 Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name by which an agent is known and which is usually used to identify that agent.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 PostalAddress <PstlAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1079 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> contains the following elements (see "PostalAddress24" on page 1124 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] 1124

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1125

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] ± 1125

Department <Dept> [0..1] Text 1125

SubDepartment <SubDept> [0..1] Text 1125

StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text 1126

BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text 1126

BuildingName <BldgNm> [0..1] Text 1126

Floor <Flr> [0..1] Text 1126

PostBox <PstBx> [0..1] Text 1126

Room <Room> [0..1] Text 1126

PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text 1126

TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text 1126

TownLocationName <TwnLctnNm> [0..1] Text 1127

DistrictName <DstrctNm> [0..1] Text 1127

CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text 1127

Country <Ctry> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1127

AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..7] Text 1127 Other <Othr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification of an agent, as assigned by an institution, using an identification
Other <Othr> contains the following elements (see "GenericFinancialIdentification1" on page 1083 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1083

SchemeName <SchmeNm> [0..1] 1084

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1084

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1084

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1084

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1080 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types BranchData3
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific branch of a financial institution.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] Text 1081

LEI <LEI> [0..1] IdentifierSet 1081

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1081

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1081 Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a branch of a financial institution.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 LEI <LEI>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Legal entity identification for the branch of the financial institution.
Datatype: "LEIIdentifier" on page 1160 Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name by which an agent is known and which is usually used to identify that agent.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 PostalAddress <PstlAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1081 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> contains the following elements (see "PostalAddress24" on page 1124 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] 1124

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1125

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] ± 1125

Department <Dept> [0..1] Text 1125

SubDepartment <SubDept> [0..1] Text 1125

StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text 1126

BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text 1126

BuildingName <BldgNm> [0..1] Text 1126

Floor <Flr> [0..1] Text 1126

PostBox <PstBx> [0..1] Text 1126

Room <Room> [0..1] Text 1126

PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text 1126

TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text 1126

TownLocationName <TwnLctnNm> [0..1] Text 1127

DistrictName <DstrctNm> [0..1] Text 1127

CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text 1127

Country <Ctry> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1127

AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..7] Text 1127 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution or a branch of a financial

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a financial institution, as assigned under an
internationally recognised or proprietary identification scheme.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1082 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> contains the following elements (see

"FinancialInstitutionIdentification18" on page 1078 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


BICFI <BICFI> [0..1] IdentifierSet C5 1078

ClearingSystemMemberIdentification <ClrSysMmbId> [0..1] ± 1079

LEI <LEI> [0..1] IdentifierSet 1079

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1079

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1079

Other <Othr> [0..1] ± 1080 BranchIdentification <BrnchId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies a specific branch of a financial institution.

Usage: This component should be used in case the identification information in the financial institution
component does not provide identification up to branch level.
BranchIdentification <BrnchId> contains the following elements (see "BranchData3" on page 1081
for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [0..1] Text 1081

LEI <LEI> [0..1] IdentifierSet 1081

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1081

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1081 GenericFinancialIdentification1
Definition: Information related to an identification of a financial institution.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1083

SchemeName <SchmeNm> [0..1] 1084

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1084

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1084

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1084 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a person.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1083 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 SchemeName <SchmeNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme.
SchemeName <SchmeNm> contains one of the following
FinancialIdentificationSchemeName1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1084

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1084 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list.
Datatype: "ExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentification1Code" on page 1149 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme, in a free text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Entity that assigns the identification.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165

10.1.10 Identification Information GenericIdentification30
Definition: Information related to an identification, for example, party identification or account

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1084

Issuer <Issr> [1..1] Text 1085

SchemeName <SchmeNm> [0..1] Text 1085 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary information, often a code, issued by the data source scheme issuer.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1084 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Datatype: "Exact4AlphaNumericText" on page 1162 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Entity that assigns the identification.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 SchemeName <SchmeNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Short textual description of the scheme.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 PaymentIdentification13
Definition: Provides further means of referencing a payment transaction.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionIdentification <InstrId> [0..1] Text 1085

EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId> [1..1] Text 1085

TransactionIdentification <TxId> [0..1] Text 1086

UETR <UETR> [0..1] IdentifierSet 1086

ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef> [0..1] Text 1086


• TransactionIdentificationPresenceRule
TransactionIdentification or UETR must be present. Both may be present
Following Must be True
/TransactionIdentification Must be present
Or /UETR Must be present InstructionIdentification <InstrId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by an instructing party for an instructed party, to
unambiguously identify the instruction.

Usage: The instruction identification is a point to point reference that can be used between the
instructing party and the instructed party to refer to the individual instruction. It can be included in
several messages related to the instruction.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 EndToEndIdentification <EndToEndId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the initiating party, to unambiguously identify the
transaction. This identification is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1085 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Usage: The end-to-end identification can be used for reconciliation or to link tasks relating to the
transaction. It can be included in several messages related to the transaction.

Usage: In case there are technical limitations to pass on multiple references, the end-to-end
identification must be passed on throughout the entire end-to-end chain.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TransactionIdentification <TxId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the first instructing agent, to unambiguously identify the
transaction that is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire interbank chain.

Usage: The transaction identification can be used for reconciliation, tracking or to link tasks relating to
the transaction on the interbank level.

Usage: The instructing agent has to make sure that the transaction identification is unique for a pre-
agreed period.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 UETR <UETR>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Universally unique identifier to provide an end-to-end reference of a payment transaction.
Datatype: "UUIDv4Identifier" on page 1160 ClearingSystemReference <ClrSysRef>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique reference, as assigned by a clearing system, to unambiguously identify the
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165

10.1.11 Mandate MandateClassification1Choice
Definition: Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories.

Usage: This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the
payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1086

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1087 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1086 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Definition: Category purpose, as published in an external category purpose code list.

Datatype: "MandateClassification1Code" on page 1154

CodeName Name Definition

FIXE Fixed Direct debit amount is fixed.

USGB UsageBased Direct debit amount is based on usage.

VARI Variable Direct debit amount is variable. Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Category purpose, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 MandateTypeInformation2
Definition: Set of elements used to further detail the information related to the type of payment.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..1] 1087

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1087

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1088

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1088

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1088

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1088

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1088

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1088

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1089

Classification <Clssfctn> [0..1] ± 1089 ServiceLevel <SvcLvl>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agreement under which or rules under which the mandate resides.
ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> contains one of the following ServiceLevel8Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1087

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1088 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1087 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Definition: Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an
external service level code list.
Datatype: "ExternalServiceLevel1Code" on page 1152 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as a proprietary code.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 LocalInstrument <LclInstrm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: User community specific instrument.

Usage: This element is used to specify a local instrument, local clearing option and/or further qualify the
service or service level.
LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> contains one of the following LocalInstrument2Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1088

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1088 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the local instrument, as published in an external local instrument code list.
Datatype: "ExternalLocalInstrument1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the local instrument, as a proprietary code.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the high level purpose of the mandate based on a set of pre-defined categories.
CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> contains one of the following CategoryPurpose1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1088

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1089 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1088 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Definition: Category purpose, as published in an external category purpose code list.

Datatype: "ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code" on page 1148 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Category purpose, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Classification <Clssfctn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Type of direct debit instruction.
Classification <Clssfctn> contains one of the following elements (see "MandateClassification1Choice"
on page 1086 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1086

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1087

10.1.12 Miscellaneous RemittanceInformation2
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is
intended to settle.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Unstructured <Ustrd> [0..*] Text 1089 Unstructured <Ustrd>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is
intended to settle, for example, commercial invoices in an accounts' receivable system in an
unstructured form.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Purpose2Choice
Definition: Specifies the underlying reason for the payment transaction.

Usage: Purpose is used by the end-customers, that is initiating party, (ultimate) debtor, (ultimate)
creditor to provide information concerning the nature of the payment. Purpose is a content element,
which is not used for processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1089 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1090

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1090 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Underlying reason for the payment transaction, as published in an external purpose code list.
Datatype: "ExternalPurpose1Code" on page 1152 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Purpose, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalBusinessQuery1
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the original requestor, to unambiguously identify the
business query message.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 1090

MessageNameIdentification <MsgNmId> [0..1] Text 1090

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 1090 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the original initiating party, to unambiguously identify
the original query message.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 MessageNameIdentification <MsgNmId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the query message name identifier to which the message refers.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the message was created.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1090 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types GroupHeader92
Definition: Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 1091

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 1091

NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 1091

ControlSum <CtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 1091

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 1091

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 1092 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing party, and sent to the next party in the
chain to unambiguously identify the message.

Usage: The instructing party has to make sure that MessageIdentification is unique per instructed party
for a pre-agreed period.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the message was created.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 NumberOfTransactions <NbOfTxs>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Number of individual transactions contained in the message.
Datatype: "Max15NumericText" on page 1163 ControlSum <CtrlSum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual amounts included in the message, irrespective of currencies.
Datatype: "DecimalNumber" on page 1161 InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1091 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see

"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 GroupHeader91
Definition: Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


MessageIdentification <MsgId> [1..1] Text 1092

CreationDateTime <CreDtTm> [1..1] DateTime 1092

InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> [0..1] ± 1093

InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> [0..1] ± 1093 MessageIdentification <MsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the instructing party, and sent to the next party in the
chain to unambiguously identify the message.

Usage: The instructing party has to make sure that MessageIdentification is unique per instructed party
for a pre-agreed period.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CreationDateTime <CreDtTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the message was created.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1092 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types InstructingAgent <InstgAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s).

Usage: The instructing agent is the party sending the status message and not the party that sent the
original instruction that is being reported on.
InstructingAgent <InstgAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 InstructedAgent <InstdAgt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of)

Usage: The instructed agent is the party receiving the status message and not the party that received
the original instruction that is being reported on.
InstructedAgent <InstdAgt> contains the following elements (see
"BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083 OriginalGroupInformation29
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identifier of the group of transactions as assigned by the original
instructing party.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId> [1..1] Text 1093

OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> [1..1] Text 1094

OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 1094 OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference assigned by the original instructing party to unambiguously identify
the original message.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1093 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the original message name identifier to which the message refers, for example,
pacs.003.001.01 or MT103.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Original date and time at which the message was created.
Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 Frequency36Choice
Definition: Choice of format for a frequency, for example, the frequency of payment.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1094

Or Period <Prd> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1095

CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd> [1..1] Quantity 1095

Or} PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] 1095

Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1096

PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] Text 1096 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies a frequency in terms of a specified period type.
Datatype: "Frequency6Code" on page 1153

CodeName Name Definition

YEAR Annual Event takes place every year or once a


MNTH Monthly Event takes place every month or once a


QURT Quarterly Event takes place every three months or

four times a year.

MIAN SemiAnnual Event takes place every six months or

two times a year.

WEEK Weekly Event takes place once a week.

DAIL Daily Event takes place every day.

ADHO Adhoc Event takes place on request or as


Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1094 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

CodeName Name Definition

INDA IntraDay Event takes place several times a day.

FRTN Fortnightly Event takes place every two weeks. Period <Prd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies a frequency in terms of a count per period within a specified period type.
Period <Prd> contains the following FrequencyPeriod1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1095

CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd> [1..1] Quantity 1095 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Period for which the number of instructions are to be created and processed.
Datatype: "Frequency6Code" on page 1153

CodeName Name Definition

YEAR Annual Event takes place every year or once a


MNTH Monthly Event takes place every month or once a


QURT Quarterly Event takes place every three months or

four times a year.

MIAN SemiAnnual Event takes place every six months or

two times a year.

WEEK Weekly Event takes place once a week.

DAIL Daily Event takes place every day.

ADHO Adhoc Event takes place on request or as


INDA IntraDay Event takes place several times a day.

FRTN Fortnightly Event takes place every two weeks. CountPerPeriod <CntPerPrd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Number of instructions to be created and processed during the specified period.
Datatype: "DecimalNumber" on page 1161 PointInTime <PtInTm>

Presence: [1..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1095 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Definition: Specifies a frequency in terms of an exact point in time or moment within a specified period
PointInTime <PtInTm> contains the following FrequencyAndMoment1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [1..1] CodeSet 1096

PointInTime <PtInTm> [1..1] Text 1096 Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Period for which the number of instructions are to be created and processed.
Datatype: "Frequency6Code" on page 1153

CodeName Name Definition

YEAR Annual Event takes place every year or once a


MNTH Monthly Event takes place every month or once a


QURT Quarterly Event takes place every three months or

four times a year.

MIAN SemiAnnual Event takes place every six months or

two times a year.

WEEK Weekly Event takes place once a week.

DAIL Daily Event takes place every day.

ADHO Adhoc Event takes place on request or as


INDA IntraDay Event takes place several times a day.

FRTN Fortnightly Event takes place every two weeks. PointInTime <PtInTm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Further information on the exact point in time the event should take place.
Datatype: "Exact2NumericText" on page 1162 NumberOfTransactionsPerStatus5
Definition: Set of elements used to provide detailed information on the number of transactions that are
reported with a specific transaction status.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DetailedNumberOfTransactions <DtldNbOfTxs> [1..1] Text 1097

DetailedStatus <DtldSts> [1..1] CodeSet 1097

DetailedControlSum <DtldCtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 1097

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1096 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types DetailedNumberOfTransactions <DtldNbOfTxs>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Number of individual transactions contained in the message, detailed per status.
Datatype: "Max15NumericText" on page 1163 DetailedStatus <DtldSts>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Common transaction status for all individual transactions reported.
Datatype: "ExternalPaymentTransactionStatus1Code" on page 1151 DetailedControlSum <DtldCtrlSum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual amounts included in the message, irrespective of currencies, detailed
per status.
Datatype: "DecimalNumber" on page 1161 OriginalGroupInformation27
Definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the original group, to which the message

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId> [1..1] Text 1097

OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId> [1..1] Text 1097

OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm> [0..1] DateTime 1097

OriginalNumberOfTransactions <OrgnlNbOfTxs> [0..1] Text 1098

OriginalControlSum <OrgnlCtrlSum> [0..1] Quantity 1098 OriginalMessageIdentification <OrgnlMsgId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Point to point reference, as assigned by the original instructing party, to unambiguously
identify the original message.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalMessageNameIdentification <OrgnlMsgNmId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the original message name identifier to which the message refers.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 OriginalCreationDateTime <OrgnlCreDtTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and time at which the original message was created.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1097 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Datatype: "ISODateTime" on page 1159 OriginalNumberOfTransactions <OrgnlNbOfTxs>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number of individual transactions contained in the original message.
Datatype: "Max15NumericText" on page 1163 OriginalControlSum <OrgnlCtrlSum>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Total of all individual amounts included in the original message, irrespective of currencies.
Datatype: "DecimalNumber" on page 1161 RemittanceAmount2
Definition: Nature of the amount and currency on a document referred to in the remittance section,
typically either the original amount due/payable or the amount actually remitted for the referenced

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1099

DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> [0..*] 1099

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1099

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1099

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1100

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1100

TaxAmount <TaxAmt> [0..*] 1101

Type <Tp> [0..1] 1101

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1101

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1101

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1101

AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> [0..*] 1102

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1102

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1102

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1103

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1103

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1103

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1098 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types DuePayableAmount <DuePyblAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount specified is the exact amount due and payable to the creditor.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Amount specified for the referred document is the amount of discount to be applied to the
amount due and payable to the creditor.
DiscountAppliedAmount <DscntApldAmt> contains the following DiscountAmountAndType1

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1099

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1099

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1100

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1100 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following DiscountAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1099

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1100 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1099 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.

Datatype: "ExternalDiscountAmountType1Code" on page 1149 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditNoteAmount <CdtNoteAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount specified for the referred document is the amount of a credit note.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1100 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types TaxAmount <TaxAmt>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Quantity of cash resulting from the calculation of the tax.
TaxAmount <TaxAmt> contains the following TaxAmountAndType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] 1101

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1101

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1101

Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1101 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the amount.
Type <Tp> contains one of the following TaxAmountType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1101

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1101 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a coded form.
Datatype: "ExternalTaxAmountType1Code" on page 1153 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the amount type, in a free-text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money, which has been typed.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1101 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Specifies detailed information on the amount and reason of the document adjustment.
AdjustmentAmountAndReason <AdjstmntAmtAndRsn> contains the following
DocumentAdjustment1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Amount <Amt> [1..1] Amount C1, C7 1102

CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1102

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] Text 1103

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..1] Text 1103 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Amount of money of the document adjustment.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. CreditDebitIndicator <CdtDbtInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies whether the adjustment must be subtracted or added to the total amount.
Datatype: "CreditDebitCode" on page 1146

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1102 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

CodeName Name Definition

CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.

DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease. Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the adjustment.
Datatype: "Max4Text" on page 1165 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Provides further details on the document adjustment.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money remitted for the referred document.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Authorisation1Choice
Definition: Provides the details on the user identification or any user key that allows to check if the
initiating party is allowed to issue the transaction.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1103

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1104 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the authorisation, in a coded form.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1103 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Datatype: "Authorisation1Code" on page 1144

CodeName Name Definition

AUTH PreAuthorisedFile Indicates a file has been pre authorised

or approved within the originating
customer environment and no further
approval is required.

FDET FileLevelAuthorisationDetails Indicates that a file requires additional

file level approval, with the ability to view
both the payment information block and
supporting customer credit transaction

FSUM FileLevelAuthorisationSummary Indicates that a file requires additional

file level approval, with the ability to view
only the payment information block level

ILEV InstructionLevelAuthorisation Indicates that a file requires all customer

transactions to be authorised or
approved. Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the authorisation, in a free text form.
Datatype: "Max128Text" on page 1163 SupplementaryData1
Definition: Additional information that can not be captured in the structured fields and/or any other
specific block.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm> [0..1] Text 1104

Envelope <Envlp> [1..1] (External Schema) 1105


• SupplementaryDataRule
This component may not be used without the explicit approval of a SEG and submission to the RA of
ISO 20022 compliant structure(s) to be used in the Envelope element. PlaceAndName <PlcAndNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in
the message instance.

In the case of XML, this is expressed by a valid XPath.

Datatype: "Max350Text" on page 1164

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1104 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types Envelope <Envlp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Technical element wrapping the supplementary data.
Type: (External Schema)
Technical component that contains the validated supplementary data information. This technical
envelope allows to segregate the supplementary data information from any other information.

10.1.13 Organisation Identification OrganisationIdentification29
Definition: Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AnyBIC <AnyBIC> [0..1] IdentifierSet C4 1105

LEI <LEI> [0..1] IdentifierSet 1105

Other <Othr> [0..*] 1106

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1106

SchemeName <SchmeNm> [0..1] 1106

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1106

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1106

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1106 AnyBIC <AnyBIC>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Business identification code of the organisation.
Impacted by: C4 "AnyBIC"
Datatype: "AnyBICDec2014Identifier" on page 1159


• AnyBIC
Only a valid Business identifier code is allowed. Business identifier codes for financial or non-
financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority in the ISO
directory of BICs, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters. LEI <LEI>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Legal entity identification as an alternate identification for a party.
Datatype: "LEIIdentifier" on page 1160

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1105 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types Other <Othr>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Unique identification of an organisation, as assigned by an institution, using an identification
Other <Othr> contains the following GenericOrganisationIdentification1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1106

SchemeName <SchmeNm> [0..1] 1106

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1106

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1106

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1106 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identification assigned by an institution.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 SchemeName <SchmeNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme.
SchemeName <SchmeNm> contains one of the following
OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1106

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1106 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list.
Datatype: "ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme, in a free text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1106 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Definition: Entity that assigns the identification.

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165

10.1.14 Party Identification PartyIdentification135
Definition: Specifies the identification of a person or an organisation.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 PostalAddress <PstlAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1107 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> contains the following elements (see "PostalAddress24" on page 1124 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] 1124

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1125

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] ± 1125

Department <Dept> [0..1] Text 1125

SubDepartment <SubDept> [0..1] Text 1125

StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text 1126

BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text 1126

BuildingName <BldgNm> [0..1] Text 1126

Floor <Flr> [0..1] Text 1126

PostBox <PstBx> [0..1] Text 1126

Room <Room> [0..1] Text 1126

PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text 1126

TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text 1126

TownLocationName <TwnLctnNm> [0..1] Text 1127

DistrictName <DstrctNm> [0..1] Text 1127

CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text 1127

Country <Ctry> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1127

AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..7] Text 1127 Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a party.
Identification <Id> contains one of the following elements (see "Party38Choice" on page 1109 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or OrganisationIdentification <OrgId> [1..1] ± 1109

Or} PrivateIdentification <PrvtId> [1..1] ± 1110 CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Country in which a person resides (the place of a person's home). In the case of a company,
it is the country from which the affairs of that company are directed.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1108 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Impacted by: C6 "Country"

Datatype: "CountryCode" on page 1145


• Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166,
Alpha-2 code). ContactDetails <CtctDtls>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Set of elements used to indicate how to contact the party.
ContactDetails <CtctDtls> contains the following elements (see "Contact4" on page 1121 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


NamePrefix <NmPrfx> [0..1] CodeSet 1121

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1122

PhoneNumber <PhneNb> [0..1] Text 1122

MobileNumber <MobNb> [0..1] Text 1122

FaxNumber <FaxNb> [0..1] Text 1122

EmailAddress <EmailAdr> [0..1] Text 1122

EmailPurpose <EmailPurp> [0..1] Text 1122

JobTitle <JobTitl> [0..1] Text 1122

Responsibility <Rspnsblty> [0..1] Text 1123

Department <Dept> [0..1] Text 1123

Other <Othr> [0..*] 1123

ChannelType <ChanlTp> [1..1] Text 1123

Identification <Id> [0..1] Text 1123

PreferredMethod <PrefrdMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 1123 Party38Choice
Definition: Nature or use of the account.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or OrganisationIdentification <OrgId> [1..1] ± 1109

Or} PrivateIdentification <PrvtId> [1..1] ± 1110 OrganisationIdentification <OrgId>

Presence: [1..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1109 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Definition: Unique and unambiguous way to identify an organisation.

OrganisationIdentification <OrgId> contains the following elements (see
"OrganisationIdentification29" on page 1105 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AnyBIC <AnyBIC> [0..1] IdentifierSet C4 1105

LEI <LEI> [0..1] IdentifierSet 1105

Other <Othr> [0..*] 1106

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1106

SchemeName <SchmeNm> [0..1] 1106

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1106

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1106

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1106 PrivateIdentification <PrvtId>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, for example a passport.
PrivateIdentification <PrvtId> contains the following elements (see "PersonIdentification13" on
page 1118 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth> [0..1] 1119

BirthDate <BirthDt> [1..1] Date 1119

ProvinceOfBirth <PrvcOfBirth> [0..1] Text 1119

CityOfBirth <CityOfBirth> [1..1] Text 1119

CountryOfBirth <CtryOfBirth> [1..1] CodeSet C6 1120

Other <Othr> [0..*] 1120

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1120

SchemeName <SchmeNm> [0..1] 1120

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1121

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1121

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1121 Party40Choice
Definition: Identification of a person, an organisation or a financial institution.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1110 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Party <Pty> [1..1] ± 1111

Or} Agent <Agt> [1..1] ± 1111 Party <Pty>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identification of a person or an organisation.
Party <Pty> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Agent <Agt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identification of a financial institution.
Agent <Agt> contains the following elements (see "BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification6" on
page 1082 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


FinancialInstitutionIdentification <FinInstnId> [1..1] ± 1082

BranchIdentification <BrnchId> [0..1] ± 1083

10.1.15 Payment SettlementTimeRequest2
Definition: Provides information on the requested settlement time(s) of the payment instruction.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CLSTime <CLSTm> [0..1] Time 1112

TillTime <TillTm> [0..1] Time 1112

FromTime <FrTm> [0..1] Time 1112

RejectTime <RjctTm> [0..1] Time 1112

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1111 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types CLSTime <CLSTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Time by which the amount of money must be credited, with confirmation, to the CLS Bank's
account at the central bank.

Usage: Time must be expressed in Central European Time (CET).

Datatype: "ISOTime" on page 1165 TillTime <TillTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Time until when the payment may be settled.
Datatype: "ISOTime" on page 1165 FromTime <FrTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Time as from when the payment may be settled.
Datatype: "ISOTime" on page 1165 RejectTime <RjctTm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Time by when the payment must be settled to avoid rejection.
Datatype: "ISOTime" on page 1165 InstructionForCreditorAgent3
Definition: Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction that may need to be
acted upon by the creditor's agent. The instruction may relate to a level of service, or may be an
instruction that has to be executed by the creditor's agent, or may be information required by the
creditor's agent.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Code <Cd> [0..1] CodeSet 1112

InstructionInformation <InstrInf> [0..1] Text 1112 Code <Cd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Coded information related to the processing of the payment instruction, provided by the
initiating party, and intended for the creditor's agent.
Datatype: "ExternalCreditorAgentInstruction1Code" on page 1148 InstructionInformation <InstrInf>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Further information complementing the coded instruction or instruction to the creditor's agent
that is bilaterally agreed or specific to a user community.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1112 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163

10.1.16 Payment Type PaymentTypeInformation27
Definition: Provides further details of the type of payment.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1113

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1114

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1114

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1115

SequenceType <SeqTp> [0..1] CodeSet 1115

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1115

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1115

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1116 InstructionPriority <InstrPrty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the
instructed party to apply to the processing of the instruction.
Datatype: "Priority2Code" on page 1155

CodeName Name Definition

HIGH High Priority level is high.

NORM Normal Priority level is normal. ClearingChannel <ClrChanl>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the clearing channel to be used to process the payment instruction.
Datatype: "ClearingChannel2Code" on page 1145

CodeName Name Definition

RTGS RealTimeGrossSettlementSystem Clearing channel is a real-time gross

settlement system.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1113 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

CodeName Name Definition

RTNS RealTimeNetSettlementSystem Clearing channel is a real-time net

settlement system.

MPNS MassPaymentNetSystem Clearing channel is a mass payment net

settlement system.

BOOK BookTransfer Payment through internal book transfer. ServiceLevel <SvcLvl>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Agreement under which or rules under which the transaction should be processed.
ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> contains one of the following ServiceLevel8Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1114 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an
external service level code list.
Datatype: "ExternalServiceLevel1Code" on page 1152 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as a proprietary code.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 LocalInstrument <LclInstrm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: User community specific instrument.

Usage: This element is used to specify a local instrument, local clearing option and/or further qualify the
service or service level.
LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> contains one of the following LocalInstrument2Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1114

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1115 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the local instrument, as published in an external local instrument code list.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1114 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Datatype: "ExternalLocalInstrument1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the local instrument, as a proprietary code.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 SequenceType <SeqTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the direct debit sequence, such as first, recurrent, final or one-off.
Datatype: "SequenceType3Code" on page 1156

CodeName Name Definition

FRST First First collection of a series of direct debit


RCUR Recurring Direct debit instruction where the

debtor's authorisation is used for regular
direct debit transactions initiated by the

FNAL Final Final collection of a series of direct debit


OOFF OneOff Direct debit instruction where the

debtor's authorisation is used to initiate
one single direct debit transaction.

RPRE Represented Collection used to re-present previously

reversed or returned direct debit
transactions. CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories.

Usage: This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the
payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> contains one of the following CategoryPurpose1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1115

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1116 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Category purpose, as published in an external category purpose code list.
Datatype: "ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code" on page 1148

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1115 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Category purpose, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 PaymentTypeInformation28
Definition: Provides further details of the type of payment.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


InstructionPriority <InstrPrty> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ClearingChannel <ClrChanl> [0..1] CodeSet 1116

ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> [0..*] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1117

LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> [0..1] 1117

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118

CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> [0..1] 1118

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1118

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118 InstructionPriority <InstrPrty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicator of the urgency or order of importance that the instructing party would like the
instructed party to apply to the processing of the instruction.
Datatype: "Priority2Code" on page 1155

CodeName Name Definition

HIGH High Priority level is high.

NORM Normal Priority level is normal. ClearingChannel <ClrChanl>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the clearing channel to be used to process the payment instruction.
Datatype: "ClearingChannel2Code" on page 1145

CodeName Name Definition

RTGS RealTimeGrossSettlementSystem Clearing channel is a real-time gross

settlement system.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1116 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

CodeName Name Definition

RTNS RealTimeNetSettlementSystem Clearing channel is a real-time net

settlement system.

MPNS MassPaymentNetSystem Clearing channel is a mass payment net

settlement system.

BOOK BookTransfer Payment through internal book transfer. ServiceLevel <SvcLvl>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Agreement under which or rules under which the transaction should be processed.
ServiceLevel <SvcLvl> contains one of the following ServiceLevel8Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1117 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as published in an
external service level code list.
Datatype: "ExternalServiceLevel1Code" on page 1152 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies a pre-agreed service or level of service between the parties, as a proprietary code.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 LocalInstrument <LclInstrm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: User community specific instrument.

Usage: This element is used to specify a local instrument, local clearing option and/or further qualify the
service or service level.
LocalInstrument <LclInstrm> contains one of the following LocalInstrument2Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1117

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the local instrument, as published in an external local instrument code list.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1117 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Datatype: "ExternalLocalInstrument1Code" on page 1150 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the local instrument, as a proprietary code.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the high level purpose of the instruction based on a set of pre-defined categories.

Usage: This is used by the initiating party to provide information concerning the processing of the
payment. It is likely to trigger special processing by any of the agents involved in the payment chain.
CategoryPurpose <CtgyPurp> contains one of the following CategoryPurpose1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1118

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1118 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Category purpose, as published in an external category purpose code list.
Datatype: "ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code" on page 1148 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Category purpose, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165

10.1.17 Person Identification PersonIdentification13
Definition: Unique and unambiguous way to identify a person.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1118 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth> [0..1] 1119

BirthDate <BirthDt> [1..1] Date 1119

ProvinceOfBirth <PrvcOfBirth> [0..1] Text 1119

CityOfBirth <CityOfBirth> [1..1] Text 1119

CountryOfBirth <CtryOfBirth> [1..1] CodeSet C6 1120

Other <Othr> [0..*] 1120

Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1120

SchemeName <SchmeNm> [0..1] 1120

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1121

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1121

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1121 DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date and place of birth of a person.
DateAndPlaceOfBirth <DtAndPlcOfBirth> contains the following DateAndPlaceOfBirth1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


BirthDate <BirthDt> [1..1] Date 1119

ProvinceOfBirth <PrvcOfBirth> [0..1] Text 1119

CityOfBirth <CityOfBirth> [1..1] Text 1119

CountryOfBirth <CtryOfBirth> [1..1] CodeSet C6 1120 BirthDate <BirthDt>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Date on which a person is born.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 ProvinceOfBirth <PrvcOfBirth>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Province where a person was born.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CityOfBirth <CityOfBirth>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: City where a person was born.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1119 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CountryOfBirth <CtryOfBirth>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Country where a person was born.
Impacted by: C6 "Country"
Datatype: "CountryCode" on page 1145


• Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166,
Alpha-2 code). Other <Othr>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Unique identification of a person, as assigned by an institution, using an identification
Other <Othr> contains the following GenericPersonIdentification1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1120

SchemeName <SchmeNm> [0..1] 1120

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1121

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1121

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1121 Identification <Id>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Unique and unambiguous identification of a person.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 SchemeName <SchmeNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme.
SchemeName <SchmeNm> contains one of the following
PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1121

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1121

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1120 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme, in a coded form as published in an external list.
Datatype: "ExternalPersonIdentification1Code" on page 1151 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name of the identification scheme, in a free text form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Entity that assigns the identification.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Contact4
Definition: Specifies the details of the contact person.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


NamePrefix <NmPrfx> [0..1] CodeSet 1121

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1122

PhoneNumber <PhneNb> [0..1] Text 1122

MobileNumber <MobNb> [0..1] Text 1122

FaxNumber <FaxNb> [0..1] Text 1122

EmailAddress <EmailAdr> [0..1] Text 1122

EmailPurpose <EmailPurp> [0..1] Text 1122

JobTitle <JobTitl> [0..1] Text 1122

Responsibility <Rspnsblty> [0..1] Text 1123

Department <Dept> [0..1] Text 1123

Other <Othr> [0..*] 1123

ChannelType <ChanlTp> [1..1] Text 1123

Identification <Id> [0..1] Text 1123

PreferredMethod <PrefrdMtd> [0..1] CodeSet 1123 NamePrefix <NmPrfx>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the terms used to formally address a person.
Datatype: "NamePrefix2Code" on page 1154

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1121 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

CodeName Name Definition

DOCT Doctor Title of the person is Doctor or Dr.

MADM Madam Title of the person is Madam.

MISS Miss Title of the person is Miss.

MIST Mister Title of the person is Mister or Mr.

MIKS GenderNeutral Title of the person is gender neutral

(Mx). Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 PhoneNumber <PhneNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Collection of information that identifies a phone number, as defined by telecom services.
Datatype: "PhoneNumber" on page 1165 MobileNumber <MobNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Collection of information that identifies a mobile phone number, as defined by telecom
Datatype: "PhoneNumber" on page 1165 FaxNumber <FaxNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Collection of information that identifies a FAX number, as defined by telecom services.
Datatype: "PhoneNumber" on page 1165 EmailAddress <EmailAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Address for electronic mail (e-mail).
Datatype: "Max2048Text" on page 1164 EmailPurpose <EmailPurp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Purpose for which an email address may be used.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 JobTitle <JobTitl>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1122 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Definition: Title of the function.

Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Responsibility <Rspnsblty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Role of a person in an organisation.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Department <Dept>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of a division of a large organisation or building.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 Other <Othr>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Contact details in another form.
Other <Othr> contains the following OtherContact1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


ChannelType <ChanlTp> [1..1] Text 1123

Identification <Id> [0..1] Text 1123 ChannelType <ChanlTp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Method used to contact the financial institution's contact for the specific tax region.
Datatype: "Max4Text" on page 1165 Identification <Id>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Communication value such as phone number or email address.
Datatype: "Max128Text" on page 1163 PreferredMethod <PrefrdMtd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Preferred method used to reach the contact.
Datatype: "PreferredContactMethod1Code" on page 1155

CodeName Name Definition

LETT Letter Preferred method used to reach the

contact is per letter.

MAIL Email Preferred method used to reach the

contact is per email.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1123 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

CodeName Name Definition

PHON Phone Preferred method used to reach the

contact is per phone.

FAXX Fax Preferred method used to reach the

contact is per fax.

CELL MobileOrCellPhone Preferred method used to reach the

contact is per mobile or cell phone.

10.1.18 Postal Address PostalAddress24
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] 1124

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1125

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] ± 1125

Department <Dept> [0..1] Text 1125

SubDepartment <SubDept> [0..1] Text 1125

StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text 1126

BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text 1126

BuildingName <BldgNm> [0..1] Text 1126

Floor <Flr> [0..1] Text 1126

PostBox <PstBx> [0..1] Text 1126

Room <Room> [0..1] Text 1126

PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text 1126

TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text 1126

TownLocationName <TwnLctnNm> [0..1] Text 1127

DistrictName <DstrctNm> [0..1] Text 1127

CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text 1127

Country <Ctry> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1127

AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..7] Text 1127 AddressType <AdrTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies the nature of the postal address.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1124 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

AddressType <AdrTp> contains one of the following AddressType3Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1125

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] ± 1125 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Type of address expressed as a code.
Datatype: "AddressType2Code" on page 1144

CodeName Name Definition

ADDR Postal Address is the complete postal address.

PBOX POBox Address is a postal office (PO) box.

HOME Residential Address is the home address.

BIZZ Business Address is the business address.

MLTO MailTo Address is the address to which mail is


DLVY DeliveryTo Address is the address to which delivery

is to take place. Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Type of address expressed as a proprietary code.
Proprietary <Prtry> contains the following elements (see "GenericIdentification30" on page 1084 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Identification <Id> [1..1] Text 1084

Issuer <Issr> [1..1] Text 1085

SchemeName <SchmeNm> [0..1] Text 1085 Department <Dept>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of a division of a large organisation or building.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 SubDepartment <SubDept>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of a sub-division of a large organisation or building.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1125 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types StreetName <StrtNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of a street or thoroughfare.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 BuildingNumber <BldgNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Number that identifies the position of a building on a street.
Datatype: "Max16Text" on page 1164 BuildingName <BldgNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the building or house.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Floor <Flr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Floor or storey within a building.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 PostBox <PstBx>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Numbered box in a post office, assigned to a person or organisation, where letters are kept
until called for.
Datatype: "Max16Text" on page 1164 Room <Room>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Building room number.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165 PostCode <PstCd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to
assist the sorting of mail.
Datatype: "Max16Text" on page 1164 TownName <TwnNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1126 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types TownLocationName <TwnLctnNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specific location name within the town.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 DistrictName <DstrctNm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies a subdivision within a country sub-division.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies a subdivision of a country such as state, region, county.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Country <Ctry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Nation with its own government.
Impacted by: C6 "Country"
Datatype: "CountryCode" on page 1145


• Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166,
Alpha-2 code). AddressLine <AdrLine>

Presence: [0..7]
Definition: Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services,
presented in free format text.
Datatype: "Max70Text" on page 1165

10.1.19 Regulatory Reporting RegulatoryReporting3
Definition: Information needed due to regulatory and/or statutory requirements.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1127 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


DebitCreditReportingIndicator <DbtCdtRptgInd> [0..1] CodeSet 1128

Authority <Authrty> [0..1] 1128

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1128

Country <Ctry> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1129

Details <Dtls> [0..*] 1129

Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 1129

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1129

Country <Ctry> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1129

Code <Cd> [0..1] Text 1130

Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1130

Information <Inf> [0..*] Text 1130 DebitCreditReportingIndicator <DbtCdtRptgInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identifies whether the regulatory reporting information applies to the debit side, to the credit
side or to both debit and credit sides of the transaction.
Datatype: "RegulatoryReportingType1Code" on page 1155

CodeName Name Definition

CRED Credit Regulatory information applies to the

credit side.

DEBT Debit Regulatory information applies to the

debit side.

BOTH Both Regulatory information applies to both

credit and debit sides. Authority <Authrty>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Entity requiring the regulatory reporting information.
Authority <Authrty> contains the following RegulatoryAuthority2 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1128

Country <Ctry> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1129 Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the entity requiring the regulatory reporting information.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1128 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Country <Ctry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Country of the entity that requires the regulatory reporting information.
Impacted by: C6 "Country"
Datatype: "CountryCode" on page 1145


• Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166,
Alpha-2 code). Details <Dtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide details on the regulatory reporting information.
Details <Dtls> contains the following StructuredRegulatoryReporting3 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [0..1] Text 1129

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1129

Country <Ctry> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1129

Code <Cd> [0..1] Text 1130

Amount <Amt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1130

Information <Inf> [0..*] Text 1130 Type <Tp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of the information supplied in the regulatory reporting details.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Date <Dt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date related to the specified type of regulatory reporting details.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 Country <Ctry>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Country related to the specified type of regulatory reporting details.
Impacted by: C6 "Country"
Datatype: "CountryCode" on page 1145

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1129 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types


• Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166,
Alpha-2 code). Code <Cd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the nature, purpose, and reason for the transaction to be reported for regulatory
and statutory requirements in a coded form.
Datatype: "Max10Text" on page 1163 Amount <Amt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Amount of money to be reported for regulatory and statutory requirements.
Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. Information <Inf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Additional details that cater for specific domestic regulatory requirements.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165

10.1.20 Remittance RemittanceLocation7
Definition: Provides information on the remittance advice.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


RemittanceIdentification <RmtId> [0..1] Text 1131

RemittanceLocationDetails <RmtLctnDtls> [0..*] ± 1131

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1130 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types RemittanceIdentification <RmtId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by the initiating party, to unambiguously identify the
remittance information sent separately from the payment instruction, such as a remittance advice.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RemittanceLocationDetails <RmtLctnDtls>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Set of elements used to provide information on the location and/or delivery of the remittance
RemittanceLocationDetails <RmtLctnDtls> contains the following elements (see
"RemittanceLocationData1" on page 1134 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Method <Mtd> [1..1] CodeSet 1135

ElectronicAddress <ElctrncAdr> [0..1] Text 1135

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] 1135

Name <Nm> [1..1] Text 1135

Address <Adr> [1..1] ± 1136 Garnishment3
Definition: Provides remittance information about a payment for garnishment-related purposes.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Type <Tp> [1..1] 1132

CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1132

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1132

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1132

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1132

Garnishee <Grnshee> [0..1] ± 1133

GarnishmentAdministrator <GrnshmtAdmstr> [0..1] ± 1133

ReferenceNumber <RefNb> [0..1] Text 1133

Date <Dt> [0..1] Date 1133

RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt> [0..1] Amount C1, C7 1133

FamilyMedicalInsuranceIndicator <FmlyMdclInsrncInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134

EmployeeTerminationIndicator <MplyeeTermntnInd> [0..1] Indicator 1134

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1131 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types Type <Tp>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Specifies the type of garnishment.
Type <Tp> contains the following GarnishmentType1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> [1..1] 1132

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1132

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1132

Issuer <Issr> [0..1] Text 1132 CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Provides the type details of the garnishment.
CodeOrProprietary <CdOrPrtry> contains one of the following GarnishmentType1Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1132

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1132 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Garnishment type in a coded form.

Would suggest this to be an External Code List to contain:

GNCS Garnishment from a third party payer for Child Support

GNDP Garnishment from a Direct Payer for Child Support

GTPP Garnishment from a third party payer to taxing agency.

Datatype: "ExternalGarnishmentType1Code" on page 1149 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Proprietary identification of the type of garnishment.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Issuer <Issr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Identification of the issuer of the garnishment type.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1132 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types Garnishee <Grnshee>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor, in this case, to the
Garnishee <Grnshee> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 GarnishmentAdministrator <GrnshmtAdmstr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party on the credit side of the transaction who administers the garnishment on behalf of the
ultimate beneficiary.
GarnishmentAdministrator <GrnshmtAdmstr> contains the following elements (see
"PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 ReferenceNumber <RefNb>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Reference information that is specific to the agency receiving the garnishment.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163 Date <Dt>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Date of payment which garnishment was taken from.
Datatype: "ISODate" on page 1158 RemittedAmount <RmtdAmt>

Presence: [0..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1133 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Definition: Amount of money remitted for the referred document.

Impacted by: C1 "ActiveOrHistoricCurrency", C7 "CurrencyAmount"
Datatype: "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount" on page 1142


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. FamilyMedicalInsuranceIndicator <FmlyMdclInsrncInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates if the person to whom the garnishment applies (that is, the ultimate debtor) has
family medical insurance coverage available.
Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "TrueFalseIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: True

• Meaning When False: False EmployeeTerminationIndicator <MplyeeTermntnInd>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Indicates if the employment of the person to whom the garnishment applies (that is, the
ultimate debtor) has been terminated.
Datatype: One of the following values must be used (see "TrueFalseIndicator" on page 1161):

• Meaning When True: True

• Meaning When False: False RemittanceLocationData1
Definition: Provides additional details on the remittance advice.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Method <Mtd> [1..1] CodeSet 1135

ElectronicAddress <ElctrncAdr> [0..1] Text 1135

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] 1135

Name <Nm> [1..1] Text 1135

Address <Adr> [1..1] ± 1136

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1134 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types Method <Mtd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Method used to deliver the remittance advice information.
Datatype: "RemittanceLocationMethod2Code" on page 1156

CodeName Name Definition

FAXI Fax Remittance advice information must be


EDIC ElectronicDataInterchange Remittance advice information must be

sent through Electronic Data Interchange

URID UniformResourceIdentifier Remittance advice information needs to

be sent to a Uniform Resource Identifier
(URI). URI is a compact string of
characters that uniquely identify an
abstract or physical resource. URI's are
the super-set of identifiers, such as
URLs, email addresses, ftp sites, etc,
and as such, provide the syntax for all of
the identification schemes.

EMAL EMail Remittance advice information must be

sent through e-mail.

POST Post Remittance advice information must be

sent through postal services.

SMSM SMS Remittance advice information must be

sent through by phone as a short
message service (SMS). ElectronicAddress <ElctrncAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Electronic address to which an agent is to send the remittance information.
Datatype: "Max2048Text" on page 1164 PostalAddress <PstlAdr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Postal address to which an agent is to send the remittance information.
PostalAddress <PstlAdr> contains the following NameAndAddress16 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [1..1] Text 1135

Address <Adr> [1..1] ± 1136 Name <Nm>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Name by which a party is known and is usually used to identify that party.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1135 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types Address <Adr>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Postal address of a party.
Address <Adr> contains the following elements (see "PostalAddress24" on page 1124 for details)

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


AddressType <AdrTp> [0..1] 1124

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1125

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] ± 1125

Department <Dept> [0..1] Text 1125

SubDepartment <SubDept> [0..1] Text 1125

StreetName <StrtNm> [0..1] Text 1126

BuildingNumber <BldgNb> [0..1] Text 1126

BuildingName <BldgNm> [0..1] Text 1126

Floor <Flr> [0..1] Text 1126

PostBox <PstBx> [0..1] Text 1126

Room <Room> [0..1] Text 1126

PostCode <PstCd> [0..1] Text 1126

TownName <TwnNm> [0..1] Text 1126

TownLocationName <TwnLctnNm> [0..1] Text 1127

DistrictName <DstrctNm> [0..1] Text 1127

CountrySubDivision <CtrySubDvsn> [0..1] Text 1127

Country <Ctry> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1127

AddressLine <AdrLine> [0..7] Text 1127

10.1.21 Status PaymentReturnReason6
Definition: Provides further details on the reason of the return of the transaction.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1136 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Originator <Orgtr> [0..1] ± 1137

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1137

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1138

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1138

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..*] Text 1138


• ReturnReasonRule
If Reason/Code is equal to NARR, then AddititionalInformation must be present.
On Condition
/Reason/Code is present
And /Reason/Code is within DataType <<Code>> ValidationRuleNarrative1Code
And /Reason is present
Following Must be True
/AdditionalInformation[1] Must be present Originator <Orgtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that issues the return.
Originator <Orgtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109 Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the return.
Reason <Rsn> contains one of the following ReturnReason5Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1138

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1138

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1137 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the return, as published in an external reason code list.
Datatype: "ExternalReturnReason1Code" on page 1152 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the return, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Further details on the return reason.
Datatype: "Max105Text" on page 1163 PaymentReversalReason9
Definition: Provides further details on the reason of the reversal of the transaction.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Originator <Orgtr> [0..1] ± 1138

Reason <Rsn> [0..1] 1139

{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1139

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1139

AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf> [0..*] Text 1139 Originator <Orgtr>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Party that issues the reversal.
Originator <Orgtr> contains the following elements (see "PartyIdentification135" on page 1107 for

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1107

PostalAddress <PstlAdr> [0..1] ± 1107

Identification <Id> [0..1] ± 1108

CountryOfResidence <CtryOfRes> [0..1] CodeSet C6 1108

ContactDetails <CtctDtls> [0..1] ± 1109

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1138 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types Reason <Rsn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Specifies the reason for the reversal.
Reason <Rsn> contains one of the following ReversalReason4Choice elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1139

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1139 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the reversal, as published in an external reason code list.
Datatype: "ExternalReversalReason1Code" on page 1152 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Reason for the reversal, in a proprietary form.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 AdditionalInformation <AddtlInf>

Presence: [0..*]
Definition: Further details on the reversal reason.
Datatype: "Max105Text" on page 1163

10.1.22 System Identification ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice
Definition: Choice of a clearing system identifier.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


{Or Code <Cd> [1..1] CodeSet 1139

Or} Proprietary <Prtry> [1..1] Text 1139 Code <Cd>

Presence: [1..1]
Definition: Identification of a clearing system, in a coded form as published in an external list.
Datatype: "ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1Code" on page 1148 Proprietary <Prtry>

Presence: [1..1]

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1139 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Definition: Identification code for a clearing system, that has not yet been identified in the list of clearing
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165

10.1.23 Tax TaxParty1
Definition: Details about the entity involved in the tax paid or to be paid.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1140

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1140

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1140 TaxIdentification <TaxId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax identification number of the creditor.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RegistrationIdentification <RegnId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by an organisation, to unambiguously identify a party.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TaxType <TaxTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Type of tax payer.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TaxParty2
Definition: Details about the entity involved in the tax paid or to be paid.

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


TaxIdentification <TaxId> [0..1] Text 1141

RegistrationIdentification <RegnId> [0..1] Text 1141

TaxType <TaxTp> [0..1] Text 1141

Authorisation <Authstn> [0..1] 1141

Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1140 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types TaxIdentification <TaxId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Tax identification number of the debtor.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 RegistrationIdentification <RegnId>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Unique identification, as assigned by an organisation, to unambiguously identify a party.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 TaxType <TaxTp>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Type of tax payer.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Authorisation <Authstn>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Details of the authorised tax paying party.
Authorisation <Authstn> contains the following TaxAuthorisation1 elements

Or MessageElement<XML Tag> Mult. Type Constr. Page


Title <Titl> [0..1] Text 1141

Name <Nm> [0..1] Text 1141 Title <Titl>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Title or position of debtor or the debtor's authorised representative.
Datatype: "Max35Text" on page 1165 Name <Nm>

Presence: [0..1]
Definition: Name of the debtor or the debtor's authorised representative.
Datatype: "Max140Text" on page 1163

10.2 Message Datatypes

10.2.1 Amount ActiveCurrencyAndAmount
Definition: A number of monetary units specified in an active currency where the unit of currency is
explicit and compliant with ISO 4217.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1141 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

Type: Amount
This data type contains the following XML attribute:

Name Attribute XML Name Datatype

Currency Ccy "ActiveCurrencyCode" on page 1143


minInclusive 0

totalDigits 18

fractionDigits 5


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot. ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyAndAmount
Definition: A number of monetary units specified in an active or a historic currency where the unit of
currency is explicit and compliant with ISO 4217.
Type: Amount
This data type contains the following XML attribute:

Name Attribute XML Name Datatype

Currency Ccy "ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode" on page 1143


minInclusive 0

totalDigits 18

fractionDigits 5


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1142 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types

contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged.

• CurrencyAmount
The number of fractional digits (or minor unit of currency) must comply with ISO 4217.

Note: The decimal separator is a dot.

10.2.2 Binary Max10KBinary
Definition: Binary data of 10K maximum.
Type: Binary


minLength 1

maxLength 10240

10.2.3 CodeSet ActiveCurrencyCode
Definition: A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification
scheme as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the
representation of currencies and funds".
Type: CodeSet


pattern [A-Z]{3,3}


• ActiveCurrency
The currency code must be a valid active currency code, not yet withdrawn on the day the message
containing the currency is exchanged. Valid active currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217
Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3) contiguous letters, and are not yet withdrawn on the day
the message containing the Currency is exchanged. ActiveOrHistoricCurrencyCode
Definition: A code allocated to a currency by a Maintenance Agency under an international identification
scheme, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO 4217 "Codes for the
representation of currencies and funds".
Type: CodeSet


pattern [A-Z]{3,3}

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1143 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types


• ActiveOrHistoricCurrency
The Currency Code must be registered, or have already been registered. Valid active or historic
currency codes are registered with the ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency, consist of three (3)
contiguous letters, and may be or not be withdrawn on the day the message containing the Currency
is exchanged. AddressType2Code
Definition: Specifies the type of address.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

ADDR Postal Address is the complete postal address.

PBOX POBox Address is a postal office (PO) box.

HOME Residential Address is the home address.

BIZZ Business Address is the business address.

MLTO MailTo Address is the address to which mail is


DLVY DeliveryTo Address is the address to which delivery

is to take place. Authorisation1Code
Definition: Specifies the level of approval depending on a number of factors, including payment type,
threshold amount or local country or operations practice.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

AUTH PreAuthorisedFile Indicates a file has been pre authorised

or approved within the originating
customer environment and no further
approval is required.

FDET FileLevelAuthorisationDetails Indicates that a file requires additional

file level approval, with the ability to view
both the payment information block and
supporting customer credit transaction

FSUM FileLevelAuthorisationSummary Indicates that a file requires additional

file level approval, with the ability to view
only the payment information block level

ILEV InstructionLevelAuthorisation Indicates that a file requires all customer

transactions to be authorised or
approved. ChargeBearerType1Code
Definition: Specifies which party(ies) will pay charges due for processing of the instruction.
Type: CodeSet

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CodeName Name Definition

DEBT BorneByDebtor All transaction charges are to be borne

by the debtor.

CRED BorneByCreditor All transaction charges are to be borne

by the creditor.

SHAR Shared In a credit transfer context, means that

transaction charges on the sender side
are to be borne by the debtor,
transaction charges on the receiver side
are to be borne by the creditor. In a
direct debit context, means that
transaction charges on the sender side
are to be borne by the creditor,
transaction charges on the receiver side
are to be borne by the debtor.

SLEV FollowingServiceLevel Charges are to be applied following the

rules agreed in the service level and/or
scheme. ClearingChannel2Code
Definition: Specifies the clearing channel for the routing of the transaction, as part of the payment type
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

RTGS RealTimeGrossSettlementSystem Clearing channel is a real-time gross

settlement system.

RTNS RealTimeNetSettlementSystem Clearing channel is a real-time net

settlement system.

MPNS MassPaymentNetSystem Clearing channel is a mass payment net

settlement system.

BOOK BookTransfer Payment through internal book transfer. CountryCode
Definition: Code to identify a country, a dependency, or another area of particular geopolitical interest,
on the basis of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166, Alpha-2 code).
Type: CodeSet


pattern [A-Z]{2,2}

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• Country
The code is checked against the list of country names obtained from the United Nations (ISO 3166,
Alpha-2 code). CreditDebitCode
Definition: Specifies if an operation is an increase or a decrease.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

CRDT Credit Operation is an increase.

DBIT Debit Operation is a decrease. DocumentType3Code
Definition: Specifies a type of financial or commercial document.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

RADM RemittanceAdviceMessage Document is a remittance advice sent

separately from the current transaction.

RPIN RelatedPaymentInstruction Document is a linked payment

instruction to which the current payment
instruction is related, for example, in a
cover scenario.

FXDR ForeignExchangeDealReference Document is a pre-agreed or pre-

arranged foreign exchange transaction
to which the payment transaction refers.

DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.

PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order.

SCOR StructuredCommunicationReference Document is a structured communication

reference provided by the creditor to
identify the referred transaction. DocumentType6Code
Definition: Specifies a type of financial or commercial document.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

MSIN MeteredServiceInvoice Document is an invoice claiming

payment for the supply of metered
services, for example gas or electricity
supplied to a fixed meter.

CNFA CreditNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a credit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

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CodeName Name Definition

DNFA DebitNoteRelatedToFinancialAdjustment Document is a debit note for the final

amount settled for a commercial

CINV CommercialInvoice Document is an invoice.

CREN CreditNote Document is a credit note.

DEBN DebitNote Document is a debit note.

HIRI HireInvoice Document is an invoice for the hiring of

human resources or renting goods or

SBIN SelfBilledInvoice Document is an invoice issued by the


CMCN CommercialContract Document is an agreement between the

parties, stipulating the terms and
conditions of the delivery of goods or

SOAC StatementOfAccount Document is a statement of the

transactions posted to the debtor's
account at the supplier.

DISP DispatchAdvice Document is a dispatch advice.

BOLD BillOfLading Document is a shipping notice.

VCHR Voucher Document is an electronic payment


AROI AccountReceivableOpenItem Document is a payment that applies to a

specific source document.

TSUT TradeServicesUtilityTransaction Document is a transaction identifier as

assigned by the Trade Services Utility.

PUOR PurchaseOrder Document is a purchase order. ExternalAccountIdentification1Code
Definition: Specifies the external account identification scheme name code in the format of character
string with a maximum length of 4 characters.

The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalCashAccountType1Code
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use, of the cash account in the format of character string with a
maximum length of 4 characters.

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The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalCashClearingSystem1Code
Definition: Specifies the cash clearing system, as published in an external cash clearing system code

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 3 ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code
Definition: Specifies the category purpose, as published in an external category purpose code list.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalClearingSystemIdentification1Code
Definition: Specifies the clearing system identification code, as published in an external clearing system
identification code list.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 5 ExternalCreditorAgentInstruction1Code
Definition: Specifies further instructions concerning the processing of a payment instruction, as provided
to the creditor agent.

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Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalDiscountAmountType1Code
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use, of the amount in the format of character string with a maximum
length of 4 characters.

The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalDocumentLineType1Code
Definition: Specifies the document line type as published in an external document type code list.
Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalFinancialInstitutionIdentification1Code
Definition: Specifies the external financial institution identification scheme name code in the format of
character string with a maximum length of 4 characters.

The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalGarnishmentType1Code
Definition: Specifies the garnishment type as published in an external document type code list.
Type: CodeSet

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minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalLocalInstrument1Code
Definition: Specifies the external local instrument code in the format of character string with a maximum
length of 35 characters.

The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 35 ExternalMandateSetupReason1Code
Definition: Specifies the external mandate setup reason code in the format of character string with a
maximum length of 4 characters.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code
Definition: Specifies the external organisation identification scheme name code in the format of
character string with a maximum length of 4 characters.

The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalPaymentGroupStatus1Code
Definition: Specifies the status of a group of payment instructions, as published in an external payment
group status code set.

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External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalPaymentTransactionStatus1Code
Definition: Specifies the status of an individual payment instructions, as published in an external
payment transaction status code set.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalPersonIdentification1Code
Definition: Specifies the external person identification scheme name code in the format of character
string with a maximum length of 4 characters.

The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalProxyAccountType1Code
Definition: Specifies the external proxy account type code, as published in the proxy account type
external code set.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1151 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types ExternalPurpose1Code
Definition: Specifies the external purpose code in the format of character string with a maximum length
of 4 characters.

The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalReturnReason1Code
Definition: Specifies the return reason, as published in an external return reason code list.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalReversalReason1Code
Definition: Specifies the reversal reason, as published in an external reversal reason code list.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalServiceLevel1Code
Definition: Specifies the external service level code in the format of character string with a maximum
length of 4 characters.

The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

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maxLength 4 ExternalStatusReason1Code
Definition: Specifies the status reason, as published in an external status reason code list.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 ExternalTaxAmountType1Code
Definition: Specifies the nature, or use, of the amount in the format of character string with a maximum
length of 4 characters.

The list of valid codes is an external code list published separately.

External code sets can be downloaded from

Type: CodeSet


minLength 1

maxLength 4 Frequency6Code
Definition: Specifies the regularity of an event.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

YEAR Annual Event takes place every year or once a


MNTH Monthly Event takes place every month or once a


QURT Quarterly Event takes place every three months or

four times a year.

MIAN SemiAnnual Event takes place every six months or

two times a year.

WEEK Weekly Event takes place once a week.

DAIL Daily Event takes place every day.

ADHO Adhoc Event takes place on request or as


INDA IntraDay Event takes place several times a day.

FRTN Fortnightly Event takes place every two weeks.

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1153 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types Instruction4Code
Definition: Specifies further instructions concerning the processing of a payment instruction, provided by
the sending clearing agent to the next agent(s).
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

PHOA PhoneNextAgent Please advise/contact next agent by


TELA TelecomNextAgent Please advise/contact next agent by the

most efficient means of
telecommunication. MandateClassification1Code
Definition: Specifies the type of direct debit amount, such as fixed or variable.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

FIXE Fixed Direct debit amount is fixed.

USGB UsageBased Direct debit amount is based on usage.

VARI Variable Direct debit amount is variable. NamePrefix2Code
Definition: Specifies the terms used to formally address a person.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

DOCT Doctor Title of the person is Doctor or Dr.

MADM Madam Title of the person is Madam.

MISS Miss Title of the person is Miss.

MIST Mister Title of the person is Mister or Mr.

MIKS GenderNeutral Title of the person is gender neutral

(Mx). PaymentMethod4Code
Definition: Specifies the transfer method that will be used to transfer an amount of money.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

CHK Cheque Written order to a bank to pay a certain

amount of money from one person to
another person.

TRF CreditTransfer Transfer of an amount of money in the

books of the account servicer.

DD DirectDebit Collection of an amount of money from

the debtor's bank account by the

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CodeName Name Definition

creditor. The amount of money and
dates of collections may vary.

TRA TransferAdvice Transfer of an amount of money in the

books of the account servicer. An advice
should be sent back to the account
owner. PreferredContactMethod1Code
Definition: Preferred method used to reach the individual contact within an organisation.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

LETT Letter Preferred method used to reach the

contact is per letter.

MAIL Email Preferred method used to reach the

contact is per email.

PHON Phone Preferred method used to reach the

contact is per phone.

FAXX Fax Preferred method used to reach the

contact is per fax.

CELL MobileOrCellPhone Preferred method used to reach the

contact is per mobile or cell phone. Priority2Code
Definition: Specifies the priority level of an event.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

HIGH High Priority level is high.

NORM Normal Priority level is normal. Priority3Code
Definition: Specifies the priority level of an event.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

URGT Urgent Priority level is urgent (highest priority


HIGH High Priority level is high.

NORM Normal Priority level is normal. RegulatoryReportingType1Code
Definition: Identifies whether the regulatory reporting information applies to the debit side, to the credit
side or to both debit and credit sides of the transaction.

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Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

CRED Credit Regulatory information applies to the

credit side.

DEBT Debit Regulatory information applies to the

debit side.

BOTH Both Regulatory information applies to both

credit and debit sides. RemittanceLocationMethod2Code
Definition: Specifies the method used to deliver the remittance advice information.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

FAXI Fax Remittance advice information must be


EDIC ElectronicDataInterchange Remittance advice information must be

sent through Electronic Data Interchange

URID UniformResourceIdentifier Remittance advice information needs to

be sent to a Uniform Resource Identifier
(URI). URI is a compact string of
characters that uniquely identify an
abstract or physical resource. URI's are
the super-set of identifiers, such as
URLs, email addresses, ftp sites, etc,
and as such, provide the syntax for all of
the identification schemes.

EMAL EMail Remittance advice information must be

sent through e-mail.

POST Post Remittance advice information must be

sent through postal services.

SMSM SMS Remittance advice information must be

sent through by phone as a short
message service (SMS). SequenceType3Code
Definition: Specifies the type of the current transaction that belongs to a sequence of transactions.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

FRST First First collection of a series of direct debit


RCUR Recurring Direct debit instruction where the

debtor's authorisation is used for regular
direct debit transactions initiated by the

FNAL Final Final collection of a series of direct debit


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CodeName Name Definition

OOFF OneOff Direct debit instruction where the

debtor's authorisation is used to initiate
one single direct debit transaction.

RPRE Represented Collection used to re-present previously

reversed or returned direct debit
transactions. SettlementMethod1Code
Definition: Specifies the method used to settle the credit transfer instruction.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

INDA InstructedAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructed to execute a payment

INGA InstructingAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructing and forwarding the payment
to the next party in the payment chain.

COVE CoverMethod Settlement is done through a cover


CLRG ClearingSystem Settlement is done through a payment

clearing system. SettlementMethod2Code
Definition: Specifies the method used to settle the credit transfer instruction.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

INDA InstructedAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructed to execute a payment

INGA InstructingAgent Settlement is done by the agent

instructing and forwarding the payment
to the next party in the payment chain.

CLRG ClearingSystem Settlement is done through a payment

clearing system. TaxRecordPeriod1Code
Definition: Specifies the period related to the tax payment.
Type: CodeSet

CodeName Name Definition

MM01 FirstMonth Tax is related to the second month of the


MM02 SecondMonth Tax is related to the first month of the


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CodeName Name Definition

MM03 ThirdMonth Tax is related to the third month of the


MM04 FourthMonth Tax is related to the fourth month of the


MM05 FifthMonth Tax is related to the fifth month of the


MM06 SixthMonth Tax is related to the sixth month of the


MM07 SeventhMonth Tax is related to the seventh month of

the period.

MM08 EighthMonth Tax is related to the eighth month of the


MM09 NinthMonth Tax is related to the ninth month of the


MM10 TenthMonth Tax is related to the tenth month of the


MM11 EleventhMonth Tax is related to the eleventh month of

the period.

MM12 TwelfthMonth Tax is related to the twelfth month of the


QTR1 FirstQuarter Tax is related to the first quarter of the


QTR2 SecondQuarter Tax is related to the second quarter of

the period.

QTR3 ThirdQuarter Tax is related to the third quarter of the


QTR4 FourthQuarter Tax is related to the forth quarter of the


HLF1 FirstHalf Tax is related to the first half of the


HLF2 SecondHalf Tax is related to the second half of the


10.2.4 Date ISODate
Definition: A particular point in the progression of time in a calendar year expressed in the YYYY-MM-
DD format. This representation is defined in "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition - W3C
Recommendation 28 October 2004" which is aligned with ISO 8601.
Type: Date

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10.2.5 DateTime ISODateTime
Definition: A particular point in the progression of time defined by a mandatory date and a mandatory
time component, expressed in either UTC time format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ), local time with
UTC offset format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sss+/-hh:mm), or local time format (YYYY-MM-
DDThh:mm:ss.sss). These representations are defined in "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second
Edition - W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004" which is aligned with ISO 8601.

Note on the time format:

1) beginning / end of calendar day

00:00:00 = the beginning of a calendar day

24:00:00 = the end of a calendar day

2) fractions of second in time format

Decimal fractions of seconds may be included. In this case, the involved parties shall agree on the
maximum number of digits that are allowed.
Type: DateTime

10.2.6 IdentifierSet AnyBICDec2014Identifier
Definition: Code allocated to a financial or non-financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration
Authority, as described in ISO 9362: 2014 - "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages -
Business identifier code (BIC)".
Type: IdentifierSet
Identification scheme: SWIFT; AnyBICIdentifier


pattern [A-Z0-9]{4,4}[A-Z]{2,2}[A-Z0-9]{2,2}([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}


• AnyBIC
Only a valid Business identifier code is allowed. Business identifier codes for financial or non-
financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority in the ISO
directory of BICs, and consists of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters. BICFIDec2014Identifier
Definition: Code allocated to a financial institution by the ISO 9362 Registration Authority as described
in ISO 9362: 2014 - "Banking - Banking telecommunication messages - Business identifier code (BIC)".
Type: IdentifierSet
Identification scheme: SWIFT; BICIdentifier

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pattern [A-Z0-9]{4,4}[A-Z]{2,2}[A-Z0-9]{2,2}([A-Z0-9]{3,3}){0,1}


Valid BICs for financial institutions are registered and published by the ISO 9362 Registration
Authority in the ISO directory of BICs, and consist of eight (8) or eleven (11) contiguous characters. IBAN2007Identifier
Definition: An identifier used internationally by financial institutions to uniquely identify the account of a
customer at a financial institution, as described in the latest edition of the international standard ISO
13616: 2007 - "Banking and related financial services - International Bank Account Number (IBAN)".
Type: IdentifierSet
Identification scheme: National Banking Association; International Bank Account Number (ISO 13616)


pattern [A-Z]{2,2}[0-9]{2,2}[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,30}


A valid IBAN consists of all three of the following components: Country Code, check digits and
BBAN. LEIIdentifier
Definition: Legal Entity Identifier is a code allocated to a party as described in ISO 17442 "Financial
Services - Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)".
Type: IdentifierSet
Identification scheme: Global LEI System; LEIIdentifier


pattern [A-Z0-9]{18,18}[0-9]{2,2} UUIDv4Identifier
Definition: Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) version 4, as described in IETC RFC 4122 "Universally
Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace".
Type: IdentifierSet
Identification scheme: RFC4122; UUIDv4


pattern [a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][a-f0-9]{3}-[a-f0-9]{12}

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10.2.7 Indicator BatchBookingIndicator
Definition: Identifies whether the sending party requests a single debit or credit entry per individual
transaction or a batch entry for the sum of the amounts of all transactions.
Type: Indicator
Meaning When True: Identifies that a batch entry for the sum of the amounts of all transactions in the
batch or message is requested.
Meaning When False: Identifies that a single entry for each of the transactions in the batch or message
is requested. TrueFalseIndicator
Definition: A flag indicating a True or False value.
Type: Indicator
Meaning When True: True
Meaning When False: False

10.2.8 Quantity DecimalNumber
Definition: Number of objects represented as a decimal number, for example 0.75 or 45.6.
Type: Quantity


totalDigits 18

fractionDigits 17 Number
Definition: Number of objects represented as an integer.
Type: Quantity


totalDigits 18

fractionDigits 0

10.2.9 Rate BaseOneRate
Definition: Rate expressed as a decimal, for example, 0.7 is 7/10 and 70%.
Type: Rate

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totalDigits 11

fractionDigits 10

baseValue 1.0 PercentageRate
Definition: Rate expressed as a percentage, that is, in hundredths, for example, 0.7 is 7/10 of a percent,
and 7.0 is 7%.
Type: Rate


totalDigits 11
fractionDigits 10

baseValue 100.0

10.2.10 Text Exact2NumericText
Definition: Specifies a numeric string with an exact length of 2 digits.
Type: Text


pattern [0-9]{2} Exact4AlphaNumericText
Definition: Specifies an alphanumeric string with a length of 4 characters.
Type: Text


pattern [a-zA-Z0-9]{4} Max1025Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 1025 characters.
Type: Text


minLength 1

maxLength 1025

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1162 February 2021

Approved by the Payments SEG on 11 January 2021 Message Items Types Max105Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 105 characters.
Type: Text


minLength 1

maxLength 105 Max10Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 10 characters.
Type: Text


minLength 1

maxLength 10 Max128Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 128 characters.
Type: Text


minLength 1

maxLength 128 Max140Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 140 characters.
Type: Text


minLength 1

maxLength 140 Max15NumericText
Definition: Specifies a numeric string with a maximum length of 15 digits.
Type: Text


pattern [0-9]{1,15}

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1163 February 2021

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Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 16 characters.
Type: Text


minLength 1

maxLength 16 Max2048Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 2048 characters.
Type: Text


minLength 1

maxLength 2048 Max210Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 210 characters.
Type: Text


minLength 1

maxLength 210 Max34Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 34 characters.
Type: Text


minLength 1

maxLength 34 Max350Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 350 characters.
Type: Text


minLength 1

maxLength 350

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1164 February 2021

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Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 35 characters.
Type: Text


minLength 1

maxLength 35 Max4Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 4 characters.
Type: Text


minLength 1

maxLength 4 Max70Text
Definition: Specifies a character string with a maximum length of 70characters.
Type: Text


minLength 1

maxLength 70 PhoneNumber
Definition: The collection of information which identifies a specific phone or FAX number as defined by
telecom services.

It consists of a "+" followed by the country code (from 1 to 3 characters) then a "-" and finally, any
combination of numbers, "(", ")", "+" and "-" (up to 30 characters).
Type: Text


pattern \+[0-9]{1,3}-[0-9()+\-]{1,30}

10.2.11 Time ISOTime
Definition: A particular point in the progression of time in a calendar day expressed in either UTC time
format (hh:mm:ss.sssZ), local time with UTC offset format (hh:mm:ss.sss+/-hh:mm), or local time format
(hh:mm:ss.sss). These representations are defined in "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition -
W3C Recommendation 28 October 2004" which is aligned with ISO 8601.

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Note on the time format:

1) beginning / end of calendar day

00:00:00 = the beginning of a calendar day

24:00:00 = the end of a calendar day

2) fractions of second in time format

Decimal fractions of seconds may be included. In this case, the involved parties shall agree on the
maximum number of digits that are allowed.
Type: Time

10.2.12 Year ISOYear
Definition: Year represented by YYYY (ISO 8601).
Type: Year

Payments Clearing and Settlement - Maintenance 2020 - 1166 February 2021


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