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A New Android Application (Breeze) for College

Management System

Ritika Dhiman; Ayush Basral Dr. Jaswanti

Deptt of Computer Science, Degree Wing, Department of Electrical Engineering, Diploma Wing,
Chandigarh College of Engineering & Technology, Chandigarh College of Engineering & Technology,

Abstract— Breeze is an Android Application which requirement because it takes more time in scheming. It is a
provides a common, easy to use platform for college students to very time intensive process. In the present system the results
develop a better interaction with fellow students, faculty and are viewed on the notice board in the form of paper sheets
administration. This work has unique and helpful feature of which requires lot of paperwork and is time consuming [10].
raising queries, where students can put up their queries and Moreover, there is no system still existing through which
anyone can answer their queries. For keeping a check over the students can take a look at their own progress and analyse
inappropriate posts a feature of report is also provided which themselves. Even college cannot provide vital notifications to
informs the admin about inappropriate posts and actions which students in case of emergency [11-12].
could be taken over it accordingly. Furthermore, it provides user
a help option which helps them in discovering any information Breeze is developed to solve the basic problems of college
regarding labs, faculty and lecture halls. Breeze also creates a students. It provides a platform for students to share their ideas
platform where user can view daily updates of his/her attendance with fellow students in a much interactive way which is like a
syllabus, and time table. Breeze app works fluently as it is based social media platform. It also allows real time updates related
on online database system called firebase. It has secure login to notices and events. This work has unique and help ful
features, and also allows login through Facebook and Google. It feature of queries, where students can put up their queries and
also provides basic features like changing password, profile anyone can answer their queries. For keeping a check over
picture, and retrieving the forgotten password. In all it is an all in inappropriate posts a feature of report is also provided which
one application which has all the features to solve the basic tells admin about inappropriate posts and actions could be
problems of college students. taken over it accordingly. It also provides user a help option
which helps user with any information regarding labs, faculty
Keywords— Android; Online S ystem; Traditional Notice and lecture halls. Breeze also provide a platform where user
Board; Notifications; Education S ystem; Database; Firebase. can view daily updates of his attendance and syllabus. Breeze
app works fluently as it is based on online database system
I. INT RODUCT ION firebase. It has secure login features, and also allows login
through Facebook and Google. It also provides basic features
With Technology & Time advancement, there is a essential
like changing password, changing profile picture, retrieving
for rapid information dissemination. Due to the raise of
forgotten password. In all it is an all in one application which
benefits of automated system, huge process which done by the
has all the features to solve the basic problems of college
humans are automated now [1]. Recent days, there is a huge
necessity needed for automated system which includes their
role in academic infrastructures like schools & colleges that
needs to change the role of their manual system to mobile II. FEAT URES OF THIS A NDROID A PPLICAT ION
computing systems [2 -3]. The Computer Technology changes Our College Management System Application has the
uses the databases & application of the Information System of following attributes:
students, which helps to make their documents and records as
centralized. Android play a vital role. It leads to the ● Google Sign in.
inventiveness to the processing of traditional – transactional ● Facebook Sign in.
systems [4 -6].
● Verification through OTP.
For example attendance management in the existing
organization is done on paper sheets. The whole session ● Allows Guest Sign in.
attendance is stored in either register or record books and at ● All-in-one application.
the term end reports are generated [7-9]. We are not able to
spawn report in the middle of the session or as per the ● Easy to use UI.
● More Secure. A. Safe and secure login for user
● Realtime Updates. This app provides user a secure way to login. During
registration of new user, user is asked to fill some fields
● Keep Checks over inappropriate data. which are used in firebase database and retrieved from it while
● Help menu. user is logged in. it also provides a feature of Google or
Facebook sign in for authentication of guest users. An otp is
● Allows user to change password or retrieve forgotten also sent to user to the provided e-mail id and only if it is
password. authenticated user is allowed to register.
● Easy updates.
● Provides an easy platform for student interaction.
● Easy and fast updation of notices and events for
better communication between students and
● Updation regarding daily attendance, all schemes and
● Updation of recent notices and upcoming events.


Software that is essential in our University Management
System is: Fig. 2. Login for user
● macOS version 10.13.6 Operating System.
● Android studio 2.1. B. Adding new post and displaying of posts
This apps allows users to post any image with a
● Firebase. description which is then stored in firebase database and on
● Facebook developers. the main screen all the posts by the user which are approved
by the respective authority will be displayed to all the users.
The image button allows users to select image from the gallery
and post it.
A PPLICAT ION C. Authentication of Apps
The detail workflow of College Management System Whenever a post is uploaded, before being displayed it is
Application is described as follow: sent to respective authority for authentication. Only if its
authenticated it will be displayed in post section.

D. Adding and Posting of events.

A feature to add new event is also provided in the app but
it is accessible to only few people. They has to fill fields like
name of event, date of event, venue of event, description and
then it is uploaded to the database from where it is accessed
and displayed to all logged in users.

Fig. 1. Breeze System Design

Fig. 3. Add Event
E. Adding and Posting of notices [2] Mei-shan, Jin, Qiu Chang-li, and Li Jing. "T he designment of student
information management system based on B/S architecture." In 20 12
A feature to add new notices is also provided in the app 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics,
but it is accessible to only few people. They has to fill the Communications and Networks (CECNet), pp. 2153-2155. IEEE, 2012.
description of the notice and then it is uploaded to the database [3] Noor, Siti Aisah Mohd, Norliza Zaini, Mohd Fuad Abdul Latip, and
from where it is accessed and displayed to all logged in users. Nabilah Hamzah. "Android-based attendance management system." In
2015 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process and Control (ICSPC), pp.
118-122. IEEE, 2015.
F. Help menu
[4] Mei-shan, Jin, Qiu Chang-li, and Li Jing. "T he designment of student
Help provides access to all the contacts of the college and information management system based on B/S architecture." In 2012
a brief layout of the college. 2nd International Conference on Consumer Electronics,
Communications and Networks (CECNet), pp. 2153-2155. IEEE, 2012.
G. Menu Option [5] Shulin, Yang, and Hu Jieping. "Research and implementation of Web
It contains user’s profile, syllabus, attendance, change Services in Android network communication framework Volley." In
2014 11th International Conference on Service Systems and Service
password, help and support and logout. Attendance, syllabus Management (ICSSSM), pp. 1-3. IEEE, 2014.
are the respective information of the user. Using an algorithm
the branch and stream of student is detected and then [6] Rakhi Joshi, V. V. Shete, S. B. Somani, “ Android Based Smart Learning
and Attendance Management System”International Journal of Advanced
displayed respectively. Profile contains the user information Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 4, Issue 6,
and a profile picture of user which user can upload him from June 2015
the gallery. After the user is logged in he can also change his [7] Lalit Mohan Joshi (2015) , “ A Research Paper on College Management
password by using change password function and the data is System. International Journal ofComputer Applications ” , (0975 –
also updated in database when update button is pressed. 8887) Volume 122 – No.11, July 2015.
[8] Ankit Bansal, Ajit Rana, Akhil Bansod, Prafulla Baviskar (201 5) ,
“ Mobile Based Campus Information Retrieval Android Application” ,.
IJCSMC, Vol. 4, Issue. 3, March 2015, pg.158 – 164.
[9] “ Efficient File Sharing System Using XMPP (Let’s Share) “ IEEE
International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information
and Communication T echnology (RT EICT ) 2016.
[10] Vishwakarma, R. Ganesh. "Android College Management System."
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering &
T echnology (IJARCET) 5, no. 4 (2016): 882-885.A.J.Kadam, Aradhana
Singh, Komal Jagtap, Srujana T ankala “ Mobile Web Based Android
Application for College Management Sysytem”, International Journal Of
Engineering And Computer Science ISSN: 2319-7242 Volume 6 Issue 2
Feb. 2017
[11] Zuzana Vantova, Jan Paralic, Vladimir Gaspar “Mobile Application for
Creating Presence Lists” Applied MachineIntelligence and Informatics
(SAMI), IEEE International Symposium 2017.

Fig. 4. Menu Option of Breeze

Our College Management System application provides
an autonomous solution of the paper based work. This is
controlled and monitored by admin. The man power is
reduced by using this application. It provides accurate
information all the time as faculty member or student needed.
The college management can make useful decision using the
data that are stored in the university database server. So it is
better to have a Android Based College Management system
like Breeze. All the administrator, authorities, faculty, student
and guardians will get the desired data directly.

[1] Yue, Zhi-gang, and You-wei Jin. "The development and design of the
student management system based on the network environment." 2010
International conference on multimedia communications. IEEE, 2010.

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