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Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Activity No: 1
Arianne Mae L. Marquez

Calculation of Food Value

1. Using the food exchange calculate the physiologic value of the following food items and identify the number
of grams for carbohydrates, fats, and protein respectively (12 points)
2. Calculate total number of gram of carbohydrates, fats, and protein respectively and total energy/calories of all
food items (3 points)

Food Group Measurement Carbohydrates gram Protein gram Fat gram

1 gm of CHO = 4 1 gm of CHON = 4 1 gm of Fats = 9
Kcal Kcal Kcal

Vegetable A 1 cup raw - - -

  ½ cup cooked - - -

Vegetable B ½ cup raw 3 1 -

½ cup cooked 3 1 -

Fruit Varies 10 - -

     Whole milk Varies 12 8 10
     Low fat 4 tablespoon 12 8 5
milk Varies 12 8 -

Rice         Varies 23 2 -

Meat and        
Fish Varies - 8 1
     Low fat Varies - 8 6
     Medium fat Varies - 8 10
     High fat

Fat 1 teaspoon - - 5

Sugar 1 teaspoon 5 - -

Put your answers inside the box

Food Items Carbohydrates Protein Fats Calories

2 exchanges of   16gm x 4kcal= 12gm x

medium fat meat --  2 64 kcal   9kcal= 108 172 kcal
medium chicken wings kcal   
(35 gm)

1 point 

3 rice exchanges  - 69 gm x  4kcal= 6 gm x 4kcal=  

cooked rice  1½ cup 276 kcal 24kcal  300 kcal

1 point  

2 ex changes of fruits – 20 gm x 4kcal=       

Ripe mango  (120 gm)  80kcal 80 kcal
2 slice (12x7 cm)

1 point 

1  Exchange of cooked 3 gm x 4 kcal= 1 gm x 4kcal=  

Vegetable B – Carrots 12kcal 4kcal  
cooked  i/2 cup 16 kcal 

 1 point 

2 Exchanges of sugar – 10 gm x 4 kcal=    

Honey 2 teaspoon or 40 kcal 40kcal
10 gms

1 point  

1½ exchange of whole 18 gm x 4kcal= 12 gm x 4 kcal 15 gm x 9

milk - fresh cow’s (375 72kcal  =48 kcal kcal = 135 255 kcal 
gms) or 1½  cup kcal
1 point  

1 exchange of fat,- 1 5gm x 9kcal=

teaspoon of butter (5 45 kcal 45 kcal 
1 point 

Total CHO =    120 CHON =   35    Fats =   32  Total =        Kcal

  grams grams gram 908

2 points  2 points 2 points 2 points         


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Activity No: 2
Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________
Year and Section: __________________
Computation: Energy Balance and Calculation of Desirable and Energy Needs
Using the three methods calculate the desirable body weight (DBW) (3 points)
Male, 30 year old, 5 feet and 5 inches tall, medium built and performing moderate activity
Hamwi Methods Ador Dionisio’s Method Tannhauser’s Method

5 ft=106 lbs 5 ft= 110lbs 5 ft and 5 inch tall

5 inches=30 lbs 5 inches= 10 lbs (65 inches x 2.54=165.1 cm)
30 x 2 /5= 12 = 165.1cm- 100cm
=65.1- 10% (6.51)

Answer: 136lbs or 61.6886 or 62kg Answer: DBW=132lbs or 59.8742 or 60kg Answer:DBW= 58.59 kg

Using methods below calculate the Basal Metabolic rate of the same client (3 points)
Hamwi Method and Rule of Thumbs Ador Dionisio’s Method and Rule of Thumbs Tannhauser’s Method and Rule of Thumbs

1kcal x 62 x 4 1kcal x 60x 24 1Kcal x 58.59 x 24

Answer: 1,488 Kcal Answer: 1,440 Kcal Answer: 1,406.16 Kcal

Using methods below, calculate the Physical energy requirement of the same subject (3 points)
Method 3. Cruz-Caudal Method Method 3. Cruz-Caudal Method Method 3. Cruz-Caudal Method

1,488 Kcal x 70% 1,440 x 70% 1,406 Kcal x 70%

Answer: 1041.6 Kcal Answer: 1,008 Kcal Answer: 984.2 Kcal

Using methods/formulas below, calculate the Physical energy requirement of the same subject (3 points)
Method 3. Cruz-Caudal Method Method 3. Cruz-Caudal Method Method 3. Cruz-Caudal Method

1,488Kcal + 1,041 Kcal 1,440 Kcal + 1,008 Kcal 1,406.16 + 984.2 Kcal

Answer= 2,529Kcal Answer= 2448Kcal Answer= 2,390.36Kcal


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Activity No. 3
Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________
Year and Section: __________________ Score: _________________

Calculating Diet and Meal Planning

1. Assess your nutritional status and calculate your own calorie requirement
2. Make a 24 hours menu plan base on your energy requirement

1.  Calculate your own desirable body weight based on formula.. Convert your DBW/IBW in 
kilogram 45 Kg
2. Calculate your basal metabolic needs using the Rule of Thumbs (or other method you
preferred).   972 Kcal
1 Kcal per kg (DBW)  X 24 hours = for male     0.9 Kcal per Kg (DBW) X 24 hours = female

3.  Calculate energy requirement for physical activity.  486.0 Kcal


Calculate approximate percentage according to basal metabolic needs

(lower factor for women)

Bed Rest 10 – 20 percent

Sedentary 30 - percent

Light Activity 50 – 60 percent

Moderately Active 60 – 70 percent

Severely Active 90 – 110 percent

4.   Calculate your total energy allowance by adding your basal metabolic needs and your physical
activity (or other method you preferred)             
      Basal metabolic needs 972 Kcal +   Physical activity 486.0 Kcal  =  1458 Kcal or 1450 Kcal (TEA) 
                 Then round off the total energy allowance to the nearest 50
                                    1,920 Kcal round to the nearest 50 is 1,900 Kcal
                                    1,926 Kcal round to the nearest 50 is 1,950 Kcal

5.   Distribute the total energy allowance into percentage among carbohydrates, protein and fats
             Carbohydrates  50% - 70%
                        Protein                         25% - 30%
                        Fats                    10% – 15%

For normal diet allot 60% energy allowance for carbohydrates, 15% for protein and 25% .
        Carbohydrates (TEA) 1450 Kcal  X  0.60  = 870 Kcal

        Protein             (TEA)   1450 Kcal  X  0.15 = 217.5 Kcal

        Fats                (TEA)  1450 Kcal  X  0.25 = 362.5 Kcal


6.   Calculate the numbers of grams for carbohydrates, protein and fats by dividing the calories for each
nutrient according to physiologic value. 1 gm of CHO = 4 Kcal, 1 gm of CHON = 4 Kcal, and 1 gm of
Fats = 9 Kcal
        Carbohydrates (60%)  870 Kcal  /  4  = 217.5 grams

        Protein             (15%)   217.5 Kcal  /  4 =  54.375 grams

        Fats                  (25%) 362.5Kcal  /  9 = 40.27 grams

7.   For simplicity and practicality, round off the total energy allowance to the nearest 50 and carbohydrates,
protein and fats should be round-off to the nearest 5.
                 Prescribed diet:
Total energy allowance = 1450Kcal
Carbohydrates               =  220 grams
Protein                              = 55 grams
Fats                                     = 40 grams
8.   Design your meal plan using food exchange list and taking into consideration your food
o Use table for the meal plan
o Use table for sample menu
o Determine the number of exchange you can eat for vegetables A and B (allowable 2-3)
o  Determine the number of exchange for fruits (Reasonable 3 – 4)
o Determine the number of exchange for milk ( Depends on type, needs, habit, economic
o  Determine the amount of sugar desired (5-9 teaspoon per day if not contraindicated)
o  Subtotal the amount of carbohydrates, protein and fats
o Subtract the amount of carbohydrates provided by vegetables, fruits, milk and sugar from
prescribed dietary allowances. Divide the result by 23 which is the amount of carbohydrate
in rice exchange
o Subtotal the amount of protein then subtract from the prescribed protein allowance and
divide the  result by 8 to get the number of meat exchanges prescribed.
o  Subtotal the amount of fats then subtract from the total fat prescribed and divide the result
by 5 to get the number of fat exchange prescribed
o The number of exchanges obtained will be used for planning your menu. Distribute these
exchanges into breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks

Meal Plan
Food No. of CHO CHON FATS Energy Meal Distribution
Exchange Exchange Kcal
gm gm gm Breakfast Lunc Dinner Snack

Vegetable A                  

Vegetable B 3 9 3   48 1 1 1  

Fruits 3 30     120   1 1 1

Milk:              1      
Whole 1 12 8 10 170
Low fat

Sugar 7 35     140 2 2 1 2

Rice 5.83 134.09 11.66   583 1.45 1.48 1.45 1.45

Meat:       1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01

Low fat    4.04 32.32 4.04 165.64
High fat

Fat 5.19     25.95 233.55 1.29 1.30 1.30 1.30

Total   220.09 54.98 40 1460.19 7.75 7.79 6.76 6.76


220-86= 134/ 23= 5.83

55-22.66= 32.34/8= 4.04

Sample Menu
Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Milk, 4 tablespoon of whole milk. 2 teaspoon of 1 carrot 1 carrot

sugar in a mug of hot water. ( 1milk and 2 sugar 1  piece of saba 1 atis 
exchange 1 bottle of diet cola ½ rice
½ cup of rice 1 tocino lean ( with  1
2 pieces of pandesal ( 1 /rice exchange)  1 slice of lean pork and 1 sugar) and 1 exchange of
exchange of fat fat 
1 strip of bacon ( 1 low fat and   exhange of fat)  
Morning Snack Afternoon Snacks Midnight Snack

1 papaya ripe  
1 rolls of hotdog ( 1 low fat of
cheese and 1 exchange of
Yogurt Lite n rite- Natural .


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________Year and
Section: __________________ Score: _________________

Quiz No: 4
Meal Planning

Direction: Design a meal plan for individual base on their nutritional requirements
Carbohydrate diet – Meal for client frequently vomit with lack of appetite
Meal Pattern Sample Menu
Meat/Fish/Poultry Unseasoned skinless baked chicken- additional calories, protein, vitamins and
minerals to give your body back some energy.
Rice/Bread White Rice- They're easy to prepare, high in calories and help settle your
stomach. Bland, colorless and odorless foods are often more easily tolerated, as
they trigger nausea to a lesser extent than strongly flavored foods do
Vegetables Potatoes- can add other bland foods to the diet.
Fruit/Dessert Banana- are a good source of energy and vitamins, can help replace potassium
lost due to vomiting
Soup Chicken soup- common home remedies for everything.
Beverage/Drinks Coconut water- is also high in minerals such as sodium and potassium. They can
help the body to rehydrate quickly after vomiting.

Fat diet – Meal for client who is overweight and diagnosed with diabetes
Meal Pattern Sample Menu
Meat/Fish/Poultry Roasted Turkery- It is very lean meat has 1 g of fat and 35 calories per serving.
Rice/Bread Wholegrain Bastamati Rice- as the lowest GI (glycaemic index) of all rice types,
which means once digested it releases its energy slowly keeping blood sugar
levels more stable, which is a crucial part of diabetes management.
Vegetables Dark green lettuce- it has low carbohydrate content and thus lower glycemic
load (1 for 1 cup of chopped raw lettuce) the amount of carbohydrate allowed
per meal for a diabetic is 45 to 60 g.
Fruit/Dessert Blackberries- packed with antioxidants, vitamins and fibre. “These fruits won't
raise your blood sugar levels as much as others,” the organisation said online.
“They are high in fibre and have the highest concentrations of anthocyanins.
Soup Curried butternut squash soup-increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart
disease, and overall mortality. It can also enhance the complexion, increase
energy, and contribute to a healthy weight.
Beverage/Drinks Water- When it comes to hydration, water is the best option for people with
diabetes. That’s because it won’t raise your blood sugar levels. High blood sugar
levels can cause dehydration.

Protein diet – Meal for client requiring enough protein but his/her budget for food is limited
Meal Pattern Sample Menu
Meat/Fish/Poultry Fish- have all of the essential amino acids and are known as 'complete' protein
(or ideal or high-quality protein).
Rice/Bread White rice- contain mainly carbohydrate and some protein, with virtually no fat
or sugar.
Vegetables Beans- contain amino acids, which are the protein building blocks that the body
uses to heal and to make new tissues, such as bone, muscle, hair, skin, and
blood. Protein is an essential nutrient.
Fruit/Dessert Guava- contains more protein.
Soup Egg drop soup- Eggs are a brilliant source of complete protein, containing the
essential amino acids that our bodies need
Beverage/Drinks Water- To stay hydrated and less to consume.


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________
Year and Section: __________________ Score: _________________

Activity No. 4
Meal Planning for Macronutrient

1. To make a meal plan for individual requiring modification in carbohydrates, fats and protein
2. To discuss diet plan and its implication for certain disease condition or situation

Direction: Answer 1 situation/case only

Case 1: Calculate and prepare a diet plan for client who is underweight using 2,500 Kcal with 75% carbohydrates
allowance. Prepare a 1 sample menu plan and discuss it base on client’s needs.
Case 2: Prepare a diet plan for client who is suffering from acute kidney disease. Calculate and prepare a low protein
diet meal (10% less) using 2000 Kcal. Prepare a 1 sample menu plan and discuss it base on client’s needs
Case 3: Prepare a diet plan for client who is suffering from obesity. Calculate and prepare a low fat diet meal (25 % less)
using 2000 Kcal. Prepare a 1 sample menu plan and discuss it base on client’s condition

Meal plan for acute kidney disease

Food No. of CHO CHON FATS Energy Meal Distribution

Exchange Exchange gm gm gm Kcal Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack

Vegetable A

Vegetable B 3 9 3 48 1 1 1

Fruits 3 30 120 1 1 1

Milk: Whole

Low fat

Skimmed 1 12 8 80 1

Sugar 5 25 100 1 1 1 2

Rice 11.91 273.93 23.82 1191 2.97 2.98 2.98 2.98

Meat: Low fat 1.89 15.12 1.89 77.49 0.95 0.94


High fat

Fat 8.42 42.1 378.9 2.10 2.12 2.10 2.10

Total 1995.39

350- 76= 274/ 23= 11.91

50- 34.82= 15.18/8= 1.89
44- 1.89= 42.11/5= 8.42

Prepare Meal: Dinner

Meal Pattern Sample Menu

Meat/Fish/Poultry 1 Fish product (Bangus)

Rice/Bread 1 cup of rice cooked

Vegetables 1 mung bean sprout ( sitaw)

Fruit/Dessert 1 apple

Soup Paksiw na bangus

Beverage/Drinks 1 glass of water

● Submit your computation
● Prepare meal
● Discuss the purposes or benefits of your menu according to client condition
● Submit with picture or video.

Total energy allowance= 2000 Kcal

Carbohydrates= 70%
Protein= 20%

Carbohydrates 2000 X 0.70= 14000 Kcal

Protein 2000 x 0.10= 200 Kcal
Fats 2000 x 0.20= 400 Kcal

Carbohydrates 1400 Kcal/ 4= 350 g

Protein 200 Kcal/ 4= 50g
Fats 400 Kcal/ 9= 44g
This meal plan is to eliminate the use of salt and sodium. I prepared milk fish I did not use salt instead I use
spices in place of salt, and it is beneficial because it is a low fat diet, rich in omega-3 fatty acids and it is a good source of
protein. I thoroughly rinse the beans in water before I steam it and green beans is a plant-protein food. I used the sabaw
ng bangus for the soup. I used apple as a fruit because it is high in fiber and anti-inflammatory compounds. I used water
because it remove wastes from your blood in the form of urine and we should be “water wise”.


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Activity No: 5
Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________
Year and Section: __________________
Vitamins, Minerals and Water
1. Identify the importance of fats and water soluble vitamins to the body
2. Plan and discuss a modified meal for people with specific vitamin and mineral deficiency
1. Plan a normal diet and a modified for an individual suffering from vitamin or mineral related diseases
2. Answer 1 situation/case only
A. 50 year old mother diagnosed with osteoporosis
B. Client with pernicious anemia
C. Acute gastroenteritis associated with dehydration as manifested by frequent vomiting and watery stool
Diet for
Meal Pattern Normal Diet Modified diet for osteoporosis
Meat/Fish/Poultry Pork-  good sources of thiamine. Salmon- Calcitonin is a human hormone that
is also found in salmon.And it is rich in
vitamin D.
Rice/Bread Whole grain rice- a good source of vitamin
Vegetables Dried Beans- It is also a good source of Brocolli- highly alkalizing vegetable, broccoli
vitamin B1. is high in magnesium, calcium, vitamin K,
folate and vitamin B6. It's also high in
vitamin C which significantly improves
calcium's absorption. For bone health,
broccoli truly has it all.
Fruit/Dessert Orange- thiamine rich foods. Yogurt-is rich in calcium, which makes your
bones strong.
Soup Tomato soup- thiamine rich foods. Vibrant broccoli soup- does contain calcium,
you'd have to eat almost five cups of
broccoli to get the same amount of calcium
Beverage/Drinks Orange juice- thiamine rich foods. Milk- an help strengthen bones and prevent
Briefly discuss your modified diet for client:

Salmon is rich in vitamin D, I don’t add rice in the meal. Brocolli which is high in magnesium,calcium, vitamin K,
folate and vitamin B6, it’s also high in vitamin C which has calcium absorption. Also, yogurt which is rich in calcium.
Vibrant brocolli soup which contain soup, and Milk it helps strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Name: ___________________________ Date: _________________Year and
Section: __________________ Score: _________________

Activity No. 6
Pregnancy and Lactation
1. Identify food item essential to nutritional needs of a pregnant women, lactating mother
2. Plan a whole day meal plan for individual age group taking consideration for their nutritional requirement

Direction: Choose one from the situation/case and make a whole day meal plan. Plan a one meal for lunch or dinner

1. A 20 year old pregnant woman standing 5 feet and 4 inches, medium built and performing light activity, She is
weighing 128 pounds on her 16th week of pregnancy and record shows her prepregnancy weight was 120 lbs.
Total energy allowance: 3,050 Kcal
Carbohydrates= 460 Kcal
Protein= 115 Kcal
Fats= 85 kcal
2. A 20 year old lactating mother standing 5 feet and 4 inches, medium built and performing light activity, She is
weighing 129 pounds just gave birth 2 weeks ago.

Meal plan for: Case 1

Food No. of CHO CHON FATS Energy Meal Distribution
Exchange Exchange gm gm gm Kcal Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack
Vegetable A
Vegetable B 3 9 3 48 1 1 1
Fruits 3 30 120 1 1 1
Milk: Whole
Low fat 1 12 8 5 125 1
Sugar 5 25 100 1 1 1 2
Rice 16.70 384.1 33.4 1670 5.57 5.57 5.56
Meat: Low fat 8.83 70.64 8.83 362.03 2.21 2.21 2.21 2.20
High fat
Fat 14.23 71.15 640.35 3.55 3.56 3.56 3.56
Total 3,065.38

460-76= 384/23= 16.70

85- 13.83= 71.17/5= 14.23

Meal : Dinner
Meal Pattern Sample Menu
Meat/Fish/Poultry Salmon- Eat a variety of seafood that's low in mercury and high in omega-3 fatty acids

Rice/Bread Brown rice- whole grain rice.

Vegetables Spinach- fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, calcium, iron, folate, and potassium.

Fruit/Dessert Apples- are very high in fiber, which can help regulate a woman's digestion and prevent
hemorrhoids – a common issue that many pregnant women face.

Soup Creamy spinach soup- [rich in vitamin C, potassium, vitamin A]

Beverage/Drinks Low- fat milk- which contain high amounts of saturated fat. If you don't consume
enough calcium rich foods during pregnancy, you will lose calcium from your bones to
meet your baby's needs for this mineral.


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Activity No: 7

Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________

Year and Section: __________________

1. Identify food item essential to nutritional needs of a children, adolescent and adults
2. Plan a meal plan for individual age group taking consideration for their nutritional requirement
Direction: Choose one from the situation/case. Plan one meal for lunch or dinner

1. A 7 year-old boy weighing 35 Kg loves to eat fast food such as French fries, burgers and hotdog during snack
2. A 16 year-old lady weighing 45 kg and standing 5 feet and 2 inches tall. She is active varsity player of the school.
3. A 60 year-old school nurse weighing 50 Kg and standing 5 feet and 3 inches tall. She has a good appetite and like
vegetables but tend to be choosy because of her dental problem. She was very busy on her work in the clinic
and managing her small sari-sari store.
Meal : Case 2: Lunch
Meal Pattern Sample Menu
Meat/Fish/Poultry Lean red meats- provides nutrients runners need like iron to help maintain energy levels.
It also supplies protein and amino acids that repair small muscle tears that occur during

Rice/Bread Wild rice- Endurance athletes can also benefit from eating wild rice. It contains complex
carbs, protein, fiber, and micronutrients that make it a perfect food for athletes to fuel
up on.

Vegetables Brocolli-are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to boost your athletic abilities.
They also contain high levels of vitamins A, K and B6, and calcium and iron, all of which
protect the body against inflammation.

Fruit/Dessert Avocado- They are high in monounsaturated (good) fats which help heart health and
they also contain folate, vitamins C, E and K which all have anti inflammatory properties
to aid faster recovery after exercise.

Soup Chicken vegetable soup- muscle-repairing protein and plenty of liquid and some salt to
ensure you're hydrated.

Beverage/Drinks Water- to stay hydrated.


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Activity No: 8
Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________
Year and Section: __________________
1. Plan and prepare meal for client base on culture and religion
Direction: Prepare a one meal plan base on culture/religion of your choice (American, Hispanic, Italian, Chinese,
Japanese and other nation) and prepare one regular meal (lunch or dinner). Present your meal and document your
activity (Written, Picture or Video)

Meal: Chinese
Meal Pattern Menu
Meat/Fish/Poultry Cat fish- is packed with protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Catfish is a low
calorie, high protein seafood that's a great source of nutrients, including vitamin B12,
selenium, and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.And fish is popular in China.

Rice/Bread Rice- source of energy.

Soybean sprouts- help make iron more available for your body due to a lower
Fruit/Dessert antinutrient content and their vegetable there is lightly cooked.
Dragonfruit- It's rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, phenolic acid, and betacyanin,
Soup It's naturally fat-free and high in fiber.
Steamed vegetable- steaming is one of the best methods to preserve easily damaged
Beverage/Drinks nutrients, such as vitamin C and many B vitamins.
Tea- It contains antioxidants, has less caffeine than coffee and help protect your bones.


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Activity No. 9

Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________

Year and Section: __________________

1. Identify and differentiate the kind of routine hospital diet
2. Plan and prepare a modified meal of a standard hospital diet

Direction: Choose one from the situation/case and plan one regular meal (lunch or dinner) and modify into hospital diet.
Plan a normal diet for lunch or dinner and modify this into soft diet
1. Plan a normal diet for lunch or dinner and modify this into full liquid diet and clear liquid diet

Meal: Lunch
Meal Pattern Regular diet Modified diet
Meat/Fish/Poultry Fish - is an important source of Fish broth- contains a delectable
omega-3 fatty acids. These combination that your health will love. It
essential nutrients keep our heart includes high quantities of healthy omega-
and brain healthy. Two omega-3 3 fatty acids as well as fat soluble
fatty acids found in fish are EPA vitamins.
(eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA
(docosahexaenoic acid). is an
important source of omega-3 fatty
acids. These essential nutrients
keep our heart and brain healthy.
Two omega-3 fatty acids found in
fish are EPA (eicosapentaenoic
acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic

Rice/Bread Brown Rice- helps lower cholesterol,

moves waste through the digestive tract,
promotes fullness, and may help prevent
the formation of blood clots.
Vegetables Carrots(choppes) -particularly good
source of beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1,
potassium, and antioxidants
Fruit/Dessert Apples(choppes)- containing antioxidants, Banana- Potassium rich foods help
vitamins, dietary fiber, and a range of manage your blood pressure because they
other nutrients help you get rid of more sodium when you
Soup Crème soup- tend to contain higher levels
of fat than broth based, there are usually
low-fat alternatives to satisfy your creamy

Beverage/Drinks Water- carrying nutrients and oxygen to Skim milk- provides the same nutrients as
your cells. whole milk and only a fraction more
natural sugar than whole milk.


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Activity No. 10
Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________
Year and Section: __________________
1. Plan a meal that attain normal bllod glucose leveland blood cholesterol, prevent complication and improve
2. Plan and prepare meal for client with diabetes mellitus
Direction: Make a one day meal plan and plan one regular menu (breakfast lunch or dinner). Discuss your meal
1. Calculate total energy expenditure base on your height (desirable weight), and activity or calculate for your
diabetic client (height, weight, age, sex and activity)
 Reduction of calories according to age 45-55 (7.5%), 55-65 (7.5%), and 65 years old (10%),
2. Plan your one day meal plan using diet prescription
A. Total energy expenditure : ______________
B. Carbohydrates 60%
C. Protein 15%
D. Fats 25%
3. Plan a one meal for diabetic diet (low cholesterol, low fat, low salt and avoid simple sugar)
4. Submit your computation and your menu plan
Food No. of CHO CHON FATS Energy Meal Distribution
Exchange Exchange gm gm gm Kcal Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snack
Vegetable A
Vegetable B
Milk: Whole
Low fat
Meat: Low fat
High fat

Meal _ _____
Meal Pattern Menu Exchange serving/ Size Calories
Total calories


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Activity No: 11
Name:Arianne Mae L. Marquez Date:
Year and Section: 2BSN-B
1. Identify food item allowed and restricted in certain gastrointestinal disorder
2. Plan and prepare meal for client with disorder of gastrointestinal tract’
1. Answer 1 situation/case only
2. Plan one regular meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) and briefly discuss your meal plan
A. For client with celiac disease
B. For client with peptic ulcer
C. For client with constipation

Meal: Constipation-Breakfast
Meal Pattern Menu

Rice/Bread Whole grains bread- another great source of fiber, helping to push things along and
prevent constipation.
Brocolli- Rich in fiber

Fruit/Dessert Apples- Make sure you are eating the skins because that is where the majority of the
fiber is in fruit.

Soup Clear soups- Which are nutritious and easy to digest. They also add moisture to hard,
dense stools, which can soften them, making them easier to pass.
Beverage/Drinks Water- Dehydration is a common cause of constipation, and drinking plenty of water
can often help to ease or resolve the symptoms.When a person becomes dehydrated,
their intestines cannot add enough water to stools. This results in hard, dry, and lumpy
stools and can lead to constipation.

Foods to eat:
 High fiber diet ( Whole grains, fresh fruits, vegtables, beans)
 Healthy fats.
Foods to avoid:
❌ Dairy products
❌ White bread or rice
❌ Processed foods


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Activity No: 12
Name:Arianne Mae L. Marquez Date: ____________________
Year and Section: 2BSN-B
1. Identify food item allowed and restricted in certain accessory organ disorder
2. Plan a meal for client with disorder of liver, gallbladder and pancreas
Direction: Answer 1 situation/case only. Plan one regular meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner). Discuss your meal plan
1. For client with hepatitis
2. For client with postoperative cholecystectomy
3. For client with cystic fibrosis

Meal: Hepatitis- Lunch

Meal Pattern Menu

Meat/Fish/Poultry Shellfish- contain high levels of zinc, which is an essential mineral that supports normal
growth and development in children and adolescents. Throughout a person’s lifespan,
zinc facilitates healing and good immunity. A zinc deficiency can affect taste and smell,
which could further reduce the appetite of a person with CF.
Rice/Bread Rice- It add up with calories.

Vegetables Brocolli- Iron, which carries oxygen around the body and helps fight infections.

Fruit/Dessert Dark Chocolate- People with CF can enjoy dark chocolate as part of a well-balanced
diet. A 1 oz serving contains 170 calories, 12.1 g of fat, and 64.6 milligrams (mg) of

Chicken soup- The salty brine helps to thin mucus, and the onions and vegetables
added to the soup also provide bug-fighting nutrients.

Banana juice- When people with CF lose their appetite, protein shakes and nutritional
supplements can play an important role in maintaining a good nutrient status and
preventing weight loss

Foods to eat:
 Fruits (apricots, bananas, blueberries, cantaloupes,grapefruit)
 Vegetable (rugula, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collard greens)
 Eggs
 Fish and seafood
 Nuts
 Dairy product
 Olive Oil
 Salt
 Protein and High Calorie Shake
 Dark Chocolate
Foods to avoid:
❌ Low fat diet
❌ Low calorie diet
❌ Fat free


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Activity No: 13
Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________
Year and Section: __________________
1. Identify food item allowed and restricted in certain cardivascular disorder
2. Plan and prepare meal for client with atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease and heart failure
Direction: Answer 1 situation/case only , plan one regular meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner). Discuss your meal plan
a. For client with atherosclerosis
b. For client with congestive heart failure
c. For client with hypertension (DASH diet)

Meal for client with atherosclerosis:Lunch

Meal Pattern Menu

Meat/Fish/Poultry Salmon- These fats, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), may
help prevent blood clots, stabilize dangerous heart rhythms, and improve blood
pressure. It also rich in omega- 3 fatty acids.


Brown rice-contains high levels of magnesium, which can help make you less vulnerable
to heart disease and stroke. It's a rich source of dietary fiber, which can reduce your risk
Vegetables of death from heart disease.

Lettuce- Green leafy vegetables are a good source of dietary nitrates, which can help
Fruit/Dessert improve blood vessel function and reduce inflammation.

Tomatoes- may help reduce inflammation, boost HDL (good) cholesterol, and reduce
Soup the risk of heart disease

Citrus fruits (Orange)- lavonoids can decrease inflammation and help prevent free
Beverage/Drinks radicals in the body from oxidizing LDL (bad) cholesterol. Oxidized LDL is associated
with atherosclerosis development and progression.

Oats- significantly reduce atherosclerosis risk factors, including high levels of total and
LDL (bad) cholesterol. Contain antioxidants called avenanthramides, which may help
inhibit inflammatory proteins called cytokines, as well as adhesion molecules.

Water- to stay hydrated. When you are dehydrated your blood volume, or the amount
of blood circulating through your body, decreases.

Foods to be included:
 Adding foods like cruciferous vegetables, fish, berries, olive oil, oats, onions, greens, and beans to your diet may
be an effective way to prevent atherosclerosis.
 Consume lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
 Consume food rich in magnesium: Sea food, sea plants like Japanese sea plants, green leafy vegetables, nuts,
whole grains, peas, lotus stem, pulses, legumes and oil seeds.
  Increase intake of fiber: whole grains, bran, oat, green leafy vegetables, peas, beans, potatoes, raw vegetables,
salads, dried fruits and fresh fruits.
 Eat fruits and vegetables with the skin.
 Increase intake of vitamin C, it maintains the elasticity and integrity of the artery walls.
  Citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables and vegetables- cabbage, broccoli, tubers.

Foods to avoid:

 Avoid foods rich in fats: oils, butter, ghee, nuts etc.

 Avoid foods rich in cholesterol: ground nut oil, ghee, butter, whole milk, eggs, lard (fats derived from pig meat),
tallow (fats derived from goat or sheep mutton), oily fish, meats and red meat - all non-vegetarian food contain
cholesterol in varied amount.
 Avoid eating junk food - pizza, burgers etc.
 Avoid non-vegetarian food especially red meat.
 Avoid drinks and alcohol.
 Salt should be taken in low amounts.


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Activity No: 14
Name: ___________________________ Date: ____________________
Year and Section: __________________
1. Identify food item allowed and restricted for individual suffereing from renal disorder
2. Plan a meal for client with nephrotic syndrome, kidney stone and urinary tract infection.
Direction: Answer 1 situation/case only, plan one regular meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner). Discuss your meal plan
A. For client with nephrotic syndrome
B. For client with kidney stone
C. For client with urinary tract infection
Meal for client with kidney stone (Lunch)

Meal Pattern Menu

Meat/Fish/Poultry Limit your intake of meat, poultry, fish and seafood to reduce your risk for kidney
stones. Animal protein contains purines, which break down into uric acid. Although you
may need to limit how much animal protein you eat each day, you still need to make
sure you get enough protein. Consider replacing some of the meat and animal protein
with plant-based foods that are high in protein and low in oxalate.( beans, dried peas,
and lentils)

Brown Rice- it is rich in insoluble fiber, also help reduce calcium in urine it combines
with with calcium in the intestines, so the calcium is excreted with the stool instead to

Vegetables Cruciferous Vegetable (Brussels sprouts,Brocolli, and Kale)- it is rich in potassium

which it decrease calcium loss and stop kidney stones from forming.

Citrus Fruits ( Orange, Lemon, grapefruit)- can help reduce or block the formation of
stones due to naturally occurring citrate.
Soup Avoid canned soups because it has many condiments, seasonings, and meats and it has
more sodium.

Water- the most important way to prevent kidney stones atleast two to three liters of
water (at least 64 ounces or more) each day.

Water with citrus juices (lemon, orange, grapefruit)- which contain citrate, which stops
crystals from growing into stones.

Foods Allowed:
 Drink fluids.
 Consume calcium-rich foods or talk to your doctor about a calcium supplement. If you've had calcium oxalate
stones, you should include 800 milligrams of calcium in your diet every day. Calcium from food, which should
stay in the digestive track, doesn't increase the risk of calcium oxalate stones.
 Eat foods rich in insoluble fiber, such as in wheat bran, corn bran, barley, bulgur, seeds and brown rice.
 Make sure you follow a diet that includes healthy, complex carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, beans and legumes.
 Diet is high in fruits and vegetables, moderate in low-fat dairy products, and low in animal protein.
 Encourage plant-based protein.

Foods restricted:
 Reduce sodium intake. Be particularly careful around processed and prepared foods, restaurant and fast-food
meals, and canned foods because they're often loaded with salt.
 Reduce sugar intake because studies show that excess sugar aggravates the development of calcium oxalate
stones. Sugar that occurs naturally in foods, such as fruits and vegetables, is fine, but avoid processed and
packaged foods that are high in sugar.
 Reduce consumption of animal protein, such as meat, eggs, chicken and fish. Animal protein contains purines,
which break down into uric acid. If you've had uric acid stones, limit meat consumption to 6 ounces per day.
Also, avoid high-purine foods such as beef, chicken, lobster, shrimp, organ meats, anchovies, sardines, codfish,
bacon, cauliflower, ham, veal and venison.
 Restrict foods that contain high levels of oxalates


Virborough Subdivision, Parian, Calamba City, Laguna

NCM 105 – Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Activity No: 15

Name: Arianne Mae L.Marquez Date: _________________

Year and Section: 2BSN-B
1. Identify food item allowed and restricted in certain metabolic and respiratory disorder
2. Plan a meal for client with hyperthyroidism, adrenocortical insufficiency, chronic obstructive puomonary disease

Direction: Answer 1 situation/case only , plan one regular meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner). Discuss your meal plan
A. For client with adrenocortical insufficiency/Addison’s disease
B.For client with hyperthyroidism
C.For client with COPD

Meal: Hyperthyroidism-Lunch
Meal Pattern Menu
Meat/Fish/Poultry Red meat- Iron is important for many vital bodily functions, including thyroid health.
This mineral is needed for blood cells to carry oxygen to every cell in your body. Low
levels of iron are linked to hyperthyroidism.

Rice/Bread Brown rice- This food is rich in serenium which is a micronutrient that the body
requires for the metabolism of thyroid hormones.

Vegetables Spinach- All leafy greens are good for you,but this foods contains iron which is
important for normal bodily processes it helps the red blood cells carry oxygen to other
cells in the body.
Brocolli- Ciferous vegetables contain compounds that decrease thyroid hormone
production and may reduce iodine uptake by the thyroid.
It is also a source of Calcium and vitamin D both nutrients that are important for bone
health where in it has anassociation between longstanding hyperthyroidism and
decreased bone mineral density, which can lead to osteoporosis.

Fruit/Dessert Strawberry- Have antioxidant fruits which build your immune system which otherwise
takes setback due to hormonal imbalance.

Fortified Orange Juice- It is rich in calcium and vitamin D are both nutrients that are
important for bone health.

Foods to eat:
 Low iodine food
 Cruiceferous vegetable
 Foods containing selenium
 Foods containing iron
 Containing Calcium and Vitamin D
 Spices like turmeric
Foods to avoid:
❌ Iodine rich foods
❌ Soy
❌ Gluten
❌ Caffeine

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