(Professor) Cse Department.: A.V.Ramana
(Professor) Cse Department.: A.V.Ramana
(Professor) Cse Department.: A.V.Ramana
A.V.RAMANA (Professor)
The objective of this application is secure online portal that allows users to manage and control all facets of the training and knowledge of employees through one easy to use system, immediately reducing time consuming administration costs Training Tracker provides a web-based interface and supports tasks such as on-line registration, workflow and self service training programs. Training tracker gives clients direct access to innovative solutions for the deployment, tracking and reporting of services company-wide or worldwide.
The existing system is a manual system. In this administration has to conduct classes or user has to attend classes to learn a course. The manual system is lot of time consuming .In this system user unable to view the all the files. Searching of particular information is very critical it takes lot of time. Self service training is not possible. It is the most cost effective for administration as well as user.
The project is fully integrated with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution and developed in a manner that is easily manageable, time saving and relieving one form manual. The objective of this application is secure online portal that allows users to manage and control all facets of the training and knowledge of employees through one easy to use system, immediately reducing time consuming administration costs. Global Indoctrination Signature System provides a web-based interface and supports tasks such as on-line registration, workflow and self service training programs.
Its user friendly. Easy learning. It can be accessed anywhere over the Internet. Provision for Storing user information files in centralized database. Provides user information security.
Administration User Course Registration User Course Usage & Tracking New Course Suggestion Module Search Reports Authentication
Hardware Specification:
Software specification:
: Pentium IV : 40 GB : 15 : 52X
WINDOWS OS (XP/2000/2000 Server/2003 Server) Visual Studio .Net 2008 Enterprise Edition Internet Information Server 5.0 (IIS) Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment) version 3.5 SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition
He can track the user details and at same he can view the requests send by user and concern the requests if needed.
User Registration:
In this module registration of user will take place. If a user wants to learn the online course, he has to register first.
In this modules user can search different types of search. And he also can search for video files and doc files based on his course. Reports: In this module reports will be generated. This will take care by Admin only. He is only the right persons to view the different types of reports. Authentication: Authentication is nothing but providing security to the system. Here every must enter into the system through login page. The login page will restrict the un-authorized users.
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The project GLOBAL INDOCTRINATION SIGNATURE SYSTEM has enormous scope for further enhancement in the future. New modules can be added flexibly without affecting the existing functionalities, to serve the client for life time. Moreover, it is just a beginning; further the system may be utilized in various other types of auditing operation viz. Network auditing or similar process/workflow based applications...
This project provides a great knowledge about the latest technology used in developing, web enabled application and client server technology that will be in a great demand in the future. This will also provide a better opportunity and guidance in future for developing projects independently. This project is very useful for users who want to learn through internet.
www.support.mircosoft.com www.developer.com www.15seconds.com www.msdn.microsoft.com Asp.Net 3.5 Unleashed www.msdn.microsoft.com/net/quickstart/aspplus/default.com www.asp.net www.fmexpense.com/quickstart/aspplus/default.com www.asptoday.com www.aspfree.com www.4guysfromrolla.com/index.aspx
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